Dr. Carolin Liefke
Deputy Director, OAE
Main Focus
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1981, amateur astronomer since the age of 13. Studied physics with a focus on astronomy at the University of Hamburg from 2000 to 2005, followed by a PhD in astrophysics at the Hamburger Sternwarte; research in the fields of stellar activity and X-ray astronomy. Passionate amateur astronomer, active in several amateur astronomy associations and internet communities, executive board of the German national amateur association Vereinigung der Sternfreunde.
Active in astronomy education and outreach for more than 20 years, research associate at the Haus der Astronomie since March 2010.
Since 2020 National Outreach Coordinator for Germany of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and Deputy Director of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education.
Selected publications
- Schülerinnen und Schüler suchen nach unentdeckten Asteroiden – mit dem Pan-STARRS-Teleskop auf Hawaii, Astronomie + Raumfahrt im Unterricht 5/2019 (in German)
- Die Planeten unseres Sonnensystems – vom Himmelsanblick zum Modell, Wissenschaft in die Schulen! 6/2018 (in German)
- Der Helioviewer – Sonnenbeobachtung mit dem Computer, Wissenschaft in die Schulen! MS/OS 10/2016 (in German)
- Publication list (including previous research)
- Blog Astronomers do it at Night on Scilogs since 2009
- Twitter: @astrophysikerin