Planeten- und Sternentstehung/
Planet and Star Formation (2009)
Contributed Papers
Bakos, G., C. Afonso, T. Henning, A. Jordán, M. Holman, R. W. Noyes, P. D. Sackett, D. Sasselov, G. Kovács, Z. Csubry and A. Pál: HAT-South: a global network of Southern hemisphere automated telescopes to detect transiting exoplanets. In: Transiting Planets, (Eds.) Pont, F., D. Sasselov, M. Holman. IAU Symp. 253, Cambridge Univ. Press, 354-357 (2009)
Berwein, J., F. Briegel, F. Kittmann, A. Pavlov and W. Gaessler: An engineering editor tool based on the SOA application framework of the LINC-NIRVANA LBT interferometer. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII, (Eds.) Bohlender, D. A., D. Durand, P. Dowler. ASP Conf. Ser 411, ASP, 289-292 (2009)
Boudreault, S. and C. A. L. Bailer-Jones: A constraint on brown dwarf formation via ejection: radial variation of the stellar and substellar mass function of the young open cluster IC 2391. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 904-907 (2009)
Cardoso, C. V., M. J. McCaughrean, R. R. King, L. M. Close, R. D. Scholz, R. Lenzen, W. Brandner, N. Lodieu and H. Zinnecker: Dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary: e Indi Ba, Bb. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 509-512 (2009)
Carson, J., M. Marengo and B. Patten: A Spitzer IRAC direct imaging substellar companion search around 89 M, L, and T dwarf systems. In: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity, (Eds.) Usuda, T., M. Tamura, M. Ishii. AIP Conference Proceedings 1158, AIP, Springer, 227-230 (2009)
Carson, J. C.: The impact of transiting planet science on the next generation of direct-imaging planet searches. In: Transiting Planets, (Eds.) Pont, F., D. Sasselov, M. Holman. IAU Symp. 253, Cambridge Univ. Press, 556-559 (2009)
Chizhik, A. M., T. Schmidt, A. I. Chizhik, F. Huisken and A. Meixner: Confocal microscopy and spectroscopy of defect photoluminescence in single SiO2 nanoparticles. In: Nanophotonic Materials VI, (Eds.) Cabrini, S., T. Mokari. SPIE 7393, SPIE, 739305-739305-11 (2009)
Collins, K. A., C. A. Grady, K. Hamaguchi, J. P. Wisniewski, S. Brittain, M. Sitko, W. J. Carpenter, J. P. Williams, G. S. Mathews, G. M. Williger, R. van Boekel, A. Carmona, M. E. van den Ancker, G. Meeus, X. P. Chen, R. Petre, B. E. Woodgate and T. Henning: HD 100453: an evolutionary link between protoplanetary disks and debris disks. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Series 1094, AIP, Springer, 409-411 (2009)
Cusano, F., E. W. Guenther, M. Esposito, M. Mundt, E. Covino and J. M. Alcalà: Testing evolutionary tracks of Pre-Main Sequence stars: the case of HD113449. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 788-791 (2009)
Daemgen, S., F. Hormuth, M. Janson, W. Brandner, E. Meyer, S. Hippler and T. Henning: High-resolution imaging of transiting exoplanet host stars with AstraLux. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 433-436 (2009)
Dzyurkevich, N., M. Flock and H. Klahr: 3D global MHD simulations of a proto-planetary disk: dead zone and large-scale magnetic fields. In: Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, (Eds.) Strassmeier, K. G., A. G. Kosovichev, J. E. Beckman. IAU Symp. 259, Cambridge Univ. Press 117-118 (2009)
Eisenhauer, F., G. Perrin, W. Brandner, C. Straubmeier, A. Böhm, H. Baumeister, F. Cassaing, Y. Clénet, K. Dodds-Eden, A. Eckart, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, A. Gräter, C. Gueriau, N. Hamaus, X. Haubois, M. Haug, T. Henning, S. Hippler, R. Hofmann, F. Hormuth, K. Houairi, S. Kellner, P. Kervella, R. Klein, J. Kolmeder, W. Laun, P. Léna, R. Lenzen, M. Marteaud, V. Naranjo, U. Neumann, T. Paumard, S. Rabien, J. R. Ramos, J. M. Reess, R. R. Rohloff, D. Rouan, G. Rousset, B. Ruyet, A. Sevin, M. Thiel, J. Ziegleder and D. Ziegler: GRAVITY: microarcsecond astrometry and deep interferometric imaging with the VLT. In: Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, (Ed.) Moorwood, A. F. M. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Springer, 361-368 (2009)
Feldt, M.: Adaptive optics for the support of exoplanet observations. In: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity, (Eds.) Usuda, T., M. Tamura, M. Ishii. AIP Conference Proceedings 1158, AIP, 277-284 (2009)
Geißler, K., M. R. Sterzik, G. Chauvin and E. Pantin: Mid-infrared imaging of brown dwarfs: is HD 130948 BC variable? In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 521-524 (2009)
Gennaro, M., P. G. P. Moroni and S. Degl‘Innocenti: Galactic DY/DZ from the analysis of solar neighborhood main sequence stars. In: Probing Stellar Populations Out to the Distant Universe, (Eds.) Giobbi, G., A. Tornambe, G. Raimondo, M. Limongi, L. A. Antonelli, N. Menci, E. Brocato. AIP Conference Proceedings 1111, AIP, Springer, 237-238 (2009)
Goldman, B., J. Pitann, M. R. Z. Osorio, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, V. S. Béjar, J. A. Caballero and T. Henning: Polarization of ultra-cool dwarfs. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 525-528 (2009)
Goto, M.: How the inner disk communicates to the outer disk. In: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity, (Eds.) Usuda, T., M. Tamura, M. Ishii. AIP Conference Proceedings 1158, AIP, 77-82 (2009)
Goto, M.: Inner rim of a molecular disk resolved in infrared CO lines. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 381-384 (2009)
Gouliermis, D. A.: The sub-solar initial mass function in the Large Magellanic Cloud+ In: The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies, (Eds.) van Loon, J. T., J. M. Oliveira. IAU Symp. 256, Cambridge Univ. Press, 250-255 (2009)
Grady, C. A., G. Schneider, M. L. Sitko, G. M. Williger, K. Hamaguchi, S. D. Brittain, K. Ablordeppey, D. Apai, L. Beerman, W. J. Carpenter, K. A. Collins, M. Fukagawa, H. B. Hammel, T. Henning, D. Hines, R. Kimes, D. K. Lynch, R. Pearson, R. W. Russell, F. Mënard, M. Silverstone, P. Smith, M. Troutman, D. Wilner and B. Woodgate: The disk and environment of a young Altair analog: SAO 206462. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 385-388 (2009)
Güdel, M., S. L. Skinner, S. Cabrit, J. Eislöffel, C. Dougados, R. Gredel and K. R. Briggs: X-ray emission from young stellar jets. In: Protostellar Jets in Context, (Eds.) Tsinganos, K., T. Ray, M. Stute. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Series Springer, 347-352 (2009)
Guttler, C., J. Blum, A. Zsom, C. W. Ormel and C. P. Dullemond: The first phase of protoplanetary dust growth: The bouncing barrier. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, A482-A482 (2009)
Hamilton, C. M., C. M. Johns-Krull, R. Mundt, W. Herbst and J. N. Winn: Probing the size of a magnetosphere of a young solar-like star. In: Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, (Eds.) Strassmeier, K. G., A. G. Kosovichev, J. E. Beckman. IAU Symp. 259, Cambridge Univ. Press 413-414 (2009)
f Hippler, S., W. Brandner, T. Henning, B. R. Brandl, J. Blommaert, A. Glasse, L. Jolissaint, H. U. Käufl, S. Kendrew, R. Lenzen, F. Molster, E. Pantin, R. Siebenmorgen, R. Stuick and L. Venema: Characterization of exoplanets and protoplanetary disks with the proposed E-ELT Instrument METIS. In: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity, (Eds.) Usuda, T., M. Tamura, M. Ishii. AIP Conference Series 1158, AIP, 333-336 (2009)
Hormuth, F., W. Brandner, M. Janson, S. Hippler and T. Henning: The AstraLux large M dwarf survey. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 935-938 (2009)
Hormuth, F., J. Young, R. S. McMillan and B. G. Marsden: Comet C/2009 B2 (LINEAR). International Astronomical Union Circular 9016, 1 (2009)
Huisken, F., C. Jager, H. Mutschke and T. Henning: Gas-phase condensation of nanometer- and subnanometer-sized carbon grains and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Diamond and Related Materials 18, 392-395 (2009)
Huisken, F., G. Rouillé, M. Arold, A. Staicu and T. Henning: Electronic spectroscopy of biological molecules in supersonic jets: The amino acid tryptophan. In: Rarified Gas Dynamic, (Ed.) Abe, T. AIP Conference Proceedings 1084, AIP, 539-544 (2009)
Jaffe, W., D. Raban, K. Meisenheimer, K. Tristram, C. Leinert and H. Röttgering: MIDI sees active galactic nuclei. In: Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, (Ed.) Moorwood, A. F. M. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Springer, 89-94 (2009)
Janson, M.: 4-micron direct imaging searches for planets around e Eri and V Ind. In: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity, (Eds.) Usuda, T., M. Tamura, M. Ishii. AIP Conference Series 1158, AIP, 223-226 (2009)
Joergens, V.: Where lies the peak of the brown dwarf binary separation distribution? In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 840-843 (2009)
Joshi, N., A. Reiners and B. Goldman: Chromospheric activity in late-type stars. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 668-671 (2009)
Kandori, R., M. Tamura, J. Morino, M. Ishii, R. Suzuki, J. Hashimoto, N. Kusakabe, N. Narita, B. Sato, T. Yamada, K. Enya, M. Goto, J. Carson, C. Thalmann, M. McElwain, A. Moro-Martin, J. Knapp and E. L. Turner: Selection of nearby star targets for the Subaru Strategic Exploration of Exoplanets and Disks. In: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity, (Eds.) Usuda, T., M. Tamura, M. Ishii. AIP Conference Proceedings 1158, AIP, 251-252 (2009)
Kittmann, F., F. Briegel, J. Berwein and W. Gaessler: IDL-based AO control software for laboratory tests. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII (Eds.) Bohlender, D. A., D. Durand, P. Dowler. ASP Conf. Ser 411, ASP, 326-329 (2009)
Klein, R., H. Linz, J. Forbrich, L. Looney and T. Henning: MIPS photometry and spectroscopy of protoclusters. In: The evolving ISM in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, (Eds.) Sheth, K., A. Noriega-Crespo, J. Ingalls, R. Paladini. 33 (2009 online)
Krause, O., F. Müller and S. Scheithauer: Wheel Mechanisms of the Mid-Infrared Instrument aboard the James Webb Space Telescope Performance of the flight models. In: Proceedings of the 13th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, (Ed.) Lacoste, H. ESA SP-670, ESA Communication Production Office, n.n. (2009)
Kuiper, R., M. Flock and H. Klahr: Radiative magneto-hydrodynamics in massive star formation and accretion disks. In: Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, (Eds.) Strassmeier, K. G., A. G. Kosovichev, J. E. Beckman. IAU Symp. 259, Cambridge Univ. Press, 103-104 (2009)
Kürster, M., M. Zechmeister and M. Endl: The M dwarf planet search program with the VLT+UVES. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094 , AIP, Springer, 457-460 (2009)
Labadie, L., T. M. Herbst, S. Egner, M. Brix and M. Kürtser: Which synergies between LBT/LINC-NIRVANA and future ELTs? In: Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, (Ed.) Moorwood, A. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Springer 273-277 (2009)
Lopez, B., S. Lagarde, S. Wolf, W. Jaffe, G. Weigelt, P. Antonelli, P. Abraham, J. C. Augereau, U. Beckman, J. Behrend, N. Berruyer, Y. Bresson, O. Chesneau, J. M. Clausse, C. Connot, W. C. Danchi, M. Delbo, K. Demyk, A. Domiciano, M. Dugué, A. Glazenborg, U. Graser, H. Hanenburg, T. Henning, M. Heininger, K. H. Hofmann, Y. Hugues, S. Jankov, S. Kraus, W. Laun, C. Leinert, H. Linz, A. Matter, P. Mathias, K. Meisenheimer, J. L. Menut, F. Millour, L. Mosoni, U. Neumann, A. Niedzielski, E. Nussbaum, R. Petrov, T. Ratzka, S. Robbe-Dubois, A. Roussel, D. Schertl, F. X. Schmider, B. Stecklum, E. Thiebaut, F. Vakili, K. Wagner, L. B. F. M. Waters, O. Absil, J. Hron, N. Nardetto, J. Olofsson, B. Valat, M. Vannier, B. Goldman, S. Hönig and W. D. Cotton: Matisse. In: Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, (Ed.) Moorwood, A. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Springer Netherlands, 353-357 (2009)
Meyer, E. and M. Kürster: Deriving the true mass of a brown dwarf companion by AO aided astrometry. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 549-552 (2009)
Minniti, D., P. Lucas, A. V. Ahumada, M. Zoccali, M. Catelan, L. Morelli, C. Tappert, G. Pignata, I. Toledo, M. T. Ruiz, G. Carraro, S. Casassus, L. Bronfman, R. H. Barbá, R. Gamen, W. Gieren, D. Geisler, G. Pietrzynski, R. E. Mennickent, R. Kurtev, J. Borissova, F. Mirabel, V. D. Ivanov, I. Saviane, L. Vanzi, L. Monaco, M. Rejkuba, M. Messineo, L. Bedin, A. Stephens, B. Barbuy, E. Bica, J. J. Clariá, J. Emerson, J. Drew, M. López-Correidora, E. Martin, B. Goldman, T. Gianinni, J. Eisloeffel, P. Groot, J. Fabregat, N. Hambly, A. Longmore, N. Walton, R. de Grijs, M. Hoare, A. Schroeder, T. Naylor, M. Barlow, A. Zijlstra, G. White, A. Gosling, K. McGowan, A. Adamson, R. Bandyopadhyay, M. Thompson, M. Cropper, J. Lucey, E. Kerins, S. Hodgkin and D. Pinfield: VISTA Milky Way Public Survey. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Serie de Conferencias 35, 263-264 (2009)
Mouillet, D., J. L. Beuzit, M. Feldt, K. Dohlen, P. Puget, F. Wildi, A. Boccaletti, T. Henning, C. Moutou, H. M. Schmid, M. Turatto, S. Udry, F. Vakili, R. Waters, A. Baruffolo, J. Charton, R. Claudi, T. Fusco, R. Gratton, N. Hubin, M. Kasper, M. Langlois, J. Pragt, R. Roelfsema and M. Saisse: SPHERE: a ‚Planet Finder‘ Instrument for the VLT. In: Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, (Ed.) Moorwood, A. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Springer Netherlands, 337-341 (2009)
Niemczura, E., F. Rodler and A. Müller: Atmospheric parameters and chemical composition of b Cephei stars in the open cluster NGC 3293. In: Proceedings of the 38th LIAC / HELAS-ESTA / BAG Evolution and Pulsation of Massive Stars on the Main Sequence and Close to it, (Eds.) Noels, A., C. Aerts, J. Montalbán, A. Miglio, M. Briquet. Communications in Asteroseismology 158, OAW, 146-150 (2009)
Osorio, M. R. Z., V. J. S. Béjar, B. Goldman, R. Rebolo, G. Bihain and H. Bouy: Search for wide, ultracool companions of nearby T dwarfs. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. American Institute of Physics Conference Series 1094, AIP, Springer, 576-579 (2009)
Ratzka, T., C. Leinert, R. van Boekel and A. A. Schegerer: Mid-infrared interferometric observations of young circumstellar discs. In: Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, (Ed.) Moorwood, A. F. M. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Springer, 101 (2009)
Rodríguez-Ledesma, M. V., R. Mundt, J. Eislöffel and W. Herbst: Rotational studies of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs in the Orion Nebula Cluster. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 118-123 (2009)
Schreiber, J., E. Wieprecht, J. de Jong, M. Wetzstein, J. Jacobson, R. Huygen, P. Appleton, J. Bouwman, A. Contursi, D. Fadda, C. Jean, U. Klaas, P. Royer and B. Vandenbussche: The HERSCHEL/PACS Spectrometer Pipeline. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII, (Eds.) Bohlender, D. A., D. Durand, P. Dowler. ASP Conf. Ser. 411, ASP, 478-481 (2009)
Shi, Y., P. Ogle, G. H. Rieke, R. Antonucci, D. C. Hines, P. S. Smith, F. J. Low, J. Bouwman and C. Willmer: Aromatic features in AGNs: star-forming infrared luminosity function of AGN host galaxies. In: The Starburst-AGN Connection, (Eds.) Wang, W., Z. Yang, Z. Luo, Z. Chen. ASP Conf. Ser. 408, ASP, 209-213 (2009)
Sicilia-Aguilar, A., T. Henning, A. Juhász, J. Bouwman, L. Hartmann and D. Watson: Evolution and Dispersal of Protoplanetary Disks. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 23-28 (2009)
Stecklum, B., A. Caratti O Garatti, C. Davis, H. Linz, T. Stanke and H. Zinnecker: Verification of candidate protostellar outflows in GLIMPSE. In: Protostellar Jets in Context, (Eds.) Tsinganos, K., T. Ray, M. Stute. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Series Springer, 619-621 (2009)
Steinacker, J.: Radiative transfer modeling of complex dusty structures. In: Interstellar Dust from Astronomical Observations to Fundamental Studies, (Eds.) Boulanger, F., C. Joblin, A. Jones, S. Madden. EAS Publications Series 35, EDP Sciences, 289-307 (2009)
Stolte, A., A. Ghez, M. Morris, J. Lu, W. Brandner and K. Matthews: The orbital motion of the Arches cluster: clues on cluster formation near the Galactic Center. Astrophysics and Space Science 324, 137-140 (2009)
Stumpf, M. B., W. Brandner, R. Köhler, H. Bouy and T. Henning: High-resolution AO monitoring of Kelu-1 AB. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 561-564 (2009)
Swain, M., D. Deming, C. Grillmair, M. Marley, J. Fortney, Y. Yung, C. Griffith, G. Orton, P. Deroo, G. Tinetti, G. Vasisht, T. Henning and J. Bouwman: Exoplanet Molecular Spectroscopy. In: Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers 291, (2009 online)
Swain, M. R., D. Deming, G. Vasisht, T. Henning, J. Bouwman and R. Akeson: THESIS – the terrestrial and habitable-zone exoplanet spectroscopy infrared spacecraft. In: Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Technology Development Papers 61, (2009 online)
Thalmann, C., M. Goto, J. Carson, M. Feldt, T. Henning, Y. Itoh, M. Janson, R. Kandori, G. R. Knapp, S. Mayama, M. McElwain, A. Moro-Martín, R. Suzuki, M. Tamura, E. L. Turner, T. Usuda and J. Wisniewski: SPOTS: search for planets of two stars-a direct imaging survey for exoplanets in binary systems. In: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity, (Eds.) Usuda, T., M. Tamura, M. Ishii. AIP Conference Proceedings 1158, AIP, 271-272 (2009)
Trieloff, M., J. Blum and H. Klahr: Overcoming the Accretion Barrier in Protoplanetary Discs by Conditions Prevailing at Chondrule Formation. Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement 72, 5215 pdf (2009)
Trowitzsch, J., A. Pavlov and W. Gässler: LINC-NIRVANA observation preparation software: design and perspective. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII, (Eds.) Bohlender, D. A., D. Durand, P. Dowler. ASP Conf. Ser. 411, ASP, 518-522 (2009)
Wieprecht, E., J. Schreiber, J. de Jong, J. Jacobson, C. Liu, B. Morien, M. Wetzstein, B. Ali, D. Frayer, D. Lutz, K. Okumura, P. Popesso and M. Sauvage: The HERSCHEL/PACS photometer pipeline. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII, (Eds.) Bohlender, D. A., D. Durand, P. Dowler. ASP Conf. Ser. 411, ASP, 531-535 (2009)
Wildi, F., J.-L. Beuzit, M. Feldt, D. Mouillet, K. Dohlen, P. Puget, A. Baruffolo, J. Charton, P. Baudoz, A. Boccaletti, L. Abe, R. Claudi, P. Feautrier, T. Fusco, R. Gratton, N. Hubin, M. Kasper, M. Langlois, R. Lenzen, A. Pavlov, C. Petit, J. Pragt, P. Rabou, R. Roelfsema, M. Saisse, H. M. Schmid, E. Stadler, C. Moutou, M. Turatto, S. Udry, R. Waters, T. Henning, A.-M. Lagrange and F. Vakili: SPHERE: the VLT planet imager in the post FDR phase. In: Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IV, (Ed.) Shaklan, S. B. SPIE 7440, SPIE, 74400P-74400P-11 (2009)
Wildi, F., D. Mouillet, J.-L. Beuzit, M. Feldt, K. Dohlen, T. Fusco, C. Petit, S. Desidera, R. Gratton, H.-M. Schmid, M. Langlois, A. Vigan, J. Charton, R. Claudi, R. Roelfsema, A. Baruffolo and P. Puget: Calibrating SPHERE, the exo-planet imager for the VLT. In: Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IV, (Ed.) Shaklan, S. B. SPIE 7440, SPIE, 74400Q-74400Q-11 (2009)
Woitke, P., B. Dent, W.-F. Thi, B. Sibthorpe, K. Rice, J. Williams, A. Sicilia-Aguilar, J. Brown, I. Kamp, I. Pascucci, R. Alexander and A. Roberge: Gas evolution in protoplanetary disks. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (Ed.) Stempels, E. AIP Conference Proceedings 1094, AIP, Springer, 225-233 (2009)
Wolf, S., B. Lopez, W. Jaffe, G. Weigelt, J. C. Augereau, N. Berruyer, O. Chesneau, W. C. Danchi, M. Delbo, K. Demyk, A. Domiciano, T. Henning, K. H. Hofmann, S. Kraus, C. Leinert, H. Linz, P. Mathias, K. Meisenheimer, J. L. Menut, F. Millour, L. Mosoni, A. Niedzielski, R. Petrov, T. Ratzka, B. Stecklum, E. Thiebaut, F. Vakili, L. B. F. M. Waters, O. Absil, J. Hron, S. Lagarde, A. Matter, N. Nardetto, J. Olofsson, B. Valat and M. Vannier: MATISSE science cases. In: Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, (Ed.) Moorwood, A. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Springer Netherlands, 359-360 (2009)