Masters and PhD degrees

Master degrees and PhDs earned by MPIA students are awarded by the University of Heidelberg, which is also responsible for admitting students and administering the final exams. MPIA is a research institution at which students enrolled at the University of Heidelberg can do their thesis research, but the University defines and controls all academic requirements.

Please note that the University of Heidelberg offers an international Master of Science in Physics.

Master students or PhD students at MPIA need to register with the University of Heidelberg and satisfy the University's criteria for admission. A Master student working on an astronomical topic will obtain a Master degree in physics upon graduation, "Master of Science in Physics", abbreviated M.Sc. More about the requirements and procedures for obtaining a Master of Science in Physics can be found here.

A finishing PhD student usually graduates in astronomy and receives a doctorate in natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.). Please check here to learn about the requirements for a PhD in astronomy. Those web pages are provided by the University of Heidelberg. Please read them carefully to see whether you qualify.

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