Planeten- und Sternentstehung/
Planet and Star Formation (2002)
Contributed Papers
Bacciotti, F., T. P. Ray, R. Mundt, J. Eislöffel and J. Solf: High angular resolution analyses of Herbig-Haro jets. In: The origins of stars and planets: The VLT view, (Eds.) J. F. Alves, M. J. McCaughrean. ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer, 253-258 (2002)
Barucci, M. A., H. Boehnhardt, E. Dotto, M. Lazzarin, J. Romon, C. de Bergh, A. Doressoundiram, G. P. Tozzi, S. Fornasier, J. Davies, N. Peixinho, L. Barrera, K. Birkle, A. Delsanti, O. Hainaut, K. Meech, J. L. Ortiz, T. Sekiguchi, N. Thomas, J. Watanabe and R. M. West: ESO large program: Results from visible and infrared spectroscopy of Centaurs and TNOs. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 34, 846 (2002)
Boehnhardt, H., A. Delsanti, O. Hainaut, A. Barucci, J. Romon, N. Peixinho, C. de Bergh, A. Doressoundiram, E. Dotto, M. Lazzarin, G. P. Tozzi, J. Davies, L. Barrera, K. Birkle, K. Meech, J. L. Ortiz, P. Rousselot, T. Sekiguchi, J. Watanabe, N. Thomas and R. M. West: The ESO large program on physical studies of TNOs and Centaurs. In: Asteroids, comets, and meteors: ACM 2002, (Ed.) B. Warmbein. ESA SP- 500, ESA, 47 (2002)
Butler, D., S. Hippler and R. I. Davies: The importance of sodium laser guide star LIDAR during open loop operation at large telescopes. In: Beyond conventional adaptive optics, (Eds.) E. Vernet, R. Ragazzoni, S. Esposito, N. Hubin. ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings 58, ESO, 349 (2002)
Davies, R. I., D. Bonaccini, S. Rabien, W. Hackenberg, T. Ott, S. Hippler, U. Neumann, M. Barden, M. Lehnert, F. Eisenhauer and R. Genzel: Multi-conjugate adaptive optics with laser guide stars. In: Scientific drivers for ESO future VLT/VLTI instrumentation, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop, ESO, 158-163 (2002)
Delsanti, A., H. Boehnhardt, O. Hainaut, A. Barucci, A. Doressoundiram, L. Barrera, C. de Bergh, K. Birkle, E. Dotto, M. Lazzarin, K. Meech, J. Ortiz, J. Romon, T. Sekiguchi, N. Thomas, G. P. Tozzi, J. Watanabe and R. West: Photometry of Kuiper Belt objects with the ESO large program. In: Asteroids, comets, and meteors - ACM 2002, (Ed.) B. Warmbein. ESA SP- 500, ESA, 25 (2002)
Docobo, J. A., V. Tamazian, J. Woitas and Ch. Leinert: New orbit for WDS 00321+6715. Information Circular 153 (2002)
Feldt, M., E. Puga, A. R. Weiß and S. Hippler: The massive star forming region S106. In: Hot star workshop III: The earliest phases of massive star birth, (Ed.) P. A. Crowther. ASP Conf. Ser. 267, ASP, 367-368 (2002)
Gajdos, S., A. Galad, J. Manteca, R. Naves, M. Campas, W. Hasubick, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, J. V. Scotti, Y. Ezaki, K. Kadota, M. Hotta, A. Nakamura, S. Wakuda, J. Aceituno, G. Bernabeu, K. Birkle, E. F. Helin, S. Pravdo, K. Lawrence, P. Kervin, R. Maeda, J. Africano, M. Hicks, H. Denzau, C. E. Spratt, R. Thicksten, M. E. Van Ness, M. Blythe, F. Shelly, M. Bezpalko, R. Huber, L. Manguso, S. Adams, D. Torres, T. Brothers, S. Partridge, J. Stuart, R. Sayer, J. B. Evans, H. Viggh, R. Elliott, K. Hornoch, T. Climent G. and B. G. Marsden: Observatio. Minor Planet Circulars 15 (2002)
Grady, C., B. Woodgate, K. Stapelfeldt, D. Padgett, B. Stecklum, Th. Henning, V. Grinin, A. Quirrenbach and M. Clampin: HST/STIS coronagraphic imaging of the disk of DM Tauri. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 201, 1137 (2002)
Guenther, E., V. Joergens, G. Torres, R. Neuhäuser, M. Fernández and R. Mundt: Preparing for the VLTI: A search for pre-main sequence spectroscopic binaries. In: The origins of stars and planets:The VLT view, (Eds.) J. F. Alves, M. J. McCaughrean. ESO astrophysics symposia, Springer, 431-436 (2002)
Haas, M.: A new MIR/submm diagnostic for dust-enshrouded AGN. In: AGN surveys, (Eds.) R. F. Green, E. Y. Khachikian, D. B. Sanders. ASP Conf. Ser. 284, ASP, 205 -212 (2002)
Henning, Th. and M. Ilgner: Chemistry and transport in protoplanetary accretion disks. In: Chemistry as a diagnostic of star formation, (Eds.) C. L. Curry, M. Fich. NRC Press, 40 (2002)
Hippelein, H., M. Haas, D. Lemke, M. Stickel, R. J. Tuffs, U. Klaas and U. Völk: Cold dust in M33. In: Workshop on P32 oversampled mapping, ESA SP- 482, ESA, 79 (2002)
Hubin, N., E. Marchetti, E. Fedrigo, R. Conan, R. Ragazzoni, E. Diolaiti, M. Tordi, G. Rousset, T. Fusco, P.-Y. Madec, D. Butler, H. Stefan and S. Esposito: The ESO demonstrator MAD: A european collaboration. In: Beyond conventional adaptive optics, (Eds.) E. Vernet, R. Ragazzoni, S. Esposito, N. Hubin. ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings 58, ESO, 27 (2002)
Kiss, Z. and L. V. Tóth: Cold cloud cores of the Cepheus Flare region. In: Workshop of young researchers in astronomy & astrophysics, PADEU 12, 85-90 (2002)
Kraft, S., C. A. Van Hoof, R. O. Katterloher, D. Rosenthal, M. Rumitz, U. Grözinger, R. Hofferbert and W. Beeman: Qualification status of the stressed photoconductor arrays for the PACS instrument aboard Herschel. In: Photonics for space and radiation environments II, (Eds.) F. Berghmans, E. W. Taylor. SPIE 4547, SPIE, 374-385 (2002)
Martin, E. L., M. R. Zapatero Osorio, V. J. S. Bejar, R. Rebolo, D. Barrado y Navascues, R. Mundt, J. Eislöffel and J. A. Caballero: Direct imaging and spectroscopy of a young Jupiter-like object. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 200, 954 (2002)
Peixinho, N., A. C. Delsanti, H. Boehnhardt, M. A. Barucci, L. Barrera, C. de Bergh, K. Birkle, J. Davies, A. Doressoundiram, E. Dotto, O. Hainaut, M. Lazzarin, K. Meech, J. L. Ortiz, J. Romon-Martin, P. Rousselot, T. Sekiguchi, N. Thomas, G. P. Tozzi, J. I. Watanabe and R. West: ESO large program on TNOs and Centaurs: Visible-IR results. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 34, 871 (2002)
Poppe, T. and Th. Henning: Grain-target collision experiments and astrophysical implications. In: Dust in the solar system and other planetary systems, (Eds.) S. F. Green, B. A. Williams, J. A. M. McDonnell, N. McBride. IAU Colloquium 181, ASP, 309 (2002)
Rabien, S., R. I. Davies, T. Ott, S. Hippler and U. Neumann: PARSEC: The laser for the VLT. In: Adaptive optics systems and technology II, (Eds.) R. K. Tyson, D. Bonaccini, M. C. Roggemann. SPIE 4494, SPIE, 325-335 (2002)
Ray, T. P. and R. Mundt: Exploring the central engines of young stars. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Conference Series 13, 83-89 (2002)
Richards, P. J., R. J. Tuffs and M. Haas: PHT32 scans across the dark cloud L1166(CB236). In: Photometric mapping with ISOPHOT using the "P32" astronomical observation template, ESA SP- 482, ESA, 87 (2002)
Richter, H., P. Merken, Y. Creten, J. Putzeys, C. A. van Hoof, R. O. Katterloher, D. Rosenthal, M. Rumitz, U. Grözinger, R. Hofferbert, J. W. Beeman and S. Kraft: Qualification status of the stressed photoconductor arrays for the PACS instrument aboard Herschel. In: Infrared spaceborne remote sensing X, (Eds.) M. Strojnik, B. F. Andresen. SPIE 4818, SPIE, 79 (2002)
Rosenthal, D., J. W. Beeman, N. Geis, U. Grözinger, R. Hönle, R. Katterloher, S. Kraft, L. W. Looney, A. Poglitsch, W. Raab and H. Richter: Stressed Ge:Ga detector arrays for PACS and FIFI LS. In: Far-IR, sub-MM and MM detector technology, 1-6 (2002)
Stecklum, B., B. Brandl, M. Feldt, Th. Henning, H. Linz and I. Pascucci: Infrared observation of hot cores. In: The origins of stars and planets: The VLT view, (Eds.) J. F. Alves, M. J. McCaughrean. ESO astrophysics symposia, Springer, 225-230 (2002)
Stickel, M., U. Klaas, D. Lemke and K. Mattila: Far-infrared emission from intracluster dust in Abell clusters. In: Infrared and submillimeter space astronomy, (Eds.) M. Giard, J. P. Bernard, A. Klotz, I. Ristorcelli. EAS Publications Series 4, EDP Sciences, 165 (2002)
Stickel, M., D. Lemke, U. Klaas, O. Krause, R. Vavrek, L. V. Tóth and S. Hotzel: Multi-wavelength data mining of the ISOPHOT serendipity sky survey. In: Astronomical telescopes and instrumentation, (Eds.) J.-L. Starck, F. D. Murtagh. SPIE 4847, SPIE, 135-143 (2002)
Waters, L. B. F. M., C. Leinert, U. Graser, G. Perrin, B. Lopez and W. Jaffe: The scientific potential of MIDI in the 20 µm window. In: Scientific drivers for ESO future VLT/VLTI instrumentation, (Ed.) J. Bergson. ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer, 314-319 (2002)
Weiß, A., S. Hippler, M. Kasper, N. Wooder and J. Quartel: Simultaneous measurements of the Fried parameter r0 and the isoplanatic angle 0 using SCIDAR and adaptive optics - First results. In: Astronomical site evaluation in the visible and radio range, (Eds.) J. Vernin, Z. Benkhaldoun, C. Munóz-Tunón. ASP Conf. Ser. 266, ASP, 86-95 (2002)
Weiss, R., S. Hippler, M. E. Kasper and M. Feldt: Simultaneous SCIDAR and adaptive optics measurements: Results and applications. In: Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems IV, (Eds.) A. Kohnle, J. D. Gonglewski, T. J. Schmugge. SPIE 4538, SPIE, 135-143 (2002)
Zinnecker, H., M. Andersen, B. Brandl, W. Brandner, D. Hunter, R. Larson, M. McCaughrean, G. Meylan and A. Moneti: The infrared luminosity function in the 30 dor cluster. In: Extragalactic star clusters, (Eds.) D. Geisler, E. K. Grebel, D. Minniti. Proc. of IAU Symp. 207, ASP, 531-538 (2002)