This catalogue shows the fitting results from the Haeussler et al 2007 fitting paper, the sample of 2 re-simulated GEMS tiles. This catalogue contains SExtractor, GALFIT and GIM2D results results for all of them (also the ones that were not detected...), in order of simulation number. All parameters within this fits-structure are explained below, including the parameter value of the first object as an example and its format. Values of -9999 and/or -99 show that no values were derived for this parameter [e.g. sex_nr of -9999 means that this object was not recovered be SExtractor and therefore HAS not useful SExtractor number to be put here, galfit_mag of -99 means this object was not fitted (bombed or was not detected at all) ... ]. PARAMETER FORMAT example explanation IMAGE STRING 'Bulge0001' simulated image SIM_NR INT 1 number in this simulation run GALFIT_FLAGS STRING 'constr' flag for GALFIT, can be: 'constr' (ran into constraints during the fit) 'missed' (not detected at all by SExtractor) 'fitted' (was fitted succesfully without running into constraints) 'bombed' (the fit crashed) SEX_NR INT 466 object number in our SExtractor catalogue SIM_MAG FLOAT 25.5192 simulated magnitude SIM_RE FLOAT 4.01000 simulated re SIM_POSX FLOAT 5816.30 simulated position x SIM_POSY FLOAT 2473.40 simulated position y SIM_PA FLOAT 97.8400 simulated position angle (0 is north, counted counter-clockwise) SIM_AR FLOAT 0.725000 simulated axis ratio SIM_N FLOAT 4.00000 simulated sersic index (1 or 4 in this case) SEX_MAG FLOAT 25.9930 SExtractor MAG_BEST SEX_D_MAG FLOAT 0.0990000 SExtractor MAGERR_BEST SEX_RE FLOAT 3.40000 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS SEX_POSX FLOAT 5815.98 SExtractor X_IMAGE SEX_POSY FLOAT 2473.93 SExtractor Y_IMAGE SEX_PA FLOAT 63.9000 SExtractor THETA_IMAGE SEX_AR FLOAT 0.812000 SExtractor ELLIPTICITY SEX_FLAGS INT 0 SExtractor FLAGS SEX_STAR FLOAT 0.0300000 SExtractor CLASS_STAR GALFIT_POSX FLOAT 30.1668 GALFIT position X (in respect to the postage stamp!) GALFIT_D_POSX FLOAT 0.164000 GALFIT uncertainty in position X GALFIT_POSY FLOAT 31.7354 GALFIT position Y (in respect to the postage stamp!) GALFIT_D_POSY FLOAT 0.228800 GALFIT uncertainty in position Y GALFIT_MAG FLOAT 25.8190 GALFIT magnitude GALFIT_D_MAG FLOAT 0.0516000 GALFIT uncertainty in magnitude GALFIT_RE FLOAT 3.03380 GALFIT halflight-radius re GALFIT_D_RE FLOAT 8.92290 GALFIT uncertainty in re GALFIT_N FLOAT 0.200000 GALFIT sersic index n GALFIT_D_N FLOAT 0.337200 GALFIT uncertainty in n GALFIT_AR FLOAT 0.500100 GALFIT axis ratio AR GALFIT_D_AR FLOAT 0.0964000 GALFIT uncertainty in AR GALFIT_PA FLOAT 63.5815 GALFIT position angle GALFIT_D_PA FLOAT 8.92290 GALFIT uncertainty in PA GALFIT_CHI2NU FLOAT 0.359105 GALFIT chi^2_nu from the fit GALFIT_NCOMP INT 1 GALFIT # of objects simultaneously fitted GALFIT_CLOSEST_COMP INT -99 GALFIT number of the closest object GALFIT_CLOSEST_DIST FLOAT -99.0000 GALFIT distance of closest object to primary object GALFIT_CLOSEST_MAG FLOAT -99.0000 GALFIT magnitude of closest object GALFIT_SKY FLOAT 18.6028 GALFIT sky determined by GALAPAGOS, used in GALFIT GALFIT_SKY_SIGMA FLOAT 0.0434600 GALFIT uncertainty of the sky GALFIT_POSTAGE_SIZE_X INT 61 GALFIT size X of postage stamp used for GALFIT GALFIT_POSTAGE_SIZE_Y INT 65 GALFIT size Y of postage stamp used for GALFIT GIM2D_MAG FLOAT 24.3542 GIM2D magnitude GIM2D_D_MAG FLOAT 0.552888 GIM2D uncertainty in magnitude GIM2D_RE FLOAT 40.4400 GIM2D halflight-radius re GIM2D_D_RE FLOAT 25.2384 GIM2D uncertainty in re GIM2D_ELLIP FLOAT 0.715005 GIM2D ellipticity GIM2D_D_ELLIP FLOAT 0.215907 GIM2D uncertainty in ellipticity GIM2D_PA FLOAT 13.9645 GIM2D position angle GIM2D_D_PA FLOAT 9.11815 GIM2D uncertainty in PA GIM2D_N FLOAT 7.67319 GIM2D sersic index n GIM2D_D_N FLOAT 1.16658 GIM2D uncertainty in n GIM2D_CHI FLOAT 1.07819 GIM2D chi^2 from the fit GIM2D_FLAGS STRING 'fitted' flag for GIM2D, can be: 'constr' (ran into constraints during the fit) 'missed' (not detected at all by SExtractor) 'fitted' (was fitted succesfully without running into constraints) 'bombed' (the fit crashed)