• November the 2nd, 2010: My first PhD-student Ben Moster successfully defended his thesis. Well done Dr. Moster!
  • October 2010: There are open positions at PostDoc and PhD level in my recently extablished group. Informations on how to apply can be found in the homepage.
  • July 2010: I have been awarded an independent Max Planck research grant. Starting October 2010, I will be a Max Planck "independent research group leader". I will have founds for five years (up to nine) to build my own research group on "Galaxy formation in a Dark Universe" at the MPIA in Heidelberg.
  • August the 29th, 2007: Laura arrived at the St. Joseph Hospital in Heidelberg. She weights 3420 gr for 51 cm. Both the mother and she are fine! Click on the pictures link to see the new member of the Maccio's family.