Galaxien und Kosmologie /
Galaxies and Cosmology (2003)
Refereed Papers
Abazajian, K., J. K. Adelman-McCarthy, M. A. Agueros, S. S. Allam, S. F. Anderson, J. Annis, N. A. Bahcall, I. K. Baldry, S. Bastian, A. Berlind, M. Bernardi, M. R. Blanton, N. Blythe, J. J. Bochanski, Jr. , W. N. Boroski, H. Brewington, J. W. Briggs, J. Brinkmann, R. J. Brunner, T. Budavári, L. N. Carey, M. A. Carr, F. J. Castander, K. Chiu, M. J. Collinge, A. J. Connolly, K. R. Covey, I. Csabai, J. J. Dalcanton, S. Dodelson, M. Doi, F. Dong, D. J. Eisenstein, M. L. Evans, X. Fan, P. D. Feldman, D. P. Finkbeiner, S. D. Friedman, J. A. Frieman, M. Fukugita, R. R. Gal, B. Gillespie, K. Glazebrook, C. F. Gonzalez, J. Gray, E. K. Grebel, L. Grodnicki, J. E. Gunn, V. K. Gurbani, P. B. Hall, L. Hao, D. Harbeck, F. H. Harris, H. C. Harris, M. Harvanek, S. L. Hawley, T. M. Heckman, J. F. Helmboldt, J. S. Hendry, G. S. Hennessy, R. B. Hindsley, D. W. Hogg, D. J. Holmgren, J. A. Holtzman, L. Homer, L. Hui, S.-i. Ichikawa, T. Ichikawa, J. P. Inkmann, Z. Ivezic, S. Jester, D. E. Johnston, B. Jordan, W. P. Jordan, A. M. Jorgensen, M. Juric, G. Kauffmann, S. M. Kent, S. J. Kleinman, G. R. Knapp, A. Y. Kniazev, R. G. Kron, J. Krzesinski, P. Z. Kunszt, N. Kuropatkin, D. Q. Lamb, H. Lampeitl, B. E. Laubscher, B. C. Lee, R. F. Leger, N. Li, A. Lidz, H. Lin, Y.-S. Loh, D. C. Long, J. Loveday, R. H. Lupton, T. Malik, B. Margon, P. M. McGehee, T. A. McKay, A. Meiksin, G. A. Miknaitis, B. K. Moorthy, J. A. Munn, T. Murphy, R. Nakajima, V. K. Narayanan, T. Nash, E. H. Neilsen, Jr. , H. J. Newberg, P. R. Newman, R. C. Nichol, T. Nicinski, M. Nieto-Santisteban, A. Nitta, M. Odenkirchen, S. Okamura, J. P. Ostriker, R. Owen, N. Padmanabhan, J. Peoples, J. R. Pier, B. Pindor, A. C. Pope, T. R. Quinn, R. R. Rafikov, S. N. Raymond, G. T. Richards, M. W. Richmond, H.-W. Rix, C. M. Rockosi, J. Schaye, D. J. Schlegel, D. P. Schneider, J. Schroeder, R. Scranton, M. Sekiguchi, U. Seljak, G. Sergey, B. Sesar, E. Sheldon, K. Shimasaku, W. A. Siegmund, N. M. Silvestri, A. J. Sinisgalli, E. Sirko, J. A. Smith, V. Smolcic, S. A. Snedden, A. Stebbins, C. Steinhardt, G. Stinson, C. Stoughton, I. V. Strateva, M. A. Strauss, M. SubbaRao, A. S. Szalay, I. Szapudi, P. Szkody, L. Tasca, M. Tegmark, A. R. Thakar, C. Tremonti, D. L. Tucker, A. Uomoto, D. E. Vanden Berk, J. Vandenberg, M. S. Vogeley, W. Voges, N. P. Vogt, L. M. Walkowicz, D. H. Weinberg, A. A. West, S. D. M. White, B. C. Wilhite, B. Willman, Y. Xu, B. Yanny, J. Yarger, N. Yasuda, C.-W. Yip, D. R. Yocum, D. G. York, N. L. Zakamska, I. Zehavi, W. Zheng, S. Zibetti and D. B. Zucker: The first data release of the sloan digital sky survey. The Astronomical Journal 126, 2081-2086 (2003)
Bell, E. F.: Estimating star formation rates from infrared and radio luminosities: The origin of the radio-infrared correlation. Astrophysical Journal 586, 794-813 (2003)
Bell, E. F., C. M. Baugh, S. Cole, C. S. Frenk and C. G. Lacey: The properties of spiral galaxies: Confronting hierarchical galaxy formation models with observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 343, 367-384 (2003)
Bell, E. F., D. H. McIntosh, N. Katz and M. D. Weinberg: The optical and near-infrared properties of galaxies. I. Luminosity and stellar mass functions. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 149, 289-312 (2003)
Bell, E. F., D. H. McIntosh, N. Katz and M. D. Weinberg: A first estimate of the baryonic mass function of galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 585, L117-L120 (2003)
Bello, D., J.-M. Conan, G. Rousset and R. Ragazzoni: Signal to noise ratio of layer-oriented measurements for multiconjugate adaptive optics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 410, 1101-1106 (2003)
Benetti, S., E. Cappellaro, R. Ragazzoni, F. Sabbadin and M. Turatto: The 3-D ionization structure of NGC 6818: A planetary nebula threatened by recombination. Astronomy and Astrophysics 400, 161-183 (2003)
Blanc, A., T. Fusco, M. Hartung, L. M. Mugnier and G. Rousset: Calibration of NAOS and CONICA static aberrations. Application of the phase diversity technique. Astronomy and Astrophysics 399, 373-383 (2003)
Borch, A., K. Meisenheimer, C. Wolf and M. Gray: Towards a new galaxy template library for multi-colour classification. Astrophysics and Space Science 284, 965-968 (2003)
Brown, M. L., A. N. Taylor, D. J. Bacon, M. E. Gray, S. Dye, K. Meisenheimer and C. Wolf: The shear power spectrum from the COMBO-17 survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 341, 100-118 (2003)
Brunetti, G., K.-H. Mack, M. A. Prieto and S. Varano: In-situ particle acceleration in extragalactic radio hot spots: Observations meet expectations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 345, L40-L44 (2003)
Burkert, A.: The origin of the correlation between the spin parameter and the baryon fraction of galactic disks. Astrophysics and Space Science 284, 697-700 (2003)
Cardiel, N., J. Gorgas, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, A. J. Cenarro, S. Pedraz, G. Bruzual and J. Klement: Using spectroscopic data to disentangle stellar population properties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 409, 511-522 (2003)
Cellino, A., E. Diolaiti, R. Ragazzoni, D. Hestroffer, P. Tanga and A. Ghedina: Speckle interferometry observations of asteroids at TNG*. Icarus 162, 278-284 (2003)
Courteau, S., D. R. Andersen, M. A. Bershady, L. A. MacArthur and H.-W. Rix: The Tully-Fisher Relation of barred galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 594, 208-224 (2003)
D'Onghia, E. and A. Burkert: The failure of self-interacting dark matter to solve the overabundance of dark satellites and the soft core question. Astrophysical Journal 586, 12-16 (2003)
Daddi, E., H. J. A. Röttgering, I. Labbé, G. Rudnick, M. Franx, A. F. M. Moorwood, H. W. Rix, P. P. van der Werf and P. G. van Dokkum: Detection of strong clustering of red K-selected galaxies at 2 < zphot < 4 in the HUBBLE Deep Field-South. The Astrophysical Journal 588, 50-64 (2003)
Fan, X., M. A. Strauss, D. P. Schneider, R. H. Becker, R. L. White, Z. Haiman, M. Gregg, L. Pentericci, E. K. Grebel, V. K. Narayanan, Y. Loh, G. T. Richards, J. E. Gunn, R. H. Lupton, G. R. Knapp, Z. Ivezic, W. N. Brandt, M. Collinge, L. Hao, D. Harbeck, F. Prada, J. Schaye, I. Strateva, N. Zakamska, S. Anderson, J. Brinkmann, N. A. Bahcall, D. Q. Lamb, S. Okamura, A. Szalay and D. G. York: A survey of z > 5.7 quasars in the sloan digital sky survey. II. Discovery of three additional quasars at z > 6. The Astronomical Journal 125, 1649-1659 (2003)
Fingerhut, R. L., M. L. McCall, M. De Robertis, R. L. Kingsburgh, M. Komljenovic, H. Lee and R. J. Buta: The extinction and distance of Maffei 1. Astrophysical Journal 587, 672-684 (2003)
Franx, M., I. Labbé, G. Rudnick, P. G. van Dokkum, E. Daddi, N. M. Förster Schreiber, A. Moorwood, H.-W. Rix, H. Röttgering, A. van de Wel, P. van der Werf and L. van Starkenburg: A significant population of red, near-infrared-selected high-redshift galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 587, L79-L82 (2003)
Gallagher, J. S., G. J. Madsen, R. J. Reynolds, E. K. Grebel and T. A. Smecker-Hane: A search for ionized gas in the Draco and Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 588, 326-330 (2003)
Goto, M., W. Gaessler, Y. Hayano, M. Iye, Y. Kamata, T. Kanzawa, N. Kobayashi, Y. Minowa, D. J. Saint-Jacques, H. Takami, N. Takato and H. Terada: Spatially resolved 3 micron spectroscopy of IRAS 22272+5435: Formation and evolution of aliphatic hydrocarbon dust in proto-planetary nebulae. Astrophysical Journal 589, 419-429 (2003)
Goto, M., T. Usuda, N. Takato, M. Hayashi, S. Sakamoto, W. Gaessler, Y. Hayano, M. Iye, Y. Kamata, T. Kanzawa, N. Kobayashi, Y. Minowa, K. Nedachi, S. Oya, T.-S. Pyo, D. Saint-Jacques, H. Suto, H. Takami, H. Terada and G. F. Mitchell: Carbon isotope ratio in 12CO/13CO toward local molecular clouds with near-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy of vibrational transition bands. Astrophysical Journal 598, 1038-1047 (2003)
Grebel, E. K.: New aspects for new generation telescopes. Astrophysics and Space Science 284, 947-956 (2003)
Grebel, E. K., J. S. Gallagher and D. Harbeck: The Progenitors of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The Astronomical Journal 125, 1926-1939 (2003)
Harbeck, D., G. H. Smith and E. K. Grebel: Cn abundance variations on the main sequence of 47 Tucanae. The Astronomical Journal 125, 197-207 (2003)
Hayano, Y., M. Iye, H. Takami, N. Takato, W. Gaessler, Y. Minowa, P. Wizinowich and D. Summers: Observational impact of scattered light from the laser beam of a laser guide star adaptive optics system. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 115, 1419-1428 (2003)
Heidt, J., I. Appenzeller, A. Gabasch, K. Jäger, S. Seitz, R. Bender, A. Böhm, J. Snigula, K. J. Fricke, U. Hopp, M. Kümmel, C. Möllenhoff, C. llenhoff, T. Szeifert, B. Ziegler, N. Drory, D. Mehlert, A. Moorwood, H. Nicklas, S. Noll, R. P. Saglia, W. Seifert, O. Stahl, E. Sutorius and S. J. Wagner: The FORS Deep Field: Field selection, photometric observations and photometric catalog. Astronomy and Astrophysics 398, 49-61 (2003)
Heidt, J., K. Jäger, K. Nilsson, U. Hopp, J. W. Fried and E. Sutorius: PKS 0537-441: Extended [O II] emission and a binary QSO? Astronomy and Astrophysics 406, 565-577 (2003)
Helmi, A., Z. Ivezic, F. Prada, L. Pentericci, C. M. Rockosi, D. P. Schneider, E. K. Grebel, D. Harbeck, R. H. Lupton, J. E. Gunn, G. R. Knapp, M. A. Strauss and J. Brinkmann: Selection of metal-poor giant stars using the sloan digital sky survey photometric system. Astrophysical Journal 586, 195-200 (2003)
Herbst, T.: Interferometry with the Large Binocular Telescope. Astrophysics and Space Science 286, 45-53 (2003)
Hippelein, H., C. Maier, K. Meisenheimer, C. Wolf, J. W. Fried, B. von Kuhlmann, M. Kümmel, S. Phleps and H.-J. Röser: Star forming rates between z = 0.25 and z = 1.2 from the CADIS emission line survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 402, 65-78 (2003)
Hujeirat, A., M. Livio, M. Camenzind and A. Burkert: A model for the jet-disk connection in BH [black hole] accreting systems. Astronomy and Astrophysics 408, 415-430 (2003)
Inada, N., M. Oguri, B. Pindor, J. F. Hennawi, K. Chiu, W. Zheng, S.-I. Ichikawa, M. D. Gregg, R. H. Becker, Y. Suto, M. A. Strauss, E. L. Turner, C. R. Keeton, J. Annis, F. J. Castander, D. J. Eisenstein, J. A. Frieman, M. Fukugita, J. E. Gunn, D. E. Johnston, S. M. Kent, R. C. Nichol, G. T. Richards, H.-W. Rix, E. S. Sheldon, N. A. Bahcall, J. Brinkmann, Z. Ivezic, D. Q. Lamb, T. A. McKay, D. P. Schneider and D. G. York: A gravitationally lensed quasar with quadruple images separated by 14.62arcseconds. Nature 426, 810-812 (2003)
Karachentsev, I. D., E. K. Grebel, M. E. Sharina, A. E. Dolphin, D. Geisler, P. Guhathakurta, P. W. Hodge, V. E. Karachentseva, A. Sarajedini and P. Seitzer: Distances to nearby galaxies in sculptor. Astronomy and Astrophysics 404, 93 -111 (2003)
Karachentsev, I. D., D. I. Makarov, M. E. Sharina, A. E. Dolphin, E. K. Grebel, D. Geisler, P. Guhathakurta, P. W. Hodge, V. E. Karachentseva, A. Sarajedini and P. Seitzer: Local galaxy flows within 5 Mpc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 398, 479-491 (2003)
Karachentsev, I. D., M. E. Sharina, A. E. Dolphin, E. K. Grebel, D. Geisler, P. Guhathakurta, P. W. Hodge, V. E. Karachentseva, A. Sarajedini and P. Seitzer: Galaxy flow in the Canes Venatici I cloud. Astronomy and Astrophysics 398, 467-477 (2003)
Kessel-Deynet, O. and A. Burkert: Radiation-driven implosion of molecular cloud cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 338, 545-554 (2003)
Khochfar, S. and A. Burkert: The importance of spheroidal and mixed mergers for early-type galaxy formation. Astrophysical Journal 597, L117-L120 (2003)
Khochfar, S. and A. Burkert: Ellipticals with disky and boxy isophotes in high density environments. Astrophysics and Space Science 285, 211-215 (2003)
Khochfar, S. and A. Burkert: The mix of disky and boxy ellipticals. Astrophysics and Space Science 284, 401-404 (2003)
Klessen, R. S., E. K. Grebel and D. Harbeck: Draco: A failure of the tidal model. Astrophysical Journal 589, 798-809 (2003)
Kniazev, A. Y., E. K. Grebel, L. Hao, M. A. Strauss, J. Brinkmann and M. Fukugita: Discovery of eight new extremely metal poor galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Astrophysical Journal 593, L73-L76 (2003)
Kranz, T., A. Slyz and H.-W. Rix: Dark matter within high surface brightness spiral galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 586, 143-151 (2003)
Labbé, I., M. Franx, G. Rudnick, N. M. Schreiber, N. M. Förster Schreiber, H.-W. Rix, A. Moorwood, P. G. van Dokkum, P. van der Werf, H. Röttgering, L. van Starkenburg, A. van de Wel, K. Kuijken and E. Daddi: Ultradeep near-infrared ISAAC observations of the HUBBLE Deep Field South: Observations, reduction, multicolor catalog, and photometric redshifts. The Astronomical Journal 125, 1107-1123 (2003)
Labbé, I., G. Rudnick, M. Franx, E. Daddi, P. G. van Dokkum, N. M. Förster Schreiber, K. Kuijken, A. Moorwood, H.-W. Rix, H. Röttgering, I. Trujillo, A. van der Wel, P. van der Werf and L. van Starkenburg: Large disklike galaxies at high redshift. Astrophysical Journal 591, L95-L98 (2003)
Lee, H., E. K. Grebel and P. W. Hodge: Nebular abundances of nearby southern dwarf galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 401, 141-159 (2003)
Lee, H., M. L. McCall, R. L. Kingsburgh, R. Ross and C. C. Stevenson: Uncovering additional clues to galaxy evolution. I. Dwarf irregular galaxies in the field. The Astronomical Journal 125, 146-165 (2003)
Maier, C., K. Meisenheimer, E. Thommes, H. Hippelein, H.-J. Röser, J. Fried, B. von Kuhlmann, S. Phleps and C. Wolf: Constraints to the evolution of Lyman–a bright galaxies between z = 3 and z = 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 402, 79-85 (2003)
Makarova, L., E. K. Grebel, I. D. Karachentsev, A. E. Dolphin, V. E. Karachentseva, M. E. Sharina, D. Geisler, P. Guhathakurta, P. W. Hodge, A. Sarajedini and P. Seitzer: Tidal dwarfs in the M81 group: The second generation? Astrophysics and Space Science 285, 107-111 (2003)
Meisenheimer, K.: Sites of particle acceleration in radio galaxies. New Astronomy Review 47, 495-499 (2003)
Mühlbauer, G. and W. Dehnen: Kinematic response of the outer stellar disk to a central bar. Astronomy and Astrophysics 401, 975-984 (2003)
Naab, T. and A. Burkert: Statistical properties of collisionless equal- and unequal-mass merger remnants of disk galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 597, 893-906 (2003)
Newberg, H. J., B. Yanny, E. K. Grebel, G. Hennessy, Z. Ivezic, D. Martinez-Delgado, M. Odenkirchen, H.-W. Rix, J. Brinkmann, D. Q. Lamb, D. P. Schneider and D. G. York: Sagittarius tidal debris 90 kiloparsecs from the galactic center. Astrophysical Journal 596, L191-L194 (2003)
Odenkirchen, M., E. K. Grebel, W. Dehnen, H.-W. Rix, B. Yanny, H. J. Newberg, C. M. Rockosi, D. Martinez-Delgado, J. Brinkmann and J. R. Pier: The extended tails of Palomar 5: A 10° arc of globular cluster tidal debris. The Astronomical Journal 126, 2385-2407 (2003)
Ofek, E. O., H.-W. Rix and D. Maoz: The redshift distribution of gravitational lenses revisited: Constraints on galaxy mass evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 343, 639-652 (2003)
Pentericci, L., H.-W. Rix, F. Prada, X. Fan, M. A. Strauss, D. P. Schneider, E. K. Grebel, D. Harbeck, J. Brinkmann and V. K. Narayanan: The near-IR properties and continuum shapes of high redshift quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 410, 75-82 (2003)
Phleps, S. and K. Meisenheimer: Clustering evolution between z = 1 and today. Astrophysics and Space Science 284, 377-380 (2003)
Phleps, S. and K. Meisenheimer: The evolution of galaxy clustering since z = 1 from the Calar Alto deep imaging survey (CADIS). Astronomy and Astrophysics 407, 855-868 (2003)
Prada, F., M. Vitvitska, A. Klypin, J. A. Holtzman, D. J. Schlegel, E. K. Grebel, H.-W. Rix, J. Brinkmann, T. A. McKay and I. Csabai: Observing the dark matter density profile of isolated galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 598, 260-271 (2003)
Prieto, M. A. and J. A. Acosta-Pulido: The infrared spectral energy distribution of the Seyfert 2 prototype NGC 5252. Astrophysical Journal 583, 689-694 (2003)
Prieto, M. A., G. Brunetti and K.-H. Mack: Resolving optical hot spots in radio galaxies with the VLT. New Astronomy Review 47, 663-665 (2003)
Pustilnik, S., A. Zasov, A. Kniazev, A. Pramskij, A. Ugryumov and A. Burenkov: Possibly interacting Vorontsov-Velyaminov galaxies. II. The 6-m telescope spectroscopy of VV 080, 131, 499, 523 and 531. Astronomy and Astrophysics 400, 841-857 (2003)
Pustilnik, S. A., A. Y. Kniazev, A. G. Pramskij and A. V. Ugryumov: Search for and study of extremely metal-deficient galaxies. Astrophysics and Space Science 284, 795-798 (2003)
Pustilnik, S. A., A. Y. Kniazev, A. G. Pramskij, A. V. Ugryumov and J. Masegosa: Starburst in HS 0822+3542 induced by the very blue LSB dwarf SAO 0822+3545. Astronomy and Astrophysics 409, 917-932 (2003)
Ragazzoni, R., M. Turatto and W. Gaessler: The lack of observational evidence for the quantum structure of spacetime at Planck scales. Astrophysical Journal 587, L1-L4 (2003)
Ragazzoni, R., G. Valente and E. Marchetti: Gravitational wave detection through microlensing? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 345, 100-110 (2003)
Reunanen, J., J. K. Kotilainen and M. A. Prieto: Near-infrared spectroscopy of nearby Seyfert galaxies II. Molecular content and coronal emission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 343, 192-208 (2003)
Ribak, E. N., R. Ragazzoni and V. A. Parfenov: Radio plasma fringes as guide stars: Tracking the global tilt. Astronomy and Astrophysics 410, 365-373 (2003)
Rudnick, G., H.-W. Rix, M. Franx, I. Labbé, M. Blanton, E. Daddi, N. M. Förster Schreiber, A. Moorwood, H. Röttgering, I. Trujillo, A. van de Wel, P. van der Werf, P. G. van Dokkum and L. van Starkenburg: The rest-frame optical luminosity density, color, and stellar mass density of the universe from z = 0 to z = 3. Astrophysical Journal 599, 847-864 (2003)
Rusin, D., C. S. Kochanek, E. E. Falco, C. R. Keeton, B. A. McLeod, C. D. Impey, J. Lehár, J. A. Munoz, C. Y. Peng and H.-W. Rix: The evolution of a mass-selected sample of early-type field galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 587, 143-159 (2003)
Slyz, A., J. Devriendt, G. Bryan and J. Silk: Star formation in a multi-phase interstellar medium. Astrophysics and Space Science 284, 833-836 (2003)
Slyz, A. D., T. Kranz and H.-W. Rix: Exploring spiral galaxy potentials with hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 346, 1162-1178 (2003)
Temporin, S., S. Ciroi, P. Rafanelli, M. Radovich, J. Vennik, G. M. Richter and K. Birkle: Analysis of the interaction effects in the southern galaxy pair Tol 1238-364 and ESO 381-G009. Astrophysical Journal. Supplement Series 148, 353-382 (2003)
Ugryumov, A. V., D. Engels, S. A. Pustilnik, A. Y. Kniazev, A. G. Pramskij and H.-J. Hagen: The Hamburg/SAO survey for low metallicity blue compact/H II galaxies (HSS-LM). I. The first list of 46 strong-lined galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 397, 463-472 (2003)
van Dokkum, P. G., N. M. Förster Schreiber, M. Franx, E. Daddi, G. D. Illingworth, I. Labbé, A. Moorwood, H.-W. Rix, H. Röttgering, G. Rudnick, A. van der Wel, P. van der Werf and L. van Starkenburg: Spectroscopic confirmation of a substantial population of luminous red galaxies at redshifts z > ~2. Astrophysical Journal 587, L83-L87 (2003)
Walcher, C. J., J. W. Fried, A. Burkert and R. S. Klessen: About the morphology of dwarf spheroidal galaxies and their dark matter content. Astronomy and Astrophysics 406, 847-854 (2003)
Wolf, C., K. Meisenheimer, H.-W. Rix, A. Borch, S. Dye and M. Kleinheinrich: The COMBO-17 survey: Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function from 25 000 galaxies with 0.2 < z < 1.2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 401, 73-98 (2003)
Yanny, B., H. J. Newberg, E. K. Grebel, S. Kent, M. Odenkirchen, c. M. Rockosi, D. Schlegel, M. Subbarao, J. Brinkmann, M. Fukugita, Z. Ivezic, D. Q. Lamb, D. P. Schneider and D. G. York: A low-latitude halo stream around the Milky Way. Astrophysical Journal 588, 824-841 (2003)