This README shows the format of the results from the Haeussler et al 2007 fitting paper, for the differents setups of GIM2D, tested in this paper. The catalogues contain only para- meter values for objects that were fitted using GIM2D. They do NOT include GALFIT results, nor SExtractor results (except LOCALBKG which was used during most of these setups, see description in the paper for further details about the different models. PARAMETER FORMAT example explanation SEX_NR STRING '1' object number in our SExtractor catalogue GIM2D_MAG FLOAT 21.7373 GIM2D magnitude GIM2D_D_MAG FLOAT 0.111568 GIM2D uncertainty in magnitude GIM2D_RE FLOAT 36.4200 GIM2D halflight-radius re GIM2D_D_RE FLOAT 6.75386 GIM2D uncertainty in re GIM2D_AR FLOAT 0.623923 GIM2D AXIS RATIO GIM2D_D_AR FLOAT 0.0445026 GIM2D uncertainty in ellipticity GIM2D_PA FLOAT -18.7863 GIM2D position angle GIM2D_D_PA FLOAT 3.72181 GIM2D uncertainty in PA GIM2D_N FLOAT 5.10704 GIM2D sersic index n GIM2D_D_N FLOAT 0.290520 GIM2D uncertainty in n GIM2D_CHI2 FLOAT 1.00986 GIM2D chi^2 from the fit SIM_MAG FLOAT 21.9946 simulated magnitude SIM_RE FLOAT 24.3900 simulated re SIM_AR FLOAT 0.390000 simulated axis ratio SIM_PA FLOAT -21.8300 simulated position angle (0 is north, counted counter-clockwise) SIM_N FLOAT 4.00000 simulated sersic index (4 in this case) SEX_BKG FLOAT 18.1049 SExtractor LOCALBKG, used for most setups (details see paper) SEX_ISO_AREA FLOAT 440.000 SExtractor ISO_AREA used to define postage stamp size