
Leaving Max Planck Intitute for Astronomy – staying connected

1st MPIA-Alumni Event (Review)

The 1st MPIA Alumni Day took place at the House of Astronomy (HdA) on the MPIA campus on 28th April 2023.

We were delighted to welcome almost 60 participants from all over Germany and Switzerland to the HdA Lecture Hall. Among the participants were about 20 Alumni, joined by 25 PhD/Postdocs und 15 staff members.

With this event, we wanted to present different career paths beyond science because most of the former MPIA PhD and Postdocs work in industry (58%). Our aim was to connect the participants and to give them security in a general way by showing them all kind of different job opportunities they may have never thought of in the first place.

Therefore, the program included five excellent talks with very different focal points. The topics ranged from data science, software development over company start-up grant support until the work and life of a patent attorney giving detailed insight in the life and work beyond academia. 

The different CVs of the speakers were very interesting and really impressive. They opened up different job perspectives and working possibilities regarding a career outside academia. For example, it was surprising to learn that many former astronomers work for a German based multinational building materials company.

At the end of each talk, there was also enough time for questions by the audience. Apart from that, there was the possibility to pass questions to the organizers and speakers in advance as well. In addition, both lunch and coffee breaks offered much time and opportunity for individual discussions with the Alumni and for further personal and/or professional exchange.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who made this event possible. We are already looking forward to the 2nd MPIA Alumni Day. Stay tuned.

SPEAKER: Viki Joergens, Lucia Klarmann, Jan Rybizki, Markus Schmalzl, Yuan Wang

Who becomes a MPIA-Alumni?

All former scientific staff members, doctoral students, PostDocs and Professors with a duration of stay of one year or more count as our MPIA-Alumni.

Sign up for staying connected

Staying in touch, no matter how long ago your time at the institute, is important to us. We look forward to sharing experiences, establishing scientific collaborations, or even just talking with former colleagues.

Sign up for: MPIA alumni mailing list

Sign up for: MPIA-Alumni LinkedIn

MPIA-Alumni Overview

The MPIA-Alumni entries are continuously updated and supplemented. If you have any questions or comments regarding the entries, please get in touch via Thank you very much.

Alumni PSF

Dr. Jorge Abreu-Vicente
Dr. Angela Adamo
Former Position: Postdoc
Aida Ahmadi
Dr. Tobias Albertsson
Tunde Aluko
Former Position: Master student
Theodoros Anagnos
Prof. Dr. Daniel Apai
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Marco Arold
Henning Avenhaus
Marcelo Barraza Alfaro
Former Position: PhD student
Patrick Barth
Former Position: Master student
Prof. Dr. Amelia Bayo
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Matthias Becker
Camille Bergez-Casalou
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Carolina Bergfors
Dr. Alessandro Berton
Dr. Gesa Bertrang
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Marc-André Besel
Dr. Yan Betremieux
Dr. Asmita Bhandare
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Andrej Bicanski
Dr. Simon Bihr
Dr. Arjan Bik
Prof. Dr. Beth Biller
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Stephan Birkmann
Prof. Dr. Tilman Birnstiel
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Francesco Biscani
Prof. Dr. Bertram Bitsch
Dr. Thomas Blümchen
Dr. Mickaël Bonnefoy
Eduard Bopp
Dr. Abel Brieva
Dr. Joana Büchler Costa
Esther Buenzli
Dr. David Butler
Dr. Mike Butler
Dr. Andrés Carmona
Vincent Carpenter
Dr. Yvain Carpentier
Prof. Dr. Joseph Carson
Former Position: Postdoc
Madhurijya Changmai
Anthony Cheetham
Dr. Guo Chen
Dr. Xuepeng Chen
Dr. Roxana Chira
Ko-Ju Chuang
Simona Ciceri
Dr. Benoît Commerçon
Dr. Claudia Conrad
Dr. Balasz Csak
Dr. Nicola Da Rio
Dr. Sebastian Daemgen
Xiaolin Dai
Dr. Helmut Dannerbauer
Claudia Danti
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Olivier Debieu
Dr. Casey Deen
Timmy Delage
Former Position: PhD student
Célia Desgrange
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Siddhant Deshmukh
Former Position: Postdoc
Kai Martin Dittkrist
Dr. Karsten Dittrich
Dr. Michaela Doellinger
Prof. Dr. Cornelis Dullemond
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Natalia Dzyurkevich
Mark Eberlein
Former Position: Master student
Carlos Eiroa
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Christian Eistrup
Former Position: Postdoc
Néstor Espinoza
Susana Eyheramendy
Prof. Dr. Cassandra Fallscheer
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Min Fang
Prof. Dr. Davide Fedele
Dr. Siyi Feng
Dr. Oliver Fernandes
Moritz Fischer
Former Position: Master student
Lizxandra Flores
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. David Foltin
Dr. Riccardo Franceschi
Former Position: Postdoc
Malcolm Fridlund
Prof. Dr. Daniele Fulvio
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Matías Gárate
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Antonio Garufi
Dr. Artur Gawryszczak
Dr. Kerstin Geißler
Kostantin Gerbig
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Thomas Gerner
Dr. Clio Gielen
Dr. Patrick Glaschke
Dr. Adrian Glauser
Prof. Dr. Bertrand Goldman
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Ileana Gomez
Dr. Miwa Goto
Dr. Dimitrios Gouliermis
Prof. Dr. Christine Maria Greif (Köpferl)
Former Position: Postdoc
Ulrich Grözinger
Prof. Dr. Joseph Harrington
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Tristen Hayfield
Dr. Jiao He
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Siddharth Hegde
Dr. Amanda Heidermann
Dr. Eva Hennekemper
Dr. Martin Hennemann
Philipp Herz
Former Position: Master student
Stefan Hippler
Scientific Staff
Dr. Melissa Hobson
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Rory Holmes
Dr. Alexander Horn
Philipp Hottinger
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Alexander Hubbard
Zoltan Hubert
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Jutta Hübner
León-Alexander Hühn
Former Position: Master student
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Huisken
Dr. Antonella Lucia Ianella
Prof. Dr. Markus Janson
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Sheng Jin
PD Dr. Viki Joergens
Former position: Research group leader
Prof. Dr. Anders Johansen
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Katharine Johnston
Andres Jordan
Long-Term Guests
Dr. Attila Juhasz
Prof. Dr. Jouni Kainulainen
Former Position: Postdoc
David Kalb
Former Position: Master student
Prof. Dr. Lisa Kaltenegger
Former Position: Postdoc
Akimasa Kataoka
Dr. Stephan Kellner
Former Position: PhD student
Jonas Kemmer
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Sarah Kendrew
Dr. Miriam Keppler
Eric Keto
Taisiya Kopytova
Dr. Kacper Kornet
Diana Kossakowski
Former Position: PhD student
Sabrina Kräh
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Ernest Krmpotic
Dr. Natalia Kudryavsteva
Prof. Dr. Rolf Kuiper
Former Position: Postdoc
Nicolas Kurtovic
Former Position: PhD student
Christopher Lee
Prof. Dr. Christoph Leinert
Dr. Dietrich Lemke
Monika Lendl
Christian Lenz
Dr. Rainer Lenzen
Prof. Dr. Hua-Bai Li
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Shanghuo Li
Former Position: Postdoc
Chien-Cheng Lin
Dr. Nils Lippok
Dr. Yao Liu
Aiara Lobo Gomes
Dr. Wladimir Lyra
Dr. Libo Ma
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
Dr. Jingyi Mah
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Anne-Lise Maire
Mykola Malygin
Prof. Dr. Luigi Mancini
Former Position: Postdoc
Natascha Manger
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Maria-Elena Manjavacas
Sebastian Marino
Dr. Elena Mascadri
Sam Matthews
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Jonathan Menu
Dr. Johannes Meyer
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Yamila Miguel
Dr. Maren Mohler-Fische
Karan Molaverdikhani
Dr. Tobias Moldenhauer
Esteban Morales-Häfelein
Prof. Dr. Christoph Mordasini
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Laszlo Mosoni
Ruzbeh Mossavati
Dr. Joseph Mottram
André Müller
Eric Müller
Jonas Müller
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Reinhard Mundt
Arianna Musso-Barcucci
Dr. Christian Obermeier
Dr. Christoph Olczak
Dr. Matt Owens
Prof. Dr. Ilaria Pascucci
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Yaroslav Pavlyuchenkov
Nicole Pawellek
Dr. Ludovic Petitdemange
Thomas Pfeil
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Gabriele Pichierri
Former Position: Postdoc
Prof. Dr. Paola Pinilla
Dr. Jan Pitann
Dr. Adriana Pohl
Gabriele Ponti
Dr. Alexey Potapov
Former Position: Postdoc
Karsten Potrick
Dr. Elena Puga
Dr. Manoj Puravankara
Prof. Dr. Sascha P. Quanz
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Natalie Raettig
Dr. Sarah Ragan
Dr. Sara Rezaeikhosbakht
Former Position: Postdoc
Giulia Ricciardi
Former Position: Master student
Manuel Riener
Dr. Thomas Robitaille
Dr. Veronica Roccatagliata
Dr. Boyke Rochau
Dr. Florian Rodler
Dr. Jens Rodmann
Dr. Javier Rodón
Dr. Victoria Rodriguez
Michael Rugel
Tolou Sabri
Sarah Sadavoy
Dr. Zsolt Sandor
Paula Sarkis
Miriam Sawczuck
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Alexander Schegerer
Tobias Schierhuber
Former Position: Master student
Martin Schlecker
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Markus Schmalzl
Dr. Eva Schmalzl Meyer
Dr. Torsten Schmidt
Dr. Anika Schmiedeke
Dr. Andreas Schreiber
Matthäus Schulik
Former Position: Master student
Dipl.-Phys. Dr. Peter A. Schuller
Philipp Seeber
Dr. Johny Setiawan
Prof. Dr. Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Grigorii Smirnov-Pinchukov
Former Position: PhD student
Jochen Stadler
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Angela Staicu
Dr. Mathias Steglich
Marie Steinmeyer
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Manfred Stickel
Dr. Ingo Stilz
Dr. Andrea Stolte
Dr. Micaela Stumpf
Dr. Bernhard Sturm
Prof. Dr. Amy Stutz
Former Position: Postdoc
Ning Sui
Dr. Zhao Sun
Dr. Clement Surville
Dr. Mark Swain
Dr. Jonas Syed
Former Position: PhD student
Prof. Dr. Richard Teague
Dr. Christian Thalmann
Jesper Tjoa
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Trifon Trifonov
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Takahiro Ueda
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Kai Ueltzhöffer
Dr. Stefan Umbreit
Dr. Ana Uribe
Dr. Sierk van Terwisga
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Anton Vasyunin
Dr. Tatiana Vasyunina
Dr. Oliver Völkel
Former Position: Postdoc, Visiting scientist
Hagen Walter
Dr. Wei Wang
Yuan Wang
Soo May Wee
Former Position: Master student
Dr. Patrick Weise
Kim Weisskopf
Former Position: Master student
Dr. David Weldrake
Jiao Wenyu
Former Position: PhD student
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wolf
Maria Wöllert
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Shiwei Wu
Fei Yan
Pengqian Yang
Dr. Sarolta Zahorecz
Dr. Olga Zakhozhay
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Mathias Zechmeister
Dr. Meng Zhai
Former Position: Postdoc
Chuan-Peng Zhang
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Svitlana Zhukovska
Dr. Neil Zimmerman
Dr. Andras Zsom

Alumni GC

Mayte Alfaro
Former Position: PhD student
Anish Amarsi
Liyualem Ambachew
Former Position: Master student
Irham Andika
Former Position: PhD student
Francisco Aros
Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia
Tri Astraatmadja
Ivana Barisic
Prof. Dr. Eric F. Bell
Former Position: Postdoc
Vardha Bennert
Joachim Bestenlehner
Paolo Bianchini
Prof. Dr. Frank Bigiel
Former Position: Postdoc
Alina Böcker
Former Position: PhD student
Michael Böhm
Alberto Bolatto
Former Position: Visiting scientist
Dr. Leindert Boogaard
Former Position: Postdoc
Felix Bosco
Former Position: Postdoc
Emer Brady
Steffen Brinkmann
Tobias Buck
Alex Büdenbender
Sven Buder
Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert
Former position: Research group leader
Anahi Caldu Primo
Gabriela Calistro
Former Position: Master student
Prof. Dr. John Cannon
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Urmila Chadayammuri
Former Position: PhD student
Yu-Yen Chang
Priscilla Chauke
Salvatore Cielo
Prof. Dr. Michelle Collins
Former Position: Postdoc
Prof. Dr. Elena D'Onghia
Former Position: Postdoc
Elisabete da Cunha
Roberto Decarli
Florian Dedieu
Former Position: Master student
Prof. Dr. Walter Dehnen
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Thavisha Dharmawardena
Former Position: Postdoc
Simona Di Stefano
Former Position: Master student
Martina Donnari
Bernhard Dorner
Ravi Pratap Dubey
Former Position: PhD student
Aaron Dutton
Anna-Christina Eilers
Dr. Lukas Eisert
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Christoph Engler
Former Position: Postdoc
Christopher Faesi
Katja Fahrion
Former Position: Master student
Nikolaos Fanidakis
Emanuele Paolo Farina
Dr. Anja Feldmeier-Krause
Former Position: Postdoc
Prof. Dr. Fabo Feng
Former Position: Postdoc
Prof. Dr. Carl Ferkinhoff
Former Position: Postdoc
Diane Feuillet
Patrick Fopp
Former Position: Master student
Jonas Frings

Alumni APEx

Dr. Ludmila Carone
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Jason Dittmann
Former Position: Postdoc
Dr. Evert Nasedkin
Former Position: PhD student
Dr. Maria Steinrück
Former Position: Postdoc
Sebastian Zieba
Former Position: PhD student
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