A multimode Adaptive Optics Infrared Instrument has been developed fort the Nasmyth focus B of UT4 (NACO). This system consists in the AO system, originally called NAOS, which has been built by a French consortium, and the multi-mode imaging/spectroscopic camera CONICA, developed by MPIA and MPE.

In September 2003, CONICA has been equipped with a new high-contrast imaging mode developed for the search for extra-solar planets. This
CONICA-SDI mode of NACO allows for the calibration of stellar speckle-noise by simultaneously obtaining 2 images outside of the methane absorption (1.575, 1.600 microns) and 2 images inside the CH4 feature (1.625, and 1.625 microns). This mode has recently (February 2007) been updated by a new (YVO4) Double-Wollaston prism which improves significantly the field of view and minimizes the chromatic errors.

A second upgrade has recently been performed in April 2004, which allows for simultaneous low spectral resolution combined with high spatial resolution by means of a SrTiO3-double prism (
CONICA-DP). In addition, a superachromatic l/2-retarder has been implemented (CONICA-SAR) to improve the polarimetric observational capabilities. 




Responsible: Rainer Lenzen

Last updated: July 11 , 2007