Large Binocular Telescope (LBT)

Located on the summit of Mt. Graham, LBTO aspires to be the first of the ELTs and one of the leading 8-m class telescopes. Comprised of privately funded or national institutes and consortiums of universities, the goal of LBTO and its partners is to ensure that its community of users are receiving the highest-quality astronomical data.

General information

LBTB internal information

Some of the following pages contain sensitive scientific data and information and are password protected. Please contact gredel at mpia for access.

Call for Proposals (CfP)  

Proposals are solicited for MPIA guaranteed time observations. The deadline for submission in October 31, 2024. Please use the LaTeX style file and the template  for the preparation of your proposal, and submit your proposal (pdf file) via the LBT phase I tool PIT.  All other correspondence related to your proposal should be directed to Roland Gredel (gredel at mpia dot de).

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