List of publications


  • "Convection in Astrophysical Disks. Convection in Astrophysics"; Klahr, H.; 2006; proceedings from IAU S 239, edited by F. Kupka, I.W. Roxburgh and K.L. Chan, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, in press

  • "A comparative study of disc-planet interaction"; de Val-Borro, M.; Edgar, R.; Artymowicz, A.; Ciecielag, P.; Cresswell, P.; D'Angelo, G.; Delgado-Donate, E.; Dirksen, G.; Fromang, S.; Gawryszczak, A.; Klahr, H.; Kley, W.; Lyra, W.; Masset, F.; Mellema, G.; Nelson, R.; Paardekooper, S.-J.; Peplinski, A.; Pierens, A.; Plewa, T.; Rice, K.; Schäfer, C.; Speith, R.; 08/2006; MNRAS, 370, 529

  • "Turbulent diffusion in protoplanetary discs: the effect of an imposed magnetic field"; Johansen, A.; Klahr, H., H.; Mee, A.J.; 07/2006; MNRAS, 370, L71

  • "Planetenentstehung: Am Himmel beobachtet - Im Computer verstanden"; Wolf, S.; Klahr, H.; 2006; Sterne und Weltraum

  • "Gewogen und für zu leicht befunden: Die Internationale Astronomische Union verabschiedet eine Planetendefintion"; Klahr, H.; 2006; Physik Journal 5 Nr. 10, 18-19

  • "Staub im Computer: Numerisches zur Entstehung von Planeten"; Klahr, H.; Wolf, S.; 2006; Annual Report of the MPIA

  • "Dust Sedimentation and Self-sustained Kelvin-Helmholtz Turbulence in Protoplanetary Disk Midplanes"; Johansen, A.; Henning, T.; Klahr, H.; 06/2006; ApJ, 643, 1219

  • "Turbulence in Protoplanetary Accretion Disks: Driving Mechanisms and Role in Planet Formation"; Klahr, H.; Rozyczka, M.; Dziourkevitch, N.; Wünsch, R.; Johansen, A.; 05/2006; Planet Formation, Edited by Hubert Klahr and Wolfgang Brandner, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006

  • "Two-dimensional models of layered protoplanetary discs - II. The effect of a residual viscosity in the dead zone"; Wünsch, R.; Gawryszczak, A.; Klahr, H.; Rozyczka, M.; 04/2006; MNRAS, 159, 773

  • "Formation of Giant Planets by Concurrent Accretion of Solids and Gas insi de an Anti-Cyclonic Vortex"; Klahr, H.; Bodenheimer, P.; 03/2006; ApJ, 639, 432

  • "3D-radiation hydro simulations of disk-planet interactions: I. Numerical algorithm and test cases"; Klahr, H.; Kley, W.; 01/2006; A&A, 445, 747

  • "Gravoturbulent formation of planetesimals"; Johansen, A.; Klahr, H.; Henning, Th.; 01/2006; ApJ, 636, 1121


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