Two HoRSEs: High-Resolution Exoplanet and Stellar Characterization Today and in the ELT Era
- Beginn: 15.07.2024
- Ende: 19.07.2024
- Ort: Harnack-Haus, Berlin
- Gastgeber: Paul Mollière, Laura Kreidberg
- Kontakt:

In 2018 the first HoRSE ("High Resolution Spectroscopy of Exoplanets")
conference was conceived to bring together the stellar and exoplanet
community working with high-resolution spectroscopy (HRS). Since then,
atmospheric characterization with HRS has taken off and proven to be an
invaluable tool not only to discover species (a dozen molecules and two
dozen atoms detected), but also to measure their abundances and the
atmospheric temperature – with precision similar to that now seen from
Now that JWST has launched, we are experiencing the first wave of
exceptional measurements, which are indeed revolutionizing some of
earlier expectations about the chemistry of gas giants and have begun to
venture into the characterization of smaller and cooler planets. A
similar revolution is expected after first light from the Extremely
Large Telescope (ELT) at the end of the decade.
In light of these opportunities, it is time to strategically reassess
the role of HRS in the next 5-10 years. What can we learn from combining
HRS with JWST observations, and how can the two techniques best
complement each other? How should we prepare for the ELT, such that we
are ready to fully exploit its power from first light onward? Our
original motivation to bring together the planet and stellar communities
is now stronger than ever, as understanding the influence of stars in
exoplanet measurements is already paramount, and will be even more
important in the ELT era.
It is time to come together again, discuss the present and future of
HRS, and place the technique in the landscape of JWST’s transformational
science. We aim to do so with our second meeting – 2 HoRSES. So saddle
up and come along for the ride in the summer of 2024!