Galaxien und Kosmologie /
Galaxies and Cosmology (2003)
Contributed Papers
Barden, M., B. Haeussler, H.-W. Rix, E. Bell, A. Borch, K. Meisenheimer, S. Beckwith, S. Jogee, R. S. Somerville and J. Caldwell: GEMS: The evolution of disc sizes over the last 10 Gyrs. In: Maps of the cosmos, Sydney, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 216, ASP, 101 (2003)
Beckwith, S. V., H.-W. Rix, E. Bell, J. Caldwell, A. Borch, D. Macintosh, K. Meisenheimer, C. Peng, L. Wisotzki and C. Wolf: Galaxy morphology from morphology and SEDs: GEMS. In: Dark matter in galaxies, Sydney, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 220, ASP, 107 (2003)
Beckwith, S. V., H.-W. Rix, E. Bell, J. Caldwell, A. Borch, D. Macintosh, K. Meisenheimer, C. Peng, L. Wisotzki and C. Wolf: Galaxy morphology from morphology and SEDs: GEMS. In: Maps of the cosmos, Sydney, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 216, ASP, 99 (2003)
Bell, E. F.: Dust-induced systematic errors in ultraviolet-derived star formation rates. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Conference Series 17, 163-166 (2003)
Bell, E. F., C. Wolf, D. H. McIntosh, C.-. Team and G. Collaboration: Ten billion years of early-type galaxy evolution with COMBO-17 and GEMS. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 203, 1417 (2003)
Bello, D., J.-M. Conan, G. Rousset, M. Tordi, R. Ragazzoni, E. Vernet-Viard, M. E. Kasper and S. Hippler: Numerical versus optical layer oriented: A comparison in terms of SNR. In: Adaptive optical system technologies II, (Eds.) P. L. Wizinowich, D. Bonaccini. SPIE 4839, SPIE, 612-622 (2003)
Bertschik, M. and A. Burkert: Minor merger of galaxies: Theory vs. Observation. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Serie de conferencias 17, 144 (2003)
Böker, T., R. P. van der Marel, J. Gerssen, J. Walcher, H.-W. Rix, J. C. Shields and L. C. Ho: The stellar content of nuclear star clusters in spiral galaxies. In: Discoveries and research prospects from 6- to 10-meter-class telescopes II, (Ed.) G. Puragra. SPIE 4834, SPIE, 57-65 (2003)
de Jong, R. S. and E. F. Bell: Stellar M/L ratios and spiral galaxy dynamics. In: The mass of galaxies at low and high redshift, Proceedings of the ESO-Workshop, ESO 213 (2003)
de Jong, R. S., E. F. Bell and S. Kassin: Properties of dark matter halos in disk galaxies. In: Dark matter in galaxies, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 220, ASP, 130 (2003)
Finoguenov, A., L. Tornatore, H. Böhringer, S. Borgani and A. Burkert: Chemical enrichment and thermodynamics of ICM-IGM. In: Workshop on galaxies and clusters of galaxies, Shuzenji, 117 (2003)
Ghigo, M., E. Diolaiti, F. Perennes and R. Ragazzoni: Use of the LIGA process for the production of pyramid wavefront sensors for adaptive optics in astronomy. In: Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications, (Eds.) R. K. Tyson, M. Lloyd-Hart. SPIE 5169, SPIE, 55-61 (2003)
Goto, M., W. Gaessler, T. Kanzawa, N. Kobayashi, H. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, Y. Hayano, M. Iye, Y. Kamata, D. J. Saint-Jacques and Y. Minowa: Spatially resolved 3 µm spectroscopy of IRAS 22272+5435. In: Mass-losing pulsating stars and their circumstellar matter, (Eds.) Y. Nakada, M. Honma, M. Seki. Astrophysics and Space Science Library 283, Kluwer, 243-244 (2003)
Goto, M., Y. Hayano, N. Kobayashi, H. Terada, T.-S. Pyo, A. T. Tokunaga, H. Takami, N. Takato, Y. Minowa, W. Gaessler and M. Iye: Spectroscopy with adaptive optics : Spectral slope variation. In: Adaptive optical system technologies II, (Eds.) P. L. Wizinowich, D. Bonaccini. SPIE 4839, SPIE, 1117-1123 (2003)
Goto, M., A. T. Tokunaga, M. Cushing, D. Potter, N. Kobayashi, H. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, Y. Hayano, M. Iye, W. Gaessler and D. J. Saint-Jacques: Near-infrared adaptive optics spectroscopy of binary brown dwarf HD 130948B and HD 130948C. In: Brown Dwarfs, (Ed.) E. L. Martin. Proceedings of the IAU Sym. 211, ASP, 269-270 (2003)
Gray, M. E., C. Wolf, S. Dye, A. N. Taylor and K. Meisenheimer: Linking mass and light in a supercluster with gravitational lensing and multi-band imaging. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Conference Series 17, 174-176 (2003)
Grebel, E. K.: Resolved stellar populations and the history of galaxy evolution in the nearby universe. In: Hubble's science legacy: Future optical / ultraviolet astronomy from space, Chicago, Illinois, USA, (Eds.) K. R. Sembach, J. C. Blades, G. D. Illingwoth, R. C. K. Jr. ASP Con. Ser. 291, ASP, 140-147 (2003)
Grebel, E. K.: The Local Group. In: Extragalactic binaries, Sydney, Australia, 13, ASP, 27? (2003)
Grebel, E. K., J. S. Gallagher and D. Harbeck: The progenitors of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. In: Recycling intergalactic and interstellar matter, Sydney, Australia, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 217, ASP, 85 (2003)
Grebel, E. K., M. Odenkirchen and C. A. L. Bailer-Jones: An extragalactic reference frame for GAIA and SIM using quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. In: GAIA spectroscopy: Science and technology, Gressoney St. Jean, Aosta, Italy, (Ed.) U. Munari. ASP Conf. Ser. 298, ASP, 411-414 (2003)
Grebel, E. K., M. Odenkirchen and D. Harbeck: Stellar density profiles of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. In: Dark matter in galaxies, Sydney, Australia, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 220, ASP, 170 (2003)
Häußler, B., H.-W. Rix, S. Beckwith, M. Barden, E. Bell, A. Borch, J. Caldwell, K. Jahnke, S. Jogee and e. al.: Fitting 20000 galaxies: GALFIT meets GEMS. In: Fitting 20000 galaxies: GALFIT meets GEMS, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 216, ASP, 199 (2003)
Hayano, Y., W. Gaessler, H. Takami, N. Takato and Y. Minowa: Rayleigh scatter measurement of Keck LGS by Subaru telescope. In: Adaptive optical system technologies II, (Eds.) P. L. Wizinowich, D. Bonaccini. SPIE 4839, SPIE, 452-455 (2003)
Hayano, Y., H. Takami, W. Gaessler, N. Takato, M. Goto, Y. Kamata, Y. Minowa, N. Kobayashi and M. Iye: Upgrade plans for the Subaru AO system. In: Adaptive optical system technologies II, (Eds.) P. L. Wizinowich, D. Bonaccini. SPIE 4839, SPIE, 32-43 (2003)
Heidt, J., K. Jaeger, K. Nilsson, U. Hopp, J. Fried and E. Sutorius: Extended O[II] emission in PKS 0537-441. In: Extended O[II] emission in PKS 0537-441, Proceedings of IAI Symp. 217, 145? (2003)
Heidt, J., K. Jäger, K. Nilsson, U. Hopp, J. W. Fried and E. Sutorius: The BL Lac object PKS 0537-441: A lens or being lensed? In: High energy blazar astronomy, (Eds.) L. O. Takalo, E. Valtaoja. ASP Conf. Ser. 299, ASP, 293-298 (2003)
Herbst, T., R. Ragazzoni, D. Andersen, H. Boehnhardt, P. Bizenberger, A. Eckart, W. Gaessler, H.-W. Rix, R.-R. Rohloff, P. Salinari, R. Soci, C. Straubmeier and W. Xu: LINC-NIRVANA: A fizeau beam combiner for the Large Binocular Telescope. In: Interferometry for optical astronomy II, Waikoloa, Hawaii, (Ed.) W. A. Traub. SPIE 4838, SPIE, 456-465 (2003)
Jogee, S., M. Barden, S. Beckwith, E. Bell, A. Borsch, J. Caldwell, C. Conselice, T. Dahlen, D. de Mello and B. Häußler: Tidal interactions, mergers, and starburst activity from z=0. In: Maps of the cosmos, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 216, ASP, 194 (2003)
Jogee, S., C. Conselice, J. H. Knapen, I. Shlosman, S. Ravindranath, M. Barden, S. Beckwith, E. Bell, A. Borsch and J. Caldwell: Structure and evolution of bars at intermediate redshifts. In: Maps of the cosmos, Sydney, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 216, ASP, 195 (2003)
Jogee, S., G. Lubell, J. Davies, C. Y. Peng, H.-W. Rix, R. S. Somerville, J. H. Knapen, I. Shlosman, M. Barden, S. V. W. Beckwith, E. F. Bell, A. Borch, J. A. R. Caldwell, C. Conselice, B. Haeussler, K. Jahnke, S. Laine, D. H. McIntosh, K. Meisenheimer, B. Mobasher, S. Ravindranath, S. F. Sanchez, L. Wisotzki and C. Wolf: Bar-driven galaxy evolution at intermediate redshifts. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 35, 1417 (2003)
Kleinheinrich, M., T. Erben, K. Meisenheimer, H. W. Rix, M. Schirmer, P. Schneider and C. Wolf: The reliability of shape measurements. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Conference Series 17, 36-36 (2003)
Kleinheinrich, M., P. Schneider, H.-W. Rix, T. Erben, C. Wolf, K. Meisenheimer and M. Schirmer: Measuring dark matter halos using galaxy-galaxy lensing. In: Dark matter in galaxies, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 220, ASP, 101 (2003)
Kniazev, A. Y., E. K. Grebel, A. G. Pramskij and S. A. Pustilnik: The metallicity-luminosity relation for low surface brightness galaxies. American Astronomical Society Meeting 203, 9105 (2003)
Labbé, I., M. Franx, N. M. Forster Schreiber, G. Rudnick, E. Daddi, A. F. Moorwood, H.-W. Rix, P. G. van Dokkum, P. van der Werf and H. Röttgering: Fires: Ultradeep near-infrared imaging with VLT/ISAAC. In: Maps of the cosmos, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 216, ASP, 76 (2003)
Labbé, I., M. Franx, G. Rudnick, A. Moorwood, N. M. Förster Schreiber, H.-W. Rix, L. van Starkenburg, P. van Dokkum, P. van der Werf, H. Röttgering and K. Kuijken: Ultradeep near-infrared ISAAC observations of the Hubble Deep Field South: Selecting high-redshift galaxies in the rest-frame optical. In: The mass of galaxies at low and high redshift, ESO 256 (2003)
Labbe, I., M. Franx, G. Rudnick, A. F. M. Moorwood, N. Foerster Schreiber, H.-W. Rix, L. van Starkenburg, P. van Dokkum, P. P. van der Werf, H. J. A. Roettgering and K. Kuijken: Ultradeep near-infrared imaging of the HDF-south: Rest-frame optical properties of high redshift galaxies. In: Discoveries and research prospects from 6- to 10-meter-class telescopes II, (Ed.) P. Guhathakurta. SPIE 4834, SPIE, 195-202 (2003)
Maier, C., K. Meisenheimer and H. Hippelein: The abundance of Lyman-alpha galaxies at z > 5. In: Maps of the cosmos, Sydney, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 216, ASP, 13 (2003)
Marchetti, E., R. Ragazzoni and E. Diolaiti: Which range of magnitudes for layer oriented MCAO? In: Adaptive optical system technologies II, SPIE 4839, SPIE, 566-577 (2003)
Morgan, N. D., J. A. R. Caldwell, H. W. Rix and P. L. Schechter: A wide-field survey for lensed quasars in the southern hemisphere. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 35, 723 (2003)
O'Dell, C. R., B. Balick, A. R. Hajian, W. J. Henney and A. Burkert: Knots in planetary nebulae. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Conference Series 15, 29-33 (2003)
Odenkirchen, M., E. K. Grebel, W. Dehnen, H. W. Rix, C. M. Rockosi, H. Newberg and B. Yanny: Palomar 5 and its tidal tails: New observational results. In: New horizons in globular cluster astronomy, (Eds.) G. Piotto, G. Meylan, S. G. Djorgovski. ASP Conf. Ser. 296, 501-502 (2003)
Odenkirchen, M., E. K. Grebel, H.-W. Rix, W. Dehnen, H. J. Newberg, C. M. Rockosi and B. Yanny: The extended tidal tails of Palomar 5: Tracers of the galactic potential. In: GAIA spectroscopy: Science and technology, (Ed.) U. Munari. ASP Conf. Ser. 298, ASP, 443-446 (2003)
Parry, I. R., G. B. Dalton, M. Doherty, R. G. Sharp, A. J. Dean, A. J. Bunker, I. Lewis, E. MacDonald, C. Wolf, H. Hippelein, K. Meisenheimer and L. A. Moustakas: Seeing the unvierse at redshift one with the AAT and CIRPASS: A multi-object near-infrared spectrograph. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 35, 716 (2003)
Ragazzoni, R.: MCAO for ELTs. In: Future giant telescopes, (Eds.) J. Angel, P. Roger, R. Gilmozzi. SPIE 4840, SPIE, 11-17 (2003)
Ragazzoni, R., T. M. Herbst, W. Gaessler, D. Andersen, C. Arcidiacono, A. Baruffolo, H. Baumeister, P. Bizenberger, E. Diolaiti, S. Esposito, J. Farinato, H. W. Rix, R.-R. Rohloff, A. Riccardi, P. Salinari, R. Soci, E. Vernet-Viard and W. Xu: A visible MCAO channel for NIRVANA at the LBT. In: Adaptive optical system technologies II, (Eds.) P. L. Wizinowich, D. Bonaccini. SPIE 4839, SPIE, 536-543 (2003)
Ragazzoni, R., R. Soci, C. Arcidiacono, A. Baruffolo, H. Baumeister, R. Bisson, H. Böhnhardt, A. Brindisi, J. Coyne, E. Diolaiti, J. Farinato, W. Gaessler, T. Herbst, M. Lombini, G. Meneghini, L. Mohr, R.-R. Rohloff, E. Vernet-Viard, R. Weiss, M. Xompero and W. Xu: Layer-oriented MCAO projects and experiments: An update. In: Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications, (Eds.) R. K. Tyson, M. Lloyd-Hart. SPIE 5169, SPIE, 181-189 (2003)
Rix, H.-W.: Science with the VLT. In: Discoveries and research prospects from 6- to 10-meter-class telescopes II, (Ed.) P. Guhathakurta. SPIE 4834, SPIE, 248-254 (2003)
Rudnick, G. H., H.-W. Rix, M. Franx, I. Labbe and F. Collaboration: The evolution of the cosmic stellar mass density out to z = 3. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 35, 1296 (2003)
Schmidt, E., O. Chesneau, T. Herbst, R. Launhardt and T. Stuffler: Achromatic phase shifter by reversal of electrical field vector at reflections. In: Towards other Earths: DARWIN/TPF and the search for extrasolar terrestrial planets, Heidelberg, (Eds.) M. Fridlund, Th. Henning, H. Lacoste. ESA SP- 539, ESA, 579-582 (2003)
Seifert, W., I. Appenzeller, H. Baumeister, P. Bizenberger, D. Bomans, R.-J. Dettmar, B. Grimm, T. Herbst, R. Hofmann, M. Juette, W. Laun, M. Lehmitz, R. Lemke, R. Lenzen, H. Mandel, K. Polsterer, R.-R. Rohloff, A. Schuetze, A. Seltmann, N. A. Thatte, P. Weiser and W. Xu: LUCIFER: A multi-mode nir instrument for the LBT. In: Instrument design and performance for optical/infrared ground-based telescopes, Waikoloa, Hawaii, (Eds.) M. Iye, A. F. M. Moorwood. SPIE 4841, SPIE, 962-973 (2003)
Shields, J. C., H.-W. Rix, M. Sarzi, L. C. Ho, A. J. Barth, D. H. McIntosh, G. Rudnick, A. V. Filippenko and W. L. W. Sargent: The survey of nearby nuclei with STIS. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 35, 1296 (2003)
Somerville, R. S., M. Barden, S. V. W. Beckwith, E. Bell, A. Borch, J. Caldwell, B. Haussler, K. Jahnke, S. Jogee, D. McIntosh, K. Meisenheimer, C. Peng, H. W. Rix, S. F. Sanchez, L. Wisotzki and C. Wolf: Morphologies and SEDs for 10000 galaxies to z = 1.2: Early results from GEMS. American Astronomical Society Meeting 35, 723 (2003)
Stolte, A., E. K. Grebel, W. Brandner and D. F. Figer: The mass function of the arches cluster from Gemini adaptive optics data. In: Galactic star formation across the stellar mass spectrum, (Eds.) J. M. De Buizer, N. S. van der Bliek. ASP Conf. Ser. 287, ASP, 433-438 (2003)
Wetzstein, M., T. Naab and A. Burkert: Fragmentation of tidal tails and the possible origin of tidal dwarf galaxies. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Conference Series 17, 100 (2003)
Wolf, C., K. Meisenheimer and H.-W. Rix: Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function from the COMBO-17 survey. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Conference Series 17, 247-247 (2003)
Zucker, D. B., E. Bell, E. K. Grebel, A. Y. Kniazev, D. Martinez-Delgado, H.-W. Rix, C. Rockosi, J. Holtzman and R. Walterbos: The halo of M 31 as seen by SDSS. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 35, 1255 (2003)