Instrumentation for Ground-based Optical & Infrared Astronomy

Heidelberg Summer School

  • Beginn: 09.09.2019
  • Ende: 13.09.2019
  • Ort: Mathematikon, Heidelberg
  • Gastgeber: Christian Fendt
  • Kontakt:
Instrumentation for Ground-based Optical & Infrared Astronomy

Scope of the school:

The 2019 Heidelberg Summer School will focus on all aspects of instrumentation for ground-based astronomy at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. This includes innovative techniques, such as adaptive optics, interferometry, and exoplanet imaging and spectroscopy.

Five distinguished invited lecturers, along with an assortment of local experts, will provide an introduction to the field with an emphasis on real-world applicatiions.

In addition to the formal lectures, there will be problem-solving sessions, career discussions, and a variety of social activities.

Topics that are covered include:
- Adaptive optics
- Detectors
- High-contrast imaging and spectroscopy
- Spectrograph design
- Infrared instrumentation
- Interferometry
- Instrumentation for Extremely Large Telescopes
- Project structure and management

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