Living in Heidelberg

Heidelberg is one of the most popular cities in Germany. Here, we have some assembled some information for you - practical as well as general - about living here.

Family matters

Heidelberg is a family-friendly city. We list some of its daycare/education institutions below; MPG employees can also take advantage of the family consultancy service "Besser betreut" ("Better care") free of charge:Besser betreut. MPIA is a member of "Bündnis für Familie" (literally the "Alliance for the family"). In collaboration with the University of Heidelberg, the German Cancer Research Institute (DKFZ), the University of Education, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the SRH Holding, the University of Mannheim and further Max-Planck institutes in Heidelberg , the Dual Career Service helps you to get in touch with potential employers in Heidelberg and therefore provides support if your partner searches for suitable jobs:

Bündnis für Familie



After 4th grade, pupils in Germany continue to separate schools, based on their academic ability: Hauptschule, Realschule, or Gymnasium. Schools in Heidelberg:

MPIA cooperates with the Heidelberg Internation School (HIS). Please contact the International office if you are interested. F+U elementary school is a good option if the child does not speak German.

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