last update September 2014

Selected conference contributions

"Nuclear star clusters in large sample of late-type galaxies from the HST legacy archive" (poster)
June 2013:  "Small Stellar systems in Tuscany, Prato, Italy

"Towards a complete HST catalog of nuclear star clusters" (poster)
March 2013:  "Black Hole Fingerprints: Dynamics, Disruptions and Demographics, Salt Lake City, USA

"Progenitor environment of massive globular clusters - nuclei of dwarf galaxies?" (talk)
Aug. 2012: XXVIII International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly Meeting: "SPS 1 - Origin and Complexity of Massive Star Clusters”, Beijing, China

"Spectroscopic analysis of nuclear and bright globular clusters in nearby dwarf galaxies" (talk)
April 2011, Santiago, Chile,
"Dynamics of Low-Mass Stellar Systems: From Star Clusters to Dwarf Galaxies"

“Formation Efficiencies of Old Globular Clusters: from dwarf to giant galaxies” (poster)
June 2010, Lyon, France, “A Universe of Dwarf Galaxies”

“Nuclear Clusters in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies and Their Connection to Massive Galactic Clusters”
Aug. 2009: XXVII International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly Meeting: “IAU 266 Star Clusters Symposium”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

"Internal escape velocity of globular clusters: A key parameter for the mass-metallicity relation and the origin of the clusters with hot horizontal branches"
July 2008: “Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies and Stellar Clusters”, Garching bei München, Germany

"Properties of Nuclear Globular Clusters in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies from HST/ACS imaging"
Feb.2008:Workshop on “Nuclear Star Clusters across the HUBBLE Sequence”, Heidelberg, Germany

"Old Globular Clusters in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies"
Dec.2007:Workshop on “Modeling and Observing DEense STellar systems (MODEST-8)”, Bad Honnef, Germany
Aug. 2007: Workshop on “The Globular Clusters - Dwarf Galaxies Connection”, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

"Old Globular Clusters in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies"
Jan. 2007: 209 American Astronomical Society Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA

"Low-mass galaxies and their globular cluster systems as probes for galaxy evolution: NGC 1427A, a dwarf galaxy in the heart of the Fornax galaxy cluster"
Apr. 2005: Doktoranden-Symposium der Bonner International Graduate School (BIGS), Bonn, Germany

"BVR photometry of M82’s outer regions in search for globular cluster candidates"
Nov. 2004: Graduiertenkolleg 787 Meeting: "Galaxy Groups as Laboratories for Baryonic and Dark Matter", Ruhr- Universität Bochum, Germany

"BVR photometry of the outer regions of the starburst galaxy M82" (poster)
Apr. 2004: Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia