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Refereed Papers
Abdurro'uf, Accetta, K., Aerts, C., Silva Aguirre, V., Ahumada, R., Ajgaonkar, N., Filiz Ak, N., Alam, S., Allende Prieto, C., Almeida, A., Anders, F., Anderson, S. F., Andrews, B. H., Anguiano, B., Aquino-Ortíz, E., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Argudo-Fernández, M., Ata, M., Aubert, M., Avila-Reese, V., Badenes, C., Barbá, R. H., Barger, K., Barrera-Ballesteros, J. K., Beaton, R. L., Beers, T. C., Belfiore, F., Bender, C. F., Bernardi, M., Bershady, M. A., Beutler, F., Bidin, C. M., Bird, J. C., Bizyaev, D., Blanc, G. A., Blanton, M. R., Boardman, N. F., Bolton, A. S., Boquien, M., Borissova, J., Bovy, J., Brandt, W. N., Brown, J., Brownstein, J. R., Brusa, M., Buchner, J., Bundy, K., Burchett, J. N., Bureau, M., Burgasser, A., Cabang, T. K., Campbell, S., Cappellari, M., Carlberg, J. K., Wanderley, F. C., Carrera, R., Cash, J., Chen, Y.-P., Chen, W.-H., Cherinka, B., Chiappini, C., Choi, P. D., Chojnowski, S. D., Chung, H., Clerc, N., Cohen, R. E., Comerford, J. M., Comparat, J., da Costa, L., Covey, K., Crane, J. D., Cruz-Gonzalez, I., Culhane, C., Cunha, K., Dai, Y. S., Damke, G., Darling, J., Davidson, J. W., Jr., Davies, R., Dawson, K., De Lee, N., Diamond-Stanic, A. M., Cano-Díaz, M., Sánchez, H. D., Donor, J., Duckworth, C., Dwelly, T., Eisenstein, D. J., Elsworth, Y. P., Emsellem, E., Eracleous, M., Escoffier, S., Fan, X., Farr, E., Feng, S., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Feuillet, D., Filipp, A., Fillingham, S. P., Frinchaboy, P. M., Fromenteau, S., Galbany, L., García, R. A., García-Hernández, D. A., Ge, J., Geisler, D., Gelfand, J., Géron, T., Gibson, B. J., Goddy, J., Godoy-Rivera, D., Grabowski, K., Green, P. J., Greener, M., Grier, C. J., Griffith, E., Guo, H., Guy, J., Hadjara, M., Harding, P., Hasselquist, S., Hayes, C. R., Hearty, F., Hernández, J., Hill, L., Hogg, D. W., Holtzman, J. A., Horta, D., Hsieh, B.-C., Hsu, C.-H., Hsu, Y.-H., Huber, D., Huertas-Company, M., Hutchinson, B., Hwang, H. S., Ibarra-Medel, H. J., Chitham, J. I., Ilha, G. S., Imig, J., Jaekle, W., Jayasinghe, T., Ji, X., Johnson, J. A., Jones, A., Jönsson, H., Katkov, I., Khalatyan, A., Dr., Kinemuchi, K., Kisku, S., Knapen, J. H., Kneib, J.-P., Kollmeier, J. A., Kong, M., Kounkel, M., Kreckel, K., Krishnarao, D., Lacerna, I., Lane, R. R., Langgin, R., Lavender, R., Law, D. R., Lazarz, D., Leung, H. W., Leung, H.-H., Lewis, H. M., Li, C., Li, R., Lian, J., Liang, F.-H., Lin, L., Lin, Y.-T., Lin, S., Lintott, C., Long, D., Longa-Peña, P., López-Cobá, C., Lu, S., Lundgren, B. F., Luo, Y., Mackereth, J. T., de la Macorra, A., Mahadevan, S., Majewski, S. R., Manchado, A., Mandeville, T., Maraston, C., Margalef-Bentabol, B., Masseron, T., Masters, K. L., Mathur, S., McDermid, R. M., Mckay, M., Merloni, A., Merrifield, M., Meszaros, S., Miglio, A., Di Mille, F., Minniti, D., Minsley, R., Monachesi, A., Moon, J., Mosser, B., Mulchaey, J., Muna, D., Muñoz, R. R., Myers, A. D., Myers, N., Nadathur, S., Nair, P., Nandra, K., Neumann, J., Newman, J. A., Nidever, D. L., Nikakhtar, F., Nitschelm, C., O'Connell, J. E., Garma-Oehmichen, L., Luan Souza de Oliveira, G., Olney, R., Oravetz, D., Ortigoza-Urdaneta, M., Osorio, Y., Otter, J., Pace, Z. J., Padilla, N., Pan, K., Pan, H.-A., Parikh, T., Parker, J., Peirani, S., Peña Ramírez, K., Penny, S., Percival, W. J., Perez-Fournon, I., Pinsonneault, M., Poidevin, F., Poovelil, V. J., Price-Whelan, A. M., Bárbara de Andrade Queiroz, A., Raddick, M. J., Ray, A., Rembold, S. B., Riddle, N., Riffel, R. A., Riffel, R., Rix, H.-W., Robin, A. C., Rodríguez-Puebla, A., Roman-Lopes, A., Román-Zúñiga, C., Rose, B., Ross, A. J., Rossi, G., Rubin, K. H. R., Salvato, M., Sánchez, S. F., Sánchez-Gallego, J. R., Sanderson, R., Santana Rojas, F. A., Sarceno, E., Sarmiento, R., Sayres, C., Sazonova, E., Schaefer, A. L., Schiavon, R., Schlegel, D. J., Schneider, D. P., Schultheis, M., Schwope, A., Serenelli, A., Serna, J., Shao, Z., Shapiro, G., Sharma, A., Shen, Y., Shetrone, M., Shu, Y., Simon, J. D., Skrutskie, M. F., Smethurst, R., Smith, V., Sobeck, J., Spoo, T., Sprague, D., Stark, D. V., Stassun, K. G., Steinmetz, M., Stello, D., Stone-Martinez, A., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Stringfellow, G. S., Stutz, A., Su, Y.-C., Taghizadeh-Popp, M., Talbot, M. S., Tayar, J., Telles, E., Teske, J., Thakar, A., Theissen, C., Tkachenko, A., Thomas, D., Tojeiro, R., Hernandez Toledo, H., Troup, N. W., Trump, J. R., Trussler, J., Turner, J., Tuttle, S., Unda-Sanzana, E., Vázquez-Mata, J. A., Valentini, M., Valenzuela, O., Vargas-González, J., Vargas-Magaña, M., Alfaro, P. V., Villanova, S., Vincenzo, F., Wake, D., Warfield, J. T., Washington, J. D., Weaver, B. A., Weijmans, A.-M., Weinberg, D. H., Weiss, A., Westfall, K. B., Wild, V., Wilde, M. C., Wilson, J. C., Wilson, R. F., Wilson, M., Wolf, J., Wood-Vasey, W. M., Yan, R., Zamora, O., Zasowski, G., Zhang, K., Zhao, C., Zheng, Z., Zheng, Z. and Zhu, K.: The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 Data. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 259, 35 (2022)

Abrahams, E. S., Bloom, J. S., Szkody, P., Rix, H.-W. and Mowlavi, N.: Informing the Cataclysmic Variable Sequence from Gaia Data: The Orbital-period-Color-Absolute-magnitude Relationship. The Astrophysical Journal 938, 46 (2022)

Aguirre Børsen-Koch, V., Rørsted, J. L., Justesen, A. B., Stokholm, A., Verma, K., Winther, M. L., Knudstrup, E., Nielsen, K. B., Sahlholdt, C., Larsen, J. R., Cassisi, S., Serenelli, A. M., Casagrande, L., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Davies, G. R., Ferguson, J. W., Lund, M. N., Weiss, A. and White, T. R.: The BAyesian STellar algorithm (BASTA): a fitting tool for stellar studies, asteroseismology, exoplanets, and Galactic archaeology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 4344-4364 (2022)

Algera, H. S. B., Hodge, J. A., Riechers, D. A., Leslie, S. K., Smail, I., Aravena, M., Cunha, E. d., Daddi, E., Decarli, R., Dickinson, M., Gim, H. B., Guaita, L., Magnelli, B., Murphy, E. J., Pavesi, R., Sargent, M. T., Sharon, C. E., Wagg, J., Walter, F. and Yun, M.: COLDz: Probing Cosmic Star Formation With Radio Free-Free Emission. The Astrophysical Journal 924, 76 (2022)

Andika, I. T., Jahnke, K., Bañados, E., Bosman, S. E. I., Davies, F. B., Eilers, A.-C., Farina, E. P., Onoue, M. and van der Wel, A.: Staring at the Shadows of Archaic Galaxies: Damped Lyα and Metal Absorbers Toward a Young z ∼ 6 Weak-line Quasar. The Astronomical Journal 163, 251 (2022)

Arentsen, A., Placco, V. M., Lee, Y. S., Aguado, D. S., Martin, N. F., Starkenburg, E. and Yoon, J.: On the inconsistency of [C/Fe] abundances and the fractions of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars among various stellar surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 4082-4098 (2022)

Armstrong, J. J., Wright, N. J., Jeffries, R. D., Jackson, R. J. and Cantat-Gaudin, T.: The structure and 3D kinematics of vela OB2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5704-5720 (2022)

Arora, N., Macciò, A. V., Courteau, S., Buck, T., Libeskind, N. I., Sorce, J. G., Brook, C. B., Hoffman, Y., Yepes, G., Carlesi, E. and Stone, C.: NIHAO-LG: the uniqueness of Local Group dwarf galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 6134-6149 (2022)

Arrigoni Battaia, F., Chen, C.-C., Liu, H.-Y. B., De Breuck, C., Galametz, M., Fumagalli, M., Yang, Y., Zanella, A., Man, A., Obreja, A., Prochaska, J. X., Bañados, E., Hennawi, J. F., Farina, E. P., Zwaan, M. A., Decarli, R. and Lusso, E.: A Multiwavelength Study of ELAN Environments (AMUSE2). Mass Budget, Satellites Spin Alignment, and Gas Infall in a Massive z 3 Quasar Host Halo. The Astrophysical Journal 930, 72 (2022)

Ata, M., Lee, K.-G., Vecchia, C. D., Kitaura, F.-S., Cucciati, O., Lemaux, B. C., Kashino, D. and Müller, T.: Predicted future fate of COSMOS galaxy protoclusters over 11 Gyr with constrained simulations. Nature Astronomy 6, 857-865 (2022)

Bachelet, E., Tsapras, Y., Gould, A., Street, R. A., Bennett, D. P., Hundertmark, M. P. G., Bozza, V., Bramich, D. M., Cassan, A., Dominik, M., Horne, K., Mao, S., Saha, A., Wambsganss, J., Zang, W., ROME/REA Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Bond, I. A., Fukui, A., Fujii, H., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Matsubara, Y., Matsumoto, S., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Okamura, A., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Silva, S. I., Toda, T., Tristram, P. J., Vandorou, A., Yama, H., MOA Collaboration, Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Udalski, A., Mróz, P., Poleski, R., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M. and OGLE Collaboration: MOA-2019-BLG-008Lb: A New Microlensing Detection of an Object at the Planet/Brown Dwarf Boundary. The Astronomical Journal 164, 75 (2022)

Barnes, A. T., Chandar, R., Kreckel, K., Glover, S. C. O., Scheuermann, F., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Boquien, M., den Brok, J., Congiu, E., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Egorov, O. V., Eibensteiner, C., Emsellem, E., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Klessen, R. S., Hannon, S., Hassani, H., Lee, J. C., Leroy, A. K., Lopez, L. A., McLeod, A. F., Pan, H., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Schinnerer, E., Sormani, M. C., Thilker, D. A., Ubeda, L., Watkins, E. J. and Williams, T. G.: Linking stellar populations to H II regions across nearby galaxies. I. Constraining pre-supernova feedback from young clusters in NGC 1672. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, L6 (2022)

Bashi, D., Shahaf, S., Mazeh, T., Faigler, S., Dong, S., El-Badry, K., Rix, H. W. and Jorissen, A.: Gaia spectroscopic orbits validated with LAMOST and GALAH radial velocities. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 3888-3903 (2022)

Bautista, M. A., Bergemann, M., Gallego, H. C., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P. and Quinet, P.: Atomic radiative data for oxygen and nitrogen for solar photospheric studies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A18 (2022)

Belfiore, F., Santoro, F., Groves, B., Schinnerer, E., Kreckel, K., Glover, S. C. O., Klessen, R. S., Emsellem, E., Blanc, G. A., Congiu, E., Barnes, A. T., Boquien, M., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Pan, H.-A., Pessa, I., Schruba, A. and Williams, T. G.: A tale of two DIGs: The relative role of H II regions and low-mass hot evolved stars in powering the diffuse ionised gas (DIG) in PHANGS-MUSE galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A26 (2022)

Béthermin, M., Gkogkou, A., Van Cuyck, M., Lagache, G., Beelen, A., Aravena, M., Benoit, A., Bounmy, J., Calvo, M., Catalano, A., de Batz de Trenquelleon, B., De Breuck, C., Fasano, A., Ferrara, A., Goupy, J., Hoarau, C., Horellou, C., Hu, W., Julia, A., Knudsen, K., Lambert, J.-C., Macias-Perez, J., Marpaud, J., Monfardini, A., Pallottini, A., Ponthieu, N., Roehlly, Y., Vallini, L., Walter, F. and Weiss, A.: CONCERTO: High-fidelity simulation of millimeter line emissions of galaxies and [CII] intensity mapping. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A156 (2022)

Binks, A. S., Jeffries, R. D., Sacco, G. G., Jackson, R. J., Cao, L., Bayo, A., Bergemann, M., Bonito, R., Gilmore, G., Gonneau, A., Jiminéz-Esteban, F., Morbidelli, L., Randich, S., Roccatagliata, V., Smiljanic, R. and Zaggia, S.: The Gaia-ESO survey: constraining evolutionary models and ages for young low mass stars with measurements of lithium depletion and rotation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 5727-5751 (2022)

Bischetti, M., Feruglio, C., D'Odorico, V., Arav, N., Bañados, E., Becker, G., Bosman, S. E. I., Carniani, S., Cristiani, S., Cupani, G., Davies, R., Eilers, A. C., Farina, E. P., Ferrara, A., Maiolino, R., Mazzucchelli, C., Mesinger, A., Meyer, R. A., Onoue, M., Piconcelli, E., Ryan-Weber, E., Schindler, J.-T., Wang, F., Yang, J., Zhu, Y. and Fiore, F.: Suppression of black-hole growth by strong outflows at redshifts 5.8-6.6. Nature 605, 244-247 (2022)

Blank, M., Macciò, A. V., Kang, X., Dixon, K. L. and Soliman, N. H.: NIHAO - XXVII. Crossing the green valley. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 5296-5306 (2022)

Blomme, R., Daflon, S., Gebran, M., Herrero, A., Lobel, A., Mahy, L., Martins, F., Morel, T., Berlanas, S. R., Blazère, A., Frémat, Y., Gosset, E., Maíz Apellániz, J., Santos, W., Semaan, T., Simón-Díaz, S., Volpi, D., Holgado, G., Jiménez-Esteban, F., Nieva, M. F., Przybilla, N., Gilmore, G., Randich, S., Negueruela, I., Prusti, T., Vallenari, A., Alfaro, E. J., Bensby, T., Bragaglia, A., Flaccomio, E., Francois, P., Korn, A. J., Lanzafame, A., Pancino, E., Smiljanic, R., Bergemann, M., Carraro, G., Franciosini, E., Gonneau, A., Heiter, U., Hourihane, A., Jofré, P., Magrini, L., Morbidelli, L., Sacco, G. G., Worley, C. C. and Zaggia, S.: The Gaia-ESO Survey: The analysis of the hot-star spectra. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A120 (2022)

Boardman, N., Zasowski, G., Newman, J. A., Sanchez, S. F., Andrews, B., Barrera-Ballesteros, J. K., Lian, J., Riffel, R., Riffel, R. A., Schaefer, A. and Bundy, K.: How well do local relations predict gas-phase metallicity gradients? Results from SDSS-IV MaNGA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 2298-2314 (2022)

Boecker, A., Neumayer, N., Pillepich, A., Frankel, N., Ramesh, R., Leaman, R. and Hernquist, L.: The Origin of Stars in the Inner 500 Parsecs in TNG50 Galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)

Böker, T., Arribas, S., Lützgendorf, N., Alves de Oliveira, C., Beck, T. L., Birkmann, S., Bunker, A. J., Charlot, S., de Marchi, G., Ferruit, P., Giardino, G., Jakobsen, P., Kumari, N., López-Caniego, M., Maiolino, R., Manjavacas, E., Marston, A., Moseley, S. H., Muzerolle, J., Ogle, P., Pirzkal, N., Rauscher, B., Rawle, T., Rix, H.-W., Sabbi, E., Sargent, B., Sirianni, M., te Plate, M., Valenti, J., Willott, C. J. and Zeidler, P.: The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope. III. Integral-field spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A82 (2022)

Bolton, J. S., Gaikwad, P., Haehnelt, M. G., Kim, T.-S., Nasir, F., Puchwein, E., Viel, M. and Wakker, B. P.: Limits on non-canonical heating and turbulence in the intergalactic medium from the low redshift Lyman α forest. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 864-885 (2022)

Bosman, S. E. I., Davies, F. B., Becker, G. D., Keating, L. C., Davies, R. L., Zhu, Y., Eilers, A.-C., D'Odorico, V., Bian, F., Bischetti, M., Cristiani, S. V., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Haehnelt, M. G., Hennawi, J. F., Kulkarni, G., Mesinger, A., Meyer, R. A., Onoue, M., Pallottini, A., Qin, Y., Ryan-Weber, E., Schindler, J.-T., Walter, F., Wang, F. and Yang, J.: Hydrogen reionization ends by z = 5.3: Lyman-α optical depth measured by the XQR-30 sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 55-76 (2022)

Bouché, N. F., Bera, S., Krajnović, D., Emsellem, E., Mercier, W., Schaye, J., Epinat, B., Richard, J., Zoutendijk, S. L., Abril-Melgarejo, V., Brinchmann, J., Bacon, R., Contini, T., Boogaard, L., Wisotzki, L., Maseda, M. and Steinmetz, M.: The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: Evidence for SFR-induced cores in dark-matter dominated galaxies at z ≃ 1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A76 (2022)

Bragaglia, A., Alfaro, E. J., Flaccomio, E., Blomme, R., Donati, P., Costado, M., Damiani, F., Franciosini, E., Prisinzano, L., Randich, S., Friel, E. D., Hatztidimitriou, D., Vallenari, A., Spagna, A., Balaguer-Nunez, L., Bonito, R., Cantat Gaudin, T., Casamiquela, L., Jeffries, R. D., Jordi, C., Magrini, L., Drew, J. E., Jackson, R. J., Abbas, U., Caramazza, M., Hayes, C., Jiménez-Esteban, F. M., Re Fiorentin, P., Wright, N., Bayo, A., Bensby, T., Bergemann, M., Gilmore, G., Gonneau, A., Heiter, U., Hourihane, A., Pancino, E., Sacco, G., Smiljanic, R., Zaggia, S. and Vink, J. S.: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Target selection of open cluster stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A200 (2022)

Burdge, K. B., El-Badry, K., Marsh, T. R., Rappaport, S., Brown, W. R., Caiazzo, I., Chakrabarty, D., Dhillon, V. S., Fuller, J., Gänsicke, B. T., Graham, M. J., Kara, E., Kulkarni, S. R., Littlefair, S. P., Mróz, P., Rodríguez-Gil, P., Roestel, J. v., Simcoe, R. A., Bellm, E. C., Drake, A. J., Dekany, R. G., Groom, S. L., Laher, R. R., Masci, F. J., Riddle, R., Smith, R. M. and Prince, T. A.: A dense 0.1-solar-mass star in a 51-minute-orbital-period eclipsing binary. Nature 610, 467-471 (2022)

Buttry, R., Pace, A. B., Koposov, S. E., Walker, M. G., Caldwell, N., Kirby, E. N., Martin, N. F., Mateo, M., Olszewski, E. W., Starkenburg, E., Badenes, C. and Daher, C. M.: Stellar kinematics of dwarf galaxies from multi-epoch spectroscopy: application to Triangulum II. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 1706-1719 (2022)

Cagliari, M. S., Granett, B. R., Guzzo, L., Bolzonella, M., Pozzetti, L., Tutusaus, I., Camera, S., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bender, R., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Cropper, M., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Ferriol, S., Fourmanoit, N., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Garilli, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hudelot, P., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Meneghetti, M., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Raison, F., Rebolo, R., Rhodes, J., Rix, H.-W., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Scaramella, R., Schneider, P., Scodeggio, M., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Baldi, M., Farinelli, R., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Polenta, G., Romelli, E., Vassallo, T. and Humphrey, A.: Euclid: Constraining ensemble photometric redshift distributions with stacked spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A9 (2022)

Chen, H., Eilers, A.-C., Bosman, S. E. I., Gnedin, N. Y., Fan, X., Wang, F., Yang, J., D'Odorico, V., Becker, G. D., Bischetti, M., Mazzucchelli, C., Mesinger, A. and Pallottini, A.: Measuring the Density Fields around Bright Quasars at z 6 with XQR-30 Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal 931, 29 (2022)

Chevance, M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Krumholz, M. R., Groves, B., Keller, B. W., Hughes, A., Glover, S. C. O., Henshaw, J. D., Herrera, C. N., Kim, J., Leroy, A. K., Pety, J., Razza, A., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Dale, D. A., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C. M., Grasha, K., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Liu, D., Longmore, S. N., Meidt, S. E., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sun, J. and Usero, A.: Pre-supernova feedback mechanisms drive the destruction of molecular clouds in nearby star-forming disc galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 272-288 (2022)

Chua, K. T. E., Vogelsberger, M., Pillepich, A. and Hernquist, L.: The impact of galactic feedback on the shapes of dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 2681-2697 (2022)

Chung, S.-J., Yee, J. C., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Jung, Y. K., Hwang, K.-H., Han, C., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Poleski, R., Mróz, P., Pietrukowicz, P., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Kozłowski, S., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M. and Ulaczyk, K.: OGLE-2019-BLG-0362Lb: A Super-Jovian-Mass Planet around a Low-Mass Star. Journal of Korean Astronomical Society 55, 123-130 (2022)

Clark, J. T., Wright, D. J., Wittenmyer, R. A., Horner, J., Hinkel, N. R., Clerté, M., Carter, B. D., Buder, S., Hayden, M. R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Casey, A. R., De Silva, G. M., D'Orazi, V., Freeman, K. C., Kos, J., Lewis, G. F., Lin, J., Lind, K., Martell, S. L., Schlesinger, K. J., Sharma, S., Simpson, J. D., Stello, D., Zucker, D. B., Zwitter, T., Munari, U. and Nordlander, T.: The GALAH Survey: improving our understanding of confirmed and candidate planetary systems with large stellar surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 2041-2060 (2022)

Comparat, J., Truong, N., Merloni, A., Pillepich, A., Ponti, G., Driver, S., Bellstedt, S., Liske, J., Aird, J., Brüggen, M., Bulbul, E., Davies, L., Villalba, J. A. G., Georgakakis, A., Haberl, F., Liu, T., Maitra, C., Nandra, K., Popesso, P., Predehl, P., Robotham, A., Salvato, M., Thorne, J. E. and Zhang, Y.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS). X-ray emission around star-forming and quiescent galaxies at 0.05 < z < 0.3. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A156 (2022)

Contardo, G., Hogg, D. W., Hunt, J. A. S., Peek, J. E. G. and Chen, Y.-C.: The Emptiness Inside: Finding Gaps, Valleys, and Lacunae with Geometric Data Analysis. The Astronomical Journal 164, 226 (2022)

Contarini, S., Verza, G., Pisani, A., Hamaus, N., Sahlén, M., Carbone, C., Dusini, S., Marulli, F., Moscardini, L., Renzi, A., Sirignano, C., Stanco, L., Aubert, M., Bonici, M., Castignani, G., Courtois, H. M., Escoffier, S., Guinet, D., Kovacs, A., Lavaux, G., Massara, E., Nadathur, S., Pollina, G., Ronconi, T., Ruppin, F., Sakr, Z., Veropalumbo, A., Wandelt, B. D., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Baldi, M., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Courbin, F., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Ealet, A., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Haugan, S., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kümmel, M., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Melchior, M., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sartoris, B., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Sirri, G., Surace, C., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Maino, D. and Mei, S.: Euclid: Cosmological forecasts from the void size function. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A162 (2022)

Coronado, J., Fürnkranz, V. and Rix, H.-W.: Pearls on a String: Numerous Stellar Clusters Strung Along the Same Orbit. The Astrophysical Journal 928, 70 (2022)

Cox, E. G., Novak, G., Sadavoy, S. I., Looney, L. W., Lee, D., Berthoud, M., Bourke, T. L., Coudé, S., Encalada, F., Fissel, L. M., Harrison, R., Houde, M., Li, Z.-Y., Myers, P. C., Pattle, K., Santos, F. P., Stephens, I. W., Wang, H. and Wolf, S.: The Twisted Magnetic Field of the Protobinary L483. The Astrophysical Journal 932, 34 (2022)

da Silva, R., Crestani, J., Bono, G., Braga, V. F., D'Orazi, V., Lemasle, B., Bergemann, M., Dall'Ora, M., Fiorentino, G., François, P., Groenewegen, M. A. T., Inno, L., Kovtyukh, V., Kudritzki, R.-P., Matsunaga, N., Monelli, M., Pietrinferni, A., Porcelli, L., Storm, J., Tantalo, M. and Thévénin, F.: A new and Homogeneous metallicity scale for Galactic classical Cepheids. II. Abundance of iron and α elements. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A104 (2022)

Davies, F. B. and Furlanetto, S. R.: Improved treatments of the ionizing photon mean free path in seminumerical simulations of reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 1302-1314 (2022)

Davis, T. A., Gensior, J., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Choi, W., Elford, J. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Lelli, F., Liang, F.-H., Liu, L., Ruffa, I., Saito, T., Sarzi, M., Schruba, A. and Williams, T. G.: WISDOM Project - X. The morphology of the molecular ISM in galaxy centres and its dependence on galaxy structure. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 1522-1540 (2022)

de Graaff, A., Franx, M., Bell, E. F., Bezanson, R., Schaller, M., Schaye, J. and van der Wel, A.: A common origin for the Fundamental Plane of quiescent and star-forming galaxies in the EAGLE simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)

Decarli, R., Pensabene, A., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Bañados, E., Bertoldi, F., Carilli, C. L., Cox, P., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Ferkinhoff, C., Groves, B. A., Li, J., Mazzucchelli, C., Neri, R., Riechers, D. A., Uzgil, B., Wang, F., Wang, R., Weiss, A., Winters, J. M. and Yang, J.: Molecular gas in z ∼ 6 quasar host galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A60 (2022)

Deger, S., Lee, J. C., Whitmore, B. C., Thilker, D. A., Boquien, M., Chandar, R., Dale, D. A., Ubeda, L., White, R., Grasha, K., Glover, S. C. O., Schruba, A., Barnes, A. T., Klessen, R., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Rosolowsky, E. and Williams, T. G.: Bright, relatively isolated star clusters in PHANGS-HST galaxies: Aperture corrections, quantitative morphologies, and comparison with synthetic stellar population models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 32-53 (2022)

den Brok, J. S., Bigiel, F., Sliwa, K., Saito, T., Usero, A., Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A. K., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Rosolowsky, E., Barnes, A. T., Puschnig, J., Pety, J., Schruba, A., Bešlić, I., Cao, Y., Eibensteiner, C., Glover, S. C. O., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Meidt, S. E., Neumann, L., Tomičić, N., Pan, H.-A., Querejeta, M., Watkins, E., Williams, T. G. and Wilner, D.: A CO isotopologue Line Atlas within the Whirlpool galaxy Survey (CLAWS). Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A89 (2022)

Dib, S.: The galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function in the presence of cluster-to-cluster IMF variations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A113 (2022)

Dib, S., Kravtsov, V. V., Haghi, H., Zonoozi, A. H. and Belinchón, J. A.: Stellar collisions in globular clusters: Constraints on the initial mass function of the first generation of stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A145 (2022)

Dihingia, I. K., Vaidya, B. and Fendt, C.: Truncated accretion discs in black hole X-ray binaries: dynamics and variability signatures. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5032-5049 (2022)

Doliva-Dolinsky, A., Martin, N. F., Thomas, G. F., Ferguson, A. M. N., Ibata, R. A., Lewis, G. F., Mackey, D., McConnachie, A. W. and Yuan, Z.: The PAndAS View of the Andromeda Satellite System. III. Dwarf Galaxy Detection Limits. The Astrophysical Journal 933, 135 (2022)

Eibensteiner, C., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Schinnerer, E., Liu, D., Meier, D. S., Usero, A., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Puschnig, J., Lazar, I., Pety, J., Lopez, L. A., Emsellem, E., Bešlić, I., Querejeta, M., Murphy, E. J., den Brok, J., Schruba, A., Chevance, M., Glover, S. C. O., Gao, Y., Grasha, K., Hassani, H., Henshaw, J. D., Jimenez-Donaire, M. J., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Pan, H.-A., Saito, T., Sormani, M. C., Teng, Y.-H. and Williams, T. G.: A 2-3 mm high-resolution molecular line survey towards the centre of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A173 (2022)

Eilers, A.-C., Hogg, D. W., Rix, H.-W., Ness, M. K., Price-Whelan, A. M., Mészáros, S. and Nitschelm, C.: Stellar Abundance Maps of the Milky Way Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 928, 23 (2022)

Eilers, A.-C., Hogg, D. W., Schölkopf, B., Foreman-Mackey, D., Davies, F. B. and Schindler, J.-T.: A Generative Model for Quasar Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal 938, 17 (2022)

Eisert, L., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Klessen, R. S., Huertas-Company, M. and Rodriguez-Gomez, V.: ERGO-ML I: Inferring the assembly histories of IllustrisTNG galaxies from integral observable properties via invertible neural networks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)

El-Badry, K. and Burdge, K. B.: NGC 1850 BH1 is another stripped-star binary masquerading as a black hole. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 24-29 (2022)

El-Badry, K., Burdge, K. B. and Mróz, P.: NGC 2004 #115: a black hole imposter containing three luminous stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 3089-3100 (2022)

El-Badry, K., Conroy, C., Fuller, J., Kiman, R., van Roestel, J., Rodriguez, A. C. and Burdge, K. B.: Magnetic braking saturates: evidence from the orbital period distribution of low-mass detached eclipsing binaries from ZTF. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 4916-4939 (2022)

El-Badry, K., Conroy, C., Quataert, E., Rix, H.-W., Labadie-Bartz, J., Jayasinghe, T., Thompson, T., Cargile, P., Stassun, K. G. and Ilyin, I.: Birth of a Be star: an APOGEE search for Be stars forming through binary mass transfer. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 3602-3630 (2022)

El-Badry, K. and Rix, H.-W.: What are the spectroscopic binaries with high-mass functions near the Gaia DR3 main sequence? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 1266-1275 (2022)

El-Badry, K., Seeburger, R., Jayasinghe, T., Rix, H.-W., Almada, S., Conroy, C., Price-Whelan, A. M. and Burdge, K.: Unicorns and giraffes in the binary zoo: stripped giants with subgiant companions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 5620-5641 (2022)

Emsellem, E., Schinnerer, E., Santoro, F., Belfiore, F., Pessa, I., McElroy, R., Blanc, G. A., Congiu, E., Groves, B., Ho, I.-T., Kreckel, K., Razza, A., Sanchez-Blazquez, P., Egorov, O., Faesi, C., Klessen, R. S., Leroy, A. K., Meidt, S., Querejeta, M., Rosolowsky, E., Scheuermann, F., Anand, G. S., Barnes, A. T., Bešlić, I., Bigiel, F., Boquien, M., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Eibensteiner, C., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Hughes, A., Koch, E. W., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Lee, J., Liu, D., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Saito, T., Sandstrom, K. M., Schruba, A., Sun, J., Thilker, D. A., Usero, A., Watkins, E. J. and Williams, T. G.: The PHANGS-MUSE survey. Probing the chemo-dynamical evolution of disc galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A191 (2022)

Errani, R., Navarro, J. F., Ibata, R., Martin, N., Yuan, Z., Aguado, D. S., Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., González Hernández, J. I., Malhan, K., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Sestito, F., Starkenburg, E., Thomas, G. F. and Venn, K. A.: The Pristine survey - XVIII. C-19: tidal debris of a dark matter-dominated globular cluster? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 3532-3540 (2022)

Espaillat, C. C., Herczeg, G. J., Thanathibodee, T., Pittman, C., Calvet, N., Arulanantham, N., France, K., Serna, J., Hernández, J., Kóspál, Á., Walter, F. M., Frasca, A., Fischer, W. J., Johns-Krull, C. M., Schneider, P. C., Robinson, C., Edwards, S., Ábrahám, P., Fang, M., Erkal, J., Manara, C. F., Alcalá, J. M., Alecian, E., Alexander, R. D., Alonso-Santiago, J., Antoniucci, S., Ardila, D. R., Banzatti, A., Benisty, M., Bergin, E. A., Biazzo, K., Briceño, C., Campbell-White, J., Cleeves, L. I., Coffey, D., Eislöffel, J., Facchini, S., Fedele, D., Fiorellino, E., Froebrich, D., Gangi, M., Giannini, T., Grankin, K., Günther, H. M., Guo, Z., Hartmann, L., Hillenbrand, L. A., Hinton, P. C., Kastner, J. H., Koen, C., Maucó, K., Mendigutía, I., Nisini, B., Panwar, N., Principe, D. A., Robberto, M., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Valenti, J. A., Wendeborn, J., Williams, J. P., Xu, Z. and Yadav, R. K.: The ODYSSEUS Survey. Motivation and First Results: Accretion, Ejection, and Disk Irradiation of CVSO 109. The Astronomical Journal 163, 114 (2022)

Euclid Collaboration, Borlaff, A. S., Gómez-Alvarez, P., Altieri, B., Marcum, P. M., Vavrek, R., Laureijs, R., Kohley, R., Buitrago, F., Cuillandre, J.-C., Duc, P.-A., Gaspar Venancio, L. M., Amara, A., Andreon, S., Auricchio, N., Azzollini, R., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Bender, R., Biviano, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Camera, S., Candini, G. P., Capobianco, V., Cappi, A., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, S., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Castignani, G., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Di Ferdinando, D., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Fabricius, M., Farina, M., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Ferriol, S., Finelli, F., Flose-Reimberg, P., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Galeotta, S., Ganga, K., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kitching, T., Knapen, J. H., Kubik, B., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Liebing, P., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lindholm, V., Lloro, I., Mainetti, G., Maino, D., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Martinelli, M., Martinet, N., Martínez-Delgado, D., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maturi, M., Maurogordato, S., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Meneghetti, M., Merlin, E., Metcalf, R. B., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Morgante, G., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nakajima, R., Neissner, C., Niemi, S. M., Nightingale, J. W., Nucita, A., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Patrizii, L., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Potter, D., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rebolo, R., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Roncarelli, M., Rosset, C., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Sauvage, M., Schneider, P., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Skottfelt, J., Stanco, L., Starck, J. L., Sureau, F., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tenti, M., Tereno, I., Teyssier, R., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Tutusaus, I., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Valiviita, J., Vassallo, T., Viel, M., Wang, Y., Weller, J., Whittaker, L., Zacchei, A., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation. XVI. Exploring the ultra-low surface brightness Universe with Euclid/VIS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A92 (2022)

Euclid Collaboration, Bretonnière, H., Huertas-Company, M., Boucaud, A., Lanusse, F., Jullo, E., Merlin, E., Tuccillo, D., Castellano, M., Brinchmann, J., Conselice, C. J., Dole, H., Cabanac, R., Courtois, H. M., Castander, F. J., Duc, P. A., Fosalba, P., Guinet, D., Kruk, S., Kuchner, U., Serrano, S., Soubrie, E., Tramacere, A., Wang, L., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bender, R., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brau-Nogue, S., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hudelot, P., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kohley, R., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Melchior, M., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nakajima, R., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rebolo, R., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Starck, J.-L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Camera, S., Farinelli, R., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Polenta, G., Romelli, E., Tenti, M., Vassallo, T., Zacchei, A., Zucca, E., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Biviano, A., Borgani, S., Bozzo, E., Burigana, C., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, S., Castignani, G., Colodro-Conde, C., Coupon, J., de la Torre, S., Fabricius, M., Farina, M., Ferreira, P. G., Flose-Reimberg, P., Fotopoulou, S., Galeotta, S., Ganga, K., Garcia-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gozaliasl, G., Hook, I. M., Joachimi, B., Kansal, V., Kashlinsky, A., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Lindholm, V., Mainetti, G., Maino, D., Maoli, R., Martinelli, M., Martinet, N., McCracken, H. J., Metcalf, R. B., Morgante, G., Morisset, N., Nightingale, J., Nucita, A., Patrizii, L., Potter, D., Renzi, A., Riccio, G., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Schirmer, M., Schultheis, M., Scottez, V., Sefusatti, E., Teyssier, R., Tutusaus, I., Valiviita, J., Viel, M., Whittaker, L. and Knapen, J. H.: Euclid preparation. XIII. Forecasts for galaxy morphology with the Euclid Survey using deep generative models. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A90 (2022)

Euclid Collaboration, Ilić, S., Aghanim, N., Baccigalupi, C., Bermejo-Climent, J. R., Fabbian, G., Legrand, L., Paoletti, D., Ballardini, M., Archidiacono, M., Douspis, M., Finelli, F., Ganga, K., Hernández-Monteagudo, C., Lattanzi, M., Marinucci, D., Migliaccio, M., Carbone, C., Casas, S., Martinelli, M., Tutusaus, I., Natoli, P., Ntelis, P., Pagano, L., Wenzl, L., Gruppuso, A., Kitching, T., Langer, M., Mauri, N., Patrizii, L., Renzi, A., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Tenti, M., Vielzeuf, P., Lacasa, F., Polenta, G., Yankelevich, V., Blanchard, A., Sakr, Z., Pourtsidou, A., Camera, S., Cardone, V. F., Kilbinger, M., Kunz, M., Markovic, K., Pettorino, V., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bender, R., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Farrens, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hudelot, P., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kohley, R., Kubik, B., Kümmel, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Meneghetti, M., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Percival, W., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rebolo, R., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Scaramella, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Starck, J. L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Verdoes Kleijn, G. A., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Rosset, C., Sureau, F., Vassallo, T., Zacchei, A., Andreon, S., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Biviano, A., Borgani, S., Bozzo, E., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Castignani, G., Colodro-Conde, C., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cuby, J., de la Torre, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Dole, H., Farina, M., Ferreira, P. G., Flose-Reimberg, P., Galeotta, S., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Lindholm, V., Mainetti, G., Maino, D., Martinet, N., Maturi, M., Metcalf, R. B., Morgante, G., Neissner, C., Nightingale, J., Nucita, A. A., Potter, D., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Schirmer, M., Schultheis, M., Scottez, V., Teyssier, R., Tramacere, A., Valiviita, J., Viel, M., Whittaker, L. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation. XV. Forecasting cosmological constraints for the Euclid and CMB joint analysis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A91 (2022)

Euclid Collaboration, Lepori, F., Tutusaus, I., Viglione, C., Bonvin, C., Camera, S., Castander, F. J., Durrer, R., Fosalba, P., Jelic-Cizmek, G., Kunz, M., Adamek, J., Casas, S., Martinelli, M., Sakr, Z., Sapone, D., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Courbin, F., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hudelot, P., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kümmel, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Melchior, M., Meneghetti, M., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nakajima, R., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Starck, J.-L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Bardelli, S., Fabbian, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Maino, D., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Renzi, A., Romelli, E., Sureau, F., Vassallo, T., Zacchei, A., Zucca, E., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Bernardeau, F., Biviano, A., Blanchard, A., Bolzonella, M., Borgani, S., Bozzo, E., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Castignani, G., Colodro-Conde, C., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cuby, J.-G., Davini, S., de la Torre, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Farina, M., Ferreira, P. G., Finelli, F., Galeotta, S., Ganga, K., Garcia-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gozaliasl, G., Hook, I. M., Ilić, S., Joachimi, B., Kansal, V., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Lindholm, V., Mainetti, G., Maoli, R., Martinet, N., Maturi, M., Metcalf, R. B., Monaco, P., Morgante, G., Nightingale, J., Nucita, A., Patrizii, L., Popa, V., Potter, D., Riccio, G., Sánchez, A. G., Schirmer, M., Schultheis, M., Scottez, V., Sefusatti, E., Tramacere, A., Valiviita, J., Viel, M. and Hildebrandt, H.: Euclid preparation. XIX. Impact of magnification on photometric galaxy clustering. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A93 (2022)

Euclid Collaboration, Moneti, A., McCracken, H. J., Shuntov, M., Kauffmann, O. B., Capak, P., Davidzon, I., Ilbert, O., Scarlata, C., Toft, S., Weaver, J., Chary, R., Cuby, J., Faisst, A. L., Masters, D. C., McPartland, C., Mobasher, B., Sanders, D. B., Scaramella, R., Stern, D., Szapudi, I., Teplitz, H., Zalesky, L., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brau-Nogue, S., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Granett, B. R., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hudelot, P., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kohley, R., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Meneghetti, M., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rebolo, R., Rhodes, J., Rix, H., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Bardelli, S., Camera, S., Graciá-Carpio, J., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Polenta, G., Romelli, E., Sureau, F., Tenti, M., Vassallo, T., Zacchei, A., Zucca, E., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Bernardeau, F., Biviano, A., Bolzonella, M., Bozzo, E., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, S., Castignani, G., Colodro-Conde, C., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Di Ferdinando, D., Farina, M., Finelli, F., Flose-Reimberg, P., Fotopoulou, S., Galeotta, S., Ganga, K., Garcia-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gozaliasl, G., Hook, I., Joachimi, B., Kansal, V., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Lindholm, V., Mainetti, G., Maino, D., Maoli, R., Martinelli, M., Martinet, N., Maturi, M., Metcalf, R. B., Morgante, G., Morisset, N., Nucita, A., Patrizii, L., Potter, D., Renzi, A., Riccio, G., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Schirmer, M., Schultheis, M., Scottez, V., Sefusatti, E., Teyssier, R., Tubio, O., Tutusaus, I., Valiviita, J., Viel, M. and Hildebrandt, H.: Euclid preparation. XVII. Cosmic Dawn Survey: Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Euclid deep fields and calibration fields. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A126 (2022)

Euclid Collaboration, Saglia, R., De Nicola, S., Fabricius, M., Guglielmo, V., Snigula, J., Zöller, R., Bender, R., Heidt, J., Masters, D., Stern, D., Paltani, S., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Baldi, M., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Courbin, F., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Farrens, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hornstrup, A., Jahnke, K., Kümmel, M., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., McCracken, H. J., Melchior, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Rossetti, E., Sapone, D., Sartoris, B., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Tutusaus, I., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Zacchei, A., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Bardelli, S., Graciá-Carpio, J., Maino, D., Mauri, N., Tramacere, A., Zucca, E., Alvarez Ayllon, A., Aussel, H., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Ballardini, M., Biviano, A., Bolzonella, M., Bozzo, E., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, S., Castignani, G., Cooray, A., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Davini, S., Desprez, G., Dole, H., Escartin, J. A., Escoffier, S., Farina, M., Fotopoulou, S., Ganga, K., Garcia-Bellido, J., George, K., Giacomini, F., Gozaliasl, G., Hildebrandt, H., Hook, I., Ilbert, O., Kansal, V., Kashlinsky, A., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Loureiro, A., Macías-Pérez, J., Magliocchetti, M., Mainetti, G., Maoli, R., Martinelli, M., Martinet, N., Metcalf, R. B., Morgante, G., Nadathur, S., Nucita, A. A., Patrizii, L., Popa, V., Porciani, C., Potter, D., Pourtsidou, A., Reimberg, P., Sánchez, A. G., Sakr, Z., Schirmer, M., Sefusatti, E., Sereno, M., Stadel, J., Teyssier, R., Valieri, C., Valiviita, J., Veropalumbo, A. and Viel, M.: Euclid preparation. XX. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey: LBT observations and data release. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A196 (2022)

Euclid Collaboration, Scaramella, R., Amiaux, J., Mellier, Y., Burigana, C., Carvalho, C. S., Cuillandre, J.-C., Da Silva, A., Derosa, A., Dinis, J., Maiorano, E., Maris, M., Tereno, I., Laureijs, R., Boenke, T., Buenadicha, G., Dupac, X., Gaspar Venancio, L. M., Gómez-Álvarez, P., Hoar, J., Lorenzo Alvarez, J., Racca, G. D., Saavedra-Criado, G., Schwartz, J., Vavrek, R., Schirmer, M., Aussel, H., Azzollini, R., Cardone, V. F., Cropper, M., Ealet, A., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Granett, B. R., Guzzo, L., Hoekstra, H., Jahnke, K., Kitching, T., Maciaszek, T., Meneghetti, M., Miller, L., Nakajima, R., Niemi, S. M., Pasian, F., Percival, W. J., Pottinger, S., Sauvage, M., Scodeggio, M., Wachter, S., Zacchei, A., Aghanim, N., Amara, A., Auphan, T., Auricchio, N., Awan, S., Balestra, A., Bender, R., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brau-Nogue, S., Brescia, M., Candini, G. P., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carlberg, R. G., Carretero, J., Casas, R., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Courbin, F., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dusini, S., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Fosalba, P., Fourmanoit, N., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hudelot, P., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kohley, R., Kubik, B., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Lahav, O., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Melchior, M., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Mohr, J. J., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nichol, R. C., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Peacock, J., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rebolo, R., Rhodes, J., Rix, H.-W., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Schrabback, T., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Skottfelt, J., Stanco, L., Starck, J. L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Teplitz, H. I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Trifoglio, M., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Verdoes Kleijn, G. A., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J., Wetzstein, M., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Boucaud, A., Camera, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Fabbian, G., Farinelli, R., Galeotta, S., Graciá-Carpio, J., Maino, D., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Neissner, C., Polenta, G., Renzi, A., Romelli, E., Rosset, C., Sureau, F., Tenti, M., Vassallo, T., Zucca, E., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Battaglia, P., Biviano, A., Borgani, S., Bozzo, E., Cabanac, R., Cappi, A., Casas, S., Castignani, G., Colodro-Conde, C., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cuby, J., de la Torre, S., Desai, S., Dole, H., Fabricius, M., Farina, M., Ferreira, P. G., Finelli, F., Flose-Reimberg, P., Fotopoulou, S., Ganga, K., Gozaliasl, G., Hook, I. M., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Liebing, P., Lindholm, V., Mainetti, G., Martinelli, M., Martinet, N., Maturi, M., McCracken, H. J., Metcalf, R. B., Morgante, G., Nightingale, J., Nucita, A., Patrizii, L., Potter, D., Riccio, G., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Schewtschenko, J. A., Schultheis, M., Scottez, V., Teyssier, R., Tutusaus, I., Valiviita, J., Viel, M., Vriend, W. and Whittaker, L.: Euclid preparation. I. The Euclid Wide Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A112 (2022)

Euclid Collaboration, Schirmer, M., Jahnke, K., Seidel, G., Aussel, H., Bodendorf, C., Grupp, F., Hormuth, F., Wachter, S., Appleton, P. N., Barbier, R., Brinchmann, J., Carrasco, J. M., Castander, F. J., Coupon, J., De Paolis, F., Franco, A., Ganga, K., Hudelot, P., Jullo, E., Lançon, A., Nucita, A. A., Paltani, S., Smadja, G., Strafella, F., Venancio, L. M. G., Weiler, M., Amara, A., Auphan, T., Auricchio, N., Balestra, A., Bender, R., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Casas, R., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Courbin, F., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Guzzo, L., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hornstrup, A., Kümmel, M., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kohley, R., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maciaszek, T., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Mellier, Y., Meneghetti, M., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nakajima, R., Nichol, R. C., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Prieto, E., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Rix, H.-W., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sartoris, B., Scaramella, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Teplitz, H. I., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Trifoglio, M., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Bardelli, S., Boucaud, A., Camera, S., Farinelli, R., Graciá-Carpio, J., Maino, D., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Morisset, N., Polenta, G., Renzi, A., Romelli, E., Tenti, M., Vassallo, T., Zacchei, A., Zucca, E., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Biviano, A., Blanchard, A., Borgani, S., Bozzo, E., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, S., Castignani, G., Colodro-Conde, C., Cooray, A. R., Courtois, H. M., Crocce, M., Cuby, J.-G., Davini, S., de la Torre, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Escartin, J. A., Farina, M., Ferreira, P. G., Finelli, F., Fotopoulou, S., Galeotta, S., Garcia-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., George, K., Gozaliasl, G., Hook, I. M., Ilić, S., Kansal, V., Kashlinsky, A., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Lindholm, V., Mainetti, G., Maoli, R., Martinelli, M., Martinet, N., Maturi, M., Mauri, N., McCracken, H. J., Metcalf, R. B., Monaco, P., Morgante, G., Nightingale, J., Patrizii, L., Peel, A., Popa, V., Porciani, C., Potter, D., Reimberg, P., Riccio, G., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Scottez, V., Sefusatti, E., Teyssier, R., Tutusaus, I., Valieri, C., Valiviita, J., Viel, M. and Hildebrandt, H.: Euclid preparation. XVIII. The NISP photometric system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A92 (2022)

Fahrion, K., Bulichi, T.-E., Hilker, M., Leaman, R., Lyubenova, M., Müller, O., Neumayer, N., Pinna, F., Rejkuba, M. and van de Ven, G.: Nuclear star cluster formation in star-forming dwarf galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A101 (2022)

Fahrion, K., Leaman, R., Lyubenova, M. and van de Ven, G.: Disentangling the formation mechanisms of nuclear star clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A172 (2022)

Feldmeier-Krause, A.: Stellar populations in the transition region of nuclear star cluster and nuclear stellar disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 5920-5934 (2022)

Fendt, C. and Yardimci, M.: Curved Jet Motion. I. Orbiting and Precessing Jets. The Astrophysical Journal 933, 71 (2022)

Ferruit, P., Jakobsen, P., Giardino, G., Rawle, T., Alves de Oliveira, C., Arribas, S., Beck, T. L., Birkmann, S., Böker, T., Bunker, A. J., Charlot, S., de Marchi, G., Franx, M., Henry, A., Karakla, D., Kassin, S. A., Kumari, N., López-Caniego, M., Lützgendorf, N., Maiolino, R., Manjavacas, E., Marston, A., Moseley, S. H., Muzerolle, J., Pirzkal, N., Rauscher, B., Rix, H.-W., Sabbi, E., Sirianni, M., te Plate, M., Valenti, J., Willott, C. J. and Zeidler, P.: The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope. II. Multi-object spectroscopy (MOS). Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A81 (2022)

Finkelstein, S. L., Bagley, M., Song, M., Larson, R., Papovich, C., Dickinson, M., Finkelstein, K. D., Koekemoer, A. M., Pirzkal, N., Somerville, R. S., Yung, L. Y. A., Behroozi, P., Ferguson, H., Giavalisco, M., Grogin, N., Hathi, N., Hutchison, T. A., Jung, I., Kocevski, D., Kawinwanichakij, L., Rojas-Ruiz, S., Ryan, R., Snyder, G. F. and Tacchella, S.: A Census of the Bright z = 8.5-11 Universe with the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes in the CANDELS Fields. The Astrophysical Journal 928, 52 (2022)

Fong, W.-f., Nugent, A. E., Dong, Y., Berger, E., Paterson, K., Chornock, R., Levan, A., Blanchard, P., Alexander, K. D., Andrews, J., Cobb, B. E., Cucchiara, A., Fox, D., Fryer, C. L., Gordon, A. C., Kilpatrick, C. D., Lunnan, R., Margutti, R., Miller, A., Milne, P., Nicholl, M., Perley, D., Rastinejad, J., Escorial, A. R., Schroeder, G., Smith, N., Tanvir, N. and Terreran, G.: Short GRB Host Galaxies. I. Photometric and Spectroscopic Catalogs, Host Associations, and Galactocentric Offsets. The Astrophysical Journal 940, 56 (2022)

Franciosini, E., Randich, S., de Laverny, P., Biazzo, K., Feuillet, D. K., Frasca, A., Lind, K., Prisinzano, L., Tautvaišiene, G., Lanzafame, A. C., Smiljanic, R., Gonneau, A., Magrini, L., Pancino, E., Guiglion, G., Sacco, G. G., Sanna, N., Gilmore, G., Bonifacio, P., Jeffries, R. D., Micela, G., Prusti, T., Alfaro, E. J., Bensby, T., Bragaglia, A., François, P., Korn, A. J., Van Eck, S., Bayo, A., Bergemann, M., Carraro, G., Heiter, U., Hourihane, A., Jofré, P., Lewis, J., Martayan, C., Monaco, L., Morbidelli, L., Worley, C. C. and Zaggia, S.: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Lithium measurements and new curves of growth. Astronomy and Astrophysics 668, A49 (2022)

Franciosini, E., Tognelli, E., Degl'Innocenti, S., Prada Moroni, P. G., Randich, S., Sacco, G. G., Magrini, L., Pancino, E., Lanzafame, A. C., Smiljanic, R., Prisinzano, L., Sanna, N., Roccatagliata, V., Bonito, R., de Laverny, P., Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L., Montes, D., Jiménez-Esteban, F., Gilmore, G., Bergemann, M., Carraro, G., Damiani, F., Gonneau, A., Hourihane, A., Morbidelli, L., Worley, C. C. and Zaggia, S.: Gaia-ESO Survey: Role of magnetic activity and starspots on pre-main-sequence lithium evolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A85 (2022)

Frankel, N., Pillepich, A., Rix, H.-W., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Sanders, J., Bovy, J., Kollmeier, J., Murray, N. and Mackereth, T.: Simulated Bars May Be Shorter but Are Not Slower Than Those Observed: TNG50 versus MaNGA. The Astrophysical Journal 940, 61 (2022)

Frias Castillo, M., Rybak, M., Hodge, J., van der Werf, P., Riechers, D. A., Vieira, D., Calistro Rivera, G., Martínez-Ramírez, L. N., Walter, F., de Blok, E., Narayanan, D. and Wagg, J.: Kiloparsec-scale Imaging of the CO(1-0)-traced Cold Molecular Gas Reservoir in a z 3.4 Submillimeter Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 930, 35 (2022)

Frosst, M., Courteau, S., Arora, N., Stone, C., Macciò, A. V. and Blank, M.: The diversity of spiral galaxies explained. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 3510-3531 (2022)

Fujimoto, S., Brammer, G. B., Watson, D., Magdis, G. E., Kokorev, V., Greve, T. R., Toft, S., Walter, F., Valiante, R., Ginolfi, M., Schneider, R., Valentino, F., Colina, L., Vestergaard, M., Marques-Chaves, R., Fynbo, J. P. U., Krips, M., Steinhardt, C. L., Cortzen, I., Rizzo, F. and Oesch, P. A.: A dusty compact object bridging galaxies and quasars at cosmic dawn. Nature 604, 261-265 (2022)

Galán-de Anta, P. M., Sarzi, M., Pillepich, A., Ding, Y., Zhu, L., Coccato, L., Corsini, E. M., Fahrion, K., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., Lyubenova, M., Martín-Navarro, I., McDermid, R. M., Pinna, F., van de Ven, G. and de Zeeuw, P. T.: The survival of stellar discs in Fornax-like environments, from TNG50 to real galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5992-6003 (2022)

Galbany, L., Smith, M., Duarte Puertas, S., González-Gaitán, S., Pessa, I., Sako, M., Iglesias-Páramo, J., López-Sánchez, A. R., Mollá, M. and Vílchez, J. M.: Aperture-corrected spectroscopic type Ia supernova host galaxy properties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A89 (2022)

Gallego-Calvente, A. T., Schödel, R., Alberdi, A., Najarro, F., Yusef-Zadeh, F., Shahzamanian, B. and Nogueras-Lara, F.: Radio observations of massive stars in the Galactic centre: The Quintuplet cluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A49 (2022)

Gandhi, S. S., Johnston, K. V., Hunt, J. A. S., Price-Whelan, A. M., Laporte, C. F. P. and Hogg, D. W.: Snails across Scales: Local and Global Phase-mixing Structures as Probes of the Past and Future Milky Way. The Astrophysical Journal 928, 80 (2022)

Gargiulo, I. D., Monachesi, A., Gómez, F. A., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Pakmor, R., Grand, R. J. J., Fragkoudi, F., Hernquist, L., Lovell, M. and Marinacci, F.: High and low Sérsic index bulges in Milky Way- and M31-like galaxies: origin and connection to the bar with TNG50. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 2537-2555 (2022)

Garro, E. R., Minniti, D., Gómez, M., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Alonso-García, J., Hempel, M. and Zelada Bacigalupo, R.: A new low-luminosity globular cluster discovered in the Milky Way with the VVVX survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A95 (2022)

Gaspar, G., Díaz, R. J., Mast, D., Agüero, M. P., Schirmer, M., Günthardt, G. and Schmidt, E. O.: An Infrared View of the Obscured AGN Environment in NGC 4945. The Astronomical Journal 163, 230 (2022)

Gebruers, S., Tkachenko, A., Bowman, D. M., Van Reeth, T., Burssens, S., IJspeert, L., Mahy, L., Straumit, I., Xiang, M., Rix, H.-W. and Aerts, C.: Analysis of high-resolution FEROS spectroscopy for a sample of variable B-type stars assembled from TESS photometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A36 (2022)

Gent, M. R., Bergemann, M., Serenelli, A., Casagrande, L., Gerber, J. M., Heiter, U., Kovalev, M., Morel, T., Nardetto, N., Adibekyan, V., Silva Aguirre, V., Asplund, M., Belkacem, K., del Burgo, C., Bigot, L., Chiavassa, A., Rodríguez Díaz, L. F., Goupil, M.-J., González Hernández, J. I., Mourard, D., Merle, T., Mészáros, S., Marshall, D. J., Ouazzani, R.-M., Plez, B., Reese, D., Trampedach, R. and Tsantaki, M.: The SAPP pipeline for the determination of stellar abundances and atmospheric parameters of stars in the core program of the PLATO mission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A147 (2022)

Ghasemi-Nodehi, M., Tabatabaei, F. S., Sargent, M., Murphy, E. J., Khosroshahi, H., Beswick, R., Bonaldi, A. and Schinnerer, E.: Evolution of thermal and non-thermal radio continuum emission on kpc scales - predictions for SKA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 1158-1174 (2022)

Ghosh, S., Debattista, V. P. and Khachaturyants, T.: Age dissection of the vertical breathing motions in Gaia DR2: evidence for spiral driving. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 784-799 (2022)

Ghosh, S. and Jog, C. J.: Dynamical interplay of disc thickness and interstellar gas: Implication for the longevity of spiral density waves. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A171 (2022)

Ghosh, S., Saha, K., Jog, C. J., Combes, F. and Di Matteo, P.: Genesis of morpho-kinematic lopsidedness in minor merger of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 5878-5896 (2022)

Gilhuly, C., Merritt, A., Abraham, R., Danieli, S., Lokhorst, D., Liu, Q., van Dokkum, P., Conroy, C. and Greco, J.: Stellar Halos from the The Dragonfly Edge-on Galaxies Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 932, 44 (2022)

Gillman, S., Puglisi, A., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Swinbank, A. M., Tiley, A. L., Harrison, C. M., Molina, J., Sharples, R. M., Bower, R. G., Cirasuolo, M., Ibar, E. and Obreschkow, D.: The resolved chemical abundance properties within the interstellar medium of star-forming galaxies at z≍ 1.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 3480-3499 (2022)

Gilmore, G., Randich, S., Worley, C. C., Hourihane, A., Gonneau, A., Sacco, G. G., Lewis, J. R., Magrini, L., François, P., Jeffries, R. D., Koposov, S. E., Bragaglia, A., Alfaro, E. J., Allende Prieto, C., Blomme, R., Korn, A. J., Lanzafame, A. C., Pancino, E., Recio-Blanco, A., Smiljanic, R., Van Eck, S., Zwitter, T., Bensby, T., Flaccomio, E., Irwin, M. J., Franciosini, E., Morbidelli, L., Damiani, F., Bonito, R., Friel, E. D., Vink, J. S., Prisinzano, L., Abbas, U., Hatzidimitriou, D., Held, E. V., Jordi, C., Paunzen, E., Spagna, A., Jackson, R. J., Maíz Apellániz, J., Asplund, M., Bonifacio, P., Feltzing, S., Binney, J., Drew, J., Ferguson, A. M. N., Micela, G., Negueruela, I., Prusti, T., Rix, H.-W., Vallenari, A., Bergemann, M., Casey, A. R., de Laverny, P., Frasca, A., Hill, V., Lind, K., Sbordone, L., Sousa, S. G., Adibekyan, V., Caffau, E., Daflon, S., Feuillet, D. K., Gebran, M., Gonzalez Hernandez, J. I., Guiglion, G., Herrero, A., Lobel, A., Merle, T., Mikolaitis, Š., Montes, D., Morel, T., Ruchti, G., Soubiran, C., Tabernero, H. M., Tautvaišienė, G., Traven, G., Valentini, M., Van der Swaelmen, M., Villanova, S., Viscasillas Vázquez, C., Bayo, A., Biazzo, K., Carraro, G., Edvardsson, B., Heiter, U., Jofré, P., Marconi, G., Martayan, C., Masseron, T., Monaco, L., Walton, N. A., Zaggia, S., Aguirre Børsen-Koch, V., Alves, J., Balaguer-Nunez, L., Barklem, P. S., Barrado, D., Bellazzini, M., Berlanas, S. R., Binks, A. S., Bressan, A., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Casagrande, L., Casamiquela, L., Collins, R. S., D'Orazi, V., Dantas, M. L. L., Debattista, V. P., Delgado-Mena, E., Di Marcantonio, P., Drazdauskas, A., Evans, N. W., Famaey, B., Franchini, M., Frémat, Y., Fu, X., Geisler, D., Gerhard, O., González Solares, E. A., Grebel, E. K., Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L., Jiménez-Esteban, F., Jönsson, H., Khachaturyants, T., Kordopatis, G., Kos, J., Lagarde, N., Ludwig, H.-G., Mahy, L., Mapelli, M., Marfil, E., Martell, S. L., Messina, S., Miglio, A., Minchev, I., Moitinho, A., Montalban, J., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Morossi, C., Mowlavi, N., Mucciarelli, A., Murphy, D. N. A., Nardetto, N., Ortolani, S., Paletou, F., Palouš, J., Pickering, J. C., Quirrenbach, A., Re Fiorentin, P., Read, J. I., Romano, D., Ryde, N., Sanna, N., Santos, W., Seabroke, G. M., Spina, L., Steinmetz, M., Stonkuté, E., Sutorius, E., Thévenin, F., Tosi, M., Tsantaki, M., Wright, N., Wyse, R. F. G., Zoccali, M., Zorec, J. and Zucker, D. B.: The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A120 (2022)

Giri, G., Dubey, R. P., Rubinur, K., Vaidya, B. and Kharb, P.: Dynamical modelling and emission signatures of a candidate dual AGN with precessing radio jets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 5625-5639 (2022)

Gloudemans, A. J., Duncan, K. J., Saxena, A., Harikane, Y., Hill, G. J., Zeimann, G. R., Röttgering, H. J. A., Yang, D., Best, P. N., Bañados, E., Drabent, A., Hardcastle, M. J., Hennawi, J. F., Lansbury, G., Magliocchetti, M., Miley, G. K., Nanni, R., Shimwell, T. W., Smith, D. J. B., Venemans, B. P. and Wagenveld, J. D.: Discovery of 24 radio-bright quasars at 4.9 ≤ z ≤ 6.6 using low-frequency radio observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 668, A27 (2022)

Glowacki, M., Collier, J. D., Kazemi-Moridani, A., Frank, B., Roberts, H., Darling, J., Klöckner, H.-R., Adams, N., Baker, A. J., Bershady, M., Blecher, T., Blyth, S.-L., Bowler, R., Catinella, B., Chemin, L., Crawford, S. M., Cress, C., Davé, R., Deane, R., de Blok, E., Delhaize, J., Duncan, K., Elson, E., February, S., Gawiser, E., Hatfield, P., Healy, J., Henning, P., Hess, K. M., Heywood, I., Holwerda, B. W., Hoosain, M., Hughes, J. P., Hutchens, Z. L., Jarvis, M., Kannappan, S., Katz, N., Kereš, D., Korsaga, M., Kraan-Korteweg, R. C., Lah, P., Lochner, M., Maddox, N., Makhathini, S., Meurer, G. R., Meyer, M., Obreschkow, D., Oh, S.-H., Oosterloo, T., Oppor, J., Pan, H., Pisano, D. J., Randriamiarinarivo, N., Ravindranath, S., Schröder, A. C., Skelton, R., Smirnov, O., Smith, M., Somerville, R. S., Srianand, R., Staveley-Smith, L., Tanaka, M., Vaccari, M., van Driel, W., Verheijen, M., Walter, F., Wu, J. F. and Zwaan, M. A.: Looking at the Distant Universe with the MeerKAT Array: Discovery of a Luminous OH Megamaser at z > 0.5. The Astrophysical Journal 931, L7 (2022)

Gould, A., Han, C., Zang, W., Yang, H., Hwang, K.-H., Udalski, A., Bond, I. A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Silva, S. I., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Matsubara, Y., Matsumoto, S., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Okamura, A., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Toda, T., Tristram, P. J., Vandorou, A., Yama, H., MOA Collaboration, Beichman, C., Bryden, G., Novati, S. C., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C. B., Penny, M. T., Jacklin, S., Stassun, K. G. and Ukirt Microlensing Team: Systematic KMTNet planetary anomaly search. V. Complete sample of 2018 prime-field. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A13 (2022)

Gould, A., Jung, Y. K., Hwang, K.-H., Dong, S., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yang, H., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: Free-Floating Planets, the Einstein Desert, and 'OUMUAMUA. Journal of Korean Astronomical Society 55, 173-194 (2022)

GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Aimar, N., Amorim, A., Arras, P., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Bourdarot, G., Cardoso, V., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Dallilar, Y., Drescher, A., Eisenhauer, F., Enßlin, T., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Mang, F., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Tristram, K. R. W., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S., Young, A. and Zins, G.: Deep images of the Galactic center with GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A82 (2022)

GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Aimar, N., Amorim, A., Ball, J., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Bourdarot, G., Brandner, W., Cardoso, V., Clénet, Y., Dallilar, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Foschi, A., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Stephens, A. W., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Tristram, K. R. W., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S. and Young, A.: Mass distribution in the Galactic Center based on interferometric astrometry of multiple stellar orbits. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, L12 (2022)

GRAVITY+ Collaboration, Abuter, R., Allouche, F., Amorim, A., Bailet, C., Bauböck, M., Berger, J.-P., Berio, P., Bigioli, A., Boebion, O., Bolzer, M. L., Bonnet, H., Bourdarot, G., Bourget, P., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., Courtney-Barrer, B., Dallilar, Y., Davies, R., Defrère, D., Delboulbé, A., Delplancke, F., Dembet, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Drescher, A., Eckart, A., Édouard, C., Eisenhauer, F., Fabricius, M., Feuchtgruber, H., Finger, G., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, E., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gil, J. P., Gillessen, S., Gomes, T., Gonté, F., Gouvret, C., Guajardo, P., Guieu, S., Hartl, M., Haubois, X., Haußmann, F., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Hönig, S., Horrobin, M., Hubin, N., Jacqmart, E., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Korhonen, H., Kreidberg, L., Lacour, S., Lagarde, S., Lai, O., Lapeyrère, V., Laugier, R., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Leftley, J., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Mang, F., Marcotto, A., Maurel, D., Mérand, A., Millour, F., More, N., Nowacki, H., Nowak, M., Oberti, S., Ott, T., Pallanca, L., Pasquini, L., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Petrov, R., Pfuhl, O., Pourré, N., Rabien, S., Rau, C., Robbe-Dubois, S., Rochat, S., Salman, M., Schöller, M., Schubert, J., Schuhler, N., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Scheithauer, S., Sevin, A., Soulez, F., Spang, A., Stadler, E., Stadler, J., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Tristram, K. R. W., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Uysal, S., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S., Young, A. and Zins, G.: First light for GRAVITY Wide. Large separation fringe tracking for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A75 (2022)

Greig, B., Mesinger, A., Davies, F. B., Wang, F., Yang, J. and Hennawi, J. F.: IGM damping wing constraints on reionization from covariance reconstruction of two z ≳ 7 QSOs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 5390-5403 (2022)

Habouzit, M., Onoue, M., Bañados, E., Neeleman, M., Anglés-Alcázar, D., Walter, F., Pillepich, A., Davé, R., Jahnke, K. and Dubois, Y.: Co-evolution of massive black holes and their host galaxies at high redshift: discrepancies from six cosmological simulations and the key role of JWST. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 3751-3767 (2022)

Habouzit, M., Somerville, R. S., Li, Y., Genel, S., Aird, J., Anglés-Alcázar, D., Davé, R., Georgiev, I. Y., McAlpine, S., Rosas-Guevara, Y., Dubois, Y., Nelson, D., Banados, E., Hernquist, L., Peirani, S. and Vogelsberger, M.: Supermassive black holes in cosmological simulations - II: the AGN population and predictions for upcoming X-ray missions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 3015-3042 (2022)

Haidar, H., Habouzit, M., Volonteri, M., Mezcua, M., Greene, J., Neumayer, N., Anglés-Alcázar, D., Martin-Navarro, I., Hoyer, N., Dubois, Y. and Davé, R.: The black hole population in low-mass galaxies in large-scale cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 4912-4931 (2022)

Hamaus, N., Aubert, M., Pisani, A., Contarini, S., Verza, G., Cousinou, M.-C., Escoffier, S., Hawken, A., Lavaux, G., Pollina, G., Wandelt, B. D., Weller, J., Bonici, M., Carbone, C., Guzzo, L., Kovacs, A., Marulli, F., Massara, E., Moscardini, L., Ntelis, P., Percival, W. J., Radinović, S., Sahlén, M., Sakr, Z., Sánchez, A. G., Winther, H. A., Auricchio, N., Awan, S., Bender, R., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Ferriol, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Melchior, M., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Rebolo, R., Rhodes, J., Rix, H., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Starck, J.-L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Baldi, M., Camera, S., Mei, S., Neissner, C. and Romelli, E.: Euclid: Forecasts from redshift-space distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski test with cosmic voids. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A20 (2022)

Han, C., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Kil Jung, Y., Kim, D., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W. and Kim, C.-H.: KMT-2018-BLG-1988Lb: Microlensing super-Earth orbiting a low-mass disk dwarf. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A62 (2022)

Han, C., Gould, A., Bond, I. A., Kil Jung, Y., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Kim, D., KMTNet Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R. K., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Koshimoto, N., Kondo, I., Matsubara, Y., Matsumoto, S., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Olmschenk, G., Okamura, A., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Silva, S. I., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Toda, T., Tristram, P. J., Vandorou, A., Yama, H. and MOA Collaboration: KMT-2021-BLG-1077L: The fifth confirmed multiplanetary system detected by microlensing. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A70 (2022)

Han, C., Gould, A., Kim, D., Jung, Y. K., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W. and KMTNet Collaboration: KMT-2021-BLG-1898: Planetary microlensing event involved with binary source stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A145 (2022)

Han, C., Kim, D., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Bond, I. A., Bozza, V., Jung, Y. K., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R. K., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Koshimoto, N., Kondo, I., Matsubara, Y., Matsumoto, S., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Olmschenk, G., Okamura, A., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Silva, S. I., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Toda, T., Tristram, P. J., Vandorou, A., Yama, H. and MOA Collaboration: Four sub-Jovian-mass planets detected by high-cadence microlensing surveys. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A33 (2022)

Han, C., Kim, D., Yang, H., Gould, A., Jung, Y. K., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W. and KMTNet Collaboration: KMT-2021-BLG-0240: Microlensing event with a deformed planetary signal. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A114 (2022)

Han, C., Lee, C.-U., Gould, A., Jung, Y. K., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Kim, D., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yang, H., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: KMT-2017-BLG-0673Lb and KMT-2019-BLG-0414Lb: Two microlensing planets detected in peripheral fields of KMTNet survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A132 (2022)

Hassani, H., Tabatabaei, F., Hughes, A., Chastenet, J., McLeod, A. F., Schinnerer, E. and Nasiri, S.: The role of thermal and non-thermal processes in the ISM of the Magellanic Clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 11-31 (2022)

Hattori, S., Foreman-Mackey, D., Hogg, D. W., Montet, B. T., Angus, R., Pritchard, T. A., Curtis, J. L. and Schölkopf, B.: The unpopular Package: A Data-driven Approach to Detrending TESS Full-frame Image Light Curves. The Astronomical Journal 163, 284 (2022)

Herald, A., Udalski, A., Bozza, V., Rota, P., Bond, I. A., Yee, J. C., Sajadian, S., Mróz, P., Poleski, R., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Fukui, A., Fujii, H., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Matsubara, Y., Matsumoto, S., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Okamura, A., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Silva, S. I., Toda, T., Tristram, P. J., Vandorou, A., Yama, H., MOA Collaboration, Beichman, C. A., Bryden, G., Novati, S. C., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Gould, A., Henderson, C. B., Johnson, S., Shvartzvald, Y., Zhu, W., Team, S., Dominik, M., Hundertmark, M., Jørgensen, U. G., Longa-Peña, P., Skottfelt, J., Tregloan-Reed, J., Bach-Møller, N., Burgdorf, M., D'Ago, G., Haikala, L., Hitchcock, J., Khalouei, E., Peixinho, N., Rahvar, S., Snodgrass, C., Southworth, J., Spyratos, P., Consortium, M., Zang, W., Yang, H., Mao, S., Bachelet, E., Maoz, D., Street, R. A., Tsapras, Y., Christie, G. W., Cooper, T., de Almeida, L., Do Nascimento, J.-D., Green, J., Han, C., Hennerley, S., Marmont, A., McCormick, J., Monard, L. A. G., Natusch, T., Pogge, R., LCO and Collaboration, μ.: Precision measurement of a brown dwarf mass in a binary system in the microlensing event. OGLE-2019-BLG-0033/MOA-2019-BLG-035. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A100 (2022)

Heywood, I., Jarvis, M. J., Hale, C. L., Whittam, I. H., Bester, H. L., Hugo, B., Kenyon, J. S., Prescott, M., Smirnov, O. M., Tasse, C., Afonso, J. M., Best, P. N., Collier, J. D., Deane, R. P., Frank, B. S., Hardcastle, M. J., Knowles, K., Maddox, N., Murphy, E. J., Prandoni, I., Randriamampandry, S. M., Santos, M. G., Sekhar, S., Tabatabaei, F., Taylor, A. R. and Thorat, K.: MIGHTEE: total intensity radio continuum imaging and the COSMOS/XMM-LSS Early Science fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 2150-2168 (2022)

Horowitz, B., Lee, K.-G., Ata, M., Müller, T., Krolewski, A., Prochaska, J. X., Hennawi, J. F., White, M., Schlegel, D., Rich, R. M., Nugent, P. E., Suzuki, N., Kashino, D., Koekemoer, A. M. and Lemaux, B. C.: Second Data Release of the COSMOS Lyα Mapping and Tomography Observations: The First 3D Maps of the Detailed Cosmic Web at 2.05 < z < 2.55. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 263, 27 (2022)

Horta, D., Ness, M. K., Rybizki, J., Schiavon, R. P. and Buder, S.: Neutron-capture elements record the ordered chemical evolution of the disc over time. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 5477-5504 (2022)

Hu, T., Khaire, V., Hennawi, J. F., Walther, M., Hiss, H., Alsing, J., Oñorbe, J., Lukic, Z. and Davies, F.: Measuring the thermal and ionization state of the low-z IGM using likelihood free inference. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 2188-2207 (2022)

Hughes, A. C. N., Spitler, L. R., Zucker, D. B., Nordlander, T., Simpson, J., da Costa, G. S., Ting, Y.-S., Li, C., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Buder, S., Casey, A. R., de Silva, G. M., D'Orazi, V., Freeman, K. C., Hayden, M. R., Kos, J., Lewis, G. F., Lin, J., Lind, K., Martell, S. L., Schlesinger, K. J., Sharma, S., Zwitter, T. and GALAH Collaboration: The GALAH Survey: A New Sample of Extremely Metal-poor Stars Using a Machine-learning Classification Algorithm. The Astrophysical Journal 930, 47 (2022)

Husemann, B., Singha, M., Scharwächter, J., McElroy, R., Neumann, J., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Urrutia, T., Baum, S. A., Bennert, V. N., Combes, F., Croom, S. M., Davis, T. A., Fournier, Y., Galkin, A., Gaspari, M., Enke, H., Krumpe, M., O'Dea, C. P., Pérez-Torres, M., Rose, T., Tremblay, G. R. and Walcher, C. J.: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). IFU survey data and the BH mass dependence of long-term AGN variability. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A124 (2022)

Hwang, H.-C., El-Badry, K., Rix, H.-W., Hamilton, C., Ting, Y.-S. and Zakamska, N. L.: Wide Twin Binaries are Extremely Eccentric: Evidence of Twin Binary Formation in Circumbinary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 933, L32 (2022)

Hwang, K.-H., Zang, W., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Bond, I. A., Yang, H., Mao, S., Mao, S., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Kil Jung, Y., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Pogge, R. W., Mróz, P., Poleski, R., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M., Gromadzki, M., Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Munford, B., Matsubara, Y., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y. K., Shoji, H., Ishitani Silva, S., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P. J., Yonehara, A., Yonehara, A., Zhang, X., Zhu, W., Penny, M. T., Fouqué, P. and Fouqué, P.: Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search. II. Six New q < 2 × 10-4 Mass-ratio Planets. The Astronomical Journal 163, 43 (2022)

Jackson, R. J., Jeffries, R. D., Wright, N. J., Randich, S., Sacco, G., Bragaglia, A., Hourihane, A., Tognelli, E., Degl'Innocenti, S., Prada Moroni, P. G., Gilmore, G., Bensby, T., Pancino, E., Smiljanic, R., Bergemann, M., Carraro, G., Franciosini, E., Gonneau, A., Jofré, P., Lewis, J., Magrini, L., Morbidelli, L., Prisinzano, L., Worley, C., Zaggia, S., Tautvaišiene, G., Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L., Montes, D. and Jiménez-Esteban, F.: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Membership probabilities for stars in 63 open and 7 globular clusters from 3D kinematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 1664-1680 (2022)

Jakobsen, P., Ferruit, P., Alves de Oliveira, C., Arribas, S., Bagnasco, G., Barho, R., Beck, T. L., Birkmann, S., Böker, T., Bunker, A. J., Charlot, S., de Jong, P., de Marchi, G., Ehrenwinkler, R., Falcolini, M., Fels, R., Franx, M., Franz, D., Funke, M., Giardino, G., Gnata, X., Holota, W., Honnen, K., Jensen, P. L., Jentsch, M., Johnson, T., Jollet, D., Karl, H., Kling, G., Köhler, J., Kolm, M.-G., Kumari, N., Lander, M. E., Lemke, R., López-Caniego, M., Lützgendorf, N., Maiolino, R., Manjavacas, E., Marston, A., Maschmann, M., Maurer, R., Messerschmidt, B., Moseley, S. H., Mosner, P., Mott, D. B., Muzerolle, J., Pirzkal, N., Pittet, J.-F., Plitzke, A., Posselt, W., Rapp, B., Rauscher, B. J., Rawle, T., Rix, H.-W., Rödel, A., Rumler, P., Sabbi, E., Salvignol, J.-C., Schmid, T., Sirianni, M., Smith, C., Strada, P., te Plate, M., Valenti, J., Wettemann, T., Wiehe, T., Wiesmayer, M., Willott, C. J., Wright, R., Zeidler, P. and Zincke, C.: The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope. I. Overview of the instrument and its capabilities. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A80 (2022)

Jayasinghe, T., Thompson, T. A., Kochanek, C. S., Stanek, K. Z., Rowan, D. M., Martin, D. V., El-Badry, K., Vallely, P. J., Hinkle, J. T., Huber, D., Isaacson, H., Tayar, J., Auchettl, K., Ilyin, I., Howard, A. W. and Badenes, C.: The 'Giraffe': discovery of a stripped red giant in an interacting binary with an 2 M lower giant. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 5945-5963 (2022)

Jin, S., Daddi, E., Magdis, G. E., Liu, D., Weaver, J. R., Tan, Q., Valentino, F., Gao, Y., Schinnerer, E., Calabrò, A., Gu, Q. and Sese, D. B.: Diagnosing deceivingly cold dusty galaxies at 3.5 < z < 6: A substantial population of compact starbursts with high infrared optical depths. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A3 (2022)

Juneau, S., Goulding, A. D., Banfield, J., Bianchi, S., Duc, P.-A., Ho, I.-T., Dopita, M. A., Scharwächter, J., Bauer, F. E., Groves, B., Alexander, D. M., Davies, R. L., Elbaz, D., Freeland, E., Hampton, E., Kewley, L. J., Nikutta, R., Shastri, P., Shu, X., Vogt, F. P. A., Wang, T., Wong, O. I. and Woo, J.-H.: The Black Hole-Galaxy Connection: Interplay between Feedback, Obscuration, and Host Galaxy Substructure. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 203 (2022)

Jung, Y. K., Zang, W., Han, C., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yang, H., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M. and OGLE Collaboration: Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search. VI. Complete Sample of 2018 Sub-prime-field Planets. The Astronomical Journal 164, 262 (2022)

Kacharov, N., Alfaro-Cuello, M., Neumayer, N., Lützgendorf, N., Watkins, L. L., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Kamann, S., van de Ven, G., Seth, A. C., Voggel, K. T., Georgiev, I. Y., Leaman, R., Bianchini, P., Böker, T. and Mieske, S.: A Deep View into the Nucleus of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy with MUSE. III. Discrete Multicomponent Population-dynamical Models Based on the Jeans Equations. The Astrophysical Journal 939, 118 (2022)

Kamlah, A. W. H., Leveque, A., Spurzem, R., Arca Sedda, M., Askar, A., Banerjee, S., Berczik, P., Giersz, M., Hurley, J., Belloni, D., Kühmichel, L. and Wang, L.: Preparing the next gravitational million-body simulations: evolution of single and binary stars in NBODY6++GPU, MOCCA, and MCLUSTER. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 4060-4089 (2022)

Kamlah, A. W. H., Spurzem, R., Berczik, P., Arca Sedda, M., Flammini Dotti, F., Neumayer, N., Pang, X., Shu, Q., Tanikawa, A. and Giersz, M.: The impact of stellar evolution on rotating star clusters: the gravothermal-gravogyro catastrophe and the formation of a bar of black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 3266-3283 (2022)

Kaur, B., Kanekar, N., Rafelski, M., Neeleman, M., Prochaska, J. X. and Revalski, M.: Jansky Very Large Array Detections of CO(1-0) Emission in H I-absorption-selected Galaxies at z ≳ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 933, L42 (2022)

Kaur, B., Kanekar, N., Revalski, M., Rafelski, M., Neeleman, M., Prochaska, J. X. and Walter, F.: A Massive, Dusty, HI Absorption-Selected Galaxy at z ≍ 2.46 Identified in a CO Emission Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 934, 87 (2022)

Kawana, Y., Saito, T., Okumura, S. K., Kawabe, R., Espada, D., Iono, D., Kaneko, H., Lee, M. M., Michiyama, T., Motohara, K., Nakanishi, K., Pettitt, A. R., Randriamanakoto, Z., Ueda, J. and Yamashita, T.: Multiwavelength and Multi-CO View of the Minor Merger Driven Star Formation in the Nearby LIRG NGC 3110. The Astrophysical Journal 929, 100 (2022)

Keihänen, E., Lindholm, V., Monaco, P., Blot, L., Carbone, C., Kiiveri, K., Sánchez, A. G., Viitanen, A., Valiviita, J., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Baldi, M., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kümmel, M., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kitching, T., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Melchior, M., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Romelli, E., Saglia, R., Sartoris, B., Schneider, P., Schrabback, T., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Surace, C., Tallada-Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Maino, D. and de la Torre, S.: Euclid: Fast two-point correlation function covariance through linear construction. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A129 (2022)

Keim, M. A., Dokkum, P. v., Danieli, S., Lokhorst, D., Li, J., Shen, Z., Abraham, R., Chen, S., Gilhuly, C., Liu, Q., Merritt, A., Miller, T. B., Pasha, I. and Polzin, A.: Tidal Distortions in NGC1052-DF2 and NGC1052-DF4: Independent Evidence for a Lack of Dark Matter. The Astrophysical Journal 935, 160 (2022)

Khachaturyants, T., Debattista, V. P., Ghosh, S., Beraldo e Silva, L. and Daniel, K. J.: The pattern speeds of vertical breathing waves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, L55-L59 (2022)

Khusanova, Y., Bañados, E., Mazzucchelli, C., Rojas-Ruiz, S., Momjian, E., Walter, F., Decarli, R., Venemans, B., Farina, E. P., Meyer, R., Wang, F. and Yang, J.: The [CII] and FIR properties of z > 6 radio-loud quasars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A39 (2022)

Kim, J., Chevance, M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Schruba, A., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Cao, Y., Congiu, E., Dale, D. A., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Hughes, A., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., McElroy, R., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Razza, A., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Schinnerer, E., Sun, J., Tomičić, N., Usero, A. and Williams, T. G.: Environmental dependence of the molecular cloud lifecycle in 54 main-sequence galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 3006-3028 (2022)

Klitsch, A., Christensen, L., Valentino, F., Kanekar, N., Møller, P., Zwaan, M. A., Fynbo, J. P. U., Neeleman, M. and Prochaska, J. X.: CO excitation and line energy distributions in gas-selected galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 2346-2355 (2022)

Koudmani, S., Sijacki, D. and Smith, M. C.: Two can play at that game: constraining the role of supernova and AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies with cosmological zoom-in simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 2112-2141 (2022)

Kovalev, M., Chen, X. and Han, Z.: Detection of 2460 double-lined spectroscopic binary candidates in the LAMOST-MRS using projected rotational velocities and a binary spectral model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 356-373 (2022)

Kovalev, M., Li, Z., Zhang, X., Li, J., Chen, X. and Han, Z.: TYC 2990-127-1: An Algol-type SB2 binary system of subgiant and red giant with a probable ongoing mass-transfer. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 4295-4307 (2022)

Kovalev, M. and Straumit, I.: Double-lined spectroscopic binaries in M11. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 1515-1527 (2022)

Kravtsov, V., Dib, S., Calderón, F. A. and Belinchón, J. A.: Stellar collisions in globular clusters: the origin of multiple stellar populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 2936-2944 (2022)

Kreckel, K., Egorov, O. V., Belfiore, F., Groves, B., Glover, S. C. O., Klessen, R. S., Sandstrom, K., Bigiel, F., Dale, D. A., Grasha, K., Scheuermann, F., Schinnerer, E. and Williams, T. G.: A physically motivated "charge-exchange method" for measuring electron temperatures within H II regions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A16 (2022)

Kuang, R., Zang, W., Jung, Y. K., Udalski, A., Yang, H., Mao, S., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M., Wang, H., Huang, S. and Zhu, W.: OGLE-2019-BLG-1470LABc: Another microlensing giant planet in a binary system? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 1704-1720 (2022)

Kumar, A., Ghosh, S., Kataria, S. K., Das, M. and Debattista, V. P.: Excitation of vertical breathing motion in disc galaxies by tidally-induced spirals in fly-by interactions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 1114-1126 (2022)

Lai, S., Bian, F., Onken, C. A., Wolf, C., Mazzucchelli, C., Bañados, E., Bischetti, M., Bosman, S. E. I., Becker, G., Cupani, G., D'Odorico, V., Eilers, A.-C., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Onoue, M., Schindler, J.-T., Walter, F., Wang, F., Yang, J. and Zhu, Y.: Chemical abundance of z 6 quasar broad-line regions in the XQR-30 sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 1801-1819 (2022)

Lara-López, M. A., Galán-de Anta, P. M., Sarzi, M., Iodice, E., Davis, T. A., Zabel, N., Corsini, E. M., de Zeeuw, P. T., Fahrion, K., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., McDermid, R. M., Pinna, F., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., van de Ven, G., Zhu, L., Coccato, L., Lyubenova, M. and Martín-Navarro, I.: The Fornax3D project: The environmental impact on gas metallicity gradients in Fornax cluster galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A105 (2022)

Larsen, S. S., Eitner, P., Magg, E., Bergemann, M., Moltzer, C. A. S., Brodie, J. P., Romanowsky, A. J. and Strader, J.: The chemical composition of globular clusters in the Local Group. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A88 (2022)

Larson, R. L., Finkelstein, S. L., Hutchison, T. A., Papovich, C., Bagley, M., Dickinson, M., Rojas-Ruiz, S., Ferguson, H. C., Jung, I., Giavalisco, M., Grazian, A., Pentericci, L. and Tacchella, S.: Searching for Islands of Reionization: A Potential Ionized Bubble Powered by a Spectroscopic Overdensity at z = 8.7. The Astrophysical Journal 930, 104 (2022)

Laskar, T., Escorial, A. R., Schroeder, G., Fong, W.-f., Berger, E., Veres, P., Bhandari, S., Rastinejad, J., Kilpatrick, C. D., Tohuvavohu, A., Margutti, R., Alexander, K. D., DeLaunay, J., Kennea, J. A., Nugent, A., Paterson, K. and Williams, P. K. G.: The First Short GRB Millimeter Afterglow: The Wide-angled Jet of the Extremely Energetic SGRB 211106A. The Astrophysical Journal 935, L11 (2022)

Leaman, R. and van de Ven, G.: On the link between nuclear star cluster and globular cluster system mass, nucleation fraction, and environment. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 4691-4715 (2022)

Leclercq, F., Verhamme, A., Epinat, B., Simmonds, C., Matthee, J., Bouché, N. F., Garel, T., Urrutia, T., Wisotzki, L., Zabl, J., Bacon, R., Abril-Melgarejo, V., Boogaard, L., Brinchmann, J., Cantalupo, S., Contini, T., Kerutt, J., Kusakabe, H., Maseda, M., Michel-Dansac, L., Muzahid, S., Nanayakkara, T., Richard, J. and Schaye, J.: The MUSE eXtremely deep field: first panoramic view of an Mg II emitting intragroup medium. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A11 (2022)

Lee, J. C., Whitmore, B. C., Thilker, D. A., Deger, S., Larson, K. L., Ubeda, L., Anand, G. S., Boquien, M., Chandar, R., Dale, D. A., Emsellem, E., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Schmidt, J., Lilly, J., Turner, J., Van Dyk, S., White, R. L., Barnes, A. T., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Congiu, E., Egorov, O. V., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Henshaw, J. D., Hughes, A., Klessen, R. S., Koch, E., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Lopez, L. A., Mayker, N., Meidt, S. E., Murphy, E. J., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Razza, A., Saito, T., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Santoro, F., Sardone, A., Scheuermann, F., Schruba, A., Sun, J., Usero, A., Watkins, E. and Williams, T. G.: The PHANGS-HST Survey: Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 258, 10 (2022)

Lelli, F., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Liu, L., Ruffa, I., Smith, M. D. and Williams, T. G.: WISDOM Project - XIII. Feeding molecular gas to the supermassive black hole in the starburst AGN-host galaxy Fairall 49. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 4066-4083 (2022)

Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Usero, A., Sandstrom, K., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Bolatto, A. D., Sun, J., Barnes, A. T., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., den Brok, J. S., Cao, Y., Chiang, I.-D., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Eibensteiner, C., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Hughes, A., Jiménez Donaire, M. J., Klessen, R. S., Koch, E. W., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Meidt, S. E., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Puschnig, J., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sardone, A., Watkins, E. J., Weiss, A. and Williams, T. G.: Low-J CO Line Ratios from Single-dish CO Mapping Surveys and PHANGS-ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 149 (2022)

Levy, R. C., Bolatto, A. D., Leroy, A. K., Sormani, M. C., Emig, K. L., Gorski, M., Lenkić, L., Mills, E. A. C., Tarantino, E., Teuben, P., Veilleux, S. and Walter, F.: The Morpho-kinematic Architecture of Super Star Clusters in the Center of NGC 253. The Astrophysical Journal 935, 19 (2022)

Lewis, J. S. W., Ocvirk, P., Sorce, J. G., Dubois, Y., Aubert, D., Conaboy, L., Shapiro, P. R., Dawoodbhoy, T., Teyssier, R., Yepes, G., Gottlöber, S., Rasera, Y., Ahn, K., Iliev, I. T., Park, H. and Thélie, É.: The short ionizing photon mean free path at z = 6 in Cosmic Dawn III, a new fully coupled radiation-hydrodynamical simulation of the Epoch of Reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 3389-3397 (2022)

Li, J., Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Decarli, R., Wang, R. and Cai, Z.: Spatially Resolved Molecular Interstellar Medium in a z = 6.6 Quasar Host Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 930, 27 (2022)

Lian, J., Zasowski, G., Hasselquist, S., Holtzman, J. A., Boardman, N., Cunha, K., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Frinchaboy, P. M., Garcia-Hernandez, D. A., Nitschelm, C., Lane, R. R., Thomas, D. and Zhang, K.: Quantifying radial migration in the Milky Way: inefficient over short time-scales but essential to the very outer disc beyond 15 kpc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 5639-5655 (2022)

Lian, J., Zasowski, G., Mackereth, T., Imig, J., Holtzman, J. A., Beaton, R. L., Bird, J. C., Cunha, K., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Horta, D., Lane, R. R., Masters, K. L., Nitschelm, C. and Roman-Lopes, A.: The Milky Way tomography with APOGEE: intrinsic density distribution and structure of mono-abundance populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 4130-4151 (2022)

Lin, L., Ellison, S. L., Pan, H.-A., Thorp, M. D., Yu, P.-C., Belfiore, F., Hsieh, B.-C., Maiolino, R., Ramya, S., Sánchez, S. F. and Su, Y.-C.: The ALMaQUEST Survey. VII. Star Formation Scaling Relations of Green Valley Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 926, 175 (2022)

Liu, Q., Abraham, R., Gilhuly, C., van Dokkum, P., Martin, P. G., Li, J., Greco, J. P., Lokhorst, D., Chen, S., Danieli, S., Keim, M. A., Merritt, A., Miller, T. B., Pasha, I., Polzin, A., Shen, Z. and Zhang, J.: A Method to Characterize the Wide-angle Point-Spread Function of Astronomical Images. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 219 (2022)

Liu, Y., Wang, R., Momjian, E., Wagg, J., Yang, X., An, T., Shao, Y., Carilli, C. L., Wu, X.-B., Fan, X., Walter, F., Jiang, L., Li, Q., Li, J., Fei, Q. and Xu, F.: Exploring the Radio Spectral Energy Distribution of the Ultraluminous Radio-quiet Quasar SDSS J0100+2802 at Redshift 6.3. The Astrophysical Journal 929, 69 (2022)

Liu, Y., Wang, R., Momjian, E., Zhang, Y., An, T., Yang, X., Wagg, J., Bañados, E. and Omont, A.: VLBA Reveals the Absence of a Compact Radio Core in the Radio-intermediate Quasar J2242+0334 at z = 5.9. The Astrophysical Journal 939, L5 (2022)

Lokhorst, D., Abraham, R., Pasha, I., van Dokkum, P., Chen, S., Miller, T., Danieli, S., Greco, J., Zhang, J., Merritt, A. and Conroy, C.: A Giant Shell of Ionized Gas Discovered near M82 with the Dragonfly Spectral Line Mapper Pathfinder. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 136 (2022)

Loureiro, A., Whittaker, L., Spurio Mancini, A., Joachimi, B., Cuceu, A., Asgari, M., Stölzner, B., Tröster, T., Wright, A. H., Bilicki, M., Dvornik, A., Giblin, B., Heymans, C., Hildebrandt, H., Shan, H., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kümmel, M., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kuijken, K., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Rix, H., Roncarelli, M., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Starck, J. L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valentijn, E. A., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Baldi, M., Camera, S., Farinelli, R., Polenta, G. and Tessore, N.: KiDS and Euclid: Cosmological implications of a pseudo angular power spectrum analysis of KiDS-1000 cosmic shear tomography. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A56 (2022)

Lu, A., Boyce, H., Haggard, D., Bureau, M., Liang, F.-H., Liu, L., Choi, W., Cappellari, M., Chemin, L., Chevance, M., Davis, T. A., Drissen, L., Elford, J. S., Gensior, J., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Martin, T., Massé, E., Robert, C., Ruffa, I., Rousseau-Nepton, L., Sarzi, M., Savard, G. and Williams, T. G.: WISDOM project - XI. Star formation efficiency in the bulge of the AGN-host Galaxy NGC 3169 with SITELLE and ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 5035-5055 (2022)

Lucchesi, R., Lardo, C., Jablonka, P., Sestito, F., Mashonkina, L., Arentsen, A., Suter, W., Venn, K., Martin, N., Starkenburg, E., Aguado, D., Hill, V., Kordopatis, G., Navarro, J. F., González Hernández, J. I., Malhan, K. and Yuan, Z.: The Pristine survey - XV. A CFHT ESPaDOnS view on the Milky Way halo and disc populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 1004-1021 (2022)

Lustig, P., Strazzullo, V., Remus, R.-S., D'Eugenio, C., Daddi, E., Burkert, A., De Lucia, G., Delvecchio, I., Dolag, K., Fontanot, F., Gobat, R., Mohr, J. J., Onodera, M., Pannella, M. and Pillepich, A.: Massive quiescent galaxies at z 3: A comparison of selection, stellar population and structural properties with simulation predictions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)

Macciò, A. V., Ali-Dib, M., Vulanovic, P., Al Noori, H., Walter, F., Krieger, N. and Buck, T.: Using artificial intelligence and real galaxy images to constrain parameters in galaxy formation simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 2135-2141 (2022)

Magg, E., Bergemann, M., Serenelli, A., Bautista, M., Plez, B., Heiter, U., Gerber, J. M., Ludwig, H.-G., Basu, S., Ferguson, J. W., Gallego, H. C., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P. and Quinet, P.: Observational constraints on the origin of the elements. IV. Standard composition of the Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A140 (2022)

Makan, K., Worseck, G., Davies, F. B., Hennawi, J. F., Prochaska, J. X. and Richter, P.: He II Lyα Transmission Spikes and Absorption Troughs in Eight High-resolution Spectra Probing the End of He II Reionization. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 175 (2022)

Malhan, K.: A New Member of the Milky Way's Family Tree: Characterizing the Pontus Merger of Our Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 930, L9 (2022)

Malhan, K., Ibata, R. A., Sharma, S., Famaey, B., Bellazzini, M., Carlberg, R. G., D'Souza, R., Yuan, Z., Martin, N. F. and Thomas, G. F.: The Global Dynamical Atlas of the Milky Way Mergers: Constraints from Gaia EDR3-based Orbits of Globular Clusters, Stellar Streams, and Satellite Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 926, 107 (2022)

Malhan, K., Valluri, M., Freese, K. and Ibata, R. A.: New Constraints on the Dark Matter Density Profiles of Dwarf Galaxies from Proper Motions of Globular Cluster Streams. The Astrophysical Journal 941, L38 (2022)

Malpas, A., Albrow, M. D., Yee, J. C., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Martin, A. H., Beichman, C. A., Bryden, G., Novati, S. C., Carey, S., Henderson, C. B., Gaudi, B. S., Shvartzvald, Y., Zhu, W., Cha, S.-M., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Zang, W., Iwanek, P., Kozłowski, S., Mróz, P., Pietrukowicz, P., Poleski, R., Rybicki, K. A., Skowron, J., Soszyński, I., Szymański, M. K., Ulaczyk, K. and OGLE Collaboration: OGLE-2017-BLG-1038: A Possible Brown-dwarf Binary Revealed by Spitzer Microlensing Parallax. The Astronomical Journal 164, 102 (2022)

Malz, A. I. and Hogg, D. W.: How to Obtain the Redshift Distribution from Probabilistic Redshift Estimates. The Astrophysical Journal 928, 127 (2022)

Martin, N. F., Ibata, R. A., Starkenburg, E., Yuan, Z., Malhan, K., Bellazzini, M., Viswanathan, A., Aguado, D., Arentsen, A., Bonifacio, P., Carlberg, R., González Hernández, J. I., Hill, V., Jablonka, P., Kordopatis, G., Lardo, C., McConnachie, A. W., Navarro, J., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Sestito, F., Thomas, G. F., Venn, K. A., Vitali, S. and Voggel, K. T.: The Pristine survey - XVI. The metallicity of 26 stellar streams around the Milky Way detected with the STREAMFINDER in Gaia EDR3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 5331-5354 (2022)

Martin, N. F., Venn, K. A., Aguado, D. S., Starkenburg, E., González Hernández, J. I., Ibata, R. A., Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., Sestito, F., Arentsen, A., Allende Prieto, C., Carlberg, R. G., Fabbro, S., Fouesneau, M., Hill, V., Jablonka, P., Kordopatis, G., Lardo, C., Malhan, K., Mashonkina, L. I., McConnachie, A. W., Navarro, J. F., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Thomas, G. F., Yuan, Z. and Mucciarelli, A.: A stellar stream remnant of a globular cluster below the metallicity floor. Nature 601, 45-48 (2022)

Martínez-Arranz, Á., Schödel, R., Nogueras-Lara, F. and Shahzamanian, B.: Distance to the Brick cloud using stellar kinematics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, L3 (2022)

Matharu, J., Papovich, C., Simons, R. C., Momcheva, I., Brammer, G., Ji, Z., Backhaus, B. E., Cleri, N. J., Estrada-Carpenter, V., Finkelstein, S. L., Finlator, K., Giavalisco, M., Jung, I., Muzzin, A., Nelson, E. J., Pillepich, A., Trump, J. R. and Weiner, B.: CLEAR: The Evolution of Spatially Resolved Star Formation in Galaxies between 0.5 ≲ z ≲ 1.7 Using Hα Emission Line Maps. The Astrophysical Journal 937, 16 (2022)

Matthee, J., Feltre, A., Maseda, M., Nanayakkara, T., Boogaard, L., Bacon, R., Verhamme, A., Leclercq, F., Kusakabe, H., Urrutia, T. and Wisotzki, L.: Deciphering stellar metallicities in the early Universe: case study of a young galaxy at z = 4.77 in the MUSE eXtremely Deep Field. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A10 (2022)

Mattia, G. and Fendt, C.: Jets from Accretion Disk Dynamos: Consistent Quenching Modes for Dynamo and Resistivity. The Astrophysical Journal 935, 22 (2022)

Mattia, G. and Mignone, A.: A comparison of approximate non-linear Riemann solvers for Relativistic MHD. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 481-499 (2022)

Mau, S., Nadler, E. O., Wechsler, R. H., Drlica-Wagner, A., Bechtol, K., Green, G., Huterer, D., Li, T. S., Mao, Y.-Y., Martínez-Vázquez, C. E., McNanna, M., Mutlu-Pakdil, B., Pace, A. B., Peter, A., Riley, A. H., Strigari, L., Wang, M.-Y., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Annis, J., Bacon, D., Bertin, E., Bocquet, S., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Rosell, A. C., Kind, M. C., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., Crocce, M., Pereira, M. E. S., Davis, T. M., Vicente, J. D., Desai, S., Doel, P., Ferrero, I., Flaugher, B., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gatti, M., Giannini, G., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hinton, S. R., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Lahav, O., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Miquel, R., Mohr, J. J., Morgan, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Paz-Chinchón, F., Pieres, A., Rodriguez-Monroy, M., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Suchyta, E., Tarle, G., To, C., Tucker, D. L., Weller, J. and DES Collaboration: Milky Way Satellite Census. IV. Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter from Observations of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 932, 128 (2022)

McElroy, R., Bottrell, C., Hani, M. H., Moreno, J., Croom, S. M., Hayward, C. C., Twum, A., Feldmann, R., Hopkins, P. F., Hernquist, L. and Husemann, B.: The observability of galaxy merger signatures in nearby gas-rich spirals. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 3406-3419 (2022)

Meyer, R. A., Decarli, R., Walter, F., Li, Q., Wang, R., Mazzucchelli, C., Bañados, E., Farina, E. P. and Venemans, B.: Constraining Galaxy Overdensities around Three z 6.5 Quasars with ALMA and MUSE. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 141 (2022)

Meyer, R. A., Walter, F., Cicone, C., Cox, P., Decarli, R., Neri, R., Novak, M., Pensabene, A., Riechers, D. and Weiss, A.: Physical Constraints on the Extended Interstellar Medium of the z = 6.42 Quasar J1148+5251: [C II]158 μm, [N II]205 μm, and [O I]146 μm Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 152 (2022)

Morel, T., Blazère, A., Semaan, T., Gosset, E., Zorec, J., Frémat, Y., Blomme, R., Daflon, S., Lobel, A., Nieva, M. F., Przybilla, N., Gebran, M., Herrero, A., Mahy, L., Santos, W., Tautvaišienė, G., Gilmore, G., Randich, S., Alfaro, E. J., Bergemann, M., Carraro, G., Damiani, F., Franciosini, E., Morbidelli, L., Pancino, E., Worley, C. C. and Zaggia, S.: The Gaia-ESO survey: A spectroscopic study of the young open cluster NGC 3293. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A108 (2022)

Moriya, T. J., Inserra, C., Tanaka, M., Cappellaro, E., Della Valle, M., Hook, I., Kotak, R., Longo, G., Mannucci, F., Mattila, S., Tao, C., Altieri, B., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Courbin, F., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hornstrup, A., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., McCracken, H. J., Melchior, M., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sartoris, B., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Wang, Y., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Scottez, V. and Morris, P. W.: Euclid: Searching for pair-instability supernovae with the Deep Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A157 (2022)

Motwani, B., Genel, S., Bryan, G. L., Kim, C.-G., Pandya, V., Somerville, R. S., Smith, M. C., Ostriker, E. C., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Forbes, J. C., Belfiore, F., Pakmor, R. and Hernquist, L.: First Results from SMAUG: Insights into Star Formation Conditions from Spatially Resolved ISM Properties in TNG50. The Astrophysical Journal 926, 139 (2022)

Mróz, P., Udalski, A. and Gould, A.: Systematic Errors as a Source of Mass Discrepancy in Black Hole Microlensing Event OGLE-2011-BLG-0462. The Astrophysical Journal 937, L24 (2022)

Nanni, L., Thomas, D., Trayford, J., Maraston, C., Neumann, J., Law, D. R., Hill, L., Pillepich, A., Yan, R., Chen, Y. and Lazarz, D.: iMaNGA: mock MaNGA galaxies based on IllustrisTNG and MaStar SSPs - I. Construction and analysis of the mock data cubes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 320-338 (2022)

Nanni, R., Hennawi, J. F., Wang, F., Yang, J., Schindler, J.-T. and Fan, X.: Paving the way forEuclid and JWST via probabilistic selection of high-redshift quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 3224-3248 (2022)

Nesseris, S., Sapone, D., Martinelli, M., Camarena, D., Marra, V., Sakr, Z., Garcia-Bellido, J., Martins, C. J. A. P., Clarkson, C., Da Silva, A., Fleury, P., Lombriser, L., Mimoso, J. P., Casas, S., Pettorino, V., Tutusaus, I., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Courbin, F., Cropper, M., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Farrens, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kitching, T., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Meneghetti, M., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Racca, G. D., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Saglia, R., Sartoris, B., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Starck, J.-L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Baldi, M., Camera, S., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S. and Renzi, A.: Euclid: Forecast constraints on consistency tests of the ΛCDM model. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A67 (2022)

Neumann, J., Thomas, D., Maraston, C., Hill, L., Nanni, L., Wenman, O., Lian, J., Comparat, J., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Westfall, K. B., Yan, R., Chen, Y., Stringfellow, G. S., Bershady, M. A., Brownstein, J. R., Drory, N. and Schneider, D. P.: The MaNGA FIREFLY value added catalogue: resolved stellar populations of 10 010 nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 5988-6012 (2022)

Nguyen, D. D., Bureau, M., Thater, S., Nyland, K., den Brok, M., Cappellari, M., Davis, T. A., Greene, J. E., Neumayer, N., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Kawamuro, T., Baba, S., Nguyen, P. M., Iguchi, S., Tsukui, T., Lam, T. N. and Ho, T.: The MBHBM Project - II. Molecular gas kinematics in the lenticular galaxy NGC 3593 reveal a supermassive black hole. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 2920-2939 (2022)

Noboriguchi, A., Nagao, T., Toba, Y., Ichikawa, K., Kajisawa, M., Kato, N., Kawaguchi, T., Matsuhara, H., Matsuoka, Y., Onishi, K., Onoue, M., Tamada, N., Terao, K., Terashima, Y., Ueda, Y. and Yamashita, T.: Extreme Nature of Four Blue-excess Dust-obscured Galaxies Revealed by Optical Spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal 941, 195 (2022)

Nogueras-Lara, F.: Kinematic data rebuild the nuclear star cluster as the most metal-rich region of the Galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A72 (2022)

Nogueras-Lara, F., Schödel, R. and Neumayer, N.: Detection of an excess of young stars in the Galactic Centre Sagittarius B1 region. Nature Astronomy 6, 1178-1184 (2022)

Nugent, A. E., Fong, W.-F., Dong, Y., Leja, J., Berger, E., Zevin, M., Chornock, R., Cobb, B. E., Kelley, L. Z., Kilpatrick, C. D., Levan, A., Margutti, R., Paterson, K., Perley, D., Escorial, A. R., Smith, N. and Tanvir, N.: Short GRB Host Galaxies. II. A Legacy Sample of Redshifts, Stellar Population Properties, and Implications for Their Neutron Star Merger Origins. The Astrophysical Journal 940, 57 (2022)

Obreja, A., Buck, T. and Macciò, A. V.: A first estimate of the Milky Way dark matter halo spin. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A15 (2022)

Ondratschek, P. A., Röpke, F. K., Schneider, F. R. N., Fendt, C., Sand, C., Ohlmann, S. T., Pakmor, R. and Springel, V.: Bipolar planetary nebulae from common-envelope evolution of binary stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, L8 (2022)

Pan, H.-A., Schinnerer, E., Hughes, A., Leroy, A., Groves, B., Barnes, A. T., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Congiu, E., Dale, D. A., Eibensteiner, C., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Herrera, C. N., Ho, I.-T., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Lang, P., Liu, D., McElroy, R., Meidt, S. E., Murphy, E. J., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Razza, A., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Santoro, F., Schruba, A., Sun, J., Tomičić, N., Usero, A., Utomo, D. and Williams, T. G.: The Gas-Star Formation Cycle in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies. II. Resolved Distributions of CO and Hα Emission for 49 PHANGS Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 9 (2022)

Papovich, C., Simons, R. C., Estrada-Carpenter, V., Matharu, J., Momcheva, I., Trump, J. R., Backhaus, B. E., Brammer, G., Cleri, N. J., Finkelstein, S. L., Giavalisco, M., Ji, Z., Jung, I., Kewley, L. J., Nicholls, D. C., Pirzkal, N., Rafelski, M. and Weiner, B.: CLEAR: The Ionization and Chemical-enrichment Properties of Galaxies at 1.1 < z < 2.3. The Astrophysical Journal 937, 22 (2022)

Park, M., Tacchella, S., Nelson, E. J., Hernquist, L., Weinberger, R., Diemer, B., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Marinacci, F. and Vogelsberger, M.: On the formation of massive quiescent galaxies with diverse morphologies in the TNG50 simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 213-228 (2022)

Pasquato, M., Abbas, M., Trani, A. A., Nori, M., Kwiecinski, J. A., Trevisan, P., Braga, V. F., Bono, G. and Macciò, A. V.: Sparse Identification of Variable Star Dynamics. The Astrophysical Journal 930, 161 (2022)

Pechetti, R., Seth, A., Kamann, S., Caldwell, N., Strader, J., den Brok, M., Luetzgendorf, N., Neumayer, N. and Voggel, K.: Detection of a 100,000 M black hole in M31's Most Massive Globular Cluster: A Tidally Stripped Nucleus. The Astrophysical Journal 924, 48 (2022)

Pensabene, A., van der Werf, P., Decarli, R., Bañados, E., Meyer, R. A., Riechers, D., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Weiß, A., Brusa, M., Fan, X., Wang, F. and Yang, J.: Unveiling the warm and dense ISM in z > 6 quasar host galaxies via water vapor emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A9 (2022)

Perera, S., Pott, J.-U., Woillez, J., Kulas, M., Brandner, W., Lacour, S. and Widmann, F.: Piston Reconstruction Experiment (P-REx) - II. Off-line performance evaluation with VLTI/GRAVITY. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 5709-5717 (2022)

Pérez-Montaño, L. E., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Cervantes Sodi, B., Zhu, Q., Pillepich, A., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: The formation of low surface brightness galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 5840-5852 (2022)

Pessa, I., Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A. K., Koch, E. W., Rosolowsky, E., Williams, T. G., Pan, H.-A., Schruba, A., Usero, A., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Chevance, M., Dale, D., Emsellem, E., Gensior, J., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Meidt, S. E., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sanchez-Blazquez, P. and Watkins, E. J.: Variations in the ΣSFR − Σmol − Σ plane across galactic environments in PHANGS galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A61 (2022)

Piatti, A. E. and Malhan, K.: First evidence of a collision between two unrelated open clusters in the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, L1-L7 (2022)

Pittman, C. V., Espaillat, C. C., Robinson, C. E., Thanathibodee, T., Calvet, N., Wendeborn, J., Hernández, J., Manara, C. F., Walter, F., Ábrahám, P., Alcalá, J. M., Alencar, S. H. P., Arulanantham, N., Cabrit, S., Eislöffel, J., Fiorellino, E., France, K., Gangi, M., Grankin, K., Herczeg, G. J., Kóspál, Á., Mendigutía, I., Serna, J. and Venuti, L.: Towards a Comprehensive View of Accretion, Inner Disks, and Extinction in Classical T Tauri Stars: An ODYSSEUS Study of the Orion OB1b Association. The Astronomical Journal 164, 201 (2022)

Poci, A., McDermid, R. M., Lyubenova, M., Martín-Navarro, I., van de Ven, G., Coccato, L., Corsini, E. M., Fahrion, K., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., Pinna, F., Sarzi, M., de Zeeuw, P. T. and Zhu, L.: The Fornax3D project: intrinsic correlations between orbital properties and the stellar initial mass function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 3660-3669 (2022)

Popping, G., Pillepich, A., Calistro Rivera, G., Schulz, S., Hernquist, L., Kaasinen, M., Marinacci, F., Nelson, D. and Vogelsberger, M.: The dust-continuum size of TNG50 galaxies at z = 1-5: a comparison with the distribution of stellar light, stars, dust, and H2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 3321-3334 (2022)

Puchwein, E., Bolton, J. S., Keating, L. C., Molaro, M., Gaikwad, P., Kulkarni, G., Haehnelt, M. G., Iršič, V., Šoltinský, T., Viel, M., Aubert, D., Becker, G. D. and Meiksin, A.: The Sherwood-Relics simulations: overview and impact of patchy reionization and pressure smoothing on the intergalactic medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)

Randich, S., Gilmore, G., Magrini, L., Sacco, G. G., Jackson, R. J., Jeffries, R. D., Worley, C. C., Hourihane, A., Gonneau, A., Viscasillas Vazquez, C., Franciosini, E., Lewis, J. R., Alfaro, E. J., Allende Prieto, C., Bensby, T., Blomme, R., Bragaglia, A., Flaccomio, E., François, P., Irwin, M. J., Koposov, S. E., Korn, A. J., Lanzafame, A. C., Pancino, E., Recio-Blanco, A., Smiljanic, R., Van Eck, S., Zwitter, T., Asplund, M., Bonifacio, P., Feltzing, S., Binney, J., Drew, J., Ferguson, A. M. N., Micela, G., Negueruela, I., Prusti, T., Rix, H.-W., Vallenari, A., Bayo, A., Bergemann, M., Biazzo, K., Carraro, G., Casey, A. R., Damiani, F., Frasca, A., Heiter, U., Hill, V., Jofré, P., de Laverny, P., Lind, K., Marconi, G., Martayan, C., Masseron, T., Monaco, L., Morbidelli, L., Prisinzano, L., Sbordone, L., Sousa, S. G., Zaggia, S., Adibekyan, V., Bonito, R., Caffau, E., Daflon, S., Feuillet, D. K., Gebran, M., Gonzalez Hernandez, J. I., Guiglion, G., Herrero, A., Lobel, A., Maiz Apellaniz, J., Merle, T., Mikolaitis, Š., Montes, D., Morel, T., Soubiran, C., Spina, L., Tabernero, H. M., Tautvaišiene, G., Traven, G., Valentini, M., Van der Swaelmen, M., Villanova, S., Wright, N. J., Abbas, U., Aguirre Børsen-Koch, V., Alves, J., Balaguer-Nunez, L., Barklem, P. S., Barrado, D., Berlanas, S. R., Binks, A. S., Bressan, A., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Casagrande, L., Casamiquela, L., Collins, R. S., D'Orazi, V., Dantas, M. L. L., Debattista, V. P., Delgado-Mena, E., Di Marcantonio, P., Drazdauskas, A., Evans, N. W., Famaey, B., Franchini, M., Frémat, Y., Friel, E. D., Fu, X., Geisler, D., Gerhard, O., Gonzalez Solares, E. A., Grebel, E. K., Gutierrez Albarran, M. L., Hatzidimitriou, D., Held, E. V., Jiménez-Esteban, F., Jönsson, H., Jordi, C., Khachaturyants, T., Kordopatis, G., Kos, J., Lagarde, N., Mahy, L., Mapelli, M., Marfil, E., Martell, S. L., Messina, S., Miglio, A., Minchev, I., Moitinho, A., Montalban, J., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Morossi, C., Mowlavi, N., Mucciarelli, A., Murphy, D. N. A., Nardetto, N., Ortolani, S., Paletou, F., Palouš, J., Paunzen, E., Pickering, J. C., Quirrenbach, A., Re Fiorentin, P., Read, J. I., Romano, D., Ryde, N., Sanna, N., Santos, W., Seabroke, G. M., Spagna, A., Steinmetz, M., Stonkuté, E., Sutorius, E., Thévenin, F., Tosi, M., Tsantaki, M., Vink, J. S., Wright, N., Wyse, R. F. G., Zoccali, M., Zorec, J., Zucker, D. B. and Walton, N. A.: The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Implementation, data products, open cluster survey, science, and legacy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A121 (2022)

Rastinejad, J. C., Gompertz, B. P., Levan, A. J., Fong, W.-f., Nicholl, M., Lamb, G. P., Malesani, D. B., Nugent, A. E., Oates, S. R., Tanvir, N. R., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Kilpatrick, C. D., Moore, C. J., Metzger, B. D., Ravasio, M. E., Rossi, A., Schroeder, G., Jencson, J., Sand, D. J., Smith, N., Agüí Fernández, J. F., Berger, E., Blanchard, P. K., Chornock, R., Cobb, B. E., De Pasquale, M., Fynbo, J. P. U., Izzo, L., Kann, D. A., Laskar, T., Marini, E., Paterson, K., Escorial, A. R., Sears, H. M. and Thöne, C. C.: A kilonova following a long-duration gamma-ray burst at 350 Mpc. Nature 612, 223-227 (2022)

Riechers, D. A., Weiss, A., Walter, F., Carilli, C. L., Cox, P., Decarli, R. and Neri, R.: Microwave background temperature at a redshift of 6.34 from H2O absorption. Nature 602, 58-62 (2022)

Riggs, S. D., Loveday, J., Thomas, P. A., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D. and Holwerda, B. W.: Exploring the effect of baryons on the radial distribution of satellite galaxies with GAMA and IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 4676-4695 (2022)

Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Genel, S., Fall, S. M., Pillepich, A., Huertas-Company, M., Nelson, D., Pérez-Montaño, L. E., Marinacci, F., Pakmor, R., Springel, V., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: Galactic angular momentum in the IllustrisTNG simulation - I. Connection to morphology, halo spin, and black hole mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 5978-5994 (2022)

Rohr, E., Feldmann, R., Bullock, J. S., Çatmabacak, O., Boylan-Kolchin, M., Faucher-Giguère, C.-A., Kereš, D., Liang, L., Moreno, J. and Wetzel, A.: The galaxy-halo size relation of low-mass galaxies in FIRE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 3967-3985 (2022)

Rosas-Guevara, Y., Bonoli, S., Dotti, M., Izquierdo-Villalba, D., Lupi, A., Zana, T., Bonetti, M., Nelson, D., Springel, V., Hernquist, L. and Vogelsberger, M.: The evolution of the barred galaxy population in the TNG50 simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 5339-5357 (2022)

Rybak, M., Hodge, J. A., Greve, T. R., Riechers, D., Lamperti, I., van Marrewijk, J., Walter, F., Wagg, J. and van der Werf, P. P.: PRUSSIC. I. A JVLA survey of HCN, HCO+, and HNC (1-0) emission in z ∼ 3 dusty galaxies: Low dense-gas fractions in high-redshift star-forming galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A70 (2022)

Rybicki, K. A., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Bachelet, E., Cassan, A., Zieliński, P., Gould, A., Calchi Novati, S., Yee, J. C., Ryu, Y.-H., Gromadzki, M., Mikołajczyk, P., Ihanec, N., Kruszyńska, K., Hambsch, F.-J., Zoła, S., Fossey, S. J., Awiphan, S., Nakharutai, N., Lewis, F., Olivares E., F., Hodgkin, S., Delgado, A., Breedt, E., Harrison, D. L., van Leeuwen, M., Rixon, G., Wevers, T., Yoldas, A., Udalski, A., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Ulaczyk, K., Mróz, P., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Street, R. A., Tsapras, Y., Hundertmark, M., Dominik, M., Beichman, C., Bryden, G., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Zhu, W., Christie, G. W., Green, J., Hennerley, S., McCormick, J., Monard, L. A. G., Natusch, T., Pogge, R. W., Gezer, I., Gurgul, A., Kaczmarek, Z., Konacki, M., Lam, M. C., Maskoliunas, M., Pakstiene, E., Ratajczak, M., Stankeviciute, A., Zdanavicius, J. and Ziółkowska, O.: Single-lens mass measurement in the high-magnification microlensing event Gaia19bld located in the Galactic disc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A18 (2022)

Rybizki, J., Green, G. M., Rix, H.-W., El-Badry, K., Demleitner, M., Zari, E., Udalski, A., Smart, R. L. and Gould, A.: A classifier for spurious astrometric solutions in Gaia eDR3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 2597-2616 (2022)

Ryu, Y.-H., Kil Jung, Y., Yang, H., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: Mass Production of 2021 KMTNet Microlensing Planets. I. The Astronomical Journal 164, 180 (2022)

Sahu, K. C., Anderson, J., Casertano, S., Bond, H. E., Udalski, A., Dominik, M., Calamida, A., Bellini, A., Brown, T. M., Rejkuba, M., Bajaj, V., Kains, N., Ferguson, H. C., Fryer, C. L., Yock, P., Mróz, P., Kozłowski, S., Pietrukowicz, P., Poleski, R., Skowron, J., Soszyński, I., Szymański, M. K., Ulaczyk, K., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Barry, R. K., Bennett, D. P., Bond, I. A., Hirao, Y., Silva, S. I., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P. J., Vandorou, A., Beaulieu, J.-P., Marquette, J.-B., Cole, A., Fouqué, P., Hill, K., Dieters, S., Coutures, C., Dominis-Prester, D., Bennett, C., Bachelet, E., Menzies, J., Albrow, M., Pollard, K., Gould, A., Yee, J. C., Allen, W., Almeida, L. A., Christie, G., Drummond, J., Gal-Yam, A., Gorbikov, E., Jablonski, F., Lee, C.-U., Maoz, D., Manulis, I., McCormick, J., Natusch, T., Pogge, R. W., Shvartzvald, Y., Jørgensen, U. G., Alsubai, K. A., Andersen, M. I., Bozza, V., Novati, S. C., Burgdorf, M., Hinse, T. C., Hundertmark, M., Husser, T.-O., Kerins, E., Longa-Peña, P., Mancini, L., Penny, M., Rahvar, S., Ricci, D., Sajadian, S., Skottfelt, J., Snodgrass, C., Southworth, J., Tregloan-Reed, J., Wambsganss, J., Wertz, O., Tsapras, Y., Street, R. A., Bramich, D. M., Horne, K., Steele, I. A. and RoboNet Collaboration: An Isolated Stellar-mass Black Hole Detected through Astrometric Microlensing. The Astrophysical Journal 933, 83 (2022)

Saito, T., Takano, S., Harada, N., Nakajima, T., Schinnerer, E., Liu, D., Taniguchi, A., Izumi, T., Watanabe, Y., Bamba, K., Herbst, E., Kohno, K., Nishimura, Y., Stuber, S., Tamura, Y. and Tosaki, T.: The Kiloparsec-scale Neutral Atomic Carbon Outflow in the Nearby Type 2 Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068: Evidence for Negative AGN Feedback. The Astrophysical Journal 927, L32 (2022)

Saito, T., Takano, S., Harada, N., Nakajima, T., Schinnerer, E., Liu, D., Taniguchi, A., Izumi, T., Watanabe, Y., Bamba, K., Kohno, K., Nishimura, Y., Stuber, S. and Tosaki, T.: AGN-driven Cold Gas Outflow of NGC 1068 Characterized by Dissociation-sensitive Molecules. The Astrophysical Journal 935, 155 (2022)

Santoro, F., Kreckel, K., Belfiore, F., Groves, B., Congiu, E., Thilker, D. A., Blanc, G. A., Schinnerer, E., Ho, I.-T., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Meidt, S., Klessen, R. S., Schruba, A., Querejeta, M., Pessa, I., Chevance, M., Kim, J., Emsellem, E., McElroy, R., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Boquien, M., Dale, D. A., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Lee, J., Leroy, A. K., Pan, H.-A., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Sanchez-Blazquez, P., Watkins, E. J. and Williams, T. G.: PHANGS-MUSE: The H II region luminosity function of local star-forming galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A188 (2022)

Sarkar, A., Su, Y., Truong, N., Randall, S., Mernier, F., Gastaldello, F., Biffi, V. and Kraft, R.: Chemical abundances in the outskirts of nearby galaxy groups measured with joint Suzaku and Chandra observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 3068-3081 (2022)

Savino, A., Weisz, D. R., Skillman, E. D., Dolphin, A., Kallivayalil, N., Wetzel, A., Anderson, J., Besla, G., Boylan-Kolchin, M., Bullock, J. S., Cole, A. A., Collins, M. L. M., Cooper, M. C., Deason, A. J., Dotter, A. L., Fardal, M., Ferguson, A. M. N., Fritz, T. K., Geha, M. C., Gilbert, K. M., Guhathakurta, P., Ibata, R., Irwin, M. J., Jeon, M., Kirby, E., Lewis, G. F., Mackey, D., Majewski, S. R., Martin, N., McConnachie, A., Patel, E., Rich, R. M., Simon, J. D., Sohn, S. T., Tollerud, E. J. and van der Marel, R. P.: The Hubble Space Telescope Survey of M31 Satellite Galaxies. I. RR Lyrae-based Distances and Refined 3D Geometric Structure. The Astrophysical Journal 938, 101 (2022)

Schatz, H., Becerril Reyes, A. D., Best, A., Brown, E. F., Chatziioannou, K., Chipps, K. A., Deibel, C. M., Ezzeddine, R., Galloway, D. K., Hansen, C. J., Herwig, F., Ji, A. P., Lugaro, M., Meisel, Z., Norman, D., Read, J. S., Roberts, L. F., Spyrou, A., Tews, I., Timmes, F. X., Travaglio, C., Vassh, N., Abia, C., Adsley, P., Agarwal, S., Aliotta, M., Aoki, W., Arcones, A., Aryan, A., Bandyopadhyay, A., Banu, A., Bardayan, D. W., Barnes, J., Bauswein, A., Beers, T. C., Bishop, J., Boztepe, T., Côté, B., Caplan, M. E., Champagne, A. E., Clark, J. A., Couder, M., Couture, A., de Mink, S. E., Debnath, S., deBoer, R. J., den Hartogh, J., Denissenkov, P., Dexheimer, V., Dillmann, I., Escher, J. E., Famiano, M. A., Farmer, R., Fisher, R., Fröhlich, C., Frebel, A., Fryer, C., Fuller, G., Ganguly, A. K., Ghosh, S., Gibson, B. K., Gorda, T., Gourgouliatos, K. N., Graber, V., Gupta, M., Haxton, W. C., Heger, A., Hix, W. R., Ho, W. C. G., Holmbeck, E. M., Hood, A. A., Huth, S., Imbriani, G., Izzard, R. G., Jain, R., Jayatissa, H., Johnston, Z., Kajino, T., Kankainen, A., Kiss, G. G., Kwiatkowski, A., La Cognata, M., Laird, A. M., Lamia, L., Landry, P., Laplace, E., Launey, K. D., Leahy, D., Leckenby, G., Lennarz, A., Longfellow, B., Lovell, A. E., Lynch, W. G., Lyons, S. M., Maeda, K., Masha, E., Matei, C., Merc, J., Messer, B., Montes, F., Mukherjee, A., Mumpower, M. R., Neto, D., Nevins, B., Newton, W. G., Nguyen, L. Q., Nishikawa, K., Nishimura, N., Nunes, F. M., O'Connor, E., O'Shea, B. W., Ong, W.-J., Pain, S. D., Pajkos, M. A., Pignatari, M., Pizzone, R. G., Placco, V. M., Plewa, T., Pritychenko, B., Psaltis, A., Puentes, D., Qian, Y.-Z., Radice, D., Rapagnani, D., Rebeiro, B. M., Reifarth, R., Richard, A. L., Rijal, N., Roederer, I. U., Rojo, J. S., K, J. S., Saito, Y., Schwenk, A., Sergi, M. L., Sidhu, R. S., Simon, A., Sivarani, T., Skúladóttir, Á., Smith, M. S., Spiridon, A., Sprouse, T. M., Starrfield, S., Steiner, A. W., Strieder, F., Sultana, I., Surman, R., Szücs, T., Tawfik, A., Thielemann, F., Trache, L., Trappitsch, R., Tsang, M. B., Tumino, A., Upadhyayula, S., Valle Martínez, J. O., Van der Swaelmen, M., Viscasillas Vázquez, C., Watts, A., Wehmeyer, B., Wiescher, M., Wrede, C., Yoon, J., Zegers, R. G. T., Zermane, M. A. and Zingale, M.: Horizons: nuclear astrophysics in the 2020s and beyond. Journal of Physics G Nuclear Physics 49, 110502 (2022)

Scheuermann, F., Kreckel, K., Anand, G. S., Blanc, G. A., Congiu, E., Santoro, F., Van Dyk, S. D., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Glover, S. C. O., Groves, B., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Watkins, E. J. and Williams, T. G.: Planetary nebula luminosity function distances for 19 galaxies observed by PHANGS-MUSE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 6087-6109 (2022)

Schroeder, G., Laskar, T., Fong, W.-f., Nugent, A. E., Berger, E., Chornock, R., Alexander, K. D., Andrews, J., Bussmann, R. S., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Goyal, A. V., Kilpatrick, C. D., Lally, M., Miller, A. A., Milne, P., Paterson, K., Escorial, A. R., Stroh, M. C., Terreran, G. and Zauderer, B. A.: A Radio-selected Population of Dark, Long Gamma-Ray Bursts: Comparison to the Long Gamma-Ray Burst Population and Implications for Host Dust Distributions. The Astrophysical Journal 940, 53 (2022)

Sestito, F., Venn, K. A., Arentsen, A., Aguado, D., Kielty, C. L., Lardo, C., Martin, N. F., Navarro, J. F., Starkenburg, E., Waller, F., Carlberg, R. G., François, P., González Hernández, J. I., Kordopatis, G., Vitali, S. and Yuan, Z.: The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) V: a chemo-dynamical investigation of the early assembly of the Milky Way with the most metal-poor stars in the bulge. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)

Shahzamanian, B., Schödel, R., Nogueras-Lara, F., Martínez-Arranz, A., Sormani, M. C., Gallego-Calvente, A. T., Gallego-Cano, E. and Alburai, A.: A proper motion catalogue for the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A11 (2022)

Shao, Y., Wagg, J., Wang, R., Momjian, E., Carilli, C. L., Walter, F., Riechers, D. A., Intema, H. T., Weiss, A., Brunthaler, A. and Menten, K. M.: The radio spectral turnover of radio-loud quasars at z > 5. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A159 (2022)

Sharma, E., Maheswar, G. and Dib, S.: Cloud motion and magnetic fields: Four clouds in the Cepheus Flare region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A55 (2022)

Sheikhnezami, S. and Fendt, C.: The Physics of the MHD Disk-Jet Transition in Binary Systems: Jetted Spiral Walls Launched from Disk Spiral Arms. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 161 (2022)

Shenar, T., Sana, H., Mahy, L., El-Badry, K., Marchant, P., Langer, N., Hawcroft, C., Fabry, M., Sen, K., Almeida, L. A., Abdul-Masih, M., Bodensteiner, J., Crowther, P. A., Gieles, M., Gromadzki, M., Hénault-Brunet, V., Herrero, A., Koter, A. d., Iwanek, P., Kozłowski, S., Lennon, D. J., Apellániz, J. M., Mróz, P., Moffat, A. F. J., Picco, A., Pietrukowicz, P., Poleski, R., Rybicki, K., Schneider, F. R. N., Skowron, D. M., Skowron, J., Soszyński, I., Szymański, M. K., Toonen, S., Udalski, A., Ulaczyk, K., Vink, J. S. and Wrona, M.: An X-ray-quiet black hole born with a negligible kick in a massive binary within the Large Magellanic Cloud. Nature Astronomy 6, 1085-1092 (2022)

Shi, J., Peng, Y., Diemer, B., Stevens, A. R. H., Pillepich, A., Renzini, A., Dou, J., Gao, Y., Gu, Q., Ho, L. C., Kong, X., Lagos, C. d. P., Li, D., Li, J., Maiolino, R., Mannucci, F., Xie, L. and Zhang, C.: Cold Gas in Massive Galaxies as a Critical Test of Black Hole Feedback Models. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 189 (2022)

Shin, I.-G., Yee, J. C., Hwang, K.-H., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Bond, I. A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Kil Jung, Y., Woo Kim, H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Beichman, C. A., Bryden, G., Calchi Novati, S., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C. B., Zhu, W., Abe, F., Barry, R. K., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Koshimoto, N., Kondo, I., Matsubara, Y., Matsumoto, S., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Olmschenk, G., Okamura, A., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Silva, S. I., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Toda, T., Tristram, P. J., Vandorou, A., Yama, H. and The MOA Collaboration: OGLE-2016-BLG-1093Lb: A Sub-Jupiter-mass Spitzer Planet Located in the Galactic Bulge. The Astronomical Journal 163, 254 (2022)

Shivaei, I., Boogaard, L., Díaz-Santos, T., Battisti, A., da Cunha, E., Brinchmann, J., Maseda, M., Matthee, J., Monreal-Ibero, A., Nanayakkara, T., Popping, G., Vidal-García, A. and Weilbacher, P. M.: The UV 2175Å attenuation bump and its correlation with PAH emission at z 2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 1886-1894 (2022)

Singha, M., Husemann, B., Urrutia, T., O'Dea, C. P., Scharwächter, J., Gaspari, M., Combes, F., Nevin, R., Terrazas, B. A., Pérez-Torres, M., Rose, T., Davis, T. A., Tremblay, G. R., Neumann, J., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I. and Baum, S. A.: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). Locating the [O III] wing component in luminous local Type 1 AGN. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A123 (2022)

Sirressi, M., Adamo, A., Hayes, M., Osborne, S., Hernandez, S., Chisholm, J., Messa, M., Smith, L. J., Aloisi, A., Wofford, A., Fox, A. J., Mizener, A., Usher, C., Bik, A., Calzetti, D., Sabbi, E., Schinnerer, E., Östlin, G., Grasha, K., Cignoni, M. and Fumagalli, M.: CLusters in the UV as EngineS (CLUES). I. Survey Presentation and FUV Spectral Analysis of the Stellar Light. The Astronomical Journal 164, 208 (2022)

Smercina, A., Smith, J.-D. T., French, K. D., Bell, E. F., Dale, D. A., Medling, A. M., Nyland, K., Privon, G. C., Rowlands, K., Walter, F. and Zabludoff, A. I.: After The Fall: Resolving the Molecular Gas in Post-starburst Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 929, 154 (2022)

Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Husemann, B., Davis, T. A., Smith, C. M. A., Singha, M., Tremblay, G. R., Klessen, R. S., Powell, M., Connor, T., Baum, S. A., Combes, F., Croom, S. M., Gaspari, M., Neumann, J., O'Dea, C. P., Pérez-Torres, M., Rosario, D. J., Rose, T., Scharwächter, J. and Winkel, N.: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). No obvious signature of AGN feedback on star formation, but subtle trends. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A125 (2022)

Sorce, J. G., Ocvirk, P., Aubert, D., Gottlöber, S., Shapiro, P. R., Dawoodbhoy, T., Yepes, G., Ahn, K., Iliev, I. T. and Lewis, J. S. W.: Reionization time of the Local Group and Local-Group-like halo pairs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 2970-2980 (2022)

Sormani, M. C., Sanders, J. L., Fritz, T. K., Smith, L. C., Gerhard, O., Schödel, R., Magorrian, J., Neumayer, N., Nogueras-Lara, F., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Schultheis, M., Shahzamanian, B., Vasiliev, E., Klessen, R. S., Lucas, P. and Minniti, D.: Self-consistent modelling of the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 1857-1884 (2022)

Sotillo-Ramos, D., Pillepich, A., Donnari, M., Nelson, D., Eisert, L., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Joshi, G., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: The merger and assembly histories of Milky Way- and M31-like galaxies with TNG50: disc survival through mergers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 5404-5427 (2022)

Sou, H., Wang, J.-X., Xie, Z.-L., Kang, W.-Y. and Cai, Z.-Y.: The relation between X-ray and ultraviolet variability of quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 5511-5519 (2022)

Soultanis, T., Bauswein, A. and Stergioulas, N.: Analytic models of the spectral properties of gravitational waves from neutron star merger remnants. Physical Review D 105, 043020 (2022)

Spavone, M., Iodice, E., D'Ago, G., van de Ven, G., Morelli, L., Corsini, E. M., Sarzi, M., Coccato, L., Fahrion, K., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., Lyubenova, M., Martín-Navarro, I., McDermid, R. M., Pinna, F., Pizzella, A., Poci, A., de Zeeuw, P. T. and Zhu, L.: Fornax3D project: Assembly history of massive early-type galaxies in the Fornax cluster from deep imaging and integral field spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A135 (2022)

Stephens, I. W., Myers, P. C., Zucker, C., Jackson, J. M., Andersson, B.-G., Smith, R., Soam, A., Battersby, C., Sanhueza, P., Hogge, T., Smith, H. A., Novak, G., Sadavoy, S., Pillai, T. G. S., Li, Z.-Y., Looney, L. W., Sugitani, K., Coudé, S., Guzmán, A., Goodman, A., Kusune, T., Santos, F. P., Zuckerman, L. and Encalada, F.: The Magnetic Field in the Milky Way Filamentary Bone G47. The Astrophysical Journal 926, L6 (2022)

Straatman, C. M. S., van der Wel, A., van Houdt, J., Bezanson, R., Bell, E. F., van Dokkum, P., D'Eugenio, F., Franx, M., Gallazzi, A., de Graaff, A., Maseda, M., Meidt, S. E., Muzzin, A., Sobral, D. and Wu, P.-F.: LEGA-C: Analysis of Dynamical Masses from Ionized Gas and Stellar Kinematics at z 0.8. The Astrophysical Journal 928, 126 (2022)

Straumit, I., Tkachenko, A., Gebruers, S., Audenaert, J., Xiang, M., Zari, E., Aerts, C., Johnson, J. A., Kollmeier, J. A., Rix, H.-W., Beaton, R. L., Van Saders, J. L., Teske, J., Roman-Lopes, A., Ting, Y.-S. and Román-Zúñiga, C. G.: Zeta-Payne: A Fully Automated Spectrum Analysis Algorithm for the Milky Way Mapper Program of the SDSS-V Survey. The Astronomical Journal 163, 236 (2022)

Sun, J., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Hughes, A., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Koch, E. W., Blanc, G. A., Chiang, I.-D., Groves, B., Liu, D., Meidt, S., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sandstrom, K., Sardone, A., Usero, A., Utomo, D., Williams, T. G., Barnes, A. T., Benincasa, S. M., Bigiel, F., Bolatto, A. D., Boquien, M., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Emsellem, E., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Ostriker, E. C. and Thilker, D. A.: Molecular Cloud Populations in the Context of Their Host Galaxy Environments: A Multiwavelength Perspective. The Astronomical Journal 164, 43 (2022)

Szakacs, R., Péroux, C., Zwaan, M. A., Nelson, D., Schinnerer, E., Lahén, N., Weng, S. and Fresco, A. Y.: The column densities of molecular gas across cosmic time: bridging observations and simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 4736-4751 (2022)

Tabatabaei, F. S., Cotton, W., Schinnerer, E., Beck, R., Brunthaler, A., Menten, K. M., Braine, J., Corbelli, E., Kramer, C., Beckman, J. E., Knapen, J. H., Paladino, R., Koch, E. and Camps Fariña, A.: Cloud-scale radio surveys of star formation and feedback in Triangulum Galaxy M 33: VLA observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 2990-3007 (2022)

Tacchella, S., Finkelstein, S. L., Bagley, M., Dickinson, M., Ferguson, H. C., Giavalisco, M., Graziani, L., Grogin, N. A., Hathi, N., Hutchison, T. A., Jung, I., Koekemoer, A. M., Larson, R. L., Papovich, C., Pirzkal, N., Rojas-Ruiz, S., Song, M., Schneider, R., Somerville, R. S., Wilkins, S. M. and Yung, L. Y. A.: On the Stellar Populations of Galaxies at z = 9-11: The Growth of Metals and Stellar Mass at Early Times. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 170 (2022)

Tautvaišienė, G., Drazdauskas, A., Bragaglia, A., Martell, S. L., Pancino, E., Lardo, C., Mikolaitis, Š., Minkevičiūtė, R., Stonkutė, E., Ambrosch, M., Bagdonas, V., Chorniy, Y., Sanna, N., Franciosini, E., Smiljanic, R., Randich, S., Gilmore, G., Bensby, T., Bergemann, M., Gonneau, A., Guiglion, G., Carraro, G., Heiter, U., Korn, A., Magrini, L., Morbidelli, L. and Zaggia, S.: Gaia-ESO Survey: Detailed elemental abundances in red giants of the peculiar globular cluster NGC 1851. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A80 (2022)

Teng, Y.-H., Sandstrom, K. M., Sun, J., Leroy, A. K., Johnson, L. C., Bolatto, A. D., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Schruba, A., Usero, A., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Groves, B., Israel, F. P., Liu, D., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Smith, J. D. and Walter, F.: Molecular Gas Properties and CO-to-H2 Conversion Factors in the Central Kiloparsec of NGC 3351. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 72 (2022)

Thilker, D. A., Whitmore, B. C., Lee, J. C., Deger, S., Chandar, R., Larson, K. L., Hannon, S., Ubeda, L., Dale, D. A., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Rosolowsky, E., Schruba, A., White, R. L. and Williams, T. G.: PHANGS-HST: new methods for star cluster identification in nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 4094-4127 (2022)

Tie, S. S., Hennawi, J. F., Kakiichi, K. and Bosman, S. E. I.: Constraining IGM enrichment and metallicity with the C IV forest correlation function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 3656-3673 (2022)

Tollet, E., Cattaneo, A., Macciò, A. V. and Kang, X.: Cold-mode and hot-mode accretion in galaxy formation: an entropy approach. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 3453-3471 (2022)

Trčka, A., Baes, M., Camps, P., Kapoor, A. U., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Barrientos, D., Hernquist, L., Marinacci, F. and Vogelsberger, M.: UV to submillimetre luminosity functions of TNG50 galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 3728-3749 (2022)

Tristram, K. R. W., Impellizzeri, C. M. V., Zhang, Z.-Y., Villard, E., Henkel, C., Viti, S., Burtscher, L., Combes, F., García-Burillo, S., Martín, S., Meisenheimer, K. and van der Werf, P. P.: ALMA imaging of the cold molecular and dusty disk in the type 2 active nucleus of the Circinus galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A142 (2022)

Turner, J. A., Dale, D. A., Lilly, J., Boquien, M., Deger, S., Lee, J. C., Whitmore, B. C., Anand, G. S., Benincasa, S. M., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Chevance, M., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Hughes, A., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Pan, H.-A., Rosolowsky, E., Schruba, A. and Williams, T. G.: PHANGS: constraining star formation time-scales using the spatial correlations of star clusters and giant molecular clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 4612-4626 (2022)

Upham, R. E., Brown, M. L., Whittaker, L., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hornstrup, A., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sartoris, B., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Starck, J.-L., Tallada-Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Baldi, M., Camera, S., Cardone, V. F., Fabbian, G., Polenta, G., Renzi, A., Joachimi, B., Hall, A., Loureiro, A. and Sellentin, E.: Euclid: Covariance of weak lensing pseudo-C estimates. Calculation, comparison to simulations, and dependence on survey geometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A114 (2022)

Urquhart, R., McDermott, L. I., Strader, J., Seth, A. C., Chomiuk, L., Neumayer, N., Nguyen, D. D. and Tremou, E.: X-Ray and Radio Observations of Central Black Holes in Nearby Low-mass Early-type Galaxies: Preliminary Evidence for Low Eddington Fractions. The Astrophysical Journal 940, 111 (2022)

van der Giessen, S. A., Leslie, S. K., Groves, B., Hodge, J. A., Popescu, C. C., Sargent, M. T., Schinnerer, E. and Tuffs, R. J.: Probing star formation and ISM properties using galaxy disk inclination. III. Evolution in dust opacity and clumpiness between redshift 0.0 < z < 0.7 constrained from UV to NIR. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A26 (2022)

van der Wel, A., van Houdt, J., Bezanson, R., Franx, M., D'Eugenio, F., Straatman, C., Bell, E. F., Muzzin, A., Sobral, D., Maseda, M. V., de Graaff, A. and Holden, B. P.: The Mass Scale of High-redshift Galaxies: Virial Mass Estimates Calibrated with Stellar Dynamical Models from LEGA-C. The Astrophysical Journal 936, 9 (2022)

van Mierlo, S. E., Caputi, K. I., Ashby, M., Atek, H., Bolzonella, M., Bowler, R. A. A., Brammer, G., Conselice, C. J., Cuby, J., Dayal, P., Díaz-Sánchez, A., Finkelstein, S. L., Hoekstra, H., Humphrey, A., Ilbert, O., McCracken, H. J., Milvang-Jensen, B., Oesch, P. A., Pello, R., Rodighiero, G., Schirmer, M., Toft, S., Weaver, J. R., Wilkins, S. M., Willott, C. J., Zamorani, G., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Baldi, M., Bender, R., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Courbin, F., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Farrens, S., Ferriol, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hornstrup, A., Jahnke, K., Kümmel, M., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kohley, R., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Medinaceli, E., Meneghetti, M., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sapone, D., Sartoris, B., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Starck, J.-L., Surace, C., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Tutusaus, I., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Zacchei, A., Zoubian, J., Andreon, S., Bardelli, S., Boucaud, A., Graciá-Carpio, J., Maino, D., Mauri, N., Mei, S., Sureau, F., Zucca, E., Aussel, H., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Biviano, A., Blanchard, A., Borgani, S., Bozzo, E., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Calura, F., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, S., Castignani, G., Colodro-Conde, C., Cooray, A. R., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Crocce, M., Cucciati, O., Davini, S., Dole, H., Escartin, J. A., Escoffier, S., Fabricius, M., Farina, M., Ganga, K., García-Bellido, J., George, K., Giacomini, F., Gozaliasl, G., Gwyn, S., Hook, I., Huertas-Company, M., Kansal, V., Kashlinsky, A., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Lindholm, V., Maoli, R., Martinelli, M., Martinet, N., Maturi, M., Metcalf, R. B., Monaco, P., Morgante, G., Nucita, A. A., Patrizii, L., Peel, A., Pollack, J., Popa, V., Porciani, C., Potter, D., Reimberg, P., Sánchez, A. G., Scottez, V., Sefusatti, E., Stadel, J., Teyssier, R., Valiviita, J. and Viel, M.: Euclid preparation. XXI. Intermediate-redshift contaminants in the search for z > 6 galaxies within the Euclid Deep Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A200 (2022)

Varma, S., Huertas-Company, M., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Dekel, A., Faber, S. M., Iglesias-Navarro, P., Koo, D. C. and Primack, J.: The building up of observed stellar scaling relations of massive galaxies and the connection to black hole growth in the TNG50 simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 2654-2673 (2022)

Vieira, D., Riechers, D. A., Pavesi, R., Faisst, A. L., Schinnerer, E., Scoville, N. Z. and Stacey, G. J.: Molecular Gas Excitation of the Massive Dusty Starburst CRLE and the Main-sequence Galaxy HZ10 at z = 5.7 in the COSMOS Field. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 174 (2022)

Viscasillas Vázquez, C., Magrini, L., Casali, G., Tautvaišienė, G., Spina, L., Van der Swaelmen, M., Randich, S., Bensby, T., Bragaglia, A., Friel, E., Feltzing, S., Sacco, G. G., Turchi, A., Jiménez-Esteban, F., D'Orazi, V., Delgado-Mena, E., Mikolaitis, Š., Drazdauskas, A., Minkevičiūtė, R., Stonkutė, E., Bagdonas, V., Montes, D., Guiglion, G., Baratella, M., Tabernero, H. M., Gilmore, G., Alfaro, E., Francois, P., Korn, A., Smiljanic, R., Bergemann, M., Franciosini, E., Gonneau, A., Hourihane, A., Worley, C. C. and Zaggia, S.: The Gaia-ESO survey: Age-chemical-clock relations spatially resolved in the Galactic disc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A135 (2022)

Vitali, S., Arentsen, A., Starkenburg, E., Jofré, P., Martin, N. F., Aguado, D. S., Carlberg, R., González Hernández, J. I., Ibata, R., Kordopatis, G., Malhan, K., Ramos, P., Sestito, F., Yuan, Z., Buder, S., Lewis, G. F., Wan, Z. and Zucker, D. B.: The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) - IV. A photometric metallicity analysis of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 6121-6139 (2022)

Voggel, K. T., Seth, A. C., Baumgardt, H., Husemann, B., Neumayer, N., Hilker, M., Pechetti, R., Mieske, S., Dumont, A. and Georgiev, I.: First direct dynamical detection of a dual supermassive black hole system at sub-kiloparsec separation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A152 (2022)

Wagg, T., Broekgaarden, F. S., de Mink, S. E., Frankel, N., van Son, L. A. C. and Justham, S.: Gravitational Wave Sources in Our Galactic Backyard: Predictions for BHBH, BHNS, and NSNS Binaries Detectable with LISA. The Astrophysical Journal 937, 118 (2022)

Walo-Martín, D., Pinna, F., Grand, R. J. J., Pérez, I., Falcón-Barroso, J., Fragkoudi, F. and Martig, M.: Local variations of the stellar velocity ellipsoid - II. The effect of the bar in the inner regions of Auriga galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 4587-4604 (2022)

Walter, F., Neeleman, M., Decarli, R., Venemans, B., Meyer, R., Weiss, A., Bañados, E., Bosman, S. E. I., Carilli, C., Fan, X., Riechers, D., Rix, H.-W. and Thompson, T. A.: ALMA 200 pc Imaging of a z 7 Quasar Reveals a Compact, Disk-like Host Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 21 (2022)

Wang, C., Huang, Y., Yuan, H., Zhang, H., Xiang, M. and Liu, X.: The Value-added Catalog for LAMOST DR8 Low-resolution Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 259, 51 (2022)

Wang, H., Zang, W., Zhu, W., Hwang, K.-H., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Han, C., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Jung, Y. K., Kim, D., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Poleski, R., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M., Yang, H., Mao, S. and Zhang, X.: Systematic Korea Microlensing Telescope Network planetary anomaly search - III. One wide-orbit planet and two stellar binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 1778-1790 (2022)

Wang, S., Jiang, L., Shen, Y., Ho, L. C., Vestergaard, M., Bañados, E., Willott, C. J., Wu, J., Zou, S., Yang, J., Wang, F., Fan, X. and Wu, X.-B.: Metallicity in Quasar Broad-line Regions at Redshift 6. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 121 (2022)

Wang, S., Xu, D., Lu, S., Cai, Z., Xiang, M., Mao, S., Springel, V. and Hernquist, L.: From large-scale environment to CGM angular momentum to star-forming activities - I. Star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 3148-3162 (2022)

Wang, T.-M., Magnelli, B., Schinnerer, E., Liu, D., Modak, Z. A., Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., Karoumpis, C., Kokorev, V. and Bertoldi, F.: A3COSMOS: A census on the molecular gas mass and extent of main-sequence galaxies across cosmic time. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A142 (2022)

Wang, Z., Hayden, M. R., Sharma, S., Xiang, M., Ting, Y.-S., Bland-Hawthorn, J. and Chen, B.: Reliable stellar abundances of individual stars with the MUSE integral-field spectrograph. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 1034-1053 (2022)

Waterval, S., Elgamal, S., Nori, M., Pasquato, M., Macciò, A. V., Blank, M., Dixon, K. L., Kang, X. and Ibrayev, T.: NIHAO - XXVIII. Collateral effects of AGN on dark matter concentration and stellar kinematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 5307-5319 (2022)

Williams, T. G., Kreckel, K., Belfiore, F., Groves, B., Sandstrom, K., Santoro, F., Blanc, G. A., Bigiel, F., Boquien, M., Chevance, M., Congiu, E., Emsellem, E., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Klessen, R. S., Koch, E., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Liu, D., Meidt, S., Pan, H.-A., Querejeta, M., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A. and Watkins, E. J.: The 2D metallicity distribution and mixing scales of nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 1303-1322 (2022)

Williams, T. G., Sun, J., Barnes, A. T., Schinnerer, E., Henshaw, J. D., Meidt, S. E., Querejeta, M., Watkins, E. J., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Boquien, M., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Egorov, O. V., Emsellem, E., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Hassani, H., Jeffreson, S., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Kim, J., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Leroy, A. K., Liu, D., Pessa, I., Pety, J., Pinna, F., Rosolowsky, E., Sandstrom, K. M., Smith, R., Sormani, M. C., Stuber, S., Thilker, D. A. and Whitmore, B. C.: PHANGS-JWST First Results: Spurring on Star Formation: JWST Reveals Localized Star Formation in a Spiral Arm Spur of NGC 628. The Astrophysical Journal 941, L27 (2022)

Winkel, N., Husemann, B., Davis, T. A., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Bennert, V. N., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Jahnke, K., Neumann, J., O'Dea, C. P., Pérez-Torres, M., Singha, M., Tremblay, G. R. and Rix, H. W.: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). Tracing the circumnuclear star formation in the super-Eddington NLS1 Mrk 1044. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A104 (2022)

Witstok, J., Smit, R., Maiolino, R., Kumari, N., Aravena, M., Boogaard, L., Bouwens, R., Carniani, S., Hodge, J. A., Jones, G. C., Stefanon, M., van der Werf, P. and Schouws, S.: Dual constraints with ALMA: new [O III] 88-μm and dust-continuum observations reveal the ISM conditions of luminous LBGs at z 7. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 1751-1773 (2022)

Wright, T. A., Yerolatsitis, S., Harrington, K., Harris, R. J. and Birks, T. A.: All-fibre wavefront sensor. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 5422-5428 (2022)

Wu, G., Martínez-Delgado, D., Henkel, C., Kroupa, P., Walter, F., Krieger, N., Bolatto, A. D., Robishaw, T., Simon, J. D., Ibáñez Pérez, Á., Menten, K. M. and Esimbek, J.: H I mapping of the Leo Triplet. Morphologies and kinematics of tails and bridges. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A25 (2022)

Wu, J., Shen, Y., Jiang, L., Bañados, E., Fan, X., Ho, L. C., Vestergaard, M., Wang, F., Wang, S., Wu, X.-B. and Yang, J.: Demographics of z 6 quasars in the black hole mass-luminosity plane. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 2659-2676 (2022)

Xiang, M. and Rix, H.-W.: A time-resolved picture of our Milky Way's early formation history. Nature 603, 599-603 (2022)

Yang, H., Zang, W., Gould, A., Yee, J. C., Hwang, K.-H., Christie, G., Sumi, T., Zhang, J., Mao, S., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Drummond, J., Maoz, D., McCormick, J., Natusch, T., Penny, M. T., Zhu, W., Bond, I. A., Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Silva, S. I., Suzuki, D., Tanaka, Y., Tristram, P. J., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A. and MOA Collaboration: KMT-2021-BLG-0171Lb and KMT-2021-BLG-1689Lb: two microlensing planets in the KMTNet high-cadence fields with followup observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 1894-1909 (2022)

Yang, J., Fan, X., Wang, F., Lanzuisi, G., Nanni, R., Cappi, M., Chartas, G., Dadina, M., Decarli, R., Jin, X., Keeton, C. R., Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Wang, R., Wu, X.-B., Yue, M. and Zabludoff, A.: Deep XMM-Newton Observations of an X-ray Weak Broad Absorption Line Quasar at z = 6.5. The Astrophysical Journal 924, L25 (2022)

Yang, L., Yuan, H., Xiang, M., Duan, F., Huang, Y., Liu, J., Beers, T. C., Galarza, C. A., Daflon, S., Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A., Cenarro, J., Cristóbal-Hornillos, D., Hernández-Monteagudo, C., López-Sanjuan, C., Marín-Franch, A., Moles, M., Varela, J., Ramió, H. V., Alcaniz, J., Dupke, R., Ederoclite, A., Sodré, L. and Angulo, R. E.: J-PLUS: Stellar parameters, C, N, Mg, Ca, and [α/Fe] abundances for two million stars from DR1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A181 (2022)

Yuan, Z., Malhan, K., Sestito, F., Ibata, R. A., Martin, N. F., Chang, J., Li, T. S., Caffau, E., Bonifacio, P., Bellazzini, M., Huang, Y., Voggel, K., Longeard, N., Arentsen, A., Doliva-Dolinsky, A., Navarro, J., Famaey, B., Starkenburg, E. and Aguado, D. S.: The Complexity of the Cetus Stream Unveiled from the Fusion of STREAMFINDER and StarGO. The Astrophysical Journal 930, 103 (2022)

Yuan, Z., Martin, N. F., Ibata, R. A., Caffau, E., Bonifacio, P., Mashonkina, L. I., Errani, R., Doliva-Dolinsky, A., Starkenburg, E., Venn, K. A., Arentsen, A., Aguado, D. S., Bellazzini, M., Famaey, B., Fouesneau, M., González Hernández, J. I., Jablonka, P., Lardo, C., Malhan, K., Navarro, J. F., Sánchez Janssen, R., Sestito, F., Thomas, G. F., Viswanathan, A. and Vitali, S.: The Pristine survey - XVII. The C-19 stream is dynamically hot and more extended than previously thought. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 1664-1671 (2022)

Zang, W., Shvartzvald, Y., Udalski, A., Yee, J. C., Lee, C.-U., Sumi, T., Zhang, X., Yang, H., Mao, S., Novati, S. C., Gould, A., Zhu, W., Beichman, C. A., Bryden, G., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C. B., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Bond, I. A., Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Suzuki, D., Tanaka, Y., Tristram, P. J., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A., Bachelet, E., Hundertmark, M. P. G., Jaimes, R. F., Maoz, D., Penny, M. T., Street, R. A. and Tsapras, Y.: OGLE-2018-BLG-0799Lb: a q = 2.7 × 10-3 planet with Spitzer parallax. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 5952-5968 (2022)

Zang, W., Yang, H., Han, C., Lee, C.-U., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Mao, S., Zhang, X., Zhu, W., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M. and Gromadzki, M.: Systematic KMTNet planetary anomaly search. IV. Complete sample of 2019 prime-field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 928-939 (2022)

Zee, W.-B. G., Yoon, S.-J., Moon, J.-S., An, S.-H., Paudel, S. and Yun, K.: Warped Disk Galaxies. I. Linking U-type Warps in Groups/Clusters to Jellyfish Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 935, 48 (2022)

Zhao, L. L., Fischer, D. A., Ford, E. B., Wise, A., Cretignier, M., Aigrain, S., Barragan, O., Bedell, M., Buchhave, L. A., Camacho, J. D., Cegla, H. M., Cisewski-Kehe, J., Collier Cameron, A., de Beurs, Z. L., Dodson-Robinson, S., Dumusque, X., Faria, J. P., Gilbertson, C., Haley, C., Harrell, J., Hogg, D. W., Holzer, P., John, A. A., Klein, B., Lafarga, M., Lienhard, F., Maguire-Rajpaul, V., Mortier, A., Nicholson, B., Palumbo, M. L., Ramirez Delgado, V., Shallue, C. J., Vanderburg, A., Viana, P. T. P., Zhao, J., Zicher, N., Cabot, S. H. C., Henry, G. W., Roettenbacher, R. M., Brewer, J. M., Llama, J., Petersburg, R. R. and Szymkowiak, A. E.: The EXPRES Stellar Signals Project II. State of the Field in Disentangling Photospheric Velocities. The Astronomical Journal 163, 171 (2022)

Zheng, X. C., Röttgering, H. J. A., van der Wel, A. and Duncan, K.: Shapes of galaxies hosting radio-loud AGNs with z ≤ 1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A114 (2022)

Zhu, L., Pillepich, A., van de Ven, G., Leaman, R., Hernquist, L., Nelson, D., Pakmor, R., Vogelsberger, M. and Zhang, L.: Mass of the dynamically hot inner stellar halo predicts the ancient accreted stellar mass. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A20 (2022)

Zhu, L., van de Ven, G., Leaman, R., Pillepich, A., Coccato, L., Ding, Y., Falcón-Barroso, J., Iodice, E., Navarro, I. M., Pinna, F., Corsini, E. M., Gadotti, D. A., Fahrion, K., Lyubenova, M., Mao, S., McDermid, R., Poci, A., Sarzi, M. and de Zeeuw, T.: The Fornax3D project: Discovery of ancient massive merger events in the Fornax cluster galaxies NGC 1380 and NGC 1427. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A115 (2022)

Zhu, Y., Becker, G. D., Bosman, S. E. I., Keating, L. C., D'Odorico, V., Davies, R. L., Christenson, H. M., Bañados, E., Bian, F., Bischetti, M., Chen, H., Davies, F. B., Eilers, A.-C., Fan, X., Gaikwad, P., Greig, B., Haehnelt, M. G., Kulkarni, G., Lai, S., Pallottini, A., Qin, Y., Ryan-Weber, E. V., Walter, F., Wang, F. and Yang, J.: Long Dark Gaps in the Lyβ Forest at z < 6: Evidence of Ultra-late Reionization from XQR-30 Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal 932, 76 (2022)

Zohren, H., Schrabback, T., Bocquet, S., Sommer, M., Raihan, F., Hernández-Martín, B., Marggraf, O., Ansarinejad, B., Bayliss, M. B., Bleem, L. E., Erben, T., Hoekstra, H., Floyd, B., Gladders, M. D., Kleinebreil, F., McDonald, M. A., Schirmer, M., Scognamiglio, D., Sharon, K. and Wright, A. H.: Extending empirical constraints on the SZ-mass scaling relation to higher redshifts via HST weak lensing measurements of nine clusters from the SPT-SZ survey at z ≳ 1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 668, A18 (2022)

Conference Proceedings and Books
Ahn, H., Briegel, F., Jeon, M., Herbst, T., Lee, S., Jung, I., Kim, C., Han, J., Kim, G. H., Gaessler, W., Kuhlberg, M., Ji, T.-G., Park, H. C., Pak, S., Konidaris, N. P., Drory, N., Sanchez-Gallego, J., Froning, C. S., Ramirez, S. and Kollmeier, J. A.: LVMAGP: SDSS-V local volume mapper acquisition and guiding package. Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VII, Proceedings of the SPIE 12189, 121892E (2022)

Barboza, S., Boné, A., Rodeghiero, G., Harris, R. J., Jost, J., Pott, J.-U., Rohloff, R.-R., Müller, F., Hofferbert, R., Bizenberger, P., Ramos, J., Münch, N., Mohr, L., Stepień, P., Schlossmacher, W. and Müller, M.: The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: relay optics opto-mechanical final design. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121842Y (2022)

Bergez-Casalou, C., Bitsch, B., Kurtovic, N. and Pinilla, P.: Constraining giant planet formation with synthetic ALMA images of the Solar System's natal protoplanetary disk. 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-85 (2022)

Bergomi, M., Marafatto, L., Carolo, E., Greggio, D., Ricci, D., Vassallo, D., Lessio, L., Radhakrishnan Santhakumari, K. K., Umbriaco, G., Dima, M., Di Filippo, S., D'Orazi, V., Mesa, D., Montoya, M., Mohr, L., Viotto, V., Baruffolo, A., Biondi, F., Chavan, S., Chinellato, S., De Pascale, M., Don, K. W., Grenz, P., Laudisio, F., Leisenrin, J., Ragazzoni, R., Pedichini, F., Piazzesi, R., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Bianco, A., Carlotti, A., Knapic, C., Vicinanza, M., Zanutta, A., Christou, J., Conrad, A., Funk, L., Veillet, C. and Farinato, J.: SHARK-NIR: from design to installation, ready to dive into first light. Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy X, Proceedings of the SPIE 12187, 1218709 (2022)

Boné, A., Barboza, S., Harris, R. J., Rodeghiero, G., Pott, J.-U., Rohloff, R.-R., Müller, F., Hofferbert, R., Bizenberger, P., Ramos, J. and Muench, N.: The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: a comprehensive tolerance analysis for the relay optics. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 1218435 (2022)

Boogaard, L.: Cold gas in distant galaxies. Hypatia Colloquium 2022, Early Career Astronomer series at ESO, 21 (2022)

Cunningham, M., Doel, P., Brooks, D., Brynnel, J., de Jong, R., Frey, S., Schroeck, M., Gaebler, M., Sablowski, D., Lehmitz, M., Smith, G. and Barden, S. C.: The assembly and alignment of the 4MOST wide field corrector. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121846V (2022)

de Jong, R. S., Bellido-Tirado, O., Brynnel, J. G., Ezzati Amini, A., Frey, S., Füßlein, C., Gäbler, M., Giannone, D., Johl, D., Kuba, S., Lemke, U., Micheva, G., Saviauk, A., Steinmetz, M., Walcher, J. C., Winkler, R., Lind, K., Loveday, J., Feltzing, S., McMahon, R., Mainieri, V., Pirard, J.-F., Bensby, T., Bergemann, M., Chiappini, C., Christlieb, N., Cioni, M.-R. L., Comparat, J., Driver, S., Hook, I., Irwin, M., Kneib, J.-P., Liske, J., Merloni, A., Minchev, I., Richard, J., Starkenburg, E., Sullivan, M., Worley, C., Gaessler, W., Laurent, F., Pragt, J., Remillieux, A., Rothmaier, F., Smedley, S., Stilz, I., Walton, N., Alexander, D. M., Church, R., Croom, S., Davies, L. J., Heneka, C., Kacharov, N., Knoche, J., Kordopatis, G., Krumpe, M., Martell, S., Norberg, P., Pelisoli, I., Sharma, S., Storm, J. and Tempel, E.: 4MOST: the 4-metre multi-object spectroscopic telescope project in the assembly, integration, and test phase. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 1218414 (2022)

Di Marcantonio, P., Zanutta, A., Marconi, A., Abreu, M., Alberti, V., Aliverti, M., Andersen, M. I., Baldini, V., Balestra, A., Baron, F., Brynnel, J., Cabral, A., Chazelas, B., Cirami, R., Coretti, I., Gallo, E., Giro, E., Gaessler, W., Gonzalez, O., Huke, P., Kouach, D., Leão, I. C., Lunney, D., Macintosh, M., Masłowski, P., Monteiro, M. A., Oliva, E., Origlia, L., Pariani, G., Pinna, E., Redaelli, E. M. A., Riva, M., Selmi, C., Sortino, F., Stempels, E. H. C., Wehbe, B., Xompero, M. and Zimara, J.: ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: project management and system engineering approaches for mastering its preliminary design phase. Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy X, Proceedings of the SPIE 12187, 1218702 (2022)

Ge, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Zhou, D., Tang, Z., Zhang, C., Wang, C., Yu, Y., Yao, X., Zhu, J., Chen, W., Han, X., Chen, K., Yang, Y., Bi, X., Zhang, K., Chen, Y., Liu, X., Yin, D., Zhang, Q., Yang, B., Wei, C., Zhu, Y., Song, Z., Gao, W., Li, W., Wang, F., Cheng, P., Shen, C., Pan, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Wang, H., Chen, C., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Zang, W., Mao, S., Zhu, W., Wang, S. X., Xie, J., Jiang, C., Chen, D., Tang, W., Sun, M., Wang, M., Wu, Y., Li, Y., Wen, L., Feng, J., Willis, K., Huang, C., Ma, B., Wang, Y., Shen, R., Tam, P.-H. T., Hu, Z., Yang, Y., Feng, F., Xiang, M., Yu, J., Zhang, J., Wu, Y., Zong, W., Yuan, H., Li, T., Zhao, Y., Zou, Y., Deng, H., Liuu, B. and Yin, Q.-z.: The Earth 2.0 space mission for detecting Earth-like planets around solar type stars. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, Proceedings of the SPIE 12180, 1218015 (2022)

Häberle, M., Herbst, T. M., Bizenberger, P., Blanc, G., Briegel, F., Drory, N., Gässler, W., Konidaris, N., Kreckel, K., Kuhlberg, M., Mohr, L., Pellegrini, E., Ramirez, S., Ritz, C., Rohloff, R.-R. and Stepień, P.: Validating the local volume mapper acquisition and guiding hardware. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121846U (2022)

Herbst, T. M., Bizenberger, P., Blanc, G., Briegel, F., Case, S., Drory, N., Feger, T., Froning, C., Gaessler, W., Häberle, M., Hebert, A., Kollmeier, J., Konidaris, N., Kuhlberg, M., Lanz, A., Mathar, R., Mohr, L., Pak, S., Ramírez, S., Ritz, C., Rohloff, R.-R., Sánchez-Gallego, J., Stepień, P., Wachter, S., Zhelem, R. and Bizyaev, D.: Construction, testing, and commissioning of the SDSS-V Local Volume Mapper telescope system. Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12182, 121821Q (2022)

Isbell, J.: Imaging the Circumnuclear Dust in Circinus. IR2022: An Infrared Bright Future for Ground-based IR Observatories in the Era of JWST, 18 (2022)

Kim, C., Sanchez-Gallego, J., Bilgi, P., Yang, M., Briegel, F., Ji, T.-G., Konidaris, N. P., Kim, T., Ahn, H., Jeon, M., Park, H. C., Lee, H.-I., Froning, C. S., Ramirez, S., Drory, N., Kollmeier, J. A. and Pak, S.: Development of the spectrograph control software package for SDSS-Ⅴ Local Volume Mapper Instrument. Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VII, Proceedings of the SPIE 12189, 121890Z (2022)

Lanz, A. E., Crane, J. D., Herbst, T. M., Bizenberger, P., Blanc, G., Drory, N., Froning, C. S., Gaessler, W., Hebert, A., Hull, C. L., Konidaris, N. P., Ramírez, S. and Wachter, S.: SDSS-V local volume mapper objective optics. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121845T (2022)

Maciaszek, T., Ealet, A., Gillard, W., Jahnke, K., Barbier, R., Prieto, E., Bon, W., Bonnefoi, A., Caillat, A., Carle, M., Costille, A., Ducret, F., Fabron, C., Foulon, B., Gimenez, J.-L., Grassi, E., Jaquet, M., Le Mignant, D., Martin, L., Pamplona, T., Sanchez, P., Clémens, J.-C., Caillat, L., Niclas, M., Secroun, A., Kubik, B., Ferriol, S., Berthe, M., Barrière, J.-C., Fontignie, J., Valenziano, L., Auricchio, N., Battaglia, P., De Rosa, A., Farinelli, R., Franceschi, E., Medinaceli, E., Morgante, G., Sortino, F., Trifoglio, M., Corcione, L., Capobianco, V., Ligori, S., Dusini, S., Borsato, E., Dal Corso, F., Laudisio, F., Sirignano, C., Stanco, L., Ventura, S., Patrizii, L., Chiarusi, T., Fornari, F., Giacomini, F., Margiotta, A., Mauri, N., Pasqualini, L., Sirri, G., Spurio, M., Tenti, M., Travaglini, R., Bonoli, C., Bortoletto, F., Balestra, A., Dalessandro, M., Grupp, F., Penka, D., Steinwagner, J., Hormuth, F., Schirmer, M., Seidel, G., Padilla, C., Casas, R., Lloro, Y., Toledo-Moreo, R., Gomez, J., Colodro-Conde, C., Lizán, D., Diaz, J.-J., Lilje, P., Andersen, M. I., Andersen, J., Sørensen, A. N., Hornstrup, A., Jessen, N. C., Thizy, C., Holmes, W., Pniel, M., Jhabvala, M., Pravdo, S., Seiffert, M., Waczynski, A., Laureij, R. J., Racca, G., Salvignol, J.-C., Boenke, T., Strada, P. and Mellier, Y.: Euclid near infrared spectrometer and photometer instrument flight model presentation, performance, and ground calibration results summary. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, Proceedings of the SPIE 12180, 121801K (2022)

Mazzucchelli, C., Decarli, R., Bañados, E., Khusanova, Y., Rojas-Ruiz, S. and Emanuele, P. F.: An ALMA View of the Host Galaxies of Radio-Loud Quasars at z>5. Joint Observatories Kavli Science Forum in Chile (joksfic2022), Proceedings of the conference held 25-29 April 2022 at ESO, 7 (2022)

Politopoulos, I., Pragt, J., ter Horst, R., Roelfsema, R., Bellido-Tirado, O., Brynnel, J., Frey, S., Helmi, A., Herrewijnen, J., de Jong, R., Lehmitz, M., Navarro, R., Saviauk, A., Sharples, R., Tyas, L., Schmoll, J., Seifert, W., de Haan, M., Schuil, M., Elswijk, E. and Balbinot, E.: 4MOST calibration system: design, assembly, and testing. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 1218473 (2022)

Riechers, D. A., Weiss, A., Walter, F., Carilli, C. L., Cox, P., Decarli, R. and Neri, R.: Water Silhouettes against the Cosmic Microwave Background from the Most Distant Starburst Galaxies. Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium, EPJ Web of Conferences 265, 00044 (2022)

Rojas Ruiz, S.: The Role of Powerful Radio Jets in the Host Galaxy of a Quasar in the First Gyr of the Universe. Hypatia Colloquium 2022, Early Career Astronomer series at ESO, 33 (2022)

Schinnerer, E., Pety, J., Bešlić, I., Eibensteiner, C., Stuber, S., Leroy, A., Hughes, A., Usero, A., Bigiel, F., Paws and Phangs Collaborations: A Cloud-Scale View of the Molecular Gas Disk in the Whirlpool Galaxy and Beyond. Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium, EPJ Web of Conferences 265, 00010 (2022)

Truong, N.: Effects of Supermassive Black Holes Feedback on Hot Gaseous Atmospheres. Multiphase AGN Feeding & Feedback II, 67 (2022)

Winkler, R., Liebner, T., Sobiella, D., Rodriguez Alvarez, C., Fechner, T., Bittner, W., Feuerstein, D., Leseberg, B., Hahn, T., Lemke, U., Sablowski, D., Pramskiy, A., Rothmaier, F., Stilz, I., Lehmitz, M., Smedley, S., Onel, H. and Frey, S.: 4MOST metrology system lab calibration and performance. Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V, Proceedings of the SPIE 12188, 121882A (2022)

Zhang, H., Ge, J., Deng, H., Yao, X., Zhu, J., Zang, W., Mao, S., Zhu, W., Wang, S. X., Xie, J., Yang, M., Jiang, C., Chen, D., Wang, M., Tang, W., Sun, M., Willis, K., Huang, C., Ma, B., Wang, Y., Shen, R., Tam, P.-H. T., Hu, Z., Yang, Y., Feng, F., Liu, B., Ye, Q., Xiang, M., Yu, J., Zhang, J., Wu, Y., Zong, W., Yuan, H., Li, T., Zhao, Y., Zou, Y. and Liu, J.: Science goals of the Earth 2.0 space mission. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, Proceedings of the SPIE 12180, 1218016 (2022)

Popular Papers
Yan, H., Li, H., Wang, S., Zong, W., Yuan, H., Xiang, M., Huang, Y., Xie, J., Dong, S., Yuan, H., Bi, S., Chu, Y., Cui, X., Deng, L., Fu, J., Han, Z., Hou, J., Li, G., Liu, C., Liu, J., Liu, X., Luo, A., Shi, J., Wu, X., Zhang, H., Zhao, G. and Zhao, Y.: Overview of the LAMOST survey in the first decade. The Innovation 3, 100224 (2022)


Refereed Papers
Alamo-Martínez, K. A., Chies-Santos, A. L., Beasley, M. A., Flores-Freitas, R., Furlanetto, C., Trevisan, M., Schnorr-Müller, A., Leaman, R. and Bonatto, C. J.: Globular cluster systems of relic galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 2406-2422 (2021)

Algera, H. S. B., Hodge, J. A., Riechers, D., Murphy, E. J., Pavesi, R., Aravena, M., Daddi, E., Decarli, R., Dickinson, M., Sargent, M., Sharon, C. E. and Wagg, J.: COLDz: Deep 34 GHz Continuum Observations and Free-Free Emission in High-redshift Star-forming Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 912, 73 (2021)

Alonso-García, J., Smith, L. C., Catelan, M., Minniti, D., Navarrete, C., Borissova, J., Carballo-Bello, J. A., Contreras Ramos, R., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Ferreira Lopes, C. E., Gran, F., Garro, E. R., Geisler, D., Guo, Z., Hempel, M., Kerins, E., Lucas, P. W., Palma, T., Peña Ramírez, K., Ramírez Alegría, S. and Saito, R. K.: Variable stars in the VVV globular clusters. II. NGC 6441, NGC 6569, NGC 6626 (M 28), NGC 6656 (M 22), 2MASS-GC 02, and Terzan 10. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A47 (2021)

Anand, G. S., Lee, J. C., Van Dyk, S. D., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Larson, K., Kourkchi, E., Kreckel, K., Scheuermann, F., Rizzi, L., Thilker, D., Tully, R. B., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Boquien, M., Chandar, R., Dale, D., Emsellem, E., Deger, S., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., S. Klessen, R., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Querejeta, M., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Schruba, A., Turner, J., Ubeda, L., Williams, T. G. and Whitmore, B.: Distances to PHANGS galaxies: New tip of the red giant branch measurements and adopted distances. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 3621-3639 (2021)

Angthopo, J., Negri, A., Ferreras, I., de la Rosa, I. G., Dalla Vecchia, C. and Pillepich, A.: Evaluating hydrodynamical simulations with green valley galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 3685-3702 (2021)

Arámburo-García, A., Bondarenko, K., Boyarsky, A., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A. and Sokolenko, A.: Magnetization of the intergalactic medium in the IllustrisTNG simulations: the importance of extended, outflow-driven bubbles. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 5038-5057 (2021)

Arámburo-García, A., Bondarenko, K., Boyarsky, A., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A. and Sokolenko, A.: Ultrahigh energy cosmic ray deflection by the intergalactic magnetic field. Physical Review D 104, 083017 (2021)

Ardila, F., Huang, S., Leauthaud, A., Diemer, B., Pillepich, A., Chowdhury, R., Fiacconi, D., Greene, J., Hearin, A., Hernquist, L., Madau, P., Mayer, L., Peirani, S. and Xhakaj, E.: Stellar and weak lensing profiles of massive galaxies in the Hyper-Suprime Cam survey and in hydrodynamic simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 432-447 (2021)

Arentsen, A., Starkenburg, E., Aguado, D. S., Martin, N. F., Placco, V. M., Carlberg, R., González Hernández, J. I., Hill, V., Jablonka, P., Kordopatis, G., Lardo, C., Mashonkina, L. I., Navarro, J. F., Venn, K. A., Buder, S., Lewis, G. F., Wan, Z. and Zucker, D. B.: The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) III: carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the bulge. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 1239-1253 (2021)

Aros, F. I., Sippel, A. C., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Bianchini, P., Askar, A. and van de Ven, G.: Using binaries in globular clusters to catch sight of intermediate-mass black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 4385-4398 (2021)

Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Rybizki, J., Fouesneau, M., Demleitner, M. and Andrae, R.: Estimating Distances from Parallaxes. V. Geometric and Photogeometric Distances to 1.47 Billion Stars in Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Astronomical Journal 161, 147 (2021)

Bañados, E., Mazzucchelli, C., Momjian, E., Eilers, A.-C., Wang, F., Schindler, J.-T., Connor, T., Andika, I. T., Barth, A. J., Carilli, C., Davies, F. B., Decarli, R., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Hennawi, J. F., Pensabene, A., Stern, D., Venemans, B. P., Wenzl, L. and Yang, J.: The Discovery of a Highly Accreting, Radio-loud Quasar at z = 6.82. The Astrophysical Journal 909, 80 (2021)

Bandyopadhyay, B., Fendt, C., Schleicher, D. R. G. and Vourellis, C.: General relativistic radiation transport: implications for VLBI/EHT observations of AGN discs, winds, and jets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 4933-4952 (2021)

Barnes, A. T., Glover, S. C. O., Kreckel, K., Ostriker, E. C., Bigiel, F., Belfiore, F., Bešlić, I., Blanc, G. A., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Egorov, O., Eibensteiner, C., Emsellem, E., Grasha, K., Groves, B. A., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Longmore, S. N., Lopez, L., McElroy, R., Meidt, S. E., Murphy, E. J., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Santoro, F., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Sun, J., Watkins, E. J. and Williams, T. G.: Comparing the pre-SNe feedback and environmental pressures for 6000 H II regions across 19 nearby spiral galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 5362-5389 (2021)

Bauswein, A., Blacker, S., Lioutas, G., Soultanis, T., Vijayan, V. and Stergioulas, N.: Systematics of prompt black-hole formation in neutron star mergers. Physical Review D 103, 123004 (2021)

Belinchón, J. A., González, C. and Dib, S.: Self-similar cosmological solutions in f(R,T) gravity theory. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 18, 2150206-144 (2021)

Benavides, J. A., Sales, L. V., Abadi, M. G., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Marinacci, F., Cooper, M., Pakmor, R., Torrey, P., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: Quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxies in the field originating from backsplash orbits. Nature Astronomy 5, 1255-1260 (2021)

Bensby, T., Gould, A., Asplund, M., Feltzing, S., Meléndez, J., Johnson, J. A., Lucatello, S., Udalski, A. and Yee, J. C.: Chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge as traced by microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars. VIII. Carbon and oxygen. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A117 (2021)

Berg, T. A. M., Fumagalli, M., D'Odorico, V., Ellison, S. L., López, S., Becker, G. D., Christensen, L., Cupani, G., Denney, K. D., Sánchez-Ramírez, R. and Worseck, G.: Sub-damped Lyman α systems in the XQ-100 survey - II. Chemical evolution at 2.4 ≤ z ≤ 4.3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 4009-4025 (2021)

Bergemann, M., Hoppe, R., Semenova, E., Carlsson, M., Yakovleva, S. A., Voronov, Y. V., Bautista, M., Nemer, A., Belyaev, A. K., Leenaarts, J., Mashonkina, L., Reiners, A. and Ellwarth, M.: Solar oxygen abundance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 2236-2253 (2021)

Berta, S., Young, A. J., Cox, P., Neri, R., Jones, B. M., Baker, A. J., Omont, A., Dunne, L., Carnero Rosell, A., Marchetti, L., Negrello, M., Yang, C., Riechers, D. A., Dannerbauer, H., Perez-Fournon, I., van der Werf, P., Bakx, T., Ivison, R. J., Beelen, A., Buat, V., Cooray, A., Cortzen, I., Dye, S., Eales, S., Gavazzi, R., Harris, A. I., Herrera, C. N., Hughes, D., Jin, S., Krips, M., Lagache, G., Lehnert, M., Messias, H., Serjeant, S., Stanley, F., Urquhart, S., Vlahakis, C. and Weiß, A.: Close-up view of a luminous star-forming galaxy at z = 2.95. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A122 (2021)

Bešlić, I., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Puschnig, J., Pety, J., Herrera Contreras, C., Leroy, A. K., Usero, A., Schinnerer, E., Meidt, S. E., Emsellem, E., Hughes, A., Faesi, C., Kreckel, K., Belfiore, F. M. C., Chevance, M., den Brok, J. S., Eibensteiner, C., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Jimenez-Donaire, M. J., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Pessa, I., Querejeta, M., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Santoro, F., Schruba, A., Sormani, M. C. and Williams, T. G.: Dense molecular gas properties on 100 pc scales across the disc of NGC 3627. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 963-988 (2021)

Binks, A. S., Jeffries, R. D., Jackson, R. J., Franciosini, E., Sacco, G. G., Bayo, A., Magrini, L., Randich, S., Arancibia-Silva, J., Bergemann, M., Bragaglia, A., Gilmore, G., Gonneau, A., Hourihane, A., Jofré, P., Korn, A. J., Morbidelli, L., Prisinzano, L., Worley, C. C. and Zaggia, S.: The Gaia-ESO survey: a lithium depletion boundary age for NGC 2232. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 1280-1292 (2021)

Birkin, J. E., Weiss, A., Wardlow, J. L., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Dudzevičiūtė, U., An, F. X., Ao, Y., Chapman, S. C., Chen, C.-C., da Cunha, E., Dannerbauer, H., Gullberg, B., Hodge, J. A., Ikarashi, S., Ivison, R. J., Matsuda, Y., Stach, S. M., Walter, F., Wang, W.-H. and van der Werf, P.: An ALMA/NOEMA survey of the molecular gas properties of high-redshift star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 3926-3950 (2021)

Bolatto, A. D., Leroy, A. K., Levy, R. C., Meier, D. S., Mills, E. A. C., Thompson, T. A., Emig, K. L., Veilleux, S., Ott, J., Gorski, M., Walter, F., Lopez, L. A. and Lenkić, L.: ALMA Imaging of a Galactic Molecular Outflow in NGC 4945. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 83 (2021)

Boogaard, L. A., Bouwens, R. J., Riechers, D., van der Werf, P., Bacon, R., Matthee, J., Stefanon, M., Feltre, A., Maseda, M., Inami, H., Aravena, M., Brinchmann, J., Carilli, C., Contini, T., Decarli, R., González-López, J., Nanayakkara, T. and Walter, F.: Measuring the Average Molecular Gas Content of Star-forming Galaxies at z = 3-4. The Astrophysical Journal 916, 12 (2021)

Bosco, F., Hennawi, J. F., Stern, J. and Pott, J.-U.: Spatially Resolving the Kinematics of the ≲100 μas Quasar Broad-line Region Using Spectroastrometry. II. The First Tentative Detection in a Luminous Quasar at z = 2.3. The Astrophysical Journal 919, 31 (2021)

Bosman, S. E. I., Ďurovčíková, D., Davies, F. B. and Eilers, A.-C.: A comparison of quasar emission reconstruction techniques for z ≥ 5.0 Lyman α and Lyman β transmission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 2077-2096 (2021)

Bouché, N. F., Genel, S., Pellissier, A., Dubois, C., Contini, T., Epinat, B., Pillepich, A., Krajnović, D., Nelson, D., Abril-Melgarejo, V., Richard, J., Boogaard, L., Maseda, M., Mercier, W., Bacon, R., Steinmetz, M. and Vogelsberger, M.: The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. XVI. The angular momentum of low-mass star-forming galaxies: A cautionary tale and insights from TNG50. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A49 (2021)

Britzen, S., Zajaček, M., Popović, L. Č., Fendt, C., Tramacere, A., Pashchenko, I. N., Jaron, F., Pánis, R., Petrov, L., Aller, M. F. and Aller, H. D.: A ring accelerator? Unusual jet dynamics in the IceCube candidate PKS 1502+106. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 3145-3178 (2021)

Brook, C. B., Di Cintio, A., Macciò, A. V. and Blank, M.: A Shallow Dark Matter Halo in Ultra-diffuse Galaxy AGC 242019: Are UDGs Structurally Similar to Low-surface-brightness Galaxies? The Astrophysical Journal 919, L1 (2021)

Brunetti, N., Wilson, C. D., Sliwa, K., Schinnerer, E., Aalto, S. and Peck, A. B.: Highly turbulent gas on GMC scales in NGC 3256, the nearest luminous infrared galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 4730-4748 (2021)

Buck, T., Rybizki, J., Buder, S., Obreja, A., Macciò, A. V., Pfrommer, C., Steinmetz, M. and Ness, M.: The challenge of simultaneously matching the observed diversity of chemical abundance patterns in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 3365-3387 (2021)

Buder, S., Sharma, S., Kos, J., Amarsi, A. M., Nordlander, T., Lind, K., Martell, S. L., Asplund, M., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Casey, A. R., de Silva, G. M., D'Orazi, V., Freeman, K. C., Hayden, M. R., Lewis, G. F., Lin, J., Schlesinger, K. J., Simpson, J. D., Stello, D., Zucker, D. B., Zwitter, T., Beeson, K. L., Buck, T., Casagrande, L., Clark, J. T., Čotar, K., da Costa, G. S., de Grijs, R., Feuillet, D., Horner, J., Kafle, P. R., Khanna, S., Kobayashi, C., Liu, F., Montet, B. T., Nandakumar, G., Nataf, D. M., Ness, M. K., Spina, L., Tepper-García, T., Ting, Y.-S., Traven, G., Vogrinčič, R., Wittenmyer, R. A., Wyse, R. F. G., Žerjal, M. and Galah Collaboration: The GALAH+ survey: Third data release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 150-201 (2021)

Burtscher, L., Dalgleish, H., Barret, D., Beuchert, T., Borkar, A., Cantalloube, F., Frost, A., Grinberg, V., Hurley-Walker, N., Impellizzeri, V., Isidro, M., Jahnke, K. and Willebrands, M.: Forging a sustainable future for astronomy. Nature Astronomy 5, 857-860 (2021)

Byrohl, C., Nelson, D., Behrens, C., Kostyuk, I., Glatzle, M., Pillepich, A., Hernquist, L., Marinacci, F. and Vogelsberger, M.: The physical origins and dominant emission mechanisms of Lyman alpha haloes: results from the TNG50 simulation in comparison to MUSE observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 5129-5152 (2021)

Cano-González, M., Schödel, R. and Nogueras-Lara, F.: Detecting hot stars in the Galactic centre with combined near- and mid-infrared photometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A37 (2021)

Cantalloube, F., Milli, J., Böhm, C., Crewell, S., Navarrete, J., Rehfeld, K., Sarazin, M. and Sommani, A.: Publisher Correction: The impact of climate change on astronomical observations. Nature Astronomy 5, 969-969 (2021)

Carilli, C. L., Walter, F., Decarli, R., Aravena, M., Riechers, D. A., Gonzalez-Lopez, J., Shao, Y., Boogaard, L., Bouwens, R. and Neeleman, M.: Dense Gas History of the Universe: From ASPECS to the ngVLA. URSI Radio Science Letters 3, 38 (2021)

Chandra, V., Hwang, H.-C., Zakamska, N. L., Gänsicke, B. T., Hermes, J. J., Schwope, A., Badenes, C., Tovmassian, G., Bauer, E. B., Maoz, D., Schreiber, M. R., Toloza, O. F., Inight, K. P., Rix, H.-W. and Brown, W. R.: A 99 minute Double-lined White Dwarf Binary from SDSS-V. The Astrophysical Journal 921, 160 (2021)

Chastenet, J., Sandstrom, K., Chiang, I.-D., Hensley, B. S., Draine, B. T., Gordon, K. D., Koch, E. W., Leroy, A. K., Utomo, D. and Williams, T. G.: Benchmarking Dust Emission Models in M101. The Astrophysical Journal 912, 103 (2021)

Chiang, I.-D., Sandstrom, K. M., Chastenet, J., Herrera, C. N., Koch, E. W., Kreckel, K., Leroy, A. K., Pety, J., Schruba, A., Utomo, D. and Williams, T.: Resolving the Dust-to-Metals Ratio and CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor in the Nearby Universe. The Astrophysical Journal 907, 29 (2021)

Chittidi, J. S., Simha, S., Mannings, A., Prochaska, J. X., Ryder, S. D., Rafelski, M., Neeleman, M., Macquart, J.-P., Tejos, N., Jorgenson, R. A., Day, C. K., Marnoch, L., Bhandari, S., Deller, A. T., Qiu, H., Bannister, K. W., Shannon, R. M. and Heintz, K. E.: Dissecting the Local Environment of FRB 190608 in the Spiral Arm of its Host Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 922, 173 (2021)

Circosta, C., Mainieri, V., Lamperti, I., Padovani, P., Bischetti, M., Harrison, C. M., Kakkad, D., Zanella, A., Vietri, G., Lanzuisi, G., Salvato, M., Brusa, M., Carniani, S., Cicone, C., Cresci, G., Feruglio, C., Husemann, B., Mannucci, F., Marconi, A., Perna, M., Piconcelli, E., Puglisi, A., Saintonge, A., Schramm, M., Vignali, C. and Zappacosta, L.: SUPER. IV. CO(J = 3-2) properties of active galactic nucleus hosts at cosmic noon revealed by ALMA. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A96 (2021)

Clark, J. T., Clerté, M., Hinkel, N. R., Unterborn, C. T., Wittenmyer, R. A., Horner, J., Wright, D. J., Carter, B., Morton, T. D., Spina, L., Asplund, M., Buder, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Casey, A., De Silva, G., D'Orazi, V., Duong, L., Hayden, M., Freeman, K., Kos, J., Lewis, G., Lin, J., Lind, K., Martell, S., Sharma, S., Simpson, J., Zucker, D., Zwitter, T., Tinney, C. G., Ting, Y.-S., Nordlander, T. and Amarsi, A. M.: The GALAH Survey: using galactic archaeology to refine our knowledge of TESS target stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 4968-4989 (2021)

Connor, T., Bañados, E., Stern, D., Carilli, C., Fabian, A., Momjian, E., Rojas-Ruiz, S., Decarli, R., Farina, E. P., Mazzucchelli, C. and Earnshaw, H. P.: Enhanced X-Ray Emission from the Most Radio-powerful Quasar in the Universe's First Billion Years. The Astrophysical Journal 911, 120 (2021)

Connor, T., Stern, D., Bañados, E. and Mazzucchelli, C.: X-Ray Evidence Against the Hypothesis that the Hyperluminous z = 6.3 Quasar J0100+2802 is Lensed. The Astrophysical Journal 922, L24 (2021)

Cordoni, G., Da Costa, G. S., Yong, D., Mackey, A. D., Marino, A. F., Monty, S., Nordlander, T., Norris, J. E., Asplund, M., Bessell, M. S., Casey, A. R., Frebel, A., Lind, K., Murphy, S. J., Schmidt, B. P., Gao, X. D., Xylakis-Dornbusch, T., Amarsi, A. M. and Milone, A. P.: Exploring the Galaxy's halo and very metal-weak thick disc with SkyMapper and Gaia DR2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 2539-2561 (2021)

Čotar, K., Zwitter, T., Traven, G., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Buder, S., Hayden, M. R., Kos, J., Lewis, G. F., Martell, S. L., Nordlander, T., Stello, D., Horner, J., Ting, Y.-S., Žerjal, M. and Galah Collaboration: The GALAH survey: characterization of emission-line stars with spectral modelling using autoencoders. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 4849-4865 (2021)

Cronin, S. A., Utomo, D., Leroy, A. K., Behrens, E. A., Chastenet, J., Holland-Ashford, T., Koch, E. W., Lopez, L. A., Sandstrom, K. M. and Williams, T. G.: Local Environments of Low-redshift Supernovae. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 86 (2021)

da Cunha, E., Hodge, J. A., Casey, C. M., Algera, H. S. B., Kaasinen, M., Smail, I., Walter, F., Brandt, W. N., Dannerbauer, H., Decarli, R., Groves, B. A., Knudsen, K. K., Swinbank, A. M., Weiss, A., van der Werf, P. and Zavala, J. A.: Measurements of the Dust Properties in z ≃ 1-3 Submillimeter Galaxies with ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal 919, 30 (2021)

Daddi, E., Valentino, F., Rich, R. M., Neill, J. D., Gronke, M., O'Sullivan, D., Elbaz, D., Bournaud, F., Finoguenov, A., Marchal, A., Delvecchio, I., Jin, S., Liu, D., Strazzullo, V., Calabro, A., Coogan, R., D'Eugenio, C., Gobat, R., Kalita, B. S., Laursen, P., Martin, D. C., Puglisi, A., Schinnerer, E. and Wang, T.: Three Lyman-α-emitting filaments converging to a massive galaxy group at z = 2.91: discussing the case for cold gas infall. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A78 (2021)

Davies, F. B., Bosman, S. E. I., Furlanetto, S. R., Becker, G. D. and D'Aloisio, A.: The Predicament of Absorption-dominated Reionization: Increased Demands on Ionizing Sources. The Astrophysical Journal 918, L35 (2021)

Davison, T. A., Kuntschner, H., Husemann, B., Norris, M. A., Dalcanton, J. J., De Rosa, A., Duc, P.-A., Bianchi, S., Capelo, P. R. and Vignali, C.: Old and new major mergers in the SOSIMPLE galaxy, NGC 7135. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 2296-2307 (2021)

Davison, T. A., Norris, M. A., Leaman, R., Kuntschner, H., Boecker, A. and van de Ven, G.: Mapping accreted stars in early-type galaxies across the mass-size plane. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 3089-3112 (2021)

de Graaff, A., Bezanson, R., Franx, M., van der Wel, A., Holden, B., van de Sande, J., Bell, E. F., D'Eugenio, F., Maseda, M. V., Muzzin, A., Sobral, D., Straatman, C. M. S. and Wu, P.-F.: The Fundamental Plane in the LEGA-C Survey: Unraveling the M/L Ratio Variations of Massive Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies at z ∼ 0.8. The Astrophysical Journal 913, 103 (2021)

Decarli, R., Arrigoni-Battaia, F., Hennawi, J. F., Walter, F., Prochaska, J. X. and Cantalupo, S.: A search for dust and molecular gas in enormous Lyα nebulae at z ≈ 2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, L3 (2021)

Delvecchio, I., Daddi, E., Sargent, M. T., Jarvis, M. J., Elbaz, D., Jin, S., Liu, D., Whittam, I. H., Algera, H., Carraro, R., D'Eugenio, C., Delhaize, J., Kalita, B. S., Leslie, S., Molnár, D. C., Novak, M., Prandoni, I., Smolčić, V., Ao, Y., Aravena, M., Bournaud, F., Collier, J. D., Randriamampandry, S. M., Randriamanakoto, Z., Rodighiero, G., Schober, J., White, S. V. and Zamorani, G.: The infrared-radio correlation of star-forming galaxies is strongly M-dependent but nearly redshift-invariant since z ∼ 4. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A123 (2021)

den Brok, J. S., Chatzigiannakis, D., Bigiel, F., Puschnig, J., Barnes, A. T., Leroy, A. K., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Usero, A., Schinnerer, E., Rosolowsky, E., Faesi, C. M., Grasha, K., Hughes, A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Neumann, L., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Schruba, A. and Stuber, S.: New constraints on the 12CO(2-1)/(1-0) line ratio across nearby disc galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 3221-3245 (2021)

Dib, S., Braine, J., Gopinathan, M., Lara-López, M. A., Kravtsov, V. V., Soam, A., Sharma, E., Zhukovska, S., Aouad, C., Belinchón, J. A., Helou, G. and Li, D.: The structure and characteristic scales of the H I gas in galactic disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A101 (2021)

Dihingia, I. K., Vaidya, B. and Fendt, C.: Jets, disc-winds, and oscillations in general relativistic, magnetically driven flows around black hole. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 3596-3615 (2021)

Donnari, M., Pillepich, A., Joshi, G. D., Nelson, D., Genel, S., Marinacci, F., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Pakmor, R., Torrey, P., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: Quenched fractions in the IllustrisTNG simulations: the roles of AGN feedback, environment, and pre-processing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 4004-4024 (2021)

Donnari, M., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Marinacci, F., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: Quenched fractions in the IllustrisTNG simulations: comparison with observations and other theoretical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 4760-4780 (2021)

Du, M., Ho, L. C., Debattista, V. P., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Hernquist, L. and Weinberger, R.: The Evolutionary Pathways of Disk-, Bulge-, and Halo-dominated Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 919, 135 (2021)

Eilers, A.-C., Hennawi, J. F., Davies, F. B. and Simcoe, R. A.: Detecting and Characterizing Young Quasars. II. Four Quasars at z 6 with Lifetimes < 104 Yr. The Astrophysical Journal 917, 38 (2021)

El-Badry, K., Quataert, E., Rix, H.-W., Weisz, D. R., Kupfer, T., Shen, K. J., Xiang, M., Yang, Y. and Liu, X.: LAMOST J0140355 + 392651: an evolved cataclysmic variable donor transitioning to become an extremely low-mass white dwarf. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 2051-2073 (2021)

El-Badry, K., Rix, H.-W. and Heintz, T. M.: A million binaries from Gaia eDR3: sample selection and validation of Gaia parallax uncertainties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 2269-2295 (2021)

El-Badry, K., Rix, H.-W., Quataert, E., Kupfer, T. and Shen, K. J.: Birth of the ELMs: a ZTF survey for evolved cataclysmic variables turning into extremely low-mass white dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 4106-4139 (2021)

Ellison, S. L., Lin, L., Thorp, M. D., Pan, H.-A., Sánchez, S. F., Bluck, A. F. L. and Belfiore, F.: The ALMaQUEST survey - VI. The molecular gas main sequence of 'retired' regions in galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, L6-L10 (2021)

Engler, C., Pillepich, A., Joshi, G. D., Nelson, D., Pasquali, A., Grebel, E. K., Lisker, T., Zinger, E., Donnari, M., Marinacci, F., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: The distinct stellar-to-halo mass relations of satellite and central galaxies: insights from the IllustrisTNG simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 3957-3975 (2021)

Engler, C., Pillepich, A., Pasquali, A., Nelson, D., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Chua, K. T. E., Grebel, E. K., Springel, V., Marinacci, F., Weinberger, R., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: The abundance of satellites around Milky Way- and M31-like galaxies with the TNG50 simulation: a matter of diversity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 4211-4240 (2021)

Euclid Collaboration, Ilbert, O., de la Torre, S., Martinet, N., Wright, A. H., Paltani, S., Laigle, C., Davidzon, I., Jullo, E., Hildebrandt, H., Masters, D. C., Amara, A., Conselice, C. J., Andreon, S., Auricchio, N., Azzollini, R., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Balestra, A., Bardelli, S., Bender, R., Biviano, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Borgani, S., Boucaud, A., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Cappi, A., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, S., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Castignani, G., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cropper, M., Cuby, J., Da Silva, A., Degaudenzi, H., Di Ferdinando, D., Dubath, F., Duncan, C., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Fabricius, M., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Finelli, F., Fosalba, P., Fotopoulou, S., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maino, D., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maturi, M., Mauri, N., Maurogordato, S., McCracken, H. J., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Metcalf, R. B., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nakajima, R., Neissner, C., Niemi, S., Nightingale, J., Padilla, C., Pasian, F., Patrizii, L., Pedersen, K., Pello, R., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Potter, D., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Schneider, P., Schrabback, T., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Sureau, F., Tallada Crespá, P., Tenti, M., Teplitz, H. I., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Tramacere, A., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Valiviita, J., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J., Whittaker, L., Zacchei, A., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation. XI. Mean redshift determination from galaxy redshift probabilities for cosmic shear tomography. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A117 (2021)

Euclid Collaboration, Knabenhans, M., Stadel, J., Potter, D., Dakin, J., Hannestad, S., Tram, T., Marelli, S., Schneider, A., Teyssier, R., Fosalba, P., Andreon, S., Auricchio, N., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Battaglia, P., Bender, R., Biviano, A., Bodendorf, C., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Cappi, A., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, R., Casas, S., Castellano, M., Castignani, G., Cavuoti, S., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Da Silva, A., de la Torre, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Fabbian, G., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Finelli, F., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Giocoli, C., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maino, D., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Martinet, N., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Mauri, N., Maurogordato, S., Medinaceli, E., Meneghetti, M., Metcalf, B., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Neissner, C., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Patrizii, L., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Roncarelli, M., Saglia, R., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Schneider, P., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Sureau, F., Tallada Crespí, P., Taylor, A. N., Tenti, M., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valenziano, L., Valiviita, J., Vassallo, T., Viel, M., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Whittaker, L., Zacchei, A. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation: IX. EuclidEmulator2 - power spectrum emulation with massive neutrinos and self-consistent dark energy perturbations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 2840-2869 (2021)

Euclid Collaboration, Pocino, A., Tutusaus, I., Castander, F. J., Fosalba, P., Crocce, M., Porredon, A., Camera, S., Cardone, V., Casas, S., Kitching, T., Lacasa, F., Martinelli, M., Pourtsidou, A., Sakr, Z., Andreon, S., Auricchio, N., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Balestra, A., Bardelli, S., Bender, R., Biviano, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Boucaud, A., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Capobianco, V., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Castellano, M., Castignani, G., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cropper, M., Cuby, J.-G., Da Silva, A., de la Torre, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Dubath, F., Duncan, C., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Ferrero, I., Finelli, F., Fotopoulou, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maino, D., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Martinet, N., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Meneghetti, M., Benton Metcalf, R., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nakajima, R., Neissner, C., Nichol, R. C., Niemi, S., Nightingale, J., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Patrizii, L., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Potter, D., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Scaramella, R., Schneider, P., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Sureau, F., Taylor, A. N., Tenti, M., Tereno, I., Teyssier, R., Toledo-Moreo, R., Tramacere, A., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Valiviita, J., Vassallo, T., Viel, M., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Whittaker, L., Zacchei, A., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation. XII. Optimizing the photometric sample of the Euclid survey for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing analyses. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A44 (2021)

Fahrion, K., Lyubenova, M., van de Ven, G., Hilker, M., Leaman, R., Falcón-Barroso, J., Bittner, A., Coccato, L., Corsini, E. M., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., McDermid, R. M., Martín-Navarro, I., Pinna, F., Poci, A., Sarzi, M., de Zeeuw, P. T. and Zhu, L.: Diversity of nuclear star cluster formation mechanisms revealed by their star formation histories. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A137 (2021)

Feldmeier-Krause, A., Lonoce, I. and Freedman, W. L.: Stellar Population and Elemental Abundance Gradients of Early-type Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 65 (2021)

Ferragamo, A., Barrena, R., Rubiño-Martín, J. A., Aguado-Barahona, A., Streblyanska, A., Tramonte, D., Génova-Santos, R. T., Hempel, A. and Lietzen, H.: Velocity dispersion and dynamical mass for 270 galaxy clusters in the Planck PSZ1 catalogue. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A115 (2021)

Frasca, A., Boffin, H. M. J., Manara, C. F., Alcalá, J. M., Ábrahám, P., Covino, E., Fang, M., Gangi, M., Herczeg, G. J., Kóspál, Á., Venuti, L., Walter, F. M., Alonso-Santiago, J., Grankin, K., Siwak, M., Alecian, E. and Cabrit, S.: PENELLOPE. II. CVSO 104: A pre-main sequence close binary with an optical companion in Ori OB1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A138 (2021)

Fritz, T. K., Patrick, L. R., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Schödel, R., Schultheis, M., Gerhard, O., Nandakumar, G., Neumayer, N., Nogueras-Lara, F. and Prieto, M. A.: A KMOS survey of the nuclear disk of the Milky Way. I. Survey design and metallicities. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A83 (2021)

Fumagalli, A., Saro, A., Borgani, S., Castro, T., Costanzi, M., Monaco, P., Munari, E., Sefusatti, E., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Balestra, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Conselice, C. J., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Cropper, M., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Fosalba, P., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Giocoli, C., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moscardini, L., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Scaramella, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Weller, J., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Brescia, M., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Mei, S., Moresco, M. and Vassallo, T.: Euclid : Effects of sample covariance on the number counts of galaxy clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A21 (2021)

Gaia Collaboration, Antoja, T., McMillan, P. J., Kordopatis, G., Ramos, P., Helmi, A., Balbinot, E., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Chemin, L., Figueras, F., Jordi, C., Khanna, S., Romero-Gómez, M., Seabroke, G. M., Brown, A. G. A., Vallenari, A., Prusti, T., de Bruijne, J. H. J., Babusiaux, C., Biermann, M., Creevey, O. L., Evans, D. W., Eyer, L., Hutton, A., Jansen, F., Klioner, S. A., Lammers, U., Lindegren, L., Luri, X., Mignard, F., Panem, C., Pourbaix, D., Randich, S., Sartoretti, P., Soubiran, C., Walton, N. A., Arenou, F., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Bastian, U., Cropper, M., Drimmel, R., Katz, D., Lattanzi, M. G., van Leeuwen, F., Bakker, J., Castañeda, J., De Angeli, F., Ducourant, C., Fabricius, C., Fouesneau, M., Frémat, Y., Guerra, R., Guerrier, A., Guiraud, J., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Masana, E., Messineo, R., Mowlavi, N., Nicolas, C., Nienartowicz, K., Pailler, F., Panuzzo, P., Riclet, F., Roux, W., Sordo, R., Tanga, P., Thévenin, F., Gracia-Abril, G., Portell, J., Teyssier, D., Altmann, M., Andrae, R., Bellas-Velidis, I., Benson, K., Berthier, J., Blomme, R., Brugaletta, E., Burgess, P. W., Busso, G., Carry, B., Cellino, A., Cheek, N., Clementini, G., Damerdji, Y., Davidson, M., Delchambre, L., Dell'Oro, A., Fernández-Hernández, J., Galluccio, L., García-Lario, P., Garcia-Reinaldos, M., González-Núñez, J., Gosset, E., Haigron, R., Halbwachs, J.-L., Hambly, N. C., Harrison, D. L., Hatzidimitriou, D., Heiter, U., Hernández, J., Hestroffer, D., Hodgkin, S. T., Holl, B., Janßen, K., Jevardat de Fombelle, G., Jordan, S., Krone-Martins, A., Lanzafame, A. C., Löffler, W., Lorca, A., Manteiga, M., Marchal, O., Marrese, P. M., Moitinho, A., Mora, A., Muinonen, K., Osborne, P., Pancino, E., Pauwels, T., Recio-Blanco, A., Richards, P. J., Riello, M., Rimoldini, L., Robin, A. C., Roegiers, T., Rybizki, J., Sarro, L. M., Siopis, C., Smith, M., Sozzetti, A., Ulla, A., Utrilla, E., van Leeuwen, M., van Reeven, W., Abbas, U., Abreu Aramburu, A., Accart, S., Aerts, C., Aguado, J. J., Ajaj, M., Altavilla, G., Álvarez, M. A., Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J., Alves, J., Anderson, R. I., Varela, E. A., Audard, M., Baines, D., Baker, S. G., Balaguer-Núñez, L., Balog, Z., Barache, C., Barbato, D., Barros, M., Barstow, M. A., Bartolomé, S., Bassilana, J.-L., Bauchet, N., Baudesson-Stella, A., Becciani, U., Bellazzini, M., Bernet, M., Bertone, S., Bianchi, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Boch, T., Bombrun, A., Bossini, D., Bouquillon, S., Bragaglia, A., Bramante, L., Breedt, E., Bressan, A., Brouillet, N., Bucciarelli, B., Burlacu, A., Busonero, D., Butkevich, A. G., Buzzi, R., Caffau, E., Cancelliere, R., Cánovas, H., Carballo, R., Carlucci, T., Carnerero, M. I., Carrasco, J. M., Casamiquela, L., Castellani, M., Castro-Ginard, A., Castro Sampol, P., Chaoul, L., Charlot, P., Chiavassa, A., Cioni, M.-R. L., Comoretto, G., Cooper, W. J., Cornez, T., Cowell, S., Crifo, F., Crosta, M., Crowley, C., Dafonte, C., Dapergolas, A., David, M., David, P., de Laverny, P., De Luise, F., De March, R., De Ridder, J., de Souza, R., de Teodoro, P., de Torres, A., del Peloso, E. F., del Pozo, E., Delgado, A., Delgado, H. E., Delisle, J.-B., Di Matteo, P., Diakite, S., Diener, C., Distefano, E., Dolding, C., Eappachen, D., Enke, H., Esquej, P., Fabre, C., Fabrizio, M., Faigler, S., Fedorets, G., Fernique, P., Fienga, A., Fouron, C., Fragkoudi, F., Fraile, E., Franke, F., Gai, M., Garabato, D., Garcia-Gutierrez, A., García-Torres, M., Garofalo, A., Gavras, P., Gerlach, E., Geyer, R., Giacobbe, P., Gilmore, G., Girona, S., Giuffrida, G., Gomez, A., Gonzalez-Santamaria, I., González-Vidal, J. J., Granvik, M., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R., Guy, L. P., Hauser, M., Haywood, M., Hidalgo, S. L., Hilger, T., Hładczuk, N., Hobbs, D., Holland, G., Huckle, H. E., Jasniewicz, G., Jonker, P. G., Juaristi Campillo, J., Julbe, F., Karbevska, L., Kervella, P., Kochoska, A., Kontizas, M., Korn, A. J., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Kruszyńska, K., Lambert, S., Lanza, A. F., Lasne, Y., Le Campion, J.-F., Le Fustec, Y., Lebreton, Y., Lebzelter, T., Leccia, S., Leclerc, N., Lecoeur-Taibi, I., Liao, S., Licata, E., Lindstrøm, H. E. P., Lister, T. A., Livanou, E., Lobel, A., Madrero Pardo, P., Managau, S., Mann, R. G., Marchant, J. M., Marconi, M., Marcos Santos, M. M. S., Marinoni, S., Marocco, F., Marshall, D. J., Martin Polo, L., Martín-Fleitas, J. M., Masip, A., Massari, D., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Mazeh, T., Messina, S., Michalik, D., Millar, N. R., Mints, A., Molina, D., Molinaro, R., Molnár, L., Montegriffo, P., Mor, R., Morbidelli, R., Morel, T., Morris, D., Mulone, A. F., Munoz, D., Muraveva, T., Murphy, C. P., Musella, I., Noval, L., Ordénovic, C., Orrù, G., Osinde, J., Pagani, C., Pagano, I., Palaversa, L., Palicio, P. A., Panahi, A., Pawlak, M., Peñalosa Esteller, X., Penttilä, A., Piersimoni, A. M., Pineau, F.-X., Plachy, E., Plum, G., Poggio, E., Poretti, E., Poujoulet, E., Prša, A., Pulone, L., Racero, E., Ragaini, S., Rainer, M., Raiteri, C. M., Rambaux, N., Ramos-Lerate, M., Re Fiorentin, P., Regibo, S., Reylé, C., Ripepi, V., Riva, A., Rixon, G., Robichon, N., Robin, C., Roelens, M., Rohrbasser, L., Rowell, N., Royer, F., Rybicki, K. A., Sadowski, G., Sagristà Sellés, A., Sahlmann, J., Salgado, J., Salguero, E., Samaras, N., Sanchez Gimenez, V., Sanna, N., Santoveña, R., Sarasso, M., Schultheis, M., Sciacca, E., Segol, M., Segovia, J. C., Ségransan, D., Semeux, D., Siddiqui, H. I., Siebert, A., Siltala, L., Slezak, E., Smart, R. L., Solano, E., Solitro, F., Souami, D., Souchay, J., Spagna, A., Spoto, F., Steele, I. A., Steidelmüller, H., Stephenson, C. A., Süveges, M., Szabados, L., Szegedi-Elek, E., Taris, F., Tauran, G., Taylor, M. B., Teixeira, R., Thuillot, W., Tonello, N., Torra, F., Torra, J., Turon, C., Unger, N., Vaillant, M., van Dillen, E., Vanel, O., Vecchiato, A., Viala, Y., Vicente, D., Voutsinas, S., Weiler, M., Wevers, T., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Yoldas, A., Yvard, P., Zhao, H., Zorec, J., Zucker, S., Zurbach, C. and Zwitter, T.: Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Galactic anticentre. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A8 (2021)

Gaia Collaboration, Brown, A. G. A., Vallenari, A., Prusti, T., de Bruijne, J. H. J., Babusiaux, C., Biermann, M., Creevey, O. L., Evans, D. W., Eyer, L., Hutton, A., Jansen, F., Jordi, C., Klioner, S. A., Lammers, U., Lindegren, L., Luri, X., Mignard, F., Panem, C., Pourbaix, D., Randich, S., Sartoretti, P., Soubiran, C., Walton, N. A., Arenou, F., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Bastian, U., Cropper, M., Drimmel, R., Katz, D., Lattanzi, M. G., van Leeuwen, F., Bakker, J., Cacciari, C., Castañeda, J., De Angeli, F., Ducourant, C., Fabricius, C., Fouesneau, M., Frémat, Y., Guerra, R., Guerrier, A., Guiraud, J., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Masana, E., Messineo, R., Mowlavi, N., Nicolas, C., Nienartowicz, K., Pailler, F., Panuzzo, P., Riclet, F., Roux, W., Seabroke, G. M., Sordo, R., Tanga, P., Thévenin, F., Gracia-Abril, G., Portell, J., Teyssier, D., Altmann, M., Andrae, R., Bellas-Velidis, I., Benson, K., Berthier, J., Blomme, R., Brugaletta, E., Burgess, P. W., Busso, G., Carry, B., Cellino, A., Cheek, N., Clementini, G., Damerdji, Y., Davidson, M., Delchambre, L., Dell'Oro, A., Fernández-Hernández, J., Galluccio, L., García-Lario, P., Garcia-Reinaldos, M., González-Núñez, J., Gosset, E., Haigron, R., Halbwachs, J.-L., Hambly, N. C., Harrison, D. L., Hatzidimitriou, D., Heiter, U., Hernández, J., Hestroffer, D., Hodgkin, S. T., Holl, B., Janßen, K., Jevardat de Fombelle, G., Jordan, S., Krone-Martins, A., Lanzafame, A. C., Löffler, W., Lorca, A., Manteiga, M., Marchal, O., Marrese, P. M., Moitinho, A., Mora, A., Muinonen, K., Osborne, P., Pancino, E., Pauwels, T., Petit, J.-M., Recio-Blanco, A., Richards, P. J., Riello, M., Rimoldini, L., Robin, A. C., Roegiers, T., Rybizki, J., Sarro, L. M., Siopis, C., Smith, M., Sozzetti, A., Ulla, A., Utrilla, E., van Leeuwen, M., van Reeven, W., Abbas, U., Abreu Aramburu, A., Accart, S., Aerts, C., Aguado, J. J., Ajaj, M., Altavilla, G., Álvarez, M. A., Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J., Alves, J., Anderson, R. I., Anglada Varela, E., Antoja, T., Audard, M., Baines, D., Baker, S. G., Balaguer-Núñez, L., Balbinot, E., Balog, Z., Barache, C., Barbato, D., Barros, M., Barstow, M. A., Bartolomé, S., Bassilana, J.-L., Bauchet, N., Baudesson-Stella, A., Becciani, U., Bellazzini, M., Bernet, M., Bertone, S., Bianchi, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Boch, T., Bombrun, A., Bossini, D., Bouquillon, S., Bragaglia, A., Bramante, L., Breedt, E., Bressan, A., Brouillet, N., Bucciarelli, B., Burlacu, A., Busonero, D., Butkevich, A. G., Buzzi, R., Caffau, E., Cancelliere, R., Cánovas, H., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Carballo, R., Carlucci, T., Carnerero, M. I., Carrasco, J. M., Casamiquela, L., Castellani, M., Castro-Ginard, A., Castro Sampol, P., Chaoul, L., Charlot, P., Chemin, L., Chiavassa, A., Cioni, M.-R. L., Comoretto, G., Cooper, W. J., Cornez, T., Cowell, S., Crifo, F., Crosta, M., Crowley, C., Dafonte, C., Dapergolas, A., David, M., David, P., de Laverny, P., De Luise, F., De March, R., De Ridder, J., de Souza, R., de Teodoro, P., de Torres, A., del Peloso, E. F., del Pozo, E., Delbo, M., Delgado, A., Delgado, H. E., Delisle, J.-B., Di Matteo, P., Diakite, S., Diener, C., Distefano, E., Dolding, C., Eappachen, D., Edvardsson, B., Enke, H., Esquej, P., Fabre, C., Fabrizio, M., Faigler, S., Fedorets, G., Fernique, P., Fienga, A., Figueras, F., Fouron, C., Fragkoudi, F., Fraile, E., Franke, F., Gai, M., Garabato, D., Garcia-Gutierrez, A., García-Torres, M., Garofalo, A., Gavras, P., Gerlach, E., Geyer, R., Giacobbe, P., Gilmore, G., Girona, S., Giuffrida, G., Gomel, R., Gomez, A., Gonzalez-Santamaria, I., González-Vidal, J. J., Granvik, M., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R., Guy, L. P., Hauser, M., Haywood, M., Helmi, A., Hidalgo, S. L., Hilger, T., Hładczuk, N., Hobbs, D., Holland, G., Huckle, H. E., Jasniewicz, G., Jonker, P. G., Juaristi Campillo, J., Julbe, F., Karbevska, L., Kervella, P., Khanna, S., Kochoska, A., Kontizas, M., Kordopatis, G., Korn, A. J., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Kruszyńska, K., Lambert, S., Lanza, A. F., Lasne, Y., Le Campion, J.-F., Le Fustec, Y., Lebreton, Y., Lebzelter, T., Leccia, S., Leclerc, N., Lecoeur-Taibi, I., Liao, S., Licata, E., Lindstrøm, E. P., Lister, T. A., Livanou, E., Lobel, A., Madrero Pardo, P., Managau, S., Mann, R. G., Marchant, J. M., Marconi, M., Marcos Santos, M. M. S., Marinoni, S., Marocco, F., Marshall, D. J., Martin Polo, L., Martín-Fleitas, J. M., Masip, A., Massari, D., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Mazeh, T., McMillan, P. J., Messina, S., Michalik, D., Millar, N. R., Mints, A., Molina, D., Molinaro, R., Molnár, L., Montegriffo, P., Mor, R., Morbidelli, R., Morel, T., Morris, D., Mulone, A. F., Munoz, D., Muraveva, T., Murphy, C. P., Musella, I., Noval, L., Ordénovic, C., Orrù, G., Osinde, J., Pagani, C., Pagano, I., Palaversa, L., Palicio, P. A., Panahi, A., Pawlak, M., Peñalosa Esteller, X., Penttilä, A., Piersimoni, A. M., Pineau, F.-X., Plachy, E., Plum, G., Poggio, E., Poretti, E., Poujoulet, E., Prša, A., Pulone, L., Racero, E., Ragaini, S., Rainer, M., Raiteri, C. M., Rambaux, N., Ramos, P., Ramos-Lerate, M., Re Fiorentin, P., Regibo, S., Reylé, C., Ripepi, V., Riva, A., Rixon, G., Robichon, N., Robin, C., Roelens, M., Rohrbasser, L., Romero-Gómez, M., Rowell, N., Royer, F., Rybicki, K. A., Sadowski, G., Sagristà Sellés, A., Sahlmann, J., Salgado, J., Salguero, E., Samaras, N., Sanchez Gimenez, V., Sanna, N., Santoveña, R., Sarasso, M., Schultheis, M., Sciacca, E., Segol, M., Segovia, J. C., Ségransan, D., Semeux, D., Shahaf, S., Siddiqui, H. I., Siebert, A., Siltala, L., Slezak, E., Smart, R. L., Solano, E., Solitro, F., Souami, D., Souchay, J., Spagna, A., Spoto, F., Steele, I. A., Steidelmüller, H., Stephenson, C. A., Süveges, M., Szabados, L., Szegedi-Elek, E., Taris, F., Tauran, G., Taylor, M. B., Teixeira, R., Thuillot, W., Tonello, N., Torra, F., Torra, J., Turon, C., Unger, N., Vaillant, M., van Dillen, E., Vanel, O., Vecchiato, A., Viala, Y., Vicente, D., Voutsinas, S., Weiler, M., Wevers, T., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Yoldas, A., Yvard, P., Zhao, H., Zorec, J., Zucker, S., Zurbach, C. and Zwitter, T.: Gaia Early Data Release 3. Summary of the contents and survey properties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A1 (2021)

Gaia Collaboration, Klioner, S. A., Mignard, F., Lindegren, L., Bastian, U., McMillan, P. J., Hernández, J., Hobbs, D., Ramos-Lerate, M., Biermann, M., Bombrun, A., de Torres, A., Gerlach, E., Geyer, R., Hilger, T., Lammers, U., Steidelmüller, H., Stephenson, C. A., Brown, A. G. A., Vallenari, A., Prusti, T., de Bruijne, J. H. J., Babusiaux, C., Creevey, O. L., Evans, D. W., Eyer, L., Hutton, A., Jansen, F., Jordi, C., Luri, X., Panem, C., Pourbaix, D., Randich, S., Sartoretti, P., Soubiran, C., Walton, N. A., Arenou, F., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Cropper, M., Drimmel, R., Katz, D., Lattanzi, M. G., van Leeuwen, F., Bakker, J., Castañeda, J., De Angeli, F., Ducourant, C., Fabricius, C., Fouesneau, M., Frémat, Y., Guerra, R., Guerrier, A., Guiraud, J., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Masana, E., Messineo, R., Mowlavi, N., Nicolas, C., Nienartowicz, K., Pailler, F., Panuzzo, P., Riclet, F., Roux, W., Seabroke, G. M., Sordo, R., Tanga, P., Thévenin, F., Gracia-Abril, G., Portell, J., Teyssier, D., Altmann, M., Andrae, R., Bellas-Velidis, I., Benson, K., Berthier, J., Blomme, R., Brugaletta, E., Burgess, P. W., Busso, G., Carry, B., Cellino, A., Cheek, N., Clementini, G., Damerdji, Y., Davidson, M., Delchambre, L., Dell'Oro, A., Fernández-Hernández, J., Galluccio, L., García-Lario, P., Garcia-Reinaldos, M., González-Núñez, J., Gosset, E., Haigron, R., Halbwachs, J.-L., Hambly, N. C., Harrison, D. L., Hatzidimitriou, D., Heiter, U., Hestroffer, D., Hodgkin, S. T., Holl, B., Janßen, K., Jevardat de Fombelle, G., Jordan, S., Krone-Martins, A., Lanzafame, A. C., Löffler, W., Lorca, A., Manteiga, M., Marchal, O., Marrese, P. M., Moitinho, A., Mora, A., Muinonen, K., Osborne, P., Pancino, E., Pauwels, T., Recio-Blanco, A., Richards, P. J., Riello, M., Rimoldini, L., Robin, A. C., Roegiers, T., Rybizki, J., Sarro, L. M., Siopis, C., Smith, M., Sozzetti, A., Ulla, A., Utrilla, E., van Leeuwen, M., van Reeven, W., Abbas, U., Abreu Aramburu, A., Accart, S., Aerts, C., Aguado, J. J., Ajaj, M., Altavilla, G., Álvarez, M. A., Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J., Alves, J., Anderson, R. I., Anglada Varela, E., Antoja, T., Audard, M., Baines, D., Baker, S. G., Balaguer-Núñez, L., Balbinot, E., Balog, Z., Barache, C., Barbato, D., Barros, M., Barstow, M. A., Bartolomé, S., Bassilana, J.-L., Bauchet, N., Baudesson-Stella, A., Becciani, U., Bellazzini, M., Bernet, M., Bertone, S., Bianchi, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Boch, T., Bossini, D., Bouquillon, S., Bramante, L., Breedt, E., Bressan, A., Brouillet, N., Bucciarelli, B., Burlacu, A., Busonero, D., Butkevich, A. G., Buzzi, R., Caffau, E., Cancelliere, R., Cánovas, H., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Carballo, R., Carlucci, T., Carnerero, M. I., Carrasco, J. M., Casamiquela, L., Castellani, M., Castro-Ginard, A., Castro Sampol, P., Chaoul, L., Charlot, P., Chemin, L., Chiavassa, A., Comoretto, G., Cooper, W. J., Cornez, T., Cowell, S., Crifo, F., Crosta, M., Crowley, C., Dafonte, C., Dapergolas, A., David, M., David, P., de Laverny, P., De Luise, F., De March, R., De Ridder, J., de Souza, R., de Teodoro, P., del Peloso, E. F., del Pozo, E., Delgado, A., Delgado, H. E., Delisle, J.-B., Di Matteo, P., Diakite, S., Diener, C., Distefano, E., Dolding, C., Eappachen, D., Enke, H., Esquej, P., Fabre, C., Fabrizio, M., Faigler, S., Fedorets, G., Fernique, P., Fienga, A., Figueras, F., Fouron, C., Fragkoudi, F., Fraile, E., Franke, F., Gai, M., Garabato, D., Garcia-Gutierrez, A., García-Torres, M., Garofalo, A., Gavras, P., Giacobbe, P., Gilmore, G., Girona, S., Giuffrida, G., Gomez, A., Gonzalez-Santamaria, I., González-Vidal, J. J., Granvik, M., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R., Guy, L. P., Hauser, M., Haywood, M., Helmi, A., Hidalgo, S. L., Hładczuk, N., Holland, G., Huckle, H. E., Jasniewicz, G., Jonker, P. G., Juaristi Campillo, J., Julbe, F., Karbevska, L., Kervella, P., Khanna, S., Kochoska, A., Kordopatis, G., Korn, A. J., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Kruszyńska, K., Lambert, S., Lanza, A. F., Lasne, Y., Le Campion, J.-F., Le Fustec, Y., Lebreton, Y., Lebzelter, T., Leccia, S., Leclerc, N., Lecoeur-Taibi, I., Liao, S., Licata, E., Lindstrøm, H. E. P., Lister, T. A., Livanou, E., Lobel, A., Madrero Pardo, P., Managau, S., Mann, R. G., Marchant, J. M., Marconi, M., Marcos Santos, M. M. S., Marinoni, S., Marocco, F., Marshall, D. J., Martin Polo, L., Martín-Fleitas, J. M., Masip, A., Massari, D., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Mazeh, T., Messina, S., Michalik, D., Millar, N. R., Mints, A., Molina, D., Molinaro, R., Molnár, L., Montegriffo, P., Mor, R., Morbidelli, R., Morel, T., Morris, D., Mulone, A. F., Munoz, D., Muraveva, T., Murphy, C. P., Musella, I., Noval, L., Ordénovic, C., Orrù, G., Osinde, J., Pagani, C., Pagano, I., Palaversa, L., Palicio, P. A., Panahi, A., Pawlak, M., Peñalosa Esteller, X., Penttilä, A., Piersimoni, A. M., Pineau, F.-X., Plachy, E., Plum, G., Poggio, E., Poretti, E., Poujoulet, E., Prša, A., Pulone, L., Racero, E., Ragaini, S., Rainer, M., Raiteri, C. M., Rambaux, N., Ramos, P., Re Fiorentin, P., Regibo, S., Reylé, C., Ripepi, V., Riva, A., Rixon, G., Robichon, N., Robin, C., Roelens, M., Rohrbasser, L., Romero-Gómez, M., Rowell, N., Royer, F., Rybicki, K. A., Sadowski, G., Sagristà Sellés, A., Sahlmann, J., Salgado, J., Salguero, E., Samaras, N., Sanchez Gimenez, V., Sanna, N., Santoveña, R., Sarasso, M., Schultheis, M., Sciacca, E., Segol, M., Segovia, J. C., Ségransan, D., Semeux, D., Siddiqui, H. I., Siebert, A., Siltala, L., Slezak, E., Smart, R. L., Solano, E., Solitro, F., Souami, D., Souchay, J., Spagna, A., Spoto, F., Steele, I. A., Süveges, M., Szabados, L., Szegedi-Elek, E., Taris, F., Tauran, G., Taylor, M. B., Teixeira, R., Thuillot, W., Tonello, N., Torra, F., Torra, J., Turon, C., Unger, N., Vaillant, M., van Dillen, E., Vanel, O., Vecchiato, A., Viala, Y., Vicente, D., Voutsinas, S., Weiler, M., Wevers, T., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Yoldas, A., Yvard, P., Zhao, H., Zorec, J., Zucker, S., Zurbach, C. and Zwitter, T.: Gaia Early Data Release 3. Acceleration of the Solar System from Gaia astrometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A9 (2021)

Gaia Collaboration, Luri, X., Chemin, L., Clementini, G., Delgado, H. E., McMillan, P. J., Romero-Gómez, M., Balbinot, E., Castro-Ginard, A., Mor, R., Ripepi, V., Sarro, L. M., Cioni, M.-R. L., Fabricius, C., Garofalo, A., Helmi, A., Muraveva, T., Brown, A. G. A., Vallenari, A., Prusti, T., de Bruijne, J. H. J., Babusiaux, C., Biermann, M., Creevey, O. L., Evans, D. W., Eyer, L., Hutton, A., Jansen, F., Jordi, C., Klioner, S. A., Lammers, U., Lindegren, L., Mignard, F., Panem, C., Pourbaix, D., Randich, S., Sartoretti, P., Soubiran, C., Walton, N. A., Arenou, F., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Bastian, U., Cropper, M., Drimmel, R., Katz, D., Lattanzi, M. G., van Leeuwen, F., Bakker, J., Castañeda, J., De Angeli, F., Ducourant, C., Fouesneau, M., Frémat, Y., Guerra, R., Guerrier, A., Guiraud, J., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Masana, E., Messineo, R., Mowlavi, N., Nicolas, C., Nienartowicz, K., Pailler, F., Panuzzo, P., Riclet, F., Roux, W., Seabroke, G. M., Sordo, R., Tanga, P., Thévenin, F., Gracia-Abril, G., Portell, J., Teyssier, D., Altmann, M., Andrae, R., Bellas-Velidis, I., Benson, K., Berthier, J., Blomme, R., Brugaletta, E., Burgess, P. W., Busso, G., Carry, B., Cellino, A., Cheek, N., Damerdji, Y., Davidson, M., Delchambre, L., Dell'Oro, A., Fernández-Hernández, J., Galluccio, L., García-Lario, P., Garcia-Reinaldos, M., González-Núñez, J., Gosset, E., Haigron, R., Halbwachs, J.-L., Hambly, N. C., Harrison, D. L., Hatzidimitriou, D., Heiter, U., Hernández, J., Hestroffer, D., Hodgkin, S. T., Holl, B., Janßen, K., Jevardat de Fombelle, G., Jordan, S., Krone-Martins, A., Lanzafame, A. C., Löffler, W., Lorca, A., Manteiga, M., Marchal, O., Marrese, P. M., Moitinho, A., Mora, A., Muinonen, K., Osborne, P., Pancino, E., Pauwels, T., Recio-Blanco, A., Richards, P. J., Riello, M., Rimoldini, L., Robin, A. C., Roegiers, T., Rybizki, J., Siopis, C., Smith, M., Sozzetti, A., Ulla, A., Utrilla, E., van Leeuwen, M., van Reeven, W., Abbas, U., Abreu Aramburu, A., Accart, S., Aerts, C., Aguado, J. J., Ajaj, M., Altavilla, G., Álvarez, M. A., Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J., Alves, J., Anderson, R. I., Anglada Varela, E., Antoja, T., Audard, M., Baines, D., Baker, S. G., Balaguer-Núñez, L., Balog, Z., Barache, C., Barbato, D., Barros, M., Barstow, M. A., Bartolomé, S., Bassilana, J.-L., Bauchet, N., Baudesson-Stella, A., Becciani, U., Bellazzini, M., Bernet, M., Bertone, S., Bianchi, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Boch, T., Bombrun, A., Bossini, D., Bouquillon, S., Bragaglia, A., Bramante, L., Breedt, E., Bressan, A., Brouillet, N., Bucciarelli, B., Burlacu, A., Busonero, D., Butkevich, A. G., Buzzi, R., Caffau, E., Cancelliere, R., Cánovas, H., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Carballo, R., Carlucci, T., Carnerero, M. I., Carrasco, J. M., Casamiquela, L., Castellani, M., Castro Sampol, P., Chaoul, L., Charlot, P., Chiavassa, A., Comoretto, G., Cooper, W. J., Cornez, T., Cowell, S., Crifo, F., Crosta, M., Crowley, C., Dafonte, C., Dapergolas, A., David, M., David, P., de Laverny, P., De Luise, F., De March, R., De Ridder, J., de Souza, R., de Teodoro, P., de Torres, A., del Peloso, E. F., del Pozo, E., Delgado, A., Delisle, J.-B., Di Matteo, P., Diakite, S., Diener, C., Distefano, E., Dolding, C., Eappachen, D., Enke, H., Esquej, P., Fabre, C., Fabrizio, M., Faigler, S., Fedorets, G., Fernique, P., Fienga, A., Figueras, F., Fouron, C., Fragkoudi, F., Fraile, E., Franke, F., Gai, M., Garabato, D., Garcia-Gutierrez, A., García-Torres, M., Gavras, P., Gerlach, E., Geyer, R., Giacobbe, P., Gilmore, G., Girona, S., Giuffrida, G., Gomez, A., Gonzalez-Santamaria, I., González-Vidal, J. J., Granvik, M., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R., Guy, L. P., Hauser, M., Haywood, M., Hidalgo, S. L., Hilger, T., Hładczuk, N., Hobbs, D., Holland, G., Huckle, H. E., Jasniewicz, G., Jonker, P. G., Juaristi Campillo, J., Julbe, F., Karbevska, L., Kervella, P., Khanna, S., Kochoska, A., Kontizas, M., Kordopatis, G., Korn, A. J., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Kruszyńska, K., Lambert, S., Lanza, A. F., Lasne, Y., Le Campion, J.-F., Le Fustec, Y., Lebreton, Y., Lebzelter, T., Leccia, S., Leclerc, N., Lecoeur-Taibi, I., Liao, S., Licata, E., Lindstrøm, H. E. P., Lister, T. A., Livanou, E., Lobel, A., Madrero Pardo, P., Managau, S., Mann, R. G., Marchant, J. M., Marconi, M., Marcos Santos, M. M. S., Marinoni, S., Marocco, F., Marshall, D. J., Martin Polo, L., Martín-Fleitas, J. M., Masip, A., Massari, D., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Mazeh, T., Messina, S., Michalik, D., Millar, N. R., Mints, A., Molina, D., Molinaro, R., Molnár, L., Montegriffo, P., Morbidelli, R., Morel, T., Morris, D., Mulone, A. F., Munoz, D., Murphy, C. P., Musella, I., Noval, L., Ordénovic, C., Orrù, G., Osinde, J., Pagani, C., Pagano, I., Palaversa, L., Palicio, P. A., Panahi, A., Pawlak, M., Peñalosa Esteller, X., Penttilä, A., Piersimoni, A. M., Pineau, F.-X., Plachy, E., Plum, G., Poggio, E., Poretti, E., Poujoulet, E., Prša, A., Pulone, L., Racero, E., Ragaini, S., Rainer, M., Raiteri, C. M., Rambaux, N., Ramos, P., Ramos-Lerate, M., Re Fiorentin, P., Regibo, S., Reylé, C., Riva, A., Rixon, G., Robichon, N., Robin, C., Roelens, M., Rohrbasser, L., Rowell, N., Royer, F., Rybicki, K. A., Sadowski, G., Sagristà Sellés, A., Sahlmann, J., Salgado, J., Salguero, E., Samaras, N., Gimenez, V. S., Sanna, N., Santoveña, R., Sarasso, M., Schultheis, M., Sciacca, E., Segol, M., Segovia, J. C., Ségransan, D., Semeux, D., Siddiqui, H. I., Siebert, A., Siltala, L., Slezak, E., Smart, R. L., Solano, E., Solitro, F., Souami, D., Souchay, J., Spagna, A., Spoto, F., Steele, I. A., Steidelmüller, H., Stephenson, C. A., Süveges, M., Szabados, L., Szegedi-Elek, E., Taris, F., Tauran, G., Taylor, M. B., Teixeira, R., Thuillot, W., Tonello, N., Torra, F., Torra, J., Turon, C., Unger, N., Vaillant, M., van Dillen, E., Vanel, O., Vecchiato, A., Viala, Y., Vicente, D., Voutsinas, S., Weiler, M., Wevers, T., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Yoldas, A., Yvard, P., Zhao, H., Zorec, J., Zucker, S., Zurbach, C. and Zwitter, T.: Gaia Early Data Release 3. Structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A7 (2021)

Gaia Collaboration, Smart, R. L., Sarro, L. M., Rybizki, J., Reylé, C., Robin, A. C., Hambly, N. C., Abbas, U., Barstow, M. A., de Bruijne, J. H. J., Bucciarelli, B., Carrasco, J. M., Cooper, W. J., Hodgkin, S. T., Masana, E., Michalik, D., Sahlmann, J., Sozzetti, A., Brown, A. G. A., Vallenari, A., Prusti, T., Babusiaux, C., Biermann, M., Creevey, O. L., Evans, D. W., Eyer, L., Hutton, A., Jansen, F., Jordi, C., Klioner, S. A., Lammers, U., Lindegren, L., Luri, X., Mignard, F., Panem, C., Pourbaix, D., Randich, S., Sartoretti, P., Soubiran, C., Walton, N. A., Arenou, F., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Bastian, U., Cropper, M., Drimmel, R., Katz, D., Lattanzi, M. G., van Leeuwen, F., Bakker, J., Castañeda, J., De Angeli, F., Ducourant, C., Fabricius, C., Fouesneau, M., Frémat, Y., Guerra, R., Guerrier, A., Guiraud, J., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Messineo, R., Mowlavi, N., Nicolas, C., Nienartowicz, K., Pailler, F., Panuzzo, P., Riclet, F., Roux, W., Seabroke, G. M., Sordo, R., Tanga, P., Thévenin, F., Gracia-Abril, G., Portell, J., Teyssier, D., Altmann, M., Andrae, R., Bellas-Velidis, I., Benson, K., Berthier, J., Blomme, R., Brugaletta, E., Burgess, P. W., Busso, G., Carry, B., Cellino, A., Cheek, N., Clementini, G., Damerdji, Y., Davidson, M., Delchambre, L., Dell'Oro, A., Fernández-Hernández, J., Galluccio, L., García-Lario, P., Garcia-Reinaldos, M., González-Núñez, J., Gosset, E., Haigron, R., Halbwachs, J.-L., Harrison, D. L., Hatzidimitriou, D., Heiter, U., Hernández, J., Hestroffer, D., Holl, B., Janßen, K., Jevardat de Fombelle, G., Jordan, S., Krone-Martins, A., Lanzafame, A. C., Löffler, W., Lorca, A., Manteiga, M., Marchal, O., Marrese, P. M., Moitinho, A., Mora, A., Muinonen, K., Osborne, P., Pancino, E., Pauwels, T., Recio-Blanco, A., Richards, P. J., Riello, M., Rimoldini, L., Roegiers, T., Siopis, C., Smith, M., Ulla, A., Utrilla, E., van Leeuwen, M., van Reeven, W., Abreu Aramburu, A., Accart, S., Aerts, C., Aguado, J. J., Ajaj, M., Altavilla, G., Álvarez, M. A., Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J., Alves, J., Anderson, R. I., Anglada Varela, E., Antoja, T., Audard, M., Baines, D., Baker, S. G., Balaguer-Núñez, L., Balbinot, E., Balog, Z., Barache, C., Barbato, D., Barros, M., Bartolomé, S., Bassilana, J.-L., Bauchet, N., Baudesson-Stella, A., Becciani, U., Bellazzini, M., Bernet, M., Bertone, S., Bianchi, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Boch, T., Bombrun, A., Bossini, D., Bouquillon, S., Bragaglia, A., Bramante, L., Breedt, E., Bressan, A., Brouillet, N., Burlacu, A., Busonero, D., Butkevich, A. G., Buzzi, R., Caffau, E., Cancelliere, R., Cánovas, H., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Carballo, R., Carlucci, T., Carnerero, M. I., Casamiquela, L., Castellani, M., Castro-Ginard, A., Castro Sampol, P., Chaoul, L., Charlot, P., Chemin, L., Chiavassa, A., Cioni, M.-R. L., Comoretto, G., Cornez, T., Cowell, S., Crifo, F., Crosta, M., Crowley, C., Dafonte, C., Dapergolas, A., David, M., David, P., de Laverny, P., De Luise, F., De March, R., De Ridder, J., de Souza, R., de Teodoro, P., de Torres, A., del Peloso, E. F., del Pozo, E., Delgado, A., Delgado, H. E., Delisle, J.-B., Di Matteo, P., Diakite, S., Diener, C., Distefano, E., Dolding, C., Eappachen, D., Edvardsson, B., Enke, H., Esquej, P., Fabre, C., Fabrizio, M., Faigler, S., Fedorets, G., Fernique, P., Fienga, A., Figueras, F., Fouron, C., Fragkoudi, F., Fraile, E., Franke, F., Gai, M., Garabato, D., Garcia-Gutierrez, A., García-Torres, M., Garofalo, A., Gavras, P., Gerlach, E., Geyer, R., Giacobbe, P., Gilmore, G., Girona, S., Giuffrida, G., Gomel, R., Gomez, A., Gonzalez-Santamaria, I., González-Vidal, J. J., Granvik, M., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R., Guy, L. P., Hauser, M., Haywood, M., Helmi, A., Hidalgo, S. L., Hilger, T., Hładczuk, N., Hobbs, D., Holland, G., Huckle, H. E., Jasniewicz, G., Jonker, P. G., Juaristi Campillo, J., Julbe, F., Karbevska, L., Kervella, P., Khanna, S., Kochoska, A., Kontizas, M., Kordopatis, G., Korn, A. J., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Kruszyńska, K., Lambert, S., Lanza, A. F., Lasne, Y., Le Campion, J.-F., Le Fustec, Y., Lebreton, Y., Lebzelter, T., Leccia, S., Leclerc, N., Lecoeur-Taibi, I., Liao, S., Licata, E., Lindstrøm, H. E. P., Lister, T. A., Livanou, E., Lobel, A., Madrero Pardo, P., Managau, S., Mann, R. G., Marchant, J. M., Marconi, M., Marcos Santos, M. M. S., Marinoni, S., Marocco, F., Marshall, D. J., Martin Polo, L., Martín-Fleitas, J. M., Masip, A., Massari, D., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Mazeh, T., McMillan, P. J., Messina, S., Millar, N. R., Mints, A., Molina, D., Molinaro, R., Molnár, L., Montegriffo, P., Mor, R., Morbidelli, R., Morel, T., Morris, D., Mulone, A. F., Munoz, D., Muraveva, T., Murphy, C. P., Musella, I., Noval, L., Ordénovic, C., Orrù, G., Osinde, J., Pagani, C., Pagano, I., Palaversa, L., Palicio, P. A., Panahi, A., Pawlak, M., Peñalosa Esteller, X., Penttilä, A., Piersimoni, A. M., Pineau, F.-X., Plachy, E., Plum, G., Poggio, E., Poretti, E., Poujoulet, E., Prša, A., Pulone, L., Racero, E., Ragaini, S., Rainer, M., Raiteri, C. M., Rambaux, N., Ramos, P., Ramos-Lerate, M., Re Fiorentin, P., Regibo, S., Ripepi, V., Riva, A., Rixon, G., Robichon, N., Robin, C., Roelens, M., Rohrbasser, L., Romero-Gómez, M., Rowell, N., Royer, F., Rybicki, K. A., Sadowski, G., Sagristà Sellés, A., Salgado, J., Salguero, E., Samaras, N., Sanchez Gimenez, V., Sanna, N., Santoveña, R., Sarasso, M., Schultheis, M., Sciacca, E., Segol, M., Segovia, J. C., Ségransan, D., Semeux, D., Shahaf, S., Siddiqui, H. I., Siebert, A., Siltala, L., Slezak, E., Solano, E., Solitro, F., Souami, D., Souchay, J., Spagna, A., Spoto, F., Steele, I. A., Steidelmüller, H., Stephenson, C. A., Süveges, M., Szabados, L., Szegedi-Elek, E., Taris, F., Tauran, G., Taylor, M. B., Teixeira, R., Thuillot, W., Tonello, N., Torra, F., Torra, J., Turon, C., Unger, N., Vaillant, M., van Dillen, E., Vanel, O., Vecchiato, A., Viala, Y., Vicente, D., Voutsinas, S., Weiler, M., Wevers, T., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Yoldas, A., Yvard, P., Zhao, H., Zorec, J., Zucker, S., Zurbach, C. and Zwitter, T.: Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A6 (2021)

Galán-de Anta, P. M., Sarzi, M., Spriggs, T. W., Nedelchev, B., Pinna, F., Martín-Navarro, I., Coccato, L., Corsini, E. M., de Zeeuw, P. T., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., Fahrion, K., Lyubenova, M., McDermid, R. M., Morelli, L., van de Ven, G., Viaene, S. and Zhu, L.: The Fornax 3D project: PNe populations and stellar metallicity in edge-on galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A109 (2021)

Gallego-Calvente, A. T., Schödel, R., Alberdi, A., Herrero-Illana, R., Najarro, F., Yusef-Zadeh, F., Dong, H., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Shahzamanian, B., Nogueras-Lara, F. and Gallego-Cano, E.: Radio observations of massive stars in the Galactic centre: The Arches Cluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A110 (2021)

García Pérez, A. E., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Vazdekis, A., Allende Prieto, C., Milone, A. d. C., Sansom, A. E., Gorgas, J., Falcón-Barroso, J., Martín Navarro, I. and Cacho, R.: An extension of the MILES library with derived Teff, log g, [Fe/H], and [α/Fe]. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 4496-4514 (2021)

Gavel, A., Andrae, R., Fouesneau, M., Korn, A. J. and Sordo, R.: Estimating [α/Fe] from Gaia low-resolution BP/RP spectra using the ExtraTrees algorithm. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A93 (2021)

Gebruers, S., Straumit, I., Tkachenko, A., Mombarg, J. S. G., Pedersen, M. G., Van Reeth, T., Li, G., Lampens, P., Escorza, A., Bowman, D. M., De Cat, P., Vermeylen, L., Bodensteiner, J., Rix, H.-W. and Aerts, C.: A homogeneous spectroscopic analysis of a Kepler legacy sample of dwarfs for gravity-mode asteroseismology. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A151 (2021)

Geisler, D., Villanova, S., O'Connell, J. E., Cohen, R. E., Moni Bidin, C., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Muñoz, C., Minniti, D., Zoccali, M., Rojas-Arriagada, A., Contreras Ramos, R., Catelan, M., Mauro, F., Cortés, C., Ferreira Lopes, C. E., Arentsen, A., Starkenburg, E., Martin, N. F., Tang, B., Parisi, C., Alonso-García, J., Gran, F., Cunha, K., Smith, V., Majewski, S. R., Jönsson, H., García-Hernández, D. A., Horta, D., Mészáros, S., Monaco, L., Monachesi, A., Muñoz, R. R., Brownstein, J., Beers, T. C., Lane, R. R., Barbuy, B., Sobeck, J., Henao, L., González-Díaz, D., Miranda, R. E., Reinarz, Y. and Santander, T. A.: CAPOS: The bulge Cluster APOgee Survey. I. Overview and initial ASPCAP results. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A157 (2021)

Gordon, K. D., Misselt, K. A., Bouwman, J., Clayton, G. C., Decleir, M., Hines, D. C., Pendleton, Y., Rieke, G., Smith, J. D. T. and Whittet, D. C. B.: Milky Way Mid-Infrared Spitzer Spectroscopic Extinction Curves: Continuum and Silicate Features. The Astrophysical Journal 916, 33 (2021)

Gould, A., Zang, W.-C., Mao, S. and Dong, S.-B.: Masses for free-floating planets and dwarf planets. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 21, 133 (2021)

Green, G. M., Rix, H.-W., Tschesche, L., Finkbeiner, D., Zucker, C., Schlafly, E. F., Rybizki, J., Fouesneau, M., Andrae, R. and Speagle, J.: Data-driven Stellar Models. The Astrophysical Journal 907, 57 (2021)

Greiner, J., Bolmer, J., Yates, R. M., Habouzit, M., Bañados, E., Afonso, P. M. J. and Schady, P.: Quasar clustering at redshift 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A79 (2021)

Guainazzi, M., De Rosa, A., Bianchi, S., Husemann, B., Bogdanovic, T., Komossa, S., Loiseau, N., Paragi, Z., Pérez-Torres, M., Piconcelli, E. and Vignali, C.: An XMM-Newton study of active-inactive galaxy pairs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 393-405 (2021)

Gupta, A., Tran, K.-V., Pillepich, A., Yuan, T., Harshan, A., Rodriguez-Gomez, V. and Genel, S.: MOSEL and IllustrisTNG: Massive Extended Galaxies at z = 2 Quench Later Than Normal-size Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 907, 95 (2021)

Häberle, M., Libralato, M., Bellini, A., Watkins, L. L., Pott, J.-U., Neumayer, N., van der Marel, R. P., Piotto, G. and Nardiello, D.: Hunting for intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters: an astrometric study of NGC 6441. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 1490-1506 (2021)

Habouzit, M., Li, Y., Somerville, R. S., Genel, S., Pillepich, A., Volonteri, M., Davé, R., Rosas-Guevara, Y., McAlpine, S., Peirani, S., Hernquist, L., Anglés-Alcázar, D., Reines, A., Bower, R., Dubois, Y., Nelson, D., Pichon, C. and Vogelsberger, M.: Supermassive black holes in cosmological simulations I: MBH - M relation and black hole mass function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 1940-1975 (2021)

Hamilton, T. S., Berton, M., Antón, S., Busoni, L., Caccianiga, A., Ciroi, S., Gässler, W., Georgiev, I. Y., Järvelä, E., Komossa, S., Mathur, S. and Rabien, S.: Observations of the γ-ray-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1, SBS 0846+513, and its host galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 5188-5198 (2021)

Han, C., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Kim, D., Kim, H.-W., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: KMT-2018-BLG-1743: planetary microlensing event occurring on two source stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A145 (2021)

Han, C., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Kim, D., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Kim, H.-W., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: KMT-2019-BLG-0797: Binary-lensing event occurring on a binary stellar system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A91 (2021)

Han, C., Udalski, A., Kim, D., Kil Jung, Y., Lee, C.-U., Bond, I. A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Hwang, K.-H., Kim, H.-W., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Kim, C.-H., Kim, W.-T., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Itow, Y., Hirao, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Cheung Alex Li, M., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Suematsu, H., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tanaka, Y., Tristram, P. J., Yamakawa, T., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A. and MOA Collaboration: KMT-2019-BLG-1715: Planetary Microlensing Event with Three Lens Masses and Two Source Stars. The Astronomical Journal 161, 270 (2021)

Han, C., Udalski, A., Lee, C.-U., Kim, D., Ryu, Y.-H., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Hwang, K.-H., Kil Jung, Y., Kim, H.-W., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M. and OGLE Collaboration: OGLE-2019-BLG-0304: Competing Interpretations between a Planet-binary Model and a Binary-source + Binary-lens Model. The Astronomical Journal 162, 203 (2021)

Hannah, C. H., Seth, A. C., Nguyen, D. D., Dumont, A., Kacharov, N., Neumayer, N. and den Brok, M.: Spatially Resolving the Star Formation Histories of Three Nearby Nuclear Star Clusters. The Astronomical Journal 162, 281 (2021)

Harrington, K. C., Weiss, A., Yun, M. S., Magnelli, B., Sharon, C. E., Leung, T. K. D., Vishwas, A., Wang, Q. D., Frayer, D. T., Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., Liu, D., García, P., Romano-Díaz, E., Frye, B. L., Jarugula, S., Bădescu, T., Berman, D., Dannerbauer, H., Díaz-Sánchez, A., Grassitelli, L., Kamieneski, P., Kim, W. J., Kirkpatrick, A., Lowenthal, J. D., Messias, H., Puschnig, J., Stacey, G. J., Torne, P. and Bertoldi, F.: Turbulent Gas in Lensed Planck-selected Starbursts at z ∼ 1-3.5. The Astrophysical Journal 908, 95 (2021)

Harshan, A., Gupta, A., Tran, K.-V., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Pillepich, A., Alcorn, L. Y., Nanayakkara, T., Kacprzak, G. G. and Glazebrook, K.: ZFIRE: The Beginning of the End for Massive Galaxies at z 2 and Why Environment Matters. The Astrophysical Journal 919, 57 (2021)

Hayward, C. C., Sparre, M., Chapman, S. C., Hernquist, L., Nelson, D., Pakmor, R., Pillepich, A., Springel, V., Torrey, P., Vogelsberger, M. and Weinberger, R.: Submillimetre galaxies in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations - an opportunity for constraining feedback models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 2922-2933 (2021)

Heintz, K. E., Björnsson, G., Neeleman, M., Christensen, L., Fynbo, J. P. U., Jakobsson, P., Krogager, J.-K., Laskar, T., Ledoux, C., Magdis, G., Møller, P., Noterdaeme, P., Schady, P., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Valentino, F. and Watson, D.: GRB host galaxies with strong H2 absorption: CO-dark molecular gas at the peak of cosmic star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 1434-1440 (2021)

Heiter, U., Lind, K., Bergemann, M., Asplund, M., Mikolaitis, Š., Barklem, P. S., Masseron, T., de Laverny, P., Magrini, L., Edvardsson, B., Jönsson, H., Pickering, J. C., Ryde, N., Bayo Arán, A., Bensby, T., Casey, A. R., Feltzing, S., Jofré, P., Korn, A. J., Pancino, E., Damiani, F., Lanzafame, A., Lardo, C., Monaco, L., Morbidelli, L., Smiljanic, R., Worley, C., Zaggia, S., Randich, S. and Gilmore, G. F.: Atomic data for the Gaia-ESO Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A106 (2021)

Hemler, Z. S., Torrey, P., Qi, J., Hernquist, L., Vogelsberger, M., Ma, X., Kewley, L. J., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Pakmor, R. and Marinacci, F.: Gas-phase metallicity gradients of TNG50 star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 3024-3048 (2021)

Hennawi, J. F., Davies, F. B., Wang, F. and Oñorbe, J.: Probing reionization and early cosmic enrichment with the Mg II forest. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 2963-2984 (2021)

Hobbs, D., Brown, A., Høg, E., Jordi, C., Kawata, D., Tanga, P., Klioner, S., Sozzetti, A., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Walton, N., Vallenari, A., Makarov, V., Rybizki, J., Jiménez-Esteban, F., Caballero, J. A., McMillan, P. J., Secrest, N., Mor, R., Andrews, J. J., Zwitter, T., Chiappini, C., Fynbo, J. P. U., Ting, Y.-S., Hestroffer, D., Lindegren, L., McArthur, B., Gouda, N., Moore, A., Gonzalez, O. A. and Vaccari, M.: All-sky visible and near infrared space astrometry. Experimental Astronomy 51, 783-843 (2021)

Hogg, D. W. and Villar, S.: Fitting Very Flexible Models: Linear Regression With Large Numbers of Parameters. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 133, 093001 (2021)

Horne, K., De Rosa, G., Peterson, B. M., Barth, A. J., Ely, J., Fausnaugh, M. M., Kriss, G. A., Pei, L., Bentz, M. C., Cackett, E. M., Edelson, R., Eracleous, M., Goad, M. R., Grier, C. J., Kaastra, J., Kochanek, C. S., Krongold, Y., Mathur, S., Netzer, H., Proga, D., Tejos, N., Vestergaard, M., Villforth, C., Adams, S. M., Anderson, M. D., Arévalo, P., Beatty, T. G., Bennert, V. N., Bigley, A., Bisogni, S., Borman, G. A., Boroson, T. A., Bottorff, M. C., Brandt, W. N., Breeveld, A. A., Brotherton, M., Brown, J. E., Brown, J. S., Canalizo, G., Carini, M. T., Clubb, K. I., Comerford, J. M., Corsini, E. M., Crenshaw, D. M., Croft, S., Croxall, K. V., Dalla Bontà, E., Deason, A. J., Dehghanian, M., De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Denney, K. D., Dietrich, M., Done, C., Efimova, N. V., Evans, P. A., Ferland, G. J., Filippenko, A. V., Flatland, K., Fox, O. D., Gardner, E., Gates, E. L., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J. M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Greene, J. E., Grupe, D., Gupta, A., Hall, P. B., Henderson, C. B., Hicks, S., Holmbeck, E., Holoien, T. W.-S., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J. J., Johnson, C. A., Joner, M. D., Jones, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, P. L., Kennea, J. A., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, S. C., King, A., Klimanov, S. A., Korista, K. T., Lau, M. W., Lee, J. C., Leonard, D. C., Li, M., Lira, P., Lochhaas, C., Ma, Z., MacInnis, F., Malkan, M. A., Manne-Nicholas, E. R., Mauerhan, J. C., McGurk, R., McHardy, I. M., Montuori, C., Morelli, L., Mosquera, A., Mudd, D., Müller-Sánchez, F., Nazarov, S. V., Norris, R. P., Nousek, J. A., Nguyen, M. L., Ochner, P., Okhmat, D. N., Pancoast, A., Papadakis, I., Parks, J. R., Penny, M. T., Pizzella, A., Pogge, R. W., Poleski, R., Pott, J.-U., Rafter, S. E., Rix, H.-W., Runnoe, J., Saylor, D. A., Schimoia, J. S., Schnülle, K., Scott, B., Sergeev, S. G., Shappee, B. J., Shivvers, I., Siegel, M., Simonian, G. V., Siviero, A., Skielboe, A., Somers, G., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Stevens, D. J., Sung, H.-I., Tayar, J., Treu, T., Turner, C. S., Uttley, P., Van Saders, J., Vican, L., Villanueva, S., Jr., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.-H., Yan, H., Young, S., Yuk, H., Zheng, W., Zhu, W. and Zu, Y.: Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IX. Velocity-Delay Maps for Broad Emission Lines in NGC 5548. The Astrophysical Journal 907, 76 (2021)

Hoyer, N., Neumayer, N., Georgiev, I. Y., Seth, A. C. and Greene, J. E.: The nucleation fraction of local volume galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 3246-3266 (2021)

Husemann, B., Worseck, G., Arrigoni Battaia, F., Sander, A. A. C. and Shanks, T.: A meeting at z ∼ 3: Young massive galaxies and an AGN within 30 kpc of the luminous QSO LBQS 0302-0019. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A122 (2021)

Ibata, R., Malhan, K., Martin, N., Aubert, D., Famaey, B., Bianchini, P., Monari, G., Siebert, A., Thomas, G. F., Bellazzini, M., Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E. and Renaud, F.: Charting the Galactic Acceleration Field. I. A Search for Stellar Streams with Gaia DR2 and EDR3 with Follow-up from ESPaDOnS and UVES. The Astrophysical Journal 914, 123 (2021)

Inno, L., Rix, H.-W., Stanek, K. Z., Jayasinghe, T., Poggio, E., Drimmel, R. and Rotundi, A.: The Gaia-ASAS-SN Classical Cepheid Sample. I. Sample Selection. The Astrophysical Journal 914, 127 (2021)

Isbell, J. W., Burtscher, L., Asmus, D., Pott, J.-U., Couzy, P., Stalevski, M., Gámez Rosas, V. and Meisenheimer, K.: Subarcsecond Mid-infrared View of Local Active Galactic Nuclei. IV. The L- and M-band Imaging Atlas. The Astrophysical Journal 910, 104 (2021)

Jahnke, K., Krause, O., Rix, H.-W., Courbin, F., Fontana, A., Heymans, C., Martin, N., Oesch, P., Taylor, A., Gaudi, B. S., Kiessling, A., Mennesson, B., Seager, S., Stern, D. and Warfield, K.: The need for a multi-purpose, optical-NIR space facility after HST and JWST. Experimental Astronomy 51, 765-782 (2021)

Ji, X., Li, C., Yan, R., Mo, H., Lin, L., Zou, H., Lian, J., Stark, D. V., Riffel, R. A., Pan, H.-A., Bizyaev, D. and Bundy, K.: SDSS-IV MaNGA: the physical origin of off-galaxy H α blobs in the local Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 3943-3966 (2021)

Jiménez Muñoz, A., Macías-Pérez, J., Secroun, A., Gillard, W., Kubik, B., Auricchio, N., Balestra, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Casas, R., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Cropper, M., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moscardini, L., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Percival, W. J., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rebolo, R., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sauvage, M., Scaramella, R., Schneider, P., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Teplitz, H. I., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Verdoes Kleijn, G. A., Wang, Y., Weller, J., Wetzstein, M., Zamorani, G. and Zoubian, J.: Euclid: Estimation of the Impact of Correlated Readout Noise for Flux Measurements with the Euclid NISP Instrument. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 133, 094502 (2021)

Jin, G., Dai, Y. S., Pan, H.-A., Lin, L., Li, C., Hsieh, B.-C., Shen, S., Yuan, F.-T., Feng, S., Cheng, C., Xu, H., Huang, J.-S. and Zhang, K.: An IFU View of the Active Galactic Nuclei in MaNGA Galaxy Pairs. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 6 (2021)

Joshi, G. D., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Zinger, E., Marinacci, F., Springel, V., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: The cumulative star formation histories of dwarf galaxies with TNG50. I: environment-driven diversity and connection to quenching. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 1652-1674 (2021)

Jung, Y. K., Han, C., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Yee, J. C., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zhu, W., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M. and OGLE Collaboration: OGLE-2018-BLG-0567Lb and OGLE-2018-BLG-0962Lb: Two Microlensing Planets through the Planetary-caustic Channel. The Astronomical Journal 161, 293 (2021)

Kaur, B., Kanekar, N., Rafelski, M., Neeleman, M., Revalski, M. and Prochaska, J. X.: The Nature of HI-absorption-selected Galaxies at z ≍ 4. The Astrophysical Journal 921, 68 (2021)

Khrykin, I. S., Hennawi, J. F., Worseck, G. and Davies, F. B.: The first measurement of the quasar lifetime distribution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 649-662 (2021)

Khusanova, Y., Bethermin, M., Le Fèvre, O., Capak, P., Faisst, A. L., Schaerer, D., Silverman, J. D., Cassata, P., Yan, L., Ginolfi, M., Fudamoto, Y., Loiacono, F., Amorin, R., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Gruppioni, C., Hathi, N. P., Jones, G. C., Koekemoer, A. M., Lagache, G., Maiolino, R., Lemaux, B. C., Oesch, P., Pozzi, F., Riechers, D. A., Romano, M., Talia, M., Toft, S., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Obscured star formation rate density and main sequence of star-forming galaxies at z > 4. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A152 (2021)

Kielty, C. L., Venn, K. A., Sestito, F., Starkenburg, E., Martin, N. F., Aguado, D. S., Arentsen, A., Fabbro, S., González Hernández, J. I., Hill, V., Jablonka, P., Lardo, C., Mashonkina, L. I., Navarro, J. F., Sneden, C., Thomas, G. F., Youakim, K., Bialek, S. and Sánchez-Janssen, R.: The Pristine survey - XII. Gemini-GRACES chemo-dynamical study of newly discovered extremely metal-poor stars in the Galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 1438-1461 (2021)

Kim, D.-W., Yeo, D., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L. and Lee, G.: Deep transfer learning for the classification of variable sources. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A22 (2021)

Kim, H.-W., Hwang, K.-H., Gould, A., Yee, J. C., Ryu, Y.-H., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Kil Jung, Y., Lee, C.-U., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: KMT-2019-BLG-2073: Fourth Free-floating Planet Candidate with θE < 10 μas. The Astronomical Journal 162, 15 (2021)

Kim, Y. H., Chung, S.-J., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Jung, Y. K., Hwang, K.-H., Han, C., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Mróz, P., Poleski, R., Wrona, M., Iwanek, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Soszyński, I., Kozłowski, S., Pietrukowicz, P., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. and KMTNet Collaboration: OGLE-2018-BLG-1428Lb: a Jupiter-mass planet beyond the snow line of a dwarf star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 2706-2712 (2021)

Kim, Y. H., Chung, S.-J., Yee, J. C., Udalski, A., Bond, I. A., Jung, Y. K., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Poleski, R., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Itow, Y., Hirao, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P. J., Tanaka, Y., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A. and MOA Collaboration: KMT-2019-BLG-0371 and the Limits of Bayesian Analysis. The Astronomical Journal 162, 17 (2021)

Koch, E. W., Rosolowsky, E. W., Leroy, A. K., Chastenet, J., Chiang , I.-D., Dalcanton, J., Kepley, A. A., Sandstrom, K. M., Schruba, A., Stanimirović, S., Utomo, D. and Williams, T. G.: A lack of constraints on the cold opaque H I mass: H I spectra in M31 and M33 prefer multicomponent models over a single cold opaque component. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 1801-1824 (2021)

Koch-Hansen, A. J., Hansen, C. J., Lombardo, L., Bonifacio, P., Hanke, M. and Caffau, E.: Purveyors of fine halos. III. Chemical abundance analysis of a potential ωCen associate. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A64 (2021)

Koch-Hansen, A. J., Hansen, C. J. and McWilliam, A.: NGC 1261: An r-process enhanced globular cluster from the Gaia-Enceladus event. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A2 (2021)

Kondo, I., Yee, J. C., Bennett, D. P., Sumi, T., Koshimoto, N., Bond, I. A., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Shvartzvald, Y., Jung, Y. K., Zang, W., Bozza, V., Bachelet, E., Hundertmark, M. P. G., Rattenbury, N. J., Abe, F., Barry, R., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fukui, A., Fujii, H., Hirao, Y., Silva, S. I., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Suzuki, D., Tanaka, Y., Tristram, P. J., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A., Mróz, P., Poleski, R., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Kozłowski, S., Pietrukowicz, P., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Kim, H.-W., Shin, I.-G., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Ryu, Y.-H., Beichman, C. A., Bryden, G., Novati, S. C., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C. B., Zhu, W., Maoz, D., Penny, M. T., Dominik, M., Jørgensen, U. G., Longa-Peña, P., Peixinho, N., Sajadian, S., Skottfelt, J., Snodgrass, C., Tregloan-Reed, J., Burgdorf, M. J., Campbell-White, J., Dib, S., Fujii, Y. I., Hinse, T. C., Khalouei, E., Rahvar, S., Rabus, M., Southworth, J., Tsapras, Y., Street, R. A., Bramich, D. M., Cassan, A., Horne, K., Wambsganss, J., Mao, S., Saha, A. and Team, R. R. P.: OGLE-2018-BLG-1185b: A Low-mass Microlensing Planet Orbiting a Low-mass Dwarf. The Astronomical Journal 162, 77 (2021)

Kos, J., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Buder, S., Nordlander, T., Spina, L., Beeson, K. L., Lind, K., Asplund, M., Freeman, K., Hayden, M. R., Lewis, G. F., Martell, S. L., Sharma, S., De Silva, G., Simpson, J. D., Zucker, D. B., Zwitter, T., Čotar, K., Horner, J., Ting, Y.-S. and Traven, G.: The GALAH survey: Chemical homogeneity of the Orion complex. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 4232-4250 (2021)

Krieger, N., Walter, F., Bolatto, A. D., Guillard, P., Lehnert, M., Leroy, A. K., Pety, J., Emig, K. L., Levy, R. C., Krips, M., Rix, H.-W., Salak, D., Weiss, A. and Veilleux, S.: NOEMA High-fidelity Imaging of the Molecular Gas in and around M82. The Astrophysical Journal 915, L3 (2021)

Lachaume, R.: Bias-free model fitting of correlated data in interferometry. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 38, e029 (2021)

Laporte, N., Meyer, R. A., Ellis, R. S., Robertson, B. E., Chisholm, J. and Roberts-Borsani, G. W.: Probing cosmic dawn: Ages and star formation histories of candidate z ≥ 9 galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 3336-3346 (2021)

Lardo, C., Mashonkina, L., Jablonka, P., Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., Aguado, D. S., González Hernández, J. I., Sestito, F., Kielty, C. L., Venn, K. A., Hill, V., Starkenburg, E., Martin, N. F., Sitnova, T., Arentsen, A., Carlberg, R. G., Navarro, J. F. and Kordopatis, G.: The Pristine survey - XIV. Chemical analysis of two ultra-metal-poor stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 3068-3083 (2021)

Ledger, B., Wilson, C. D., Michiyama, T., Iono, D., Aalto, S., Saito, T., Bemis, A. and Aladro, R.: Observed CN and HCN intensity ratios exhibit subtle variations in extreme galaxy environments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 5863-5879 (2021)

Lee, D., Berthoud, M., Chen, C.-Y., Cox, E. G., Davidson, J. A., Encalada, F. J., Fissel, L. M., Harrison, R., Kwon, W., Li, D., Li, Z.-Y., Looney, L. W., Novak, G., Sadavoy, S., Santos, F. P., Segura-Cox, D. and Stephens, I.: HAWC+/SOFIA Polarimetry in L1688: Relative Orientation of Magnetic Field and Elongated Cloud Structure. The Astrophysical Journal 918, 39 (2021)

Lee, M. M., Tanaka, I., Iono, D., Kawabe, R., Kodama, T., Kohno, K., Saito, T. and Tamura, Y.: Revisited Cold Gas Content with Atomic Carbon [C I] in z = 2.5 Protocluster Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 909, 181 (2021)

Lemaux, B. C., Fuller, S., Bradač, M., Pentericci, L., Hoag, A., Strait, V., Treu, T., Alvarez, C., Bolan, P., Gandhi, P. J., Huang, K.-H., Jones, T., Mason, C., Pelliccia, D., Ribeiro, B., Ryan, R. E., Schmidt, K. B., Vanzella, E., Khusanova, Y., Le Fèvre, O., Guaita, L., Hathi, N. P., Koekemoer, A. and Pforr, J.: The size and pervasiveness of Ly α-UV spatial offsets in star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 3662-3681 (2021)

Leroy, A. K., Schinnerer, E., Hughes, A., Rosolowsky, E., Pety, J., Schruba, A., Usero, A., Blanc, G. A., Chevance, M., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C. M., Herrera, C. N., Liu, D., Meidt, S. E., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sandstrom, K. M., Sun, J., Williams, T. G., Anand, G. S., Barnes, A. T., Behrens, E. A., Belfiore, F., Benincasa, S. M., Bešlić, I., Bigiel, F., Bolatto, A. D., den Brok, J. S., Cao, Y., Chandar, R., Chastenet, J., Chiang, I.-D., Congiu, E., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Eibensteiner, C., Egorov, O. V., García-Rodríguez, A., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Ho, I.-T., Kepley, A. A., Kim, J., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Koch, E. W., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Lee, J. C., Lopez, L. A., Machado, J., Mayker, N., McElroy, R., Murphy, E. J., Ostriker, E. C., Pan, H.-A., Pessa, I., Puschnig, J., Razza, A., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Santoro, F., Sardone, A., Scheuermann, F., Sliwa, K., Sormani, M. C., Stuber, S. K., Thilker, D. A., Turner, J. A., Utomo, D., Watkins, E. J. and Whitmore, B.: PHANGS-ALMA: Arcsecond CO(2-1) Imaging of Nearby Star-forming Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 257, 43 (2021)

Leung, G. Y. C., Leaman, R., Battaglia, G., van de Ven, G., Brooks, A. M., Peñarrubia, J. and Venn, K. A.: Joint gas and stellar dynamical models of WLM: an isolated dwarf galaxy within a cored, prolate DM halo. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 410-429 (2021)

Levy, R. C., Bolatto, A. D., Leroy, A. K., Emig, K. L., Gorski, M., Krieger, N., Lenkić, L., Meier, D. S., Mills, E. A. C., Ott, J., Rosolowsky, E., Tarantino, E., Veilleux, S., Walter, F., Weiß, A. and Zwaan, M. A.: Outflows from Super Star Clusters in the Central Starburst of NGC 253. The Astrophysical Journal 912, 4 (2021)

Li, J., Xue, X.-X., Liu, C., Zhang, B., Rix, H.-W., Carlin, J. L., Yang, C., Mendez, R. A., Zhong, J., Tian, H., Zhang, L., Xu, Y., Wu, Y., Zhao, G. and Chang, R.: Exploring the Galactic Anticenter Substructure with LAMOST and Gaia DR2. The Astrophysical Journal 910, 46 (2021)

Li, Y.-B., Luo, A.-L., Lu, Y.-J., Zhang, X.-S., Li, J., Wang, R., Zuo, F., Xiang, M., Ting, Y.-S., Marchetti, T., Li, S., Wang, Y.-F., Zhang, S., Hattori, K., Zhao, Y.-H., Zhang, H.-W. and Zhao, G.: 591 High-velocity Stars in the Galactic Halo Selected from LAMOST DR7 and Gaia DR2. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 252, 3 (2021)

Lim, D., Koch-Hansen, A. J., Hansen, C. J., Lépine, S., Marshall, J. L., Wilkinson, M. I. and Peñarrubia, J.: Chemodynamics of metal-poor wide binaries in the Galactic halo: Association with the Sequoia event. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A26 (2021)

Lim, S. H., Barnes, D., Vogelsberger, M., Mo, H. J., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Dolag, K. and Marinacci, F.: Properties of the ionized CGM and IGM: tests for galaxy formation models from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 5131-5143 (2021)

Lindegren, L., Klioner, S. A., Hernández, J., Bombrun, A., Ramos-Lerate, M., Steidelmüller, H., Bastian, U., Biermann, M., de Torres, A., Gerlach, E., Geyer, R., Hilger, T., Hobbs, D., Lammers, U., McMillan, P. J., Stephenson, C. A., Castañeda, J., Davidson, M., Fabricius, C., Gracia-Abril, G., Portell, J., Rowell, N., Teyssier, D., Torra, F., Bartolomé, S., Clotet, M., Garralda, N., González-Vidal, J. J., Torra, J., Abbas, U., Altmann, M., Anglada Varela, E., Balaguer-Núñez, L., Balog, Z., Barache, C., Becciani, U., Bernet, M., Bertone, S., Bianchi, L., Bouquillon, S., Brown, A. G. A., Bucciarelli, B., Busonero, D., Butkevich, A. G., Buzzi, R., Cancelliere, R., Carlucci, T., Charlot, P., Cioni, M.-R. L., Crosta, M., Crowley, C., del Peloso, E. F., del Pozo, E., Drimmel, R., Esquej, P., Fienga, A., Fraile, E., Gai, M., Garcia-Reinaldos, M., Guerra, R., Hambly, N. C., Hauser, M., Janßen, K., Jordan, S., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Lattanzi, M. G., Liao, S., Licata, E., Lister, T. A., Löffler, W., Marchant, J. M., Masip, A., Mignard, F., Mints, A., Molina, D., Mora, A., Morbidelli, R., Murphy, C. P., Pagani, C., Panuzzo, P., Peñalosa Esteller, X., Poggio, E., Re Fiorentin, P., Riva, A., Sagristà Sellés, A., Sanchez Gimenez, V., Sarasso, M., Sciacca, E., Siddiqui, H. I., Smart, R. L., Souami, D., Spagna, A., Steele, I. A., Taris, F., Utrilla, E., van Reeven, W. and Vecchiato, A.: Gaia Early Data Release 3. The astrometric solution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A2 (2021)

Liu, D., Daddi, E., Schinnerer, E., Saito, T., Leroy, A., Silverman, J. D., Valentino, F., Magdis, G. E., Gao, Y., Jin, S., Puglisi, A. and Groves, B.: CO Excitation, Molecular Gas Density, and Interstellar Radiation Field in Local and High-redshift Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 909, 56 (2021)

Liu, Y., Wang, R., Momjian, E., Bañados, E., Zeimann, G., Willott, C. J., Matsuoka, Y., Omont, A., Shao, Y., Li, Q. and Li, J.: Constraining the Quasar Radio-loud Fraction at z ∼ 6 with Deep Radio Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 908, 124 (2021)

Loiacono, F., Decarli, R., Gruppioni, C., Talia, M., Cimatti, A., Zamorani, G., Pozzi, F., Yan, L., Lemaux, B. C., Riechers, D. A., Le Fèvre, O., Bèthermin, M., Capak, P., Cassata, P., Faisst, A., Schaerer, D., Silverman, J. D., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Burkutean, S., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Fudamoto, Y., Fujimoto, S., Ginolfi, M., Hathi, N. P., Jones, G. C., Khusanova, Y., Koekemoer, A. M., Lagache, G., Lubin, L. M., Massardi, M., Oesch, P., Romano, M., Vallini, L., Vergani, D. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey. Luminosity function of serendipitous [C II] line emitters at z ∼ 5. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A76 (2021)

Lonoce, I., Feldmeier-Krause, A. and Freedman, W. L.: The Stellar Initial Mass Function and Population Properties of M89 from Optical and NIR Spectroscopy: Addressing Biases in Spectral Index Analysis. The Astrophysical Journal 920, 93 (2021)

Luger, R., Foreman-Mackey, D., Hedges, C. and Hogg, D. W.: Mapping Stellar Surfaces. I. Degeneracies in the Rotational Light-curve Problem. The Astronomical Journal 162, 123 (2021)

Macciò, A. V., Prats, D. H., Dixon, K. L., Buck, T., Waterval, S., Arora, N., Courteau, S. and Kang, X.: Creating a galaxy lacking dark matter in a dark matter-dominated universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 693-700 (2021)

Mackereth, J. T., Miglio, A., Elsworth, Y., Mosser, B., Mathur, S., Garcia, R. A., Nardiello, D., Hall, O. J., Vrard, M., Ball, W. H., Basu, S., Beaton, R. L., Beck, P. G., Bergemann, M., Bossini, D., Casagrande, L., Campante, T. L., Chaplin, W. J., Chiappini, C., Girardi, L., Jørgensen, A. C. S., Khan, S., Montalbán, J., Nielsen, M. B., Pinsonneault, M. H., Rodrigues, T. S., Serenelli, A., Silva Aguirre, V., Stello, D., Tayar, J., Teske, J., van Saders, J. L. and Willett, E.: Prospects for Galactic and stellar astrophysics with asteroseismology of giant stars in the TESS continuous viewing zones and beyond. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 1947-1966 (2021)

Makan, K., Worseck, G., Davies, F. B., Hennawi, J. F., Prochaska, J. X. and Richter, P.: New Evidence for Extended He I> Reionization at z ≳ 3.5 from He II Lyman Alpha and Beta Transmission Spikes. The Astrophysical Journal 912, 38 (2021)

Malhan, K., Yuan, Z., Ibata, R. A., Arentsen, A., Bellazzini, M. and Martin, N. F.: Evidence of a Dwarf Galaxy Stream Populating the Inner Milky Way Halo. The Astrophysical Journal 920, 51 (2021)

Manara, C. F., Frasca, A., Venuti, L., Siwak, M., Herczeg, G. J., Calvet, N., Hernandez, J., Tychoniec, Ł., Gangi, M., Alcalá, J. M., Boffin, H. M. J., Nisini, B., Robberto, M., Briceno, C., Campbell-White, J., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., McGinnis, P., Fedele, D., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Alonso-Santiago, J., Antoniucci, S., Arulanantham, N., Bacciotti, F., Banzatti, A., Beccari, G., Benisty, M., Biazzo, K., Bouvier, J., Cabrit, S., Caratti o Garatti, A., Coffey, D., Covino, E., Dougados, C., Eislöffel, J., Ercolano, B., Espaillat, C. C., Erkal, J., Facchini, S., Fang, M., Fiorellino, E., Fischer, W. J., France, K., Gameiro, J. F., Garcia Lopez, R., Giannini, T., Ginski, C., Grankin, K., Günther, H. M., Hartmann, L., Hillenbrand, L. A., Hussain, G. A. J., James, M. M., Koutoulaki, M., Lodato, G., Maucó, K., Mendigutía, I., Mentel, R., Miotello, A., Oudmaijer, R. D., Rigliaco, E., Rosotti, G. P., Sanchis, E., Schneider, P. C., Spina, L., Stelzer, B., Testi, L., Thanathibodee, T., Vink, J. S., Walter, F. M., Williams, J. P. and Zsidi, G.: PENELLOPE: The ESO data legacy program to complement the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars (ULLYSES). I. Survey presentation and accretion properties of Orion OB1 and σ-Orionis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A196 (2021)

Martig, M., Pinna, F., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., Husemann, B., Minchev, I., Neumann, J., Ruiz-Lara, T. and van de Ven, G.: NGC 5746: Formation history of a massive disc-dominated galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 2458-2478 (2021)

Martinelli, M., Martins, C. J. A. P., Nesseris, S., Tutusaus, I., Blanchard, A., Camera, S., Carbone, C., Casas, S., Pettorino, V., Sakr, Z., Yankelevich, V., Sapone, D., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dusini, S., Ealet, A., Ferriol, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Garilli, B., Giocoli, C., Grazian, A., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kiessling, A., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Mansutti, O., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moscardini, L., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Raison, F., Rebolo, R., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Starck, J.-L., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Baldi, M., Brescia, M., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Fabbian, G., Farinelli, R., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Polenta, G., Romelli, E. and Vassallo, T.: Euclid: Constraining dark energy coupled to electromagnetism using astrophysical and laboratory data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A148 (2021)

Martinelli, M., Tutusaus, I., Archidiacono, M., Camera, S., Cardone, V. F., Clesse, S., Casas, S., Casarini, L., Mota, D. F., Hoekstra, H., Carbone, C., Ilić, S., Kitching, T. D., Pettorino, V., Pourtsidou, A., Sakr, Z., Sapone, D., Auricchio, N., Balestra, A., Boucaud, A., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conselice, C., Conversi, L., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dusini, S., Fabbian, G., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Niemi, S., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Starck, J.-L., Sureau, F., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Zacchei, A. and Zoubian, J.: Euclid: Impact of non-linear and baryonic feedback prescriptions on cosmological parameter estimation from weak lensing cosmic shear. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A100 (2021)

Martínez-Delgado, D., Román, J., Erkal, D., Schirmer, M., Roca-Fàbrega, S., Laine, S., Donatiello, G., Jimenez, M., Malin, D. and Carballo-Bello, J. A.: A feather on the hat: tracing the giant stellar stream around the Sombrero galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 5030-5038 (2021)

Martín-Navarro, I., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Donnari, M., Hernquist, L. and Springel, V.: Anisotropic satellite galaxy quenching modulated by black hole activity. Nature 594, 187-190 (2021)

Martín-Navarro, I., Pinna, F., Coccato, L., Falcón-Barroso, J., van de Ven, G., Lyubenova, M., Corsini, E. M., Fahrion, K., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., McDermid, R. M., Poci, A., Sarzi, M., Spriggs, T. W., Viaene, S., de Zeeuw, P. T. and Zhu, L.: Fornax 3D project: Assessing the diversity of IMF and stellar population maps within the Fornax Cluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A59 (2021)

Maseda, M. V., van der Wel, A., Franx, M., Bell, E. F., Bezanson, R., Muzzin, A., Sobral, D., D'Eugenio, F., Gallazzi, A., de Graaff, A., Leja, J., Straatman, C., Whitaker, K. E., Williams, C. C. and Wu, P.-F.: Ubiquitous [O II] Emission in Quiescent Galaxies at z ≍ 0.85 from the LEGA-C Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 18 (2021)

Mastrobuono-Battisti, A. and Perets, H. B.: Linking globular cluster structural parameters and their evolution: multiple stellar populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 2548-2560 (2021)

Meidt, S. E., Leroy, A. K., Querejeta, M., Schinnerer, E., Sun, J., van der Wel, A., Emsellem, E., Henshaw, J., Hughes, A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Rosolowsky, E., Schruba, A., Barnes, A., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Chevance, M., Cao, Y., Dale, D. A., Faesi, C., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Herrera, C., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Liu, D., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Saito, T., Usero, A., Watkins, E. and Williams, T. G.: The Organization of Cloud-scale Gas Density Structure: High-resolution CO versus 3.6 μm Brightness Contrasts in Nearby Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 913, 113 (2021)

Michail, J. M., Ashton, P. C., Berthoud, M. G., Chuss, D. T., Dowell, C. D., Guerra, J. A., Harper, D. A., Novak, G., Santos, F. P., Siah, J., Sukay, E., Taylor, A., Tram, L. N., Vaillancourt, J. E. and Wollack, E. J.: Far-infrared Polarization Spectrum of the OMC-1 Star-forming Region. The Astrophysical Journal 907, 46 (2021)

Michiyama, T., Saito, T., Tadaki, K.-i., Ueda, J., Zhuang, M.-Y., Molina, J., Lee, B., Wang, R., Bolatto, A. D., Iono, D., Nakanishi, K., Izumi, T., Yamashita, T. and Ho, L. C.: An ACA Survey of [C I] 3P1-3P0, CO J = 4 - 3, and Dust Continuum in Nearby U/LIRGs. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 257, 28 (2021)

Miller, T. B., van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S., Li, J., Abraham, R., Conroy, C., Gilhuly, C., Greco, J. P., Liu, Q., Lokhorst, D. and Merritt, A.: The Dragonfly Wide Field Survey. II. Accurate Total Luminosities and Colors of Nearby Massive Galaxies and Implications for the Galaxy Stellar-mass Function. The Astrophysical Journal 909, 74 (2021)

Mills, E. A. C., Gorski, M., Emig, K. L., Bolatto, A. D., Levy, R. C., Leroy, A. K., Ginsburg, A., Henshaw, J. D., Zschaechner, L. K., Veilleux, S., Tanaka, K., Meier, D. S., Walter, F., Krieger, N. and Ott, J.: Clustered Star Formation in the Center of NGC 253 Contributes to Driving the Ionized Nuclear Wind. The Astrophysical Journal 919, 105 (2021)

Minardi, S., Harris, R. J. and Labadie, L.: Astrophotonics: astronomy and modern optics. Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 29, 6 (2021)

Miura, R. E., Espada, D., Hirota, A., Henkel, C., Verley, S., Kobayashi, M. I. N., Matsushita, S., Israel, F. P., Vila-Vilaro, B., Morokuma-Matsui, K., Ott, J., Vlahakis, C., Peck, A. B., Aalto, S., Hogerheijde, M. R., Neumayer, N., Iono, D., Kohno, K., Takemura, H. and Komugi, S.: A giant molecular cloud catalogue in the molecular disc of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 6198-6215 (2021)

Mizukoshi, S., Kohno, K., Egusa, F., Hatsukade, B., Minezaki, T., Saito, T., Tamura, Y., Iono, D., Ueda, J., Matsuda, Y., Kawabe, R., Lee, M. M., Yun, M. S. and Espada, D.: Physical Characterization of Serendipitously Uncovered Millimeter-wave Line-emitting Galaxies at z 2.5 behind the Local Luminous Infrared Galaxy VV 114. The Astrophysical Journal 917, 94 (2021)

Molero, M., Romano, D., Reichert, M., Matteucci, F., Arcones, A., Cescutti, G., Simonetti, P., Hansen, C. J. and Lanfranchi, G. A.: Evolution of neutron capture elements in dwarf galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 2913-2931 (2021)

Molnár, D. C., Sargent, M. T., Leslie, S., Magnelli, B., Schinnerer, E., Zamorani, G., Delhaize, J., Smolčić, V., Tisanić, K. and Vardoulaki, E.: The non-linear infrared-radio correlation of low-z galaxies: implications for redshift evolution, a new radio SFR recipe, and how to minimize selection bias. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 118-145 (2021)

Momjian, E., Bañados, E., Carilli, C. L., Walter, F. and Mazzucchelli, C.: Resolving the Radio Emission from the Quasar P172+18 at z = 6.82. The Astronomical Journal 161, 207 (2021)

Morey, K. A., Eilers, A.-C., Davies, F. B., Hennawi, J. F. and Simcoe, R. A.: Estimating the Effective Lifetime of the z 6 Quasar Population from the Composite Proximity Zone Profile. The Astrophysical Journal 921, 88 (2021)

Nadler, E. O., Drlica-Wagner, A., Bechtol, K., Mau, S., Wechsler, R. H., Gluscevic, V., Boddy, K., Pace, A. B., Li, T. S., McNanna, M., Riley, A. H., García-Bellido, J., Mao, Y.-Y., Green, G., Burke, D. L., Peter, A., Jain, B., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Brooks, D., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Everett, S., Evrard, A. E., Flaugher, B., Frieman, J., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hinton, S. R., Honscheid, K., Huterer, D., James, D. J., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lahav, O., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Tucker, D. L., Walker, A. R., Wester, W. and DES Collaboration: Constraints on Dark Matter Properties from Observations of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies. Physical Review Letters 126, 091101 (2021)

Neeleman, M., Novak, M., Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Decarli, R., Kaasinen, M., Schindler, J.-T., Bañados, E., Carilli, C. L., Drake, A. B., Fan, X. and Rix, H.-W.: The Kinematics of z ≳ 6 Quasar Host Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 911, 141 (2021)

Nelson, E. J., Tacchella, S., Diemer, B., Leja, J., Hernquist, L., Whitaker, K. E., Weinberger, R., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Terrazas, B. A., Nevin, R., Brammer, G. B., Burkhart, B., Cochrane, R. K., van Dokkum, P., Johnson, B. D., Marinacci, F., Mowla, L., Pakmor, R., Skelton, R. E., Speagle, J., Springel, V., Torrey, P., Vogelsberger, M. and Wuyts, S.: Spatially resolved star formation and inside-out quenching in the TNG50 simulation and 3D-HST observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 219-235 (2021)

Nesvadba, N. P. H., Wagner, A. Y., Mukherjee, D., Mandal, A., Janssen, R. M. J., Zovaro, H., Neumayer, N., Bagchi, J. and Bicknell, G.: Jet-driven AGN feedback on molecular gas and low star-formation efficiency in a massive local spiral galaxy with a bright X-ray halo. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A8 (2021)

Nidever, D. L., Olsen, K., Choi, Y., Ruiz-Lara, T., Miller, A. E., Johnson, L. C., Bell, C. P. M., Blum, R. D., Cioni, M.-R. L., Gallart, C., Majewski, S. R., Martin, N. F., Massana, P., Monachesi, A., Noël, N. E. D., Sakowska, J. D., van der Marel, R. P., Walker, A. R., Zaritsky, D., Bell, E. F., Conn, B. C., de Boer, T. J. L., Gruendl, R. A., Monelli, M., Muñoz, R. R., Saha, A., Vivas, A. K., Bernard, E., Besla, G., Carballo-Bello, J. A., Dorta, A., Martinez-Delgado, D., Goater, A., Rusakov, V. and Stringfellow, G. S.: The Second Data Release of the Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History (SMASH). The Astronomical Journal 161, 74 (2021)

Nitschai, M. S., Eilers, A.-C., Neumayer, N., Cappellari, M. and Rix, H.-W.: Dynamical Model of the Milky Way Using APOGEE and Gaia Data. The Astrophysical Journal 916, 112 (2021)

Nogueras-Lara, F., Schödel, R. and Neumayer, N.: Distance and extinction to the Milky Way spiral arms along the Galactic centre line of sight. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A33 (2021)

Nogueras-Lara, F., Schödel, R. and Neumayer, N.: GALACTICNUCLEUS: A high-angular-resolution JHKs imaging survey of the Galactic centre. IV. Extinction maps and de-reddened photometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A133 (2021)

Nogueras-Lara, F., Schödel, R. and Neumayer, N.: The Nuclear Star Cluster and Nuclear Stellar Disk of the Milky Way: Different Stellar Populations and Star Formation Histories. The Astrophysical Journal 920, 97 (2021)

Nogueras-Lara, F., Schödel, R., Neumayer, N. and Schultheis, M.: Distance to three molecular clouds in the central molecular zone. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, L6 (2021)

North, E. V., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Gaspari, M., Cappellari, M., Iguchi, S., Liu, L., Onishi, K., Sarzi, M., Smith, M. D. and Williams, T. G.: WISDOM project - VIII. Multiscale feedback cycles in the brightest cluster galaxy NGC 0708. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 5179-5192 (2021)

Orebi Gann, G. D., Zuber, K., Bemmerer, D. and Serenelli, A.: The Future of Solar Neutrinos. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 71, 491-528 (2021)

Pasha, I., Lokhorst, D., van Dokkum, P. G., Chen, S., Abraham, R., Greco, J., Danieli, S., Miller, T., Lippitt, E., Polzin, A., Shen, Z., Keim, M. A., Liu, Q., Merritt, A. and Zhang, J.: A Nascent Tidal Dwarf Galaxy Forming within the Northern H I Streamer of M82. The Astrophysical Journal 923, L21 (2021)

Pensabene, A., Decarli, R., Bañados, E., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Bertoldi, F., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Li, J., Mazzucchelli, C., Novak, M., Riechers, D., Rix, H.-W., Strauss, M. A., Wang, R., Weiß, A., Yang, J. and Yang, Y.: ALMA multiline survey of the ISM in two quasar host-companion galaxy pairs at z > 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A66 (2021)

Pessa, I., Schinnerer, E., Belfiore, F., Emsellem, E., Leroy, A. K., Schruba, A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Pan, H.-A., Blanc, G. A., Sanchez-Blazquez, P., Bigiel, F., Chevance, M., Congiu, E., Dale, D., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Ho, I., Jiménez-Donaire, M., Klessen, R., Kreckel, K., Koch, E. W., Liu, D., Meidt, S., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Santoro, F., Sun, J., Usero, A., Watkins, E. J. and Williams, T. G.: Star formation scaling relations at ∼100 pc from PHANGS: Impact of completeness and spatial scale. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A134 (2021)

Pfister, H., Dai, J. L., Volonteri, M., Auchettl, K., Trebitsch, M. and Ramirez-Ruiz, E.: Tidal disruption events in the first billion years of a galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 3944-3956 (2021)

Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Truong, N., Weinberger, R., Martin-Navarro, I., Springel, V., Faber, S. M. and Hernquist, L.: X-ray bubbles in the circumgalactic medium of TNG50 Milky Way- and M31-like galaxies: signposts of supermassive black hole activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 4667-4695 (2021)

Pinna, F., Neumayer, N., Seth, A., Emsellem, E., Nguyen, D. D., Böker, T., Cappellari, M., McDermid, R. M., Voggel, K. and Walcher, C. J.: Resolved Nuclear Kinematics Link the Formation and Growth of Nuclear Star Clusters with the Evolution of Their Early- and Late-type Hosts. The Astrophysical Journal 921, 8 (2021)

Poci, A., McDermid, R. M., Lyubenova, M., Zhu, L., van de Ven, G., Iodice, E., Coccato, L., Pinna, F., Corsini, E. M., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., Grand, R. J. J., Fahrion, K., Martín-Navarro, I., Sarzi, M., Viaene, S. and de Zeeuw, P. T.: The Fornax3D project: Assembly histories of lenticular galaxies from a combined dynamical and population orbital analysis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A145 (2021)

Poggio, E., Drimmel, R., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Ramos, P., Ripepi, V., Zari, E., Andrae, R., Blomme, R., Chemin, L., Clementini, G., Figueras, F., Fouesneau, M., Frémat, Y., Lobel, A., Marshall, D. J., Muraveva, T. and Romero-Gómez, M.: Galactic spiral structure revealed by Gaia EDR3. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A104 (2021)

Preston, J., Collins, M., Rich, R. M., Ibata, R., Martin, N. F. and Fardal, M.: The nature of the Eastern Extent in the outer halo of M31. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 3098-3110 (2021)

Price-Whelan, A. M., Hogg, D. W., Johnston, K. V., Ness, M. K., Rix, H.-W., Beaton, R. L., Brownstein, J. R., García-Hernández, D. A., Hasselquist, S., Hayes, C. R., Lane, R. R., Shetrone, M., Sobeck, J. and Zasowski, G.: Orbital Torus Imaging: Using Element Abundances to Map Orbits and Mass in the Milky Way. The Astrophysical Journal 910, 17 (2021)

Puglisi, A., Daddi, E., Brusa, M., Bournaud, F., Fensch, J., Liu, D., Delvecchio, I., Calabrò, A., Circosta, C., Valentino, F., Perna, M., Jin, S., Enia, A., Mancini, C. and Rodighiero, G.: A titanic interstellar medium ejection from a massive starburst galaxy at redshift 1.4. Nature Astronomy 5, 319-330 (2021)

Pulsoni, C., Gerhard, O., Arnaboldi, M., Pillepich, A., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Nelson, D., Hernquist, L. and Springel, V.: The stellar halos of ETGs in the IllustrisTNG simulations. II. Accretion, merger history, and dark halo connection. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A95 (2021)

Qin, Y., Mesinger, A., Bosman, S. E. I. and Viel, M.: Reionization and galaxy inference from the high-redshift Ly α forest. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 2390-2407 (2021)

Qiu, D., Tian, H.-J., Wang, X.-D., Nie, J.-L., von Hippel, T., Liu, G.-C., Fouesneau, M. and Rix, H.-W.: Precise Ages of Field Stars from White Dwarf Companions in Gaia DR2. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253, 58 (2021)

Querejeta, M., Lelli, F., Schinnerer, E., Colombo, D., Lisenfeld, U., Mundell, C. G., Bigiel, F., García-Burillo, S., Herrera, C. N., Hughes, A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Meidt, S. E., Moore, T. J. T., Pety, J. and Rigby, A. J.: ALMA resolves giant molecular clouds in a tidal dwarf galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A97 (2021)

Querejeta, M., Schinnerer, E., Meidt, S., Sun, J., Leroy, A. K., Emsellem, E., Klessen, R. S., Muñoz-Mateos, J. C., Salo, H., Laurikainen, E., Bešlić, I., Blanc, G. A., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Eibensteiner, C., Faesi, C., García-Rodríguez, A., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J., Herrera, C., Hughes, A., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Murphy, E. J., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Razza, A., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Schruba, A., Usero, A., Watkins, E. J. and Williams, T. G.: Stellar structures, molecular gas, and star formation across the PHANGS sample of nearby galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A133 (2021)

Reichert, M., Hansen, C. J. and Arcones, A.: Extreme r-process Enhanced Stars at High Metallicity in Fornax. The Astrophysical Journal 912, 157 (2021)

Rix, H.-W., Hogg, D. W., Boubert, D., Brown, A. G. A., Casey, A., Drimmel, R., Everall, A., Fouesneau, M. and Price-Whelan, A. M.: Selection Functions in Astronomical Data Modeling, with the Space Density of White Dwarfs as a Worked Example. The Astronomical Journal 162, 142 (2021)

Rodeghiero, G., Arcidiacono, C., Pott, J.-U., Perera, S., Pariani, G., Magrin, D., Riechert, H., Glück, M., Gendron, E., Massari, D., Sauter, J., Fabricius, M., Häberle, M., Meßlinger, S., Davies, R., Ciliegi, P., Lombini, M. and Schreiber, L.: Performance and limitations of using ELT and MCAO for 50 μas astrometry. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 7, 035005 (2021)

Rojas-Ruiz, S., Bañados, E., Neeleman, M., Connor, T., Eilers, A.-C., Venemans, B. P., Khusanova, Y., Carilli, C., Mazzucchelli, C., Decarli, R., Momjian, E. and Novak, M.: The Impact of Powerful Jets on the Far-infrared Emission of an Extreme Radio Quasar at z ∼ 6. The Astrophysical Journal 920, 150 (2021)

Romano, D., Magrini, L., Randich, S., Casali, G., Bonifacio, P., Jeffries, R. D., Matteucci, F., Franciosini, E., Spina, L., Guiglion, G., Chiappini, C., Mucciarelli, A., Ventura, P., Grisoni, V., Bellazzini, M., Bensby, T., Bragaglia, A., de Laverny, P., Korn, A. J., Martell, S. L., Tautvaišienė, G., Carraro, G., Gonneau, A., Jofré, P., Pancino, E., Smiljanic, R., Vallenari, A., Fu, X., Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L., Jiménez-Esteban, F. M., Montes, D., Damiani, F., Bergemann, M. and Worley, C.: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Galactic evolution of lithium from iDR6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A72 (2021)

Rybak, M., da Cunha, E., Groves, B., Hodge, J. A., Aravena, M., Maseda, M., Boogaard, L., Berg, D., Charlot, S., Decarli, R., Erb, D. K., Nelson, E., Pacifici, C., Schmidt, K. B., Walter, F. and van der Wel, A.: Ultrafaint [C II] Emission in a Redshift = 2 Gravitationally Lensed Metal-poor Dwarf Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 909, 130 (2021)

Rybizki, J., Rix, H.-W., Demleitner, M., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L. and Cooper, W. J.: Characterizing the Gaia radial velocity sample selection function in its native photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 397-409 (2021)

Ryu, Y.-H., Hwang, K.-H., Gould, A., Yee, J. C., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Jung, Y. K., Kim, H.-W., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: Shortest Microlensing Event with a Bound Planet: KMT-2016-BLG-2605. The Astronomical Journal 162, 96 (2021)

Ryu, Y.-H., Mróz, P., Gould, A., Hwang, K.-H., Kim, H.-W., Yee, J. C., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Jung, Y. K., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Han, C., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Udalski, A., Poleski, R., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P. and OGLE Collaboration: KMT-2017-BLG-2820 and the Nature of the Free-floating Planet Population. The Astronomical Journal 161, 126 (2021)

Saturni, F. G., Vietri, G., Piconcelli, E., Vignali, C., Bischetti, M., Bongiorno, A., Cazzoli, S., Feruglio, C., Fiore, F., Husemann, B. and Ramos Almeida, C.: Capturing dual AGN activity and kiloparsec-scale outflows in IRAS 20210+1121. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A154 (2021)

Schiavi, R., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Georgiev, I. Y., Arca-Sedda, M. and Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.: Are we observing an NSC in course of formation in the NGC 4654 galaxy? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 594-602 (2021)

Schiller, A., Meyer, M., Martini, P., Zappa, F., Krasnokutski, S. A., Calvo, F. and Scheier, P.: Adsorption of Helium on Small Cationic PAHs: Influence of Hydrocarbon Structure on the Microsolvation Pattern. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125, 7813-7824 (2021)

Schindler, J.-T., Fan, X., Novak, M., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Wang, F., Yang, J., Yue, M., Bañados, E. and Huang, Y.-H.: A Closer Look at Two of the Most Luminous Quasars in the Universe. The Astrophysical Journal 906, 12 (2021)

Schirra, A. P., Habouzit, M., Klessen, R. S., Fornasini, F., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Anglés-Alcázar, D., Davé, R. and Civano, F.: Bringing faint active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to light: a view from large-scale cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 4816-4843 (2021)

Schmidt, K. B., Kerutt, J., Wisotzki, L., Urrutia, T., Feltre, A., Maseda, M. V., Nanayakkara, T., Bacon, R., Boogaard, L. A., Conseil, S., Contini, T., Herenz, E. C., Kollatschny, W., Krumpe, M., Leclercq, F., Mahler, G., Matthee, J., Mauerhofer, V., Richard, J. and Schaye, J.: Recovery and analysis of rest-frame UV emission lines in 2052 galaxies observed with MUSE at 1.5 < z < 6.4. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A80 (2021)

Schrabback, T., Bocquet, S., Sommer, M., Zohren, H., van den Busch, J. L., Hernández-Martín, B., Hoekstra, H., Raihan, S. F., Schirmer, M., Applegate, D., Bayliss, M., Benson, B. A., Bleem, L. E., Dietrich, J. P., Floyd, B., Hilbert, S., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., McDonald, M., Saro, A., Stark, A. A. and Weissgerber, N.: Mass calibration of distant SPT galaxy clusters through expanded weak-lensing follow-up observations with HST, VLT, & Gemini-South. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 3923-3943 (2021)

Schreiber, C., Glazebrook, K., Papovich, C., Díaz-Santos, T., Verma, A., Elbaz, D., Kacprzak, G. G., Nanayakkara, T., Oesch, P., Pannella, M., Spitler, L., Straatman, C., Tran, K.-V. and Wang, T.: A low [CII]/[NII] ratio in the center of a massive galaxy at z = 3.7: Evidence for a transition to quiescence at high redshift? Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A68 (2021)

Schultheis, M., Fritz, T. K., Nandakumar, G., Rojas-Arriagada, A., Nogueras-Lara, F., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Gerhard, O., Neumayer, N., Patrick, L. R., Prieto, M. A., Schödel, R., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A. and Sormani, M. C.: The nuclear stellar disc of the Milky Way: A dynamically cool and metal-rich component possibly formed from the central molecular zone. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A191 (2021)

Serenelli, A., Weiss, A., Aerts, C., Angelou, G. C., Baroch, D., Bastian, N., Beck, P. G., Bergemann, M., Bestenlehner, J. M., Czekala, I., Elias-Rosa, N., Escorza, A., Van Eylen, V., Feuillet, D. K., Gandolfi, D., Gieles, M., Girardi, L., Lebreton, Y., Lodieu, N., Martig, M., Miller Bertolami, M. M., Mombarg, J. S. G., Morales, J. C., Moya, A., Nsamba, B., Pavlovski, K., Pedersen, M. G., Ribas, I., Schneider, F. R. N., Silva Aguirre, V., Stassun, K. G., Tolstoy, E., Tremblay, P.-E. and Zwintz, K.: Weighing stars from birth to death: mass determination methods across the HRD. Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 29, 4 (2021)

Sestito, F., Buck, T., Starkenburg, E., Martin, N. F., Navarro, J. F., Venn, K. A., Obreja, A., Jablonka, P. and Macciò, A. V.: Exploring the origin of low-metallicity stars in Milky-Way-like galaxies with the NIHAO-UHD simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 3750-3762 (2021)

Sharma, S., Hayden, M. R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Stello, D., Buder, S., Zinn, J. C., Kallinger, T., Asplund, M., De Silva, G. M., D'Orazi, V., Freeman, K., Kos, J., Lewis, G. F., Lin, J., Lind, K., Martell, S., Simpson, J. D., Wittenmyer, R. A., Zucker, D. B., Zwitter, T., Chen, B., Cotar, K., Esdaile, J., Hon, M., Horner, J., Huber, D., Kafle, P. R., Khanna, S., Ting, Y.-S., Nataf, D. M., Nordlander, T., Saadon, M. H. M., Tepper-Garcia, T., Tinney, C. G., Traven, G., Watson, F., Wright, D. and Wyse, R. F. G.: Fundamental relations for the velocity dispersion of stars in the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 1761-1776 (2021)

Shin, I.-G., Yee, J. C., Hwang, K.-H., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Jung, Y. K., Kim, H.-W., Ryu, Y.-H., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Pogge, R. W., Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M. and Gromadzki, M.: Using Source Proper Motion to Validate Terrestrial Parallax: OGLE-2019-BLG-1058. The Astronomical Journal 162, 267 (2021)

Smail, I., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Stach, S. M., Almaini, O., Birkin, J. E., Chapman, S. C., Chen, C.-C., Geach, J. E., Gullberg, B., Hodge, J. A., Ikarashi, S., Ivison, R. J., Scott, D., Simpson, C., Swinbank, A. M., Thomson, A. P., Walter, F., Wardlow, J. L. and van der Werf, P.: An ALMA survey of the S2CLS UDS field: optically invisible submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 3426-3435 (2021)

Smirnov-Pinchukov, G. V. and Egorov, O. V.: Measurements of the Expansion Velocities of Ionized-Gas Superbubbles in Nearby Galaxies Based on Integral Field Spectroscopy Data. Astrophysical Bulletin 76, 367-380 (2021)

Smith, M. D., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Cappellari, M., Liu, L., Onishi, K., Iguchi, S., North, E. V., Sarzi, M. and Williams, T. G.: WISDOM project - VII. Molecular gas measurement of the supermassive black hole mass in the elliptical galaxy NGC 7052. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 5984-5996 (2021)

Smith, M. W. L., Eales, S. A., Williams, T. G., Lee, B., Li, Z., Barmby, P., Bureau, M., Chapman, S., Cho, B. S., Chung, A., Chung, E. J., Chung, H.-H., Clark, C. J. R., Clements, D. L., Davis, T. A., De Looze, I., Eden, D. J., Athikkat-Eknath, G., Ford, G. P., Gao, Y., Gear, W., Gomez, H. L., de Grijs, R., He, J., Ho, L. C., Hughes, T. M., Jiao, S., Li, Z., Kemper, F., Kirchschlager, F., Koch, E. W., Kong, A. K. H., Lee, C.-H., Lin, E.-T., Mairs, S., Michałowski, M. J., Pattle, K., Peng, Y., Ragan, S. E., Rawlings, M. G., Rigopoulou, D., Saintonge, A., Schruba, A., Tang, X., Wang, J., Whitworth, A. P., Wilson, C. D., Yim, K. and Zhu, M.: The HASHTAG Project: The First Submillimeter Images of the Andromeda Galaxy from the Ground. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 257, 52 (2021)

Sotillo-Ramos, D., Lara-López, M. A., Pérez-García, A. M., Pérez-Martínez, R., Hopkins, A. M., Holwerda, B. W., Liske, J., López-Sánchez, A. R., Owers, M. S. and Pimbblet, K. A.: Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): The environmental impact on SFR and metallicity in galaxy groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 1817-1830 (2021)

Spina, L., Ting, Y.-S., De Silva, G. M., Frankel, N., Sharma, S., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Joyce, M., Stello, D., Karakas, A. I., Asplund, M. B., Nordlander, T., Casagrande, L., D'Orazi, V., Casey, A. R., Cottrell, P., Tepper-García, T., Baratella, M., Kos, J., Čotar, K., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Buder, S., Freeman, K. C., Hayden, M. R., Lewis, G. F., Lin, J., Lind, K., Martell, S. L., Schlesinger, K. J., Simpson, J. D., Zucker, D. B. and Zwitter, T.: The GALAH survey: tracing the Galactic disc with open clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 3279-3296 (2021)

Spriggs, T. W., Sarzi, M., Galán-de Anta, P. M., Napiwotzki, R., Viaene, S., Nedelchev, B., Coccato, L., Corsini, E. M., Fahrion, K., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., Lyubenova, M., Martín-Navarro, I., McDermid, R. M., Morelli, L., Pinna, F., van de Ven, G., de Zeeuw, P. T. and Zhu, L.: The Fornax3D project: Planetary nebulae catalogue and independent distance measurements to Fornax cluster galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A167 (2021)

Stanford, S. A., Masters, D., Darvish, B., Stern, D., Cohen, J. G., Capak, P., Hernitschek, N., Davidzon, I., Rhodes, J., Sanders, D. B., Mobasher, B., Castander, F. J., Paltani, S., Aghanim, N., Amara, A., Auricchio, N., Balestra, A., Bender, R., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Casas, R., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Conselice, C. J., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Cropper, M., Degaudenzi, H., Douspis, M., Dubath, F., Dusini, S., Fosalba, P., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Giocoli, C., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Hoekstra, H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Hudelot, P., Jahnke, K., Kiessling, A., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kubik, B., Kümmel, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moscardini, L., Niemi, S. M., Padilla, C., Pasian, F., Pedersen, K., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Scaramella, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Taylor, A. N., Teplitz, H. I., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Verdoes Kleijn, G. A., Wang, Y., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J., Brescia, M., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Kermiche, S., Kohley, R., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Munari, E., Polenta, G., Sureau, F., Tallada Crespí, P., Vassallo, T., Zacchei, A., Andreon, S., Aussel, H., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Biviano, A., Borsato, E., Bozzo, E., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Camera, S., Cappi, A., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, S., Castignani, G., Colodro-Conde, C., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cuby, J.-G., Da Silva, A., de la Torre, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Fabricius, M., Farina, M., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Finelli, F., Flose-Reimberg, P., Fotopoulou, S., Galeotta, S., Ganga, K., Gillard, W., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Keihanen, E., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Lindholm, V., Mainetti, G., Maino, D., Martinet, N., Marulli, F., Maturi, M., Maurogordato, S., Metcalf, R. B., Nakajima, R., Neissner, C., Nightingale, J. W., Nucita, A. A., Patrizii, L., Potter, D., Renzi, A., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Schirmer, M., Schultheis, M., Scottez, V., Stanco, L., Tenti, M., Teyssier, R., Torradeflot, F., Valiviita, J., Viel, M., Whittaker, L., Zucca, E. and Collaboration, E.: Euclid Preparation. XIV. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (C3R2) Survey: Data Release 3. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 256, 9 (2021)

Stevens, A. R. H., Lagos, C. d. P., Cortese, L., Catinella, B., Diemer, B., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Hernquist, L., Marinacci, F. and Vogelsberger, M.: Molecular hydrogen in IllustrisTNG galaxies: carefully comparing signatures of environment with local CO and SFR data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 3158-3178 (2021)

Storey-Fisher, K. and Hogg, D. W.: Two-point Statistics without Bins: A Continuous-function Generalization of the Correlation Function Estimator for Large-scale Structure. The Astrophysical Journal 909, 220 (2021)

Stuber, S. K., Saito, T., Schinnerer, E., Emsellem, E., Querejeta, M., Williams, T. G., Barnes, A. T., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G., Dale, D. A., Grasha, K., Klessen, R., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Meidt, S., Pan, H.-A., Rosolowsky, E., Schruba, A., Sun, J. and Usero, A.: Frequency and nature of central molecular outflows in nearby star-forming disk galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A172 (2021)

Tang, S., Silverman, J. D., Ding, X., Li, J., Lee, K.-G., Strauss, M. A., Goulding, A., Schramm, M., Kawinwanichakij, L., Xavier Prochaska, J., Hennawi, J. F., Imanishi, M., Iwasawa, K., Toba, Y., Kayo, I., Oguri, M., Matsuoka, Y., Onoue, M., Jahnke, K., Ichikawa, K., Hartwig, T., Kashikawa, N., Kawaguchi, T., Kohno, K., Matsuda, Y., Nagao, T., Ono, Y., Ouchi, M., Shimasaku, K., Suh, H., Suzuki, N., Taniguchi, Y., Ueda, Y. and Yasuda, N.: Optical Spectroscopy of Dual Quasar Candidates from the Subaru HSC-SSP program. The Astrophysical Journal 922, 83 (2021)

Taylor, P. L., Kitching, T., Cardone, V. F., Ferté, A., Huff, E. M., Bernardeau, F., Rhodes, J., Deshpande, A. C., Tutusaus, I., Pourtsidou, A., Camera, S., Carbone, C., Casas, S., Martinelli, M., Pettorino, V., Sakr, Z., Sapone, D., Yankelevich, V., Auricchio, N., Balestra, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Boucaud, A., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Corcione, L., Cropper, M., Franceschi, E., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Guzzo, L., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kilbinger, M., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Mei, S., Medinaceli, E., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Morin, B., Moscardini, L., Niemi, S., Padilla, C., Pasian, F., Paltani, S., Pedersen, K., Pires, S., Percival, W. J., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Raison, F., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Seidel, G., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Sureau, F., Crespí, P. T., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Teplitz, H. I., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valentijn, E. A., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Weller, J., Zacchei, A. and Zoubian, J.: Euclid: Forecasts for k-cut 3×2 Point Statistics. The Open Journal of Astrophysics 4, 6 (2021)

Thomas, G. F., Martin, N. F., Fattahi, A., Ibata, R. A., Helly, J., McConnachie, A. W., Frenk, C., Gómez, F. A., Grand, R. J. J., Gwyn, S., Mackey, D., Marinacci, F. and Pakmor, R.: Observing the Stellar Halo of Andromeda in Cosmological Simulations: The AURIGA2PANDAS Pipeline. The Astrophysical Journal 910, 92 (2021)

Thomas, R., Pentericci, L., Le Fèvre, O., Koekemoer, A. M., Castellano, M., Cimatti, A., Fontanot, F., Gargiulo, A., Garilli, B., Talia, M., Amorín, R., Bardelli, S., Cristiani, S., Cresci, G., Franco, M., Fynbo, J. P. U., Hathi, N. P., Hibon, P., Khusanova, Y., Le Brun, V., Lemaux, B. C., Mannucci, F., Schaerer, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: Less and more IGM-transmitted galaxies from z ∼ 2.7 to z ∼ 6 from VANDELS and VUDS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A63 (2021)

Tram, L. N., Hoang, T., Lee, H., Santos, F. P., Soam, A., Lesaffre, P., Gusdorf, A. and Reach, W. T.: Understanding Polarized Dust Emission from ρ Ophiuchi A in Light of Grain Alignment and Disruption by Radiative Torques. The Astrophysical Journal 906, 115 (2021)

Trebitsch, M., Dubois, Y., Volonteri, M., Pfister, H., Cadiou, C., Katz, H., Rosdahl, J., Kimm, T., Pichon, C., Beckmann, R. S., Devriendt, J. and Slyz, A.: The OBELISK simulation: Galaxies contribute more than AGN to H I reionization of protoclusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A154 (2021)

Truong, N., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Werner, N. and Hernquist, L.: Predictions for anisotropic X-ray signatures in the circumgalactic medium: imprints of supermassive black hole driven outflows. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 1563-1581 (2021)

Truong, N., Pillepich, A. and Werner, N.: Correlations between supermassive black holes and hot gas atmospheres in IllustrisTNG and X-ray observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 2210-2230 (2021)

Turner, J. A., Dale, D. A., Lee, J. C., Boquien, M., Chandar, R., Deger, S., Larson, K. L., Mok, A., Thilker, D. A., Ubeda, L., Whitmore, B. C., Belfiore, F., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Emsellem, E., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Sanchez-Blazquez, P., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Van Dyk, S. D. and Williams, T. G.: PHANGS-HST: star cluster spectral energy distribution fitting with CIGALE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 1366-1385 (2021)

Übler, H., Genel, S., Sternberg, A., Genzel, R., Price, S. H., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Shimizu, T. T., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Burkert, A., Davies, R., Hernquist, L., Lang, P., Lutz, D., Pakmor, R. and Tacconi, L. J.: The kinematics and dark matter fractions of TNG50 galaxies at z = 2 from an observational perspective. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 4597-4619 (2021)

Uzgil, B. D., Oesch, P. A., Walter, F., Aravena, M., Boogaard, L., Carilli, C., Decarli, R., Díaz-Santos, T., Fudamoto, Y., Inami, H., Bouwens, R., Cortes, P. C., Cox, P., Daddi, E., González-López, J., Labbe, I., Popping, G., Riechers, D., Stefanon, M., Van der Werf, P. and Weiss, A.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: A Search for [C II] Emitters at 6 ≤ z ≤ 8. The Astrophysical Journal 912, 67 (2021)

van de Ven, G. and van der Wel, A.: Deprojecting Sérsic Profiles for Arbitrary Triaxial Shapes: Robust Measures of Intrinsic and Projected Galaxy Sizes. The Astrophysical Journal 914, 45 (2021)

van der Vlugt, D., Algera, H. S. B., Hodge, J. A., Novak, M., Radcliffe, J. F., Riechers, D. A., Röttgering, H., Smolčić, V. and Walter, F.: An Ultradeep Multiband VLA Survey of the Faint Radio Sky (COSMOS-XS): Source Catalog and Number Counts. The Astrophysical Journal 907, 5 (2021)

van der Wel, A., Bezanson, R., D'Eugenio, F., Straatman, C., Franx, M., van Houdt, J., Maseda, M. V., Gallazzi, A., Wu, P.-F., Pacifici, C., Barisic, I., Brammer, G. B., Munoz-Mateos, J. C., Vervalcke, S., Zibetti, S., Sobral, D., de Graaff, A., Calhau, J., Kaushal, Y., Muzzin, A., Bell, E. F. and van Dokkum, P. G.: The Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census (LEGA-C) Data Release 3: 3000 High-quality Spectra of Ks-selected Galaxies at z > 0.6. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 256, 44 (2021)

van Houdt, J., van der Wel, A., Bezanson, R., Franx, M., d'Eugenio, F., Barisic, I., Bell, E. F., Gallazzi, A., de Graaff, A., Maseda, M. V., Pacifici, C., van de Sande, J., Sobral, D., Straatman, C. and Wu, P.-F.: Stellar Dynamical Models for 797 z 0.8 Galaxies from LEGA-C. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 11 (2021)

Vardoulaki, E., Jiménez Andrade, E. F., Delvecchio, I., Smolčić, V., Schinnerer, E., Sargent, M. T., Gozaliasl, G., Finoguenov, A., Bondi, M., Zamorani, G., Badescu, T., Leslie, S. K., Ceraj, L., Tisanić, K., Karim, A., Magnelli, B., Bertoldi, F., Romano-Diaz, E. and Harrington, K.: FR-type radio sources at 3 GHz VLA-COSMOS: Relation to physical properties and large-scale environment. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A102 (2021)

Villaescusa-Navarro, F., Anglés-Alcázar, D., Genel, S., Spergel, D. N., Somerville, R. S., Dave, R., Pillepich, A., Hernquist, L., Nelson, D., Torrey, P., Narayanan, D., Li, Y., Philcox, O., La Torre, V., Maria Delgado, A., Ho, S., Hassan, S., Burkhart, B., Wadekar, D., Battaglia, N., Contardo, G. and Bryan, G. L.: The CAMELS Project: Cosmology and Astrophysics with Machine-learning Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal 915, 71 (2021)

Vito, F., Brandt, W. N., Ricci, F., Congiu, E., Connor, T., Bañados, E., Bauer, F. E., Gilli, R., Luo, B., Mazzucchelli, C., Mignoli, M., Shemmer, O., Vignali, C., Calura, F., Comastri, A., Decarli, R., Gallerani, S., Nanni, R., Brusa, M., Cappelluti, N., Civano, F. and Zamorani, G.: Chandra and Magellan/FIRE follow-up observations of PSO167-13: An X-ray weak QSO at z = 6.515. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A133 (2021)

Volonteri, M., Habouzit, M. and Colpi, M.: The origins of massive black holes. Nature Reviews Physics 3, 732-743 (2021)

Vourellis, C. and Fendt, C.: Relativistic Outflows from a GRMHD Mean-field Disk Dynamo. The Astrophysical Journal 911, 85 (2021)

Walo-Martín, D., Pérez, I., Grand, R. J. J., Falcón-Barroso, J., Pinna, F. and Martig, M.: Local variations of the Stellar Velocity Ellipsoid-I: the disc of galaxies in the Auriga simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 1801-1814 (2021)

Wang, F., Fan, X., Yang, J., Mazzucchelli, C., Wu, X.-B., Li, J.-T., Bañados, E., Farina, E. P., Nanni, R., Ai, Y., Bian, F., Davies, F. B., Decarli, R., Hennawi, J. F., Schindler, J.-T., Venemans, B. and Walter, F.: Revealing the Accretion Physics of Supermassive Black Holes at Redshift z ∼ 7 with Chandra and Infrared Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 908, 53 (2021)

Wang, F., Yang, J., Fan, X., Hennawi, J. F., Barth, A. J., Banados, E., Bian, F., Boutsia, K., Connor, T., Davies, F. B., Decarli, R., Eilers, A.-C., Farina, E. P., Green, R., Jiang, L., Li, J.-T., Mazzucchelli, C., Nanni, R., Schindler, J.-T., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Wu, X.-B. and Yue, M.: A Luminous Quasar at Redshift 7.642. The Astrophysical Journal 907, L1 (2021)

Wang, S., Zhang, H.-T., Bai, Z.-R., Yuan, H.-L., Xiang, M.-S., Zhang, B., Hou, W., Zuo, F., Du, B., Li, T.-D., Yang, F., Cui, K.-M., Wang, Y.-L., Li, J., Kovalev, M., Li, C.-Q., Tian, H., Zong, W.-K., Han, H.-G., Liu, C., Luo, A.-L., Shi, J.-R., Fu, J.-N., Bi, S.-L., Han, Z.-W. and Liu, J.-F.: LAMOST Time-Domain survey: first results of four K2 plates. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 21, 292 (2021)

Wenzl, L., Schindler, J.-T., Fan, X., Andika, I. T., Bañados, E., Decarli, R., Jahnke, K., Mazzucchelli, C., Onoue, M., Venemans, B. P., Walter, F. and Yang, J.: Random Forests as a Viable Method to Select and Discover High-redshift Quasars. The Astronomical Journal 162, 72 (2021)

Wheeler, A. J., Hogg, D. W. and Ness, M.: An Unsupervised Method for Identifying X-enriched Stars Directly from Spectra: Li in LAMOST. The Astrophysical Journal 908, 247 (2021)

Whitmore, B. C., Lee, J. C., Chandar, R., Thilker, D. A., Hannon, S., Wei, W., Huerta, E. A., Bigiel, F., Boquien, M., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Grasha, K., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K. L., Mok, A., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Ubeda, L., Van Dyk, S. D., Watkins, E. and Williams, T.: Star cluster classification in the PHANGS-HST survey: Comparison between human and machine learning approaches. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 5294-5317 (2021)

Williams, T. G., Schinnerer, E., Emsellem, E., Meidt, S., Querejeta, M., Belfiore, F., Bešlić, I., Bigiel, F., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Pessa, I., Rosolowsky, E., Saito, T., Santoro, F., Schruba, A., Sormani, M. C., Sun, J. and Watkins, E. J.: Applying the Tremaine-Weinberg Method to Nearby Galaxies: Stellar-mass-based Pattern Speeds and Comparisons with ISM Kinematics. The Astronomical Journal 161, 185 (2021)

Winkel, N., Pasquali, A., Kraljic, K., Smith, R., Gallazzi, A. and Jackson, T. M.: The imprint of cosmic web quenching on central galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 4920-4934 (2021)

Wolfson, M., Hennawi, J. F., Davies, F. B., Oñorbe, J., Hiss, H. and Lukić, Z.: Improving IGM temperature constraints using wavelet analysis on high-redshift quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 5493-5513 (2021)

Worseck, G., Khrykin, I. S., Hennawi, J. F., Prochaska, J. X. and Farina, E. P.: Dating individual quasars with the He II proximity effect. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 5084-5103 (2021)

Wu, P.-F., Nelson, D., van der Wel, A., Pillepich, A., Zibetti, S., Bezanson, R., DEugenio, F., Gallazzi, A., Pacifici, C., Straatman, C. M. S., Barišić, I., Bell, E. F., Maseda, M. V., Muzzin, A., Sobral, D. and Whitaker, K. E.: Toward Precise Galaxy Evolution: A Comparison between Spectral Indices of z 1 Galaxies in the IllustrisTNG Simulation and the LEGA-C Survey. The Astronomical Journal 162, 201 (2021)

Wu, Y., Cai, Z., Neeleman, M., Finlator, K., Zhang, S., Prochaska, J. X., Wang, R., Emonts, B. H. C., Fan, X., Keating, L. C., Wang, F., Yang, J., Hennawi, J. F. and Wang, J.: A [C II] 158 μm emitter associated with an O I absorber at the end of the reionization epoch. Nature Astronomy 5, 1110-1117 (2021)

Wu, Y., Xiang, M., Chen, Y., Zhao, G., Bi, S., Li, C., Li, Y. and Huang, Y.: Age-metallicity dependent stellar kinematics of the Milky Way disc from LAMOST and Gaia. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 4917-4934 (2021)

Xiang, M., Rix, H.-W., Ting, Y.-S., Zari, E., El-Badry, K., Yuan, H.-B. and Cui, W.-Y.: Data-driven Spectroscopic Estimates of Absolute Magnitude, Distance, and Binarity: Method and Catalog of 16,002 O- and B-type Stars from LAMOST. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253, 22 (2021)

Xie, X., Dong, S., Zhu, W., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Beaulieu, J.-P., Close, L. M., Males, J. R., Marquette, J.-B., Morzinski, K. M., Pogge, R. W. and Yee, J. C.: MagAO Observations of the Binary Microlens OGLE-2014-BLG-1050 Prefer the Higher-mass Solution. The Astronomical Journal 161, 113 (2021)

Xie, X.-J., Dong, S., Shvartzvald, Y., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Beaulieu, J.-P., Beichman, C., Close, L. M., B. Henderson, C., R. Males, J., Marquette, J.-B., M. Morzinski, K. and R. Gelino, C.: Characterizing microlensing planetary system OGLE-2014-BLG-0676Lb with adaptive optics imaging. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 21, 303 (2021)

Yang, J., Wang, F., Fan, X., Barth, A. J., Hennawi, J. F., Nanni, R., Bian, F., Davies, F. B., Farina, E. P., Schindler, J.-T., Bañados, E., Decarli, R., Eilers, A.-C., Green, R., Guo, H., Jiang, L., Li, J.-T., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Wu, X.-B. and Yue, M.: Probing Early Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Quasar Evolution with Near-infrared Spectroscopy of 37 Reionization-era Quasars at 6.3 < z ≤ 7.64. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 262 (2021)

Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Udalski, A., Ryu, Y.-H., Green, J., Hennerley, S., Marmont, A., Sumi, T., Mao, S., Gromadzki, M., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Kim, H.-W., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Bachelet, E., Christie, G., Hundertmark, M. P. G., Maoz, D., McCormick, J., Natusch, T., Penny, M. T., Street, R. A., Tsapras, Y., Beichman, C. A., Bryden, G., Novati, S. C., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C. B., Johnson, S., Zhu, W., Bond, I. A., Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Silva, S. I., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Alex Li, M. C., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Suzuki, D., Tanaka, Y., Tristram, P. J., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A. and Collaboration, M.: OGLE-2019-BLG-0960 Lb: the Smallest Microlensing Planet. The Astronomical Journal 162, 180 (2021)

Yong, D., Da Costa, G. S., Bessell, M. S., Chiti, A., Frebel, A., Gao, X., Lind, K., Mackey, A. D., Marino, A. F., Murphy, S. J., Nordlander, T., Asplund, M., Casey, A. R., Kobayashi, C., Norris, J. E. and Schmidt, B. P.: High-resolution spectroscopic follow-up of the most metal-poor candidates from SkyMapper DR1.1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 4102-4119 (2021)

Yu, Z., Li, J., Chen, B., Huang, Y., Jia, S., Xiang, M., Yuan, H., Shi, J., Wang, C. and Liu, X.: Mapping the Galactic Disk with the LAMOST and Gaia Red Clump Sample. VII. The Stellar Disk Structure Revealed by the Mono-abundance Populations. The Astrophysical Journal 912, 106 (2021)

Yue, M., Yang, J., Fan, X., Wang, F., Spilker, J., Georgiev, I. Y., Keeton, C. R., Litke, K. C., Marrone, D. P., Walter, F., Wang, R., Wu, X.-B., Venemans, B. P. and Zabludoff, A.: ALMA Observations of the Sub-kpc Structure of the Host Galaxy of a z = 6.5 Lensed Quasar: A Rotationally Supported Hyper-Starburst System at the Epoch of Reionization. The Astrophysical Journal 917, 99 (2021)

Zang, W., Han, C., Kondo, I., Yee, J. C., Lee, C.-U., Gould, A., Mao, S., de Almeida, L., Shvartzvald, Y., Zhang, X., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Drummond, J., Tan, T.-G., Nascimento Júnior, J. D. d., Maoz, D., Penny, M. T., Zhu, W., Bond, I. A., Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Koshimoto, N., Alex Li, M. C., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Silva, S. I., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tanaka, Y., Tristram, P. J., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A., Petric, A., Burdullis, T. and Fouqué, P.: An Earth-mass planet in a time of COVID-19: KMT-2020-BLG-0414Lb. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 21, 239 (2021)

Zang, W., Hwang, K.-H., Udalski, A., Wang, T., Zhu, W., Sumi, T., Yee, J. C., Gould, A., Mao, S., Zhang, X., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M., Bond, I. A., Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Olmschenk, G., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Ishitani Silva, S., Suzuki, D., Tanaka, Y., Tristram, P. J., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A., Beichman, C. A., Bryden, G., Calchi Novati, S., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C. B., Johnson, S. and Team, S.: Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search. I. OGLE-2019-BLG-1053Lb, a Buried Terrestrial Planet. The Astronomical Journal 162, 163 (2021)

Zanisi, L., Huertas-Company, M., Lanusse, F., Bottrell, C., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Shankar, F., Hernquist, L., Dekel, A., Margalef-Bentabol, B., Vogelsberger, M. and Primack, J.: A deep learning approach to test the small-scale galaxy morphology and its relationship with star formation activity in hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 4359-4382 (2021)

Zari, E., Rix, H.-W., Frankel, N., Xiang, M., Poggio, E., Drimmel, R. and Tkachenko, A.: Mapping luminous hot stars in the Galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A112 (2021)

Zhang, M., Xiang, M., Zhang, H.-W., Ting, Y.-S., Rix, H.-W., Wu, Y.-Q., Huang, Y., Sun, W.-X., Tian, Z.-J., Wang, C. and Liu, X.-W.: Most "Young" α-rich Stars Have High Masses but are Actually Old. The Astrophysical Journal 922, 145 (2021)

Zhang, R.-Y., Yuan, H.-B., Liu, X.-W., Xiang, M.-S., Huang, Y. and Chen, B.-Q.: Stellar loci IV. red giant stars. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 21, 319 (2021)

Zhao, L. L., Hogg, D. W., Bedell, M. and Fischer, D. A.: Excalibur: A Nonparametric, Hierarchical Wavelength Calibration Method for a Precision Spectrograph. The Astronomical Journal 161, 80 (2021)

Zhu, Y., Becker, G. D., Bosman, S. E. I., Keating, L. C., Christenson, H. M., Bañados, E., Bian, F., Davies, F. B., D'Odorico, V., Eilers, A.-C., Fan, X., Haehnelt, M. G., Kulkarni, G., Pallottini, A., Qin, Y., Wang, F. and Yang, J.: Chasing the Tail of Cosmic Reionization with Dark Gap Statistics in the Lyα Forest over 5 < z < 6. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 223 (2021)

Zou, S., Jiang, L., Shen, Y., Wu, J., Bañados, E., Fan, X., Ho, L. C., Riechers, D. A., Venemans, B., Vestergaard, M., Walter, F., Wang, F., Willott, C. J., Joshi, R., Wu, X.-B. and Yang, J.: Strong Mg II and Fe II Absorbers at 2.2 < z < 6.0. The Astrophysical Journal 906, 32 (2021)

Zwitter, T., Kos, J., Buder, S., Čotar, K., Asplund, M., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Casey, A. R., De Silva, G. M., D'Orazi, V., Freeman, K. C., Hayden, M. R., Lewis, G. F., Lin, J., Lind, K., Martell, S. L., Schlesinger, K. J., Sharma, S., Simpson, J. D., Stello, D., Zucker, D. B., Beeson, K. L., de Grijs, R., Nordlander, T., Ting, Y.-S., Traven, G., Vogrinčič, R., Watson, F. and Wittenmyer, R.: The GALAH+ survey: a new library of observed stellar spectra improves radial velocities and hints at motions within M67. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 4202-4215 (2021)

Conference Proceedings and Books
Agüero, M. P., Díaz, R. and Schirmer, M.: Ionized gas kinematics and luminosity profiles of Low-z Lyman Alpha Blobs. Galaxy Evolution and Feedback across Different Environments, Proceedings of the IAU 359, 413-414 (2021)

Bautista, M., Hoppe, R., Semenova, E. and Bergemann, M.: Revisiting the Solar Oxygen Abundance. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 142.01 (2021)

Beasley, M. A., Leaman, R., Trujillo, I., Montes, M., Vazdekis, A., Rusiñol, N. S., Eftekhari, E., Ferré-Mateu, A. and Martn-Navarro, I.: Reconstructing the mass accretion histories of nearby red nuggets with their globular cluster systems. Galaxy Evolution and Feedback across Different Environments, Proceedings of the IAU 359, 381-385 (2021)

Bergemann, M.: Non-seismic (and Non-LTE) stellar parameters for the PLATO core sample. Plato Mission Conference 2021. Presentations and posters of the online PLATO Mission Conference 2021, Presentations and posters of the online PLATO Mission Conference 2021, 80 (2021)

Chen, Z., Do, T., Ghez, A., Hosek, M., Feldmeier, A., Lu, J., Chu, D. and Morris, M.: A new window on star formation history at the Galactic Center. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 54, 216.03D (2022)

Cooper, W., Smart, R., Reylé, C., Sarro, L., Rybizki, J. and Jones, H.: Ultracool Dwarfs in the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), 85 (2021)

Ellison, S., Lin, L., Pan, H.-A. and Thorp, M.: Complexity and scatter in kpc-scale star formation scaling relations in ALMaQUEST. Extragalactic Spectroscopic Surveys: Past, Present and Future of Galaxy Evolution (GALSPEC2021), 75 (2021)

Ferkinhoff, C., Sears, J., Gapinski, N., Hershey, D., Higdon, S., Higdon, J., Rooney, C., Peng, B., Vishwas, A., Stacey, G., Nikila, T., Brisbin, D., Lamarche, C., Banados, E., Walter, F., Decarli, R. and Venemans, B.: Understanding Early Galaxies with ZINRS and NOSH. American Astronomical Society meeting #238, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 129.01 (2021)

Fürnkranz, V., Coronado, J. and Rix, H.-W.: Pearls on a String: Numerous Stellar Clusters Strung along the Same Orbit. Star Clusters: the Gaia Revolution, 36 (2021)

Green, G. and Ting, Y.: Deep Potential: Recovering the gravitational potential from stellar phase-space information. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 227.01 (2021)

Green, M., Maoz, D., Mazeh, T., Faigler, S., Shahaf, S., Gomel, R., El-Badry, K., Rix, H.-W. and Almada, S.: A large TESS sample of short-period ellipsoidal binary candidates. TESS Science Conference II (TSC2), 93 (2021)

Klein, R., Bigiel, F., De Looze, I., Krabbe, A., Cormier, D., Barnes, A., Fischer, C., Bolatto, A., Bryant, A., Colditz, S., Geis, N., Herrera-Camus, R., Iserlohe, C., Leroy, A., Linz, H., Looney, L., Madden, S., Poglitsch, A., Stutzki, J. and Vacca, W.: CO-dark Molecular Gas and Star Formation across the Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 6946. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 137.01 (2021)

Kozhikkal, M. M., Chen, S., Theureau, G., Volonteri, M., Habouzit, M. and Sesana, A.: Formulation of Evolution of Supermassive Black Hole Mass. SF2A-2021, Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 481-484 (2021)

Kreckel, K., Emsellem, E., Schinnerer, E., Santoro, F., Belfiore, F., Pessa, I. and Phangs Collaboration: PHANGS-MUSE: Probing The Chemo-dynamical Evolution Of Disc Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #238, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 310.05 (2021)

Lee, J., Whitmore, B., Thilker, D., Deger, S., Chandar, R., Larson, K., Dale, D., Turner, J., Ubeda, L., Anand, G., Boquien, M., Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A. and Team, P.: The PHANGS-HST Survey: A Census of Star Clusters and Multi-Scale Stellar Associations in Nearby Spiral Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 331.04 (2021)

Lee, J. C., Whitmore, B., Deger, S., Thilker, D., Larson, K., Dale, D., Turner, J., Chandar, R., Boquien, M., Ubeda, L., Hannon, S., van Dyk, S., Leroy, A., Schinnerer, E., Emsellem, E., Rosolowsky, E., Blanc, G. and Phangs: The PHANGS-HST Survey: Probing the Star Formation Cycle in Nearby Galaxies from Star Cluster and Molecular Clouds to Galactic Scales. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 113.01 (2021)

Leroy, A., Schinnerer, E., Hughes, A., Rosolowsky, E., Schruba, A., Blanc, G., Faesi, C., Liu, D., Pety, J., Saito, T., Usero, A. and Phangs-Alma Collaboration: PHANGS-ALMA: Cloud Scale CO 2-1 Imaging of 90 Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #238, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 208.03 (2021)

Leroy, A., Schinnerer, E., Hughes, A., Rosolowsky, E., Schruba, A., Blanc, G. and Team, P.-A.: PHANGS-ALMA: Arcsecond CO Imaging Of Nearby Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #238, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 124.06 (2021)

Medina, G. E., Muñoz, R. R., Carlin, J. L., Vivas, A. K., Hansen, C. J. and Grebel, E. K.: A Systematic DECam Search for RR Lyrae in the Outer Halo of the Milky Way. RR Lyrae/Cepheid 2019: Frontiers of Classical Pulsators, ASP Conference Series 529, 222 (2021)

Nogueras-Lara, F. and Schödel, R.: The Extraordinarily Variable Star Formation History of the Nuclear Disc of the Milky Way. New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, ASP Conference Series 528, 287 (2021)

Nogueras-Lara, F. and Schödel, R.: The Galacticnucleus Survey. New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, ASP Conference Series 528, 389 (2021)

Pessa, I.: Star Formation Scaling Relations At 100pc In Star-forming Main Sequence Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #238, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 310.06 (2021)

Rybizki, J., Jahnke, K. and group, S.: Climate impact of flying and computing - aspects to be tackled by the astro community. Astronomy for Planet Earth: Forging a Sustainable Future, 1 (2021)

Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A., Lee, J., Emsellem, E., Blanc, G., Rosolowsky, E. and Phangs Collaboration: PHANGS — Studying the Physics of Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 351.04 (2021)

Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A., Rosolowsky, E., Emsellem, E., Blanc, G., Lee, J. and Phangs Collaboration: PHANGS — Physics Of Star Formation In Nearby Galaxies At High Resolution. American Astronomical Society meeting #238, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 124.07 (2021)

Sivo, G., Scharwächter, J., Lazo, M., Blain, C., Goodsell, S., van Dam, M., Tschimmel, M., Roe, H., Lotz, J., Tomassino-Reed, K., Rambold, W., Raich, C., Cardenes, R., Ebbers, A., Gaggstatter, T., Gigoux, P., Schneider, T., Cavedoni, C., Kang, S., Karewicz, S., Carr, H., Ball, J., Hirst, P., Chirre, E., White, J., Magill, L., Grogan, M., Jordan, A., Sivanandam, S., Lamb, M., Muzzin, A., Marin, E., Chapman, S., Dunn, J., Kerley, D., Véran, J.-P., Andersen, M., Marchis, F., Diaz, R., Blakeslee, J., Pierce, M., Carrasco, R., Kim, H., Feldmeier-Krause, A., McConnachie, A., Jee, J., Fraser, W., Ammons, M., Packham, C., Bally, J., Dupuy, T., Huber, D., Lemoine-Busserole, M., Puzia, T., Turri, P., Trujillo, C. and Lee, J.: Gemini North Adaptive Optics (GNAO) facility overview and status updates. Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, Proceedings of the SPIE 12185, 1218536 (2022)

Smart, R., Sarro, L., Rybizki, J., Reyle, C., Robin, A., Hambly, N., Abbas, U., Barstow, M., de Bruijne, J., Bucciarelli, B., Carrasco, J., Cooper, W., Hodgkin, S., Masana, E., Michalik, D., Sahlmann, J. and Sozzetti, A.: Info for the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), 81 (2021)

Soler Pulido, J. D.: Relatos del confín del mundo (y del universo). Penguin - Random House, (2021)

Teng, Y., Sandstrom, K., Sun, J., Schinnerer, E., Smith, J., Bolatto, A., Israel, F., Leroy, A., Walter, F., Groves, B., Usero, A., Rosolowsky, E., Schruba, A., Kruijssen, D., Bigiel, F. and Blanc, G.: ALMA Observations and Multi-line Modeling of the Galaxy Center of NGC 3351. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 126.08 (2021)

Turner, J., Dale, D., Lee, J., Boquien, M., Chandar, R., Deger, S., Larson, K., Thilker, D., Ubeda, L., Whitmore, B., Blanc, G., Emsellem, E., Leroy, A., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E. and Phangs: Constraining Star Formation Timescales Using the Spatial Correlation of Young Star Clusters and Giant Molecular Clouds. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 113.04D (2021)

Vardoulaki, E., Gozaliasl, G., Finoguenov, A., Jiménez Andrade, E., Liu, D. and Team, C.: The M-Mhalo relation at 0.2 < z < 1.5 in COSMOS: the role of AGN radio-mode feedback. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 504.05 (2021)

Vazdekis, A., Rodrguez-Beltrán, P., Cerviño, M., Montes, M., Martn-Navarro, I. and Beasley, M. B.: Surface Brightness Fluctuations for constraining the chemical enrichment of massive galaxies. Galaxy Evolution and Feedback across Different Environments, Proceedings of the IAU 359, 407-412 (2021)

Williams, T. and Phangs Collaboration: The Two-dimensional Metallicity Distribution Of Nearby Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #238, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 124.05 (2021)

Williams, T. G. and Team, T. W.: Some WISDOM on the Molecular Cloud Properties of Early-Type Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 228.02 (2021)

Yan, Z., Arcidiacono, C. and Herbst, T. M.: Plate scale variation detecting method for LINC-NIRVANA. 10th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Large Mirror and Telescopes, Proceedings of the SPIE 12070, 120700D (2021)

Zhu, L., Van de Ven, G., Leaman, R. and Pillepich, A.: Uncovering past galaxy mergers via population-dynamics of their stars. Extragalactic Spectroscopic Surveys: Past, Present and Future of Galaxy Evolution (GALSPEC2021), 15 (2021)

Popular Papers
Davies, R., Hörmann, V., Rabien, S., Sturm, E., Alves, J., Clénet, Y., Kotilainen, J., Lang-Bardl, F., Nicklas, H., Pott, J.-U., Tolstoy, E., Vulcani, B. and Consortium, M.: MICADO: The Multi-Adaptive Optics Camera for Deep Observations. The Messenger 182, 17-21 (2021)

Mainieri, V., Circosta, C., Kakkad, D., Perna, M., Vietri, G., Bongiorno, A., Brusa, M., Carniani, S., Cicone, C., Civano, F., Comastri, A., Cresci, G., Feruglio, C., Fiore, F., Georgakakis, A., Harrison, C., Husemann, B., Lamastra, A., Lamperti, I., Lanzuisi, G., Mannucci, F., Marconi, A., Menci, N., Merloni, A., Netzer, H., Padovani, P., Piconcelli, E., Puglisi, A., Salvato, M., Scholtz, J., Schramm, M., Silverman, J., Vignali, C., Zamorani, G. and Zappacosta, L.: SUPER — AGN Feedback at Cosmic Noon: a Multi-phase and Multi-scale Challenge. The Messenger 182, 45-49 (2021)

van der Wel, A., Bezanson, R., D'Eugenio, F., Straatman, C., Franx, M., van Houdt, J., Maseda, M. V., Gallazzi, A., Wu, P.-F., Pacifici, C., Barisic, I., Brammer, G. B., Munoz-Mateos, J. C., Vervalcke, S., Zibetti, S., Sobral, D., de Graaff, A., Calhau, J., Kaushal, Y., Muzzin, A., Bell, E. F. and van Dokkum, P. G.: The LEGA-C Survey Completed: Stellar Populations and Stellar Kinematics of Galaxies 7 Gyr Ago. The Messenger 185, 13-17 (2021)


Refereed Papers
Ackley, K., Amati, L., Barbieri, C., Bauer, F. E., Benetti, S., Bernardini, M. G., Bhirombhakdi, K., Botticella, M. T., Branchesi, M., Brocato, E., Bruun, S. H., Bulla, M., Campana, S., Cappellaro, E., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Chambers, K. C., Chaty, S., Chen, T.-W., Ciolfi, R., Coleiro, A., Copperwheat, C. M., Covino, S., Cutter, R., D'Ammando, F., D'Avanzo, P., De Cesare, G., D'Elia, V., Della Valle, M., Denneau, L., De Pasquale, M., Dhillon, V. S., Dyer, M. J., Elias-Rosa, N., Evans, P. A., Eyles-Ferris, R. A. J., Fiore, A., Fraser, M., Fruchter, A. S., Fynbo, J. P. U., Galbany, L., Gall, C., Galloway, D. K., Getman, F. I., Ghirlanda, G., Gillanders, J. H., Gomboc, A., Gompertz, B. P., González-Fernández, C., González-Gaitán, S., Grado, A., Greco, G., Gromadzki, M., Groot, P. J., Gutiérrez, C. P., Heikkilä, T., Heintz, K. E., Hjorth, J., Hu, Y.-D., Huber, M. E., Inserra, C., Izzo, L., Japelj, J., Jerkstrand, A., Jin, Z. P., Jonker, P. G., Kankare, E., Kann, D. A., Kennedy, M., Kim, S., Klose, S., Kool, E. C., Kotak, R., Kuncarayakti, H., Lamb, G. P., Leloudas, G., Levan, A. J., Longo, F., Lowe, T. B., Lyman, J. D., Magnier, E., Maguire, K., Maiorano, E., Mandel, I., Mapelli, M., Mattila, S., McBrien, O. R., Melandri, A., Michałowski, M. J., Milvang-Jensen, B., Moran, S., Nicastro, L., Nicholl, M., Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A., Nuttal, L., Oates, S. R., O'Brien, P. T., Onori, F., Palazzi, E., Patricelli, B., Perego, A., Torres, M. A. P., Perley, D. A., Pian, E., Pignata, G., Piranomonte, S., Poshyachinda, S., Possenti, A., Pumo, M. L., Quirola-Vásquez, J., Ragosta, F., Ramsay, G., Rau, A., Rest, A., Reynolds, T. M., Rosetti, S. S., Rossi, A., Rosswog, S., Sabha, N. B., Sagués Carracedo, A., Salafia, O. S., Salmon, L., Salvaterra, R., Savaglio, S., Sbordone, L., Schady, P., Schipani, P., Schultz, A. S. B., Schweyer, T., Smartt, S. J., Smith, K. W., Smith, M., Sollerman, J., Srivastav, S., Stanway, E. R., Starling, R. L. C., Steeghs, D., Stratta, G., Stubbs, C. W., Tanvir, N. R., Testa, V., Thrane, E., Tonry, J. L., Turatto, M., Ulaczyk, K., van der Horst, A. J., Vergani, S. D., Walton, N. A., Watson, D., Wiersema, K., Wiik, K., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Yang, S., Yi, S.-X. and Young, D. R.: Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from the neutron star-black hole binary merger candidate S190814bv. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A113 (2020)

Adibekyan, V., Sousa, S. G., Santos, N. C., Figueira, P., Allende Prieto, C., Delgado Mena, E., González Hernández, J. I., de Laverny, P., Recio-Blanco, A., Campante, T. L., Tsantaki, M., Hakobyan, A. A., Oshagh, M., Faria, J. P., Bergemann, M., Israelian, G. and Boulet, T.: Benchmark stars, benchmark spectrographs. Detailed spectroscopic comparison of ESPRESSO, PEPSI, and HARPS data for Gaia benchmark stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A182 (2020)

Ahumada, R., Prieto, C. A., Almeida, A., Anders, F., Anderson, S. F., Andrews, B. H., Anguiano, B., Arcodia, R., Armengaud, E., Aubert, M., Avila, S., Avila-Reese, V., Badenes, C., Balland, C., Barger, K., Barrera-Ballesteros, J. K., Basu, S., Bautista, J., Beaton, R. L., Beers, T. C., Benavides, B. I. T., Bender, C. F., Bernardi, M., Bershady, M., Beutler, F., Bidin, C. M., Bird, J., Bizyaev, D., Blanc, G. A., Blanton, M. R., Boquien, M., Borissova, J., Bovy, J., Brandt, W. N., Brinkmann, J., Brownstein, J. R., Bundy, K., Bureau, M., Burgasser, A., Burtin, E., Cano-Díaz, M., Capasso, R., Cappellari, M., Carrera, R., Chabanier, S., Chaplin, W., Chapman, M., Cherinka, B., Chiappini, C., Doohyun Choi, P., Chojnowski, S. D., Chung, H., Clerc, N., Coffey, D., Comerford, J. M., Comparat, J., da Costa, L., Cousinou, M.-C., Covey, K., Crane, J. D., Cunha, K., Ilha, G. d. S., Dai, Y. S., Damsted, S. B., Darling, J., Davidson, J. W., Jr., Davies, R., Dawson, K., De, N., de la Macorra, A., De Lee, N., Queiroz, A. B. d. A., Deconto Machado, A., de la Torre, S., Dell'Agli, F., du Mas des Bourboux, H., Diamond-Stanic, A. M., Dillon, S., Donor, J., Drory, N., Duckworth, C., Dwelly, T., Ebelke, G., Eftekharzadeh, S., Davis Eigenbrot, A., Elsworth, Y. P., Eracleous, M., Erfanianfar, G., Escoffier, S., Fan, X., Farr, E., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Feuillet, D., Finoguenov, A., Fofie, P., Fraser-McKelvie, A., Frinchaboy, P. M., Fromenteau, S., Fu, H., Galbany, L., Garcia, R. A., García-Hernández, D. A., Oehmichen, L. A. G., Ge, J., Maia, M. A. G., Geisler, D., Gelfand, J., Goddy, J., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Grabowski, K., Green, P., Grier, C. J., Guo, H., Guy, J., Harding, P., Hasselquist, S., Hawken, A. J., Hayes, C. R., Hearty, F., Hekker, S., Hogg, D. W., Holtzman, J. A., Horta, D., Hou, J., Hsieh, B.-C., Huber, D., Hunt, J. A. S., Chitham, J. I., Imig, J., Jaber, M., Angel, C. E. J., Johnson, J. A., Jones, A. M., Jönsson, H., Jullo, E., Kim, Y., Kinemuchi, K., Kirkpatrick, C. C., IV, Kite, G. W., Klaene, M., Kneib, J.-P., Kollmeier, J. A., Kong, H., Kounkel, M., Krishnarao, D., Lacerna, I., Lan, T.-W., Lane, R. R., Law, D. R., Le Goff, J.-M., Leung, H. W., Lewis, H., Li, C., Lian, J., Lin, L., Long, D., Longa-Peña, P., Lundgren, B., Lyke, B. W., Ted Mackereth, J., MacLeod, C. L., Majewski, S. R., Manchado, A., Maraston, C., Martini, P., Masseron, T., Masters, K. L., Mathur, S., McDermid, R. M., Merloni, A., Merrifield, M., Mészáros, S., Miglio, A., Minniti, D., Minsley, R., Miyaji, T., Mohammad, F. G., Mosser, B., Mueller, E.-M., Muna, D., Muñoz-Gutiérrez, A., Myers, A. D., Nadathur, S., Nair, P., Nandra, K., do Nascimento, J. C., Nevin, R. J., Newman, J. A., Nidever, D. L., Nitschelm, C., Noterdaeme, P., O'Connell, J. E., Olmstead, M. D., Oravetz, D., Oravetz, A., Osorio, Y., Pace, Z. J., Padilla, N., Palanque-Delabrouille, N., Palicio, P. A., Pan, H.-A., Pan, K., Parker, J., Paviot, R., Peirani, S., Ramŕez, K. P., Penny, S., Percival, W. J., Perez-Fournon, I., Pérez-Ràfols, I., Petitjean, P., Pieri, M. M., Pinsonneault, M., Poovelil, V. J., Povick, J. T., Prakash, A., Price-Whelan, A. M., Raddick, M. J., Raichoor, A., Ray, A., Rembold, S. B., Rezaie, M., Riffel, R. A., Riffel, R., Rix, H.-W., Robin, A. C., Roman-Lopes, A., Román-Zúñiga, C., Rose, B., Ross, A. J., Rossi, G., Rowlands, K., Rubin, K. H. R., Salvato, M., Sánchez, A. G., Sánchez-Menguiano, L., Sánchez-Gallego, J. R., Sayres, C., Schaefer, A., Schiavon, R. P., Schimoia, J. S., Schlafly, E., Schlegel, D., Schneider, D. P., Schultheis, M., Schwope, A., Seo, H.-J., Serenelli, A., Shafieloo, A., Shamsi, S. J., Shao, Z., Shen, S., Shetrone, M., Shirley, R., Aguirre, V. S., Simon, J. D., Skrutskie, M. F., Slosar, A., Smethurst, R., Sobeck, J., Sodi, B. C., Souto, D., Stark, D. V., Stassun, K. G., Steinmetz, M., Stello, D., Stermer, J., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Streblyanska, A., Stringfellow, G. S., Stutz, A., Suárez, G., Sun, J., Taghizadeh-Popp, M., Talbot, M. S., Tayar, J., Thakar, A. R., Theriault, R., Thomas, D., Thomas, Z. C., Tinker, J., Tojeiro, R., Toledo, H. H., Tremonti, C. A., Troup, N. W., Tuttle, S., Unda-Sanzana, E., Valentini, M., Vargas-González, J., Vargas-Magaña, M., Vázquez-Mata, J. A., Vivek, M., Wake, D., Wang, Y., Weaver, B. A., Weijmans, A.-M., Wild, V., Wilson, J. C., Wilson, R. F., Wolthuis, N., Wood-Vasey, W. M., Yan, R., Yang, M., Yèche, C., Zamora, O., Zarrouk, P., Zasowski, G., Zhang, K., Zhao, C., Zhao, G., Zheng, Z., Zheng, Z., Zhu, G. and Zou, H.: The 16th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 249, 3 (2020)

Alfaro-Cuello, M., Kacharov, N., Neumayer, N., Bianchini, P., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Lützgendorf, N., Seth, A. C., Böker, T., Kamann, S., Leaman, R., Watkins, L. L. and van de Ven, G.: A Deep View into the Nucleus of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy with MUSE. II. Kinematic Characterization of the Stellar Populations. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 20 (2020)

Algera, H. S. B., van der Vlugt, D., Hodge, J. A., Smail, I. R., Novak, M., Radcliffe, J. F., Riechers, D. A., Röttgering, H., Smolčić, V. and Walter, F.: A Multiwavelength Analysis of the Faint Radio Sky (COSMOS-XS): the Nature of the Ultra-faint Radio Population. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 139 (2020)

Amarsi, A. M., Lind, K., Osorio, Y., Nordlander, T., Bergemann, M., Reggiani, H., Wang, E. X., Buder, S., Asplund, M., Barklem, P. S., Wehrhahn, A., Skúladóttir, Á., Kobayashi, C., Karakas, A. I., Gao, X. D., Bland-Hawthorn, J., de Silva, G. M., Kos, J., Lewis, G. F., Martell, S. L., Sharma, S., Simpson, J. D., Zucker, D. B., Čotar, K., Horner, J. and GALAH Collaboration: The GALAH Survey: non-LTE departure coefficients for large spectroscopic surveys. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A62 (2020)

Anbajagane, D., Evrard, A. E., Farahi, A., Barnes, D. J., Dolag, K., McCarthy, I. G., Nelson, D. and Pillepich, A.: Stellar property statistics of massive haloes from cosmological hydrodynamics simulations: common kernel shapes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 686-704 (2020)

Andika, I. T., Arifyanto, M. I. and Kollatschny, W.: A study of [O III]/[O II] lines ratio in type 1 active galactic nucleus: Influence of radio jets and Eddington ratio to narrow line region emission. Astronomische Nachrichten 341, 300-313 (2020)

Andika, I. T., Jahnke, K., Onoue, M., Bañados, E., Mazzucchelli, C., Novak, M., Eilers, A.-C., Venemans, B. P., Schindler, J.-T., Walter, F., Neeleman, M., Simcoe, R. A., Decarli, R., Farina, E. P., Marian, V., Pensabene, A., Cooper, T. M. and Rojas, A. F.: Probing the Nature of High-redshift Weak Emission Line Quasars: A Young Quasar with a Starburst Host Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 34 (2020)

Añez-López, N., Busquet, G., Koch, P. M., Girart, J. M., Liu, H. B., Santos, F., Chapman, N. L., Novak, G., Palau, A., Ho, P. T. P. and Zhang, Q.: Role of the magnetic field in the fragmentation process: the case of G14.225-0.506. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A52 (2020)

Aniano, G., Draine, B. T., Hunt, L. K., Sandstrom, K., Calzetti, D., Kennicutt, R. C., Dale, D. A., Galametz, M., Gordon, K. D., Leroy, A. K., Smith, J.-D. T., Roussel, H., Sauvage, M., Walter, F., Armus, L., Bolatto, A. D., Boquien, M., Crocker, A., De Looze, I., Donovan Meyer, J., Helou, G., Hinz, J., Johnson, B. D., Koda, J., Miller, A., Montiel, E., Murphy, E. J., Relaño, M., Rix, H.-W., Schinnerer, E., Skibba, R., Wolfire, M. G. and Engelbracht, C. W.: Modeling Dust and Starlight in Galaxies Observed by Spitzer and Herschel: The KINGFISH Sample. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 150 (2020)

Aravena, M., Boogaard, L., Gónzalez-López, J., Decarli, R., Walter, F., Carilli, C. L., Smail, I., Weiss, A., Assef, R. J., Bauer, F. E., Bouwens, R. J., Cortes, P. C., Cox, P., da Cunha, E., Daddi, E., Díaz-Santos, T., Inami, H., Ivison, R., Novak, M., Popping, G., Riechers, D., van der Werf, P. and Wagg, J.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The Nature of the Faintest Dusty Star-forming Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 901, 79 (2020)

Arca Sedda, M., Gualandris, A., Do, T., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Neumayer, N. and Erkal, D.: On the Origin of a Rotating Metal-poor Stellar Population in the Milky Way Nuclear Cluster. The Astrophysical Journal 901, L29 (2020)

Arentsen, A., Starkenburg, E., Martin, N. F., Aguado, D. S., Zucker, D. B., Allende Prieto, C., Hill, V., Venn, K. A., Carlberg, R. G., González Hernández, J. I., Mashonkina, L. I., Navarro, J. F., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Schultheis, M., Thomas, G. F., Youakim, K., Lewis, G. F., Simpson, J. D., Wan, Z., Cohen, R. E., Geisler, D. and O'Connell, J. E.: The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) II: Uncovering the most metal-poor populations in the inner Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 4964-4978 (2020)

Arentsen, A., Starkenburg, E., Martin, N. F., Hill, V., Ibata, R., Kunder, A., Schultheis, M., Venn, K. A., Zucker, D. B., Aguado, D., Carlberg, R., González Hernández, J. I., Lardo, C., Longeard, N., Malhan, K., Navarro, J. F., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Sestito, F., Thomas, G., Youakim, K., Lewis, G. F., Simpson, J. D. and Wan, Z.: The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) I: tracing the kinematics of metal-poor stars in the Galactic bulge. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, L11-L16 (2020)

Aros, F. I., Sippel, A. C., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Askar, A., Bianchini, P. and van de Ven, G.: Dynamical modelling of globular clusters: challenges for the robust determination of IMBH candidates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 4646-4665 (2020)

Asa'd, R., Kovalev, M., Davies, B., Ivanov, V. D., Rejkuba, M., Gonneau, A., Hernandez, S., Lardo, C. and Bergemann, M.: Analysis of Red Supergiants in VDBH 222. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 138 (2020)

Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Farnocchia, D., Ye, Q., Meech, K. J. and Micheli, M.: A search for the origin of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A14 (2020)

Barišić, I., Pacifici, C., van der Wel, A., Straatman, C., Bell, E. F., Bezanson, R., Brammer, G., D'Eugenio, F., Franx, M., van Houdt, J., Maseda, M. V., Muzzin, A., Sobral, D. and Wu, P.-F.: Dust Attenuation Curves at z ∼ 0.8 from LEGA-C: Precise Constraints on the Slope and 2175ŠBump Strength. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 146 (2020)

Barreira, A., Cabass, G., Schmidt, F., Pillepich, A. and Nelson, D.: Galaxy bias and primordial non-Gaussianity: insights from galaxy formation simulations with IllustrisTNG. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2020, 013 (2020)

Barrena, R., Ferragamo, A., Rubiño-Martín, J. A., Streblyanska, A., Aguado-Barahona, A., Tramonte, D., Génova-Santos, R. T., Hempel, A., Lietzen, H., Aghanim, N., Arnaud, M., Böhringer, H., Chon, G., Dahle, H., Douspis, M., Lasenby, A. N., Mazzotta, P., Melin, J. B., Pointecouteau, E., Pratt, G. W. and Rossetti, M.: Optical validation and characterisation of Planck PSZ1 sources at the Canary Islands observatories. II. Second year of ITP13 observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A146 (2020)

Barrera-Ballesteros, J. K., Utomo, D., Bolatto, A. D., Sánchez, S. F., Vogel, S. N., Wong, T., Levy, R. C., Colombo, D., Kalinova, V., Teuben, P., García-Benito, R., Husemann, B., Mast, D. and Blitz, L.: The EDGE-CALIFA survey: using optical extinction to probe the spatially resolved distribution of gas in nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 2651-2662 (2020)

Barth, N. A., Gerber, J. M., Boberg, O. M., Friel, E. D. and Vesperini, E.: Internal kinematics of M10 and M71. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 4548-4557 (2020)

Bellazzini, M., Ibata, R., Malhan, K., Martin, N., Famaey, B. and Thomas, G.: Globular clusters in the Sagittarius stream. Revising members and candidates with Gaia DR2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A107 (2020)

Bensby, T., Feltzing, S., Yee, J. C., Johnson, J. A., Gould, A., Asplund, M., Meléndez, J. and Lucatello, S.: Chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge as traced by microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars. VII. Lithium. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A130 (2020)

Birky, J., Hogg, D. W., Mann, A. W. and Burgasser, A.: Temperatures and Metallicities of M Dwarfs in the APOGEE Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 31 (2020)

Bisigello, L., Kuchner, U., Conselice, C. J., Andreon, S., Bolzonella, M., Duc, P.-A., Garilli, B., Humphrey, A., Maraston, C., Moresco, M., Pozzetti, L., Tortora, C., Zamorani, G., Auricchio, N., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Corcione, L., Cropper, M. S., Dusini, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Hormuth, F., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kitching, T., Kohley, R., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Le Fèvre, O., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Massey, R., Masters, D. C., Mei, S., Mellier, Y., Meylan, G., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sauvage, M., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sureau, F., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Wetzstein, M. and Zoubian, J.: Euclid: the selection of quiescent and star-forming galaxies using observed colours. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 2337-2354 (2020)

Bittner, A., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Gadotti, D. A., Neumann, J., Fragkoudi, F., Coelho, P., de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Falcón-Barroso, J., Kim, T., Leaman, R., Martín-Navarro, I., Méndez-Abreu, J., Pérez, I., Querejeta, M., Seidel, M. K. and van de Ven, G.: Inside-out formation of nuclear discs and the absence of old central spheroids in barred galaxies of the TIMER survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A65 (2020)

Blacker, S., Bastian, N.-U. F., Bauswein, A., Blaschke, D. B., Fischer, T., Oertel, M., Soultanis, T. and Typel, S.: Constraining the onset density of the hadron-quark phase transition with gravitational-wave observations. Physical Review D 102, 123023 (2020)

Blue Bird, J., Davis, J., Luber, N., van Gorkom, J. H., Wilcots, E., Pisano, D. J., Gim, H. B., Momjian, E., Fernandez, X., Hess, K. M., Lucero, D., Dodson, R., Vinsen, K., Popping, A., Chung, A., Kreckel, K., van der Hulst, J. M. and Yun, M.: CHILES VI: H I and H α observations for z < 0.1 galaxies; probing H I spin alignment with filaments in the cosmic web. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 153-176 (2020)

Boecker, A., Alfaro-Cuello, M., Neumayer, N., Martín-Navarro, I. and Leaman, R.: Recovering Age-Metallicity Distributions from Integrated Spectra: Validation with MUSE Data of a Nearby Nuclear Star Cluster. The Astrophysical Journal 896, 13 (2020)

Boecker, A., Leaman, R., van de Ven, G., Norris, M. A., Mackereth, J. T. and Crain, R. A.: A galaxy's accretion history unveiled from its integrated spectrum. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 823-837 (2020)

Bonaca, A., Conroy, C., Hogg, D. W., Cargile, P. A., Caldwell, N., Naidu, R. P., Price-Whelan, A. M., Speagle, J. S. and Johnson, B. D.: High-resolution Spectroscopy of the GD-1 Stellar Stream Localizes the Perturber near the Orbital Plane of Sagittarius. The Astrophysical Journal 892, L37 (2020)

Boogaard, L. A., van der Werf, P., Weiss, A., Popping, G., Decarli, R., Walter, F., Aravena, M., Bouwens, R., Riechers, D., González-López, J., Smail, I., Carilli, C., Kaasinen, M., Daddi, E., Cox, P., Díaz-Santos, T., Inami, H., Cortes, P. C. and Wagg, J.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: CO Excitation and Atomic Carbon in Star-forming Galaxies at z = 1-3. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 109 (2020)

Bouwens, R., González-López, J., Aravena, M., Decarli, R., Novak, M., Stefanon, M., Walter, F., Boogaard, L., Carilli, C., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Smail, I., Daddi, E., da Cunha, E., Ivison, R., Nanayakkara, T., Cortes, P., Cox, P., Inami, H., Oesch, P., Popping, G., Riechers, D., van der Werf, P., Weiss, A., Fudamoto, Y. and Wagg, J.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey Large Program: The Infrared Excess of z = 1.5-10 UV-selected Galaxies and the Implied High-redshift Star Formation History. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 112 (2020)

Bresolin, F., Rizzi, L., Ho, I.-T., Terlevich, R., Terlevich, E., Telles, E., Chávez, R., Basilakos, S. and Plionis, M.: Internal kinematics of giant H II regions in M101 with the Keck Cosmic Web Imager. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 4347-4365 (2020)

Buck, T., Obreja, A., Macciò, A. V., Minchev, I., Dutton, A. A. and Ostriker, J. P.: NIHAO-UHD: the properties of MW-like stellar discs in high-resolution cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 3461-3478 (2020)

Burtscher, L., Barret, D., Borkar, A. P., Grinberg, V., Jahnke, K., Kendrew, S., Maffey, G. and McCaughrean, M. J.: The carbon footprint of large astronomy meetings. Nature Astronomy 4, 823-825 (2020)

Caffau, E., Bonifacio, P., Sbordone, L., Matas Pinto, A. M., François, P., Jablonka, P., Lardo, C., Martin, N. F., Starkenburg, E., Aguado, D., González-Hernández, J. I., Venn, K., Mashonkina, L. and Sestito, F.: The Pristine survey XI: the FORS2 sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 4677-4691 (2020)

Calamida, A., Zocchi, A., Bono, G., Ferraro, I., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Saha, A., Iannicola, G., Rest, A., Strampelli, G. and Zenteno, A.: The Not So Simple Stellar System ω Cen. II. Evidence in Support of a Merging Scenario. The Astrophysical Journal 891, 167 (2020)

Cantalloube, F., Milli, J., Böhm, C., Crewell, S., Navarrete, J., Rehfeld, K., Sarazin, M. and Sommani, A.: The impact of climate change on astronomical observations. Nature Astronomy 4, 826-829 (2020)

Carrasco, M., Zitrin, A. and Seidel, G.: MIFAL: fully automated Multiple-Image Finder ALgorithm for strong-lens modelling - proof of concept. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 3778-3792 (2020)

Cassata, P., Liu, D., Groves, B., Schinnerer, E., Ibar, E., Sargent, M., Karim, A., Talia, M., Fèvre, O. L., Tasca, L., Lemaux, B. C., Ribeiro, B., Fiore, S., Romano, M., Mancini, C., Morselli, L., Rodighiero, G., Rodríguez-Muñoz, L., Enia, A. and Smolcic, V.: ALMA Reveals the Molecular Gas Properties of Five Star-forming Galaxies across the Main Sequence at 3. The Astrophysical Journal 891, 83 (2020)

Cassata, P., Morselli, L., Faisst, A., Ginolfi, M., Béthermin, M., Capak, P., Le Fèvre, O., Schaerer, D., Silverman, J., Yan, L., Lemaux, B. C., Romano, M., Talia, M., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Fudamoto, Y., Fujimoto, S., Giavalisco, M., Hathi, N. P., Ibar, E., Jones, G., Koekemoer, A. M., Méndez-Hernandez, H., Mancini, C., Oesch, P. A., Pozzi, F., Riechers, D. A., Rodighiero, G., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Small Lyα-[CII] velocity offsets in main-sequence galaxies at 4.4 < z < 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A6 (2020)

Castignani, G., Jablonka, P., Combes, F., Haines, C. P., Rawle, T., Jauzac, M., Egami, E., Krips, M., Spérone-Longin, D., Arnaud, M., García-Burillo, S., Schinnerer, E. and Bigiel, F.: Molecular gas and star formation activity in luminous infrared galaxies in clusters at intermediate redshifts. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A64 (2020)

Ceraj, L., Smolčić, V., Delvecchio, I., Butler, A., Tisanić, K., Delhaize, J., Horellou, C., Kartaltepe, J., Kolokythas, K., Leslie, S., Marchesi, S., Novak, M., Pierre, M., Plionis, M., Vardoulaki, E. and Zamorani, G.: The XXL Survey. XLIII. The quasar radio loudness dichotomy exposed via radio luminosity functions obtained by combining results from COSMOS and XXL-S X-ray selected quasars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A125 (2020)

Chabanier, S., Bournaud, F., Dubois, Y., Codis, S., Chapon, D., Elbaz, D., Pichon, C., Bressand, O., Devriendt, J., Gavazzi, R., Kraljic, K., Kimm, T., Laigle, C., Lekien, J.-B., Martin, G., Palanque-Delabrouille, N., Peirani, S., Piserchia, P.-F., Slyz, A., Trebitsch, M. and Yèche, C.: Formation of compact galaxies in the Extreme-Horizon simulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, L8 (2020)

Chaplin, W. J., Serenelli, A. M., Miglio, A., Morel, T., Mackereth, J. T., Vincenzo, F., Kjeldsen, H., Basu, S., Ball, W. H., Stokholm, A., Verma, K., Mosumgaard, J. R., Silva Aguirre, V., Mazumdar, A., Ranadive, P., Antia, H. M., Lebreton, Y., Ong, J., Appourchaux, T., Bedding, T. R., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Creevey, O., García, R. A., Handberg, R., Huber, D., Kawaler, S. D., Lund, M. N., Metcalfe, T. S., Stassun, K. G., Bazot, M., Beck, P. G., Bell, K. J., Bergemann, M., Buzasi, D. L., Benomar, O., Bossini, D., Bugnet, L., Campante, T. L., Orhan, Z. ç., Corsaro, E., González-Cuesta, L., Davies, G. R., Di Mauro, M. P., Egeland, R., Elsworth, Y. P., Gaulme, P., Ghasemi, H., Guo, Z., Hall, O. J., Hasanzadeh, A., Hekker, S., Howe, R., Jenkins, J. M., Jiménez, A., Kiefer, R., Kuszlewicz, J. S., Kallinger, T., Latham, D. W., Lundkvist, M. S., Mathur, S., Montalbán, J., Mosser, B., Bedón, A. M., Nielsen, M. B., Örtel, S., Rendle, B. M., Ricker, G. R., Rodrigues, T. S., Roxburgh, I. W., Safari, H., Schofield, M., Seager, S., Smalley, B., Stello, D., Szabó, R., Tayar, J., Themeßl, N., Thomas, A. E. L., Vanderspek, R. K., van Rossem, W. E., Vrard, M., Weiss, A., White, T. R., Winn, J. N. and Yıldız, M.: Age dating of an early Milky Way merger via asteroseismology of the naked-eye star ν Indi. Nature Astronomy 4, 382-389 (2020)

Chen, C.-C., Harrison, C. M., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Turner, O. J., Wardlow, J. L., Brandt, W. N., Calistro Rivera, G., Chapman, S. C., Cooke, E. A., Dannerbauer, H., Dunlop, J. S., Farrah, D., Michałowski, M. J., Schinnerer, E., Simpson, J. M., Thomson, A. P. and van der Werf, P. P.: Extended Hα over compact far-infrared continuum in dusty submillimeter galaxies. Insights into dust distributions and star-formation rates at z ∼ 2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A119 (2020)

Chen, Z., Faber, S. M., Koo, D. C., Somerville, R. S., Primack, J. R., Dekel, A., Rodríguez-Puebla, A., Guo, Y., Barro, G., Kocevski, D. D., van der Wel, A., Woo, J., Bell, E. F., Fang, J. J., Ferguson, H. C., Giavalisco, M., Huertas-Company, M., Jiang, F., Kassin, S., Lin, L., Liu, F. S., Luo, Y., Luo, Z., Pacifici, C., Pandya, V., Salim, S., Shu, C., Tacchella, S., Terrazas, B. A. and Yesuf, H. M.: Quenching as a Contest between Galaxy Halos and Their Central Black Holes. The Astrophysical Journal 897, 102 (2020)

Cheng, T., Clements, D. L., Greenslade, J., Cairns, J., Andreani, P., Bremer, M., Conversi, L., Cooray, A., Dannerbauer, H., De Zotti, G., Eales, S., González-Nuevo, J., Ibar, E., Leeuw, L., Ma, J., Michałowski, M. J., Nayyeri, H., Riechers, D. A., Scott, D., Temi, P., Vaccari, M., Valtchanov, I., van Kampen, E. and Wang, L.: SCUBA-2 overdensities associated with candidate protoclusters selected from Planck data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 5985-5991 (2020)

Chevance, M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Hygate, A. P. S., Schruba, A., Longmore, S. N., Groves, B., Henshaw, J. D., Herrera, C. N., Hughes, A., Jeffreson, S. M. R., Lang, P., Leroy, A. K., Meidt, S. E., Pety, J., Razza, A., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Haydon, D. T., Ho, I.-T., Kreckel, K., Lee, J. C., Liu, D., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sun, J., Usero, A. and Utomo, D.: The lifecycle of molecular clouds in nearby star-forming disc galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 2872-2909 (2020)

Cole, J., Bezanson, R., van der Wel, A., Bell, E., D'Eugenio, F., Franx, M., Gallazzi, A., van Houdt, J., Muzzin, A., Pacifici, C., van de Sande, J., Sobral, D., Straatman, C. and Wu, P.-F.: Stellar Kinematics and Environment at z ∼ 0.8 in the LEGA-C Survey: Massive Slow Rotators Are Built First in Overdense Environments. The Astrophysical Journal 890, L25 (2020)

Collins, M. L. M., Tollerud, E. J., Rich, R. M., Ibata, R. A., Martin, N. F., Chapman, S. C., Gilbert, K. M. and Preston, J.: A detailed study of Andromeda XIX, an extreme local analogue of ultradiffuse galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 3496-3514 (2020)

Connor, T., Bañados, E., Mazzucchelli, C., Stern, D., Decarli, R., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Lusso, E., Neeleman, M. and Walter, F.: X-Ray Observations of a [C II]-bright, z = 6.59 Quasar/Companion System. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 189 (2020)

Contini, E., Gu, Q., Ge, X., Rhee, J., Yi, S. K. and Kang, X.: The Roles of Mass and Environment in the Quenching of Galaxies. II. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 156 (2020)

Corbelli, E., Braine, J. and Tabatabaei, F. S.: Radio emission during the formation of stellar clusters in M 33. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A27 (2020)

Cordoni, G., Milone, A. P., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Marino, A. F., Lagioia, E. P., Tailo, M., Baumgardt, H. and Hilker, M.: Three-component Kinematics of Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters with Gaia and VLT. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 18 (2020)

Cortzen, I., Magdis, G. E., Valentino, F., Daddi, E., Liu, D., Rigopoulou, D., Sargent, M., Riechers, D., Cormier, D., Hodge, J. A., Walter, F., Elbaz, D., Béthermin, M., Greve, T. R., Kokorev, V. and Toft, S.: Deceptively cold dust in the massive starburst galaxy GN20 at z ∼ 4. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, L14 (2020)

Dai, B. B., Shu, X. W., Jiang, N., Dou, L. M., Liu, D. Z., Yang, C. W., Zhang, F. B. and Wang, T. G.: Compact Radio Emission from Nearby Galaxies with Mid-infrared Nuclear Outbursts. The Astrophysical Journal 896, L27 (2020)

Danieli, S., Lokhorst, D., Zhang, J., Merritt, A., van Dokkum, P., Abraham, R., Conroy, C., Gilhuly, C., Greco, J., Janssens, S., Li, J., Liu, Q., Miller, T. B. and Mowla, L.: The Dragonfly Wide Field Survey. I. Telescope, Survey Design, and Data Characterization. The Astrophysical Journal 894, 119 (2020)

Das, K. K., Zucker, C., Speagle, J. S., Goodman, A., Green, G. M. and Alves, J.: Constraining the distance to the North Polar Spur with Gaia DR2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 5863-5872 (2020)

Davies, F. B., Hennawi, J. F. and Eilers, A.-C.: Time-dependent behaviour of quasar proximity zones at z ∼ 6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 1330-1343 (2020)

Davies, F. B., Wang, F., Eilers, A.-C. and Hennawi, J. F.: Constraining the Gravitational Lensing of z ≳ 6 Quasars from Their Proximity Zones. The Astrophysical Journal 904, L32 (2020)

Davis, T. A., Nguyen, D. D., Seth, A. C., Greene, J. E., Nyland, K., Barth, A. J., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., den Brok, M., Iguchi, S., Lelli, F., Liu, L., Neumayer, N., North, E. V., Onishi, K., Sarzi, M., Smith, M. D. and Williams, T. G.: Revealing the intermediate-mass black hole at the heart of the dwarf galaxy NGC 404 with sub-parsec resolution ALMA observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 4061-4078 (2020)

Dayal, P., Volonteri, M., Choudhury, T. R., Schneider, R., Trebitsch, M., Gnedin, N. Y., Atek, H., Hirschmann, M. and Reines, A.: Reionization with galaxies and active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 3065-3078 (2020)

de Blok, W. J. G., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Combes, F., English, J., Heald, G. H., Kamphuis, P., Koribalski, B. S., Meurer, G. R., Román, J., Sardone, A., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Bigiel, F., Brinks, E., Chemin, L., Fraternali, F., Jarrett, T., Kleiner, D., Maccagni, F. M., Pisano, D. J., Serra, P., Spekkens, K., Amram, P., Carignan, C., Dettmar, R.-J., Gibson, B. K., Holwerda, B. W., Józsa, G. I. G., Lucero, D. M., Oosterloo, T. A., Ramaila, A. J. T., Ramatsoku, M., Sheth, K., Walter, F., Wong, O. I., Zijlstra, A. A., Bloemen, S., Groot, P. J., Le Poole, R., Klein-Wolt, M., Körding, E. G., McBride, V. A., Paterson, K., Pieterse, D. L. A., Vreeswijk, P. and Woudt, P. A.: MeerKAT HI commissioning observations of MHONGOOSE galaxy ESO 302-G014. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A147 (2020)

de Graaff, A., Bezanson, R., Franx, M., van der Wel, A., Bell, E. F., D'Eugenio, F., Holden, B., Maseda, M. V., Muzzin, A., Pacifici, C., van de Sande, J., Sobral, D., Straatman, C. M. S. and Wu, P.-F.: Tightly Coupled Morpho-kinematic Evolution for Massive Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies across 7 Gyr of Cosmic Time. The Astrophysical Journal 903, L30 (2020)

De Looze, I., Lamperti, I., Saintonge, A., Relaño, M., Smith, M. W. L., Clark, C. J. R., Wilson, C. D., Decleir, M., Jones, A. P., Kennicutt, R. C., Accurso, G., Brinks, E., Bureau, M., Cigan, P., Clements, D. L., De Vis, P., Fanciullo, L., Gao, Y., Gear, W. K., Ho, L. C., Hwang, H. S., Michałowski, M. J., Lee, J. C., Li, C., Lin, L., Liu, T., Lomaeva, M., Pan, H.-A., Sargent, M., Williams, T., Xiao, T. and Zhu, M.: JINGLE - IV. Dust, H I gas, and metal scaling laws in the local Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 3668-3687 (2020)

Decarli, R., Aravena, M., Boogaard, L., Carilli, C., González-López, J., Walter, F., Cortes, P. C., Cox, P., da Cunha, E., Daddi, E., Díaz-Santos, T., Hodge, J. A., Inami, H., Neeleman, M., Novak, M., Oesch, P., Popping, G., Riechers, D., Smail, I., Uzgil, B., van der Werf, P., Wagg, J. and Weiss, A.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Multiband Constraints on Line-luminosity Functions and the Cosmic Density of Molecular Gas. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 110 (2020)

DeFelippis, D., Genel, S., Bryan, G. L., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A. and Hernquist, L.: The Angular Momentum of the Circumgalactic Medium in the TNG100 Simulation. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 17 (2020)

Deshpande, A. C., Kitching, T. D., Cardone, V. F., Taylor, P. L., Casas, S., Camera, S., Carbone, C., Kilbinger, M., Pettorino, V., Sakr, Z., Sapone, D., Tutusaus, I., Auricchio, N., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Corcione, L., Cropper, M., Dubath, F., Dusini, S., Fabbian, G., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Grupp, F., Hoekstra, H., Hormuth, F., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Lacasa, F., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Massey, R., Mei, S., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moscardini, L., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirri, G., Starck, J. L., Sureau, F., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y. and Zoubian, J.: Euclid: The reduced shear approximation and magnification bias for Stage IV cosmic shear experiments. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A95 (2020)

Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Ginolfi, M., Pozzi, F., Béthermin, M., Le Fèvre, O., Fujimoto, S., Silverman, J. D., Jones, G. C., Vallini, L., Schaerer, D., Faisst, A. L., Khusanova, Y., Fudamoto, Y., Cassata, P., Loiacono, F., Capak, P. L., Yan, L., Amorin, R., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Cimatti, A., Gruppioni, C., Hathi, N. P., Ibar, E., Koekemoer, A. M., Lemaux, B. C., Narayanan, D., Oesch, P. A., Rodighiero, G., Romano, M., Talia, M., Toft, S., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey. Molecular gas budget in the early Universe as traced by [C II]. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A5 (2020)

D'Eugenio, F., van der Wel, A., Wu , P.-F., Barone, T. M., van Houdt, J., Bezanson, R., Straatman, C. M. S., Pacifici, C., Muzzin, A., Gallazzi, A., Wild, V., Sobral, D., Bell, E. F., Zibetti, S., Mowla, L. and Franx, M.: Inverse stellar population age gradients of post-starburst galaxies at z = 0.8 with LEGA-C. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 389-404 (2020)

Dharmawardena, T. E., Mairs, S., Scicluna, P., Bell, G., McDonald, I., Menten, K., Weiss, A. and Zijlstra, A.: Betelgeuse Fainter in the Submillimeter Too: An Analysis of JCMT and APEX Monitoring during the Recent Optical Minimum. The Astrophysical Journal 897, L9 (2020)

Ding, X., Silverman, J., Treu, T., Schulze, A., Schramm, M., Birrer, S., Park, D., Jahnke, K., Bennert, V. N., Kartaltepe, J. S., Koekemoer, A. M., Malkan, M. A. and Sanders, D.: The Mass Relations between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies at 1 < z < 2 HST-WFC3. The Astrophysical Journal 888, 37 (2020)

Do, T., David Martinez, G., Kerzendorf, W., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Arca Sedda, M., Neumayer, N. and Gualandris, A.: Revealing the Formation of the Milky Way Nuclear Star Cluster via Chemo-dynamical Modeling. The Astrophysical Journal 901, L28 (2020)

Donevski, D., Lapi, A., Małek, K., Liu, D., Gómez-Guijarro, C., Davé, R., Kraljic, K., Pantoni, L., Man, A., Fujimoto, S., Feltre, A., Pearson, W., Li, Q. and Narayanan, D.: In pursuit of giants. I. The evolution of the dust-to-stellar mass ratio in distant dusty galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A144 (2020)

Drake, A. B., Walter, F., Novak, M., Farina, E. P., Neeleman, M., Riechers, D., Carilli, C., Decarli, R., Mazzucchelli, C. and Onoue, M.: The Ionized- and Cool-gas Content of the BR1202-0725 System as Seen by MUSE and ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 37 (2020)

Du, M., Ho, L. C., Debattista, V. P., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Zhao, D. and Hernquist, L.: Kinematic Decomposition of IllustrisTNG Disk Galaxies: Morphology and Relation with Morphological Structures. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 139 (2020)

Duckworth, C., Starkenburg, T. K., Genel, S., Davis, T. A., Habouzit, M., Kraljic, K. and Tojeiro, R.: Decoupling the rotation of stars and gas - II. The link between black hole activity and simulated IFU kinematics in IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 4542-4547 (2020)

Dudzevičiūtė, U., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Stach, S. M., Almaini, O., da Cunha, E., An, F. X., Arumugam, V., Birkin, J., Blain, A. W., Chapman, S. C., Chen, C.-C., Conselice, C. J., Coppin, K. E. K., Dunlop, J. S., Farrah, D., Geach, J. E., Gullberg, B., Hartley, W. G., Hodge, J. A., Ivison, R. J., Maltby, D. T., Scott, D., Simpson, C. J., Simpson, J. M., Thomson, A. P., Walter, F., Wardlow, J. L., Weiss, A. and van der Werf, P.: An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 CLS UDS field: physical properties of 707 sub-millimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 3828-3860 (2020)

Dumont, A., Seth, A. C., Strader, J., Greene, J. E., Burtscher, L. and Neumayer, N.: Surprisingly Strong K-band Emission Found in Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei. The Astrophysical Journal 888, 19 (2020)

Dutton, A. A., Buck, T., Macciò, A. V., Dixon, K. L., Blank, M. and Obreja, A.: NIHAO - XXV. Convergence in the cusp-core transformation of cold dark matter haloes at high star formation thresholds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 2648-2661 (2020)

Eilers, A.-C., Hennawi, J. F., Decarli, R., Davies, F. B., Venemans, B., Walter, F., Bañados, E., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Mazzucchelli, C., Novak, M., Schindler, J.-T., Simcoe, R. A., Wang, F. and Yang, J.: Detecting and Characterizing Young Quasars. I. Systemic Redshifts and Proximity Zone Measurements. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 37 (2020)

Eilers, A.-C., Hogg, D. W., Rix, H.-W., Frankel, N., Hunt, J. A. S., Fouvry, J.-B. and Buck, T.: The Strength of the Dynamical Spiral Perturbation in the Galactic Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 186 (2020)

Eitner, P., Bergemann, M., Hansen, C. J., Cescutti, G., Seitenzahl, I. R., Larsen, S. and Plez, B.: Observational constraints on the origin of the elements. III. Evidence for the dominant role of sub-Chandrasekhar SN Ia in the chemical evolution of Mn and Fe in the Galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A38 (2020)

Emig, K. L., Bolatto, A. D., Leroy, A. K., Mills, E. A. C., Jiménez Donaire, M. J., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Ginsburg, A., Gorski, M., Krieger, N., Levy, R. C., Meier, D. S., Ott, J., Rosolowsky, E., Thompson, T. A. and Veilleux, S.: Super Star Clusters in the Central Starburst of NGC 4945. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 50 (2020)

Ertel, S., Defrère, D., Hinz, P., Mennesson, B., Kennedy, G. M., Danchi, W. C., Gelino, C., Hill, J. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Mazoyer, J., Rieke, G., Shannon, A., Stapelfeldt, K., Spalding, E., Stone, J. M., Vaz, A., Weinberger, A. J., Willems, P., Absil, O., Arbo, P., Bailey, V. P., Beichman, C., Bryden, G., Downey, E. C., Durney, O., Esposito, S., Gaspar, A., Grenz, P., Haniff, C. A., Leisenring, J. M., Marion, L., McMahon, T. J., Millan-Gabet, R., Montoya, M., Morzinski, K. M., Perera, S., Pinna, E., Pott, J.-U., Power, J., Puglisi, A., Roberge, A., Serabyn, E., Skemer, A. J., Su, K. Y. L., Vaitheeswaran, V. and Wyatt, M. C.: The HOSTS Survey for Exozodiacal Dust: Observational Results from the Complete Survey. The Astronomical Journal 159, 177 (2020)

Euclid Collaboration, Blanchard, A., Camera, S., Carbone, C., Cardone, V. F., Casas, S., Clesse, S., Ilić, S., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kunz, M., Lacasa, F., Linder, E., Majerotto, E., Markovič, K., Martinelli, M., Pettorino, V., Pourtsidou, A., Sakr, Z., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Tutusaus, I., Yahia-Cherif, S., Yankelevich, V., Andreon, S., Aussel, H., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Bender, R., Biviano, A., Bonino, D., Boucaud, A., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brau-Nogue, S., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Capobianco, V., Cappi, A., Carretero, J., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, R., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., de la Torre, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Dubath, F., Ducret, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Fabbian, G., Fabricius, M., Farrens, S., Fosalba, P., Fotopoulou, S., Fourmanoit, N., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Franzetti, P., Fumana, M., Galeotta, S., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Gómez-Alvarez, P., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Hoekstra, H., Hormuth, F., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kohley, R., Kubik, B., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maino, D., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Martinet, N., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Mellier, Y., Metcalf, B., Metge, J. J., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nichol, R. C., Niemi, S., Nucita, A. A., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Percival, W. J., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Pozzetti, L., Racca, G. D., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Romelli, E., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Starck, J.-L., Sureau, F., Tallada-Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tenti, M., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Verdoes Kleijn, G. A., Viel, M., Wang, Y., Zacchei, A., Zoubian, J. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation. VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A191 (2020)

Euclid Collaboration, Desprez, G., Paltani, S., Coupon, J., Almosallam, I., Alvarez-Ayllon, A., Amaro, V., Brescia, M., Brodwin, M., Cavuoti, S., De Vicente-Albendea, J., Fotopoulou, S., Hatfield, P. W., Hartley, W. G., Ilbert, O., Jarvis, M. J., Longo, G., Rau, M. M., Saha, R., Speagle, J. S., Tramacere, A., Castellano, M., Dubath, F., Galametz, A., Kuemmel, M., Laigle, C., Merlin, E., Mohr, J. J., Pilo, S., Salvato, M., Andreon, S., Auricchio, N., Baccigalupi, C., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Bender, R., Biviano, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brinchmann, J., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Cappi, A., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, R., Casas, S., Castander, F. J., Castignani, G., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Courtois, H. M., Cuby, J.-G., Da Silva, A., de la Torre, S., Degaudenzi, H., Di Ferdinando, D., Douspis, M., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Ealet, A., Fabbian, G., Fabricius, M., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Finelli, F., Fosalba, P., Fourmanoit, N., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Hailey, M., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Humphrey, A., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kilbinger, M., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kitching, T. D., Kohley, R., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maino, D., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Martinet, N., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maturi, M., Mauri, N., Maurogordato, S., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Meneghetti, M., Metcalf, R. B., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Niemi, S., Padilla, C., Pasian, F., Patrizii, L., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Potter, D., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sapone, D., Schneider, P., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Stern, D., Sureau, F., Tallada Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tenti, M., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valenziano, L., Valiviita, J., Vassallo, T., Viel, M., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Whittaker, L., Zacchei, A., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation. X. The Euclid photometric-redshift challenge. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A31 (2020)

Euclid Collaboration, Guglielmo, V., Saglia, R., Castander, F. J., Galametz, A., Paltani, S., Bender, R., Bolzonella, M., Capak, P., Ilbert, O., Masters, D. C., Stern, D., Andreon, S., Auricchio, N., Balaguera-Antolínez, A., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Biviano, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brau-Nogue, S., Brescia, M., Burigana, C., Cabanac, R. A., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Cappi, A., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Carvalho, C. S., Casas, R., Casas, S., Castellano, M., Castignani, G., Cavuoti, S., Cimatti, A., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conselice, C. J., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Cropper, M., Da Silva, A., de la Torre, S., Di Ferdinando, D., Dubath, F., Duncan, C. A. J., Dupac, X., Dusini, S., Fabricius, M., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Fotopoulou, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Gozaliasl, G., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Hildebrandt, H., Hoekstra, H., Hormuth, F., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kilbinger, M., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kitching, T., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maino, D., Maiorano, E., Maraston, C., Marggraf, O., Martinet, N., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Maurogordato, S., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Meneghetti, M., Metcalf, R. B., Meylan, G., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Nakajima, R., Neissner, C., Niemi, S., Nucita, A. A., Padilla, C., Pasian, F., Patrizii, L., Pocino, A., Poncet, M., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Riccio, G., Romelli, E., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Schneider, P., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Sureau, F., Tallada-Crespí, P., Tavagnacco, D., Taylor, A. N., Tenti, M., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Tramacere, A., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Wetzstein, M., Whittaker, L., Zacchei, A., Zamorani, G., Zoubian, J. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation. VIII. The Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation survey: VLT/KMOS observations and data release. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A192 (2020)

Euclid Collaboration, Paykari, P., Kitching, T., Hoekstra, H., Azzollini, R., Cardone, V. F., Cropper, M., Duncan, C. A. J., Kannawadi, A., Miller, L., Aussel, H., Conti, I. F., Auricchio, N., Baldi, M., Bardelli, S., Biviano, A., Bonino, D., Borsato, E., Bozzo, E., Branchini, E., Brau-Nogue, S., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Burigana, C., Camera, S., Capobianco, V., Carbone, C., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Charles, Y., Cledassou, R., Colodro-Conde, C., Congedo, G., Conselice, C., Conversi, L., Copin, Y., Coupon, J., Courtois, H. M., Da Silva, A., Dupac, X., Fabbian, G., Farrens, S., Ferreira, P. G., Fosalba, P., Fourmanoit, N., Frailis, M., Fumana, M., Galeotta, S., Garilli, B., Gillard, W., Gillis, B. R., Giocoli, C., Graciá-Carpio, J., Grupp, F., Hormuth, F., Ilić, S., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Keihanen, E., Kermiche, S., Kilbinger, M., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Laureijs, R., Le Mignant, D., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maciaszek, T., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Martinet, N., Marulli, F., Massey, R., Mauri, N., Medinaceli, E., Mei, S., Mellier, Y., Meneghetti, M., Metcalf, R. B., Moresco, M., Moscardini, L., Munari, E., Neissner, C., Nichol, R. C., Niemi, S., Nutma, T., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Raison, F., Renzi, A., Rhodes, J., Romelli, E., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Sakr, Z., Sánchez, A. G., Sapone, D., Scaramella, R., Schneider, P., Schrabback, T., Scottez, V., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Stanco, L., Starck, J.-L., Sureau, F., Tallada-Crespí, P., Taylor, A., Tenti, M., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Torradeflot, F., Valenziano, L., Vannier, M., Vassallo, T., Zoubian, J. and Zucca, E.: Euclid preparation. VI. Verifying the performance of cosmic shear experiments. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A139 (2020)

Fahrion, K., Lyubenova, M., Hilker, M., van de Ven, G., Falcón-Barroso, J., Leaman, R., Martín-Navarro, I., Bittner, A., Coccato, L., Corsini, E. M., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., McDermid, R. M., Pinna, F., Sarzi, M., Viaene, S., de Zeeuw, P. T. and Zhu, L.: The Fornax 3D project: Globular clusters tracing kinematics and metallicities. Astronomy and Astrophysics 637, A26 (2020)

Fahrion, K., Lyubenova, M., Hilker, M., van de Ven, G., Falcón-Barroso, J., Leaman, R., Martín-Navarro, I., Bittner, A., Coccato, L., Corsini, E. M., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., McDermid, R. M., Pinna, F., Sarzi, M., Viaene, S., de Zeeuw, P. T. and Zhu, L.: The Fornax 3D project: Non-linear colour-metallicity relation of globular clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 637, A27 (2020)

Fahrion, K., Müller, O., Rejkuba, M., Hilker, M., Lyubenova, M., van de Ven, G., Georgiev, I. Y., Lelli, F., Pawlowski, M. S. and Jerjen, H.: Metal-poor nuclear star clusters in two dwarf galaxies near Centaurus A suggesting formation from the in-spiraling of globular clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A53 (2020)

Faisst, A. L., Fudamoto, Y., Oesch, P. A., Scoville, N., Riechers, D. A., Pavesi, R. and Capak, P.: ALMA characterizes the dust temperature of z ∼ 5.5 star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 4192-4204 (2020)

Faisst, A. L., Schaerer, D., Lemaux, B. C., Oesch, P. A., Fudamoto, Y., Cassata, P., Béthermin, M., Capak, P. L., Le Fèvre, O., Silverman, J. D., Yan, L., Ginolfi, M., Koekemoer, A. M., Morselli, L., Amorín, R., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Brammer, G., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Fujimoto, S., Gruppioni, C., Hathi, N. P., Hemmati, S., Ibar, E., Jones, G. C., Khusanova, Y., Loiacono, F., Pozzi, F., Talia, M., Tasca, L. A. M., Riechers, D. A., Rodighiero, G., Romano, M., Scoville, N., Toft, S., Vallini, L., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] Survey: Multiwavelength Ancillary Data and Basic Physical Measurements. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 247, 61 (2020)

Fanciullo, L., Kemper, F., Scicluna, P., Dharmawardena, T. E. and Srinivasan, S.: Systematic errors in dust mass determinations: insights from laboratory opacity measurements. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 4666-4686 (2020)

Feldmeier-Krause, A., Kerzendorf, W., Do, T., Nogueras-Lara, F., Neumayer, N., Walcher, C. J., Seth, A., Schödel, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Hilker, M., Lützgendorf, N., Kuntschner, H. and Kissler-Patig, M.: Asymmetric spatial distribution of subsolar metallicity stars in the Milky Way nuclear star cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 396-410 (2020)

Frankel, N., Sanders, J., Ting, Y.-S. and Rix, H.-W.: Keeping It Cool: Much Orbit Migration, yet Little Heating, in the Galactic Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 896, 15 (2020)

Fudamoto, Y., Oesch, P. A., Faisst, A., Béthermin, M., Ginolfi, M., Khusanova, Y., Loiacono, F., Le Fèvre, O., Capak, P., Schaerer, D., Silverman, J. D., Cassata, P., Yan, L., Amorin, R., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Fujimoto, S., Gruppioni, C., Hathi, N. P., Ibar, E., Jones, G. C., Koekemoer, A. M., Lagache, G., Lemaux, B. C., Maiolino, R., Narayanan, D., Pozzi, F., Riechers, D. A., Rodighiero, G., Talia, M., Toft, S., Vallini, L., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Dust attenuation properties and obscured star formation at z ∼ 4.4-5.8. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A4 (2020)

Fudamoto, Y., Oesch, P. A., Magnelli, B., Schinnerer, E., Liu, D., Lang, P., Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., Groves, B., Leslie, S. and Sargent, M. T.: A3COSMOS: the dust attenuation of star-forming galaxies at z = 2.5-4.0 from the COSMOS-ALMA archive. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 4724-4734 (2020)

Gadotti, D. A., Bittner, A., Falcón-Barroso, J., Méndez-Abreu, J., Kim, T., Fragkoudi, F., de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Leaman, R., Neumann, J., Querejeta, M., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Martig, M., Martín-Navarro, I., Pérez, I., Seidel, M. K. and van de Ven, G.: Kinematic signatures of nuclear discs and bar-driven secular evolution in nearby galaxies of the MUSE TIMER project. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A14 (2020)

Gaikwad, P., Rauch, M., Haehnelt, M. G., Puchwein, E., Bolton, J. S., Keating, L. C., Kulkarni, G., Iršič, V., Bañados, E., Becker, G. D., Boera, E., Zahedy, F. S., Chen, H.-W., Carswell, R. F., Chardin, J. and Rorai, A.: Probing the thermal state of the intergalactic medium at z > 5 with the transmission spikes in high-resolution Ly α forest spectra. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 5091-5109 (2020)

Gallagher, A. J., Bergemann, M., Collet, R., Plez, B., Leenaarts, J., Carlsson, M., Yakovleva, S. A. and Belyaev, A. K.: Observational constraints on the origin of the elements. II. 3D non-LTE formation of Ba II lines in the solar atmosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A55 (2020)

Gallego-Cano, E., Schödel, R., Nogueras-Lara, F., Dong, H., Shahzamanian, B., Fritz, T. K., Gallego-Calvente, A. T. and Neumayer, N.: New constraints on the structure of the nuclear stellar cluster of the Milky Way from star counts and MIR imaging. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A71 (2020)

Gao, X., Lind, K., Amarsi, A. M., Buder, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Campbell, S. W., Asplund, M., Casey, A. R., de Silva, G. M., Freeman, K. C., Hayden, M. R., Lewis, G. F., Martell, S. L., Simpson, J. D., Sharma, S., Zucker, D. B., Zwitter, T., Horner, J., Munari, U., Nordlander, T., Stello, D., Ting, Y.-S., Traven, G., Wittenmyer, R. A. and GALAH Collaboration: The GALAH survey: a new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, L30-L34 (2020)

Gilhuly, C., Hendel, D., Merritt, A., Abraham, R., Danieli, S., Lokhorst, D., Liu, Q., van Dokkum, P., Conroy, C. and Greco, J.: The Dragonfly Edge-on Galaxies Survey: Shaping the Outer disk of NGC 4565 via Accretion. The Astrophysical Journal 897, 108 (2020)

González-López, J., Novak, M., Decarli, R., Walter, F., Aravena, M., Carilli, C., Boogaard, L., Popping, G., Weiss, A., Assef, R. J., Bauer, F. E., Bouwens, R., Cortes, P. C., Cox, P., Daddi, E., Cunha, E. d., Díaz-Santos, T., Ivison, R., Magnelli, B., Riechers, D., Smail, I., van der Werf, P. and Wagg, J.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: Deep 1.2 mm Continuum Number Counts. The Astrophysical Journal 897, 91 (2020)

Gould, A.: Rigorous "Rich Argument" in Microlensing Parallax. Journal of Korean Astronomical Society 53, 99-102 (2020)

Gould, A., Ryu, Y.-H., Calchi Novati, S., Zang, W., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Beichman, C., Bryden, G., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C. B., Zhu, W., Fouque, P., Penny, M. T., Petric, A., Burdullis, T. and Mao, S.: KMT-2018-BLG-0029Lb: A Very Low Mass-Ratio Spitzer Microlens Planet. Journal of Korean Astronomical Society 53, 9-26 (2020)

Greenslade, J., Clements, D. L., Petitpas, G., Asboth, V., Conley, A., Pérez-Fournon, I. and Riechers, D.: The nature of 500 micron risers I: SMA observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 2315-2333 (2020)

Griffin, A. J., Lacey, C. G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lagos, C. d. P., Baugh, C. M. and Fanidakis, N.: AGNs at the cosmic dawn: predictions for future surveys from a ΛCDM cosmological model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 2535-2552 (2020)

Gruppioni, C., Béthermin, M., Loiacono, F., Le Fèvre, O., Capak, P., Cassata, P., Faisst, A. L., Schaerer, D., Silverman, J., Yan, L., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Carraro, R., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Ginolfi, M., Fujimoto, S., Hathi, N. P., Jones, G. C., Khusanova, Y., Koekemoer, A. M., Lagache, G., Lemaux, B. C., Oesch, P. A., Pozzi, F., Riechers, D. A., Rodighiero, G., Romano, M., Talia, M., Vallini, L., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. The nature, luminosity function, and star formation history of dusty galaxies up to z ≃ 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A8 (2020)

Gu, M., Conroy, C., Law, D., van Dokkum, P., Yan, R., Wake, D., Bundy, K., Villaume, A., Abraham, R., Merritt, A., Zhang, J., Bershady, M., Bizyaev, D., Drory, N., Pan, K., Thomas, D. and Weijmans, A.-M.: Spectroscopic Constraints on the Buildup of Intracluster Light in the Coma Cluster. The Astrophysical Journal 894, 32 (2020)

Habouzit, M., Pisani, A., Goulding, A., Dubois, Y., Somerville, R. S. and Greene, J. E.: Properties of simulated galaxies and supermassive black holes in cosmic voids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 899-921 (2020)

Haffert, S. Y., Harris, R. J., Zanutta, A., Pike, F. A., Bianco, A., Redaelli, E., Benoît, A., MacLachlan, D. G., Ross, C. A., Gris-Sánchez, I., Trappen, M. D., Xu, Y., Blaicher, M., Maier, P., Riva, G., Sinquin, B., Kulcsár, C., Bharmal, N. A., Gendron, E., Staykov, L., Morris, T. J., Barboza, S., Muench, N., Bardou, L., Prengère, L., Raynaud, H.-F., Hottinger, P., Anagnos, T., Osborn, J., Koos, C., Thomson, R. R., Birks, T. A., Snellen, I. A. G. and Keller, C. U.: Diffraction-limited integral-field spectroscopy for extreme adaptive optics systems with the multicore fiber-fed integral-field unit. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 6, 045007 (2020)

Han, C., Kim, D., Jung, Y. K., Gould, A., Bond, I. A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Kim, W.-T., KMTNet Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Itow, Y., Hirao, Y., Kirikawa, R., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Nagakane, M., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Suematsu, H., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tanaka, Y., Tristram, P. J., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A. and MOA Collaboration: One Planet or Two Planets? The Ultra-sensitive Extreme-magnification Microlensing Event KMT-2019-BLG-1953. The Astronomical Journal 160, 17 (2020)

Han, C., Kim, D., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., Gromadzki, M. and OGLE Collaboration: KMT-2019-BLG-1339L: An M Dwarf with a Giant Planet or a Companion near the Planet/Brown Dwarf Boundary. The Astronomical Journal 160, 64 (2020)

Han, C., Lee, C.-U., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Bond, I. A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Jee, M. J., Kim, D., KMTNET COLLABORATION, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., OGLE COLLABORATION, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Itow, Y., Hirao, Y., Kamei, Y., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Nagakane, M., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Suematsu, H., Sullivan, D. J., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P. J., Yamakawa, T., Yonehara, A. and MOA Collaboration: OGLE-2018-BLG-1700L: Microlensing Planet in Binary Stellar System. The Astronomical Journal 159, 48 (2020)

Han, C., Lee, C.-U., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Bond, I. A., Bozza, V., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Jee, M. J., Kim, D., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Itow, Y., Hirao, Y., Kamei, Y., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Miyazaki, S., Nagakane, M., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Suematsu, H., Sullivan, D. J., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P. J., Yamakawa, T., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A. and MOA Collaboration: Candidate Brown-dwarf Microlensing Events with Very Short Timescales and Small Angular Einstein Radii. The Astronomical Journal 159, 134 (2020)

Han, C., Shin, I.-G., Jung, Y. K., Kim, D., Yee, J. C., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Hwang, K.-H., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: KMT-2018-BLG-0748Lb: sub-Saturn microlensing planet orbiting an ultracool host. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A105 (2020)

Han, C., Udalsk, A., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Lee, C.-U., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Jee, M. J., Kim, D., Kim, C.-H., Kim, W.-T., Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S. and Ulaczyk, K.: OGLE-2016-BLG-1227L: A Wide-separation Planet from a Very Short-timescale Microlensing Event. The Astronomical Journal 159, 91 (2020)

Han, C., Udalski, A., Kim, D., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., KMTNet Collaboration, Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Hwang, K.-H., Lee, C.-U., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Kim, C.-H., Kim, W.-T., OGLE Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P. and Wrona, M.: Four microlensing planets with faint-source stars identified in the 2016 and 2017 season data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A110 (2020)

Hanke, M., Hansen, C. J., Ludwig, H.-G., Cristallo, S., McWilliam, A., Grebel, E. K. and Piersanti, L.: A high-precision abundance analysis of the nuclear benchmark star HD 20. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A104 (2020)

Hansen, C. J., Koch, A., Mashonkina, L., Magg, M., Bergemann, M., Sitnova, T., Gallagher, A. J., Ilyin, I., Caffau, E., Zhang, H. W., Strassmeier, K. G. and Klessen, R. S.: Mono-enriched stars and Galactic chemical evolution. Possible biases in observations and theory. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A49 (2020)

Hayden, M. R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Sharma, S., Freeman, K., Kos, J., Buder, S., Anguiano, B., Asplund, M., Chen, B., De Silva, G. M., Khanna, S., Lin, J., Horner, J., Martell, S., Ting, Y.-S., Wyse, R., Zucker, D. and Zwitter, T.: The GALAH survey: chemodynamics of the solar neighbourhood. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 2952-2964 (2020)

Haydon, D. T., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Chevance, M., Hygate, A. P. S., Krumholz, M. R., Schruba, A. and Longmore, S. N.: An uncertainty principle for star formation - III. The characteristic emission time-scales of star formation rate tracers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 235-257 (2020)

Hermosa Muñoz, L., Taibi, S., Battaglia, G., Iorio, G., Rejkuba, M., Leaman, R., Cole, A. A., Irwin, M., Jablonka, P., Kacharov, N., McConnachie, A., Starkenburg, E. and Tolstoy, E.: Kinematic and metallicity properties of the Aquarius dwarf galaxy from FORS2 MXU spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A10 (2020)

Herrera, C. N., Pety, J., Hughes, A., Meidt, S. E., Kreckel, K., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Lang, P., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Pessa, I., Cormier, D., Usero, A., Sliwa, K., Faesi, C., Blanc, G. A., Bigiel, F., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Grasha, K., Glover, S. C. O., Hygate, A. P. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Sun, J. and Utomo, D.: The headlight cloud in NGC 628: An extreme giant molecular cloud in a typical galaxy disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A121 (2020)

Herrera-Martín, A., Albrow, M. D., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Ryu, Y.-H., Yee, J. C., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Lee, C.-U., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Szymański, M. K., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Kozłowski, S., Pietrukowicz, P., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M. and OGLE Collaboration: OGLE-2018-BLG-0677Lb: A Super-Earth Near the Galactic Bulge. The Astronomical Journal 159, 256 (2020)

Hey, D., Murphy, S., Foreman-Mackey, D., Bedding, T., Pope, B. and Hogg, D.: Maelstrom: A Python package for identifying companions to pulsating stars from their light travel time variations. The Journal of Open Source Software 5, 2125 (2020)

Hey, D. R., Murphy, S. J., Foreman-Mackey, D., Bedding, T. R., Pope, B. J. S. and Hogg, D. W.: Forward Modeling the Orbits of Companions to Pulsating Stars from Their Light Travel Time Variations. The Astronomical Journal 159, 202 (2020)

Hoppe, R., Bergemann, M., Bitsch, B. and Serenelli, A.: The solar abundance problem and eMSTOs in clusters. Possible origins in the accretion of protoplanetary discs during stellar evolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A73 (2020)

Huang, Y., Schönrich, R., Zhang, H., Wu, Y., Chen, B., Wang, H., Xiang, M., Wang, C., Yuan, H., Li, X., Sun, W., Li, J. and Liu, X.: Mapping the Galactic Disk with the LAMOST and Gaia Red Clump Sample. I. Precise Distances, Masses, Ages, and 3D Velocities of ∼140,000 Red Clump Stars. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 249, 29 (2020)

Hung, D., Lemaux, B. C., Gal, R. R., Tomczak, A. R., Lubin, L. M., Cucciati, O., Pelliccia, D., Shen, L., Le Fèvre, O., Wu, P.-F., Kocevski, D. D., Mei, S. and Squires, G. K.: Establishing a new technique for discovering large-scale structure using the ORELSE survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 5524-5554 (2020)

Hunt, J. A. S., Johnston, K. V., Pettitt, A. R., Cunningham, E. C., Kawata, D. and Hogg, D. W.: The power of coordinate transformations in dynamical interpretations of Galactic structure. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 818-828 (2020)

Husemann, B., Heidt, J., De Rosa, A., Vignali, C., Bianchi, S., Bogdanović, T., Komossa, S. and Paragi, Z.: Revisiting dual AGN candidates with spatially resolved LBT spectroscopy. The impact of spillover light contamination. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A117 (2020)

Ibata, R., Bellazzini, M., Thomas, G., Malhan, K., Martin, N., Famaey, B. and Siebert, A.: A Panoramic Landscape of the Sagittarius Stream in Gaia DR2 Revealed with the STREAMFINDER Spyglass. The Astrophysical Journal 891, L19 (2020)

Ibata, R., Thomas, G., Famaey, B., Malhan, K., Martin, N. and Monari, G.: Detection of Strong Epicyclic Density Spikes in the GD-1 Stellar Stream: An Absence of Evidence for the Influence of Dark Matter Subhalos? The Astrophysical Journal 891, 161 (2020)

Inami, H., Decarli, R., Walter, F., Weiss, A., Carilli, C., Aravena, M., Boogaard, L., Gonzaĺez-López, J., Popping, G., da Cunha, E., Bacon, R., Bauer, F., Contini, T., Cortes, P. C., Cox, P., Daddi, E., Díaz-Santos, T., Kaasinen, M., Riechers, D. A., Wagg, J., van der Werf, P. and Wisotzki, L.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Constraining the Molecular Content at log(M*/M) ∼ 9.5 with CO Stacking of MUSE-detected z ∼ 1.5 Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 113 (2020)

Ito, K., Kashikawa, N., Toshikawa, J., Overzier, R., Kubo, M., Uchiyama, H., Liang, Y., Onoue, M., Tanaka, M., Komiyama, Y., Lee, C.-H., Lin, Y.-T., Marinello, M., Martin, C. L. and Shibuya, T.: The UV Luminosity Function of Protocluster Galaxies at z ∼ 4: The Bright-end Excess and the Enhanced Star Formation Rate Density. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 5 (2020)

Izumi, T., Silverman, J. D., Jahnke, K., Schulze, A., Cen, R., Schramm, M., Nagao, T., Wisotzki, L. and Rujopakarn, W.: Circumnuclear Molecular Gas in Low-redshift Quasars and Matched Star-forming Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 898, 61 (2020)

Jackson, T. M., Pasquali, A., Pacifici, C., Engler, C., Pillepich, A. and Grebel, E. K.: The stellar mass assembly of low-redshift, massive, central galaxies in SDSS and the TNG300 simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 4262-4275 (2020)

Jahnke, K., Fendt, C., Fouesneau, M., Georgiev, I., Herbst, T., Kaasinen, M., Kossakowski, D., Rybizki, J., Schlecker, M., Seidel, G., Henning, T., Kreidberg, L. and Rix, H.-W.: An astronomical institute's perspective on meeting the challenges of the climate crisis. Nature Astronomy 4, 812-815 (2020)

Jiang, X.-J., Greve, T. R., Gao, Y., Zhang, Z.-Y., Tan, Q., de Grijs, R., Ho, L. C., Michałowski, M. J., Currie, M. J., Wilson, C. D., Brinks, E., Ao, Y., Zhao, Y., He, J., Harada, N., Yang, C., Jiao, Q., Chung, A., Lee, B., Smith, M. W. L., Liu, D., Matsushita, S., Shi, Y., Imanishi, M., Rawlings, M. G., Zhu, M., Eden, D., Davis, T. A. and Li, X.: The MALATANG survey: dense gas and star formation from high-transition HCN and HCO+ maps of NGC 253. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 1276-1296 (2020)

Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., Zavala, J. A., Magnelli, B., Casey, C. M., Liu, D., Romano-Díaz, E., Schinnerer, E., Harrington, K., Aretxaga, I., Karim, A., Staguhn, J., Burnham, A. D., Montaña, A., Smolčić, V., Yun, M., Bertoldi, F. and Hughes, D.: The Redshift and Star Formation Mode of AzTEC2: A Pair of Massive Galaxies at z = 4.63. The Astrophysical Journal 890, 171 (2020)

Jones, G. C., Béthermin, M., Fudamoto, Y., Ginolfi, M., Capak, P., Cassata, P., Faisst, A., Le Fèvre, O., Schaerer, D., Silverman, J. D., Yan, L., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Giavalisco, M., Gruppioni, C., Ibar, E., Khusanova, Y., Koekemoer, A. M., Lemaux, B. C., Loiacono, F., Maiolino, R., Oesch, P. A., Pozzi, F., Riechers, D., Rodighiero, G., Talia, M., Vallini, L., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey: a triple merger at z ∼ 4.56. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, L18-L23 (2020)

Joshi, G. D., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Marinacci, F., Springel, V., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: The fate of disc galaxies in IllustrisTNG clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 2673-2703 (2020)

Jung, Y. K., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Sumi, T., Yee, J. C., Han, C., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Zhu, W., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bond, I. A., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Nagakane, M., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Suematsu, H., Sullivan, D. J., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P. J., Yonehara, A. and MOA Collaboration: OGLE-2018-BLG-1269Lb: A Jovian Planet with a Bright I = 16 Host. The Astronomical Journal 160, 148 (2020)

Jung, Y. K., Udalski, A., Zang, W., Bond, I. A., Yee, J. C., Han, C., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kamei, Y., Kondo, I., Koshimoto, N., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Nagakane, M., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y., Shoji, H., Suematsu, H., Sullivan, D. J., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P. J., Yamakawa, T., Yamamwaki, T., Yonehara, A. and MOA Collaboration: KMT-2019-BLG-0842Lb: A Cold Planet below the Uranus/Sun Mass Ratio. The Astronomical Journal 160, 255 (2020)

Kaasinen, M., Walter, F., Novak, M., Neeleman, M., Smail, I., Boogaard, L., Cunha, E. d., Weiss, A., Liu, D., Decarli, R., Popping, G., Diaz-Santos, T., Cortés, P., Aravena, M., Werf, P. v. d., Riechers, D., Inami, H., Hodge, J. A., Rix, H.-W. and Cox, P.: A Comparison of the Stellar, CO, and Dust-continuum Emission from Three Star-forming HUDF Galaxies at z ∼ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 37 (2020)

Kakkad, D., Mainieri, V., Vietri, G., Carniani, S., Harrison, C. M., Perna, M., Scholtz, J., Circosta, C., Cresci, G., Husemann, B., Bischetti, M., Feruglio, C., Fiore, F., Marconi, A., Padovani, P., Brusa, M., Cicone, C., Comastri, A., Lanzuisi, G., Mannucci, F., Menci, N., Netzer, H., Piconcelli, E., Puglisi, A., Salvato, M., Schramm, M., Silverman, J., Vignali, C., Zamorani, G. and Zappacosta, L.: SUPER. II. Spatially resolved ionised gas kinematics and scaling relations in z ∼ 2 AGN host galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A147 (2020)

Kanekar, N., Prochaska, J. X., Neeleman, M., Christensen, L., Møller, P., Zwaan, M. A., Fynbo, J. P. U. and Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.: High Molecular Gas Masses in Absorption-selected Galaxies at z ≍ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 901, L5 (2020)

Kessler, S., Leroy, A., Querejeta, M., Murphy, E., Rebolledo, D., Sandstrom, K., Schinnerer, E. and Wong, T.: Paβ, Hα, and Attenuation in NGC 5194 and NGC 6946. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 23 (2020)

Kim, S., Contini, E., Choi, H., Han, S., Lee, J., Oh, S., Kang, X. and Yi, S. K.: YZiCS: On the Mass Segregation of Galaxies in Clusters. The Astrophysical Journal 905, 12 (2020)

Kreckel, K., Ho, I.-T., Blanc, G. A., Glover, S. C. O., Groves, B., Rosolowsky, E., Bigiel, F., Boquíen, M., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Emsellem, E., Grasha, K., Kim, J. J., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Lee, J. C., Leroy, A. K., Liu, D., McElroy, R., Meidt, S. E., Pessa, I., Sanchez-Blazquez, P., Sandstrom, K., Santoro, F., Scheuermann, F., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Utomo, D., Watkins, E. J. and Williams, T. G.: Measuring the mixing scale of the ISM within nearby spiral galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 193-209 (2020)

Krieger, N., Bolatto, A. D., Koch, E. W., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Walter, F., Weiß, A., Eden, D. J., Levy, R. C., Meier, D. S., Mills, E. A. C., Moore, T., Ott, J., Su, Y. and Veilleux, S.: The Turbulent Gas Structure in the Centers of NGC 253 and the Milky Way. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 158 (2020)

Krieger, N., Bolatto, A. D., Leroy, A. K., Levy, R. C., Mills, E. A. C., Meier, D. S., Ott, J., Veilleux, S., Walter, F. and Weiß, A.: The Molecular Interstellar Medium in the Super Star Clusters of the Starburst NGC 253. The Astrophysical Journal 897, 176 (2020)

Krumholz, M. R., Crocker, R. M., Xu, S., Lazarian, A., Rosevear, M. T. and Bedwell-Wilson, J.: Cosmic ray transport in starburst galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 2817-2833 (2020)

Krumholz, M. R. and McKee, C. F.: How do bound star clusters form? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 624-641 (2020)

Kudritzki, R.-P., Urbaneja, M. A. and Rix, H.-W.: A Simple Unified Spectroscopic Indicator of Stellar Luminosity: The Extended Flux-weighted Gravity-Luminosity Relationship. The Astrophysical Journal 890, 28 (2020)

Kusakabe, H., Blaizot, J., Garel, T., Verhamme, A., Bacon, R., Richard, J., Hashimoto, T., Inami, H., Conseil, S., Guiderdoni, B., Drake, A. B., Christian Herenz, E., Schaye, J., Oesch, P., Matthee, J., Anna Marino, R., Borello Schmidt, K., Pelló, R., Maseda, M., Leclercq, F., Kerutt, J. and Mahler, G.: The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. XIV. Evolution of the Lyα emitter fraction from z = 3 to z = 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A12 (2020)

Lang, P., Meidt, S. E., Rosolowsky, E., Nofech, J., Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A. K., Emsellem, E., Pessa, I., Glover, S. C. O., Groves, B., Hughes, A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Querejeta, M., Schruba, A., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Chevance, M., Colombo, D., Faesi, C., Henshaw, J. D., Herrera, C. N., Liu, D., Pety, J., Puschnig, J., Saito, T., Sun, J. and Usero, A.: PHANGS CO Kinematics: Disk Orientations and Rotation Curves at 150 pc Resolution. The Astrophysical Journal 897, 122 (2020)

Le Fèvre, O., Béthermin, M., Faisst, A., Jones, G. C., Capak, P., Cassata, P., Silverman, J. D., Schaerer, D., Yan, L., Amorin, R., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Giavalisco, M., Hathi, N. P., Fudamoto, Y., Fujimoto, S., Ginolfi, M., Gruppioni, C., Hemmati, S., Ibar, E., Koekemoer, A., Khusanova, Y., Lagache, G., Lemaux, B. C., Loiacono, F., Maiolino, R., Mancini, C., Narayanan, D., Morselli, L., Méndez-Hernàndez, H., Oesch, P. A., Pozzi, F., Romano, M., Riechers, D., Scoville, N., Talia, M., Tasca, L. A. M., Thomas, R., Toft, S., Vallini, L., Vergani, D., Walter, F., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Survey strategy, observations, and sample properties of 118 star-forming galaxies at 4 < z < 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A1 (2020)

Leaman, R., Ruiz-Lara, T., Cole, A. A., Beasley, M. A., Boecker, A., Fahrion, K., Bianchini, P., Falcón-Barroso, J., Webb, J., Sills, A., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Neumayer, N. and Sippel, A. C.: Globular cluster ejection, infall, and the host dark matter halo of the Pegasus dwarf galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 5102-5120 (2020)

Lenkić, L., Bolatto, A. D., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Tacconi, L. J., Neri, R., Combes, F., Walter, F., García-Burillo, S., Genzel, R., Lutz, D. and Cooper, M. C.: Plateau de Bure High-z Blue Sequence Survey 2 (PHIBSS2): Search for Secondary Sources, CO Luminosity Functions in the Field, and the Evolution of Molecular Gas Density through Cosmic Time. The Astronomical Journal 159, 190 (2020)

Leslie, S. K., Schinnerer, E., Liu, D., Magnelli, B., Algera, H., Karim, A., Davidzon, I., Gozaliasl, G., Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., Lang, P., Sargent, M. T., Novak, M., Groves, B., Smolčić, V., Zamorani, G., Vaccari, M., Battisti, A., Vardoulaki, E., Peng, Y. and Kartaltepe, J.: The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Evolution of Specific Star Formation Rates out to z ∼ 5. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 58 (2020)

Leung, G. Y. C., Leaman, R., van de Ven, G. and Battaglia, G.: A dwarf-dwarf merger and dark matter core as a solution to the globular cluster problems in the Fornax dSph. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 320-336 (2020)

Li, J., Wang, R., Cox, P., Gao, Y., Walter, F., Wagg, J., Menten, K. M., Bertoldi, F., Shao, Y., Venemans, B. P., Decarli, R., Riechers, D., Neri, R., Fan, X., Omont, A. and Narayanan, D.: Ionized and Atomic Interstellar Medium in the z = 6.003 Quasar SDSS J2310+1855. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 131 (2020)

Li, J., Wang, R., Riechers, D., Walter, F., Decarli, R., Venamans, B. P., Neri, R., Shao, Y., Fan, X., Gao, Y., Carilli, C. L., Omont, A., Cox, P., Menten, K. M., Wagg, J., Bertoldi, F. and Narayanan, D.: Probing the Full CO Spectral Line Energy Distribution (SLED) in the Nuclear Region of a Quasar-starburst System at z = 6.003. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 162 (2020)

Li, Q., Wang, R., Fan, X., Wu, X.-B., Jiang, L., Bañados, E., Venemans, B., Shao, Y., Li, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Wagg, J., Decarli, R., Mazzucchelli, C., Omont, A. and Bertoldi, F.: SCUBA2 High Redshift Bright Quasar Survey: Far-infrared Properties and Weak-line Features. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 12 (2020)

Li, Y., Habouzit, M., Genel, S., Somerville, R., Terrazas, B. A., Bell, E. F., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Weinberger, R., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Ma, C.-P., Pakmor, R., Hernquist, L. and Vogelsberger, M.: Correlations between Black Holes and Host Galaxies in the Illustris and IllustrisTNG Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 102 (2020)

Lin, J., Asplund, M., Ting, Y.-S., Casagrande, L., Buder, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Casey, A. R., De Silva, G. M., D'Orazi, V., Freeman, K. C., Kos, J., Lind, K., Martell, S. L., Sharma, S., Simpson, J. D., Zwitter, T., Zucker, D. B., Minchev, I., Čotar, K., Hayden, M., Horner, J., Lewis, G. F., Nordlander, T., Wyse, R. F. G. and Žerjal, M.: The GALAH survey: temporal chemical enrichment of the galactic disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 2043-2056 (2020)

Lin, L., Ellison, S. L., Pan, H.-A., Thorp, M. D., Su, Y.-C., Sánchez, S. F., Belfiore, F., Bothwell, M. S., Bundy, K., Chen, Y.-M., Concas, A., Hsieh, B.-C., Hsieh, P.-Y., Li, C., Maiolino, R., Masters, K., Newman, J. A., Rowlands, K., Shi, Y., Smethurst, R., Stark, D. V., Xiao, T. and Yu, P.-C.: ALMaQUEST. IV. The ALMA-MaNGA QUEnching and STar Formation (ALMaQUEST) Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 145 (2020)

Lin, L., Faber, S. M., Koo, D. C., Salim, S., Dutton, A. A., Fang, J. J., Jiang, F., Lee, C. T., Rodríguez-Puebla, A., Wel, A. v. d., Guo, Y., Barro, G., Primack, J. R., Dekel, A., Chen, Z., Luo, Y., Pandya, V., Somerville, R. S., Ferguson, H. C., Kassin, S., Koekemoer, A. M., Grogin, N. A., Galametz, A., Santini, P., Nayyeri, H., Stefanon, M., Dahlen, T., Mobasher, B. and Hao, L.: The Star Formation Rate-Radius Connection: Data and Implications for Wind Strength and Halo Concentration. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 93 (2020)

Linden, S. T., Murphy, E. J., Dong, D., Momjian, E., Kennicutt, R. C., Jr., Meier, D. S., Schinnerer, E. and Turner, J. L.: The Star Formation in Radio Survey: 3-33 GHz Imaging of Nearby Galaxy Nuclei and Extranuclear Star-forming Regions. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 248, 25 (2020)

Liu, G.-C., Huang, Y., Zhang, H.-W., Xiang, M.-S., Ren, J.-J., Chen, B.-Q., Yuan, H.-B., Wang, C., Yang, Y., Tian, Z.-J., Wang, F. and Liu, X.-W.: Probing the Galactic Halo with RR Lyrae Stars. I. The Catalog. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 247, 68 (2020)

Lopez, S., Tejos, N., Barrientos, L. F., Ledoux, C., Sharon, K., Katsianis, A., Florian, M. K., Rivera-Thorsen, E., Bayliss, M. B., Dahle, H., Fernandez-Figueroa, A., Gladders, M. D., Gronke, M., Hamel, M., Pessa, I. and Rigby, J. R.: Slicing the cool circumgalactic medium along the major axis of a star-forming galaxy at z = 0.7. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 4442-4461 (2020)

López-Corredoira, M., Garzón, F., Wang, H.-F., Sylos Labini, F., Nagy, R., Chrobáková, Ž., Chang, J. and Villarroel, B.: Gaia-DR2 extended kinematical maps. II. Dynamics in the Galactic disk explaining radial and vertical velocities. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A66 (2020)

Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Dowell, C. D., Jones, T. J., Harper, D. A., Berthoud, M., Chuss, D., Dale, D. A., Guerra, J. A., Hamilton, R. T., Looney, L. W., Michail, J. M., Nikutta, R., Novak, G., Santos, F. P., Sheth, K., Siah, J., Staguhn, J., Stephens, I. W., Tassis, K., Trinh, C. Q., Ward-Thompson, D., Werner, M., Wollack, E. J., Zweibel, E. G. and Team, H. S.: SOFIA/HAWC+ Traces the Magnetic Fields in NGC 1068. The Astrophysical Journal 888, 66 (2020)

Macciò, A. V., Courteau, S., Ouellette, N. N.-Q. and Dutton, A. A.: Abundance matching tested on small scales with galaxy dynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, L101-L105 (2020)

Macciò, A. V., Crespi, S., Blank, M. and Kang, X.: NIHAO - XXIII. Dark matter density shaped by black hole feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, L46-L50 (2020)

Madrid, J. P., Tuntsov, A. V., Schirmer, M., Walker, M. A., Donzelli, C. J., Bannister, K. W., Bignall, H. E., Stevens, J., Reynolds, C. and Johnston, S.: Optical Study of PKS B1322-110, the Intra-hour Variable Radio Source. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 169 (2020)

Magg, M., Nordlander, T., Glover, S. C. O., Hansen, C. J., Ishigaki, M., Heger, A., Klessen, R. S., Kobayashi, C. and Nomoto, K. i.: A minimum dilution scenario for supernovae and consequences for extremely metal-poor stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 3703-3712 (2020)

Magnelli, B., Boogaard, L., Decarli, R., Gónzalez-López, J., Novak, M., Popping, G., Smail, I., Walter, F., Aravena, M., Assef, R. J., Bauer, F. E., Bertoldi, F., Carilli, C., Cortes, P. C., Cunha, E. d., Daddi, E., Díaz-Santos, T., Inami, H., Ivison, R. J., Fèvre, O. L., Oesch, P., Riechers, D., Rix, H.-W., Sargent, M. T., Werf, P. v. d., Wagg, J. and Weiss, A.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: The Cosmic Dust and Gas Mass Densities in Galaxies up to z ∼ 3. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 66 (2020)

Magnier, E. A., Schlafly, E. F., Finkbeiner, D. P., Tonry, J. L., Goldman, B., Röser, S., Schilbach, E., Casertano, S., Chambers, K. C., Flewelling, H. A., Huber, M. E., Price, P. A., Sweeney, W. E., Waters, C. Z., Denneau, L., Draper, P. W., Hodapp, K. W., Jedicke, R., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R.-P., Metcalfe, N., Stubbs, C. W. and Wainscoat, R. J.: Pan-STARRS Photometric and Astrometric Calibration. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 251, 6 (2020)

Maíz Apellániz, J., Pantaleoni González, M., Barbá, R. H., García-Lario, P. and Nogueras-Lara, F.: Galactic extinction laws - I. A global NIR analysis with 2MASS photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 4951-4963 (2020)

Manara, C. F., Natta, A., Rosotti, G. P., Alcalá, J. M., Nisini, B., Lodato, G., Testi, L., Pascucci, I., Hillenbrand, L., Carpenter, J., Scholz, A., Fedele, D., Frasca, A., Mulders, G., Rigliaco, E., Scardoni, C. and Zari, E.: X-shooter survey of disk accretion in Upper Scorpius. I. Very high accretion rates at age > 5 Myr. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A58 (2020)

Marian, V., Jahnke, K., Andika, I., Bañados, E., Bennert, V. N., Cohen, S., Husemann, B., Kaasinen, M., Koekemoer, A. M., Mechtley, M., Onoue, M., Schindler, J.-T., Schramm, M., Schulze, A., Silverman, J. D., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., van der Wel, A., Villforth, C. and Windhorst, R. A.: A Significant Excess in Major Merger Rate for AGNs with the Highest Eddington Ratios at z < 0.2. The Astrophysical Journal 904, 79 (2020)

Marshall, M. A., Mechtley, M., Windhorst, R. A., Cohen, S. H., Jansen, R. A., Jiang, L., Jones, V. R., Wyithe, J. S. B., Fan, X., Hathi, N. P., Jahnke, K., Keel, W. C., Koekemoer, A. M., Marian, V., Ren, K., Robinson, J., Röttgering, H. J. A., Ryan, R. E., Jr., Scannapieco, E., Schneider, D. P., Schneider, G., Smith, B. M. and Yan, H.: Limits to Rest-frame Ultraviolet Emission from Far-infrared-luminous z ≃ 6 Quasar Hosts. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 21 (2020)

Martinelli, M., Martins, C. J. A. P., Nesseris, S., Sapone, D., Tutusaus, I., Avgoustidis, A., Camera, S., Carbone, C., Casas, S., Ilić, S., Sakr, Z., Yankelevich, V., Auricchio, N., Balestra, A., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Branchini, E., Brescia, M., Brinchmann, J., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Corcione, L., Dubath, F., Ealet, A., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Gillis, B., Giocoli, C., Grupp, F., Haugan, S. V. H., Holmes, W., Hormuth, F., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T. D., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Marggraf, O., Markovic, K., Massey, R., Mei, S., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moscardini, L., Niemi, S., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pettorino, V., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Poncet, M., Popa, L., Pozzetti, L., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Sureau, F., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valenziano, L., Vassallo, T., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J. and Zacchei, A.: Euclid: Forecast constraints on the cosmic distance duality relation with complementary external probes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A80 (2020)

Martín-Navarro, I., Burchett, J. N. and Mezcua, M.: Black hole feedback and the evolution of massive early-type galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 1311-1319 (2020)

Martizzi, D., Vogelsberger, M., Torrey, P., Pillepich, A., Hansen, S. H., Marinacci, F. and Hernquist, L.: Baryons in the Cosmic Web of IllustrisTNG - II. The connection among galaxies, haloes, their formation time, and their location in the Cosmic Web. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 5747-5758 (2020)

Massana, P., Noël, N. E. D., Nidever, D. L., Erkal, D., de Boer, T. J. L., Choi, Y., Majewski, S. R., Olsen, K., Monachesi, A., Gallart, C., Marel, R. P. v. d., Ruiz-Lara, T., Zaritsky, D., Martin, N. F., Muñoz, R. R., Cioni, M.-R. L., Bell, C. P. M., Bell, E. F., Stringfellow, G. S., Belokurov, V., Monelli, M., Walker, A. R., Martínez-Delgado, D., Vivas, A. K. and Conn, B. C.: SMASHing the low surface brightness SMC. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 1034-1049 (2020)

Mattia, G. and Fendt, C.: Magnetohydrodynamic Accretion-Ejection: Jets Launched by a Nonisotropic Accretion-disk Dynamo. I. Validation and Application of Selected Dynamo Tensorial Components. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 59 (2020)

Mattia, G. and Fendt, C.: Magnetohydrodynamic Accretion-Ejection: Jets Launched by a Nonisotropic Accretion-disk Dynamo. II. A Dynamo Tensor Defined by the Disk Coriolis Number. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 60 (2020)

Mazzarini, M., Just, A., Macciò, A. V. and Moetazedian, R.: Simulations of satellite tidal debris in the Milky Way halo. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A106 (2020)

McLeod, A. F., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Weisz, D. R., Zeidler, P., Schruba, A., Dalcanton, J. J., Longmore, S. N., Chevance, M., Faesi, C. M. and Byler, N.: Stellar Feedback and Resolved Stellar IFU Spectroscopy in the Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 300. The Astrophysical Journal 891, 25 (2020)

Meidt, S. E., Glover, S. C. O., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Hughes, A., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Usero, A., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G., Chevance, M., Pety, J., Querejeta, M. and Utomo, D.: A Model for the Onset of Self-gravitation and Star Formation in Molecular Gas Governed by Galactic Forces. II. The Bottleneck to Collapse Set by Cloud-Environment Decoupling. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 73 (2020)

Mejía-Narváez, A., Sánchez, S. F., Lacerda, E. A. D., Carigi, L., Galbany, L., Husemann, B. and García-Benito, R.: The stellar metallicity distribution function of galaxies in the CALIFA survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 4838-4853 (2020)

Merle, T., Van der Swaelmen, M., Van Eck, S., Jorissen, A., Jackson, R. J., Traven, G., Zwitter, T., Pourbaix, D., Klutsch, A., Sacco, G., Blomme, R., Masseron, T., Gilmore, G., Randich, S., Badenes, C., Bayo, A., Bensby, T., Bergemann, M., Biazzo, K., Damiani, F., Feuillet, D., Frasca, A., Gonneau, A., Jeffries, R. D., Jofré, P., Morbidelli, L., Mowlavi, N., Pancino, E. and Prisinzano, L.: The Gaia-ESO Survey: detection and characterisation of single-line spectroscopic binaries. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A155 (2020)

Merritt, A., Pillepich, A., van Dokkum, P., Nelson, D., Hernquist, L., Marinacci, F. and Vogelsberger, M.: A missing outskirts problem? Comparisons between stellar haloes in the Dragonfly Nearby Galaxies Survey and the TNG100 simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 4570-4604 (2020)

Michiyama, T., Iono, D., Nakanishi, K., Ueda, J., Saito, T., Yamashita, T., Bolatto, A. and Yun, M.: Star Formation Traced by Optical and Millimeter Hydrogen Recombination Lines and Free-Free Emissions in the Dusty Merging Galaxy NGC 3256—MUSE/VLT and ALMA Synergy. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 85 (2020)

Michiyama, T., Ueda, J., Tadaki, K.-i., Bolatto, A., Molina, J., Saito, T., Yamashita, T., Zhuang, M.-Y., Nakanishi, K., Iono, D., Wang, R. and Ho, L. C.: Discovery of a [C I]-faint, CO-bright Galaxy: ALMA Observations of the Merging Galaxy NGC 6052. The Astrophysical Journal 897, L19 (2020)

Millon, M., Courbin, F., Bonvin, V., Buckley-Geer, E., Fassnacht, C. D., Frieman, J., Marshall, P. J., Suyu, S. H., Treu, T., Anguita, T., Motta, V., Agnello, A., Chan, J. H. H., Chao, D. C.-Y., Chijani, M., Gilman, D., Gilmore, K., Lemon, C., Lucey, J. R., Melo, A., Paic, E., Rojas, K., Sluse, D., Williams, P. R., Hempel, A., Kim, S., Lachaume, R. and Rabus, M.: TDCOSMO. II. Six new time delays in lensed quasars from high-cadence monitoring at the MPIA 2.2 m telescope. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A193 (2020)

Modjaz, M., Bianco, F. B., Siwek, M., Huang, S., Perley, D. A., Fierroz, D., Liu, Y.-Q., Arcavi, I., Gal-Yam, A., Filippenko, A. V., Blagorodnova, N., Cenko, B. S., Kasliwal, M., Kulkarni, S., Schulze, S., Taggart, K. and Zheng, W.: Host Galaxies of Type Ic and Broad-lined Type Ic Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory: Implications for Jet Production. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 153 (2020)

Moór, A., Pawellek, N., Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á., Vida, K., Pál, A., Dutrey, A., Folco, E. D., Hughes, A. M., Kral, Q. and Pascucci, I.: The Big Sibling of AU Mic: A Cold Dust-rich Debris Disk around CP-72 2713 in the β Pic Moving Group. The Astronomical Journal 159, 288 (2020)

Mróz, P., Poleski, R., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Sumi, T., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Skowron, J., Ulaczyk, K., OGLE Collaboration, Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Kim, H.-W., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W. and KMT Collaboration: A Terrestrial-mass Rogue Planet Candidate Detected in the Shortest-timescale Microlensing Event. The Astrophysical Journal 903, L11 (2020)

Mróz, P., Poleski, R., Han, C., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Skowron, J., Ulaczyk, K., Gromadzki, M., Rybicki, K., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., OGLE Collaboration, Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Hwang, K.-H., Ryu, Y.-H., Jung, Y. K., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W. and KMT Collaboration: A Free-floating or Wide-orbit Planet in the Microlensing Event OGLE-2019-BLG-0551. The Astronomical Journal 159, 262 (2020)

Nadler, E. O., Wechsler, R. H., Bechtol, K., Mao, Y.-Y., Green, G., Drlica-Wagner, A., McNanna, M., Mau, S., Pace, A. B., Simon, J. D., Kravtsov, A., Dodelson, S., Li, T. S., Riley, A. H., Wang, M. Y., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bernstein, G. M., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Rosell, A. C., Kind, M. C., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Evrard, A. E., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hinton, S. R., Honscheid, K., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lahav, O., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Santiago, B., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Varga, T. N., Walker, A. R. and DES Collaboration: Milky Way Satellite Census. II. Galaxy-Halo Connection Constraints Including the Impact of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The Astrophysical Journal 893, 48 (2020)

Neeleman, M., Prochaska, J. X., Kanekar, N. and Rafelski, M.: A cold, massive, rotating disk galaxy 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang. Nature 581, 269-272 (2020)

Nelson, D., Sharma, P., Pillepich, A., Springel, V., Pakmor, R., Weinberger, R., Vogelsberger, M., Marinacci, F. and Hernquist, L.: Resolving small-scale cold circumgalactic gas in TNG50. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 2391-2414 (2020)

Neri, R., Cox, P., Omont, A., Beelen, A., Berta, S., Bakx, T., Lehnert, M., Baker, A. J., Buat, V., Cooray, A., Dannerbauer, H., Dunne, L., Dye, S., Eales, S., Gavazzi, R., Harris, A. I., Herrera, C. N., Hughes, D., Ivison, R., Jin, S., Krips, M., Lagache, G., Marchetti, L., Messias, H., Negrello, M., Perez-Fournon, I., Riechers, D. A., Serjeant, S., Urquhart, S., Vlahakis, C., Weiß, A., van der Werf, P., Yang, C. and Young, A. J.: NOEMA redshift measurements of bright Herschel galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A7 (2020)

Neumann, J., Fragkoudi, F., Pérez, I., Gadotti, D. A., Falcón-Barroso, J., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Bittner, A., Husemann, B., Gómez, F. A., Grand, R. J. J., Donohoe-Keyes, C. E., Kim, T., de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Martig, M., Méndez-Abreu, J., Pakmor, R., Seidel, M. K. and van de Ven, G.: Stellar populations across galaxy bars in the MUSE TIMER project. Astronomy and Astrophysics 637, A56 (2020)

Neumayer, N., Seth, A. and Böker, T.: Nuclear star clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 28, 4 (2020)

Nguyen, D. D., den Brok, M., Seth, A. C., Davis, T. A., Greene, J. E., Cappellari, M., Jensen, J. B., Thater, S., Iguchi, S., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Nyland, K., Neumayer, N., Nakanishi, K., Nguyen, P. M., Tsukui, T., Bureau, M., Onishi, K., Quang, N.-L. and Le, N. M.: The MBHBM Project. I. Measurement of the Central Black Hole Mass in Spiral Galaxy NGC 3504 Using Molecular Gas Kinematics. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 68 (2020)

Nidever, D. L., Hasselquist, S., Hayes, C. R., Hawkins, K., Povick, J., Majewski, S. R., Smith, V. V., Anguiano, B., Stringfellow, G. S., Sobeck, J. S., Cunha, K., Beers, T. C., Bestenlehner, J. M., Cohen, R. E., Garcia-Hernandez, D. A., Jönsson, H., Nitschelm, C., Shetrone, M., Lacerna, I., Allende Prieto, C., Beaton, R. L., Dell'Agli, F., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Feuillet, D., Gallart, C., Hearty, F. R., Holtzman, J., Manchado, A., Muñoz, R. R., O'Connell, R. and Rosado, M.: The Lazy Giants: APOGEE Abundances Reveal Low Star Formation Efficiencies in the Magellanic Clouds. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 88 (2020)

Nitschai, M. S., Cappellari, M. and Neumayer, N.: First Gaia dynamical model of the Milky Way disc with six phase space coordinates: a test for galaxy dynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 6001-6011 (2020)

Nitschai, M. S., Neumayer, N. and Feldmeier-Krause, A.: Three-dimensional Analysis of the Minispiral at the Galactic Center: Orbital Parameters, Periods, and the Mass of the Black Hole. The Astrophysical Journal 896, 68 (2020)

Nogueras-Lara, F., Schödel, R., Gallego-Calvente, A. T., Gallego-Cano, E., Shahzamanian, B., Dong, H., Neumayer, N., Hilker, M., Najarro, F., Nishiyama, S., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Girard, J. H. V. and Cassisi, S.: Early formation and recent starburst activity in the nuclear disk of the Milky Way. Nature Astronomy 4, 377-381 (2020)

Nogueras-Lara, F., Schödel, R., Neumayer, N., Gallego-Cano, E., Shahzamanian, B., Gallego-Calvente, A. T. and Najarro, F.: GALACTICNUCLEUS: A high angular-resolution JHKs imaging survey of the Galactic centre. III. Evidence for wavelength-dependence of the extinction curve in the near-infrared. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A141 (2020)

Novak, M., Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Neeleman, M., Kaasinen, M., Liang, L., Feldmann, R., Bañados, E., Carilli, C., Decarli, R., Drake, A. B., Fan, X., Farina, E. P., Mazzucchelli, C., Rix, H.-W. and Wang, R.: No Evidence for [C II] Halos or High-velocity Outflows in z ≳ 6 Quasar Host Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 904, 131 (2020)

Oetjens, A., Carone, L., Bergemann, M. and Serenelli, A.: The influence of planetary engulfment on stellar rotation in metal-poor main-sequence stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A34 (2020)

Onoue, M., Bañados, E., Mazzucchelli, C., Venemans, B. P., Schindler, J.-T., Walter, F., Hennawi, J. F., Andika, I. T., Davies, F. B., Decarli, R., Farina, E. P., Jahnke, K., Nagao, T., Tominaga, N. and Wang, F.: No Redshift Evolution in the Broad-line-region Metallicity up to z = 7.54: Deep Near-infrared Spectroscopy of ULAS J1342+0928. The Astrophysical Journal 898, 105 (2020)

Pan, H.-A., Lin, L., Hsieh, B.-C., Michałowski, M. J., Bothwell, M. S., Huang, S., Moiseev, A. V., Oparin, D., O'Sullivan, E., Worrall, D. M., Sánchez, S. F., Gwyn, S., Law, D. R., Stark, D. V., Bizyaev, D., Li, C., Lee, C.-H., Fu, H., Belfiore, F., Bundy, K., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Gelfand, J. and Peirani, S.: SDSS-IV MaNGA: The Nature of an Off-galaxy Hα Blob—A Multiwavelength View of Offset Cooling in a Merging Galaxy Group. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 16 (2020)

Pechetti, R., Seth, A., Neumayer, N., Georgiev, I., Kacharov, N. and den Brok, M.: Luminosity Models and Density Profiles for Nuclear Star Clusters for a Nearby Volume-limited Sample of 29 Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 32 (2020)

Péroux, C., Nelson, D., van de Voort, F., Pillepich, A., Marinacci, F., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: Predictions for the angular dependence of gas mass flow rate and metallicity in the circumgalactic medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 2462-2473 (2020)

Petit, A. C., Pichierri, G., Davies, M. B. and Johansen, A.: The path to instability in compact multi-planetary systems. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A176 (2020)

Poggio, E., Drimmel, R., Andrae, R., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Fouesneau, M., Lattanzi, M. G., Smart, R. L. and Spagna, A.: Evidence of a dynamically evolving Galactic warp. Nature Astronomy 4, 590-596 (2020)

Poleski, R., Suzuki, D., Udalski, A., Xie, X., Yee, J. C., Koshimoto, N., Gaudi, B. S., Gould, A., Skowron, J., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Ulaczyk, K., OGLE Collaboration, Abe, F., Barry, R. K., Bennett, D. P., Bhattacharya, A., Bond, I. A., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Fukui, A., Itow, Y., Hirao, Y., Kamei, Y., Kondo, I., Alex Li, M. C., Matsubara, Y., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Nagakane, M., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Satoh, Y. K., Shoji, H., Suematsu, H., Sullivan, D. J., Sumi, T., Tristram, P. J., Yamakawa, T., Yamawaki, T., Yonehara, A., MOA Collaboration, Han, C., Dong, S., Morzinski, K. M., Males, J. R., Close, L. M., Pogge, R. W., Beaulieu, J.-P. and Marquette, J.-B.: A Wide-orbit Exoplanet OGLE-2012-BLG-0838Lb. The Astronomical Journal 159, 261 (2020)

Pöntinen, M., Granvik, M., Nucita, A. A., Conversi, L., Altieri, B., Auricchio, N., Bodendorf, C., Bonino, D., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Carry, B., Castellano, M., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Corcione, L., Cropper, M., Dusini, S., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Fumana, M., Garilli, B., Grupp, F., Hormuth, F., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kitching, T., Kohley, R., Kubik, B., Kunz, M., Laureijs, R., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Massey, R., Meneghetti, M., Meylan, G., Moscardini, L., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Pires, S., Polenta, G., Raison, F., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirri, G., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Wetzstein, M. and Zoubian, J.: Euclid: Identification of asteroid streaks in simulated images using StreakDet software. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A35 (2020)

Popping, G., Walter, F., Behroozi, P., González-López, J., Hayward, C. C., Somerville, R. S., van der Werf, P., Aravena, M., Assef, R. J., Boogaard, L., Bauer, F. E., Cortes, P. C., Cox, P., Díaz-Santos, T., Decarli, R., Franco, M., Ivison, R., Riechers, D., Rix, H.-W. and Weiss, A.: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: A Model to Explain Observed 1.1 and 0.85 mm Dust Continuum Number Counts. The Astrophysical Journal 891, 135 (2020)

Price-Whelan, A. M., Hogg, D. W., Rix, H.-W., Beaton, R. L., Lewis, H. M., Nidever, D. L., Almeida, A., Badenes, C., Barba, R., Beers, T. C., Carlberg, J. K., De Lee, N., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Frinchaboy, P. M., García-Hernández, D. A., Green, P. J., Hasselquist, S., Longa-Peña, P., Majewski, S. R., Nitschelm, C., Sobeck, J., Stassun, K. G., Stringfellow, G. S. and Troup, N. W.: Close Binary Companions to APOGEE DR16 Stars: 20,000 Binary-star Systems Across the Color-Magnitude Diagram. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 2 (2020)

Pulsoni, C., Gerhard, O., Arnaboldi, M., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Hernquist, L. and Springel, V.: The stellar halos of ETGs in the IllustrisTNG simulations: The photometric and kinematic diversity of galaxies at large radii. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A60 (2020)

Puschnig, J., Hayes, M., Östlin, G., Cannon, J., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Husemann, B., Kunth, D., Bridge, J., Herenz, E. C., Messa, M. and Oteo, I.: The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample. XI. Efficient turbulence-driven Lyα escape and an analysis of IR, CO, and [C II]158 μm. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A10 (2020)

Rampazzo, R., Uslenghi, M., Georgiev, I. Y., Cattapan, A., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Bonaglia, M., Borelli, J. L., Busoni, L., Gäessler, W., Magrin, D., Marino, A., Mazzei, P., Mazzoni, T., Peter, D., Rabien, S., Ragazzoni, R. and Rosensteiner, M.: High-resolution morphology and surface photometry of KIG 685 and KIG 895 with ARGOS+LUCI using the Large Binocular Telescope. Astronomische Nachrichten 341, 10-25 (2020)

Reichert, M., Hansen, C. J., Hanke, M., Skúladóttir, Á., Arcones, A. and Grebel, E. K.: Neutron-capture elements in dwarf galaxies. III. A homogenized analysis of 13 dwarf spheroidal and ultra-faint galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A127 (2020)

Rezaei Kh., S., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Soler, J. D. and Zari, E.: Detailed 3D structure of Orion A in dust with Gaia DR2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A151 (2020)

Riechers, D. A., Boogaard, L. A., Decarli, R., González-López, J., Smail, I., Walter, F., Aravena, M., Carilli, C. L., Cortes, P. C., Cox, P., Díaz-Santos, T., Hodge, J. A., Inami, H., Ivison, R. J., Kaasinen, M., Wagg, J., Weiß, A. and van der Werf, P.: VLA-ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (VLASPECS): Total Cold Gas Masses and CO Line Ratios for z = 2-3 Main-sequence Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 896, L21 (2020)

Riechers, D. A., Hodge, J. A., Pavesi, R., Daddi, E., Decarli, R., Ivison, R. J., Sharon, C. E., Smail, I., Walter, F., Aravena, M., Capak, P. L., Carilli, C. L., Cox, P., Cunha, E. d., Dannerbauer, H., Dickinson, M., Neri, R. and Wagg, J.: COLDz: A High Space Density of Massive Dusty Starburst Galaxies ∼1 Billion Years after the Big Bang. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 81 (2020)

Rodeghiero, G., Häberle, M., Sauter, J., Sawczuck, M., Pott, J.-U., Münch, N., Ramos, J. R., Naranjo, V., Kausch, W., Sabha, N. B., Biancalani, E., Barboza, S., Bizenberger, P., Rohloff, R.-R., Müller, F., Hofferbert, R., Mohr, L., Neumann, U., Seemann, U., Schäfer, S., Leschinski, K., Czoske, O. and Laun, W.: Development of the MICADO Flat-field and Wavelength Calibration Unit: From Design to Prototyping. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132, 124501 (2020)

Rojas-Ruiz, S., Finkelstein, S. L., Bagley, M. B., Stevans, M., Finkelstein, K. D., Larson, R., Mechtley, M. and Diekmann, J.: Probing the Bright End of the Rest-frame Ultraviolet Luminosity Function at z = 8-10 with Hubble Pure-parallel Imaging. The Astrophysical Journal 891, 146 (2020)

Romano, M., Cassata, P., Morselli, L., Lemaux, B. C., Béthermin, M., Capak, P., Faisst, A., Le Fèvre, O., Schaerer, D., Silverman, J., Yan, L., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Enia, A., Fudamoto, Y., Fujimoto, S., Ginolfi, M., Gruppioni, C., Hathi, N. P., Ibar, E., Jones, G. C., Koekemoer, A. M., Loiacono, F., Mancini, C., Riechers, D. A., Rodighiero, G., Rodríguez-Muñoz, L., Talia, M., Vallini, L., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] Survey: on the nature of an extremely obscured serendipitous galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 875-887 (2020)

Rong, Y., Dong, X.-Y., Puzia, T. H., Galaz, G., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Cao, T., van der Burg, R. F. J., Sifón, C., Mancera Piña, P. E., Marcelo, M., D'Ago, G., Zhang, H.-X., Johnston, E. J. and Eigenthaler, P.: Intrinsic Morphology of Ultra-diffuse Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 78 (2020)

Rosas-Guevara, Y., Bonoli, S., Dotti, M., Zana, T., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Ho, L. C., Izquierdo-Villalba, D., Hernquist, L. and Pakmor, R.: The buildup of strongly barred galaxies in the TNG100 simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 2547-2564 (2020)

Rybizki, J., Demleitner, M., Bailer-Jones, C., Tio, P. D., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Fouesneau, M., Chen, Y., Andrae, R., Girardi, L. and Sharma, S.: A Gaia Early DR3 Mock Stellar Catalog: Galactic Prior and Selection Function. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132, 074501 (2020)

Ryu, Y.-H., Navarro, M. G., Gould, A., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., Minniti, D., Saito, R. K., Alonso-García, J. and Penny, M. T.: KMT-2018-BLG-1292: A Super-Jovian Microlens Planet in the Galactic Plane. The Astronomical Journal 159, 58 (2020)

Ryu, Y.-H., Udalski, A., Yee, J. C., Penny, M. T., Zang, W., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K. A., Iwanek, P., Wrona, M., OGLE Collaboration, Mao, S., Fouque, P., Zhu, W., Wang, T. and CFHT Microlensing Collaboration: OGLE-2018-BLG-0532Lb: Cold Neptune with Possible Jovian Sibling. The Astronomical Journal 160, 183 (2020)

Saito, T., Michiyama, T., Liu, D., Ao, Y., Iono, D., Nakanishi, K., Schinnerer, E., Tadaki, K., Ueda, J. and Yamashita, T.: The 300-pc scale ALMA view of [C I] 3P1-3P0, CO J = 1-0, and 609-μm dust continuum in a luminous infrared galaxy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 3591-3600 (2020)

Sanna, N., Franciosini, E., Pancino, E., Mucciarelli, A., Tsantaki, M., Charbonnel, C., Smiljanic, R., Fu, X., Bragaglia, A., Lagarde, N., Tautvaišiene, G., Magrini, L., Randich, S., Bensby, T., Korn, A. J., Bayo, A., Bergemann, M., Carraro, G. and Morbidelli, L.: The Gaia-ESO Survey: an extremely Li-rich giant in globular cluster NGC 1261. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, L2 (2020)

Saracino, S., Kamann, S., Usher, C., Bastian, N., Martocchia, S., Lardo, C., Latour, M., Cabrera-Ziri, I., Dreizler, S., Giesers, B., Husser, T.-O., Kacharov, N. and Salaris, M.: Leveraging HST with MUSE - I. Sodium abundance variations within the 2-Gyr-old cluster NGC 1978. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 4472-4480 (2020)

Saracino, S., Martocchia, S., Bastian, N., Kozhurina-Platais, V., Chantereau, W., Salaris, M., Cabrera-Ziri, I., Dalessandro, E., Kacharov, N., Lardo, C., Larsen, S. S. and Platais, I.: Chromosome maps of young LMC clusters: an additional case of coeval multiple populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 6060-6070 (2020)

Sbordone, L., Hansen, C. J., Monaco, L., Cristallo, S., Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., Villanova, S. and Amigo, P.: A wide angle view of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. II. A CEMP-r/s star in the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A135 (2020)

Schaerer, D., Ginolfi, M., Béthermin, M., Fudamoto, Y., Oesch, P. A., Le Fèvre, O., Faisst, A., Capak, P., Cassata, P., Silverman, J. D., Yan, L., Jones, G. C., Amorin, R., Bardelli, S., Boquien, M., Cimatti, A., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Giavalisco, M., Hathi, N. P., Fujimoto, S., Ibar, E., Koekemoer, A., Lagache, G., Lemaux, B. C., Loiacono, F., Maiolino, R., Narayanan, D., Morselli, L., Méndez-Hernàndez, H., Pozzi, F., Riechers, D., Talia, M., Toft, S., Vallini, L., Vergani, D., Zamorani, G. and Zucca, E.: The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey. Little to no evolution in the [C II]-SFR relation over the last 13 Gyr. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A3 (2020)

Schindler, J.-T., Farina, E. P., Bañados, E., Eilers, A.-C., Hennawi, J. F., Onoue, M., Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Wang, F., Davies, F. B., Decarli, R., Rosa, G. D., Drake, A., Fan, X., Mazzucchelli, C., Rix, H.-W., Worseck, G. and Yang, J.: The X-SHOOTER/ALMA Sample of Quasars in the Epoch of Reionization. I. NIR Spectral Modeling, Iron Enrichment, and Broad Emission Line Properties. The Astrophysical Journal 905, 51 (2020)

Schödel, R., Nogueras-Lara, F., Gallego-Cano, E., Shahzamanian, B., Gallego-Calvente, A. T. and Gardini, A.: The Milky Way's nuclear star cluster: Old, metal-rich, and cuspy. Structure and star formation history from deep imaging. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A102 (2020)

Schulz, S., Popping, G., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Vogelsberger, M., Marinacci, F. and Hernquist, L.: A redshift-dependent IRX-β dust attenuation relation for TNG50 galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 4773-4794 (2020)

Semenova, E., Bergemann, M., Deal, M., Serenelli, A., Hansen, C. J., Gallagher, A. J., Bayo, A., Bensby, T., Bragaglia, A., Carraro, G., Morbidelli, L., Pancino, E. and Smiljanic, R.: The Gaia-ESO survey: 3D NLTE abundances in the open cluster NGC 2420 suggest atomic diffusion and turbulent mixing are at the origin of chemical abundance variations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A164 (2020)

Sestito, F., Martin, N. F., Starkenburg, E., Arentsen, A., Ibata, R. A., Longeard, N., Kielty, C., Youakim, K., Venn, K. A., Aguado, D. S., Carlberg, R. G., González Hernández, J. I., Hill, V., Jablonka, P., Kordopatis, G., Malhan, K., Navarro, J. F., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Thomas, G., Tolstoy, E., Wilson, T. G., Palicio, P. A., Bialek, S., Garcia-Dias, R., Lucchesi, R., North, P., Osorio, Y., Patrick, L. R. and Peralta de Arriba, L.: The Pristine survey - X. A large population of low-metallicity stars permeates the Galactic disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, L7-L12 (2020)

Shao, Y., Wagg, J., Wang, R., Carilli, C. L., Riechers, D. A., Intema, H. T., Weiss, A. and Menten, K. M.: Observations by GMRT at 323 MHz of radio-loud quasars at z > 5. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A85 (2020)

Shen, X., Vogelsberger, M., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Tacchella, S., Marinacci, F., Torrey, P., Hernquist, L. and Springel, V.: High-redshift JWST predictions from IllustrisTNG: II. Galaxy line and continuum spectral indices and dust attenuation curves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 4747-4768 (2020)

Shi, J., Wang, H., Mo, H., Vogelsberger, M., Ho, L. C., Du, M., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A. and Hernquist, L.: The Formation History of Subhalos and the Evolution of Satellite Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 893, 139 (2020)

Silverman, J. D., Tang, S., Lee, K.-G., Hartwig, T., Goulding, A., Strauss, M. A., Schramm, M., Ding, X., Riffel, R. A., Fujimoto, S., Hikage, C., Imanishi, M., Iwasawa, K., Jahnke, K., Kayo, I., Kashikawa, N., Kawaguchi, T., Kohno, K., Luo, W., Matsuoka, Y., Matsuda, Y., Nagao, T., Oguri, M., Ono, Y., Onoue, M., Ouchi, M., Shimasaku, K., Suh, H., Suzuki, N., Taniguchi, Y., Toba, Y., Ueda, Y. and Yasuda, N.: Dual Supermassive Black Holes at Close Separation Revealed by the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 154 (2020)

Simpson, J. D., Martell, S. L., Da Costa, G., Horner, J., Wyse, R. F. G., Ting, Y.-S., Asplund, M., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Buder, S., De Silva, G. M., Freeman, K. C., Kos, J., Lewis, G. F., Lind, K., Sharma, S., Zucker, D. B., Zwitter, T., Čotar, K., Cottrell, P. L. and Nordlander, T.: The GALAH Survey: Chemically tagging the Fimbulthul stream to the globular cluster ω Centauri. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 3374-3384 (2020)

Singh, D., Hansen, C. J., Byrgesen, J. S., Reichert, M. and Reggiani, H. M.: An empirical metallicity tracer in CEMP and C-normal stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A72 (2020)

Skúladóttir, Á., Hansen, C. J., Choplin, A., Salvadori, S., Hampel, M. and Campbell, S. W.: Neutron-capture elements in dwarf galaxies. II. Challenges for the s- and i-processes at low metallicity. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A84 (2020)

Šlaus, B., Smolčić, V., Novak, M., Fotopoulou, S., Ciliegi, P., Jurlin, N., Ceraj, L., Tisanić, K., Birkinshaw, M., Bremer, M., Chiappetti, L., Horellou, C., Huynh, M., Intema, H., Kolokythas, K., Pierre, M., Raychaudhury, S. and Rottgering, H.: The XXL Survey. XLI. Radio AGN luminosity functions based on the GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A46 (2020)

Sormani, M. C., Magorrian, J., Nogueras-Lara, F., Neumayer, N., Schönrich, R., Klessen, R. S. and Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.: Jeans modelling of the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 7-24 (2020)

Spriggs, T. W., Sarzi, M., Napiwotzki, R., Galán-de Anta, P. M., Viaene, S., Nedelchev, B., Coccato, L., Corsini, E. M., de Zeeuw, P. T., Falcón-Barroso, J., Gadotti, D. A., Iodice, E., Lyubenova, M., Martín-Navarro, I., McDermid, R. M., Pinna, F., van de Ven, G. and Zhu, L.: Fornax 3D project: Automated detection of planetary nebulae in the centres of early-type galaxies and first results. Astronomy and Astrophysics 637, A62 (2020)

Stroe, A., Hussaini, M., Husemann, B., Sobral, D. and Tremblay, G.: The First Integral Field Unit Spectroscopic View of Shocked Cluster Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 905, L22 (2020)

Sun, J., Leroy, A. K., Ostriker, E. C., Hughes, A., Rosolowsky, E., Schruba, A., Schinnerer, E., Blanc, G. A., Faesi, C., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Meidt, S., Utomo, D., Bigiel, F., Bolatto, A. D., Chevance, M., Chiang, I.-D., Dale, D., Emsellem, E., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J., Herrera, C. N., Jimenez-Donaire, M. J., Lee, J. C., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Saito, T., Sandstrom, K. and Usero, A.: Dynamical Equilibrium in the Molecular ISM in 28 Nearby Star-forming Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 148 (2020)

Sun, J., Leroy, A. K., Schinnerer, E., Hughes, A., Rosolowsky, E., Querejeta, M., Schruba, A., Liu, D., Saito, T., Herrera, C. N., Faesi, C., Usero, A., Pety, J., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Ostriker, E. C., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Bolatto, A. D., Boquien, M., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Emsellem, E., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Groves, B., Henshaw, J., Jimenez-Donaire, M. J., Kim, J. J., Klessen, R. S., Kreckel, K., Lee, J. C., Meidt, S., Sandstrom, K., Sardone, A. E., Utomo, D. and Williams, T. G.: Molecular Gas Properties on Cloud Scales across the Local Star-forming Galaxy Population. The Astrophysical Journal 901, L8 (2020)

Taibi, S., Battaglia, G., Rejkuba, M., Leaman, R., Kacharov, N., Iorio, G., Jablonka, P. and Zoccali, M.: The Tucana dwarf spheroidal galaxy: not such a massive failure after all. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A152 (2020)

Terrazas, B. A., Bell, E. F., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Somerville, R. S., Genel, S., Weinberger, R., Habouzit, M., Li, Y., Hernquist, L. and Vogelsberger, M.: The relationship between black hole mass and galaxy properties: examining the black hole feedback model in IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 1888-1906 (2020)

Thiele, L., Villaescusa-Navarro, F., Spergel, D. N., Nelson, D. and Pillepich, A.: Teaching Neural Networks to Generate Fast Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Maps. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 129 (2020)

Tian, H.-J., El-Badry, K., Rix, H.-W. and Gould, A.: The Separation Distribution of Ultrawide Binaries across Galactic Populations. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 246, 4 (2020)

Tian, H.-J., Xu, Y., Liu, C., Rix, H.-W., Sesar, B. and Goldman, B.: The Extended Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1+) Proper Motion Catalog. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 248, 28 (2020)

Tian, Z., Liu, X., Yuan, H., Fang, X., Chen, B., Xiang, M., Huang, Y., Bi, S., Yang, W., Wu, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, H., Huo, Z., Yang, Y., Liu, G., Guo, J. and Zhang, M.: A Catalog of RV Variable Star Candidates from LAMOST. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 249, 22 (2020)

Toba, Y., Wang, W.-H., Nagao, T., Ueda, Y., Ueda, J., Lim, C.-F., Chang, Y.-Y., Saito, T. and Kawabe, R.: SOFIA/HAWC+ View of an Extremely Luminous Infrared Galaxy: WISE 1013+6112. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 76 (2020)

Traven, G., Feltzing, S., Merle, T., Van der Swaelmen, M., Čotar, K., Church, R., Zwitter, T., Ting, Y.-S., Sahlholdt, C., Asplund, M., Bland-Hawthorn, J., De Silva, G., Freeman, K., Martell, S., Sharma, S., Zucker, D., Buder, S., Casey, A., D'Orazi, V., Kos, J., Lewis, G., Lin, J., Lind, K., Simpson, J., Stello, D., Munari, U. and Wittenmyer, R. A.: The GALAH survey: multiple stars and our Galaxy. I. A comprehensive method for deriving properties of FGK binary stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A145 (2020)

Trebitsch, M., Volonteri, M. and Dubois, Y.: Modelling a bright z = 6 galaxy at the faint end of the AGN luminosity function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 3453-3463 (2020)

Truong, N., Pillepich, A., Werner, N., Nelson, D., Lakhchaura, K., Weinberger, R., Springel, V., Vogelsberger, M. and Hernquist, L.: X-ray signatures of black hole feedback: hot galactic atmospheres in IllustrisTNG and X-ray observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 549-570 (2020)

Tutusaus, I., Martinelli, M., Cardone, V. F., Camera, S., Yahia-Cherif, S., Casas, S., Blanchard, A., Kilbinger, M., Lacasa, F., Sakr, Z., Ilić, S., Kunz, M., Carbone, C., Castander, F. J., Dournac, F., Fosalba, P., Kitching, T., Markovic, K., Mangilli, A., Pettorino, V., Sapone, D., Yankelevich, V., Auricchio, N., Bender, R., Bonino, D., Boucaud, A., Brescia, M., Capobianco, V., Carretero, J., Castellano, M., Cavuoti, S., Cledassou, R., Congedo, G., Conversi, L., Corcione, L., Costille, A., Crocce, M., Cropper, M., Dubath, F., Dusini, S., Fabbian, G., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Garilli, B., Grupp, F., Guzzo, L., Hoekstra, H., Hormuth, F., Israel, H., Jahnke, K., Kermiche, S., Kubik, B., Laureijs, R., Ligori, S., Lilje, P. B., Lloro, I., Maiorano, E., Marggraf, O., Massey, R., Mei, S., Merlin, E., Meylan, G., Moscardini, L., Ntelis, P., Padilla, C., Paltani, S., Pasian, F., Percival, W. J., Pires, S., Poncet, M., Raison, F., Rhodes, J., Roncarelli, M., Rossetti, E., Saglia, R., Schneider, P., Secroun, A., Serrano, S., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Starck, J., Sureau, F., Taylor, A. N., Tereno, I., Toledo-Moreo, R., Valenziano, L., Wang, Y., Welikala, N., Weller, J., Zacchei, A. and Zoubian, J.: Euclid: The importance of galaxy clustering and weak lensing cross-correlations within the photometric Euclid survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A70 (2020)

Uchiyama, H., Akiyama, M., Toshikawa, J., Kashikawa, N., Overzier, R., Nagao, T., Ichikawa, K., Marinello, M., Imanishi, M., Tanaka, M., Matsuoka, Y., Komiyama, Y., Ishikawa, S., Onoue, M., Kubo, M., Harikane, Y., Ito, K., Namiki, S. and Liang, Y.: Faint Quasars Live in the Same Number Density Environments as Lyman Break Galaxies at z ∼ 4. The Astrophysical Journal 905, 125 (2020)

Utreras, J., Blanc, G. A., Escala, A., Meidt, S., Emsellem, E., Bigiel, F., Glover, S. C. O., Henshaw, J., Hygate, A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E. and Schruba, A.: When Gas Dynamics Decouples from Galactic Rotation: Characterizing ISM Circulation in Disk Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 94 (2020)

Valentino, F., Daddi, E., Puglisi, A., Magdis, G. E., Liu, D., Kokorev, V., Cortzen, I., Madden, S., Aravena, M., Gómez-Guijarro, C., Lee, M.-Y., Le Floc'h, E., Gao, Y., Gobat, R., Bournaud, F., Dannerbauer, H., Jin, S., Dickinson, M. E., Kartaltepe, J. and Sanders, D.: CO emission in distant galaxies on and above the main sequence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A155 (2020)

Valentino, F., Magdis, G. E., Daddi, E., Liu, D., Aravena, M., Bournaud, F., Cortzen, I., Gao, Y., Jin, S., Juneau, S., Kartaltepe, J. S., Kokorev, V., Lee, M.-Y., Madden, S. C., Narayanan, D., Popping, G. and Puglisi, A.: The Properties of the Interstellar Medium of Galaxies across Time as Traced by the Neutral Atomic Carbon [C I]. The Astrophysical Journal 890, 24 (2020)

van Dokkum, P., Lokhorst, D., Danieli, S., Li, J., Merritt, A., Abraham, R., Gilhuly, C., Greco, J. P. and Liu, Q.: Multi-resolution Filtering: An Empirical Method for Isolating Faint, Extended Emission in Dragonfly Data and Other Low Resolution Images. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132, 074503 (2020)

Varidel, M. R., Croom, S. M., Lewis, G. F., Fisher, D. B., Glazebrook, K., Catinella, B., Cortese, L., Krumholz, M. R., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bryant, J. J., Groves, B., Brough, S., Federrath, C., Lawrence, J. S., Lorente, N. P., Owers, M. S., Richards, S. N., López-Sánchez, Á. R., Sweet, S. M., van de Sande, J. and Vaughan, S. P.: The SAMI galaxy survey: gas velocity dispersions in low-z star-forming galaxies and the drivers of turbulence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 2265-2284 (2020)

Vazdekis, A., Cerviño, M., Montes, M., Martín-Navarro, I. and Beasley, M. A.: Surface brightness fluctuation spectra to constrain stellar population properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 5131-5152 (2020)

Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Neeleman, M., Novak, M., Otter, J., Decarli, R., Bañados, E., Drake, A., Farina, E. P., Kaasinen, M., Mazzucchelli, C., Carilli, C., Fan, X., Rix, H.-W. and Wang, R.: Kiloparsec-scale ALMA Imaging of [C II] and Dust Continuum Emission of 27 Quasar Host Galaxies at z ∼ 6. The Astrophysical Journal 904, 130 (2020)

Venn, K. A., Kielty, C. L., Sestito, F., Starkenburg, E., Martin, N., Aguado, D. S., Arentsen, A., Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., Hill, V., Jablonka, P., Lardo, C., Mashonkina, L., Navarro, J. F., Sneden, C., Thomas, G., Youakim, K., González-Hernández, J. I., Sánchez Janssen, R., Carlberg, R. and Malhan, K.: The Pristine survey - IX. CFHT ESPaDOnS spectroscopic analysis of 115 bright metal-poor candidate stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 3241-3262 (2020)

Vietri, G., Mainieri, V., Kakkad, D., Netzer, H., Perna, M., Circosta, C., Harrison, C. M., Zappacosta, L., Husemann, B., Padovani, P., Bischetti, M., Bongiorno, A., Brusa, M., Carniani, S., Cicone, C., Comastri, A., Cresci, G., Feruglio, C., Fiore, F., Lanzuisi, G., Mannucci, F., Marconi, A., Piconcelli, E., Puglisi, A., Salvato, M., Schramm, M., Schulze, A., Scholtz, J., Vignali, C. and Zamorani, G.: SUPER. III. Broad line region properties of AGNs at z ∼ 2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A175 (2020)

Vogelsberger, M., Nelson, D., Pillepich, A., Shen, X., Marinacci, F., Springel, V., Pakmor, R., Tacchella, S., Weinberger, R., Torrey, P. and Hernquist, L.: High-redshift JWST predictions from IllustrisTNG: dust modelling and galaxy luminosity functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 5167-5201 (2020)

Volonteri, M., Pfister, H., Beckmann, R. S., Dubois, Y., Colpi, M., Conselice, C. J., Dotti, M., Martin, G., Jackson, R., Kraljic, K., Pichon, C., Trebitsch, M., Yi, S. K., Devriendt, J. and Peirani, S.: Black hole mergers from dwarf to massive galaxies with the NewHorizon and Horizon-AGN simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 2219-2238 (2020)

Wagg, J., Aravena, M., Brisbin, D., Valtchanov, I., Carilli, C., Daddi, E., Dannerbauer, H., Decarli, R., Díaz-Santos, T., Riechers, D., Sargent, M. and Walter, F.: Observations of [OI]63 μm line emission in main-sequence galaxies at z 1.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 1788-1794 (2020)

Walter, F., Carilli, C., Neeleman, M., Decarli, R., Popping, G., Somerville, R. S., Aravena, M., Bertoldi, F., Boogaard, L., Cox, P., da Cunha, E., Magnelli, B., Obreschkow, D., Riechers, D., Rix, H.-W., Smail, I., Weiss, A., Assef, R. J., Bauer, F., Bouwens, R., Contini, T., Cortes, P. C., Daddi, E., Diaz-Santos, T., González-López, J., Hennawi, J., Hodge, J. A., Inami, H., Ivison, R., Oesch, P., Sargent, M., van der Werf, P., Wagg, J. and Yung, L. Y. A.: The Evolution of the Baryons Associated with Galaxies Averaged over Cosmic Time and Space. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 111 (2020)

Wang, F., Davies, F. B., Yang, J., Hennawi, J. F., Fan, X., Barth, A. J., Jiang, L., Wu, X.-B., Mudd, D. M., Bañados, E., Bian, F., Decarli, R., Eilers, A.-C., Farina, E. P., Venemans, B., Walter, F. and Yue, M.: A Significantly Neutral Intergalactic Medium Around the Luminous z = 7 Quasar J0252-0503. The Astrophysical Journal 896, 23 (2020)

Wang, H.-F., Huang, Y., Zhang, H.-W., López-Corredoira, M., Cui, W.-Y., Chen, B.-Q., Guo, R. and Chang, J.: Diagonal Ridge Pattern of Different Age Populations Found in Gaia-DR2 with LAMOST Main-sequence Turnoff and OB-type Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 70 (2020)

Wang, H.-F., López-Corredoira, M., Huang, Y., Carlin, J. L., Chen, B.-Q., Wang, C., Chang, J., Zhang, H.-W., Xiang, M.-S., Yuan, H.-B., Sun, W.-X., Li, X.-Y., Yang, Y. and Deng, L.-C.: Mapping the Galactic disc with the LAMOST and Gaia red clump sample: II. 3D asymmetrical kinematics of mono-age populations in the disc between 6-14 kpc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 2104-2118 (2020)

Wang, Y., Vogelsberger, M., Xu, D., Mao, S., Springel, V., Li, H., Barnes, D., Hernquist, L., Pillepich, A., Marinacci, F., Pakmor, R., Weinberger, R. and Torrey, P.: Early-type galaxy density profiles from IllustrisTNG - I. Galaxy correlations and the impact of baryons. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 5188-5215 (2020)

Ward, J. L., Chevance, M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Hygate, A. P. S., Schruba, A. and Longmore, S. N.: Towards a multitracer timeline of star formation in the LMC - I. Deriving the lifetimes of H I clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 2286-2301 (2020)

Ward, J. L., Kruijssen, J. M. D. and Rix, H.-W.: Not all stars form in clusters - Gaia-DR2 uncovers the origin of OB associations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 663-685 (2020)

Weilbacher, P. M., Palsa, R., Streicher, O., Bacon, R., Urrutia, T., Wisotzki, L., Conseil, S., Husemann, B., Jarno, A., Kelz, A., Pécontal-Rousset, A., Richard, J., Roth, M. M., Selman, F. and Vernet, J.: The data processing pipeline for the MUSE instrument. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A28 (2020)

Wheeler, A., Ness, M., Buder, S., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Silva, G. D., Hayden, M., Kos, J., Lewis, G. F., Martell, S., Sharma, S., Simpson, J. D., Zucker, D. B. and Zwitter, T.: Abundances in the Milky Way across Five Nucleosynthetic Channels from 4 Million LAMOST Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 898, 58 (2020)

Whitmore, B. C., Chandar, R., Lee, J., Ubeda, L., Adamo, A., Aloisi, A., Calzetti, D., Cignoni, M., Cook, D., Dale, D., Elmegreen, B. G., Gouliermis, D., Grebel, E. K., Grasha, K., Johnson, K. E., Kim, H., Sacchi, E., Smith, L. J., Tosi, M. and Wofford, A.: LEGUS and Hα-LEGUS Observations of Star Clusters in NGC 4449: Improved Ages and the Fraction of Light in Clusters as a Function of Age. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 154 (2020)

Williams, P. R., Pancoast, A., Treu, T., Brewer, B. J., Peterson, B. M., Barth, A. J., Malkan, M. A., De Rosa, G., Horne, K., Kriss, G. A., Arav, N., Bentz, M. C., Cackett, E. M., Dalla Bontà, E., Dehghanian, M., Done, C., Ferland, G. J., Grier, C. J., Kaastra, J., Kara, E., Kochanek, C. S., Mathur, S., Mehdipour, M., Pogge, R. W., Proga, D., Vestergaard, M., Waters, T., Adams, S. M., Anderson, M. D., Arévalo, P., Beatty, T. G., Bennert, V. N., Bigley, A., Bisogni, S., Borman, G. A., Boroson, T. A., Bottorff, M. C., Brandt, W. N., Breeveld, A. A., Brotherton, M., Brown, J. E., Brown, J. S., Canalizo, G., Carini, M. T., Clubb, K. I., Comerford, J. M., Corsini, E. M., Crenshaw, D. M., Croft, S., Croxall, K. V., Deason, A. J., De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Denney, K. D., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Efimova, N. V., Ely, J., Evans, P. A., Fausnaugh, M. M., Filippenko, A. V., Flatland, K., Fox, O. D., Gardner, E., Gates, E. L., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J. M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Greene, J. E., Grupe, D., Gupta, A., Hall, P. B., Henderson, C. B., Hicks, S., Holmbeck, E., Holoien, T. W.-S., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J. J., Johnson, C. A., Joner, M. D., Jones, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, P. L., Kennea, J. A., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, S. C., King, A., Klimanov, S. A., Knigge, C., Krongold, Y., Lau, M. W., Lee, J. C., Leonard, D. C., Li, M., Lira, P., Lochhaas, C., Ma, Z., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E. R., Mauerhan, J. C., McGurk, R., McHardy, I. M., Montuori, C., Morelli, L., Mosquera, A., Mudd, D., Müller-Sánchez, F., Nazarov, S. V., Norris, R. P., Nousek, J. A., Nguyen, M. L., Ochner, P., Okhmat, D. N., Papadakis, I., Parks, J. R., Pei, L., Penny, M. T., Pizzella, A., Poleski, R., Pott, J.-U., Rafter, S. E., Rix, H.-W., Runnoe, J., Saylor, D. A., Schimoia, J. S., Scott, B., Sergeev, S. G., Shappee, B. J., Shivvers, I., Siegel, M., Simonian, G. V., Siviero, A., Skielboe, A., Somers, G., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Stevens, D. J., Sung, H.-I., Tayar, J., Tejos, N., Turner, C. S., Uttley, P., Van Saders, J., Vaughan, S. A., Vican, L., Villanueva, S., Jr., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.-H., Yan, H., Young, S., Yuk, H., Zheng, W., Zhu, W. and Zu, Y.: Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. XII. Broad-line Region Modeling of NGC 5548. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 74 (2020)

Wilman, D. J., Fossati, M., Mendel, J. T., Saglia, R., Wisnioski, E., Wuyts, S., Förster Schreiber, N., Beifiori, A., Bender, R., Belli, S., Übler, H., Lang, P., Chan, J. C. C., Davies, R. L., Nelson, E. J., Genzel, R., Tacconi, L. J., Galametz, A., Davies, R. I., Lutz, D., Price, S., Burkert, A., Tadaki, K.-i., Herrera-Camus, R., Brammer, G., Momcheva, I. and van Dokkum, P.: The Regulation of Galaxy Growth along the Size-Mass Relation by Star Formation, as Traced by Hα in KMOS3D Galaxies at 0.7 ≲ z ≲ 2.7. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 1 (2020)

Wittenmyer, R. A., Clark, J. T., Sharma, S., Stello, D., Horner, J., Kane, S. R., Stevens, C. P., Wright, D. J., Spina, L., Čotar, K., Asplund, M., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Buder, S., Casey, A. R., De Silva, G. M., D'Orazi, V., Freeman, K., Kos, J., Lewis, G., Lin, J., Lind, K., Martell, S. L., Simpson, J. D., Zucker, D. B. and Zwitter, T.: K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 851-863 (2020)

Wofford, A., Ramírez, V., Lee, J. C., Thilker, D. A., Della Bruna, L., Adamo, A., Van Dyk, S. D., Herrero, A., Kim, H., Aloisi, A., Calzetti, D., Chandar, R., Dale, D. A., de Mink, S. E., Gallagher, J. S., Gouliermis, D. A., Grasha, K., Grebel, E. K., Sacchi, E., Smith, L. J., Úbeda, L., Walterbos, R. A. M., Hannon, S. and Messa, M.: Candidate LBV stars in galaxy NGC 7793 found via HST photometry + MUSE spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 2410-2428 (2020)

Worley, C. C., Jofré, P., Rendle, B., Miglio, A., Magrini, L., Feuillet, D., Gavel, A., Smiljanic, R., Lind, K., Korn, A., Gilmore, G., Randich, S., Hourihane, A., Gonneau, A., Francois, P., Lewis, J., Sacco, G., Bragaglia, A., Heiter, U., Feltzing, S., Bensby, T., Irwin, M., Gonzalez Solares, E., Murphy, D., Bayo, A., Sbordone, L., Zwitter, T., Lanzafame, A. C., Walton, N., Zaggia, S., Alfaro, E. J., Morbidelli, L., Sousa, S., Monaco, L., Carraro, G. and Lardo, C.: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Spectroscopic-asteroseismic analysis of K2 stars in Gaia-ESO. The K2 Galactic Caps Project. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A83 (2020)

Wu, P.-F., van der Wel, A., Bezanson, R., Gallazzi, A., Pacifici, C., Straatman, C. M. S., Barišić, I., Bell, E. F., Chauke, P., D'Eugenio, F., Franx, M., Muzzin, A., Sobral, D. and van Houdt, J.: The Colors and Sizes of Recently Quenched Galaxies: A Result of Compact Starburst before Quenching. The Astrophysical Journal 888, 77 (2020)

Xiang, M.-S., Rix, H.-W., Ting, Y.-S., Ludwig, H.-G., Coronado, J., Zhang, M., Zhang, H.-W., Buder, S. and Tio, P. D.: Chemically Peculiar A and F Stars with Enhanced s-process and Iron-peak Elements: Stellar Radiative Acceleration at Work. The Astrophysical Journal 898, 28 (2020)

Yamashita, T., Nagao, T., Ikeda, H., Toba, Y., Kajisawa, M., Ono, Y., Tanaka, M., Akiyama, M., Harikane, Y., Ichikawa, K., Kawaguchi, T., Kawamuro, T., Kohno, K., Lee, C.-H., Lee, K., Matsuoka, Y., Niida, M., Ogura, K., Onoue, M. and Uchiyama, H.: A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). III. Discovery of a z = 4.72 Radio Galaxy with the Lyman Break Technique. The Astronomical Journal 160, 60 (2020)

Yang, H., Zhang, X., Hwang, K.-H., Zang, W., Gould, A., Wang, T., Mao, S., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Jung, Y. K., Ryu, Y.-H., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zhu, W., Penny, M. T., Fouqué, P., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: KMT-2016-BLG-1836Lb: A Super-Jovian Planet from a High-cadence Microlensing Field. The Astronomical Journal 159, 98 (2020)

Yang, J., Wang, F., Fan, X., Hennawi, J. F., Davies, F. B., Yue, M., Banados, E., Wu, X.-B., Venemans, B., Barth, A. J., Bian, F., Boutsia, K., Decarli, R., Farina, E. P., Green, R., Jiang, L., Li, J.-T., Mazzucchelli, C. and Walter, F.: Pōniuā'ena: A Luminous z = 7.5 Quasar Hosting a 1.5 Billion Solar Mass Black Hole. The Astrophysical Journal 897, L14 (2020)

Zabel, N., Davis, T. A., Sarzi, M., Nedelchev, B., Chevance, M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Iodice, E., Baes, M., Bendo, G. J., Corsini, E. M., De Looze, I., de Zeeuw, P. T., Gadotti, D. A., Grossi, M., Peletier, R., Pinna, F., Serra, P., van de Voort, F., Venhola, A., Viaene, S. and Vlahakis, C.: AlFoCS + Fornax3D: resolved star formation in the Fornax cluster with ALMA and MUSE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 2155-2182 (2020)

Zang, W., Dong, S., Gould, A., Calchi Novati, S., Chen, P., Yang, H., Li, S.-S., Mao, S., Alton, K. B., Brimacombe, J., Carey, S., Christie, G. W., Delplancke-Ströbele, F., Feliz, D. L., Gaudi, B. S., Green, J., Hu, S., Jayasinghe, T., Koff, R. A., Kurtenkov, A., Mérand, A., Minev, M., Mutel, R., Natusch, T., Roth, T., Shvartzvald, Y., Sun, F., Vanmunster, T. and Zhu, W.: Spitzer + VLTI-GRAVITY Measure the Lens Mass of a Nearby Microlensing Event. The Astrophysical Journal 897, 180 (2020)

Zhang, J., Shapiro, A. I., Bi, S., Xiang, M., Reinhold, T., Sowmya, K., Li, Y., Li, T., Yu, J., Du, M. and Zhang, X.: Solar-type Stars Observed by LAMOST and Kepler. The Astrophysical Journal 894, L11 (2020)

Zhang, X., Zang, W., Udalski, A., Gould, A., Ryu, Y.-H., Wang, T., Yang, H., Mao, S., Mróz, P., Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., Kozłowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Shin, I.-G., Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Zhu, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G. and Pogge, R. W.: OGLE-2015-BLG-1771Lb: A Microlens Planet Orbiting an Ultracool Dwarf? The Astronomical Journal 159, 116 (2020)

Zheng, X. C., Röttgering, H. J. A., Best, P. N., van der Wel, A., Hardcastle, M. J., Williams, W. L., Bonato, M., Prandoni, I., Smith, D. J. B. and Leslie, S. K.: Link between radio-loud AGNs and host-galaxy shape. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A12 (2020)

Zhu, L., van de Ven, G., Leaman, R., Grand, R. J. J., Falcón-Barroso, J., Jethwa, P., Watkins, L. L., Mao, S., Poci, A., McDermid, R. M. and Nelson, D.: Disentangling the formation history of galaxies via population-orbit superposition: method validation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 1579-1597 (2020)

Zinger, E., Pillepich, A., Nelson, D., Weinberger, R., Pakmor, R., Springel, V., Hernquist, L., Marinacci, F. and Vogelsberger, M.: Ejective and preventative: the IllustrisTNG black hole feedback and its effects on the thermodynamics of the gas within and around galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 768-792 (2020)

Conference Proceedings and Books
Alfaro-Cuello, M., Kacharov, N., Neumayer, N., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Lützgendorf, N., Seth, A. C., Böker, T., Kamann, S., Leaman, R., van de Ven, G., Bianchini, P., Watkins, L. L. and Lyubenova, M.: A deep view into the nucleus of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy: M54. Star Clusters: From the Milky Way to the Early Universe, 351, 47-50 (2020)

Anagnos, T., Maier, P., Hottinger, P., Betters, C. H., Feger, T., Leon-Saval, S. G., Gris-Sánchez, I., Yerolatsitis, S., Lozi, J., Birks, T. A., Vievard, S., Jovanovic, N., Rains, A. D., Ireland, M. J., Harris, R. J., Kuo Tiong, B. C., Guyon, O., Norris, B., Haffert, S. Y., Blaicher, M., Xu, Y., Straub, M., Pott, J.-U., Sawodny, O., Neureuther, P. L., Coutts, D. W., Schwab, C., Koos, C. and Quirrenbach, A.: An innovative integral field unit upgrade with 3D-printed micro-lenses for the RHEA at Subaru. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11451, 114516Y (2020)

Anand, G., Lee, J., van Dyk, S., Deger, S., Thilker, D., Whitmore, B., Boquien, M., Chandar, R., Dale, D., Larson, K., Turner, J., Ubeda, L., Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A. and Team, P.-H.: Distances to PHANGS Galaxies: New Tip of the Red Giant Branch Measurements. American Astronomical Society meeting #236, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 336.01 (2020)

Anbajagane, D., Evrard, A., Farahi, A., Barnes, D., Dolag, K., McCarthy, I., Nelson, D. and Pillepich, A.: Stellar Property Statistics of Massive Halos from Cosmological Hydrodynamics Simulations: Common Kernel Shapes. American Astronomical Society meeting #236, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 139.04 (2020)

Bañados, E.: The most distant quasars and their environments. Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era, 352, 125-125 (2020)

Barboza, S., Rodeghiero, G., Harris, R. J., Ramos, J., Pott, J.-U., Rohloff, R.-R., Müller, F., Hofferbert, R., Bizenberger, P., Münch, N., Böhm, A., Mohr, L., Naranjo, V., Wagner, J., Schlossmacher, W., Rabien, S., Hörmann, V. and Farah, A.: The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: relay optics opto-mechanical design. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 114472D (2020)

Bittner, A., Falcón-Barroso, J., Nedelchev, B., Dorta, A., Gadotti, D. A., Sarzi, M., Molaeinezhad, A., Iodice, E., Rosado-Belza, D., de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Fragkoudi, F., Galán-de Anta, P. M., Husemann, B., Méndez-Abreu, J., Neumann, J., Pinna, F., Querejeta, M., Sánchez-Blázquez, P. and Seidel, M. K.: The GIST pipeline: A multi-purpose tool for the analysis and visualisation of (integral-field) spectroscopic data. Galactic Dynamics in the Era of Large Surveys, 353, 284-285 (2020)

Bosco, F., Pott, J.-U. and Schödel, R.: SOWAT: High-resolution imaging with only partial AO correction. Star Clusters: From the Milky Way to the Early Universe, 351, 185-188 (2020)

Britzen, S., Fendt, C., Witzel, G., Qian, S.-J., Pashchenko, I. N., Kurtanidze, O., Zajacek, M., Martinez, G., Karas, V., Aller, M., Aller, H., Eckart, A., Nilsson, K., Arévalo, P., Cuadra, J., Subroweit, M. and Witzel, A.: A precessing and nutating jet in OJ287. Perseus in Sicily: From Black Hole to Cluster Outskirts, 342, 250-251 (2020)

Brusa, G., Zhang, X., Lefebvre, M., Christou, J., Conrad, A., Biasi, R., Andrighettoni, M., Glück, M., Straub, M. and Pott, J.-U.: Adaptive secondary mirrors upgrades at the Large Binocular Telescope. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114485T (2020)

Clautice, D., Perlman, E., Cara, M., Jester, S., Georganopoulos, M., Meisenheimer, K., Perley, R., Baum, S., Begelman, M., Biretta, J., Birkinshaw, M., Cheung, C., Coppi, P., Eilek, J., Marshall, H., Martel, A., O'Dea, C., Sambruna, R., Sparks, W., Stawarz, L., Uchiyama, Y., Urry, C. and Worrall, D.: HST Polarimetry of Quasar Jets. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 304.27 (2020)

Connor, T., Stern, D. and Bañados, E.: X-ray Observations of Quasars in the First Billion Years of the Universe: Searching for AGN Activity in Companions. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 305.16 (2020)

Cordoni, G., Milone, A. P., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Marino, A. F., Lagioia, E. P. and Tailo, M.: Kinematics of multiple stellar populations in Globular Clusters with Gaia. Star Clusters: From the Milky Way to the Early Universe, 351, 281-284 (2020)

Defrère, D., Absil, O., Berger, J.-P., Danchi, W. C., Dandumont, C., Eisenhauer, F., Ertel, S., Gardner, T., Glauser, A., Hinz, P., Ireland, M., Kammerer, J., Kraus, S., Labadie, L., Lacour, S., Laugier, R., Loicq, J., Martin, G., Martinache, F., Martinod, M. A., Mennesson, B., Monnier, J., Norris, B., Nowak, M., Pott, J. U., Quanz, S. P., Serabyn, E., Stone, J., Tuthill, P. and Woillez, J.: Review and scientific prospects of high-contrast optical stellar interferometry. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11446, 114461J (2020)

Deger, S., Lee, J., Thilker, D., Whitmore, B., Boquien, M., Chandar, R., Dale, D., Larson, K., Turner, J., Ubeda, L., van Dyk, S., Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A., Hannon, S., Huerta, E., Wei, W. and Team, P.-H.: Stellar Clusters and Associations in Nearby Galaxies: First Results from PHANGS-HST. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 178.01 (2020)

Ertel, S., Hinz, P. M., Stone, J. M., Vaz, A., Montoya, O. M., West, G. S., Durney, O., Grenz, P., Spalding, E. A., Leisenring, J., Wagner, K., Anugu, N., Power, J., Maier, E. R., Defrère, D., Hoffmann, W., Perera, S., Brown, S., Skemer, A. J., Mennesson, B., Kennedy, G., Downey, E., Hill, J., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A. and Rossi, F.: Overview and prospects of the LBTI beyond the completed HOSTS survey. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11446, 1144607 (2020)

Falgarone, E., Vidal-Garca, A., Godard, B., Zwaan, M. A., Herrera, C., Ivison, R. J., Bergin, E., Andreani, P. M., Omont, A. and Walter, F.: Large reservoirs of turbulent diffuse gas around high-z starburst galaxies. Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era, Proceedings of the IAU 352, 200-204 (2020)

Feger, T., Case, S., Zhelem, R., Kripak, Y., Lawrence, J., Schwab, C., Herbst, T. M., Blanc, G., Bilgi, P., Konidaris, N. P., Hebert, A., Wachter, S., Ramirez, S., Drory, N. and Froning, C. S.: The SDSS-V local volume mapper fiber cable system. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 114478N (2020)

Ferkinhoff, C., Lamarche, C., Higdon, S., Higdon, J., Nikola, T., Peng, B., Stacey, G., Banados, E., Brisbin, D., Vishwas, A., Rooney, C., Walter, F., Decarli, R. and Venemans, B.: Neutral Oxygen in the Early Universe with ZINGRS and NOSH. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 305.21 (2020)

García-Vergara, C., Hennawi, J. F., Felipe Barrientos, L. and Arrigoni Battaia, F.: Clustering of galaxies around quasars at z ∼ 4. Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era, 352, 171-173 (2020)

Haffert, S. Y., Harris, R. J., Zanutta, A., Pike, F. A., Bianco, A., Redaelli, E., Benoît, A., MacLachlan, D. G., Ross, C. A., Gris-Sánchez, I., Trappen, M. D., Xu, Y., Blaicher, M., Maier, P., Riva, G., Sinquin, B., Kulcsár, C., Bharmal, N. A., Gendron, E., Staykov, L., Morris, T. J., Barboza, S., Muench, N., Bardour, L., Prengère, L., Raynaud, H.-F., Hottinger, P., Anagnos, T., Osborn, J., Koos, C., Thompson, R. R., Birks, T. A., Snellen, I. A. G., Keller, C. U., Close, L. and Males, J. R.: Multi-core fibre-fed integral-field unit (MCIFU): overview and first-light. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114484M (2020)

Harris, R. J., Pike, F. A., Trappen, M., Haffert, S. Y., Xu, Y., Benoît, A., Ross, C., MacLachlan, D. G., Barboza, S., Münch, N., Gris-Sánchez, I., Blaicher, M., Maier, P., Koos, C., Birks, T. A. and Thomson, R. R.: Multi-core fibre-fed integral field spectrograph (MCIFU) IV: the fiber link. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11451, 1145124 (2020)

Herbst, T. M., Bilgi, P., Bizenberger, P., Blanc, G., Briegel, F., Case, S., Drory, N., Feger, T., Froning, C., Gaessler, W., Hebert, A., Konidaris, N., Lanz, A., Mohr, L., Pak, S., Ramírez, S., Rohloff, R.-R., Sánchez-Gallego, J. and Wachter, S.: The SDSS-V local volume mapper telescope system. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11445, 114450J (2020)

Ho, I.-T.: Go beyond radial gradient: azimuthal variations of ISM abundance in 3D. Astronomy in Focus XXX, Proceedings of the IAU 14, 259 (2020)

Inno, L.: The present-time Milky Way stellar Metallicity Gradient. Astronomy in Focus XXX, Proceedings of the IAU 14, 237-239 (2020)

Isbell, J., Burtscher, L., Asmus, D., Pott, J.-U., Couzy, P., Stalevski, M., Gámez Rosas, V. and Meisenheimer, K.: A Subarcsecond L- and M-band Imaging Atlas of Local Active Galactic Nuclei. Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Astronomy - Past, Present and Future, 22 (2020)

Kearney, Z. and Neeleman, M.: Measuring the Distribution of Neutral Hydrogen at low z using DLAs. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 205.10 (2020)

Konidaris, N. P., Drory, N., Froning, C. S., Hebert, A., Bilgi, P., Blanc, G. A., Lanz, A. E., Hull, C. L., Kollmeier, J. A., Ramirez, S., Wachter, S., Kreckel, K., Pak, S., Pellegrini, E., Almeida, A., Case, S., Zhelem, R., Feger, T., Lawrence, J., Lesser, M., Herbst, T., Sanchez-Gallego, J., Bershady, M. A., Chattopadhyay, S., Hauser, A., Smith, M., Wolf, M. J. and Yan, R.: SDSS-V local volume mapper instrument: overview and status. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 1144718 (2020)

Lang, P., Schinnerer, E., Smail, I., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Swinbank, A. M., Team, A. C., Team, A. U. and Team, A.: Uncovering the spatial distribution of stars and dust in z ∼ 2 Submillimeter Galaxies. Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era, 352, 274-279 (2020)

Laureijs, R., Racca, G. D., Mellier, Y., Musi, P., Brouard, L., Böenke, T., Gaspar Venancio, L., Maiorano, E., Short, A., Strada, P., Altieri, B., Buenadicha, G., Dupac, X., Gomez Alvarez, P., Hoar, J., Kohley, R., Vavrek, R., Rudolph, A., Schmidt, M., Amiaux, J., Aussel, H., Berthé, M., Cropper, M., Cuillandre, J.-C., Dabin, C., Dinis, J., Nakajima, R., Maciaszek, T., Scaramella, R., da Silva, A., Tereno, I., Williams, O. R., Zacchei, A., Azzollini, R., Bernardeau, F., Brinchmann, J., Brockley-Blatt, C., Castander, F., Cimatti, A., Conselice, C., Ealet, A., Fosalba, P., Gillard, W., Guzzo, L., Hoekstra, H., Hudelot, P., Jahnke, K., Kitching, T., Miller, L., Mohr, J., Percival, W., Pettorino, V., Rhodes, J., Sanchez, A., Sauvage, M., Serrano, S., Teyssier, R., Weller, J. and Zoubian, J.: Euclid mission status after mission critical design. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11443, 114430F (2020)

Liu, D., Lang, P., Magnelli, B., Schinnerer, E., Leslie, S., Fudamoto, Y., Groves, B., Sargent, M., Riechers, D. and A3COSMOS: From Continuum and Spectral Data-Mining of the ALMA Archive to the Scaling Relations of Star-Forming Galaxies Across Cosmic Time. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 109.02 (2020)

Liu, D., Schinnerer, E., Groves, B., Magnelli, B., Lang, P., Leslie, S., Jiménez-Andrade, E., Riechers, D. and A3COSMOS: Automated Mining of the ALMA Archive in the COSMOS Field (A3COSMOS): Understanding Galaxy and ISM Evolution by Exploiting over 2000 ALMA Cubes. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 353.07 (2020)

Liu, D. and Team, A. C.: Automated mining of the ALMA archive in the COSMOS field (A3 COSMOS): Cold molecular gas evolution. Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era, 352, 228-233 (2020)

Marafatto, L., Bergomi, M., Biondi, F., Carolo, E., De Pascale, M., Greggio, D., Lessio, L., Mesa, D., Radhakrishnan Santhakumari, K. K., Umbriaco, G., Vassallo, D., Viotto, V., Bianco, A., Dima, M., D'Orazi, V., Grenz, P., Leisenring, J. M., Mohr, L., Montoya, M., Zanutta, A., Antoniucci, S., Arcidiacono, C., Bacciotti, F., Baffa, C., Baruffolo, A., Bongiorno, A., Carlotti, A., Chinellato, S., Close, L., Di Filippo, S., Esposito, S., Farisato, G., Guyon, O., Hinz, P., Magrin, D., Pedichini, F., Pinna, E., Portaluri, E., Puglisi, A., Ragazzoni, R., Rossi, F. and Farinato, J.: SHARK-NIR, toward the installation at the Large Binocular Telescope. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114481M (2020)

Marconi, A., Abreu, M., Adibekyan, V., Aliverti, M., Allende Prieto, C., Amado, P., Amate, M., Artigau, E., Augusto, S., Barros, S., Becerril, S., Benneke, B., Bergin, E., Berio, P., Bezawada, N., Boisse, I., Bonfils, X., Bouchy, F., Broeg, C., Cabral, A., Calvo-Ortega, R., Canto Martins, B. L., Chazelas, B., Chiavassa, A., Christensen, L., Cirami, R., Coretti, I., Covino, S., Cresci, G., Cristiani, S., Cunha Parro, V., Cupani, G., D'Odorico, V., de Castro Leão, I., de Medeiros, J. R., de Souza, M., Di Marcantonio, P., Di Varano, I., Doyon, R., Drass, H., Figueira, P., Fragoso, A., Fynbo, J., Gallo, E., Genoni, M., González Hernández, J., Gratton, R., Haehnelt, M., Hansen, C., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Hughes, I., Huke, P., Humphrey, A., Kjeldsen, H., Korn, A., Kouach, D., Landoni, M., Liske, J., Lovis, C., Lunney, D., Maiolino, R., Malo, L., Marquart, T., Martins, C. J. A. P., Maslowski, P., Mason, E., Micela, G., Molaro, P., Monnier, J., Monteiro, M., Mordasini, C., Morris, T., Mucciarelli, A., Murray, G., Niedzielski, A., Niemczura, E., Nisini, B., Nunes, N., Oliva, E., Origlia, L., Pallé, E., Pariani, G., Parr-Burman, P., Pasquini, L., Peñate, J., Pepe, F., Pietrzynski, G., Pinna, E., Piskunov, N., Pollo, A., Rasilla, J., Rebolo, R., Rees, P., Reiners, A., Riva, M., Romano, D., Rousseau, S., Sanna, N., Sarajlic, M., Shen, T.-C., Sortino, F., Sosnowska, D., Sousa, S., Stempels, E., Strassmeier, K., Tenegi, F., Tozzi, A., Udry, S., Valenziano, L., Vanzi, L., Weber, M., Woche, M., Xompero, M., Zackrisson, E. and Zapatero Osorio, M. R.: ELT-HIRES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: the Phase A study and the path to construction. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 1144726 (2020)

Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Khoperskov, S., Di Matteo, P. and Haywood, M.: Globular cluster tidal interactions and mergers in the Galactic disc. Star Clusters: From the Milky Way to the Early Universe, 351, 442-446 (2020)

Merritt, A.: Results from the Dragonfly Nearby Galaxies Survey: Comparing observed and simulated stellar halos around Milky Way-like Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 441.07 (2020)

Noboriguchi, A., Nagao, T., Toba, Y., Niida, M., Kajisawa, M., Onoue, M., Matsuoka, Y., Yamashita, T., Chang, Y., Kawaguchi, T., Komiyama, Y., Nobuhara, K., Terashima, Y. and Ueda, Y.: Optical properties of infrared-bright dust-obscured galaxies viewed with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam. Panchromatic Modelling with Next Generation Facilities, 341, 292-293 (2020)

Perera, S., Pott, J.-U., Woillez, J., Kulas, M., Brandner, W., Lacour, S., Widmann, F., Ertel, S. and Vaz, A.: Testing P-REx on VLTI data. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11446, 114460J (2020)

Petrov, R. G., Allouche, F., Matter, A., Meilland, A., Lagarde, S., Berio, P., Cruzalèbes, P., Millour, F., Robbe-Dubois, S., Jaffe, W., Hofmann, K.-H., Varga, J., Schertl, D., Burtscher, L., Meisenheimer, K., Chelli, A., Zins, G., Woillez, J., Schöller, M. and Lopez, B.: Commissioning MATISSE: operation and performances. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11446, 114460L (2020)

Radhakrishnan Santhakumari, K. K., Perera, S., Briegel, F., Herbst, T. M., Pott, J.-U. and Ragazzoni, R.: Wind estimates from layer-oriented MCAO telemetry: working towards wavefront prediction. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 1144862 (2020)

Rodeghiero, G., Arcidiacono, C., Pott, J.-U., Perera, S., Pariani, G., Magrin, D., Riechert, H., Glück, M., Gendron, E., Massari, D., Sauter, J., Fabricius, M., Häberle, M., Meßlinger, S., Davies, R., Ciliegi, P., Lombini, M. and Schreiber, L.: Performance and limitations of using ELT and MCAO for 50 μas astrometry. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 114471Z (2020)

Rodeghiero, G., Cárdenas Vázquez, C., Barboza, S., Harris, R. J., Bizenberger, P., Hartl, M., Geis, N., Pott, J.-U., Hofferbert, R., Ramos, J. R., Müller, F., Rohloff, R.-R., Neumann, U., Kampf, D., Rabien, S., Hörmann, V., Davies, R., Gendron, E., Cohen, M. and Clénet, Y.: Preliminary design and performance verification of the MICADO Standalone Relay Optics. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 1144734 (2020)

Romanowsky, A., Wasserman, A., Martín-Navarro, I., Alabi, A., Janssens, S., Forbes, D., van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S., Gannon, J., Villaume, A., Ferré-Mateu, A., Brodie, J., Abraham, R. and Okabe, N.: Extreme Properties of Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 155.05 (2020)

Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Rosales-Guzmán, A., Morales, H., Alberdi, A., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Schödel, R. and Pott, J.-U.: Compressed sensing for infrared interferometric imaging. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11446, 114461O (2020)

Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowski, E., Hughes, A., Blanc, G., Schruba, A., Pety, J. and Emsellem, E.: PHANGS-ALMA: Star Formation at Molecular Cloud Scales. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 255.04 (2020)

Seth, A. C., Neumayer, N. and Böker, T.: The properties of nuclear star clusters and their host galaxies. Star Clusters: From the Milky Way to the Early Universe, 351, 13-18 (2020)

Sotillo Ramos, D., Lara López, M., Pérez García, A. M. and Pérez Martínez, R.: Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the interplay between mass, metallicity and SFR in galaxy groups. XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society, 87 (2020)

Sotillo Ramos, D., Pillepich, A., Donnari, M. and Team, t. I.: The diverse evolutionary pathways of Milky Way-like galaxies with TNG50. XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society, 189 (2020)

Sun, G., Bock, J., Bradford, M., Butler, V., Chang, T., Cheng, Y., Cooray, A., Crites, A., Hailey-Dunsheath, S., Hunacek, J., Keenan, R., Li, C., Marrone, D., Moncelsi, L., Shirokoff, E., Trumper, I., Uzgil, B. and Zemcov, M.: Probing Cosmic Reionization and Molecular Gas Growth with TIME. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 235, 266.02 (2020)

Venemans, B. P., Walter, F., Neeleman, M., Novak, M. and Decarli, R.: Massive quasar host galaxies in the reionisation epoch. Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era, 352, 127-131 (2020)

Walter, F.: ASPECS: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field. American Astronomical Society meeting #235, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 52, 255.05 (2020)

Xiang, M.: Stellar metallicity gradients of the Milky Way disc from LAMOST. Astronomy in Focus XXX, Proceedings of the IAU 14, 242-243 (2020)

Popular Papers
Aravena, M., Carilli, C., Decarli, R., Walter, F. and ASPECS Collaboration: The ASPECS Survey: An ALMA Large Programme Targeting the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field. The Messenger 179, 17-23 (2020)

Béthermin, M., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Faisst, A. L., Ginolfi, M., Gruppioni, C., Jones, G. C., Khusanova, Y., Lemaux, B., Capak, P. L., Cassata, P., Le Fèvre, O., Schaerer, D., Silverman, J. D., Yan, L. and Alpine Collaboration: The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] Survey: Exploring the Dark Side of Normal Galaxies at the End of Reionisation. The Messenger 180, 31-36 (2020)

Burtscher, L., Barret, D., Borkar, A. P., Grinberg, V., Jahnke, K., Kendrew, S., Maffey, G. and McCaughrean, M. J.: The carbon footprint of large astronomy meetings. Nature Astronomy 4, 823-825 (2020)

Farahi, A., Evrard, A. E., McCarthy, I., Barnes, D. J., Kay, S. T., Anbajagane, D., Dolag, K., McCarthy, I. G., Nelson, D. and Pillepich, A.: KLLR: Kernel Localized Linear Regression. ASCL.net ascl:2008.003 (2020)

Gaudi, B. S., Seager, S., Mennesson, B., Kiessling, A., Warfield, K., Cahoy, K., Clarke, J. T., Domagal-Goldman, S., Feinberg, L., Guyon, O., Kasdin, J., Mawet, D., Plavchan, P., Robinson, T., Rogers, L., Scowen, P., Somerville, R., Stapelfeldt, K., Stark, C., Stern, D., Turnbull, M., Amini, R., Kuan, G., Martin, S., Morgan, R., Redding, D., Stahl, H. P., Webb, R., Alvarez-Salazar, O., Arnold, W. L., Arya, M., Balasubramanian, B., Baysinger, M., Bell, R., Below, C., Benson, J., Blais, L., Booth, J., Bourgeois, R., Bradford, C., Brewer, A., Brooks, T., Cady, E., Caldwell, M., Calvet, R., Carr, S., Chan, D., Cormarkovic, V., Coste, K., Cox, C., Danner, R., Davis, J., Dewell, L., Dorsett, L., Dunn, D., East, M., Effinger, M., Eng, R., Freebury, G., Garcia, J., Gaskin, J., Greene, S., Hennessy, J., Hilgemann, E., Hood, B., Holota, W., Howe, S., Huang, P., Hull, T., Hunt, R., Hurd, K., Johnson, S., Kissil, A., Knight, B., Kolenz, D., Kraus, O., Krist, J., Li, M., Lisman, D., Mandic, M., Mann, J., Marchen, L., Marrese-Reading, C., McCready, J., McGown, J., Missun, J., Miyaguchi, A., Moore, B., Nemati, B., Nikzad, S., Nissen, J., Novicki, M., Perrine, T., Pineda, C., Polanco, O., Putnam, D., Qureshi, A., Richards, M., Eldorado Riggs, A. J., Rodgers, M., Rud, M., Saini, N., Scalisi, D., Scharf, D., Schulz, K., Serabyn, G., Sigrist, N., Sikkia, G., Singleton, A., Shaklan, S., Smith, S., Southerd, B., Stahl, M., Steeves, J., Sturges, B., Sullivan, C., Tang, H., Taras, N., Tesch, J., Therrell, M., Tseng, H., Valente, M., Van Buren, D., Villalvazo, J., Warwick, S., Webb, D., Westerhoff, T., Wofford, R., Wu, G., Woo, J., Wood, M., Ziemer, J., Arney, G., Anderson, J., Maíz-Apellániz, J., Bartlett, J., Belikov, R., Bendek, E., Cenko, B., Douglas, E., Dulz, S., Evans, C., Faramaz, V., Feng, Y. K., Ferguson, H., Follette, K., Ford, S., García, M., Geha, M., Gelino, D., Götberg, Y., Hildebrandt, S., Hu, R., Jahnke, K., Kennedy, G., Kreidberg, L., Isella, A., Lopez, E., Marchis, F., Macri, L., Marley, M., Matzko, W., Mazoyer, J., McCandliss, S., Meshkat, T., Mordasini, C., Morris, P., Nielsen, E., Newman, P., Petigura, E., Postman, M., Reines, A., Roberge, A., Roederer, I., Ruane, G., Schwieterman, E., Sirbu, D., Spalding, C., Teplitz, H., Tumlinson, J., Turner, N., Werk, J., Wofford, A., Wyatt, M., Young, A. and Zellem, R.: The Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx) Mission Concept Study Final Report. arXiv:2001.06683 (2020)

Ihanec, N., Gromadzki, M., Wevers, T., Fraser, M., Benetti, S., Gutierrez, C., Taubenberger, S., Chen, T. W., Schulze, S., Anderson, J., Bravo, T. M., Inserra, C., Kankare, E., Nicholl, M., Yaron, O., Young, D., Tonry, J., Denneau, L., Heinze, A., Weiland, H., Flewelling, H., Stalder, B., Rest, A., Smith, K. W., Smartt, S. J., McBrien, O. and Srivastav, S.: ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients. Transient Name Server AstroNote 203, 1 (2020)

Pineda, J., Galbany, L., Morales-Garoffolo, A., Gutiérrez, C., Inserra, C., Parrag, E., Floers, A., Pastorello, A., Smartt, S. J., Gromadzki, M., Malesani, D., Anderson, J., Bravo, T. M., Chen, T. W., Kankare, E., Nicholl, M., Yaron, O., Young, D., Manulis, I., Tonry, J., Denneau, L., Heinze, A., Weiland, H., Flewelling, H., Stalder, B., Rest, A., Smith, K. W., McBrien, O. and Srivastav, S.: ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients. Transient Name Server AstroNote 67, 1 (2020)

Pineda, J., Morales-Garoffolo, A., Galbany, L., Gutierrez, C., Inserra, C., Parrag, E., Floers, A., Anderson, J., Bravo, T. M., Chen, T. W., Gromadzki, M., Kankare, E., Nicholl, M., Yaron, O., Young, D., Manulis, I., Tonry, J., Denneau, L., Heinze, A., Weiland, H., Flewelling, H., Stalder, B., Rest, A., Smith, K. W., Smartt, S. J., McBrien, O. and Srivastav, S.: ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients. Transient Name Server AstroNote 65, 1 (2020)

Rix, H.-W.: The 2018 Visiting Committee Report. The Messenger 179, 3-4 (2020)


Refereed Papers
Aguado, D. S., R. Ahumada, A. Almeida, S. F. Anderson, B. H. Andrews, B. Anguiano, E. Aquino Ortíz, A. Aragón-Salamanca, M. Argudo-Fernández, M. Aubert, V. Avila-Reese, C. Badenes, S. Barboza Rembold, K. Barger, J. Barrera-Ballesteros, D. Bates, J. Bautista, R. L. Beaton, T. C. Beers, F. Belfiore, M. Bernardi, M. Bershady, F. Beutler, J. Bird, D. Bizyaev, G. A. Blanc, M. R. Blanton, M. Blomqvist, A. S. Bolton, M. Boquien, J. Borissova, J. Bovy, W. N. Brandt, J. Brinkmann, J. R. Brownstein, K. Bundy, A. Burgasser, N. Byler, M. Cano Diaz, M. Cappellari, R. Carrera, B. Cervantes Sodi, Y. Chen, B. Cherinka, P. D. Choi, H. Chung, D. Coffey, J. M. Comerford, J. Comparat, K. Covey, G. da Silva Ilha, L. da Costa, Y. S. Dai, G. Damke, J. Darling, R. Davies, K. Dawson, V. de Sainte Agathe, A. Deconto Machado, A. Del Moro, N. De Lee, A. M. Diamond-Stanic, H. Domínguez Sánchez, J. Donor, N. Drory, H. du Mas des Bourboux, C. Duckworth, T. Dwelly, G. Ebelke, E. Emsellem, S. Escoffier, J. G. Fernández-Trincado, D. Feuillet, J.-L. Fischer, S. W. Fleming, A. Fraser-McKelvie, G. Freischlad, P. M. Frinchaboy, H. Fu, L. Galbany, R. Garcia-Dias, D. A. García-Hernández, L. A. Garma Oehmichen, M. A. Geimba Maia, H. Gil-Marín, K. Grabowski, M. Gu, H. Guo, J. Ha, E. Harrington, S. Hasselquist, C. R. Hayes, F. Hearty, H. Hernandez Toledo, H. Hicks, D. W. Hogg, K. Holley-Bockelmann, J. A. Holtzman, B.-C. Hsieh, J. A. S. Hunt, H. S. Hwang, H. J. Ibarra-Medel, C. E. Jimenez Angel, J. Johnson, A. Jones, H. Jönsson, K. Kinemuchi, J. Kollmeier, C. Krawczyk, K. Kreckel, S. Kruk, I. Lacerna, T.-W. Lan, R. R. Lane, D. R. Law, Y.-B. Lee, C. Li, J. Lian, L. Lin, Y.-T. Lin, C. Lintott, D. Long, P. Longa-Peña, J. T. Mackereth, A. de la Macorra, S. R. Majewski, O. Malanushenko, A. Manchado, C. Maraston, V. Mariappan, M. Marinelli, R. Marques-Chaves, T. Masseron, K. L. Masters, R. M. McDermid, N. Medina Peña, S. Meneses-Goytia, A. Merloni, M. Merrifield, S. Meszaros, D. Minniti, R. Minsley, D. Muna, A. D. Myers, P. Nair, J. Correa do Nascimento, J. A. Newman, C. Nitschelm, M. D. Olmstead, A. Oravetz, D. Oravetz, R. A. Ortega Minakata, Z. Pace, N. Padilla, P. A. Palicio, K. Pan, H.-A. Pan, T. Parikh, J. Parker, III, S. Peirani, S. Penny, W. J. Percival, I. Perez-Fournon, T. Peterken, M. H. Pinsonneault, A. Prakash, M. J. Raddick, A. Raichoor, R. A. Riffel, R. Riffel, H.-W. Rix, A. C. Robin, A. Roman-Lopes, B. Rose, A. J. Ross, G. Rossi, K. Rowlands, K. H. R. Rubin, S. F. Sánchez, J. R. Sánchez-Gallego, C. Sayres, A. Schaefer, R. P. Schiavon, J. S. Schimoia, E. Schlafly, D. Schlegel, D. P. Schneider, M. Schultheis, H.-J. Seo, S. J. Shamsi, Z. Shao, S. Shen, S. Shetty, G. Simonian, R. J. Smethurst, J. Sobeck, B. J. Souter, A. Spindler, D. V. Stark, K. G. Stassun, M. Steinmetz, T. Storchi-Bergmann, G. S. Stringfellow, G. Suárez, J. Sun, M. Taghizadeh-Popp, M. S. Talbot, J. Tayar, A. R. Thakar, D. Thomas, P. Tissera, R. Tojeiro, N. W. Troup, E. Unda-Sanzana, O. Valenzuela, M. Vargas-Magaña, J. A. Vázquez-Mata, D. Wake, B. A. Weaver, A.-M. Weijmans, K. B. Westfall, V. Wild, J. Wilson, E. Woods, R. Yan, M. Yang, O. Zamora, G. Zasowski, K. Zhang, Z. Zheng, Z. Zheng, G. Zhu, J. C. Zinn and H. Zou: The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA-derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 240, (2019)

Aguado, D. S., K. Youakim, J. I. González Hernández, C. Allende Prieto, E. Starkenburg, N. Martin, P. Bonifacio, A. Arentsen, E. Caffau, L. P. de Arriba, F. Sestito, R. Garcia-Diaz, N. Fantin, V. Hill, P. Jablonca, F. Jahandar, C. Kielty, N. Longeard, R. Lucchesi, R. Sánchez-Janssen, Y. Osorio, P. A. Palicio, E. Tolstoy, T. G. Wilson, P. Côté, G. Kordopatis, C. Lardo, J. F. Navarro, G. F. Thomas and K. Venn: The Pristine Survey - VI. The first three years of medium-resolution follow-up spectroscopy of Pristine EMP star candidates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Aihara, H., Y. AlSayyad, M. Ando, R. Armstrong, J. Bosch, E. Egami, H. Furusawa, J. Furusawa, A. Goulding, Y. Harikane, C. Hikage, P. T. P. Ho, B.-C. Hsieh, S. Huang, H. Ikeda, M. Imanishi, K. Ito, I. Iwata, A. T. Jaelani, R. Kakuma, K. Kawana, S. Kikuta, U. Kobayashi, M. Koike, Y. Komiyama, X. Li, Y. Liang, Y.-T. Lin, W. Luo, R. Lupton, N. B. Lust, L. A. MacArthur, Y. Matsuoka, S. Mineo, H. Miyatake, S. Miyazaki, S. More, R. Murata, S. V. Namiki, A. J. Nishizawa, M. Oguri, N. Okabe, S. Okamoto, Y. Okura, Y. Ono, M. Onodera, M. Onoue, K. Osato, M. Ouchi, T. Shibuya, M. A. Strauss, N. Sugiyama, Y. Suto, M. Takada, Y. Takagi, T. Takata, S. Takita, M. Tanaka, T. Terai, Y. Toba, H. Uchiyama, Y. Utsumi, S.-Y. Wang, W. Wang and Y. Yamada: Second data release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 71, 114 (2019)

Albers, S. M., D. R. Weisz, A. A. Cole, A. E. Dolphin, E. D. Skillman, B. F. Williams, M. Boylan-Kolchin, J. S. Bullock, J. J. Dalcanton, P. F. Hopkins, R. Leaman, A. W. McConnachie, M. Vogelsberger and A. Wetzel: Star formation at the edge of the Local Group: a rising star formation history in the isolated galaxy WLM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 5538 (2019)

Alfaro-Cuello, M., N. Kacharov, N. Neumayer, N. Lützgendorf, A. C. Seth, T. Böker, S. Kamann, R. Leaman, G. van de Ven, P. Bianchini, L. L. Watkins and M. Lyubenova: A Deep View into the Nucleus of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy with MUSE. I. Data and Stellar Population Characterization. The Astrophysical Journal 886, 57 (2019)

Alvarez-Marquez, J., L. Colina, R. Marques-Chaves, D. Ceverino, A. Alonso-Herrero, K. Caputi, M. García-Marín, A. Labiano, O. Le Fèvre, H. U. Norgaard-Nielsen, G. Östlin, P. G. Pérez-González, J. P. Pye, T. V. Tikkanen, P. P. van der Werf, F. Walter and G. S. Wright: Investigating the physical properties of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization with MIRI/JWST spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)

An, F. X., J. M. Simpson, I. Smail, A. M. Swinbank, C. Ma, D. Liu, P. Lang, E. Schinnerer, A. Karim, B. Magnelli, S. Leslie, F. Bertoldi, C.-C. Chen, J. E. Geach, Y. Matsuda, S. M. Stach, J. L. Wardlow, B. Gullberg, R. J. Ivison, Y. Ao, R. T. Coogan, A. P. Thomson, S. C. Chapman, R. Wang, W.-H. Wang, Y. Yang, R. Asquith, N. Bourne, K. Coppin, N. K. Hine, L. C. Ho, H. S. Hwang, Y. Kato, K. Lacaille, A. J. R. Lewis, I. Oteo, J. Scholtz, M. Sawicki and D. Smith: Multi-wavelength Properties of Radio- and Machine-learning-identified Counterparts to Submillimeter Sources in S2COSMOS. The Astrophysical Journal 886, 48 (2019)

Andre, P., A. Hughes, V. Guillet, F. Boulanger, A. Bracco, E. Ntormousi, D. Arzoumanian, A. J. Maury, J.-P. Bernard, S. Bontemps, I. Ristorcelli, J. M. Girart, F. Motte, K. Tassis, E. Pantin, T. Montmerle, D. Johnstone, S. Gabici, A. Efstathiou, S. Basu, M. Béthermin, H. Beuther, J. Braine, J. D. Francesco, E. Falgarone, K. Ferrière, A. Fletcher, M. Galametz, M. Giard, P. Hennebelle, A. Jones, A. A. Kepley, J. Kwon, G. Lagache, P. Lesaffre, F. Levrier, D. Li, Z.-Y. Li, S. A. Mao, T. Nakagawa, T. Onaka, R. Paladino, N. Peretto, A. Poglitsch, V. Revéret, L. Rodriguez, M. Sauvage, J. D. Soler, L. Spinoglio, F. Tabatabaei, A. Tritsis, F. van der Tak, D. Ward-Thompson, H. Wiesemeyer, N. Ysard and H. Zhang: Probing the cold magnetised Universe with SPICA-POL (B-BOP). Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 36, (2019)

Arrigoni Battaia, F., J. F. Hennawi, J. X. Prochaska, J. Oñorbe, E. P. Farina, S. Cantalupo and E. Lusso: QSO MUSEUM I: a sample of 61 extended Ly α-emission nebulae surrounding z ̃ 3 quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 3162-3205 (2019)

Arrigoni Battaia, F., A. Obreja, J. X. Prochaska, J. F. Hennawi, H. Rahmani, E. Bañados, E. P. Farina, Z. Cai and A. Man: Discovery of intergalactic bridges connecting two faint z ∼ 3 quasars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A18 (2019)

Bañados, E., M. Novak, M. Neeleman, F. Walter, R. Decarli, B. P. Venemans, C. Mazzucchelli, C. Carilli, F. Wang, X. Fan, E. P. Farina and H.-W. Rix: The z = 7.54 Quasar ULAS J1342+0928 Is Hosted by a Galaxy Merger. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Bañados, E., M. Rauch, R. Decarli, E. P. Farina, J. F. Hennawi, C. Mazzucchelli, B. P. Venemans, F. Walter, R. A. Simcoe, J. X. Prochaska, T. Cooper, F. B. Davies and S.-F. S. Chen: A Metal-poor Damped LyŒ± System at Redshift 6.4. The Astrophysical Journal 885, 59 (2019)

Barišić, I., A. van der Wel, J. van Houdt, M. V. Maseda, E. F. Bell, R. Bezanson, Y.-Y. Chang, H. Röttgering, G. van de Ven and P.-F. Wu: An Absence of Radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei in Geometrically Flat Quiescent Galaxies: Implications for Maintenance-mode Feedback Models. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Barnes, A. T., S. N. Longmore, A. Avison, Y. Contreras, A. Ginsburg, J. D. Henshaw, J. M. Rathborne, D. L. Walker, J. Alves, J. Bally, C. Battersby, M. T. Beltrán, H. Beuther, G. Garay, L. Gomez, J. Jackson, J. Kainulainen, J. M. D. Kruijssen, X. Lu, E. A. C. Mills, J. Ott and T. Peters: Young massive star cluster formation in the Galactic Centre is driven by global gravitational collapse of high-mass molecular clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 283-303 (2019)

Barnes, D. J., R. Kannan, M. Vogelsberger, C. Pfrommer, E. Puchwein, R. Weinberger, V. Springel, R. Pakmor, D. Nelson, F. Marinacci, A. Pillepich, P. Torrey and L. Hernquist: Enhancing AGN efficiency and cool-core formation with anisotropic thermal conduction. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 3003-3013 (2019)

Barreira, A., D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, V. Springel, F. Schmidt, R. Pakmor, L. Hernquist and M. Vogelsberger: Separate Universe simulations with IllustrisTNG: baryonic effects on power spectrum responses and higher-order statistics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 2079-2092 (2019)

Barro, G., P. G. Pérez-González, A. Cava, G. Brammer, V. Pandya, C. Eliche Moral, P. Esquej, H. Domínguez-Sánchez, B. Alcalde Pampliega, Y. Guo, A. M. Koekemoer, J. R. Trump, M. L. N. Ashby, N. Cardiel, M. Castellano, C. J. Conselice, M. E. Dickinson, T. Dolch, J. L. Donley, N. Espino Briones, S. M. Faber, G. G. Fazio, H. Ferguson, S. Finkelstein, A. Fontana, A. Galametz, J. P. Gardner, E. Gawiser, M. Giavalisco, A. Grazian, N. A. Grogin, N. P. Hathi, S. Hemmati, A. Hernán-Caballero, D. Kocevski, D. C. Koo, D. Kodra, K.-S. Lee, L. Lin, R. A. Lucas, B. Mobasher, E. J. McGrath, K. Nandra, H. Nayyeri, J. A. Newman, J. Pforr, M. Peth, M. Rafelski, L. Rodríguez-Munoz, M. Salvato, M. Stefanon, A. van der Wel, S. P. Willner, T. Wiklind and S. Wuyts: The CANDELS/SHARDS Multiwavelength Catalog in GOODS-N: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, Stellar Masses, Emission-line Fluxes, and Star Formation Rates. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 243, (2019)

Battisti, A. J., E. da Cunha, K. Grasha, M. Salvato, E. Daddi, L. Davies, S. Jin, D. Liu, E. Schinnerer and M. Vaccari: MAGPHYS+photo-z: Constraining the Physical Properties of Galaxies with Unknown Redshifts. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)

Beane, A., R. E. Sanderson, M. K. Ness, K. V. Johnston, D. Grion Filho, M.-M. Mac Low, D. Anglés-Alcázar, D. W. Hogg and C. F. P. Laporte: The Implications of Local Fluctuations in the Galactic Midplane for Dynamical Analysis in the Gaia Era. The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)

Beasley, M. A., R. Leaman, C. Gallart, S. r. S. Larsen, G. Battaglia, M. Monelli and M. H. Pedreros: An old, metal-poor globular cluster in Sextans A and the metallicity floor of globular cluster systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 1986-1993 (2019)

Becker, G. D., M. Pettini, M. Rafelski, V. D'Odorico, E. Boera, L. Christensen, G. Cupani, S. L. Ellison, E. P. Farina, M. Fumagalli, S. López, M. Neeleman, E. V. Ryan-Weber and G. b. Worseck: The Evolution of O I over 3.2 < z < 6.5: Reionization of the Circumgalactic Medium. The Astrophysical Journal 883, 163 (2019)

Berg, T. A. M., S. L. Ellison, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, S. López, V. D'Odorico, G. D. Becker, L. Christensen, G. Cupani, K. D. Denney and G. Worseck: Sub-damped Lyman α systems in the XQ-100 survey - I. Identification and contribution to the cosmological H I budget. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 4356-4369 (2019)

Bittner, A., J. Falcón-Barroso, B. Nedelchev, A. Dorta, D. A. Gadotti, M. Sarzi, A. Molaeinezhad, E. Iodice, D. Rosado-Belza, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, F. Fragkoudi, P. M. Galán-de Anta, B. Husemann, J. Méndez-Abreu, J. Neumann, F. Pinna, M. Querejeta, P. Sánchez-Blázquez and M. K. Seidel: The GIST pipeline: A multi-purpose tool for the analysis and visualisation of (integral-field) spectroscopic data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)

Blanc, G. A., Y. Lu, A. Benson, A. Katsianis and M. Barraza: A Characteristic Mass Scale in the Mass─Metallicity Relation of Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)

Bland-Hawthorn, J., S. Sharma, T. Tepper-Garcia, J. Binney, K. C. Freeman, M. R. Hayden, J. Kos, G. M. De Silva, S. Ellis, G. F. Lewis, M. Asplund, S. Buder, A. R. Casey, V. D'Orazi, L. Duong, S. Khanna, J. Lin, K. Lind, S. L. Martell, M. K. Ness, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, T. æ. Zwitter, P. R. Kafle, A. C. Quillen, Y.-S. Ting and R. F. G. Wyse: The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: dissecting the stellar disc's phase space by age, action, chemistry, and location. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 1167-1191 (2019)

Blank, M., A. V. Macciò, A. A. Dutton and A. Obreja: NIHAO - XXII. Introducing black hole formation, accretion, and feedback into the NIHAO simulation suite. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 5476-5489 (2019)

Bonaca, A., C. Conroy, A. M. Price-Whelan and D. W. Hogg: Multiple Components of the Jhelum Stellar Stream. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Bonaca, A., D. W. Hogg, A. M. Price-Whelan and C. Conroy: The Spur and the Gap in GD-1: Dynamical Evidence for a Dark Substructure in the Milky Way Halo. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Bonifacio, P., E. Caffau, F. Sestito, C. Lardo, N. F. Martin, E. Starkenburg, L. Sbordone, P. François, P. Jablonka, A. A. Henden, S. Salvadori, J. I. González Hernández, D. S. Aguado, V. Hill, K. Venn, J. F. Navarro, A. Arentsen, R. Sanchez-Janssen and R. Carlberg: The Pristine survey - V. A bright star sample observed with SOPHIE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 3797-3814 (2019)

Bonvin, V., M. Millon, J. H.-H. Chan, F. Courbin, C. E. Rusu, D. Sluse, S. H. Suyu, K. C. Wong, C. D. Fassnacht, P. J. Marshall, T. Treu, E. Buckley-Geer, J. Frieman, A. Hempel, S. Kim, R. Lachaume, M. Rabus, D. C.-Y. Chao, M. Chijani, D. Gilman, K. Gilmore, K. Rojas, P. Williams, T. Anguita, C. S. Kochanek, C. Morgan, V. Motta, M. Tewes and G. Meylan: COSMOGRAIL. XVIII. time delays of the quadruply lensed quasar WFI2033-4723. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)

Bosco, F., J.-U. Pott and R. Schödel: SOWAT: Speckle Observations with Alleviated Turbulence. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131, 044502 (2019)

Bose, S., D. J. Eisenstein, L. Hernquist, A. Pillepich, D. Nelson, F. Marinacci, V. Springel and M. Vogelsberger: Revealing the galaxy-halo connection in IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Braga, V. F., P. B. Stetson, G. Bono, M. Dall'Ora, I. Ferraro, G. Fiorentino, G. Iannicola, L. Inno, M. Marengo, J. Neeley, R. L. Beaton, R. Buonanno, A. Calamida, R. Contreras Ramos, B. Chaboyer, M. Fabrizio, W. L. Freedman, C. K. Gilligan, K. V. Johnston, J. Lub, B. F. Madore, D. Magurno, M. Marconi, S. Marinoni, P. M. Marrese, M. Mateo, N. Matsunaga, D. Minniti, A. J. Monson, M. Monelli, M. Nonino, S. E. Persson, A. Pietrinferni, C. Sneden, J. Storm, A. R. Walker, E. Valenti and M. Zoccali: New near-infrared JHKs light-curve templates for RR Lyrae variables. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)

Brisbin, D., M. Aravena, E. Daddi, H. Dannerbauer, R. Decarli, J. González-López, D. Riechers and J. Wagg: Neutral carbon and highly excited CO in a massive star-forming main sequence galaxy at z = 2.2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)

Britzen, S., C. Fendt, M. Böttcher, M. Zajaček, F. Jaron, I. N. Pashchenko, A. Araudo, V. Karas and O. Kurtanidze: A cosmic collider: Was the IceCube neutrino generated in a precessing jet-jet interaction in TXS 0506+056? Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A103 (2019)

Buck, T., A. A. Dutton and A. V. Macciò: An observational test for star formation prescriptions in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 1481-1487 (2019)

Buck, T., A. V. Macciò, A. A. Dutton, A. Obreja and J. Frings: NIHAO XV: the environmental impact of the host galaxy on galactic satellite and field dwarf galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 1314-1341 (2019)

Buck, T., M. Ness, A. Obreja, A. V. Macciò and A. A. Dutton: Stars behind Bars II: A Cosmological Formation Scenario for the Milky Way’s Central Stellar Structure. The Astrophysical Journal 874, (2019)

Buder, S., K. Lind, M. K. Ness, M. Asplund, L. Duong, J. Lin, J. Kos, L. Casagrande, A. R. Casey, J. Bland-Hawthorn, G. M. de Silva, V. D'Orazi, K. C. Freeman, S. L. Martell, K. J. Schlesinger, S. Sharma, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, T. Zwitter, K. Čotar, A. Dotter, M. R. Hayden, E. A. Hyde, P. R. Kafle, G. F. Lewis, D. M. Nataf, T. Nordlander, W. Reid, H.-W. Rix, Á. Skúladóttir, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting, G. Traven, R. F. G. Wyse and G. Collaboration: The GALAH survey: An abundance, age, and kinematic inventory of the solar neighbourhood made with TGAS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)

Buder, S., K. Lind, M. K. Ness, M. Asplund, L. Duong, J. Lin, J. Kos, L. Casagrande, A. R. Casey, J. Bland-Hawthorn, G. M. de Silva, V. D'Orazi, K. C. Freeman, S. L. Martell, K. J. Schlesinger, S. Sharma, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, T. Zwitter, K. ƒåotar, A. Dotter, M. R. Hayden, E. A. Hyde, P. R. Kafle, G. F. Lewis, D. M. Nataf, T. Nordlander, W. Reid, H.-W. Rix, Å. Sk√∫lad√≥ttir, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting, G. Traven, R. F. G. Wyse and G. Collaboration: The GALAH survey: An abundance, age, and kinematic inventory of the solar neighbourhood made with TGAS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)

Calabrò, A., E. Daddi, A. Puglisi, E. Oliva, R. Gobat, P. Cassata, R. Amorín, N. Arimoto, M. Boquien, R. Carraro, I. Delvecchio, E. Ibar, S. Jin, S. Juneau, D. Liu, M. Onodera, F. Mannucci, H. Méndez-Hernández, G. Rodighiero, F. Valentino and A. Zanella: Deciphering an evolutionary sequence of merger stages in infrared-luminous starburst galaxies at z ̃ 0.7. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)

Carson, D. J., A. J. Barth, A. C. Seth, M. den Brok, M. Cappellari, J. E. Greene, L. C. Ho and N. Neumayer: Erratum: “The Structure of Nuclear Star Clusters in Nearby Late-type Spiral Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 Imaging” (2015, AJ, 149 170). The Astronomical Journal 158, 260 (2019)

Casali, G., L. Magrini, E. Tognelli, R. Jackson, R. D. Jeffries, N. Lagarde, G. Tautvaišienė, T. Masseron, S. Degl'Innocenti, P. G. Prada Moroni, G. Kordopatis, E. Pancino, S. Randich, S. Feltzing, C. Sahlholdt, L. Spina, E. Friel, V. Roccatagliata, N. Sanna, A. Bragaglia, A. Drazdauskas, Mikolaitis, R. Minkevičiūtė, E. Stonkutė, Y. Chorniy, V. Bagdonas, F. Jimenez-Esteban, S. Martell, M. Van der Swaelmen, G. Gilmore, A. Vallenari, T. Bensby, S. E. Koposov, A. Korn, C. Worley, R. Smiljanic, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, F. Damiani, L. Prisinzano, R. Bonito, E. Franciosini, A. Gonneau, A. Hourihane, P. Jofre, J. Lewis, L. Morbidelli, G. Sacco, S. G. Sousa, S. Zaggia, A. C. Lanzafame, U. Heiter, A. Frasca and A. Bayo: The Gaia-ESO survey: Calibrating a relationship between age and the [C/N] abundance ratio with open clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)

Casey, A. R., A. Y. Q. Ho, M. Ness, D. W. Hogg, H.-W. Rix, G. C. Angelou, S. Hekker, C. A. Tout, J. C. Lattanzio, A. I. Karakas, T. E. Woods, A. M. Price-Whelan and K. C. Schlaufman: Tidal Interactions between Binary Stars Can Drive Lithium Production in Low-mass Red Giants. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Chauke, P., A. van der Wel, C. Pacifici, R. Bezanson, P.-F. Wu, A. Gallazzi, C. Straatman, M. Franx, I. Barišić, E. F. Bell, J. van Houdt, M. V. Maseda, A. Muzzin, D. Sobral and J. Spilker: Rejuvenation in z ∼ 0.8 Quiescent Galaxies in LEGA-C. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)

Cheng, T., D. L. Clements, J. Greenslade, J. Cairns, P. Andreani, M. Bremer, L. Conversi, A. Cooray, H. Dannerbauer, G. De Zotti, S. Eales, J. González-Nuevo, E. Ibar, L. Leeuw, J. Ma, M. J. Michałowski, H. Nayyeri, D. A. Riechers, D. Scott, P. Temi, M. Vaccari, I. Valtchanov, E. van Kampen and L. Wang: SCUBA-2 observations of candidate starbursting protoclusters selected by Planck and Herschel-SPIRE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Chevallard, J., E. Curtis-Lake, S. p. Charlot, P. Ferruit, G. Giardino, M. Franx, M. V. Maseda, R. Amorin, S. Arribas, A. Bunker, S. Carniani, B. Husemann, P. Jakobsen, R. Maiolino, J. Pforr, T. D. Rawle, H.-W. Rix, R. Smit and C. J. Willott: Simulating and interpreting deep observations in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field with the JWST/NIRSpec low-resolution `prism'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 2621-2640 (2019)

Chua, K. T. E., A. Pillepich, M. Vogelsberger and L. Hernquist: Shape of dark matter haloes in the Illustris simulation: effects of baryons. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 476-493 (2019)

Cibinel, A., E. Daddi, M. T. Sargent, E. Le Floc'h, D. Liu, F. Bournaud, P. A. Oesch, P. Amram, A. Calabrò, P.-A. Duc, M. Pannella, A. Puglisi, V. Perret, D. Elbaz and V. Kokorev: Early- and late-stage mergers among main sequence and starburst galaxies at 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 5631-5651 (2019)

Coatman, L., P. C. Hewett, M. Banerji, G. T. Richards, J. F. Hennawi and J. X. Prochaska: Kinematics of C IV and [O III] emission in luminous high-redshift quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 5335-5348 (2019)

Collaboration, E., R. Barnett, S. J. Warren, D. J. Mortlock, J.-G. Cuby, C. Conselice, P. C. Hewett, C. J. Willott, N. Auricchio, A. Balaguera-Antolínez, M. Baldi, S. Bardelli, F. Bellagamba, R. Bender, A. Biviano, D. Bonino, E. Bozzo, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, C. Burigana, S. Camera, V. Capobianco, C. Carbone, J. Carretero, C. S. Carvalho, F. J. Castander, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, R. Clédassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, L. Corcione, J. Coupon, H. M. Courtois, M. Cropper, A. Da Silva, C. A. J. Duncan, S. Dusini, A. Ealet, S. Farrens, P. Fosalba, S. Fotopoulou, N. Fourmanoit, M. Frailis, M. Fumana, S. Galeotta, B. Garilli, W. Gillard, B. R. Gillis, J. Graciá-Carpio, F. Grupp, H. Hoekstra, F. Hormuth, H. Israel, K. Jahnke, S. Kermiche, M. Kilbinger, C. C. Kirkpatrick, T. Kitching, R. Kohley, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, R. Laureijs, S. Ligori, P. B. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Mansutti, O. Marggraf, N. Martinet, F. Marulli, R. Massey, N. Mauri, E. Medinaceli, S. Mei, Y. Mellier, R. B. Metcalf, J. J. Metge, G. Meylan, M. Moresco, L. Moscardini, E. Munari, C. Neissner, S. M. Niemi, T. Nutma, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, P. Paykari, W. J. Percival, V. Pettorino, G. Polenta, M. Poncet, L. Pozzetti, F. Raison, A. Renzi, J. Rhodes, H.-W. Rix, E. Romelli, M. Roncarelli, E. Rossetti, R. Saglia, D. Sapone, R. Scaramella, P. Schneider, V. Scottez, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, G. Sirri, L. Stanco, F. Sureau, P. Tallada-Crespí, D. Tavagnacco, A. N. Taylor, M. Tenti, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo, F. Torradeflot, L. Valenziano, T. Vassallo, Y. Wang, A. Zacchei, G. Zamorani, J. Zoubian and E. Zucca: Euclid preparation. V. Predicted yield of redshift 7 < z < 9 quasars from the wide survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A85 (2019)

Collaboration, G., A. Amorim, M. Bauböck, M. Benisty, J.-P. Berger, Y. Clénet, V. Coudé Du Forest, T. de Zeeuw, J. Dexter, G. Duvert, A. Eckart, F. Eisenhauer, M. C. Ferreira, F. Gao, P. J. V. Garcia, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, P. Gordo, M. Habibi, M. Horrobin, A. Jimenez-Rosales, L. Jocou, P. Kervella, S. Lacour, J.-B. Le Bouquin, P. Léna, T. Ott, M. Pössel, T. Paumard, K. Perraut, G. Perrin, O. Pfuhl, G. Rodriguez Coira, G. Rousset, O. Straub, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, F. Vincent, S. von Fellenberg, I. Waisberg and F. Widmann: Scalar field effects on the orbit of S2 star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 4606-4621 (2019)

Collaboration, G., L. Eyer, L. Rimoldini, M. Audard, R. I. Anderson, K. Nienartowicz, F. Glass, O. Marchal, M. Grenon, N. Mowlavi, B. Holl, G. Clementini, C. Aerts, T. Mazeh, D. W. Evans, L. Szabados, A. G. A. Brown, A. Vallenari, T. Prusti, J. H. J. de Bruijne, C. Babusiaux, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Biermann, F. Jansen, C. Jordi, S. A. Klioner, U. Lammers, L. Lindegren, X. Luri, F. Mignard, C. Panem, D. Pourbaix, S. Randich, P. Sartoretti, H. I. Siddiqui, C. Soubiran, F. van Leeuwen, N. A. Walton, F. Arenou, U. Bastian, M. Cropper, R. Drimmel, D. Katz, M. G. Lattanzi, J. Bakker, C. Cacciari, J. Casta√±eda, L. Chaoul, N. Cheek, F. De Angeli, C. Fabricius, R. Guerra, E. Masana, R. Messineo, P. Panuzzo, J. Portell, M. Riello, G. M. Seabroke, P. Tanga, F. Th√©venin, G. Gracia-Abril, G. Comoretto, M. Garcia-Reinaldos, D. Teyssier, M. Altmann, R. Andrae, I. Bellas-Velidis, K. Benson, J. Berthier, R. Blomme, P. Burgess, G. Busso, B. Carry, A. Cellino, M. Clotet, O. Creevey, M. Davidson, J. De Ridder, L. Delchambre, A. Dell'Oro, C. Ducourant, J. Fern√°ndez-Hern√°ndez, M. Fouesneau, Y. Fr√©mat, L. Galluccio, M. Garc√≠a-Torres, J. Gonz√°lez-N√∫√±ez, J. J. Gonz√°lez-Vidal, E. Gosset, L. P. Guy, J.-L. Halbwachs, N. C. Hambly, D. L. Harrison, J. Hern√°ndez, D. Hestroffer, S. T. Hodgkin, A. Hutton, G. Jasniewicz, A. Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, S. Jordan, A. J. Korn, A. Krone-Martins, A. C. Lanzafame, T. Lebzelter, W. L√∂ffler, M. Manteiga, P. M. Marrese, J. M. Mart√≠n-Fleitas, A. Moitinho, A. Mora, K. Muinonen, J. Osinde, E. Pancino, T. Pauwels, J.-M. Petit, A. Recio-Blanco, P. J. Richards, A. C. Robin, L. M. Sarro, C. Siopis, M. Smith, A. Sozzetti, M. S√ºveges, J. Torra, W. van Reeven, U. Abbas, A. Abreu Aramburu, S. Accart, G. Altavilla, M. A. √Ålvarez, R. Alvarez, J. Alves, A. H. Andrei, E. Anglada Varela, E. Antiche, T. Antoja, B. Arcay, T. L. Astraatmadja, N. Bach, S. G. Baker, L. Balaguer-N√∫√±ez, P. Balm, C. Barache, C. Barata, D. Barbato, F. Barblan, P. S. Barklem, D. Barrado, M. Barros, M. A. Barstow, S. Bartholom√© Mu√±oz, J.-L. Bassilana, U. Becciani, M. Bellazzini, A. Berihuete, S. Bertone, L. Bianchi, O. Bienaym√©, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, T. Boch, C. Boeche, A. Bombrun, R. Borrachero, D. Bossini, S. Bouquillon, G. Bourda, A. Bragaglia, L. Bramante, M. A. Breddels, A. Bressan, N. Brouillet, T. Br√ºsemeister, E. Brugaletta, B. Bucciarelli, A. Burlacu, D. Busonero, A. G. Butkevich, R. Buzzi, E. Caffau, R. Cancelliere, G. Cannizzaro, T. Cantat-Gaudin, R. Carballo, T. Carlucci, J. M. Carrasco, L. Casamiquela, M. Castellani, A. Castro-Ginard, P. Charlot, L. Chemin, A. Chiavassa, G. Cocozza, G. Costigan, S. Cowell, F. Crifo, M. Crosta, C. Crowley, J. Cuypers, C. Dafonte, Y. Damerdji, A. Dapergolas, P. David, M. David, P. de Laverny, F. De Luise, R. De March, D. de Martino, R. de Souza, A. de Torres, J. Debosscher, E. del Pozo, M. Delbo, A. Delgado, H. E. Delgado, S. Diakite, C. Diener, E. Distefano, C. Dolding, P. Drazinos, J. Dur√°n, B. Edvardsson, H. Enke, K. Eriksson, P. Esquej, G. Eynard Bontemps, C. Fabre, M. Fabrizio, S. Faigler, A. J. Falc√£o, M. Farr√†s Casas, L. Federici, G. Fedorets, P. Fernique, F. Figueras, F. Filippi, K. Findeisen, A. Fonti, E. Fraile, M. Fraser, B. Fr√©zouls, M. Gai, S. Galleti, D. Garabato, F. Garc√≠a-Sedano, A. Garofalo, N. Garralda, A. Gavel, P. Gavras, J. Gerssen, R. Geyer, P. Giacobbe, G. Gilmore, S. Girona, G. Giuffrida, M. Gomes, M. Granvik, A. Gueguen, A. Guerrier, J. Guiraud, R. Guti√©rrez-S√°nchez, R. Haigron, D. Hatzidimitriou, M. Hauser, M. Haywood, U. Heiter, A. Helmi, J. Heu, T. Hilger, D. Hobbs, W. Hofmann, G. Holland, H. E. Huckle, A. Hypki, V. Icardi, K. Jan√üen, G. Jevardat de Fombelle, P. G. Jonker, Å. L. Juh√°sz, F. Julbe, A. Karampelas, A. Kewley, J. Klar, A. Kochoska, R. Kohley, K. Kolenberg, M. Kontizas, E. Kontizas, S. E. Koposov, G. Kordopatis, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, P. Koubsky, S. Lambert, A. F. Lanza, Y. Lasne, J.-B. Lavigne, Y. Le Fustec, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, Y. Lebreton, S. Leccia, N. Leclerc, I. Lecoeur-Taibi, H. Lenhardt, F. Leroux, S. Liao, E. Licata, H. E. P. Lindstr√∏m, T. A. Lister, E. Livanou, A. Lobel, M. L√≥pez, D. Lorenz, S. Managau, R. G. Mann, G. Mantelet, J. M. Marchant, M. Marconi, S. Marinoni, G. Marschalk√≥, D. J. Marshall, M. Martino, G. Marton, N. Mary, D. Massari, G. Matijeviƒç, P. J. McMillan, S. Messina, D. Michalik, N. R. Millar, D. Molina, R. Molinaro, L. Moln√°r, P. Montegriffo, R. Mor, R. Morbidelli, T. Morel, S. Morgenthaler, D. Morris, A. F. Mulone, T. Muraveva, I. Musella, G. Nelemans, L. Nicastro, L. Noval, W. O'Mullane, C. Ord√©novic, D. Ord√≥√±ez-Blanco, P. Osborne, C. Pagani, I. Pagano, F. Pailler, H. Palacin, L. Palaversa, A. Panahi, M. Pawlak, A. M. Piersimoni, F.-X. Pineau, E. Plachy, G. Plum, E. Poggio, E. Poujoulet, A. Pr≈°a, L. Pulone, E. Racero, S. Ragaini, N. Rambaux, M. Ramos-Lerate, S. Regibo, C. Reyl√©, F. Riclet, V. Ripepi, A. Riva, A. Rivard, G. Rixon, T. Roegiers, M. Roelens, M. Romero-G√≥mez, N. Rowell, F. Royer, L. Ruiz-Dern, G. Sadowski, T. Sagrist√† Sell√©s, J. Sahlmann, J. Salgado, E. Salguero, N. Sanna, T. Santana-Ros, M. Sarasso, H. Savietto, M. Schultheis, E. Sciacca, M. Segol, J. C. Segovia, D. S√©gransan, I.-C. Shih, L. Siltala, A. F. Silva, R. L. Smart, K. W. Smith, E. Solano, F. Solitro, R. Sordo, S. Soria Nieto, J. Souchay, A. Spagna, F. Spoto, U. Stampa, I. A. Steele, H. Steidelm√ºller, C. A. Stephenson, H. Stoev, F. F. Suess, J. Surdej, E. Szegedi-Elek, D. Tapiador, F. Taris, G. Tauran, M. B. Taylor, R. Teixeira, D. Terrett, P. Teyssandier, W. Thuillot, A. Titarenko, F. Torra Clotet, C. Turon, A. Ulla, E. Utrilla, S. Uzzi, M. Vaillant, G. Valentini, V. Valette, A. van Elteren, E. Van Hemelryck, M. van Leeuwen, M. Vaschetto, A. Vecchiato, J. Veljanoski, Y. Viala, D. Vicente, S. Vogt, C. von Essen, H. Voss, V. Votruba, S. Voutsinas, G. Walmsley, M. Weiler, O. Wertz, T. Wevers, Å. Wyrzykowski, A. Yoldas, M. ≈Ωerjal, H. Ziaeepour, J. Zorec, S. Zschocke, S. Zucker, C. Zurbach and T. Zwitter: Gaia Data Release 2. Variable stars in the colour-absolute magnitude diagram. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)

Connor, T., E. Bañados, D. Stern, R. Decarli, J.-T. Schindler, X. Fan, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, J. S. Mulchaey and F. Walter: X-Ray Observations of a z ∼ 6.2 Quasar/Galaxy Merger. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 171 (2019)

Contini, E., Q. Gu, X. Kang, J. Rhee and S. K. Yi: The Roles of Mass and Environment in the Quenching of Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)

Contini, E., S. K. Yi and X. Kang: Theoretical Predictions of Colors and Metallicity of the Intracluster Light. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)

Coogan, R. T., M. T. Sargent, E. Daddi, F. Valentino, V. Strazzullo, M. Béthermin, R. Gobat, D. Liu and G. Magdis: Suppressed CO emission and high G/D ratios in z = 2 galaxies with sub-solar gas-phase metallicity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 2092-2105 (2019)

Cook, D. O., M. M. Kasliwal, A. Van Sistine, D. L. Kaplan, J. S. Sutter, T. Kupfer, D. L. Shupe, R. R. Laher, F. J. Masci, D. A. Dale, B. Sesar, P. R. Brady, L. Yan, E. O. Ofek, D. H. Reitze and S. R. Kulkarni: Census of the Local Universe (CLU) Narrowband Survey. I. Galaxy Catalogs from Preliminary Fields. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Cook, D. O., J. C. Lee, A. Adamo, H. Kim, R. Chandar, B. C. Whitmore, A. Mok, J. E. Ryon, D. A. Dale, D. Calzetti, J. E. Andrews, A. Aloisi, G. Ashworth, S. N. Bright, T. M. Brown, C. Christian, M. Cignoni, G. C. Clayton, R. da Silva, S. E. de Mink, C. L. Dobbs, B. G. Elmegreen, D. M. Elmegreen, A. S. Evans, M. Fumagalli, J. S. Gallagher, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, A. Herrero, D. A. Hunter, E. I. Jensen, K. E. Johnson, L. Kahre, R. C. Kennicutt, M. R. Krumholz, N. J. Lee, D. Lennon, S. Linden, C. Martin, M. Messa, P. Nair, A. Nota, G. Östlin, R. C. Parziale, A. Pellerin, M. W. Regan, E. Sabbi, E. Sacchi, D. Schaerer, D. Schiminovich, F. Shabani, F. A. Slane, J. Small, C. L. Smith, L. J. Smith, S. Taibi, D. A. Thilker, I. C. de la Torre, M. Tosi, J. A. Turner, L. Ubeda, S. D. Van Dyk, R. A. Walterbos and A. Wofford: Star cluster catalogues for the LEGUS dwarf galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 4897-4919 (2019)

Čotar, K., T. Zwitter, J. Kos, U. Munari, S. L. Martell, M. Asplund, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Buder, G. M. de Silva, K. C. Freeman, S. Sharma, B. Anguiano, D. Carollo, J. Horner, G. F. Lewis, D. M. Nataf, T. Nordlander, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting, C. Tinney, G. Traven, R. A. Wittenmyer and G. Collaboration: The GALAH survey: a catalogue of carbon-enhanced stars and CEMP candidates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 3196-3212 (2019)

Čotar, K., T. Zwitter, G. Traven, J. Kos, M. Asplund, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Buder, V. D'Orazi, G. M. de Silva, J. Lin, S. L. Martell, S. Sharma, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, J. Horner, G. F. Lewis, T. Nordlander, Y.-S. Ting, R. A. Wittenmyer and G. Collaboration: The GALAH survey: unresolved triple Sun-like stars discovered by the Gaia mission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 2474-2490 (2019)

Čotar, K., T. æ. Zwitter, J. Kos, U. Munari, S. L. Martell, M. Asplund, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Buder, G. M. de Silva, K. C. Freeman, S. Sharma, B. Anguiano, D. Carollo, J. Horner, G. F. Lewis, D. M. Nataf, T. Nordlander, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting, C. Tinney, G. Traven, R. A. Wittenmyer and G. Collaboration: The GALAH survey: a catalogue of carbon-enhanced stars and CEMP candidates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 3196-3212 (2019)

Čotar, K., T. æ. Zwitter, G. Traven, J. Kos, M. Asplund, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Buder, V. D'Orazi, G. M. de Silva, J. Lin, S. L. Martell, S. Sharma, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, J. Horner, G. F. Lewis, T. Nordlander, Y.-S. Ting, R. A. Wittenmyer and G. Collaboration: The GALAH survey: unresolved triple Sun-like stars discovered by the Gaia mission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 2474 (2019)

Côté, B., M. Eichler, A. Arcones, C. J. Hansen, P. Simonetti, A. Frebel, C. L. Fryer, M. Pignatari, M. Reichert, K. Belczynski and F. Matteucci: Neutron Star Mergers Might Not Be the Only Source of r-process Elements in the Milky Way. The Astrophysical Journal 875, (2019)

Crighton, N. H. M., J. X. Prochaska, M. T. Murphy, J. M. O'Meara, G. Worseck and B. D. Smith: Imprints of the first billion years: Lyman limit systems at z ̃ 5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 1456-1470 (2019)

Cui, W., A. Knebe, N. I. Libeskind, S. Planelles, X. Yang, W. Cui, R. Davé, X. Kang, R. Mostoghiu, L. Staveley-Smith, H. Wang, P. Wang and G. Yepes: The large-scale environment from cosmological simulations II: The redshift evolution and distributions of baryons. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 2367-2379 (2019)

Da Costa, G. S., M. S. Bessell, A. D. Mackey, T. Nordlander, M. Asplund, A. R. Casey, A. Frebel, K. Lind, A. F. Marino, S. J. Murphy, J. E. Norris, B. P. Schmidt and D. Yong: The SkyMapper DR1.1 Search for Extremely Metal-Poor Stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Davies, F. B., J. F. Hennawi and A.-C. Eilers: Evidence for Low Radiative Efficiency or Highly Obscured Growth of z > 7 Quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 884, L19 (2019)

de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., P. Sánchez-Blázquez, J. Méndez-Abreu, D. A. Gadotti, J. Falcón-Barroso, I. Martínez-Valpuesta, P. Coelho, F. Fragkoudi, B. Husemann, R. Leaman, I. Pérez, M. Querejeta, M. Seidel and G. van de Ven: Clocking the assembly of double-barred galaxies with the MUSE TIMER project. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5296-5314 (2019)

De Rosa, A., C. Vignali, T. Bogdanoviƒá, P. R. Capelo, M. Charisi, M. Dotti, B. Husemann, E. Lusso, L. Mayer, Z. Paragi, J. Runnoe, A. Sesana, L. Steinborn, S. Bianchi, M. Colpi, L. del Valle, S. n. Frey, K. â. Gab√°nyi, M. Giustini, M. Guainazzi, Z. Haiman, N. Herrera Ruiz, R. n. Herrero-Illana, K. Iwasawa, S. Komossa, D. Lena, N. Loiseau, M. Perez-Torres, E. Piconcelli and M. Volonteri: The quest for dual and binary supermassive black holes: A multi-messenger view. New Astronomy Reviews 86, 101525 (2019)

Decarli, R., M. Dotti, E. Bañados, E. P. Farina, F. Walter, C. Carilli, X. Fan, C. Mazzucchelli, M. Neeleman, M. Novak, D. Riechers, M. A. Strauss, B. P. Venemans, Y. Yang and R. Wang: ALMA and HST Kiloparsec-scale Imaging of a Quasar-galaxy Merger at Z ≈ 6.2. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Decarli, R., F. Walter, J. Gónzalez-López, M. Aravena, L. Boogaard, C. Carilli, P. Cox, E. Daddi, G. Popping, D. Riechers, B. Uzgil, A. Weiss, R. J. Assef, R. Bacon, F. E. Bauer, F. Bertoldi, R. Bouwens, T. Contini, P. C. Cortes, E. da Cunha, T. Díaz-Santos, D. Elbaz, H. Inami, J. Hodge, R. Ivison, O. Le Fèvre, B. Magnelli, M. Novak, P. Oesch, H.-W. Rix, M. T. Sargent, I. Smail, A. M. Swinbank, R. S. Somerville, P. van der Werf, J. Wagg and L. Wisotzki: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: CO Luminosity Functions and the Molecular Gas Content of Galaxies through Cosmic History. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)

Diemer, B., A. R. H. Stevens, C. d. P. Lagos, A. R. Calette, S. Tacchella, L. Hernquist, F. Marinacci, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, V. Rodriguez-Gomez, F. Villaescusa-Navarro and M. Vogelsberger: Atomic and molecular gas in IllustrisTNG galaxies at low redshift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 1529-1550 (2019)

Dong, S., A. Mérand, F. Delplancke-Ströbele, A. Gould, P. Chen, R. Post, C. S. Kochanek, K. Z. Stanek, G. W. Christie, R. Mutel, T. Natusch, T. W.-S. Holoien, J. L. Prieto, B. J. Shappee and T. A. Thompson: First Resolution of Microlensed Images. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)

Dong, S., A. Mérand, F. Delplancke-Ströbele, A. Gould, P. Chen, R. Post, C. S. Kochanek, K. Z. Stanek, G. W. Christie, R. Mutel, T. Natusch, T. W.-S. Holoien, J. L. Prieto, B. J. Shappee and T. A. Thompson: First Resolution of Microlensed Images. The Astrophysical Journal 871, 70 (2019)

Donnari, M., A. Pillepich, D. Nelson, M. Vogelsberger, S. Genel, R. Weinberger, F. Marinacci, V. Springel and L. Hernquist: Erratum: The star-formation activity of IllustrisTNG galaxies: main sequence, UVJ diagram, quenched fractions, and systematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 3036 (2019)

Donnari, M., A. Pillepich, D. Nelson, M. Vogelsberger, S. Genel, R. Weinberger, F. Marinacci, V. Springel and L. Hernquist: The star formation activity of IllustrisTNG galaxies: main sequence, UVJ diagram, quenched fractions, and systematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 4817 (2019)

Drake, A. B., E. P. Farina, M. Neeleman, F. Walter, B. Venemans, E. Banados, C. Mazzucchelli and R. Decarli: Lyα Halos around z ∼ 6 Quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Dutton, A. A., A. V. Macciò, T. Buck, K. L. Dixon, M. Blank and A. Obreja: NIHAO XX: the impact of the star formation threshold on the cusp-core transformation of cold dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 655-671 (2019)

Dutton, A. A., A. V. Macciò, A. Obreja and T. Buck: NIHAO - XVIII. Origin of the MOND phenomenology of galactic rotation curves in a ΛCDM universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 1886-1899 (2019)

Eilers, A.-C., J. F. Hennawi, F. B. Davies and J. Oñorbe: Anomaly in the Opacity of the Post-reionization Intergalactic Medium in the Lyα and Lyβ Forest. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Eilers, A.-C., D. W. Hogg, H.-W. Rix and M. K. Ness: The Circular Velocity Curve of the Milky Way from 5 to 25 kpc. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)

Eitner, P., M. Bergemann and S. Larsen: NLTE modelling of integrated light spectra. Abundances of barium, magnesium, and manganese in a metal-poor globular cluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)

El-Badry, K., E. Quataert, D. R. Weisz, N. Choksi and M. Boylan-Kolchin: The formation and hierarchical assembly of globular cluster populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 4528 (2019)

El-Badry, K. and H.-W. Rix: The wide binary fraction of solar-type stars: emergence of metallicity dependence at a < 200 au. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, L139 (2019)

El-Badry, K., H.-W. Rix, H. Tian, G. Duchêne and M. Moe: Discovery of an equal-mass `twin' binary population reaching 1000 + au separations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 5822 (2019)

Espada, D., S. Verley, R. E. Miura, F. P. Israel, C. Henkel, S. Matsushita, B. Vila-Vilaro, J. Ott, K. Morokuma-Matsui, A. B. Peck, A. Hirota, S. Aalto, A. C. Quillen, M. R. Hogerheijde, N. Neumayer, C. Vlahakis, D. Iono and K. Kohno: Star Formation Efficiencies at Giant Molecular Cloud Scales in the Molecular Disk of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A). The Astrophysical Journal 887, 88 (2019)

Esser, J., J.-U. Pott, H. Landt and W. D. Vacca: Analyzing temporal variations of AGN emission line profiles in the context of (dusty) cloud structure formation in the broad line region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, (2019)

Eyer, L., M. Süveges, J. De Ridder, S. Regibo, N. Mowlavi, B. Holl, L. Rimoldini and F. Bouchy: Multivariate Time-series Analysis of Variable Objects in the Gaia Mission. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131, 088001 (2019)

Fahrion, K., I. Georgiev, M. Hilker, M. Lyubenova, G. van de Ven, M. Alfaro-Cuello, E. M. Corsini, M. Sarzi, R. M. McDermid and T. de Zeeuw: Single metal-poor ultra compact dwarf galaxy at one kiloparsec distance from the low-mass elliptical galaxy FCC 47. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)

Fahrion, K., M. Lyubenova, G. van de Ven, R. Leaman, M. Hilker, I. Martín-Navarro, L. Zhu, M. Alfaro-Cuello, L. Coccato, E. M. Corsini, J. Falcón-Barroso, E. Iodice, R. M. McDermid, M. Sarzi and T. de Zeeuw: Constraining nuclear star cluster formation using MUSE-AO observations of the early-type galaxy FCC 47. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)

Falcón-Barroso, J., G. van de Ven, M. Lyubenova, J. Mendez-Abreu, J. A. L. Aguerri, B. Garc√≠a-Lorenzo, S. Bekerait√©, S. F. S√°nchez, B. Husemann, R. Garc√≠a-Benito, R. M. Gonz√°lez Delgado, D. Mast, C. J. Walcher, S. Zibetti, L. Zhu, J. K. Barrera-Ballesteros, L. Galbany, P. S√°nchez-Bl√°zquez, R. Singh, R. C. E. van den Bosch, V. Wild, J. Bland-Hawthorn, R. Cid Fernandes, A. de Lorenzo-C√°ceres, A. Gallazzi, R. A. Marino, I. M√°rquez, R. F. Peletier, E. P√©rez, I. P√©rez, M. M. Roth, F. F. Rosales-Ortega, T. Ruiz-Lara, L. Wisotzki and B. Ziegler: The CALIFA view on stellar angular momentum across the Hubble sequence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A59 (2019)

Fan, X., F. Wang, J. Yang, C. R. Keeton, M. Yue, A. Zabludoff, F. Bian, M. Bonaglia, I. Y. Georgiev, J. F. Hennawi, J. Li, I. D. McGreer, R. Naidu, F. Pacucci, S. Rabien, D. Thompson, B. Venemans, F. Walter, R. Wang and X.-B. Wu: The Discovery of a Gravitationally Lensed Quasar at z = 6.51. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)

Fantin, N. J., P. Côté, A. W. McConnachie, P. Bergeron, J.-C. Cuillandre, S. D. J. Gwyn, R. A. Ibata, G. F. Thomas, R. G. Carlberg, S. b. Fabbro, M. Haywood, A. Lançon, G. F. Lewis, K. Malhan, N. F. Martin, J. F. Navarro, D. Scott and E. Starkenburg: The Canada-France Imaging Survey: Reconstructing the Milky Way Star Formation History from Its White Dwarf Population. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 148 (2019)

Fardal, M. A., R. P. van der Marel, D. R. Law, S. T. Sohn, B. Sesar, N. Hernitschek and H.-W. Rix: Connecting the Milky Way potential profile to the orbital time-scales and spatial structure of the Sagittarius Stream. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 4724-4741 (2019)

Farina, E. P., F. Arrigoni-Battaia, T. Costa, F. Walter, J. F. Hennawi, A. B. Drake, R. Decarli, T. A. Gutcke, C. Mazzucchelli, M. Neeleman, I. Georgiev, A.-C. Eilers, F. B. Davies, E. Bañados, X. Fan, M. Onoue, J.-T. Schindler, B. P. Venemans, F. Wang, J. Yang, S. Rabien and L. Busoni: The REQUIEM Survey. I. A Search for Extended Lyα Nebular Emission Around 31 z > 5.7 Quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 196 (2019)

Feuillet, D. K., N. Frankel, K. Lind, P. M. Frinchaboy, D. A. García-Hernández, R. R. Lane, C. Nitschelm and A. Roman-Lopes: Spatial variations in the Milky Way disc metallicity-age relation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 1742-1752 (2019)

Fissel, L. M., P. A. R. Ade, F. E. Angilè, P. Ashton, S. J. Benton, C.-Y. Chen, M. Cunningham, M. J. Devlin, B. Dober, R. Friesen, Y. Fukui, N. Galitzki, N. N. Gandilo, A. Goodman, C.-E. Green, P. Jones, J. Klein, P. King, A. L. Korotkov, Z.-Y. Li, V. Lowe, P. G. Martin, T. G. Matthews, L. Moncelsi, F. Nakamura, C. B. Netterfield, A. Newmark, G. Novak, E. Pascale, F. d. r. Poidevin, F. P. Santos, G. Savini, D. Scott, J. A. Shariff, J. D. Soler, N. E. Thomas, C. E. Tucker, G. S. Tucker, D. Ward-Thompson and C. Zucker: Relative Alignment between the Magnetic Field and Molecular Gas Structure in the Vela C Giant Molecular Cloud Using Low- and High-density Tracers. The Astrophysical Journal 878, (2019)

Fouesneau, M., H.-W. Rix, T. von Hippel, D. W. Hogg and H. Tian: Precise Ages of Field Stars from White Dwarf Companions. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)

Frankel, N., J. Sanders, H.-W. Rix, Y.-S. Ting and M. Ness: The Inside-out Growth of the Galactic Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 884, 99 (2019)

Frye, B. L., M. Pascale, Y. Qin, A. Zitrin, J. Diego, G. Walth, H. Yan, C. J. Conselice, M. Alpaslan, A. Bauer, L. Busoni, D. Coe, S. H. Cohen, H. Dole, M. Donahue, I. Georgiev, R. A. Jansen, M. Limousin, R. Livermore, D. Norman, S. Rabien and R. A. Windhorst: PLCK G165.7+67.0: Analysis of a Massive Lensing Cluster in a Hubble Space Telescope Census of Submillimeter Giant Arcs Selected Using Planck/Herschel. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)

Furniss, A., G. Worseck, M. Fumagalli, C. A. Johnson, D. A. Williams, P. Pontrelli and J. X. Prochaska: Spectroscopic Redshift of the Gamma-Ray Blazar B2 1215+30 from Lyα Emission. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)

Gadotti, D. A., P. Sánchez-Blázquez, J. Falcón-Barroso, B. Husemann, M. K. Seidel, I. Pérez, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, I. Martinez-Valpuesta, F. Fragkoudi, G. Leung, G. van de Ven, R. Leaman, P. Coelho, M. Martig, T. Kim, J. Neumann and M. Querejeta: Time Inference with MUSE in Extragalactic Rings (TIMER): properties of the survey and high-level data products. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 506-529 (2019)

García-Vergara, C., J. F. Hennawi, L. F. Barrientos and F. Arrigoni Battaia: Clustering of LyŒ± Emitters around Quasars at z Àú 4. The Astrophysical Journal 886, 79 (2019)

Genel, S., G. L. Bryan, V. Springel, L. Hernquist, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, R. Weinberger, R. Pakmor, F. Marinacci and M. Vogelsberger: A Quantification of the Butterfly Effect in Cosmological Simulations and Implications for Galaxy Scaling Relations. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)

Georgiev, I. Y., N. Neumayer, W. Gässler, S. Rabien, L. Busoni, M. Bonaglia, J. Ziegleder, G. Orban de Xivry, D. Peter, M. Kulas, J. Borelli, G. Rahmer, M. Lefebvre and H. Baumgardt: The Milky Way like galaxy NGC 6384 and its nuclear star cluster at high NIR spatial resolution using LBT/ARGOS commissioning data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 3356-3375 (2019)

Gobat, R., E. Daddi, R. T. Coogan, A. M. C. Le Brun, F. Bournaud, J.-B. Melin, D. A. Riechers, M. Sargent, F. Valentino, H. S. Hwang, A. Finoguenov and V. Strazzullo: Sunyaev-Zel'dovich detection of the galaxy cluster Cl J1449+0856 at z = 1.99: The pressure profile in uv space. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)

González-Lópezlira, R. A., Y. D. Mayya, L. Loinard, K. Álamo-Martínez, G. Heald, I. Y. Georgiev, Y. Órdenes-Briceño, A. Lançon, M. A. Lara-López, L. Lomelí-Núñez, G. Bruzual and T. H. Puzia: Spectroscopy of NGC 4258 Globular Cluster Candidates: Membership Confirmation and Kinematics. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Gorski, M. D., J. Ott, R. Rand, D. S. Meier, E. Momjian, E. Schinnerer and S. P. Ellingsen: Diagnostics of a nuclear starburst: water and methanol masers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 5434-5443 (2019)

Gossage, S., C. Conroy, A. Dotter, I. Cabrera-Ziri, A. E. Dolphin, N. Bastian, J. J. Dalcanton, P. Goudfrooij, L. C. Johnson, B. F. Williams, P. Rosenfield, J. Kalirai and M. Fouesneau: Combined Effects of Rotation and Age Spreads on Extended Main-Sequence Turn Offs. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 199 (2019)

Gould, A.: Osculating Versus Intersecting Circles in Space-Based Microlens Parallax Degeneracies. Journal of Korean Astronomical Society 52, 121-131 (2019)

Grasha, K., D. Calzetti, A. Adamo, R. C. Kennicutt, B. G. Elmegreen, M. Messa, D. A. Dale, K. Fedorenko, S. Mahadevan, E. K. Grebel, M. Fumagalli, H. Kim, C. L. Dobbs, D. A. Gouliermis, G. Ashworth, J. S. Gallagher, L. J. Smith, M. Tosi, B. C. Whitmore, E. Schinnerer, D. Colombo, A. Hughes, A. K. Leroy and S. E. Meidt: The spatial relation between young star clusters and molecular clouds in M51 with LEGUS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 4707-4723 (2019)

Green, G. M., E. Schlafly, C. Zucker, J. S. Speagle and D. Finkbeiner: A 3D Dust Map Based on Gaia, Pan-STARRS 1, and 2MASS. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 93 (2019)

Griffin, A. J., C. G. Lacey, V. Gonzalez-Perez, C. d. P. Lagos, C. M. Baugh and N. Fanidakis: The evolution of SMBH spin and AGN luminosities for z < 6 within a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 198-227 (2019)

Gutcke, T. A. and V. Springel: Simulating a metallicity-dependent initial mass function: consequences for feedback and chemical abundances. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 118-125 (2019)

Habouzit, M., S. Genel, R. S. Somerville, D. Kocevski, M. Hirschmann, A. Dekel, E. Choi, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, P. Torrey, L. Hernquist, M. Vogelsberger, R. Weinberger and V. Springel: Linking galaxy structural properties and star formation activity to black hole activity with IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 4413-4443 (2019)

Habouzit, M. l., S. Genel, R. S. Somerville, D. Kocevski, M. Hirschmann, A. Dekel, E. Choi, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, P. Torrey, L. Hernquist, M. Vogelsberger, R. Weinberger and V. Springel: Linking galaxy structural properties and star formation activity to black hole activity with IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 4413 (2019)

Hahn, C., T. K. Starkenburg, E. Choi, R. Davé, C. M. Dickey, M. C. Geha, S. Genel, C. C. Hayward, A. H. Maller, N. Mandyam, V. Pandya, G. Popping, M. Rafieferantsoa, R. S. Somerville and J. L. Tinker: IQ-Collaboratory 1.1: The Star-forming Sequence of Simulated Central Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Han, C., I. A. Bond, A. Udalski, A. Gould, V. Bozza, Y. Hirao, A. Cassan, L. authors, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, K.-H. Hwang, C.-U. Lee, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, Y. K. Jung, D. Kim, W.-T. Kim, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, W. Zang, T. K. Collaboration, F. Abe, R. Barry, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, C. m. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, T. M. Collaboration, P. Mr√≥z, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, S. Koz≈Çowski, K. Ulaczyk, K. A. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, M. Wrona, T. O. Collaboration, C. A. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson and S. M. Team: OGLE-2018-BLG-0022: First Prediction of an Astrometric Microlensing Signal from a Photometric Microlensing Event. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Harrington, K. C., A. Vishwas, A. Weiß, B. Magnelli, L. Grassitelli, M. Zajaček, E. F. Jiménez-Andrade, T. K. D. Leung, F. Bertoldi, E. Romano-Díaz, D. T. Frayer, P. Kamieneski, D. Riechers, G. J. Stacey, M. S. Yun and Q. D. Wang: The `Red Radio Ring': ionized and molecular gas in a starburst/active galactic nucleus at z ̃ 2.55. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 1489-1500 (2019)

Hasselquist, S., J. A. Holtzman, M. Shetrone, J. Tayar, D. H. Weinberg, D. Feuillet, K. Cunha, M. H. Pinsonneault, J. A. Johnson, J. Bird, T. C. Beers, R. Schiavon, I. Minchev, J. G. Fernández-Trincado, D. A. García-Hernández, C. Nitschelm and O. Zamora: APOGEE [C/N] Abundances across the Galaxy: Migration and Infall from Red Giant Ages. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)

Hatzidimitriou, D., E. V. Held, E. Tognelli, A. Bragaglia, L. Magrini, L. Bravi, K. Gazeas, A. Dapergolas, A. Drazdauskas, E. Delgado-Mena, E. D. Friel, R. Minkevičiūtė, R. Sordo, G. Tautvaišienė, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, S. Feltzing, A. Vallenari, E. J. Alfaro, E. Flaccomio, A. C. Lanzafame, E. Pancino, R. Smiljanic, A. Bayo, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, A. R. Casey, M. T. Costado, F. Damiani, E. Franciosini, A. Gonneau, P. Jofré, J. Lewis, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, C. C. Worley and S. Zaggia: The Gaia-ESO Survey: The inner disc, intermediate-age open cluster Pismis 18. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, (2019)

Hatzidimitriou, D., E. V. Held, E. Tognelli, A. Bragaglia, L. Magrini, L. Bravi, K. Gazeas, A. Dapergolas, A. Drazdauskas, E. Delgado-Mena, E. D. Friel, R. Minkevičiūtė, R. Sordo, G. Tautvaišienė, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, S. Feltzing, A. Vallenari, E. J. Alfaro, E. Flaccomio, A. C. Lanzafame, E. Pancino, R. Smiljanic, A. Bayo, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, A. R. Casey, M. T. Costado, F. Damiani, E. Franciosini, A. Gonneau, P. Jofré, J. Lewis, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, C. C. Worley and S. Zaggia: The Gaia-ESO Survey: The inner disc, intermediate-age open cluster Pismis 18. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, A90 (2019)

Hernitschek, N., J. G. Cohen, H.-W. Rix, E. Magnier, N. Metcalfe, R. Wainscoat, C. Waters, R.-P. Kudritzki and W. Burgett: Precision Distances to Dwarf Galaxies and Globular Clusters from Pan-STARRS1 3π RR Lyrae. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)

Hill, V., Á. Skúladóttir, E. Tolstoy, K. A. Venn, M. D. Shetrone, P. Jablonka, F. Primas, G. Battaglia, T. J. L. de Boer, P. François, A. Helmi, A. Kaufer, B. Letarte, E. Starkenburg and M. Spite: VLT/FLAMES high-resolution chemical abundances in Sculptor: a textbook dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, (2019)

Hiss, H., M. Walther, J. Oñorbe and J. F. Hennawi: A Novel Statistical Method for Measuring the Temperature─Density Relation in the IGM Using the b ─ N H I Distribution of Absorbers in the Lyα Forest. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Ho, I.-T.: A machine learning artificial neural network calibration of the strong-line oxygen abundance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 3569-3579 (2019)

Ho, I.-T., K. Kreckel, S. E. Meidt, B. Groves, G. A. Blanc, F. Bigiel, D. A. Dale, E. Emsellem, S. C. O. Glover, K. Grasha, L. J. Kewley, J. M. D. Kruijssen, P. Lang, R. McElroy, R.-P. Kudritzki, P. Sanchez-Blazquez, K. Sandstrom, F. Santoro, E. Schinnerer and A. Schruba: Mapping Electron Temperature Variations across a Spiral Arm in NGC 1672. The Astrophysical Journal 885, L31 (2019)

Hodge, J. A., I. Smail, F. Walter, E. da Cunha, A. M. Swinbank, M. Rybak, B. Venemans, W. N. Brandt, G. Calistro Rivera, S. C. Chapman, C.-C. Chen, P. Cox, H. Dannerbauer, R. Decarli, T. R. Greve, K. K. Knudsen, K. M. Menten, E. Schinnerer, J. M. Simpson, P. van der Werf, J. L. Wardlow and A. Weiss: ALMA Reveals Potential Evidence for Spiral Arms, Bars, and Rings in High-redshift Submillimeter Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Hogg, D. W., A.-C. Eilers and H.-W. Rix: Spectrophotometric Parallaxes with Linear Models: Accurate Distances for Luminous Red-giant Stars. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)

Hollyhead, K., S. Martocchia, C. Lardo, N. Bastian, N. Kacharov, F. Niederhofer, I. Cabrera-Ziri, E. Dalessandro, A. Mucciarelli, M. Salaris and C. Usher: Spectroscopic detection of multiple populations in the ̃2 Gyr old cluster Hodge 6 in the LMC. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 4718-4725 (2019)

Hu, D., H. Xu, X. Kang, W. Li, Z. Zhu, Z. Ma, C. Shan, Z. Zhang, L. Gu, C. Liu, Q. Zheng and X.-p. Wu: A Study of the Merger History of the Galaxy Group HCG 62 Based on X-Ray Observations and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)

Huang, Y., B.-Q. Chen, H.-B. Yuan, H.-W. Zhang, M.-S. Xiang, C. Wang, H.-F. Wang, C. Wolf, G.-C. Liu and X.-W. Liu: Milky Way Tomography with the SkyMapper Southern Survey. I. Atmospheric Parameters and Distances of One Million Red Giants. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 243, (2019)

Huang, Y., B.-Q. Chen, H.-W. Zhang, H.-B. Yuan, M.-S. Xiang, C. Wang, Z.-J. Tian and X.-W. Liu: Member Stars of the GD-1 Tidal Stream from the SDSS, LAMOST, and Gaia Surveys. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)

Huertas-Company, M., V. Rodriguez-Gomez, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, C. Bottrell, M. Bernardi, H. Domínguez-Sánchez, S. Genel, R. Pakmor, G. F. Snyder and M. Vogelsberger: The Hubble Sequence at z ̃ 0 in the IllustrisTNG simulation with deep learning. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 1859-1879 (2019)

Husemann, B., V. N. Bennert, K. Jahnke, T. A. Davis, J.-H. Woo, J. Scharwächter, A. Schulze, M. Gaspari and M. A. Zwaan: Jet-driven Galaxy-scale Gas Outflows in the Hyperluminous Quasar 3C 273. The Astrophysical Journal 879, (2019)

Husemann, B., J. Scharwächter, T. A. Davis, M. Pérez-Torres, I. Smirnova-Pinchukova, G. R. Tremblay, M. Krumpe, F. Combes, S. A. Baum, G. Busch, T. Connor, S. M. Croom, M. Gaspari, R. P. Kraft, C. P. O'Dea, M. Powell, M. Singha and T. Urrutia: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). A massive multi-phase outflow impacting the edge-on galaxy HE 1353-1917. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)

Ibata, R. A., K. Malhan and N. F. Martin: The Streams of the Gaping Abyss: A Population of Entangled Stellar Streams Surrounding the Inner Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Imara, N. and C. M. Faesi: ALMA Observations of Giant Molecular Clouds in the Starburst Dwarf Galaxy Henize 2-10. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Inno, L., M. A. Urbaneja, N. Matsunaga, G. Bono, M. Nonino, V. P. Debattista, M. C. Sormani, M. Bergemann, R. da Silva, B. Lemasle, M. Romaniello and H.-W. Rix: First metallicity determination from near-infrared spectra for five obscured Cepheids discovered in the inner disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 83-97 (2019)

Iodice, E., M. Sarzi, A. Bittner, L. Coccato, L. Costantin, E. M. Corsini, G. van de Ven, P. T. de Zeeuw, J. Falcón-Barroso, D. A. Gadotti, M. Lyubenova, I. Martín-Navarro, R. M. McDermid, B. Nedelchev, F. Pinna, A. Pizzella, M. Spavone and S. Viaene: The Fornax3D project: Tracing the assembly history of the cluster from the kinematic and line-strength maps. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)

Ito, K., N. Kashikawa, J. Toshikawa, R. Overzier, M. Tanaka, M. Kubo, T. Shibuya, S. Ishikawa, M. Onoue, H. Uchiyama, Y. Liang, R. Higuchi, C. L. Martin, C.-H. Lee, Y. Komiyama and S. Huang: The Brightest UV-selected Galaxies in Protoclusters at z ∼ 4: Ancestors of Brightest Cluster Galaxies? The Astrophysical Journal 878, (2019)

Izumi, T., M. Onoue, Y. Matsuoka, T. Nagao, M. A. Strauss, M. Imanishi, N. Kashikawa, S. Fujimoto, K. Kohno, Y. Toba, H. Umehata, T. Goto, Y. Ueda, H. Shirakata, J. D. Silverman, J. E. Greene, Y. Harikane, Y. Hashimoto, S. Ikarashi, D. Iono, K. Iwasawa, C.-H. Lee, T. Minezaki, K. Nakanishi, Y. Tamura, J.-J. Tang and A. Taniguchi: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). VIII. A less biased view of the early co-evolution of black holes and host galaxies. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 71, 111 (2019)

Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., B. Magnelli, A. Karim, G. Zamorani, M. Bondi, E. Schinnerer, M. Sargent, E. Romano-Díaz, M. Novak, P. Lang, F. Bertoldi, E. Vardoulaki, S. Toft, V. Smolčić, K. Harrington, S. Leslie, J. Delhaize, D. Liu, C. Karoumpis, J. Kartaltepe and A. M. Koekemoer: Radio continuum size evolution of star-forming galaxies over 0.35 < z < 2.25. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)

Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., F. Bigiel, A. K. Leroy, A. Usero, D. Cormier, J. Puschnig, M. Gallagher, A. Kepley, A. Bolatto, S. García-Burillo, A. Hughes, C. Kramer, J. Pety, E. Schinnerer, A. Schruba, K. Schuster and F. Walter: EMPIRE: The IRAM 30 m Dense Gas Survey of Nearby Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Jin, S., E. Daddi, G. E. Magdis, D. Liu, E. Schinnerer, P. P. Papadopoulos, Q. Gu, Y. Gao and A. Calabrò: Discovery of Four Apparently Cold Dusty Galaxies at z = 3.62-5.85 in the COSMOS Field: Direct Evidence of Cosmic Microwave Background Impact on High-redshift Galaxy Observables. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 144 (2019)

Johnston, C., C. Aerts, M. G. Pedersen and N. Bastian: Isochrone-cloud fitting of the extended main-sequence turn-off of young clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A74 (2019)

Jones, T. J., C. D. Dowell, E. Lopez Rodriguez, E. G. Zweibel, M. Berthoud, D. T. Chuss, P. F. Goldsmith, R. T. Hamilton, S. Hanany, D. A. Harper, A. Lazarian, L. W. Looney, J. M. Michail, M. R. Morris, G. Novak, F. P. Santos, K. Sheth, G. J. Stacey, J. Staguhn, I. W. Stephens, K. Tassis, C. Q. Trinh, C. G. Volpert, M. Werner, E. J. Wollack and H. S. Team: SOFIA Far-infrared Imaging Polarimetry of M82 and NGC 253: Exploring the Supergalactic Wind. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)

Jung, Y. K., C. Han, I. A. Bond, A. Udalski, A. Gould, L. authors, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, K.-H. Hwang, C.-U. Lee, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, M. J. Jee, D. Kim, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, K. Collaboration, F. Abe, R. Barry, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, C. m. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, T. M. Collaboration, P. Mr√≥z, R. Poleski, J. Skowron, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, S. Koz≈Çowski, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, K. Ulaczyk, M. Ç. Pawlak and T. O. Collaboration: OGLE-2016-BLG-0156: Microlensing Event with Pronounced Microlens-parallax Effects Yielding a Precise Lens Mass Measurement. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Kaasinen, M., N. Scoville, F. Walter, E. Da Cunha, G. Popping, R. Pavesi, B. Darvish, C. M. Casey, D. A. Riechers and S. Glover: The Molecular Gas Reservoirs of z ∼ 2 Galaxies: A Comparison of CO(1−0) and Dust-based Molecular Gas Masses. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Kains, N., A. Calamida, M. Rejkuba, A. Bhardwaj, L. Inno, K. C. Sahu, M. Zoccali, G. Bono, F. Surot, J. Anderson and S. Casertano: New variable stars towards the Galactic Bulge - I. The bright regime. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 3058-3070 (2019)

Khaire, V., M. Walther, J. F. Hennawi, J. Oñorbe, Lukić, Z. , J. X. Prochaska, T. M. Tripp, J. N. Burchett and C. Rodriguez: The power spectrum of the Lyman-α Forest at z < 0.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 769-782 (2019)

Khanna, S., S. Sharma, J. Bland-Hawthorn, M. Hayden, D. M. Nataf, Y.-S. Ting, J. Kos, S. Martell, T. Zwitter, G. De Silva, M. Asplund, S. Buder, L. Duong, J. Lin, J. D. Simpson, B. Anguiano, J. Horner, P. R. Kafle, G. F. Lewis, T. Nordlander, R. F. G. Wyse, R. A. Wittenmyer and D. B. Zucker: The GALAH survey: velocity fluctuations in the Milky Way using Red Clump giants. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 4215-4232 (2019)

Khanna, S., S. Sharma, T. Tepper-Garcia, J. Bland-Hawthorn, M. Hayden, M. Asplund, S. Buder, B. Chen, G. M. De Silva, K. C. Freeman, J. Kos, G. F. Lewis, J. Lin, S. L. Martell, J. D. Simpson, T. Nordlander, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting, D. B. Zucker and T. Zwitter: The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: Linking ridges, arches, and vertical waves in the kinematics of the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 4962-4979 (2019)

Khanna, S., S. Sharma, T. Tepper-Garcia, J. Bland-Hawthorn, M. Hayden, M. Asplund, S. Buder, B. Chen, G. M. De Silva, K. C. Freeman, J. Kos, G. F. Lewis, J. Lin, S. L. Martell, J. D. Simpson, T. Nordlander, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting, D. B. Zucker and T. æ. Zwitter: The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: Linking ridges, arches, and vertical waves in the kinematics of the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 4962-4979 (2019)

Khrykin, I. S., J. F. Hennawi and G. Worseck: Evidence for short ̃ 1 Myr lifetimes from the He II proximity zones of z ̃ 4 quasars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 3897-3910 (2019)

Kirby, E. N., J. L. Xie, R. Guo, M. A. C. de los Reyes, M. Bergemann, M. Kovalev, K. J. Shen, A. L. Piro and A. McWilliam: Evidence for Sub-Chandrasekhar Type Ia Supernovae from Stellar Abundances in Dwarf Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Klitsch, A., C. Péroux, M. A. Zwaan, I. Smail, D. Nelson, G. Popping, C.-C. Chen, B. Diemer, R. J. Ivison, J. R. Allison, S. Muller, A. M. Swinbank, A. Hamanowicz, A. D. Biggs and R. Dutta: ALMACAL VI: Molecular gas mass density across cosmic time via a blind search for intervening molecular absorbers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Klitsch, A., M. A. Zwaan, C. Péroux, I. Smail, I. Oteo, G. Popping, A. M. Swinbank, R. J. Ivison and A. D. Biggs: ALMACAL V: absorption-selected galaxies with evidence for excited ISMs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, L65-L69 (2019)

Koch, A., M. Reichert, C. J. Hansen, M. Hampel, R. J. Stancliffe, A. Karakas and A. Arcones: Unusual neutron-capture nucleosynthesis in a carbon-rich Galactic bulge star. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)

Kos, J., J. Bland-Hawthorn, M. Asplund, S. Buder, G. F. Lewis, J. Lin, S. L. Martell, M. K. Ness, S. Sharma, G. M. De Silva, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, T. æ. Zwitter, K. ƒåotar and L. Spina: Discovery of a 21 Myr old stellar population in the Orion complex‚ãÜ. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A166 (2019)

Kovalev, M., M. Bergemann, Y.-S. Ting and H.-W. Rix: Non-LTE chemical abundances in Galactic open and globular clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)

Kozłowski, S., E. Bañados, A. Udalski, N. Morrell, A. P. Ji, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Rau, P. Mróz, J. Greiner, M. Gromadzki, M. K. Szymański, I. Soszyński, R. Poleski, P. Pietrukowicz, J. Skowron, D. M. Skowron, K. Ulaczyk, K. Rybicki, P. Iwanek and M. Wrona: Discovery of Two Quasars at z = 5 from the OGLE Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 878, (2019)

Kreckel, K., I.-T. Ho, G. A. Blanc, B. Groves, F. Santoro, E. Schinnerer, F. Bigiel, M. Chevance, E. Congiu, E. Emsellem, C. Faesi, S. C. O. Glover, K. Grasha, J. M. D. Kruijssen, P. Lang, A. K. Leroy, S. E. Meidt, R. McElroy, J. Pety, E. Rosolowsky, T. Saito, K. Sandstrom, P. Sanchez-Blazquez and A. Schruba: Mapping Metallicity Variations across Nearby Galaxy Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 80 (2019)

Krieger, N., A. D. Bolatto, F. Walter, A. K. Leroy, L. K. Zschaechner, D. S. Meier, J. Ott, A. Weiss, E. A. C. Mills, R. C. Levy, S. Veilleux and M. Gorski: The Molecular Outflow in NGC 253 at a Resolution of Two Parsecs. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Kriss, G. A., G. De Rosa, J. Ely, B. M. Peterson, J. Kaastra, M. Mehdipour, G. J. Ferland, M. Dehghanian, S. Mathur, R. Edelson, K. T. Korista, N. Arav, A. J. Barth, M. C. Bentz, W. N. Brandt, D. M. Crenshaw, E. Dalla Bontà, K. D. Denney, C. Done, M. Eracleous, M. M. Fausnaugh, E. Gardner, M. R. Goad, C. J. Grier, K. Horne, C. S. Kochanek, I. M. McHardy, H. Netzer, A. Pancoast, L. Pei, R. W. Pogge, D. Proga, C. Silva, N. Tejos, M. Vestergaard, S. M. Adams, M. D. Anderson, P. Arévalo, T. G. Beatty, E. Behar, V. N. Bennert, S. Bianchi, A. Bigley, S. Bisogni, R. Boissay-Malaquin, G. A. Borman, M. C. Bottorff, A. A. Breeveld, M. Brotherton, J. E. Brown, J. S. Brown, E. M. Cackett, G. Canalizo, M. Cappi, M. T. Carini, K. I. Clubb, J. M. Comerford, C. T. Coker, E. M. Corsini, E. Costantini, S. Croft, K. V. Croxall, A. J. Deason, A. De Lorenzo-Cáceres, B. De Marco, M. Dietrich, L. Di Gesu, J. Ebrero, P. A. Evans, A. V. Filippenko, K. Flatland, E. L. Gates, N. Gehrels, S. Geier, J. M. Gelbord, L. Gonzalez, V. Gorjian, D. Grupe, A. Gupta, P. B. Hall, C. B. Henderson, S. Hicks, E. Holmbeck, T. W.-S. Holoien, T. A. Hutchison, M. Im, J. J. Jensen, C. A. Johnson, M. D. Joner, S. Kaspi, B. C. Kelly, P. L. Kelly, J. A. Kennea, M. Kim, S. C. Kim, S. Y. Kim, A. King, S. A. Klimanov, Y. Krongold, M. W. Lau, J. C. Lee, D. C. Leonard, M. Li, P. Lira, C. Lochhaas, Z. Ma, F. MacInnis, M. A. Malkan, E. R. Manne-Nicholas, G. Matt, J. C. Mauerhan, R. McGurk, C. Montuori, L. Morelli, A. Mosquera, D. Mudd, F. Müller-Sánchez, S. V. Nazarov, R. P. Norris, J. A. Nousek, M. L. Nguyen, P. Ochner, D. N. Okhmat, S. Paltani, J. R. Parks, C. Pinto, A. Pizzella, R. Poleski, G. Ponti, J.-U. Pott, S. E. Rafter, H.-W. Rix, J. Runnoe, D. A. Saylor, J. S. Schimoia, K. Schnülle, B. Scott, S. G. Sergeev, B. J. Shappee, I. Shivvers, M. Siegel, G. V. Simonian, A. Siviero, A. Skielboe, G. Somers, M. Spencer, D. Starkey, D. J. Stevens, H.-I. Sung, J. Tayar, K. G. Teems, T. Treu, C. S. Turner, P. Uttley, J. . Van Saders, L. Vican, C. Villforth, S. Villanueva, Jr., D. J. Walton, T. Waters, Y. Weiss, J.-H. Woo, H. Yan, H. Yuk, W. Zheng, W. Zhu and Y. Zu: Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VIII. Time Variability of Emission and Absorption in NGC 5548 Based on Modeling the Ultraviolet Spectrum. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Kruijssen, J. M. D., J. E. Dale, S. N. Longmore, D. L. Walker, J. D. Henshaw, S. M. R. Jeffreson, M. A. Petkova, A. Ginsburg, A. T. Barnes, C. D. Battersby, K. Immer, J. M. Jackson, E. R. Keto, N. Krieger, E. A. C. Mills, Á. Sánchez-Monge, A. Schmiedeke, S. T. Suri and Q. Zhang: The dynamical evolution of molecular clouds near the Galactic Centre - II. Spatial structure and kinematics of simulated clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5734-5754 (2019)

Kulkarni, G., G. b. Worseck and J. F. Hennawi: Evolution of the AGN UV luminosity function from redshift 7.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 1035-1065 (2019)

Landt, H., M. J. Ward, D. Kynoch, C. Packham, G. J. Ferland, A. Lawrence, J.-U. Pott, J. Esser, K. Horne, D. A. Starkey, D. Malhotra, M. M. Fausnaugh, B. M. Peterson, R. J. Wilman, R. A. Riffel, T. Storchi-Bergmann, A. J. Barth, C. Villforth and H. Winkler: The first spectroscopic dust reverberation programme on active galactic nuclei: the torus in NGC 5548. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 1572-1589 (2019)

Lang, P., E. Schinnerer, I. Smail, U. Dudzevičiūtė, A. M. Swinbank, D. Liu, S. K. Leslie, O. Almaini, F. X. An, F. Bertoldi, A. W. Blain, S. C. Chapman, C.-C. Chen, C. Conselice, E. A. Cooke, K. E. K. Coppin, J. S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, Y. Fudamoto, J. E. Geach, B. Gullberg, K. C. Harrington, J. A. Hodge, R. J. Ivison, E. F. Jiménez-Andrade, B. Magnelli, M. J. Michałowski, P. Oesch, D. Scott, J. M. Simpson, V. Smolčić, S. M. Stach, A. P. Thomson, S. Toft, E. Vardoulaki, J. L. Wardlow, A. Weiss and P. van der Werf: Revealing the Stellar Mass and Dust Distributions of Submillimeter Galaxies at Redshift 2. The Astrophysical Journal 879, (2019)

Leaman, R., F. Fragkoudi, M. Querejeta, G. Y. C. Leung, D. A. Gadotti, B. Husemann, J. Falcón-Barroso, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, G. van de Ven, T. Kim, P. Coelho, M. Lyubenova, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, M. Martig, I. Martinez-Valpuesta, J. Neumann, I. Pérez and M. Seidel: Survival of molecular gas in a stellar feedback-driven outflow witnessed with the MUSE TIMER project and ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 3904-3928 (2019)

Lee, M. M., T. Nagao, C. De Breuck, S. Carniani, G. Cresci, B. Hatsukade, R. Kawabe, K. Kohno, R. Maiolino, F. Mannucci, A. Marconi, K. Nakanishi, T. Saito, Y. Tamura, P. Troncoso, H. Umehata and M. Yun: First [N II]122 μm Line Detection in a QSO-SMG Pair BRI 1202−0725 at z = 4.69. The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)

Leistedt, B., D. W. Hogg, R. H. Wechsler and J. DeRose: Hierarchical Modeling and Statistical Calibration for Photometric Redshifts. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Lemaux, B. C., A. R. Tomczak, L. M. Lubin, R. R. Gal, L. Shen, D. Pelliccia, P.-F. Wu, D. Hung, S. Mei, O. Le Fèvre, N. Rumbaugh, D. D. Kocevski and G. K. Squires: Persistence of the colour-density relation and efficient environmental quenching to z ˜ 1.4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 1231 (2019)

Liu, D., P. Lang, B. Magnelli, E. Schinnerer, S. Leslie, Y. Fudamoto, M. Bondi, B. Groves, E. Jiménez-Andrade, K. Harrington, A. Karim, P. A. Oesch, M. Sargent, E. Vardoulaki, T. Bǎdescu, L. Moser, F. Bertoldi, A. Battisti, E. da Cunha, J. Zavala, M. Vaccari, I. Davidzon, D. Riechers and M. Aravena: Automated Mining of the ALMA Archive in the COSMOS Field (A3COSMOS). I. Robust ALMA Continuum Photometry Catalogs and Stellar Mass and Star Formation Properties for ∼700 Galaxies at z = 0.5-6. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 244, 40 (2019)

Liu, D., E. Schinnerer, B. Groves, B. Magnelli, P. Lang, S. Leslie, E. Jiménez-Andrade, D. A. Riechers, G. Popping, G. E. Magdis, E. Daddi, M. Sargent, Y. Gao, Y. Fudamoto, P. A. Oesch and F. Bertoldi: Automated Mining of the ALMA Archive in the COSMOS Field (A3COSMOS). II. Cold Molecular Gas Evolution out to Redshift 6. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 235 (2019)

Lyubenova, M. and A. Tsatsi: Nuclear angular momentum of early-type galaxies hosting nuclear star clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)

Macciò, A. V., J. Frings, T. Buck, A. A. Dutton, M. Blank, A. Obreja and K. L. Dixon: The edge of galaxy formation III: the effects of warm dark matter on Milky Way satellites and field dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5400-5408 (2019)

Mackereth, J. T., J. Bovy, H. W. Leung, R. P. Schiavon, W. H. Trick, W. J. Chaplin, K. Cunha, D. K. Feuillet, S. R. Majewski, M. Martig, A. Miglio, D. Nidever, M. H. Pinsonneault, V. S. Aguirre, J. Sobeck, J. Tayar and G. Zasowski: Dynamical heating across the Milky Way disc using APOGEE and Gaia. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 176-195 (2019)

Mackey, A. D., A. M. N. Ferguson, A. P. Huxor, J. Veljanoski, G. F. Lewis, A. W. McConnachie, N. F. Martin, R. A. Ibata, M. J. Irwin, P. Côté, M. L. M. Collins, N. R. Tanvir and N. F. Bate: The outer halo globular cluster system of M31 - III. Relationship to the stellar halo. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 1756-1789 (2019)

Mackey, D., G. F. Lewis, B. J. Brewer, A. M. N. Ferguson, J. Veljanoski, A. P. Huxor, M. L. M. Collins, P. Côté, R. A. Ibata, M. J. Irwin, N. Martin, A. W. McConnachie, J. Peñarrubia, N. Tanvir and Z. Wan: Two major accretion epochs in M31 from two distinct populations of globular clusters. Nature 574, 69 (2019)

Magnelli, B., A. Karim, J. Staguhn, A. Kovács, E. F. Jiménez-Andrade, C. M. Casey, J. A. Zavala, E. Schinnerer, M. Sargent, M. Aravena, F. Bertoldi, P. L. Capak, D. A. Riechers and D. J. Benford: The IRAM/GISMO 2 mm Survey in the COSMOS Field. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)

Mancini, C., E. Daddi, S. p. Juneau, A. Renzini, G. Rodighiero, M. Cappellari, L. a. Rodríguez-Muñoz, D. Liu, M. Pannella, I. Baronchelli, A. Franceschini, P. Bergamini, C. D'Eugenio and A. Puglisi: Rejuvenated galaxies with very old bulges at the origin of the bending of the main sequence and of the `green valley'. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 1265-1290 (2019)

Marian, V., K. Jahnke, M. Mechtley, S. Cohen, B. Husemann, V. Jones, A. Koekemoer, A. Schulze, A. van der Wel, C. Villforth and R. A. Windhorst: Major Mergers Are Not the Dominant Trigger for High-accretion AGNs at z ∼ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)

Marino, A. F., G. S. Da Costa, A. R. Casey, M. Asplund, M. S. Bessell, A. Frebel, S. C. Keller, K. Lind, A. D. Mackey, S. J. Murphy, T. Nordlander, J. E. Norris, B. P. Schmidt and D. Yong: Keck HIRES spectroscopy of SkyMapper commissioning survey candidate extremely metal-poor stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 5153-5167 (2019)

Martín-Navarro, I., J. N. Burchett and M. Mezcua: Quantifying the Effect of Black Hole Feedback from the Central Galaxy on the Satellite Populations of Groups and Clusters. The Astrophysical Journal 884, L45 (2019)

Martín-Navarro, I., M. Lyubenova, G. van de Ven, J. Falc√≥n-Barroso, L. Coccato, E. M. Corsini, D. A. Gadotti, E. Iodice, F. La Barbera, R. M. McDermid, F. Pinna, M. Sarzi, S. Viaene, P. T. de Zeeuw and L. Zhu: Fornax 3D project: a two-dimensional view of the stellar initial mass function in the massive lenticular galaxy FCC 167. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, A124 (2019)

Martín-Navarro, I., M. Lyubenova, G. van de Ven, J. Falcón-Barroso, L. Coccato, E. M. Corsini, D. A. Gadotti, E. Iodice, F. La Barbera, R. M. McDermid, F. Pinna, M. Sarzi, S. Viaene, P. T. de Zeeuw and L. Zhu: Fornax 3D project: a two-dimensional view of the stellar initial mass function in the massive lenticular galaxy FCC 167. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, (2019)

Martín-Navarro, I., A. J. Romanowsky, J. P. Brodie, A. Ferr√©-Mateu, A. Alabi, D. A. Forbes, M. Sharina, A. Villaume, V. Pandya and D. Martinez-Delgado: Extreme chemical abundance ratio suggesting an exotic origin for an ultradiffuse galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 3425 (2019)

Martín-Navarro, I., A. J. Romanowsky, J. P. Brodie, A. Ferré-Mateu, A. Alabi, D. A. Forbes, M. Sharina, A. Villaume, V. Pandya and D. Martinez-Delgado: Extreme chemical abundance ratio suggesting an exotic origin for an ultradiffuse galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 3425-3433 (2019)

Martín-Navarro, I., G. van de Ven and A. n. Yƒ±ldƒ±rƒ±m: Star formation quenching imprinted on the internal structure of naked red nuggets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 4939 (2019)

Martínez-Delgado, D., A. Katherina Vivas, E. K. Grebel, C. Gallart, A. Pieres, C. P. M. Bell, P. Zivick, B. Lemasle, L. Clifton Johnson, J. A. Carballo-Bello, N. E. D. No√´l, M.-R. L. Cioni, Y. Choi, G. Besla, J. Schmidt, D. Zaritsky, R. A. Gruendl, M. Seibert, D. Nidever, L. Monteagudo, M. Monelli, B. Hubl, R. van der Marel, F. J. Ballesteros, G. Stringfellow, A. Walker, R. Blum, E. F. Bell, B. C. Conn, K. Olsen, N. Martin, Y.-H. Chu, L. Inno, T. J. L. Boer, N. Kallivayalil, M. De Leo, Y. Beletsky, F. Neyer and R. R. Mu√±oz: Nature of a shell of young stars in the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A98 (2019)

Martizzi, D., M. Vogelsberger, M. C. Artale, M. Haider, P. Torrey, F. Marinacci, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, R. Weinberger, L. Hernquist, J. Naiman and V. Springel: Baryons in the Cosmic Web of IllustrisTNG - I: gas in knots, filaments, sheets, and voids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 3766-3787 (2019)

Martocchia, S., E. Dalessandro, C. Lardo, I. Cabrera-Ziri, N. Bastian, V. Kozhurina-Platais, M. Salaris, W. Chantereau, D. Geisler, M. Hilker, N. Kacharov, S. Larsen, A. Mucciarelli, F. Niederhofer, I. Platais and C. Usher: The search for multiple populations in Magellanic Clouds clusters - V. Correlation between cluster age and abundance spreads. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 5324-5334 (2019)

Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., S. Khoperskov, P. Di Matteo and M. Haywood: Mergers, tidal interactions, and mass exchange in a population of disc globular clusters. II. Long-term evolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)

Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., H. B. Perets, A. Gualandris, N. Neumayer and A. C. Sippel: Star formation at the Galactic Centre: coevolution of multiple young stellar discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 5820 (2019)

Matharu, J., A. Muzzin, G. B. Brammer, R. F. J. van der Burg, M. W. Auger, P. C. Hewett, A. van der Wel, P. van Dokkum, M. Balogh, J. C. C. Chan, R. Demarco, D. Marchesini, E. J. Nelson, A. Noble, G. Wilson and H. K. C. Yee: HST/WFC3 grism observations of z ̃ 1 clusters: the cluster versus field stellar mass-size relation and evidence for size growth of quiescent galaxies from minor mergers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 595-617 (2019)

Matsuoka, Y., M. Onoue, N. Kashikawa, M. A. Strauss, K. Iwasawa, C.-H. Lee, M. Imanishi, T. Nagao, M. Akiyama, N. Asami, J. Bosch, H. Furusawa, T. Goto, J. E. Gunn, Y. Harikane, H. Ikeda, T. Izumi, T. Kawaguchi, N. Kato, S. Kikuta, K. Kohno, Y. Komiyama, S. Koyama, R. H. Lupton, T. Minezaki, S. Miyazaki, H. Murayama, M. Niida, A. J. Nishizawa, A. Noboriguchi, M. Oguri, Y. Ono, M. Ouchi, P. A. Price, H. Sameshima, A. Schulze, H. Shirakata, J. D. Silverman, N. Sugiyama, P. J. Tait, M. Takada, T. Takata, M. Tanaka, J.-J. Tang, Y. Toba, Y. Utsumi, S.-Y. Wang and T. Yamashita: Discovery of the First Low-luminosity Quasar at z > 7. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Mazzucchelli, C., R. Decarli, E. P. Farina, E. Bañados, B. P. Venemans, M. A. Strauss, F. Walter, M. Neeleman, F. Bertoldi, X. Fan, D. Riechers, H.-W. Rix and R. Wang: Spectral Energy Distributions of Companion Galaxies to z ∼ 6 Quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

McPartland, C., D. B. Sanders, L. J. Kewley and S. K. Leslie: Dissecting the main sequence: AGN activity and bulge growth in the local Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, L129-L133 (2019)

Méndez-Abreu, J., A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, D. A. Gadotti, F. Fragkoudi, G. van de Ven, J. Falcón-Barroso, R. Leaman, I. Pérez, M. Querejeta, P. Sánchez-Blazquez and M. Seidel: Inner bars also buckle. The MUSE TIMER view of the double-barred galaxy NGC 1291. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, L118-L122 (2019)

Mignone, A., G. Mattia, G. Bodo and L. Del Zanna: A constrained transport method for the solution of the resistive relativistic MHD equations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 4252-4274 (2019)

Miller, T. B., P. van Dokkum, L. Mowla and A. van der Wel: A New View of the Size-Mass Distribution of Galaxies: Using r 20 and r 80 Instead of r 50. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Minchev, I., G. Matijevic, D. W. Hogg, G. Guiglion, M. Steinmetz, F. Anders, C. Chiappini, M. Martig, A. Queiroz and C. Scannapieco: Yule-Simpson's paradox in Galactic Archaeology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 3946-3957 (2019)

Mowla, L., A. van der Wel, P. van Dokkum and T. B. Miller: A Mass-dependent Slope of the Galaxy Size-Mass Relation out to z ̃ 3: Further Evidence for a Direct Relation between Median Galaxy Size and Median Halo Mass. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Mowla, L. A., P. van Dokkum, G. B. Brammer, I. Momcheva, A. van der Wel, K. Whitaker, E. Nelson, R. Bezanson, A. Muzzin, M. Franx, J. MacKenty, J. Leja, M. Kriek and D. Marchesini: COSMOS-DASH: The Evolution of the Galaxy Size─Mass Relation since z ∼ 3 from New Wide-field WFC3 Imaging Combined with CANDELS/3D-HST. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Neeleman, M., E. Bañados, F. Walter, R. Decarli, B. P. Venemans, C. L. Carilli, X. Fan, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, M. Novak, D. A. Riechers, H.-W. Rix and R. Wang: Resolved [C II] Emission from z > 6 Quasar Host─Companion Galaxy Pairs. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)

Neeleman, M., N. Kanekar, J. X. Prochaska, M. A. Rafelski and C. L. Carilli: [C II] 158 μm Emission from z ̃ 4 H I Absorption-selected Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)

Nelson, D., A. Pillepich, V. Springel, R. Pakmor, R. Weinberger, S. Genel, P. Torrey, M. Vogelsberger, F. Marinacci and L. Hernquist: First Results from the TNG50 Simulation: Galactic outflows driven by supernovae and black hole feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Nelson, D., V. Springel, A. Pillepich, V. Rodriguez-Gomez, P. Torrey, S. Genel, M. Vogelsberger, R. Pakmor, F. Marinacci, R. Weinberger, L. Kelley, M. Lovell, B. Diemer and L. Hernquist: The IllustrisTNG simulations: public data release. Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology 6, (2019)

Ness, M. K., K. V. Johnston, K. Blancato, H.-W. Rix, A. Beane, J. C. Bird and K. Hawkins: In the Galactic Disk, Stellar [Fe/H] and Age Predict Orbits and Precise [X/Fe]. The Astrophysical Journal 883, 177 (2019)

Neumann, J., D. A. Gadotti, L. Wisotzki, B. Husemann, G. Busch, F. Combes, S. M. Croom, T. A. Davis, M. Gaspari, M. Krumpe, M. A. Pérez-Torres, J. Scharwächter, I. Smirnova-Pinchukova, G. R. Tremblay and T. Urrutia: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). Comparative analysis of the structural properties of star-forming and non-star-forming galaxy bars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)

Nguyen, D. D., A. C. Seth, N. Neumayer, S. Iguchi, M. Cappellari, J. Strader, L. Chomiuk, E. Tremou, F. Pacucci, K. Nakanishi, A. Bahramian, P. M. Nguyen, M. den Brok, C. C. Ahn, K. T. Voggel, N. Kacharov, T. Tsukui, C. K. Ly, A. Dumont and R. Pechetti: Improved Dynamical Constraints on the Masses of the Central Black Holes in Nearby Low-mass Early-type Galactic Nuclei and the First Black Hole Determination for NGC 205. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Nidever, D. L., K. Olsen, Y. Choi, T. J. L. de Boer, R. D. Blum, E. F. Bell, D. Zaritsky, N. F. Martin, A. Saha, B. C. Conn, G. Besla, R. P. van der Marel, N. E. D. Noël, A. Monachesi, G. S. Stringfellow, P. Massana, M.-R. L. Cioni, C. Gallart, M. Monelli, D. Martinez-Delgado, R. R. Muñoz, S. R. Majewski, A. K. Vivas, A. R. Walker, C. Kaleida and Y.-H. Chu: Exploring the Very Extended Low-surface-brightness Stellar Populations of the Large Magellanic Cloud with SMASH. The Astrophysical Journal 874, (2019)

Noboriguchi, A., T. Nagao, Y. Toba, M. Niida, M. Kajisawa, M. Onoue, Y. Matsuoka, T. Yamashita, Y.-Y. Chang, T. Kawaguchi, Y. Komiyama, K. Nobuhara, Y. Terashima and Y. Ueda: Optical Properties of Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxies Viewed with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Nogueras-Lara, F., R. Schödel, A. T. Gallego-Calvente, H. Dong, E. Gallego-Cano, B. Shahzamanian, J. H. V. Girard, S. Nishiyama, F. Najarro and N. Neumayer: GALACTICNUCLEUS: A high-angular-resolution JHKs imaging survey of the Galactic centre. II. First data release of the catalogue and the most detailed CMDs of the GC. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A20 (2019)

Nogueras-Lara, F., R. Schödel, F. Najarro, A. T. Gallego-Calvente, E. Gallego-Cano, B. Shahzamanian and N. Neumayer: Variability of the near-infrared extinction curve towards the Galactic centre. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, (2019)

Norris, M. A., G. van de Ven, S. J. Kannappan, E. Schinnerer and R. Leaman: Is there a fundamental upper limit to the mass of a star cluster? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 5400-5408 (2019)

Novak, M., E. Bañados, R. Decarli, F. Walter, B. Venemans, M. Neeleman, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, C. Carilli, X. Fan, H. W. Rix and F. Wang: An ALMA Multiline Survey of the Interstellar Medium of the Redshift 7.5 Quasar Host Galaxy J1342+0928. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)

Ntampaka, M., J. ZuHone, D. Eisenstein, D. Nagai, A. Vikhlinin, L. Hernquist, F. Marinacci, D. Nelson, R. Pakmor, A. Pillepich, P. Torrey and M. Vogelsberger: A Deep Learning Approach to Galaxy Cluster X-Ray Masses. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Obreja, A., A. A. Dutton, A. V. Macciò, B. Moster, T. Buck, G. van den Ven, L. Wang, G. S. Stinson and L. Zhu: NIHAO XVI: the properties and evolution of kinematically selected discs, bulges, and stellar haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 4424-4456 (2019)

Obreja, A., A. V. Macciò, B. Moster, S. M. Udrescu, T. Buck, R. Kannan, A. A. Dutton and M. Blank: Local photoionization feedback effects on galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oñorbe, J., F. B. Davies, Lukić, Z. , J. F. Hennawi and D. Sorini: Inhomogeneous reionization models in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 4075-4097 (2019)

Oñorbe, J., F. B. Davies, Z. Lukic, J. F. Hennawi and D. Sorini: Inhomogeneous reionization models in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 4075 (2019)

Onoue, M., N. Kashikawa, Y. Matsuoka, N. Kato, T. Izumi, T. Nagao, M. A. Strauss, Y. Harikane, M. Imanishi, K. Ito, K. Iwasawa, T. Kawaguchi, C.-H. Lee, A. Noboriguchi, H. Suh, M. Tanaka and Y. Toba: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). VI. Black Hole Mass Measurements of Six Quasars at 6.1 ≤ z ≤ 6.7. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Pandya, V., J. Primack, P. Behroozi, A. Dekel, H. Zhang, E. Eckholm, S. M. Faber, H. C. Ferguson, M. Giavalisco, Y. Guo, N. Hathi, D. Kodra, A. M. Koekemoer, D. C. Koo, J. Newman and A. van der Wel: Can intrinsic alignments of elongated low-mass galaxies be used to map the cosmic web at high redshift? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 5580-5593 (2019)

Paulino-Afonso, A., D. Sobral, B. Darvish, B. Ribeiro, A. van der Wel, J. Stott, F. Buitrago, P. Best, A. Stroe and J. E. M. Craig: VIS3COS. II. Nature and nurture in galaxy structure and morphology. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, (2019)

Pavesi, R., D. A. Riechers, A. L. Faisst, G. J. Stacey and P. L. Capak: Low Star Formation Efficiency in Typical Galaxies at z = 5─6. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)

Pelliccia, D., B. C. Lemaux, A. R. Tomczak, L. M. Lubin, L. Shen, B. Epinat, P.-F. Wu, R. R. Gal, N. Rumbaugh, D. D. Kocevski, L. Tresse and G. Squires: Searching for environmental effects on galaxy kinematics in groups and clusters at z ̃ 1 from the ORELSE survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 3514-3549 (2019)

Pillepich, A., D. Nelson, V. Springel, R. Pakmor, P. Torrey, R. Weinberger, M. Vogelsberger, F. Marinacci, S. Genel, A. van der Wel and L. Hernquist: First Results from the TNG50 Simulation: The evolution of stellar and gaseous disks across cosmic time. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Pinna, F., J. Falcón-Barroso, M. Martig, L. Coccato, E. M. Corsini, P. T. de Zeeuw, D. A. Gadotti, E. Iodice, R. Leaman, M. Lyubenova, I. Martín-Navarro, L. Morelli, M. Sarzi, G. van de Ven, S. Viaene and R. M. McDermid: The Fornax 3D project: Thick disks in a cluster environment. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)

Pinna, F., J. Falcón-Barroso, M. Martig, M. Sarzi, L. Coccato, E. Iodice, E. M. Corsini, P. T. de Zeeuw, D. A. Gadotti, R. Leaman, M. Lyubenova, R. M. McDermid, I. Minchev, L. Morelli, G. van de Ven and S. Viaene: The Fornax 3D project: Unveiling the thick disk origin in FCC 170; possible signs of accretion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)

Placco, V. M., R. M. Santucci, T. C. Beers, J. Chanamé, M. P. Sepúlveda, J. Coronado, S. Rossi, Y. S. Lee, E. Starkenburg, K. Youakim, M. Barrientos, R. Ezzeddine, A. Frebel, T. T. Hansen, E. M. Holmbeck, A. P. Ji, K. C. Rasmussen, I. U. Roederer, C. M. Sakari and D. D. Whitten: The R-Process Alliance: Spectroscopic Follow-up of Low-metallicity Star Candidates from the Best & Brightest Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)

Poetrodjojo, H., J. J. D'Agostino, B. Groves, L. Kewley, I.-T. Ho, J. Rich, B. F. Madore and M. Seibert: The effects of diffuse ionized gas and spatial resolution on metallicity gradients: TYPHOON two-dimensional spectrophotometry of M83. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 79-96 (2019)

Poleski, R., M. Penny, B. S. Gaudi, A. Udalski, C. Ranc, G. Barentsen and A. Gould: Photometry of K2 Campaign 9 bulge data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)

Pope, B. J. S., T. R. White, W. M. Farr, J. Yu, M. Greklek-McKeon, D. Huber, C. Aerts, S. Aigrain, T. R. Bedding, T. Boyajian, O. L. Creevey and D. W. Hogg: The K2 Bright Star Survey. I. Methodology and Data Release. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 245, 8 (2019)

Popping, G., D. Narayanan, R. S. Somerville, A. L. Faisst and M. R. Krumholz: The art of modelling CO, [C I], and [C II] in cosmological galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 4906-4932 (2019)

Pössel, M.: Teaching cosmology with special relativity: piecewise inertial frames as a model for cosmic expansion. European Journal of Physics 40, 025602 (2019)

Pössel, M.: Energy conservation in explicit solutions as a simple illustration of Noether's theorem. American Journal of Physics 87, 141-143 (2019)

Pozo Nuñez, F., N. Gianniotis, J. Blex, T. Lisow, R. Chini, K. L. Polsterer, J.-U. Pott, J. Esser and G. Pietrzyński: Optical continuum photometric reverberation mapping of the Seyfert-1 galaxy Mrk509. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 3936 (2019)

Preston, J., M. L. M. Collins, R. A. Ibata, E. J. Tollerud, R. M. Rich, A. Bonaca, A. W. McConnachie, D. Mackey, G. F. Lewis, N. F. Martin, J. Peñarrubia, S. C. Chapman and M. Delorme: A Dwarf Disrupting - Andromeda XXVII and the North West Stream. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Prisinzano, L., F. Damiani, V. Kalari, R. Jeffries, R. Bonito, G. Micela, N. J. Wright, R. J. Jackson, E. Tognelli, M. G. Guarcello, J. S. Vink, A. Klutsch, F. M. Jiménez-Esteban, V. Roccatagliata, G. Tautvaišienė, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, E. J. Alfaro, E. Flaccomio, S. Koposov, A. Lanzafame, E. Pancino, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, E. Franciosini, A. Frasca, A. Gonneau, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, J. Lewis, L. Magrini, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, G. G. Sacco, C. C. Worley and S. Zaggia: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Age spread in the star forming region NGC 6530 from the HR diagram and gravity indicators. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)

Prochaska, J. X., M. Neeleman, N. Kanekar and M. Rafelski: ALMA C II 158 µm Imaging of an H I-selected Major Merger at z ~ 4. The Astrophysical Journal 886, L35 (2019)

Puglisi, A., E. Daddi, D. Liu, F. Bournaud, J. D. Silverman, C. Circosta, A. Calabrò, M. Aravena, A. Cibinel, H. Dannerbauer, I. Delvecchio, D. Elbaz, Y. Gao, R. Gobat, S. Jin, E. Le Floc'h, G. E. Magdis, C. Mancini, D. A. Riechers, G. Rodighiero, M. Sargent, F. Valentino and L. Zanisi: The Main Sequence at z ∼ 1.3 Contains a Sizable Fraction of Galaxies with Compact Star Formation Sizes: A New Population of Early Post-starbursts? The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)

Puglisi, A., E. Daddi, D. Liu, F. Bournaud, J. D. Silverman, C. Circosta, A. Calabrò, M. Aravena, A. Cibinel, H. Dannerbauer, I. Delvecchio, D. Elbaz, Y. Gao, R. Gobat, S. Jin, E. Le Floc'h, G. E. Magdis, C. Mancini, D. A. Riechers, G. Rodighiero, M. Sargent, F. Valentino and L. Zanisi: The Main Sequence at z ∼ 1.3 Contains a Sizable Fraction of Galaxies with Compact Star Formation Sizes: A New Population of Early Post-starbursts? The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)

Rabien, S., R. Angel, L. Barl, U. Beckmann, L. Busoni, S. Belli, M. Bonaglia, J. Borelli, J. Brynnel, P. Buschkamp, A. Cardwell, A. Contursi, C. Connot, R. Davies, M. Deysenroth, O. Durney, F. Eisenhauer, M. Elberich, S. Esposito, B. Frye, W. Gaessler, V. Gasho, H. Gemperlein, R. Genzel, I. Y. Georgiev, R. Green, M. Hart, C. Kohlmann, M. Kulas, M. Lefebvre, T. Mazzoni, J. Noenickx, G. Orban de Xivry, T. Ott, D. Peter, A. Puglisi, Y. Qin, A. Quirrenbach, W. Raab, M. Rademacher, G. Rahmer, M. Rosensteiner, H. W. Rix, P. Salinari, C. Schwab, A. Sivitilli, M. Steinmetz, J. Storm, C. Veillet, G. Weigelt and J. Ziegleder: ARGOS at the LBT. Binocular laser guided ground-layer adaptive optics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, (2019)

Renaud, F., F. Bournaud, O. Agertz, K. Kraljic, E. Schinnerer, A. Bolatto, E. Daddi and A. Hughes: A diversity of starburst-triggering mechanisms in interacting galaxies and their signatures in CO emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)

Rendle, B. M., A. Miglio, C. Chiappini, M. Valentini, G. R. Davies, B. Mosser, Y. Elsworth, R. A. García, S. Mathur, P. Jofré, C. C. Worley, L. Casagrande, L. Girardi, M. N. Lund, D. K. Feuillet, A. Gavel, L. Magrini, S. Khan, T. S. Rodrigues, J. A. Johnson, K. Cunha, R. L. Lane, C. Nitschelm and W. J. Chaplin: The K2 Galactic Caps Project - going beyond the Kepler field and ageing the Galactic disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 4465 (2019)

Riechers, D. A., R. Pavesi, C. E. Sharon, J. A. Hodge, R. Decarli, F. Walter, C. L. Carilli, M. Aravena, E. da Cunha, E. Daddi, M. Dickinson, I. Smail, P. L. Capak, R. J. Ivison, M. Sargent, N. Z. Scoville and J. Wagg: COLDz: Shape of the CO Luminosity Function at High Redshift and the Cold Gas History of the Universe. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Rivera, J., A. J. Baker, P. A. Gallardo, M. B. Gralla, A. I. Harris, K. M. Huffenberger, J. P. Hughes, C. R. Keeton, C. H. López-Caraballo, T. A. Marriage, B. Partridge, J. L. Sievers, A. S. Tagore, F. Walter, A. Weiß and E. J. Wollack: The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: CO(J = 3 ─ 2) Mapping and Lens Modeling of an ACT-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 879, (2019)

Roberts, I. D., L. C. Parker, T. Brown, G. D. Joshi, J. Hlavacek-Larrondo and J. Wadsley: Quenching Low-mass Satellite Galaxies: Evidence for a Threshold ICM Density. The Astrophysical Journal 873, (2019)

Roca-Fàbrega, S., A. Dekel, Y. Faerman, O. Gnat, C. Strawn, D. Ceverino, J. Primack, A. V. Macciò, A. A. Dutton, J. X. Prochaska and J. Stern: CGM properties in VELA and NIHAO simulations; the OVI ionization mechanism: dependence on redshift, halo mass, and radius. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 3625-3645 (2019)

Rodeghiero, G., M. Sawczuck, J.-U. Pott, M. Glück, E. Biancalani, M. Häberle, H. Riechert, C. Pernechele, V. Naranjo, J. Moreno-Ventas, P. Bizenberger, S. Perera and L. Lessio: Development of the Warm Astrometric Mask for MICADO Astrometry Calibration. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131, 054503 (2019)

Rodriguez-Gomez, V., G. F. Snyder, J. M. Lotz, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, V. Springel, S. Genel, R. Weinberger, S. Tacchella, R. Pakmor, P. Torrey, F. Marinacci, M. Vogelsberger, L. Hernquist and D. A. Thilker: The optical morphologies of galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulation: a comparison to Pan-STARRS observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 4140-4159 (2019)

Rybak, M., G. Calistro Rivera, J. A. Hodge, I. Smail, F. Walter, P. van der Werf, E. da Cunha, C.-C. Chen, H. Dannerbauer, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, J. M. Simpson, A. M. Swinbank and J. L. Wardlow: Strong Far-ultraviolet Fields Drive the [C II]/Far-infrared Deficit in z ∼ 3 Dusty, Star-forming Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Sacchi, E., M. Cignoni, A. Aloisi, M. Tosi, A. Adamo, D. A. Dale, B. G. Elmegreen, D. M. Elmegreen, D. Calzetti, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, L. J. Smith, A. Wofford, J. C. Lee, E. Sabbi and L. Ubeda: Star Formation Histories of the LEGUS Spiral Galaxies. I. The Flocculent Spiral NGC 7793. The Astrophysical Journal 878, (2019)

Salvadori, S., P. Bonifacio, E. Caffau, S. Korotin, S. Andreevsky, M. Spite and Á. Skúladóttir: Probing the existence of very massive first stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 4261-4284 (2019)

Saracino, S., N. Bastian, V. Kozhurina-Platais, I. Cabrera-Ziri, E. Dalessandro, N. Kacharov, C. Lardo, S. S. Larsen, A. Mucciarelli, I. Platais and M. Salaris: An extragalactic chromosome map: the intermediate-age SMC cluster Lindsay 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, L97 (2019)

Schaefer, A. L., S. M. Croom, N. Scott, S. Brough, J. T. Allen, K. Bekki, J. Bland-Hawthorn, J. V. Bloom, J. J. Bryant, L. Cortese, L. J. M. Davies, C. Federrath, L. M. R. Fogarty, A. W. Green, B. Groves, A. M. Hopkins, I. S. Konstantopoulos, A. R. López-Sánchez, J. S. Lawrence, R. E. McElroy, A. M. Medling, M. S. Owers, M. B. Pracy, S. N. Richards, A. S. G. Robotham, J. van de Sande, C. Tonini and S. K. Yi: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: observing the environmental quenching of star formation in GAMA groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 2851-2870 (2019)

Schindler, J.-T., X. Fan, Y.-H. Huang, M. Yue, J. Yang, P. B. Hall, L. Wenzl, A. Hughes, K. C. Litke and J. M. Rees: The Extremely Luminous Quasar Survey in the Pan-STARRS 1 Footprint (PS-ELQS). The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 243, (2019)

Schindler, J.-T., X. Fan, I. D. McGreer, J. Yang, F. Wang, R. Green, J. P. U. Fynbo, J.-K. Krogager, E. M. Green, Y.-H. Huang, J. Kadowaki, A. Patej, Y.-L. Wu and M. Yue: The Extremely Luminous Quasar Survey in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Footprint. III. The South Galactic Cap Sample and the Quasar Luminosity Function at Cosmic Noon. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)

Schinnerer, E., A. Hughes, A. Leroy, B. Groves, G. A. Blanc, K. Kreckel, F. Bigiel, M. l. Chevance, D. Dale, E. Emsellem, C. Faesi, S. Glover, K. Grasha, J. Henshaw, A. Hygate, J. M. D. Kruijssen, S. Meidt, J. Pety, M. Querejeta, E. Rosolowsky, T. Saito, A. Schruba, J. Sun and D. Utomo: The Gas-Star Formation Cycle in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies. I. Assessment of Multi-scale Variations. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 49 (2019)

Schmidt, T. M., J. F. Hennawi, K.-G. Lee, Z. Lukić, J. Oñorbe and M. White: Mapping Quasar Light Echoes in 3D with Lyα Forest Tomography. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)

Schmidt, T. M., J. F. Hennawi, K.-G. Lee, Z. Lukić, J. Oñorbe and M. White: Mapping Quasar Light Echoes in 3D with Lyα Forest Tomography. The Astrophysical Journal 882, 165 (2019)

Schruba, A., J. M. D. Kruijssen and A. K. Leroy: How Galactic Environment Affects the Dynamical State of Molecular Clouds and Their Star Formation Efficiency. The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)

Schuldt, S., G. Chirivì, S. H. Suyu, A. Yıldırım, A. Sonnenfeld, A. Halkola and G. F. Lewis: Inner dark matter distribution of the Cosmic Horseshoe (J1148+1930) with gravitational lensing and dynamics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A40 (2019)

Schultheis, M., R. M. Rich, L. Origlia, N. Ryde, G. Nandakumar, B. Thorsbro and N. Neumayer: The inner two degrees of the Milky Way. Evidence of a chemical difference between the Galactic Center and the surrounding inner bulge stellar populations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)

Schulze, A., J. D. Silverman, E. Daddi, W. Rujopakarn, D. Liu, M. Schramm, V. Mainieri, M. Imanishi, M. Hirschmann and K. Jahnke: No signs of star formation being regulated in the most luminous quasars at z ̃ 2 with ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 1180-1198 (2019)

Sestito, F., N. Longeard, N. F. Martin, E. Starkenburg, M. Fouesneau, J. I. González Hernández, A. Arentsen, R. Ibata, D. S. Aguado, R. G. Carlberg, P. Jablonka, J. F. Navarro, E. Tolstoy and K. A. Venn: Tracing the formation of the Milky Way through ultra metal-poor stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 2166-2180 (2019)

Sharma, S., D. Stello, J. Bland-Hawthorn, M. R. Hayden, J. C. Zinn, T. Kallinger, M. Hon, M. Asplund, S. Buder, G. M. De Silva, V. D'Orazi, K. Freeman, J. Kos, G. F. Lewis, J. Lin, K. Lind, S. Martell, J. D. Simpson, R. A. Wittenmyer, D. B. Zucker, T. Zwitter, T. R. Bedding, B. Chen, K. Cotar, J. Esdaile, J. Horner, D. Huber, P. R. Kafle, S. Khanna, T. Li, Y.-S. Ting, D. M. Nataf, T. Nordlander, M. H. M. Saadon, G. Traven, D. Wright and R. F. G. Wyse: The K2-HERMES Survey: age and metallicity of the thick disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 5335 (2019)

Shen, L., A. R. Tomczak, B. C. Lemaux, D. Pelliccia, L. M. Lubin, N. A. Miller, S. Perrotta, C. D. Fassnacht, R. H. Becker, R. R. Gal, P.-F. Wu and G. Squires: Possible evidence of the radio AGN quenching of neighbouring galaxies at z ̃ 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 2433-2446 (2019)

Shen, Y., J. Wu, L. Jiang, E. Bañados, X. Fan, L. C. Ho, D. A. Riechers, M. A. Strauss, B. Venemans, M. Vestergaard, F. Walter, F. Wang, C. Willott, X.-B. Wu and J. Yang: Gemini GNIRS Near-infrared Spectroscopy of 50 Quasars at z ≳ 5.7. The Astrophysical Journal 873, (2019)

Shultz, M., J.-B. Le Bouquin, T. Rivinius, G. A. Wade, O. Kochukhov, E. Alecian, V. Petit, O. Pfuhl, M. Karl, F. Gao, R. Grellmann, C.-C. Lin, P. Garcia, S. Lacour, M. Collaboration and B. Collaboration: NU Ori: a hierarchical triple system with a strongly magnetic B-type star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 3950-3965 (2019)

Sills, A., E. Dalessandro, M. Cadelano, M. Alfaro-Cuello and J. M. D. Kruijssen: Light element variations within the different age-metallicity populations in the nucleus of the Sagittarius dwarf. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, L67 (2019)

Silverman, J. D., T. Treu, X. Ding, K. Jahnke, V. N. Bennert, S. Birrer, M. Schramm, A. Schulze, J. S. Kartaltepe, D. B. Sanders and R. Cen: Where Do Quasar Hosts Lie with Respect to the Size-Mass Relation of Galaxies? The Astrophysical Journal 887, L5 (2019)

Simpson, J. D., S. L. Martell, G. Da Costa, A. R. Casey, K. C. Freeman, J. Horner, Y.-S. Ting, D. M. Nataf, G. F. Lewis, M. K. Ness, D. B. Zucker, P. L. Cottrell, K. Čotar, M. Asplund, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Buder, V. D'Orazi, G. M. De Silva, L. Duong, J. Kos, J. Lin, K. Lind, K. J. Schlesinger, S. Sharma, T. Zwitter, P. R. Kafle and T. Nordlander: The GALAH survey: co-orbiting stars and chemical tagging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 5302-5315 (2019)

Simpson, J. M., I. Smail, A. M. Swinbank, S. C. Chapman, C.-C. Chen, J. E. Geach, Y. Matsuda, R. Wang, W.-H. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Ao, R. Asquith, N. Bourne, R. T. Coogan, K. Coppin, B. Gullberg, N. K. Hine, L. C. Ho, H. S. Hwang, R. J. Ivison, Y. Kato, K. Lacaille, A. J. R. Lewis, D. Liu, M. J. Michałowski, I. Oteo, M. Sawicki, J. Scholtz, D. Smith, A. P. Thomson and J. L. Wardlow: The East Asian Observatory SCUBA-2 Survey of the COSMOS Field: Unveiling 1147 Bright Sub-millimeter Sources across 2.6 Square Degrees. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Skúladóttir, Á., C. J. Hansen, S. Salvadori and A. Choplin: Neutron-capture elements in dwarf galaxies. I. Chemical clocks and the short timescale of the r-process. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A171 (2019)

Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., B. Husemann, G. Busch, P. Appleton, M. Bethermin, F. Combes, S. Croom, T. A. Davis, C. Fischer, M. Gaspari, B. Groves, R. Klein, C. P. O'Dea, M. Pérez-Torres, J. Scharwächter, M. Singha, G. R. Tremblay and T. Urrutia: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). Discovery of a global [C II] 158 μm line excess in AGN HE 1353-1917. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, (2019)

Starkenburg, E., K. Youakim, N. Martin, G. Thomas, D. S. Aguado, A. Arentsen, R. G. Carlberg, J. I. Gonz√°lez Hern√°ndez, R. Ibata, N. Longeard, A. W. McConnachie, J. Navarro, R. n. S√°nchez-Janssen and K. A. Venn: The Pristine survey - VII. A cleaner view of the Galactic outer halo using blue horizontal branch stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 5757 (2019)

Stevens, A. R. H., B. Diemer, C. d. P. Lagos, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, T. Brown, B. Catinella, L. Hernquist, R. Weinberger, M. Vogelsberger and F. Marinacci: Erratum: Atomic hydrogen in IllustrisTNG galaxies: the impact of environment parallelled with local 21-cm surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5499-5499 (2019)

Stevens, A. R. H., B. Diemer, C. d. P. Lagos, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, T. Brown, B. Catinella, L. Hernquist, R. Weinberger, M. Vogelsberger and F. Marinacci: Atomic hydrogen in IllustrisTNG galaxies: the impact of environment parallelled with local 21-cm surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 5334-5354 (2019)

Stoychev, B. K., K. L. Dixon, A. V. Macciò, M. Blank and A. A. Dutton: Clues to the nature of dark matter from first galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 487-496 (2019)

Tacchella, S., B. Diemer, L. Hernquist, S. Genel, F. Marinacci, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, V. Rodriguez-Gomez, L. V. Sales, V. Springel and M. Vogelsberger: Morphology and star formation in IllustrisTNG: the build-up of spheroids and discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 5416-5440 (2019)

Tadaki, K.-i., D. Iono, B. Hatsukade, K. Kohno, M. M. Lee, Y. Matsuda, T. Michiyama, K. Nakanishi, T. Nagao, T. Saito, Y. Tamura, J. Ueda and H. Umehata: CNO Emission of an Unlensed Submillimeter Galaxy at z = 4.3. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)

Tang, S.-Y., X. Pang, Z. Yuan, W. P. Chen, J. Hong, B. Goldman, A. Just, B. Shukirgaliyev and C.-C. Lin: Discovery of Tidal Tails in Disrupting Open Clusters: Coma Berenices and a Neighbor Stellar Group. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)

Cosmic Evolution of Nearby Radio Active Galactic Nuclei, 1231. (2019)

Thomas, G. F., C. F. P. Laporte, A. W. McConnachie, B. Famaey, R. Ibata, N. F. Martin, E. Starkenburg, R. Carlberg, K. Malhan and K. Venn: A-type stars in the Canada-France Imaging Survey - II. Tracing the height of the disc at large distances with Blue Stragglers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 3119-3126 (2019)

Ting, Y.-S., C. Conroy, H.-W. Rix and P. Cargile: The Payne: Self-consistent ab initio Fitting of Stellar Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal 879, (2019)

Ting, Y.-S. and H.-W. Rix: The Vertical Motion History of Disk Stars throughout the Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 878, (2019)

Tisanić, K., V. Smolčić, J. Delhaize, M. Novak, H. Intema, I. Delvecchio, E. Schinnerer, G. Zamorani, M. Bondi and E. Vardoulaki: The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Average radio spectral energy distribution of highly star-forming galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, (2019)

Toba, Y., T. Yamashita, T. Nagao, W.-H. Wang, Y. Ueda, K. Ichikawa, T. Kawaguchi, M. Akiyama, B.-C. Hsieh, M. Kajisawa, C.-H. Lee, Y. Matsuoka, A. Noboriguchi, M. Onoue, M. Schramm, M. Tanaka and Y. Komiyama: A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). II. Physical Properties Derived from the SED Fitting with Optical, Infrared, and Radio Data. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 243, (2019)

Tollet, É., A. Cattaneo, A. V. Macciò, A. A. Dutton and X. Kang: NIHAO XIX: how supernova feedback shapes the galaxy baryon cycle. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 2511-2531 (2019)

Tollet, E., A. V. Macciò, A. A. Dutton, G. S. Stinson, L. Wang, C. Penzo, T. A. Gutcke, T. Buck, X. Kang, C. Brook, A. Di Cintio, B. W. Keller and J. Wadsley: Erratum: NIHAO IV: core creation and destruction in dark matter density profiles across cosmic time. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 1764-1764 (2019)

Tomczak, A. R., B. C. Lemaux, L. M. Lubin, D. Pelliccia, L. Shen, R. R. Gal, D. Hung, D. D. Kocevski, O. Le Fèvre, S. Mei, N. Rumbaugh, G. K. Squires and P.-F. Wu: Conditional quenching: a detailed look at the SFR-density relation at z ̃ 0.9 from ORELSE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 4695-4710 (2019)

Tomicic, N., I.-T. Ho, K. Kreckel, E. Schinnerer, A. Leroy, B. Groves, K. Sandstrom, G. A. Blanc, T. Jarrett, D. Thilker, M. Kapala and R. McElroy: Calibrating Star Formation Rate Prescriptions at Different Scales (10 pc-1 kpc) in M31. The Astrophysical Journal 873, (2019)

Torrey, P., M. Vogelsberger, F. Marinacci, R. Pakmor, V. Springel, D. Nelson, J. Naiman, A. Pillepich, S. Genel, R. Weinberger and L. Hernquist: The evolution of the mass-metallicity relation and its scatter in IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5587-5607 (2019)

Torrey, P., M. Vogelsberger, F. Marinacci, R. d. Pakmor, V. Springel, D. Nelson, J. Naiman, A. Pillepich, S. Genel, R. Weinberger and L. Hernquist: The evolution of the mass-metallicity relation and its scatter in IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5587 (2019)

Übler, H., R. Genzel, E. Wisnioski, N. M. Förster Schreiber, T. T. Shimizu, S. H. Price, L. J. Tacconi, S. Belli, D. J. Wilman, M. Fossati, J. T. Mendel, R. L. Davies, A. Beifiori, R. Bender, G. B. Brammer, A. Burkert, J. Chan, R. I. Davies, M. Fabricius, A. Galametz, R. Herrera-Camus, P. Lang, D. Lutz, I. G. Momcheva, T. Naab, E. J. Nelson, R. P. Saglia, K. Tadaki, P. G. van Dokkum and S. Wuyts: The Evolution and Origin of Ionized Gas Velocity Dispersion from z ∼ 2.6 to z ∼ 0.6 with KMOS3D. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Uzgil, B. D., C. Carilli, A. Lidz, F. Walter, N. Thyagarajan, R. Decarli, M. Aravena, F. Bertoldi, P. C. Cortes, J. González-López, H. Inami, G. Popping, D. A. Riechers, P. Van der Werf, J. Wagg and A. Weiss: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: Constraining Cumulative CO Emission at 1 ≲ z ≲ 4 with Power Spectrum Analysis of ASPECS LP Data from 84 to 115 GHz. The Astrophysical Journal 887, 37 (2019)

van Dokkum, P., C. Gilhuly, A. Bonaca, A. Merritt, S. Danieli, D. Lokhorst, R. Abraham, C. Conroy and J. P. Greco: Dragonfly Imaging of the Galaxy NGC 5907: A Different View of the Iconic Stellar Stream. The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)

Vardoulaki, E., E. F. Jiménez Andrade, A. Karim, M. Novak, S. K. Leslie, K. Tisanić, V. Smolčić, E. Schinnerer, M. T. Sargent, M. Bondi, G. Zamorani, B. Magnelli, F. Bertoldi, N. Herrera Ruiz, K. P. Mooley, J. Delhaize, S. T. Myers, S. Marchesi, A. M. Koekemoer, G. Gozaliasl, A. Finoguenov, E. Middleberg and P. Ciliegi: A closer look at the deep radio sky: Multi-component radio sources at 3 GHz VLA-COSMOS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)

Venemans, B. P., M. Neeleman, F. Walter, M. Novak, R. Decarli, J. F. Hennawi and H.-W. Rix: 400 pc Imaging of a Massive Quasar Host Galaxy at a Redshift of 6.6. The Astrophysical Journal 874, (2019)

Vourellis, C., C. Fendt, Q. Qian and S. C. Noble: GR-MHD Disk Winds and Jets from Black Holes and Resistive Accretion Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)

Walther, M., J. Oñorbe, J. F. Hennawi and Z. Lukić: New Constraints on IGM Thermal Evolution from the Lyα Forest Power Spectrum. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)

Wang, C., Y. Huang, H.-B. Yuan, M.-S. Xiang, B.-Q. Chen, H.-F. Wang, Y.-Q. Wu, H.-W. Zhang, Z.-J. Tian, Y. Yang, M. Zhang and X.-W. Liu: The Galactic Disk Phase Spirals at Different Galactic Positions Revealed by Gaia and LAMOST Data. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)

Wang, C., X.-W. Liu, M.-S. Xiang, Y. Huang, B.-Q. Chen, H.-B. Yuan, J.-J. Ren, H.-W. Zhang and Z.-J. Tian: Metallicity distributions of mono-age stellar populations of the Galactic disc from the LAMOST Galactic spectroscopic surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 2189-2207 (2019)

Wang, F., J. Yang, X. Fan, X.-B. Wu, M. Yue, J.-T. Li, F. Bian, L. Jiang, E. Bañados, J.-T. Schindler, J. R. Findlay, F. B. Davies, R. Decarli, E. P. Farina, R. Green, J. F. Hennawi, Y.-H. Huang, C. Mazzuccheli, I. D. McGreer, B. Venemans, F. Walter, S. Dye, B. W. Lyke, A. D. Myers and E. Haze Nunez: Exploring Reionization-era Quasars. III. Discovery of 16 Quasars at 6.4 ≲ z ≲ 6.9 with DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys and the UKIRT Hemisphere Survey and Quasar Luminosity Function at z ˜ 6.7. The Astrophysical Journal 884, 30 (2019)

Wang, H.-F., J. L. Carlin, Y. Huang, M. i. López-Corredoira, B.-Q. Chen, C. Wang, J. Chang, H.-W. Zhang, M.-S. Xiang, H.-B. Yuan, W.-X. Sun, X.-Y. Li, Y. Yang and L.-C. Deng: Mapping the Galactic Disk with the LAMOST and Gaia Red Clump Sample. III. A New Velocity Substructure and Time Stamps of the Galactic Disk Asymmetry in the Disk between 12 and 15 kpc. The Astrophysical Journal 884, 135 (2019)

Wang, L., D. Obreschkow, C. d. P. Lagos, S. M. Sweet, D. Fisher, K. Glazebrook, A. V. Macciò, A. A. Dutton and X. Kang: Angular momentum evolution of bulge stars in disc galaxies in NIHAO. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 5477-5491 (2019)

Watson, D., C. J. Hansen, J. Selsing, A. Koch, D. B. Malesani, A. C. Andersen, J. P. U. Fynbo, A. Arcones, A. Bauswein, S. Covino, A. Grado, K. E. Heintz, L. Hunt, C. Kouveliotou, G. Leloudas, A. J. Levan, P. Mazzali and E. Pian: Identification of strontium in the merger of two neutron stars. Nature 574, 497 (2019)

Weinberg, D. H., J. A. Holtzman, S. Hasselquist, J. C. Bird, J. A. Johnson, M. Shetrone, J. Sobeck, C. Allende Prieto, D. Bizyaev, R. Carrera, R. E. Cohen, K. Cunha, G. Ebelke, J. G. Fernandez-Trincado, D. A. García-Hernández, C. R. Hayes, H. Jönsson, R. R. Lane, S. R. Majewski, V. Malanushenko, S. Mészáros, D. L. Nidever, C. Nitschelm, K. Pan, H.-W. Rix, J. Rybizki, R. P. Schiavon, D. P. Schneider, J. C. Wilson and O. Zamora: Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Multi-element Abundance Ratios. The Astrophysical Journal 874, (2019)

Weisz, D. R., A. E. Dolphin, N. F. Martin, S. M. Albers, M. L. M. Collins, A. M. N. Ferguson, G. F. Lewis, A. D. Mackey, A. McConnachie, R. M. Rich and E. D. Skillman: A rogues gallery of Andromeda's dwarf galaxies - II. Precise distances to 17 faint satellites. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 763-770 (2019)

Weisz, D. R., N. F. Martin, A. E. Dolphin, S. M. Albers, M. L. M. Collins, A. M. N. Ferguson, G. F. Lewis, D. Mackey, A. McConnachie, R. M. Rich and E. D. Skillman: Comparing the Quenching Times of Faint M31 and Milky Way Satellite Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 885, L8 (2019)

Wisnioski, E., N. M. Förster Schreiber, M. Fossati, J. T. Mendel, D. Wilman, R. Genzel, R. Bender, S. Wuyts, R. L. Davies, H. Übler, K. Bandara, A. Beifiori, S. Belli, G. Brammer, J. Chan, R. I. Davies, M. Fabricius, A. Galametz, P. Lang, D. Lutz, E. J. Nelson, I. Momcheva, S. Price, D. Rosario, R. Saglia, S. Seitz, T. Shimizu, L. J. Tacconi, K. Tadaki, P. G. van Dokkum and E. Wuyts: The KMOS3D Survey: Data Release and Final Survey Paper. The Astrophysical Journal 886, 124 (2019)

Worseck, G., F. B. Davies, J. F. Hennawi and J. X. Prochaska: The Evolution of the He II-ionizing Background at Redshifts 2.3 < z < 3.8 Inferred from a Statistical Sample of 24 HST/COS He II Lyα Absorption Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal 875, (2019)

Wright, N. J., R. D. Jeffries, R. J. Jackson, A. Bayo, R. Bonito, F. Damiani, V. Kalari, A. C. Lanzafame, E. Pancino, R. J. Parker, L. Prisinzano, S. Randich, J. S. Vink, E. J. Alfaro, M. Bergemann, E. Franciosini, G. Gilmore, A. Gonneau, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, S. E. Koposov, J. Lewis, L. Magrini, G. Micela, L. Morbidelli, G. G. Sacco, C. C. Worley and S. Zaggia: The Gaia-ESO Survey: asymmetric expansion of the Lagoon Nebula cluster NGC 6530 from GES and Gaia DR2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 2477-2493 (2019)

Wu, Y., M. Xiang, G. Zhao, S. Bi, X. Liu, J. Shi, Y. Huang, H. Yuan, C. Wang, B. Chen, Z. Huo, J. Ren, Z. Tian, K. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Li and J. Zhang: Ages and masses of 0.64 million red giant branch stars from the LAMOST Galactic Spectroscopic Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5315-5329 (2019)

Xiang, M., Y.-S. Ting, H.-W. Rix, N. Sandford, S. Buder, K. Lind, X.-W. Liu, J.-R. Shi and H.-W. Zhang: Abundance Estimates for 16 Elements in 6 Million Stars from LAMOST DR5 Low-Resolution Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 245, 34 (2019)

Xu, D., L. Zhu, R. Grand, V. Springel, S. Mao, G. van de Ven, S. Lu, Y. Wang, A. Pillepich, S. Genel, D. Nelson, V. Rodriguez-Gomez, R. Pakmor, R. Weinberger, F. Marinacci, M. Vogelsberger, P. Torrey, J. Naiman and L. Hernquist: A study of stellar orbit fractions: simulated IllustrisTNG galaxies compared to CALIFA observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 842-854 (2019)

Yang, C., X.-X. Xue, J. Li, C. Liu, B. Zhang, H.-W. Rix, L. Zhang, G. Zhao, H. Tian, J. Zhong, Q. Xing, Y. Wu, C. Li, J. L. Carlin and J. Chang: Tracing Kinematic and Chemical Properties of Sagittarius Stream by K-Giants, M-Giants, and BHB stars. The Astrophysical Journal 886, 154 (2019)

Yang, J., B. Venemans, F. Wang, X. Fan, M. Novak, R. Decarli, F. Walter, M. Yue, E. Momjian, C. R. Keeton, R. Wang, A. Zabludoff, X.-B. Wu and F. Bian: Far-infrared Properties of the Bright, Gravitationally Lensed Quasar J0439+1634 at z = 6.5. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)

Yue, M., X. Fan, J.-T. Schindler, I. D. McGreer and Y.-H. Huang: Quasars Have Fewer Close Companions than Normal Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 883, 141 (2019)

Yun, K., A. Pillepich, E. Zinger, D. Nelson, M. Donnari, G. Joshi, V. Rodriguez-Gomez, S. Genel, R. Weinberger, M. Vogelsberger and L. Hernquist: Jellyfish galaxies with the IllustrisTNG simulations - I. Gas-stripping phenomena in the full cosmological context. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 1042-1066 (2019)

Yung, L. Y. A., R. S. Somerville, S. L. Finkelstein, G. Popping and R. Davé: Semi-analytic forecasts for JWST - I. UV luminosity functions at z = 4-10. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 2983-3006 (2019)

Yung, L. Y. A., R. S. Somerville, G. Popping, S. L. Finkelstein, H. C. Ferguson and R. Davé: Semi-analytic forecasts for JWST - II. Physical properties and scaling relations for galaxies at z = 4-10. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 2855 (2019)

Zaritsky, D., R. Donnerstein, A. Dey, J. Kadowaki, H. Zhang, A. Karunakaran, D. Martínez-Delgado, M. Rahman and K. Spekkens: Systematically Measuring Ultra-diffuse Galaxies (SMUDGes). I. Survey Description and First Results in the Coma Galaxy Cluster and Environs. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 240, (2019)

Zechmeister, M., S. Dreizler, I. Ribas, A. Reiners, J. A. Caballero, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, L. González-Cuesta, E. Herrero, S. Lalitha, M. J. López-González, R. Luque, J. C. Morales, E. Pallé, E. Rodríguez, C. Rodríguez López, L. Tal-Or, G. Anglada-Escudé, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, M. Abril, F. J. Aceituno, J. Aceituno, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, M. Ammler-von Eiff, R. Antona Jiménez, H. Anwand-Heerwart, B. Arroyo-Torres, M. Azzaro, D. Baroch, D. Barrado, S. Becerril, D. Benítez, Z. M. Berdiñas, G. Bergond, P. Bluhm, M. Brinkmöller, C. del Burgo, R. Calvo Ortega, J. Cano, C. Cardona Guillén, J. Carro, M. C. Cárdenas Vázquez, E. Casal, N. Casasayas-Barris, V. Casanova, P. Chaturvedi, C. Cifuentes, A. Claret, J. Colomé, M. Cortés-Contreras, S. Czesla, E. Díez-Alonso, R. Dorda, M. Fernández, A. Fernández-Martín, B. Fuhrmeister, A. Fukui, D. Galadí-Enríquez, I. Gallardo Cava, J. Garcia de la Fuente, A. Garcia-Piquer, M. L. García Vargas, L. Gesa, J. Góngora Rueda, E. González-Álvarez, J. I. González Hernández, R. González-Peinado, U. Grözinger, J. Guàrdia, A. Guijarro, E. de Guindos, A. P. Hatzes, P. H. Hauschildt, R. P. Hedrosa, J. Helmling, T. Henning, I. Hermelo, R. Hernández Arabi, L. Hernández Castaño, F. Hernández Otero, D. Hintz, P. Huke, A. Huber, S. V. Jeffers, E. N. Johnson, E. de Juan, A. Kaminski, J. Kemmer, M. Kim, H. Klahr, R. Klein, J. Klüter, A. Klutsch, D. Kossakowski, M. Kürster, F. Labarga, M. Lafarga, M. Llamas, M. Lampón, L. M. Lara, R. Launhardt, F. J. Lázaro, N. Lodieu, M. López del Fresno, M. López-Puertas, J. F. López Salas, J. López-Santiago, H. Magán Madinabeitia, U. Mall, L. Mancini, H. Mandel, E. Marfil, J. A. Marín Molina, D. Maroto Fernández, E. L. Martín, P. Martín-Fernández, S. Martín-Ruiz, C. J. Marvin, E. Mirabet, P. Montañés-Rodríguez, D. Montes, M. E. Moreno-Raya, E. Nagel, V. Naranjo, N. Narita, L. Nortmann, G. Nowak, A. Ofir, M. Oshagh, J. Panduro, H. Parviainen, J. Pascual, V. M. Passegger, A. Pavlov, S. Pedraz, A. Pérez-Calpena, D. Pérez Medialdea, M. Perger, M. A. C. Perryman, O. Rabaza, A. Ramón Ballesta, R. Rebolo, P. Redondo, S. Reffert, S. Reinhardt, P. Rhode, H.-W. Rix, F. Rodler, A. Rodríguez Trinidad, A. Rosich, S. Sadegi, E. Sánchez-Blanco, M. A. Sánchez Carrasco, A. Sánchez-López, J. Sanz-Forcada, P. Sarkis, L. F. Sarmiento, S. Schäfer, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, P. Schöfer, A. Schweitzer, W. Seifert, D. Shulyak, E. Solano, A. Sota, O. Stahl, S. Stock, J. B. P. Strachan, T. Stuber, J. Stürmer, J. C. Suárez, H. M. Tabernero, M. Tala Pinto, T. Trifonov, G. Veredas, J. I. Vico Linares, F. Vilardell, K. Wagner, V. Wolthoff, W. Xu, F. Yan and M. R. Zapatero Osorio: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Two temperate Earth-mass planet candidates around Teegarden's Star. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)

Zerjal, M., M. J. Ireland, T. Nordlander, J. Lin, S. Buder, L. Casagrande, K. Čotar, G. de Silva, J. Horner, S. Martell, G. Traven, T. Zwitter and G. Collaboration: The GALAH Survey: lithium-strong KM dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 4591-4600 (2019)

Zhang, D., Y. Luo and X. Kang: The effect of the Large Magellanic Cloud on the satellite galaxy population in Milky Way analogous galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 2440-2448 (2019)

Zhang, H., J. R. Primack, S. M. Faber, D. C. Koo, A. Dekel, Z. Chen, D. Ceverino, Y.-Y. Chang, J. J. Fang, Y. Guo, L. Lin and A. v. d. Wel: The evolution of galaxy shapes in CANDELS: from prolate to discy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5170-5191 (2019)

Zhuang, Y., R. Leaman, G. van de Ven, S. Zibetti, A. Gallazzi, L. Zhu, J. Falcón-Barroso and M. Lyubenova: A dynamical view on stellar metallicity gradient diversity across the Hubble sequence with CALIFA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 1862-1880 (2019)

Contributed Papers
Consortium Survey 4: Milky Way Disc and Bulge High-Resolution Survey (4MIDABLE-HR). (2019)

Catalog of revised astrophysical parameters from Gaia DR2. (2019)

The kinematic signature of the Galactic warp with Gaia DR2. (2019)

Conference Proceedings and Books
New evidence for (and against) maintenance-mode AGN feedback at z=0-1. (2019)

Star Formation Histories of z 1 Galaxies in Lega-C. (2019)

The chemical evolution carousel of spiral galaxies: a 3D view of ISM metallicity with PHANGS-MUSE and TYPHOON. (2019)

A systematic study of multi-phase gas outflows in AGN with the CARS survey. (2019)

JWST-MIRI Integral Field Spectroscopy of high-z galaxies. 218-218pp (2019)

A MUSE-ALMA view of the physics of star formation and feedback at high angular resolution in nearby galaxies. (2019)

Galaxy assembly, outflows and the evolution of disks with IllustrisTNG. (2019)

Popular Papers
Bensby, T., M. Bergemann, J. Rybizki, B. Lemasle, L. Howes, M. Kovalev, O. Agertz, M. Asplund, P. Barklem, C. Battistini, L. Casagrande, C. Chiappini, R. Church, S. Feltzing, D. Ford, O. Gerhard, I. Kushniruk, G. Kordopatis, K. Lind, I. Minchev, P. McMillan, H.-W. Rix, N. Ryde and G. Traven: 4MOST Consortium Survey 4: Milky Way Disc and Bulge High-Resolution Survey (4MIDABLE-HR). The Messenger 175, 35-38 (2019)

Chiappini, C., I. Minchev, E. Starkenburg, F. Anders, N. G. Fusillo, O. Gerhard, G. Guiglion, A. Khalatyan, G. Kordopatis, B. Lemasle, G. Matijevic, A. B. D. A. Queiroz, A. Schwope, M. Steinmetz, J. Storm, G. Traven, P.-E. Tremblay, M. Valentini, R. Andrae, A. Arentsen, M. Asplund, T. Bensby, M. Bergemann, L. Casagrande, R. Church, G. Cescutti, S. Feltzing, M. Fouesneau, E. K. Grebel, M. Kovalev, P. McMillan, G. Monari, J. Rybizki, N. Ryde, H.-W. Rix, N. Walton, M. Xiang, D. Zucker and M.-L. Team: 4MOST Consortium Survey 3: Milky Way Disc and Bulge Low-Resolution Survey (4MIDABLE-LR). The Messenger 175, 30-34 (2019)

Christlieb, N., C. Battistini, P. Bonifacio, E. Caffau, H.-G. Ludwig, M. Asplund, P. Barklem, M. Bergemann, R. Church, S. Feltzing, D. Ford, E. K. Grebel, C. J. Hansen, A. Helmi, G. Kordopatis, M. Kovalev, A. Korn, K. Lind, A. Quirrenbach, J. Rybizki, Á. Skúladóttir and E. Starkenburg: 4MOST Consortium Survey 2: The Milky Way Halo High-Resolution Survey. The Messenger 175, 26-29 (2019)

Finoguenov, A., A. Merloni, J. Comparat, K. Nandra, M. Salvato, E. Tempel, A. Raichoor, J. Richard, J.-P. Kneib, A. Pillepich, M. Sahlén, P. Popesso, P. Norberg, R. McMahon and M. Collaboration: 4MOST Consortium Survey 5: eROSITA Galaxy Cluster Redshift Survey. The Messenger 175, 39-41 (2019)

Walcher, C. J., M. Banerji, C. Battistini, C. P. M. Bell, O. Bellido-Tirado, T. Bensby, J. M. Bestenlehner, T. Boller, J. Brynnel, A. Casey, C. Chiappini, N. Christlieb, R. Church, M.-R. L. Cioni, S. Croom, J. Comparat, L. J. M. Davies, R. S. de Jong, T. Dwelly, H. Enke, S. Feltzing, D. Feuillet, M. Fouesneau, D. Ford, S. Frey, E. Gonzalez-Solares, A. Gueguen, L. Howes, M. Irwin, J. Klar, G. Kordopatis, A. Korn, M. Krumpe, I. Kushniruk, M. I. Lam, J. Lewis, K. Lind, J. Liske, J. Loveday, V. Mainieri, S. Martell, G. Matijevic, R. McMahon, A. Merloni, D. Murphy, F. Niederhofer, P. Norberg, A. Pramskiy, M. Romaniello, A. S. G. Robotham, F. Rothmaier, G. Ruchti, O. Schnurr, A. Schwope, S. Smedley, J. Sorce, E. Starkenburg, I. Stilz, J. Storm, E. Tempel, W.-F. Thi, G. Traven, M. Valentini, M. van den Ancker, N. Walton, R. Winkler and C. C. Worley: 4MOST Scientific Operations. The Messenger 175, 12-16 (2019)


Refereed Papers
Abolfathi, B., D. S. Aguado, G. Aguilar, C. Allende Prieto, A. Almeida, T. T. Ananna, F. Anders, S. F. Anderson, B. H. Andrews, B. Anguiano, A. Aragón-Salamanca, M. Argudo-Fernández, E. Armengaud, M. Ata, E. Aubourg, V. Avila-Reese, C. Badenes, S. Bailey, C. Balland, K. A. Barger, J. Barrera-Ballesteros, C. Bartosz, F. Bastien, D. Bates, F. Baumgarten, J. Bautista, R. Beaton, T. C. Beers, F. Belfiore, C. F. Bender, M. Bernardi, M. A. Bershady, F. Beutler, J. C. Bird, D. Bizyaev, G. A. Blanc, M. R. Blanton, M. Blomqvist, A. S. Bolton, M. Boquien, J. Borissova, J. Bovy, C. A. Bradna Diaz, W. N. Brandt, J. Brinkmann, J. R. Brownstein, K. Bundy, A. J. Burgasser, E. Burtin, N. G. Busca, C. I. Cañas, M. Cano-Díaz, M. Cappellari, R. Carrera, A. R. Casey, B. Cervantes Sodi, Y. Chen, B. Cherinka, C. Chiappini, P. D. Choi, D. Chojnowski, C.-H. Chuang, H. Chung, N. Clerc, R. E. Cohen, J. M. Comerford, J. Comparat, J. Correa do Nascimento, L. da Costa, M.-C. Cousinou, K. Covey, J. D. Crane, I. Cruz-Gonzalez, K. Cunha, G. da Silva Ilha, G. J. Damke, J. Darling, J. W. Davidson, Jr., K. Dawson, M. A. C. de Icaza Lizaola, A. de la Macorra, S. de la Torre, N. De Lee, V. de Sainte Agathe, A. Deconto Machado, F. Dell'Agli, T. Delubac, A. M. Diamond-Stanic, J. Donor, J. J. Downes, N. Drory, H. du Mas des Bourboux, C. J. Duckworth, T. Dwelly, J. Dyer, G. Ebelke, A. Davis Eigenbrot, D. J. Eisenstein, Y. P. Elsworth, E. Emsellem, M. Eracleous, G. Erfanianfar, S. Escoffier, X. Fan, E. Fernández Alvar, J. G. Fernandez-Trincado, R. Fernando Cirolini, D. Feuillet, A. Finoguenov, S. W. Fleming, A. Font-Ribera, G. Freischlad, P. Frinchaboy, H. Fu, Y. Gómez Maqueo Chew, L. Galbany, A. E. García Pérez, R. Garcia-Dias, D. A. García-Hernández, L. A. Garma Oehmichen, P. Gaulme, J. Gelfand, H. Gil-Marín, B. A. Gillespie, D. Goddard, J. I. González Hernández, V. Gonzalez-Perez, K. Grabowski, P. J. Green, C. J. Grier, A. Gueguen, H. Guo, J. Guy, A. Hagen, P. Hall, P. Harding, S. Hasselquist, S. Hawley, C. R. Hayes, F. Hearty, S. Hekker, J. Hernandez, H. Hernandez Toledo, D. W. Hogg, K. Holley-Bockelmann, J. A. Holtzman, J. Hou, B.-C. Hsieh, J. A. S. Hunt, T. A. Hutchinson, H. S. Hwang, C. E. Jimenez Angel, J. A. Johnson, A. Jones, H. Jönsson, E. Jullo, F. S. Khan, K. Kinemuchi, D. Kirkby, C. C. Kirkpatrick, IV, F.-S. Kitaura, G. R. Knapp, J.-P. Kneib, J. A. Kollmeier, I. Lacerna, R. R. Lane, D. Lang, D. R. Law, J.-M. Le Goff, Y.-B. Lee, H. Li, C. Li, J. Lian, Y. Liang, M. Lima, L. Lin, D. Long, S. Lucatello, B. Lundgren, J. T. Mackereth, C. L. MacLeod, S. Mahadevan, M. A. G. Maia, S. Majewski, A. Manchado, C. Maraston, V. Mariappan, R. Marques-Chaves, T. Masseron, K. L. Masters, R. M. McDermid, I. D. McGreer, M. Melendez, S. Meneses-Goytia, A. Merloni, M. R. Merrifield, S. Meszaros, A. Meza, I. Minchev, D. Minniti, E.-M. Mueller, F. Muller-Sanchez, D. Muna, R. R. Muñoz, A. D. Myers, P. Nair, K. Nandra, M. Ness, J. A. Newman, R. C. Nichol, D. L. Nidever, C. Nitschelm, P. 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Abraham, R., S. Danieli, P. van Dokkum, C. Conroy, J. M. D. Kruijssen, Y. Cohen, A. Merritt, J. Zhang, D. Lokhorst, L. Mowla, J. Brodie, A. J. Romanowsky and S. Janssens: The Maybe Stream: A Possible Cold Stellar Stream in the Ultra-diffuse Galaxy NGC1052-DF2. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 2, (2018)

Afanasiev, A. V., I. V. Chilingarian, S. Mieske, K. T. Voggel, A. Picotti, M. Hilker, A. Seth, N. Neumayer, M. Frank, A. J. Romanowsky, G. Hau, H. Baumgardt, C. Ahn, J. Strader, M. den Brok, R. McDermid, L. Spitler, J. Brodie and J. L. Walsh: A 3.5 million Solar masses black hole in the centre of the ultracompact dwarf galaxy fornax UCD3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 4856-4865 (2018)

Ahn, C. P., A. C. Seth, M. Cappellari, D. Krajnović, J. Strader, K. T. Voggel, J. L. Walsh, A. Bahramian, H. Baumgardt, J. Brodie, I. Chilingarian, L. Chomiuk, M. den Brok, M. Frank, M. Hilker, R. M. McDermid, S. Mieske, N. Neumayer, D. D. Nguyen, R. Pechetti, A. J. Romanowsky and L. Spitler: The Black Hole in the Most Massive Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxy M59-UCD3. The Astrophysical Journal 858, (2018)

Alcorn, L. Y., K.-V. Tran, K. Glazebrook, C. M. Straatman, M. Cowley, B. Forrest, G. G. Kacprzak, L. J. Kewley, I. Labbé, T. Nanayakkara, L. R. Spitler, A. Tomczak and T. Yuan: ZFIRE: 3D Modeling of Rotation, Dispersion, and Angular Momentum of Star-forming Galaxies at z ̃ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 858, (2018)

Amendola, L., S. Appleby, A. Avgoustidis, D. Bacon, T. Baker, M. Baldi, N. Bartolo, A. Blanchard, C. Bonvin, S. Borgani, E. Branchini, C. Burrage, S. Camera, C. Carbone, L. Casarini, M. Cropper, C. de Rham, J. P. Dietrich, C. Di Porto, R. Durrer, A. Ealet, P. G. Ferreira, F. Finelli, J. García-Bellido, T. Giannantonio, L. Guzzo, A. Heavens, L. Heisenberg, C. Heymans, H. Hoekstra, L. Hollenstein, R. Holmes, Z. Hwang, K. Jahnke, T. D. Kitching, T. Koivisto, M. Kunz, G. La Vacca, E. Linder, M. March, V. Marra, C. Martins, E. Majerotto, D. Markovic, D. Marsh, F. Marulli, R. Massey, Y. Mellier, F. Montanari, D. F. Mota, N. J. Nunes, W. Percival, V. Pettorino, C. Porciani, C. Quercellini, J. Read, M. Rinaldi, D. Sapone, I. Sawicki, R. Scaramella, C. Skordis, F. Simpson, A. Taylor, S. Thomas, R. Trotta, L. Verde, F. Vernizzi, A. Vollmer, Y. Wang, J. Weller and T. Zlosnik: Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Euclid satellite. Living Reviews in Relativity 21, (2018)

Andrae, R., M. Fouesneau, O. Creevey, C. Ordenovic, N. Mary, A. Burlacu, L. Chaoul, A. Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, G. Kordopatis, A. Korn, Y. Lebreton, C. Panem, B. Pichon, F. Thévenin, G. Walmsley and C. A. L. Bailer-Jones: Gaia Data Release 2. First stellar parameters from Apsis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Aquino-Ortíz, E., O. Valenzuela, S. F. Sánchez, H. Hernández-Toledo, V. Ávila-Reese, G. van de Ven, A. Rodríguez-Puebla, L. Zhu, B. Mancillas, M. Cano-Díaz and R. García-Benito: Kinematic scaling relations of CALIFA galaxies: A dynamical mass proxy for galaxies across the Hubble sequence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 2133-2146 (2018)

Arrigoni Battaia, F., J. X. Prochaska, J. F. Hennawi, A. Obreja, T. Buck, S. Cantalupo, A. A. Dutton and A. V. Macciò: Inspiraling halo accretion mapped in Ly α emission around a z ̃ 3 quasar. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 3907-3940 (2018)

Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.: The completeness-corrected rate of stellar encounters with the Sun from the first Gaia data release. Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, (2018)

Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., J. Rybizki, R. Andrae and M. Fouesneau: New stellar encounters discovered in the second Gaia data release. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., J. Rybizki, M. Fouesneau, G. Mantelet and R. Andrae: Estimating Distance from Parallaxes. IV. Distances to 1.33 Billion Stars in Gaia Data Release 2. The Astronomical Journal 156, (2018)

Bañados, E., C. Carilli, F. Walter, E. Momjian, R. Decarli, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli and B. P. Venemans: A Powerful Radio-loud Quasar at the End of Cosmic Reionization. The Astrophysical Journal 861, (2018)

Bañados, E., T. Connor, D. Stern, J. Mulchaey, X. Fan, R. Decarli, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, B. P. Venemans, F. Walter, F. Wang and J. Yang: Chandra X-Rays from the Redshift 7.54 Quasar ULAS J1342+0928. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

Bañados, E., B. P. Venemans, C. Mazzucchelli, E. P. Farina, F. Walter, F. Wang, R. Decarli, D. Stern, X. Fan, F. B. Davies, J. F. Hennawi, R. A. Simcoe, M. L. Turner, H.-W. Rix, J. Yang, D. D. Kelson, G. C. Rudie and J. M. Winters: An 800-million-solar-mass black hole in a significantly neutral Universe at a redshift of 7.5. Nature 553, 473-476 (2018)

Barnes, D. J., M. Vogelsberger, R. Kannan, F. Marinacci, R. Weinberger, V. Springel, P. Torrey, A. Pillepich, D. Nelson, R. Pakmor, J. Naiman, L. Hernquist and M. McDonald: A census of cool-core galaxy clusters in IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 1809-1831 (2018)

Beasley, M. A., I. Trujillo, R. Leaman and M. Montes: A single population of red globular clusters around the massive compact galaxy NGC 1277. Nature 555, 483-486 (2018)

Beeston, R. A., A. H. Wright, S. Maddox, H. L. Gomez, L. Dunne, S. P. Driver, A. Robotham, C. J. R. Clark, K. Vinsen, T. T. Takeuchi, G. Popping, N. Bourne, M. N. Bremer, S. Phillipps, A. J. Moffett, M. Baes, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Brough, P. De Vis, S. A. Eales, B. W. Holwerda, J. Loveday, J. Liske, M. W. L. Smith, D. J. B. Smith, E. Valiante, C. Vlahakis and L. Wang: GAMA/H-ATLAS: the local dust mass function and cosmic density as a function of galaxy type - a benchmark for models of galaxy evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 1077-1099 (2018)

Belczynski, K., A. Askar, M. Arca-Sedda, M. Chruslinska, M. Donnari, M. Giersz, M. Benacquista, R. Spurzem, D. Jin, G. Wiktorowicz and D. Belloni: The origin of the first neutron star - neutron star merger. Astronomy and Astrophysics 615, (2018)

Bellazzini, M., L. Armillotta, S. Perina, L. Magrini, G. Cresci, G. Beccari, G. Battaglia, F. Fraternali, P. T. de Zeeuw, N. F. Martin, F. Calura, R. Ibata, L. Coccato, V. Testa and M. Correnti: Alone on a wide wide sea. The origin of SECCO 1, an isolated star-forming gas cloud in the Virgo cluster*†‡. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 4565-4583 (2018)

Bensby, T. and K. Lind: Exploring the production and depletion of lithium in the Milky Way stellar disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 615, (2018)

Bergemann, M., B. Sesar, J. G. Cohen, A. M. Serenelli, A. Sheffield, T. S. Li, L. Casagrande, K. V. Johnston, C. F. P. Laporte, A. M. Price-Whelan, R. Schönrich and A. Gould: Two chemically similar stellar overdensities on opposite sides of the plane of the Galactic disk. Nature 555, 334-337 (2018)

Bermejo-Climent, J. R., G. Battaglia, C. Gallart, A. Di Cintio, C. B. Brook, L. Cicuéndez, M. Monelli, R. Leaman, L. Mayer, J. Peñarrubia and J. I. Read: On the early evolution of Local Group dwarf galaxy types: star formation and supernova feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 1514-1527 (2018)

Bezanson, R., A. van der Wel, C. Pacifici, K. Noeske, I. Barišić, E. F. Bell, G. B. Brammer, J. Calhau, P. Chauke, P. van Dokkum, M. Franx, A. Gallazzi, J. van Houdt, I. Labbé, M. V. Maseda, J. C. Muños-Mateos, A. Muzzin, J. van de Sande, D. Sobral, C. Straatman and P.-F. Wu: Spatially Resolved Stellar Kinematics from LEGA-C: Increased Rotational Support in z ̃ 0.8 Quiescent Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 858, (2018)

Bezanson, R., A. van der Wel, C. Straatman, C. Pacifici, P.-F. Wu, I. Barišić, E. F. Bell, C. Conroy, F. D'Eugenio, M. Franx, A. Gallazzi, J. van Houdt, M. V. Maseda, A. Muzzin, J. van de Sande, D. Sobral and J. Spilker: 1D Kinematics from Stars and Ionized Gas at z ̃ 0.8 from the LEGA-C Spectroscopic Survey of Massive Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 868, (2018)

Bonaca, A. and D. W. Hogg: The Information Content in Cold Stellar Streams. The Astrophysical Journal 867, (2018)

Bondi, M., G. Zamorani, P. Ciliegi, V. Smolčić, E. Schinnerer, I. Delvecchio, E. F. Jiménez-Andrade, D. Liu, P. Lang, B. Magnelli, E. J. Murphy and E. Vardoulaki: Linear radio size evolution of μJy populations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Bonifacio, P., E. Caffau, H.-G. Ludwig, M. Steffen, F. Castelli, A. J. Gallagher, A. Kučinskas, D. Prakapavičius, R. Cayrel, B. Freytag, B. Plez and D. Homeier: Using the CIFIST grid of CO5BOLD 3D model atmospheres to study the effects of stellar granulation on photometric colours. I. Grids of 3D corrections in the UBVRI, 2MASS, HIPPARCOS, Gaia, and SDSS systems. Astronomy and Astrophysics 611, (2018)

Bonvin, V., J. H. H. Chan, M. Millon, K. Rojas, F. Courbin, G. C.-F. Chen, C. D. Fassnacht, E. Paic, M. Tewes, D. C.-Y. Chao, M. Chijani, D. Gilman, K. Gilmore, P. Williams, E. Buckley-Geer, J. Frieman, P. J. Marshall, S. H. Suyu, T. Treu, A. Hempel, S. Kim, R. Lachaume, M. Rabus, T. Anguita, G. Meylan, V. Motta and P. Magain: COSMOGRAIL. XVII. Time delays for the quadruply imaged quasar PG 1115+080. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Britzen, S., C. Fendt, G. Witzel, S.-J. Qian, I. N. Pashchenko, O. Kurtanidze, M. Zajacek, G. Martinez, V. Karas, M. Aller, H. Aller, A. Eckart, K. Nilsson, P. Arévalo, J. Cuadra, M. Subroweit and A. Witzel: OJ287: deciphering the `Rosetta stone of blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 3199-3219 (2018)

Brusa, M., G. Cresci, E. Daddi, R. Paladino, M. Perna, A. Bongiorno, E. Lusso, M. T. Sargent, V. Casasola, C. Feruglio, F. Fraternali, I. Georgiev, V. Mainieri, S. Carniani, A. Comastri, F. Duras, F. Fiore, F. Mannucci, A. Marconi, E. Piconcelli, G. Zamorani, R. Gilli, F. La Franca, G. Lanzuisi, D. Lutz, P. Santini, N. Z. Scoville, C. Vignali, F. Vito, S. Rabien, L. Busoni and M. Bonaglia: Molecular outflow and feedback in the obscured quasar XID2028 revealed by ALMA. Astronomy and Astrophysics 612, (2018)

Bryan, S., P. Ade, J. R. Bond, F. Boulanger, M. Devlin, S. Doyle, J. Filippini, L. Fissel, C. Groppi, G. Holder, J. Hubmayr, P. Mauskopf, J. McMahon, J. Nagy, C. B. Netterfield, M. Niemack, G. Novak, E. Pascale, G. Pisano, J. Ruhl, D. Scott, J. Soler, C. Tucker and J. Vieira: Measuring Reionization, Neutrino Mass, and Cosmic Inflation with BFORE. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 193, 1033-1040 (2018)

Buck, T., M. K. Ness, A. V. Macciò, A. Obreja and A. A. Dutton: Stars Behind Bars. I. The Milky Way's Central Stellar Populations. The Astrophysical Journal 861, (2018)

Buder, S., M. Asplund, L. Duong, J. Kos, K. Lind, M. K. Ness, S. Sharma, J. Bland-Hawthorn, A. R. Casey, G. M. de Silva, V. D'Orazi, K. C. Freeman, G. F. Lewis, J. Lin, S. L. Martell, K. J. Schlesinger, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, T. Zwitter, A. M. Amarsi, B. Anguiano, D. Carollo, L. Casagrande, K. Čotar, P. L. Cottrell, G. da Costa, X. D. Gao, M. R. Hayden, J. Horner, M. J. Ireland, P. R. Kafle, U. Munari, D. M. Nataf, T. Nordlander, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting, G. Traven, F. Watson, R. A. Wittenmyer, R. F. G. Wyse, D. Yong, J. C. Zinn, M. Žerjal and G. Collaboration: The GALAH Survey: second data release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 4513-4552 (2018)

Busch, G., B. Husemann, I. Smirnova-Pinchukova, A. Eckart, S. A. Baum, F. Combes, S. M. Croom, T. A. Davis, N. Fazeli, C. Fischer, M. Gaspari, R. Klein, M. Krumpe, R. McElroy, C. P. O'Dea, M. A. Perez-Torres, M. C. Powell, Á. Sánchez-Monge, J. Scharwächter, G. R. Tremblay and T. Urrutia: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): SOFIA Detects Spatially Resolved [C II] Emission in the Luminous AGN HE 0433-1028. The Astrophysical Journal 866, (2018)

Caffau, E., A. J. Gallagher, P. Bonifacio, M. Spite, S. Duffau, F. Spite, L. Monaco and L. Sbordone: Investigation of a sample of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars observed with FORS and GMOS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 614, (2018)

Calabrò, A., E. Daddi, P. Cassata, M. Onodera, R. Gobat, A. Puglisi, S. Jin, D. Liu, R. Amorín, N. Arimoto, M. Boquien, R. Carraro, D. Elbaz, E. Ibar, S. Juneau, F. Mannucci, H. Méndez Hernánez, E. Oliva, G. Rodighiero, F. Valentino and A. Zanella: Near-infrared Emission Lines in Starburst Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 0.9: Discovery of a Merger Sequence of Extreme Obscurations. The Astrophysical Journal 862, (2018)

Calistro Rivera, G., J. A. Hodge, I. Smail, A. M. Swinbank, A. Weiss, J. L. Wardlow, F. Walter, M. Rybak, C.-C. Chen, W. N. Brandt, K. Coppin, E. da Cunha, H. Dannerbauer, T. R. Greve, A. Karim, K. K. Knudsen, E. Schinnerer, J. M. Simpson, B. Venemans and P. P. van der Werf: Resolving the ISM at the Peak of Cosmic Star Formation with ALMA: The Distribution of CO and Dust Continuum in z ̃ 2.5 Submillimeter Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 863, (2018)

Cantiello, M., R. D'Abrusco, M. Spavone, M. Paolillo, M. Capaccioli, L. Limatola, A. Grado, E. Iodice, G. Raimondo, N. Napolitano, J. P. Blakeslee, E. Brocato, D. A. Forbes, M. Hilker, S. Mieske, R. Peletier, G. van de Ven and P. Schipani: VEGAS-SSS. II. Comparing the globular cluster systems in NGC 3115 and NGC 1399 using VEGAS and FDS survey data. The quest for a common genetic heritage of globular cluster systems. Astronomy and Astrophysics 611, (2018)

Cárdenas Vázquez, M.-C., B. Dorner, A. Huber, E. Sánchez-Blanco, M. Alter, J. F. Rodríguez Gómez, P. Bizenberger, V. Naranjo, J.-M. Ibáñez Mengual, J. Panduro, A. J. García Segura, U. Mall, M. Fernández, W. Laun, I. M. Ferro Rodríguez, J. Helmling, V. Terrón, K. Meisenheimer, J. W. Fried, R. J. Mathar, H. Baumeister, R.-R. Rohloff, C. Storz, L. Verdes-Montenegro, H. Bouy, M. Ubierna, P. Fopp and B. Funke: PANIC: A General-purpose Panoramic Near-infrared Camera for the Calar Alto Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 130, 025003 (2018)

Ceraj, L., V. Smolčić, I. Delvecchio, M. Novak, G. Zamorani, J. Delhaize, E. Schinnerer, E. Vardoulaki and N. Herrera Ruiz: The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Star formation properties and radio luminosity functions of AGN with moderate-to-high radiative luminosities out to z̃ 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, (2018)

Champagne, J. B., R. Decarli, C. M. Casey, B. Venemans, E. Bañados, F. Walter, F. Bertoldi, X. Fan, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, D. A. Riechers, M. A. Strauss, R. Wang and Y. Yang: No Evidence for Millimeter Continuum Source Overdensities in the Environments of z ≳ 6 Quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 867, (2018)

Chauke, P., A. van der Wel, C. Pacifici, R. Bezanson, P.-F. Wu, A. Gallazzi, K. Noeske, C. Straatman, J.-C. Muños-Mateos, M. Franx, I. Barišić, E. F. Bell, G. B. Brammer, J. Calhau, J. van Houdt, I. Labbé, M. V. Maseda, A. Muzzin, H.-W. Rix and D. Sobral: Star Formation Histories of z ̃ 1 Galaxies in LEGA-C. The Astrophysical Journal 861, (2018)

Chehade, B., A. C. Carnall, T. Shanks, C. Diener, M. Fumagalli, J. R. Findlay, N. Metcalfe, J. Hennawi, C. Leibler, D. N. A. Murphy, J. X. Prochaska, M. J. Irwin and E. Gonzalez-Solares: Two more, bright, z > 6 quasars from VST ATLAS and WISE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 1649-1659 (2018)

Cicone, C., M. Brusa, C. Ramos Almeida, G. Cresci, B. Husemann and V. Mainieri: The largely unconstrained multiphase nature of outflows in AGN host galaxies. Nature Astronomy 2, 176-178 (2018)

Cignoni, M., E. Sacchi, A. Aloisi, M. Tosi, D. Calzetti, J. C. Lee, E. Sabbi, A. Adamo, D. O. Cook, D. A. Dale, B. G. Elmegreen, J. S. Gallagher, III, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, D. A. Hunter, K. E. Johnson, M. Messa, L. J. Smith, D. A. Thilker, L. Ubeda and B. C. Whitmore: Star Formation Histories of the LEGUS Dwarf Galaxies. I. Recent History of NGC 1705, NGC 4449, and Holmberg II. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

Circosta, C., V. Mainieri, P. Padovani, G. Lanzuisi, M. Salvato, C. M. Harrison, D. Kakkad, A. Puglisi, G. Vietri, G. Zamorani, C. Cicone, B. Husemann, C. Vignali, B. Balmaverde, M. Bischetti, A. Bongiorno, M. Brusa, S. Carniani, F. Civano, A. Comastri, G. Cresci, C. Feruglio, F. Fiore, S. Fotopoulou, A. Karim, A. Lamastra, B. Magnelli, F. Mannucci, A. Marconi, A. Merloni, H. Netzer, M. Perna, E. Piconcelli, G. Rodighiero, E. Schinnerer, M. Schramm, A. Schulze, J. Silverman and L. Zappacosta: SUPER. I. Toward an unbiased study of ionized outflows in z ̃ 2 active galactic nuclei: survey overview and sample characterization. Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, (2018)

Codoreanu, A., E. V. Ryan-Weber, L. Á. García, N. H. M. Crighton, G. Becker, M. Pettini, P. Madau and B. Venemans: The CGM and IGM at z ̃ 5: metal budget and physical connection. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 4940-4959 (2018)

Cohen, Y., P. van Dokkum, S. Danieli, A. J. Romanowsky, R. Abraham, A. Merritt, J. Zhang, L. Mowla, J. M. D. Kruijssen, C. Conroy and A. Wasserman: The Dragonfly Nearby Galaxies Survey. V. HST/ACS Observations of 23 Low Surface Brightness Objects in the Fields of NGC 1052, NGC 1084, M96, and NGC 4258. The Astrophysical Journal 868, (2018)

Collaboration, G., C. Babusiaux, F. van Leeuwen, M. A. Barstow, C. Jordi, A. Vallenari, D. Bossini, A. Bressan, T. Cantat-Gaudin, M. van Leeuwen, A. G. A. Brown, T. Prusti, J. H. J. de Bruijne, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Biermann, D. W. Evans, L. Eyer, F. Jansen, S. A. Klioner, U. Lammers, L. Lindegren, X. Luri, F. Mignard, C. Panem, D. Pourbaix, S. Randich, P. Sartoretti, H. I. Siddiqui, C. Soubiran, N. A. Walton, F. Arenou, U. Bastian, M. Cropper, R. Drimmel, D. Katz, M. G. Lattanzi, J. Bakker, C. Cacciari, J. Castañeda, L. Chaoul, N. Cheek, F. De Angeli, C. Fabricius, R. Guerra, B. Holl, E. Masana, R. Messineo, N. Mowlavi, K. Nienartowicz, P. Panuzzo, J. Portell, M. Riello, G. M. Seabroke, P. Tanga, F. Thévenin, G. Gracia-Abril, G. Comoretto, M. Garcia-Reinaldos, D. Teyssier, M. Altmann, R. Andrae, M. Audard, I. Bellas-Velidis, K. Benson, J. Berthier, R. Blomme, P. Burgess, G. Busso, B. Carry, A. Cellino, G. Clementini, M. Clotet, O. Creevey, M. Davidson, J. De Ridder, L. Delchambre, A. Dell'Oro, C. Ducourant, J. Fernández-Hernández, M. Fouesneau, Y. Frémat, L. Galluccio, M. García-Torres, J. González-Núñez, J. J. González-Vidal, E. Gosset, L. P. Guy, J.-L. Halbwachs, N. C. Hambly, D. L. Harrison, J. Hernández, D. Hestroffer, S. T. Hodgkin, A. Hutton, G. Jasniewicz, A. Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, S. Jordan, A. J. Korn, A. Krone-Martins, A. C. Lanzafame, T. Lebzelter, W. Löffler, M. Manteiga, P. M. Marrese, J. M. Martín-Fleitas, A. Moitinho, A. Mora, K. Muinonen, J. Osinde, E. Pancino, T. Pauwels, J.-M. Petit, A. Recio-Blanco, P. J. Richards, L. Rimoldini, A. C. Robin, L. M. Sarro, C. Siopis, M. Smith, A. Sozzetti, M. Süveges, J. Torra, W. van Reeven, U. Abbas, A. Abreu Aramburu, S. Accart, C. Aerts, G. Altavilla, M. A. Álvarez, R. Alvarez, J. Alves, R. I. Anderson, A. H. Andrei, E. Anglada Varela, E. Antiche, T. Antoja, B. Arcay, T. L. Astraatmadja, N. Bach, S. G. Baker, L. Balaguer-Núñez, P. Balm, C. Barache, C. Barata, D. Barbato, F. Barblan, P. S. Barklem, D. Barrado, M. Barros, L. Bartholomé Muñoz, J.-L. Bassilana, U. Becciani, M. Bellazzini, A. Berihuete, S. Bertone, L. Bianchi, O. Bienaymé, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, T. Boch, C. Boeche, A. Bombrun, R. Borrachero, S. Bouquillon, G. Bourda, A. Bragaglia, L. Bramante, M. A. Breddels, N. Brouillet, T. Brüsemeister, E. Brugaletta, B. Bucciarelli, A. Burlacu, D. Busonero, A. G. Butkevich, R. Buzzi, E. Caffau, R. Cancelliere, G. Cannizzaro, R. Carballo, T. Carlucci, J. M. Carrasco, L. Casamiquela, M. Castellani, A. Castro-Ginard, P. Charlot, L. Chemin, A. Chiavassa, G. Cocozza, G. Costigan, S. Cowell, F. Crifo, M. Crosta, C. Crowley, J. Cuypers, C. Dafonte, Y. Damerdji, A. Dapergolas, P. David, M. David, P. de Laverny, F. De Luise, R. De March, D. de Martino, R. de Souza, A. de Torres, J. Debosscher, E. del Pozo, M. Delbo, A. Delgado, H. E. Delgado, S. Diakite, C. Diener, E. Distefano, C. Dolding, P. Drazinos, J. Durán, B. Edvardsson, H. Enke, K. Eriksson, P. Esquej, G. Eynard Bontemps, C. Fabre, M. Fabrizio, S. Faigler, A. J. Falcão, M. Farràs Casas, L. Federici, G. Fedorets, P. Fernique, F. Figueras, F. Filippi, K. Findeisen, A. Fonti, E. Fraile, M. Fraser, B. Frézouls, M. Gai, S. Galleti, D. Garabato, F. García-Sedano, A. Garofalo, N. Garralda, A. Gavel, P. Gavras, J. Gerssen, R. Geyer, P. Giacobbe, G. Gilmore, S. Girona, G. Giuffrida, F. Glass, M. Gomes, M. Granvik, A. Gueguen, A. Guerrier, J. Guiraud, R. Gutié, R. Haigron, D. Hatzidimitriou, M. Hauser, M. Haywood, U. Heiter, A. Helmi, J. Heu, T. Hilger, D. Hobbs, W. Hofmann, G. Holland, H. E. Huckle, A. Hypki, V. Icardi, K. Janßen, G. Jevardat de Fombelle, P. G. Jonker, Á. L. Juhász, F. Julbe, A. Karampelas, A. Kewley, J. Klar, A. Kochoska, R. Kohley, K. Kolenberg, M. Kontizas, E. Kontizas, S. E. Koposov, G. Kordopatis, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, P. Koubsky, S. Lambert, A. F. Lanza, Y. Lasne, J.-B. Lavigne, Y. Le Fustec, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, Y. Lebreton, S. Leccia, N. Leclerc, I. Lecoeur-Taibi, H. Lenhardt, F. Leroux, S. Liao, E. Licata, H. E. P. Lindstrøm, T. A. Lister, E. Livanou, A. Lobel, M. López, S. Managau, R. G. Mann, G. Mantelet, O. Marchal, J. M. Marchant, M. Marconi, S. Marinoni, G. Marschalkó, D. J. Marshall, M. Martino, G. Marton, N. Mary, D. Massari, G. Matijevič, T. Mazeh, P. J. McMillan, S. Messina, D. Michalik, N. R. Millar, D. Molina, R. Molinaro, L. Molnár, P. Montegriffo, R. Mor, R. Morbidelli, T. Morel, D. Morris, A. F. Mulone, T. Muraveva, I. Musella, G. Nelemans, L. Nicastro, L. Noval, W. O'Mullane, C. Ordénovic, D. Ordóñez-Blanco, P. Osborne, C. Pagani, I. Pagano, F. Pailler, H. Palacin, L. Palaversa, A. Panahi, M. Pawlak, A. M. Piersimoni, F.-X. Pineau, E. Plachy, G. Plum, E. Poggio, E. Poujoulet, A. Prša, L. Pulone, E. Racero, S. Ragaini, N. Rambaux, M. Ramos-Lerate, S. Regibo, C. Reylé, F. Riclet, V. Ripepi, A. Riva, A. Rivard, G. Rixon, T. Roegiers, M. Roelens, M. Romero-Gómez, N. Rowell, F. Royer, L. Ruiz-Dern, G. Sadowski, T. Sagristà Sellés, J. Sahlmann, J. Salgado, E. Salguero, N. Sanna, T. Santana-Ros, M. Sarasso, H. Savietto, M. Schultheis, E. Sciacca, M. Segol, J. C. Segovia, D. Ségransan, I.-C. Shih, L. Siltala, A. F. Silva, R. L. Smart, K. W. Smith, E. Solano, F. Solitro, R. Sordo, S. Soria Nieto, J. Souchay, A. Spagna, F. Spoto, U. Stampa, I. A. Steele, H. Steidelmüller, C. A. Stephenson, H. Stoev, F. F. Suess, J. Surdej, L. Szabados, E. Szegedi-Elek, D. Tapiador, F. Taris, G. Tauran, M. B. Taylor, R. Teixeira, D. Terrett, P. Teyssandier, W. Thuillot, A. Titarenko, F. Torra Clotet, C. Turon, A. Ulla, E. Utrilla, S. Uzzi, M. Vaillant, G. Valentini, V. Valette, A. van Elteren, E. Van Hemelryck, M. Vaschetto, A. Vecchiato, J. Veljanoski, Y. Viala, D. Vicente, S. Vogt, C. von Essen, H. Voss, V. Votruba, S. Voutsinas, G. Walmsley, M. Weiler, O. Wertz, T. Wevers, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Yoldas, M. Žerjal, H. Ziaeepour, J. Zorec, S. Zschocke, S. Zucker, C. Zurbach and T. Zwitter: Gaia Data Release 2. Observational Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Collaboration, G., A. G. A. Brown, A. Vallenari, T. Prusti, J. H. J. de Bruijne, C. Babusiaux, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Biermann, D. W. Evans, L. Eyer, F. Jansen, C. Jordi, S. A. Klioner, U. Lammers, L. Lindegren, X. Luri, F. Mignard, C. Panem, D. Pourbaix, S. Randich, P. Sartoretti, H. I. Siddiqui, C. Soubiran, F. van Leeuwen, N. A. Walton, F. Arenou, U. Bastian, M. Cropper, R. Drimmel, D. Katz, M. G. Lattanzi, J. Bakker, C. Cacciari, J. Castañeda, L. Chaoul, N. Cheek, F. De Angeli, C. Fabricius, R. Guerra, B. Holl, E. Masana, R. Messineo, N. Mowlavi, K. Nienartowicz, P. Panuzzo, J. Portell, M. Riello, G. M. Seabroke, P. Tanga, F. Thévenin, G. Gracia-Abril, G. Comoretto, M. Garcia-Reinaldos, D. Teyssier, M. Altmann, R. Andrae, M. Audard, I. Bellas-Velidis, K. Benson, J. Berthier, R. Blomme, P. Burgess, G. Busso, B. Carry, A. Cellino, G. Clementini, M. Clotet, O. Creevey, M. Davidson, J. De Ridder, L. Delchambre, A. Dell'Oro, C. Ducourant, J. Fernández-Hernández, M. Fouesneau, Y. Frémat, L. Galluccio, M. García-Torres, J. González-Núñez, J. J. González-Vidal, E. Gosset, L. P. Guy, J.-L. Halbwachs, N. C. Hambly, D. L. Harrison, J. Hernández, D. Hestroffer, S. T. Hodgkin, A. Hutton, G. Jasniewicz, A. Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, S. Jordan, A. J. Korn, A. Krone-Martins, A. C. Lanzafame, T. Lebzelter, W. Löffler, M. Manteiga, P. M. Marrese, J. M. Martín-Fleitas, A. Moitinho, A. Mora, K. Muinonen, J. Osinde, E. Pancino, T. Pauwels, J.-M. Petit, A. Recio-Blanco, P. J. Richards, L. Rimoldini, A. C. Robin, L. M. Sarro, C. Siopis, M. Smith, A. Sozzetti, M. Süveges, J. Torra, W. van Reeven, U. Abbas, A. Abreu Aramburu, S. Accart, C. Aerts, G. Altavilla, M. A. Álvarez, R. Alvarez, J. Alves, R. I. Anderson, A. H. Andrei, E. Anglada Varela, E. Antiche, T. Antoja, B. Arcay, T. L. Astraatmadja, N. Bach, S. G. Baker, L. Balaguer-Núñez, P. Balm, C. Barache, C. Barata, D. Barbato, F. Barblan, P. S. Barklem, D. Barrado, M. Barros, M. A. Barstow, S. Bartholomé Muñoz, J.-L. Bassilana, U. Becciani, M. Bellazzini, A. Berihuete, S. Bertone, L. Bianchi, O. Bienaymé, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, T. Boch, C. Boeche, A. Bombrun, R. Borrachero, D. Bossini, S. Bouquillon, G. Bourda, A. Bragaglia, L. Bramante, M. A. Breddels, A. Bressan, N. Brouillet, T. Brüsemeister, E. Brugaletta, B. Bucciarelli, A. Burlacu, D. Busonero, A. G. Butkevich, R. Buzzi, E. Caffau, R. Cancelliere, G. Cannizzaro, T. Cantat-Gaudin, R. Carballo, T. Carlucci, J. M. Carrasco, L. Casamiquela, M. Castellani, A. Castro-Ginard, P. Charlot, L. Chemin, A. Chiavassa, G. Cocozza, G. Costigan, S. Cowell, F. Crifo, M. Crosta, C. Crowley, J. Cuypers, C. Dafonte, Y. Damerdji, A. Dapergolas, P. David, M. David, P. de Laverny, F. De Luise, R. De March, D. de Martino, R. de Souza, A. de Torres, J. Debosscher, E. del Pozo, M. Delbo, A. Delgado, H. E. Delgado, P. Di Matteo, S. Diakite, C. Diener, E. Distefano, C. Dolding, P. Drazinos, J. Durán, B. Edvardsson, H. Enke, K. Eriksson, P. Esquej, G. Eynard Bontemps, C. Fabre, M. Fabrizio, S. Faigler, A. J. Falcão, M. Farràs Casas, L. Federici, G. Fedorets, P. Fernique, F. Figueras, F. Filippi, K. Findeisen, A. Fonti, E. Fraile, M. Fraser, B. Frézouls, M. Gai, S. Galleti, D. Garabato, F. García-Sedano, A. Garofalo, N. Garralda, A. Gavel, P. Gavras, J. Gerssen, R. Geyer, P. Giacobbe, G. Gilmore, S. Girona, G. Giuffrida, F. Glass, M. Gomes, M. Granvik, A. Gueguen, A. Guerrier, J. Guiraud, R. Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R. Haigron, D. Hatzidimitriou, M. Hauser, M. Haywood, U. Heiter, A. Helmi, J. Heu, T. Hilger, D. Hobbs, W. Hofmann, G. Holland, H. E. Huckle, A. Hypki, V. Icardi, K. Janßen, G. Jevardat de Fombelle, P. G. Jonker, Á. L. Juhász, F. Julbe, A. Karampelas, A. Kewley, J. Klar, A. Kochoska, R. Kohley, K. Kolenberg, M. Kontizas, E. Kontizas, S. E. Koposov, G. Kordopatis, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, P. Koubsky, S. Lambert, A. F. Lanza, Y. Lasne, J.-B. Lavigne, Y. Le Fustec, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, Y. Lebreton, S. Leccia, N. Leclerc, I. Lecoeur-Taibi, H. Lenhardt, F. Leroux, S. Liao, E. Licata, H. E. P. Lindstrøm, T. A. Lister, E. Livanou, A. Lobel, M. López, S. Managau, R. G. Mann, G. Mantelet, O. Marchal, J. M. Marchant, M. Marconi, S. Marinoni, G. Marschalkó, D. J. Marshall, M. Martino, G. Marton, N. Mary, D. Massari, G. Matijevič, T. Mazeh, P. J. McMillan, S. Messina, D. Michalik, N. R. Millar, D. Molina, R. Molinaro, L. Molnár, P. Montegriffo, R. Mor, R. Morbidelli, T. Morel, D. Morris, A. F. Mulone, T. Muraveva, I. Musella, G. Nelemans, L. Nicastro, L. Noval, W. O'Mullane, C. Ordénovic, D. Ordóñez-Blanco, P. Osborne, C. Pagani, I. Pagano, F. Pailler, H. Palacin, L. Palaversa, A. Panahi, M. Pawlak, A. M. Piersimoni, F.-X. Pineau, E. Plachy, G. Plum, E. Poggio, E. Poujoulet, A. Prša, L. Pulone, E. Racero, S. Ragaini, N. Rambaux, M. Ramos-Lerate, S. Regibo, C. Reylé, F. Riclet, V. Ripepi, A. Riva, A. Rivard, G. Rixon, T. Roegiers, M. Roelens, M. Romero-Gómez, N. Rowell, F. Royer, L. Ruiz-Dern, G. Sadowski, T. Sagristà Sellés, J. Sahlmann, J. Salgado, E. Salguero, N. Sanna, T. Santana-Ros, M. Sarasso, H. Savietto, M. Schultheis, E. Sciacca, M. Segol, J. C. Segovia, D. Ségransan, I.-C. Shih, L. Siltala, A. F. Silva, R. L. Smart, K. W. Smith, E. Solano, F. Solitro, R. Sordo, S. Soria Nieto, J. Souchay, A. Spagna, F. Spoto, U. Stampa, I. A. Steele, H. Steidelmüller, C. A. Stephenson, H. Stoev, F. F. Suess, J. Surdej, L. Szabados, E. Szegedi-Elek, D. Tapiador, F. Taris, G. Tauran, M. B. Taylor, R. Teixeira, D. Terrett, P. Teyssandier, W. Thuillot, A. Titarenko, F. Torra Clotet, C. Turon, A. Ulla, E. Utrilla, S. Uzzi, M. Vaillant, G. Valentini, V. Valette, A. van Elteren, E. Van Hemelryck, M. van Leeuwen, M. Vaschetto, A. Vecchiato, J. Veljanoski, Y. Viala, D. Vicente, S. Vogt, C. von Essen, H. Voss, V. Votruba, S. Voutsinas, G. Walmsley, M. Weiler, O. Wertz, T. Wevers, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Yoldas, M. Žerjal, H. Ziaeepour, J. Zorec, S. Zschocke, S. Zucker, C. Zurbach and T. Zwitter: Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Collaboration, G., A. Helmi, F. van Leeuwen, P. J. McMillan, D. Massari, T. Antoja, A. C. Robin, L. Lindegren, U. Bastian, F. Arenou, C. Babusiaux, M. Biermann, M. A. Breddels, D. Hobbs, C. Jordi, E. Pancino, C. Reylé, J. Veljanoski, A. G. A. Brown, A. Vallenari, T. Prusti, J. H. J. de Bruijne, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, D. W. Evans, L. Eyer, F. Jansen, S. A. Klioner, U. Lammers, X. Luri, F. Mignard, C. Panem, D. Pourbaix, S. Randich, P. Sartoretti, H. I. Siddiqui, C. Soubiran, N. A. Walton, M. Cropper, R. Drimmel, D. Katz, M. G. Lattanzi, J. Bakker, C. Cacciari, J. Castañeda, L. Chaoul, N. Cheek, F. De Angeli, C. Fabricius, R. Guerra, B. Holl, E. Masana, R. Messineo, N. Mowlavi, K. Nienartowicz, P. Panuzzo, J. Portell, M. Riello, G. M. Seabroke, P. Tanga, F. Thévenin, G. Gracia-Abril, G. Comoretto, M. Garcia-Reinaldos, D. Teyssier, M. Altmann, R. Andrae, M. Audard, I. Bellas-Velidis, K. Benson, J. Berthier, R. Blomme, P. Burgess, G. Busso, B. Carry, A. Cellino, G. Clementini, M. Clotet, O. Creevey, M. Davidson, J. De Ridder, L. Delchambre, A. Dell'Oro, C. Ducourant, J. Fernández-Hernández, M. Fouesneau, Y. Frémat, L. Galluccio, M. García-Torres, J. González-Núñez, J. J. González-Vidal, E. Gosset, L. P. Guy, J.-L. Halbwachs, N. C. Hambly, D. L. Harrison, J. Hernández, D. Hestroffer, S. T. Hodgkin, A. Hutton, G. Jasniewicz, A. Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, S. Jordan, A. J. Korn, A. Krone-Martins, A. C. Lanzafame, T. Lebzelter, W. Löffler, M. Manteiga, P. M. Marrese, J. M. Martín-Fleitas, A. Moitinho, A. Mora, K. Muinonen, J. Osinde, T. Pauwels, J.-M. Petit, A. Recio-Blanco, P. J. Richards, L. Rimoldini, L. M. Sarro, C. Siopis, M. Smith, A. Sozzetti, M. Süveges, J. Torra, W. van Reeven, U. Abbas, A. Abreu Aramburu, S. Accart, C. Aerts, G. Altavilla, M. A. Álvarez, R. Alvarez, J. Alves, R. I. Anderson, A. H. Andrei, E. Anglada Varela, E. Antiche, B. Arcay, T. L. Astraatmadja, N. Bach, S. G. Baker, L. Balaguer-Núñez, P. Balm, C. Barache, C. Barata, D. Barbato, F. Barblan, P. S. Barklem, D. Barrado, M. Barros, M. A. Barstow, S. Bartholomé Muñoz, J.-L. Bassilana, U. Becciani, M. Bellazzini, A. Berihuete, S. Bertone, L. Bianchi, O. Bienaymé, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, T. Boch, C. Boeche, A. Bombrun, R. Borrachero, D. Bossini, S. Bouquillon, G. Bourda, A. Bragaglia, L. Bramante, A. Bressan, N. Brouillet, T. Brüsemeister, E. Brugaletta, B. Bucciarelli, A. Burlacu, D. Busonero, A. G. Butkevich, R. Buzzi, E. Caffau, R. Cancelliere, G. Cannizzaro, T. Cantat-Gaudin, R. Carballo, T. Carlucci, J. M. Carrasco, L. Casamiquela, M. Castellani, A. Castro-Ginard, P. Charlot, L. Chemin, A. Chiavassa, G. Cocozza, G. Costigan, S. Cowell, F. Crifo, M. Crosta, C. Crowley, J. Cuypers, C. Dafonte, Y. Damerdji, A. Dapergolas, P. David, M. David, P. de Laverny, F. De Luise, R. De March, D. de Martino, R. de Souza, A. de Torres, J. Debosscher, E. del Pozo, M. Delbo, A. Delgado, H. E. Delgado, P. Di Matteo, S. Diakite, C. Diener, E. Distefano, C. Dolding, P. Drazinos, J. Durán, B. Edvardsson, H. Enke, K. Eriksson, P. Esquej, G. Eynard Bontemps, C. Fabre, M. Fabrizio, S. Faigler, A. J. Falcão, M. Farràs Casas, L. Federici, G. Fedorets, P. Fernique, F. Figueras, F. Filippi, K. Findeisen, A. Fonti, E. Fraile, M. Fraser, B. Frézouls, M. Gai, S. Galleti, D. Garabato, F. García-Sedano, A. Garofalo, N. Garralda, A. Gavel, P. Gavras, J. Gerssen, R. Geyer, P. Giacobbe, G. Gilmore, S. Girona, G. Giuffrida, F. Glass, M. Gomes, M. Granvik, A. Gueguen, A. Guerrier, J. Guiraud, R. Gutiérrez-Sánchez, W. Hofmann, G. Holland, H. E. Huckle, A. Hypki, V. Icardi, K. Janßen, G. Jevardat de Fombelle, P. G. Jonker, Á. L. Juhász, F. Julbe, A. Karampelas, A. Kewley, J. Klar, A. Kochoska, R. Kohley, K. Kolenberg, M. Kontizas, E. Kontizas, S. E. Koposov, G. Kordopatis, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, P. Koubsky, S. Lambert, A. F. Lanza, Y. Lasne, J.-B. Lavigne, Y. Le Fustec, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, Y. Lebreton, S. Leccia, N. Leclerc, I. Lecoeur-Taibi, H. Lenhardt, F. Leroux, S. Liao, E. Licata, H. E. P. Lindstrøm, T. A. Lister, E. Livanou, A. Lobel, M. López, S. Managau, R. G. Mann, G. Mantelet, O. Marchal, J. M. Marchant, M. Marconi, S. Marinoni, G. Marschalkó, D. J. Marshall, M. Martino, G. Marton, N. Mary, G. Matijevič, T. Mazeh, S. Messina, D. Michalik, N. R. Millar, D. Molina, R. Molinaro, L. Molnár, P. Montegriffo, R. Mor, R. Morbidelli, T. Morel, D. Morris, A. F. Mulone, T. Muraveva, I. Musella, G. Nelemans, L. Nicastro, L. Noval, W. O'Mullane, C. Ordénovic, D. Ordóñez-Blanco, P. Osborne, C. Pagani, I. Pagano, F. Pailler, H. Palacin, L. Palaversa, A. Panahi, M. Pawlak, A. M. Piersimoni, F.-X. Pineau, E. Plachy, G. Plum, E. Poggio, E. Poujoulet, A. Prša, L. Pulone, E. Racero, S. Ragaini, N. Rambaux, M. Ramos-Lerate, S. Regibo, F. Riclet, V. Ripepi, A. Riva, A. Rivard, G. Rixon, T. Roegiers, M. Roelens, M. Romero-Gómez, N. Rowell, F. Royer, L. Ruiz-Dern, G. Sadowski, T. Sagristà Sellés, J. Sahlmann, J. Salgado, E. Salguero, N. Sanna, T. Santana-Ros, M. Sarasso, H. Savietto, M. Schultheis, E. Sciacca, M. Segol, J. C. Segovia, D. Ségransan, I.-C. Shih, L. Siltala, A. F. Silva, R. L. Smart, K. W. Smith, E. Solano, F. Solitro, R. Sordo, S. Soria Nieto, J. Souchay, A. Spagna, F. Spoto, U. Stampa, I. A. Steele, H. Steidelmüller, C. A. Stephenson, H. Stoev, F. F. Suess, J. Surdej, L. Szabados, E. Szegedi-Elek, D. Tapiador, F. Taris, G. Tauran, M. B. Taylor, R. Teixeira, D. Terrett, P. Teyssandier, W. Thuillot, A. Titarenko, F. Torra Clotet, C. Turon, A. Ulla, E. Utrilla, S. Uzzi, M. Vaillant, G. Valentini, V. Valette, A. van Elteren, E. Van Hemelryck, M. van Leeuwen, M. Vaschetto, A. Vecchiato, Y. Viala, D. Vicente, S. Vogt, C. von Essen, H. Voss, V. Votruba, S. Voutsinas, G. Walmsley, M. Weiler, O. Wertz, T. Wevems, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Yoldas, M. Žerjal, H. Ziaeepour, J. Zorec, S. Zschocke, S. Zucker, C. Zurbach and T. Zwitter: Gaia Data Release 2. Kinematics of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Collaboration, G., D. Katz, T. Antoja, M. Romero-Gómez, R. Drimmel, C. Reylé, G. M. Seabroke, C. Soubiran, C. Babusiaux, P. Di Matteo, F. Figueras, E. Poggio, A. C. Robin, D. W. Evans, A. G. A. Brown, A. Vallenari, T. Prusti, J. H. J. de Bruijne, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Biermann, L. Eyer, F. Jansen, C. Jordi, S. A. Klioner, U. Lammers, L. Lindegren, X. Luri, F. Mignard, C. Panem, D. Pourbaix, S. Randich, P. Sartoretti, H. I. Siddiqui, F. van Leeuwen, N. A. Walton, F. Arenou, U. Bastian, M. Cropper, M. G. Lattanzi, J. Bakker, C. Cacciari, J. Casta n, L. Chaoul, N. Cheek, F. De Angeli, C. Fabricius, R. Guerra, B. Holl, E. Masana, R. Messineo, N. Mowlavi, K. Nienartowicz, P. Panuzzo, J. Portell, M. Riello, P. Tanga, F. Thévenin, G. Gracia-Abril, G. Comoretto, M. Garcia-Reinaldos, D. Teyssier, M. Altmann, R. Andrae, M. Audard, I. Bellas-Velidis, K. Benson, J. Berthier, R. Blomme, P. Burgess, G. Busso, B. Carry, A. Cellino, G. Clementini, M. Clotet, O. Creevey, M. Davidson, J. De Ridder, L. Delchambre, A. Dell'Oro, C. Ducourant, J. Fernández-Hernández, M. Fouesneau, Y. Frémat, L. Galluccio, M. García-Torres, J. González-Núñez, J. J. González-Vidal, E. Gosset, L. P. Guy, J.-L. Halbwachs, N. C. Hambly, D. L. Harrison, J. Hernández, D. Hestroffer, S. T. Hodgkin, A. Hutton, G. Jasniewicz, A. Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, S. Jordan, A. J. Korn, A. Krone-Martins, A. C. Lanzafame, T. Lebzelter, W. Löffler, M. Manteiga, P. M. Marrese, J. M. Martín-Fleitas, A. Moitinho, A. Mora, K. Muinonen, J. Osinde, E. Pancino, T. Pauwels, J.-M. Petit, A. Recio-Blanco, P. J. Richards, L. Rimoldini, L. M. Sarro, C. Siopis, M. Smith, A. Sozzetti, M. Süveges, J. Torra, W. van Reeven, U. Abbas, A. Abreu Aramburu, S. Accart, C. Aerts, G. Altavilla, M. A. Álvarez, R. Alvarez, J. Alves, R. I. Anderson, A. H. Andrei, E. Anglada Varela, E. Antiche, B. Arcay, T. L. Astraatmadja, N. Bach, S. G. Baker, L. Balaguer-Núñez, P. Balm, C. Barache, C. Barata, D. Barbato, F. Barblan, P. S. Barklem, D. Barrado, M. Barros, M. A. Barstow, L. Bartholomé Muñoz, J.-L. Bassilana, U. Becciani, M. Bellazzini, A. Berihuete, S. Bertone, L. Bianchi, O. Bienaymé, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, T. Boch, C. Boeche, A. Bombrun, R. Borrachero, D. Bossini, S. Bouquillon, G. Bourda, A. Bragaglia, L. Bramante, M. A. Breddels, A. Bressan, N. Brouillet, T. Brüsemeister, E. Brugaletta, B. Bucciarelli, A. Burlacu, D. Busonero, A. G. Butkevich, R. Buzzi, E. Caffau, R. Cancelliere, G. Cannizzaro, T. Cantat-Gaudin, R. Carballo, T. Carlucci, J. M. Carrasco, L. Casamiquela, M. Castellani, A. Castro-Ginard, P. Charlot, L. Chemin, A. Chiavassa, G. Cocozza, G. Costigan, S. Cowell, F. Crifo, M. Crosta, C. Crowley, J. Cuypers, C. Dafonte, Y. Damerdji, A. Dapergolas, P. David, M. David, P. de Laverny, F. De Luise, R. De March, R. de Souza, A. de Torres, J. Debosscher, E. del Pozo, M. Delbo, A. Delgado, H. E. Delgado, S. Diakite, C. Diener, E. Distefano, C. Dolding, P. Drazinos, J. Durán, B. Edvardsson, H. Enke, K. Eriksson, P. Esquej, G. Eynard Bontemps, C. Fabre, M. Fabrizio, S. Faigler, A. J. Falc a, M. Farràs Casas, L. Federici, G. Fedorets, P. Fernique, F. Filippi, K. Findeisen, A. Fonti, E. Fraile, M. Fraser, B. Frézouls, M. Gai, S. Galleti, D. Garabato, F. García-Sedano, A. Garofalo, N. Garralda, A. Gavel, P. Gavras, J. Gerssen, R. Geyer, P. Giacobbe, G. Gilmore, S. Girona, G. Giuffrida, F. Glass, M. Gomes, M. Granvik, A. Gueguen, A. Guerrier, J. Guiraud, R. Gutié, R. Haigron, D. Hatzidimitriou, M. Hauser, M. Haywood, U. Heiter, A. Helmi, J. Heu, T. Hilger, D. Hobbs, W. Hofmann, G. Holland, H. E. Huckle, A. Hypki, V. Icardi, K. Janßen, G. Jevardat de Fombelle, P. G. Jonker, Á. L. Juhász, F. Julbe, A. Karampelas, A. Kewley, J. Klar, A. Kochoska, R. Kohley, K. Kolenberg, M. Kontizas, E. Kontizas, S. E. Koposov, G. Kordopatis, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, P. Koubsky, S. Lambert, A. F. Lanza, Y. Lasne, J.-B. Lavigne, Y. Le Fustec, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, Y. Lebreton, S. Leccia, N. Leclerc, I. Lecoeur-Taibi, H. Lenhardt, F. Leroux, S. Liao, E. Licata, H. E. P. Lindstrøm, T. A. Lister, E. Livanou, A. Lobel, M. López, S. Managau, R. G. Mann, G. Mantelet, O. Marchal, J. M. Marchant, M. Marconi, S. Marinoni, G. Marschalkó, D. J. Marshall, M. Martino, G. Marton, N. Mary, D. Massari, G. Matijevič, T. Mazeh, P. J. McMillan, S. Messina, D. Michalik, N. R. Millar, D. Molina, R. Molinaro, L. Molnár, P. Montegriffo, R. Mor, R. Morbidelli, T. Morel, D. Morris, A. F. Mulone, T. Muraveva, I. Musella, G. Nelemans, L. Nicastro, L. Noval, W. O'Mullane, C. Ordénovic, D. Ordóñez-Blanco, P. Osborne, C. Pagani, I. Pagano, F. Pailler, H. Palacin, L. Palaversa, A. Panahi, M. Pawlak, A. M. Piersimoni, F.-X. Pineau, E. Plachy, G. Plum, E. Poujoulet, A. Prša, L. Pulone, E. Racero, S. Ragaini, N. Rambaux, M. Ramos-Lerate, S. Regibo, F. Riclet, V. Ripepi, A. Riva, A. Rivard, G. Rixon, T. Roegiers, M. Roelens, N. Rowell, F. Royer, L. Ruiz-Dern, G. Sadowski, T. Sagristà Sellés, J. Sahlmann, J. Salgado, E. Salguero, N. Sanna, T. Santana-Ros, M. Sarasso, H. Savietto, M. Schultheis, E. Sciacca, M. Segol, J. C. Segovia, D. Ségransan, I.-C. Shih, L. Siltala, A. F. Silva, R. L. Smart, K. W. Smith, E. Solano, F. Solitro, R. Sordo, S. Soria Nieto, J. Souchay, A. Spagna, F. Spoto, U. Stampa, I. A. Steele, H. Steidelmüller, C. A. Stephenson, H. Stoev, F. F. Suess, J. Surdej, L. Szabados, E. Szegedi-Elek, D. Tapiador, F. Taris, G. Tauran, M. B. Taylor, R. Teixeira, D. Terrett, P. Teyssandier, W. Thuillot, A. Titarenko, F. Torra Clotet, C. Turon, A. Ulla, E. Utrilla, S. Uzzi, M. Vaillant, G. Valentini, V. Valette, A. van Elteren, E. Van Hemelryck, M. van Leeuwen, M. Vaschetto, A. Vecchiato, J. Veljanoski, Y. Viala, D. Vicente, S. Vogt, C. von Essen, H. Voss, V. Votruba, S. Voutsinas, G. Walmsley, M. Weiler, O. Wertz, T. Wevers, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Yoldas, M. Žerjal, H. Ziaeepour, J. Zorec, S. Zschocke, S. Zucker, C. Zurbach and T. Zwitter: Gaia Data Release 2. Mapping the Milky Way disc kinematics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Collaboration, G., F. Mignard, S. A. Klioner, L. Lindegren, J. Hernández, U. Bastian, A. Bombrun, D. Hobbs, U. Lammers, D. Michalik, M. Ramos-Lerate, M. Biermann, J. Fernández-Hernández, R. Geyer, T. Hilger, H. I. Siddiqui, H. Steidelmüller, C. Babusiaux, C. Barache, S. Lambert, A. H. Andrei, G. Bourda, P. Charlot, A. G. A. Brown, A. Vallenari, T. Prusti, J. H. J. de Bruijne, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, D. W. Evans, L. Eyer, F. Jansen, C. Jordi, X. Luri, C. Panem, D. Pourbaix, S. Randich, P. Sartoretti, C. Soubiran, F. van Leeuwen, N. A. Walton, F. Arenou, M. Cropper, R. Drimmel, D. Katz, M. G. Lattanzi, J. Bakker, C. Cacciari, J. Castañeda, L. Chaoul, N. Cheek, F. De Angeli, C. Fabricius, R. Guerra, B. Holl, E. Masana, R. Messineo, N. Mowlavi, K. Nienartowicz, P. Panuzzo, J. Portell, M. Riello, G. M. Seabroke, P. Tanga, F. Thévenin, G. Gracia-Abril, G. Comoretto, M. Garcia-Reinaldos, D. Teyssier, M. Altmann, R. Andrae, M. Audard, I. Bellas-Velidis, K. Benson, J. Berthier, R. Blomme, P. Burgess, G. Busso, B. Carry, A. Cellino, G. Clementini, M. Clotet, O. Creevey, M. Davidson, J. De Ridder, L. Delchambre, A. Dell'Oro, C. Ducourant, M. Fouesneau, Y. Frémat, L. Galluccio, M. García-Torres, J. González-Núñez, J. J. González-Vidal, E. Gosset, L. P. Guy, J.-L. Halbwachs, N. C. Hambly, D. L. Harrison, D. Hestroffer, S. T. Hodgkin, A. Hutton, G. Jasniewicz, A. Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, S. Jordan, A. J. Korn, A. Krone-Martins, A. C. Lanzafame, T. Lebzelter, W. Löffler, M. Manteiga, P. M. Marrese, J. M. Martín-Fleitas, A. Moitinho, A. Mora, K. Muinonen, J. Osinde, E. Pancino, T. Pauwels, J.-M. Petit, A. Recio-Blanco, P. J. Richards, L. Rimoldini, A. C. Robin, L. M. Sarro, C. Siopis, M. Smith, A. Sozzetti, M. Süveges, J. Torra, W. van Reeven, U. Abbas, A. Abreu Aramburu, S. Accart, C. Aerts, G. Altavilla, M. A. Álvarez, R. Alvarez, J. Alves, R. I. Anderson, E. Anglada Varela, E. Antiche, T. Antoja, B. Arcay, T. L. Astraatmadja, N. Bach, S. G. Baker, L. Balaguer-Núñez, P. Balm, C. Barata, D. Barbato, F. Barblan, P. S. Barklem, D. Barrado, M. Barros, M. A. Barstow, L. Bartholomé Muñoz, J.-L. Bassilana, U. Becciani, M. Bellazzini, A. Berihuete, S. Bertone, L. Bianchi, O. Bienaymé, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, T. Boch, C. Boeche, R. Borrachero, D. Bossini, S. Bouquillon, A. Bragaglia, L. Bramante, M. A. Breddels, A. Bressan, N. Brouillet, T. Brüsemeister, E. Brugaletta, B. Bucciarelli, A. Burlacu, D. Busonero, A. G. Butkevich, R. Buzzi, E. Caffau, R. Cancelliere, G. Cannizzaro, T. Cantat-Gaudin, R. Carballo, T. Carlucci, J. M. Carrasco, L. Casamiquela, M. Castellani, A. Castro-Ginard, L. Chemin, A. Chiavassa, G. Cocozza, G. Costigan, S. Cowell, F. Crifo, M. Crosta, C. Crowley, J. Cuypers, C. Dafonte, Y. Damerdji, A. Dapergolas, P. David, M. David, P. de Laverny, F. De Luise, R. De March, R. de Souza, A. de Torres, J. Debosscher, E. del Pozo, M. Delbo, A. Delgado, H. E. Delgado, S. Diakite, C. Diener, E. Distefano, C. Dolding, P. Drazinos, J. Durán, B. Edvardsson, H. Enke, K. Eriksson, P. Esquej, G. Eynard Bontemps, C. Fabre, M. Fabrizio, S. Faigler, A. J. Falcão, M. Farràs Casas, L. Federici, G. Fedorets, P. Fernique, F. Figueras, F. Filippi, K. Findeisen, A. Fonti, E. Fraile, M. Fraser, B. Frézouls, M. Gai, S. Galleti, D. Garabato, F. García-Sedano, A. Garofalo, N. Garralda, A. Gavel, P. Gavras, J. Gerssen, P. Giacobbe, G. Gilmore, S. Girona, G. Giuffrida, F. Glass, M. Gomes, M. Granvik, A. Gueguen, A. Guerrier, J. Guiraud, R. Gutié, R. Haigron, D. Hatzidimitriou, M. Hauser, M. Haywood, U. Heiter, A. Helmi, J. Heu, W. Hofmann, G. Holland, H. E. Huckle, A. Hypki, V. Icardi, K. Janßen, G. Jevardat de Fombelle, P. G. Jonker, A. L. Juhász, F. Julbe, A. Karampelas, A. Kewley, J. Klar, A. Kochoska, R. Kohley, K. Kolenberg, M. Kontizas, E. Kontizas, S. E. Koposov, G. Kordopatis, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, P. Koubsky, A. F. Lanza, Y. Lasne, J.-B. Lavigne, Y. Le Fustec, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, Y. Lebreton, S. Leccia, N. Leclerc, I. Lecoeur-Taibi, H. Lenhardt, F. Leroux, S. Liao, E. Licata, H. E. P. Lindstrøm, T. A. Lister, E. Livanou, A. Lobel, M. López, S. Managau, R. G. Mann, G. Mantelet, O. Marchal, J. M. Marchant, M. Marconi, S. Marinoni, G. Marschalkó, D. J. Marshall, M. Martino, G. Marton, N. Mary, D. Massari, G. Matijevič, T. Mazeh, P. J. McMillan, S. Messina, N. R. Millar, D. Molina, R. Molinaro, L. Molnár, P. Montegriffo, R. Mor, R. Morbidelli, T. Morel, D. Morris, A. F. Mulone, T. Muraveva, I. Musella, G. Nelemans, L. Nicastro, L. Noval, W. O'Mullane, C. Ordénovic, D. Ordóñez-Blanco, P. Osborne, C. Pagani, I. Pagano, F. Pailler, H. Palacin, L. Palaversa, A. Panahi, M. Pawlak, A. M. Piersimoni, F.-X. Pineau, E. Plachy, G. Plum, E. Poggio, E. Poujoulet, A. Prša, L. Pulone, E. Racero, S. Ragaini, N. Rambaux, S. Regibo, C. Reylé, F. Riclet, V. Ripepi, A. Riva, A. Rivard, G. Rixon, T. Roegiers, M. Roelens, M. Romero-Gómez, N. Rowell, F. Royer, L. Ruiz-Dern, G. Sadowski, T. Sagristà Sellés, J. Sahlmann, J. Salgado, E. Salguero, N. Sanna, T. Santana-Ros, M. Sarasso, H. Savietto, M. Schultheis, E. Sciacca, M. Segol, J. C. Segovia, D. Ségransan, I.-C. Shih, L. Siltala, A. F. Silva, R. L. Smart, K. W. Smith, E. Solano, F. Solitro, R. Sordo, S. Soria Nieto, J. Souchay, A. Spagna, F. Spoto, U. Stampa, I. A. Steele, C. A. Stephenson, H. Stoev, F. F. Suess, J. Surdej, L. Szabados, E. Szegedi-Elek, D. Tapiador, F. Taris, G. Tauran, M. B. Taylor, R. Teixeira, D. Terrett, P. Teyssandier, W. Thuillot, A. Titarenko, F. Torra Clotet, C. Turon, A. Ulla, E. Utrilla, S. Uzzi, M. Vaillant, G. Valentini, V. Valette, A. van Elteren, E. Van Hemelryck, M. van Leeuwen, M. Vaschetto, A. Vecchiato, J. Veljanoski, Y. Viala, D. Vicente, S. Vogt, C. von Essen, H. Voss, V. Votruba, S. Voutsinas, G. Walmsley, M. Weiler, O. Wertz, T. Wevers, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Yoldas, M. Žerjal, H. Ziaeepour, J. Zorec, S. Zschocke, S. Zucker, C. Zurbach and T. Zwitter: Gaia Data Release 2. The celestial reference frame (Gaia-CRF2). Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Collaboration, G., J. Sanchez-Bermudez, G. Weigelt, J. M. Bestenlehner, P. Kervella, W. Brandner, T. Henning, A. Müller, G. Perrin, J.-U. Pott, M. Schöller, R. van Boekel, R. Abuter, M. Accardo, A. Amorim, N. Anugu, G. Ávila, M. Benisty, J. P. Berger, N. Blind, H. Bonnet, P. Bourget, R. Brast, A. Buron, F. Cantalloube, A. Caratti O Garatti, F. Cassaing, F. Chapron, E. Choquet, Y. Clénet, C. Collin, V. Coudé Du Foresto, W. de Wit, T. de Zeeuw, C. Deen, F. Delplancke-Ströbele, R. Dembet, F. Derie, J. Dexter, G. Duvert, M. Ebert, A. Eckart, F. Eisenhauer, M. Esselborn, P. Fédou, P. J. V. Garcia, C. E. Garcia Dabo, R. Garcia Lopez, F. Gao, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, X. Haubois, M. Haug, F. Haussmann, S. Hippler, M. Horrobin, A. Huber, Z. Hubert, N. Hubin, C. A. Hummel, G. Jakob, L. Jochum, L. Jocou, M. Karl, A. Kaufer, S. Kellner, S. Kendrew, L. Kern, M. Kiekebusch, R. Klein, J. Kolb, M. Kulas, S. Lacour, V. Lapeyrère, B. Lazareff, J.-B. Le Bouquin, P. Léna, R. Lenzen, S. Lévêque, M. Lippa, Y. Magnard, L. Mehrgan, M. Mellein, A. Mérand, J. Moreno-Ventas, T. Moulin, E. Müller, F. Müller, U. Neumann, S. Oberti, T. Ott, L. Pallanca, J. Panduro, L. Pasquini, T. Paumard, I. Percheron, K. Perraut, P.-O. Petrucci, A. Pflüger, O. Pfuhl, T. P. Duc, P. M. Plewa, D. Popovic, S. Rabien, A. Ramirez, J. Ramos, C. Rau, M. Riquelme, G. Rodríguez-Coira, R.-R. Rohloff, A. Rosales, G. Rousset, S. Scheithauer, N. Schuhler, J. Spyromilio, O. Straub, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, M. Suarez, K. R. W. Tristram, N. Ventura, F. Vincent, I. Waisberg, I. Wank, F. Widmann, E. Wieprecht, M. Wiest, E. Wiezorrek, M. Wittkowski, J. Woillez, B. Wolff, S. Yazici, D. Ziegler and G. Zins: GRAVITY chromatic imaging of η Car's core. Milliarcsecond resolution imaging of the wind-wind collision zone (Brγ, He I). Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Collaboration, G., F. Spoto, P. Tanga, F. Mignard, J. Berthier, B. Carry, A. Cellino, A. Dell'Oro, D. Hestroffer, K. Muinonen, T. Pauwels, J.-M. Petit, P. David, F. De Angeli, M. Delbo, B. Frézouls, L. Galluccio, M. Granvik, J. Guiraud, J. Hernández, C. Ordénovic, J. Portell, E. Poujoulet, W. Thuillot, G. Walmsley, A. G. A. Brown, A. Vallenari, T. Prusti, J. H. J. de Bruijne, C. Babusiaux, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Biermann, D. W. Evans, L. Eyer, F. Jansen, C. Jordi, S. A. Klioner, U. Lammers, L. Lindegren, X. Luri, C. Panem, D. Pourbaix, S. Randich, P. Sartoretti, H. I. Siddiqui, C. Soubiran, F. van Leeuwen, N. A. Walton, F. Arenou, U. Bastian, M. Cropper, R. Drimmel, D. Katz, M. G. Lattanzi, J. Bakker, C. Cacciari, J. Castañeda, L. Chaoul, N. Cheek, C. Fabricius, R. Guerra, B. Holl, E. Masana, R. Messineo, N. Mowlavi, K. Nienartowicz, P. Panuzzo, M. Riello, G. M. Seabroke, F. Thévenin, G. Gracia-Abril, G. Comoretto, M. Garcia-Reinaldos, D. Teyssier, M. Altmann, R. Andrae, M. Audard, I. Bellas-Velidis, K. Benson, R. Blomme, P. Burgess, G. Busso, G. Clementini, M. Clotet, O. Creevey, M. Davidson, J. De Ridder, L. Delchambre, C. Ducourant, J. Fernández-Hernández, M. Fouesneau, Y. Frémat, M. García-Torres, J. González-Núñez, J. J. González-Vidal, E. Gosset, L. P. Guy, J.-L. Halbwachs, N. C. Hambly, D. L. Harrison, S. T. Hodgkin, A. Hutton, G. Jasniewicz, A. Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, S. Jordan, A. J. Korn, A. Krone-Martins, A. C. Lanzafame, T. Lebzelter, W. Lö, M. Manteiga, P. M. Marrese, J. M. Martín-Fleitas, A. Moitinho, A. Mora, J. Osinde, E. Pancino, A. Recio-Blanco, P. J. Richards, L. Rimoldini, A. C. Robin, L. M. Sarro, C. Siopis, M. Smith, A. Sozzetti, M. Süveges, J. Torra, W. van Reeven, U. Abbas, A. Abreu Aramburu, S. Accart, C. Aerts, G. Altavilla, M. A. Álvarez, R. Alvarez, J. Alves, R. I. Anderson, A. H. Andrei, E. Anglada Varela, E. Antiche, T. Antoja, B. Arcay, T. L. Astraatmadja, N. Bach, S. G. Baker, L. Balaguer-Núñez, P. Balm, C. Barache, C. Barata, D. Barbato, F. Barblan, P. S. Barklem, D. Barrado, M. Barros, M. A. Barstow, L. Bartholomé Muñoz, J.-L. Bassilana, U. Becciani, M. Bellazzini, A. Berihuete, S. Bertone, L. Bianchi, O. Bienaymé, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, T. Boch, C. Boeche, A. Bombrun, R. Borrachero, D. Bossini, S. Bouquillon, G. Bourda, A. Bragaglia, L. Bramante, M. A. Breddels, A. Bressan, N. Brouillet, T. Brüsemeister, E. Brugaletta, B. Bucciarelli, A. Burlacu, D. Busonero, A. G. Butkevich, R. Buzzi, E. Caffau, R. Cancelliere, G. Cannizzaro, T. Cantat-Gaudin, R. Carballo, T. Carlucci, J. M. Carrasco, L. Casamiquela, M. Castellani, A. Castro-Ginard, P. Charlot, L. Chemin, A. Chiavassa, G. Cocozza, G. Costigan, S. Cowell, F. Crifo, M. Crosta, C. Crowley, J. Cuypers, C. Dafonte, Y. Damerdji, A. Dapergolas, M. David, P. de Laverny, F. De Luise, R. De March, R. de Souza, A. de Torres, J. Debosscher, E. del Pozo, A. Delgado, H. E. Delgado, S. Diakite, C. Diener, E. Distefano, C. Dolding, P. Drazinos, J. Durán, B. Edvardsson, H. Enke, K. Eriksson, P. Esquej, G. Eynard Bontemps, C. Fabre, M. Fabrizio, S. Faigler, A. J. Falcão, M. Farràs Casas, L. Federici, G. Fedorets, P. Fernique, F. Figueras, F. Filippi, K. Findeisen, A. Fonti, E. Fraile, M. Fraser, M. Gai, S. Galleti, D. Garabato, F. García-Sedano, A. Garofalo, N. Garralda, A. Gavel, P. Gavras, J. Gerssen, R. Geyer, P. Giacobbe, G. Gilmore, S. Girona, G. Giuffrida, F. Glass, M. Gomes, A. Gueguen, A. Guerrier, R. Gutié, R. Haigron, D. Hatzidimitriou, M. Hauser, M. Haywood, U. Heiter, A. Helmi, J. Heu, T. Hilger, D. Hobbs, W. Hofmann, G. Holland, H. E. Huckle, A. Hypki, V. Icardi, K. Janßen, G. Jevardat de Fombelle, P. G. Jonker, Á. L. Juhász, F. Julbe, A. Karampelas, A. Kewley, J. Klar, A. Kochoska, R. Kohley, K. Kolenberg, M. Kontizas, E. Kontizas, S. E. Koposov, G. Kordopatis, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, P. Koubsky, S. Lambert, A. F. Lanza, Y. Lasne, J.-B. Lavigne, Y. Le Fustec, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, Y. Lebreton, S. Leccia, N. Leclerc, I. Lecoeur-Taibi, H. Lenhardt, F. Leroux, S. Liao, E. Licata, H. E. P. Lindstrøm, T. A. Lister, E. Livanou, A. Lobel, M. López, S. Managau, R. G. Mann, G. Mantelet, O. Marchal, J. M. Marchant, M. Marconi, S. Marinoni, G. Marschalkó, D. J. Marshall, M. Martino, G. Marton, N. Mary, D. Massari, G. Matijevič, T. Mazeh, P. J. McMillan, S. Messina, D. Michalik, N. R. Millar, D. Molina, R. Molinaro, L. Molnár, P. Montegriffo, R. Mor, R. Morbidelli, T. Morel, D. Morris, A. F. Mulone, T. Muraveva, I. Musella, G. Nelemans, L. Nicastro, L. Noval, W. O'Mullane, D. Ordóñez-Blanco, P. Osborne, C. Pagani, I. Pagano, F. Pailler, H. Palacin, L. Palaversa, A. Panahi, M. Pawlak, A. M. Piersimoni, F.-X. Pineau, E. Plachy, G. Plum, E. Poggio, A. Prša, L. Pulone, E. Racero, S. Ragaini, N. Rambaux, M. Ramos-Lerate, S. Regibo, C. Reylé, F. Riclet, V. Ripepi, A. Riva, A. Rivard, G. Rixon, T. Roegiers, M. Roelens, M. Romero-Gómez, N. Rowell, F. Royer, L. Ruiz-Dern, G. Sadowski, T. Sagristà Sellés, J. Sahlmann, J. Salgado, E. Salguero, N. Sanna, T. Santana-Ros, M. Sarasso, H. Savietto, M. Schultheis, E. Sciacca, M. Segol, J. C. Segovia, D. Ségransan, I.-C. Shih, L. Siltala, A. F. Silva, R. L. Smart, K. W. Smith, E. Solano, F. Solitro, R. Sordo, S. Soria Nieto, J. Souchay, A. Spagna, U. Stampa, I. A. Steele, H. Steidelmüller, C. A. Stephenson, H. Stoev, F. F. Suess, J. Surdej, L. Szabados, E. Szegedi-Elek, D. Tapiador, F. Taris, G. Tauran, M. B. Taylor, R. Teixeira, D. Terrett, P. Teyssandier, A. Titarenko, F. Torra Clotet, C. Turon, A. Ulla, E. Utrilla, S. Uzzi, M. Vaillant, G. Valentini, V. Valette, A. van Elteren, E. Van Hemelryck, M. van Leeuwen, M. Vaschetto, A. Vecchiato, J. Veljanoski, Y. Viala, D. Vicente, S. Vogt, C. von Essen, H. Voss, V. Votruba, S. Voutsinas, M. Weiler, O. Wertz, T. Wevers, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Yoldas, M. Žerjal, H. Ziaeepour, J. Zorec, S. Zschocke, S. Zucker, C. Zurbach and T. Zwitter: Gaia Data Release 2. Observations of solar system objects. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Collett, T. E., L. J. Oldham, R. J. Smith, M. W. Auger, K. B. Westfall, D. Bacon, R. C. Nichol, K. L. Masters, K. Koyama and R. van den Bosch: A precise extragalactic test of General Relativity. Science 360, 1342-1346 (2018)

Colombo, D., V. Kalinova, D. Utomo, E. Rosolowsky, A. D. Bolatto, R. C. Levy, T. Wong, S. F. Sanchez, A. K. Leroy, E. Ostriker, L. Blitz, S. Vogel, D. Mast, R. García-Benito, B. Husemann, H. Dannerbauer, L. Ellmeier and Y. Cao: The EDGE-CALIFA survey: the influence of galactic rotation on the molecular depletion time across the Hubble sequence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 1791-1808 (2018)

Conn, B. C., H. Jerjen, D. Kim and M. Schirmer: On the Nature of Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy Candidates. II. The Case of Cetus II. The Astrophysical Journal 857, (2018)

Connor, T., D. D. Kelson, J. Mulchaey, A. Vikhlinin, S. G. Patel, M. L. Balogh, G. Joshi, R. Kraft, D. Nagai and S. Starikova: Wide-field Optical Spectroscopy of Abell 133: A Search for Filaments Reported in X-Ray Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 867, (2018)

Conroy, C., A. Villaume, P. G. van Dokkum and K. Lind: Metal-rich, Metal-poor: Updated Stellar Population Models for Old Stellar Systems. The Astrophysical Journal 854, (2018)

Contini, E., S. K. Yi and X. Kang: The different growth pathways of brightest cluster galaxies and intracluster light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 932-944 (2018)

Coogan, R. T., E. Daddi, M. T. Sargent, V. Strazzullo, F. Valentino, R. Gobat, G. Magdis, M. Bethermin, M. Pannella, M. Onodera, D. Liu, A. Cimatti, H. Dannerbauer, M. Carollo, A. Renzini and E. Tremou: Merger-driven star formation activity in Cl J1449+0856 at z = 1.99 as seen by ALMA and JVLA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 703-729 (2018)

Cormier, D., F. Bigiel, M. J. Jiménez-Donaire, A. K. Leroy, M. Gallagher, A. Usero, K. Sandstrom, A. Bolatto, A. Hughes, C. Kramer, M. R. Krumholz, D. S. Meier, E. J. Murphy, J. Pety, E. Rosolowsky, E. Schinnerer, A. Schruba, K. Sliwa and F. Walter: Full-disc 13CO(1-0) mapping across nearby galaxies of the EMPIRE survey and the CO-to-H2 conversion factor. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 3909-3933 (2018)

Courbin, F., V. Bonvin, E. Buckley-Geer, C. D. Fassnacht, J. Frieman, H. Lin, P. J. Marshall, S. H. Suyu, T. Treu, T. Anguita, V. Motta, G. Meylan, E. Paic, M. Tewes, A. Agnello, D. C.-Y. Chao, M. Chijani, D. Gilman, K. Rojas, P. Williams, A. Hempel, S. Kim, R. Lachaume, M. Rabus, T. M. C. Abbott, S. Allam, J. Annis, M. Banerji, K. Bechtol, A. Benoit-Lévy, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, C. B. D'Andrea, L. N. da Costa, C. Davis, D. L. DePoy, S. Desai, B. Flaugher, P. Fosalba, J. García-Bellido, E. Gaztanaga, D. A. Goldstein, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, J. Gschwend, G. Gutierrez, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, S. Kuhlmann, N. Kuropatkin, O. Lahav, M. Lima, M. A. G. Maia, M. March, J. L. Marshall, R. G. McMahon, F. Menanteau, R. Miquel, B. Nord, A. A. Plazas, E. Sanchez, V. Scarpine, R. Schindler, M. Schubnell, I. Sevilla-Noarbe, M. Smith, M. Soares-Santos, F. Sobreira, E. Suchyta, G. Tarle, D. L. Tucker, A. R. Walker and W. Wester: COSMOGRAIL: the COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses. XVI. Time delays for the quadruply imaged quasar DES J0408-5354 with high-cadence photometric monitoring. Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, (2018)

Cui, W., A. Knebe, G. Yepes, X. Yang, S. Borgani, X. Kang, C. Power and L. Staveley-Smith: Erratum: The large-scale environment from cosmological simulations I. The baryonic cosmic web. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 4130-4132 (2018)

Cui, W., A. Knebe, G. Yepes, X. Yang, S. Borgani, X. Kang, C. Power and L. Staveley-Smith: The large-scale environment from cosmological simulations - I. The baryonic cosmic web. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 68-79 (2018)

D'Agostino, J. J., H. Poetrodjojo, I.-T. Ho, B. Groves, L. Kewley, B. F. Madore, J. Rich and M. Seibert: Starburst-AGN mixing: TYPHOON observations of NGC 1365, NGC 1068, and the effect of spatial resolution on the AGN fraction. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 4907-4935 (2018)

D'Aloisio, A., M. McQuinn, F. B. Davies and S. R. Furlanetto: Large fluctuations in the high-redshift metagalactic ionizing background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 560-575 (2018)

D'Orazi, V., D. Magurno, G. Bono, N. Matsunaga, V. F. Braga, S. S. Elgueta, K. Fukue, S. Hamano, L. Inno, N. Kobayashi, S. Kondo, M. Monelli, M. Nonino, N. Przybilla, H. Sameshima, I. Saviane, D. Taniguchi, F. Thevenin, M. Urbaneja-Perez, A. Watase, A. Arai, M. Bergemann, R. Buonanno, M. Dall'Ora, R. Da Silva, M. Fabrizio, I. Ferraro, G. Fiorentino, P. Francois, R. Gilmozzi, G. Iannicola, Y. Ikeda, M. Jian, H. Kawakita, R. P. Kudritzki, B. Lemasle, M. Marengo, S. Marinoni, C. E. Martínez-Vázquez, D. Minniti, J. Neeley, S. Otsubo, J. L. Prieto, B. Proxauf, M. Romaniello, N. Sanna, C. Sneden, K. Takenaka, T. Tsujimoto, E. Valenti, C. Yasui, T. Yoshikawa and M. Zoccali: On the Chemical Abundances of Miras in Clusters: V1 in the Metal-rich Globular NGC 5927. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

Dalgleish, H. S., S. N. Longmore, T. Peters, J. D. Henshaw, J. L. Veitch-Michaelis and J. S. Urquhart: Ionized gas kinematics in bipolar H II regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 3530-3543 (2018)

Davies, F. B., G. D. Becker and S. R. Furlanetto: Determining the Nature of Late Gunn-Peterson Troughs with Galaxy Surveys. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Davies, F. B., J. F. Hennawi, E. Bañados, Z. Lukić, R. Decarli, X. Fan, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, H.-W. Rix, B. P. Venemans, F. Walter, F. Wang and J. Yang: Quantitative Constraints on the Reionization History from the IGM Damping Wing Signature in Two Quasars at z > 7. The Astrophysical Journal 864, (2018)

Davies, F. B., J. F. Hennawi, E. Bañados, R. A. Simcoe, R. Decarli, X. Fan, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, H.-W. Rix, B. P. Venemans, F. Walter, F. Wang and J. Yang: Predicting Quasar Continua near Lyα with Principal Component Analysis. The Astrophysical Journal 864, (2018)

Davies, F. B., J. F. Hennawi, A.-C. Eilers and Z. Lukić: A New Method to Measure the Post-reionization Ionizing Background from the Joint Distribution of Lyα and Lyβ Forest Transmission. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

de Blok, W. J. G., F. Walter, A. M. N. Ferguson, E. J. Bernard, J. M. van der Hulst, M. Neeleman, A. K. Leroy, J. Ott, L. K. Zschaechner, M. A. Zwaan, M. S. Yun, G. Langston and K. M. Keating: A High-resolution Mosaic of the Neutral Hydrogen in the M81 Triplet. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

De Rosa, A., C. Vignali, B. Husemann, S. Bianchi, T. Bogdanović, M. Guainazzi, R. Herrero-Illana, S. Komossa, E. Kun, N. Loiseau, Z. Paragi, M. Perez-Torres and E. Piconcelli: Disclosing the properties of low-redshift dual AGN through XMM-Newton and SDSS spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 1639-1655 (2018)

Debattista, V. P., S. W. F. Earp, M. Ness and O. A. Gonzalez: Predicted stellar kinematics of a kiloparsec-scale nuclear disc (or ring) in the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 5275-5285 (2018)

Decarli, R., F. Walter, B. P. Venemans, E. Bañados, F. Bertoldi, C. Carilli, X. Fan, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, D. Riechers, H.-W. Rix, M. A. Strauss, R. Wang and Y. Yang: An ALMA [C II] Survey of 27 Quasars at z > 5.94. The Astrophysical Journal 854, (2018)

Delvecchio, I., V. Smolčić, G. Zamorani, D. J. Rosario, M. Bondi, S. Marchesi, T. Miyaji, M. Novak, M. T. Sargent, D. M. Alexander and J. Delhaize: SMBH accretion properties of radio-selected AGN out to z ̃ 4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 4971-4983 (2018)

Diemer, B., A. R. H. Stevens, J. C. Forbes, F. Marinacci, L. Hernquist, C. d. P. Lagos, A. Sternberg, A. Pillepich, D. Nelson, G. Popping, F. Villaescusa-Navarro, P. Torrey and M. Vogelsberger: Modeling the Atomic-to-molecular Transition in Cosmological Simulations of Galaxy Formation. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 238, (2018)

Duong, L., K. C. Freeman, M. Asplund, L. Casagrande, S. Buder, K. Lind, M. Ness, J. Bland-Hawthorn, G. M. De Silva, V. D'Orazi, J. Kos, G. F. Lewis, J. Lin, S. L. Martell, K. Schlesinger, S. Sharma, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, T. Zwitter, B. Anguiano, G. S. Da Costa, E. Hyde, J. Horner, P. R. Kafle, D. M. Nataf, W. Reid, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting and R. F. G. Wyse: The GALAH survey: properties of the Galactic disc(s) in the solar neighbourhood. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 5216-5232 (2018)

Egorov, O. V., T. A. Lozinskaya, A. V. Moiseev and G. V. Smirnov-Pinchukov: Star formation complexes in the `galaxy-sized' supergiant shell of the galaxy HolmbergI. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 3386-3409 (2018)

Eilers, A.-C., F. B. Davies and J. F. Hennawi: The Opacity of the Intergalactic Medium Measured along Quasar Sightlines at z ̃ 6. The Astrophysical Journal 864, (2018)

Eilers, A.-C., J. F. Hennawi and F. B. Davies: First Spectroscopic Study of a Young Quasar. The Astrophysical Journal 867, (2018)

El-Badry, K. and H.-W. Rix: Imprints of white dwarf recoil in the separation distribution of Gaia wide binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 4884-4902 (2018)

El-Badry, K., H.-W. Rix, Y.-S. Ting, D. R. Weisz, M. Bergemann, P. Cargile, C. Conroy and A.-C. Eilers: Signatures of unresolved binaries in stellar spectra: implications for spectral fitting. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 5043-5049 (2018)

El-Badry, K., H.-W. Rix and D. R. Weisz: An Empirical Measurement of the Initial-Final Mass Relation with Gaia White Dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

El-Badry, K., Y.-S. Ting, H.-W. Rix, E. Quataert, D. R. Weisz, P. Cargile, C. Conroy, D. W. Hogg, M. Bergemann and C. Liu: Discovery and characterization of 3000+ main-sequence binaries from APOGEE spectra. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 528-553 (2018)

Engler, C., T. Lisker and A. Pillepich: On the Scatter of the Present-day Stellar Metallicity-Mass Relation of Cluster Dwarf Galaxies. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 2, (2018)

Espada, D., S. Martin, S. Verley, A. R. Pettitt, S. Matsushita, M. Argudo-Fernández, Z. Randriamanakoto, P.-Y. Hsieh, T. Saito, R. E. Miura, Y. Kawana, J. Sabater, L. Verdes-Montenegro, P. T. P. Ho, R. Kawabe and D. Iono: Molecular Gas and Star Formation Properties in Early Stage Mergers: SMA CO(2-1) Observations of the LIRGs NGC 3110 and NGC 232. The Astrophysical Journal 866, (2018)

Fang, J. J., S. M. Faber, D. C. Koo, A. Rodríguez-Puebla, Y. Guo, G. Barro, P. Behroozi, G. Brammer, Z. Chen, A. Dekel, H. C. Ferguson, E. Gawiser, M. Giavalisco, J. Kartaltepe, D. D. Kocevski, A. M. Koekemoer, E. J. McGrath, D. McIntosh, J. A. Newman, C. Pacifici, V. Pandya, P. G. Pérez-González, J. R. Primack, B. Salmon, J. R. Trump, B. Weiner, S. P. Willner, V. Acquaviva, T. Dahlen, S. L. Finkelstein, K. Finlator, A. Fontana, A. Galametz, N. A. Grogin, R. Gruetzbauch, S. Johnson, B. Mobasher, C. J. Papovich, J. Pforr, M. Salvato, P. Santini, A. van der Wel, T. Wiklind and S. Wuyts: Demographics of Star-forming Galaxies since z ̃ 2.5. I. The UVJ Diagram in CANDELS. The Astrophysical Journal 858, (2018)

Farina, E. P., I. Y. Georgiev, R. Decarli, T. Terzić, L. Busoni, W. Gässler, T. Mazzoni, J. Borelli, M. Rosensteiner, J. Ziegleder, M. Bonaglia, S. Rabien, P. Buschkamp, G. Orban de Xivry, G. Rahmer, M. Kulas and D. Peter: Resolving the host galaxy of a distant blazar with LBT/LUCI 1 + ARGOS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 1835-1839 (2018)

Fendt, C. and D. Gaßmann: Bipolar Jets Launched by a Mean-field Accretion Disk Dynamo. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

Feuillet, D. K., J. Bovy, J. Holtzman, D. H. Weinberg, D. García-Hernández, F. R. Hearty, S. R. Majewski, A. Roman-Lopes, J. Rybizki and O. Zamora: Age-resolved chemistry of red giants in the solar neighbourhood. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 2326-2348 (2018)

Findlay, J. R., J. X. Prochaska, J. F. Hennawi, M. Fumagalli, A. D. Myers, S. Bartle, B. Chehade, M. A. DiPompeo, T. Shanks, M. W. Lau and K. H. R. Rubin: Quasars Probing Quasars. X. The Quasar Pair Spectral Database. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 236, (2018)

Förster Schreiber, N. M., A. Renzini, C. Mancini, R. Genzel, N. Bouché, G. Cresci, E. K. S. Hicks, S. J. Lilly, Y. Peng, A. Burkert, C. M. Carollo, A. Cimatti, E. Daddi, R. I. Davies, S. Genel, J. D. Kurk, P. Lang, D. Lutz, V. Mainieri, H. J. McCracken, M. Mignoli, T. Naab, P. Oesch, L. Pozzetti, M. Scodeggio, K. Shapiro Griffin, A. E. Shapley, A. Sternberg, S. Tacchella, L. J. Tacconi, S. Wuyts and G. Zamorani: The SINS/zC-SINF Survey of z ̃ 2 Galaxy Kinematics: SINFONI Adaptive Optics-assisted Data and Kiloparsec-scale Emission-line Properties. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 238, (2018)

Förster Schreiber, N. M., D. Wilman, E. S. Wisnioski, M. Fossati, J. T. Mendel, R. Bender, R. Genzel, A. Beifiori, S. Belli, G. Brammer, A. Burkert, J. Chan, R. I. Davies, R. L. Davies, M. Fabricius, A. Galametz, R. Herrera-Camus, P. Lang, D. Lutz, I. Momcheva, T. Naab, E. J. Nelson, S. H. Price, A. Renzini, R. Saglia, S. Seitz, T. Shimizu, A. Sternberg, L. J. Tacconi, K.-i. Tadaki, H. Übler, P. G. van Dokkum and S. Wuyts: Witnessing the Early Growth and Life Cycle of Galaxies with KMOS3D. The Messenger 174, 28-33 (2018)

François, P., E. Caffau, P. Bonifacio, M. Spite, F. Spite, R. Cayrel, N. Christlieb, A. J. Gallagher, R. Klessen, A. Koch, H.-G. Ludwig, L. Monaco, B. Plez, M. Steffen and S. Zaggia: TOPoS. V. Abundance ratios in a sample of very metal-poor turn-off stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, (2018)

François, P., E. Caffau, S. Wanajo, D. Aguado, M. Spite, M. Aoki, W. Aoki, P. Bonifacio, A. J. Gallagher, S. Salvadori and F. Spite: Chemical analysis of very metal-poor turn-off stars from SDSS-DR12. Astronomy and Astrophysics 619, (2018)

Frankel, N., H.-W. Rix, Y.-S. Ting, M. Ness and D. W. Hogg: Measuring Radial Orbit Migration in the Galactic Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

Fu, X., D. Romano, A. Bragaglia, A. Mucciarelli, K. Lind, E. Delgado Mena, S. G. Sousa, S. Randich, A. Bressan, L. Sbordone, S. Martell, A. J. Korn, C. Abia, R. Smiljanic, P. Jofré, E. Pancino, G. Tautvaišienė, B. Tang, L. Magrini, A. C. Lanzafame, G. Carraro, T. Bensby, F. Damiani, E. J. Alfaro, E. Flaccomio, L. Morbidelli, S. Zaggia, C. Lardo, L. Monaco, A. Frasca, P. Donati, A. Drazdauskas, Y. Chorniy, A. Bayo and G. Kordopatis: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Lithium enrichment histories of the Galactic thick and thin disc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 610, (2018)

Fynbo, J. P. U., K. E. Heintz, M. Neeleman, L. Christensen, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, N. Kanekar, P. Møller, J. X. Prochaska, N. H. P. Rhodin and M. Zwaan: ALMA observations of a metal-rich damped Ly α absorber at z = 2.5832: evidence for strong galactic winds in a galaxy group. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 2126-2132 (2018)

Gadotti, D. A., P. Sánchez-Blázquez, J. Falcón-Barroso, B. Husemann, M. Seidel, R. Leaman, G. Leung, G. van de Ven, M. Querejeta, F. Fragkoudi, A. d. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, J. Méndez-Abreu, I. Pérez, T. Kim, I. Martinez-Valpuesta, P. Coelho, C. Donohoe-Keyes, M. Martig and J. Neumann: Investigating the Formation and Evolution of Massive Disc Galaxies with the MUSE TIMER Project. The Messenger 173, 28-32 (2018)

García Pérez, A. E., M. Ness, A. C. Robin, I. Martinez-Valpuesta, J. Sobeck, G. Zasowski, S. R. Majewski, J. Bovy, C. Allende Prieto, K. Cunha, L. Girardi, S. Mészáros, D. Nidever, R. P. Schiavon, M. Schultheis, M. Shetrone and V. V. Smith: The Bulge Metallicity Distribution from the APOGEE Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 852, (2018)

Gatuzz, E., K. S. Rezaei, T. R. Kallman, A. Kreikenbohm, M. Oertel, J. Wilms and J. A. García: 3D mapping of the neutral X-ray absorption in the local interstellar medium: the Gaia and XMM-Newton synergy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 3715-3725 (2018)

Genel, S., D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, V. Springel, R. Pakmor, R. Weinberger, L. Hernquist, J. Naiman, M. Vogelsberger, F. Marinacci and P. Torrey: The size evolution of star-forming and quenched galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 3976-3996 (2018)

Gómez-Guijarro, C., S. Toft, A. Karim, B. Magnelli, G. E. Magdis, E. F. Jiménez-Andrade, P. L. Capak, F. Fraternali, S. Fujimoto, D. A. Riechers, E. Schinnerer, V. Smolčić, M. Aravena, F. Bertoldi, I. Cortzen, G. Hasinger, E. M. Hu, G. C. Jones, A. M. Koekemoer, N. Lee, H. J. McCracken, M. J. Michałowski, F. Navarrete, M. Pović, A. Puglisi, E. Romano-Díaz, K. Sheth, J. D. Silverman, J. Staguhn, C. L. Steinhardt, M. Stockmann, M. Tanaka, F. Valentino, E. van Kampen and A. Zirm: Starburst to Quiescent from HST/ALMA: Stars and Dust Unveil Minor Mergers in Submillimeter Galaxies at z ̃ 4.5. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

Gorski, M., J. Ott, R. Rand, D. S. Meier, E. Momjian and E. Schinnerer: Survey of Water and Ammonia in Nearby Galaxies (SWAN): Resolved Ammonia Thermometry and Water and Methanol Masers in IC 342, NGC 6946, and NGC 2146. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

Grand, R. J. J., S. Bustamante, F. A. Gómez, D. Kawata, F. Marinacci, R. Pakmor, H.-W. Rix, C. M. Simpson, M. Sparre and V. Springel: Origin of chemically distinct discs in the Auriga cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 3629-3639 (2018)

Grasha, K., D. Calzetti, L. Bittle, K. E. Johnson, J. Donovan Meyer, R. C. Kennicutt, B. G. Elmegreen, A. Adamo, M. R. Krumholz, M. Fumagalli, E. K. Grebel, D. A. Gouliermis, D. O. Cook, J. S. Gallagher, A. Aloisi, D. A. Dale, S. Linden, E. Sacchi, D. A. Thilker, R. A. M. Walterbos, M. Messa, A. Wofford and L. J. Smith: Connecting young star clusters to CO molecular gas in NGC 7793 with ALMA-LEGUS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 1016-1027 (2018)

Green, A. W., S. M. Croom, N. Scott, L. Cortese, A. M. Medling, F. D'Eugenio, J. J. Bryant, J. Bland-Hawthorn, J. T. Allen, R. Sharp, I.-T. Ho, B. Groves, M. J. Drinkwater, E. Mannering, L. Harischandra, J. van de Sande, A. D. Thomas, S. O'Toole, R. M. McDermid, M. Vuong, K. Sealey, A. E. Bauer, S. Brough, B. Catinella, G. Cecil, M. Colless, W. J. Couch, S. P. Driver, C. Federrath, C. Foster, M. Goodwin, E. J. Hampton, A. M. Hopkins, D. H. Jones, I. S. Konstantopoulos, J. S. Lawrence, S. G. Leon-Saval, J. Liske, Á. R. López-Sánchez, N. P. F. Lorente, J. Mould, D. Obreschkow, M. S. Owers, S. N. Richards, A. S. G. Robotham, A. L. Schaefer, S. M. Sweet, D. S. Taranu, E. Tescari, C. Tonini and T. Zafar: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Data Release One with emission-line physics value-added products. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 716-734 (2018)

Green, G. M., E. F. Schlafly, D. Finkbeiner, H.-W. Rix, N. Martin, W. Burgett, P. W. Draper, H. Flewelling, K. Hodapp, N. Kaiser, R.-P. Kudritzki, E. A. Magnier, N. Metcalfe, J. L. Tonry, R. Wainscoat and C. Waters: Galactic reddening in 3D from stellar photometry - an improved map. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 651-666 (2018)

Gullberg, B., A. M. Swinbank, I. Smail, A. D. Biggs, F. Bertoldi, C. De Breuck, S. C. Chapman, C.-C. Chen, E. A. Cooke, K. E. K. Coppin, P. Cox, H. Dannerbauer, J. S. Dunlop, A. C. Edge, D. Farrah, J. E. Geach, T. R. Greve, J. Hodge, E. Ibar, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, E. Schinnerer, D. Scott, J. M. Simpson, S. M. Stach, A. P. Thomson, P. van der Werf, F. Walter, J. L. Wardlow and A. Weiss: The Dust and [C II] Morphologies of Redshift ̃4.5 Sub-millimeter Galaxies at ̃200 pc Resolution: The Absence of Large Clumps in the Interstellar Medium at High-redshift. The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Gupta, A., T. Yuan, P. Torrey, M. Vogelsberger, D. Martizzi, K.-V. H. Tran, L. J. Kewley, F. Marinacci, D. Nelson, A. Pillepich, L. Hernquist, S. Genel and V. Springel: Chemical pre-processing of cluster galaxies over the past 10 billion years in the IllustrisTNG simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, L35-L39 (2018)

Han, C., S. Calchi Novati, A. Udalski, C.-U. Lee, A. Gould, V. Bozza, P. Mróz, P. Pietrukowicz, J. Skowron, M. K. Szymański, R. Poleski, I. Soszyński, S. Kozłowski, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, K. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, O. Collaboration, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, K.-H. Hwang, Y. K. Jung, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, W.-T. Kim, K. Collaboration, C. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, S. Team, M. Dominik, C. Helling, M. Hundertmark, U. G. Jørgensen, P. Longa-Peña, S. Lowry, S. Sajadian, M. J. Burgdorf, J. Campbell-White, S. Ciceri, D. F. Evans, L. K. Haikala, T. C. Hinse, S. Rahvar, M. Rabus, C. Snodgrass and M. Collaboration: OGLE-2017-BLG-0329L: A Microlensing Binary Characterized with Dramatically Enhanced Precision Using Data from Space-based Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Han, C., Y. K. Jung, A. Udalski, I. Bond, V. Bozza, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, K.-H. Hwang, D. Kim, C.-U. Lee, H.-W. Kim, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, J. C. Yee, Y. Shvartzvald, S.-M. Cha, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, M. K. Szymański, P. Mróz, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, I. Soszyński, S. Kozłowski, P. Pietrukowicz, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, F. Abe, R. Barry, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, P. Evans, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, C. H. Ling, Y. Matsubara, S. Miyazaki, H. Munakata, Y. Muraki, M. Nagakane, K. Ohnishi, C. Ranc, N. Rattenbury, T. Saito, A. Sharan, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, T. Yamada and A. Yonehara: OGLE-2017-BLG-0039: Microlensing Event with Light from a Lens Identified from Mass Measurement. The Astrophysical Journal 867, (2018)

Hansen, C. J., M. El-Souri, L. Monaco, S. Villanova, P. Bonifacio, E. Caffau and L. Sbordone: Ages and Heavy Element Abundances from Very Metal-poor Stars in the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

Harada, N., K. Sakamoto, S. Martín, S. Aalto, R. Aladro and K. Sliwa: ALMA Astrochemical Observations of the Infrared-luminous Merger NGC 3256. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

Hawkins, K., Y.-S. Ting and H. Walter-Rix: Photospheric Diagnostics of Core Helium Burning in Giant Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 853, (2018)

Hayden, M. R., A. Recio-Blanco, P. de Laverny, S. Mikolaitis, G. Guiglion, V. Hill, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, A. Bayo, T. Bensby, M. Bergemann, A. Bragaglia, A. Casey, M. Costado, S. Feltzing, E. Franciosini, A. Hourihane, P. Jofre, S. Koposov, G. Kordopatis, A. Lanzafame, C. Lardo, J. Lewis, K. Lind, L. Magrini, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, E. Pancino, G. Sacco, E. Stonkute, C. C. Worley and T. Zwitter: The Gaia-ESO Survey: Churning through the Milky Way. Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, (2018)

Hendel, D., V. Scowcroft, K. V. Johnston, M. A. Fardal, R. P. van der Marel, S. T. Sohn, A. M. Price-Whelan, R. L. Beaton, G. Besla, G. Bono, M.-R. L. Cioni, G. Clementini, J. G. Cohen, M. Fabrizio, W. L. Freedman, A. Garofalo, C. J. Grillmair, N. Kallivayalil, J. A. Kollmeier, D. R. Law, B. F. Madore, S. R. Majewski, M. Marengo, A. J. Monson, J. R. Neeley, D. L. Nidever, G. Pietrzyński, M. Seibert, B. Sesar, H. A. Smith, I. Soszyński and A. Udalski: SMHASH: anatomy of the Orphan Stream using RR Lyrae stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 570-587 (2018)

Hernitschek, N., J. G. Cohen, H.-W. Rix, B. Sesar, N. F. Martin, E. Magnier, R. Wainscoat, N. Kaiser, J. L. Tonry, R.-P. Kudritzki, K. Hodapp, K. Chambers, H. Flewelling and W. Burgett: The Profile of the Galactic Halo from Pan-STARRS1 3π RR Lyrae. The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Herrera Ruiz, N., E. Middelberg, A. Deller, V. Smolčić, R. P. Norris, M. Novak, I. Delvecchio, P. N. Best, E. Schinnerer, E. Momjian, R.-J. Dettmar, W. Brisken, A. M. Koekemoer and N. Z. Scoville: VLBA+GBT observations of the COSMOS field and radio source counts at 1.4 GHz. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Hiss, H., M. Walther, J. F. Hennawi, J. Oñorbe, J. M. O'Meara, A. Rorai and Z. Lukić: A New Measurement of the Temperature-density Relation of the IGM from Voigt Profile Fitting. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

Ho, I.-T., S. E. Meidt, R.-P. Kudritzki, B. A. Groves, M. Seibert, B. F. Madore, E. Schinnerer, J. A. Rich, C. Kobayashi and L. J. Kewley: Azimuthal variations of gas-phase oxygen abundance in NGC 2997. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Hogg, D. W. and D. Foreman-Mackey: Data Analysis Recipes: Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 236, (2018)

Holl, B., M. Audard, K. Nienartowicz, G. Jevardat de Fombelle, O. Marchal, N. Mowlavi, G. Clementini, J. De Ridder, D. W. Evans, L. P. Guy, A. C. Lanzafame, T. Lebzelter, L. Rimoldini, M. Roelens, S. Zucker, E. Distefano, A. Garofalo, I. Lecoeur-Taïbi, M. Lopez, R. Molinaro, T. Muraveva, A. Panahi, S. Regibo, V. Ripepi, L. M. Sarro, C. Aerts, R. I. Anderson, J. Charnas, F. Barblan, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, G. Busso, J. Cuypers, F. De Angeli, F. Glass, M. Grenon, Á. L. Juhász, A. Kochoska, P. Koubsky, A. F. Lanza, S. Leccia, D. Lorenz, M. Marconi, G. Marschalkó, T. Mazeh, S. Messina, F. Mignard, A. Moitinho, L. Molnár, S. Morgenthaler, I. Musella, C. Ordenovic, D. Ordóñez, I. Pagano, L. Palaversa, M. Pawlak, E. Plachy, A. Prša, M. Riello, M. Süveges, L. Szabados, E. Szegedi-Elek, V. Votruba and L. Eyer: Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the variability processing and analysis results. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Hollyhead, K., C. Lardo, N. Kacharov, N. Bastian, M. Hilker, M. Rejkuba, A. Koch, E. K. Grebel and I. Georgiev: Kron 3: a fourth intermediate age cluster in the SMC with evidence of multiple populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 114-121 (2018)

Hönig, S. F., A. Alonso Herrero, P. Gandhi, M. Kishimoto, J.-U. Pott, C. Ramos Almeida, J. Surdej and K. R. W. Tristram: New active galactic nuclei science cases with interferometry. An incomplete preview. Experimental Astronomy 46, 413-419 (2018)

Hunacek, J., J. Bock, C. M. Bradford, V. Butler, T.-C. Chang, Y.-T. Cheng, A. Cooray, A. Crites, C. Frez, S. Hailey-Dunsheath, B. Hoscheit, D. W. Kim, C.-T. Li, D. Marrone, L. Moncelsi, E. Shirokoff, B. Steinbach, G. Sun, I. Trumper, A. Turner, B. Uzgil, A. Weber and M. Zemcov: Hafnium Films and Magnetic Shielding for TIME, A mm-Wavelength Spectrometer Array. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 193, 893-900 (2018)

Hunt, Q., R. Bezanson, J. E. Greene, J. S. Spilker, K. A. Suess, M. Kriek, D. Narayanan, R. Feldmann, A. van der Wel and P. Pattarakijwanich: Stellar and Molecular Gas Rotation in a Recently Quenched Massive Galaxy at z ̃ 0.7. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Hunter, D. A., A. Adamo, B. G. Elmegreen, S. Gallardo, J. C. Lee, D. O. Cook, D. Thilker, B. Kayitesi, H. Kim, L. Kahre, L. Ubeda, S. N. Bright, J. E. Ryon, D. Calzetti, M. Tosi, K. Grasha, M. Messa, M. Fumagalli, D. A. Dale, E. Sabbi, M. Cignoni, L. J. Smith, D. M. Gouliermis, E. K. Grebel, A. Aloisi, B. C. Whitmore, R. Chandar and K. E. Johnson: A Comparison of Young Star Properties with Local Galactic Environment for LEGUS/LITTLE THINGS Dwarf Irregular Galaxies. The Astronomical Journal 156, (2018)

Hunter, D. A., S. Gallardo, H.-X. Zhang, A. Adamo, D. O. Cook, S.-H. Oh, B. G. Elmegreen, H. Kim, L. Kahre, L. Ubeda, S. N. Bright, J. E. Ryon, M. Fumagalli, E. Sacchi, R. C. Kennicutt, M. Tosi, D. A. Dale, M. Cignoni, M. Messa, E. K. Grebel, D. A. Gouliermis, E. Sabbi, K. Grasha, J. S. Gallagher, III, D. Calzetti and J. C. Lee: A Study of Two Dwarf Irregular Galaxies with Asymmetrical Star Formation Distributions. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

Huppenkothen, D., A. Arendt, D. W. Hogg, K. Ram, J. T. VanderPlas and A. Rokem: Hack weeks as a model for data science education and collaboration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 115, 8872-8877 (2018)

Husemann, B., R. Bielby, K. Jahnke, F. Arrigoni-Battaia, G. Worseck, T. Shanks, J. Wardlow and J. Scholtz: Cosmic dance at z 3: Detecting the host galaxies of the dual AGN system LBQS 0302-0019 and Jil with HAWK-I+GRAAL. Astronomy and Astrophysics 614, (2018)

Husemann, B. and C. M. Harrison: Reality and myths of AGN feedback. Nature Astronomy 2, 196-197 (2018)

Husemann, B., G. Worseck, F. Arrigoni Battaia and T. Shanks: Discovery of a dual AGN at z ≃ 3.3 with 20 kpc separation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 610, (2018)

Hwang, K.-H., H.-W. Kim, D.-J. Kim, A. Gould, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, C. Han, Y. K. Jung, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park and R. W. Pogge: KMT-2016-BLG-0212: First KMTNet-Only Discovery of a Substellar Companion. Journal of Korean Astronomical Society 51, 197-206 (2018)

Ianjamasimanana, R., F. Walter, W. J. G. de Blok, G. H. Heald and E. Brinks: Smooth H I Low Column Density Outskirts in Nearby Galaxies. The Astronomical Journal 155, (2018)

Ibata, R. A., K. Malhan, N. F. Martin and E. Starkenburg: Phlegethon, a Nearby 75°-long Retrograde Stellar Stream. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

Inserra, C., R. C. Nichol, D. Scovacricchi, J. Amiaux, M. Brescia, C. Burigana, E. Cappellaro, C. S. Carvalho, S. Cavuoti, V. Conforti, J.-C. Cuillandre, A. da Silva, A. De Rosa, M. Della Valle, J. Dinis, E. Franceschi, I. Hook, P. Hudelot, K. Jahnke, T. Kitching, H. Kurki-Suonio, I. Lloro, G. Longo, E. Maiorano, M. Maris, J. D. Rhodes, R. Scaramella, S. J. Smartt, M. Sullivan, C. Tao, R. Toledo-Moreo, I. Tereno, M. Trifoglio and L. Valenziano: Euclid: Superluminous supernovae in the Deep Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, (2018)

Isbell, J. W., R. Xue and H. Fu: The Evolution of Molecular Gas Fraction Traced by the CO Tully-Fisher Relation. The Astrophysical Journal 869, (2018)

Izotov, Y. I., D. Schaerer, G. Worseck, N. G. Guseva, T. X. Thuan, A. Verhamme, I. Orlitová and K. J. Fricke: J1154+2443: a low-redshift compact star-forming galaxy with a 46 per cent leakage of Lyman continuum photons. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 4514-4527 (2018)

Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., B. Magnelli, A. Karim, G. C. Jones, C. L. Carilli, E. Romano-Díaz, C. Gómez-Guijarro, S. Toft, F. Bertoldi, D. A. Riechers, E. Schinnerer, M. Sargent, M. J. Michałowski, F. Fraternali, J. G. Staguhn, V. Smolčić, M. Aravena, K. C. Harrington, K. Sheth, P. L. Capak, A. M. Koekemoer, E. van Kampen, M. Swinbank, A. Zirm, G. E. Magdis and F. Navarrete: Molecular gas in AzTEC/C159: a star-forming disk galaxy 1.3 Gyr after the Big Bang. Astronomy and Astrophysics 615, (2018)

Jin, S., E. Daddi, D. Liu, V. Smolčić, E. Schinnerer, A. Calabrò, Q. Gu, J. Delhaize, I. Delvecchio, Y. Gao, M. Salvato, A. Puglisi, M. Dickinson, F. Bertoldi, M. Sargent, M. Novak, G. Magdis, I. Aretxaga, G. W. Wilson and P. Capak: “Super-deblended” Dust Emission in Galaxies. II. Far-IR to (Sub)millimeter Photometry and High-redshift Galaxy Candidates in the Full COSMOS Field. The Astrophysical Journal 864, (2018)

Jönsson, H., C. Allende Prieto, J. A. Holtzman, D. K. Feuillet, K. Hawkins, K. Cunha, S. Mészáros, S. Hasselquist, J. G. Fernández-Trincado, D. A. García-Hernández, D. Bizyaev, R. Carrera, S. R. Majewski, M. H. Pinsonneault, M. Shetrone, V. Smith, J. Sobeck, D. Souto, G. S. Stringfellow, J. Teske and O. Zamora: APOGEE Data Releases 13 and 14: Stellar Parameter and Abundance Comparisons with Independent Analyses. The Astronomical Journal 156, (2018)

Jung, Y. K., C. Han, A. Udalski, A. Gould, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, K.-H. Hwang, C.-U. Lee, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, W.-T. Kim, K. Collaboration, P. Mróz, R. Poleski, J. Skowron, M. K. Szymański, I. Soszyński, S. Kozłowski, P. Pietrukowicz, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak and O. Collaboration: OGLE-2017-BLG-0537: A Microlensing Event with a Resolvable Lens in ≲5 years from High-resolution Follow-up Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 863, (2018)

Kaasinen, M., L. Kewley, F. Bian, B. Groves, D. Kashino, J. Silverman and J. Kartaltepe: The ionization parameter of star-forming galaxies evolves with the specific star formation rate. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 5568-5589 (2018)

Kacharov, N., N. Neumayer, A. C. Seth, M. Cappellari, R. McDermid, C. J. Walcher and T. Böker: Stellar populations and star formation histories of the nuclear star clusters in six nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 1973-1998 (2018)

Kahre, L., R. A. Walterbos, H. Kim, D. Thilker, D. Calzetti, J. C. Lee, E. Sabbi, L. Ubeda, A. Aloisi, M. Cignoni, D. O. Cook, D. A. Dale, B. G. Elmegreen, D. M. Elmegreen, M. Fumagalli, J. S. Gallagher, III, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, D. A. Hunter, E. Sacchi, L. J. Smith, M. Tosi, A. Adamo, J. E. Andrews, G. Ashworth, S. N. Bright, T. M. Brown, R. Chandar, C. Christian, S. E. de Mink, C. Dobbs, A. S. Evans, A. Herrero, K. E. Johnson, R. C. Kennicutt, M. R. Krumholz, M. Messa, P. Nair, A. Nota, A. Pellerin, J. E. Ryon, D. Schaerer, F. Shabani, S. D. Van Dyk, B. C. Whitmore and A. Wofford: Extinction Maps and Dust-to-gas Ratios in Nearby Galaxies with LEGUS. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

Kakiichi, K., R. S. Ellis, N. Laporte, A. Zitrin, A.-C. Eilers, E. Ryan-Weber, R. A. Meyer, B. Robertson, D. P. Stark and S. E. I. Bosman: The role of galaxies and AGN in reionizing the IGM - I. Keck spectroscopy of 5 < z < 7 galaxies in the QSO field J1148+5251. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 43-63 (2018)

Kakkad, D., B. Groves, M. Dopita, A. D. Thomas, R. L. Davies, V. Mainieri, P. Kharb, J. Scharwächter, E. J. Hampton and I.-T. Ho: Spatially resolved electron density in the narrow line region of z < 0.02 radio AGNs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Kanekar, N., J. X. Prochaska, L. Christensen, N. H. P. Rhodin, M. Neeleman, M. A. Zwaan, P. Møller, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, J. P. U. Fynbo and T. Zafar: Massive, Absorption-selected Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

Kim, D.-J., H.-W. Kim, K.-H. Hwang, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, C. Han, Y. K. Jung, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, J. C. Yee, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge and K. Collaboration: Korea Microlensing Telescope Network Microlensing Events from 2015: Event-finding Algorithm, Vetting, and Photometry. The Astronomical Journal 155, (2018)

Kim, H.-W., K.-H. Hwang, D.-J. Kim, M. D. Albrow, S.-M. Cha, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, C. Han, Y. K. Jung, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, W. Zhu and K. Collaboration: The KMTNet/K2-C9 (Kepler) Data Release. The Astronomical Journal 155, (2018)

Kirby, E. N., J. L. Xie, R. Guo, M. Kovalev and M. Bergemann: Catalog of Chromium, Cobalt, and Nickel Abundances in Globular Clusters and Dwarf Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 237, (2018)

Klitsch, A., C. Péroux, M. A. Zwaan, I. Smail, I. Oteo, A. D. Biggs, G. Popping and A. M. Swinbank: ALMACAL - III. A combined ALMA and MUSE survey for neutral, molecular, and ionized gas in an H I-absorption-selected system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 492-507 (2018)

Koch, A., M. Hanke and N. Kacharov: Kinematics of outer halo globular clusters: M 75 and NGC 6426. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Kos, J., G. de Silva, S. Buder, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Sharma, M. Asplund, V. D'Orazi, L. Duong, K. Freeman, G. F. Lewis, J. Lin, K. Lind, S. L. Martell, K. J. Schlesinger, J. D. Simpson, D. B. Zucker, T. Zwitter, T. R. Bedding, K. Čotar, J. Horner, T. Nordlander, D. Stello, Y.-S. Ting and G. Traven: The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: (non-)existence of five sparse high-latitude open clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 5242-5259 (2018)

Kreckel, K., C. Faesi, J. M. D. Kruijssen, A. Schruba, B. Groves, A. K. Leroy, F. Bigiel, G. A. Blanc, M. Chevance, C. Herrera, A. Hughes, R. McElroy, J. Pety, M. Querejeta, E. Rosolowsky, E. Schinnerer, J. Sun, A. Usero and D. Utomo: A 50 pc Scale View of Star Formation Efficiency across NGC 628. The Astrophysical Journal 863, (2018)

Krogager, J.-K., P. Noterdaeme, J. M. O'Meara, M. Fumagalli, J. P. U. Fynbo, J. X. Prochaska, J. Hennawi, S. Balashev, F. Courbin, M. Rafelski, A. Smette and P. Boissé: Dissecting cold gas in a high-redshift galaxy using a lensed background quasar. Astronomy and Astrophysics 619, (2018)

Krühler, T., M. Fraser, G. Leloudas, S. Schulze, N. C. Stone, S. van Velzen, R. Amorin, J. Hjorth, P. G. Jonker, D. A. Kann, S. Kim, H. Kuncarayakti, A. Mehner and A. Nicuesa Guelbenzu: The supermassive black hole coincident with the luminous transient ASASSN-15lh. Astronomy and Astrophysics 610, (2018)

Kruijssen, J. M. D., A. Schruba, A. P. S. Hygate, C.-Y. Hu, D. T. Haydon and S. N. Longmore: An uncertainty principle for star formation - II. A new method for characterizing the cloud-scale physics of star formation and feedback across cosmic history. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 1866-1952 (2018)

Lee, K.-G., A. Krolewski, M. White, D. Schlegel, P. E. Nugent, J. F. Hennawi, T. Müller, R. Pan, J. X. Prochaska, A. Font-Ribera, N. Suzuki, K. Glazebrook, G. G. Kacprzak, J. S. Kartaltepe, A. M. Koekemoer, O. Le Fèvre, B. C. Lemaux, C. Maier, T. Nanayakkara, R. M. Rich, D. B. Sanders, M. Salvato, L. Tasca and K.-V. H. Tran: First Data Release of the COSMOS Lyα Mapping and Tomography Observations: 3D Lyα Forest Tomography at 2.05 < z < 2.55. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 237, (2018)

Leslie, S. K., M. T. Sargent, E. Schinnerer, B. Groves, A. van der Wel, G. Zamorani, Y. Fudamoto, P. Lang and V. Smolčić: Probing star formation and ISM properties using galaxy disk inclination. I. Evolution in disk opacity since z 0.7. Astronomy and Astrophysics 615, (2018)

Leslie, S. K., E. Schinnerer, B. Groves, M. T. Sargent, G. Zamorani, P. Lang and E. Vardoulaki: Probing star formation and ISM properties using galaxy disk inclination. II. Testing typical FUV attenuation corrections out to z 0.7. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Leung, G. Y. C., R. Leaman, G. van de Ven, M. Lyubenova, L. Zhu, A. D. Bolatto, J. Falcón-Barroso, L. Blitz, H. Dannerbauer, D. B. Fisher, R. C. Levy, S. F. Sanchez, D. Utomo, S. Vogel, T. Wong and B. Ziegler: The EDGE-CALIFA survey: validating stellar dynamical mass models with CO kinematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 254-292 (2018)

Levy, R. C., A. D. Bolatto, P. Teuben, S. F. Sánchez, J. K. Barrera-Ballesteros, L. Blitz, D. Colombo, R. García-Benito, R. Herrera-Camus, B. Husemann, V. Kalinova, T. Lan, G. Y. C. Leung, D. Mast, D. Utomo, G. van de Ven, S. N. Vogel and T. Wong: The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: Molecular and Ionized Gas Kinematics in Nearby Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Li, T. S., J. D. Simon, A. B. Pace, G. Torrealba, K. Kuehn, A. Drlica-Wagner, K. Bechtol, A. K. Vivas, R. P. van der Marel, M. Wood, B. Yanny, V. Belokurov, P. Jethwa, D. B. Zucker, G. Lewis, R. Kron, D. L. Nidever, M. A. Sánchez-Conde, A. P. Ji, B. C. Conn, D. J. James, N. F. Martin, D. Martinez-Delgado, N. E. D. Noël and M. Collaboration: Ships Passing in the Night: Spectroscopic Analysis of Two Ultra-faint Satellites in the Constellation Carina. The Astrophysical Journal 857, (2018)

Lindegren, L., J. Hernández, A. Bombrun, S. Klioner, U. Bastian, M. Ramos-Lerate, A. de Torres, H. Steidelmüller, C. Stephenson, D. Hobbs, U. Lammers, M. Biermann, R. Geyer, T. Hilger, D. Michalik, U. Stampa, P. J. McMillan, J. Castañeda, M. Clotet, G. Comoretto, M. Davidson, C. Fabricius, G. Gracia, N. C. Hambly, A. Hutton, A. Mora, J. Portell, F. van Leeuwen, U. Abbas, A. Abreu, M. Altmann, A. Andrei, E. Anglada, L. Balaguer-Núñez, C. Barache, U. Becciani, S. Bertone, L. Bianchi, S. Bouquillon, G. Bourda, T. Brüsemeister, B. Bucciarelli, D. Busonero, R. Buzzi, R. Cancelliere, T. Carlucci, P. Charlot, N. Cheek, M. Crosta, C. Crowley, J. de Bruijne, F. de Felice, R. Drimmel, P. Esquej, A. Fienga, E. Fraile, M. Gai, N. Garralda, J. J. González-Vidal, R. Guerra, M. Hauser, W. Hofmann, B. Holl, S. Jordan, M. G. Lattanzi, H. Lenhardt, S. Liao, E. Licata, T. Lister, W. Löffler, J. Marchant, J.-M. Martin-Fleitas, R. Messineo, F. Mignard, R. Morbidelli, E. Poggio, A. Riva, N. Rowell, E. Salguero, M. Sarasso, E. Sciacca, H. Siddiqui, R. L. Smart, A. Spagna, I. Steele, F. Taris, J. Torra, A. van Elteren, W. van Reeven and A. Vecchiato: Gaia Data Release 2. The astrometric solution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Lisker, T., R. Vijayaraghavan, J. Janz, J. S. Gallagher, III, C. Engler and L. Urich: The Active Assembly of the Virgo Cluster: Indications for Recent Group Infall From Early-type Dwarf Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

Liu, D., E. Daddi, M. Dickinson, F. Owen, M. Pannella, M. Sargent, M. Béthermin, G. Magdis, Y. Gao, X. Shu, T. Wang, S. Jin and H. Inami: “Super-deblended” Dust Emission in Galaxies. I. The GOODS-North Catalog and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density out to Redshift 6. The Astrophysical Journal 853, (2018)

Loebman, S. R., M. Valluri, K. Hattori, V. P. Debattista, E. F. Bell, G. Stinson, C. R. Christensen, A. Brooks, T. R. Quinn and F. Governato: Beta Dips in the Gaia Era: Simulation Predictions of the Galactic Velocity Anisotropy Parameter (β) for Stellar Halos. The Astrophysical Journal 853, (2018)

Lovell, M. R., A. Pillepich, S. Genel, D. Nelson, V. Springel, R. Pakmor, F. Marinacci, R. Weinberger, P. Torrey, M. Vogelsberger, A. Alabi and L. Hernquist: The fraction of dark matter within galaxies from the IllustrisTNG simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 1950-1975 (2018)

Lovell, M. R., J. Zavala, M. Vogelsberger, X. Shen, F.-Y. Cyr-Racine, C. Pfrommer, K. Sigurdson, M. Boylan-Kolchin and A. Pillepich: ETHOS - an effective theory of structure formation: predictions for the high-redshift Universe - abundance of galaxies and reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 2886-2899 (2018)

Luri, X., A. G. A. Brown, L. M. Sarro, F. Arenou, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, A. Castro-Ginard, J. de Bruijne, T. Prusti, C. Babusiaux and H. E. Delgado: Gaia Data Release 2. Using Gaia parallaxes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Lusso, E., M. Fumagalli, M. Rafelski, M. Neeleman, J. X. Prochaska, J. F. Hennawi, J. M. O'Meara and T. Theuns: The Spectral and Environment Properties of z ̃ 2.0-2.5 Quasar Pairs. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Madrid, J. P., C. J. Donzelli, A. Rodríguez-Ardila, A. Paggi, F. Massaro and M. Schirmer: 3C 17: The BCG of a Galaxy Cluster at z = 0.22. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 238, (2018)

Malhan, K., R. A. Ibata and N. F. Martin: Ghostly tributaries to the Milky Way: charting the halo's stellar streams with the Gaia DR2 catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 3442-3455 (2018)

Marinacci, F., M. Vogelsberger, R. Pakmor, P. Torrey, V. Springel, L. Hernquist, D. Nelson, R. Weinberger, A. Pillepich, J. Naiman and S. Genel: First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: radio haloes and magnetic fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 5113-5139 (2018)

Martin, N. F., M. L. M. Collins, N. Longeard and E. Tollerud: Current Velocity Data on Dwarf Galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 do not Constrain it to Lack Dark Matter. The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Martín-Navarro, I., J. P. Brodie, A. J. Romanowsky, T. Ruiz-Lara and G. van de Ven: Black-hole-regulated star formation in massive galaxies. Nature 553, 307-309 (2018)

Martín-Navarro, I. and M. Mezcua: Exploring the Limits of AGN Feedback: Black Holes and the Star Formation Histories of Low-mass Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

Martín-Navarro, I., A. Vazdekis, J. Falcón-Barroso, F. La Barbera, A. Yıldırım and G. van de Ven: Timing the formation and assembly of early-type galaxies via spatially resolved stellar populations analysis. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 3700-3729 (2018)

Martocchia, S., I. Cabrera-Ziri, C. Lardo, E. Dalessandro, N. Bastian, V. Kozhurina-Platais, C. Usher, F. Niederhofer, M. Cordero, D. Geisler, K. Hollyhead, N. Kacharov, S. Larsen, C. Li, D. Mackey, M. Hilker, A. Mucciarelli, I. Platais and M. Salaris: Age as a major factor in the onset of multiple populations in stellar clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 2688-2700 (2018)

Mas-Ribas, L. and J. F. Hennawi: Revealing the Warm and Hot Halo Baryons via Thomson Scattering of Quasar Light. The Astronomical Journal 156, (2018)

Mas-Ribas, L., S. Riemer-Sørensen, J. F. Hennawi, J. Miralda-Escudé, J. M. O'Meara, I. Pérez-Ràfols, M. T. Murphy and J. K. Webb: Origin of Metals around Galaxies. I. Catalogs of Metal-line Absorption Doublets from High-resolution Quasar Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal 862, (2018)

Maseda, M. V., A. van der Wel, H.-W. Rix, I. Momcheva, G. B. Brammer, M. Franx, B. F. Lundgren, R. E. Skelton and K. E. Whitaker: The Number Density Evolution of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies in 3D-HST: Results from a Novel Automated Line Search Technique for Slitless Spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal 854, (2018)

Matsunaga, N., G. Bono, X. Chen, R. de Grijs, L. Inno and S. Nishiyama: Impact of Distance Determinations on Galactic Structure. I. Young and Intermediate-Age Tracers. Space Science Reviews 214, (2018)

Matsuoka, Y., M. A. Strauss, N. Kashikawa, M. Onoue, K. Iwasawa, J.-J. Tang, C.-H. Lee, M. Imanishi, T. Nagao, M. Akiyama, N. Asami, J. Bosch, H. Furusawa, T. Goto, J. E. Gunn, Y. Harikane, H. Ikeda, T. Izumi, T. Kawaguchi, N. Kato, S. Kikuta, K. Kohno, Y. Komiyama, R. H. Lupton, T. Minezaki, S. Miyazaki, H. Murayama, M. Niida, A. J. Nishizawa, A. Noboriguchi, M. Oguri, Y. Ono, M. Ouchi, P. A. Price, H. Sameshima, A. Schulze, H. Shirakata, J. D. Silverman, N. Sugiyama, P. J. Tait, M. Takada, T. Takata, M. Tanaka, Y. Toba, Y. Utsumi, S.-Y. Wang and T. Yamashita: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). V. Quasar Luminosity Function and Contribution to Cosmic Reionization at z = 6. The Astrophysical Journal 869, (2018)

Mattern, M., J. Kainulainen, M. Zhang and H. Beuther: Structure and fragmentation of a high line-mass filament: Nessie. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Mattern, M., J. Kauffmann, T. Csengeri, J. S. Urquhart, S. Leurini, F. Wyrowski, A. Giannetti, P. J. Barnes, H. Beuther, L. Bronfman, A. Duarte-Cabral, T. Henning, J. Kainulainen, K. M. Menten, E. Schisano and F. Schuller: SEDIGISM: the kinematics of ATLASGAL filaments. Astronomy and Astrophysics 619, (2018)

Medling, A. M., L. Cortese, S. M. Croom, A. W. Green, B. Groves, E. Hampton, I.-T. Ho, L. J. M. Davies, L. J. Kewley, A. J. Moffett, A. L. Schaefer, E. Taylor, T. Zafar, K. Bekki, J. Bland-Hawthorn, J. V. Bloom, S. Brough, J. J. Bryant, B. Catinella, G. Cecil, M. Colless, W. J. Couch, M. J. Drinkwater, S. P. Driver, C. Federrath, C. Foster, G. Goldstein, M. Goodwin, A. Hopkins, J. S. Lawrence, S. K. Leslie, G. F. Lewis, N. P. F. Lorente, M. S. Owers, R. McDermid, S. N. Richards, R. Sharp, N. Scott, S. M. Sweet, D. S. Taranu, E. Tescari, C. Tonini, J. van de Sande, C. J. Walcher and A. Wright: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: spatially resolving the main sequence of star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 5194-5214 (2018)

Meidt, S. E., A. K. Leroy, E. Rosolowsky, J. M. D. Kruijssen, E. Schinnerer, A. Schruba, J. Pety, G. Blanc, F. Bigiel, M. Chevance, A. Hughes, M. Querejeta and A. Usero: A Model for the Onset of Self-gravitation and Star Formation in Molecular Gas Governed by Galactic Forces. I. Cloud-scale Gas Motions. The Astrophysical Journal 854, (2018)

Méndez-Abreu, J., J. A. L. Aguerri, J. Falcón-Barroso, T. Ruiz-Lara, L. Sánchez-Menguiano, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, L. Costantin, C. Catalán-Torrecilla, L. Zhu, P. Sánchez-Blazquez, E. Florido, E. M. Corsini, V. Wild, M. Lyubenova, G. van de Ven, S. F. Sánchez, J. Bland-Hawthorn, L. Galbany, R. García-Benito, B. García-Lorenzo, R. M. González Delgado, A. R. López-Sánchez, R. A. Marino, I. Márquez, B. Ziegler and C. Collaboration: Morpho-kinematic properties of field S0 bulges in the CALIFA survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 1307-1334 (2018)

Messa, M., A. Adamo, D. Calzetti, M. Reina-Campos, D. Colombo, E. Schinnerer, R. Chandar, D. A. Dale, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, B. G. Elmegreen, M. Fumagalli, K. E. Johnson, J. M. D. Kruijssen, G. Östlin, F. Shabani, L. J. Smith and B. C. Whitmore: The young star cluster population of M51 with LEGUS - II. Testing environmental dependences. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 1683-1707 (2018)

Messa, M., A. Adamo, G. Östlin, D. Calzetti, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, F. Shabani, R. Chandar, D. A. Dale, C. L. Dobbs, B. G. Elmegreen, M. Fumagalli, D. A. Gouliermis, H. Kim, L. J. Smith, D. A. Thilker, M. Tosi, L. Ubeda, R. Walterbos, B. C. Whitmore, K. Fedorenko, S. Mahadevan, J. E. Andrews, S. N. Bright, D. O. Cook, L. Kahre, P. Nair, A. Pellerin, J. E. Ryon, S. D. Ahmad, L. P. Beale, K. Brown, D. A. Clarkson, G. C. Guidarelli, R. Parziale, J. Turner and M. Weber: The young star cluster population of M51 with LEGUS - I. A comprehensive study of cluster formation and evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 996-1018 (2018)

Michiyama, T., D. Iono, K. Sliwa, A. Bolatto, K. Nakanishi, J. Ueda, T. Saito, M. Ando, T. Yamashita and M. Yun: ALMA Observations of HCN and HCO+ Outflows in the Merging Galaxy NGC 3256. The Astrophysical Journal 868, (2018)

Molnár, D. C., M. T. Sargent, J. Delhaize, I. Delvecchio, V. Smolčić, M. Novak, E. Schinnerer, G. Zamorani, M. Bondi, N. Herrera-Ruiz, E. J. Murphy, E. Vardoulaki, A. Karim, S. Leslie, B. Magnelli, C. M. Carollo and E. Middelberg: The infrared-radio correlation of spheroid- and disc-dominated star-forming galaxies to z ̃ 1.5 in the COSMOS field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 827-838 (2018)

Momjian, E., C. L. Carilli, E. Bañados, F. Walter and B. P. Venemans: Resolving the Powerful Radio-loud Quasar at z ̃ 6. The Astrophysical Journal 861, (2018)

Monty, S., T. H. Puzia, B. W. Miller, E. R. Carrasco, M. Simunovic, M. Schirmer, P. B. Stetson, S. Cassisi, K. A. Venn, A. Dotter, P. Goudfrooij, S. Perina, P. Pessev, A. Sarajedini and M. A. Taylor: The GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS). I. A Pilot Study of the Stellar Populations in NGC 2298 and NGC 3201. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

Murphy, E. J., D. Dong, E. Momjian, S. Linden, R. C. Kennicutt, Jr., D. S. Meier, E. Schinnerer and J. L. Turner: The Star Formation in Radio Survey: Jansky Very Large Array 33 GHz Observations of Nearby Galaxy Nuclei and Extranuclear Star-forming Regions. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 234, (2018)

Naiman, J. P., A. Pillepich, V. Springel, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, P. Torrey, M. Vogelsberger, R. Pakmor, D. Nelson, F. Marinacci, L. Hernquist, R. Weinberger and S. Genel: First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: a tale of two elements - chemical evolution of magnesium and europium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 1206-1224 (2018)

Narayanan, D., C. Conroy, R. Davé, B. D. Johnson and G. Popping: A Theory for the Variation of Dust Attenuation Laws in Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 869, (2018)

Neeleman, M., N. Kanekar, J. X. Prochaska, L. Christensen, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, J. P. U. Fynbo, P. Møller and M. A. Zwaan: Molecular Emission from a Galaxy Associated with a z ̃ 2.2 Damped Lyα Absorber. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

Nelson, D., G. Kauffmann, A. Pillepich, S. Genel, V. Springel, R. Pakmor, L. Hernquist, R. Weinberger, P. Torrey, M. Vogelsberger and F. Marinacci: The abundance, distribution, and physical nature of highly ionized oxygen O VI, O VII, and O VIII in IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 450-479 (2018)

Nelson, D., A. Pillepich, V. Springel, R. Weinberger, L. Hernquist, R. Pakmor, S. Genel, P. Torrey, M. Vogelsberger, G. Kauffmann, F. Marinacci and J. Naiman: First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: the galaxy colour bimodality. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 624-647 (2018)

Ness, M.: The Data-Driven Approach to Spectroscopic Analyses. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 35, (2018)

Ness, M., H.-W. Rix, D. W. Hogg, A. R. Casey, J. Holtzman, M. Fouesneau, G. Zasowski, D. Geisler, M. Shetrone, D. Minniti, P. M. Frinchaboy and A. Roman-Lopes: Galactic Doppelgängers: The Chemical Similarity Among Field Stars and Among Stars with a Common Birth Origin. The Astrophysical Journal 853, (2018)

Nguyen, D. D., A. C. Seth, N. Neumayer, S. Kamann, K. T. Voggel, M. Cappellari, A. Picotti, P. M. Nguyen, T. Böker, V. Debattista, N. Caldwell, R. McDermid, N. Bastian, C. C. Ahn and R. Pechetti: Nearby Early-type Galactic Nuclei at High Resolution: Dynamical Black Hole and Nuclear Star Cluster Mass Measurements. The Astrophysical Journal 858, (2018)

Nogueras-Lara, F., A. T. Gallego-Calvente, H. Dong, E. Gallego-Cano, J. H. V. Girard, M. Hilker, P. T. de Zeeuw, A. Feldmeier-Krause, S. Nishiyama, F. Najarro, N. Neumayer and R. Schödel: GALACTICNUCLEUS: A high angular resolution JHKs imaging survey of the Galactic centre. I. Methodology, performance, and near-infrared extinction towards the Galactic centre. Astronomy and Astrophysics 610, (2018)

Nogueras-Lara, F., R. Schödel, H. Dong, F. Najarro, A. T. Gallego-Calvente, M. Hilker, E. Gallego-Cano, S. Nishiyama, N. Neumayer, A. Feldmeier-Krause, J. H. V. Girard, S. Cassisi and A. Pietrinferni: Star formation history and metallicity in the Galactic inner bulge revealed by the red giant branch bump. Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, (2018)

Novak, M., V. Smolčić, E. Schinnerer, G. Zamorani, I. Delvecchio, M. Bondi and J. Delhaize: Constraints on submicrojansky radio number counts based on evolving VLA-COSMOS luminosity functions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 614, (2018)

Ota, K., B. P. Venemans, Y. Taniguchi, N. Kashikawa, F. Nakata, Y. Harikane, E. Bañados, R. Overzier, D. A. Riechers, F. Walter, J. Toshikawa, T. Shibuya and L. Jiang: Large-scale Environment of a z = 6.61 Luminous Quasar Probed by Lyα Emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

Pacucci, F., A. Loeb, M. Mezcua and I. Martín-Navarro: Glimmering in the Dark: Modeling the Low-mass End of the M -σ Relation and of the Quasar Luminosity Function. The Astrophysical Journal 864, (2018)

Papovich, C., L. Kawinwanichakij, R. F. Quadri, K. Glazebrook, I. Labbé, K.-V. H. Tran, B. Forrest, G. G. Kacprzak, L. R. Spitler, C. M. S. Straatman and A. R. Tomczak: The Effects of Environment on the Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function. The Astrophysical Journal 854, (2018)

Pavesi, R., D. A. Riechers, C. E. Sharon, V. Smolčić, A. L. Faisst, E. Schinnerer, C. L. Carilli, P. L. Capak, N. Scoville and G. J. Stacey: Hidden in Plain Sight: A Massive, Dusty Starburst in a Galaxy Protocluster at z = 5.7 in the COSMOS Field. The Astrophysical Journal 861, (2018)

Pavesi, R., C. E. Sharon, D. A. Riechers, J. A. Hodge, R. Decarli, F. Walter, C. L. Carilli, E. Daddi, I. Smail, M. Dickinson, R. J. Ivison, M. Sargent, E. da Cunha, M. Aravena, J. Darling, V. Smolčić, N. Z. Scoville, P. L. Capak and J. Wagg: The CO Luminosity Density at High-z (COLDz) Survey: A Sensitive, Large-area Blind Search for Low-J CO Emission from Cold Gas in the Early Universe with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. The Astrophysical Journal 864, (2018)

Philcox, O., J. Rybizki and T. A. Gutcke: On the Optimal Choice of Nucleosynthetic Yields, Initial Mass Function, and Number of SNe Ia for Chemical Evolution Modeling. The Astrophysical Journal 861, (2018)

Pillepich, A., D. Nelson, L. Hernquist, V. Springel, R. Pakmor, P. Torrey, R. Weinberger, S. Genel, J. P. Naiman, F. Marinacci and M. Vogelsberger: First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: the stellar mass content of groups and clusters of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 648-675 (2018)

Pillepich, A., T. H. Reiprich, C. Porciani, K. Borm and A. Merloni: Forecasts on dark energy from the X-ray cluster survey with eROSITA: constraints from counts and clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 613-626 (2018)

Pillepich, A., V. Springel, D. Nelson, S. Genel, J. Naiman, R. Pakmor, L. Hernquist, P. Torrey, M. Vogelsberger, R. Weinberger and F. Marinacci: Simulating galaxy formation with the IllustrisTNG model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 4077-4106 (2018)

Pinna, F., J. Falcón-Barroso, M. Martig, I. Martínez-Valpuesta, J. Méndez-Abreu, G. van de Ven, R. Leaman and M. Lyubenova: Revisiting the stellar velocity ellipsoid-Hubble-type relation: observations versus simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 2697-2712 (2018)

Poggio, E., R. Drimmel, M. G. Lattanzi, R. L. Smart, A. Spagna, R. Andrae, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Fouesneau, T. Antoja, C. Babusiaux, D. W. Evans, F. Figueras, D. Katz, C. Reylé, A. C. Robin, M. Romero-Gómez and G. M. Seabroke: The Galactic warp revealed by Gaia DR2 kinematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, L21-L25 (2018)

Pop, A.-R., A. Pillepich, N. C. Amorisco and L. Hernquist: Formation and incidence of shell galaxies in the Illustris simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 1715-1739 (2018)

Pott, J.-U. and J. Surdej: Future of optical-infrared interferometry in Europe. Experimental Astronomy 46, 381-387 (2018)

Powell, M. C., B. Husemann, G. R. Tremblay, M. Krumpe, T. Urrutia, S. A. Baum, G. Busch, F. Combes, S. M. Croom, T. A. Davis, A. Eckart, C. P. O'Dea, M. Pérez-Torres, J. Scharwächter, I. Smirnova-Pinchukova and C. M. Urry: The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). No evidence of galaxy-scale hot outflows in two nearby AGN. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Price-Whelan, A. M., D. W. Hogg, H.-W. Rix, N. De Lee, S. R. Majewski, D. L. Nidever, N. Troup, J. G. Fernández-Trincado, D. A. García-Hernández, P. Longa-Peña, C. Nitschelm, J. Sobeck and O. Zamora: Binary Companions of Evolved Stars in APOGEE DR14: Search Method and Catalog of ∼5000 Companions. The Astronomical Journal 156, (2018)

Qian, Q., C. Fendt and C. Vourellis: Jet Launching in Resistive GR-MHD Black Hole-Accretion Disk Systems. The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Reggiani, H. and J. Meléndez: Evidences of extragalactic origin and planet engulfment in the metal-poor twin pair HD 134439/HD 134440. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 3502-3510 (2018)

Reiners, A., I. Ribas, M. Zechmeister, J. A. Caballero, T. Trifonov, S. Dreizler, J. C. Morales, L. Tal-Or, M. Lafarga, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, A. Kaminski, S. V. Jeffers, J. Aceituno, V. J. S. Béjar, J. Guàrdia, E. W. Guenther, H.-J. Hagen, D. Montes, V. M. Passegger, W. Seifert, A. Schweitzer, M. Cortés-Contreras, M. Abril, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, M. Ammler-von Eiff, R. Antona, G. Anglada-Escudé, H. Anwand-Heerwart, B. Arroyo-Torres, M. Azzaro, D. Baroch, D. Barrado, F. F. Bauer, S. Becerril, D. Benítez, Z. M. Berdiñas, G. Bergond, M. Blümcke, M. Brinkmöller, C. del Burgo, J. Cano, M. C. Cárdenas Vázquez, E. Casal, C. Cifuentes, A. Claret, J. Colomé, S. Czesla, E. Díez-Alonso, C. Feiz, M. Fernández, I. M. Ferro, B. Fuhrmeister, D. Galadí-Enríquez, A. Garcia-Piquer, M. L. García Vargas, L. Gesa, V. Gómez Galera, J. I. González Hernández, R. González-Peinado, U. Grözinger, S. Grohnert, A. Guijarro, E. de Guindos, J. Gutiérrez-Soto, A. P. Hatzes, P. H. Hauschildt, R. P. Hedrosa, J. Helmling, T. Henning, I. Hermelo, R. Hernández Arabí, L. Hernández Castaño, F. Hernández Hernando, E. Herrero, A. Huber, P. Huke, E. N. Johnson, E. de Juan, M. Kim, R. Klein, J. Klüter, A. Klutsch, M. Kürster, F. Labarga, A. Lamert, M. Lampón, L. M. Lara, W. Laun, U. Lemke, R. Lenzen, R. Launhardt, M. López del Fresno, M. J. López-González, M. López-Puertas, J. F. López Salas, J. López-Santiago, R. Luque, H. Magán Madinabeitia, U. Mall, L. Mancini, H. Mandel, E. Marfil, J. A. Marín Molina, D. Maroto Fernández, E. L. Martín, S. Martín-Ruiz, C. J. Marvin, R. J. Mathar, E. Mirabet, M. E. Moreno-Raya, A. Moya, R. Mundt, E. Nagel, V. Naranjo, L. Nortmann, G. Nowak, A. Ofir, R. Oreiro, E. Pallé, J. Panduro, J. Pascual, A. Pavlov, S. Pedraz, A. Pérez-Calpena, D. Pérez Medialdea, M. Perger, M. A. C. Perryman, M. Pluto, O. Rabaza, A. Ramón, R. Rebolo, P. Redondo, S. Reffert, S. Reinhart, P. Rhode, H.-W. Rix, F. Rodler, E. Rodríguez, C. Rodríguez-López, A. Rodríguez Trinidad, R.-R. Rohloff, A. Rosich, S. Sadegi, E. Sánchez-Blanco, M. A. Sánchez Carrasco, A. Sánchez-López, J. Sanz-Forcada, P. Sarkis, L. F. Sarmiento, S. Schäfer, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, J. Schiller, P. Schöfer, E. Solano, O. Stahl, J. B. P. Strachan, J. Stürmer, J. C. Suárez, H. M. Tabernero, M. Tala, S. M. Tulloch, R.-G. Ulbrich, G. Veredas, J. I. Vico Linares, F. Vilardell, K. Wagner, J. Winkler, V. Wolthoff, W. Xu, F. Yan and M. R. Zapatero Osorio: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. HD147379 b: A nearby Neptune in the temperate zone of an early-M dwarf. Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, (2018)

Reiners, A., M. Zechmeister, J. A. Caballero, I. Ribas, J. C. Morales, S. V. Jeffers, P. Schöfer, L. Tal-Or, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, A. Kaminski, W. Seifert, M. Abril, J. Aceituno, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, M. Ammler-von Eiff, R. Antona, G. Anglada-Escudé, H. Anwand-Heerwart, B. Arroyo-Torres, M. Azzaro, D. Baroch, D. Barrado, F. F. Bauer, S. Becerril, V. J. S. Béjar, D. Benítez, Z. M. Berdinas̃, G. Bergond, M. Blümcke, M. Brinkmöller, C. del Burgo, J. Cano, M. C. Cárdenas Vázquez, E. Casal, C. Cifuentes, A. Claret, J. Colomé, M. Cortés-Contreras, S. Czesla, E. Díez-Alonso, S. Dreizler, C. Feiz, M. Fernández, I. M. Ferro, B. Fuhrmeister, D. Galadí-Enríquez, A. Garcia-Piquer, M. L. García Vargas, L. Gesa, V. Gómez Galera, J. I. González Hernández, R. González-Peinado, U. Grözinger, S. Grohnert, J. Guàrdia, E. W. Guenther, A. Guijarro, E. de Guindos, J. Gutiérrez-Soto, H.-J. Hagen, A. P. Hatzes, P. H. Hauschildt, R. P. Hedrosa, J. Helmling, T. Henning, I. Hermelo, R. Hernández Arabí, L. Hernández Castaño, F. Hernández Hernando, E. Herrero, A. Huber, P. Huke, E. N. Johnson, E. de Juan, M. Kim, R. Klein, J. Klüter, A. Klutsch, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, A. Lamert, M. Lampón, L. M. Lara, W. Laun, U. Lemke, R. Lenzen, R. Launhardt, M. López del Fresno, J. López-González, M. López-Puertas, J. F. López Salas, J. López-Santiago, R. Luque, H. Magán Madinabeitia, U. Mall, L. Mancini, H. Mandel, E. Marfil, J. A. Marín Molina, D. Maroto Fernández, E. L. Martín, S. Martín-Ruiz, C. J. Marvin, R. J. Mathar, E. Mirabet, D. Montes, M. E. Moreno-Raya, A. Moya, R. Mundt, E. Nagel, V. Naranjo, L. Nortmann, G. Nowak, A. Ofir, R. Oreiro, E. Pallé, J. Panduro, J. Pascual, V. M. Passegger, A. Pavlov, S. Pedraz, A. Pérez-Calpena, D. Pérez Medialdea, M. Perger, M. A. C. Perryman, M. Pluto, O. Rabaza, A. Ramón, R. Rebolo, P. Redondo, S. Reffert, S. Reinhart, P. Rhode, H.-W. Rix, F. Rodler, E. Rodríguez, C. Rodríguez-López, A. Rodríguez Trinidad, R.-R. Rohloff, A. Rosich, S. Sadegi, E. Sánchez-Blanco, M. A. Sánchez Carrasco, A. Sánchez-López, J. Sanz-Forcada, P. Sarkis, L. F. Sarmiento, S. Schäfer, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, J. Schiller, A. Schweitzer, E. Solano, O. Stahl, J. B. P. Strachan, J. Stürmer, J. C. Suárez, H. M. Tabernero, M. Tala, T. Trifonov, S. M. Tulloch, R. G. Ulbrich, G. Veredas, J. I. Vico Linares, F. Vilardell, K. Wagner, J. Winkler, V. Wolthoff, W. Xu, F. Yan and M. R. Zapatero Osorio: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. High-resolution optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of 324 survey stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 612, (2018)

Relaño, M., I. De Looze, R. C. Kennicutt, U. Lisenfeld, A. Dariush, S. Verley, J. Braine, F. Tabatabaei, C. Kramer, M. Boquien, M. Xilouris and P. Gratier: Spatially resolving the dust properties and submillimetre excess in M 33. Astronomy and Astrophysics 613, (2018)

Rezaei Kh., S., C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, D. W. Hogg and M. Schultheis: Detection of the Milky Way spiral arms in dust from 3D mapping. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Rezaei Kh., S., C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, E. F. Schlafly and M. Fouesneau: Three-dimensional dust mapping in the Orion complex, combining Gaia-TGAS, 2MASS, and WISE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Riener, M., C. M. Faesi, J. Forbrich and C. J. Lada: Gathering dust: A galaxy-wide study of dust emission from cloud complexes in NGC 300. Astronomy and Astrophysics 612, (2018)

Rodeghiero, G., J.-U. Pott, C. Arcidiacono, D. Massari, M. Glück, H. Riechert and E. Gendron: The impact of ELT distortions and instabilities on future astrometric observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 1974-1985 (2018)

Roelfsema, P. R., H. Shibai, L. Armus, D. Arrazola, M. Audard, M. D. Audley, C. M. Bradford, I. Charles, P. Dieleman, Y. Doi, L. Duband, M. Eggens, J. Evers, I. Funaki, J. R. Gao, M. Giard, A. di Giorgio, L. M. González Fernández, M. Griffin, F. P. Helmich, R. Hijmering, R. Huisman, D. Ishihara, N. Isobe, B. Jackson, H. Jacobs, W. Jellema, I. Kamp, H. Kaneda, M. Kawada, F. Kemper, F. Kerschbaum, P. Khosropanah, K. Kohno, P. P. Kooijman, O. Krause, J. van der Kuur, J. Kwon, W. M. Laauwen, G. de Lange, B. Larsson, D. van Loon, S. C. Madden, H. Matsuhara, F. Najarro, T. Nakagawa, D. Naylor, H. Ogawa, T. Onaka, S. Oyabu, A. Poglitsch, V. Reveret, L. Rodriguez, L. Spinoglio, I. Sakon, Y. Sato, K. Shinozaki, R. Shipman, H. Sugita, T. Suzuki, F. F. S. van der Tak, J. Torres Redondo, T. Wada, S. Y. Wang, C. K. Wafelbakker, H. van Weers, S. Withington, B. Vandenbussche, T. Yamada and I. Yamamura: SPICA-A Large Cryogenic Infrared Space Telescope: Unveiling the Obscured Universe. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 35, (2018)

Ruiz-Lara, T., M. A. Beasley, J. Falcón-Barroso, J. Román, F. Pinna, C. Brook, A. Di Cintio, I. Martín-Navarro, I. Trujillo and A. Vazdekis: Spectroscopic characterization of the stellar content of ultra-diffuse galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 2034-2045 (2018)

Ruiz-Lara, T., C. Gallart, M. Beasley, M. Monelli, E. J. Bernard, G. Battaglia, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, E. Florido, I. Pérez and I. Martín-Navarro: Integrated-light analyses vs. colour-magnitude diagrams. II. Leo A: an extremely young dwarf in the Local Group. Astronomy and Astrophysics 617, (2018)

Rumbaugh, N., B. C. Lemaux, A. R. Tomczak, L. Shen, D. Pelliccia, L. M. Lubin, D. D. Kocevski, P.-F. Wu, R. R. Gal, S. Mei, C. D. Fassnacht and G. K. Squires: Evaluating tests of virialization and substructure using galaxy clusters in the ORELSE survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 1403-1424 (2018)

Rybizki, J., M. Demleitner, M. Fouesneau, C. Bailer-Jones, H.-W. Rix and R. Andrae: A Gaia DR2 Mock Stellar Catalog. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 130, 074101 (2018)

Sabbi, E., D. Calzetti, L. Ubeda, A. Adamo, M. Cignoni, D. Thilker, A. Aloisi, B. G. Elmegreen, D. M. Elmegreen, D. A. Gouliermis, E. K. Grebel, M. Messa, L. J. Smith, M. Tosi, A. Dolphin, J. E. Andrews, G. Ashworth, S. N. Bright, T. M. Brown, R. Chandar, C. Christian, G. C. Clayton, D. O. Cook, D. A. Dale, S. E. de Mink, C. Dobbs, A. S. Evans, M. Fumagalli, J. S. Gallagher, III, K. Grasha, A. Herrero, D. A. Hunter, K. E. Johnson, L. Kahre, R. C. Kennicutt, H. Kim, M. R. Krumholz, J. C. Lee, D. Lennon, C. Martin, P. Nair, A. Nota, G. Östlin, A. Pellerin, J. Prieto, M. W. Regan, J. E. Ryon, E. Sacchi, D. Schaerer, D. Schiminovich, F. Shabani, S. D. Van Dyk, R. Walterbos, B. C. Whitmore and A. Wofford: The Resolved Stellar Populations in the LEGUS Galaxies1. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 235, (2018)

Sacchi, E., M. Cignoni, A. Aloisi, M. Tosi, D. Calzetti, J. C. Lee, A. Adamo, F. Annibali, D. A. Dale, B. G. Elmegreen, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, D. A. Hunter, E. Sabbi, L. J. Smith, D. A. Thilker, L. Ubeda and B. C. Whitmore: Star Formation Histories of the LEGUS Dwarf Galaxies. II. Spatially Resolved Star Formation History of the Magellanic Irregular NGC 4449. The Astrophysical Journal 857, (2018)

Saito, T., D. Iono, D. Espada, K. Nakanishi, J. Ueda, H. Sugai, M. S. Yun, S. Takano, M. Imanishi, T. Michiyama, S. Ohashi, M. Lee, Y. Hagiwara, K. Motohara, T. Yamashita, M. Ando and R. Kawabe: Spatially Resolved Dense Molecular Gas Excitation in the Nearby LIRG VV 114. The Astrophysical Journal 863, (2018)

Saito, T., D. Iono, J. Ueda, D. Espada, K. Sliwa, K. Nakanishi, N. Lu, C. K. Xu, T. Michiyama, H. Kaneko, T. Yamashita, M. Ando, M. S. Yun, K. Motohara and R. Kawabe: Imaging the molecular outflows of the prototypical ULIRG NGC 6240 with ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, L52-L56 (2018)

Santos-Santos, I. M., A. Di Cintio, C. B. Brook, A. Macciò, A. Dutton and R. Domínguez-Tenreiro: NIHAO - XIV. Reproducing the observed diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curve shapes in ΛCDM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 4392-4403 (2018)

Sarzi, M., E. Iodice, L. Coccato, E. M. Corsini, P. T. de Zeeuw, J. Falcón-Barroso, D. A. Gadotti, M. Lyubenova, R. M. McDermid, G. van de Ven, K. Fahrion, A. Pizzella and L. Zhu: Fornax3D project: Overall goals, galaxy sample, MUSE data analysis, and initial results. Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, (2018)

Schmidt, T. M., J. F. Hennawi, G. Worseck, F. B. Davies, Z. Lukić and J. Oñorbe: Modeling the He II Transverse Proximity Effect: Constraints on Quasar Lifetime and Obscuration. The Astrophysical Journal 861, (2018)

Schneider, F. R. N., O. H. Ramírez-Agudelo, F. Tramper, J. M. Bestenlehner, N. Castro, H. Sana, C. J. Evans, C. Sabín-Sanjulián, S. Simón-Díaz, N. Langer, L. Fossati, G. Gräfener, P. A. Crowther, S. E. de Mink, A. de Koter, M. Gieles, A. Herrero, R. G. Izzard, V. Kalari, R. S. Klessen, D. J. Lennon, L. Mahy, J. Maíz Apellániz, N. Markova, J. T. van Loon, J. S. Vink and N. R. Walborn: The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey. XXIX. Massive star formation in the local 30 Doradus starburst. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Schreiber, C., K. Glazebrook, T. Nanayakkara, G. G. Kacprzak, I. Labbé, P. Oesch, T. Yuan, K.-V. Tran, C. Papovich, L. Spitler and C. Straatman: Near infrared spectroscopy and star-formation histories of 3 ≤ z ≤ 4 quiescent galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Schreiber, C., I. Labbé, K. Glazebrook, G. Bekiaris, C. Papovich, T. Costa, D. Elbaz, G. G. Kacprzak, T. Nanayakkara, P. Oesch, M. Pannella, L. Spitler, C. Straatman, K.-V. Tran and T. Wang: Jekyll & Hyde: quiescence and extreme obscuration in a pair of massive galaxies 1.5 Gyr after the Big Bang. Astronomy and Astrophysics 611, (2018)

Schulze, F., R.-S. Remus, K. Dolag, A. Burkert, E. Emsellem and G. van de Ven: Kinematics of simulated galaxies - I. Connecting dynamical and morphological properties of early-type galaxies at different redshifts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 4636-4658 (2018)

Şen, Ş., R. F. Peletier, A. Boselli, M. den Brok, J. Falcón-Barroso, G. Hensler, J. Janz, E. Laurikainen, T. Lisker, J. J. Mentz, S. Paudel, H. Salo, A. Sybilska, E. Toloba, G. van de Ven, A. Vazdekis and C. Yesilyaprak: Abundance ratios in dwarf elliptical galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 3453-3466 (2018)

Shabani, F., E. K. Grebel, A. Pasquali, E. D'Onghia, J. S. Gallagher, A. Adamo, M. Messa, B. G. Elmegreen, C. Dobbs, D. A. Gouliermis, D. Calzetti, K. Grasha, D. M. Elmegreen, M. Cignoni, D. A. Dale, A. Aloisi, L. J. Smith, M. Tosi, D. A. Thilker, J. C. Lee, E. Sabbi, H. Kim and A. Pellerin: Search for star cluster age gradients across spiral arms of three LEGUS disc galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 3590-3604 (2018)

Sheffield, A. A., A. M. Price-Whelan, A. Tzanidakis, K. V. Johnston, C. F. P. Laporte and B. Sesar: A Disk Origin for the Monoceros Ring and A13 Stellar Overdensities. The Astrophysical Journal 854, (2018)

Shen, L., N. A. Miller, B. C. Lemaux, A. R. Tomczak, L. M. Lubin, N. Rumbaugh, C. D. Fassnacht, R. H. Becker, R. R. Gal, P.-F. Wu and G. Squires: Erratum: The properties of radio galaxies and the effect of environment in large-scale structures at z ̃ 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 4707-4710 (2018)

Shin, I.-G., A. Udalski, J. C. Yee, S. Calchi Novati, G. Christie, R. Poleski, P. Mróz, J. Skowron, M. K. Szymański, I. Soszyński, P. Pietrukowicz, S. Kozłowski, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, O. Collaboration, T. Natusch, R. W. Pogge, μ. Collaboration, A. Gould, C. Han, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, K.-H. Hwang, Y.-H. Ryu, Y. K. Jung, W. Zhu, C.-U. Lee, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, Y. Lee, D.-J. Lee, B.-G. Park, K. Group, C. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, Y. Shvartzvald and S. Team: OGLE-2016-BLG-1045: A Test of Cheap Space-based Microlens Parallaxes. The Astrophysical Journal 863, (2018)

Shipley, H. V., D. Lange-Vagle, D. Marchesini, G. B. Brammer, L. Ferrarese, M. Stefanon, E. Kado-Fong, K. E. Whitaker, P. A. Oesch, A. D. Feinstein, I. Labbé, B. Lundgren, N. Martis, A. Muzzin, K. Nedkova, R. Skelton and A. van der Wel: HFF-DeepSpace Photometric Catalogs of the 12 Hubble Frontier Fields, Clusters, and Parallels: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, and Stellar Masses. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 235, (2018)

Shu, X. W., Y. Q. Xue, D. Z. Liu, T. Wang, Y. K. Han, Y. Y. Chang, T. Liu, X. X. Huang, J. X. Wang, X. Z. Zheng, E. da Cunha, E. Daddi and D. Elbaz: A unique distant submillimeter galaxy with an X-ray-obscured radio-luminous active galactic nucleus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 619, (2018)

Silva Aguirre, V., M. Bojsen-Hansen, D. Slumstrup, L. Casagrande, D. Kawata, I. Ciucǎ, R. Handberg, M. N. Lund, J. R. Mosumgaard, D. Huber, J. A. Johnson, M. H. Pinsonneault, A. M. Serenelli, D. Stello, J. Tayar, J. C. Bird, S. Cassisi, M. Hon, M. Martig, P. E. Nissen, H. W. Rix, R. Schönrich, C. Sahlholdt, W. H. Trick and J. Yu: Confirming chemical clocks: asteroseismic age dissection of the Milky Way disc(s). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 5487-5500 (2018)

Skúladóttir, Á., S. Salvadori, M. Pettini, E. Tolstoy and V. Hill: The chemical connection between damped Lyman-α systems and Local Group dwarf galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 615, (2018)

Smercina, A., J. D. T. Smith, D. A. Dale, K. D. French, K. V. Croxall, S. Zhukovska, A. Togi, E. F. Bell, A. F. Crocker, B. T. Draine, T. H. Jarrett, C. Tremonti, Y. Yang and A. I. Zabludoff: Erratum: “After the Fall: The Dust and Gas in E+A Post-starburst Galaxies” (2018, ApJ, 855, 51). The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Smercina, A., J. D. T. Smith, D. A. Dale, K. D. French, K. V. Croxall, S. Zhukovska, A. Togi, E. F. Bell, A. F. Crocker, B. T. Draine, T. H. Jarrett, C. Tremonti, Y. Yang and A. I. Zabludoff: After the Fall: The Dust and Gas in E+A Post-starburst Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)

Somerville, R. S., P. Behroozi, V. Pandya, A. Dekel, S. M. Faber, A. Fontana, A. M. Koekemoer, D. C. Koo, P. G. Pérez-González, J. R. Primack, P. Santini, E. N. Taylor and A. van der Wel: The relationship between galaxy and dark matter halo size from z ̃ 3 to the present. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 2714-2736 (2018)

Sorini, D., J. Oñorbe, J. F. Hennawi and Z. Lukić: A Fundamental Test for Galaxy Formation Models: Matching the Lyman-α Absorption Profiles of Galactic Halos Over Three Decades in Distance. The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Spilker, J., R. Bezanson, I. Barišić, E. Bell, C. d. P. Lagos, M. Maseda, A. Muzzin, C. Pacifici, D. Sobral, C. Straatman, A. van der Wel, P. van Dokkum, B. Weiner, K. Whitaker, C. C. Williams and P.-F. Wu: Molecular Gas Contents and Scaling Relations for Massive, Passive Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts from the LEGA-C Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Springel, V., R. Pakmor, A. Pillepich, R. Weinberger, D. Nelson, L. Hernquist, M. Vogelsberger, S. Genel, P. Torrey, F. Marinacci and J. Naiman: First results from the IllustrisTNG simulations: matter and galaxy clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 676-698 (2018)

Stern, J., C.-A. Faucher-Giguère, J. F. Hennawi, Z. Hafen, S. D. Johnson and D. Fielding: Does Circumgalactic O VI Trace Low-pressure Gas Beyond the Accretion Shock? Clues from H I and Low-ion Absorption, Line Kinematics, and Dust Extinction. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

Straatman, C. M. S., A. van der Wel, R. Bezanson, C. Pacifici, A. Gallazzi, P.-F. Wu, K. Noeske, I. Barišić, E. F. Bell, G. B. Brammer, J. Calhau, P. Chauke, M. Franx, J. van Houdt, I. Labbé, M. V. Maseda, J. C. Muñoz-Mateos, A. Muzzin, J. van de Sande, D. Sobral and J. S. Spilker: The Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census (LEGA-C) Data Release 2: Dynamical and Stellar Population Properties of z ≲ 1 Galaxies in the COSMOS Field. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 239, (2018)

Strazzullo, V., R. T. Coogan, E. Daddi, M. T. Sargent, R. Gobat, F. Valentino, M. Bethermin, M. Pannella, M. Dickinson, A. Renzini, N. Arimoto, A. Cimatti, H. Dannerbauer, A. Finoguenov, D. Liu and M. Onodera: Deciphering the Activity and Quiescence of High-redshift Cluster Environments: ALMA Observations of Cl J1449+0856 at z = 2. The Astrophysical Journal 862, (2018)

Sun, G., L. Moncelsi, M. P. Viero, M. B. Silva, J. Bock, C. M. Bradford, T.-C. Chang, Y.-T. Cheng, A. R. Cooray, A. Crites, S. Hailey-Dunsheath, B. Uzgil, J. R. Hunacek and M. Zemcov: A Foreground Masking Strategy for [C II] Intensity Mapping Experiments Using Galaxies Selected by Stellar Mass and Redshift. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

Sun, J., A. K. Leroy, A. Schruba, E. Rosolowsky, A. Hughes, J. M. D. Kruijssen, S. Meidt, E. Schinnerer, G. A. Blanc, F. Bigiel, A. D. Bolatto, M. Chevance, B. Groves, C. N. Herrera, A. P. S. Hygate, J. Pety, M. Querejeta, A. Usero and D. Utomo: Cloud-scale Molecular Gas Properties in 15 Nearby Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Süveges, M. and R. I. Anderson: Investigating light-curve modulation via kernel smoothing - II. New additional modes in single-mode OGLE classical Cepheids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 1425-1441 (2018)

Sybilska, A., H. Kuntschner, G. van de Ven, A. Vazdekis, J. Falcón-Barroso, R. F. Peletier and T. Lisker: The hELENa project - II. Abundance distribution trends of early-type galaxies: from dwarfs to giants. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 4501-4509 (2018)

Tacchella, S., C. M. Carollo, N. M. Förster Schreiber, A. Renzini, A. Dekel, R. Genzel, P. Lang, S. J. Lilly, C. Mancini, M. Onodera, L. J. Tacconi, S. Wuyts and G. Zamorani: Dust Attenuation, Bulge Formation, and Inside-out Quenching of Star Formation in Star-forming Main Sequence Galaxies at z ̃ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Tacconi, L. J., R. Genzel, A. Saintonge, F. Combes, S. García-Burillo, R. Neri, A. Bolatto, T. Contini, N. M. Förster Schreiber, S. Lilly, D. Lutz, S. Wuyts, G. Accurso, J. Boissier, F. Boone, N. Bouché, F. Bournaud, A. Burkert, M. Carollo, M. Cooper, P. Cox, C. Feruglio, J. Freundlich, R. Herrera-Camus, S. Juneau, M. Lippa, T. Naab, A. Renzini, P. Salome, A. Sternberg, K. Tadaki, H. Übler, F. Walter, B. Weiner and A. Weiss: PHIBSS: Unified Scaling Relations of Gas Depletion Time and Molecular Gas Fractions. The Astrophysical Journal 853, (2018)

Tadaki, K., D. Iono, M. S. Yun, I. Aretxaga, B. Hatsukade, D. H. Hughes, S. Ikarashi, T. Izumi, R. Kawabe, K. Kohno, M. Lee, Y. Matsuda, K. Nakanishi, T. Saito, Y. Tamura, J. Ueda, H. Umehata, G. W. Wilson, T. Michiyama, M. Ando and P. Kamieneski: The gravitationally unstable gas disk of a starburst galaxy 12 billion years ago. Nature 560, 613-616 (2018)

Taibi, S., G. Battaglia, N. Kacharov, M. Rejkuba, M. Irwin, R. Leaman, M. Zoccali, E. Tolstoy and P. Jablonka: Stellar chemo-kinematics of the Cetus dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, (2018)

Tan, Q.-H., Y. Gao, Z.-Y. Zhang, T. R. Greve, X.-J. Jiang, C. D. Wilson, C.-T. Yang, A. Bemis, A. Chung, S. Matsushita, Y. Shi, Y.-P. Ao, E. Brinks, M. J. Currie, T. A. Davis, R. de Grijs, L. C. Ho, M. Imanishi, K. Kohno, B. Lee, H. Parsons, M. G. Rawlings, D. Rigopoulou, E. Rosolowsky, J. Bulger, H. Chen, S. C. Chapman, D. Eden, W. K. Gear, Q.-S. Gu, J.-H. He, Q. Jiao, D.-Z. Liu, L.-J. Liu, X.-H. Li, M. J. Michałowski, Q. Nguyen-Luong, J.-J. Qiu, M. W. L. Smith, G. Violino, J.-F. Wang, J.-F. Wang, J.-Z. Wang, S. Yeh, Y.-H. Zhao and M. Zhu: The MALATANG Survey: The L GAS-L IR Correlation on Sub-kiloparsec Scale in Six Nearby Star-forming Galaxies as Traced by HCN J = 4 → 3 and HCO+ J = 4 → 3. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Tang, L., W. Lin, W. Cui, X. Kang, Y. Wang, E. Contini and Y. Yu: An Investigation of Intracluster Light Evolution Using Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal 859, (2018)

Tescari, E., L. Cortese, C. Power, J. S. B. Wyithe, I.-T. Ho, R. A. Crain, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. M. Croom, L. J. Kewley, J. Schaye, R. G. Bower, T. Theuns, M. Schaller, L. Barnes, S. Brough, J. J. Bryant, M. Goodwin, M. L. P. Gunawardhana, J. S. Lawrence, S. K. Leslie, Á. R. López-Sánchez, N. P. F. Lorente, A. M. Medling, S. N. Richards, S. M. Sweet and C. Tonini: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: understanding observations of large-scale outflows at low redshift with EAGLE simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 380-397 (2018)

Thomas, G. F., A. W. McConnachie, R. A. Ibata, P. Côté, N. Martin, E. Starkenburg, R. Carlberg, S. Chapman, S. Fabbro, B. Famaey, N. Fantin, S. Gwyn, V. Hénault-Brunet, K. Malhan, J. Navarro, A. C. Robin and D. Scott: A-type stars in the Canada-France Imaging Survey I. The stellar halo of the Milky Way traced to large radius by blue horizontal branch stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 5223-5235 (2018)

Thompson, B. B., C. G. Few, M. Bergemann, B. K. Gibson, B. A. MacFarlane, A. Serenelli, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, A. Vallenari, E. J. Alfaro, T. Bensby, P. Francois, A. J. Korn, A. Bayo, G. Carraro, A. R. Casey, M. T. Costado, P. Donati, E. Franciosini, A. Frasca, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, V. Hill, U. Heiter, S. E. Koposov, A. Lanzafame, C. Lardo, P. de Laverny, J. Lewis, L. Magrini, G. Marconi, T. Masseron, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, E. Pancino, L. Prisinzano, A. Recio-Blanco, G. Sacco, S. G. Sousa, G. Tautvaišienė, C. C. Worley and S. Zaggia: The Gaia-ESO Survey: matching chemodynamical simulations to observations of the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 185-197 (2018)

Tian, H.-J., C. Liu, Y. Wu, M.-S. Xiang and Y. Zhang: Time Stamps of Vertical Phase Mixing in the Galactic Disk from LAMOST/Gaia Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

Ting, Y.-S., C. Conroy, H.-W. Rix and M. Asplund: Measuring Oxygen Abundances from Stellar Spectra without Oxygen Lines. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Ting, Y.-S., K. Hawkins and H.-W. Rix: Erratum: “A Large and Pristine Sample of Standard Candles across the Milky Way: ∼100,000 Red Clump Stars with 3% Contamination” (2018, ApJL, 858, L7). The Astrophysical Journal 864, (2018)

Ting, Y.-S., K. Hawkins and H.-W. Rix: A Large and Pristine Sample of Standard Candles across the Milky Way: ̃100,000 Red Clump Stars with 3% Contamination. The Astrophysical Journal 858, (2018)

Toba, Y., J. Ueda, C.-F. Lim, W.-H. Wang, T. Nagao, Y.-Y. Chang, T. Saito and R. Kawabe: Discovery of an Extremely Luminous Dust-obscured Galaxy Observed with SDSS, WISE, JCMT, and SMA. The Astrophysical Journal 857, (2018)

Tomičić, N., A. Hughes, K. Kreckel, F. Renaud, J. Pety, E. Schinnerer, T. Saito, M. Querejeta, C. M. Faesi and S. Garcia-Burillo: Two Orders of Magnitude Variation in the Star Formation Efficiency across the Premerger Galaxy NGC 2276. The Astrophysical Journal 869, (2018)

Torrealba, G., V. Belokurov, S. E. Koposov, K. Bechtol, A. Drlica-Wagner, K. A. G. Olsen, A. K. Vivas, B. Yanny, P. Jethwa, A. R. Walker, T. S. Li, S. Allam, B. C. Conn, C. Gallart, R. A. Gruendl, D. J. James, M. D. Johnson, K. Kuehn, N. Kuropatkin, N. F. Martin, D. Martinez-Delgado, D. L. Nidever, N. E. D. Noël, J. D. Simon, G. S. Stringfellow and D. L. Tucker: Discovery of two neighbouring satellites in the Carina constellation with MagLiteS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 5085-5097 (2018)

Torrey, P., M. Vogelsberger, L. Hernquist, R. McKinnon, F. Marinacci, R. A. Simcoe, V. Springel, A. Pillepich, J. Naiman, R. Pakmor, R. Weinberger, D. Nelson and S. Genel: Similar star formation rate and metallicity variability time-scales drive the fundamental metallicity relation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, L16-L20 (2018)

Tremblay, G. R., F. Combes, J. B. R. Oonk, H. R. Russell, M. A. McDonald, M. Gaspari, B. Husemann, P. E. J. Nulsen, B. R. McNamara, S. L. Hamer, C. P. O'Dea, S. A. Baum, T. A. Davis, M. Donahue, G. M. Voit, A. C. Edge, E. L. Blanton, M. N. Bremer, E. Bulbul, T. E. Clarke, L. P. David, L. O. V. Edwards, D. Eggerman, A. C. Fabian, W. Forman, C. Jones, N. Kerman, R. P. Kraft, Y. Li, M. Powell, S. W. Randall, P. Salomé, A. Simionescu, Y. Su, M. Sun, C. M. Urry, A. N. Vantyghem, B. J. Wilkes and J. A. ZuHone: A Galaxy-scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole. The Astrophysical Journal 865, (2018)

Trifonov, T., M. Kürster, M. Zechmeister, L. Tal-Or, J. A. Caballero, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, I. Ribas, A. Reiners, S. Reffert, S. Dreizler, A. P. Hatzes, A. Kaminski, R. Launhardt, T. Henning, D. Montes, V. J. S. Béjar, R. Mundt, A. Pavlov, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, W. Seifert, J. C. Morales, G. Nowak, S. V. Jeffers, C. Rodríguez-López, C. del Burgo, G. Anglada-Escudé, J. López-Santiago, R. J. Mathar, M. Ammler-von Eiff, E. W. Guenther, D. Barrado, J. I. González Hernández, L. Mancini, J. Stürmer, M. Abril, J. Aceituno, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, R. Antona, H. Anwand-Heerwart, B. Arroyo-Torres, M. Azzaro, D. Baroch, F. F. Bauer, S. Becerril, D. Benítez, Z. M. Berdiñas, G. Bergond, M. Blümcke, M. Brinkmöller, J. Cano, M. C. Cárdenas Vázquez, E. Casal, C. Cifuentes, A. Claret, J. Colomé, M. Cortés-Contreras, S. Czesla, E. Díez-Alonso, C. Feiz, M. Fernández, I. M. Ferro, B. Fuhrmeister, D. Galadí-Enríquez, A. Garcia-Piquer, M. L. García Vargas, L. Gesa, V. Gómez Galera, R. González-Peinado, U. Grözinger, S. Grohnert, J. Guàrdia, A. Guijarro, E. de Guindos, J. Gutiérrez-Soto, H.-J. Hagen, P. H. Hauschildt, R. P. Hedrosa, J. Helmling, I. Hermelo, R. Hernández Arabí, L. Hernández Castaño, F. Hernández Hernando, E. Herrero, A. Huber, P. Huke, E. Johnson, E. de Juan, M. Kim, R. Klein, J. Klüter, A. Klutsch, M. Lafarga, M. Lampón, L. M. Lara, W. Laun, U. Lemke, R. Lenzen, M. López del Fresno, M. J. López-González, M. López-Puertas, J. F. López Salas, R. Luque, H. Magán Madinabeitia, U. Mall, H. Mandel, E. Marfil, J. A. Marín Molina, D. Maroto Fernández, E. L. Martín, S. Martín-Ruiz, C. J. Marvin, E. Mirabet, A. Moya, M. E. Moreno-Raya, E. Nagel, V. Naranjo, L. Nortmann, A. Ofir, R. Oreiro, E. Pallé, J. Panduro, J. Pascual, V. M. Passegger, S. Pedraz, A. Pérez-Calpena, D. Pérez Medialdea, M. Perger, M. A. C. Perryman, M. Pluto, O. Rabaza, A. Ramón, R. Rebolo, P. Redondo, S. Reinhardt, P. Rhode, H.-W. Rix, F. Rodler, E. Rodríguez, A. Rodríguez Trinidad, R.-R. Rohloff, A. Rosich, S. Sadegi, E. Sánchez-Blanco, M. A. Sánchez Carrasco, A. Sánchez-López, J. Sanz-Forcada, P. Sarkis, L. F. Sarmiento, S. Schäfer, J. Schiller, P. Schöfer, A. Schweitzer, E. Solano, O. Stahl, J. B. P. Strachan, J. C. Suárez, H. M. Tabernero, M. Tala, S. M. Tulloch, G. Veredas, J. I. Vico Linares, F. Vilardell, K. Wagner, J. Winkler, V. Wolthoff, W. Xu, F. Yan and M. R. Zapatero Osorio: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs . First visual-channel radial-velocity measurements and orbital parameter updates of seven M-dwarf planetary systems. Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, (2018)

Übler, H., R. Genzel, L. J. Tacconi, N. M. Förster Schreiber, R. Neri, A. Contursi, S. Belli, E. J. Nelson, P. Lang, T. T. Shimizu, R. Davies, R. Herrera-Camus, D. Lutz, P. M. Plewa, S. H. Price, K. Schuster, A. Sternberg, K. Tadaki, E. Wisnioski and S. Wuyts: Ionized and Molecular Gas Kinematics in a z = 1.4 Star-forming Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 854, (2018)

Utomo, D., J. Sun, A. K. Leroy, J. M. D. Kruijssen, E. Schinnerer, A. Schruba, F. Bigiel, G. A. Blanc, M. Chevance, E. Emsellem, C. Herrera, A. P. S. Hygate, K. Kreckel, E. C. Ostriker, J. Pety, M. Querejeta, E. Rosolowsky, K. M. Sandstrom and A. Usero: Star Formation Efficiency per Free-fall Time in nearby Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 861, (2018)

Valentino, F., G. E. Magdis, E. Daddi, D. Liu, M. Aravena, F. Bournaud, A. Cibinel, D. Cormier, M. E. Dickinson, Y. Gao, S. Jin, S. Juneau, J. Kartaltepe, M.-Y. Lee, S. C. Madden, A. Puglisi, D. Sanders and J. Silverman: A Survey of Atomic Carbon [C I] in High-redshift Main-sequence Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 869, (2018)

van Dokkum, P., Y. Cohen, S. Danieli, J. M. D. Kruijssen, A. J. Romanowsky, A. Merritt, R. Abraham, J. Brodie, C. Conroy, D. Lokhorst, L. Mowla, E. O'Sullivan and J. Zhang: An Enigmatic Population of Luminous Globular Clusters in a Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter. The Astrophysical Journal 856, (2018)

van Dokkum, P., Y. Cohen, S. Danieli, A. Romanowsky, R. Abraham, J. Brodie, C. Conroy, J. M. D. Kruijssen, D. Lokhorst, A. Merritt, L. Mowla and J. Zhang: A Revised Velocity for the Globular Cluster GC-98 in the Ultra Diffuse Galaxy NGC 1052-DF2. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 2, (2018)

van Dokkum, P., S. Danieli, Y. Cohen, A. Merritt, A. J. Romanowsky, R. Abraham, J. Brodie, C. Conroy, D. Lokhorst, L. Mowla, E. O'Sullivan and J. Zhang: A galaxy lacking dark matter. Nature 555, 629-632 (2018)

Vegetti, S., G. Despali, M. R. Lovell and W. Enzi: Constraining sterile neutrino cosmologies with strong gravitational lensing observations at redshift z ̃ 0.2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 3661-3669 (2018)

Venemans, B. P., R. Decarli, F. Walter, E. Bañados, F. Bertoldi, X. Fan, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, D. Riechers, H.-W. Rix, R. Wang and Y. Yang: Dust Emission in an Accretion-rate-limited Sample of z ≳ 6 Quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 866, (2018)

Venhola, A., R. Peletier, E. Laurikainen, H. Salo, E. Iodice, S. Mieske, M. Hilker, C. Wittmann, T. Lisker, M. Paolillo, M. Cantiello, J. Janz, M. Spavone, R. D'Abrusco, G. Ven, N. Napolitano, G. Kleijn, N. Maddox, M. Capaccioli, A. Grado, E. Valentijn, J. Falcón-Barroso and L. Limatola: The Fornax Deep Survey with the VST. IV. A size and magnitude limited catalog of dwarf galaxies in the area of the Fornax cluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, (2018)

Vignali, C., E. Piconcelli, M. Perna, J. Hennawi, R. Gilli, A. Comastri, G. Zamorani, M. Dotti and S. Mathur: Probing black hole accretion in quasar pairs at high redshift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 780-790 (2018)

Villaescusa-Navarro, F., S. Genel, E. Castorina, A. Obuljen, D. N. Spergel, L. Hernquist, D. Nelson, I. P. Carucci, A. Pillepich, F. Marinacci, B. Diemer, M. Vogelsberger, R. Weinberger and R. Pakmor: Ingredients for 21 cm Intensity Mapping. The Astrophysical Journal 866, (2018)

Vogelsberger, M., F. Marinacci, P. Torrey, S. Genel, V. Springel, R. Weinberger, R. Pakmor, L. Hernquist, J. Naiman, A. Pillepich and D. Nelson: The uniformity and time-invariance of the intra-cluster metal distribution in galaxy clusters from the IllustrisTNG simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 2073-2093 (2018)

Voggel, K. T., A. C. Seth, N. Neumayer, S. Mieske, I. Chilingarian, C. Ahn, H. Baumgardt, M. Hilker, D. D. Nguyen, A. J. Romanowsky, J. L. Walsh, M. den Brok and J. Strader: Upper Limits on the Presence of Central Massive Black Holes in Two Ultra-compact Dwarf Galaxies in Centaurus A. The Astrophysical Journal 858, (2018)

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Walter, F., D. Riechers, M. Novak, R. Decarli, C. Ferkinhoff, B. Venemans, E. Bañados, F. Bertoldi, C. Carilli, X. Fan, E. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli, M. Neeleman, H.-W. Rix, M. A. Strauss, B. Uzgil and R. Wang: No Evidence for Enhanced [O III] 88 μm Emission in a z ̃ 6 Quasar Compared to Its Companion Starbursting Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 869, (2018)

Walther, M., J. F. Hennawi, H. Hiss, J. Oñorbe, K.-G. Lee, A. Rorai and J. O'Meara: A New Precision Measurement of the Small-scale Line-of-sight Power Spectrum of the Lyα Forest. The Astrophysical Journal 852, (2018)

Wang, F., J. Yang, X. Fan, M. Yue, X.-B. Wu, J.-T. Schindler, F. Bian, J.-T. Li, E. P. Farina, E. Bañados, F. B. Davies, R. Decarli, R. Green, L. Jiang, J. F. Hennawi, Y.-H. Huang, C. Mazzucchelli, I. D. McGreer, B. Venemans, F. Walter and Y. Beletsky: The Discovery of a Luminous Broad Absorption Line Quasar at a Redshift of 7.02. The Astrophysical Journal 869, (2018)

Wang, H., H. J. Mo, S. Chen, Y. Yang, X. Yang, E. Wang, F. C. van den Bosch, Y. Jing, X. Kang, W. Lin, S. H. Lim, S. Huang, Y. Lu, S. Li, W. Cui, Y. Zhang, D. Tweed, C. Wei, G. Li and F. Shi: ELUCID. IV. Galaxy Quenching and its Relation to Halo Mass, Environment, and Assembly Bias. The Astrophysical Journal 852, (2018)

Wang, L., D. Obreschkow, C. D. P. Lagos, S. M. Sweet, D. B. Fisher, K. Glazebrook, A. V. Macciò, A. A. Dutton and X. Kang: Dynamic Equilibrium Sets of the Atomic Content of Galaxies across Cosmic Time. The Astrophysical Journal 868, (2018)

Wang, P. and X. Kang: The build up of the correlation between halo spin and the large-scale structure. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 1562-1569 (2018)

Wang, T., S. Calchi Novati, A. Udalski, A. Gould, S. Mao, W. Zang, C. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, S. Team, P. Mróz, R. Poleski, J. Skowron, M. K. Szymański, I. Soszyński, S. Kozłowski, P. Pietrukowicz, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, O. Collaboration, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, C. Han, K.-H. Hwang, Y. K. Jung, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge and K. Collaboration: OGLE-2017-BLG-1130: The First Binary Gravitational Microlens Detected from Spitzer Only. The Astrophysical Journal 860, (2018)

Wang, T., D. Elbaz, E. Daddi, D. Liu, T. Kodama, I. Tanaka, C. Schreiber, A. Zanella, F. Valentino, M. Sargent, K. Kohno, M. Xiao, M. Pannella, L. Ciesla, R. Gobat and Y. Koyama: Revealing the Environmental Dependence of Molecular Gas Content in a Distant X-Ray Cluster at z = 2.51. The Astrophysical Journal 867, (2018)

Wang, Y., S. Bihr, M. Rugel, H. Beuther, K. G. Johnston, J. Ott, J. D. Soler, A. Brunthaler, L. D. Anderson, J. S. Urquhart, R. S. Klessen, H. Linz, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, S. C. O. Glover, K. M. Menten, F. Bigiel, M. Hoare and S. N. Longmore: Radio continuum emission in the northern Galactic plane: Sources and spectral indices from the THOR survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 619, (2018)

Weaver, J., B. Husemann, H. Kuntschner, I. Martín-Navarro, F. Bournaud, P.-A. Duc, E. Emsellem, D. Krajnović, M. Lyubenova and R. M. McDermid: History and destiny of an emerging early-type galaxy. New IFU insights on the major-merger remnant NGC 7252. Astronomy and Astrophysics 614, (2018)

Wei, C., G. Li, X. Kang, X. Liu, Z. Fan, S. Yuan and C. Pan: The correspondence between convergence peaks from weak lensing and massive dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 2987-2998 (2018)

Wei, C., G. Li, X. Kang, Y. Luo, Q. Xia, P. Wang, X. Yang, H. Wang, Y. Jing, H. Mo, W. Lin, Y. Wang, S. Li, Y. Lu, Y. Zhang, S. H. Lim, D. Tweed and W. Cui: Full-sky Ray-tracing Simulation of Weak Lensing Using ELUCID Simulations: Exploring Galaxy Intrinsic Alignment and Cosmic Shear Correlations. The Astrophysical Journal 853, (2018)

Weinberger, R., V. Springel, R. Pakmor, D. Nelson, S. Genel, A. Pillepich, M. Vogelsberger, F. Marinacci, J. Naiman, P. Torrey and L. Hernquist: Supermassive black holes and their feedback effects in the IllustrisTNG simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 4056-4072 (2018)

Widmann, F., J.-U. Pott and S. Velasco: P-REx: The Piston Reconstruction Experiment for infrared interferometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 1224-1237 (2018)

Williams, C. C., E. Curtis-Lake, K. N. Hainline, J. Chevallard, B. E. Robertson, S. Charlot, R. Endsley, D. P. Stark, C. N. A. Willmer, S. Alberts, R. Amorin, S. Arribas, S. Baum, A. Bunker, S. Carniani, S. Crandall, E. Egami, D. J. Eisenstein, P. Ferruit, B. Husemann, M. V. Maseda, R. Maiolino, T. D. Rawle, M. Rieke, R. Smit, S. Tacchella and C. J. Willott: The JWST Extragalactic Mock Catalog: Modeling Galaxy Populations from the UV through the Near-IR over 13 Billion Years of Cosmic History. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 236, (2018)

Wisnioski, E., J. T. Mendel, N. M. Förster Schreiber, R. Genzel, D. Wilman, S. Wuyts, S. Belli, A. Beifiori, R. Bender, G. Brammer, J. Chan, R. I. Davies, R. L. Davies, M. Fabricius, M. Fossati, A. Galametz, P. Lang, D. Lutz, E. J. Nelson, I. Momcheva, D. Rosario, R. Saglia, L. J. Tacconi, K. Tadaki, H. Übler and P. G. van Dokkum: The KMOS3D Survey: Rotating Compact Star-forming Galaxies and the Decomposition of Integrated Line Widths. The Astrophysical Journal 855, (2018)
