Description of COMBO-17 Catalogue Columns


COMBO-17 provides object catalogues in FITS format tables, containing more than hundred data columns of information for every object with one object per row. The data columns are listed and briefly explained below, while the columns created by the classification process are explained in more detail in the documentation for the MCCLASS/CLASSIFY command. The column number or order can change, but their labels will remain unique. All object magnitudes (but not the colour indices) are listed in Vega magnitudes.

1. General object description:

 Col.#   1:Nr               Unit:                 Format:I8     I*4  object number
 Col.#   2:ID               Unit:                 Format:A10    C*1
 Col.#   3:CLASS            Unit:                 Format:A12    C*8  morphology class = s/g/u
 Col.#   4:X                Unit:arcsec           Format:F10.2  R*4  x-position on deep R-frame
 Col.#   5:Y                Unit:arcsec           Format:F10.2  R*4  y-position on deep R-frame
 Col.#   6:CLASS_VAL        Unit:                 Format:I9     I*4  stellarity index 0..1000
 Col.#   7:MORPH1           Unit:                 Format:F7.2   R*4  major axis
 Col.#   8:MORPH2           Unit:                 Format:F7.2   R*4  minor axis
 Col.#   9:MORPH3           Unit:                 Format:F7.1   R*4  axis angle
 Col.#  10:FLAG_all         Unit:                 Format:I8     I*4  warning flags, 0..7=mostly ok 
 Col.#  29:mag_best         Unit:                 Format:F7.3   R*4  R-band SExtractor-MAG_BEST
 Col.# 227:mag_best_err     Unit:                 Format:F7.3   R*4  error of MAG_BEST in mag
 Col.#  30:add_m_best       Unit:                 Format:E12.6  R*4  Aperture correction (mag)
 Col.#  31:varflag          Unit:                 Format:I11    I*4  variability flag 0 / >=1
 Col.#  32:r_a              Unit:                 Format:R12.7  R*8  right ascension (J2000)
 Col.#  33:dec              Unit:                 Format:S12.6  R*8  declination (J2000)
 Col.# 229:mu_max           Unit:                 Format:E12.6  R*4  R-band cen. surf. brightness 

2. Classification columns (see MCCLASS/CLASSIFY)

 Col.#  11:MC_class         Unit:                 Format:A16    C*16 object class by multi-colour
 Col.#  12:MC_z             Unit:                 Format:F7.3   R*4  mean redshift (galaxy/QSO only)
 Col.#  13:MC_sz            Unit:                 Format:F7.3   R*4  redshift error (1-sigma)
 Col.#  14:MC_z_bin         Unit:                 Format:I8     I*4  redshift bimodality flag
 Col.#  15:MC_gSED          Unit:                 Format:F8.1   R*4  mean SED type (galaxy only)
 Col.#  16:MC_sgSED         Unit:                 Format:F8.1   R*4  SED type error (1-sigma)
 Col.# 515:MC_gSED2         Unit:                 Format:F8.1   R*4  mean SED2 type (galaxy only)
 Col.# 516:MC_sgSED2        Unit:                 Format:F8.1   R*4  SED2 type error (1-sigma)
 Col.#  17:MC_z_ml          Unit:                 Format:F8.3   R*4  probability peak in redshift 
 Col.#  18:MC_gSED_ml       Unit:                 Format:I10    I*4  probability peak in SED
 Col.# 518:MC_gSED2_ml      Unit:                 Format:I10    I*4  probability peak in SED2
 Col.#  12:MC_z2            Unit:                 Format:F7.3   R*4  2nd guess redshift if ambiguous
 Col.#  13:MC_sz2           Unit:                 Format:F7.3   R*4  2nd guess redshift error
 Col.# 477:chi2red          Unit:                 Format:F7.3   R*4  chi-squared/Nf of best-fit
 Col.#  19:MC_dist          Unit:sigma            Format:F8.2   R*4  strangeness in colour space,
                                                                     normalised to sigma(obj-templ)
 Col.#  20:prob_star        Unit:%                Format:F9.1   R*4  probability to be a FGKM star
 Col.#  21:prob_gal         Unit:%                Format:F9.1   R*4  probability to be a galaxy
 Col.#  22:prob_qso         Unit:%                Format:F9.1   R*4  probability to be a quasar
 Col.#  28:prob_wd          Unit:%                Format:F9.1   R*4  probability to be a blue star
 Col.#  23:MC_nextlib       Unit:                 Format:I11    I*4  library ID of best-fitting
 Col.#  24:MC_next_0        Unit:                 Format:I10    I*4   template and its 4-D index
 Col.#  25:MC_next_1        Unit:                 Format:I10    I*4   position
 Col.#  26:MC_next_2        Unit:                 Format:I10    I*4
 Col.#  27:MC_next_3        Unit:                 Format:I10    I*4

3. Galaxy restframe luminosities

 Col.#  34:dl_37            Unit:Mpc              Format:F8.1   R*8  luminosity distance 0.3/0.7
 Col.#  35:dl_01            Unit:Mpc              Format:F8.1   R*4  luminosity distance 0.2/0.0
 Col.#  36:dl_05            Unit:Mpc              Format:F8.1   R*4  luminosity distance 1.0/0.0
                                                                     all for H_0=100 km/sec/Mpc
 Col.# 337:muc_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_280/40     (Vega-mag)
 Col.# 338:muj_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_Johnson-U
 Col.# 339:mbj_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_Johnson-B
 Col.# 340:mvj_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_Johnson-V
 Col.# 341:mus_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_SDSS-u
 Col.# 342:mgs_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_SDSS-g
 Col.# 343:mrs_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_SDSS-r
 Col.# 338:mub_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_Bessell-U
 Col.# 339:mbb_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_Bessell-B
 Col.# 340:mvb_37           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_Bessell-V

 Col.# 537:smuc_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_280/40 (Vega-mag)
 Col.# 538:smuj_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_Johnson-U
 Col.# 539:smbj_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_Johnson-B
 Col.# 540:smvj_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_Johnson-V
 Col.# 541:smus_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_SDSS-u
 Col.# 542:smgs_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_SDSS-g
 Col.# 543:smrs_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_SDSS-r
 Col.# 538:smub_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_Bessell-U
 Col.# 539:smbb_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_Bessell-B
 Col.# 540:smvb_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_Bessell-V

 Col.# 601:rf_umv           Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  restframe colour U-V Johnson
 Col.# 601:smrf_umv         Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of restframe colour U-V

 ... some more of those colour indices, their errors are different from the squared sum of the 
     restframe luminosities as the total mag does not matter.

3b. Quasar restframe luminosities

 Col.# 337:m145_37          Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  M_145/4     (Vega-mag)
 Col.# 337:sm145_37         Unit:mag              Format:F7.2   R*8  error of M_145/4 (mag)

4. More classification columns, also needed for plotting filter spectra

 Col.#  42:gz_ml            Unit:Unitless         Format:F5.3   R*4  see classification for details
 Col.#  43:qz_ml            Unit:                 Format:E12.6  R*4
 Col.#  44:sdmg             Unit:sigma            Format:F6.1   R*4
 Col.#  45:gdmg             Unit:sigma            Format:F6.1   R*4
 Col.#  46:qdmg             Unit:sigma            Format:F6.1   R*4
 Col.#  47:wdmg             Unit:sigma            Format:F6.1   R*4
 Col.#  48:gdmg1            Unit:Unitless         Format:I5     I*4
 Col.#  49:qdmg1            Unit:Unitless         Format:I5     I*4
 Col.#  50:qdmg2            Unit:Unitless         Format:I5     I*4
 Col.#  51:sdmg3            Unit:Unitless         Format:I5     I*4
 Col.#  52:wdmg3            Unit:Unitless         Format:I5     I*4
 Col.#  53:gdmnr            Unit:Unitless         Format:I5     I*4
 Col.#  54:qdmnr            Unit:Unitless         Format:I5     I*4

5. Photometric measurements

- for every observed filter there is a block of columns like the example given below
- identifiers (420E e.g.) are composed of a filter name (420, R__, B__, 646, etc.)
  and a letter denominating the observing run (A = Feb 1999 ... G = Feb 2001)
- observing run "S" denotes combined sum measurement of all runs for a given filter
- a given filter observed in different runs can show variation due to long-term variability

 Col.#  55:_Fk420E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4  measured aperture flux
 Col.#  56:sFk420E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4  measured flux error
 Col.#  57:_M_420E          Unit:mag              Format:F10.3  R*4  measured aperture magnitude
 Col.#  58:sM_420E          Unit:mag              Format:F10.3  R*4  measured magnitude error

 Col.#  59:_Fk464E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  60:sFk464E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  61:_M_464E          Unit:mag              Format:F10.3  R*4
 Col.#  62:sM_464E          Unit:mag              Format:F10.3  R*4

 Col.#  63:_Fk485D          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  64:sFk485D          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  65:_M_485D          Unit:mag              Format:F10.3  R*4
 Col.#  66:sM_485D          Unit:mag              Format:F10.3  R*4

...followed by several more 4-column blocks for all other filters.


The full catalogue versions known as "FLUX" tables contain many more columns
of rather technical meaning and they are usually not relevant for team members.
However, if you do require to use them, consult the classification page or the
responsible people creating the columns. In the following list column numbers 
are not to be relied upon as they are taken from various tables.

6. Classification columns for emission-line galaxies (by Hans and Klaus)

 Col.#  35:flag_A           Unit:                 Format:I6     I*4
 Col.#  36:maxFsg_A         Unit:                 Format:F8.2   R*4
 Col.#  37:ELflag_A         Unit:                 Format:I8     I*4
 Col.#  38:maxsgn_A         Unit:                 Format:F8.2   R*4
 Col.#  39:ELclss_A         Unit:                 Format:A12    C*12
 Col.#  40:EL_z_A           Unit:                 Format:F8.3   R*4
 Col.#  41:Sline_A          Unit:W/m^2            Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  42:flag_B           Unit:                 Format:I6     I*4
 Col.#  43:maxFsg_B         Unit:                 Format:F8.2   R*4
 Col.#  44:ELflag_B         Unit:                 Format:I8     I*4
 Col.#  45:maxsgn_B         Unit:                 Format:F8.2   R*4
 Col.#  46:ELclss_B         Unit:                 Format:A12    C*12
 Col.#  47:EL_z_B           Unit:                 Format:F8.3   R*4
 Col.#  48:Sline_B          Unit:W/m^2            Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  49:flag_C           Unit:                 Format:I6     I*4
 Col.#  50:maxFsg_C         Unit:                 Format:F8.2   R*4
 Col.#  51:ELflag_C         Unit:                 Format:I8     I*4
 Col.#  52:maxsgn_C         Unit:                 Format:F8.2   R*4
 Col.#  53:ELclss_C         Unit:                 Format:A12    C*12
 Col.#  54:EL_z_C           Unit:                 Format:F8.3   R*4
 Col.#  55:Sline_C          Unit:W/m^2            Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  56:rflx_NR          Unit:                 Format:I8     I*4
 Col.#  57:rflx_ID          Unit:                 Format:A8     C*8
 Col.#  58:rflx_DX          Unit:arcsec           Format:F8.2   R*4
 Col.#  59:rflx_DY          Unit:arcsec           Format:F8.2   R*4
 Col.#  60:rflx_LIM         Unit:ph/m^2/s/nm      Format:E10.4  R*4
 Col.#  61:rflx_FLX         Unit:ph/m^2/s/nm      Format:E10.4  R*4
 Col.#  62:SCRATCH1         Unit:                 Format:G12.4  R*4
 Col.#  63:SCRATCH2         Unit:                 Format:G12.4  R*4

7. More photometric measurements

- for every observed filter there is a block of columns like the example given below
- identifiers (420E e.g.) are composed of a filter name (420, R__, B__, 646, etc.)
  and a letter denominating the observing run (A = Feb 1999 ... G = Feb 2001)
- observing run "S" denotes combined sum measurement of all runs for a given filter
- a given filter observed in different runs can show variation due to long-term variability

 Col.#  64:_F_420E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4  measured aperture flux 
 Col.#  65:sF_420E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4  pure photon noise
 Col.#  66:sFc420E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4  most likely error
 Col.#  67:_Fm420E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  68:sFm420E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  69:_Fk420E          Unit:phot/m^2/s/nm    Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  70:vld420E          Unit:fraction         Format:F10.3  R*4
 Col.#  71:chi2420E         Unit:                 Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  72:det_420E         Unit:                 Format:A8     C*8
 Col.#  73:cosI420E         Unit:                 Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  74:cosN420E         Unit:                 Format:I4     I*4
 Col.#  75:trns420E         Unit:                 Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  76:_M_420E          Unit:mag              Format:F10.3  R*4  aperture magnitude (Vega)
 Col.#  77:sM_420E          Unit:mag              Format:F10.3  R*4  error of magnitude
 Col.#  78:sc1420E          Unit:                 Format:E12.4  R*4
 Col.#  79:sc2420E          Unit:                 Format:E12.4  R*4

8. Colour indices and their errors (s_*)

- constructed from the photometric measurements above (see MCCLASS/COLORS)
- corrected for long-term variability and galactic extinction

 Col.# 495:wufmwb           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 496:wugmwb           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 497:s_wufmwb         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 498:s_wugmwb         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 499:wumwb            Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 500:s_wumwb          Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 501:wbmwv            Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 502:wvmwr            Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 503:wrmwi            Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 504:w418mb           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 505:bmw464           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 506:bmw486           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 507:w520mr           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 508:w573dmr          Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 509:w573emr          Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 510:s_w573dmr        Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 511:s_w573emr        Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 512:w573mr           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 513:s_w573mr         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 514:w605mr           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 515:w643mr           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 516:rmw697           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 517:rmw752           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 518:rmw816           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 519:imw856           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 520:imw915           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 521:s_wbmwv          Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 522:s_wvmwr          Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 523:s_wrmwi          Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 524:s_w418mb         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 525:s_bmw464         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 526:s_bmw486         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 527:s_w520mr         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 528:s_w605mr         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 529:s_w643mr         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 530:s_rmw697         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 531:s_rmw752         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 532:s_rmw816         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 533:s_imw856         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 534:s_imw915         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 582:w486mv           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 583:w520mv           Unit:CDmag            Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 584:s_w486mv         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4
 Col.# 585:s_w520mv         Unit:mag              Format:F6.2   R*4

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Last update Feb 5, 2004, CW