Preparation of FEROS OBs for using in p2pp

Object-calibration mode

Keyword Fixed input? Example Comment
IMPEX.VERSION "2.0" don't change this, it defines the software version
type "0"
STTimeIntervals none "2013-12-04T00:30:00" here you can define time intervalls, when the target has to be observed; easier to fill out directly in p2pp
calibrationReq none "Please take 2 ThAr exposures before and after the sience exposure, thanks!" here you can give advices to the astronomer who is executing your run, which (additional) calibrations are needed
InstrumentComments none Give comments concerning the instrument (nowadays not possible anymore)
userComments none "RV standard, take once every night" Give comments concerning the execution etc.
userPriority none "1" Priority of this object (the smaller the number the higher the priority)
LineNumber none "0"
name none "Mohler_HD10700_objcal" name of the OB
finding_chart_list none "HD_10700.jpg" Name of finding chart file (has to be in .jpg format)
comments none "very variable target!" comments concerning the target
objectClass none "Brown_dwarf" object class (drop down menu in the p2pp interface)
ra none " 01:44:05.127" right ascension of the object (hh:mm:ss.sss)
dec none "-15:56:22.400" declination of the object (+/-dd:mm:ss.sss)
epoch none "2000.0" epoch of the coordinates above
equinox none "2000.0" coordinate system reference date
propDec none "0.0" proper motion in declination (arcsec/yr)
propRA none "0.0" proper motion in right ascension (arcsec/yr)
diffRA none "0.0" Moving target differential motion in RA (arcsec/sec)
diffDec none "0.0" Moving target differential motion in DEC (arcsec/sec)
TARGET.NAME none "HD10700" Target name (as it will appear in the ESO archive!)
air_mass none "2.0" Constraint for maximum airmass during observations (between 1.0 and 5.0)
fractional_lunar_illumination none "1.0" Constraint for maximum lunar illumination during observations (between 0.0 and 1.0)
sky_transparency none "Clear" Constraint for sky transparency during observations (photometric, clear, thin/thick cirrus)
moon_angular_distance none "10" Minimum moon angular distance during observations (deg)
seeing none "2.0" Maximum seeing during observations (between 0.2 and 2.0 arcsec)
CONSTRAINT.SET.NAME none "P1 3.5mag" It makes sense to give here the priority and magnitude of the target since it will be directly visible in the p2pp list and it can be sorted according the brightness
longDescription none
IPVersion "89.01" Don't change!
instrument "FEROS" obvious
OBSERVATION.DESCRIPTION.NAME none "0144-1556" makes sense to give a shortcut of the coordinates here, since it appears like this in the p2pp list and it can be sorted according the object coordinates. This allows the observer to plan the observations during the night.
TEL.TARG.OFFSETALPHA "0" don't change! This keyword would give an offset in RA to the telescope! This is not necessary!
TEL.TARG.OFFSETDELTA "0" don't change! This keyword would give an offset in DEC to the telescope! This is not necessary!
TEL.AG.FIBSELEC "OBJFIB" don't change! This keyword defines which fibre is pointed towards the object!
TEL.AG.START "T" don't change!
TEL.PRESET.NEW "T" don't change!
TEMPLATE.NAME "FEROS_ech_obs_objcal" don't change!
DET1.READ.SPEED none "225kHz,1,low" Readout speed of the CCD (60kHz,1,high or 225kHz,1,low or 625kHz,1,med)
DET1.WIN1.UIT1 none "120" Exposure time in seconds (between 0.0 and 43200.0)
DET1.WIN1.BIN none "1" CCD square binning
SEQ.CALTIME none "25" Equivalent exposure time for calibration lamp in seconds (talk to people on-site, since the lamp brightness and the corresponding exposure time changes with age of the lamp)
SEQ.DFL none "0" Desired flux level for calibration lamp (between 0 and 65563 (saturation))
SEQ.DFLTESTDIT none "0" Exposure time for desired flux level test exposure for calibration lamp (between 0 and 43200 sec)
SEQ.DFLUSEDB none "F" Use database info instead of test exposure (T=True or F=False)
SEQ.LAMPWAIT none "0" Lamp warmup delay (between 0 and 43200 sec, to allow the lamp to warm up, not necessary if lamp left on (see below))
SEQ.LEAVELAMPON none "T" Leave calibration lamp on (T=True or F=False)
SEQ.NEXPO none "1" Number of exposures
SEQ.TYPE none "SCIENCE" Choose from STANDARD, SCIENCE, FLUX_STD, RV_STD, TELLURIC_STD, SKY (to appear in the ESO archive)
INS.OCLAMP none "ThAr+Ne" Choose the lamp for the calibration exposure (ThAr+Ne is the one to use usually!)

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