Scientific Publications of the PSF Department
Aerts, C., Molenberghs, G. and De Ridder, J.: Astrophysical properties of 15062 Gaia DR3 gravity-mode pulsators. Pulsation amplitudes, rotation, and spectral line broadening. Astronomy and Astrophysics 672, A183 (2023)
Ahmadi, A., Beuther, H., Bosco, F., Gieser, C., Suri, S., Mottram, J. C., Kuiper, R., Henning, T., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Linz, H., Pudritz, R. E., Semenov, D., Winters, J. M., Möller, T., Beltrán, M. T., Csengeri, T., Galván-Madrid, R., Johnston, K. G., Keto, E., Klaassen, P. D., Leurini, S., Longmore, S. N., Lumsden, S. L., Maud, L. T., Moscadelli, L., Palau, A., Peters, T., Ragan, S. E., Urquhart, J. S., Zhang, Q. and Zinnecker, H.: Kinematics and stability of high-mass protostellar disk candidates at sub-arcsecond resolution. Insights from the IRAM NOEMA large programme CORE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A171 (2023)
Allart, R., Lemée-Joliecoeur, P.-B., Jaziri, A. Y., Lafrenière, D., Artigau, E., Cook, N., Darveau-Bernier, A., Dang, L., Cadieux, C., Boucher, A., Bourrier, V., Deibert, E. K., Pelletier, S., Radica, M., Benneke, B., Carmona, A., Cloutier, R., Cowan, N. B., Delfosse, X., Donati, J.-F., Doyon, R., Figueira, P., Forveille, T., Fouqué, P., Gaidos, E., Gu, P.-G., Hébrard, G., Kiefer, F., Kóspál, Á., Jayawardhana, R., Martioli, E., Dos Santos, L. A., Shang, H., Turner, J. D. and Vidotto, A. A.: Homogeneous search for helium in the atmosphere of 11 gas giant exoplanets with SPIRou. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A164 (2023)
Álvarez-Márquez, J., Crespo Gómez, A., Colina, L., Neeleman, M., Walter, F., Labiano, A., Pérez-González, P., Bik, A., Noorgaard-Nielsen, H. U., Ostlin, G., Wright, G., Alonso-Herrero, A., Azollini, R., Caputi, K. I., Eckart, A., Le Fèvre, O., García-Marín, M., Greve, T. R., Hjorth, J., Ilbert, O., Kendrew, S., Pye, J. P., Tikkanen, T., Topinka, M., van der Werf, P., Ward, M., van Dishoeck, E. F., Güdel, M., Henning, T., Lagage, P. O., Ray, T. and Waelkens, C.: MIRI/JWST observations reveal an extremely obscured starburst in the z = 6.9 system SPT0311-58. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, A105 (2023)
Amaro-Seoane, P., Andrews, J., Arca Sedda, M., Askar, A., Baghi, Q., Balasov, R., Bartos, I., Bavera, S. S., Bellovary, J., Berry, C. P. L., Berti, E., Bianchi, S., Blecha, L., Blondin, S., Bogdanović, T., Boissier, S., Bonetti, M., Bonoli, S., Bortolas, E., Breivik, K., Capelo, P. R., Caramete, L., Cattorini, F., Charisi, M., Chaty, S., Chen, X., Chruślińska, M., Chua, A. J. K., Church, R., Colpi, M., D'Orazio, D., Danielski, C., Davies, M. B., Dayal, P., De Rosa, A., Derdzinski, A., Destounis, K., Dotti, M., Dutan, I., Dvorkin, I., Fabj, G., Foglizzo, T., Ford, S., Fouvry, J.-B., Franchini, A., Fragos, T., Fryer, C., Gaspari, M., Gerosa, D., Graziani, L., Groot, P., Habouzit, M., Haggard, D., Haiman, Z., Han, W.-B., Istrate, A., Johansson, P. H., Khan, F. M., Kimpson, T., Kokkotas, K., Kong, A., Korol, V., Kremer, K., Kupfer, T., Lamberts, A., Larson, S., Lau, M., Liu, D., Lloyd-Ronning, N., Lodato, G., Lupi, A., Ma, C.-P., Maccarone, T., Mandel, I., Mangiagli, A., Mapelli, M., Mathis, S., Mayer, L., McGee, S., McKernan, B., Miller, M. C., Mota, D. F., Mumpower, M., Nasim, S. S., Nelemans, G., Noble, S., Pacucci, F., Panessa, F., Paschalidis, V., Pfister, H., Porquet, D., Quenby, J., Ricarte, A., Röpke, F. K., Regan, J., Rosswog, S., Ruiter, A., Ruiz, M., Runnoe, J., Schneider, R., Schnittman, J., Secunda, A., Sesana, A., Seto, N., Shao, L., Shapiro, S., Sopuerta, C., Stone, N. C., Suvorov, A., Tamanini, N., Tamfal, T., Tauris, T., Temmink, K., Tomsick, J., Toonen, S., Torres-Orjuela, A., Toscani, M., Tsokaros, A., Unal, C., Vázquez-Aceves, V., Valiante, R., van Putten, M., van Roestel, J., Vignali, C., Volonteri, M., Wu, K., Younsi, Z., Yu, S., Zane, S., Zwick, L., Antonini, F., Baibhav, V., Barausse, E., Bonilla Rivera, A., Branchesi, M., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Burdge, K., Chakraborty, S., Cuadra, J., Dage, K., Davis, B., de Mink, S. E., Decarli, R., Doneva, D., Escoffier, S., Gandhi, P., Haardt, F., Lousto, C. O., Nissanke, S., Nordhaus, J., O'Shaughnessy, R., Portegies Zwart, S., Pound, A., Schussler, F., Sergijenko, O., Spallicci, A., Vernieri, D. and Vigna-Gómez, A.: Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. Living Reviews in Relativity 26, 2 (2023)
Andreu, A., Coutens, A., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Houry, N., Jørgensen, J. K., Kóspál, A. and Harsono, D.: A high HDO/H2O ratio in the Class I protostar L1551 IRS5. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, L17 (2023)
Argyriou, I., Lage, C., Rieke, G. H., Gasman, D., Bouwman, J., Morrison, J., Libralato, M., Dicken, D., Brandl, B. R., Álvarez-Márquez, J., Labiano, A., Regan, M. and Ressler, M. E.: The brighter-fatter effect in the JWST MIRI Si:As IBC detectors. I. Observations, impact on science, and modeling. Astronomy and Astrophysics 680, A96 (2023)
Armeni, A., Stelzer, B., Claes, R. A. B., Manara, C. F., Frasca, A., Alcalá, J. M., Walter, F. M., Kóspál, Á., Campbell-White, J., Gangi, M., Mauco, K. and Tychoniec, L.: PENELLOPE. V. The magnetospheric structure and the accretion variability of the classical T Tauri star HM Lup. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A14 (2023)
Arulanantham, N., Gronke, M., Fiorellino, E., Gameiro, J. F., Frasca, A., Green, J., Chang, S.-J., Claes, R. A. B., Espaillat, C. C., France, K., Herczeg, G. J., Manara, C. F., Venuti, L., Ábrahám, P., Alexander, R., Bouvier, J., Campbell-White, J., Eislöffel, J., Fischer, W. J., Kóspál, Á. and Vioque, M.: Lyα Scattering Models Trace Accretion and Outflow Kinematics in T Tauri Systems. The Astrophysical Journal 944, 185 (2023)
Backs, F., Poorta, J., Rab, C., Derkink, A. R., de Koter, A., Kaper, L., Ramírez-Tannus, M. C. and Kamp, I.: Massive pre-main-sequence stars in M17. Modelling hydrogen and dust in MYSO disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, A13 (2023)
Barbato, D., Ségransan, D., Udry, S., Unger, N., Bouchy, F., Lovis, C., Mayor, M., Pepe, F., Queloz, D., Santos, N. C., Delisle, J. B., Figueira, P., Marmier, M., Matthews, E. C., Lo Curto, G., Venturini, J., Chaverot, G., Cretignier, M., Otegi, J. F. and Stalport, M.: The CORALIE survey for southern extrasolar planets. XIX. Brown dwarfs and stellar companions unveiled by radial velocity and astrometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A114 (2023)
Barnes, A. T., Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Tan, J. C., Bigiel, F., Caselli, P., Cosentino, G., Fontani, F., Henshaw, J. D., Jiménez-Serra, I., Kalb, D.-S., Law, C. Y., Longmore, S. N., Parker, R. J., Pineda, J. E., Sánchez-Monge, A., Lim, W. and Wang, K.: Mother of dragons. A massive, quiescent core in the dragon cloud (IRDC G028.37+00.07). Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A53 (2023)
Bello-García, A., Passegger, V. M., Ordieres-Meré, J., Schweitzer, A., Caballero, J. A., González-Marcos, A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Béjar, V. J. S., Cifuentes, C., Henning, T., Kaminski, A., Luque, R., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Pedraz, S., Tabernero, H. M. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. A deep transfer learning method to determine Teff and [M/H] of target stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, A105 (2023)
Bergez-Casalou, C., Bitsch, B. and Raymond, S. N.: Simultaneous gas accretion onto a pair of giant planets: Impact on their final mass and on the protoplanetary disk structure. Astronomy and Astrophysics 669, A129 (2023)
Betti, S. K., Follette, K. B., Ward-Duong, K., Peck, A. E., Aoyama, Y., Bary, J., Dacus, B., Edwards, S., Marleau, G.-D., Mohamed, K., Palmo, J., Plunkett, C., Robinson, C. and Wang, H.: The Comprehensive Archive of Substellar and Planetary Accretion Rates. The Astronomical Journal 166, 262 (2023)
Beuther, H., van Dishoeck, E. F., Tychoniec, L., Gieser, C., Kavanagh, P. J., Perotti, G., van Gelder, M. L., Klaassen, P., Caratti o Garatti, A., Francis, L., Rocha, W. R. M., Slavicinska, K., Ray, T., Justtanont, K., Linnartz, H., Waelkens, C., Colina, L., Greve, T., Güdel, M., Henning, T., Lagage, P.-O., Vandenbussche, B., Östlin, G. and Wright, G.: JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS). Outflows and accretion in the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23385+6053. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, A121 (2023)
Bitsch, B. and Izidoro, A.: Giants are bullies: How their growth influences systems of inner sub-Neptunes and super-Earths. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A178 (2023)
Bitsch, B. and Mah, J.: Enriching inner discs and giant planets with heavy elements. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A11 (2023)
Blanco-Pozo, J., Perger, M., Damasso, M., Anglada Escudé, G., Ribas, I., Baroch, D., Caballero, J. A., Cifuentes, C., Jeffers, S. V., Lafarga, M., Kaminski, A., Kaur, S., Nagel, E., Perdelwitz, V., Pérez-Torres, M., Sozzetti, A., Viganò, D., Amado, P. J., Andreuzzi, G., Béjar, V. J. S., Brown, E. L., Del Sordo, F., Dreizler, S., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Hatzes, A. P., Kürster, M., Lanza, A. F., Melis, A., Molinari, E., Montes, D., Murgia, M., Pallé, E., Peña-Moñino, L., Perrodin, D., Pilia, M., Poretti, E., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A., Schweitzer, A., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. A long-period planet around GJ 1151 measured with CARMENES and HARPS-N data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, A50 (2023)
Blunt, S., Balmer, W. O., Wang, J. J., Lacour, S., Petrus, S., Bourdarot, G., Kammerer, J., Pourré, N., Rickman, E., Shangguan, J., Winterhalder, T., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Benisty, M., Berger, J.-P., Beust, H., Boccaletti, A., Bohn, A., Bonnefoy, M., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Caselli, P., Charnay, B., Chauvin, G., Chavez, A., Choquet, E., Christiaens, V., Clénet, Y., Du Foresto, V. C., Cridland, A., Dembet, R., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Feuchtgruber, H., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Girard, J. H., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hinkley, S., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Houllé, M., Hubert, Z., Jocou, L., Keppler, M., Kervella, P., Kreidberg, L., Lagrange, A.-M., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Maire, A.-L., Mang, F., Marleau, G.-D., Mérand, A., Mollière, P., Monnier, J. D., Mordasini, C., Mouillet, D., Nasedkin, E., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Otten, G. P. P. L., Paladini, C., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Pueyo, L., Rameau, J., Rodet, L., Rustamkulov, Z., Shimizu, T., Sing, D., Stolker, T., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., van Dishoeck, E. F., Vigan, A., Vincent, F., Ward-Duong, K., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S., Young, A. and Exogravity Collaboration: First VLTI/GRAVITY Observations of HIP 65426 b: Evidence for a Low or Moderate Orbital Eccentricity. The Astronomical Journal 166, 257 (2023)
Bourdarot, G., Berger, J.-P., Lesur, G., Perraut, K., Malbet, F., Millan-Gabet, R., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Garcia-Lopez, R., Monnier, J. D., Labdon, A., Kraus, S., Labadie, L. and Aarnio, A.: FU Orionis disk outburst: Evidence for a gravitational instability scenario triggered in a magnetically dead zone. Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, A124 (2023)
Bouwman, J., Kendrew, S., Greene, T. P., Bell, T. J., Lagage, P.-O., Schreiber, J., Dicken, D., Sloan, G. C., Espinoza, N., Scheithauer, S., Coulais, A., Fox, O. D., Gastaud, R., Glauser, A. M., Jones, O. C., Labiano, A., Lahuis, F., Morrison, J. E., Murray, K., Mueller, M., Nayak, O., Wright, G. S., Glasse, A. and Rieke, G.: Spectroscopic Time Series Performance of the Mid-infrared Instrument on the JWST. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135, 038002 (2023)
Bozhilov, V., Antonova, D., Hobson, M. J., Brahm, R., Jordán, A., Henning, T., Eberhardt, J., Rojas, F. I., Batygin, K., Torres-Miranda, P., Stassun, K. G., Millholland, S. C., Stoeva, D., Minev, M., Espinoza, N., Ricker, G. R., Latham, D. W., Dragomir, D., Kunimoto, M., Jenkins, J. M., Ting, E. B., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Villasenor, J. N., Bouma, L. G., Medina, J. and Trifonov, T.: A 2:1 Mean-motion Resonance Super-Jovian Pair Revealed by TESS, FEROS, and HARPS. The Astrophysical Journal 946, L36 (2023)
Brahm, R., Ulmer-Moll, S., Hobson, M. J., Jordán, A., Henning, T., Trifonov, T., Jones, M. I., Schlecker, M., Espinoza, N., Rojas, F. I., Torres, P., Sarkis, P., Tala, M., Eberhardt, J., Kossakowski, D., Muñoz, D. J., Hartman, J. D., Boyle, G., Suc, V., Bouchy, F., Deline, A., Chaverot, G., Grieves, N., Lendl, M., Suarez, O., Guillot, T., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Crouzet, N., Dransfield, G., Cloutier, R., Barkaoui, K., Schwarz, R. P., Stockdale, C., Harris, M., Mireles, I., Evans, P., Mann, A. W., Ziegler, C., Dragomir, D., Villanueva, S., Mordasini, C., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Vezie, M., Youngblood, A., Daylan, T., Collins, K. A., Caldwell, D. A., Ciardi, D. R., Palle, E. and Murgas, F.: Three Long-period Transiting Giant Planets from TESS. The Astronomical Journal 165, 227 (2023)
Brandner, W., Calissendorff, P. and Kopytova, T.: Astrophysical Properties of 600 Bona Fide Single Stars in the Hyades Open Cluster. The Astronomical Journal 165, 108 (2023)
Brandner, W., Calissendorff, P. and Kopytova, T.: Benchmarking Gaia DR3 Apsis with the Hyades and Pleiades open clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A162 (2023)
Brandner, W., Calissendorff, P. and Kopytova, T.: Benchmarking MESA isochrones against the Hyades single star sequence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518, 662-668 (2023)
Burdge, K. B., El-Badry, K., Rappaport, S., Sunny Wong, T. L., Bauer, E. B., Bildsten, L., Caiazzo, I., Chakrabarty, D., Chickles, E., Graham, M. J., Kara, E., Kulkarni, S. R., Marsh, T. R., Nynka, M., Prince, T. A., Simcoe, R. A., van Roestel, J., Vanderbosch, Z., Bellm, E. C., Dekany, R. G., Drake, A. J., Helou, G., Masci, F. J., Milburn, J., Riddle, R., Rusholme, B. and Smith, R.: Orbital Decay in an Accreting and Eclipsing 13.7 Minute Orbital Period Binary with a Luminous Donor. The Astrophysical Journal 953, L1 (2023)
Burns, R. A., Uno, Y., Sakai, N., Blanchard, J., Rosli, Z., Orosz, G., Yonekura, Y., Tanabe, Y., Sugiyama, K., Hirota, T., Kim, K.-T., Aberfelds, A., Volvach, A. E., Bartkiewicz, A., Caratti o Garatti, A., Sobolev, A. M., Stecklum, B., Brogan, C., Phillips, C., Ladeyschikov, D. A., Johnstone, D., Surcis, G., MacLeod, G. C., Linz, H., Chibueze, J. O., Brand, J., Eislöffel, J., Hyland, L., Uscanga, L., Olech, M., Durjasz, M., Bayandina, O., Breen, S., Ellingsen, S. P., van den Heever, S. P., Hunter, T. R. and Chen, X.: A Keplerian disk with a four-arm spiral birthing an episodically accreting high-mass protostar. Nature Astronomy 7, 557-568 (2023)
Burssens, S., Bowman, D. M., Michielsen, M., Simón-Díaz, S., Aerts, C., Vanlaer, V., Banyard, G., Nardetto, N., Townsend, R. H. D., Handler, G., Mombarg, J. S. G., Vanderspek, R. and Ricker, G.: A calibration point for stellar evolution from massive star asteroseismology. Nature Astronomy 7, 913-930 (2023)
Cabral, N., Guilbert-Lepoutre, A., Bitsch, B., Lagarde, N. and Diakite, S.: How the origin of stars in the Galaxy impacts the composition of planetary building blocks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, A117 (2023)
Callanan, D., Longmore, S. N., Battersby, C., Hatchfield, H. P., Walker, D. L., Henshaw, J., Keto, E., Barnes, A., Ginsburg, A., Kauffmann, J., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Lu, X., Mills, E. A. C., Pillai, T., Zhang, Q., Bally, J., Butterfield, N., Contreras, Y. A., Ho, L. C., Immer, K., Johnston, K. G., Ott, J., Patel, N. and Tolls, V.: CMZoom III: Spectral line data release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 4760-4778 (2023)
Campbell, H., Khilfeh, E., Covey, K. R., Kounkel, M., Ballantyne, R., Corey, S., Román-Zúñiga, C. G., Hernández, J., Manzo Martínez, E., Peña Ramírez, K., Roman-Lopes, A., Stassun, K. G., Stringfellow, G. S., Borissova, J., Chojnowski, S. D., Ramírez-Preciado, V., Kim, J. S., Serna, J., Stutz, A. M., López-Valdivia, R., Suárez, G., Ybarra, J. E., Longa-Peña, P. and Fernández-Trincado, J. G.: Pre-main-sequence Brackett Emitters in the APOGEE DR17 Catalog: Line Strengths and Physical Properties of Accretion Columns. The Astrophysical Journal 942, 22 (2023)
Campbell-White, J., Manara, C. F., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Frasca, A., Nielsen, L. D., Christian Schneider, P., Nisini, B., Bayo, A., Ercolano, B., Ábrahám, P., Claes, R., Fang, M., Fedele, D., Gameiro, J. F., Gangi, M., Kóspál, Á., Maucó, K., Petr-Gotzens, M. G., Rigliaco, E., Robinson, C., Siwak, M., Tychoniec, L. and Venuti, L.: Empirical determination of the lithium 6707.856 Å wavelength in young stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, A80 (2023)
Campion, S., Uribe-Suárez, J. D., Melon Fuksman, J. D. and Rueda, J. A.: MeV, GeV and TeV Neutrinos from Binary-Driven Hypernovae. Symmetry 15, 412 (2023)
Cannon, E., Montargès, M., de Koter, A., Matter, A., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Norris, R., Paladini, C., Decin, L., Sana, H., Sundqvist, J. O., Lagadec, E., Kervella, P., Chiavassa, A., Dupree, A. K., Perrin, G., Scicluna, P., Stee, P., Kraus, S., Danchi, W., Lopez, B., Millour, F., Drevon, J., Cruzalèbes, P., Berio, P., Robbe-Dubois, S. and Rosales-Guzman, A.: The dusty circumstellar environment of Betelgeuse during the Great Dimming as seen by VLTI/MATISSE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A46 (2023)
Cataldi, G., Aikawa, Y., Iwasaki, K., Marino, S., Brandeker, A., Hales, A., Henning, T., Higuchi, A. E., Hughes, A. M., Janson, M., Kral, Q., Matrà, L., Moór, A., Olofsson, G., Redfield, S. and Roberge, A.: Primordial or Secondary? Testing Models of Debris Disk Gas with ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal 951, 111 (2023)
Changala, P. B., Chen, N. L., Le, H. L., Gans, B., Steenbakkers, K., Salomon, T., Bonah, L., Schroetter, I., Canin, A., Martin-Drumel, M.-A., Jacovella, U., Dartois, E., Boyé-Péronne, S., Alcaraz, C., Asvany, O., Brünken, S., Thorwirth, S., Schlemmer, S., Goicoechea, J. R., Rouillé, G., Sidhu, A., Chown, R., Van De Putte, D., Trahin, B., Alarcón, F., Berné, O., Habart, E. and Peeters, E.: Astronomical CH3+ rovibrational assignments. A combined theoretical and experimental study validating observational findings in the d203-506 UV-irradiated protoplanetary disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 680, A19 (2023)
Chen, N. M., Tucker, M. A., Hoyer, N., Jha, S. W., Kwok, L. A., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Ashall, C., Anand, G., Bigiel, F., Boquien, M., Burns, C., Dale, D., DerKacy, J. M., Egorov, O. V., Galbany, L., Grasha, K., Hassani, H., Hoeflich, P., Hsiao, E., Klessen, R. S., Lopez, L. A., Lu, J., Morrell, N., Orellana, M., Pinna, F., Sarbadhicary, S. K., Schinnerer, E., Shahbandeh, M., Stritzinger, M., Thilker, D. A. and Williams, T. G.: Serendipitous Nebular-phase JWST Imaging of SN Ia SN 2021aefx: Testing the Confinement of 56Co Decay Energy. The Astrophysical Journal 944, L28 (2023)
Chiang, I.-D., Hirashita, H., Chastenet, J., Koch, E. W., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Sandstrom, K. M., Sardone, A., Sun, J. and Williams, T. G.: Kpc-scale properties of dust temperature in terms of dust mass and star formation activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 5506-5520 (2023)
Chomez, A., Squicciarini, V., Lagrange, A.-M., Delorme, P., Viswanath, G., Janson, M., Flasseur, O., Chauvin, G., Langlois, M., Rubini, P., Bergeon, S., Albert, D., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Engler, N., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Mamajek, E. E., Marleau, G.-D., Meyer, M. R., Reffert, S., Ringqvist, S. C. and Samland, M.: An imaged 15 MJup companion within a hierarchical quadruple system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, L10 (2023)
Chuang, K.-J., Fedoseev, G., Qasim, D., Ioppolo, S., Jäger, C., Henning, T., Palumbo, M. E., van Dishoeck, E. F. and Linnartz, H.: Formation of Complex Molecules in the Translucent Phase via "non-energetic" Processing on C2H2 Ice. European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics ECLA2020. The Interplay of Dust, 29-34 (2023)
Chuang, K.-J., Jäger, C., Sie, N.-E., Huang, C.-H., Lee, C.-Y., Hsu, Y.-Y., Henning, T. and Chen, Y.-J.: Interstellar Carbonaceous Dust Erosion Induced by X-Ray Irradiation of Water Ice in Star-forming Regions. The Astrophysical Journal 956, 57 (2023)
Cilibrasi, M., Flock, M. and Szulágyi, J.: Meridional circulation driven by planetary spiral wakes in radiative and magnetized protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523, 2039-2058 (2023)
Colina, L., Crespo Gómez, A., Álvarez-Márquez, J., Bik, A., Walter, F., Boogaard, L., Labiano, A., Peissker, F., Pérez-González, P., Östlin, G., Greve, T. R., Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., Wright, G., Alonso-Herrero, A., Azollini, R., Caputi, K. I., Dicken, D., García-Marín, M., Hjorth, J., Ilbert, O., Kendrew, S., Pye, J. P., Tikkanen, T., van der Werf, P., Costantin, L., Iani, E., Gillman, S., Jermann, I., Langeroodi, D., Moutard, T., Rinaldi, P., Topinka, M., van Dishoeck, E. F., Güdel, M., Henning, T., Lagage, P. O., Ray, T. and Vandenbussche, B.: Uncovering the stellar structure of the dusty star-forming galaxy GN20 at z = 4.055 with MIRI/JWST. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, L6 (2023)
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Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Kóspál, Á., Abrahám, P., Claes, R. A. B., Manara, C. F., Wendeborn, J., Fiorellino, E., Giannini, T., Nisini, B., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Campbell-White, J., Alcalá, J. M., Banzatti, A., Szabó, Z. M., Lykou, F., Antoniucci, S., Varga, J., Siwak, M., Park, S., Nagy, Z. and Kun, M.: Brightness and mass accretion rate evolution during the 2022 burst of EX Lupi. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A88 (2023)
Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Csengeri, T., Fehér, O., Güsten, R. and Henning, T.: An APEX Study of Molecular Outflows in FUor-type Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 945, 80 (2023)
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Demars, D., Bonnefoy, M., Dougados, C., Aoyama, Y., Thanathibodee, T., Marleau, G.-D., Tremblin, P., Delorme, P., Palma-Bifani, P., Petrus, S., Bowler, B. P., Chauvin, G. and Lagrange, A.-M.: Emission line variability of young 10-30 MJup companions. I. The case of GQ Lup b and GSC 06214-00210 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, A123 (2023)
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Dokara, R., Gong, Y., Reich, W., Rugel, M. R., Brunthaler, A., Menten, K. M., Cotton, W. D., Dzib, S. A., Khan, S., Medina, S.-N. X., Nguyen, H., Ortiz-León, G. N., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F., Yang, A. Y., Anderson, L. D., Beuther, H., Csengeri, T., Müller, P., Ott, J., Pandian, J. D. and Roy, N.: A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. VII. Supernova remnants in the Galactic longitude range 28° < l < 36°. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, A145 (2023)
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Edwards, B., Changeat, Q., Tsiaras, A., Allan, A., Behr, P., Hagey, S. R., Himes, M. D., Ma, S., Stassun, K. G., Thomas, L., Thompson, A., Boley, A., Booth, L., Bouwman, J., France, K., Lowson, N., Meech, A., Phillips, C. L., Vidotto, A. A., Yip, K. H., Bieger, M., Gressier, A., Janin, E., Jiang, I.-G., Leonardi, P., Sarkar, S., Skaf, N., Taylor, J., Yang, M. and Ward-Thompson, D.: Characterizing a World Within the Hot-Neptune Desert: Transit Observations of LTT 9779 b with the Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3. The Astronomical Journal 166, 158 (2023)
Edwards, B., Changeat, Q., Tsiaras, A., Yip, K. H., Al-Refaie, A. F., Anisman, L., Bieger, M. F., Gressier, A., Shibata, S., Skaf, N., Bouwman, J., Cho, J. Y.-K., Ikoma, M., Venot, O., Waldmann, I., Lagage, P.-O. and Tinetti, G.: Exploring the Ability of Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 G141 to Uncover Trends in Populations of Exoplanet Atmospheres through a Homogeneous Transmission Survey of 70 Gaseous Planets. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 269, 31 (2023)
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Fiorellino, E., Tychoniec, Ł., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Antoniucci, S., Kóspál, Á., Manara, C. F., Nisini, B. and Rosotti, G.: The Mass Accretion Rate and Stellar Properties in Class I Protostars. The Astrophysical Journal 944, 135 (2023)
Flores-Rivera, L., Flock, M., Kurtovic, N. T., Husemann, B., Banzatti, A., Ringqvist, S. C., Kamann, S., Müller, A., Fendt, C., García Lopez, R., Marleau, G.-D., Henning, T., Carrasco-González, C., van Boekel, R., Keppler, M., Launhardt, R. and Aoyama, Y.: Forbidden emission lines in protostellar outflows and jets with MUSE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A126 (2023)
Franceschi, R., Birnstiel, T., Henning, T. and Sharma, A.: Constraining the turbulence and the dust disk in IM Lup: Onset of planetesimal formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, A125 (2023)
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Fuhrmeister, B., Czesla, S., Perdelwitz, V., Nagel, E., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Jeffers, S. V., Caballero, J. A., Zechmeister, M., Montes, D., Reiners, A., López-Gallifa, Á., Ribas, I., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Béjar, V. J. S., Danielski, C., Hatzes, A. P., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Morales, J. C. and Zapatero Osorio, M. R.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Variability on long timescales as seen in chromospheric indicators. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A71 (2023)
Fuhrmeister, B., Czesla, S., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Schneider, P. C., Caballero, J. A., Jeffers, S. V., Nagel, E., Montes, D., Gálvez Ortiz, M. C., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Henning, T., Lodieu, N., Martín-Fernández, P., Morales, J. C., Schöfer, P., Seifert, W. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Behaviour of the Paschen lines during flares and quiescence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A1 (2023)
Gangi, M., Nisini, B., Manara, C. F., France, K., Antoniucci, S., Biazzo, K., Giannini, T., Herczeg, G. J., Alcalá, J. M., Frasca, A., Maucó, K., Campbell-White, J., Siwak, M., Venuti, L., Schneider, P. C., Kóspál, Á., Caratti o Garatti, A., Fiorellino, E., Rigliaco, E. and Yadav, R. K.: PENELLOPE. IV. A comparison between optical forbidden lines and H2 UV lines in the Orion OB1b and σ-Ori associations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A153 (2023)
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B., Hylan, J. E., Ignat, L. I., Illingworth, G., Irish, S. M., Isaacs, J. C., III, Jackson, W. C., Jr., Jaffe, D. T., Jahic, J., Jahromi, A., Jakobsen, P., James, B., James, J. C., James, L. R., Jamieson, W. B., Jandra, R. D., Jayawardhana, R., Jedrzejewski, R., Jeffers, B. S., Jensen, P., Joanne, E., Johns, A. T., Johnson, C. A., Johnson, E. L., Johnson, P., Johnson, P. S., Johnson, T. K., Johnson, T. W., Johnstone, D., Jollet, D., Jones, D. P., Jones, G. S., Jones, O. C., Jones, R. A., Jones, V., Jordan, I. J., Jordan, M. E., Jue, R., Jurkowski, M. H., Justis, G., Justtanont, K., Kaleida, C. C., Kalirai, J. S., Kalmanson, P. C., Kaltenegger, L., Kammerer, J., Kan, S. K., Kanarek, G. C., Kao, S.-H., Karakla, D. M., Karl, H., Kassin, S. A., Kauffman, D. D., Kavanagh, P., Kelley, L. L., Kelly, D. M., Kendrew, S., Kennedy, H. V., Kenny, D. A., Keski-Kuha, R. A., Keyes, C. D., Khan, A., Kidwell, R. C., Kimble, R. A., King, J. S., King, R. C., Kinzel, W. M., Kirk, J. R., Kirkpatrick, M. E., Klaassen, P., Klingemann, L., Klintworth, P. U., Knapp, B. A., Knight, S., Knollenberg, P. J., Knutsen, D. M., Koehler, R., Koekemoer, A. M., Kofler, E. T., Kontson, V. L., Kovacs, A. R., Kozhurina-Platais, V., Krause, O., Kriss, G. A., Krist, J., Kristoffersen, M. R., Krogel, C., Krueger, A. P., Kulp, B. A., Kumari, N., Kwan, S. W., Kyprianou, M., Labador, A. G., Labiano, Á., Lafrenière, D., Lagage, P.-O., Laidler, V. G., Laine, B., Laird, S., Lajoie, C.-P., Lallo, M. D., Lam, M. Y., LaMassa, S. M., Lambros, S. D., Lampenfield, R. J., Lander, M. E., Langston, J. H., Larson, K., Larson, M., LaVerghetta, R. J., Law, D. R., Lawrence, J. F., Lee, D. W., Lee, J., Lee, Y.-N. P., Leisenring, J., Leveille, M. D., Levenson, N. A., Levi, J. S., Levine, M. B., Lewis, D., Lewis, J., Lewis, N., Libralato, M., Lidon, N., Liebrecht, P. L., Lightsey, P., Lilly, S., Lim, F. C., Lim, P. L., Ling, S.-K., Link, L. J., Link, M. N., Lipinski, J. L., Liu, X., Lo, A. S., Lobmeyer, L., Logue, R. M., Long, C. A., Long, D. R., Long, I. D., Long, K. S., López-Caniego, M., Lotz, J. M., Love-Pruitt, J. M., Lubskiy, M., Luers, E. B., Luetgens, R. A., Luevano, A. J., Lui, S. M. G. F., Lund, J. M., III, Lundquist, R. A., Lunine, J., Lützgendorf, N., Lynch, R. J., MacDonald, A. J., MacDonald, K., Macias, M. J., Macklis, K. I., Maghami, P., Maharaja, R. Y., Maiolino, R., Makrygiannis, K. G., Malla, S. G., Malumuth, E. M., Manjavacas, E., Marini, A., Marrione, A., Marston, A., Martel, A. R., Martin, D., Martin, P. G., Martinez, K. L., Maschmann, M., Masci, G. L., Masetti, M. E., Maszkiewicz, M., Matthews, G., Matuskey, J. E., McBrayer, G. A., McCarthy, D. W., McCaughrean, M. J., McClare, L. A., McClare, M. D., McCloskey, J. C., McClurg, T. D., McCoy, M., McElwain, M. W., McGregor, R. D., McGuffey, D. B., McKay, A. G., McKenzie, W. K., McLean, B., McMaster, M., McNeil, W., De Meester, W., Mehalick, K. L., Meixner, M., Meléndez, M., Menzel, M. P., Menzel, M. T., Merz, M., Mesterharm, D. D., Meyer, M. R., Meyett, M. L., Meza, L. E., Midwinter, C., Milam, S. N., Miller, J. T., Miller, W. C., Miskey, C. L., Misselt, K., Mitchell, E. P., Mohan, M., Montoya, E. E., Moran, M. J., Morishita, T., Moro-Martín, A., Morrison, D. L., Morrison, J., Morse, E. C., Moschos, M., Moseley, S. H., Mosier, G. E., Mosner, P., Mountain, M., Muckenthaler, J. S., Mueller, D. G., Mueller, M., Muhiem, D., Mühlmann, P., Mullally, S. E., Mullen, S. M., Munger, A. J., Murphy, J., Murray, K. T., Muzerolle, J. C., Mycroft, M., Myers, A., Myers, C. R., Myers, F. R. R., Myers, R., Myrick, K., Nagle, A. F., IV, Nayak, O., Naylor, B., Neff, S. G., Nelan, E. P., Nella, J., Nguyen, D. T., Nguyen, M. N., Nickson, B., Nidhiry, J. J., Niedner, M. B., Nieto-Santisteban, M., Nikolov, N. K., Nishisaka, M. A., Noriega-Crespo, A., Nota, A., O'Mara, R. C., Oboryshko, M., O'Brien, M. B., Ochs, W. R., Offenberg, J. D., Ogle, P. M., Ohl, R. G., Olmsted, J. H., Osborne, S. B., O'Shaughnessy, B. P., Östlin, G., O'Sullivan, B., Otor, O. J., Ottens, R., Ouellette, N. N.-Q., Outlaw, D. J., Owens, B. A., Pacifici, C., Page, J. C., Paranilam, J. G., Park, S., Parrish, K. A., Paschal, L., Patapis, P., Patel, J., Patrick, K., Pattishall, R. A., Jr., Paul, D. W., Paul, S. J., Pauly, T. A., Pavlovsky, C. M., Peña-Guerrero, M., Pedder, A. H., Peek, M. W., Pelham, P. A., Penanen, K., Perriello, B. A., Perrin, M. D., Perrine, R. F., Perrygo, C., Peslier, M., Petach, M., Peterson, K. A., Pfarr, T., Pierson, J. M., Pietraszkiewicz, M., Pilchen, G., Pipher, J. L., Pirzkal, N., Pitman, J. T., Player, D. M., Plesha, R., Plitzke, A., Pohner, J. A., Poletis, K. K., Pollizzi, J. A., Polster, E., Pontius, J. T., Pontoppidan, K., Porges, S. C., Potter, G. D., Prescott, S., Proffitt, C. R., Pueyo, L., Quispe Neira, I. A., Radich, A., Rager, R. T., Rameau, J., Ramey, D. D., Ramos Alarcon, R., Rampini, R., Rapp, R., Rashford, R. A., Rauscher, B. J., Ravindranath, S., Rawle, T., Rawlings, T. N., Ray, T., Regan, M. W., Rehm, B., Rehm, K. D., Reid, N., Reis, C. A., Renk, F., Reoch, T. B., Ressler, M., Rest, A. W., Reynolds, P. J., Richon, J. G., Richon, K. V., Ridgaway, M., Riedel, A. R., Rieke, G. H., Rieke, M. J., Rifelli, R. E., Rigby, J. R., Riggs, C. S., Ringel, N. J., Ritchie, C. E., Rix, H.-W., Robberto, M., Robinson, G. L., Robinson, M. S., Robinson, O., Rock, F. W., Rodriguez, D. R., Rodríguez del Pino, B., Roellig, T., Rohrbach, S. O., Roman, A. J., Romelfanger, F. J., Romo, F. P., Jr., Rosales, J. J., Rose, P., Roteliuk, A. F., Roth, M. N., Rothwell, B. Q., Rouzaud, S., Rowe, J., Rowlands, N., Roy, A., Royer, P., Rui, C., Rumler, P., Rumpl, W., Russ, M. L., Ryan, M. B., Ryan, R. M., Saad, K., Sabata, M., Sabatino, R., Sabbi, E., Sabelhaus, P. A., Sabia, S., Sahu, K. C., Saif, B. N., Salvignol, J.-C., Samara-Ratna, P., Samuelson, B. S., Sanders, F. A., Sappington, B., Sargent, B. A., Sauer, A., Savadkin, B. J., Sawicki, M., Schappell, T. M., Scheffer, C., Scheithauer, S., Scherer, R., Schiff, C., Schlawin, E., Schmeitzky, O., Schmitz, T. S., Schmude, D. J., Schneider, A., Schreiber, J., Schroeven-Deceuninck, H., Schultz, J. J., Schwab, R., Schwartz, C. H., Scoccimarro, D., Scott, J. F., Scott, M. B., Seaton, B. L., Seely, B. S., Seery, B., Seidleck, M., Sembach, K., Shanahan, C. E., Shaughnessy, B., Shaw, R. A., Shay, C. M., Sheehan, E., Sheth, K., Shih, H.-Y., Shivaei, I., Siegel, N., Sienkiewicz, M. G., Simmons, D. D., Simon, B. P., Sirianni, M., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Slade, J. E., Sloan, G. C., Slocum, C. E., Slowinski, S. E., Smith, C. T., Smith, E. P., Smith, E. C., Smith, K., Smith, R., Smith, S. J., Smolik, J. L., Soderblom, D. R., Sohn, S. T., Sokol, J., Sonneborn, G., Sontag, C. D., Sooy, P. R., Soummer, R., Southwood, D. M., Spain, K., Sparmo, J., Speer, D. T., Spencer, R., Sprofera, J. D., Stallcup, S. S., Stanley, M. K., Stansberry, J. A., Stark, C. C., Starr, C. W., Stassi, D. Y., Steck, J. A., Steeley, C. D., Stephens, M. A., Stephenson, R. J., Stewart, A. C., Stiavelli, M., , S., Hervey Jr., Strada, P., Straughn, A. N., Streetman, S., Strickland, D. K., Strobele, J. F., Stuhlinger, M., Stys, J. E., Such, M., Sukhatme, K., Sullivan, J. F., Sullivan, P. C., Sumner, S. M., Sun, F., Sunnquist, B. D., Swade, D. A., Swam, M. S., Swenton, D. F., Swoish, R. A., Tam Litten, O. I., Tamas, L., Tao, A., Taylor, D. K., Taylor, J. M., te Plate, M., Van Tea, M., Teague, K. K., Telfer, R. C., Temim, T., Texter, S. C., Thatte, D. G., Thompson, C. L., Thompson, L. M., Thomson, S. R., Thronson, H., Tierney, C. M., Tikkanen, T., Tinnin, L., Tippet, W. T., Todd, C. W., Tran, H. D., Trauger, J., Trejo, E. G., Vinh Truong, J. H., Tsukamoto, C. L., Tufail, Y., Tumlinson, J., Tustain, S., Tyra, H., Ubeda, L., Underwood, K., Uzzo, M. A., Vaclavik, S., Valenduc, F., Valenti, J. A., Van Campen, J., van de Wetering, I., Van Der Marel, R. P., van Haarlem, R., Vandenbussche, B., van Dishoeck, E. F., Vanterpool, D. D., Vernoy, M. R., Vila Costas, M. B., Volk, K., Voorzaat, P., Voyton, M. F., Vydra, E., Waddy, D. J., Waelkens, C., Wahlgren, G. M., Walker, F. E., Jr., Wander, M., Warfield, C. K., Warner, G., Wasiak, F. C., Wasiak, M. F., Wehner, J., Weiler, K. R., Weilert, M., Weiss, S. B., Wells, M., Welty, A. D., Wheate, L., Wheeler, T. P., White, C. L., Whitehouse, P., Whiteleather, J. M., Whitman, W. R., Williams, C. C., Willmer, C. N. A., Willott, C. J., Willoughby, S. P., Wilson, A., Wilson, D., Wilson, D. V., Windhorst, R., Wislowski, E. C., Wolfe, D. J., Wolfe, M. A., Wolff, S., Wondel, A., Woo, C., Woods, R. T., Worden, E., Workman, W., Wright, G. S., Wu, C., Wu, C.-R., Wun, D. D., Wymer, K. B., Yadetie, T., Yan, I. C., Yang, K. C., Yates, K. L., Yeager, C. R., Yerger, E. J., Young, E. T., Young, G., Yu, G., Yu, S., Zak, D. S., Zeidler, P., Zepp, R., Zhou, J., Zincke, C. A., Zonak, S. and Zondag, E.: The James Webb Space Telescope Mission. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135, 068001 (2023)
Gasman, D., van Dishoeck, E. F., Grant, S. L., Temmink, M., Tabone, B., Henning, T., Kamp, I., Güdel, M., Lagage, P.-O., Perotti, G., Christiaens, V., Samland, M., Arabhavi, A. M., Argyriou, I., Abergel, A., Absil, O., Barrado, D., Boccaletti, A., Bouwman, J., Caratti o Garatti, A., Geers, V., Glauser, A. M., Guadarrama, R., Jang, H., Kanwar, J., Lahuis, F., Morales-Calderón, M., Mueller, M., Nehmé, C., Olofsson, G., Pantin, É., Pawellek, N., Ray, T. P., Rodgers-Lee, D., Scheithauer, S., Schreiber, J., Schwarz, K., Vandenbussche, B., Vlasblom, M., Waters, R. L. B. F. M., Wright, G., Colina, L., Greve, T. R. and Östlin, G.: MINDS. Abundant water and varying C/O across the disk of Sz 98 as seen by JWST/MIRI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A117 (2023)
Gavras, P., Rimoldini, L., Nienartowicz, K., de Fombelle, G. J., Holl, B., Ábrahám, P., Audard, M., Carnerero, M. I., Clementini, G., De Ridder, J., Distefano, E., Garcia-Lario, P., Garofalo, A., Kóspál, Á., Kruszyńska, K., Kun, M., Lecoeur-Taïbi, I., Marton, G., Mazeh, T., Mowlavi, N., Raiteri, C. M., Ripepi, V., Szabados, L., Zucker, S. and Eyer, L.: Gaia Data Release 3. Cross-match of Gaia sources with variable objects from the literature. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A22 (2023)
Ge, Y., Wang, K., Duarte-Cabral, A., Pettitt, A. R., Dobbs, C. L., Sánchez-Monge, A., Neralwar, K. R., Urquhart, J. S., Colombo, D., Durán-Camacho, E., Beuther, H., Bronfman, L., Rigby, A. J., Eden, D., Neupane, S., Barnes, P., Henning, T. and Yang, A. Y.: Large-scale velocity-coherent filaments in the SEDIGISM survey: Association with spiral arms and the fraction of dense gas. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A119 (2023)
Gehrig, L., Gaidos, E. and Güdel, M.: The post-disk (or primordial) spin distribution of M dwarf stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A179 (2023)
Getman, K. V., Kóspál, Á., Arulanantham, N., Semenov, D. A., Smirnov-Pinchukov, G. V. and van Terwisga, S. E.: X-Ray, Near-ultraviolet, and Optical Flares Produced by Colliding Magnetospheres in the Young High-eccentricity Binary DQ Tau. The Astrophysical Journal 959, 98 (2023)
Gieser, C., Beuther, H., Semenov, D., Ahmadi, A., Henning, T. and Wells, M. R. A.: Physical and chemical complexity in high-mass star-forming regions with ALMA. I. Overview and evolutionary trends of physical properties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A160 (2023)
Gieser, C., Beuther, H., van Dishoeck, E. F., Francis, L., van Gelder, M. L., Tychoniec, L., Kavanagh, P. J., Perotti, G., Caratti o Garatti, A., Ray, T. P., Klaassen, P., Justtanont, K., Linnartz, H., Rocha, W. R. M., Slavicinska, K., Colina, L., Güdel, M., Henning, T., Lagage, P.-O., Östlin, G., Vandenbussche, B., Waelkens, C. and Wright, G.: JOYS: Disentangling the warm and cold material in the high-mass IRAS 23385+6053 cluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A108 (2023)
Ginsburg, A., Barnes, A. T., Battersby, C. D., Bulatek, A., Gramze, S., Henshaw, J. D., Jeff, D., Lu, X., Mills, E. A. C. and Walker, D. L.: JWST Reveals Widespread CO Ice and Gas Absorption in the Galactic Center Cloud G0.253+0.016. The Astrophysical Journal 959, 36 (2023)
Ginsburg, A., McGuire, B. A., Sanhueza, P., Olguin, F., Maud, L. T., Tanaka, K. E. I., Zhang, Y., Beuther, H. and Indriolo, N.: Salt-bearing Disk Candidates around High-mass Young Stellar Objects. The Astrophysical Journal 942, 66 (2023)
Gong, Y., Ortiz-León, G. N., Rugel, M. R., Menten, K. M., Brunthaler, A., Wyrowski, F., Henkel, C., Beuther, H., Dzib, S. A., Urquhart, J. S., Yang, A. Y., Pandian, J. D., Dokara, R., Veena, V. S., Nguyen, H., Medina, S.-N. X., Cotton, W. D., Reich, W., Winkel, B., Müller, P., Skretas, I., Csengeri, T., Khan, S. and Cheema, A.: A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. VIII. Formaldehyde absorption in Cygnus X. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A130 (2023)
González-Álvarez, E., Kemmer, J., Chaturvedi, P., Caballero, J. A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Béjar, V. J. S., Cifuentes, C., Herrero, E., Kossakowski, D., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Rodríguez, E., Rodríguez-López, C., Sanz-Forcada, J., Shan, Y., Stock, S., Tabernero, H. M., Tal-Or, L., Osorio, M. R. Z., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., López-González, M. J., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Pallé, E., Pedraz, S., Perger, M., Reffert, S., Sabotta, S., Schweitzer, A. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. A sub-Neptunian mass planet in the habitable zone of HN Lib. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A141 (2023)
González-Álvarez, E., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Caballero, J. A., Béjar, V. J. S., Cifuentes, C., Fukui, A., Herrero, E., Kawauchi, K., Livingston, J. H., López-González, M. J., Morello, G., Murgas, F., Narita, N., Pallé, E., Passegger, V. M., Rodríguez, E., Rodríguez-López, C., Sanz-Forcada, J., Schweitzer, A., Tabernero, H. M., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Charbonneau, D., Ciardi, D. R., Cikota, S., Collins, K. A., Conti, D. M., Fausnaugh, M., Hatzes, A. P., Hedges, C., Henning, T., Jenkins, J. M., Latham, D. W., Massey, B., Moldovan, D., Montes, D., Panahi, A., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Ricker, G. R., Seager, S., Shporer, A., Srdoc, G., Tenenbaum, P., Vanderspek, R., Winn, J. N., Fukuda, I., Ikoma, M., Isogai, K., Kawai, Y., Mori, M., Tamura, M. and Watanabe, N.: Two sub-Neptunes around the M dwarf TOI-1470. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A177 (2023)
Gorrini, P., Kemmer, J., Dreizler, S., Burn, R., Hirano, T., Pozuelos, F. J., Kuzuhara, M., Caballero, J. A., Amado, P. J., Harakawa, H., Kudo, T., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Béjar, V. J. S., Chaturvedi, P., Cifuentes, C., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Hatzes, A. P., Kaminski, A., Kotani, T., Kürster, M., Livingston, J. H., López González, M. J., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Murgas, F., Omiya, M., Pallé, E., Rodríguez, E., Sato, B., Schweitzer, A., Shan, Y., Takarada, T., Tal-Or, L., Tamura, M., Vievard, S., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: Planetary companions orbiting the M dwarfs GJ 724 and GJ 3988. A CARMENES and IRD collaboration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 680, A28 (2023)
Grant, S. L., van Dishoeck, E. F., Tabone, B., Gasman, D., Henning, T., Kamp, I., Güdel, M., Lagage, P.-O., Bettoni, G., Perotti, G., Christiaens, V., Samland, M., Arabhavi, A. M., Argyriou, I., Abergel, A., Absil, O., Barrado, D., Boccaletti, A., Bouwman, J., Caratti o Garatti, A., Geers, V., Glauser, A. M., Guadarrama, R., Jang, H., Kanwar, J., Lahuis, F., Morales-Calderón, M., Mueller, M., Nehmé, C., Olofsson, G., Pantin, E., Pawellek, N., Ray, T. P., Rodgers-Lee, D., Scheithauer, S., Schreiber, J., Schwarz, K., Temmink, M., Vandenbussche, B., Vlasblom, M., Waters, L. B. F. M., Wright, G., Colina, L., Greve, T. R., Justannont, K. and Östlin, G.: MINDS. The Detection of 13CO2 with JWST-MIRI Indicates Abundant CO2 in a Protoplanetary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 947, L6 (2023)
Gravity Collaboration, Soulain, A., Perraut, K., Bouvier, J., Pantolmos, G., Caratti O Garatti, A., Caselli, P., Garcia, P., Lopez, R. G., Aimar, N., Amorin, A., Benisty, M., Berger, J.-P., Bourdarot, G., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., de Zeeuw, T., Davies, R., Drescher, A., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Schreiber, N. M. F., Gendron, E., Genzuel, R., Gillessen, S., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Labadie, L., Lacour, S., Lapeyrere, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Mang, F., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Sanchez, J., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., van Dishoeck, E., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E. and Yazici, S.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. X. Probing the inner disk and magnetospheric accretion region of CI Tau. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A203 (2023)
Gravity Collaboration, Wojtczak, J. A., Labadie, L., Perraut, K., Tessore, B., Soulain, A., Ganci, V., Bouvier, J., Dougados, C., Alécian, E., Nowacki, H., Cozzo, G., Brandner, W., Caratti O Garatti, A., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Amorim, A., Benisty, M., Berger, J.-P., Bourdarot, G., Caselli, P., Clénet, Y., de Zeeuw, P. T., Davies, R., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Eupen, F., Förster-Schreiber, N. M., Gendron, E., Gillessen, S., Grant, S., Grellmann, R., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Hubert, Z., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Mang, F., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Spezzano, S., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., van Dishoeck, E., Vincent, F. and Widmann, F.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. IX. Spatially resolved kinematics of hot hydrogen gas in the star-disk interaction region of T Tauri stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 669, A59 (2023)
Heitzmann, A., Zhou, G., Quinn, S. N., Huang, C. X., Dong, J., Bouma, L. G., Dawson, R. I., Marsden, S. C., Wright, D., Petit, P., Collins, K. A., Barkaoui, K., Wittenmyer, R. A., Gillen, E., Brahm, R., Hobson, M., Hellier, C., Ziegler, C., Briceño, C., Law, N., Mann, A. W., Howell, S. B., Gnilka, C. L., Littlefield, C., Latham, D. W., Lissauer, J. J., Newton, E. R., Krolikowski, D. M., Kerr, R., Rampalli, R., Douglas, S. T., Eisner, N. L., Guedj, N., Sun, G., Smit, M., Huten, M., Eschweiler, T., Abe, L., Guillot, T., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Seager, S., Jenkins, J. M., Ting, E. B., Winn, J. N., Ciardi, D. R., Vanderburg, A. M., Burke, C. J., Rodriguez, D. R. and Daylan, T.: TOI-4562b: A Highly Eccentric Temperate Jupiter Analog Orbiting a Young Field Star. The Astronomical Journal 165, 121 (2023)
Hensinger, M. J., Closs, A. C., Trapp, O. and Ofial, A. R.: The effect of S-alkylation on organocatalytic enamine activation through imidazolidine-4-thiones. Chem Commun (Camb) 59, 8091-8094 (2023)
Herczeg, G. J., Chen, Y., Donati, J.-F., Dupree, A. K., Walter, F. M., Hillenbrand, L. A., Johns-Krull, C. M., Manara, C. F., Günther, H. M., Fang, M., Schneider, P. C., Valenti, J. A., Alencar, S. H. P., Venuti, L., Alcalá, J. M., Frasca, A., Arulanantham, N., Linsky, J. L., Bouvier, J., Brickhouse, N. S., Calvet, N., Espaillat, C. C., Campbell-White, J., Carpenter, J. M., Chang, S.-J., Cruz, K. L., Dahm, S. E., Eislöffel, J., Edwards, S., Fischer, W. J., Guo, Z., Henning, T., Ji, T., Jose, J., Kastner, J. H., Launhardt, R., Principe, D. A., Robinson, C. E., Serna, J., Siwak, M., Sterzik, M. F. and Takasao, S.: Twenty-five Years of Accretion onto the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hya. The Astrophysical Journal 956, 102 (2023)
Hinkley, S., Lacour, S., Marleau, G.-D., Lagrange, A.-M., Wang, J. J., Kammerer, J., Cumming, A., Nowak, M., Rodet, L., Stolker, T., Balmer, W.-O., Ray, S., Bonnefoy, M., Mollière, P., Lazzoni, C., Kennedy, G., Mordasini, C., Abuter, R., Aigrain, S., Amorim, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Babusiaux, C., Benisty, M., Berger, J.-P., Beust, H., Blunt, S., Boccaletti, A., Bohn, A., Bonnet, H., Bourdarot, G., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Caselli, P., Charnay, B., Chauvin, G., Chomez, A., Choquet, E., Christiaens, V., Clénet, Y., Coudé du Foresto, V., Cridland, A., Delorme, P., Dembet, R., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Feuchtgruber, H., Galland, F., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gardner, T., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Girard, J. H., Grandjean, A., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Houllé, M., Hubert, Z., Jocou, L., Keppler, M., Kervella, P., Kreidberg, L., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Maire, A.-L., Mang, F., Mérand, A., Meunier, N., Monnier, J. D., Mouillet, D., Nasedkin, E., Ott, T., Otten, G. P. P. L., Paladini, C., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Philipot, F., Pfuhl, O., Pourré, N., Pueyo, L., Rameau, J., Rickman, E., Rubini, P., Rustamkulov, Z., Samland, M., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Sing, D., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., van Dishoeck, E. F., Vigan, A., Vincent, F., Ward-Duong, K., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S., Young, A. and Zicher, N.: Direct discovery of the inner exoplanet in the HD 206893 system. Evidence for deuterium burning in a planetary-mass companion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, L5 (2023)
Hobson, M. J., Jordán, A., Bryant, E. M., Brahm, R., Bayliss, D., Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. Á., Henning, T., Almenara, J. M., Barkaoui, K., Benkhaldoun, Z., Bonfils, X., Bouchy, F., Charbonneau, D., Cointepas, M., Collins, K. A., Eastman, J. D., Ghachoui, M., Gillon, M., Goeke, R. F., Horne, K., Irwin, J. M., Jehin, E., Jenkins, J. M., Latham, D. W., Moldovan, D., Murgas, F., Pozuelos, F. J., Ricker, G. R., Schwarz, R. P., Seager, S., Srdoc, G., Striegel, S., Timmermans, M., Vanderburg, A., Vanderspek, R. and Winn, J. N.: TOI-3235 b: A Transiting Giant Planet around an M4 Dwarf Star. The Astrophysical Journal 946, L4 (2023)
Hobson, M. J., Trifonov, T., Henning, T., Jordán, A., Rojas, F., Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., Eberhardt, J., Jones, M. I., Mekarnia, D., Kossakowski, D., Schlecker, M., Tala Pinto, M., Torres Miranda, P. J., Abe, L., Barkaoui, K., Bendjoya, P., Bouchy, F., Buttu, M., Carleo, I., Collins, K. A., Colón, K. D., Crouzet, N., Dragomir, D., Dransfield, G., Gasparetto, T., Goeke, R. F., Guillot, T., Günther, M. N., Howard, S., Jenkins, J. M., Korth, J., Latham, D. W., Lendl, M., Lissauer, J. J., Mann, C. R., Mireles, I., Ricker, G. R., Saesen, S., Schwarz, R. P., Seager, S., Sefako, R., Shporer, A., Stockdale, C., Suarez, O., Tan, T.-G., J. Triaud, A. H. M., Ulmer-Moll, S., Vanderspek, R., Winn, J. N., Wohler, B. and Zhou, G.: TOI-199 b: A Well-characterized 100 day Transiting Warm Giant Planet with TTVs Seen from Antarctica. The Astronomical Journal 166, 201 (2023)
Hsieh, T.-H., Segura-Cox, D. M., Pineda, J. E., Caselli, P., Bouscasse, L., Neri, R., Lopez-Sepulcre, A., Valdivia-Mena, M. T., Maureira, M. J., Henning, T., Smirnov-Pinchukov, G. V., Semenov, D., Möller, T., Cunningham, N., Fuente, A., Marino, S., Dutrey, A., Tafalla, M., Chapillon, E., Ceccarelli, C. and Zhao, B.: PRODIGE - envelope to disk with NOEMA. II. Small-scale temperature structure and streamer feeding the SVS13A protobinary based on CH3CN and DCN. Astronomy and Astrophysics 669, A137 (2023)
Hsu, S.-Y., Liu, S.-Y., Johnstone, D., Liu, T., Bronfman, L., Chen, H.-R. V., Dutta, S., Eden, D. J., Evans, N. J., II, Hirano, N., Juvela, M., Kuan, Y.-J., Kwon, W., Lee, C.-F., Lee, C. W., Lee, J.-E., Li, S., Liu, C.-F., Liu, X., Luo, Q., Qin, S.-L., Rawlings, M. G., Sahu, D., Sanhueza, P., Shang, H., Tatematsu, K. i. and Yang, Y.-L.: ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): The Warm-envelope Origin of Hot Corinos. The Astrophysical Journal 956, 120 (2023)
Hühn, L.-A. and Bitsch, B.: How accretion of planet-forming disks influences stellar abundances. Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, A87 (2023)
Imaz Blanco, A., Marino, S., Matrà, L., Booth, M., Carpenter, J., Faramaz, V., Henning, T., Hughes, A. M., Kennedy, G. M., Pérez, S., Ricci, L. and Wyatt, M. C.: Inner edges of planetesimal belts: collisionally eroded or truncated? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522, 6150-6169 (2023)
Jiang, X., Jiang, J. H., Burn, R. and Zhu, Z.-H.: Classify and Explore the Diversity of Planetary Population and Interior Properties. The Astrophysical Journal 957, 56 (2023)
Johnson, M. C., Wang, J., Asnodkar, A. P., Bonomo, A. S., Gaudi, B. S., Henning, T., Ilyin, I., Keles, E., Malavolta, L., Mallonn, M., Molaverdikhani, K., Nascimbeni, V., Patience, J., Poppenhaeger, K., Scandariato, G., Schlawin, E., Shkolnik, E., Sicilia, D., Sozzetti, A., Strassmeier, K. G., Veillet, C. and Yan, F.: The PEPSI Exoplanet Transit Survey (PETS). II. A Deep Search for Thermal Inversion Agents in KELT-20 b/MASCARA-2 b with Emission and Transmission Spectroscopy. The Astronomical Journal 165, 157 (2023)
Jones, O. C., Kavanagh, P. J., Barlow, M. J., Temim, T., Fransson, C., Larsson, J., Blommaert, J. A. D. L., Meixner, M., Lau, R. M., Sargent, B., Bouchet, P., Hjorth, J., Wright, G. S., Coulais, A., Fox, O. D., Gastaud, R., Glasse, A., Habel, N., Hirschauer, A. S., Jaspers, J., Krause, O., Lenkić, L., Nayak, O., Rest, A., Tikkanen, T., Wesson, R., Colina, L., van Dishoeck, E. F., Güdel, M., Henning, T., Lagage, P.-O., Östlin, G., Ray, T. P. and Vandenbussche, B.: Ejecta, Rings, and Dust in SN 1987A with JWST MIRI/MRS. The Astrophysical Journal 958, 95 (2023)
Jovanovic, N., Gatkine, P., Anugu, N., Amezcua-Correa, R., Basu Thakur, R., Beichman, C., Bender, C. F., Berger, J.-P., Bigioli, A., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Bourdarot, G., Bradford, C. M., Broeke, R., Bryant, J., Bundy, K., Cheriton, R., Cvetojevic, N., Diab, M., Diddams, S. A., Dinkelaker, A. N., Duis, J., Eikenberry, S., Ellis, S., Endo, A., Figer, D. F., Fitzgerald, M. P., Gris-Sanchez, I., Gross, S., Grossard, L., Guyon, O., Haffert, S. Y., Halverson, S., Harris, R. J., He, J., Herr, T., Hottinger, P., Huby, E., Ireland, M., Jenson-Clem, R., Jewell, J., Jocou, L., Kraus, S., Labadie, L., Lacour, S., Laugier, R., Ławniczuk, K., Lin, J., Leifer, S., Leon-Saval, S., Martin, G., Martinache, F., Martinod, M.-A., Mazin, B. A., Minardi, S., Monnier, J. D., Moreira, R., Mourard, D., Nayak, A. S., Norris, B., Obrzud, E., Perraut, K., Reynaud, F., Sallum, S., Schiminovich, D., Schwab, C., Serbayn, E., Soliman, S., Stoll, A., Tang, L., Tuthill, P., Vahala, K., Vasisht, G., Veilleux, S., Walter, A. B., Wollack, E. J., Xin, Y., Yang, Z., Yerolatsitis, S., Zhang, Y. and Zou, C.-L.: 2023 Astrophotonics Roadmap: pathways to realizing multi-functional integrated astrophotonic instruments. Journal of Physics: Photonics 5, 042501 (2023)
Kammerer, J., Cooper, R. A., Vandal, T., Thatte, D., Martinache, F., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Chaushev, A., Stolker, T., Lloyd, J. P., Albert, L., Doyon, R., Sallum, S., Perrin, M. D., Pueyo, L., Mérand, A., Gallenne, A., Greenbaum, A., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Blakely, D., Johnstone, D., Volk, K., Martel, A., Goudfrooij, P., Meyer, M. R., Willott, C. J., Furio, M. D., Dang, L., Radica, M. and Noirot, G.: The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for JWST. V. Kernel Phase Imaging and Data Analysis. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135, 014502 (2023)
Kamp, I., Henning, T., Arabhavi, A. M., Bettoni, G., Christiaens, V., Gasman, D., Grant, S. L., Morales-Calderon, M., Tabone, B., Abergel, A., Absil, O., Argyriou, I., Barrado, D., Boccaletti, A., Bouwman, J., Caratti, O. G. A., van Dishoeck, E. F., Geers, V., Glauser, A. M., Gudel, M., Guadarrama, R., Jang, H., Kanwar, J., Lagage, P. O., Lahuis, F., Mueller, M., Nehme, C., Olofsson, G., Pantin, E., Pawellek, N., Perotti, G., Ray, T. P., Rodgers-Lee, D., Samland, M., Scheithauer, S., Schreiber, J., Schwarz, K., Temmink, M., Vandenbussche, B., Vlasblom, M., Waelkens, C., Waters, L. and Wright, G.: The chemical inventory of the inner regions of planet-forming disks - the JWST/MINDS program. Faraday Discussions 245, 112-137 (2023)
Kiefer, F., Hébrard, G., Martioli, E., Artigau, E., Doyon, R., Donati, J.-F., Cadieux, C., Carmona, A., Ciardi, D. R., Cristofari, P. I., de Almeida, L., Figueira, P., Gaidos, E., Gonzales, E., Lecavelier Des Etangs, A., Stassun, K. G., Arnold, L., Benneke, B., Boisse, I., Bonfils, X., Cook, N. J., Cortés-Zuleta, P., Delfosse, X., do Nascimento, J. D., Fausnaugh, M., Fong, W., Fouqué, P., Forveille, T., Gomes da Silva, J., Hesse, K., Kóspál, Á., Lewis, H., Liu, C.-F., Martins, J. H. C., Paegert, M., Seager, S., Shang, H., Twicken, J. D., Vandal, T., Vinatier, S., Widemann, T. and Winn, J. N.: A sub-Neptune planet around TOI-1695 discovered and characterized with SPIRou and TESS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A136 (2023)
Kirsanova, M. S., Pavlyuchenkov, Y. N., Olofsson, A. O. H., Semenov, D. A. and Punanova, A. F.: The shocked molecular layer in RCW 120. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 751-760 (2023)
Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Diehl, L., Banzatti, A., Bouwman, J., Chen, L., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Green, J. D., Henning, T. and Rab, C.: JWST/MIRI Spectroscopy of the Disk of the Young Eruptive Star EX Lup in Quiescence. The Astrophysical Journal 945, L7 (2023)
Kossakowski, D., Kürster, M., Trifonov, T., Henning, T., Kemmer, J., Caballero, J. A., Burn, R., Sabotta, S., Crouse, J. S., Fauchez, T. J., Nagel, E., Kaminski, A., Herrero, E., Rodríguez, E., González-Álvarez, E., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Aceituno, J., Béjar, V. J. S., Baroch, D., Bastelberger, S. T., Chaturvedi, P., Cifuentes, C., Dreizler, S., Jeffers, S. V., Kopparapu, R., Lafarga, M., López-González, M. J., Martín-Ruiz, S., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Pallé, E., Pavlov, A., Pedraz, S., Perdelwitz, V., Pérez-Torres, M., Perger, M., Reffert, S., Rodríguez López, C., Schlecker, M., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A., Shan, Y., Shields, A., Stock, S., Wolf, E., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Wolf 1069 b: Earth-mass planet in the habitable zone of a nearby, very low-mass star. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A84 (2023)
Kounkel, M., Zari, E., Covey, K., Tkachenko, A., Zúñiga, C. R., Stassun, K., Stutz, A. M., Stringfellow, G., Roman-Lopes, A., Hernández, J., Peña Ramírez, K., Bayo, A., Kim, J. S., Cao, L., Wolk, S. J., Kollmeier, J., López-Valdivia, R. and Rojas-Ayala, B.: ABYSS. I. Targeting Strategy for the APOGEE and BOSS Young Star Survey in SDSS-V. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 266, 10 (2023)
Krasnokutski, S. A., Chuang, K.-J., Jäger, C. and Henning, T.: Condensation of Atomic Carbon: Routes Towards Organics. European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics ECLA2020. The Interplay of Dust, 63-67 (2023)
Lafarga, M., Ribas, I., Zechmeister, M., Reiners, A., López-Gallifa, Á., Montes, D., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Azzaro, M., Béjar, V. J. S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A., Tabernero, H. M. and Osorio, M. R. Z.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Line-by-line sensitivity to activity in M dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A61 (2023)
Landman, R., Snellen, I. A. G., Keller, C. U., N'Diaye, M., Fagginger-Auer, F. and Desgrange, C.: Trade-offs in high-contrast integral field spectroscopy for exoplanet detection and characterisation. Young gas giants in emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A157 (2023)
Larsson, J., Fransson, C., Sargent, B., Jones, O. C., Barlow, M. J., Bouchet, P., Meixner, M., Blommaert, J. A. D. L., Coulais, A., Fox, O. D., Gastaud, R., Glasse, A., Habel, N., Hirschauer, A. S., Hjorth, J., Jaspers, J., Kavanagh, P. J., Krause, O., Lau, R. M., Lenkić, L., Nayak, O., Rest, A., Temim, T., Tikkanen, T., Wesson, R. and Wright, G. S.: JWST NIRSpec Observations of Supernova 1987A-From the Inner Ejecta to the Reverse Shock. The Astrophysical Journal 949, L27 (2023)
Launhardt, R., Pavlyuchenkov, Y. N., Akimkin, V. V., Dutrey, A., Gueth, F., Guilloteau, S., Henning, T., Piétu, V., Schreyer, K., Semenov, D., Stecklum, B. and Bourke, T. L.: A resolved rotating disk wind from a young T Tauri star in the Bok globule CB 26. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A135 (2023)
Law, C. J., Teague, R., Öberg, K. I., Rich, E. A., Andrews, S. M., Bae, J., Benisty, M., Facchini, S., Flaherty, K., Isella, A., Jin, S., Hashimoto, J., Huang, J., Loomis, R. A., Long, F., Muñoz-Romero, C. E., Paneque-Carreño, T., Pérez, L. M., Qi, C., Schwarz, K. R., Stadler, J., Tsukagoshi, T., Wilner, D. J. and van der Plas, G.: Mapping Protoplanetary Disk Vertical Structure with CO Isotopologue Line Emission. The Astrophysical Journal 948, 60 (2023)
Li, S., Sanhueza, P., Zhang, Q., Guido, G., Sabatini, G., Morii, K., Lu, X., Tafoya, D., Nakamura, F., Izumi, N., Tatematsu, K. i. and Li, F.: The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). VIII. Dynamics of Embedded Dense Cores. The Astrophysical Journal 949, 109 (2023)
Liu, H.-L., Tej, A., Liu, T., Sanhueza, P., Qin, S.-L., He, J., Goldsmith, P. F., Garay, G., Pan, S., Morii, K., Li, S., Stutz, A., Tatematsu, K. i., Xu, F.-W., Bronfman, L., Saha, A., Issac, N., Baug, T., Toth, L. V., Dewangan, L., Wang, K., Zhou, J., Lee, C. W., Yang, D., Luo, A., Shen, X., Zhang, Y., Wu, Y.-F., Ren, Z., Liu, X.-C., Soam, A., Zhang, S. and Luo, Q.-Y.: Evidence of high-mass star formation through multiscale mass accretion in hub-filament-system clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522, 3719-3734 (2023)
Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Koch, P. M., Liu, H. B., Li, Z.-Y., Li, S., Girart, J. M., Chen, H.-R. V., Ching, T.-C., Ho, P. T. P., Lai, S.-P., Qiu, K., Rao, R. and Tang, Y.-w.: Multi-scale Physical Properties of NGC 6334 as Revealed by Local Relative Orientations between Magnetic Fields, Density Gradients, Velocity Gradients, and Gravity. The Astrophysical Journal 945, 160 (2023)
Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Liu, H. B., Qiu, K., Li, S., Li, Z.-Y., Ho, P. T. P., Girart, J. M., Ching, T.-C., Chen, H.-R. V., Lai, S.-P., Rao, R. and Tang, Y.-w.: Deviation from a Continuous and Universal Turbulence Cascade in NGC 6334 due to Massive Star Formation Activity. The Astrophysical Journal 949, 30 (2023)
Liu, P., Bohn, A. J., Doelman, D. S., Sutlieff, B. J., Samland, M., Kenworthy, M. A., Snik, F., Birkby, J. L., Biller, B. A., Males, J. R., Morzinski, K. M., Close, L. M. and Otten, G. P. P. L.: Applying a temporal systematics model to vector Apodizing Phase Plate coronagraphic data: TRAP4vAPP. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A115 (2023)
Luo, Q.-y., Liu, T., Lee, A. T., Offner, S. S. R., di Francesco, J., Johnstone, D., Juvela, M., Goldsmith, P. F., Qin, S.-L., Mai, X., Liu, X.-c., Sanhueza, P., Xu, F.-W., Tatematsu, K. i., Dutta, S., Chen, H.-R. V., Li, S., Yang, A., Liu, S.-Y., Lee, C.-F., Hirano, N., Lee, C. W., Sahu, D., Shang, H., Hsu, S.-Y., Bronfman, L., Kwon, W., Rawlings, M. G., Eden, D., Lu, X., Gu, Q.-l., Ren, Z., Ward-Thompson, D. and Shen, Z.-Q.: ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): A Forming Quadruple System with Continuum "Ribbons" and Intricate Outflows. The Astrophysical Journal 952, L2 (2023)
Mah, J. and Bitsch, B.: Forming super-Mercuries: Role of stellar abundances. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, A17 (2023)
Mah, J., Bitsch, B., Pascucci, I. and Henning, T.: Close-in ice lines and the super-stellar C/O ratio in discs around very low-mass stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, L7 (2023)
Maire, A.-L., Delrez, L., Pozuelos, F. J., Becker, J., Espinoza, N., Lillo-Box, J., Revol, A., Absil, O., Agol, E., Almenara, J. M., Anglada-Escudé, G., Beust, H., Blunt, S., Bolmont, E., Bonavita, M., Brandner, W., Mirek Brandt, G., Brandt, T. D., Brown, G., Cantero Mitjans, C., Charalambous, C., Chauvin, G., Correia, A. C. M., Cranmer, M., Defrère, D., Deleuil, M., Demory, B.-O., De Rosa, R. J., Desidera, S., Dévora-Pajares, M., Díaz, R. F., Do Ó, C., Ducrot, E., Dupuy, T. J., Ferrer-Chávez, R., Fontanive, C., Gillon, M., Giuppone, C., Gkouvelis, L., de Oliveira Gomes, G., Gomes, S. R. A., Günther, M. N., Hadden, S., Han, Y., Hernandez, D. M., Jehin, E., Kane, S. R., Kervella, P., Kiefer, F., Konopacky, Q. M., Langlois, M., Lanssens, B., Lazzoni, C., Lendl, M., Li, Y., Libert, A.-S., Lovos, F., Miculán, R. G., Murray, Z., Pallé, E., Rein, H., Rodet, L., Roisin, A., Sahlmann, J., Siverd, R., Stalport, M., Carlos Suárez, J., Tamayo, D., Teyssandier, J., Thuillier, A., Timmermans, M., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Trifonov, T., Valente, E. F. S., Van Grootel, V., Vasist, M., Wang, J. J., Wyatt, M. C., Xuan, J., Young, S. and Zimmerman, N. T.: Workshop Summary: Exoplanet Orbits and Dynamics. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135, 106001 (2023)
Marleau, G.-D., Kuiper, R., Béthune, W. and Mordasini, C.: The Planetary Accretion Shock. III. Smoothing-free 2.5D Simulations and Calculation of Hα Emission. The Astrophysical Journal 952, 89 (2023)
Marton, G., Ábrahám, P., Rimoldini, L., Audard, M., Kun, M., Nagy, Z., Kóspál, Á., Szabados, L., Holl, B., Gavras, P., Mowlavi, N., Nienartowicz, K., de Fombelle, G. J., Lecoeur-Taïbi, I., Karbevska, L., Lario, P. G. and Eyer, L.: Gaia Data Release 3. Validating the classification of variable young stellar object candidates. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A21 (2023)
Matthews, E. C., Bonnefoy, M., Xie, C., Desgrange, C., Desidera, S., Delorme, P., Milli, J., Olofsson, J., Barbato, D., Ceva, W., Augereau, J.-C., Biller, B. A., Chen, C. H., Faramaz-Gorka, V., Galicher, R., Hinkley, S., Lagrange, A.-M., Ménard, F., Pinte, C. and Stapelfeldt, K. R.: The first scattered light images of HD 112810, a faint debris disk in the Sco-Cen association. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A58 (2023)
McClure, M. K., Rocha, W. R. M., Pontoppidan, K. M., Crouzet, N., Chu, L. E. U., Dartois, E., Lamberts, T., Noble, J. A., Pendleton, Y. J., Perotti, G., Qasim, D., Rachid, M. G., Smith, Z. L., Sun, F., Beck, T. L., Boogert, A. C. A., Brown, W. A., Caselli, P., Charnley, S. B., Cuppen, H. M., Dickinson, H., Drozdovskaya, M. N., Egami, E., Erkal, J., Fraser, H., Garrod, R. T., Harsono, D., Ioppolo, S., Jiménez-Serra, I., Jin, M., Jørgensen, J. K., Kristensen, L. E., Lis, D. C., McCoustra, M. R. S., McGuire, B. A., Melnick, G. J., Ã-berg, K. I., Palumbo, M. E., Shimonishi, T., Sturm, J. A., van Dishoeck, E. F. and Linnartz, H.: An Ice Age JWST inventory of dense molecular cloud ices. Nature Astronomy 7, 431-443 (2023)
Michielsen, M., Van Reeth, T., Tkachenko, A. and Aerts, C.: Probing the physics in the core boundary layers of the double-lined B-type binary KIC 4930889 from its gravito-inertial modes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A6 (2023)
Morii, K., Sanhueza, P., Nakamura, F., Zhang, Q., Sabatini, G., Beuther, H., Lu, X., Li, S., Garay, G., Jackson, J. M., Olguin, F. A., Tafoya, D., Tatematsu, K. i., Izumi, N., Sakai, T. and Silva, A.: The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). IX. Physical Properties and Spatial Distribution of Cores in IRDCs. The Astrophysical Journal 950, 148 (2023)
Muley, D., Melon Fuksman, J. D. and Klahr, H.: Three-temperature radiation hydrodynamics with PLUTO. Tests and applications in the context of protoplanetary disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A162 (2023)
Murgas, F., Castro-González, A., Pallé, E., Pozuelos, F. J., Millholland, S., Foo, O., Korth, J., Marfil, E., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Christiansen, J. L., Ciardi, D. R., Collins, K. A., Di Sora, M., Fukui, A., Gan, T., Gonzales, E. J., Henning, T., Herrero, E., Isopi, G., Jenkins, J. M., Lillo-Box, J., Lodieu, N., Luque, R., Mallia, F., Morales, J. C., Morello, G., Narita, N., Orell-Miquel, J., Parviainen, H., Pérez-Torres, M., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Safonov, B. S., Seager, S., Schwarz, R. P., Schweitzer, A., Schlecker, M., Strakhov, I. A., Vanaverbeke, S., Watanabe, N., Winn, J. N. and Zechmeister, M.: Two super-Earths at the edge of the habitable zone of the nearby M dwarf TOI-2095. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A182 (2023)
Nagel, E., Czesla, S., Kaminski, A., Zechmeister, M., Tal-Or, L., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., García López, A., Caballero, J. A., Ribas, I., Amado, P. J., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., López-Puertas, M., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Pedraz, S. and Schweitzer, A.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Telluric absorption corrected high S/N optical and near-infrared template spectra of 382 M dwarf stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 680, A73 (2023)
Nagy, Z., Park, S., Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Kun, M., Siwak, M., Szabó, Z. M., Szilágyi, M., Fiorellino, E., Giannini, T., Lee, J.-J., Lee, J.-E., Marton, G., Szabados, L., Vitali, F., Andrzejewski, J., Gromadzki, M., Hodgkin, S., Jabłońska, M., Mendez, R. A., Merc, J., Michniewicz, O., Mikołajczyk, P. J., Pylypenko, U., Ratajczak, M., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Zejmo, M. and Zieliński, P.: The Gaia alerted fading of the FUor-type star Gaia21elv. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524, 3344-3356 (2023)
Neumann, L., Gallagher, M. J., Bigiel, F., Leroy, A. K., Barnes, A. T., Usero, A., den Brok, J. S., Belfiore, F., Bešlić, I., Cao, Y., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Eibensteiner, C., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Liu, D., Meidt, S., Pety, J., Puschnig, J., Querejeta, M., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Sormani, M. C., Sun, J., Teng, Y.-H. and Williams, T. G.: The ALMOND survey: molecular cloud properties and gas density tracers across 25 nearby spiral galaxies with ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521, 3348-3383 (2023)
Ohashi, S., Momose, M., Kataoka, A., Higuchi, A. E., Tsukagoshi, T., Ueda, T., Codella, C., Podio, L., Hanawa, T., Sakai, N., Kobayashi, H., Okuzumi, S. and Tanaka, H.: Dust Enrichment and Grain Growth in a Smooth Disk around the DG Tau Protostar Revealed by ALMA Triple Bands Frequency Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 954, 110 (2023)
Olguin, F. A., Sanhueza, P., Chen, H.-R. V., Lu, X., Oya, Y., Zhang, Q., Ginsburg, A., Taniguchi, K., Li, S., Morii, K., Sakai, T. and Nakamura, F.: Digging into the Interior of Hot Cores with ALMA: Spiral Accretion into the High-mass Protostellar Core G336.01-0.82. The Astrophysical Journal 959, L31 (2023)
Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., Bayo, A., Milli, J., van Holstein, R. G., Henning, T., Medina-Olea, B., Godoy, N. and Maucó, K.: Apocenter pileup and arcs: A narrow dust ring around HD 129590. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A84 (2023)
Orell-Miquel, J., Lampón, M., López-Puertas, M., Mallorquín, M., Murgas, F., Peláez-Torres, A., Pallé, E., Esparza-Borges, E., Sanz-Forcada, J., Tabernero, H. M., Nortmann, L., Nagel, E., Parviainen, H., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Caballero, J. A., Czesla, S., Cifuentes, C., Morello, G., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Fernández-Martín, A., Fukui, A., Henning, T., Kawauchi, K., de Leon, J. P., Molaverdikhani, K., Montes, D., Narita, N., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Sánchez-López, A., Schweitzer, A., Stangret, M. and Yan, F.: Confirmation of an He I evaporating atmosphere around the 650-Myr-old sub-Neptune HD 235088 b (TOI-1430 b) with CARMENES. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A56 (2023)
Orell-Miquel, J., Nowak, G., Murgas, F., Palle, E., Morello, G., Luque, R., Badenas-Agusti, M., Ribas, I., Lafarga, M., Espinoza, N., Morales, J. C., Zechmeister, M., Alqasim, A., Cochran, W. D., Gandolfi, D., Goffo, E., Kabáth, P., Korth, J., Lam, K. W. F., Livingston, J., Muresan, A., Persson, C. M. and Van Eylen, V.: HD 191939 revisited: New and refined planet mass determinations, and a new planet in the habitable zone. Astronomy and Astrophysics 669, A40 (2023)
Osborn, H. P., Nowak, G., Hébrard, G., Masseron, T., Lillo-Box, J., Pallé, E., Bekkelien, A., Florén, H.-G., Guterman, P., Simon, A. E., Adibekyan, V., Bieryla, A., Borsato, L., Brandeker, A., Ciardi, D. R., Collier Cameron, A., Collins, K. A., Egger, J. A., Gandolfi, D., Hooton, M. J., Latham, D. W., Lendl, M., Matthews, E. C., Tuson, A., Ulmer-Moll, S., Vanderburg, A., Wilson, T. G., Ziegler, C., Alibert, Y., Alonso, R., Anglada, G., Arnold, L., Asquier, J., Barrado y Navascues, D., Baumjohann, W., Beck, T., Belinski, A. A., Benz, W., Biondi, F., Boisse, I., Bonfils, X., Broeg, C., Buchhave, L. A., Bárczy, T., Barros, S. C. C., Cabrera, J., Cardona Guillen, C., Carleo, I., Castro-González, A., Charnoz, S., Christiansen, J., Cortes-Zuleta, P., Csizmadia, S., Dalal, S., Davies, M. B., Deleuil, M., Delfosse, X., Delrez, L., Demory, B.-O., Dunlavey, A. B., Ehrenreich, D., Erikson, A., Fernandes, R. B., Fortier, A., Forveille, T., Fossati, L., Fridlund, M., Gillon, M., Goeke, R. F., Goliguzova, M. V., Gonzales, E. J., Günther, M. N., Güdel, M., Heidari, N., Henze, C. E., Howell, S., Hoyer, S., Frey, J. I., Isaak, K. G., Jenkins, J. M., Kiefer, F., Kiss, L., Korth, J., Maxted, P. F. L., Laskar, J., Lecavelier des Etangs, A., Lovis, C., Lund, M. B., Luque, R., Magrin, D., Almenara, J. M., Martioli, E., Mecina, M., Medina, J. V., Moldovan, D., Morales-Calderón, M., Morello, G., Moutou, C., Murgas, F., Jensen, E. L. N., Nascimbeni, V., Olofsson, G., Ottensamer, R., Pagano, I., Peter, G., Piotto, G., Pollacco, D., Queloz, D., Ragazzoni, R., Rando, N., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Ricker, G., Demangeon, O. D. S., Smith, A. M. S., Santos, N., Scandariato, G., Seager, S., Sousa, S. G., Steller, M., Szabó, G. M., Ségransan, D., Thomas, N., Udry, S., Ulmer, B., Van Grootel, V., Vanderspek, R., Walton, N. and Winn, J. N.: Two warm Neptunes transiting HIP 9618 revealed by TESS and Cheops. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523, 3069-3089 (2023)
Palle, E., Orell-Miquel, J., Brady, M., Bean, J., Hatzes, A. P., Morello, G., Morales, J. C., Murgas, F., Molaverdikhani, K., Parviainen, H., Sanz-Forcada, J., Béjar, V. J. S., Caballero, J. A., Sreenivas, K. R., Schlecker, M., Ribas, I., Perdelwitz, V., Tal-Or, L., Pérez-Torres, M., Luque, R., Dreizler, S., Fuhrmeister, B., Aceituno, F., Amado, P. J., Anglada-Escudé, G., Caldwell, D. A., Charbonneau, D., Cifuentes, C., de Leon, J. P., Collins, K. A., Dufoer, S., Espinoza, N., Essack, Z., Fukui, A., Chew, Y. G. M., Gómez-Muñoz, M. A., Henning, T., Herrero, E., Jeffers, S. V., Jenkins, J., Kaminski, A., Kasper, J., Kunimoto, M., Latham, D., Lillo-Box, J., López-González, M. J., Montes, D., Mori, M., Narita, N., Quirrenbach, A., Pedraz, S., Reiners, A., Rodríguez, E., Rodríguez-López, C., Sabin, L., Schanche, N., Schwarz, R.-P., Schweitzer, A., Seifahrt, A., Stefansson, G., Sturmer, J., Trifonov, T., Vanaverbeke, S., Wells, R. D., Zapatero-Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: GJ 806 (TOI-4481): A bright nearby multi-planetary system with a transiting hot low-density super-Earth. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A80 (2023)
Palma-Bifani, P., Chauvin, G., Bonnefoy, M., Rojo, P. M., Petrus, S., Rodet, L., Langlois, M., Allard, F., Charnay, B., Desgrange, C., Homeier, D., Lagrange, A.-M., Beuzit, J.-L., Baudoz, P., Boccaletti, A., Chomez, A., Delorme, P., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Ginski, C., Gratton, R., Maire, A.-L., Meyer, M., Samland, M., Snellen, I., Vigan, A. and Zhang, Y.: Peering into the young planetary system AB Pic. Atmosphere, orbit, obliquity, and second planetary candidate. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A90 (2023)
Paschek, K., Semenov, D. A., Pearce, B. K. D., Lange, K., Henning, T. K. and Pudritz, R. E.: Meteorites and the RNA World: Synthesis of Nucleobases in Carbonaceous Planetesimals and the Role of Initial Volatile Content. The Astrophysical Journal 942, 50 (2023)
Pascucci, I., Skinner, B. N., Deng, D., Ruaud, M., Gorti, U., Schwarz, K. R., Chapillon, E., Vioque, M. and Miley, J.: Large Myr-old Disks Are Not Severely Depleted of Gas-phase CO or Carbon. The Astrophysical Journal 953, 183 (2023)
Pazukhin, A. G., Zinchenko, I. I., Trofimova, E. A., Henkel, C. and Semenov, D. A.: Variations of the HCO+, HCN, HNC, N2H+, and NH3 deuterium fractionation in high-mass star-forming regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526, 3673-3696 (2023)
Pérez-González, P. G., Costantin, L., Langeroodi, D., Rinaldi, P., Annunziatella, M., Ilbert, O., Colina, L., Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U., Greve, T. R., Östlin, G., Wright, G., Alonso-Herrero, A., Álvarez-Márquez, J., Caputi, K. I., Eckart, A., Le Fèvre, O., Labiano, Á., García-Marín, M., Hjorth, J., Kendrew, S., Pye, J. P., Tikkanen, T., van der Werf, P., Walter, F., Ward, M., Bik, A., Boogaard, L., Bosman, S. E. I., Gómez, A. C., Gillman, S., Iani, E., Jermann, I., Melinder, J., Meyer, R. A., Moutard, T., van Dishoek, E., Henning, T., Lagage, P.-O., Guedel, M., Peissker, F., Ray, T., Vandenbussche, B., García-Argumánez, Á. and María Mérida, R.: Life beyond 30: Probing the -20 < M UV < -17 Luminosity Function at 8 < z < 13 with the NIRCam Parallel Field of the MIRI Deep Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 951, L1 (2023)
Perotti, G., Christiaens, V., Henning, T., Tabone, B., Waters, L. B. F. M., Kamp, I., Olofsson, G., Grant, S. L., Gasman, D., Bouwman, J., Samland, M., Franceschi, R., van Dishoeck, E. F., Schwarz, K., Güdel, M., Lagage, P.-O., Ray, T. P., Vandenbussche, B., Abergel, A., Absil, O., Arabhavi, A. M., Argyriou, I., Barrado, D., Boccaletti, A., Caratti o Garatti, A., Geers, V., Glauser, A. M., Justannont, K., Lahuis, F., Mueller, M., Nehmé, C., Pantin, E., Scheithauer, S., Waelkens, C., Guadarrama, R., Jang, H., Kanwar, J., Morales-Calderón, M., Pawellek, N., Rodgers-Lee, D., Schreiber, J., Colina, L., Greve, T. R., Östlin, G. and Wright, G.: Water in the terrestrial planet-forming zone of the PDS 70 disk. Nature 620, 516-520 (2023)
Perotti, G., Jørgensen, J. K., Rocha, W. R. M., Plunkett, A., Artur de la Villarmois, E., Kristensen, L. E., Sewiło, M., Bjerkeli, P., Fraser, H. J. and Charnley, S. B.: Linking ice and gas in the Coronet cluster in Corona Australis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A78 (2023)
Perrot, C., Olofsson, J., Kral, Q., Thébault, P., Montesinos, M., Kennedy, G., Bayo, A., Iglesias, D., van Holstein, R. and Pinte, C.: Morphology of the gas-rich debris disk around HD 121617 with SPHERE observations in polarized light. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, A39 (2023)
Peters, S., Semenov, D. A., Hochleitner, R. and Trapp, O.: Synthesis of prebiotic organics from CO2 by catalysis with meteoritic and volcanic particles. Scientific Reports 13, 6843 (2023)
Petkova, M. A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Henshaw, J. D., Longmore, S. N., Glover, S. C. O., Sormani, M. C., Armillotta, L., Barnes, A. T., Klessen, R. S., Nogueras-Lara, F., Tress, R. G., Armijos-Abendaño, J., Colzi, L., Federrath, C., García, P., Ginsburg, A., Henkel, C., Martín, S., Riquelme, D. and Rivilla, V. M.: Kinematics of Galactic Centre clouds shaped by shear-seeded solenoidal turbulence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525, 962-968 (2023)
Petkova, M. A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Kluge, A. L., Glover, S. C. O., Walker, D. L., Longmore, S. N., Henshaw, J. D., Reissl, S. and Dale, J. E.: The complex multiscale structure in simulated and observed emission maps of the proto-cluster cloud G0.253+0.016 ('the Brick'). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 2245-2268 (2023)
Pfeil, T., Birnstiel, T. and Klahr, H.: Dust Coagulation Reconciles Protoplanetary Disk Observations with the Vertical Shear Instability. I. Dust Coagulation and the VSI Dead Zone. The Astrophysical Journal 959, 121 (2023)
Pichierri, G., Bitsch, B. and Lega, E.: A recipe for orbital eccentricity damping in the type-I regime for low-viscosity 2D discs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A148 (2023)
Picogna, G., Schäfer, C., Ercolano, B., Rab, C., Franz, R. and Gárate, M.: Observability of photoevaporation signatures in the dust continuum emission of transition discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523, 3318-3327 (2023)
Polak, B. and Klahr, H.: High-resolution Study of Planetesimal Formation by Gravitational Collapse of Pebble Clouds. The Astrophysical Journal 943, 125 (2023)
Poorta, J., Ramírez-Tannus, M. C., de Koter, A., Backs, F., Derkink, A., Bik, A. and Kaper, L.: Massive pre-main-sequence stars in M17. First and second overtone CO bandhead emission and the thermal infrared. Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, A122 (2023)
Potapov, A., Semenov, D., Jäger, C. and Henning, T.: Formation of CO2 Driven by Photochemistry of Water Ice Mixed with Carbon Grains. The Astrophysical Journal 954, 167 (2023)
Pouilly, K., Kochukhov, O., Kóspál, Á., Hahlin, A., Carmona, A. and Ábrahám, P.: Accretion process, magnetic fields, and apsidal motion in the pre-main sequence binary DQ Tau. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518, 5072-5088 (2023)
Pouteau, Y., Motte, F., Nony, T., González, M., Joncour, I., Robitaille, J.-F., Busquet, G., Galván-Madrid, R., Gusdorf, A., Hennebelle, P., Ginsburg, A., Csengeri, T., Sanhueza, P., Dell'Ova, P., Stutz, A. M., Towner, A. P. M., Cunningham, N., Louvet, F., Men'shchikov, A., Fernández-López, M., Schneider, N., Armante, M., Bally, J., Baug, T., Bonfand, M., Bontemps, S., Bronfman, L., Brouillet, N., Díaz-González, D., Herpin, F., Lefloch, B., Liu, H.-L., Lu, X., Nakamura, F., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Olguin, F., Tatematsu, K. and Valeille-Manet, M.: ALMA-IMF. VI. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: Core mass function evolution in the W43-MM2&MM3 mini-starburst. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A76 (2023)
Pozuelos, F. J., Timmermans, M., Rackham, B. V., Garcia, L. J., Burgasser, A. J., Kane, S. R., Günther, M. N., Stassun, K. G., Van Grootel, V., Dévora-Pajares, M., Luque, R., Edwards, B., Niraula, P., Schanche, N., Wells, R. D., Ducrot, E., Howell, S., Sebastian, D., Barkaoui, K., Waalkes, W., Cadieux, C., Doyon, R., Boyle, R. P., Dietrich, J., Burdanov, A., Delrez, L., Demory, B.-O., de Wit, J., Dransfield, G., Gillon, M., Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y., Hooton, M. J., Jehin, E., Murray, C. A., Pedersen, P. P., Queloz, D., Thompson, S. J., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Zúñiga-Fernández, S., Collins, K. A., Fausnaugh, M. M., Hedges, C., Hesse, K. M., Jenkins, J. M., Kunimoto, M., Latham, D. W., Shporer, A., Ting, E. B., Torres, G., Amado, P., Rodón, J. R., Rodríguez-López, C., Suárez, J. C., Alonso, R., Benkhaldoun, Z., Berta-Thompson, Z. K., Chinchilla, P., Ghachoui, M., Gómez-Muñoz, M. A., Rebolo, R., Sabin, L., Schroffenegger, U., Furlan, E., Gnilka, C., Lester, K., Scott, N., Aganze, C., Gerasimov, R., Hsu, C., Theissen, C., Apai, D., Chen, W. P., Gabor, P., Henning, T. and Mancini, L.: A super-Earth and a mini-Neptune near the 2:1 MMR straddling the radius valley around the nearby mid-M dwarf TOI-2096. Astronomy and Astrophysics 672, A70 (2023)
Ramírez-Tannus, M. C., Bik, A., Cuijpers, L., Waters, R., Göppl, C., Henning, T., Kamp, I., Preibisch, T., Getman, K. V., Chaparro, G., Cuartas-Restrepo, P., de Koter, A., Feigelson, E. D., Grant, S. L., Haworth, T. J., Hernández, S., Kuhn, M. A., Perotti, G., Povich, M. S., Reiter, M., Roccatagliata, V., Sabbi, E., Tabone, B., Winter, A. J., McLeod, A. F., van Boekel, R. and van Terwisga, S. E.: XUE: Molecular Inventory in the Inner Region of an Extremely Irradiated Protoplanetary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 958, L30 (2023)
Ranaivomanana, P., Johnston, C., Groot, P. J., Aerts, C., Lees, R., IJspeert, L., Bloemen, S., Klein-Wolt, M., Woudt, P., Körding, E., Le Poole, R. and Pieterse, D.: Identifying and characterising the population of hot sub-luminous stars with multi-colour MeerLICHT data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 672, A69 (2023)
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Shanahan, R., Stil, J. M., Anderson, L., Beuther, H., Goldsmith, P., Klessen, R. S., Rugel, M. and Soler, J. D.: Turbulent Structure in Supernova Remnants G46.8-0.3 and G39.2-0.3 from THOR Polarimetry. The Astrophysical Journal 957, 60 (2023)
Shi, Y., Wang, W., Zhao, G., Zhai, M., Chen, G., Jiang, Z., Ouyang, Q., Henning, T., Zhao, J., Crouzet, N., van Boekel, R. and Esteves, L.: Thermal emission from the hot Jupiter WASP-103 b in J and Ks bands. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522, 1491-1503 (2023)
Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Campbell-White, J., Roccatagliata, V., Desira, J., Gregory, S. G., Scholz, A., Fang, M., Cruz-Saenz de Miera, F., Kóspál, Á., Matsumura, S. and Ábrahám, P.: Stable accretion in young stars: the cases of EX Lupi and TW Hya. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526, 4885-4907 (2023)
Siwak, M., Hillenbrand, L. A., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Giannini, T., De, K., Moór, A., Szilágyi, M., Janík, J., Koen, C., Park, S., Nagy, Z., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Fiorellino, E., Marton, G., Kun, M., Lucas, P. W., Udalski, A. and Szabó, Z. M.: Gaia21bty: An EXor light curve exhibiting a FUor spectrum. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524, 5548-5565 (2023)
Skaf, N., Boccaletti, A., Pantin, E., Thebault, P., Kral, Q., Danielski, C., Galicher, R., Milli, J., Lagrange, A.-M., Baruteau, C., Kenworthy, M., Absil, O., Langlois, M., Olofsson, J., Chauvin, G., Huelamo, N., Delorme, P., Charnay, B., Guyon, O., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Hoeijmakers, H. J., Käufl, U., Kasper, M., Maire, A.-L., Mâlin, M., Siebenmorgen, R., Snellen, I. and Zins, G.: The β Pictoris system: Setting constraints on the planet and the disk structures at mid-IR wavelengths with NEAR. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A35 (2023)
Skretas, I. M., Karska, A., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Beuther, H., Ginsburg, A., Hernández-Gómez, A., Gieser, C., Li, S., Kim, W.-J., Semenov, D. A., Bouscasse, L., Christensen, I. B., Winters, J. M. and Hacar, A.: The Cygnus Allscale Survey of Chemistry and Dynamical Environments: CASCADE. II. A detailed kinematic analysis of the DR21 Main outflow. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A66 (2023)
Smoker, J. V., Müller, A., Monreal Ibero, A., Elyajouri, M., Evans, C. J., Najarro, F., Farhang, A., Cox, N. L. J., Minniti, J., Smith, K. T., Pritchard, J., Lallement, R., Smette, A., Boffin, H. M. J., Cordiner, M. and Cami, J.: A high-resolution study of near-IR diffuse interstellar bands, search for small-scale structure, time variability, and stellar features. Astronomy and Astrophysics 672, A181 (2023)
Soler, J. D., Zari, E., Elia, D., Molinari, S., Mininni, C., Schisano, E., Traficante, A., Klessen, R. S., Glover, S. C. O., Hennebelle, P., Colman, T., Frankel, N. and Wenger, T.: A comparison of the Milky Way's recent star formation revealed by dust thermal emission and high-mass stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A95 (2023)
Stadler, J., Benisty, M., Izquierdo, A., Facchini, S., Teague, R., Kurtovic, N., Pinilla, P., Bae, J., Ansdell, M., Loomis, R., Mayama, S., Perez, L. M. and Testi, L.: A kinematically detected planet candidate in a transition disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, L1 (2023)
Stasevic, S., Milli, J., Mazoyer, J., Lagrange, A.-M., Bonnefoy, M., Faramaz-Gorka, V., Ménard, F., Boccaletti, A., Choquet, E., Shuai, L., Olofsson, J., Chomez, A., Ren, B., Rubini, P., Desgrange, C., Gratton, R., Chauvin, G., Vigan, A. and Matthews, E.: An inner warp discovered in the disk around HD 110058 using VLT/SPHERE and HST/STIS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A8 (2023)
Stock, S., Kemmer, J., Kossakowski, D., Sabotta, S., Reffert, S. and Quirrenbach, A.: Gaussian processes for radial velocity modeling. Better rotation periods and planetary parameters with the quasi-periodic kernel and constrained priors. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A108 (2023)
Sturm, J. A., McClure, M. K., Beck, T. L., Harsono, D., Bergner, J. B., Dartois, E., Boogert, A. C. A., Chiar, J. E., Cordiner, M. A., Drozdovskaya, M. N., Ioppolo, S., Law, C. J., Linnartz, H., Lis, D. C., Melnick, G. J., McGuire, B. A., Noble, J. A., Öberg, K. I., Palumbo, M. E., Pendleton, Y. J., Perotti, G., Pontoppidan, K. M., Qasim, D., Rocha, W. R. M., Terada, H., Urso, R. G. and van Dishoeck, E. F.: A JWST inventory of protoplanetary disk ices. The edge-on protoplanetary disk HH 48 NE, seen with the Ice Age ERS program. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A138 (2023)
Suárez Mascareño, A., González-Álvarez, E., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Lillo-Box, J., Faria, J. P., Passegger, V. M., González Hernández, J. I., Figueira, P., Sozzetti, A., Rebolo, R., Pepe, F., Santos, N. C., Cristiani, S., Lovis, C., Silva, A. M., Ribas, I., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A., Zechmeister, M., Adibekyan, V., Alibert, Y., Béjar, V. J. S., Benatti, S., D'Odorico, V., Damasso, M., Delisle, J.-B., Di Marcantonio, P., Dreizler, S., Ehrenreich, D., Hatzes, A. P., Hara, N. C., Henning, T., Kaminski, A., López-González, M. J., Martins, C. J. A. P., Micela, G., Montes, D., Pallé, E., Pedraz, S., Rodríguez, E., Rodríguez-López, C., Tal-Or, L., Sousa, S. and Udry, S.: Two temperate Earth-mass planets orbiting the nearby star GJ 1002. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A5 (2023)
Sun, J., Leroy, A. K., Ostriker, E. C., Meidt, S., Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Wilson, C. D., Utomo, D., Belfiore, F., Blanc, G. A., Emsellem, E., Faesi, C., Groves, B., Hughes, A., Koch, E. W., Kreckel, K., Liu, D., Pan, H.-A., Pety, J., Querejeta, M., Razza, A., Saito, T., Sardone, A., Usero, A., Williams, T. G., Bigiel, F., Bolatto, A. D., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Gensior, J., Glover, S. C. O., Grasha, K., Henshaw, J. D., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Murphy, E. J., Neumann, L., Teng, Y.-H. and Thilker, D. A.: Star Formation Laws and Efficiencies across 80 Nearby Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 945, L19 (2023)
Syed, J., Beuther, H., Goldsmith, P. F., Henning, T., Heyer, M., Klessen, R. S., Stil, J. M., Soler, J. D., Anderson, L. D., Urquhart, J. S., Rugel, M. R., Johnston, K. G. and Brunthaler, A.: Cold atomic gas identified by H I self-absorption. Cold atomic clouds toward giant molecular filaments. Astronomy and Astrophysics 679, A130 (2023)
Szabó, Z. M., Gong, Y., Menten, K. M., Yang, W., Cyganowski, C. J., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Belloche, A. and Wyrowski, F.: The Effelsberg survey of FU Orionis and EX Lupi objects. I. Host environments of FUors and EXors traced by NH3. Astronomy and Astrophysics 672, A158 (2023)
Szabó, Z. M., Gong, Y., Yang, W., Menten, K. M., Bayandina, O. S., Cyganowski, C. J., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Belloche, A. and Wyrowski, F.: The Effelsberg survey of FU Orionis and EX Lupi objects. II. H2O maser observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A202 (2023)
Tabone, B., Bettoni, G., van Dishoeck, E. F., Arabhavi, A. M., Grant, S., Gasman, D., Henning, T., Kamp, I., Güdel, M., Lagage, P. O., Ray, T., Vandenbussche, B., Abergel, A., Absil, O., Argyriou, I., Barrado, D., Boccaletti, A., Bouwman, J., Caratti o Garatti, A., Geers, V., Glauser, A. M., Justannont, K., Lahuis, F., Mueller, M., Nehmé, C., Olofsson, G., Pantin, E., Scheithauer, S., Waelkens, C., Waters, L. B. F. M., Black, J. H., Christiaens, V., Guadarrama, R., Morales-Calderón, M., Jang, H., Kanwar, J., Pawellek, N., Perotti, G., Perrin, A., Rodgers-Lee, D., Samland, M., Schreiber, J., Schwarz, K., Colina, L., Östlin, G. and Wright, G.: A rich hydrocarbon chemistry and high C to O ratio in the inner disk around a very low-mass star. Nature Astronomy 7, 805-814 (2023)
Tan, W. S., Araya, E. D., Rigg, C., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Linz, H. and Rosero, V.: Excited Hydroxyl Outflow in the High-mass Star-forming Region G34.26 + 0.15. The Astrophysical Journal 953, 90 (2023)
Taniguchi, K., Sanhueza, P., Olguin, F. A., Gorai, P., Das, A., Nakamura, F., Saito, M., Zhang, Q., Lu, X., Li, S. and Chen, H.-R. V.: Digging into the Interior of Hot Cores with the ALMA (DIHCA). III. The Chemical Link between NH2CHO, HNCO, and H2CO. The Astrophysical Journal 950, 57 (2023)
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Trifonov, T., Brahm, R., Jordán, A., Hartogh, C., Henning, T., Hobson, M. J., Schlecker, M., Howard, S., Reichardt, F., Espinoza, N., Lee, M. H., Nesvorny, D., Rojas, F. I., Barkaoui, K., Kossakowski, D., Boyle, G., Dreizler, S., Kürster, M., Heller, R., Guillot, T., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Abe, L., Agabi, A., Bendjoya, P., Crouzet, N., Dransfield, G., Gasparetto, T., Günther, M. N., Marie-Sainte, W., Mékarnia, D., Suarez, O., Teske, J., Butler, R. P., Crane, J. D., Shectman, S., Ricker, G. R., Shporer, A., Vanderspek, R., Jenkins, J. M., Wohler, B., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Ciardi, D. R., Barclay, T., Mireles, I., Seager, S. and Winn, J. N.: TOI-2525 b and c: A Pair of Massive Warm Giant Planets with Strong Transit Timing Variations Revealed by TESS. The Astronomical Journal 165, 179 (2023)
Tzouvanou, A., Bitsch, B. and Pichierri, G.: Do all gaps in protoplanetary discs host planets? Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A82 (2023)
Ueda, T., Okuzumi, S., Kataoka, A. and Flock, M.: Probing the temperature structure of the inner region of a protoplanetary disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A176 (2023)
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van Dishoeck, E. F., Grant, S., Tabone, B., van Gelder, M., Francis, L., Tychoniec, L., Bettoni, G., Arabhavi, A. M., Gasman, D., Nazari, P., Vlasblom, M., Kavanagh, P., Christiaens, V., Klaassen, P., Beuther, H., Henning, T. and Kamp, I.: The diverse chemistry of protoplanetary disks as revealed by JWST. Faraday Discussions 245, 52-79 (2023)
van Terwisga, S. E. and Hacar, A.: Survey of Orion Disks with ALMA (SODA). II. UV-driven disk mass loss in L1641 and L1647. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, L2 (2023)
Vanlaer, V., Aerts, C., Bellinger, E. P. and Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.: Feasibility of structure inversions for gravity-mode pulsators. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A17 (2023)
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Viswanath, G., Janson, M., Gratton, R., Squicciarini, V., Rodet, L., Ringqvist, S. C., Mamajek, E. E., Reffert, S., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Vigan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Engler, N., Desidera, S., Henning, T., Hagelberg, J., Langlois, M. and Meyer, M.: BEAST detection of a brown dwarf and a low-mass stellar companion around the young bright B star HIP 81208. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A54 (2023)
Weber, P., Pérez, S., Guidi, G., Kurtovic, N. T., Zurlo, A., Garufi, A., Pinilla, P., Mayama, S., van Holstein, R. G., Dullemond, C. P., Cuello, N., Principe, D., Cieza, L., González-Ruilova, C. and Girard, J.: The SPHERE view of three interacting twin disc systems in polarized light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518, 5620-5642 (2023)
Weber, P., Pérez, S., Zurlo, A., Miley, J., Hales, A., Cieza, L., Principe, D., Cárcamo, M., Garufi, A., Kóspál, Á., Takami, M., Kastner, J., Zhu, Z. and Williams, J.: Spirals and Clumps in V960 Mon: Signs of Planet Formation via Gravitational Instability around an FU Ori Star? The Astrophysical Journal 952, L17 (2023)
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Xu, F.-W., Wang, K., Liu, T., Goldsmith, P. F., Zhang, Q., Juvela, M., Liu, H.-L., Qin, S.-L., Li, G.-X., Tej, A., Garay, G., Bronfman, L., Li, S., Wu, Y.-F., Gómez, G. C., Vázquez-Semadeni, E., Tatematsu, K. i., Ren, Z., Zhang, Y., Toth, L. V., Liu, X., Yue, N., Zhang, S., Baug, T., Issac, N., Stutz, A. M., Liu, M., Fuller, G. A., Tang, M., Zhang, C., Dewangan, L., Lee, C. W., Zhou, J., Xie, J., Jiao, W., Wang, C., Liu, R., Luo, Q., Soam, A. and Eswaraiah, C.: ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions - XV. Steady accretion from global collapse to core feeding in massive hub-filament system SDC335. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 3259-3285 (2023)
Yang, A. Y., Dzib, S. A., Urquhart, J. S., Brunthaler, A., Medina, S.-N. X., Menten, K. M., Wyrowski, F., Ortiz-León, G. N., Cotton, W. D., Gong, Y., Dokara, R., Rugel, M. R., Beuther, H., Pandian, J. D., Csengeri, T., Veena, V. S., Roy, N., Nguyen, H., Winkel, B., Ott, J., Carrasco-Gonzalez, C., Khan, S. and Cheema, A.: A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. IX. Radio Source Catalog III: 2° < ℓ < 28°, 36° < ℓ < 40°, 56° < ℓ < 60° and |b| < 1°, VLA B-configuration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 680, A92 (2023)
Yang, D., Liu, H.-L., Tej, A., Liu, T., Sanhueza, P., Qin, S.-L., Lu, X., Wang, K., Pan, S., Xu, F.-W., Vázquez-Semadeni, E., Li, S., Gómez, G. C., Palau, A., Garay, G., Goldsmith, P. F., Juvela, M., Saha, A., Bronfman, L., Lee, C. W., Tatematsu, K. i., Dewangan, L., Zhou, J., Zhang, Y., Stutz, A., Eswaraiah, C., Toth, L. V., Ristorcelli, I., Shen, X., Luo, A. and Chibueze, J. O.: Direct Observational Evidence of the Multi-scale, Dynamical Mass Accretion Toward a High-mass Star-forming Hub-filament System. The Astrophysical Journal 953, 40 (2023)
Yoffe, G., van Boekel, R., Li, A., Waters, L. B. F. M., Maaskant, K., Siebenmorgen, R., van den Ancker, M., Petit dit de la Roche, D. J. M., Lopez, B., Matter, A., Varga, J., Hogerheijde, M. R., Weigelt, G., Oudmaijer, R. D., Pantin, E., Meyer, M. R., Augereau, J.-C. and Henning, T.: Spatially resolving polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Herbig Ae disks with VISIR-NEAR at the VLT. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A57 (2023)
Yong, D., Liu, F., Ting, Y.-S., Joyce, M., Bitsch, B., Dai, F., Dotter, A., Karakas, A. I. and Murphy, M. T.: C3PO: towards a complete census of co-moving pairs of stars - I. High precision stellar parameters for 250 stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526, 2181-2195 (2023)
Yue, M., Eilers, A.-C., Simcoe, R. A., Belli, S., Davies, F. B., DePalma, D., Hennawi, J. F., Mason, C. A., Muñoz, J. B., Nelson, E. J. and Tacchella, S.: Detecting and Characterizing Young Quasars. III. The Impact of Gravitational Lensing Magnification. The Astrophysical Journal 950, 105 (2023)
Zakhozhay, O. V., Osorio, M. R. Z., Béjar, V. J. S., Climent, J. B., Guirado, J. C., Gauza, B., Lodieu, N., Semenov, D. A., Perez-Torres, M., Azulay, R., Rebolo, R., Martín-Pintado, J. and Lefèvre, C.: New constraints on the presence of debris disks around G 196-3 B and VHS J125601.92-125723.9 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A66 (2023)
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Zhang, J., Wuyts, S., Cutler, S. E., Mowla, L. A., Brammer, G. B., Momcheva, I. G., Whitaker, K. E., van Dokkum, P., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Nelson, E. J., Schady, P., Villforth, C., Wake, D. and van der Wel, A.: Dust attenuation, dust content, and geometry of star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524, 4128-4147 (2023)
Zhang, S., Wang, K., Liu, T., Zavagno, A., Juvela, M., Liu, H., Tej, A., Stutz, A. M., Li, S., Bronfman, L., Zhang, Q., Goldsmith, P. F., Lee, C. W., Vázquez-Semadeni, E., Tatematsu, K. i., Jiao, W., Xu, F., Wang, C. and Zhou, J.-W.: ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions - XIII. Ongoing triggered star formation within clump-fed scenario found in the massive ( 1500 M⨀) clump. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 322-352 (2023)
Zhang, S., Zhu, Z., Ueda, T., Kataoka, A., Sierra, A., Carrasco-González, C. and Macías, E.: Porous Dust Particles in Protoplanetary Disks: Application to the HL Tau Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 953, 96 (2023)
Zhou, J.-W., Li, S., Liu, H.-L., Peng, Y., Zhang, S., Xu, F.-W., Zhang, C., Liu, T. and Li, J.-Z.: Formation of hub-filament structure triggered by a cloud-cloud collision in the W33 complex. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519, 2391-2409 (2023)
Álvarez-Gutiérrez, R. H., Stutz, A., Law, C. Y., Reissl, S., Klessen, R. S., Leigh, N. W. C., Liu, H.-L. and Reeves, R. A.: Filament Rotation in the California L1482 Cloud. Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales, 136 (2023)
Amada, K., Fukaya, S., Imai, H., Scicluna, P., Hirano, N., Trejo-Cruz, A., Zeegers, S., Kemper, F., Srinivasan, S., Wallström, S., Dharmawardena, T. and Shinnaga, H.: Statistical properties of cold circumstellar envelops observed in NESS-NRO. Winds of Stars and Exoplanets, 370, 97-99 (2023)
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Christensen, I. B., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Beuther, H. and Cascade Team: Large scale deuteration of molecules in the Cygnus-X molecular cloud complex. Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales, 253 (2023)
Derkink, A., Ramirez-Tannus, M., Backs, F., Kaper, L. and de Koter, A.: A lack of short period binaries in the young massive-star forming region M17. Two in a Million - The Interplay Between Binaries and Star Clusters, 23 (2023)
Gieser, C., Beuther, H., Semenov, D., Ahmadi, A., Henning, T. and Wells, M. R. A.: Evolutionary trends of physical properties of protostellar cores in high-mass star-forming regions revealed by ALMA. ALMA at 10 years: Past, Present, and Future, 65 (2023)
Hensley, B., Roman-Duval, J., Lopez Rodriguez, E., Battersby, C., Beuther, H., Clark, S., Fissel, L., Rosolowsky, E., Bradford, C., Burgarella, D., Ciesla, L., Glenn, J. and Pope, A.: PRIMA: Determining the Composition of Interstellar Dust with Polarimetric Imaging. American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 241 (2023)
Rezaei Kh., S., Kainulainen, J., Spilker, A. and Orkisz, J.: Filament or sheet? The effects of the viewing angle on star formation. Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales, 203 (2023)
Schwarz, K.: Mapping Protoplanetary Disk Properties with Molecular Observations. American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 241 (2023)
Skinner, B., Pascucci, I., Gorti, U., Ruaud, M., Schwarz, K., Chapillon, E. and Deng, D.: ACA Survey of Atomic Carbon in Large Lupus Disks. American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 241 (2023)
Skretas, I. M., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Beuther, H. and Cascade Team: A detailed kinematic analysis of the DR21 outflow. Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales, 218 (2023)
Spaeth, D., Reffert, S., Trifonov, T. and Golovin, A.: Non-confirmation of the Astrometric Binary Candidate HD 113283 Using FEROS Radial Velocities. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 7, 12 (2023)
Syed, J., Beuther, H. and Soler, J. D.: Cold Atomic filaments in the Galactic plane as traced by HI self-absorption. Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation: The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales, 160 (2023)
Anders, F., Khalatyan, A., Queiroz, A. B. A., Chiappini, C., Ardèvol, J., Casamiquela, L., Figueras, F., Jiménez-Arranz, Ó., Jordi, C., Monguió, M., Romero-Gómez, M., Altamirano, D., Antoja, T., Assaad, R., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Castro-Ginard, A., Enke, H., Girardi, L., Guiglion, G., Khan, S., Luri, X., Miglio, A., Minchev, I., Ramos, P., Santiago, B. X. and Steinmetz, M.: Photo-astrometric distances, extinctions, and astrophysical parameters for Gaia EDR3 stars brighter than G = 18.5. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A91 (2022)
Anderson, D. E., Cleeves, L. I., Blake, G. A., Bergin, E. A., Zhang, K., Carpenter, J. M. and Schwarz, K. R.: New Constraints on Protoplanetary Disk Gas Masses in Lupus. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 229 (2022)
Bae, J., Teague, R., Andrews, S. M., Benisty, M., Facchini, S., Galloway-Sprietsma, M., Loomis, R. A., Aikawa, Y., Alarcón, F., Bergin, E., Bergner, J. B., Booth, A. S., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L. I., Czekala, I., Guzmán, V. V., Huang, J., Ilee, J. D., Kurtovic, N. T., Law, C. J., Gal, R. L., Liu, Y., Long, F., Ménard, F., Öberg, K. I., Pérez, L. M., Qi, C., Schwarz, K. R., Sierra, A., Walsh, C., Wilner, D. J. and Zhang, K.: Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS): A Circumplanetary Disk Candidate in Molecular-line Emission in the AS 209 Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 934, L20 (2022)
Baştürk, Ö., Esmer, E. M., Yalçınkaya, S., Torun, Ş., Mancini, L., Helweh, F., Karamanlı, E., Southworth, J., Aliş, S., Wünsche, A., Tezcan, F., Aladağ, Y., Aksaker, N., Tunç, E., Davoudi, F., Fişek, S., Bretton, M., Evans, D. F., Yeşilyaprak, C., Yılmaz, M., Tezcan, C. T. and Yelkenci, K.: Homogeneous transit timing analyses of 10 exoplanet systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 2062-2081 (2022)
Basu, A., Roy, N., Beuther, H., Syed, J., Ott, J., Soler, J. D., Stil, J. and Rugel, M. R.: Properties of atomic hydrogen gas in the Galactic plane from THOR 21-cm absorption spectra: a comparison with the high latitude gas. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5063-5068 (2022)
Beltrán, M. T., Rivilla, V. M., Cesaroni, R., Galli, D., Moscadelli, L., Ahmadi, A., Beuther, H., Etoka, S., Goddi, C., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Kumar, M. S. N., Lorenzani, A., Peters, T., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Schilke, P., van der Tak, F. and Vig, S.: The sharp ALMA view of infall and outflow in the massive protocluster G31.41+0.31. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A81 (2022)
Bergez-Casalou, C., Bitsch, B., Kurtovic, N. T. and Pinilla, P.: Constraining giant planet formation with synthetic ALMA images of the Solar System's natal protoplanetary disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A6 (2022)
Bergner, J. B., Shirley, Y. L., Jørgensen, J. K., McGuire, B., Aalto, S., Anderson, C. M., Chin, G., Gerin, M., Hartogh, P., Kim, D., Leisawitz, D., Najita, J., Schwarz, K. R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Walker, C. K., Wilner, D. J. and Wollack, E. J.: Astrochemistry with the Orbiting Astronomical Satellite for Investigating Stellar Systems (OASIS). Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 8, 246 (2022)
Berné, O., Habart, É., Peeters, E., Abergel, A., Bergin, E. A., Bernard-Salas, J., Bron, E., Cami, J., Dartois, E., Fuente, A., Goicoechea, J. R., Gordon, K. D., Okada, Y., Onaka, T., Robberto, M., Röllig, M., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Vicente, S., Wolfire, M. G., Alarcón, F., Boersma, C., Canin, A., Chown, R., Dicken, D., Languignon, D., Le Gal, R., Pound, M. W., Trahin, B., Simmer, T., Sidhu, A., Van De Putte, D., Cuadrado, S., Guilloteau, C., Maragkoudakis, A., Schefter, B. R., Schirmer, T., Cazaux, S., Aleman, I., Allamandola, L., Auchettl, R., Baratta, G. A., Bejaoui, S., Bera, P. P., Bilalbegović, G., Black, J. H., Boulanger, F., Bouwman, J., Brandl, B., Brechignac, P., Brünken, S., Burkhardt, A., Candian, A., Cernicharo, J., Chabot, M., Chakraborty, S., Champion, J., Colgan, S. W. J., Cooke, I. R., Coutens, A., Cox, N. L. J., Demyk, K., Donovan Meyer, J., Engrand, C., Foschino, S., García-Lario, P., Gavilan, L., Gerin, M., Godard, M., Gottlieb, C. A., Guillard, P., Gusdorf, A., Hartigan, P., He, J., Herbst, E., Hornekaer, L., Jäger, C., Janot-Pacheco, E., Joblin, C., Kaufman, M., Kemper, F., Kendrew, S., Kirsanova, M. S., Klaassen, P., Knight, C., Kwok, S., Labiano, Á., Lai, T. S.-Y., Lee, T. J., Lefloch, B., Le Petit, F., Li, A., Linz, H., Mackie, C. J., Madden, S. C., Mascetti, J., McGuire, B. A., Merino, P., Micelotta, E. R., Misselt, K., Morse, J. A., Mulas, G., Neelamkodan, N., Ohsawa, R., Omont, A., Paladini, R., Palumbo, M. E., Pathak, A., Pendleton, Y. J., Petrignani, A., Pino, T., Puga, E., Rangwala, N., Rapacioli, M., Ricca, A., Roman-Duval, J., Roser, J., Roueff, E., Rouillé, G., Salama, F., Sales, D. A., Sandstrom, K., Sarre, P., Sciamma-O'Brien, E., Sellgren, K., Shannon, M. J., Shenoy, S. S., Teyssier, D., Thomas, R. D., Togi, A., Verstraete, L., Witt, A. N., Wootten, A., Ysard, N., Zettergren, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z. E. and Zhen, J.: PDRs4All: A JWST Early Release Science Program on Radiative Feedback from Massive Stars. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 134, 054301 (2022)
Betti, S. K., Follette, K. B., Ward-Duong, K., Aoyama, Y., Marleau, G.-D., Bary, J., Robinson, C., Janson, M., Balmer, W., Chauvin, G. and Palma-Bifani, P.: Near-infrared Accretion Signatures from the Circumbinary Planetary-mass Companion Delorme 1 (AB)b. The Astrophysical Journal 935, L18 (2022)
Beuther, H., Schneider, N., Simon, R., Suri, S., Ossenkopf-Okada, V., Kabanovic, S., Röllig, M., Guevara, C., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Sandell, G., Buchbender, C., Ricken, O. and Güsten, R.: FEEDBACK from the NGC 7538 H II region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A77 (2022)
Beuther, H., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Winters, J. M., Suri, S., Kim, W.-J., Bouscasse, L., Gieser, C., Sawczuck, M., Christensen, I. B. and Skretas, I. M.: The Cygnus Allscale Survey of Chemistry and Dynamical Environments: CASCADE. Overview and first results toward DR20 from the Max Planck IRAM Observatory program (MIOP). Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A63 (2022)
Biller, B. A., Grandjean, A., Messina, S., Desidera, S., Delorme, P., Lagrange, A.-M., Hambsch, F.-J., Mesa, D., Janson, M., Gratton, R., D'Orazi, V., Langlois, M., Maire, A.-L., Schlieder, J., Henning, T., Zurlo, A., Hagelberg, J., Brown-Sevilla, S., Romero, C., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M., Meyer, M., Vigan, A., Pavlov, A., Soenke, C., LeMignant, D. and Roux, A.: Dynamical masses for two M1 + mid-M dwarf binaries monitored during the SPHERE-SHINE survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A145 (2022)
Biscani, F. and Izzo, D.: Reliable event detection for Taylor methods in astrodynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 4833-4844 (2022)
Blakely, D., Francis, L., Johnstone, D., Soulain, A., Tuthill, P., Cheetham, A., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Sivaramakrishnan, A., Dong, R., van der Marel, N., Cooper, R., Vigan, A. and Cantalloube, F.: Two Rings and a Marginally Resolved, 5 au Disk around LkCa 15 Identified via Near-infrared Sparse Aperture Masking Interferometry. The Astrophysical Journal 931, 3 (2022)
Bohn, A. J., Benisty, M., Perraut, K., van der Marel, N., Wölfer, L., van Dishoeck, E. F., Facchini, S., Manara, C. F., Teague, R., Francis, L., Berger, J.-P., Garcia-Lopez, R., Ginski, C., Henning, T., Kenworthy, M., Kraus, S., Ménard, F., Mérand, A. and Pérez, L. M.: Probing inner and outer disk misalignments in transition disks. Constraints from VLTI/GRAVITY and ALMA observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A183 (2022)
Bohn, A. J., Ginski, C., Kenworthy, M. A., Mamajek, E. E., Meshkat, T., Pecaut, M. J., Reggiani, M., Seay, C. R., Brown, A. G. A., Cugno, G., Henning, T., Launhardt, R., Quirrenbach, A., Rickman, E. L. and Ségransan, D.: Unveiling wide-orbit companions to K-type stars in Sco-Cen with Gaia EDR3. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A53 (2022)
Bonavita, M., Gratton, R., Desidera, S., Squicciarini, V., D'Orazi, V., Zurlo, A., Biller, B., Chauvin, G., Fontanive, C., Janson, M., Messina, S., Menard, F., Meyer, M., Vigan, A., Avenhaus, H., Asensio Torres, R., Beuzit, J.-L., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Desgrange, C., Dominik, C., Engler, N., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Garufi, A., Gasparri, D., Ginski, C., Girard, J., Grandjean, A., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Hunziker, S., Kasper, M., Keppler, M., Lagadec, E., Lagrange, A.-M., Langlois, M., Lannier, J., Lazzoni, C., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Lombart, M., Maire, A.-L., Mazevet, S., Mesa, D., Mouillet, D., Moutou, C., Müller, A., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Petrus, S., Potier, A., Ramos, J., Rickman, E., Rouan, D., Salter, G., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Stolker, T., Szulágyi, J., Turatto, M., Udry, S. and Wildi, F.: New binaries from the SHINE survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A144 (2022)
Bordier, E., Frost, A. J., Sana, H., Reggiani, M., Mérand, A., Rainot, A., Ramírez-Tannus, M. C. and de Wit, W. J.: The origin of close massive binaries in the M17 star-forming region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A26 (2022)
Borsa, F., Giacobbe, P., Bonomo, A. S., Brogi, M., Pino, L., Fossati, L., Lanza, A. F., Nascimbeni, V., Sozzetti, A., Amadori, F., Benatti, S., Biazzo, K., Bignamini, A., Boschin, W., Claudi, R., Cosentino, R., Covino, E., Desidera, S., Fiorenzano, A. F. M., Guilluy, G., Harutyunyan, A., Maggio, A., Maldonado, J., Mancini, L., Micela, G., Molinari, E., Molinaro, M., Pagano, I., Pedani, M., Piotto, G., Poretti, E., Rainer, M., Scandariato, G. and Stoev, H.: The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXIII. HARPS-N detects multiple atomic species in emission from the dayside of KELT-20b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A141 (2022)
Brasser, R., Pichierri, G., Dobos, V. and Barr, A. C.: Long-term tidal evolution of the TRAPPIST-1 system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 2373-2385 (2022)
Bulak, M., Paardekooper, D. M., Fedoseev, G., Chuang, K.-J., Terwisscha van Scheltinga, J., Eistrup, C. and Linnartz, H.: Quantification of O2 formation during UV photolysis of water ice: H2O and H2O:CO2 ices. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A120 (2022)
Burn, R., Emsenhuber, A., Weder, J., Völkel, O., Klahr, H., Birnstiel, T., Ercolano, B. and Mordasini, C.: Toward a population synthesis of disks and planets. I. Evolution of dust with entrainment in winds and radiation pressure. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A73 (2022)
Caballero, J. A., González-Álvarez, E., Brady, M., Trifonov, T., Ellis, T. G., Dorn, C., Cifuentes, C., Molaverdikhani, K., Bean, J. L., Boyajian, T., Rodríguez, E., Sanz-Forcada, J., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Abia, C., Amado, P. J., Anugu, N., Béjar, V. J. S., Davies, C. L., Dreizler, S., Dubois, F., Ennis, J., Espinoza, N., Farrington, C. D., López, A. G., Gardner, T., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Herrero, E., Herrero-Cisneros, E., Kaminski, A., Kasper, D., Klement, R., Kraus, S., Labdon, A., Lanthermann, C., Le Bouquin, J.-B., López González, M. J., Luque, R., Mann, A. W., Marfil, E., Monnier, J. D., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Pallé, E., Pedraz, S., Quirrenbach, A., Reffert, S., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Rodríguez-López, C., Schaefer, G., Schweitzer, A., Seifahrt, A., Setterholm, B. R., Shan, Y., Shulyak, D., Solano, E., Sreenivas, K. R., Stefánsson, G., Stürmer, J., Tabernero, H. M., Tal-Or, L., ten Brummelaar, T., Vanaverbeke, S., von Braun, K., Youngblood, A. and Zechmeister, M.: A detailed analysis of the Gl 486 planetary system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A120 (2022)
Cadieux, C., Doyon, R., Plotnykov, M., Hébrard, G., Jahandar, F., Artigau, É., Valencia, D., Cook, N. J., Martioli, E., Vandal, T., Donati, J.-F., Cloutier, R., Narita, N., Fukui, A., Hirano, T., Bouchy, F., Cowan, N. B., Gonzales, E. J., Ciardi, D. R., Stassun, K. G., Arnold, L., Benneke, B., Boisse, I., Bonfils, X., Carmona, A., Cortés-Zuleta, P., Delfosse, X., Forveille, T., Fouqué, P., Gomes da Silva, J., Jenkins, J. M., Kiefer, F., Kóspál, Á., Lafrenière, D., Martins, J. H. C., Moutou, C., do Nascimento, J.-D., Ould-Elhkim, M., Pelletier, S., Twicken, J. D., Bouma, L. G., Cartwright, S., Darveau-Bernier, A., Grankin, K., Ikoma, M., Kagetani, T., Kawauchi, K., Kodama, T., Kotani, T., Latham, D. W., Menou, K., Ricker, G., Seager, S., Tamura, M., Vanderspek, R. and Watanabe, N.: TOI-1452 b: SPIRou and TESS Reveal a Super-Earth in a Temperate Orbit Transiting an M4 Dwarf. The Astronomical Journal 164, 96 (2022)
Calissendorff, P., Janson, M., Rodet, L., Köhler, R., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Brown-Sevilla, S., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Desidera, S., Durkan, S., Fontanive, C., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Lagrange, A.-M., Langlois, M., Lazzoni, C., Maire, A.-L., Messina, S., Meyer, M., Möller-Nilsson, O., Rabus, M., Schlieder, J., Vigan, A., Wahhaj, Z., Wildi, F. and Zurlo, A.: Updated orbital monitoring and dynamical masses for nearby M-dwarf binaries. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A16 (2022)
Carleo, I., Giacobbe, P., Guilluy, G., Cubillos, P. E., Bonomo, A. S., Sozzetti, A., Brogi, M., Gandhi, S., Fossati, L., Turrini, D., Biazzo, K., Borsa, F., Lanza, A. F., Malavolta, L., Maggio, A., Mancini, L., Micela, G., Pino, L., Poretti, E., Rainer, M., Scandariato, G., Schisano, E., Andreuzzi, G., Bignamini, A., Cosentino, R., Fiorenzano, A., Harutyunyan, A., Molinari, E., Pedani, M., Redfield, S. and Stoev, H.: The GAPS Programme at TNG XXXIX. Multiple Molecular Species in the Atmosphere of the Warm Giant Planet WASP-80 b Unveiled at High Resolution with GIANO-B. The Astronomical Journal 164, 101 (2022)
Carrera, D., Thomas, A. J., Simon, J. B., Small, M. A., Kretke, K. A. and Klahr, H.: Resilience of Planetesimal Formation in Weakly Reinforced Pressure Bumps. The Astrophysical Journal 927, 52 (2022)
Carrera, R., Casamiquela, L., Carbajo-Hijarrubia, J., Balaguer-Núñez, L., Jordi, C., Romero-Gómez, M., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Lillo-Box, J., Masana, E. and Pancino, E.: OCCASO. IV. Radial velocities and open cluster kinematics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A14 (2022)
Castro-Ginard, A., Jordi, C., Luri, X., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Carrasco, J. M., Casamiquela, L., Anders, F., Balaguer-Núñez, L. and Badia, R. M.: Hunting for open clusters in Gaia EDR3: 628 new open clusters found with OCfinder. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A118 (2022)
Chametla, R. O., Masset, F. S., Baruteau, C. and Bitsch, B.: How the planetary eccentricity influences the pebble isolation mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 3867-3875 (2022)
Chaturvedi, P., Bluhm, P., Nagel, E., Hatzes, A. P., Morello, G., Brady, M., Korth, J., Molaverdikhani, K., Kossakowski, D., Caballero, J. A., Guenther, E. W., Pallé, E., Espinoza, N., Seifahrt, A., Lodieu, N., Cifuentes, C., Furlan, E., Amado, P. J., Barclay, T., Bean, J., Béjar, V. J. S., Bergond, G., Boyle, A. W., Ciardi, D., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Esparza-Borges, E., Fukui, A., Gnilka, C. L., Goeke, R., Guerra, P., Henning, T., Herrero, E., Howell, S. B., Jeffers, S. V., Jenkins, J. M., Jensen, E. L. N., Kasper, D., Kodama, T., Latham, D. W., López-González, M. J., Luque, R., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Mori, M., Murgas, F., Narita, N., Nowak, G., Parviainen, H., Passegger, V. M., Quirrenbach, A., Reffert, S., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Ricker, G. R., Rodriguez, E., Rodríguez-López, C., Schlecker, M., Schwarz, R. P., Schweitzer, A., Seager, S., Stefánsson, G., Stockdale, C., Tal-Or, L., Twicken, J. D., Vanaverbeke, S., Wang, G., Watanabe, D., Winn, J. N. and Zechmeister, M.: TOI-1468: A system of two transiting planets, a super-Earth and a mini-Neptune, on opposite sides of the radius valley. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A155 (2022)
Chen, G., Wang, H., van Boekel, R. and Pallé, E.: Detection of Na and K in the Atmosphere of the Hot Jupiter HAT-P-1b with P200/DBSP. The Astronomical Journal 164, 173 (2022)
Chiavassa, A., Kravchenko, K., Montargès, M., Millour, F., Matter, A., Freytag, B., Wittkowski, M., Hocdé, V., Cruzalèbes, P., Allouche, F., Lopez, B., Lagarde, S., Petrov, R. G., Meilland, A., Robbe-Dubois, S., Hofmann, K.-H., Weigelt, G., Berio, P., Bendjoya, P., Bettonvil, F., Domiciano de Souza, A., Heininger, M., Henning, T., Isbell, J. W., Jaffe, W., Labadie, L., Lehmitz, M., Meisenheimer, K., Soulain, A., Varga, J., Augereau, J.-C., van Boekel, R., Burtscher, L., Danchi, W. C., Dominik, C., Drevon, J., Gámez Rosas, V., Hogerheijde, M. R., Hron, J., Klarmann, L., Kokoulina, E., Lagadec, E., Leftley, J., Mosoni, L., Nardetto, N., Paladini, C., Pantin, E., Schertl, D., Stee, P., Szabados, L., Waters, R., Wolf, S. and Yoffe, G.: The extended atmosphere and circumstellar environment of the cool evolved star VX Sagittarii as seen by MATISSE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A185 (2022)
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Cosentino, G., Jiménez-Serra, I., Tan, J. C., Henshaw, J. D., Barnes, A. T., Law, C.-Y., Zeng, S., Fontani, F., Caselli, P., Viti, S., Zahorecz, S., Rico-Villas, F., Megías, A., Miceli, M., Orlando, S., Ustamujic, S., Greco, E., Peres, G., Bocchino, F., Fedriani, R., Gorai, P., Testi, L. and Martín-Pintado, J.: Negative and positive feedback from a supernova remnant with SHREC: a detailed study of the shocked gas in IC443. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 953-963 (2022)
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Garufi, A., Dominik, C., Ginski, C., Benisty, M., van Holstein, R. G., Henning, T., Pawellek, N., Pinte, C., Avenhaus, H., Facchini, S., Galicher, R., Gratton, R., Ménard, F., Muro-Arena, G., Milli, J., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Villenave, M., Moulin, T., Origne, A., Rigal, F., Sauvage, J.-F. and Weber, L.: A SPHERE survey of self-shadowed planet-forming disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A137 (2022)
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Leung, J. S.-Y., Hartley, J., Nagy, J. M., Netterfield, C. B., Shariff, J. A., Ade, P. A. R., Amiri, M., Benton, S. J., Bergman, A. S., Bihary, R., Bock, J. J., Bond, J. R., Bonetti, J. A., Bryan, S. A., Chiang, H. C., Contaldi, C. R., Doré, O., Duivenvoorden, A. J., Eriksen, H. K., Farhang, M., Filippini, J. P., Fraisse, A. A., Freese, K., Galloway, M., Gambrel, A. E., Gandilo, N. N., Ganga, K., Gualtieri, R., Gudmundsson, J. E., Halpern, M., Hasselfield, M., Hilton, G., Holmes, W., Hristov, V. V., Huang, Z., Irwin, K. D., Jones, W. C., Karakci, A., Kuo, C. L., Kermish, Z. D., Li, S., Mak, D. S. Y., Mason, P. V., Megerian, K., Moncelsi, L., Morford, T. A., Nolta, M., O'Brient, R., Osherson, B., Padilla, I. L., Racine, B., Rahlin, A. S., Reintsema, C., Ruhl, J. E., Runyan, M. C., Ruud, T. M., Shaw, E. C., Shiu, C., Soler, J. D., Song, X., Trangsrud, A., Tucker, C., Tucker, R. S., Turner, A. D., van der List, J. F., Weber, A. C., Wehus, I. K., Wen, S., Wiebe, D. V. and Young, E. Y.: A Simulation-based Method for Correcting Mode Coupling in CMB Angular Power Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal 928, 109 (2022)
Li, S., Sanhueza, P., Lee, C. W., Zhang, Q., Beuther, H., Palau, A., Liu, H.-L., Smith, H. A., Liu, H. B., Jiménez-Serra, I., Kim, K.-T., Feng, S., Liu, T., Wang, J., Li, D., Qiu, K., Lu, X., Girart, J. M., Wang, K., Li, F., Li, J., Cao, Y., Kim, S. and Strom, S.: ALMA Observations of NGC 6334S. II. Subsonic and Transonic Narrow Filaments in a High-mass Star Formation Cloud. The Astrophysical Journal 926, 165 (2022)
Li, S., Sanhueza, P., Lu, X., Lee, C. W., Zhang, Q., Bovino, S., Sabatini, G., Liu, T., Kim, K.-T., Morii, K., Tafoya, D., Tatematsu, K. i., Sakai, T., Wang, J., Li, F., Silva, A., Izumi, N. and Allingham, D.: The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). VII. Chemistry of Embedded Dense Cores. The Astrophysical Journal 939, 102 (2022)
Liu, H.-L., Tej, A., Liu, T., Goldsmith, P. F., Stutz, A., Juvela, M., Qin, S.-L., Xu, F.-W., Bronfman, L., Evans, N. J., Saha, A., Issac, N., Tatematsu, K. i., Wang, K., Li, S., Zhang, S., Baug, T., Dewangan, L., Wu, Y.-F., Zhang, Y., Lee, C. W., Liu, X.-C., Zhou, J. and Soam, A.: ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions - IX. A pilot study towards IRDC G034.43+00.24 on multi-scale structures and gas kinematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 4480-4489 (2022)
Liu, H.-L., Tej, A., Liu, T., Issac, N., Saha, A., Goldsmith, P. F., Wang, J.-Z., Zhang, Q., Qin, S.-L., Wang, K., Li, S., Soam, A., Dewangan, L., Lee, C. W., Li, P.-S., Liu, X.-C., Zhang, Y., Ren, Z., Juvela, M., Bronfman, L., Wu, Y.-F., Tatematsu, K. i., Chen, X., Li, D., Stutz, A., Zhang, S., Viktor Toth, L., Luo, Q.-Y., Xu, F.-W., Li, J., Liu, R., Zhou, J., Zhang, C., Tang, M., Zhang, C., Baug, T., Mannfors, E., Chakali, E. and Dutta, S.: ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions - V. Hierarchical fragmentation and gas dynamics in IRDC G034.43+00.24. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 5009-5022 (2022)
Liu, Y., Bertrang, G. H.-M., Flock, M., Rosotti, G. P., van Dishoeck, E. F., Boehler, Y., Facchini, S., Cui, C., Wolf, S. and Fang, M.: Millimeter gap contrast as a probe for turbulence level in protoplanetary disks. Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy 65, 129511 (2022)
Liu, Y., Flock, M. and Fang, M.: Modeling the arc and ring structures in the HD 143006 disk. Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy 65, 269511 (2022)
Long, F., Andrews, S. M., Rosotti, G., Harsono, D., Pinilla, P., Wilner, D. J., Öberg, K. I., Teague, R., Trapman, L. and Tabone, B.: Gas Disk Sizes from CO Line Observations: A Test of Angular Momentum Evolution. The Astrophysical Journal 931, 6 (2022)
Lopez, B., Lagarde, S., Petrov, R. G., Jaffe, W., Antonelli, P., Allouche, F., Berio, P., Matter, A., Meilland, A., Millour, F., Robbe-Dubois, S., Henning, T., Weigelt, G., Glindemann, A., Agocs, T., Bailet, C., Beckmann, U., Bettonvil, F., van Boekel, R., Bourget, P., Bresson, Y., Bristow, P., Cruzalèbes, P., Eldswijk, E., Fanteï Caujolle, Y., González Herrera, J. C., Graser, U., Guajardo, P., Heininger, M., Hofmann, K.-H., Kroes, G., Laun, W., Lehmitz, M., Leinert, C., Meisenheimer, K., Morel, S., Neumann, U., Paladini, C., Percheron, I., Riquelme, M., Schoeller, M., Stee, P., Venema, L., Woillez, J., Zins, G., Ábrahám, P., Abadie, S., Abuter, R., Accardo, M., Adler, T., Alonso, J., Augereau, J.-C., Böhm, A., Bazin, G., Beltran, J., Bensberg, A., Boland, W., Brast, R., Burtscher, L., Castillo, R., Chelli, A., Cid, C., Clausse, J.-M., Connot, C., Conzelmann, R. D., Danchi, W.-C., Delbo, M., Drevon, J., Dominik, C., van Duin, A., Ebert, M., Eisenhauer, F., Flament, S., Frahm, R., Gámez Rosas, V., Gabasch, A., Gallenne, A., Garces, E., Girard, P., Glazenborg, A., Gonté, F. Y. J., Guitton, F., de Haan, M., Hanenburg, H., Haubois, X., Hocdé, V., Hogerheijde, M., ter Horst, R., Hron, J., Hummel, C. A., Hubin, N., Huerta, R., Idserda, J., Isbell, J. W., Ives, D., Jakob, G., Jaskó, A., Jochum, L., Klarmann, L., Klein, R., Kragt, J., Kuindersma, S., Kokoulina, E., Labadie, L., Lacour, S., Leftley, J., Le Poole, R., Lizon, J.-L., Lopez, M., Lykou, F., Mérand, A., Marcotto, A., Mauclert, N., Maurer, T., Mehrgan, L. H., Meisner, J., Meixner, K., Mellein, M., Menut, J. L., Mohr, L., Mosoni, L., Navarro, R., Nußbaum, E., Pallanca, L., Pantin, E., Pasquini, L., Phan Duc, T., Pott, J.-U., Pozna, E., Richichi, A., Ridinger, A., Rigal, F., Rivinius, T., Roelfsema, R., Rohloff, R.-R., Rousseau, S., Salabert, D., Schertl, D., Schuhler, N., Schuil, M., Shabun, K., Soulain, A., Stephan, C., Toledo, P., Tristram, K., Tromp, N., Vakili, F., Varga, J., Vinther, J., Waters, L. B. F. M., Wittkowski, M., Wolf, S., Wrhel, F. and Yoffe, G.: MATISSE, the VLTI mid-infrared imaging spectro-interferometer. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A192 (2022)
Lu, T.-Y., Goto, T., Hashimoto, T., Santos, D. J. D., Wong, Y. H. V., Kim, S. J., Hsiao, T. Y.-Y., Kilerci, E., Ho, S. C.-C., Nagao, T., Matsuoka, Y., Onoue, M., Toba, Y. and Shellqs Collaboration: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs) - XV. Constraining the cosmic reionization at 5.5 < z < 7. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 1264-1281 (2022)
Luque, R., Fulton, B. J., Kunimoto, M., Amado, P. J., Gorrini, P., Dreizler, S., Hellier, C., Henry, G. W., Molaverdikhani, K., Morello, G., Peña-Moñino, L., Pérez-Torres, M., Pozuelos, F. J., Shan, Y., Anglada-Escudé, G., Béjar, V. J. S., Bergond, G., Boyle, A. W., Caballero, J. A., Charbonneau, D., Ciardi, D. R., Dufoer, S., Espinoza, N., Everett, M., Fischer, D., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Hesse, K., Howard, A. W., Howell, S. B., Isaacson, H., Jeffers, S. V., Jenkins, J. M., Kane, S. R., Kemmer, J., Khalafinejad, S., Kidwell, R. C., Kossakowski, D., Latham, D. W., Lillo-Box, J., Lissauer, J. J., Montes, D., Orell-Miquel, J., Pallé, E., Pollacco, D., Quirrenbach, A., Reffert, S., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Ricker, G. R., Rogers, L. A., Sanz-Forcada, J., Schlecker, M., Schweitzer, A., Seager, S., Shporer, A., Stassun, K. G., Stock, S., Tal-Or, L., Ting, E. B., Trifonov, T., Vanaverbeke, S., Vanderspek, R., Villaseñor, J., Winn, J. N., Winters, J. G. and Zapatero Osorio, M. R.: The HD 260655 system: Two rocky worlds transiting a bright M dwarf at 10 pc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A199 (2022)
Luque, R., Nowak, G., Hirano, T., Kossakowski, D., Pallé, E., Nixon, M. C., Morello, G., Amado, P. J., Albrecht, S. H., Caballero, J. A., Cifuentes, C., Cochran, W. D., Deeg, H. J., Dreizler, S., Esparza-Borges, E., Fukui, A., Gandolfi, D., Goffo, E., Guenther, E. W., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Kabath, P., Kawauchi, K., Korth, J., Kotani, T., Kudo, T., Kuzuhara, M., Lafarga, M., Lam, K. W. F., Livingston, J., Morales, J. C., Muresan, A., Murgas, F., Narita, N., Osborne, H. L. M., Parviainen, H., Passegger, V. M., Persson, C. M., Quirrenbach, A., Redfield, S., Reffert, S., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Serrano, L. M., Tamura, M., Van Eylen, V., Watanabe, N. and Zapatero Osorio, M. R.: Precise mass determination for the keystone sub-Neptune planet transiting the mid-type M dwarf G 9-40. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A154 (2022)
Lykou, F., Ábrahám, P., Chen, L., Varga, J., Kóspál, Á., Matter, A., Siwak, M., Szabó, Z. M., Zhu, Z., Liu, H. B., Lopez, B., Allouche, F., Augereau, J.-C., Berio, P., Cruzalèbes, P., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Hofmann, K.-H., Hogerheijde, M., Jaffe, W. J., Kokoulina, E., Lagarde, S., Meilland, A., Millour, F., Pantin, E., Petrov, R., Robbe-Dubois, S., Schertl, D., Scheuck, M., van Boekel, R., Waters, L. B. F. M., Weigelt, G. and Wolf, S.: The disk of FU Orionis viewed with MATISSE/VLTI. First interferometric observations in L and M bands. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A86 (2022)
Mah, J., Brasser, R., Bouvier, A. and Mojzsis, S. J.: Effects of pebble accretion on the growth and composition of planetesimals in the inner Solar system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 158-175 (2022)
Mah, J., Brasser, R., Woo, J. M. Y., Bouvier, A. and Mojzsis, S. J.: Evidence of a primordial isotopic gradient in the inner region of the solar protoplanetary disc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A36 (2022)
Mancini, L., Esposito, M., Covino, E., Southworth, J., Poretti, E., Andreuzzi, G., Barbato, D., Biazzo, K., Borsato, L., Bruni, I., Damasso, M., Di Fabrizio, L., Evans, D. F., Granata, V., Lanza, A. F., Naponiello, L., Nascimbeni, V., Pinamonti, M., Sozzetti, A., Tregloan-Reed, J., Basilicata, M., Bignamini, A., Bonomo, A. S., Claudi, R., Cosentino, R., Desidera, S., Fiorenzano, A. F. M., Giacobbe, P., Harutyunyan, A., Henning, T., Knapic, C., Maggio, A., Micela, G., Molinari, E., Pagano, I., Pedani, M. and Piotto, G.: The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXVI. Measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and revising the physical and orbital parameters of the HAT-P-15, HAT-P-17, HAT-P-21, HAT-P-26, HAT-P-29 eccentric planetary systems. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A162 (2022)
Mancini, L., Southworth, J., Naponiello, L., Baştürk, Ö., Barbato, D., Biagiotti, F., Bruni, I., Cabona, L., D'Ago, G., Damasso, M., Erdem, A., Evans, D., Henning, T., Öztürk, O., Ricci, D., Sozzetti, A., Tregloan-Reed, J. and Yalçınkaya, S.: The ultra-hot-Jupiter KELT-16 b: dynamical evolution and atmospheric properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 1447-1464 (2022)
Mannaday, V. K., Thakur, P., Southworth, J., Jiang, I.-G., Sahu, D. K., Mancini, L., Vaňko, M., Kundra, E., Gajdoš, P., A-thano, N., Sariya, D. P., Yeh, L.-C., Griv, E., Mkrtichian, D. and Shlyapnikov, A.: Revisiting the Transit Timing Variations in the TrES-3 and Qatar-1 Systems with TESS Data. The Astronomical Journal 164, 198 (2022)
Marchenko, I. G., Zhiglo, A., Aksenova, V., Tkachenko, V., Marchenko, I. I., Łuczka, J. and Spiechowicz, J.: Giant oscillations of diffusion in ac-driven periodic systems. Chaos 32, 113106 (2022)
Marleau, G.-D., Aoyama, Y., Kuiper, R., Follette, K., Turner, N. J., Cugno, G., Manara, C. F., Haffert, S. Y., Kitzmann, D., Ringqvist, S. C., Wagner, K. R., van Boekel, R., Sallum, S., Janson, M., Schmidt, T. O. B., Venuti, L., Lovis, C. and Mordasini, C.: Accreting protoplanets: Spectral signatures and magnitude of gas and dust extinction at H α. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A38 (2022)
Matsuoka, Y., Iwasawa, K., Onoue, M., Izumi, T., Kashikawa, N., Strauss, M. A., Imanishi, M., Nagao, T., Akiyama, M., Silverman, J. D., Asami, N., Bosch, J., Furusawa, H., Goto, T., Gunn, J. E., Harikane, Y., Ikeda, H., Ishimoto, R., Kawaguchi, T., Kato, N., Kikuta, S., Kohno, K., Komiyama, Y., Lee, C.-H., Lupton, R. H., Minezaki, T., Miyazaki, S., Murayama, H., Nishizawa, A. J., Oguri, M., Ono, Y., Ouchi, M., Price, P. A., Sameshima, H., Sugiyama, N., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Takahashi, A., Takata, T., Tanaka, M., Toba, Y., Utsumi, Y., Wang, S.-Y. and Yamashita, T.: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XVI. 69 New Quasars at 5.8 < z < 7.0. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 259, 18 (2022)
Melon Fuksman, J. D. and Klahr, H.: No Self-shadowing Instability in 2D Radiation Hydrodynamical Models of Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 936, 16 (2022)
Mesa, D., Ginski, C., Gratton, R., Ertel, S., Wagner, K., Bonavita, M., Fedele, D., Meyer, M., Henning, T., Langlois, M., Garufi, A., Antoniucci, S., Claudi, R., Defrère, D., Desidera, S., Janson, M., Pawellek, N., Rigliaco, E., Squicciarini, V., Zurlo, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Hugot, E., Lagrange, A.-M., Lazzoni, C., Maurel, D., Perrot, C., Petit, C., Rouan, D. and Vigan, A.: Signs of late infall and possible planet formation around DR Tau using VLT/SPHERE and LBTI/LMIRCam. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A63 (2022)
Mollière, P., Molyarova, T., Bitsch, B., Henning, T., Schneider, A., Kreidberg, L., Eistrup, C., Burn, R., Nasedkin, E., Semenov, D., Mordasini, C., Schlecker, M., Schwarz, K. R., Lacour, S., Nowak, M. and Schulik, M.: Interpreting the Atmospheric Composition of Exoplanets: Sensitivity to Planet Formation Assumptions. The Astrophysical Journal 934, 74 (2022)
Mombarg, J. S. G., Dotter, A., Rieutord, M., Michielsen, M., Van Reeth, T. and Aerts, C.: Predictions for Gravity-mode Periods and Surface Abundances in Intermediate-mass Dwarfs from Shear Mixing and Radiative Levitation. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 154 (2022)
Moór, A., Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á., Su, K. Y. L., Rieke, G. H., Vida, K., Cataldi, G., Bódi, A., Bognár, Z., Cseh, B., Csörnyei, G., Egei, N., Farkas, A., Hanyecz, O., Ignácz, B., Kalup, C., Könyves-Tóth, R., Kriskovics, L., Mészáros, L., Pál, A., Ordasi, A., Sárneczky, K., Seli, B., Sódor, Á., Szakáts, R., Vinkó, J. and Zsidi, G.: Mid-infrared time-domain study of recent dust production events in the extreme debris disc of TYC 4209-1322-1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 5684-5701 (2022)
Moscadelli, L., Sanna, A., Beuther, H., Oliva, A. and Kuiper, R.: Snapshot of a magnetohydrodynamic disk wind traced by water maser observations. Nature Astronomy 6, 1068-1076 (2022)
Motte, F., Bontemps, S., Csengeri, T., Pouteau, Y., Louvet, F., Stutz, A. M., Cunningham, N., López-Sepulcre, A., Brouillet, N., Galván-Madrid, R., Ginsburg, A., Maud, L., Men'shchikov, A., Nakamura, F., Nony, T., Sanhueza, P., Álvarez-Gutiérrez, R. H., Armante, M., Baug, T., Bonfand, M., Busquet, G., Chapillon, E., Díaz-González, D., Fernández-López, M., Guzmán, A. E., Herpin, F., Liu, H.-L., Olguin, F., Towner, A. P. M., Bally, J., Battersby, C., Braine, J., Bronfman, L., Chen, H.-R. V., Dell'Ova, P., Di Francesco, J., González, M., Gusdorf, A., Hennebelle, P., Izumi, N., Joncour, I., Lee, Y.-N., Lefloch, B., Lesaffre, P., Lu, X., Menten, K. M., Mignon-Risse, R., Molet, J., Moraux, E., Mundy, L., Nguyen Luong, Q., Reyes, N., Reyes Reyes, S. D., Robitaille, J.-F., Rosolowsky, E., Sandoval-Garrido, N. A., Schuller, F., Svoboda, B., Tatematsu, K., Thomasson, B., Walker, D., Wu, B., Whitworth, A. P. and Wyrowski, F.: ALMA-IMF. I. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: Introduction to the Large Program and first results. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A8 (2022)
Müller-Horn, J., Pichierri, G. and Bitsch, B.: Emerging population of gap-opening planets around type-A stars. Long-term evolution of the forming planets around HD 163296. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A163 (2022)
Nagy, Z., Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á., Park, S., Siwak, M., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Fiorellino, E., García-Álvarez, D., Szabó, Z. M., Antoniucci, S., Giannini, T., Giunta, A., Kriskovics, L., Kun, M., Marton, G., Moór, A., Nisini, B., Pál, A., Szabados, L., Zieliński, P. and Wyrzykowski, Ł.: Photometric and spectroscopic study of the burst-like brightening of two Gaia-alerted young stellar objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 1774-1787 (2022)
Naponiello, L., Mancini, L., Damasso, M., Bonomo, A. S., Sozzetti, A., Nardiello, D., Biazzo, K., Stognone, R. G., Lillo-Box, J., Lanza, A. F., Poretti, E., Lissauer, J. J., Zeng, L., Bieryla, A., Hébrard, G., Basilicata, M., Benatti, S., Bignamini, A., Borsa, F., Claudi, R., Cosentino, R., Covino, E., de Gurtubai, A., Delfosse, X., Desidera, S., Dragomir, D., Eastman, J. D., Essack, Z., Fiorenzano, A. F. M., Giacobbe, P., Harutyunyan, A., Heidari, N., Hellier, C., Jenkins, J. M., Knapic, C., König, P.-C., Latham, D. W., Magazzù, A., Maggio, A., Maldonado, J., Micela, G., Molinari, E., Molinaro, M., Morgan, E. H., Moutou, C., Nascimbeni, V., Pace, E., Pagano, I., Pedani, M., Piotto, G., Pinamonti, M., Quintana, E. V., Rainer, M., Ricker, G. R., Seager, S., Twicken, J. D., Vanderspek, R. and Winn, J. N.: The GAPS programme at TNG. XL. A puffy and warm Neptune-sized planet and an outer Neptune-mass candidate orbiting the solar-type star TOI-1422. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A8 (2022)
Nardiello, D., Malavolta, L., Desidera, S., Baratella, M., D'Orazi, V., Messina, S., Biazzo, K., Benatti, S., Damasso, M., Rajpaul, V. M., Bonomo, A. S., Capuzzo Dolcetta, R., Mallonn, M., Cale, B., Plavchan, P., El Mufti, M., Bignamini, A., Borsa, F., Carleo, I., Claudi, R., Covino, E., Lanza, A. F., Maldonado, J., Mancini, L., Micela, G., Molinari, E., Pinamonti, M., Piotto, G., Poretti, E., Scandariato, G., Sozzetti, A., Andreuzzi, G., Boschin, W., Cosentino, R., Fiorenzano, A. F. M., Harutyunyan, A., Knapic, C., Pedani, M., Affer, L., Maggio, A. and Rainer, M.: The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXVII. A precise density measurement of the young ultra-short period planet TOI-1807 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A163 (2022)
Nascimbeni, V., Piotto, G., Börner, A., Montalto, M., Marrese, P. M., Cabrera, J., Marinoni, S., Aerts, C., Altavilla, G., Benatti, S., Claudi, R., Deleuil, M., Desidera, S., Fabrizio, M., Gizon, L., Goupil, M. J., Granata, V., Heras, A. M., Magrin, D., Malavolta, L., Mas-Hesse, J. M., Ortolani, S., Pagano, I., Pollacco, D., Prisinzano, L., Ragazzoni, R., Ramsay, G., Rauer, H. and Udry, S.: The PLATO field selection process. I. Identification and content of the long-pointing fields. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A31 (2022)
Neralwar, K. R., Colombo, D., Duarte-Cabral, A., Urquhart, J. S., Mattern, M., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Barnes, P., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Beuther, H., Rigby, A. J., Mazumdar, P., Eden, D., Csengeri, T., Dobbs, C. L., Veena, V. S., Neupane, S., Henning, T., Schuller, F., Leurini, S., Wienen, M., Yang, A. Y., Ragan, S. E., Medina, S. and Nguyen-Luong, Q.: The SEDIGISM survey: Molecular cloud morphology. I. Classification and star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A56 (2022)
Neralwar, K. R., Colombo, D., Duarte-Cabral, A., Urquhart, J. S., Mattern, M., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Barnes, P., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Rigby, A. J., Mazumdar, P., Eden, D., Csengeri, T., Dobbs, C. L., Veena, V. S., Neupane, S., Henning, T., Schuller, F., Leurini, S., Wienen, M., Yang, A. Y., Ragan, S. E., Medina, S. and Nguyen-Luong, Q.: The SEDIGISM survey: Molecular cloud morphology. II. Integrated source properties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A84 (2022)
Nesvorný, D., Chrenko, O. and Flock, M.: TOI-216: Resonant Constraints on Planet Migration. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 38 (2022)
Neureuther, P. L., Bertram, T. and Sawodny, O.: Control oriented strategy to consider constraints of the deformable mirror M4 for the Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 8, 029005 (2022)
Nguyen, H., Rugel, M. R., Murugeshan, C., Menten, K. M., Brunthaler, A., Urquhart, J. S., Dokara, R., Dzib, S. A., Gong, Y., Khan, S., Medina, S.-N. X., Ortiz-León, G. N., Reich, W., Wyrowski, F., Yang, A. Y., Beuther, H., Cotton, W. D. and Pandian, J. D.: A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. V. 6.7 GHz methanol maser catalogue. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A59 (2022)
Notsu, S., Ohno, K., Ueda, T., Walsh, C., Eistrup, C. and Nomura, H.: The Molecular Composition of Shadowed Proto-solar Disk Midplanes Beyond the Water Snowline. The Astrophysical Journal 936, 188 (2022)
Okuzumi, S., Ueda, T. and Turner, N. J.: A global two-layer radiative transfer model for axisymmetric, shadowed protoplanetary disks. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 74, 828-850 (2022)
Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., Kennedy, G. M. and Bayo, A.: The halo around HD 32297: μm-sized cometary dust. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A122 (2022)
Olofsson, J., Thébault, P., Kral, Q., Bayo, A., Boccaletti, A., Godoy, N., Henning, T., van Holstein, R. G., Maucó, K., Milli, J., Montesinos, M., Rein, H. and Sefilian, A. A.: The vertical structure of debris discs and the impact of gas. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 713-734 (2022)
Park, S., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Fiorellino, E., Siwak, M., Nagy, Z., Giannini, T., Carini, R., Szabó, Z. M., Lee, J.-E., Lee, J.-J., Vitali, F., Kun, M., Cseh, B., Krezinger, M., Kriskovics, L., Ordasi, A., Pál, A., Szakáts, R., Vida, K. and Vinkó, J.: Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the EXor-like Eruptive Young Star Gaia19fct. The Astrophysical Journal 941, 165 (2022)
Passegger, V. M., Bello-García, A., Ordieres-Meré, J., Antoniadis-Karnavas, A., Marfil, E., Duque-Arribas, C., Amado, P. J., Delgado-Mena, E., Montes, D., Rojas-Ayala, B., Schweitzer, A., Tabernero, H. M., Béjar, V. J. S., Caballero, J. A., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Pedraz, S., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A. and Ribas, I.: Metallicities in M dwarfs: Investigating different determination techniques. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A194 (2022)
Pearce, B. K. D., Molaverdikhani, K., Pudritz, R. E., Henning, T. and Cerrillo, K. E.: Toward RNA Life on Early Earth: From Atmospheric HCN to Biomolecule Production in Warm Little Ponds. The Astrophysical Journal 932, 9 (2022)
Pearce, T. D., Kirchschlager, F., Rouillé, G., Ertel, S., Bensberg, A., Krivov, A. V., Booth, M., Wolf, S. and Augereau, J.-C.: Hot exozodis: cometary supply without trapping is unlikely to be the mechanism. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 1436-1451 (2022)
Pearce, T. D., Launhardt, R., Ostermann, R., Kennedy, G. M., Gennaro, M., Booth, M., Krivov, A. V., Cugno, G., Henning, T. K., Quirrenbach, A., Barcucci, A. M., Matthews, E. C., Ruh, H. L. and Stone, J. M.: Planet populations inferred from debris discs. Insights from 178 debris systems in the ISPY, LEECH, and LIStEN planet-hunting surveys. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A135 (2022)
Pinilla, P.: First steps of planet formation around very low mass stars and brown dwarfs. European Physical Journal Plus 137, 1206 (2022)
Pinilla, P., Benisty, M., Kurtovic, N. T., Bae, J., Dong, R., Zhu, Z., Andrews, S., Carpenter, J., Ginski, C., Huang, J., Isella, A., Pérez, L., Ricci, L., Rosotti, G., Villenave, M. and Wilner, D.: Distributions of gas and small and large grains in the LkHα 330 disk trace a young planetary system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665, A128 (2022)
Pinilla, P., Garufi, A. and Gárate, M.: Efficient dust radial drift around young intermediate-mass stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, L8 (2022)
Portilla-Revelo, B., Kamp, I., Rab, C., van Dishoeck, E. F., Keppler, M., Min, M. and Muro-Arena, G. A.: Self-consistent modelling of the dust component in protoplanetary and circumplanetary disks: the case of PDS 70. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A89 (2022)
Potapov, A., Palumbo, M. E., Dionnet, Z., Longobardo, A., Jäger, C., Baratta, G., Rotundi, A. and Henning, T.: Exploring Refractory Organics in Extraterrestrial Particles. The Astrophysical Journal 935, 158 (2022)
Pouilly, K., Kochukhov, O., Kóspál, Á., Hahlin, A., Carmona, A. and Ábrahám, P.: Accretion process, magnetic fields, and apsidal motion in the pre-main sequence binary DQ Tau. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)
Pouteau, Y., Motte, F., Nony, T., Galván-Madrid, R., Men'shchikov, A., Bontemps, S., Robitaille, J.-F., Louvet, F., Ginsburg, A., Herpin, F., López-Sepulcre, A., Dell'Ova, P., Gusdorf, A., Sanhueza, P., Stutz, A. M., Brouillet, N., Thomasson, B., Armante, M., Baug, T., Bonfand, M., Busquet, G., Csengeri, T., Cunningham, N., Fernández-López, M., Liu, H.-L., Olguin, F., Towner, A. P. M., Bally, J., Braine, J., Bronfman, L., Joncour, I., González, M., Hennebelle, P., Lu, X., Menten, K. M., Moraux, E., Tatematsu, K., Walker, D. and Whitworth, A. P.: ALMA-IMF. III. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: top-heavy core mass function in the W43-MM2&MM3 mini-starburst. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A26 (2022)
Quanz, S. P., Ottiger, M., Fontanet, E., Kammerer, J., Menti, F., Dannert, F., Gheorghe, A., Absil, O., Airapetian, V. S., Alei, E., Allart, R., Angerhausen, D., Blumenthal, S., Buchhave, L. A., Cabrera, J., Carrión-González, Ó., Chauvin, G., Danchi, W. C., Dandumont, C., Defrére, D., Dorn, C., Ehrenreich, D., Ertel, S., Fridlund, M., García Muñoz, A., Gascón, C., Girard, J. H., Glauser, A., Grenfell, J. L., Guidi, G., Hagelberg, J., Helled, R., Ireland, M. J., Janson, M., Kopparapu, R. K., Korth, J., Kozakis, T., Kraus, S., Léger, A., Leedjärv, L., Lichtenberg, T., Lillo-Box, J., Linz, H., Liseau, R., Loicq, J., Mahendra, V., Malbet, F., Mathew, J., Mennesson, B., Meyer, M. R., Mishra, L., Molaverdikhani, K., Noack, L., Oza, A. V., Pallé, E., Parviainen, H., Quirrenbach, A., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Rice, M., Romagnolo, A., Rugheimer, S., Schwieterman, E. W., Serabyn, E., Sharma, S., Stassun, K. G., Szulágyi, J., Wang, H. S., Wunderlich, F., Wyatt, M. C. and Collaboration, L.: Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE). I. Improved exoplanet detection yield estimates for a large mid-infrared space-interferometer mission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A21 (2022)
Quirrenbach, A., Passegger, V. M., Trifonov, T., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Aceituno, J., Béjar, V. J. S., Chaturvedi, P., González-Cuesta, L., Henning, T., Herrero, E., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lalitha, S., Lodieu, N., López-González, M. J., Montes, D., Pallé, E., Perger, M., Pollacco, D., Reffert, S., Rodríguez, E., López, C. R., Shan, Y., Tal-Or, L., Osorio, M. R. Z. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Two Saturn-mass planets orbiting active stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A48 (2022)
Radica, M., Artigau, É., Lafreniére, D., Cadieux, C., Cook, N. J., Doyon, R., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Henning, T., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A. and Ribas, I.: Revisiting radial velocity measurements of the K2-18 system with the line-by-line framework. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5050-5062 (2022)
Rebollido, I., Ribas, Á., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Villaver, E., Montesinos, B., Chen, C., Canovas, H., Henning, T., Moór, A., Perrin, M., Rivière-Marichalar, P. and Eiroa, C.: The search for gas in debris discs: ALMA detection of CO gas in HD 36546. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 693-700 (2022)
Reiners, A., Shulyak, D., Käpylä, P. J., Ribas, I., Nagel, E., Zechmeister, M., Caballero, J. A., Shan, Y., Fuhrmeister, B., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Montes, D., Jeffers, S. V., Azzaro, M., Béjar, V. J. S., Chaturvedi, P., Henning, T., Kürster, M. and Pallé, E.: Magnetism, rotation, and nonthermal emission in cool stars. Average magnetic field measurements in 292 M dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A41 (2022)
Reinoso, B., Leigh, N. W. C., Barrera-Retamal, C. M., Schleicher, D., Klessen, R. S. and Stutz, A. M.: The mean free path approximation and stellar collisions in star clusters: numerical exploration of the analytic rates and the role of perturbations on binary star mergers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 3724-3736 (2022)
Rezaei Kh., S. and Kainulainen, J.: Three-dimensional Shape Explains Star Formation Mystery of California and Orion A. The Astrophysical Journal 930, L22 (2022)
Riess, A. G., Breuval, L., Yuan, W., Casertano, S., Macri, L. M., Bowers, J. B., Scolnic, D., Cantat-Gaudin, T., Anderson, R. I. and Cruz Reyes, M.: Cluster Cepheids with High Precision Gaia Parallaxes, Low Zero-point Uncertainties, and Hubble Space Telescope Photometry. The Astrophysical Journal 938, 36 (2022)
Robbe-Dubois, S., Cruzalèbes, P., Berio, P., Meilland, A., Petrov, R.-G., Allouche, F., Salabert, D., Paladini, C., Matter, A., Millour, F., Lagarde, S., Lopez, B., Burtscher, L., Jaffe, W., Hron, J., Percheron, I., van Boekel, R., Weigelt, G. and Stee, P.: Improving the diameters of interferometric calibrators with MATISSE. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 82-94 (2022)
Rota, A. A., Manara, C. F., Miotello, A., Lodato, G., Facchini, S., Koutoulaki, M., Herczeg, G., Long, F., Tazzari, M., Cabrit, S., Harsono, D., Ménard, F., Pinilla, P., van der Plas, G., Ragusa, E. and Yen, H.-W.: Observational constraints on gas disc sizes in the protoplanetary discs of multiple systems in the Taurus region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A121 (2022)
Saha, A., Tej, A., Liu, H.-L., Liu, T., Issac, N., Lee, C. W., Garay, G., Goldsmith, P. F., Juvela, M., Qin, S.-L., Stutz, A., Li, S., Wang, K., Baug, T., Bronfman, L., Xu, F.-W., Zhang, Y. and Eswaraiah, C.: ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions - XII: Fragmentation and multiscale gas kinematics in protoclusters G12.42+0.50 and G19.88-0.53. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 1983-2005 (2022)
Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Hummel, C. A., Díaz-López, J., Alberdi, A., Schödel, R., Arias, J. I., Barbá, R. H., Bastida-Escamilla, E., Brandner, W., Maíz Apellániz, J. and Pott, J.-U.: The outer orbit of the high-mass stellar triple system Herschel 36 determined with the VLTI. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 1162-1168 (2022)
Saunders, N., Grunblatt, S. K., Huber, D., Collins, K. A., Jensen, E. L. N., Vanderburg, A., Brahm, R., Jordán, A., Espinoza, N., Henning, T., Hobson, M. J., Quinn, S. N., Zhou, G., Butler, R. P., Crause, L., Kuhn, R. B., Moses Mogotsi, K., Hellier, C., Angus, R., Hattori, S., Chontos, A., Ricker, G. R., Jenkins, J. M., Tenenbaum, P., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Vanderspek, R. K., Winn, J. N., Stockdale, C. and Cloutier, R.: TESS Giants Transiting Giants. I.: A Noninflated Hot Jupiter Orbiting a Massive Subgiant. The Astronomical Journal 163, 53 (2022)
Schlecker, M., Burn, R., Sabotta, S., Seifert, A., Henning, T., Emsenhuber, A., Mordasini, C., Reffert, S., Shan, Y. and Klahr, H.: RV-detected planets around M dwarfs: Challenges for core accretion models. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A180 (2022)
Schneider, N., Ossenkopf-Okada, V., Clarke, S., Klessen, R. S., Kabanovic, S., Veltchev, T., Bontemps, S., Dib, S., Csengeri, T., Federrath, C., Di Francesco, J., Motte, F., André, P., Arzoumanian, D., Beattie, J. R., Bonne, L., Didelon, P., Elia, D., Könyves, V., Kritsuk, A., Ladjelate, B., Myers, P., Pezzuto, S., Robitaille, J. F., Roy, A., Seifried, D., Simon, R., Soler, J. and Ward-Thompson, D.: Understanding star formation in molecular clouds. IV. Column density PDFs from quiescent to massive molecular clouds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A165 (2022)
Schöfer, P., Jeffers, S. V., Reiners, A., Zechmeister, M., Fuhrmeister, B., Lafarga, M., Ribas, I., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Anglada-Escudé, G., Bauer, F. F., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Alonso, E. D., Dreizler, S., Guenther, E. W., Herbort, O., Johnson, E. N., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Pedraz, S. and Tal-Or, L.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Rotational variation in activity indicators of Ross 318, YZ CMi, TYC 3529-1437-1, and EV Lac. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, A68 (2022)
Scicluna, P., Kemper, F., McDonald, I., Srinivasan, S., Trejo, A., Wallström, S. H. J., Wouterloot, J. G. A., Cami, J., Greaves, J., He, J., Hoai, D. T., Kim, H., Jones, O. C., Shinnaga, H., Clark, C. J. R., Dharmawardena, T., Holland, W., Imai, H., van Loon, J. T., Menten, K. M., Wesson, R., Chawner, H., Feng, S., Goldman, S., Liu, F. C., MacIsaac, H., Tang, J., Zeegers, S., Amada, K., Antoniou, V., Bemis, A., Boyer, M. L., Chapman, S., Chen, X., Cho, S.-H., Cui, L., Dell'Agli, F., Friberg, P., Fukaya, S., Gomez, H., Gong, Y., Hadjara, M., Haswell, C., Hirano, N., Hony, S., Izumiura, H., Jeste, M., Jiang, X., Kaminski, T., Keaveney, N., Kim, J., Kraemer, K. E., Kuan, Y.-J., Lagadec, E., Lee, C. F., Li, D., Liu, S.-Y., Liu, T., de Looze, I., Lykou, F., Maraston, C., Marshall, J. P., Matsuura, M., Min, C., Otsuka, M., Oyadomari, M., Parsons, H., Patel, N. A., Peeters, E., Pham, T. A., Qiu, J., Randall, S., Rau, G., Redman, M. P., Richards, A. M. S., Serjeant, S., Shi, C., Sloan, G. C., Smith, M. W. L., Suh, K.-W., Toalá, J. A., Uttenthaler, S., Ventura, P., Wang, B., Yamamura, I., Yang, T., Yun, Y., Zhang, F., Zhang, Y., Zhao, G., Zhu, M. and Zijlstra, A. A.: The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey II: Constructing a volume-limited sample and first results from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 1091-1110 (2022)
Seifried, D., Beuther, H., Walch, S., Syed, J., Soler, J. D., Girichidis, P. and Wünsch, R.: On the accuracy of H I observations in molecular clouds - More cold H I than thought? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 4765-4784 (2022)
Serrano, L. M., Gandolfi, D., Mustill, A. J., Barragán, O., Korth, J., Dai, F., Redfield, S., Fridlund, M., Lam, K. W. F., Díaz, M. R., Grziwa, S., Collins, K. A., Livingston, J. H., Cochran, W. D., Hellier, C., Bellomo, S. E., Trifonov, T., Rodler, F., Alarcon, J., Jenkins, J. M., Latham, D. W., Ricker, G., Seager, S., Vanderspeck, R., Winn, J. N., Albrecht, S., Collins, K. I., Csizmadia, S., Daylan, T., Deeg, H. J., Esposito, M., Fausnaugh, M., Georgieva, I., Goffo, E., Guenther, E., Hatzes, A. P., Howell, S. B., Jensen, E. L. N., Luque, R., Mann, A. W., Murgas, F., Osborne, H. L. M., Palle, E., Persson, C. M., Rowden, P., Rudat, A., Smith, A. M. S., Twicken, J. D., Van Eylen, V. and Ziegler, C.: A low-eccentricity migration pathway for a 13-h-period Earth analogue in a four-planet system. Nature Astronomy 6, 736-750 (2022)
Shanahan, R., Stil, J. M., Anderson, L., Beuther, H., Goldsmith, P., Ott, J., Rugel, M., Soler, J. and Syed, J.: Polarized Emission from Four Supernova Remnants in the THOR Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 939, 92 (2022)
Shariff, K., Gorti, U. and Melon Fuksman, J. D.: Protostellar discs subject to infall: a one-dimensional inviscid model and comparison with ALMA observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 5548-5569 (2022)
Smirnov-Pinchukov, G. V., Molyarova, T., Semenov, D. A., Akimkin, V. V., van Terwisga, S., Francheschi, R. and Henning, T.: Machine learning-accelerated chemistry modeling of protoplanetary disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, L8 (2022)
Smirnov-Pinchukov, G. V., Moór, A., Semenov, D. A., Ábrahám, P., Henning, T., Kóspál, Á., Hughes, A. M. and di Folco, E.: Lack of other molecules in CO-rich debris discs: is it primordial or secondary gas? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 1148-1162 (2022)
Soler, J. D., Miville-Deschênes, M.-A., Molinari, S., Klessen, R. S., Hennebelle, P., Testi, L., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Beuther, H., Elia, D., Schisano, E., Traficante, A., Girichidis, P., Glover, S. C. O., Smith, R. J., Sormani, M. and Treß, R.: The Galactic dynamics revealed by the filamentary structure in atomic hydrogen emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, A96 (2022)
Southworth, J., Barker, A. J., Hinse, T. C., Jongen, Y., Dominik, M., Jørgensen, U. G., Longa-Peña, P., Sajadian, S., Snodgrass, C., Tregloan-Reed, J., Bach-Møller, N., Bonavita, M., Bozza, V., Burgdorf, M. J., Figuera Jaimes, R., Helling, C., Hitchcock, J. A., Hundertmark, M., Khalouei, E., Korhonen, H., Mancini, L., Peixinho, N., Rahvar, S., Rabus, M., Skottfelt, J. and Spyratos, P.: A search for transit timing variations in the HATS-18 planetary system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 3212-3223 (2022)
Squicciarini, V., Gratton, R., Janson, M., Mamajek, E. E., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Ringqvist, S. C., Meeus, G., Reffert, S., Kenworthy, M., Meyer, M. R., Bonnefoy, M., Bonavita, M., Mesa, D., Samland, M., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Engler, N., Alecian, E., Miglio, A., Henning, T., Quanz, S. P., Mayer, L., Flasseur, O. and Marleau, G.-D.: A scaled-up planetary system around a supernova progenitor. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, A9 (2022)
Sreenivas, K. R., Perdelwitz, V., Tal-Or, L., Trifonov, T., Zucker, S. and Mazeh, T.: Analysis of the public HARPS/ESO spectroscopic archive. Jupiter-like planets around HD103891 and HD105779. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A124 (2022)
Syed, J., Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Wang, Y., Suri, S., Henshaw, J. D., Riener, M., Bialy, S., Rezaei Kh., S., Stil, J. M., Goldsmith, P. F., Rugel, M. R., Glover, S. C. O., Klessen, R. S., Kerp, J., Urquhart, J. S., Ott, J., Roy, N., Schneider, N., Smith, R. J., Longmore, S. N. and Linz, H.: The "Maggie" filament: Physical properties of a giant atomic cloud. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, A1 (2022)
Szabó, Z. M., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Park, S., Siwak, M., Green, J. D., Pál, A., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Lee, J.-E., Ibrahimov, M., Grankin, K., Kovács, B., Bora, Z., Bódi, A., Cseh, B., Csörnyei, G., Dróżdż, M., Hanyecz, O., Ignácz, B., Kalup, C., Könyves-Tóth, R., Krezinger, M., Kriskovics, L., Ogłoza, W., Ordasi, A., Sárneczky, K., Seli, B., Szakáts, R., Sódor, Á., Szing, A., Vida, K. and Vinkó, J.: A Multi-epoch, Multiwavelength Study of the Classical FUor V1515 Cyg Approaching Quiescence. The Astrophysical Journal 936, 64 (2022)
Tobin, J. J., Offner, S. S. R., Kratter, K. M., Megeath, S. T., Sheehan, P. D., Looney, L. W., Diaz-Rodriguez, A. K., Osorio, M., Anglada, G., Sadavoy, S. I., Furlan, E., Segura-Cox, D., Karnath, N., van't Hoff, M. L. R., van Dishoeck, E. F., Li, Z.-Y., Sharma, R., Stutz, A. M. and Tychoniec, Ł.: The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk And Multiplicity (VANDAM) Survey of Orion Protostars. V. A Characterization of Protostellar Multiplicity. The Astrophysical Journal 925, 39 (2022)
Trifonov, T., Wollbold, A., Kürster, M., Eberhardt, J., Stock, S., Henning, T., Reffert, S., Butler, R. P., Vogt, S. S., Reiners, A., Lee, M. H., Bitsch, B., Zechmeister, M., Rodler, F., Perdelwitz, V., Tal-Or, L., Rybizki, J., Heeren, P., Gandolfi, D., Barragán, O., Zakhozhay, O., Sarkis, P., Pinto, M. T., Kossakowski, D., Wolthoff, V., Brems, S. S. and Passegger, V. M.: A New Third Planet and the Dynamical Architecture of the HD 33142 Planetary System. The Astronomical Journal 164, 156 (2022)
Ueda, T., Ricci, L., Flock, M. and Castro, Z.: Probing the Inner Edge of Dead Zones in Protoplanetary Disks with ALMA and Next Generation Very Large Array. The Astrophysical Journal 928, 110 (2022)
Ulmer-Moll, S., Lendl, M., Gill, S., Villanueva, S., Hobson, M. J., Bouchy, F., Brahm, R., Dragomir, D., Grieves, N., Mordasini, C., Anderson, D. R., Acton, J. S., Bayliss, D., Bieryla, A., Burleigh, M. R., Casewell, S. L., Chaverot, G., Eigmüller, P., Feliz, D., Gaudi, B. S., Gillen, E., Goad, M. R., Gupta, A. F., Günther, M. N., Henderson, B. A., Henning, T., Jenkins, J. S., Jones, M., Jordán, A., Kendall, A., Latham, D. W., Mireles, I., Moyano, M., Nadol, J., Osborn, H. P., Pepper, J., Pinto, M. T., Psaridi, A., Queloz, D., Quinn, S., Rojas, F., Sarkis, P., Schlecker, M., Tilbrook, R. H., Torres, P., Trifonov, T., Udry, S., Vines, J. I., West, R., Wheatley, P., Yao, X., Zhao, Y. and Zhou, G.: Two long-period transiting exoplanets on eccentric orbits: NGTS-20 b (TOI-5152 b) and TOI-5153 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A46 (2022)
Valdivia-Mena, M. T., Pineda, J. E., Segura-Cox, D. M., Caselli, P., Neri, R., López-Sepulcre, A., Cunningham, N., Bouscasse, L., Semenov, D., Henning, T., Piétu, V., Chapillon, E., Dutrey, A., Fuente, A., Guilloteau, S., Hsieh, T. H., Jiménez-Serra, I., Marino, S., Maureira, M. J., Smirnov-Pinchukov, G. V., Tafalla, M. and Zhao, B.: PRODIGE - envelope to disk with NOEMA. I. A 3000 au streamer feeding a Class I protostar. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A12 (2022)
Valegård, P.-G., Ginski, C., Dominik, C., Bae, J., Benisty, M., Birnstiel, T., Facchini, S., Garufi, A., Hogerheijde, M., van Holstein, R. G., Langlois, M., Manara, C. F., Pinilla, P., Rab, C., Ribas, Á., Waters, L. B. F. M. and Williams, J.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): Scattered light detection of a possible disk wind in RY Tau. Astronomy and Astrophysics 668, A25 (2022)
Valtonen, M. J., Dey, L., Zola, S., Ciprini, S., Kidger, M., Pursimo, T., Gopakumar, A., Matsumoto, K., Sadakane, K., Caton, D. B., Nilsson, K., Komossa, S., Bagaglia, M., Baransky, A., Boumis, P., Boyd, D., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Debski, B., Drozdz, M., Escartin Pérez, A., Fiorucci, M., Garcia, F., Gazeas, K., Ghosh, S., Godunova, V., Gomez, J. L., Gredel, R., Grupe, D., Haislip, J. B., Henning, T., Hurst, G., Janík, J., Kouprianov, V. V., Lehto, H., Liakos, A., Mathur, S., Mugrauer, M., Naves Nogues, R., Nucciarelli, G., Ogloza, W., Ojha, D. K., Pajdosz-Śmierciak, U., Pascolini, S., Poyner, G., Reichart, D. E., Rizzi, N., Roncella, F., Sahu, D. K., Sillanpää, A., Simon, A., Siwak, M., Soldán Alfaro, F. C., Sonbas, E., Tosti, G., Vasylenko, V., Webb, J. R. and Zielinski, P.: Host galaxy magnitude of OJ 287 from its colours at minimum light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 3017-3023 (2022)
van Terwisga, S. E., Hacar, A., van Dishoeck, E. F., Oonk, R. and Portegies Zwart, S.: Survey of Orion Disks with ALMA (SODA). I. Cloud-level demographics of 873 protoplanetary disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A53 (2022)
Voelkel, O., Klahr, H., Mordasini, C. and Emsenhuber, A.: Exploring multiple generations of planetary embryos. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A90 (2022)
Vorobyov, E. I., Skliarevskii, A. M., Molyarova, T., Akimkin, V., Pavlyuchenkov, Y., Kóspál, Á., Liu, H. B., Takami, M. and Topchieva, A.: Evolution of dust in protoplanetary disks of eruptive stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A191 (2022)
Wallace, J., Battersby, C., Mills, E. A. C., Henshaw, J. D., Sormani, M. C., Ginsburg, A., Barnes, A. T., Hatchfield, H. P., Glover, S. C. O. and Anderson, L. D.: ALMA Uncovers Highly Filamentary Structure toward the Sgr E Region. The Astrophysical Journal 939, 58 (2022)
Weber, P., Pérez, S., Guidi, G., Kurtovic, N. T., Zurlo, A., Garufi, A., Pinilla, P., Mayama, S., van Holstein, R. G., Dullemond, C. P., Cuello, N., Principe, D., Cieza, L., González-Ruilova, C. and Girard, J.: The SPHERE view of three interacting twin disc systems in polarised light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)
Wells, M. R. A., Urquhart, J. S., Moore, T. J. T., Browning, K. E., Ragan, S. E., Rigby, A. J., Eden, D. J. and Thompson, M. A.: ATLASGAL - star forming efficiencies and the Galactic star formation rate. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 4245-4255 (2022)
Williams, B. A., Walker, D. L., Longmore, S. N., Barnes, A. T., Battersby, C., Garay, G., Ginsburg, A., Gomez, L., Henshaw, J. D., Ho, L. C., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Lu, X., Mills, E. A. C., Petkova, M. A. and Zhang, Q.: The initial conditions for young massive cluster formation in the Galactic Centre: convergence of large-scale gas flows. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 578-595 (2022)
Wittenmyer, R. A., Clark, J. T., Trifonov, T., Addison, B. C., Wright, D. J., Stassun, K. G., Horner, J., Lowson, N., Kielkopf, J., Kane, S. R., Plavchan, P., Shporer, A., Zhang, H., Bowler, B. P., Mengel, M. W., Okumura, J., Rabus, M., Johnson, M. C., Harbeck, D., Tronsgaard, R., Buchhave, L. A., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Gan, T., Jensen, E. L. N., Howell, S. B., Furlan, E., Gnilka, C. L., Lester, K. V., Matson, R. A., Scott, N. J., Ricker, G. R., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Rudat, A., Quintana, E. V., Rodriguez, D. R., Caldwell, D. A., Quinn, S. N., Essack, Z. and Bouma, L. G.: TOI-1842b: A Transiting Warm Saturn Undergoing Reinflation around an Evolving Subgiant. The Astronomical Journal 163, 82 (2022)
Xie, C., Choquet, E., Vigan, A., Cantalloube, F., Benisty, M., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Desgrange, C., Garufi, A., Girard, J., Hagelberg, J., Janson, M., Kenworthy, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Langlois, M., Menard, F. and Zurlo, A.: Reference-star differential imaging on SPHERE/IRDIS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A32 (2022)
Yan, F., Pallé, E., Reiners, A., Casasayas-Barris, N., Cont, D., Stangret, M., Nortmann, L., Mollière, P., Henning, T., Chen, G. and Molaverdikhani, K.: Detection of CO emission lines in the dayside atmospheres of WASP-33b and WASP-189b with GIANO. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, L6 (2022)
Yan, F., Reiners, A., Pallé, E., Shulyak, D., Stangret, M., Molaverdikhani, K., Nortmann, L., Mollière, P., Henning, T., Casasayas-Barris, N., Cont, D., Chen, G., Czesla, S., Sánchez-López, A., López-Puertas, M., Ribas, I., Quirrenbach, A., Caballero, J. A., Amado, P. J., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Khalafinejad, S., Lara, L. M., Montes, D., Morello, G., Nagel, E., Sedaghati, E., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: Detection of iron emission lines and a temperature inversion on the dayside of the ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-20b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659, A7 (2022)
Yang, A. Y., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F., Thompson, M. A., König, C., Colombo, D., Menten, K. M., Duarte-Cabral, A., Schuller, F., Csengeri, T., Eden, D., Barnes, P., Traficante, A., Bronfman, L., Sanchez-Monge, A., Ginsburg, A., Cesaroni, R., Lee, M.-Y., Beuther, H., Medina, S.-N. X., Mazumdar, P. and Henning, T.: The SEDIGISM survey: A search for molecular outflows. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A160 (2022)
Yee, S. W., Winn, J. N., Hartman, J. D., Rodriguez, J. E., Zhou, G., Quinn, S. N., Latham, D. W., Bieryla, A., Collins, K. A., Addison, B. C., Angelo, I., Barkaoui, K., Benni, P., Boyle, A. W., Brahm, R., Butler, R. P., Ciardi, D. R., Collins, K. I., Conti, D. M., Crane, J. D., Dai, F., Dressing, C. D., Eastman, J. D., Essack, Z., Forés-Toribio, R., Furlan, E., Gan, T., Giacalone, S., Gill, H., Girardin, E., Henning, T., Henze, C. E., Hobson, M. J., Horner, J., Howard, A. W., Howell, S. B., Huang, C. X., Isaacson, H., Jenkins, J. M., Jensen, E. L. N., Jordán, A., Kane, S. R., Kielkopf, J. F., Lasota, S., Levine, A. M., Lubin, J., Mann, A. W., Massey, B., McLeod, K. K., Mengel, M. W., Muñoz, J. A., Murgas, F., Palle, E., Plavchan, P., Popowicz, A., Radford, D. J., Ricker, G. R., Rowden, P., Safonov, B. S., Savel, A. B., Schwarz, R. P., Seager, S., Sefako, R., Shporer, A., Srdoc, G., Strakhov, I. S., Teske, J. K., Tinney, C. G., Tyler, D., Wittenmyer, R. A., Zhang, H. and Ziegler, C.: The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. I. Ten TESS Planets. The Astronomical Journal 164, 70 (2022)
Yoshida, T. C., Nomura, H., Tsukagoshi, T., Furuya, K. and Ueda, T.: Discovery of Line Pressure Broadening and Direct Constraint on Gas Surface Density in a Protoplanetary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 937, L14 (2022)
Zakhozhay, O. V., Launhardt, R., Müller, A., Brems, S. S., Eigenthaler, P., Gennaro, M., Hempel, A., Hempel, M., Henning, T., Kennedy, G. M., Kim, S., Kürster, M., Lachaume, R., Manerikar, Y., Patel, J. A., Pavlov, A., Reffert, S. and Trifonov, T.: Radial Velocity Survey for Planets around Young stars (RVSPY). Target characterisation and high-cadence survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A63 (2022)
Zakri, W., Megeath, S. T., Fischer, W. J., Gutermuth, R., Furlan, E., Hartmann, L., Karnath, N., Osorio, M., Safron, E., Stanke, T., Stutz, A. M., Tobin, J. J., Allen, T. S., Federman, S., Habel, N., Manoj, P., Narang, M., Pokhrel, R., Rebull, L., Sheehan, P. D. and Watson, D. M.: The Rate, Amplitude, and Duration of Outbursts from Class 0 Protostars in Orion. The Astrophysical Journal 924, L23 (2022)
Zanutta, A., Cristiani, S., Atkinson, D., Baldini, V., Balestra, A., Barbuy, B., Macanhan, V. B. P., Calcines, A., Calderone, G., Case, S., Castilho, B. V., Cescutti, G., Cirami, R., Coretti, I., Covino, S., Cupani, G., De Caprio, V., Dekker, H., Di Marcantonio, P., D'Odorico, V., Ernandes, H., Evans, C., Feger, T., Feiz, C., Franchini, M., Genoni, M., Gneiding, C. D., Kałuszyński, M., Landoni, M., Lawrence, J., Lunney, D., Miller, C., Molaverdikhani, K., Opitom, C., Pariani, G., Piranomonte, S., Quirrenbach, A., Redaelli, E. M. A., Riva, M., Robertson, D., Rossi, S., Rothmaier, F., Seifert, W., Smiljanic, R., Stürmer, J., Stilz, I., Trost, A., Verducci, O., Waring, C., Watson, S., Wells, M., Xu, W., Zafar, T. and Zorba, S.: CUBES phase a design overview. Experimental Astronomy (2022)
Zhang, M. and Kainulainen, J.: Dust extinction map of the Galactic plane based on the VVV survey data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5180-5215 (2022)
Zsidi, G., Fiorellino, E., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Bódi, A., Hussain, G., Manara, C. F. and Pál, A.: Accretion Variability of the Multiple T Tauri System VW Cha. The Astrophysical Journal 941, 177 (2022)
Zsidi, G., Manara, C. F., Kóspál, Á., Hussain, G. A. J., Ábrahám, P., Alecian, E., Bódi, A., Pál, A. and Sarkis, P.: Accretion variability from minute to decade timescales in the classical T Tauri star CR Cha. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A108 (2022)
Zurlo, A., Goździewski, K., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Nogueira, P., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Marzari, F., Langlois, M., Pinna, E., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Girard, J. H., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Janson, M., Rickman, E., Kervella, P., Avenhaus, H., Bhowmik, T., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Bonaglia, M., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A., Claudi, R., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Ghose, E., Lagrange, A.-M., le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Kasper, M., Maire, A.-L., Medard, F., Meyer, M., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Puglisi, A. T., Rossi, F., Rothberg, B., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Vigan, A. and Wahhaj, Z.: Orbital and dynamical analysis of the system around HR 8799. New astrometric epochs from VLT/SPHERE and LBT/LUCI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A133 (2022)
Adibekyan, V., Dorn, C., Sousa, S., Santos, N., Bitsch, B., Israelian, G., Mordasini, C., Barros, S., Delgado Mena, E., Demangeon, O., Faria, J., Figueira, P., Hakobyan, A., Osagh, M., Soares, B., Kunitomo, M., Takeda, Y., Jofré, E., Petrucc, R. and Martioli, E.: Diversity of terrestrial planets: a link to the chemical makeup of their host stars. 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-74 (2022)
Beuther, H., Gieser, C., Ahmadi, A., Suri, S., Winters, J. M., Mottram, J. and CORE Team: Fragmentation and disk formation in high-mass star formation: The IRAM large program CORE. Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium, EPJ Web of Conferences 265, 00031 (2022)
Bizenberger, P., Baumeister, H., Barriere, J.-C., Bertram, T., Böhm, A., Brandl, B., Cárdenas Vázquez, M. C., Chamorro, E., Feldt, M., Glauser, A. M., Henning, T., Laun, W., Lesman, D., Mohr, L., Raskin, G., Rohloff, R.-R., Scheithauer, S., Serra, B., Stepien, P., Stuik, R., Todd, S. and van Boekel, R.: METIS: final design of the imager sub-system. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121843K (2022)
Blain, D., Sánchez López, A., van Boekel, R. and Mollière, P.: ELT-METIS: estimating the constraining power of high-resolution exoplanet spectra with Bayesian inference. 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-484 (2022)
Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Wildi, F., Milli, J., Stadler, E., Diolaiti, E., Gratton, R., Vidal, F., Loupias, M., Langlois, M., Cantalloube, F., N'Diaye, M., Gratadour, D., Ferreira, F., Tallon, M., Mazoyer, J., Segransan, D., Mouillet, D., Beuzit, J.-L., Bonnefoy, M., Galicher, R., Vigan, A., Snellen, I., Feldt, M., Desidera, S., Rousseau, S., Baruffolo, A., Goulas, C., Baudoz, P., Bechet, C., Benisty, M., Bianco, A., Carry, B., Cascone, E., Charnay, B., Choquet, E., Christiaens, V., Cortecchia, F., Di Capprio, V., De Rosa, A., Desgrange, C., D'Orazi, V., Douté, S., Frangiamore, M., Gendron, E., Ginski, C., Huby, E., Keller, C., Kulcsár, C., Landman, R., Lagarde, S., Lagadec, E., Lagrange, A.-M., Lombini, M., Kasper, M., Ménard, F., Magnard, Y., Malaguti, G., Maurel, D., Mesa, D., Morgante, G., Pantin, E., Pichon, T., Potier, A., Rabou, P., Rochat, S., Terenzi, l., Thiébaut, E., Tallon-Bosc, I., Raynaud, H.-F., Rouan, D., Sevin, A., Schiavone, F., Schrieber, L. and Zanutta, A.: Upgrading the high contrast imaging facility SPHERE: science drivers and instrument choices. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121841S (2022)
Bouchet, P., Gastaud, R., Lagage, P.-O., Kendrew, S., Bombardi, O., Coulais, A., Ronayette, S., Sloan, G. C., Moreau, V., Orduna, T., Grégoire, E., Dyrek, A., Bouwman, J., Glasse, A. and Wright, G. S.: Characterization of the MIRIm double prism assembly at short wavelengths: implications for transit observations of exoplanets. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, Proceedings of the SPIE 12180, 121800Z (2022)
Bouzerand, E., Glauser, A. M., Baer, M., Laun, W., Prantl, P., Lesman, D., Brandl, B. R. and Odorico, L.: The final design of the cryostat for ELT/METIS. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121842K (2022)
Brandl, B. R., Bettonvil, F., van Boekel, R., Glauser, A., Quanz, S. P., Absil, O., Feldt, M., Garcia, P. J. V., Glasse, A., Guedel, M., Labadie, L., Meyer, M., Pantin, E., Wang, S.-Y., van Winckel, H., Agócs, T., Amorim, A., Bertram, T., Burtscher, L., Delacroix, C., Laun, W., Lesman, D., Raskin, G., Salo, C., Scheithauer, S., Stuik, R., Todd, S., Haupt, C. and Siebenmorgen, R.: Status update on the development of METIS, the mid-infrared ELT imager and spectrograph. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 1218421 (2022)
Cabral, N., Guilbert-Lepoutre, A., Bitsch, B. and Lagarde, N.: How does the origin of stars in the Milky Way affects the composition of planet building blocks? 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-894 (2022)
Correia, C. M., Feldt, M., Steuer, H., Shatokhina, J., Obereder, A., Neureuther, P., Kulas, M., Coppejans, H., Orban de Xivry, G., Scheithauer, S. and Bertram, T.: ELT METIS wavefront control strategy. Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, Proceedings of the SPIE 12185, 1218512 (2022)
Costa, R., Amorim, A., Boné, A., Filho, M., Carvalho, F., Ngando, M. and Garcia, P. J. V.: The METIS warm support structure final design. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121843A (2022)
Costille, A., Bonnefoi, A., Renault, E., Ceria, W., Dohlen, K., Neichel, B., Hubert, Z., Correia, J.-J., Moulin, T., Menendez Mendoza, S., Fusco, T., Pedreros Bustos, F., Jouve, P., El Hadi, K., Barboza, S., Rohloff, R.-R., Müller, F., Clarke, F., Schnetler, H., Melotte, D. and Thatte, N.: HARMONI at ELT: designing a laser guide star wavefront sensors for the ELT. Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, Proceedings of the SPIE 12185, 121854L (2022)
Delacroix, C., Absil, O., Orban de Xivry, G., Shinde, M., Pathak, P., Cantalloube, F., Carlomagno, B., Christiaens, V., Boné, A., Dolkens, D., Kenworthy, M. and Doelman, D.: The High-contrast End-to-End Performance Simulator (HEEPS): influence of ELT/METIS instrumental effects. Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy X, Proceedings of the SPIE 12187, 121870F (2022)
Farinato, J., Baruffolo, A., Bergomi, M., Bianco, A., Biondi, F., Briegel, F., Carolo, E., Carlotti, A., Chavan, S., Chinellato, S., De Pascale, M., Dima, M., D'Orazi, V., Ertel, S., Greggio, D., Henning, T., Laudisio, F., Lessio, L., Magrin, D., Marafatto, L., Mesa, D., Mohr, L., Montoya, M., Radhakrishnan, K., Ricci, D., Umbriaco, G., Vassallo, D., Viotto, V., Zanutta, A., Antoniucci, S., Arcidiacono, C., Bacciotti, F., Baudoz, P., Bongiorno, A., Close, L., Di Filippo, S., Don, K., Esposito, S., Grenz, P., Guyon, O., Leisenring, J. M., Pedichini, F., Piazzesi, R., Pinna, E., Portaluri, E., Puglisi, A., Ragazzoni, R. and Rossi, F.: SHARK-NIR, ready to "swim" in the LBT Northern Hemisphere "ocean". Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, Proceedings of the SPIE 12185, 1218522 (2022)
Fehér, O., Kóspál, Á., de Miera, F. C.-S., Ábrahám, P., Hogerheijde, M. R., Brinch, C. and Semenov, D.: Tracing episodic accretion with NOEMA: FU Orionis-type stars and their millimeter environment. Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium, EPJ Web of Conferences 265, 00042 (2022)
Gárate, M., Pinilla, P., Birnstiel, T., Ercolano, B., Stammler, S. M., Picogna, G., Delage, T. N., Stadler, J., Franz, R., Andrews, S. and Miotello, A.: Explaining transition disks without massive planets. 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-271 (2022)
Kessler, A., Alibert, Y., Mordasini, C., Emsenhuber, A. and Burn, R.: Giant Formation with Pebbles and Planetesimals. 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-114 (2022)
Lagarde, S., Meilland, A., Lopez, B., Petrov, R. G., Allouche, F., Matter, A., Augereau, J.-C., Berio, P., Bettonvil, F., van Boekel, R., Bristow, P., Cruzalèbes, P., Danchi, W. C., Glindemann, A., Hadjara, M., Henninger, M., Hogerheijde, M., Jaffe, W., Leftley, J., Lehmitz, M., Millour, F., Paladini, C., Pantin, E., Riquelme, M., Rivinius, T., Robbe-Dubois, S., Schoeller, M., Varga, J., Weigelt, G., Woillez, J. and Zins, G.: MATISSE, the VLTI mid-infrared imaging spectro-interferometer at the time of the first published astrophysical results. Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII, Proceedings of the SPIE 12183, 121830A (2022)
Lemke, D., Henning, T.: Heidelberg - City of Astronomy. From Small Planets to the Second Earth. Morio Verlag, Heidelberg (2022)
López-Puertas, M., Lampón, M., Sanz-Forcada, J., Czesla, S., Sánchez-López, A., Molaverdikhani, K., Nortmann, L., Orell-Miquel, J. and Carmenes Consortium, T.: On the study of atmospheric escape of exoplanets using the new window of the He 10830 line. 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-1011 (2022)
Montargès, M., Cannon, E., Lagadec, E., de Koter, A., Kervella, P., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Paladini, C., Cantalloube, F., Decin, L., Scicluna, P., Kravchenko, K., Dupree, A. K., Ridgway, S., Wittkowski, M., Anugu, N., Norris, R., Rau, G., Perrin, G., Chiavassa, A., Kraus, S., Monnier, J. D., Millour, F., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Haubois, X., Lopez, B., Stee, P. and Danchi, W.: The Great Dimming of Betelgeuse from the VLT/VLTI. The Origin of Outflows in Evolved Stars, Proceedings of the IAU 366, 117-123 (2022)
Pearce, B. K. D., Molaverdikhani, K., Pudritz, R., Henning, T. and Cerrillo, K.: Towards RNA life on Early Earth: From atmospheric HCN to biomolecule production in warm little ponds. EGU22, the 24th EGU General Assembly, EGU22-1778 (2022)
Pinilla, P.: Mothers in Astronomy. The Present and Future of Astronomy, ESO Online Conference, 6 (2022)
Rutowska, M., Sharma, T. K., Wiest, M., Graf, S., Labadie, L., Straubmeier, C., Eckart, A., Todd, S., Agócs, T., Raskin, G., Goris, J., Gerbers, M., Burtscher, L., van Boekel, R., Glauser, A., Lynn, J., Brandl, B. and Bettonvil, F.: Warm calibration unit of the mid-infrared ELT instrument METIS: overview and current status towards FDR. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, Proceedings of the SPIE 12184, 121843M (2022)
Schwarz, K.: The Evolution of Volatile Carbon During Planet Formation. 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-316 (2022)
Shinde, M., Delacroix, C., Orban de Xivry, G., Absil, O. and van Boekel, R.: Modeling the vortex center glow in the ELT/METIS vortex coronagraph. Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy X, Proceedings of the SPIE 12187, 121870E (2022)
van Terwisga, S. and Hacar, A.: Protoplanetary disk mass loss near O- and B-type stars: an empirical view. 16th Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC2022-1142 (2022)
Wyrowski, F., Beuther, H., Menten, K. and Team, C.: The Cygnus Allscale Survey of Chemistry and Dynamical Environments (CASCADE). A Max Planck IRAM Observatory Program (MIOP). Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium, EPJ Web of Conferences 265, 00020 (2022)
Getman, K. V., Akimkin, V. V., Arulanantham, N., Kóspál, Á., Semenov, D. A., Smirnov-Pinchukov, G. V. and van Terwisga, S. E.: The Young Binary DQ Tau Produces Another X-Ray Flare Near Periastron. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 6, 64 (2022)
Henning, T.: Was ist für mich der Westen. In: Kursbuch 211 - Der Westen, Vol. Nassehi, A., S. Anderl, P. Felixberger (Eds.), Kursbuch Kulturstiftung gGmbH, 158 (2022)
Kóspál, Á., Fiorellino, E., Ábrahám, P., Giannini, T. and Nisini, B.: Increasing Accretion in the Young Eruptive Star EX Lup. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 6, 52 (2022)
Lemke, D.: Das James Webb Space Telescope. Eine persönliche Annäherung. Sterne und Weltraum 3, 32-37 (2022)
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Lemke, D.: Wegbereiter der Himmelsfotografie: Edward Barnard und Max Wolf. Sterne und Weltraum 7, 28-36 (2022)
Marleau, G.-D. and Aoyama, Y.: Planetary Line-to-accretion Luminosity Scaling Relations: Extrapolating to Higher-order Hydrogen Lines. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 6, 262 (2022)
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Seeburger, L.: 5000 Augen erfassen die größte Galaxienkarte der Welt. Sterne und Weltraum 7, 21-23 (2022)
Seeburger, L.: Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Edelsteinregen. Sterne und Weltraum 8, 18-19 (2022)
Sippel, A. C.: Die helle Kuh. Kompaktes Überbleibsel nach einer Explosion der Extraklasse. Sterne und Weltraum 6, 21-23 (2022)
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Addison, B. C., Wright, D. J., Nicholson, B. A., Cale, B., Mocnik, T., Huber, D., Plavchan, P., Wittenmyer, R. A., Vanderburg, A., Chaplin, W. J., Chontos, A., Clark, J. T., Eastman, J. D., Ziegler, C., Brahm, R., Carter, B. D., Clerte, M., Espinoza, N., Horner, J., Bentley, J., Jordán, A., Kane, S. R., Kielkopf, J. F., Laychock, E., Mengel, M. W., Okumura, J., Stassun, K. G., Bedding, T. R., Bowler, B. P., Burnelis, A., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Collins, M., Crossfield, I., Davis, A. B., Evensberget, D., Heitzmann, A., Howell, S. B., Law, N., Mann, A. W., Marsden, S. C., Matson, R. A., O'Connor, J. H., Shporer, A., Stevens, C., Tinney, C. G., Tylor, C., Wang, S., Zhang, H., Henning, T., Kossakowski, D., Ricker, G., Sarkis, P., Schlecker, M., Torres, P., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Mireles, I., Rowden, P., Pepper, J., Daylan, T., Schlieder, J. E., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Tan, T.-G., Ball, W. H., Basu, S., Buzasi, D. L., Campante, T. L., Corsaro, E., González-Cuesta, L., Davies, G. R., de Almeida, L., do Nascimento, J.-D., Jr., García, R. A., Guo, Z., Handberg, R., Hekker, S., Hey, D. R., Kallinger, T., Kawaler, S. D., Kayhan, C., Kuszlewicz, J. S., Lund, M. N., Lyttle, A., Mathur, S., Miglio, A., Mosser, B., Nielsen, M. B., Serenelli, A. M., Aguirre, V. S. and Themeßl, N.: TOI-257b (HD 19916b): a warm sub-saturn orbiting an evolved F-type star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 3704-3722 (2021)
Adibekyan, V., Dorn, C., Sousa, S. G., Santos, N. C., Bitsch, B., Israelian, G., Mordasini, C., Barros, S. C. C., Delgado Mena, E., Demangeon, O. D. S., Faria, J. P., Figueira, P., Hakobyan, A. A., Oshagh, M., Soares, B. M. T. B., Kunitomo, M., Takeda, Y., Jofré, E., Petrucci, R. and Martioli, E.: A compositional link between rocky exoplanets and their host stars. Science 374, 330-332 (2021)
Adibekyan, V., Santos, N. C., Dorn, C., Sousa, S. G., Hakobyan, A. A., Bitsch, B., Mordasini, C., Barros, S. C. C., Delgado Mena, E., Demangeon, O. D. S., Faria, J. P., Figueira, P., Soares, B. M. T. B. and Israelian, G.: Composition of super-Earths, super-Mercuries, and their host stars. Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory 68, 447-453 (2021)
Aerts, C., Augustson, K., Mathis, S., Pedersen, M. G., Mombarg, J. S. G., Vanlaer, V., Van Beeck, J. and Van Reeth, T.: Rossby numbers and stiffness values inferred from gravity-mode asteroseismology of rotating F- and B-type dwarfs. Consequences for mixing, transport, magnetism, and convective penetration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A121 (2021)
Álvarez-Gutiérrez, R. H., Stutz, A. M., Law, C. Y., Reissl, S., Klessen, R. S., Leigh, N. W. C., Liu, H.-L. and Reeves, R. A.: Filament Rotation in the California L1482 Cloud. The Astrophysical Journal 908, 86 (2021)
Amado, P. J., Bauer, F. F., Rodríguez López, C., Rodríguez, E., Cardona Guillén, C., Perger, M., Caballero, J. A., López-González, M. J., Muñoz Rodríguez, I., Pozuelos, F. J., Sánchez-Rivero, A., Schlecker, M., Quirrenbach, A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Almenara, J., Astudillo-Defru, N., Azzaro, M., Béjar, V. J. S., Bohemann, R., Bonfils, X., Bouchy, F., Cifuentes, C., Cortés-Contreras, M., Delfosse, X., Dreizler, S., Forveille, T., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Lodieu, N., Lovis, C., Mayor, M., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Morales, N., Murgas, F., Ortiz, J. L., Pallé, E., Pepe, F., Perdelwitz, V., Pollaco, D., Santos, N. C., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A., Ségransan, N. C., Shan, Y., Stock, S., Tal-Or, L., Udry, S., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Two terrestrial planets orbiting G 264-012 and one terrestrial planet orbiting Gl 393. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A188 (2021)
Andrews, S. M., Elder, W., Zhang, S., Huang, J., Benisty, M., Kurtovic, N. T., Wilner, D. J., Zhu, Z., Carpenter, J. M., Pérez, L. M., Teague, R., Isella, A. and Ricci, L.: Limits on Millimeter Continuum Emission from Circumplanetary Material in the DSHARP Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 916, 51 (2021)
Aoyama, Y., Marleau, G.-D., Ikoma, M. and Mordasini, C.: Comparison of Planetary Hα-emission Models: A New Correlation with Accretion Luminosity. The Astrophysical Journal 917, L30 (2021)
Asensio-Torres, R., Henning, T., Cantalloube, F., Pinilla, P., Mesa, D., Garufi, A., Jorquera, S., Gratton, R., Chauvin, G., Szulágyi, J., van Boekel, R., Dong, R., Marleau, G.-D., Benisty, M., Villenave, M., Bergez-Casalou, C., Desgrange, C., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Langlois, M., Ménard, F., Rickman, E., Stolker, T., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Gluck, L., Pavlov, A. and Ramos, J.: Perturbers: SPHERE detection limits to planetary-mass companions in protoplanetary disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A101 (2021)
Audenaert, J., Kuszlewicz, J. S., Handberg, R., Tkachenko, A., Armstrong, D. J., Hon, M., Kgoadi, R., Lund, M. N., Bell, K. J., Bugnet, L., Bowman, D. M., Johnston, C., García, R. A., Stello, D., Molnár, L., Plachy, E., Buzasi, D., Aerts, C. and T'DA Collaboration: TESS Data for Asteroseismology (T'DA) Stellar Variability Classification Pipeline: Setup and Application to the Kepler Q9 Data. The Astronomical Journal 162, 209 (2021)
Barnes, A. T., Henshaw, J. D., Fontani, F., Pineda, J. E., Cosentino, G., Tan, J. C., Caselli, P., Jiménez-Serra, I., Law, C. Y., Avison, A., Bigiel, F., Feng, S., Kong, S., Longmore, S. N., Moser, L., Parker, R. J., Sánchez-Monge, Á. and Wang, K.: ALMA-IRDC: dense gas mass distribution from cloud to core scales. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 4601-4626 (2021)
Baroch, D., Morales, J. C., Ribas, I., Béjar, V. J. S., Reffert, S., Cardona Guillén, C., Reiners, A., Caballero, J. A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Anglada-Escudé, G., Colomé, J., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Hatzes, A. P., Jeffers, S. V., Henning, T., Herrero, E., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Lodieu, N., López-González, M. J., Montes, D., Pallé, E., Perger, M., Pollacco, D., Rodríguez-López, C., Rodríguez, E., Rosich, A., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A., Shan, Y., Tal-Or, L. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Spectroscopic orbits of nine M-dwarf multiple systems, including two triples, two brown dwarf candidates, and one close M-dwarf-white dwarf binary. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A49 (2021)
Barraza-Alfaro, M., Flock, M., Marino, S. and Pérez, S.: Observability of the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disk CO kinematics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A113 (2021)
Barrera, C., Leigh, N. W. C., Reinoso, B., Stutz, A. M. and Schleicher, D.: Small-N collisional dynamics - V. From N ≲ 10 to N ≳ 103. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 3374-3384 (2021)
Barstow, M. A., Aigrain, S., Barstow, J. K., Barthelemy, M., Biller, B., Bonanos, A., Buchhave, L., Casewell, S. L., Charbonnel, C., Charlot, S., Davies, R., Devaney, N., Evans, C., Ferrari, M., Fossati, L., Gänsicke, B., Garcia, M., de Castro, A. I. G., Henning, T., Lintott, C., Knigge, C., Neiner, C., Rossi, L., Snodgrass, C., Stam, D., Tolstoy, E. and Tosi, M.: The search for living worlds and the connection to our cosmic origins. Experimental Astronomy (2021)
Barth, P., Carone, L., Barnes, R., Noack, L., Mollière, P. and Henning, T.: Magma Ocean Evolution of the TRAPPIST-1 Planets. Astrobiology 21, 1325-1349 (2021)
Beaton, R. L., Oelkers, R. J., Hayes, C. R., Covey, K. R., Chojnowski, S. D., De Lee, N., Sobeck, J. S., Majewski, S. R., Cohen, R. E., Fernández-Trincado, J., Longa-Peña, P., O'Connell, J. E., Santana, F. A., Stringfellow, G. S., Zasowski, G., Aerts, C., Anguiano, B., Bender, C., Cañas, C. I., Cunha, K., Donor, J., Fleming, S. W., Frinchaboy, P. M., Feuillet, D., Harding, P., Hasselquist, S., Holtzman, J. A., Johnson, J. A., Kollmeier, J. A., Kounkel, M., Mahadevan, S., Price-Whelan, A. M., Rojas-Arriagada, A., Román-Zúñiga, C., Schlafly, E. F., Schultheis, M., Shetrone, M., Simon, J. D., Stassun, K. G., Stutz, A. M., Tayar, J., Teske, J., Tkachenko, A., Troup, N., Albareti, F. D., Bizyaev, D., Bovy, J., Burgasser, A. J., Comparat, J., Downes, J. J., Geisler, D., Inno, L., Manchado, A., Ness, M. K., Pinsonneault, M. H., Prada, F., Roman-Lopes, A., Simonian, G. V. A., Smith, V. V., Yan, R. and Zamora, O.: Final Targeting Strategy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 North Survey. The Astronomical Journal 162, 302 (2021)
Beltrán, M. T., Rivilla, V. M., Cesaroni, R., Maud, L. T., Galli, D., Moscadelli, L., Lorenzani, A., Ahmadi, A., Beuther, H., Csengeri, T., Etoka, S., Goddi, C., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Kumar, M. S. N., Peters, T., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Schilke, P., van der Tak, F., Vig, S. and Zinnecker, H.: Fragmentation in the massive G31.41+0.31 protocluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A100 (2021)
Benisty, M., Bae, J., Facchini, S., Keppler, M., Teague, R., Isella, A., Kurtovic, N. T., Pérez, L. M., Sierra, A., Andrews, S. M., Carpenter, J., Czekala, I., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Menard, F., Pinilla, P. and Zurlo, A.: A Circumplanetary Disk around PDS70c. The Astrophysical Journal 916, L2 (2021)
Berghea, C. T., Makarov, V. V., Quigley, K. and Goldman, B.: Optical Variability of ICRF3 Quasars in the Pan-STARRS 3Pi Survey with Functional Principal Component Analysis. The Astronomical Journal 162, 21 (2021)
Beuther, H., Gieser, C., Suri, S., Linz, H., Klaassen, P., Semenov, D., Winters, J. M., Henning, T., Soler, J. D., Urquhart, J. S., Syed, J., Feng, S., Möller, T., Beltrán, M. T., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Longmore, S. N., Peters, T., Ballesteros-Paredes, J., Schilke, P., Moscadelli, L., Palau, A., Cesaroni, R., Lumsden, S., Pudritz, R., Wyrowski, F., Kuiper, R. and Ahmadi, A.: Fragmentation and kinematics in high-mass star formation. CORE-extension targeting two very young high-mass star-forming regions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A113 (2021)
Biscani, F. and Izzo, D.: Revisiting high-order Taylor methods for astrodynamics and celestial mechanics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 2614-2628 (2021)
Bitsch, B., Raymond, S. N., Buchhave, L. A., Bello-Arufe, A., Rathcke, A. D. and Schneider, A. D.: Dry or water world? How the water contents of inner sub-Neptunes constrain giant planet formation and the location of the water ice line. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, L5 (2021)
Bitsch, B. and Savvidou, S.: Influence of grain size and composition on the contraction rates of planetary envelopes and on planetary migration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A96 (2021)
Blanco, D., Ricci, L., Flock, M. and Turner, N.: The Substructures in Disks Undergoing Vertical Shear Instability. II. Observational Predictions for the Dust Continuum. The Astrophysical Journal 920, 70 (2021)
Blank, M., Meier, L. E., Macciò, A. V., Dutton, A. A., Dixon, K. L., Soliman, N. H. and Kang, X.: NIHAO XXVI: nature versus nurture, the star formation main sequence, and the origin of its scatter. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 1414-1420 (2021)
Bluhm, P., Pallé, E., Molaverdikhani, K., Kemmer, J., Hatzes, A. P., Kossakowski, D., Stock, S., Caballero, J. A., Lillo-Box, J., Béjar, V. J. S., Soto, M. G., Amado, P. J., Brown, P., Cadieux, C., Cloutier, R., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Cortés-Contreras, M., Doyon, R., Dreizler, S., Espinoza, N., Fukui, A., González-Álvarez, E., Henning, T., Horne, K., Jeffers, S. V., Jenkins, J. M., Jensen, E. L. N., Kaminski, A., Kielkopf, J. F., Kusakabe, N., Kürster, M., Lafrenière, D., Luque, R., Murgas, F., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Narita, N., Passegger, V. M., Quirrenbach, A., Schöfer, P., Reffert, S., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Ricker, G. R., Seager, S., Schweitzer, A., Schwarz, R. P., Tamura, M., Trifonov, T., Vanderspek, R., Winn, J., Zechmeister, M. and Zapatero Osorio, M. R.: An ultra-short-period transiting super-Earth orbiting the M3 dwarf TOI-1685. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A78 (2021)
Boccaletti, A., Pantin, E., Ménard, F., Galicher, R., Langlois, M., Benisty, M., Gratton, R., Chauvin, G., Ginski, C., Lagrange, A.-M., Zurlo, A., Biller, B., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Brown-Sevilla, S., Cantalloube, F., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Perrot, C., Vigan, A., Sauvage, J.-F., Ramos, J., Rousset, G. and Magnard, Y.: Investigating point sources in MWC 758 with SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, L8 (2021)
Booth, M., Schulz, M., Krivov, A. V., Marino, S., Pearce, T. D. and Launhardt, R.: Resolving the outer ring of HD 38206 using ALMA and constraining limits on planets in the system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 1604-1611 (2021)
Borsa, F., Lanza, A. F., Raspantini, I., Rainer, M., Fossati, L., Brogi, M., Di Mauro, M. P., Gratton, R., Pino, L., Benatti, S., Bignamini, A., Bonomo, A. S., Claudi, R., Esposito, M., Frustagli, G., Maggio, A., Maldonado, J., Mancini, L., Micela, G., Nascimbeni, V., Poretti, E., Scandariato, G., Sicilia, D., Sozzetti, A., Boschin, W., Cosentino, R., Covino, E., Desidera, S., Di Fabrizio, L., Fiorenzano, A. F. M., Harutyunyan, A., Knapic, C., Molinari, E., Pagano, I., Pedani, M. and Piotto, G.: The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXI. The WASP-33 system revisited with HARPS-N. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A104 (2021)
Bowens, R., Meyer, M. R., Delacroix, C., Absil, O., van Boekel, R., Quanz, S. P., Shinde, M., Kenworthy, M., Carlomagno, B., Orban de Xivry, G., Cantalloube, F. and Pathak, P.: Exoplanets with ELT-METIS. I. Estimating the direct imaging exoplanet yield around stars within 6.5 parsecs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A8 (2021)
Brandt, G. M., Brandt, T. D., Dupuy, T. J., Michalik, D. and Marleau, G.-D.: The First Dynamical Mass Measurement in the HR 8799 System. The Astrophysical Journal 915, L16 (2021)
Brown-Sevilla, S. B., Keppler, M., Barraza-Alfaro, M., Melon Fuksman, J. D., Kurtovic, N., Pinilla, P., Feldt, M., Brandner, W., Ginski, C., Henning, T., Klahr, H., Asensio-Torres, R., Cantalloube, F., Garufi, A., van Holstein, R. G., Langlois, M., Ménard, F., Rickman, E., Benisty, M., Chauvin, G., Zurlo, A., Weber, P., Pavlov, A., Ramos, J., Rochat, S. and Roelfsema, R.: A multiwavelength analysis of the spiral arms in the protoplanetary disk around WaOph 6. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A35 (2021)
Brown-Sevilla, S. B., Nascimbeni, V., Borsato, L., Tartaglia, L., Nardiello, D., Granata, V., Libralato, M., Damasso, M., Piotto, G., Pollacco, D., West, R. G., Colombo, L. S., Cunial, A., Piazza, G. and Scaggiante, F.: A new photometric and dynamical study of the eclipsing binary star HW Virginis. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 2122-2135 (2021)
Brunthaler, A., Menten, K. M., Dzib, S. A., Cotton, W. D., Wyrowski, F., Dokara, R., Gong, Y., Medina, S.-N. X., Müller, P., Nguyen, H., Ortiz-León, G. N., Reich, W., Rugel, M. R., Urquhart, J. S., Winkel, B., Yang, A. Y., Beuther, H., Billington, S., Carrasco-Gonzalez, C., Csengeri, T., Murugeshan, C., Pandian, J. D. and Roy, N.: A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. I. Overview and first results for the Galactic longitude range 28° < l < 36°. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A85 (2021)
Buinhas, L., Linz, H., Philips-Blum, M. and Förstner, R.: iSCOUT: Science-task planning and formation maneuver design for the IRASSI space interferometer. Advances in Space Research 67, 3840-3867 (2021)
Burn, R., Schlecker, M., Mordasini, C., Emsenhuber, A., Alibert, Y., Henning, T., Klahr, H. and Benz, W.: The New Generation Planetary Population Synthesis (NGPPS). IV. Planetary systems around low-mass stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A72 (2021)
Callanan, D., Longmore, S. N., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Schruba, A., Ginsburg, A., Krumholz, M. R., Bastian, N., Alves, J., Henshaw, J. D., Knapen, J. H. and Chevance, M.: The centres of M83 and the Milky Way: opposite extremes of a common star formation cycle. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 4310-4337 (2021)
Carleo, I., Desidera, S., Nardiello, D., Malavolta, L., Lanza, A. F., Livingston, J., Locci, D., Marzari, F., Messina, S., Turrini, D., Baratella, M., Borsa, F., D'Orazi, V., Nascimbeni, V., Pinamonti, M., Rainer, M., Alei, E., Bignamini, A., Gratton, R., Micela, G., Montalto, M., Sozzetti, A., Squicciarini, V., Affer, L., Benatti, S., Biazzo, K., Bonomo, A. S., Claudi, R., Cosentino, R., Covino, E., Damasso, M., Esposito, M., Fiorenzano, A., Frustagli, G., Giacobbe, P., Harutyunyan, A., Leto, G., Magazzù, A., Maggio, A., Mainella, G., Maldonado, J., Mallonn, M., Mancini, L., Molinari, E., Molinaro, M., Pagano, I., Pedani, M., Piotto, G., Poretti, E., Redfield, S. and Scandariato, G.: The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXVIII. A pair of hot-Neptunes orbiting the young star TOI-942. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A71 (2021)
Carone, L., Mollière, P., Zhou, Y., Bouwman, J., Yan, F., Baeyens, R., Apai, D., Espinoza, N., Rackham, B. V., Jordán, A., Angerhausen, D., Decin, L., Lendl, M., Venot, O. and Henning, T.: Indications for very high metallicity and absence of methane in the eccentric exo-Saturn WASP-117b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A168 (2021)
Carrera, D., Simon, J. B., Li, R., Kretke, K. A. and Klahr, H.: Protoplanetary Disk Rings as Sites for Planetesimal Formation. The Astronomical Journal 161, 96 (2021)
Casasayas-Barris, N., Orell-Miquel, J., Stangret, M., Nortmann, L., Yan, F., Oshagh, M., Palle, E., Sanz-Forcada, J., López-Puertas, M., Nagel, E., Luque, R., Morello, G., Snellen, I. A. G., Zechmeister, M., Quirrenbach, A., Caballero, J. A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Amado, P. J., Bergond, G., Czesla, S., Henning, T., Khalafinejad, S., Molaverdikhani, K., Montes, D., Perger, M., Sánchez-López, A. and Sedaghati, E.: CARMENES detection of the Ca II infrared triplet and possible evidence of He I in the atmosphere of WASP-76b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A163 (2021)
Chen, D.-C., Xie, J.-W., Zhou, J.-L., Dong, S., Liu, C., Wang, H.-F., Xiang, M.-S., Huang, Y., Luo, A. and Zheng, Z.: Planets Across Space and Time (PAST). I. Characterizing the Memberships of Galactic Components and Stellar Ages: Revisiting the Kinematic Methods and Applying to Planet Host Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 909, 115 (2021)
Chen, D.-C., Yang, J.-Y., Xie, J.-W., Zhou, J.-L., Dong, S., Zheng, Z., Zhang, J.-H., Liu, C., Wang, H.-F., Xiang, M.-S., Zong, W., Huang, Y. and Luo, A.: Planets Across Space and Time (PAST). II. Catalog and Analyses of the LAMOST-Gaia-Kepler Stellar Kinematic Properties. The Astronomical Journal 162, 100 (2021)
Chen, G., Pallé, E., Parviainen, H., Wang, H., van Boekel, R., Murgas, F., Yan, F., Béjar, V. J. S., Casasayas-Barris, N., Crouzet, N., Esparza-Borges, E., Fukui, A., Garai, Z., Kawauchi, K., Kurita, S., Kusakabe, N., de Leon, J. P., Livingston, J., Luque, R., Madrigal-Aguado, A., Mori, M., Narita, N., Nishiumi, T., Oshagh, M., Sánchez-Benavente, M., Tamura, M., Terada, Y. and Watanabe, N.: An enhanced slope in the transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-104b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 5420-5435 (2021)
Christenson, H. M., Becker, G. D., Furlanetto, S. R., Davies, F. B., Malkan, M. A., Zhu, Y., Boera, E. and Trapp, A.: Constraints on the End of Reionization from the Density Fields Surrounding Two Highly Opaque Quasar Sightlines. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 87 (2021)
Christiaens, V., Ubeira-Gabellini, M.-G., Cánovas, H., Delorme, P., Pairet, B., Absil, O., Casassus, S., Girard, J. H., Zurlo, A., Aoyama, Y., Marleau, G.-D., Spina, L., van der Marel, N., Cieza, L., Lodato, G., Pérez, S., Pinte, C., Price, D. J. and Reggiani, M.: A faint companion around CrA-9: protoplanet or obscured binary? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 6117-6139 (2021)
Chuang, K.-J., Fedoseev, G., Scirè, C., Baratta, G. A., Jäger, C., Henning, T., Linnartz, H. and Palumbo, M. E.: Formation of complex organic molecules in molecular clouds: acetaldehyde, vinyl alcohol, ketene, and ethanol via the "energetic" processing of C2H2 ice. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A85 (2021)
Cieza, L. A., González-Ruilova, C., Hales, A. S., Pinilla, P., Ruíz-Rodríguez, D., Zurlo, A., Casassus, S., Pérez, S., Cánovas, H., Arce-Tord, C., Flock, M., Kurtovic, N., Marino, S., Nogueira, P. H., Perez, L., Price, D. J., Principe, D. A. and Williams, J. P.: The Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA) - III. The evolution of substructures in massive discs at 3-5 au resolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 2934-2953 (2021)
Concha-Ramírez, F., Wilhelm, M. J. C., Portegies Zwart, S., van Terwisga, S. E. and Hacar, A.: Effects of stellar density on the photoevaporation of circumstellar discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 1782-1790 (2021)
Cont, D., Yan, F., Reiners, A., Casasayas-Barris, N., Mollière, P., Pallé, E., Henning, T., Nortmann, L., Stangret, M., Czesla, S., López-Puertas, M., Sánchez-López, A., Rodler, F., Ribas, I., Quirrenbach, A., Caballero, J. A., Amado, P. J., Carone, L., Khaimova, J., Kreidberg, L., Molaverdikhani, K., Montes, D., Morello, G., Nagel, E., Oshagh, M. and Zechmeister, M.: Detection of Fe and evidence for TiO in the dayside emission spectrum of WASP-33b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A33 (2021)
Czekala, I., Loomis, R. A., Teague, R., Booth, A. S., Huang, J., Cataldi, G., Ilee, J. D., Law, C. J., Walsh, C., Bosman, A. D., Guzmán, V. V., Gal, R. L., Öberg, K. I., Yamato, Y., Aikawa, Y., Andrews, S. M., Bae, J., Bergin, E. A., Bergner, J. B., Cleeves, L. I., Kurtovic, N. T., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Pérez, L. M., Qi, C., Schwarz, K. R., Tsukagoshi, T., Waggoner, A. R., Wilner, D. J. and Zhang, K.: Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). II. CLEAN Strategies for Synthesizing Images of Molecular Line Emission in Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 257, 2 (2021)
Dawson, R. I., Huang, C. X., Brahm, R., Collins, K. A., Hobson, M. J., Jordán, A., Dong, J., Korth, J., Trifonov, T., Abe, L., Agabi, A., Bruni, I., Butler, R. P., Barbieri, M., Collins, K. I., Conti, D. M., Crane, J. D., Crouzet, N., Dransfield, G., Evans, P., Espinoza, N., Gan, T., Guillot, T., Henning, T., Lissauer, J. J., Jensen, E. L. N., Sainte, W. M., Mékarnia, D., Myers, G., Nandakumar, S., Relles, H. M., Sarkis, P., Torres, P., Shectman, S., Schmider, F.-X., Shporer, A., Stockdale, C., Teske, J., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Wang, S. X., Ziegler, C., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J., Jenkins, J. M., Bouma, L. G., Burt, J. A., Charbonneau, D., Levine, A. M., McDermott, S., McLean, B., Rose, M. E., Vanderburg, A. and Wohler, B.: Precise Transit and Radial-velocity Characterization of a Resonant Pair: The Warm Jupiter TOI-216c and Eccentric Warm Neptune TOI-216b. The Astronomical Journal 161, 161 (2021)
de Boer, J., Ginski, C., Chauvin, G., Ménard, F., Benisty, M., Dominik, C., Maaskant, K., Girard, J. H., van der Plas, G., Garufi, A., Perrot, C., Stolker, T., Avenhaus, H., Bohn, A., Delboulbé, A., Jaquet, M., Buey, T., Möller-Nilsson, O., Pragt, J. and Fusco, T.: Possible single-armed spiral in the protoplanetary disk around HD 34282. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A25 (2021)
Desidera, S., Chauvin, G., Bonavita, M., Messina, S., LeCoroller, H., Schmidt, T., Gratton, R., Lazzoni, C., Meyer, M., Schlieder, J., Cheetham, A., Hagelberg, J., Bonnefoy, M., Feldt, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Tan, T. G., Hambsch, F.-J., Millward, M., Alcalá, J., Benatti, S., Brandner, W., Carson, J., Covino, E., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Janson, M., Rigliaco, E., Beuzit, J.-L., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Dominik, C., Cantalloube, F., Fontanive, C., Galicher, R., Henning, T., Lagadec, E., Ligi, R., Maire, A.-L., Menard, F., Mesa, D., Müller, A., Samland, M., Schmid, H. M., Sissa, E., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Zurlo, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Kopytova, T., Rickman, E., Abe, L., Antichi, J., Baruffolo, A., Baudoz, P., Baudrand, J., Blanchard, P., Bazzon, A., Buey, T., Carbillet, M., Carle, M., Charton, J., Cascone, E., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Deboulbé, A., De Caprio, V., Dohlen, K., Fantinel, D., Feautrier, P., Fusco, T., Gigan, P., Giro, E., Gisler, D., Gluck, L., Hubin, N., Hugot, E., Jaquet, M., Kasper, M., Madec, F., Magnard, Y., Martinez, P., Maurel, D., Le Mignant, D., Möller-Nilsson, O., Llored, M., Moulin, T., Origné, A., Pavlov, A., Perret, D., Petit, C., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Rabou, P., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Rochat, S., Roelfsema, R., Rousset, G., Roux, A., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J.-F., Sevin, A., Soenke, C., Stadler, E., Suarez, M., Weber, L. and Wildi, F.: The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). I. Sample definition and target characterization. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A70 (2021)
Dharmawardena, T. E., Barlow, M. J., Drew, J. E., Seales, A., Sale, S. E., Jones, D., Mampaso, A., Parker, Q. A., Sabin, L. and Wesson, R.: H α fluxes and extinction distances for planetary nebulae in the IPHAS survey of the northern galactic plane. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 6156-6167 (2021)
Dokara, R., Brunthaler, A., Menten, K. M., Dzib, S. A., Reich, W., Cotton, W. D., Anderson, L. D., Chen, C.-H. R., Gong, Y., Medina, S.-N. X., Ortiz-León, G. N., Rugel, M., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F., Yang, A. Y., Beuther, H., Billington, S. J., Csengeri, T., Carrasco-González, C. and Roy, N.: A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. II. Supernova remnants in the first quadrant of the Milky Way. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A86 (2021)
Duarte-Cabral, A., Colombo, D., Urquhart, J. S., Ginsburg, A., Russeil, D., Schuller, F., Anderson, L. D., Barnes, P. J., Beltrán, M. T., Beuther, H., Bontemps, S., Bronfman, L., Csengeri, T., Dobbs, C. L., Eden, D., Giannetti, A., Kauffmann, J., Mattern, M., Medina, S.-N. X., Menten, K. M., Lee, M.-Y., Pettitt, A. R., Riener, M., Rigby, A. J., Traficante, A., Veena, V. S., Wienen, M., Wyrowski, F., Agurto, C., Azagra, F., Cesaroni, R., Finger, R., Gonzalez, E., Henning, T., Hernandez, A. K., Kainulainen, J., Leurini, S., Lopez, S., Mac-Auliffe, F., Mazumdar, P., Molinari, S., Motte, F., Muller, E., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Parra, R., Perez-Beaupuits, J.-P., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Moore, T. J. T., Ragan, S. E., Sánchez-Monge, A., Sanna, A., Schilke, P., Schisano, E., Schneider, N., Suri, S., Testi, L., Torstensson, K., Venegas, P., Wang, K. and Zavagno, A.: The SEDIGISM survey: molecular clouds in the inner Galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 3027-3049 (2021)
Eiroa, C., Montesinos, B., Rebollido, I., Henning, T., Launhardt, R., Maldonado, J., Meeus, G., Mora, A., Rivière-Marichalar, P. and Villaver, E.: The A-shell star ϕ Leo revisited: its photospheric and circumstellar spectra. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A115 (2021)
Ellison, S. L., Lin, L., Thorp, M. D., Pan, H.-A., Scudder, J. M., Sánchez, S. F., Bluck, A. F. L. and Maiolino, R.: The ALMaQUEST Survey - V. The non-universality of kpc-scale star formation relations and the factors that drive them. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 4777-4797 (2021)
Emsenhuber, A., Mordasini, C., Burn, R., Alibert, Y., Benz, W. and Asphaug, E.: The New Generation Planetary Population Synthesis (NGPPS). I. Bern global model of planet formation and evolution, model tests, and emerging planetary systems. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A69 (2021)
Emsenhuber, A., Mordasini, C., Burn, R., Alibert, Y., Benz, W. and Asphaug, E.: The New Generation Planetary Population Synthesis (NGPPS). II. Planetary population of solar-like stars and overview of statistical results. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A70 (2021)
Encrenaz, T., Coustenis, A., Gilli, G., Marcq, E., Molaverdikhani, K., Mugnai, L. V., Ollivier, M. and Tinetti, G.: Observability of temperate exoplanets with Ariel. Experimental Astronomy (2021)
Facchini, S., Teague, R., Bae, J., Benisty, M., Keppler, M. and Isella, A.: The Chemical Inventory of the Planet-hosting Disk PDS 70. The Astronomical Journal 162, 99 (2021)
Flock, M. and Mignone, A.: Streaming instability in a global patch simulation of protoplanetary disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A119 (2021)
Flores-Rivera, L., Terebey, S., Willacy, K., Isella, A., Turner, N. and Flock, M.: Physical and Chemical Structure of the Disk and Envelope of the Class 0/I Protostar L1527. The Astrophysical Journal 908, 108 (2021)
Fontani, F., Barnes, A. T., Caselli, P., Henshaw, J. D., Cosentino, G., Jiménez-Serra, I., Tan, J. C., Pineda, J. E. and Law, C. Y.: ALMA-IRDC - II. First high-angular resolution measurements of the 14N/15N ratio in a large sample of infrared-dark cloud cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 4320-4335 (2021)
Fulvio, D., Potapov, A., He, J. and Henning, T.: Astrochemical Pathways to Complex Organic and Prebiotic Molecules: Experimental Perspectives for In Situ Solid-State Studies. Life 11, 568 (2021)
Gambrel, A. E., Rahlin, A. S., Song, X., Contaldi, C. R., Ade, P. A. R., Amiri, M., Benton, S. J., Bergman, A. S., Bihary, R., Bock, J. J., Bond, J. R., Bonetti, J. A., Bryan, S. A., Chiang, H. C., Duivenvoorden, A. J., Eriksen, H. K., Farhang, M., Filippini, J. P., Fraisse, A. A., Freese, K., Galloway, M., Gandilo, N. N., Gualtieri, R., Gudmundsson, J. E., Halpern, M., Hartley, J., Hasselfield, M., Hilton, G., Holmes, W., Hristov, V. V., Huang, Z., Irwin, K. D., Jones, W. C., Karakci, A., Kuo, C. L., Kermish, Z. D., Leung, J. S.-Y., Li, S., Mak, D. S. Y., Mason, P. V., Megerian, K., Moncelsi, L., Morford, T. A., Nagy, J. M., Netterfield, C. B., Nolta, M., O'Brient, R., Osherson, B., Padilla, I. L., Racine, B., Reintsema, C., Ruhl, J. E., Ruud, T. M., Shariff, J. A., Shaw, E. C., Shiu, C., Soler, J. D., Trangsrud, A., Tucker, C., Tucker, R. S., Turner, A. D., List, J. F. v. d., Weber, A. C., Wehus, I. K., Wen, S., Wiebe, D. V. and Young, E. Y.: The XFaster Power Spectrum and Likelihood Estimator for the Analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background Maps. The Astrophysical Journal 922, 132 (2021)
Gárate, M., Cuadra, J., Montesinos, M. and Arévalo, P.: Feedback-limited accretion: variable luminosity from growing planets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 3113-3121 (2021)
Gárate, M., Delage, T. N., Stadler, J., Pinilla, P., Birnstiel, T., Stammler, S. M., Picogna, G., Ercolano, B., Franz, R. and Lenz, C.: Large gaps and high accretion rates in photoevaporative transition disks with a dead zone. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A18 (2021)
Gieser, C., Beuther, H., Semenov, D., Ahmadi, A., Suri, S., Möller, T., Beltrán, M. T., Klaassen, P., Zhang, Q., Urquhart, J. S., Henning, T., Feng, S., Galván-Madrid, R., de Souza Magalhães, V., Moscadelli, L., Longmore, S., Leurini, S., Kuiper, R., Peters, T., Menten, K. M., Csengeri, T., Fuller, G., Wyrowski, F., Lumsden, S., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Maud, L., Linz, H., Palau, A., Schilke, P., Pety, J., Pudritz, R., Winters, J. M. and Piétu, V.: Physical and chemical structure of high-mass star-forming regions. Unraveling chemical complexity with CORE: the NOEMA large program. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A66 (2021)
Ginski, C., Facchini, S., Huang, J., Benisty, M., Vaendel, D., Stapper, L., Dominik, C., Bae, J., Ménard, F., Muro-Arena, G., Hogerheijde, M. R., McClure, M., van Holstein, R. G., Birnstiel, T., Boehler, Y., Bohn, A., Flock, M., Mamajek, E. E., Manara, C. F., Pinilla, P., Pinte, C. and Ribas, Á.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): Late Infall Causing Disk Misalignment and Dynamic Structures in SU Aur. The Astrophysical Journal 908, L25 (2021)
Gratton, R., D'Orazi, V., Pacheco, T. A., Zurlo, A., Desidera, S., Meléndez, J., Mesa, D., Claudi, R., Janson, M., Langlois, M., Rickman, E., Samland, M., Moulin, T., Soenke, C., Cascone, E., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Avenhaus, H., Beuzit, J. L., Biller, B., Boccaletti, A., Bonavita, M., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Chauvin, G., Cudel, M., Daemgen, S., Delorme, P., Desgrange, C., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Fontanive, C., Galicher, R., Garufi, A., Gasparri, D., Ginski, C., Girard, J., Hagelberg, J., Hunziker, S., Kasper, M., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Lannier, J., Lazzoni, C., Le Coroller, H., Ligi, R., Lombart, M., Maire, A.-L., Mayer, M. R., Mazevet, S., Ménard, F., Mouillet, D., Perrot, C., Peretti, S., Petrus, S., Potier, A., Rouan, D., Schmid, H. M., Schmidt, T. O. B., Sissa, E., Stolker, T., Salter, G., Vigan, A. and Wildi, F.: Investigating three Sirius-like systems with SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A61 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Baganoff, F., Berger, J. P., Boyce, H., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Dallilar, Y., Drescher, A., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Fazio, G. G., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Foster, K., Gammie, C., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Ghisellini, G., Gillessen, S., Gurwell, M. A., Habibi, M., Haggard, D., Hailey, C., Harrison, F. A., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Hora, J. L., Horrobin, M., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lowrance, P. J., Lutz, D., Markoff, S., Mori, K., Morris, M. R., Neilsen, J., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Ponti, G., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Scheithauer, S., Smith, H. A., Stadler, J., Stern, D. K., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Willner, S. P., Witzel, G., Woillez, J., Yazici, S., Young, A., Zhang, S. and Zins, G.: Constraining particle acceleration in Sgr A⋆ with simultaneous GRAVITY, Spitzer, NuSTAR, and Chandra observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A22 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., Dallilar, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S. and Zins, G.: Detection of faint stars near Sagittarius A* with GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A127 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Dallilar, Y., Drescher, A., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S., Young, A. and Zins, G.: Improved GRAVITY astrometric accuracy from modeling optical aberrations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A59 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Bentz, M. C., Brandner, W., Bolzer, M., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, P. J. V., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Gratadour, D., Hönig, S., Kaltenbrunner, D., Kishimoto, M., Lacour, S., Lutz, D., Millour, F., Netzer, H., Onken, C. A., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Petrucci, P. O., Pfuhl, O., Prieto, M. A., Rouan, D., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Sternberg, A., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Street, R., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Tristram, K. R. W., Vermot, P., von Fellenberg, S., Widmann, F. and Woillez, J.: A geometric distance to the supermassive black Hole of NGC 3783. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A85 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Brandner, W., Bolzer, M., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Gao, F., Garcia, P. J. V., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Gratadour, D., Hönig, S., Kaltenbrunner, D., Kishimoto, M., Lacour, S., Lutz, D., Millour, F., Netzer, H., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Peterson, B. M., Petrucci, P. O., Pfuhl, O., Prieto, M. A., Rouan, D., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Schartmann, M., Stadler, J., Sternberg, A., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Tristram, K. R. W., Vermot, P., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F. and Woillez, J.: The central parsec of NGC 3783: a rotating broad emission line region, asymmetric hot dust structure, and compact coronal line region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A117 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Eupen, F., Labadie, L., Grellmann, R., Perraut, K., Brandner, W., Duchêne, G., Köhler, R., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Garcia Lopez, R., Caratti O Garatti, A., Benisty, M., Dougados, C., Garcia, P., Klarmann, L., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Caselli, P., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P. T., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Filho, M., Ganci, V., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Heissel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Hubert, Z., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J. B., Léna, P., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., van Dishoeck, E., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Widmann, F., Woillez, J. and Wojtczak, A.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. V. The orbit of the T Tauri binary star WW Cha. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A37 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Ganci, V., Labadie, L., Klarmann, L., de Valon, A., Perraut, K., Benisty, M., Brandner, W., Caratti O Garatti, A., Dougados, C., Eupen, F., Garcia Lopez, R., Grellmann, R., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Wojtczak, A., Garcia, P., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J.-P., Caselli, P., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P. T., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Filho, M., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Heissel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Hubert, Z., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Heißel, G., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., van Dishoeck, E., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Widmann, F. and Woillez, J.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. VIII. Gas and dust faint inner rings in the hybrid disk of HD141569. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A112 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Koutoulaki, M., Garcia Lopez, R., Natta, A., Fedriani, R., Caratti O Garatti, A., Ray, T. P., Coffey, D., Brandner, W., Dougados, C., Garcia, P. J. V., Klarmann, L., Labadie, L., Perraut, K., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Lin, C.-C., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Benisty, M., Berger, J. P., Buron, A., Caselli, P., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duvert, G., de Wit, W., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Filho, M., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Grellmann, R., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Haussmann, F., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Hubert, Z., Horrobin, M., Jimenez Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Kolb, J., Lacour, S., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Linz, H., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Ramírez-Tannus, M. C., Rau, C., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., van Dishoeck, E., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiest, M., Wiezorrek, E., Yazici, S. and Zins, G.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. IV. The CO overtone emission in 51 Oph at sub-au scales. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A50 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Perraut, K., Labadie, L., Bouvier, J., Ménard, F., Klarmann, L., Dougados, C., Benisty, M., Berger, J.-P., Bouarour, Y.-I., Brandner, W., Caratti O Garatti, A., Caselli, P., de Zeeuw, P. T., Garcia-Lopez, R., Henning, T., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Sousa, A., van Dishoeck, E., Alécian, E., Amorim, A., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster-Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, P., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Grellmann, R., Heißel, G., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Hubert, Z., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. and Widmann, F.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. VII. The inner dusty disks of T Tauri stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A73 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Rodríguez-Coira, G., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Vincent, F., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jimenez-Rosales, A., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J. B., Léna, P., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Perraut, K., Pfuhl, O., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Shangguan, J., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Shimizu, T., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S. and Zins, G.: MOLsphere and pulsations of the Galactic Center's red supergiant GCIRS 7 from VLTI/GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A37 (2021)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Caratti O Garatti, A., Garcia Lopez, R., Perraut, K., Labadie, L., Benisty, M., Brandner, W., Dougados, C., Garcia, P. J. V., Henning, T., Klarmann, L., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Le Bouquin, J. B., Caselli, P., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P. T., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Filho, M., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Grellmann, R., Heissel, G., Horrobin, M., Hubert, Z., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Léna, P., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Pineda, J. E., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Segura-Cox, D. M., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., van Dishoeck, E., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Widmann, F. and Woillez, J.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. VI. Mapping the variable inner disk of HD 163296 at sub-au scales. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A97 (2021)
Grieves, N., Bouchy, F., Lendl, M., Carmichael, T., Mireles, I., Shporer, A., McLeod, K. K., Collins, K. A., Brahm, R., Stassun, K. G., Gill, S., Bouma, L. G., Guillot, T., Cointepas, M., Dos Santos, L. A., Casewell, S. L., Jenkins, J. M., Henning, T., Nielsen, L. D., Psaridi, A., Udry, S., Ségransan, D., Eastman, J. D., Zhou, G., Abe, L., Agabi, A., Bakos, G., Charbonneau, D., Collins, K. I., Colon, K. D., Crouzet, N., Dransfield, G., Evans, P., Goeke, R. F., Hart, R., Irwin, J. M., Jensen, E. L. N., Jordán, A., Kielkopf, J. F., Latham, D. W., Marie-Sainte, W., Mékarnia, D., Nelson, P., Quinn, S. N., Radford, D. J., Rodriguez, D. R., Rowden, P., Schmider, F.-X., Schwarz, R. P., Smith, J. C., Stockdale, C., Suarez, O., Tan, T.-G., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Waalkes, W. and Wingham, G.: Populating the brown dwarf and stellar boundary: Five stars with transiting companions near the hydrogen-burning mass limit. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A127 (2021)
Gurvits, L. I., Paragi, Z., Casasola, V., Conway, J., Davelaar, J., Falcke, H., Fender, R., Frey, S., Fromm, C. M., Miró, C. G., Garrett, M. A., Giroletti, M., Goddi, C., Gómez, J.-L., van der Gucht, J., Guirado, J. C., Haiman, Z., Helmich, F., Humphreys, E., Impellizzeri, V., Kramer, M., Lindqvist, M., Linz, H., Liuzzo, E., Lobanov, A. P., Mizuno, Y., Rezzolla, L., Roelofs, F., Ros, E., Rygl, K. L. J., Savolainen, T., Schuster, K., Venturi, T., Wiedner, M. C. and Zensus, J. A.: THEZA: TeraHertz Exploration and Zooming-in for Astrophysics. Experimental Astronomy 51, 559-594 (2021)
Habel, N. M., Megeath, S. T., Booker, J. J., Fischer, W. J., Kounkel, M., Poteet, C., Furlan, E., Stutz, A., Manoj, P., Tobin, J. J., Nagy, Z., Pokhrel, R. and Watson, D.: An HST Survey of Protostellar Outflow Cavities: Does Feedback Clear Envelopes? The Astrophysical Journal 911, 153 (2021)
Hammer, M., Lin, M.-K., Kratter, K. M. and Pinilla, P.: Which planets trigger longer lived vortices: low-mass or high-mass? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 3963-3985 (2021)
He, J., Toriello, F. E., Emtiaz, S. M., Henning, T. and Vidali, G.: Phase Transition of Interstellar CO Ice. The Astrophysical Journal 915, L23 (2021)
He, Y.-X., Henkel, C., Zhou, J.-J., Esimbek, J., Stutz, A. M., Liu, H.-L., Ji, W.-G., Li, D.-L., Wu, G., Tang, X.-D., Komesh, T. and Sailanbek, S.: Extended HNCO, SiO, and HC3N Emission in 43 Southern Star-forming Regions. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 253, 2 (2021)
Heeren, P., Reffert, S., Trifonov, T., Wong, K. H., Lee, M. H., Lillo-Box, J., Quirrenbach, A., Arentoft, T., Albrecht, S., Grundahl, F., Andersen, M. F., Antoci, V. and Pallé, P. L.: Precise radial velocities of giant stars. XV. Mysterious nearly periodic radial velocity variations in the eccentric binary ε Cygni. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A160 (2021)
Helling, C., Lewis, D., Samra, D., Carone, L., Graham, V., Herbort, O., Chubb, K. L., Min, M., Waters, R., Parmentier, V. and Mayne, N.: Cloud property trends in hot and ultra-hot giant gas planets (WASP-43b, WASP-103b, WASP-121b, HAT-P-7b, and WASP-18b). Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A44 (2021)
Helling, C., Worters, M., Samra, D., Molaverdikhani, K. and Iro, N.: Understanding the atmospheric properties and chemical composition of the ultra-hot Jupiter HAT-P-7b. III. Changing ionisation and the emergence of an ionosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A80 (2021)
Henneco, J., Van Reeth, T., Prat, V., Mathis, S., Mombarg, J. S. G. and Aerts, C.: The effect of the centrifugal acceleration on period spacings of gravito-inertial modes in intermediate-mass stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A97 (2021)
Higgins, R., Kabanovic, S., Pabst, C., Teyssier, D., Goicoechea, J. R., Berne, O., Chambers, E., Wolfire, M., Suri, S. T., Buchbender, C., Okada, Y., Mertens, M., Parikka, A., Aladro, R., Richter, H., Güsten, R., Stutzki, J. and Tielens, A. G. G. M.: Observation and calibration strategies for large-scale multi-beam velocity-resolved mapping of the [CII] emission in the Orion molecular cloud. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A77 (2021)
Hobson, M. J., Brahm, R., Jordán, A., Espinoza, N., Kossakowski, D., Henning, T., Rojas, F., Schlecker, M., Sarkis, P., Trifonov, T., Thorngren, D., Binnenfeld, A., Shahaf, S., Zucker, S., Ricker, G. R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Addison, B., Bouchy, F., Bowler, B. P., Briegal, J. T., Bryant, E. M., Collins, K. A., Daylan, T., Grieves, N., Horner, J., Huang, C., Kane, S. R., Kielkopf, J., McLean, B., Mengel, M. W., Nielsen, L. D., Okumura, J., Jones, M., Plavchan, P., Shporer, A., Smith, A. M. S., Tilbrook, R., Tinney, C. G., Twicken, J. D., Udry, S., Unger, N., West, R., Wittenmyer, R. A., Wohler, B., Torres, P. and Wright, D. J.: A Transiting Warm Giant Planet around the Young Active Star TOI-201. The Astronomical Journal 161, 235 (2021)
Hocdé, V., Nardetto, N., Matter, A., Lagadec, E., Mérand, A., Cruzalèbes, P., Meilland, A., Millour, F., Lopez, B., Berio, P., Weigelt, G., Petrov, R., Isbell, J. W., Jaffe, W., Kervella, P., Glindemann, A., Schöller, M., Allouche, F., Gallenne, A., Domiciano de Souza, A., Niccolini, G., Kokoulina, E., Varga, J., Lagarde, S., Augereau, J.-C., van Boekel, R., Bristow, P., Henning, T., Hofmann, K.-H., Zins, G., Danchi, W.-C., Delbo, M., Dominik, C., Gámez Rosas, V., Klarmann, L., Hron, J., Hogerheijde, M. R., Meisenheimer, K., Pantin, E., Paladini, C., Robbe-Dubois, S., Schertl, D., Stee, P., Waters, R., Lehmitz, M., Bettonvil, F., Heininger, M., Bristow, P., Woillez, J., Wolf, S., Yoffe, G., Szabados, L., Chiavassa, A., Borgniet, S., Breuval, L., Javanmardi, B., Ábrahám, P., Abadie, S., Abuter, R., Accardo, M., Adler, T., Agócs, T., Alonso, J., Antonelli, P., Böhm, A., Bailet, C., Bazin, G., Beckmann, U., Beltran, J., Boland, W., Bourget, P., Brast, R., Bresson, Y., Burtscher, L., Buter, R., Castillo, R., Chelli, A., Cid, C., Clausse, J.-M., Connot, C., Conzelmann, R. D., De Haan, M., Ebert, M., Elswijk, E., Fantei, Y., Frahm, R., Gámez Rosas, V., Gabasch, A., Garces, E., Girard, P., Glazenborg, A., Gonté, F. Y. J., González Herrera, J. C., Graser, U., Guajardo, P., Guitton, F., Hanenburg, H., Haubois, X., Hubin, N., Huerta, R., Idserda, J., Ives, D., Jakob, G., Jaskó, A., Jochum, L., Klein, R., Kragt, J., Kroes, G., Kuindersma, S., Labadie, L., Laun, W., Le Poole, R., Leinert, C., Lizon, J.-L., Lopez, M., Marcotto, A., Mauclert, N., Maurer, T., Mehrgan, L. H., Meisner, J., Meixner, K., Mellein, M., Mohr, L., Morel, S., Mosoni, L., Navarro, R., Neumann, U., Nußbaum, E., Pallanca, L., Pasquini, L., Percheron, I., Phan Duc, T., Pott, J.-U., Pozna, E., Ridinger, A., Rigal, F., Riquelme, M., Rivinius, T., Roelfsema, R., Rohloff, R.-R., Rousseau, S., Schuhler, N., Schuil, M., Shabun, K., Soulain, A., Stephan, C., ter Horst, R., Tromp, N., Vakili, F., van Duin, A., Venema, L. B., Vinther, J., Wittkowski, M. and Wrhel, F.: Mid-infrared circumstellar emission of the long-period Cepheid ℓ Carinae resolved with VLTI/MATISSE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A92 (2021)
Hodgkin, S. T., Harrison, D. L., Breedt, E., Wevers, T., Rixon, G., Delgado, A., Yoldas, A., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., Wyrzykowski, Ł., van Leeuwen, M., Blagorodnova, N., Campbell, H., Eappachen, D., Fraser, M., Ihanec, N., Koposov, S. E., Kruszyńska, K., Marton, G., Rybicki, K. A., Brown, A. G. A., Burgess, P. W., Busso, G., Cowell, S., De Angeli, F., Diener, C., Evans, D. W., Gilmore, G., Holland, G., Jonker, P. G., van Leeuwen, F., Mignard, F., Osborne, P. J., Portell, J., Prusti, T., Richards, P. J., Riello, M., Seabroke, G. M., Walton, N. A., Ábrahám, P., Altavilla, G., Baker, S. G., Bastian, U., O'Brien, P., de Bruijne, J., Butterley, T., Carrasco, J. M., Castañeda, J., Clark, J. S., Clementini, G., Copperwheat, C. M., Cropper, M., Damljanovic, G., Davidson, M., Davis, C. J., Dennefeld, M., Dhillon, V. S., Dolding, C., Dominik, M., Esquej, P., Eyer, L., Fabricius, C., Fridman, M., Froebrich, D., Garralda, N., Gomboc, A., González-Vidal, J. J., Guerra, R., Hambly, N. C., Hardy, L. K., Holl, B., Hourihane, A., Japelj, J., Kann, D. A., Kiss, C., Knigge, C., Kolb, U., Komossa, S., Kóspál, Á., Kovács, G., Kun, M., Leto, G., Lewis, F., Littlefair, S. P., Mahabal, A. A., Mundell, C. G., Nagy, Z., Padeletti, D., Palaversa, L., Pigulski, A., Pretorius, M. L., van Reeven, W., Ribeiro, V. A. R. M., Roelens, M., Rowell, N., Schartel, N., Scholz, A., Schwope, A., Sipőcz, B. M., Smartt, S. J., Smith, M. D., Serraller, I., Steeghs, D., Sullivan, M., Szabados, L., Szegedi-Elek, E., Tisserand, P., Tomasella, L., van Velzen, S., Whitelock, P. A., Wilson, R. W. and Young, D. R.: Gaia Early Data Release 3. Gaia photometric science alerts. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A76 (2021)
Houllé, M., Vigan, A., Carlotti, A., Choquet, É., Cantalloube, F., Phillips, M. W., Sauvage, J.-F., Schwartz, N., Otten, G. P. P. L., Baraffe, I., Emsenhuber, A. and Mordasini, C.: Direct imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets with the ELT/HARMONI high-contrast module. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A67 (2021)
Hühn, L.-A., Pichierri, G., Bitsch, B. and Batygin, K.: Kepler-223 resonance holds information about turbulence during the gas-disk phase. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A115 (2021)
Hunziker, S., Schmid, H. M., Ma, J., Menard, F., Avenhaus, H., Boccaletti, A., Beuzit, J. L., Chauvin, G., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Engler, N., Ginski, C., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Langlois, M., Milli, J., Mouillet, D., Tschudi, C., van Holstein, R. G. and Vigan, A.: HD 142527: quantitative disk polarimetry with SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A110 (2021)
IJspeert, L. W., Tkachenko, A., Johnston, C., Garcia, S., De Ridder, J., Van Reeth, T. and Aerts, C.: An all-sky sample of intermediate- to high-mass OBA-type eclipsing binaries observed by TESS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A120 (2021)
Ioppolo, S., Fedoseev, G., Chuang, K.-J., Cuppen, H. M., Clements, A. R., Jin, M., Garrod, R. T., Qasim, D., Kofman, V., van Dishoeck, E. F. and Linnartz, H.: A non-energetic mechanism for glycine formation in the interstellar medium. Nature Astronomy 5, 197-205 (2021)
Izidoro, A., Bitsch, B. and Dasgupta, R.: The Effect of a Strong Pressure Bump in the Sun's Natal Disk: Terrestrial Planet Formation via Planetesimal Accretion Rather than Pebble Accretion. The Astrophysical Journal 915, 62 (2021)
Izidoro, A., Bitsch, B., Raymond, S. N., Johansen, A., Morbidelli, A., Lambrechts, M. and Jacobson, S. A.: Formation of planetary systems by pebble accretion and migration. Hot super-Earth systems from breaking compact resonant chains. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A152 (2021)
Izidoro, A., Dasgupta, R., Raymond, S. N., Deienno, R., Bitsch, B. and Isella, A.: Planetesimal rings as the cause of the Solar System's planetary architecture. Nature Astronomy 6, 357-366 (2021)
Izumi, T., Matsuoka, Y., Fujimoto, S., Onoue, M., Strauss, M. A., Umehata, H., Imanishi, M., Kohno, K., Kawaguchi, T., Kawamuro, T., Baba, S., Nagao, T., Toba, Y., Inayoshi, K., Silverman, J. D., Inoue, A. K., Ikarashi, S., Iwasawa, K., Kashikawa, N., Hashimoto, T., Nakanishi, K., Ueda, Y., Schramm, M., Lee, C.-H. and Suh, H.: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XIII. Large-scale Feedback and Star Formation in a Low-luminosity Quasar at z = 7.07 on the Local Black Hole to Host Mass Relation. The Astrophysical Journal 914, 36 (2021)
Izumi, T., Onoue, M., Matsuoka, Y., Strauss, M. A., Fujimoto, S., Umehata, H., Imanishi, M., Kawamuro, T., Nagao, T., Toba, Y., Kohno, K., Kashikawa, N., Inayoshi, K., Kawaguchi, T., Iwasawa, K., Inoue, A. K., Goto, T., Baba, S., Schramm, M., Suh, H., Harikane, Y., Ueda, Y., Silverman, J. D., Hashimoto, T., Hashimoto, Y., Ikarashi, S., Iono, D., Lee, C.-H., Lee, K., Minezaki, T., Nakanishi, K., Nakano, S., Tamura, Y. and Tang, J.-J.: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XII. Extended [C II] Structure (Merger or Outflow) in a z = 6.72 Red Quasar. The Astrophysical Journal 908, 235 (2021)
Janson, M., Gratton, R., Rodet, L., Vigan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Delorme, P., Mamajek, E. E., Reffert, S., Stock, L., Marleau, G.-D., Langlois, M., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Ringqvist, S., Mayer, L., Viswanath, G., Squicciarini, V., Meyer, M. R., Samland, M., Petrus, S., Helled, R., Kenworthy, M. A., Quanz, S. P., Biller, B., Henning, T., Mesa, D., Engler, N. and Carson, J. C.: A wide-orbit giant planet in the high-mass b Centauri binary system. Nature 600, 231-234 (2021)
Janson, M., Henning, T., Quanz, S. P., Asensio-Torres, R., Buchhave, L., Krause, O., Palle, E. and Brandeker, A.: Occulter to earth: prospects for studying earth-like planets with the E-ELT and a space-based occulter. Experimental Astronomy (2021)
Janson, M., Squicciarini, V., Delorme, P., Gratton, R., Bonnefoy, M., Reffert, S., Mamajek, E. E., Eriksson, S. C., Vigan, A., Langlois, M., Engler, N., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Mayer, L., Marleau, G.-D., Bohn, A. J., Samland, M., Meyer, M., d'Orazi, V., Henning, T., Quanz, S., Kenworthy, M. and Carson, J. C.: BEAST begins: sample characteristics and survey performance of the B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A164 (2021)
Jiang, L., Deursen, P. M. G. v., Arjmandi-Tash, H., Belyaeva, L. A., Qi, H., He, J., Kofman, V., Wu, L., Muravev, V., Kaiser, U., Linnartz, H., Hensen, E. J. M., Hofmann, J. P. and Schneider, G. F.: Reversible hydrogenation restores defected graphene to graphene. Science China Chemistry 64, 1047-1056 (2021)
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Kossakowski, D., Kemmer, J., Bluhm, P., Stock, S., Caballero, J. A., Béjar, V. J. S., Guillén, C. C., Lodieu, N., Collins, K. A., Oshagh, M., Schlecker, M., Espinoza, N., Pallé, E., Henning, T., Kreidberg, L., Kürster, M., Amado, P. J., Anderson, D. R., Morales, J. C., Cartwright, S., Charbonneau, D., Chaturvedi, P., Cifuentes, C., Conti, D. M., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Guerra, P., Hart, R., Hellier, C., Henze, C., Herrero, E., Jeffers, S. V., Jenkins, J. M., Jensen, E. L. N., Kaminski, A., Kielkopf, J. F., Kunimoto, M., Lafarga, M., Latham, D. W., Lillo-Box, J., Luque, R., Molaverdikhani, K., Montes, D., Morello, G., Morgan, E. H., Nowak, G., Pavlov, A., Perger, M., Quintana, E. V., Quirrenbach, A., Reffert, S., Reiners, A., Ricker, G., Ribas, I., López, C. R., Osorio, M. R. Z., Seager, S., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A., Trifonov, T., Vanaverbeke, S., Vanderspek, R., West, R., Winn, J. and Zechmeister, M.: TOI-1201 b: A mini-Neptune transiting a bright and moderately young M dwarf. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A124 (2021)
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Ksoll, V. F., Gouliermis, D., Sabbi, E., Ryon, J. E., Robberto, M., Gennaro, M., Klessen, R. S., Koethe, U., de Marchi, G., Chen, C.-H. R., Cignoni, M. and Dolphin, A. E.: Measuring Young Stars in Space and Time. I. The Photometric Catalog and Extinction Properties of N44. The Astronomical Journal 161, 256 (2021)
Ksoll, V. F., Gouliermis, D., Sabbi, E., Ryon, J. E., Robberto, M., Gennaro, M., Klessen, R. S., Koethe, U., de Marchi, G., Chen, C.-H. R., Cignoni, M. and Dolphin, A. E.: Measuring Young Stars in Space and Time. II. The Pre-main-sequence Stellar Content of N44. The Astronomical Journal 161, 257 (2021)
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Lampón, M., López-Puertas, M., Czesla, S., Sánchez-López, A., Lara, L. M., Salz, M., Sanz-Forcada, J., Molaverdikhani, K., Quirrenbach, A., Pallé, E., Caballero, J. A., Henning, T., Nortmann, L., Amado, P. J., Montes, D., Reiners, A. and Ribas, I.: Evidence of energy-, recombination-, and photon-limited escape regimes in giant planet H/He atmospheres. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, L7 (2021)
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Liu, H.-L., Liu, T., Evans, N. J., II, Wang, K., Garay, G., Qin, S.-L., Li, S., Stutz, A., Goldsmith, P. F., Liu, S.-Y., Tej, A., Zhang, Q., Juvela, M., Li, D., Wang, J.-Z., Bronfman, L., Ren, Z., Wu, Y.-F., Kim, K.-T., Lee, C. W., Tatematsu, K. i., Cunningham, M. R., Liu, X.-C., Wu, J.-W., Hirota, T., Lee, J.-E., Li, P.-S., Kang, S.-J., Mardones, D., Ristorcelli, I., Zhang, Y., Luo, Q.-Y., Toth, L. V., Yi, H.-w., Yun, H.-S., Peng, Y.-P., Li, J., Zhu, F.-Y., Shen, Z.-Q., Baug, T., Dewangan, L. K., Chakali, E., Liu, R., Xu, F.-W., Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Li, J., Zhang, C., Zhou, J., Tang, M., Xue, Q., Issac, N., Soam, A. and Álvarez-Gutiérrez, R. H.: ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions - III. Catalogues of candidate hot molecular cores and hyper/ultra compact H II regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 2801-2818 (2021)
Long, F., Andrews, S. M., Vega, J., Wilner, D. J., Chandler, C. J., Ragusa, E., Teague, R., Pérez, L. M., Calvet, N., Carpenter, J. M., Henning, T., Kwon, W., Linz, H. and Ricci, L.: The Architecture of the V892 Tau System: The Binary and Its Circumbinary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 915, 131 (2021)
Lovell, J. B., Wyatt, M. C., Ansdell, M., Kama, M., Kennedy, G. M., Manara, C. F., Marino, S., Matrà, L., Rosotti, G., Tazzari, M., Testi, L. and Williams, J. P.: ALMA survey of Lupus class III stars: Early planetesimal belt formation and rapid disc dispersal. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 4878-4900 (2021)
Luque, R., Serrano, L. M., Molaverdikhani, K., Nixon, M. C., Livingston, J. H., Guenther, E. W., Pallé, E., Madhusudhan, N., Nowak, G., Korth, J., Cochran, W. D., Hirano, T., Chaturvedi, P., Goffo, E., Albrecht, S., Barragán, O., Briceño, C., Cabrera, J., Charbonneau, D., Cloutier, R., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Colón, K. D., Crossfield, I. J. M., Csizmadia, S., Dai, F., Deeg, H. J., Esposito, M., Fridlund, M., Gandolfi, D., Georgieva, I., Glidden, A., Goeke, R. F., Grziwa, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henze, C. E., Howell, S. B., Irwin, J., Jenkins, J. M., Jensen, E. L. N., Kábath, P., Kidwell, R. C., Kielkopf, J. F., Knudstrup, E., Lam, K. W. F., Latham, D. W., Lissauer, J. J., Mann, A. W., Matthews, E. C., Mireles, I., Narita, N., Paegert, M., Persson, C. M., Redfield, S., Ricker, G. R., Rodler, F., Schlieder, J. E., Scott, N. J., Seager, S., Šubjak, J., Tan, T. G., Ting, E. B., Vanderspek, R., Van Eylen, V., Winn, J. N. and Ziegler, C.: A planetary system with two transiting mini-Neptunes near the radius valley transition around the bright M dwarf TOI-776. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A41 (2021)
Maire, A.-L., Langlois, M., Delorme, P., Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Vigan, A., Girard, J. H., Wahhaj, Z., Pott, J.-U., Burtscher, L., Boccaletti, A., Carlotti, A., Henning, T., Kenworthy, M. A., Kervella, P., Rickman, E. L. and Schmidt, T. O. B.: Lessons learned from SPHERE for the astrometric strategy of the next generation of exoplanet imaging instruments. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 7, 035004 (2021)
Manger, N., Pfeil, T. and Klahr, H.: High-resolution parameter study of the vertical shear instability - II: dependence on temperature gradient and cooling time. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508, 5402-5409 (2021)
Marfil, E., Tabernero, H. M., Montes, D., Caballero, J. A., Lázaro, F. J., González Hernández, J. I., Nagel, E., Passegger, V. M., Schweitzer, A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Cifuentes, C., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Duque-Arribas, C., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., López-Gallifa, Á., Morales, J. C., Shan, Y. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Stellar atmospheric parameters of target stars with SteParSyn. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A162 (2021)
Matsuno, T., Aoki, W., Casagrande, L., Ishigaki, M. N., Shi, J., Takata, M., Xiang, M., Yong, D., Li, H., Suda, T., Xing, Q. and Zhao, J.: Star Formation Timescales of the Halo Populations from Asteroseismology and Chemical Abundances. The Astrophysical Journal 912, 72 (2021)
Melis, C., Olofsson, J., Song, I., Sarkis, P., Weinberger, A. J., Kennedy, G. and Krumpe, M.: Highly Structured Inner Planetary System Debris around the Intermediate Age Sun-like Star TYC 8830 410 1. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 90 (2021)
Melon Fuksman, J. D., Klahr, H., Flock, M. and Mignone, A.: A Two-moment Radiation Hydrodynamics Scheme Applicable to Simulations of Planet Formation in Circumstellar Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 906, 78 (2021)
Mesa, D., Marino, S., Bonavita, M., Lazzoni, C., Fontanive, C., Pérez, S., D'Orazi, V., Desidera, S., Gratton, R., Engler, N., Henning, T., Janson, M., Kral, Q., Langlois, M., Messina, S., Milli, J., Pawellek, N., Perrot, C., Rigliaco, E., Rickman, E., Squicciarini, V., Vigan, A., Wahhaj, Z., Zurlo, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., De Caprio, V., Feldt, M., Gluck, L., Hagelberg, J., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Launhardt, R., Maire, A.-L., Meyer, M., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Pavlov, A., Samland, M., Schmidt, T. and Weber, L.: Limits on the presence of planets in systems with debris discs: HD 92945 and HD 107146. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 1276-1289 (2021)
Meyer, M., Martini, P., Schiller, A., Zappa, F., Krasnokutski, S. A. and Scheier, P.: Electronic Spectroscopy of Anthracene Cations and Protonated Anthracene in the Search for Carriers of Diffuse Interstellar Bands. The Astrophysical Journal 913, 136 (2021)
Michielsen, M., Aerts, C. and Bowman, D. M.: Probing the temperature gradient in the core boundary layer of stars with gravito-inertial modes. The case of KIC 7760680. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A175 (2021)
Mombarg, J. S. G., Van Reeth, T. and Aerts, C.: Constraining stellar evolution theory with asteroseismology of γ Doradus stars using deep learning. Stellar masses, ages, and core-boundary mixing. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A58 (2021)
Montalto, M., Piotto, G., Marrese, P. M., Nascimbeni, V., Prisinzano, L., Granata, V., Marinoni, S., Desidera, S., Ortolani, S., Aerts, C., Alei, E., Altavilla, G., Benatti, S., Börner, A., Cabrera, J., Claudi, R., Deleuil, M., Fabrizio, M., Gizon, L., Goupil, M. J., Heras, A. M., Magrin, D., Malavolta, L., Mas-Hesse, J. M., Pagano, I., Paproth, C., Pertenais, M., Pollacco, D., Ragazzoni, R., Ramsay, G., Rauer, H. and Udry, S.: The all-sky PLATO input catalogue. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A98 (2021)
Montargès, M., Cannon, E., Lagadec, E., de Koter, A., Kervella, P., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Paladini, C., Cantalloube, F., Decin, L., Scicluna, P., Kravchenko, K., Dupree, A. K., Ridgway, S., Wittkowski, M., Anugu, N., Norris, R., Rau, G., Perrin, G., Chiavassa, A., Kraus, S., Monnier, J. D., Millour, F., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Haubois, X., Lopez, B., Stee, P. and Danchi, W.: A dusty veil shading Betelgeuse during its Great Dimming. Nature 594, 365-368 (2021)
Montesinos, M., Cuello, N., Olofsson, J., Cuadra, J., Bayo, A., Bertrang, G. H.-M. and Perrot, C.: Radiative Scale Height and Shadows in Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 910, 31 (2021)
Moór, A., Ábrahám, P., Szabó, G., Vida, K., Cataldi, G., Derekas, A., Henning, T., Kinemuchi, K., Kóspál, Á., Kovács, J., Pál, A., Sarkis, P., Seli, B., Szabó, Z. M. and Takáts, K.: A New Sample of Warm Extreme Debris Disks from the ALLWISE Catalog. The Astrophysical Journal 910, 27 (2021)
Morii, K., Sanhueza, P., Nakamura, F., Jackson, J. M., Li, S., Beuther, H., Zhang, Q., Feng, S., Tafoya, D., Guzmán, A. E., Izumi, N., Sakai, T., Lu, X., Tatematsu, K. i., Ohashi, S., Silva, A., Olguin, F. A. and Contreras, Y.: The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). IV. Star Formation Signatures in G023.477. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 147 (2021)
Mugnai, L. V., Modirrousta-Galian, D., Edwards, B., Changeat, Q., Bouwman, J., Morello, G., Al-Refaie, A., Baeyens, R., Bieger, M. F., Blain, D., Gressier, A., Guilluy, G., Jaziri, Y., Kiefer, F., Morvan, M., Pluriel, W., Poveda, M., Skaf, N., Whiteford, N., Wright, S., Yip, K. H., Zingales, T., Charnay, B., Drossart, P., Leconte, J., Venot, O., Waldmann, I. and Beaulieu, J.-P.: ARES. V. No Evidence For Molecular Absorption in the HST WFC3 Spectrum of GJ 1132 b. The Astronomical Journal 161, 284 (2021)
Muley, D. and Dong, R.: CI Tau: A Controlled Experiment in Disk-Planet Interaction. The Astrophysical Journal 921, L34 (2021)
Müller, J., Savvidou, S. and Bitsch, B.: The water-ice line as a birthplace of planets: implications of a species-dependent dust fragmentation threshold. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A185 (2021)
Musso Barcucci, A., Launhardt, R., Müller, A., Kennedy, G. M., van Boekel, R., Henning, T., Ruh, H. L., Marino, S., Pearce, T. D., Brems, S. S., Ertel, S. and Spalding, E. A.: LIStEN: L' band Imaging Survey for Exoplanets in the North. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A88 (2021)
Nagy, Z., Szegedi-Elek, E., Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á., Bódi, A., Bouvier, J., Kun, M., Moór, A., Cseh, B., Farkas-Takács, A., Hanyecz, O., Hodgkin, S., Ignácz, B., Kiss, C., Könyves-Tóth, R., Kriskovics, L., Marton, G., Mészáros, L., Ordasi, A., Pál, A., Sarkis, P., Sárneczky, K., Sódor, Á., Szabados, L., Szabó, Z. M., Szakáts, R., Tarczay-Nehéz, D., Vida, K. and Zsidi, G.: Dipper-like variability of the Gaia alerted young star V555 Ori. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 185-198 (2021)
Narang, M., Manoj, P., Ishwara Chandra, C. H., Lazio, J., Henning, T., Tamura, M., Mathew, B., Ujwal, N. and Mandal, P.: In search of radio emission from exoplanets: GMRT observations of the binary system HD 41004. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 4818-4826 (2021)
Nazari, P., van Gelder, M. L., van Dishoeck, E. F., Tabone, B., van't Hoff, M. L. R., Ligterink, N. F. W., Beuther, H., Boogert, A. C. A., Caratti o Garatti, A., Klaassen, P. D., Linnartz, H., Taquet, V. and Tychoniec, Ł.: Complex organic molecules in low-mass protostars on Solar System scales. II. Nitrogen-bearing species. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A150 (2021)
Neureuther, P. L., Schmidt, K., Bertram, T. and Sawodny, O.: Control oriented modelling and modal analysis of the deformable mirror M4 of the extremely large telescope. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 27, 295-321 (2021)
Nguyen, H., Rugel, M. R., Menten, K. M., Brunthaler, A., Dzib, S. A., Yang, A. Y., Kauffmann, J., Pillai, T. G. S., Nandakumar, G., Schultheis, M., Urquhart, J. S., Dokara, R., Gong, Y., Medina, S.-N. X., Ortiz-León, G. N., Reich, W., Wyrowski, F., Beuther, H., Cotton, W. D., Csengeri, T., Pandian, J. D. and Roy, N.: A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. IV. Radio continuum detections of young stellar objects in the Galactic Centre region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A88 (2021)
Norfolk, B. J., Maddison, S. T., Marshall, J. P., Kennedy, G. M., Duchêne, G., Wilner, D. J., Pinte, C., Moór, A., Matthews, B., Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á. and van der Marel, N.: Four new planetesimals around typical and pre-main-sequence stars (PLATYPUS) debris discs at 8.8 mm. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 3139-3147 (2021)
Öberg, K. I., Guzmán, V. V., Walsh, C., Aikawa, Y., Bergin, E. A., Law, C. J., Loomis, R. A., Alarcón, F., Andrews, S. M., Bae, J., Bergner, J. B., Boehler, Y., Booth, A. S., Bosman, A. D., Calahan, J. K., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L. I., Czekala, I., Furuya, K., Huang, J., Ilee, J. D., Kurtovic, N. T., Le Gal, R., Liu, Y., Long, F., Ménard, F., Nomura, H., Pérez, L. M., Qi, C., Schwarz, K. R., Sierra, A., Teague, R., Tsukagoshi, T., Yamato, Y., van't Hoff, M. L. R., Waggoner, A. R., Wilner, D. J. and Zhang, K.: Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). I. Program Overview and Highlights. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 257, 1 (2021)
Onoue, M., Matsuoka, Y., Kashikawa, N., Strauss, M. A., Iwasawa, K., Izumi, T., Nagao, T., Asami, N., Fujimoto, S., Harikane, Y., Hashimoto, T., Imanishi, M., Lee, C.-H., Shibuya, T. and Toba, Y.: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XIV. A Candidate Type II Quasar at z = 6.1292. The Astrophysical Journal 919, 61 (2021)
Ortiz-León, G. N., Menten, K. M., Brunthaler, A., Csengeri, T., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F., Gong, Y., Rugel, M. R., Dzib, S. A., Yang, A., Nguyen, H., Cotton, W. D., Medina, S. N. X., Dokara, R., König, C., Beuther, H., Pandian, J. D., Reich, W. and Roy, N.: A global view on star formation: the GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. III. 6.7 GHz methanol maser survey in Cygnus X. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A87 (2021)
Osborn, A., Armstrong, D. J., Cale, B., Brahm, R., Wittenmyer, R. A., Dai, F., Crossfield, I. J. M., Bryant, E. M., Adibekyan, V., Cloutier, R., Collins, K. A., Delgado Mena, E., Fridlund, M., Hellier, C., Howell, S. B., King, G. W., Lillo-Box, J., Otegi, J., Sousa, S., Stassun, K. G., Matthews, E. C., Ziegler, C., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Acton, J. S., Addison, B. C., Anderson, D. R., Ballard, S., Barrado, D., Barros, S. C. C., Batalha, N., Bayliss, D., Barclay, T., Benneke, B., Berberian, J., Bouchy, F., Bowler, B. P., Briceño, C., Burke, C. J., Burleigh, M. R., Casewell, S. L., Ciardi, D., Collins, K. I., Cooke, B. F., Demangeon, O. D. S., Díaz, R. F., Dorn, C., Dragomir, D., Dressing, C., Dumusque, X., Espinoza, N., Figueira, P., Fulton, B., Furlan, E., Gaidos, E., Geneser, C., Gill, S., Goad, M. R., Gonzales, E. J., Gorjian, V., Günther, M. N., Helled, R., Henderson, B. A., Henning, T., Hogan, A., Hojjatpanah, S., Horner, J., Howard, A. W., Hoyer, S., Huber, D., Isaacson, H., Jenkins, J. S., Jensen, E. L. N., Jordán, A., Kane, S. R., Kidwell, R. C., Kielkopf, J., Law, N., Lendl, M., Lund, M., Matson, R. A., Mann, A. W., McCormac, J., Mengel, M. W., Morales, F. Y., Nielsen, L. D., Okumura, J., Osborn, H. P., Petigura, E. A., Plavchan, P., Pollacco, D., Quintana, E. V., Raynard, L., Robertson, P., Rose, M. E., Roy, A., Reefe, M., Santerne, A., Santos, N. C., Sarkis, P., Schlieder, J., Schwarz, R. P., Scott, N. J., Shporer, A., Smith, A. M. S., Stibbard, C., Stockdale, C., Strøm, P. A., Twicken, J. D., Tan, T.-G., Tanner, A., Teske, J., Tilbrook, R. H., Tinney, C. G., Udry, S., Villaseñor, J. N., Vines, J. I., Wang, S. X., Weiss, L. M., West, R. G., Wheatley, P. J., Wright, D. J., Zhang, H. and Zohrabi, F.: TOI-431/HIP 26013: a super-Earth and a sub-Neptune transiting a bright, early K dwarf, with a third RV planet. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 2782-2803 (2021)
Pairet, B., Cantalloube, F. and Jacques, L.: MAYONNAISE: a morphological components analysis pipeline for circumstellar discs and exoplanets imaging in the near-infrared. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 3724-3742 (2021)
Paladini, R., Mottram, J. C., Veneziani, M., Traficante, A., Schisano, E., Giardino, G., Falgarone, E., Urquhart, J. S., Harrison, D. L., Joncas, G., Umana, G. and Molinari, S.: The Planck Submillimeter Properties of Galactic High-mass Star-forming Regions: Dust Temperatures, Luminosities, Masses, and Star Formation Efficiency. The Astrophysical Journal 911, 69 (2021)
Palau, A., Zhang, Q., Girart, J. M., Liu, J., Rao, R., Koch, P. M., Estalella, R., Chen, H.-R. V., Liu, H. B., Qiu, K., Li, Z.-Y., Zapata, L. A., Bontemps, S., Ho, P. T. P., Beuther, H., Ching, T.-C., Shinnaga, H. and Ahmadi, A.: Does the Magnetic Field Suppress Fragmentation in Massive Dense Cores? The Astrophysical Journal 912, 159 (2021)
Paneque-Carreño, T., Pérez, L. M., Benisty, M., Hall, C., Veronesi, B., Lodato, G., Sierra, A., Carpenter, J. M., Andrews, S. M., Bae, J., Henning, T., Kwon, W., Linz, H., Loinard, L., Pinte, C., Ricci, L., Tazzari, M., Testi, L. and Wilner, D.: Spiral Arms and a Massive Dust Disk with Non-Keplerian Kinematics: Possible Evidence for Gravitational Instability in the Disk of Elias 2-27. The Astrophysical Journal 914, 88 (2021)
Park, S., Kóspál, Á., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Siwak, M., Dróżdż, M., Ignácz, B., Jaffe, D. T., Könyves-Tóth, R., Kriskovics, L., Lee, J.-J., Lee, J.-E., Mace, G. N., Ogłoza, W., Pál, A., Potter, S. B., Szabó, Z. M., Sefako, R. and Worters, H. L.: V899 Mon: A Peculiar Eruptive Young Star Close to the End of Its Outburst. The Astrophysical Journal 923, 171 (2021)
Pedersen, M. G., Aerts, C., Pápics, P. I., Michielsen, M., Gebruers, S., Rogers, T. M., Molenberghs, G., Burssens, S., Garcia, S. and Bowman, D. M.: Internal mixing of rotating stars inferred from dipole gravity modes. Nature Astronomy 5, 715-722 (2021)
Perdelwitz, V., Mittag, M., Tal-Or, L., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Caballero, J. A., Jeffers, S. V., Reiners, A., Schweitzer, A., Trifonov, T., Ribas, I., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Seifert, W., Cifuentes, C., Cortés-Contreras, M., Montes, D., Revilla, D. and Skrzypinski, S. L.: CARMENES input catalog of M dwarfs. VI. A time-resolved Ca II H&K catalog from archival data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A116 (2021)
Perger, M., Ribas, I., Anglada-Escudé, G., Morales, J. C., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A., Béjar, V. J. S., Dreizler, S., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Montes, D., Pallé, E., Rodríguez-López, C., Schweitzer, A., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. No evidence for a super-Earth in a 2-day orbit around GJ 1151. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, L12 (2021)
Petit dit de la Roche, D. J. M., Oberg, N., van den Ancker, M. E., Kamp, I., van Boekel, R., Fedele, D., Ivanov, V. D., Kasper, M., Käufl, H. U., Kissler-Patig, M., Miles-Páez, P. A., Pantin, E., Quanz, S. P., Rab, C., Siebenmorgen, R. and Waters, L. B. F. M.: New mid-infrared imaging constraints on companions and protoplanetary disks around six young stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A92 (2021)
Petrus, S., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Charnay, B., Marleau, G.-D., Gratton, R., Lagrange, A.-M., Rameau, J., Mordasini, C., Nowak, M., Delorme, P., Boccaletti, A., Carlotti, A., Houllé, M., Vigan, A., Allard, F., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Hoeijmakers, H. J., Wyttenbach, A. and Lavie, B.: Medium-resolution spectrum of the exoplanet HIP 65426 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A59 (2021)
Pfeil, T. and Klahr, H.: The Sandwich Mode for Vertical Shear Instability in Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 915, 130 (2021)
Pinilla, P., Kurtovic, N. T., Benisty, M., Manara, C. F., Natta, A., Sanchis, E., Tazzari, M., Stammler, S. M., Ricci, L. and Testi, L.: A bright inner disk and structures in the transition disk around the very low-mass star CIDA 1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A122 (2021)
Pinilla, P., Lenz, C. T. and Stammler, S. M.: Growing and trapping pebbles with fragile collisions of particles in protoplanetary disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A70 (2021)
Pokhrel, R., Gutermuth, R. A., Krumholz, M. R., Federrath, C., Heyer, M., Khullar, S., Megeath, S. T., Myers, P. C., Offner, S. S. R., Pipher, J. L., Fischer, W. J., Henning, T. and Hora, J. L.: The Single-cloud Star Formation Relation. The Astrophysical Journal 912, L19 (2021)
Potapov, A., Bouwman, J., Jäger, C. and Henning, T.: Dust/ice mixing in cold regions and solid-state water in the diffuse interstellar medium. Nature Astronomy 5, 78-85 (2021)
Potapov, A., Krasnokutski, S. A., Jäger, C. and Henning, T.: A New "Non-energetic" Route to Complex Organic Molecules in Astrophysical Environments: The C + H2O → H2CO Solid-state Reaction. The Astrophysical Journal 920, 111 (2021)
Potapov, A. and McCoustra, M.: Physics and chemistry on the surface of cosmic dust grains: a laboratory view. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 40, 299-364 (2021)
Pyerin, M. A., Delage, T. N., Kurtovic, N. T., Gárate, M., Henning, T. and Pinilla, P.: Constraining the properties of the potential embedded planets in the disk around HD 100546. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A150 (2021)
Quanz, S. P., Absil, O., Benz, W., Bonfils, X., Berger, J.-P., Defrère, D., van Dishoeck, E., Ehrenreich, D., Fortney, J., Glauser, A., Grenfell, J. L., Janson, M., Kraus, S., Krause, O., Labadie, L., Lacour, S., Line, M., Linz, H., Loicq, J., Miguel, Y., Pallé, E., Queloz, D., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Rugheimer, S., Selsis, F., Snellen, I., Sozzetti, A., Stapelfeldt, K. R., Udry, S. and Wyatt, M.: Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared: biosignatures, habitability, and diversity. Experimental Astronomy (2021)
Raettig, N., Lyra, W. and Klahr, H.: Pebble Trapping in Vortices: Three-dimensional Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal 913, 92 (2021)
Rainer, M., Borsa, F., Pino, L., Frustagli, G., Brogi, M., Biazzo, K., Bonomo, A. S., Carleo, I., Claudi, R., Gratton, R., Lanza, A. F., Maggio, A., Maldonado, J., Mancini, L., Micela, G., Scandariato, G., Sozzetti, A., Buchschacher, N., Cosentino, R., Covino, E., Ghedina, A., Gonzalez, M., Leto, G., Lodi, M., Martinez Fiorenzano, A. F., Molinari, E., Molinaro, M., Nardiello, D., Oliva, E., Pagano, I., Pedani, M., Piotto, G. and Poretti, E.: The GAPS programme at TNG. XXX. Atmospheric Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and atmospheric dynamics of KELT-20b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A29 (2021)
Ramírez-Tannus, M. C., Backs, F., de Koter, A., Sana, H., Beuther, H., Bik, A., Brandner, W., Kaper, L., Linz, H., Henning, T. and Poorta, J.: A relation between the radial velocity dispersion of young clusters and their age. Evidence for hardening as the formation scenario of massive close binaries. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, L10 (2021)
Ramm, D. J., Robertson, P., Reffert, S., Gunn, F., Trifonov, T., Pollard, K. and Cantalloube, F.: A photospheric and chromospheric activity analysis of the quiescent retrograde-planet host ν Octantis A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 2793-2806 (2021)
Reissl, S., Stutz, A. M., Klessen, R. S., Seifried, D. and Walch, S.: Magnetic fields in star-forming systems - II: Examining dust polarization, the Zeeman effect, and the Faraday rotation measure as magnetic field tracers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 153-176 (2021)
Rodriguez, J. E., Quinn, S. N., Zhou, G., Vanderburg, A., Nielsen, L. D., Wittenmyer, R. A., Brahm, R., Reed, P. A., Huang, C. X., Vach, S., Ciardi, D. R., Oelkers, R. J., Stassun, K. G., Hellier, C., Gaudi, B. S., Eastman, J. D., Collins, K. A., Bieryla, A., Christian, S., Latham, D. W., Carleo, I., Wright, D. J., Matthews, E., Gonzales, E. J., Ziegler, C., Dressing, C. D., Howell, S. B., Tan, T.-G., Wittrock, J., Plavchan, P., McLeod, K. K., Baker, D., Wang, G., Radford, D. J., Schwarz, R. P., Esposito, M., Ricker, G. R., Vanderspek, R. K., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Addison, B., Anderson, D. R., Barclay, T., Beatty, T. G., Berlind, P., Bouchy, F., Bowen, M., Bowler, B. P., Brasseur, C. E., Briceño, C., Caldwell, D. A., Calkins, M. L., Cartwright, S., Chaturvedi, P., Chaverot, G., Chimaladinne, S., Christiansen, J. L., Collins, K. I., Crossfield, I. J. M., Eastridge, K., Espinoza, N., Esquerdo, G. A., Feliz, D. L., Fenske, T., Fong, W., Gan, T., Giacalone, S., Gill, H., Gordon, L., Granados, A., Grieves, N., Guenther, E. W., Guerrero, N., Henning, T., Henze, C. E., Hesse, K., Hobson, M. J., Horner, J., James, D. J., Jensen, E. L. N., Jimenez, M., Jordán, A., Kane, S. R., Kielkopf, J., Kim, K., Kuhn, R. B., Latouf, N., Law, N. M., Levine, A. M., Lund, M. B., Mann, A. W., Mao, S., Matson, R. A., Mengel, M. W., Mink, J., Newman, P., O'Dwyer, T., Okumura, J., Palle, E., Pepper, J., Quintana, E. V., Sarkis, P., Savel, A. B., Schlieder, J. E., Schnaible, C., Shporer, A., Sefako, R., Seidel, J. V., Siverd, R. J., Skinner, B., Stalport, M., Stevens, D. J., Stibbards, C., Tinney, C. G., West, R. G., Yahalomi, D. A. and Zhang, H.: TESS Delivers Five New Hot Giant Planets Orbiting Bright Stars from the Full-frame Images. The Astronomical Journal 161, 194 (2021)
Rodríguez, T. M., Hofner, P., Araya, E. D., Zhang, Q., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., Gomez, L., Carrasco-González, C. and Rosero, V.: Discovery of a Highly Collimated Flow from the High-mass Protostar ISOSS J23053+5953 SMM2. The Astrophysical Journal 922, 66 (2021)
Romero, C., Milli, J., Lagrange, A.-M., van Holstein, R. G., Cantalloube, F., Marino, S. and Ray, S.: The HD 206893 planetary system seen with VLT/SPHERE. Upper limit on the dust albedo and constraints on additional companions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A34 (2021)
Rosolowsky, E., Hughes, A., Leroy, A. K., Sun, J., Querejeta, M., Schruba, A., Usero, A., Herrera, C. N., Liu, D., Pety, J., Saito, T., Bešlić, I., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G., Chevance, M., Dale, D. A., Deger, S., Faesi, C. M., Glover, S. C. O., Henshaw, J. D., Klessen, R. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Larson, K., Lee, J., Meidt, S., Mok, A., Schinnerer, E., Thilker, D. A. and Williams, T. G.: Giant molecular cloud catalogues for PHANGS-ALMA: methods and initial results. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 1218-1245 (2021)
Rouillé, G., Krasnokutski, S. A. and Carpentier, Y.: The C60:C60+ ratio in diffuse and translucent interstellar clouds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A100 (2021)
Sabotta, S., Schlecker, M., Chaturvedi, P., Guenther, E. W., Muñoz Rodríguez, I., Muñoz Sánchez, J. C., Caballero, J. A., Shan, Y., Reffert, S., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Hatzes, A. P., Amado, P. J., Klahr, H., Morales, J. C., Quirrenbach, A., Henning, T., Dreizler, S., Pallé, E., Perger, M., Azzaro, M., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Montes, D., Passegger, V. M. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Planet occurrence rates from a subsample of 71 stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A114 (2021)
Samland, M., Bouwman, J., Hogg, D. W., Brandner, W., Henning, T. and Janson, M.: TRAP: a temporal systematics model for improved direct detection of exoplanets at small angular separations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A24 (2021)
Sanchis, E., Testi, L., Natta, A., Facchini, S., Manara, C. F., Miotello, A., Ercolano, B., Henning, T., Preibisch, T., Carpenter, J. M., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Jayawardhana, R., Lopez, C., Mužić, K., Pascucci, I., Santamaría-Miranda, A., van Terwisga, S. and Williams, J. P.: Measuring the ratio of the gas and dust emission radii of protoplanetary disks in the Lupus star-forming region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A19 (2021)
Sarkis, P., Mordasini, C., Henning, T., Marleau, G. D. and Mollière, P.: Evidence of three mechanisms explaining the radius anomaly of hot Jupiters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A79 (2021)
Sauer, F., Haas, M., Sydow, C., Siegle, A. F., Lauer, C. A. and Trapp, O.: From amino acid mixtures to peptides in liquid sulphur dioxide on early Earth. Nature Communications 12, 7182 (2021)
Savvidou, S. and Bitsch, B.: The growth of super-Earths. The importance of a self-consistent treatment of disk structures and pebble accretion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 650, A132 (2021)
Scandariato, G., Borsa, F., Sicilia, D., Malavolta, L., Biazzo, K., Bonomo, A. S., Bruno, G., Claudi, R., Covino, E., Di Marcantonio, P., Esposito, M., Frustagli, G., Lanza, A. F., Maldonado, J., Maggio, A., Mancini, L., Micela, G., Nardiello, D., Rainer, M., Singh, V., Sozzetti, A., Affer, L., Benatti, S., Bignamini, A., Biliotti, V., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Carleo, I., Cosentino, R., Damasso, M., Desidera, S., Garcia de Gurtubai, A., Ghedina, A., Giacobbe, P., Giani, E., Harutyunyan, A., Hernandez, N., Hernandez Diaz, M., Knapic, C., Leto, G., Martínez Fiorenzano, A. F., Molinari, E., Nascimbeni, V., Pagano, I., Pedani, M., Piotto, G., Poretti, E. and Stoev, H.: The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXIX. No detection of reflected light from 51 Peg b using optical high-resolution spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A159 (2021)
Schib, O., Mordasini, C., Wenger, N., Marleau, G.-D. and Helled, R.: The influence of infall on the properties of protoplanetary discs. Statistics of masses, sizes, lifetimes, and fragmentation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, A43 (2021)
Schlecker, M., Mordasini, C., Emsenhuber, A., Klahr, H., Henning, T., Burn, R., Alibert, Y. and Benz, W.: The New Generation Planetary Population Synthesis (NGPPS). III. Warm super-Earths and cold Jupiters: a weak occurrence correlation, but with a strong architecture-composition link. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A71 (2021)
Schlecker, M., Pham, D., Burn, R., Alibert, Y., Mordasini, C., Emsenhuber, A., Klahr, H., Henning, T. and Mishra, L.: The New Generation Planetary Population Synthesis (NGPPS). V. Predetermination of planet types in global core accretion models. Astronomy and Astrophysics 656, A73 (2021)
Schneider, A. D. and Bitsch, B.: How drifting and evaporating pebbles shape giant planets. I. Heavy element content and atmospheric C/O. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A71 (2021)
Schneider, A. D. and Bitsch, B.: How drifting and evaporating pebbles shape giant planets. II. Volatiles and refractories in atmospheres. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A72 (2021)
Schuller, F., Urquhart, J. S., Csengeri, T., Colombo, D., Duarte-Cabral, A., Mattern, M., Ginsburg, A., Pettitt, A. R., Wyrowski, F., Anderson, L., Azagra, F., Barnes, P., Beltran, M., Beuther, H., Billington, S., Bronfman, L., Cesaroni, R., Dobbs, C., Eden, D., Lee, M.-Y., Medina, S.-N. X., Menten, K. M., Moore, T., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Ragan, S., Rigby, A., Riener, M., Russeil, D., Schisano, E., Sanchez-Monge, A., Traficante, A., Zavagno, A., Agurto, C., Bontemps, S., Finger, R., Giannetti, A., Gonzalez, E., Hernandez, A. K., Henning, T., Kainulainen, J., Kauffmann, J., Leurini, S., Lopez, S., Mac-Auliffe, F., Mazumdar, P., Molinari, S., Motte, F., Muller, E., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Parra, R., Perez-Beaupuits, J.-P., Schilke, P., Schneider, N., Suri, S., Testi, L., Torstensson, K., Veena, V. S., Venegas, P., Wang, K. and Wienen, M.: The SEDIGISM survey: First Data Release and overview of the Galactic structure. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 3064-3082 (2021)
Schwarz, K. R., Calahan, J. K., Zhang, K., Alarcón, F., Aikawa, Y., Andrews, S. M., Bae, J., Bergin, E. A., Booth, A. S., Bosman, A. D., Cataldi, G., Cleeves, L. I., Czekala, I., Huang, J., Ilee, J. D., Law, C. J., Le Gal, R., Liu, Y., Long, F., Loomis, R. A., Macías, E., McClure, M., Ménard, F., Öberg, K. I., Teague, R., van Dishoeck, E., Walsh, C. and Wilner, D. J.: Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales. XX. The Massive Disk around GM Aurigae. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 257, 20 (2021)
Scibelli, S., Shirley, Y., Vasyunin, A. and Launhardt, R.: Detection of complex organic molecules in young starless core L1521E. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504, 5754-5767 (2021)
Sekaran, S., Tkachenko, A., Johnston, C. and Aerts, C.: A comparison of the dynamical and model-derived parameters of the pulsating eclipsing binary KIC 9850387. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A91 (2021)
Sha, L., Huang, C. X., Shporer, A., Rodriguez, J. E., Vanderburg, A., Brahm, R., Hagelberg, J., Matthews, E. C., Ziegler, C., Livingston, J. H., Stassun, K. G., Wright, D. J., Crane, J. D., Espinoza, N., Bouchy, F., Bakos, G. Á., Collins, K. A., Zhou, G., Bieryla, A., Hartman, J. D., Wittenmyer, R. A., Nielsen, L. D., Plavchan, P., Bayliss, D., Sarkis, P., Tan, T.-G., Cloutier, R., Mancini, L., Jordán, A., Wang, S., Henning, T., Narita, N., Penev, K., Teske, J. K., Kane, S. R., Mann, A. W., Addison, B. C., Tamura, M., Horner, J., Barbieri, M., Burt, J. A., Díaz, M. R., Crossfield, I. J. M., Dragomir, D., Drass, H., Feinstein, A. D., Zhang, H., Hart, R., Kielkopf, J. F., Jensen, E. L. N., Montet, B. T., Ottoni, G., Schwarz, R. P., Rojas, F., Nespral, D., Torres, P., Mengel, M. W., Udry, S., Zapata, A., Snoddy, E., Okumura, J., Ricker, G. R., Vanderspek, R. K., Latham, D. W., Winn, J. N., Seager, S., Jenkins, J. M., Colón, K. D., Henze, C. E., Krishnamurthy, A., Ting, E. B., Vezie, M. and Villanueva, S.: TOI-954 b and K2-329 b: Short-period Saturn-mass Planets that Test whether Irradiation Leads to Inflation. The Astronomical Journal 161, 82 (2021)
Shan, Y., Reiners, A., Fabbian, D., Marfil, E., Montes, D., Tabernero, H. M., Ribas, I., Caballero, J. A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Aceituno, J., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Morales, J. C., Nagel, E., Pallé, E., Passegger, V. M., Rodriguez-López, C., Schweitzer, A. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Not-so-fine hyperfine-split vanadium lines in cool star spectra. Astronomy and Astrophysics 654, A118 (2021)
Silvotti, R., Schaffenroth, V., Heber, U., Østensen, R. H., Telting, J. H., Vos, J., Kilkenny, D., Mancini, L., Ciceri, S., Irrgang, A. and Drechsel, H.: EPIC 216747137: a new HW Vir eclipsing binary with a massive sdOB primary and a low-mass M-dwarf companion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 2461-2474 (2021)
Singh, G., Bhowmik, T., Boccaletti, A., Thébault, P., Kral, Q., Milli, J., Mazoyer, J., Pantin, E., van Holstein, R. G., Olofsson, J., Boukrouche, R., Di Folco, E., Janson, M., Langlois, M., Maire, A.-L., Vigan, A., Benisty, M., Augereau, J.-C., Perrot, C., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Ménard, F., Rickman, E., Wahhaj, Z., Zurlo, A., Biller, B., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Desidera, S., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Hagelberg, J., Keppler, M., Kopytova, T., Lagadec, E., Lagrange, A.-M., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Rouan, D., Sissa, E., Schmidt, T. O. B., Jaquet, M., Fusco, T., Pavlov, A. and Rabou, P.: Revealing asymmetrical dust distribution in the inner regions of HD 141569. Astronomy and Astrophysics 653, A79 (2021)
Snellen, I. A. G., Snik, F., Kenworthy, M., Albrecht, S., Anglada-Escudé, G., Baraffe, I., Baudoz, P., Benz, W., Beuzit, J.-L., Biller, B., Birkby, J. L., Boccaletti, A., van Boekel, R., de Boer, J., Brogi, M., Buchhave, L., Carone, L., Claire, M., Claudi, R., Demory, B.-O., Désert, J.-M., Desidera, S., Gaudi, B. S., Gratton, R., Gillon, M., Grenfell, J. L., Guyon, O., Henning, T., Hinkley, S., Huby, E., Janson, M., Helling, C., Heng, K., Kasper, M., Keller, C. U., Krause, O., Kreidberg, L., Madhusudhan, N., Lagrange, A.-M., Launhardt, R., Lenton, T. M., Lopez-Puertas, M., Maire, A.-L., Mayne, N., Meadows, V., Mennesson, B., Micela, G., Miguel, Y., Milli, J., Min, M., de Mooij, E., Mouillet, D., N'Diaye, M., D'Orazi, V., Palle, E., Pagano, I., Piotto, G., Queloz, D., Rauer, H., Ribas, I., Ruane, G., Selsis, F., Sozzetti, A., Stam, D., Stark, C. C., Vigan, A. and de Visser, P.: Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission. Experimental Astronomy (2021)
Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Syed, J., Wang, Y., Henning, T., Glover, S. C. O., Klessen, R. S., Sormani, M. C., Heyer, M., Smith, R. J., Urquhart, J. S., Yang, J., Su, Y. and Zhou, X.: The filamentary structures in the CO emission toward the Milky Way disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, L4 (2021)
Soto, M. G., Anglada-Escudé, G., Dreizler, S., Molaverdikhani, K., Kemmer, J., Rodríguez-López, C., Lillo-Box, J., Pallé, E., Espinoza, N., Caballero, J. A., Quirrenbach, A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Narita, N., Hirano, T., Amado, P. J., Béjar, V. J. S., Bluhm, P., Burke, C. J., Caldwell, D. A., Charbonneau, D., Cloutier, R., Collins, K. A., Cortés-Contreras, M., Girardin, E., Guerra, P., Harakawa, H., Hatzes, A. P., Irwin, J., Jenkins, J. M., Jensen, E., Kawauchi, K., Kotani, T., Kudo, T., Kunimoto, M., Kuzuhara, M., Latham, D. W., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Mori, M., Nelson, R. P., Omiya, M., Pedraz, S., Passegger, V. M., Rackham, B. V., Rudat, A., Schlieder, J. E., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A., Selezneva, A., Stockdale, C., Tamura, M., Trifonov, T., Vanderspek, R. and Watanabe, D.: Mass and density of the transiting hot and rocky super-Earth LHS 1478 b (TOI-1640 b). Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A144 (2021)
Stecklum, B., Wolf, V., Linz, H., Caratti o Garatti, A., Schmidl, S., Klose, S., Eislöffel, J., Fischer, C., Brogan, C., Burns, R. A., Bayandina, O., Cyganowski, C., Gurwell, M., Hunter, T., Hirano, N., Kim, K.-T., MacLeod, G., Menten, K. M., Olech, M., Orosz, G., Sobolev, A., Sridharan, T. K., Surcis, G., Sugiyama, K., van der Walt, J., Volvach, A. and Yonekura, Y.: Infrared observations of the flaring maser source G358.93-0.03. SOFIA confirms an accretion burst from a massive young stellar object. Astronomy and Astrophysics 646, A161 (2021)
Stolker, T., Haffert, S. Y., Kesseli, A. Y., van Holstein, R. G., Aoyama, Y., Brinchmann, J., Cugno, G., Girard, J. H., Marleau, G.-D., Meyer, M. R., Milli, J., Quanz, S. P., Snellen, I. A. G. and Todorov, K. O.: Characterizing the Protolunar Disk of the Accreting Companion GQ Lupi B. The Astronomical Journal 162, 286 (2021)
Sullivan, C. H., Fissel, L. M., King, P. K., Chen, C.-Y., Li, Z.-Y. and Soler, J. D.: Characterizing the magnetic fields of nearby molecular clouds using submillimeter polarization observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 5006-5024 (2021)
Suri, S., Beuther, H., Gieser, C., Ahmadi, A., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Winters, J. M., Linz, H., Henning, T., Beltrán, M. T., Bosco, F., Cesaroni, R., Csengeri, T., Feng, S., Hoare, M. G., Johnston, K. G., Klaassen, P., Kuiper, R., Leurini, S., Longmore, S., Lumsden, S., Maud, L., Moscadelli, L., Möller, T., Palau, A., Peters, T., Pudritz, R. E., Ragan, S. E., Semenov, D., Schilke, P., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F. and Zinnecker, H.: Disk fragmentation in high-mass star formation. High-resolution observations towards AFGL 2591-VLA 3. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A84 (2021)
Szabó, Z. M., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Park, S., Siwak, M., Green, J. D., Moór, A., Pál, A., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Lee, J.-E., Cseh, B., Csörnyei, G., Hanyecz, O., Könyves-Tóth, R., Krezinger, M., Kriskovics, L., Ordasi, A., Sárneczky, K., Seli, B., Szakáts, R., Szing, A. and Vida, K.: A Study of the Photometric and Spectroscopic Variations of the Prototypical FU Orionis-type Star V1057 Cyg. The Astrophysical Journal 917, 80 (2021)
Teague, R., Hull, C. L. H., Guilloteau, S., Bergin, E. A., Dutrey, A., Henning, T., Kuiper, R., Semenov, D., Stephens, I. W. and Vlemmings, W. H. T.: Discovery of Molecular-line Polarization in the Disk of TW Hya. The Astrophysical Journal 922, 139 (2021)
Trifonov, T., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., Henning, T., Jordán, A., Nesvorny, D., Dawson, R. I., Lissauer, J. J., Lee, M. H., Kossakowski, D., Rojas, F. I., Hobson, M. J., Sarkis, P., Schlecker, M., Bitsch, B., Bakos, G. Á., Barbieri, M., Bhatti, W., Butler, R. P., Crane, J. D., Nandakumar, S., Díaz, M. R., Shectman, S., Teske, J., Torres, P., Suc, V., Vines, J. I., Wang, S. X., Ricker, G. R., Shporer, A., Vanderburg, A., Dragomir, D., Vanderspek, R., Burke, C. J., Daylan, T., Shiao, B., Jenkins, J. M., Wohler, B., Seager, S. and Winn, J. N.: A Pair of Warm Giant Planets near the 2:1 Mean Motion Resonance around the K-dwarf Star TOI-2202. The Astronomical Journal 162, 283 (2021)
Trifonov, T., Caballero, J. A., Morales, J. C., Seifahrt, A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Bean, J. L., Luque, R., Parviainen, H., Pallé, E., Stock, S., Zechmeister, M., Amado, P. J., Anglada-Escudé, G., Azzaro, M., Barclay, T., Béjar, V. J. S., Bluhm, P., Casasayas-Barris, N., Cifuentes, C., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Cortés-Contreras, M., de Leon, J., Dreizler, S., Dressing, C. D., Esparza-Borges, E., Espinoza, N., Fausnaugh, M., Fukui, A., Hatzes, A. P., Hellier, C., Henning, T., Henze, C. E., Herrero, E., Jeffers, S. V., Jenkins, J. M., Jensen, E. L. N., Kaminski, A., Kasper, D., Kossakowski, D., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Latham, D. W., Mann, A. W., Molaverdikhani, K., Montes, D., Montet, B. T., Murgas, F., Narita, N., Oshagh, M., Passegger, V. M., Pollacco, D., Quinn, S. N., Quirrenbach, A., Ricker, G. R., Rodríguez López, C., Sanz-Forcada, J., Schwarz, R. P., Schweitzer, A., Seager, S., Shporer, A., Stangret, M., Stürmer, J., Tan, T. G., Tenenbaum, P., Twicken, J. D., Vanderspek, R. and Winn, J. N.: A nearby transiting rocky exoplanet that is suitable for atmospheric investigation. Science 371, 1038-1041 (2021)
Ueda, T., Flock, M. and Birnstiel, T.: Thermal Wave Instability as an Origin of Gap and Ring Structures in Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 914, L38 (2021)
Urquhart, J. S., Figura, C., Cross, J. R., Wells, M. R. A., Moore, T. J. T., Eden, D. J., Ragan, S. E., Pettitt, A. R., Duarte-Cabral, A., Colombo, D., Schuller, F., Csengeri, T., Mattern, M., Beuther, H., Menten, K. M., Wyrowski, F., Anderson, L. D., Barnes, P. J., Beltrán, M. T., Billington, S. J., Bronfman, L., Giannetti, A., Kainulainen, J., Kauffmann, J., Lee, M.-Y., Leurini, S., Medina, S.-N. X., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Riener, M., Rigby, A. J., Sánchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Schisano, E., Traficante, A. and Wienen, M.: SEDIGISM-ATLASGAL: dense gas fraction and star formation efficiency across the Galactic disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 3050-3063 (2021)
Van Beeck, J., Bowman, D. M., Pedersen, M. G., Van Reeth, T., Van Hoolst, T. and Aerts, C.: Detection of non-linear resonances among gravity modes of slowly pulsating B stars: Results from five iterative pre-whitening strategies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 655, A59 (2021)
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Wahhaj, Z., Milli, J., Romero, C., Cieza, L., Zurlo, A., Vigan, A., Peña, E., Valdes, G., Cantalloube, F., Girard, J. and Pantoja, B.: A search for a fifth planet around HR 8799 using the star-hopping RDI technique at VLT/SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 648, A26 (2021)
Walker, D. L., Longmore, S. N., Bally, J., Ginsburg, A., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Zhang, Q., Henshaw, J. D., Lu, X., Alves, J., Barnes, A. T., Battersby, C., Beuther, H., Contreras, Y. A., Gómez, L., Ho, L. C., Jackson, J. M., Kauffmann, J., Mills, E. A. C. and Pillai, T.: Star formation in 'the Brick': ALMA reveals an active protocluster in the Galactic centre cloud G0.253+0.016. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, 77-95 (2021)
Wang, J. J., Vigan, A., Lacour, S., Nowak, M., Stolker, T., De Rosa, R. J., Ginzburg, S., Gao, P., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Bauböck, M., Benisty, M., Berger, J. P., Beust, H., Beuzit, J.-L., Blunt, S., Boccaletti, A., Bohn, A., Bonnefoy, M., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Caselli, P., Charnay, B., Chauvin, G., Choquet, E., Christiaens, V., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., Cridland, A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dembet, R., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Facchini, S., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gardner, T., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Girard, J., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hinkley, S., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Houllé, M., Hubert, Z., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kammerer, J., Keppler, M., Kervella, P., Meyer, M., Kreidberg, L., Lagrange, A.-M., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Maire, A.-L., Ménard, F., Mérand, A., Mollière, P., Monnier, J. D., Mouillet, D., Müller, A., Nasedkin, E., Ott, T., Otten, G. P. P. L., Paladini, C., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Pueyo, L., Rameau, J., Rodet, L., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., van Dishoeck, E. F., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Ward-Duong, K., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J. and Collaboration, G.: Constraining the Nature of the PDS 70 Protoplanets with VLTI/GRAVITY. The Astronomical Journal 161, 148 (2021)
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Lafarga, M., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Azzaro, M., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Oshagh, M., Rodríguez-López, C., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A. and Zechmeister, M.: Mapping magnetic activity indicators across the M dwarf domain. The Star-Planet Connection, 7 (2021)
Lafarga, M., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Azzaro, M., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Oshagh, M., Rodríguez-López, C., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A. and Zechmeister, M.: Mapping stellar activity indicators across the M dwarf domain. The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), 184 (2021)
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Marfil, E., Tabernero, H. M., Montes, D., Caballero, J. A., Lazaro-Barrasa, F. J., González Hernández, J. I., Nagel, E., Passegger, V. M., Schweitzer, A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Cifuentes, C., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Duque-Arribas, C., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., López-Gallifa, Á., Morales, J. C., Shan, Y. and Zechmeister, M.: Stellar atmospheric parameters of CARMENES GTO M dwarfs with spectral synthesis and SteParSyn. The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), 19 (2021)
Nederlander, A., Hughes, A., Fehr, A., Flaherty, K., Su, K., Moor, A., Chiang, E., Andrews, S., Wilner, D. and Marino, S.: Resolving Structure in the Debris Disk around HD 206893 with ALMA. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 325.06 (2021)
Passegger, V. M., Bello-García, A., Ordieres-Meré, J., Caballero, J. A., Schweitzer, A., Amado, P. J., González-Marcos, A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Sarro, L. M., Solano, E., Azzaro, M., Bauer, F. F., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Marfil, E., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Nagel, E., Tabernero, H. M. and Zechmeister, M.: A deep learning approach to photospheric parameters of CARMENES target stars. The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), 312 (2021)
Rodríguez, T. M., Hofner, P., Araya, E., Zhang, Q., Linz, H., Cesaroni, R., Kurtz, S., Gomez, L. and Rosero, V.: Highly Collimated Flow from the High-mass Protostar ISOSS J23053+5953 SMM2. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 348.13 (2021)
Schlecker, M., Burn, R., Sabotta, S., Seifert, A., Henning, T., Emsenhuber, A., Mordasini, C., Reffert, S., Shan, Y. T. and Klahr, H.: Giant planets around low-mass stars: a challenge for core accretion theory. The Star-Planet Connection, 32 (2021)
Shan, Y., Reiners, A., Fabbian, D., Marfil, E., Montes, D., Tabernero, H. M., Ribas, I., Caballero, J. A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Aceituno, J., Bejar, V. J. S., Cortes-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Morales, J. C., Nagel, E., Rodriguez-Lopez, C., Passegger, V. M., Schweitzer, A. and Zechmeister, M.: The Lines are Not Fine: Measuring Vanadium Abundances in M dwarfs from Hyperfine-Split Lines. The 20.5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (CS20.5), 160 (2021)
Simon, J. B., Carrera, D., Li, R., Kretke, K. A. and Klahr, H.: Protoplanetary Disk Rings as Sites for Planetesimal Formation. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 213.04 (2021)
Stecklum, B., Wolf, V., Eislöffel, J., Klose, S., Schmidl, S., Caratti o Garatti, A., Linz, H. and Fischer, C.: Analysis of the accretion burst in the MYSO G358.9-0.03. EAS Annual Meeting, 1 (2021)
White, J., Kospal, A., Hughes, A., Abraham, P., Akimkin, V., Banzatti, A., Chen, L., Cruz-Saenz De Miera, F., Dutrey, A., Flock, M., Guilloteau, S., Hales, A., Henning, T., Kadam, K., Semenov, D., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Teague, R. and Vorobyov, E.: Radio Observations of EX Lupi's disk post-outburst. American Astronomical Society meeting #237, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53, 229.06 (2021)
Burtscher, L., Dalgleish, H., Barret, D., Beuchert, T., Borkar, A., Cantalloube, F., Frost, A., Grinberg, V., Hurley-Walker, N., Impellizzeri, V., Isidro, M., Jahnke, K. and Willebrands, M.: Forging a sustainable future for astronomy. Nature Astronomy 5, 857-860 (2021)
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Carmichael, T. W., Quinn, S. N., Mustill, A. J., Huang, C., Zhou, G., Persson, C. M., Nielsen, L. D., Collins, K. A., Ziegler, C., Collins, K. I., Rodriguez, J. E., Shporer, A., Brahm, R., Mann, A. W., Bouchy, F., Fridlund, M., Stassun, K. G., Hellier, C., Seidel, J. V., Stalport, M., Udry, S., Pepe, F., Ireland, M., Žerjal, M., Briceño, C., Law, N., Jordán, A., Espinoza, N., Henning, T., Sarkis, P. and Latham, D. W.: Two Intermediate-mass Transiting Brown Dwarfs from the TESS Mission. The Astronomical Journal 160, 53 (2020)
Carone, L., Baeyens, R., Mollière, P., Barth, P., Vazan, A., Decin, L., Sarkis, P., Venot, O. and Henning, T.: Equatorial retrograde flow in WASP-43b elicited by deep wind jets? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 3582-3614 (2020)
Casasayas-Barris, N., Pallé, E., Yan, F., Chen, G., Luque, R., Stangret, M., Nagel, E., Zechmeister, M., Oshagh, M., Sanz-Forcada, J., Nortmann, L., Alonso-Floriano, F. J., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Czesla, S., Khalafinejad, S., López-Puertas, M., López-Santiago, J., Molaverdikhani, K., Montes, D., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Sánchez-López, A. and Zapatero Osorio, M. R.: Is there Na I in the atmosphere of HD 209458b?. Effect of the centre-to-limb variation and Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in transmission spectroscopy studies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A206 (2020)
Cataldi, G., Wu, Y., Brandeker, A., Ohashi, N., Moór, A., Olofsson, G., Ábrahám, P., Asensio-Torres, R., Cavallius, M., Dent, W. R. F., Grady, C., Henning, T., Higuchi, A. E., Hughes, A. M., Janson, M., Kamp, I., Kóspál, Á., Redfield, S., Roberge, A., Weinberger, A. and Welsh, B.: The Surprisingly Low Carbon Mass in the Debris Disk around HD 32297. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 99 (2020)
Chakraborty, A., Roy, N., Wang, Y., Datta, A., Beuther, H., Medina, S.-N. X., Menten, K. M., Urquhart, J. S., Brunthaler, A. and Dzib, S. A.: Characterization of unresolved and unclassified sources detected in radio continuum surveys of the Galactic plane. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 2236-2240 (2020)
Chen, X., Sobolev, A. M., Breen, S. L., Shen, Z.-Q., Ellingsen, S. P., MacLeod, G. C., Li, B., Voronkov, M. A., Kaczmarek, J. F., Zhang, J., Ren, Z.-Y., Wang, J., Linz, H., Hunter, T. R., Brogan, C., Sugiyama, K., Burns, R. A., Menten, K., Sanna, A., Stecklum, B., Hirota, T., Kim, K.-T., Chibueze, J. and Heever, S. v. d.: 13CH3OH Masers Associated With a Transient Phenomenon in a High-mass Young Stellar Object. The Astrophysical Journal 890, L22 (2020)
Chen, X., Sobolev, A. M., Ren, Z.-Y., Parfenov, S., Breen, S. L., Ellingsen, S. P., Shen, Z.-Q., Li, B., MacLeod, G. C., Baan, W., Brogan, C., Hirota, T., Hunter, T. R., Linz, H., Menten, K., Sugiyama, K., Stecklum, B., Gong, Y. and Zheng, X.: New maser species tracing spiral-arm accretion flows in a high-mass young stellar object. Nature Astronomy 4, 1170-1176 (2020)
Choi, Y., Dalcanton, J. J., Williams, B. F., Skillman, E. D., Fouesneau, M., Gordon, K. D., Sandstrom, K. M., Weisz, D. R. and Gilbert, K. M.: Mapping the Escape Fraction of Ionizing Photons Using Resolved Stars: A Much Higher Escape Fraction for NGC 4214. The Astrophysical Journal 902, 54 (2020)
Chuang, K.-J., Fedoseev, G., Qasim, D., Ioppolo, S., Jäger, C., Henning, T., Palumbo, M. E., van Dishoeck, E. F. and Linnartz, H.: Formation of complex molecules in translucent clouds: acetaldehyde, vinyl alcohol, ketene, and ethanol via "nonenergetic" processing of C2H2 ice. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A199 (2020)
Cooke, B. F., Pollacco, D., Almleaky, Y., Barkaoui, K., Benkhaldoun, Z., Blake, J. A., Bouchy, F., Boumis, P., Brown, D. J. A., Bruni, I., Burdanov, A., Cameron, A. C., Chote, P., Daassou, A., D'ago, G., Dalal, S., Damasso, M., Delrez, L., Doyle, A. P., Ducrot, E., Gillon, M., Hébrard, G., Hellier, C., Henning, T., Jehin, E., Kiefer, F., King, G. W., Liakos, A., Lopez, T., Mancini, L., Mardling, R., Maxted, P. F. L., McCormac, J., Murray, C., Nielsen, L. D., Osborn, H., Palle, E., Pepe, F., Pozuelos, F. J., Prieto-Arranz, J., Queloz, D., Schanche, N., Ségransan, D., Smalley, B., Southworth, J., Thompson, S., Turner, O., Udry, S., Velasco, S., West, R., Wheatley, P. and Alikakos, J.: Two Transiting Hot Jupiters from the WASP Survey: WASP-150b and WASP-176b. The Astronomical Journal 159, 255 (2020)
Cosentino, G., Jiménez-Serra, I., Henshaw, J. D., Caselli, P., Viti, S., Barnes, A. T., Tan, J. C., Fontani, F. and Wu, B.: SiO emission as a probe of cloud-cloud collisions in infrared dark clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 1666-1681 (2020)
Damasso, M., Lanza, A. F., Benatti, S., Rajpaul, V. M., Mallonn, M., Desidera, S., Biazzo, K., D'Orazi, V., Malavolta, L., Nardiello, D., Rainer, M., Borsa, F., Affer, L., Bignamini, A., Bonomo, A. S., Carleo, I., Claudi, R., Cosentino, R., Covino, E., Giacobbe, P., Gratton, R., Harutyunyan, A., Knapic, C., Leto, G., Maggio, A., Maldonado, J., Mancini, L., Micela, G., Molinari, E., Nascimbeni, V., Pagano, I., Piotto, G., Poretti, E., Scandariato, G., Sozzetti, A., Capuzzo Dolcetta, R., Di Mauro, M. P., Carosati, D., Fiorenzano, A., Frustagli, G., Pedani, M., Pinamonti, M., Stoev, H. and Turrini, D.: The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXVII. Reassessment of a young planetary system with HARPS-N: is the hot Jupiter V830 Tau b really there? Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A133 (2020)
Davis, A. B., Wang, S., Jones, M., Eastman, J. D., Günther, M. N., Stassun, K. G., Addison, B. C., Collins, K. A., Quinn, S. N., Latham, D. W., Trifonov, T., Shahaf, S., Mazeh, T., Kane, S. R., Narita, N., Wang, X.-Y., Tan, T.-G., Ciardi, D. R., Tokovinin, A., Ziegler, C., Tronsgaard, R., Millholland, S., Cruz, B., Berlind, P., Calkins, M. L., Esquerdo, G. A., Collins, K. I., Conti, D. M., Murgas, F., Evans, P., Lewin, P., Radford, D. J., Paredes, L. A., Henry, T. J., Hodari-Sadiki, J., Lund, M. B., Christiansen, J. L., Law, N. M., Mann, A. W., Briceño, C., Parviainen, H., Palle, E., Watanabe, N., Ricker, G. R., Vanderspek, R., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Krishnamurthy, A., Batalha, N. M., Burt, J., Colón, K. D., Dynes, S., Caldwell, D. A., Morris, R., Henze, C. E. and Fischer, D. A.: TOI 564 b and TOI 905 b: Grazing and Fully Transiting Hot Jupiters Discovered by TESS. The Astronomical Journal 160, 229 (2020)
de Boer, J., Langlois, M., van Holstein, R. G., Girard, J. H., Mouillet, D., Vigan, A., Dohlen, K., Snik, F., Keller, C. U., Ginski, C., Stam, D. M., Milli, J., Wahhaj, Z., Kasper, M., Schmid, H. M., Rabou, P., Gluck, L., Hugot, E., Perret, D., Martinez, P., Weber, L., Pragt, J., Sauvage, J.-F., Boccaletti, A., Le Coroller, H., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Lagadec, E., Ménard, F., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M. and Beuzit, J.-L.: Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. I. Description, data reduction, and observing strategy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A63 (2020)
Deacon, N. R. and Kraus, A. L.: Wide binaries are rare in open clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 5176-5200 (2020)
Detre, Ö. H., Müller, T. G., Klaas, U., Marton, G., Linz, H. and Balog, Z.: Herschel-PACS photometry of the five major moons of Uranus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A76 (2020)
Eden, D. J., Moore, T. J. T., Currie, M. J., Rigby, A. J., Rosolowsky, E., Su, Y., Kim, K.-T., Parsons, H., Morata, O., Chen, H.-R., Minamidani, T., Park, G., Ragan, S. E., Urquhart, J. S., Rani, R., Tahani, K., Billington, S. J., Deb, S., Figura, C., Fujiyoshi, T., Joncas, G., Liao, L. W., Liu, T., Ma, H., Tuan-Anh, P., Yun, H.-S., Zhang, S., Zhu, M., Henshaw, J. D., Longmore, S. N., Kobayashi, M. I. N., Thompson, M. A., Ao, Y., Campbell-White, J., Ching, T.-C., Chung, E. J., Duarte-Cabral, A., Fich, M., Gao, Y., Graves, S. F., Jiang, X.-J., Kemper, F., Kuan, Y.-J., Kwon, W., Lee, C. W., Lee, J.-E., Liu, M., Peñaloza, C. H., Peretto, N., Phuong, N. T., Pineda, J. E., Plume, R., Puspitaningrum, E., Samal, M. R., Soam, A., Sun, Y., Tang, X. D., Traficante, A., White, G. J., Yan, C.-H., Yang, A. Y., Yuan, J., Yue, N., Bemis, A., Brunt, C. M., Chen, Z., Cho, J., Clark, P. C., Cyganowski, C. J., Friberg, P., Fuller, G. A., Han, I., Hoare, M. G., Izumi, N., Kim, H.-J., Kim, J., Kim, S., Koch, E. W., Kuno, N., Lacialle, K. M., Lai, S.-P., Lee, H., Lee, Y.-H., Li, D. L., Liu, S.-Y., Mairs, S., Pan, Z., Qian, L., Scicluna, P., Shi, C.-S., Shi, H., Srinivasan, S., Tan, Q.-H., Thomas, H. S., Torii, K., Trejo, A., Umemoto, T., Violino, G., Wallström, S., Wang, B., Wu, Y., Yuan, L., Zhang, C., Zhang, M., Zhou, C. and Zhou, J. J.: CHIMPS2: survey description and 12CO emission in the Galactic Centre. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 5936-5951 (2020)
Emtiaz, S. M., Toriello, F., He, J. and Vidali, G.: Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Solid Methane: Nuclear Spin Conversion of Stable and Metastable Phases. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 124, 552-229 (2020)
Engler, N., Lazzoni, C., Gratton, R., Milli, J., Schmid, H. M., Chauvin, G., Kral, Q., Pawellek, N., Thébault, P., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brown, S., Buey, T., Cantalloube, F., Carle, M., Cheetham, A., Desidera, S., Feldt, M., Ginski, C., Gisler, D., Henning, T., Hunziker, S., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Meyer, M. R., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Olofsson, J., Petit, C., Petrus, S., Quanz, S. P., Rickman, E., Stadler, E., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Wildi, F. and Zurlo, A.: HD 117214 debris disk: scattered-light images and constraints on the presence of planets. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A19 (2020)
Eriksson, S. C., Asensio Torres, R., Janson, M., Aoyama, Y., Marleau, G.-D., Bonnefoy, M. and Petrus, S.: Strong Hα emission and signs of accretion in a circumbinary planetary mass companion from MUSE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, L6 (2020)
Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., Henning, T., Jordán, A., Dorn, C., Rojas, F., Sarkis, P., Kossakowski, D., Schlecker, M., Díaz, M. R., Jenkins, J. S., Aguilera-Gomez, C., Jenkins, J. M., Twicken, J. D., Collins, K. A., Lissauer, J., Armstrong, D. J., Adibekyan, V., Barrado, D., Barros, S. C. C., Battley, M., Bayliss, D., Bouchy, F., Bryant, E. M., Cooke, B. F., Demangeon, O. D. S., Dumusque, X., Figueira, P., Giles, H., Lillo-Box, J., Lovis, C., Nielsen, L. D., Pepe, F., Pollacco, D., Santos, N. C., Sousa, S. G., Udry, S., Wheatley, P. J., Turner, O., Marmier, M., Ségransan, D., Ricker, G., Latham, D., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Kielkopf, J. F., Hart, R., Wingham, G., Jensen, E. L. N., Hełminiak, K. G., Tokovinin, A., Briceño, C., Ziegler, C., Law, N. M., Mann, A. W., Daylan, T., Doty, J. P., Guerrero, N., Boyd, P., Crossfield, I., Morris, R. L., Henze, C. E. and Chacon, A. D.: HD 213885b: a transiting 1-d-period super-Earth with an Earth-like composition around a bright (V = 7.9) star unveiled by TESS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 2982-2999 (2020)
Esteves, L., Izidoro, A., Raymond, S. N. and Bitsch, B.: The origins of nearly coplanar, non-resonant systems of close-in super-Earths. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 2493-2500 (2020)
Facchini, S., Benisty, M., Bae, J., Loomis, R., Perez, L., Ansdell, M., Mayama, S., Pinilla, P., Teague, R., Isella, A. and Mann, A.: Annular substructures in the transition disks around LkCa 15 and J1610. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A121 (2020)
Feng, S., Li, D., Caselli, P., Du, F., Lin, Y., Sipilä, O., Beuther, H., Sanhueza, P., Tatematsu, K., Liu, S. Y., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Hogge, T., Jimenez-Serra, I., Lu, X., Liu, T., Wang, K., Zhang, Z. Y., Zahorecz, S., Li, G., Liu, H. B. and Yuan, J.: The Chemical Structure of Young High-mass Star-forming Clumps. II. Parsec-scale CO Depletion and Deuterium Fraction of HCO+. The Astrophysical Journal 901, 145 (2020)
Fischer, W. J., Megeath, S. T., Furlan, E., Stutz, A. M., Stanke, T., Tobin, J. J., Osorio, M., Manoj, P., Di Francesco, J., Allen, L. E., Watson, D. M., Wilson, T. L. and Henning, T.: The Herschel Orion Protostar Survey: Far-infrared Photometry and Colors of Protostars and Their Variations across Orion A and B. The Astrophysical Journal 905, 119 (2020)
Flaherty, K., Hughes, A. M., Simon, J. B., Qi, C., Bai, X.-N., Bulatek, A., Andrews, S. M., Wilner, D. J. and Kóspál, Á.: Measuring Turbulent Motion in Planet-forming Disks with ALMA: A Detection around DM Tau and Nondetections around MWC 480 and V4046 Sgr. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 109 (2020)
Flock, M., Turner, N. J., Nelson, R. P., Lyra, W., Manger, N. and Klahr, H.: Gas and Dust Dynamics in Starlight-heated Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 897, 155 (2020)
Flores-Rivera, L., Flock, M. and Nakatani, R.: Hydrodynamical simulations of protoplanetary disks including irradiation of stellar photons. I. Resolution study for vertical shear instability. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A50 (2020)
Fuhrmeister, B., Czesla, S., Hildebrandt, L., Nagel, E., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Jeffers, S. V., Caballero, J. A., Hintz, D., Johnson, E. N., Schöfer, P., Zechmeister, M., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Amado, P. J., Quirrenbach, A., Nortmann, L., Bauer, F. F., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Hatzes, A. P., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M. and Montes, D.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Variability of the He I line at 10 830 Å. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A52 (2020)
Galli, P. A. B., Bouy, H., Olivares, J., Miret-Roig, N., Sarro, L. M., Barrado, D., Berihuete, A. and Brandner, W.: Corona-Australis DANCe. I. Revisiting the census of stars with Gaia-DR2 data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A98 (2020)
Garufi, A., Avenhaus, H., Pérez, S., Quanz, S. P., van Holstein, R. G., Bertrang, G. H.-M., Casassus, S., Cieza, L., Principe, D. A., van der Plas, G. and Zurlo, A.: Disks Around T Tauri Stars with SPHERE (DARTTS-S). II. Twenty-one new polarimetric images of young stellar disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A82 (2020)
Gerbig, K., Murray-Clay, R. A., Klahr, H. and Baehr, H.: Requirements for Gravitational Collapse in Planetesimal Formation—The Impact of Scales Set by Kelvin-Helmholtz and Nonlinear Streaming Instability. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 91 (2020)
Gibbs, A., Bixel, A., Rackham, B. V., Apai, D., Schlecker, M., Espinoza, N., Mancini, L., Chen, W.-P., Henning, T., Gabor, P., Boyle, R., Perez Chavez, J., Mousseau, A., Dietrich, J., Jay Socia, Q., Ip, W., Ngeow, C.-C., Tsai, A.-L., Bhandare, A., Marian, V., Baehr, H., Brown, S., Häberle, M., Keppler, M., Molaverdikhani, K. and Sarkis, P.: EDEN: Sensitivity Analysis and Transiting Planet Detection Limits for Nearby Late Red Dwarfs. The Astronomical Journal 159, 169 (2020)
Gill, S., Wheatley, P. J., Cooke, B. F., Jordán, A., Nielsen, L. D., Bayliss, D., Anderson, D. R., Vines, J. I., Lendl, M., Acton, J. S., Armstrong, D. J., Bouchy, F., Brahm, R., Bryant, E. M., Burleigh, M. R., Casewell, S. L., Eigmüller, P., Espinoza, N., Gillen, E., R. Goad, M., Grieves, N., Günther, M. N., Henning, T., Hobson, M. J., Hogan, A., Jenkins, J. S., McCormac, J., Moyano, M., Osborn, H. P., Pollacco, D., Queloz, D., Rauer, H., Raynard, L., Rojas, F., Sarkis, P., Smith, A. M. S., Pinto, M. T., Tilbrook, R. H., Udry, S., Watson, C. A. and West, R. G.: NGTS-11 b (TOI-1847 b): A Transiting Warm Saturn Recovered from a TESS Single-transit Event. The Astrophysical Journal 898, L11 (2020)
Ginski, C., Ménard, F., Rab, C., Mamajek, E. E., van Holstein, R. G., Benisty, M., Manara, C. F., Asensio Torres, R., Bohn, A., Birnstiel, T., Delorme, P., Facchini, S., Garufi, A., Gratton, R., Hogerheijde, M., Huang, J., Kenworthy, M., Langlois, M., Pinilla, P., Pinte, C., Ribas, Á., Rosotti, G., Schmidt, T. O. B., van den Ancker, M., Wahhaj, Z., Waters, L. B. F. M., Williams, J. and Zurlo, A.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): A close low-mass companion to ET Cha. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A119 (2020)
Girardi, L., Boyer, M. L., Johnson, L. C., Dalcanton, J. J., Rosenfield, P., Seth, A. C., Skillman, E. D., Weisz, D. R., Williams, B. F., Bhattacharya, A. R., Bressan, A., Caldwell, N., Chen, Y., Dolphin, A. E., Fouesneau, M., Goldman, S., Guhathakurta, P., Marigo, P., Mukherjee, S., Pastorelli, G., Quirk, A., Soraisam, M. and Trabucchi, M.: PHAT XX. AGB Stars and Other Cool Giants in M31 Star Clusters. The Astrophysical Journal 901, 19 (2020)
Goicoechea, J. R., Pabst, C. H. M., Kabanovic, S., Santa-Maria, M. G., Marcelino, N., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Hacar, A., Berné, O., Buchbender, C., Cuadrado, S., Higgins, R., Kramer, C., Stutzki, J., Suri, S., Teyssier, D. and Wolfire, M.: Molecular globules in the Veil bubble of Orion. IRAM 30 m 12CO, 13CO, and C18O (2-1) expanded maps of Orion A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A1 (2020)
González-Álvarez, E., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Caballero, J. A., Sanz-Forcada, J., Béjar, V. J. S., González-Cuesta, L., Dreizler, S., Bauer, F. F., Rodríguez, E., Tal-Or, L., Zechmeister, M., Montes, D., López-González, M. J., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Anglada-Escudé, G., Azzaro, M., Cortés-Contreras, M., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Morales, J. C., Pallé, E., Perger, M. and Schmitt, J. H. M. M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. A super-Earth planet orbiting HD 79211 (GJ 338 B). Astronomy and Astrophysics 637, A93 (2020)
González-Ruilova, C., Cieza, L. A., Hales, A. S., Pérez, S., Zurlo, A., Arce-Tord, C., Casassus, S., Cánovas, H., Flock, M., Herczeg, G. J., Pinilla, P., Price, D. J., Principe, D. A., Ruíz-Rodríguez, D. and Williams, J. P.: A Tale of Two Transition Disks: ALMA Long-baseline Observations of ISO-Oph 2 Reveal Two Closely Packed Nonaxisymmetric Rings and a ∼2 au Cavity. The Astrophysical Journal 902, L33 (2020)
Grady, C. A., Wisniewski, J. P., Schneider, G., Boccaletti, A., Gaspar, A., Debes, J. H., Hines, D. C., Stark, C. C., Thalmann, C., Lagrange, A.-M., Augereau, J.-C., Sezestre, E., Milli, J., Henning, T. and Kuchner, M. J.: The Eroding Disk of AU Mic. The Astrophysical Journal 889, L21 (2020)
Grandjean, A., Lagrange, A.-M., Keppler, M., Meunier, N., Mignon, L., Borgniet, S., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Galland, F., Messina, S., Sterzik, M., Pantoja, B., Rodet, L. and Zicher, N.: A HARPS RV search for planets around young nearby stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A44 (2020)
Gratton, R., Zurlo, A., Le Coroller, H., Damasso, M., Del Sordo, F., Langlois, M., Mesa, D., Milli, J., Chauvin, G., Desidera, S., Hagelberg, J., Lagadec, E., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Brown, S., Cantalloube, F., Delorme, P., D'Orazi, V., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Henning, T., Janson, M., Kervella, P., Lagrange, A.-M., Lazzoni, C., Ligi, R., Maire, A.-L., Ménard, F., Meyer, M., Mugnier, L., Potier, A., Rickman, E. L., Rodet, L., Romero, C., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E., Sozzetti, A., Szulágyi, J., Wahhaj, Z., Antichi, J., Fusco, T., Stadler, E., Suarez, M. and Wildi, F.: Searching for the near-infrared counterpart of Proxima c using multi-epoch high-contrast SPHERE data at VLT. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A120 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. B., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Cardoso, V., Clénet, Y., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dallilar, Y., Dexter, J., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Ponti, G., Rodriguez Coira, G., Shangguan, J., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S. and Zins, G.: The flux distribution of Sgr A*. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A2 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Cardoso, V., Clénet, Y., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Shangguan, J., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S. and Zins, G.: Detection of the Schwarzschild precession in the orbit of the star S2 near the Galactic centre massive black hole. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, L5 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Gao, F., Garcia, P. J. V., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Gratadour, D., Hönig, S., Kishimoto, M., Lacour, S., Lutz, D., Millour, F., Netzer, H., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Peterson, B. M., Petrucci, P. O., Pfuhl, O., Prieto, M. A., Rouan, D., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Schartmann, M., Stadler, J., Sternberg, A., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Tristram, K. R. W., Vermot, P., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F. and Woillez, J.: The spatially resolved broad line region of IRAS 09149-6206. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A154 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Bauböck, M., Dexter, J., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gerhard, O., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Rodriguez Coira, G., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Sternberg, A., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J. and Yazici, S.: Modeling the orbital motion of Sgr A*'s near-infrared flares. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A143 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Bouarour, Y.-I., Perraut, K., Ménard, F., Brandner, W., Caratti O Garatti, A., Caselli, P., van Dishoeck, E., Dougados, C., Garcia-Lopez, R., Grellmann, R., Henning, T., Klarmann, L., Labadie, L., Natta, A., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Thi, W.-F., de Zeeuw, P. T., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Benisty, M., Berger, J.-P., Clenet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Eupen, F., Filho, M., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Hubert, Z., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Vincent, F. H., von Fellenberg, S. D., Widmann, F. and Wiest, M.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. III. The dusty disk of RY Lup. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A162 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Caratti o Garatti, A., Fedriani, R., Garcia Lopez, R., Koutoulaki, M., Perraut, K., Linz, H., Brandner, W., Garcia, P., Klarmann, L., Henning, T., Labadie, L., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Lazareff, B., van Dishoeck, E. F., Caselli, P., de Zeeuw, P. T., Bik, A., Benisty, M., Dougados, C., Ray, T. P., Amorim, A., Berger, J.-P., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Gordo, P., Jocou, L., Horrobin, M., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Grellmann, R., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Thi, W. F., Vincent, F. H. and Widmann, F.: The GRAVITY young stellar object survey. II. First spatially resolved observations of the CO bandhead emission in a high-mass YSO. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, L12 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Dexter, J., Shangguan, J., Hönig, S., Kishimoto, M., Lutz, D., Netzer, H., Davies, R., Sturm, E., Pfuhl, O., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., de Zeeuw, P. T., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Gao, F., Garcia, P. J. V., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Gratadour, D., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Lacour, S., Millour, F., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Peterson, B. M., Petrucci, P. O., Prieto, M. A., Rouan, D., Schartmann, M., Shimizu, T., Sternberg, A., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Tacconi, L. J., Tristram, K., Vermot, P., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F. and Woillez, J.: The resolved size and structure of hot dust in the immediate vicinity of AGN. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A92 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Garcia Lopez, R., Natta, A., Caratti o Garatti, A., Ray, T. P., Fedriani, R., Koutoulaki, M., Klarmann, L., Perraut, K., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Benisty, M., Dougados, C., Labadie, L., Brandner, W., Garcia, P. J. V., Henning, T., Caselli, P., Duvert, G., de Zeeuw, T., Grellmann, R., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Buron, A., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Wit, W., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Filho, M., Gao, F., Garcia Dabo, C. E., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Haussmann, F., Hippler, S., Hubert, Z., Horrobin, M., Jimenez Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Kolb, J., Lacour, S., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Ramirez, A., Rau, C., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., van Dishoeck, E., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiest, M., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S. and Zins, G.: A measure of the size of the magnetospheric accretion region in TW Hydrae. Nature 584, 547-550 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Jiménez-Rosales, A., Dexter, J., Widmann, F., Bauböck, M., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., de Zeeuw, P. T., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Shangguan, J., Scheithauer, S., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S., Waisberg, I., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S. and Zins, G.: Dynamically important magnetic fields near the event horizon of Sgr A*. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A56 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Nowak, M., Lacour, S., Mollière, P., Wang, J., Charnay, B., van Dishoeck, E. F., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Berger, J. P., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Buron, A., Cantalloube, F., Collin, C., Chapron, F., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dembet, R., Dexter, J., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Fédou, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Haußmann, F., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Hubert, Z., Jocou, L., Kervella, P., Lagrange, A.-M., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Maire, A.-L., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Paladini, C., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pueyo, L., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Rau, C., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J., Yazici, S. and Ziegler, D.: Peering into the formation history of β Pictoris b with VLTI/GRAVITY long-baseline interferometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A110 (2020)
GRAVITY Collaboration, Pfuhl, O., Davies, R., Dexter, J., Netzer, H., Hönig, S., Lutz, D., Schartmann, M., Sturm, E., Amorim, A., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., de Zeeuw, P. T., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Gao, F., Garcia, P. J. V., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Gratadour, D., Kishimoto, M., Lacour, S., Millour, F., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Peterson, B. M., Petrucci, P. O., Prieto, M. A., Rouan, D., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Sternberg, A., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Tacconi, L. J., Tristram, K. R. W., Vermot, P., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F. and Woillez, J.: An image of the dust sublimation region in the nucleus of NGC 1068. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A1 (2020)
Guevara, C., Stutzki, J., Ossenkopf-Okada, V., Simon, R., Pérez-Beaupuits, J. P., Beuther, H., Bihr, S., Higgins, R., Graf, U. and Güsten, R.: [C II] 158 μm self-absorption and optical depth effects. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A16 (2020)
Guilluy, G., Andretta, V., Borsa, F., Giacobbe, P., Sozzetti, A., Covino, E., Bourrier, V., Fossati, L., Bonomo, A. S., Esposito, M., Giampapa, M. S., Harutyunyan, A., Rainer, M., Brogi, M., Bruno, G., Claudi, R., Frustagli, G., Lanza, A. F., Mancini, L., Pino, L., Poretti, E., Scandariato, G., Affer, L., Baffa, C., Baruffolo, A., Benatti, S., Biazzo, K., Bignamini, A., Boschin, W., Carleo, I., Cecconi, M., Cosentino, R., Damasso, M., Desidera, S., Falcini, G., Martinez Fiorenzano, A. F., Ghedina, A., González-Álvarez, E., Guerra, J., Hernandez, N., Leto, G., Maggio, A., Malavolta, L., Maldonado, J., Micela, G., Molinari, E., Nascimbeni, V., Pagano, I., Pedani, M., Piotto, G. and Reiners, A.: The GAPS programme at TNG. XXII. The GIARPS view of the extended helium atmosphere of HD 189733 b accounting for stellar activity. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A49 (2020)
Harsono, D., Persson, M. V., Ramos, A., Murillo, N. M., Maud, L. T., Hogerheijde, M. R., Bosman, A. D., Kristensen, L. E., Jørgensen, J. K., Bergin, E. A., Visser, R., Mottram, J. C. and van Dishoeck, E. F.: Missing water in Class I protostellar disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A26 (2020)
Hartman, J. D., Jordán, A., Bayliss, D., Bakos, G. Á., Bento, J., Bhatti, W., Brahm, R., Csubry, Z., Espinoza, N., Henning, T., Mancini, L., Penev, K., Rabus, M., Sarkis, P., Suc, V., de Val-Borro, M., Zhou, G., Crane, J. D., Shectman, S., Teske, J. K., Wang, S. X., Butler, R. P., Lázár, J., Papp, I., Sári, P., Anderson, D. R., Hellier, C., West, R. G., Barkaoui, K., Pozuelos, F. J., Jehin, E., Gillon, M., Nielsen, L., Lendl, M., Udry, S., Ricker, G. R., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Christiansen, J., Crossfield, I. J. M., Henze, C. E., Jenkins, J. M., Smith, J. C. and Ting, E. B.: HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b, and HATS-72b: Four Warm Giant Planets Transiting K Dwarfs. The Astronomical Journal 159, 173 (2020)
Hatchfield, H. P., Battersby, C., Keto, E., Walker, D., Barnes, A., Callanan, D., Ginsburg, A., Henshaw, J. D., Kauffmann, J., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Longmore, S. N., Lu, X., Mills, E. A. C., Pillai, T., Zhang, Q., Bally, J., Butterfield, N., Contreras, Y. A., Ho, L. C., Ott, J., Patel, N. and Tolls, V.: CMZoom. II. Catalog of Compact Submillimeter Dust Continuum Sources in the Milky Way's Central Molecular Zone. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 251, 14 (2020)
Haydon, D. T., Fujimoto, Y., Chevance, M., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Krumholz, M. R. and Longmore, S. N.: An uncertainty principle for star formation - V. The influence of dust extinction on star formation rate tracer lifetimes and the inferred molecular cloud lifecycle. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 5076-5089 (2020)
He, H., Wilson, C. D., Sliwa, K., Iono, D. and Saito, T.: Is this an early stage merger? A case study on molecular gas and star formation properties of Arp 240. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 5243-5261 (2020)
Hendler, N., Pascucci, I., Pinilla, P., Tazzari, M., Carpenter, J., Malhotra, R. and Testi, L.: The Evolution of Dust Disk Sizes from a Homogeneous Analysis of 1-10 Myr old Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 126 (2020)
Henshaw, J. D., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Longmore, S. N., Riener, M., Leroy, A. K., Rosolowsky, E., Ginsburg, A., Battersby, C., Chevance, M., Meidt, S. E., Glover, S. C. O., Hughes, A., Kainulainen, J., Klessen, R. S., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Beuther, H., Bigiel, F., Blanc, G. A., Emsellem, E., Henning, T., Herrera, C. N., Koch, E. W., Pety, J., Ragan, S. E. and Sun, J.: Ubiquitous velocity fluctuations throughout the molecular interstellar medium. Nature Astronomy 4, 1064-1071 (2020)
Heyer, M., Soler, J. D. and Burkhart, B.: The relative orientation between the magnetic field and gradients of surface brightness within thin velocity slices of 12CO and 13CO emission from the Taurus molecular cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 4546-4564 (2020)
Higuchi, A. E., Kóspál, Á., Moór, A., Nomura, H. and Yamamoto, S.: Physical Conditions of Gas Components in Debris Disks of 49 Ceti and HD 21997. The Astrophysical Journal 905, 122 (2020)
Hintz, D., Fuhrmeister, B., Czesla, S., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Schweitzer, A., Nagel, E., Johnson, E. N., Caballero, J. A., Zechmeister, M., Jeffers, S. V., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Amado, P. J., Quirrenbach, A., Anglada-Escudé, G., Bauer, F. F., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Guenther, E. W., Hauschildt, P. H., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., López del Fresno, M., Montes, D. and Morales, J. C.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. The He I infrared triplet lines in PHOENIX models of M 2-3 V stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A115 (2020)
Hippler, S., Brandner, W., Scheithauer, S., Kulas, M., Panduro, J., Bizenberger, P., Bonnet, H., Deen, C., Delplancke-Ströbele, F., Eisenhauer, F., Finger, G., Hubert, Z., Kolb, J., Müller, E., Pallanca, L., Woillez, J., Zins, G. and GRAVITY Collaboration: Infrared Wavefront Sensing for Adaptive Optics Assisted Galactic Center Observations with the VLT Interferometer and GRAVITY: Operation and Results. Instruments 4, 20 (2020)
Hirao, Y., Bennett, D. P., Ryu, Y.-H., Koshimoto, N., Udalski, A., Yee, J. C., Sumi, T., Bond, I. A., Shvartzvald, Y., Abe, F., Barry, R. K., Bhattacharya, A., Donachie, M., Fukui, A., Itow, Y., Kondo, I., Li, M. C. A., Matsubara, Y., Matsuo, T., Miyazaki, S., Muraki, Y., Nagakane, M., Ranc, C., Rattenbury, N. J., Suematsu, H., Shibai, H., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P. J., Yonehara, A., MOA Collaboration, Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Kozłowski, S., Pietrukowicz, P., Ulaczyk, K., Rybicki, K., Iwanek, P., OGLE Collaboration, Albrow, M. D., Chung, S.-J., Gould, A., Han, C., Hwang, K.-H., Jung, Y. K., Shin, I.-G., Zang, W., Cha, S.-M., Kim, D.-J., Kim, H.-W., Kim, S.-L., Lee, C.-U., Lee, D.-J., Lee, Y., Park, B.-G., Pogge, R. W., KMTNet Collaboration, Beichman, C. A., Bryden, G., Novati, S. C., Carey, S., Gaudi, B. S., Henderson, C. B., Zhu, W., Team, S., Bachelet, E., Bolt, G., Christie, G., Hundertmark, M., Natusch, T., Maoz, D., McCormick, J., Street, R. A., Tan, T.-G., Tsapras, Y., LCO, μFUN Follow-up Teams, Jørgensen, U. G., Dominik, M., Bozza, V., Skottfelt, J., Snodgrass, C., Ciceri, S., Jaimes, R. F., Evans, D. F., Peixinho, N., Hinse, T. C., Burgdorf, M. J., Southworth, J., Rahvar, S., Sajadian, S., Rabus, M., von Essen, C., Fujii, Y. I., Campbell-White, J., Lowry, S., Helling, C., Mancini, L., Haikala, L., MindSTEp Collaboration, Kandori, R. and IRSF Team: OGLE-2017-BLG-0406: Spitzer Microlens Parallax Reveals Saturn-mass Planet Orbiting M-dwarf Host in the Inner Galactic Disk. The Astronomical Journal 160, 74 (2020)
Hitchcock, J. A., Helling, C., Scholz, A., Hodosan, G., Dominik, M., Hundertmark, M., Jørgensen, U. G., Longa-Peña, P., Sajadian, S., Skottfelt, J., Snodgrass, C., Bozza, V., Burgdorf, M. J., Campbell-White, J., Figuera Jaimes, R., Fujii, Y. I., Haikala, L. K., Henning, T., Hinse, T. C., Lowry, S., Mancini, L., Rahvar, S., Rabus, M., Southworth, J., von Essen, C. and Mindstep Collaboration: Large-scale changes of the cloud coverage in the ɛ Indi Ba and Bb system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 3881-3899 (2020)
Horst, L., Edelmann, P. V. F., Andrássy, R., Röpke, F. K., Bowman, D. M., Aerts, C. and Ratnasingam, R. P.: Fully compressible simulations of waves and core convection in main-sequence stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A18 (2020)
Hunziker, S., Schmid, H. M., Mouillet, D., Milli, J., Zurlo, A., Delorme, P., Abe, L., Avenhaus, H., Baruffolo, A., Bazzon, A., Boccaletti, A., Baudoz, P., Beuzit, J. L., Carbillet, M., Chauvin, G., Claudi, R., Costille, A., Daban, J.-B., Desidera, S., Dohlen, K., Dominik, C., Downing, M., Engler, N., Feldt, M., Fusco, T., Ginski, C., Gisler, D., Girard, J. H., Gratton, R., Henning, T., Hubin, N., Kasper, M., Keller, C. U., Langlois, M., Lagadec, E., Martinez, P., Maire, A. L., Menard, F., Meyer, M. R., Pavlov, A., Pragt, J., Puget, P., Quanz, S. P., Rickman, E., Roelfsema, R., Salasnich, B., Sauvage, J.-F., Siebenmorgen, R., Sissa, E., Snik, F., Suarez, M., Szulágyi, J., Thalmann, C., Turatto, M., Udry, S., van Holstein, R. G., Vigan, A. and Wildi, F.: RefPlanets: Search for reflected light from extrasolar planets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A69 (2020)
Ishimoto, R., Kashikawa, N., Onoue, M., Matsuoka, Y., Izumi, T., Strauss, M. A., Fujimoto, S., Imanishi, M., Ito, K., Iwasawa, K., Kawaguchi, T., Lee, C.-H., Liang, Y., Lu, T.-Y., Momose, R., Toba, Y. and Uchiyama, H.: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XI. Proximity Zone Analysis for Faint Quasar Spectra at z ∼ 6. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 60 (2020)
Izzo, D. and Biscani, F.: dcgp: Differentiable Cartesian Genetic Programming made easy. The Journal of Open Source Software 5, 2290 (2020)
Johnston, K. G., Hoare, M. G., Beuther, H., Kuiper, R., Kee, N. D., Linz, H., Boley, P., Maud, L. T., Ahmadi, A. and Robitaille, T. P.: Spiral arms and instability within the AFGL 4176 mm1 disc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, L11 (2020)
Johnston, K. G., Hoare, M. G., Beuther, H., Linz, H., Boley, P., Kuiper, R., Kee, N. D. and Robitaille, T. P.: A Detailed View of the Circumstellar Environment and Disk of the Forming O-star AFGL 4176. The Astrophysical Journal 896, 35 (2020)
Jones, T. J., Kim, J.-A., Dowell, C. D., Morris, M. R., Pineda, J. L., Benford, D. J., Berthoud, M., Chuss, D. T., Dale, D. A., Fissel, L. M., Goldsmith, P. F., Hamilton, R. T., Hanany, S., Harper, D. A., Henning, T. K., Lazarian, A., Looney, L. W., Michail, J. M., Novak, G., Santos, F. P., Sheth, K., Siah, J., Stacey, G. J., Staguhn, J., Stephens, I. W., Tassis, K., Trinh, C. Q., Vaillancourt, J. E., Ward-Thompson, D., Werner, M., Wollack, E. J., Zweibel, E. G. and Team, H. S.: HAWC+ Far-infrared Observations of the Magnetic Field Geometry in M51 and NGC 891. The Astronomical Journal 160, 167 (2020)
Jordán, A., Bakos, G. Á., Bayliss, D., Bento, J., Bhatti, W., Brahm, R., Csubry, Z., Espinoza, N., Hartman, J. D., Henning, T., Mancini, L., Penev, K., Rabus, M., Sarkis, P., Suc, V., de Val-Borro, M., Zhou, G., Butler, R. P., Teske, J., Crane, J., Shectman, S., Tan, T. G., Thompson, I., Wallace, J. J., Lázár, J., Papp, I. and Sári, P.: HATS-37Ab and HATS-38b: Two Transiting Hot Neptunes in the Desert. The Astronomical Journal 160, 222 (2020)
Jordán, A., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., Henning, T., Jones, M. I., Kossakowski, D., Sarkis, P., Trifonov, T., Rojas, F., Torres, P., Drass, H., Nandakumar, S., Barbieri, M., Davis, A., Wang, S., Bayliss, D., Bouma, L., Dragomir, D., Eastman, J. D., Daylan, T., Guerrero, N., Barclay, T., Ting, E. B., Henze, C. E., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J., Jenkins, J. M., Wittenmyer, R. A., Bowler, B. P., Crossfield, I., Horner, J., Kane, S. R., Kielkopf, J. F., Morton, T. D., Plavchan, P., Tinney, C. G., Addison, B., Mengel, M. W., Okumura, J., Shahaf, S., Mazeh, T., Rabus, M., Shporer, A., Ziegler, C., Mann, A. W. and Hart, R.: TOI-677b: A Warm Jupiter (P = 11.2 days) on an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Late F-type Star. The Astronomical Journal 159, 145 (2020)
Kadam, K., Vorobyov, E., Regály, Z., Kóspál, Á. and Ábrahám, P.: Outbursts in Global Protoplanetary Disk Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 41 (2020)
Karnath, N., Megeath, S. T., Tobin, J. J., Stutz, A., Li, Z.-Y., Sheehan, P., Reynolds, N., Sadavoy, S., Stephens, I. W., Osorio, M., Anglada, G., Díaz-Rodríguez, A. K. and Cox, E.: Detection of Irregular, Submillimeter Opaque Structures in the Orion Molecular Clouds: Protostars within 10,000 yr of Formation? The Astrophysical Journal 890, 129 (2020)
Kasper, M., Santhakumari, K. K. R., Herbst, T. M., van Boekel, R., Menard, F., Gratton, R., van Holstein, R. G., Langlois, M., Ginski, C., Boccaletti, A., Benisty, M., de Boer, J., Delorme, P., Desidera, S., Dominik, C., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Heidt, J., Köhler, R., Mesa, D., Messina, S., Pavlov, A., Petit, C., Rickman, E., Roux, A., Rigal, F., Vigan, A., Wahhaj, Z. and Zurlo, A.: A triple star in disarray. Multi-epoch observations of T Tauri with VLT-SPHERE and LBT-LUCI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A114 (2020)
Kato, N., Matsuoka, Y., Onoue, M., Koyama, S., Toba, Y., Akiyama, M., Fujimoto, S., Imanishi, M., Iwasawa, K., Izumi, T., Kashikawa, N., Kawaguchi, T., Lee, C.-H., Minezaki, T., Nagao, T., Noboriguchi, A. and Strauss, M. A.: Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). IX. Identification of two red quasars at z > 5.6. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 72, 84 (2020)
Kemmer, J., Stock, S., Kossakowski, D., Kaminski, A., Molaverdikhani, K., Schlecker, M., Caballero, J. A., Amado, P. J., Astudillo-Defru, N., Bonfils, X., Ciardi, D., Collins, K. A., Espinoza, N., Fukui, A., Hirano, T., Jenkins, J. M., Latham, D. W., Matthews, E. C., Narita, N., Pallé, E., Parviainen, H., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Ricker, G., Schlieder, J. E., Seager, S., Vanderspek, R., Winn, J. N., Almenara, J. M., Béjar, V. J. S., Bluhm, P., Bouchy, F., Boyd, P., Christiansen, J. L., Cifuentes, C., Cloutier, R., Collins, K. I., Cortés-Contreras, M., Crossfield, I. J. M., Crouzet, N., de Leon, J. P., Della-Rose, D. D., Delfosse, X., Dreizler, S., Esparza-Borges, E., Essack, Z., Forveille, T., Figueira, P., Galadí-Enríquez, D., Gan, T., Glidden, A., Gonzales, E. J., Guerra, P., Harakawa, H., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Herrero, E., Hodapp, K., Hori, Y., Howell, S. B., Ikoma, M., Isogai, K., Jeffers, S. V., Kürster, M., Kawauchi, K., Kimura, T., Klagyivik, P., Kotani, T., Kurokawa, T., Kusakabe, N., Kuzuhara, M., Lafarga, M., Livingston, J. H., Luque, R., Matson, R., Morales, J. C., Mori, M., Muirhead, P. S., Murgas, F., Nishikawa, J., Nishiumi, T., Omiya, M., Reffert, S., Rodríguez López, C., Santos, N. C., Schöfer, P., Schwarz, R. P., Shiao, B., Tamura, M., Terada, Y., Twicken, J. D., Ueda, A., Vievard, S., Watanabe, N. and Zechmeister, M.: Discovery of a hot, transiting, Earth-sized planet and a second temperate, non-transiting planet around the M4 dwarf GJ 3473 (TOI-488). Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A236 (2020)
Kennedy, G. M., Ginski, C., Kenworthy, M. A., Benisty, M., Henning, T., van Holstein, R. G., Kral, Q., Ménard, F., Milli, J., Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H., Rab, C., Stolker, T. and Sturm, A.: A low-mass stellar companion to the young variable star RZ Psc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, L75-L79 (2020)
Keppler, M., Penzlin, A., Benisty, M., van Boekel, R., Henning, T., van Holstein, R. G., Kley, W., Garufi, A., Ginski, C., Brandner, W., Bertrang, G. H.-M., Boccaletti, A., de Boer, J., Bonavita, M., Brown Sevilla, S., Chauvin, G., Dominik, C., Janson, M., Langlois, M., Lodato, G., Maire, A.-L., Ménard, F., Pantin, E., Pinte, C., Stolker, T., Szulágyi, J., Thebault, P., Villenave, M., Zurlo, A., Rabou, P., Feautrier, P., Feldt, M., Madec, F. and Wildi, F.: Gap, shadows, spirals, and streamers: SPHERE observations of binary-disk interactions in GG Tauri A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A62 (2020)
Kimura, H., Kolokolova, L., Li, A., Kaneda, H., Augereau, J.-C. and Jäger, C.: Cosmic Dust X. Planetary and Space Science 183, 104854 (2020)
Kirchschlager, F. and Bertrang, G. H.-M.: Self-scattering of non-spherical dust grains. The limitations of perfect compact spheres. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A116 (2020)
Klaassen, P. D., Reiter, M. R., McLeod, A. F., Mottram, J. C., Dale, J. E. and Gritschneder, M.: Carina's pillars of destruction: the view from ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 178-200 (2020)
Klahr, H. and Schreiber, A.: Turbulence Sets the Length Scale for Planetesimal Formation: Local 2D Simulations of Streaming Instability and Planetesimal Formation. The Astrophysical Journal 901, 54 (2020)
Kluska, J., Berger, J.-P., Malbet, F., Lazareff, B., Benisty, M., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Absil, O., Baron, F., Delboulbé, A., Duvert, G., Isella, A., Jocou, L., Juhasz, A., Kraus, S., Lachaume, R., Ménard, F., Millan-Gabet, R., Monnier, J. D., Moulin, T., Perraut, K., Rochat, S., Pinte, C., Soulez, F., Tallon, M., Thi, W.-F., Thiébaut, E., Traub, W. and Zins, G.: A family portrait of disk inner rims around Herbig Ae/Be stars. Hunting for warps, rings, self shadowing, and misalignments in the inner astronomical units. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A116 (2020)
Körtgen, B. and Soler, J. D.: The relative orientation between the magnetic field and gas density structures in non-gravitating turbulent media. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 4785-4792 (2020)
Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Carmona, A., Chen, L., Green, J. D., van Boekel, R. and White, J. A.: Grain Growth in Newly Discovered Young Eruptive Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 895, L48 (2020)
Kóspál, Á., Szabó, Z. M., Ábrahám, P., Kraus, S., Takami, M., Lucas, P. W., Contreras Peña, C. and Udalski, A.: V346 Nor: The Post-outburst Life of a Peculiar Young Eruptive Star. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 148 (2020)
Kostov, V. B., Orosz, J. A., Feinstein, A. D., Welsh, W. F., Cukier, W., Haghighipour, N., Quarles, B., Martin, D. V., Montet, B. T., Torres, G., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Barclay, T., Boyd, P., Briceno, C., Cameron, A. C., Correia, A. C. M., Gilbert, E. A., Gill, S., Gillon, M., Haqq-Misra, J., Hellier, C., Dressing, C., Fabrycky, D. C., Furesz, G., Jenkins, J. M., Kane, S. R., Kopparapu, R., Hodžić, V. K., Latham, D. W., Law, N., Levine, A. M., Li, G., Lintott, C., Lissauer, J. J., Mann, A. W., Mazeh, T., Mardling, R., Maxted, P. F. L., Eisner, N., Pepe, F., Pepper, J., Pollacco, D., Quinn, S. N., Quintana, E. V., Rowe, J. F., Ricker, G., Rose, M. E., Seager, S., Santerne, A., Ségransan, D., Short, D. R., Smith, J. C., Standing, M. R., Tokovinin, A., Trifonov, T., Turner, O., Twicken, J. D., Udry, S., Vanderspek, R., Winn, J. N., Wolf, E. T., Ziegler, C., Ansorge, P., Barnet, F., Bergeron, J., Huten, M., Pappa, G. and van der Straeten, T.: TOI-1338: TESS' First Transiting Circumbinary Planet. The Astronomical Journal 159, 253 (2020)
Kral, Q., Matrà, L., Kennedy, G. M., Marino, S. and Wyatt, M. C.: Survey of planetesimal belts with ALMA: gas detected around the Sun-like star HD 129590. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 2811-2830 (2020)
Krasnokutski, S. A., Jäger, C. and Henning, T.: Condensation of Atomic Carbon: Possible Routes toward Glycine. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 67 (2020)
Krumholz, M. R., Ireland, M. J. and Kratter, K. M.: Dynamics of small grains in transitional discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 3023-3042 (2020)
Ksoll, V. F., Ardizzone, L., Klessen, R., Koethe, U., Sabbi, E., Robberto, M., Gouliermis, D., Rother, C., Zeidler, P. and Gennaro, M.: Stellar parameter determination from photometry using invertible neural networks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 5447-5485 (2020)
Lafarga, M., Ribas, I., Lovis, C., Perger, M., Zechmeister, M., Bauer, F. F., Kürster, M., Cortés-Contreras, M., Morales, J. C., Herrero, E., Rosich, A., Baroch, D., Reiners, A., Caballero, J. A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Alacid, J. M., Béjar, V. J. S., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Montes, D., Pedraz, S., Rodríguez-López, C. and Schmitt, J. H. M. M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Radial velocities and activity indicators from cross-correlation functions with weighted binary masks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A36 (2020)
Lagrange, A. M., Rubini, P., Nowak, M., Lacour, S., Grandjean, A., Boccaletti, A., Langlois, M., Delorme, P., Gratton, R., Wang, J., Flasseur, O., Galicher, R., Kral, Q., Meunier, N., Beust, H., Babusiaux, C., Le Coroller, H., Thebault, P., Kervella, P., Zurlo, A., Maire, A.-L., Wahhaj, Z., Amorim, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Benisty, M., Berger, J. P., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Charnay, B., Chauvin, G., Choquet, E., Clénet, Y., Christiaens, V., Coudé Du Foresto, V., de Zeeuw, P. T., Desidera, S., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Galland, F., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Girard, J., Hagelberg, J., Haubois, X., Henning, T., Heissel, G., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Janson, M., Kammerer, J., Kenworthy, M., Keppler, M., Kreidberg, L., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Mérand, A., Messina, S., Mollière, P., Monnier, J. D., Ott, T., Otten, G., Paumard, T., Paladini, C., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pueyo, L., Pfuhl, O., Rodet, L., Rodriguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Samland, M., Shangguan, J., Schmidt, T., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Stolker, T., Vigan, A., Vincent, F., Widmann, F., Woillez, J. and GRAVITY Collaboration: Unveiling the β Pictoris system, coupling high contrast imaging, interferometric, and radial velocity data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A18 (2020)
Lampón, M., López-Puertas, M., Lara, L. M., Sánchez-López, A., Salz, M., Czesla, S., Sanz-Forcada, J., Molaverdikhani, K., Alonso-Floriano, F. J., Nortmann, L., Caballero, J. A., Bauer, F. F., Pallé, E., Montes, D., Quirrenbach, A., Nagel, E., Ribas, I., Reiners, A. and Amado, P. J.: Modelling the He I triplet absorption at 10 830 Å in the atmosphere of HD 209458 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A13 (2020)
Launhardt, R., Henning, T., Quirrenbach, A., Ségransan, D., Avenhaus, H., van Boekel, R., Brems, S. S., Cheetham, A. C., Cugno, G., Girard, J., Godoy, N., Kennedy, G. M., Maire, A.-L., Metchev, S., Müller, A., Musso Barcucci, A., Olofsson, J., Pepe, F., Quanz, S. P., Queloz, D., Reffert, S., Rickman, E. L., Ruh, H. L. and Samland, M.: ISPY-NACO Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. Survey description and results from the first 2.5 years of observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A162 (2020)
Lawson, K., Currie, T., Wisniewski, J. P., Tamura, M., Schneider, G., Augereau, J.-C., Brandt, T. D., Guyon, O., Kasdin, N. J., Groff, T. D., Lozi, J., Chilcote, J., Hodapp, K., Jovanovic, N., Martinache, F., Skaf, N., Akiyama, E., Henning, T., Knapp, G. R., Kwon, J., Mayama, S., McElwain, M. W., Sitko, M. L., Asensio-Torres, R., Uyama, T. and Wagner, K.: SCExAO/CHARIS Near-infrared Integral Field Spectroscopy of the HD 15115 Debris Disk. The Astronomical Journal 160, 163 (2020)
Lazzoni, C., Zurlo, A., Desidera, S., Mesa, D., Fontanive, C., Bonavita, M., Ertel, S., Rice, K., Vigan, A., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Chauvin, G., Delorme, P., Gratton, R., Houllé, M., Maire, A. L., Meyer, M., Rickman, E., Spalding, E. A., Asensio-Torres, R., Langlois, M., Müller, A., Baudino, J.-L., Beuzit, J.-L., Biller, B., Brandner, W., Buenzli, E., Cantalloube, F., Cheetham, A., Cudel, M., Feldt, M., Galicher, R., Janson, M., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Kasper, M., Keppler, M., Lagrange, A.-M., Lannier, J., LeCoroller, H., Mouillet, D., Peretti, S., Perrot, C., Salter, G., Samland, M., Schmidt, T., Sissa, E. and Wildi, F.: The search for disks or planetary objects around directly imaged companions: a candidate around DH Tauri B. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A131 (2020)
Le Coroller, H., Nowak, M., Delorme, P., Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Devinat, M., Bec-Canet, J., Schneeberger, A., Estevez, D., Arnold, L., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Boccaletti, A., Desgrange, C., Desidera, S., Galicher, R., Lagrange, A. M., Langlois, M., Maire, A. L., Menard, F., Vernazza, P., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Fenouillet, T., Lambert, J. C., Bonavita, M., Cheetham, A., D'orazi, V., Feldt, M., Janson, M., Ligi, R., Mesa, D., Meyer, M., Samland, M., Sissa, E., Beuzit, J.-L., Dohlen, K., Fusco, T., Le Mignant, D., Mouillet, D., Ramos, J., Rochat, S. and Sauvage, J. F.: K-Stacker: an algorithm to hack the orbital parameters of planets hidden in high-contrast imaging. First applications to VLT/SPHERE multi-epoch observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A113 (2020)
Lendl, M., Bouchy, F., Gill, S., Nielsen, L. D., Turner, O., Stassun, K., Acton, J. S., Anderson, D. R., Armstrong, D. J., Bayliss, D., Belardi, C., Bryant, E. M., Burleigh, M. R., Chaushev, A., Casewell, S. L., Cooke, B. F., Eigmüller, P., Gillen, E., Goad, M. R., Günther, M. N., Hagelberg, J., Jenkins, J. S., Louden, T., Marmier, M., McCormac, J., Moyano, M., Pollacco, D., Raynard, L., Tilbrook, R. H., Udry, S., Vines, J. I., West, R. G., Wheatley, P. J., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J., Jenkins, J. M., Addison, B., Briceño, C., Brahm, R., Caldwell, D. A., Doty, J., Espinoza, N., Goeke, B., Henning, T., Jordán, A., Krishnamurthy, A., Law, N., Morris, R., Okumura, J., Mann, A. W., Rodriguez, J. E., Sarkis, P., Schlieder, J., Twicken, J. D., Villanueva, S., Wittenmyer, R. A., Wright, D. J. and Ziegler, C.: TOI-222: a single-transit TESS candidate revealed to be a 34-d eclipsing binary with CORALIE, EulerCam, and NGTS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 1761-1769 (2020)
Lenz, C. T., Klahr, H., Birnstiel, T., Kretke, K. and Stammler, S.: Constraining the parameter space for the solar nebula. The effect of disk properties on planetesimal formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A61 (2020)
Li, S., Zhang, Q., Liu, H. B., Beuther, H., Palau, A., Girart, J. M., Smith, H., Hora, J. L., Lin, Y., Qiu, K., Strom, S., Wang, J., Li, F. and Yue, N.: ALMA Observations of NGC 6334S. I. Forming Massive Stars and Clusters in Subsonic and Transonic Filamentary Clouds. The Astrophysical Journal 896, 110 (2020)
Li, Z., Li, Z., Smith, M. W. L., Wilson, C. D., Gao, Y., Eales, S. A., Ao, Y., Bureau, M., Chung, A., Davis, T. A., de Grijs, R., Eden, D. J., He, J., Hughes, T. M., Jiang, X., Kemper, F., Lamperti, I., Lee, B., Lee, C.-H., Michałowski, M. J., Parsons, H., Ragan, S., Scicluna, P., Shi, Y., Tang, X., Tomičić, N., Viaene, S., Williams, T. G. and Zhu, M.: The HASHTAG project I. A survey of CO(3-2) emission from the star forming disc of M31. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 195-209 (2020)
Linz, H., Bhatia, D., Buinhas, L., Lezius, M., Ferrer, E., Förstner, R., Frankl, K., Philips-Blum, M., Steen, M., Bestmann, U., Hänsel, W., Holzwarth, R., Krause, O. and Pany, T.: InfraRed Astronomy Satellite Swarm Interferometry (IRASSI): Overview and study results. Advances in Space Research 65, 831-849 (2020)
Liu, B., Lambrechts, M., Johansen, A., Pascucci, I. and Henning, T.: Pebble-driven planet formation around very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A88 (2020)
Liu, S.-Y., Su, Y.-N., Zinchenko, I., Wang, K.-S., Meyer, D. M.-A., Wang, Y. and Hsieh, I.-T.: ALMA View of the Infalling Envelope around a Massive Protostar in S255IR SMA1. The Astrophysical Journal 904, 181 (2020)
Lombart, M., Chauvin, G., Rojo, P., Lagadec, E., Delorme, P., Beust, H., Bonnefoy, M., Galicher, R., Gratton, R., Mesa, D., Bonavita, M., Allard, F., Bayo, A., Boccaletti, A., Desidera, S., Girard, J., Jenkins, J. S., Klahr, H., Laibe, G., Lagrange, A.-M., Lazzoni, C., Marleau, G.-D., Minniti, D. and Mordasini, C.: VLT/SPHERE survey for exoplanets around young early-type stars, including systems with multi-belt architectures. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A54 (2020)
Long, F., Pinilla, P., Herczeg, G. J., Andrews, S. M., Harsono, D., Johnstone, D., Ragusa, E., Pascucci, I., Wilner, D. J., Hendler, N., Jennings, J., Liu, Y., Lodato, G., Menard, F., van de Plas, G. and Dipierro, G.: Dual-wavelength ALMA Observations of Dust Rings in Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 898, 36 (2020)
Mai, C., Desch, S. J., Kuiper, R., Marleau, G.-D. and Dullemond, C.: The Dynamic Proto-atmospheres around Low-mass Planets with Eccentric Orbits. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 54 (2020)
Maire, A.-L., Baudino, J.-L., Desidera, S., Messina, S., Brandner, W., Godoy, N., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Bonnefoy, M., Hagelberg, J., Olofsson, J., Absil, O., Chauvin, G., Henning, T. and Langlois, M.: A dusty benchmark brown dwarf near the ice line of HD 72946. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, L2 (2020)
Maire, A.-L., Molaverdikhani, K., Desidera, S., Trifonov, T., Mollière, P., D'Orazi, V., Frankel, N., Baudino, J.-L., Messina, S., Müller, A., Charnay, B., Cheetham, A. C., Delorme, P., Ligi, R., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., Mesa, D., Cantalloube, F., Galicher, R., Henning, T., Biller, B. A., Hagelberg, J., Lagrange, A.-M., Lavie, B., Rickman, E., Ségransan, D., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Gratton, R., Langlois, M., Vigan, A., Meyer, M. R., Beuzit, J.-L., Bhowmik, T., Boccaletti, A., Lazzoni, C., Perrot, C., Schmidt, T., Zurlo, A., Gluck, L., Pragt, J., Ramos, J., Roelfsema, R., Roux, A. and Sauvage, J.-F.: Orbital and spectral characterization of the benchmark T-type brown dwarf HD 19467B. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A47 (2020)
Mancini, L., Sarkis, P., Henning, T., Bakos, G. Á., Bayliss, D., Bento, J., Bhatti, W., Brahm, R., Csubry, Z., Espinoza, N., Hartman, J., Jordán, A., Penev, K., Rabus, M., Suc, V., de Val-Borro, M., Zhou, G., Chen, G., Damasso, M., Southworth, J. and Tan, T. G.: The highly inflated giant planet WASP-174b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A30 (2020)
Manger, N., Klahr, H., Kley, W. and Flock, M.: High resolution parameter study of the vertical shear instability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 1841-1853 (2020)
Mardini, M. K., Placco, V. M., Meiron, Y., Ishchenko, M., Avramov, B., Mazzarini, M., Berczik, P., Arca Sedda, M., Beers, T. C., Frebel, A., Taani, A., Donnari, M., Al-Wardat, M. A. and Zhao, G.: Cosmological Insights into the Early Accretion of r-process-enhanced Stars. I. A Comprehensive Chemodynamical Analysis of LAMOST J1109+0754. The Astrophysical Journal 903, 88 (2020)
Marino, S., Flock, M., Henning, T., Kral, Q., Matrà, L. and Wyatt, M. C.: Population synthesis of exocometary gas around A stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 4409-4429 (2020)
Marino, S., Wyatt, M. C., Kennedy, G. M., Kama, M., Matrà, L., Triaud, A. H. M. J. and Henning, T.: Searching for a dusty cometary belt around TRAPPIST-1 with ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 6067-6073 (2020)
Marino, S., Zurlo, A., Faramaz, V., Milli, J., Henning, T., Kennedy, G. M., Matrà, L., Pérez, S., Delorme, P., Cieza, L. A. and Hughes, A. M.: Insights into the planetary dynamics of HD 206893 with ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 1319-1334 (2020)
Martocchia, S., Kamann, S., Saracino, S., Usher, C., Bastian, N., Rejkuba, M., Latour, M., Lardo, C., Cabrera-Ziri, I., Dreizler, S., Kacharov, N., Kozhurina-Platais, V., Larsen, S., Mancino, S., Platais, I. and Salaris, M.: Leveraging HST with MUSE: II. Na-abundance variations in intermediate age star clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 1200-1211 (2020)
Matrà, L., Dent, W. R. F., Wilner, D. J., Marino, S., Wyatt, M. C., Marshall, J. P., Su, K. Y. L., Chavez, M., Hales, A., Hughes, A. M., Greaves, J. S. and Corder, S. A.: Dust Populations in the Iconic Vega Planetary System Resolved by ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal 898, 146 (2020)
Mayama, S., Pérez, S., Kusakabe, N., Muto, T., Tsukagoshi, T., Sitko, M. L., Takami, M., Hashimoto, J., Dong, R., Kwon, J., Hayashi, S. S., Kudo, T., Kuzuhara, M., Follette, K., Fukagawa, M., Momose, M., Oh, D., de Leon, J., Akiyama, E., Wisniewski, J. P., Yang, Y., Abe, L., Brandner, W., Brandt, T. D., Bonnefoy, M., Carson, J. C., Chilcote, J., Currie, T., Feldt, M., Goto, M., Grady, C. A., Groff, T., Guyon, O., Hayano, Y., Hayashi, M., Henning, T., Hodapp, K. W., Ishii, M., Iye, M., Janson, M., Jovanovic, N., Kandori, R., Kasdin, J., Knapp, G. R., Lozi, J., Martinache, F., Matsuo, T., McElwain, M. W., Miyama, S., Morino, J.-I., Moro-Martin, A., Nakagawa, T., Nishimura, T., Pyo, T.-S., Rich, E. A., Serabyn, E., Suto, H., Suzuki, R., Takato, N., Terada, H., Thalmann, C., Tomono, D., Turner, E. L., Watanabe, M., Yamada, T., Takami, H., Usuda, T., Uyama, T. and Tamura, M.: Subaru Near-infrared Imaging Polarimetry of Misaligned Disks around the SR 24 Hierarchical Triple System. The Astronomical Journal 159, 12 (2020)
Ménard, F., Cuello, N., Ginski, C., van der Plas, G., Villenave, M., Gonzalez, J.-F., Pinte, C., Benisty, M., Boccaletti, A., Price, D. J., Boehler, Y., Chripko, S., de Boer, J., Dominik, C., Garufi, A., Gratton, R., Hagelberg, J., Henning, T., Langlois, M., Maire, A. L., Pinilla, P., Ruane, G. J., Schmid, H. M., van Holstein, R. G., Vigan, A., Zurlo, A., Hubin, N., Pavlov, A., Rochat, S., Sauvage, J.-F. and Stadler, E.: Ongoing flyby in the young multiple system UX Tauri. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, L1 (2020)
Mireles, I., Shporer, A., Grieves, N., Zhou, G., Günther, M. N., Brahm, R., Ziegler, C., Stassun, K. G., Huang, C. X., Nielsen, L., dos Santos, L. A., Udry, S., Bouchy, F., Ireland, M., Wallace, A., Sarkis, P., Henning, T., Jordán, A., Law, N., Mann, A. W., Paredes, L. A., James, H.-S., Jao, W.-C., Henry, T. J., Butler, R. P., Rodriguez, J. E., Yu, L., Flowers, E., Ricker, G. R., Latham, D. W., Vanderspek, R., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Furesz, G., Hesse, K., Quintana, E. V., Rose, M. E., Smith, J. C., Tenenbaum, P., Vezie, M., Yahalomi, D. A. and Zhan, Z.: TOI 694b and TIC 220568520b: Two Low-mass Companions near the Hydrogen-burning Mass Limit Orbiting Sun-like Stars. The Astronomical Journal 160, 133 (2020)
Miret-Roig, N., Galli, P. A. B., Brandner, W., Bouy, H., Barrado, D., Olivares, J., Antoja, T., Romero-Gómez, M., Figueras, F. and Lillo-Box, J.: Dynamical traceback age of the β Pictoris moving group. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A179 (2020)
Miyazaki, S., Sumi, T., Bennett, D. P., Udalski, A., Shvartzvald, Y., Street, R., Bozza, V., Yee, J. C., Bond, I. A., Rattenbury, N., Koshimoto, N., Suzuki, D., Fukui, A., Abe, F., Bhattacharya, A., Barry, R., Donachie, M., Fujii, H., Hirao, Y., Itow, Y., Kamei, Y., Kondo, I., Li, M. C. A., Ling, C. H., Matsubara, Y., Matsuo, T., Muraki, Y., Nagakane, M., Ohnishi, K., Ranc, C., Saito, T., Sharan, A., Shibai, H., Suematsu, H., Sullivan, D. J., Tristram, P. J., Yamakawa, T., Yonehara, A., MOA Collaboration, Skowron, J., Poleski, R., Mróz, P., Szymański, M. K., Soszyński, I., Pietrukowicz, P., KozŁowski, S., Ulaczyk, K., Wyrzykowski, Ł., OGLE Collaboration, Friedmann, M., Kaspi, S., Maoz, D., Team, W., Albrow, M., Christie, G., DePoy, D. L., Gal-Yam, A., Gould, A., Lee, C.-U., Manulis, I., McCormick, J., Natusch, T., Ngan, H., Pogge, R. W., Porritt, I., μFUN Collaboration, Tsapras, Y., Bachelet, E., Hundertmark, M. P. G., Dominik, M., Bramich, D. M., Cassan, A., Jaimes, R. F., Horne, K., Schmidt, R., Snodgrass, C., Wambsganss, J., Steele, I. A., Menzies, J., Mao, S., RoboNet Collabofratino, Jørgensen, U. G., Burgdorf, M. J., Ciceri, S., Novati, S. C., D'Ago, G., Evans, D. F., Hinse, T. C., Kains, N., Kerins, E., Korhonen, H., Mancini, L., Popovas, A., Rabus, M., Rahvar, S., Scarpetta, G., Skottfelt, J., Southworth, J., D'Ago, G., Peixinho, N., Verma, P. and MiNDSTEp Collaboration: OGLE-2013-BLG-0911Lb: A Secondary on the Brown-dwarf Planet Boundary around an M Dwarf. The Astronomical Journal 159, 76 (2020)
Molaverdikhani, K., Helling, C., Lew, B. W. P., MacDonald, R. J., Samra, D., Iro, N., Woitke, P. and Parmentier, V.: Understanding the atmospheric properties and chemical composition of the ultra-hot Jupiter HAT-P-7b. II. Mapping the effects of gas kinetics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A31 (2020)
Molaverdikhani, K., Henning, T. and Mollière, P.: The Role of Clouds on the Depletion of Methane and Water Dominance in the Transmission Spectra of Irradiated Exoplanets. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 53 (2020)
Mollière, P., Stolker, T., Lacour, S., Otten, G. P. P. L., Shangguan, J., Charnay, B., Molyarova, T., Nowak, M., Henning, T., Marleau, G.-D., Semenov, D. A., van Dishoeck, E., Eisenhauer, F., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Girard, J. H., Greenbaum, A. Z., Hinkley, S., Kervella, P., Kreidberg, L., Maire, A.-L., Nasedkin, E., Pueyo, L., Snellen, I. A. G., Vigan, A., Wang, J., de Zeeuw, P. T. and Zurlo, A.: Retrieving scattering clouds and disequilibrium chemistry in the atmosphere of HR 8799e. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A131 (2020)
Mombarg, J. S. G., Dotter, A., Van Reeth, T., Tkachenko, A., Gebruers, S. and Aerts, C.: Asteroseismic Modeling of Gravity Modes in Slowly Rotating A/F Stars with Radiative Levitation. The Astrophysical Journal 895, 51 (2020)
Montes, V. A., Hofner, P., Oskinova, L. M. and Linz, H.: A Chandra X-Ray and Infrared Study of the Stellar Population in the High-mass Star-forming Region IRAS 16562-3959. The Astrophysical Journal 888, 118 (2020)
Mottram, J. C., Beuther, H., Ahmadi, A., Klaassen, P. D., Beltrán, M. T., Csengeri, T., Feng, S., Gieser, C., Henning, T., Johnston, K. G., Kuiper, R., Leurini, S., Linz, H., Longmore, S. N., Lumsden, S., Maud, L. T., Moscadelli, L., Palau, A., Peters, T., Pudritz, R. E., Ragan, S. E., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Semenov, D., Urquhart, J. S., Winters, J. M. and Zinnecker, H.: From clump to disc scales in W3 IRS4. A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large programme CORE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A118 (2020)
Muro-Arena, G. A., Benisty, M., Ginski, C., Dominik, C., Facchini, S., Villenave, M., van Boekel, R., Chauvin, G., Garufi, A., Henning, T., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Matter, A., Ménard, F., Stolker, T., Zurlo, A., Blanchard, P., Maurel, D., Moeller-Nilsson, O., Petit, C., Roux, A., Sevin, A. and Wildi, F.: Shadowing and multiple rings in the protoplanetary disk of HD 139614. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A121 (2020)
Muro-Arena, G. A., Ginski, C., Dominik, C., Benisty, M., Pinilla, P., Bohn, A. J., Moldenhauer, T., Kley, W., Harsono, D., Henning, T., van Holstein, R. G., Janson, M., Keppler, M., Ménard, F., Pérez, L. M., Stolker, T., Tazzari, M., Villenave, M., Zurlo, A., Petit, C., Rigal, F., Möller-Nilsson, O., Llored, M., Moulin, T. and Rabou, P.: Spirals inside the millimeter cavity of transition disk SR 21. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, L4 (2020)
Nagy, Z., Menechella, A., Megeath, S. T., Tobin, J. J., Booker, J. J., Fischer, W. J., Manoj, P., Stanke, T., Stutz, A. and Wyrowski, F.: An APEX survey of outflow and infall toward the youngest protostars in Orion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A137 (2020)
Nielsen, L. D., Brahm, R., Bouchy, F., Espinoza, N., Turner, O., Rappaport, S., Pearce, L., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Acton, J. S., Bakos, G., Barclay, T., Barkaoui, K., Bhatti, W., Briceño, C., Bryant, E. M., Burleigh, M. R., Ciardi, D. R., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Cooke, B. F., Csubry, Z., dos Santos, L. A., Eigmüller, P., Fausnaugh, M. M., Gan, T., Gillon, M., Goad, M. R., Guerrero, N., Hagelberg, J., Hart, R., Henning, T., Huang, C. X., Jehin, E., Jenkins, J. S., Jordán, A., Kielkopf, J. F., Kossakowski, D., Lavie, B., Law, N., Lendl, M., de Leon, J. P., Lovis, C., Mann, A. W., Marmier, M., McCormac, J., Mori, M., Moyano, M., Narita, N., Osip, D., Otegi, J. F., Pepe, F., Pozuelos, F. J., Raynard, L., Relles, H. M., Sarkis, P., Ségransan, D., Seidel, J. V., Shporer, A., Stalport, M., Stockdale, C., Suc, V., Tamura, M., Tan, T. G., Tilbrook, R. H., Ting, E. B., Trifonov, T., Udry, S., Vanderburg, A., Wheatley, P. J., Wingham, G., Zhan, Z. and Ziegler, C.: Three short-period Jupiters from TESS. HIP 65Ab, TOI-157b, and TOI-169b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A76 (2020)
Nielsen, L. D., Gandolfi, D., Armstrong, D. J., Jenkins, J. S., Fridlund, M., Santos, N. C., Dai, F., Adibekyan, V., Luque, R., Steffen, J. H., Esposito, M., Meru, F., Sabotta, S., Bolmont, E., Kossakowski, D., Otegi, J. F., Murgas, F., Stalport, M., Rodler, F., Díaz, M. R., Kurtovic, N. T., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Allart, R., Almenara, J. M., Barrado, D., Barros, S. C. C., Bayliss, D., Berdiñas, Z. M., Boisse, I., Bouchy, F., Boyd, P., Brown, D. J. A., Bryant, E. M., Burke, C., Cochran, W. D., Cooke, B. F., Demangeon, O. D. S., Díaz, R. F., Dittman, J., Dorn, C., Dumusque, X., García, R. A., González-Cuesta, L., Grziwa, S., Georgieva, I., Guerrero, N., Hatzes, A. P., Helled, R., Henze, C. E., Hojjatpanah, S., Korth, J., Lam, K. W. F., Lillo-Box, J., Lopez, T. A., Livingston, J., Mathur, S., Mousis, O., Narita, N., Osborn, H. P., Palle, E., Rojas, P. A. P., Persson, C. M., Quinn, S. N., Rauer, H., Redfield, S., Santerne, A., dos Santos, L. A., Seidel, J. V., Sousa, S. G., Ting, E. B., Turbet, M., Udry, S., Vanderburg, A., Van Eylen, V., Vines, J. I., Wheatley, P. J. and Wilson, P. A.: Mass determinations of the three mini-Neptunes transiting TOI-125. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 5399-5412 (2020)
Niida, M., Nagao, T., Ikeda, H., Akiyama, M., Matsuoka, Y., He, W., Matsuoka, K., Toba, Y., Onoue, M., Kobayashi, M. A. R., Taniguchi, Y., Furusawa, H., Harikane, Y., Imanishi, M., Kashikawa, N., Kawaguchi, T., Komiyama, Y., Shirakata, H., Terashima, Y. and Ueda, Y.: The Faint End of the Quasar Luminosity Function at z ∼ 5 from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 904, 89 (2020)
Nowak, G., Luque, R., Parviainen, H., Pallé, E., Molaverdikhani, K., Béjar, V. J. S., Lillo-Box, J., Rodríguez-López, C., Caballero, J. A., Zechmeister, M., Passegger, V. M., Cifuentes, C., Schweitzer, A., Narita, N., Cale, B., Espinoza, N., Murgas, F., Hidalgo, D., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Pozuelos, F. J., Aceituno, F. J., Amado, P. J., Barkaoui, K., Barrado, D., Bauer, F. F., Benkhaldoun, Z., Caldwell, D. A., Casasayas Barris, N., Chaturvedi, P., Chen, G., Collins, K. A., Collins, K. I., Cortés-Contreras, M., Crossfield, I. J. M., de León, J. P., Díez Alonso, E., Dreizler, S., El Mufti, M., Esparza-Borges, E., Essack, Z., Fukui, A., Gaidos, E., Gillon, M., Gonzales, E. J., Guerra, P., Hatzes, A., Henning, T., Herrero, E., Hesse, K., Hirano, T., Howell, S. B., Jeffers, S. V., Jehin, E., Jenkins, J. M., Kaminski, A., Kemmer, J., Kielkopf, J. F., Kossakowski, D., Kotani, T., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Latham, D. W., Law, N., Lissauer, J. J., Lodieu, N., Madrigal-Aguado, A., Mann, A. W., Massey, B., Matson, R. A., Matthews, E., Montañés-Rodríguez, P., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Mori, M., Nagel, E., Oshagh, M., Pedraz, S., Plavchan, P., Pollacco, D., Quirrenbach, A., Reffert, S., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Ricker, G. R., Rose, M. E., Schlecker, M., Schlieder, J. E., Seager, S., Stangret, M., Stock, S., Tamura, M., Tanner, A., Teske, J., Trifonov, T., Twicken, J. D., Vanderspek, R., Watanabe, D., Wittrock, J., Ziegler, C. and Zohrabi, F.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Two planets on opposite sides of the radius gap transiting the nearby M dwarf LTT 3780. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A173 (2020)
Nowak, G., Palle, E., Gandolfi, D., Deeg, H. J., Hirano, T., Barragán, O., Kuzuhara, M., Dai, F., Luque, R., Persson, C. M., Fridlund, M., Johnson, M. C., Korth, J., Livingston, J. H., Grziwa, S., Mathur, S., Hatzes, A. P., Prieto-Arranz, J., Nespral, D., Hidalgo, D., Hjorth, M., Albrecht, S., Van Eylen, V., Lam, K. W. F., Cochran, W. D., Esposito, M., Csizmadia, S., Guenther, E. W., Kabath, P., Blay, P., Brahm, R., Jordán, A., Espinoza, N., Rojas, F., Casasayas Barris, N., Rodler, F., Alonso Sobrino, R., Cabrera, J., Carleo, I., Chaushev, A., de Leon, J., Eigmüller, P., Endl, M., Erikson, A., Fukui, A., Georgieva, I., González-Cuesta, L., Knudstrup, E., Lund, M. N., Montañes Rodríguez, P., Murgas, F., Narita, N., Niraula, P., Pätzold, M., Rauer, H., Redfield, S., Ribas, I., Skarka, M., Smith, A. M. S. and Subjak, J.: K2-280 b - a low density warm sub-Saturn around a mildly evolved star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 4423-4435 (2020)
Nowak, M., Lacour, S., Lagrange, A.-M., Rubini, P., Wang, J., Stolker, T., Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Bauböck, M., Benisty, M., Berger, J. P., Beust, H., Blunt, S., Boccaletti, A., Bonnefoy, M., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Charnay, B., Choquet, E., Christiaens, V., Clénet, Y., Coudé Du Foresto, V., Cridland, A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dembet, R., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gardner, T., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Girard, J., Grandjean, A., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hinkley, S., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Houllé, M., Hubert, Z., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kammerer, J., Kervella, P., Keppler, M., Kreidberg, L., Kulikauskas, M., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Mérand, A., Maire, A.-L., Mollière, P., Monnier, J. D., Mouillet, D., Müller, A., Nasedkin, E., Ott, T., Otten, G., Paumard, T., Paladini, C., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pueyo, L., Pfuhl, O., Rameau, J., Rodet, L., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., van Dishoeck, E. F., Vigan, A., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Ward-Duong, K., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Woillez, J. and GRAVITY Collaboration: Direct confirmation of the radial-velocity planet β Pictoris c. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, L2 (2020)
Obermeier, C., Steuer, J., Kellermann, H., Saglia, R. P., Henning, T., Riffeser, A., Hopp, U., Stefansson, G., Cañas, C., Ninan, J., Mahadevan, S., Isaacson, H., Howard, A. W., Livingston, J., Koppenhoefer, J. and Bender, R.: Following the TraCS of exoplanets with Pan-Planets: Wendelstein-1b and Wendelstein-2b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A130 (2020)
Ohashi, S., Kataoka, A., van der Marel, N., Hull, C. L. H., Dent, W. R. F., Pohl, A., Pinilla, P., van Dishoeck, E. F. and Henning, T.: Solving Grain Size Inconsistency between ALMA Polarization and VLA Continuum in the Ophiuchus IRS 48 Protoplanetary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 900, 81 (2020)
Olguin, F. A., Hoare, M. G., Johnston, K. G., Motte, F., Chen, H.-R. V., Beuther, H., Mottram, J. C., Ahmadi, A., Gieser, C., Semenov, D., Peters, T., Palau, A., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Sánchez-Monge, Á. and Henning, T.: Multiwavelength modelling of the circumstellar environment of the massive protostar AFGL 2591 VLA 3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 4721-4744 (2020)
Olofsson, J., Milli, J., Bayo, A., Henning, T. and Engler, N.: The challenge of measuring the phase function of debris discs. Application to HR 4796 A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A12 (2020)
Oshagh, M., Bauer, F. F., Lafarga, M., Molaverdikhani, K., Amado, P. J., Nortmann, L., Reiners, A., Guzmán-Mesa, A., Pallé, E., Nagel, E., Caballero, J. A., Casasayas-Barris, N., Claret, A., Czesla, S., Galadí, D., Henning, T., Khalafinejad, S., López-Puertas, M., Montes, D., Quirrenbach, A., Ribas, I., Stangret, M., Yan, F., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: The widest broadband transmission spectrum (0.38-1.71 μm) of HD 189733b from ground-based chromatic Rossiter-McLaughlin observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A64 (2020)
Osherson, B., Filippini, J. P., Fu, J., Gramillano, R. V., Gualtieri, R., Shaw, E. C., Ade, P. A. R., Amiri, M., Benton, S. J., Bock, J. J., Bond, J. R., Bryan, S. A., Chiang, H. C., Contaldi, C. R., Dore, O., Fraisse, A. A., Gambrel, A. E., Gandilo, N. N., Gudmundsson, J. E., Halpern, M., Hartley, J. W., Hasselfield, M., Hilton, G., Holmes, W., Hristov, V. V., Irwin, K. D., Jones, W. C., Kermish, Z. D., Mason, P. V., Megerian, K., Moncelsi, L., Morford, T. A., Nagy, J. M., Netterfield, C. B., Padilla, I. L., Rahlin, A. S., Reintsema, C., Ruhl, J. E., Runyan, M. C., Shariff, J. A., Soler, J. D., Trangsrud, A., Tucker, C., Tucker, R. S., Turner, A. D., Weber, A. C., Wiebe, D. V. and Young, E. Y.: Particle Response of Antenna-Coupled TES Arrays: Results from SPIDER and the Laboratory. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199, 1127-1136 (2020)
Palle, E., Nortmann, L., Casasayas-Barris, N., Lampón, M., López-Puertas, M., Caballero, J. A., Sanz-Forcada, J., Lara, L. M., Nagel, E., Yan, F., Alonso-Floriano, F. J., Amado, P. J., Chen, G., Cifuentes, C., Cortés-Contreras, M., Czesla, S., Molaverdikhani, K., Montes, D., Passegger, V. M., Quirrenbach, A., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Sánchez-López, A., Schweitzer, A., Stangret, M., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: A He I upper atmosphere around the warm Neptune GJ 3470 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A61 (2020)
Passegger, V. M., Bello-García, A., Ordieres-Meré, J., Caballero, J. A., Schweitzer, A., González-Marcos, A., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Azzaro, M., Bauer, F. F., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Marfil, E., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Nagel, E., Sarro, L. M., Solano, E., Tabernero, H. M. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. A deep learning approach to determine fundamental parameters of target stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A22 (2020)
Pearce, B. K. D., Molaverdikhani, K., Pudritz, R. E., Henning, T. and Hébrard, E.: HCN Production in Titan's Atmosphere: Coupling Quantum Chemistry and Disequilibrium Atmospheric Modeling. The Astrophysical Journal 901, 110 (2020)
Pedersen, M. G., Escorza, A., Pápics, P. I. and Aerts, C.: Recipes for bolometric corrections and Gaia luminosities of B-type stars: application to an asteroseismic sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495, 2738-2753 (2020)
Pérez, S., Casassus, S., Hales, A., Marino, S., Cheetham, A., Zurlo, A., Cieza, L., Dong, R., Alarcón, F., Benítez-Llambay, P., Fomalont, E. and Avenhaus, H.: Long Baseline Observations of the HD 100546 Protoplanetary Disk with ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal 889, L24 (2020)
Petigura, E. A., Livingston, J., Batygin, K., Mills, S. M., Werner, M., Isaacson, H., Fulton, B. J., Howard, A. W., Weiss, L. M., Espinoza, N., Jontof-Hutter, D., Shporer, A., Bayliss, D. and Barros, S. C. C.: K2-19b and c are in a 3:2 Commensurability but out of Resonance: A Challenge to Planet Assembly by Convergent Migration. The Astronomical Journal 159, 2 (2020)
Pichierri, G. and Morbidelli, A.: The onset of instability in resonant chains. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 4950-4968 (2020)
Pillai, T. G. S., Clemens, D. P., Reissl, S., Myers, P. C., Kauffmann, J., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Alves, F. O., Franco, G. A. P., Henshaw, J., Menten, K. M., Nakamura, F., Seifried, D., Sugitani, K. and Wiesemeyer, H.: Magnetized filamentary gas flows feeding the young embedded cluster in Serpens South. Nature Astronomy 4, 1195-1201 (2020)
Pinilla, P., Pascucci, I. and Marino, S.: Hints on the origins of particle traps in protoplanetary disks given by the Mdust - M⋆ relation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A105 (2020)
Pino, L., Désert, J.-M., Brogi, M., Malavolta, L., Wyttenbach, A., Line, M., Hoeijmakers, J., Fossati, L., Bonomo, A. S., Nascimbeni, V., Panwar, V., Affer, L., Benatti, S., Biazzo, K., Bignamini, A., Borsa, F., Carleo, I., Claudi, R., Cosentino, R., Covino, E., Damasso, M., Desidera, S., Giacobbe, P., Harutyunyan, A., Lanza, A. F., Leto, G., Maggio, A., Maldonado, J., Mancini, L., Micela, G., Molinari, E., Pagano, I., Piotto, G., Poretti, E., Rainer, M., Scandariato, G., Sozzetti, A., Allart, R., Borsato, L., Bruno, G., Di Fabrizio, L., Ehrenreich, D., Fiorenzano, A., Frustagli, G., Lavie, B., Lovis, C., Magazzù, A., Nardiello, D., Pedani, M. and Smareglia, R.: Neutral Iron Emission Lines from the Dayside of KELT-9b: The GAPS Program with HARPS-N at TNG XX. The Astrophysical Journal 894, L27 (2020)
Planck Collaboration, Akrami, Y., Ashdown, M., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., Ballardini, M., Banday, A. J., Barreiro, R. B., Bartolo, N., Basak, S., Benabed, K., Bernard, J.-P., Bersanelli, M., Bielewicz, P., Bond, J. R., Borrill, J., Bouchet, F. R., Boulanger, F., Bracco, A., Bucher, M., Burigana, C., Calabrese, E., Cardoso, J.-F., Carron, J., Chiang, H. C., Combet, C., Crill, B. P., de Bernardis, P., de Zotti, G., Delabrouille, J., Delouis, J.-M., Di Valentino, E., Dickinson, C., Diego, J. M., Ducout, A., Dupac, X., Efstathiou, G., Elsner, F., Enßlin, T. A., Falgarone, E., Fantaye, Y., Ferrière, K., Finelli, F., Forastieri, F., Frailis, M., Fraisse, A. A., Franceschi, E., Frolov, A., Galeotta, S., Galli, S., Ganga, K., Génova-Santos, R. T., Ghosh, T., González-Nuevo, J., Górski, K. M., Gruppuso, A., Gudmundsson, J. E., Guillet, V., Handley, W., Hansen, F. K., Herranz, D., Huang, Z., Jaffe, A. H., Jones, W. C., Keihänen, E., Keskitalo, R., Kiiveri, K., Kim, J., Krachmalnicoff, N., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Lamarre, J.-M., Lasenby, A., Le Jeune, M., Levrier, F., Liguori, M., Lilje, P. B., Lindholm, V., López-Caniego, M., Lubin, P. M., Ma, Y.-Z., Macías-Pérez, J. F., Maggio, G., Maino, D., Mandolesi, N., Mangilli, A., Martin, P. G., Martínez-González, E., Matarrese, S., McEwen, J. D., Meinhold, P. R., Melchiorri, A., Migliaccio, M., Miville-Deschênes, M.-A., Molinari, D., Moneti, A., Montier, L., Morgante, G., Natoli, P., Pagano, L., Paoletti, D., Pettorino, V., Piacentini, F., Polenta, G., Puget, J.-L., Rachen, J. P., Reinecke, M., Remazeilles, M., Renzi, A., Rocha, G., Rosset, C., Roudier, G., Rubiño-Martín, J. A., Ruiz-Granados, B., Salvati, L., Sandri, M., Savelainen, M., Scott, D., Soler, J. D., Spencer, L. D., Tauber, J. A., Tavagnacco, D., Toffolatti, L., Tomasi, M., Trombetti, T., Valiviita, J., Vansyngel, F., Van Tent, B., Vielva, P., Villa, F., Vittorio, N., Wehus, I. K., Zacchei, A. and Zonca, A.: Planck 2018 results. XI. Polarized dust foregrounds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A11 (2020)
Pokhrel, R., Gutermuth, R. A., Betti, S. K., Offner, S. S. R., Myers, P. C., Megeath, S. T., Sokol, A. D., Ali, B., Allen, L., Allen, T. S., Dunham, M. M., Fischer, W. J., Henning, T., Heyer, M., Hora, J. L., Pipher, J. L., Tobin, J. J. and Wolk, S. J.: Star-Gas Surface Density Correlations in 12 Nearby Molecular Clouds. I. Data Collection and Star-sampled Analysis. The Astrophysical Journal 896, 60 (2020)
Potapov, A., Jäger, C. and Henning, T.: Ice Coverage of Dust Grains in Cold Astrophysical Environments. Physical Review Letters 124, 221103 (2020)
Potapov, A., Jäger, C. and Henning, T.: Thermal Formation of Ammonium Carbamate on the Surface of Laboratory Analogs of Carbonaceous Grains in Protostellar Envelopes and Planet-forming Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 894, 110 (2020)
Prat, V., Mathis, S., Neiner, C., Van Beeck, J., Bowman, D. M. and Aerts, C.: Period spacings of gravity modes in rapidly rotating magnetic stars. II. The case of an oblique dipolar fossil magnetic field. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A100 (2020)
Qasim, D., Fedoseev, G., Chuang, K.-J., He, J., Ioppolo, S., van Dishoeck, E. F. and Linnartz, H.: An experimental study of the surface formation of methane in interstellar molecular clouds. Nature Astronomy 4, 781-785 (2020)
Qasim, D., Witlox, M. J. A., Fedoseev, G., Chuang, K.-J., Banu, T., Krasnokutski, S. A., Ioppolo, S., Kästner, J., van Dishoeck, E. F. and Linnartz, H.: A cryogenic ice setup to simulate carbon atom reactions in interstellar ices. Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 054501 (2020)
Ramírez-Tannus, M. C., Poorta, J., Bik, A., Kaper, L., de Koter, A., De Ridder, J., Beuther, H., Brandner, W., Davies, B., Gennaro, M., Guo, D., Henning, T., Linz, H., Naylor, T., Pasquali, A., Ramírez-Agudelo, O. H. and Sana, H.: The young stellar content of the giant H II regions M 8, G333.6-0.2, and NGC 6357 with VLT/KMOS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A155 (2020)
Rebollido, I., Eiroa, C., Montesinos, B., Maldonado, J., Villaver, E., Absil, O., Bayo, A., Canovas, H., Carmona, A., Chen, C., Ertel, S., Henning, T., Iglesias, D. P., Launhardt, R., Liseau, R., Meeus, G., Moór, A., Mora, A., Olofsson, J., Rauw, G. and Riviere-Marichalar, P.: Exocomets: A spectroscopic survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A11 (2020)
Reissl, S., Stil, J. M., Chen, E., Treß, R. G., Sormani, M. C., Smith, R. J., Klessen, R. S., Buick, M., Glover, S. C. O., Shanahan, R., Lemmer, S. J., Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Urquhart, J. S., Anderson, L. D., Menten, K. M., Brunthaler, A., Ragan, S. and Rugel, M. R.: Synthetic observations of spiral arm tracers of a simulated Milky Way analog. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A201 (2020)
Reiter, M., Guzmán, A. E., Haworth, T. J., Klaassen, P. D., McLeod, A. F., Garay, G. and Mottram, J. C.: Illuminating a tadpole's metamorphosis II: observing the ongoing transformation with ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 394-414 (2020)
Riener, M., Kainulainen, J., Beuther, H., Henshaw, J. D., Orkisz, J. H. and Wang, Y.: Autonomous Gaussian decomposition of the Galactic Ring Survey. I. Global statistics and properties of the 13CO emission data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A14 (2020)
Riener, M., Kainulainen, J., Henshaw, J. D. and Beuther, H.: Autonomous Gaussian decomposition of the Galactic Ring Survey. II. The Galactic distribution of 13CO. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A72 (2020)
Rigliaco, E., Gratton, R., Kóspál, Á., Mesa, D., D'Orazi, V., Ábrahám, P., Desidera, S., Ginski, C., van Holstein, R. G., Dominik, C., Garufi, A., Henning, T., Menard, F., Zurlo, A., Baruffolo, A., Maurel, D., Blanchard, P. and Weber, L.: The circumstellar environment of EX Lupi: SPHERE and SINFONI views. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A33 (2020)
Rodenkirch, P. J., Klahr, H., Fendt, C. and Dullemond, C. P.: Global axisymmetric simulations of photoevaporation and magnetically driven protoplanetary disk winds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A21 (2020)
Rodríguez, L. F., Galván-Madrid, R., Sanchez-Bermudez, J. and De Pree, C. G.: A Massive Young Runaway Star in W49 North. The Astrophysical Journal 890, 165 (2020)
Rosen, A. L., Offner, S. S. R., Sadavoy, S. I., Bhandare, A., Vázquez-Semadeni, E. and Ginsburg, A.: Zooming in on Individual Star Formation: Low- and High-Mass Stars. Space Science Reviews 216, 62 (2020)
Rouillé, G., Jäger, C. and Henning, T.: Separate Silicate and Carbonaceous Solids Formed from Mixed Atomic and Molecular Species Diffusing in Neon Ice. The Astrophysical Journal 892, 96 (2020)
Sánchez-López, A., López-Puertas, M., Snellen, I. A. G., Nagel, E., Bauer, F. F., Pallé, E., Tal-Or, L., Amado, P. J., Caballero, J. A., Czesla, S., Nortmann, L., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Quirrenbach, A., Aceituno, J., Béjar, V. J. S., Casasayas-Barris, N., Henning, T., Molaverdikhani, K., Montes, D., Stangret, M., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: Discriminating between hazy and clear hot-Jupiter atmospheres with CARMENES. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A24 (2020)
Sanchis, E., Testi, L., Natta, A., Manara, C. F., Ercolano, B., Preibisch, T., Henning, T., Facchini, S., Miotello, A., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Lopez, C., Mužić, K., Pascucci, I., Santamaría-Miranda, A., Scholz, A., Tazzari, M., van Terwisga, S. and Williams, J. P.: Demographics of disks around young very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in Lupus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A114 (2020)
Savvidou, S., Bitsch, B. and Lambrechts, M.: Influence of grain growth on the thermal structure of protoplanetary discs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A63 (2020)
Schlecker, M., Kossakowski, D., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., Henning, T., Carone, L., Molaverdikhani, K., Trifonov, T., Mollière, P., Hobson, M. J., Jordán, A., Rojas, F. I., Klahr, H., Sarkis, P., Bakos, G. Á., Bhatti, W., Osip, D., Suc, V., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D. W., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Vezie, M., Villaseñor, J. N., Rose, M. E., Rodriguez, D. R., Rodriguez, J. E., Quinn, S. N. and Shporer, A.: A Highly Eccentric Warm Jupiter Orbiting TIC 237913194. The Astronomical Journal 160, 275 (2020)
Schneider, N., Simon, R., Guevara, C., Buchbender, C., Higgins, R. D., Okada, Y., Stutzki, J., Güsten, R., Anderson, L. D., Bally, J., Beuther, H., Bonne, L., Bontemps, S., Chambers, E., Csengeri, T., Graf, U. U., Gusdorf, A., Jacobs, K., Justen, M., Kabanovic, S., Karim, R., Luisi, M., Menten, K., Mertens, M., Mookerjea, B., Ossenkopf-Okada, V., Pabst, C., Pound, M. W., Richter, H., Reyes, N., Ricken, O., Röllig, M., Russeil, D., Sánchez-Monge, Á., Sandell, G., Tiwari, M., Wiesemeyer, H., Wolfire, M., Wyrowski, F., Zavagno, A. and Tielens, A. G. G. M.: FEEDBACK: a SOFIA Legacy Program to Study Stellar Feedback in Regions of Massive Star Formation. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132, 104301 (2020)
Schulik, M., Johansen, A., Bitsch, B., Lega, E. and Lambrechts, M.: On the structure and mass delivery towards circumplanetary discs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A187 (2020)
Seifried, D., Walch, S., Weis, M., Reissl, S., Soler, J. D., Klessen, R. S. and Joshi, P. R.: From parallel to perpendicular - On the orientation of magnetic fields in molecular clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 4196-4212 (2020)
Sekaran, S., Tkachenko, A., Abdul-Masih, M., Prša, A., Johnston, C., Huber, D., Murphy, S. J., Banyard, G., Howard, A. W., Isaacson, H., Bowman, D. M. and Aerts, C.: Tango of celestial dancers: A sample of detached eclipsing binary systems containing g-mode pulsating components. A case study of KIC9850387. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A162 (2020)
Semenov, D. A. and Teague, R. D.: Accretion disks around young stars: the cradles of planet formation. Europhysics News 51, 29-32 (2020)
Sharda, P., Federrath, C. and Krumholz, M. R.: The importance of magnetic fields for the initial mass function of the first stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 336-351 (2020)
Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Manara, C. F., de Boer, J., Benisty, M., Pinilla, P. and Bouvier, J.: Time-resolved photometry of the young dipper RX J1604.3-2130A. Unveiling the structure and mass transport through the innermost disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A37 (2020)
Simončič, M., Semenov, D., Krasnokutski, S., Henning, T. and Jäger, C.: Sensitivity of gas-grain chemical models to surface reaction barriers. Effect from a key carbon-insertion reaction, C + H2 → CH2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 637, A72 (2020)
Smirnov-Pinchukov, G. V., Semenov, D. A., Akimkin, V. V. and Henning, T.: Using HCO+ isotopologues as tracers of gas depletion in protoplanetary disk gaps. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A4 (2020)
Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Syed, J., Wang, Y., Anderson, L. D., Glover, S. C. O., Hennebelle, P., Heyer, M., Henning, T., Izquierdo, A. F., Klessen, R. S., Linz, H., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Ott, J., Ragan, S. E., Rugel, M., Schneider, N., Smith, R. J., Sormani, M. C., Stil, J. M., Treß, R. and Urquhart, J. S.: The history of dynamics and stellar feedback revealed by the H I filamentary structure in the disk of the Milky Way. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A163 (2020)
Southworth, J., Bohn, A. J., Kenworthy, M. A., Ginski, C. and Mancini, L.: A multiplicity study of transiting exoplanet host stars. II. Revised properties of transiting planetary systems with companions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A74 (2020)
Stock, S., Kemmer, J., Reffert, S., Trifonov, T., Kaminski, A., Dreizler, S., Quirrenbach, A., Caballero, J. A., Reiners, A., Jeffers, S. V., Anglada-Escudé, G., Ribas, I., Amado, P. J., Barrado, D., Barnes, J. R., Bauer, F. F., Berdiñas, Z. M., Béjar, V. J. S., Coleman, G. A. L., Cortés-Contreras, M., Díez-Alonso, E., Domínguez-Fernández, A. J., Espinoza, N., Haswell, C. A., Hatzes, A., Henning, T., Jenkins, J. S., Jones, H. R. A., Kossakowski, D., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Lee, M. H., López González, M. J., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Morales, N., Pallé, E., Pedraz, S., Rodríguez, E., Rodríguez-López, C. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Characterization of the nearby ultra-compact multiplanetary system YZ Ceti. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A119 (2020)
Stock, S., Nagel, E., Kemmer, J., Passegger, V. M., Reffert, S., Quirrenbach, A., Caballero, J. A., Czesla, S., Béjar, V. J. S., Cardona, C., Díez-Alonso, E., Herrero, E., Lalitha, S., Schlecker, M., Tal-Or, L., Rodríguez, E., Rodríguez-López, C., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Amado, P. J., Bauer, F. F., Bluhm, P., Cortés-Contreras, M., González-Cuesta, L., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., López-González, M. J., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Pedraz, S., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A., Trifonov, T., Zapatero Osorio, M. R. and Zechmeister, M.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Three temperate-to-warm super-Earths. Astronomy and Astrophysics 643, A112 (2020)
Syed, J., Wang, Y., Beuther, H., Soler, J. D., Rugel, M. R., Ott, J., Brunthaler, A., Kerp, J., Heyer, M., Klessen, R. S., Henning, T., Glover, S. C. O., Goldsmith, P. F., Linz, H., Urquhart, J. S., Ragan, S. E., Johnston, K. G. and Bigiel, F.: Atomic and molecular gas properties during cloud formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A68 (2020)
Szegedi-Elek, E., Ábrahám, P., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Kun, M., Kóspál, Á., Chen, L., Marton, G., Moór, A., Kiss, C., Pál, A., Szabados, L., Varga, J., Varga-Verebélyi, E., Andreas, C., Bachelet, E., Bischoff, R., Bódi, A., Breedt, E., Burgaz, U., Butterley, T., Carrasco, J. M., Čepas, V., Damljanovic, G., Gezer, I., Godunova, V., Gromadzki, M., Gurgul, A., Hardy, L., Hildebrandt, F., Hoffmann, S., Hundertmark, M., Ihanec, N., Janulis, R., Kalup, C., Kaczmarek, Z., Könyves-Tóth, R., Krezinger, M., Kruszyńska, K., Littlefair, S., Maskoliūnas, M., Mészáros, L., Mikołajczyk, P., Mugrauer, M., Netzel, H., Ordasi, A., Pakštienė, E., Rybicki, K. A., Sárneczky, K., Seli, B., Simon, A., Šiškauskaitė, K., Sódor, Á., Sokolovsky, K. V., Stenglein, W., Street, R., Szakáts, R., Tomasella, L., Tsapras, Y., Vida, K., Zdanavičius, J., Zieliński, M., Zieliński, P. and Ziółkowska, O.: Gaia 18dvy: A New FUor in the Cygnus OB3 Association. The Astrophysical Journal 899, 130 (2020)
Tadaki, K.-i., Iono, D., Yun, M. S., Aretxaga, I., Hatsukade, B., Lee, M. M., Michiyama, T., Nakanishi, K., Saito, T., Ueda, J. and Umehata, H.: A Noncorotating Gas Component in an Extreme Starburst at z = 4.3. The Astrophysical Journal 889, 141 (2020)
Tala Pinto, M., Reffert, S., Quirrenbach, A., Stock, S., Trifonov, T. and Mitchell, D. S.: Precise radial velocities of giant stars. XIV. Evidence of planetary companions around HD 25723, 17 Sco, 3 Cnc, and 44 UMa. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A1 (2020)
Tan, W. S., Araya, E. D., Lee, L. E., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Linz, H. and Olmi., L.: High-sensitivity observations of molecular lines with the Arecibo Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 1348-1364 (2020)
Theulé, P., Endres, C., Hermanns, M., Bossa, J.-B. and Potapov, A.: High-Resolution Gas Phase Spectroscopy of Molecules Desorbed from an Ice Surface: A Proof-of-Principle Study. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4, 86-91 (2020)
Tkachenko, A., Pavlovski, K., Johnston, C., Pedersen, M. G., Michielsen, M., Bowman, D. M., Southworth, J., Tsymbal, V. and Aerts, C.: The mass discrepancy in intermediate- and high-mass eclipsing binaries: The need for higher convective core masses. Astronomy and Astrophysics 637, A60 (2020)
Trifonov, T., Lee, M. H., Kürster, M., Henning, T., Grishin, E., Stock, S., Tjoa, J., Caballero, J. A., Wong, K. H., Bauer, F. F., Quirrenbach, A., Zechmeister, M., Ribas, I., Reffert, S., Reiners, A., Amado, P. J., Kossakowski, D., Azzaro, M., Béjar, V. J. S., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Hatzes, A. P., Jeffers, S. V., Kaminski, A., Lafarga, M., Montes, D., Morales, J. C., Pavlov, A., Rodríguez-López, C., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Solano, E. and Barnes, R.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Dynamical characterization of the multiple planet system GJ 1148 and prospects of habitable exomoons around GJ 1148 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A16 (2020)
Trifonov, T., Tal-Or, L., Zechmeister, M., Kaminski, A., Zucker, S. and Mazeh, T.: Public HARPS radial velocity database corrected for systematic errors. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A74 (2020)
Tychoniec, Ł., Manara, C. F., Rosotti, G. P., van Dishoeck, E. F., Cridland, A. J., Hsieh, T.-H., Murillo, N. M., Segura-Cox, D., van Terwisga, S. E. and Tobin, J. J.: Dust masses of young disks: constraining the initial solid reservoir for planet formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A19 (2020)
Van Beeck, J., Prat, V., Van Reeth, T., Mathis, S., Bowman, D. M., Neiner, C. and Aerts, C.: Detecting axisymmetric magnetic fields using gravity modes in intermediate-mass stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 638, A149 (2020)
van Gelder, M. L., Kaper, L., Japelj, J., Ramírez-Tannus, M. C., Ellerbroek, L. E., Barbá, R. H., Bestenlehner, J. M., Bik, A., Gräfener, G., de Koter, A., de Mink, S. E., Sabbi, E., Sana, H., Sewiło, M., Vink, J. S. and Walborn, N. R.: VLT/X-shooter spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A54 (2020)
van Gelder, M. L., Tabone, B., Tychoniec, Ł., van Dishoeck, E. F., Beuther, H., Boogert, A. C. A., Caratti o Garatti, A., Klaassen, P. D., Linnartz, H., Müller, H. S. P. and Taquet, V.: Complex organic molecules in low-mass protostars on Solar System scales. I. Oxygen-bearing species. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A87 (2020)
van Holstein, R. G., Girard, J. H., de Boer, J., Snik, F., Milli, J., Stam, D. M., Ginski, C., Mouillet, D., Wahhaj, Z., Schmid, H. M., Keller, C. U., Langlois, M., Dohlen, K., Vigan, A., Pohl, A., Carbillet, M., Fantinel, D., Maurel, D., Origné, A., Petit, C., Ramos, J., Rigal, F., Sevin, A., Boccaletti, A., Le Coroller, H., Dominik, C., Henning, T., Lagadec, E., Ménard, F., Turatto, M., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., Feldt, M. and Beuzit, J.-L.: Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. II. Characterization and correction of instrumental polarization effects. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A64 (2020)
van Terwisga, S. E., van Dishoeck, E. F., Mann, R. K., Di Francesco, J., van der Marel, N., Meyer, M., Andrews, S. M., Carpenter, J., Eisner, J. A., Manara, C. F. and Williams, J. P.: Protoplanetary disk masses in NGC 2024: Evidence for two populations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A27 (2020)
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Wang, Y., Bihr, S., Beuther, H., Rugel, M. R., Soler, J. D., Ott, J., Kainulainen, J., Schneider, N., Klessen, R. S., Glover, S. C. O., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Goldsmith, P. F., Johnston, K. G., Menten, K. M., Ragan, S., Anderson, L. D., Urquhart, J. S., Linz, H., Roy, N., Smith, R. J., Bigiel, F., Henning, T. and Longmore, S. N.: Cloud formation in the atomic and molecular phase: H I self absorption (HISA) towards a giant molecular filament. Astronomy and Astrophysics 634, A139 (2020)
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Ábrahám, P., Kóspál, Á., Kun, M., Fehér, O., Zsidi, G. and Acosta-Pulido, J. A.: An UXor among FUors: extinction-related brightness variations of the young eruptive star V582 Aur. Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life, 345, 390-392 (2020)
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Bouzerand, E., Glauser, A. M., Zambila, L., Baer, M., Laun, W., Prantl, P. and Lesman, D.: The design of the cryostat for ELT/METIS. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 114472O (2020)
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Burtscher, L., Politopoulos, I., Fernández-Acosta, S., Agocs, T., van den Ancker, M., van Boekel, R., Brandl, B., Käufl, H.-U., Pantin, E., Pietrow, A. G. M., Siebenmorgen, R., Stuik, R., Tristram, K. R. W. and de Wit, W.-J.: Towards a physical understanding of the thermal background in large ground-based telescopes. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 114477L (2020)
Cantalloube, F., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Absil, O., Cantero, C., Bacher, R., Bonse, M. J., Bottom, M., Dahlqvist, C.-H., Desgrange, C., Flasseur, O., Fuhrmann, T., Henning, T., Jensen-Clem, R., Kenworthy, M., Mawet, D., Mesa, D., Meshkat, T., Mouillet, D., Müller, A., Nasedkin, E., Pairet, B., Piérard, S., Ruffio, J.-B., Samland, M., Stone, J. and Van Droogenbroeck, M.: Exoplanet imaging data challenge: benchmarking the various image processing methods for exoplanet detection. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114485A (2020)
Chauvin, G., Keppler, M., Muller, A., Boer, J. d., Haffert, S., Mesa, D., Benisty, M. and Isella, A.: PDS70, witnessing a young solar system analog in formation with SPHERE/ALMA. Planets 2020, Ground and Space Observatories: a Joint Venture to Planetary Science, 2 (2020)
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Coppi, G., Ade, P. A. R., Ashton, P. C., Austermann, J. E., Cox, E. G., Devlin, M. J., Dober, B. J., Fanfani, V., Fissel, L. M., Galitzki, N. B., Gao, J., Gordon, S., Groppi, C. E., Hilton, G. C., Hubmayr, J., Klein, J., Li, D., Lowe, I., Lourie, N. P., McKinney, C., Mani, H., Mauskopf, P. D., Nati, F., Novak, G., Pisano, G., Romualdez, J. L., Sinclair, A. K., Soler, J. D., Tucker, C., Ullom, J., Vissers, M., Wheeler, C. and Williams, P. A.: In-flight performance of the BLAST-TNG telescope platform. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11445, 1144526 (2020)
Cortés-Contreras, M., Domínguez-Fernández, A. J., Caballero, J. A., Montes, D., Cardona, C., Béjar, V. J. S., Cifuentes, C., Tabernero, H. M., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L. J., Gallardo, I., Jeffers, S. V., Lafarga, M., Lodieu, N., Schöfer, P., Schweitzer, A., Solano, E., Ribas, I., Reiners, A., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Azzaro, M., Hatzes, A. P., Henning, T., Kürster, M. and Seifert, W.: Kinematics of M dwarfs in the CARMENES input catalogue. XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society, 131 (2020)
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Ernandes, H., Evans, C. J., Barbuy, B., Castilho, B., Cescutti, G., Christlieb, N., Cristiani, S., Di Marcantonio, P., Hansen, C., Quirrenbach, A. and Smiljanic, R.: Stellar astrophysics in the near-UV with VLT-CUBES. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11447, 1144760 (2020)
Fehér, O., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Hogerheijde, M. R., Brinch, C. and Semenov, D.: Episodic accretion in focus: revealing the environment of FU Orionis-type stars. Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life, 345, 87-90 (2020)
Feldt, M., Hippler, S., Cantalloube, F., Bertram, T., Obereder, A., Steuer, H., Absil, O. and Le Louarn, M.: The adaptive optics simulation analysis tool(kit) (AOSAT). Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11448, 114483S (2020)
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Flores-Rivera, L.: Vertical Shear Instability and Photoevaporative Winds. Five Years After HL Tau: A New Era in Planet Formation (HLTAU2020), 10 (2020)
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Izumi, T., Onoue, M., Matsuoka, Y., Nagao, T., Strauss, M. A., Imanishi, M., Kashikawa, N., Fujimoto, S., Kohno, K., Toba, Y., Umehata, H., Goto, T., Ueda, Y., Shirakata, H., Silverman, J. D., Greene, J. E., Harikane, Y., Hashimoto, Y., Ikarashi, S., Iono, D., Iwasawa, K., Lee, C.-H., Minezaki, T., Nakanishi, K., Tamura, Y., Tang, J.-J. and Taniguchi, A.: Rapid evolution and transformation into quiescence?: ALMA view on z > 6 low-luminosity quasars. Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era, 352, 139-143 (2020)
Jäger, C., Potapov, A., Rouillé, G. and Henning, T.: Laboratory experiments on cosmic dust and ices. Laboratory Astrophysics: From Observations to Interpretation, 350, 27-34 (2020)
Kadam, K., Vorobyov, E., Regály, Z., Kóspál, Á. and Ábráham, P.: Global Protoplanetary Disk Simulations: Dead Zone Formation and FUor Outbursts. Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life, 345, 324-325 (2020)
Klarmann, L., Benisty, M., Brandner, W., van Boekel, R. and Henning, T.: Star and planet formation with the new generation VLTI and CHARA beam combiners. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11446, 114460P (2020)
Kospal, A., Ábrahám, P., Carmona, A., Chen, L., Green, J. D., van Boekel, R. and White, J. A.: Grain Growth in Newly Discovered Young Eruptive Stars. Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Astronomy - Past, Present and Future, 57 (2020)
Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Fehér, O., Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F. and Takami, M.: Envelope-to-disk mass transport in the FUor-type young eruptive star V346 Normae. Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life, 345, 320-321 (2020)
Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P., Zsidi, G., Vida, K., Szabó, R., Moór, A. and Pál, A.: Spots, flares, accretion, and obscuration in the pre-main sequence binary DQ Tau. Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life, 345, 314-315 (2020)
Kóspál, Á., Donati, J.-F., Bouvier, J. and Ábrahám, P.: Magnetic field and accretion in EX Lup. Astronomy in Focus XXX, Proceedings of the IAU 14, 125-125 (2020)
Lacour, S., Wang, J. J., Nowak, M., Pueyo, L., Eisenhauer, F., Lagrange, A.-M., Mollière, P., Abuter, R., Amorin, A., Asensio-Torres, R., Bauböck, M., Benisty, M., Berger, J. P., Beust, H., Blunt, S., Boccaletti, A., Bohn, A., Bonnefoy, M., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Cantalloube, F., Caselli, P., Charnay, B., Chauvin, G., Choquet, E., Christiaens, V., Clénet, Y., Cridland, A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dembet, R., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Duvert, G., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Garcia Lopez, R., Gardner, T., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Girard, J. H., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hinkley, S., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Houllé, M., Hubert, Z., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Kammerer, J., Keppler, M., Kervella, P., Kreidberg, L., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Maire, A.-L., Mérand, A., Monnier, J. D., Mouillet, D., Muller, A., Nasedkin, E., Ott, T., Otten, G. P. P. L., Paladini, C., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rameau, J., Rodet, L., Rodriguez-Coira, G., Rousset, G., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Stolker, T., van Dishoeck, E. F., Vigan, A., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Ward-Duong, K., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E. and Woillez, J.: The ExoGRAVITY project: using single mode interferometry to characterize exoplanets. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11446, 114460O (2020)
Lahuis, F., Bouwman, J., Lagage, P.-O., Martin-Lagarde, M., Min, M. and Waldman, I.: The Horizon-2020 ExoplANETS-A Project: Advancing the Field of Exoplanet Science. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIX, 527, 179 (2020)
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Lowe, I., Coppi, G., Ade, P. A. R., Ashton, P. C., Austermann, J. E., Beall, J., Clark, S., Cox, E. G., Devlin, M. J., Dicker, S., Dober, B. J., Fanfani, V., Fissel, L. M., Galitzki, N., Gao, J., Hensley, B., Hubmayr, J., Li, S., Li, Z.-y., Lourie, N. P., Martin, P. G., Mauskopf, P., Nati, F., Novak, G., Pisano, G., Romualdez, J. L., Sinclair, A., Soler, J. D., Tucker, C., Vissers, M., Wheeler, J., Williams, P. A. and Zannoni, M.: The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope Observatory. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11445, 114457A (2020)
Marfil, E., Tabernero, H. M., Montes, D., Caballero, J. A., Lázaro-Barrasa, F. J., González Hernández, J. I., Soto, M. G., Nagel, E., Kaminski, A., Reiners, A., Ribas, I., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P. J., Bauer, F. F., Cortés-Contreras, M., Dreizler, S., Jeffers, S. V., Kürster, M., Lafarga, M., Morales, J. C., Passegger, V. M., Schweitzer, A. and Zechmeister, M.: Stellar atmospheric parameters of FGK-type stars (EW method) and M-type stars (spectral synthesis) from high-resolution optical and near-infrared CARMENES spectra. XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society, 156 (2020)
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Molyarova, T., Akimkin, V., Semenov, D., Ábrahám, P., Henning, T., Kóspál, Á., Vorobyov, E. and Wiebe, D.: Chemical modeling of FU Ori protoplanetary disks. Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life, 345, 367-368 (2020)
Moór, A., Kóspál, Á., Ábrahám, P. and Pawellek, N.: Exploration of the molecular gas content of young debris disks. Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life, 345, 349-350 (2020)
Naranjo, V., Huber, A., Mall, U., Mathar, R. J. and Bizenberger, P.: PANIC-4K: upgrade with a HAWAII-4RG array. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11454, 114542J (2020)
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Banzatti, A., I. Pascucci, S. Edwards, M. Fang, U. Gorti and M. Flock: Kinematic Links and the Coevolution of MHD Winds, Jets, and Inner Disks from a High-resolution Optical [O I] Survey. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)
Barbato, D., A. Sozzetti, K. Biazzo, L. Malavolta, N. C. Santos, M. Damasso, A. F. Lanza, M. Pinamonti, L. Affer, S. Benatti, A. Bignamini, A. S. Bonomo, F. Borsa, I. Carleo, R. Claudi, R. Cosentino, E. Covino, S. Desidera, M. Esposito, P. Giacobbe, E. González-Álvarez, R. Gratton, A. Harutyunyan, G. Leto, A. Maggio, J. Maldonado, L. Mancini, S. Masiero, G. Micela, E. Molinari, V. Nascimbeni, I. Pagano, G. Piotto, E. Poretti, M. Rainer, G. Scandariato, R. Smareglia, L. S. Colombo, L. Di Fabrizio, J. P. Faria, A. Martinez Fiorenzano, M. Molinaro and M. Pedani: The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XVIII. Two new giant planets around the metal-poor stars HD 220197 and HD 233832. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, (2019)
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Bayo, A., J. Olofsson, L. Matrà, J. C. Beamín, J. Gallardo, I. de Gregorio-Monsalvo, M. Booth, C. Zamora, D. Iglesias, T. Henning, M. R. Schreiber and C. Cáceres: Sub-millimetre non-contaminated detection of the disc around TWA 7 by ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 5552-5557 (2019)
Bedell, M., D. W. Hogg, D. Foreman-Mackey, B. T. Montet and R. Luger: WOBBLE: A Data-driven Analysis Technique for Time-series Stellar Spectra. The Astronomical Journal 158, 164 (2019)
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Bergemann, M., A. J. Gallagher, P. Eitner, M. Bautista, R. Collet, S. A. Yakovleva, A. Mayriedl, B. Plez, M. Carlsson, J. Leenaarts, A. K. Belyaev and C. Hansen: Observational constraints on the origin of the elements. I. 3D NLTE formation of Mn lines in late-type stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A80 (2019)
Beuther, H., A. Ahmadi, J. C. Mottram, H. Linz, L. T. Maud, T. Henning, R. Kuiper, A. J. Walsh, K. G. Johnston and S. N. Longmore: High-mass star formation at sub-50 au scales. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, (2019)
Beuther, H., A. Walsh, Y. Wang, M. Rugel, J. Soler, H. Linz, R. S. Klessen, L. D. Anderson, J. S. Urquhart, S. C. O. Glover, S. J. Billington, J. Kainulainen, K. M. Menten, N. Roy, S. N. Longmore and F. Bigiel: OH maser emission in the THOR survey of the northern Milky Way. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)
Beuzit, J.-L., A. Vigan, D. Mouillet, K. Dohlen, R. Gratton, A. Boccaletti, J.-F. Sauvage, H. M. Schmid, M. Langlois, C. Petit, A. Baruffolo, M. Feldt, J. Milli, Z. Wahhaj, L. Abe, U. Anselmi, J. Antichi, R. Barette, J. Baudrand, P. Baudoz, A. Bazzon, P. Bernardi, P. Blanchard, R. Brast, P. Bruno, T. Buey, M. Carbillet, M. Carle, E. Cascone, F. Chapron, J. Charton, G. Chauvin, R. Claudi, A. Costille, V. De Caprio, J. de Boer, A. Delboulbé, S. Desidera, C. Dominik, M. Downing, O. Dupuis, C. Fabron, D. Fantinel, G. Farisato, P. Feautrier, E. Fedrigo, T. Fusco, P. Gigan, C. Ginski, J. Girard, E. Giro, D. Gisler, L. Gluck, C. Gry, T. Henning, N. Hubin, E. Hugot, S. Incorvaia, M. Jaquet, M. Kasper, E. Lagadec, A.-M. Lagrange, H. Le Coroller, D. Le Mignant, B. Le Ruyet, G. Lessio, J.-L. Lizon, M. Llored, L. Lundin, F. Madec, Y. Magnard, M. Marteaud, P. Martinez, D. Maurel, F. Ménard, D. Mesa, O. Möller-Nilsson, T. Moulin, C. Moutou, A. Origné, J. Parisot, A. Pavlov, D. Perret, J. Pragt, P. Puget, P. Rabou, J. Ramos, J.-M. Reess, F. Rigal, S. Rochat, R. Roelfsema, G. Rousset, A. Roux, M. Saisse, B. Salasnich, E. Santambrogio, S. Scuderi, D. Segransan, A. Sevin, R. Siebenmorgen, C. Soenke, E. Stadler, M. Suarez, D. Tiphène, M. Turatto, S. Udry, F. Vakili, L. B. F. M. Waters, L. Weber, F. Wildi, G. Zins and A. Zurlo: SPHERE: the exoplanet imager for the Very Large Telescope. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A155 (2019)
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Bik, A., T. Henning, S.-W. Wu, M. Zhang, W. Brandner, A. Pasquali and A. Stolte: Near-infrared spectroscopy of the massive stellar population of W51: evidence for multi-seeded star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Bitsch, B.: Inner rocky super-Earth formation: distinguishing the formation pathways in viscously heated and passive discs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, (2019)
Bitsch, B., A. Izidoro, A. Johansen, S. N. Raymond, A. Morbidelli, M. Lambrechts and S. A. Jacobson: Formation of planetary systems by pebble accretion and migration: growth of gas giants. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Bitsch, B., S. N. Raymond and A. Izidoro: Rocky super-Earths or waterworlds: the interplay of planet migration, pebble accretion, and disc evolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Bixel, A., B. V. Rackham, D. Apai, N. Espinoza, M. López-Morales, D. Osip, A. Jordán, C. McGruder and I. Weaver: ACCESS: Ground-based Optical Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot Jupiter WASP-4b. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Blancato, K., M. Ness, K. V. Johnston, J. Rybizki and M. Bedell: Variations in α-element Ratios Trace the Chemical Evolution of the Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)
Boccaletti, A., P. Thébault, N. Pawellek, A.-M. Lagrange, R. Galicher, S. Desidera, J. Milli, Q. Kral, M. Bonnefoy, J.-C. Augereau, A. L. Maire, T. Henning, H. Beust, L. Rodet, H. Avenhaus, T. Bhowmik, M. Bonavita, G. Chauvin, A. Cheetham, M. Cudel, M. Feldt, R. Gratton, J. Hagelberg, P. Janin-Potiron, M. Langlois, F. Menard, D. Mesa, M. Meyer, S. Peretti, C. Perrot, T. Schmidt, E. Sissa, A. Vigan, E. Rickman, Y. Magnard, D. Maurel, O. Moeller-Nilsson, D. Perret and J.-F. Sauvage: Two cold belts in the debris disk around the G-type star NZ Lupi. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Borgniet, S., K. Perraut, K. Su, M. Bonnefoy, P. Delorme, A.-M. Lagrange, V. Bailey, E. Buenzli, D. Defrère, T. Henning, P. Hinz, J. Leisenring, N. Meunier, D. Mourard, N. Nardetto, A. Skemer and E. Spalding: Constraints on HD 113337 fundamental parameters and planetary system. Combining long-base visible interferometry, disc imaging, and high-contrast imaging. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Borsa, F., M. Rainer, A. S. Bonomo, D. Barbato, L. Fossati, L. Malavolta, V. Nascimbeni, A. F. Lanza, M. Esposito, L. Affer, G. Andreuzzi, S. Benatti, K. Biazzo, A. Bignamini, M. Brogi, I. Carleo, R. Claudi, R. Cosentino, E. Covino, M. Damasso, S. Desidera, A. Garrido Rubio, P. Giacobbe, E. González-Álvarez, A. Harutyunyan, C. Knapic, G. Leto, R. Ligi, A. Maggio, J. Maldonado, L. Mancini, A. F. M. Fiorenzano, S. Masiero, G. Micela, E. Molinari, I. Pagano, M. Pedani, G. Piotto, L. Pino, E. Poretti, G. Scandariato, R. Smareglia and A. Sozzetti: The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIX. Atmospheric Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and improved parameters of KELT-9b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A34 (2019)
Bosco, F., H. Beuther, A. Ahmadi, J. C. Mottram, R. Kuiper, H. Linz, L. Maud, J. M. Winters, T. Henning, S. Feng, T. Peters, D. Semenov, P. D. Klaassen, P. Schilke, J. S. Urquhart, M. T. Beltrán, S. L. Lumsden, S. Leurini, L. Moscadelli, R. Cesaroni, Á. Sánchez-Monge, A. Palau, R. Pudritz, F. Wyrowski and S. Longmore: Fragmentation, rotation, and outflows in the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23033+5951. A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Bowman, D. M., C. Johnston, A. Tkachenko, D. E. Mkrtichian, K. Gunsriwiwat and C. Aerts: Discovery of Tidally Perturbed Pulsations in the Eclipsing Binary U Gru: A Crucial System for Tidal Asteroseismology. The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)
Brahm, R., N. Espinoza, A. Jordán, T. Henning, P. Sarkis, M. I. Jones, M. R. Díaz, J. S. Jenkins, L. Vanzi, A. Zapata, C. Petrovich, D. Kossakowski, M. Rabus, F. Rojas and P. Torres: HD 1397b: A Transiting Warm Giant Planet Orbiting A V = 7.8 mag Subgiant Star Discovered by TESS. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)
Brahm, R., N. Espinoza, M. Rabus, A. Jordán, M. R. Díaz, F. Rojas, M. Vučković, A. Zapata, C. Cortés, H. Drass, J. S. Jenkins, R. Lachaume, B. Pantoja, P. Sarkis, M. G. Soto, S. Vasquez, T. Henning and M. I. Jones: K2-161b: a low-density super-Neptune on an eccentric orbit. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 1970-1979 (2019)
Brahm, R., N. s. Espinoza, A. s. Jordán, T. Henning, P. Sarkis, M. a. I. Jones, M. a. R. Díaz, J. S. Jenkins, L. Vanzi, A. Zapata, C. Petrovich, D. Kossakowski, M. Rabus, F. Rojas and P. Torres: HD 1397b: A Transiting Warm Giant Planet Orbiting A V = 7.8 mag Subgiant Star Discovered by TESS. The Astronomical Journal 158, 45 (2019)
Brems, S. S., M. Kürster, T. Trifonov, S. Reffert and A. Quirrenbach: Radial-velocity jitter of stars as a function of observational timescale and stellar age. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A37 (2019)
Brogan, C. L., T. R. Hunter, A. P. M. Towner, B. A. McGuire, G. C. MacLeod, M. A. Gurwell, C. J. Cyganowski, J. Brand, R. A. Burns, A. Caratti o Garatti, X. Chen, J. O. Chibueze, N. Hirano, T. Hirota, K.-T. Kim, B. H. Kramer, H. Linz, K. M. Menten, A. Remijan, A. Sanna, A. M. Sobolev, T. K. Sridharan, B. Stecklum, K. Sugiyama, G. Surcis, J. Van der Walt, A. E. Volvach and L. N. Volvach: Sub-arcsecond (Sub)millimeter Imaging of the Massive Protocluster G358.93‚àí0.03: Discovery of 14 New Methanol Maser Lines Associated with a Hot Core. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)
Calchi Novati, S., D. Suzuki, A. Udalski, A. Gould, Y. Shvartzvald, V. Bozza, D. P. Bennett, C. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, J. C. Yee, W. Zhu, S. Team, F. Abe, Y. Asakura, R. Barry, A. Bhattacharya, I. A. Bond, M. Donachie, P. Evans, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, C. H. Ling, Y. Matsubara, S. Miyazaki, Y. Muraki, M. Nagakane, K. Ohnishi, C. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, T. Saito, A. Sharan, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, P. J. Tristram, T. Yamada, A. Yonehara, M. Collaboration, P. Mróz, R. Poleski, J. Skowron, M. K. Szymański, I. Soszyński, S. Kozłowski, P. Pietrukowicz, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, O. Collaboration, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, C. Han, K.-H. Hwang, Y. K. Jung, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, W. Zang, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge and K. Collaboration: Spitzer Microlensing Parallax for OGLE-2016-BLG-1067: A Sub-Jupiter Orbiting an M Dwarf in the Disk. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Carrasco-González, C., A. Sierra, M. Flock, Z. Zhu, T. Henning, C. Chandler, R. Galván-Madrid, E. Macías, G. Anglada, H. Linz, M. Osorio, L. F. Rodríguez, L. Testi, J. M. Torrelles, L. Pérez and Y. Liu: The Radial Distribution of Dust Particles in the HL Tau Disk from ALMA and VLA Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)
Carrasco-González, C., A. Sierra, M. Flock, Z. Zhu, T. Henning, C. Chandler, R. Galván-Madrid, E. Macías, G. Anglada, H. Linz, M. Osorio, L. F. Rodríguez, L. Testi, J. M. Torrelles, L. Pérez and Y. Liu: The Radial Distribution of Dust Particles in the HL Tau Disk from ALMA and VLA Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)
Carry, B., F. Vachier, J. Berthier, M. Marsset, P. Vernazza, J. Grice, W. J. Merline, E. Lagadec, A. Fienga, A. Conrad, E. Podlewska-Gaca, T. Santana-Ros, M. Viikinkoski, J. Hanuš, C. Dumas, J. D. Drummond, P. M. Tamblyn, C. R. Chapman, R. Behrend, L. Bernasconi, P. Bartczak, Z. Benkhaldoun, M. Birlan, J. Castillo-Rogez, F. Cipriani, F. Colas, A. Drouard, J. Ďurech, B. L. Enke, S. Fauvaud, M. Ferrais, R. Fetick, T. Fusco, M. Gillon, E. Jehin, L. Jorda, M. Kaasalainen, M. Keppler, A. Kryszczynska, P. Lamy, F. Marchis, A. Marciniak, T. Michalowski, P. Michel, M. Pajuelo, P. Tanga, A. Vigan, B. Warner, O. Witasse, B. Yang and A. Zurlo: Homogeneous internal structure of CM-like asteroid (41) Daphne. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Casassus, S., S. n. Pérez, A. Osses and S. n. Marino: Cooling in the shade of warped transition discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, L58-L62 (2019)
Cesaroni, R., H. Beuther, A. Ahmadi, M. T. Beltr√°n, T. Csengeri, R. Galv√°n-Madrid, C. Gieser, T. Henning, K. G. Johnston, P. D. Klaassen, R. Kuiper, S. Leurini, H. Linz, S. Longmore, S. L. Lumsden, L. T. Maud, L. Moscadelli, J. C. Mottram, A. Palau, T. Peters, R. E. Pudritz, Å. S√°nchez-Monge, P. Schilke, D. Semenov, S. Suri, J. S. Urquhart, J. M. Winters, Q. Zhang and H. Zinnecker: IRAS 23385+6053: an embedded massive cluster in the making. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Cheetham, A. C., M. Samland, S. S. Brems, R. Launhardt, G. Chauvin, D. Ségransan, T. Henning, A. Quirrenbach, H. Avenhaus, G. Cugno, J. Girard, N. Godoy, G. M. Kennedy, A.-L. Maire, S. Metchev, A. Müller, A. Musso Barcucci, J. Olofsson, F. Pepe, S. P. Quanz, D. Queloz, S. Reffert, E. Rickman, R. van Boekel, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, F. Cantalloube, B. Charnay, P. Delorme, M. Janson, M. Keppler, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, C. Lazzoni, F. Menard, D. Mesa, M. Meyer, T. Schmidt, E. Sissa, S. Udry and A. Zurlo: Spectral and orbital characterisation of the directly imaged giant planet HIP 65426 b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Chen, L., A. Mo√≥r, A. Kreplin, Å. K√≥sp√°l, P. √Åbrah√°m, A. Matter, A. Carmona, K.-H. Hofmann, D. Schertl and G. Weigelt: Variable Warm Dust around the Herbig Ae Star HD 169142: Birth of a Ring? The Astrophysical Journal 887, L32 (2019)
Chira, R.-A., J. C. Ibáñez-Mejía, M.-M. Mac Low and T. Henning: How do velocity structure functions trace gas dynamics in simulated molecular clouds? Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, (2019)
Christiaens, V., F. Cantalloube, S. Casassus, D. J. Price, O. Absil, C. Pinte, J. Girard and M. Montesinos: Evidence for a Circumplanetary Disk around Protoplanet PDS 70 b. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)
Christiaens, V., S. Casassus, O. Absil, F. Cantalloube, C. Gomez Gonzalez, J. Girard, R. Ramírez, B. Pairet, V. Salinas, D. J. Price, C. Pinte, S. P. Quanz, A. Jordán, D. Mawet and Z. Wahhaj: Separating extended disc features from the protoplanet in PDS 70 using VLT/SINFONI. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 5819-5837 (2019)
Chung, S.-J., A. Gould, J. Skowron, I. A. Bond, W. Zhu, M. D. Albrow, Y. K. Jung, C. Han, K.-H. Hwang, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, K. Collaboration, A. Udalski, R. Poleski, P. Mr√≥z, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, S. Koz≈Çowski, K. Ulaczyk, M. Ç. Pawlak, T. O. Collaboration, C. A. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Calchi Novati, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, T. S. Team, F. Abe, R. Barry, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, C. m. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara and T. MOA colllaboration: Spitzer Microlensing of MOA-2016-BLG-231L: A Counter-rotating Brown Dwarf Binary in the Galactic Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)
Chuss, D. T., B.-G. Andersson, J. Bally, J. L. Dotson, C. D. Dowell, J. A. Guerra, D. A. Harper, M. Houde, T. J. Jones, A. Lazarian, E. Lopez Rodriguez, J. M. Michail, M. R. Morris, G. Novak, J. Siah, J. Staguhn, J. E. Vaillancourt, C. G. Volpert, M. Werner, E. J. Wollack, D. J. Benford, M. Berthoud, E. G. Cox, R. Crutcher, D. A. Dale, L. M. Fissel, P. F. Goldsmith, R. T. Hamilton, S. Hanany, T. K. Henning, L. W. Looney, S. H. Moseley, F. P. Santos, I. Stephens, K. Tassis, C. Q. Trinh, E. Van Camp, D. Ward-Thompson and H. S. Team: HAWC+/SOFIA Multiwavelength Polarimetric Observations of OMC-1. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)
Cieza, L. A., D. Ruíz-Rodríguez, A. Hales, S. Casassus, S. Pérez, C. Gonzalez-Ruilova, H. Cánovas, J. P. Williams, A. Zurlo, M. Ansdell, H. Avenhaus, A. Bayo, G. H.-M. Bertrang, V. Christiaens, W. Dent, G. Ferrero, R. Gamen, J. Olofsson, S. Orcajo, K. Peña Ramírez, D. Principe, M. R. Schreiber and G. van der Plas: The Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA) - I: project description and continuum images at 28 au resolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 698-714 (2019)
Claudi, R., A.-L. Maire, D. Mesa, A. Cheetham, C. Fontanive, R. Gratton, A. Zurlo, H. Avenhaus, T. Bhowmik, B. Biller, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonavita, M. Bonnefoy, E. Cascone, G. Chauvin, A. Delboulbé, S. Desidera, V. D'Orazi, P. Feautrier, M. Feldt, F. Flammini Dotti, J. H. Girard, E. Giro, M. Janson, J. Hagelberg, M. Keppler, T. Kopytova, S. Lacour, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, J. Lannier, H. Le Coroller, F. Menard, S. Messina, M. Meyer, M. Millward, J. Olofsson, A. Pavlov, S. Peretti, C. Perrot, C. Pinte, J. Pragt, J. Ramos, S. Rochat, L. Rodet, R. Roelfsema, D. Rouan, G. Salter, T. Schmidt, E. Sissa, P. Thebault, S. Udry and A. Vigan: SPHERE dynamical and spectroscopic characterization of HD 142527B. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Collaboration, G., R. Abuter, A. Amorim, M. Bauböck, J. P. Berger, H. Bonnet, W. Brandner, Y. Clénet, V. Coudé Du Foresto, P. T. de Zeeuw, J. Dexter, G. Duvert, A. Eckart, F. Eisenhauer, N. M. Förster Schreiber, P. Garcia, F. Gao, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, O. Gerhard, S. Gillessen, M. Habibi, X. Haubois, T. Henning, S. Hippler, M. Horrobin, A. Jiménez-Rosales, L. Jocou, P. Kervella, S. Lacour, V. Lapeyrère, J.-B. Le Bouquin, P. Léna, T. Ott, T. Paumard, K. Perraut, G. Perrin, O. Pfuhl, S. Rabien, G. Rodriguez Coira, G. Rousset, S. Scheithauer, A. Sternberg, O. Straub, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, L. J. Tacconi, F. Vincent, S. von Fellenberg, I. Waisberg, F. Widmann, E. Wieprecht, E. Wiezorrek, J. Woillez and S. Yazici: A geometric distance measurement to the Galactic center black hole with 0.3% uncertainty. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Collaboration, G., S. Lacour, M. Nowak, J. Wang, O. Pfuhl, F. Eisenhauer, R. Abuter, A. Amorim, N. Anugu, M. Benisty, J. P. Berger, H. Beust, N. Blind, M. Bonnefoy, H. Bonnet, P. Bourget, W. Brandner, A. Buron, C. Collin, B. Charnay, F. Chapron, Y. Clénet, V. Coudé Du Foresto, P. T. de Zeeuw, C. Deen, R. Dembet, J. Dexter, G. Duvert, A. Eckart, N. M. Förster Schreiber, P. Fédou, P. Garcia, R. Garcia Lopez, F. Gao, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, P. Gordo, A. Greenbaum, M. Habibi, X. Haubois, F. Haußmann, T. Henning, S. Hippler, M. Horrobin, Z. Hubert, A. Jimenez Rosales, L. Jocou, S. Kendrew, P. Kervella, J. Kolb, A.-M. Lagrange, V. Lapeyrère, J.-B. Le Bouquin, P. Léna, M. Lippa, R. Lenzen, A.-L. Maire, P. Mollière, T. Ott, T. Paumard, K. Perraut, G. Perrin, L. Pueyo, S. Rabien, A. Ramírez, C. Rau, G. Rodríguez-Coira, G. Rousset, J. Sanchez-Bermudez, S. Scheithauer, N. Schuhler, O. Straub, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, L. J. Tacconi, F. Vincent, E. F. van Dishoeck, S. von Fellenberg, I. Wank, I. Waisberg, F. Widmann, E. Wieprecht, M. Wiest, E. Wiezorrek, J. Woillez, S. Yazici, D. Ziegler and G. Zins: First direct detection of an exoplanet by optical interferometry. Astrometry and K-band spectroscopy of HR 8799 e. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Collaboration, O., P. Mr√≥z, A. Udalski, D. P. Bennett, Y.-H. Ryu, T. Sumi, Y. Shvartzvald, J. Skowron, R. Ç. Poleski, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, S. Koz≈Çowski, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, Å. Wyrzykowski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, K. Ulaczyk, K. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, K. Collaboration, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, C. Han, K.-H. Hwang, Y. K. Jung, I.-G. Shin, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, M. Collaboration, F. Abe, R. Barry, A. Bhattacharya, I. A. Bond, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, C. m. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, W. Group, D. Maoz, S. Kaspi and M. Friedmann: Two new free-floating or wide-orbit planets from microlensing. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Coutens, A., H. B. Liu, I. Jiménez-Serra, T. L. Bourke, J. Forbrich, M. Hoare, L. Loinard, L. Testi, M. Audard, P. Caselli, A. Chacón-Tanarro, C. Codella, J. Di Francesco, F. Fontani, M. Hogerheijde, A. Johansen, D. Johnstone, S. Maddison, O. Panić, L. M. Pérez, L. Podio, A. Punanova, J. M. C. Rawlings, D. Semenov, M. Tazzari, J. J. Tobin, M. H. D. van der Wiel, H. J. van Langevelde, W. Vlemmings, C. Walsh and D. Wilner: VLA cm-wave survey of young stellar objects in the Oph A cluster: constraining extreme UV- and X-ray-driven disk photoevaporation. A pathfinder for Square Kilometre Array studies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A58 (2019)
Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, F., Á. Kóspál, P. Ábrahám, H. B. Liu and M. Takami: Resolved ALMA Continuum Image of the Circumbinary Ring and Circumstellar Disks in the L1551 IRS 5 System. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)
Cruzalèbes, P., R. G. Petrov, S. Robbe-Dubois, J. Varga, L. Burtscher, F. Allouche, P. Berio, K.-H. Hofmann, J. Hron, W. Jaffe, S. Lagarde, B. Lopez, A. Matter, A. Meilland, K. Meisenheimer, F. Millour and D. Schertl: A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 3158 (2019)
Cugno, G., S. P. Quanz, S. Hunziker, T. Stolker, H. M. Schmid, H. Avenhaus, P. Baudoz, A. J. Bohn, M. Bonnefoy, E. Buenzli, G. Chauvin, A. Cheetham, S. Desidera, C. Dominik, P. Feautrier, M. Feldt, C. Ginski, J. H. Girard, R. Gratton, J. Hagelberg, E. Hugot, M. Janson, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, Y. Magnard, A.-L. Maire, F. Menard, M. Meyer, J. Milli, C. Mordasini, C. Pinte, J. Pragt, R. Roelfsema, F. Rigal, J. Szulágyi, R. van Boekel, G. van der Plas, A. Vigan, Z. Wahhaj and A. Zurlo: A search for accreting young companions embedded in circumstellar disks. High-contrast Hα imaging with VLT/SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Cugno, G., S. P. Quanz, R. Launhardt, A. Musso Barcucci, S. S. Brems, A. Cheetham, N. Godoy, G. M. Kennedy, T. Henning, A. Müller, J. Olofsson, F. Pepe, A. Quirrenbach, S. Reffert, E. L. Rickman and D. Ségransan: ISPY - NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. A young companion candidate embedded in the R CrA cloud. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Cugno, G., S. P. Quanz, R. Launhardt, A. Musso Barcucci, S. S. Brems, A. Cheetham, N. Godoy, G. M. Kennedy, T. Henning, A. Müller, J. Olofsson, F. Pepe, A. Quirrenbach, S. Reffert, E. L. Rickman and D. Ségransan: ISPY - NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. A young companion candidate embedded in the R CrA cloud. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Currie, T., C. Marois, L. Cieza, G. D. Mulders, K. Lawson, C. Caceres, D. Rodriguez-Ruiz, J. Wisniewski, O. Guyon, T. D. Brandt, N. J. Kasdin, T. D. Groff, J. Lozi, J. Chilcote, K. Hodapp, N. Jovanovic, F. Martinache, N. Skaf, W. Lyra, M. Tamura, R. Asensio-Torres, R. Dong, C. Grady, B. Gerard, M. Fukagawa, D. Hand, M. Hayashi, T. Henning, T. Kudo, M. Kuzuhara, J. Kwon, M. W. McElwain and T. Uyama: No Clear, Direct Evidence for Multiple Protoplanets Orbiting LkCa 15: LkCa 15 bcd are Likely Inner Disk Signals. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)
D'Orazi, V., R. Gratton, S. Desidera, H. Avenhaus, D. Mesa, T. Stolker, E. Giro, S. Benatti, H. Jang-Condell, E. Rigliaco, E. Sissa, T. Scatolin, M. Benisty, T. Bhowmik, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, W. Brandner, E. Buenzli, G. Chauvin, S. Daemgen, M. Damasso, M. Feldt, R. Galicher, J. Girard, M. Janson, J. Hagelberg, D. Mouillet, Q. Kral, J. Lannier, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, A.-L. Maire, F. Menard, O. Moeller-Nilsson, C. Perrot, S. Peretti, P. Rabou, J. Ramos, L. Rodet, R. Roelfsema, A. Roux, G. Salter, J. E. Schlieder, T. Schmidt, J. Szulagyi, C. Thalmann, P. Thebault, G. van der Plas, A. Vigan and A. Zurlo: Mapping of shadows cast on a protoplanetary disk by a close binary system. Nature Astronomy 3, 167-172 (2019)
Dall'Olio, D., W. H. T. Vlemmings, M. V. Persson, F. O. Alves, H. Beuther, J. M. Girart, G. Surcis, J. M. Torrelles and H. J. Van Langevelde: ALMA reveals the magnetic field evolution in the high-mass star forming complex G9.62+0.19. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, (2019)
Deacon, N. R., T. Henning and D. E. Kossakowski: Data-driven stellar parameters for southern TESS FGK targets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 251-265 (2019)
Dib, S. and T. Henning: Star formation activity and the spatial distribution and mass segregation of dense cores in the early phases of star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Díez Alonso, E., J. A. Caballero, D. Montes, F. J. de Cos Juez, S. Dreizler, F. Dubois, S. V. Jeffers, S. Lalitha, R. Naves, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, S. Vanaverbeke, P. J. Amado, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, E. Herrero, D. Hidalgo, M. Kürster, L. Logie, A. Quirrenbach, S. Rau, W. Seifert, P. Schöfer and L. Tal-Or: CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. IV. New rotation periods from photometric time series. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, (2019)
Dominik, M., E. Bachelet, V. Bozza, R. A. Street, C. Han, M. Hundertmark, A. Udalski, D. M. Bramich, K. A. Alsubai, S. Calchi Novati, S. Ciceri, G. D'Ago, R. Figuera Jaimes, T. Haugb√∏lle, T. C. Hinse, K. Horne, U. G. J√∏rgensen, D. Juncher, N. Kains, H. Korhonen, L. Mancini, J. Menzies, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, G. Scarpetta, R. Schmidt, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth, D. Starkey, I. A. Steele, J. Surdej, Y. Tsapras, J. Wambsganss, O. Wertz, P. Pietrukowicz, M. K. Szyma≈Ñski, P. Mr√≥z, J. Skowron, I. Soszy≈Ñski, K. Ulaczyk, R. Poleski, Å. Wyrzykowski and S. Koz≈Çowski: OGLE-2014-BLG-1186: gravitational microlensing providing evidence for a planet orbiting the foreground star or for a close binary source? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 5608-5632 (2019)
Elorrieta, F., S. Eyheramendy and W. Palma: Discrete-time autoregressive model for unequally spaced time-series observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Engler, N., A. Boccaletti, H. M. Schmid, J. Milli, J.-C. Augereau, J. Mazoyer, A.-L. Maire, T. Henning, H. Avenhaus, P. Baudoz, M. Feldt, R. Galicher, S. Hinkley, A.-M. Lagrange, D. Mawet, J. Olofsson, E. Pantin, C. Perrot and K. Stapelfeldt: Investigating the presence of two belts in the HD 15115 system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Ertel, S., D. Kamath, M. Hillen, H. van Winckel, J. Okumura, R. Manick, H. M. J. Boffin, J. Milli, G. H.-M. Bertrang, L. Guzman-Ramirez, J. Horner, J. P. Marshall, P. Scicluna, A. Vaz, E. Villaver, R. Wesson and S. Xu: Resolved Imaging of the AR Puppis Circumbinary Disk. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Espinoza, N., J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, T. Henning, D. Bayliss, J. Bento, W. Bhatti, R. Brahm, Z. Csubry, V. Suc, A. Jordán, L. Mancini, T. G. Tan, K. Penev, M. Rabus, P. Sarkis, M. de Val-Borro, S. Durkan, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-54b─HATS-58Ab: Five New Transiting Hot Jupiters Including One with a Possible Temperate Companion. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)
Espinoza, N., B. V. Rackham, A. Jordán, D. Apai, M. López-Morales, D. J. Osip, S. L. Grimm, J. Hoeijmakers, P. A. Wilson, A. Bixel, C. McGruder, F. Rodler, I. Weaver, N. K. Lewis, J. J. Fortney and J. Fraine: ACCESS: a featureless optical transmission spectrum for WASP-19b from Magellan/IMACS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 2065-2087 (2019)
Favre, C. c., D. Fedele, L. Maud, R. Booth, M. Tazzari, A. Miotello, L. Testi, D. Semenov and S. Bruderer: Gas Density Perturbations Induced by One or More Forming Planets in the AS 209 Protoplanetary Disk as Seen with ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)
Feng, S., P. Caselli, K. Wang, Y. Lin, H. Beuther and O. Sipilä: The Chemical Structure of Young High-mass Star-forming Clumps. I. Deuteration. The Astrophysical Journal 883, 202 (2019)
Flock, M., N. J. Turner, G. D. Mulders, Y. Hasegawa, R. P. Nelson and B. Bitsch: Planet formation and migration near the silicate sublimation front in protoplanetary disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A147 (2019)
Freundlich, J., F. Combes, L. J. Tacconi, R. Genzel, S. Garcia-Burillo, R. Neri, T. Contini, A. Bolatto, S. Lilly, P. Salomé, I. C. Bicalho, J. Boissier, F. Boone, N. Bouché, F. Bournaud, A. Burkert, M. Carollo, M. C. Cooper, P. Cox, C. Feruglio, N. M. Förster Schreiber, S. Juneau, M. Lippa, D. Lutz, T. Naab, A. Renzini, A. Saintonge, A. Sternberg, F. Walter, B. Weiner, A. Weiß and S. Wuyts: PHIBSS2: survey design and z = 0.5 - 0.8 results. Molecular gas reservoirs during the winding-down of star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Fuhrmeister, B., S. Czesla, L. Hildebrandt, E. Nagel, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, D. Hintz, E. N. Johnson, J. Sanz-Forcada, P. Schöfer, S. V. Jeffers, J. A. Caballero, M. Zechmeister, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, P. J. Amado, A. Quirrenbach, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, E. Díez-Alonso, S. Dreizler, D. Galadí-Enríquez, E. W. Guenther, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga and D. Montes: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. The He I triplet at 10830 Å across the M dwarf sequence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A24 (2019)
Fuhrmeister, B., S. Czesla, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, E. N. Johnson, P. Schöfer, S. V. Jeffers, J. A. Caballero, M. Zechmeister, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, P. J. Amado, A. Quirrenbach, F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, E. Díez Alonso, S. Dreizler, D. Galadí-Enríquez, E. W. Guenther, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga and D. Montes: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Period search in Hα, Na I D, and Ca II IRT lines. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, A24 (2019)
Fuhrmeister, B., S. Czesla, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, E. N. Johnson, P. Schöfer, S. V. Jeffers, J. A. Caballero, M. Zechmeister, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, P. J. Amado, A. Quirrenbach, F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, E. Díez Alonso, S. Dreizler, D. Galadí-Enríquez, E. W. Guenther, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga and D. Montes: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Period search in Hα, Na I D, and Ca II IRT lines. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Gao, Q., J.-R. Shi, H.-L. Yan, T.-S. Yan, M.-S. Xiang, Y.-T. Zhou, C.-Q. Li and G. Zhao: Lithium-rich Giants in LAMOST Survey. I. The Catalog. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 245, 33 (2019)
Garufi, A., L. Podio, F. Bacciotti, S. Antoniucci, A. Boccaletti, C. Codella, C. Dougados, F. Ménard, D. Mesa, M. Meyer, B. Nisini, H. M. Schmid, T. Stolker, J. L. Baudino, B. Biller, M. Bonavita, M. Bonnefoy, F. Cantalloube, G. Chauvin, A. Cheetham, S. Desidera, V. D'Orazi, M. Feldt, R. Galicher, A. Grandjean, R. Gratton, J. Hagelberg, A. M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, J. Lannier, C. Lazzoni, A. L. Maire, C. Perrot, E. Rickman, T. Schmidt, A. Vigan, A. Zurlo, A. Delboulbé, D. Le Mignant, D. Fantinel, O. Möller-Nilsson, L. Weber and J.-F. Sauvage: SPHERE view of the jet and the envelope of RY Tauri. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)
Gavel, A., P. Gruyters, U. Heiter, A. J. Korn, K. Lind and T. Nordlander: The LUMBA UVES stellar parameter pipeline. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Gerbig, K., C. T. Lenz and H. Klahr: Linking planetesimal and dust content in protoplanetary disks via a local toy model. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Gibbs, A., K. Wagner, D. Apai, A. Moór, T. Currie, M. e. Bonnefoy, M. Langlois and C. Lisse: VLT/SPHERE Multiwavelength High-contrast Imaging of the HD 115600 Debris Disk: New Constraints on the Dust Geometry and the Presence of Young Giant Planets. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Gieser, C., D. Semenov, H. Beuther, A. Ahmadi, J. C. Mottram, T. Henning, M. Beltran, L. T. Maud, F. Bosco, S. Leurini, T. Peters, P. Klaassen, R. Kuiper, S. Feng, J. S. Urquhart, L. Moscadelli, T. Csengeri, S. Lumsden, J. M. Winters, S. Suri, Q. Zhang, R. Pudritz, A. Palau, K. M. Menten, R. Galvan-Madrid, F. Wyrowski, P. Schilke, Å. S√°nchez-Monge, H. Linz, K. G. Johnston, I. Jim√©nez-Serra, S. Longmore and T. M√∂ller: Chemical complexity in high-mass star formation. An observational and modeling case study of the AFGL 2591 VLA 3 hot core. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A142 (2019)
Gong, Y., X. D. Tang, C. Henkel, K. M. Menten, R. Q. Mao, Y. Wang, M.-Y. Lee, W. S. Zhu, Y. Lin, S. B. Zhang, X. P. Chen and W. J. Yang: Searching for further evidence for cloud-cloud collisions in L1188. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A115 (2019)
González Lobos, V. and A. M. Stutz: Gas velocity structure of the Orion A integral-shaped filament. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 4771-4782 (2019)
Grandjean, A., A.-M. Lagrange, H. Beust, L. Rodet, J. Milli, P. Rubini, C. Babusiaux, N. Meunier, P. Delorme, S. Aigrain, N. Zicher, M. Bonnefoy, B. A. Biller, J.-L. Baudino, M. Bonavita, A. Boccaletti, A. Cheetham, J. H. Girard, J. Hagelberg, M. Janson, J. Lannier, C. Lazzoni, R. Ligi, A.-L. Maire, D. Mesa, C. Perrot, D. Rouan and A. Zurlo: Constraining the properties of HD 206893 B. A combination of radial velocity, direct imaging, and astrometry data (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Grandjean, A., A.-M. Lagrange, H. Beust, L. Rodet, J. Milli, P. Rubini, C. Babusiaux, N. Meunier, P. Delorme, S. Aigrain, N. Zicher, M. Bonnefoy, B. A. Biller, J.-L. Baudino, M. Bonavita, A. Boccaletti, A. Cheetham, J. H. Girard, J. Hagelberg, M. Janson, J. Lannier, C. Lazzoni, R. Ligi, A.-L. Maire, D. Mesa, C. Perrot, D. Rouan and A. Zurlo: Constraining the properties of HD 206893 B. A combination of radial velocity, direct imaging, and astrometry data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Gratton, R., R. Ligi, E. Sissa, S. Desidera, D. Mesa, M. Bonnefoy, G. Chauvin, A. Cheetham, M. Feldt, A. M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, M. Meyer, A. Vigan, A. Boccaletti, M. Janson, C. Lazzoni, A. Zurlo, J. De Boer, T. Henning, V. D'Orazi, L. Gluck, F. Madec, M. Jaquet, P. Baudoz, D. Fantinel, A. Pavlov and F. Wildi: Blobs, spiral arms, and a possible planet around HD 169142. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Han, C., D. P. Bennett, A. Udalski, A. Gould, I. A. Bond, Y. Shvartzvald, K.-S. Nikolaus, M. Hundertmark, V. Bozza, A. Cassan, Y. Hirao, E. Bachelet, P. Fouqu√©, L. Authors, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, K. Hong, K.-H. Hwang, C.-U. Lee, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, J. C. Yee, Y. K. Jung, S.-M. Cha, D. Kim, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, T. K. Collaboration, P. Mr√≥z, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, S. Koz≈Çowski, K. Ulaczyk, K. A. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, M. Wrona, T. O. Collaboration, F. Abe, R. Barry, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, C. m. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, T. M. Collaboration, S. Mao, T. Wang, W. Zang, W. Zhu, M. T. Penny, T. C. Collaboration, C. A. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Calchi Novati, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, S. Jacklin, K. G. Stassun and T. U. M. Team: OGLE-2018-BLG-1011Lb,c: Microlensing Planetary System with Two Giant Planets Orbiting a Low-mass Star. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)
Han, C., J. C. Yee, A. Udalski, I. A. Bond, V. Bozza, A. Cassan, Y. Hirao, S. Dong, J. A. Kollmeier, N. Morrell, K. Boutsia, L. authors, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, K.-H. Hwang, C.-U. Lee, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, Y. K. Jung, D. Kim, W.-T. Kim, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, K. Hong, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, W. Zang, T. K. Collaboration, P. Mr√≥z, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, S. Koz≈Çowski, K. Ulaczyk, K. A. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, M. Wrona, T. O. Collaboration, F. Abe, R. Barry, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, C. m. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara and T. M. Collaboration: Spectroscopic Mass and Host-star Metallicity Measurements for Newly Discovered Microlensing Planet OGLE-2018-BLG-0740Lb. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)
Hannon, S., J. C. Lee, B. C. Whitmore, R. Chandar, A. Adamo, B. Mobasher, A. Aloisi, D. Calzetti, M. Cignoni, D. O. Cook, D. Dale, S. Deger, L. Della Bruna, D. M. Elmegreen, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, A. Herrero, D. A. Hunter, K. E. Johnson, R. Kennicutt, H. Kim, E. Sacchi, L. Smith, D. Thilker, J. Turner, R. A. M. Walterbos and A. Wofford: H a morphologies of star clusters: a LEGUS study of H II region evolution time-scales and stochasticity in low-mass clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 4648 (2019)
Hansen, C. J., T. T. Hansen, A. Koch, T. C. Beers, B. Nordström, V. M. Placco and J. Andersen: Abundances and kinematics of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the Galactic halo. A new classification scheme based on Sr and Ba. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Hartman, J. D., G. Å. Bakos, D. Bayliss, J. Bento, W. Bhatti, R. Brahm, Z. Csubry, N. Espinoza, T. Henning, A. Jord√°n, L. Mancini, K. Penev, M. Rabus, P. Sarkis, V. Suc, M. de Val-Borro, G. Zhou, B. Addison, P. Arriagada, R. P. Butler, J. Crane, S. Durkan, S. Shectman, T. G. Tan, I. Thompson, C. G. Tinney, D. J. Wright, J. L√°z√°r, I. Papp and P. S√°ri: HATS-60b-HATS-69b: 10 Transiting Planets from HATSouth. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Heidt, J., A. Quirrenbach, N. Hoyer, D. Thompson, A. Pramskiy, G. Agapito, S. Esposito, R. Gredel, D. Miller, E. Pinna, A. Puglisi, F. Rossi, W. Seifert and G. Taylor:
Helling, C., N. Iro, L. Corrales, D. Samra, K. Ohno, M. K. Alam, M. Steinrueck, B. Lew, K. Molaverdikhani, R. J. MacDonald, O. Herbort, P. Woitke and V. Parmentier: Understanding the atmospheric properties and chemical composition of the ultra-hot Jupiter HAT-P-7b. I. Cloud and chemistry mapping. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A79 (2019)
Hełminiak, K. G., A. Tokovinin, E. Niemczura, R. Pawłaszek, K. Yanagisawa, R. Brahm, N. Espinoza, N. Ukita, E. Kambe, M. Ratajczak, M. Hempel, A. Jordán, M. Konacki, P. Sybilski, S. K. Kozłowski, M. Litwicki and M. Tamura: Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the All-Sky Automated Survey catalogue. X. Three high-contrast systems with secondaries detected with IR spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Henning, T. K. and S. A. Krasnokutski: Experimental characterization of the energetics of low-temperature surface reactions. Nature Astronomy 3, 568-573 (2019)
Henshaw, J. D., A. Ginsburg, T. J. Haworth, S. N. Longmore, J. M. D. Kruijssen, E. A. C. Mills, V. Sokolov, D. L. Walker, A. T. Barnes, Y. Contreras, J. Bally, C. Battersby, H. Beuther, N. Butterfield, J. E. Dale, T. Henning, J. M. Jackson, J. Kauffmann, T. Pillai, S. Ragan, M. Riener and Q. Zhang: `The Brick' is not a brick: a comprehensive study of the structure and dynamics of the central molecular zone cloud G0.253+0.016. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 2457-2485 (2019)
Hess, K. M., N. M. Luber, X. Fern√°ndez, H. B. Gim, J. H. van Gorkom, E. Momjian, J. Gross, M. Meyer, A. Popping, L. J. M. Davies, L. Hunt, K. Kreckel, D. Lucero, D. J. Pisano, M. Sanchez-Barrantes, M. S. Yun, R. Dodson, K. Vinsen, A. Wicenec, C. Wu, M. A. Bershady, A. Chung, J. D. Davis, J. Donovan Meyer, P. Henning, N. Maddox, E. T. Smith, J. M. van der Hulst, M. A. W. Verheijen and E. M. Wilcots: CHILES: H I morphology and galaxy environment at z = 0.12 and z = 0.17. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 2234-2256 (2019)
Hintz, D., B. Fuhrmeister, S. Czesla, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, E. N. Johnson, A. Schweitzer, J. A. Caballero, M. Zechmeister, S. V. Jeffers, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, P. J. Amado, A. Quirrenbach, G. Anglada-Escudé, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, S. Dreizler, D. Galadí-Enríquez, E. W. Guenther, P. H. Hauschildt, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, M. López del Fresno, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, V. M. Passegger and W. Seifert: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Chromospheric modeling of M 2-3 V stars with PHOENIX. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Hippler, S.: Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 8, (2019)
Hippler, S., M. Feldt, T. Bertram, W. Brandner, F. Cantalloube, B. Carlomagno, O. Absil, A. Obereder, I. Shatokhina and R. Stuik: Single conjugate adaptive optics for the ELT instrument METIS. Experimental Astronomy 47, 65-105 (2019)
Hjorth, M., A. B. Justesen, T. Hirano, S. Albrecht, D. Gandolfi, F. Dai, R. Alonso, O. Barragán, M. Esposito, M. Kuzuhara, K. W. F. Lam, J. H. Livingston, P. Montanes-Rodriguez, N. Narita, G. Nowak, J. Prieto-Arranz, S. Redfield, F. Rodler, V. Van Eylen, J. N. Winn, G. Antoniciello, J. Cabrera, W. D. Cochran, S. Csizmadia, J. de Leon, H. Deeg, P. Eigmüller, M. Endl, A. Erikson, M. Fridlund, S. Grziwa, E. Guenther, A. P. Hatzes, P. Heeren, D. Hidalgo, J. Korth, R. Luque, D. Nespral, E. Palle, M. Pätzold, C. M. Persson, H. Rauer, A. M. S. Smith and T. Trifonov: K2-290: a warm Jupiter and a mini-Neptune in a triple-star system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 3522-3536 (2019)
Huber, D., W. J. Chaplin, A. Chontos, H. Kjeldsen, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, T. R. Bedding, W. Ball, R. Brahm, N. Espinoza, T. Henning, A. Jordán, P. Sarkis, E. Knudstrup, S. Albrecht, F. Grundahl, M. Fredslund Andersen, P. L. Pallé, I. Crossfield, B. Fulton, A. W. Howard, H. T. Isaacson, L. M. Weiss, R. Handberg, M. N. Lund, A. M. Serenelli, J. Rørsted Mosumgaard, A. Stokholm, A. Bieryla, L. A. Buchhave, D. W. Latham, S. N. Quinn, E. Gaidos, T. Hirano, G. R. Ricker, R. K. Vanderspek, S. Seager, J. M. Jenkins, J. N. Winn, H. M. Antia, T. Appourchaux, S. Basu, K. J. Bell, O. Benomar, A. Bonanno, D. L. Buzasi, T. L. Campante, Z. Çelik Orhan, E. Corsaro, M. S. Cunha, G. R. Davies, S. Deheuvels, S. K. Grunblatt, A. Hasanzadeh, M. P. Di Mauro, R. A. García, P. Gaulme, L. Girardi, J. A. Guzik, M. Hon, C. Jiang, T. Kallinger, S. D. Kawaler, J. S. Kuszlewicz, Y. Lebreton, T. Li, M. Lucas, M. S. Lundkvist, A. W. Mann, S. Mathis, S. Mathur, A. Mazumdar, T. S. Metcalfe, A. Miglio, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, B. Mosser, A. Noll, B. Nsamba, J. M. J. Ong, S. Örtel, F. Pereira, P. Ranadive, C. Régulo, T. S. Rodrigues, I. W. Roxburgh, V. Silva Aguirre, B. Smalley, M. Schofield, S. G. Sousa, K. G. Stassun, D. Stello, J. Tayar, T. R. White, K. Verma, M. Vrard, M. Yıldız, D. Baker, M. Bazot, C. Beichmann, C. Bergmann, L. Bugnet, B. Cale, R. Carlino, S. M. Cartwright, J. L. Christiansen, D. R. Ciardi, O. Creevey, J. A. Dittmann, J.-D. Do Nascimento, Jr., V. Van Eylen, G. Fürész, J. Gagné, P. Gao, K. Gazeas, F. Giddens, O. J. Hall, S. Hekker, M. J. Ireland, N. Latouf, D. LeBrun, A. M. Levine, W. Matzko, E. Natinsky, E. Page, P. Plavchan, M. Mansouri-Samani, S. McCauliff, S. E. Mullally, B. Orenstein, A. Garcia Soto, M. Paegert, J. L. van Saders, C. Schnaible, D. R. Soderblom, R. Szabó, A. Tanner, C. G. Tinney, J. Teske, A. Thomas, R. Trampedach, D. Wright, T. T. Yuan and F. Zohrabi: A Hot Saturn Orbiting an Oscillating Late Subgiant Discovered by TESS. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Huber, D., W. J. Chaplin, A. Chontos, H. Kjeldsen, J. r. Christensen-Dalsgaard, T. R. Bedding, W. Ball, R. Brahm, N. Espinoza, T. Henning, A. s. Jordán, P. Sarkis, E. Knudstrup, S. Albrecht, F. Grundahl, M. Fredslund Andersen, P. L. Pallé, I. Crossfield, B. Fulton, A. W. Howard, H. T. Isaacson, L. M. Weiss, R. Handberg, M. N. Lund, A. M. Serenelli, J. Rørsted Mosumgaard, A. Stokholm, A. Bieryla, L. A. Buchhave, D. W. Latham, S. N. Quinn, E. Gaidos, T. Hirano, G. R. Ricker, R. K. Vanderspek, S. Seager, J. M. Jenkins, J. N. Winn, H. M. Antia, T. Appourchaux, S. Basu, K. J. Bell, O. Benomar, A. Bonanno, D. L. Buzasi, T. L. Campante, Z. Çelik Orhan, E. Corsaro, M. S. Cunha, G. R. Davies, S. Deheuvels, S. K. Grunblatt, A. Hasanzadeh, M. P. Di Mauro, R. A. García, P. Gaulme, L. o. Girardi, J. A. Guzik, M. Hon, C. Jiang, T. Kallinger, S. D. Kawaler, J. S. Kuszlewicz, Y. Lebreton, T. Li, M. Lucas, M. S. Lundkvist, A. W. Mann, S. p. Mathis, S. Mathur, A. Mazumdar, T. S. Metcalfe, A. Miglio, M. r. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, B. Mosser, A. Noll, B. Nsamba, J. M. J. Ong, S. Örtel, F. Pereira, P. Ranadive, C. Régulo, T. s. S. Rodrigues, I. W. Roxburgh, V. Silva Aguirre, B. Smalley, M. Schofield, S. r. G. Sousa, K. G. Stassun, D. Stello, J. Tayar, T. R. White, K. Verma, M. Vrard, M. Yıldız, D. Baker, M. l. Bazot, C. Beichmann, C. Bergmann, L. Bugnet, B. Cale, R. Carlino, S. M. Cartwright, J. L. Christiansen, D. R. Ciardi, O. Creevey, J. A. Dittmann, J.-D. Do Nascimento, Jr., V. Van Eylen, G. Fürész, J. Gagné, P. Gao, K. Gazeas, F. Giddens, O. J. Hall, S. Hekker, M. J. Ireland, N. Latouf, D. LeBrun, A. M. Levine, W. Matzko, E. Natinsky, E. Page, P. Plavchan, M. Mansouri-Samani, S. McCauliff, S. E. Mullally, B. Orenstein, A. Garcia Soto, M. Paegert, J. L. van Saders, C. Schnaible, D. R. Soderblom, R. b. Szabó, A. Tanner, C. G. Tinney, J. Teske, A. Thomas, R. Trampedach, D. Wright, T. T. Yuan and F. Zohrabi: A Hot Saturn Orbiting an Oscillating Late Subgiant Discovered by TESS. The Astronomical Journal 157, 245 (2019)
Hwang, K.-H., Y.-H. Ryu, H.-W. Kim, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, C. Han, Y. K. Jung, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park and R. W. Pogge: KMT-2016-BLG-1107: A New Hollywood-planet Close/Wide Degeneracy. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Isella, A., M. Benisty, R. Teague, J. Bae, M. Keppler, S. Facchini and L. Pérez: Detection of Continuum Submillimeter Emission Associated with Candidate Protoplanets. The Astrophysical Journal 879, (2019)
Iserlohe, C., A. Bryant, A. Krabbe, S. Beckmann, S. Colditz, C. Fischer, F. Fumi, N. Geis, T. K. Henning, R. Hönle, R. Klein, L. W. Looney, A. Poglitsch, W. Raab, F. Rebell and W. D. Vacca: FIFI-LS Observations of the Circumnuclear Ring - Probing the High-density Phase of the PDR. The Astrophysical Journal 885, 169 (2019)
Johansen, A. and B. Bitsch: Exploring the conditions for forming cold gas giants through planetesimal accretion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A70 (2019)
Jones, M. I., R. Brahm, N. Espinoza, S. Wang, A. Shporer, T. Henning, A. Jordán, P. Sarkis, L. A. Paredes, J. Hodari-Sadiki, T. Henry, B. Cruz, L. D. Nielsen, F. Bouchy, F. Pepe, D. Ségransan, O. Turner, S. Udry, M. Marmier, C. Lovis, G. Bakos, D. Osip, V. Suc, C. Ziegler, A. Tokovinin, N. M. Law, A. W. Mann, H. Relles, K. A. Collins, D. Bayliss, E. Sedaghati, D. W. Latham, S. Seager, J. N. Winn, J. M. Jenkins, J. C. Smith, M. Davies, P. Tenenbaum, J. Dittmann, A. Vanderburg, J. L. Christiansen, K. Haworth, J. Doty, G. Furész, G. Laughlin, E. Matthews, I. Crossfield, S. Howell, D. Ciardi, E. Gonzales, R. Matson, C. Beichman and J. Schlieder: HD 2685 b: a hot Jupiter orbiting an early F-type star detected by TESS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Jordán, A., R. Brahm, N. Espinoza, C. Cortés, M. Díaz, H. Drass, T. Henning, J. S. Jenkins, M. I. Jones, M. Rabus, F. Rojas, P. Sarkis, M. Vučković, A. Zapata, M. G. Soto, G. Á. Bakos, D. Bayliss, W. Bhatti, Z. Csubry, R. Lachaume, V. Moraga, B. Pantoja, D. Osip, A. Shporer, V. Suc and S. Vásquez: K2-287 b: An Eccentric Warm Saturn Transiting a G-dwarf. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Joubaud, T., I. A. Grenier, J. Ballet and J. D. Soler: Gas shells and magnetic fields in the Orion-Eridanus superbubble. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A52 (2019)
Jung, Y. K., A. Gould, A. Udalski, T. Sumi, J. C. Yee, Y. Shvartzvald, W. Zang, and, C. Han, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, K.-H. Hwang, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, P. Mr√≥z, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, S. Koz≈Çowski, K. Ulaczyk, K. A. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, M. Wrona, C. A. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Calchi Novati, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, F. Abe, R. Barry, D. P. Bennett, I. A. Bond, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, S. Miyazaki, Y. Muraki, M. Nagakane, C. m. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, S. Jacklin, M. T. Penny, K. G. Stassun, P. Fouqu√©, S. Mao and T. Wang: Spitzer Parallax of OGLE-2018-BLG-0596: A Low-mass-ratio Planet around an M Dwarf. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)
Jung, Y. K., A. Gould, W. Zang, K.-H. Hwang, Y.-H. Ryu, C. Han, J. C. Yee, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, K. Collaboration, M. T. Penny, S. Mao, P. Fouqué, T. Wang and C. Collaboration: KMT-2017-BLG-0165Lb: A Super-Neptune-mass Planet Orbiting a Sun-like Host Star. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Kadam, K., E. Vorobyov, Z. Reg√°ly, Å. K√≥sp√°l and P. t. √Åbrah√°m: Dynamical Gaseous Rings in Global Simulations of Protoplanetary Disk Formation. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)
Keppler, M., R. Teague, J. Bae, M. Benisty, T. Henning, R. van Boekel, E. Chapillon, P. Pinilla, J. P. Williams, G. H.-M. Bertrang, S. Facchini, M. Flock, C. Ginski, A. Juhasz, H. Klahr, Y. Liu, A. Müller, L. M. Pérez, A. Pohl, G. Rosotti, M. Samland and D. Semenov: Highly structured disk around the planet host PDS 70 revealed by high-angular resolution observations with ALMA. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Kirchschlager, F., G. H.-M. Bertrang and M. Flock: Intrinsic polarization of elongated porous dust grains. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 1211-1219 (2019)
Kirk, J., M. López-Morales, P. J. Wheatley, I. C. Weaver, I. Skillen, T. Louden, J. McCormac and N. Espinoza: LRG-BEASTS: Transmission Spectroscopy and Retrieval Analysis of the Highly Inflated Saturn-mass Planet WASP-39b. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)
Kloster, D. L. and M. Flock: Observable scattered light features from inclined and non-inclined planets embedded in protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 5372-5387 (2019)
Kong, S., H. c. G. Arce, A. I. Sargent, S. Mairs, R. S. Klessen, J. Bally, P. Padoan, R. J. Smith, M. a. Jos√© Maureira, J. M. Carpenter, A. Ginsburg, A. M. Stutz, P. Goldsmith, S. Meingast, P. McGehee, Å. S√°nchez-Monge, S. m. Suri, J. E. Pineda, J. o. Alves, J. R. Feddersen, J. Kauffmann and P. Schilke: The CARMA-NRO Orion Survey: Core Emergence and Kinematics in the Orion A Cloud. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)
Kossakowski, D., N. s. Espinoza, R. Brahm, A. s. Jord√°n, T. Henning, F. Rojas, M. K√ºrster, P. Sarkis, M. Schlecker, F. J. Pozuelos, K. Barkaoui, E. l. Jehin, M. l. Gillon, E. Matthews, E. P. Horch, D. R. Ciardi, I. J. M. Crossfield, E. Gonzales, S. B. Howell, R. Matson, J. Schlieder, J. Jenkins, G. Ricker, S. Seager, J. N. Winn, J. Li, M. E. Rose, J. C. Smith, S. Dynes, E. Morgan, J. N. Villasenor, D. Charbonneau, T. Jaffe, L. Yu, G. Bakos, W. Bhatti, F. ß. Bouchy, K. A. Collins, K. I. Collins, Z. Csubry, P. Evans, E. L. N. Jensen, C. Lovis, M. Marmier, L. D. Nielsen, D. Osip, F. Pepe, H. M. Relles, D. S√©gransan, A. Shporer, C. Stockdale, V. Suc, O. Turner and S. p. Udry: TOI-150b and TOI-163b: two transiting hot Jupiters, one eccentric and one inflated, revealed by TESS near and at the edge of the JWST CVZ. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 1094 (2019)
Koumpia, E., K. M. Ababakr, W. J. de Wit, R. D. Oudmaijer, A. Caratti o Garatti, P. Boley, H. Linz, S. Kraus, J. S. Vink and J.-B. Le Bouquin: Resolving the MYSO binaries PDS 27 and PDS 37 with VLTI/PIONIER. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Krasnokutski, S. A., M. Gruenewald, C. Jäger, F. Otto, R. Forker, T. Fritz and T. Henning: Fullerene Oligomers and Polymers as Carriers of Unidentified IR Emission Bands. The Astrophysical Journal 874, (2019)
Lachaume, R., M. Rabus, A. Jordán, R. Brahm, T. Boyajian, K. von Braun and J.-P. Berger: Towards reliable uncertainties in IR interferometry: the bootstrap for correlated statistical and systematic errors. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 2656-2673 (2019)
Lacour, S., R. Dembet, R. Abuter, P. F√©dou, G. Perrin, â. Choquet, O. Pfuhl, F. Eisenhauer, J. Woillez, F. Cassaing, E. Wieprecht, T. Ott, E. Wiezorrek, K. R. W. Tristram, B. Wolff, A. Ram√≠rez, X. Haubois, K. Perraut, C. Straubmeier, W. Brandner and A. Amorim: The GRAVITY fringe tracker. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Lagrange, A.-M., A. Boccaletti, M. Langlois, G. Chauvin, R. Gratton, H. Beust, S. Desidera, J. Milli, M. Bonnefoy, A. Cheetham, M. Feldt, M. Meyer, A. Vigan, B. Biller, M. Bonavita, J.-L. Baudino, F. Cantalloube, M. Cudel, S. Daemgen, P. Delorme, V. D'Orazi, J. Girard, C. Fontanive, J. Hagelberg, M. Janson, M. Keppler, T. Koypitova, R. Galicher, J. Lannier, H. Le Coroller, R. Ligi, A.-L. Maire, D. Mesa, S. Messina, A. Müeller, S. Peretti, C. Perrot, D. Rouan, G. Salter, M. Samland, T. Schmidt, E. Sissa, A. Zurlo, J.-L. Beuzit, D. Mouillet, C. Dominik, T. Henning, E. Lagadec, F. Ménard, H.-M. Schmid, M. Turatto, S. Udry, A. J. Bohn, B. Charnay, C. A. Gomez Gonzales, C. Gry, M. Kenworthy, Q. Kral, C. Mordasini, C. Moutou, G. van der Plas, J. E. Schlieder, L. Abe, J. Antichi, A. Baruffolo, P. Baudoz, J. Baudrand, P. Blanchard, A. Bazzon, T. Buey, M. Carbillet, M. Carle, J. Charton, E. Cascone, R. Claudi, A. Costille, A. Deboulbe, V. De Caprio, K. Dohlen, D. Fantinel, P. Feautrier, T. Fusco, P. Gigan, E. Giro, D. Gisler, L. Gluck, N. Hubin, E. Hugot, M. Jaquet, M. Kasper, F. Madec, Y. Magnard, P. Martinez, D. Maurel, D. Le Mignant, O. Möller-Nilsson, M. Llored, T. Moulin, A. Origné, A. Pavlov, D. Perret, C. Petit, J. Pragt, J. Szulagyi and F. Wildi: Post-conjunction detection of β Pictoris b with VLT/SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, (2019)
Lagrange, A.-M., N. g. Meunier, P. Rubini, M. Keppler, F. Galland, E. Chapellier, E. Michel, L. Balona, H. Beust, T. Guillot, A. Grandjean, S. Borgniet, D. M√©karnia, P. A. Wilson, F. Kiefer, M. Bonnefoy, J. Lillo-Box, B. Pantoja, M. Jones, D. P. Iglesias, L. Rodet, M. Diaz, A. Zapata, L. Abe and F. ß.-X. Schmider: Evidence for an additional planet in the Œ≤ Pictoris system. Nature Astronomy 3, 1135 (2019)
Lalitha, S., D. Baroch, J. C. Morales, V. M. Passegger, F. F. Bauer, C. Cardona Guillén, S. Dreizler, M. Oshagh, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, J. A. Caballero, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, V. J. S. Béjar, J. Colomé, M. Cortés-Contreras, D. Galadí-Enríquez, L. González-Cuesta, E. W. Guenther, H.-J. Hagen, T. Henning, E. Herrero, T.-O. Husser, S. V. Jeffers, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, N. Lodieu, M. J. López-González, D. Montes, M. Perger, A. Rosich, E. Rodríguez, C. Rodríguez-López, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, L. Tal-Or and M. Zechmeister: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Detection of a mini-Neptune around LSPM J2116+0234 and refinement of orbital parameters of a super-Earth around GJ 686 (BD+18 3421). Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Lam, M. C., N. C. Hambly, N. Rowell, K. C. Chambers, B. Goldman, K. W. Hodapp, N. Kaiser, R.-P. Kudritzki, E. A. Magnier, J. L. Tonry, R. J. Wainscoat and C. Waters: The white dwarf luminosity functions from the Pan-STARRS 1 3π Steradian Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 715-731 (2019)
Lambrechts, M., A. Morbidelli, S. A. Jacobson, A. Johansen, B. Bitsch, A. Izidoro and S. N. Raymond: Formation of planetary systems by pebble accretion and migration. How the radial pebble flux determines a terrestrial-planet or super-Earth growth mode. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Lenz, C. T., H. Klahr and T. Birnstiel: Planetesimal Population Synthesis: Pebble Flux-regulated Planetesimal Formation. The Astrophysical Journal 874, (2019)
Li, S.-S., W. Zang, A. Udalski, Y. Shvartzvald, D. Huber, C.-U. Lee, T. Sumi, A. Gould, S. Mao, P. Fouqué, T. Wang, S. Dong, U. G. Jørgensen, A. Cole, P. Mróz, M. K. Szymański, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, I. Soszyński, P. Pietrukowicz, S. Kozłowski, K. Ulaczyk, K. A. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, J. C. Yee, S. Calchi Novati, C. A. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, W. Zhu, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, C. Han, K.-H. Hwang, Y. K. Jung, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, I. A. Bond, F. Abe, R. Barry, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, C. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, G. Christie, J. Drummond, J. Green, S. Hennerley, T. Natusch, I. Porritt, E. Bachelet, D. Maoz, R. A. Street, Y. Tsapras, V. Bozza, M. Dominik, M. Hundertmark, N. Peixinho, S. Sajadian, M. J. Burgdorf, D. F. Evans, R. Figuera Jaimes, Y. I. Fujii, L. K. Haikala, C. Helling, T. Henning, T. C. Hinse, L. Mancini, P. Longa-Peña, S. Rahvar, M. Rabus, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth, E. Unda-Sanzana, C. von Essen, J.-P. Beaulieu, J. Blackman and K. Hill: OGLE-2017-BLG-1186: first application of asteroseismology and Gaussian processes to microlensing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 3308-3323 (2019)
Liu, H.-L., A. Stutz and J.-H. Yuan: Large-scale periodic velocity oscillation in the filamentary cloud G350.54+0.69. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 1259-1268 (2019)
Liu, H. B., A. M√©rand, J. D. Green, S. n. P√©rez, A. S. Hales, Y.-L. Yang, M. M. Dunham, Y. Hasegawa, T. Henning, R. Galv√°n-Madrid, Å. K√≥sp√°l, M. Takami, E. I. Vorobyov and Z. Zhu: Diagnosing 0.1-10 au Scale Morphology of the FU Ori Disk Using ALMA and VLTI/GRAVITY. The Astrophysical Journal 884, 97 (2019)
Liu, Y., G. Dipierro, E. Ragusa, G. Lodato, G. J. Herczeg, F. Long, D. Harsono, Y. Boehler, F. Menard, D. Johnstone, I. Pascucci, P. Pinilla, C. Salyk, G. van der Plas, S. Cabrit, W. J. Fischer, N. Hendler, C. F. Manara, B. Nisini, E. Rigliaco, H. Avenhaus, A. Banzatti and M. Gully-Santiago: Ring structure in the MWC 480 disk revealed by ALMA. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Liu, Y., I. Pascucci and T. Henning: CLIcK: a Continuum and Line fItting Kit for circumstellar disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Lodato, G., G. Dipierro, E. Ragusa, F. Long, G. J. Herczeg, I. Pascucci, P. Pinilla, C. F. Manara, M. Tazzari, Y. Liu, G. D. Mulders, D. Harsono, Y. Boehler, F. ß. M√©nard, D. Johnstone, C. Salyk, G. van der Plas, S. Cabrit, S. Edwards, W. J. Fischer, N. Hendler, B. Nisini, E. Rigliaco, H. Avenhaus, A. Banzatti and M. Gully-Santiago: The newborn planet population emerging from ring-like structures in discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 453-461 (2019)
Long, F., G. J. Herczeg, D. Harsono, P. Pinilla, M. Tazzari, C. F. Manara, I. Pascucci, S. Cabrit, B. Nisini, D. Johnstone, S. Edwards, C. Salyk, F. Menard, G. Lodato, Y. Boehler, G. N. Mace, Y. Liu, G. D. Mulders, N. Hendler, E. Ragusa, W. J. Fischer, A. Banzatti, E. Rigliaco, G. van de Plas, G. Dipierro, M. Gully-Santiago and R. Lopez-Valdivia: Compact Disks in a High-resolution ALMA Survey of Dust Structures in the Taurus Molecular Cloud. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)
Lu, X., E. A. C. Mills, A. Ginsburg, D. L. Walker, A. T. Barnes, N. Butterfield, J. D. Henshaw, C. Battersby, J. M. D. Kruijssen, S. N. Longmore, Q. Zhang, J. Bally, J. Kauffmann, J. r. Ott, M. Rickert and K. Wang: A Census of Early-phase High-mass Star Formation in the Central Molecular Zone. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 244, 35 (2019)
Luque, R., E. Pallé, D. Kossakowski, S. Dreizler, J. Kemmer, N. Espinoza, J. Burt, G. Anglada-Escudé, V. J. S. Béjar, J. A. Caballero, K. A. Collins, K. I. Collins, M. Cortés-Contreras, E. Díez-Alonso, F. Feng, A. Hatzes, C. Hellier, T. Henning, S. V. Jeffers, L. Kaltenegger, M. Kürster, J. Madden, K. Molaverdikhani, D. Montes, N. Narita, G. Nowak, A. Ofir, M. Oshagh, H. Parviainen, A. Quirrenbach, S. Reffert, A. Reiners, C. Rodríguez-López, M. Schlecker, S. Stock, T. Trifonov, J. N. Winn, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, M. Zechmeister, P. J. Amado, D. R. Anderson, N. E. Batalha, F. F. Bauer, P. Bluhm, C. J. Burke, R. P. Butler, D. A. Caldwell, G. Chen, J. D. Crane, D. Dragomir, C. D. Dressing, S. Dynes, J. M. Jenkins, A. Kaminski, H. Klahr, T. Kotani, M. Lafarga, D. W. Latham, P. Lewin, S. McDermott, P. Montañés-Rodríguez, J. C. Morales, F. Murgas, E. Nagel, S. Pedraz, I. Ribas, G. R. Ricker, P. Rowden, S. Seager, S. A. Shectman, M. Tamura, J. Teske, J. D. Twicken, R. Vanderspeck, S. X. Wang and B. Wohler: Planetary system around the nearby M dwarf GJ 357 including a transiting, hot, Earth-sized planet optimal for atmospheric characterization. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)
Ma, Y., H. Wang, M. Zhang, C. Li and J. Yang: A Large-field J = 1 ─ 0 Survey of CO and Its Isotopologues toward the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant. The Astrophysical Journal 878, (2019)
Macías, E., C. C. Espaillat, M. Osorio, G. Anglada, J. M. Torrelles, C. Carrasco-Gonz√°lez, M. Flock, H. Linz, G. H.-M. Bertrang, T. Henning, J. F. Gómez, N. Calvet and W. R. F. Dent: Characterization of Ring Substructures in the Protoplanetary Disk of HD 169142 from Multiwavelength Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)
MacLeod, G. C., K. Sugiyama, T. R. Hunter, J. Quick, W. Baan, S. L. Breen, C. L. Brogan, R. A. Burns, A. Caratti o Garatti, X. Chen, J. O. Chibueze, M. Houde, J. F. Kaczmarek, H. Linz, F. Rajabi, Y. Saito, S. Schmidl, A. M. Sobolev, B. Stecklum, S. P. van den Heever and Y. Yonekura: Detection of new methanol maser transitions associated with G358.93-0.03. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 3981-3989 (2019)
Maire, A.-L., L. Rodet, F. Cantalloube, R. Galicher, W. Brandner, S. Messina, C. Lazzoni, D. Mesa, D. Melnick, J. Carson, M. Samland, B. A. Biller, A. Boccaletti, Z. Wahhaj, H. Beust, M. Bonnefoy, G. Chauvin, S. Desidera, M. Langlois, T. Henning, M. Janson, J. Olofsson, D. Rouan, F. Ménard, A.-M. Lagrange, R. Gratton, A. Vigan, M. R. Meyer, A. Cheetham, J.-L. Beuzit, K. Dohlen, H. Avenhaus, M. Bonavita, R. Claudi, M. Cudel, S. Daemgen, V. D'Orazi, C. Fontanive, J. Hagelberg, H. Le Coroller, C. Perrot, E. Rickman, T. Schmidt, E. Sissa, S. Udry, A. Zurlo, L. Abe, A. Origné, F. Rigal, G. Rousset, A. Roux and L. Weber: Hint of curvature in the orbital motion of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b using 3 yr of VLT/SPHERE monitoring. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Mallonn, M., C. von Essen, E. Herrero, X. Alexoudi, T. Granzer, M. Sosa, K. G. Strassmeier, G. Bakos, D. Bayliss, R. Brahm, M. Bretton, F. Campos, L. Carone, K. D. Colón, H. A. Dale, D. Dragomir, N. Espinoza, P. Evans, F. Garcia, S.-H. Gu, P. Guerra, Y. Jongen, A. Jordán, W. Kang, E. Keles, T. Kim, M. Lendl, D. Molina, M. Salisbury, F. Scaggiante, A. Shporer, R. Siverd, E. Sokov, I. Sokova and A. Wünsche: Ephemeris refinement of 21 hot Jupiter exoplanets with high timing uncertainties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Manara, C. F., M. Tazzari, F. Long, G. J. Herczeg, G. Lodato, A. A. Rota, P. Cazzoletti, G. van der Plas, P. Pinilla, G. Dipierro, S. Edwards, D. Harsono, D. Johnstone, Y. Liu, F. Menard, B. Nisini, E. Ragusa, Y. Boehler and S. Cabrit: Observational constraints on dust disk sizes in tidally truncated protoplanetary disks in multiple systems in the Taurus region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)
Mancini, L., J. Southworth, P. Mollière, J. Tregloan-Reed, I. G. Juvan, G. Chen, P. Sarkis, I. Bruni, S. Ciceri, M. I. Andersen, V. Bozza, D. M. Bramich, M. Burgdorf, G. D'Ago, M. Dominik, D. F. Evans, R. Figuera Jaimes, L. Fossati, T. Henning, T. C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, U. G. Jørgensen, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, M. Küffmeier, P. Longa, N. Peixinho, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, R. Tronsgaard, Y. Wang and O. Wertz: Physical properties and transmission spectrum of the WASP-74 planetary system from multiband photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 5168-5179 (2019)
Marino, S., B. Yelverton, M. Booth, V. Faramaz, G. M. Kennedy, L. Matrà and M. C. Wyatt: A gap in HD 92945's broad planetesimal disc revealed by ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 1257-1269 (2019)
Marleau, G.-D., C. Mordasini and R. Kuiper: The Planetary Accretion Shock. II. Grid of Postshock Entropies and Radiative Shock Efficiencies for Nonequilibrium Radiation Transport. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)
Martín-Navarro, I., G. van de Ven and A. Yıldırım: Star formation quenching imprinted on the internal structure of naked red nuggets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 4939-4950 (2019)
Marton, G., P. Ábrahám, E. Szegedi-Elek, J. Varga, M. Kun, Å. K√≥sp√°l, E. Varga-Vereb√©lyi, S. Hodgkin, L. Szabados, R. Beck and C. Kiss: Identification of Young Stellar Object candidates in the Gaia DR2 x AllWISE catalogue with machine learning methods. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 2522-2537 (2019)
Matrà, L., M. C. Wyatt, D. J. Wilner, W. R. F. Dent, S. Marino, G. M. Kennedy and J. Milli: Kuiper Belt‚îÄlike Hot and Cold Populations of Planetesimal Inclinations in the Œ≤ Pictoris Belt Revealed by ALMA. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Matter, A., L. Labadie, A. Kreplin, B. Lopez, S. Wolf, G. Weigelt, S. Ertel, J.-U. Pott and W. C. Danchi: Evidence of a discontinuous disk structure around the Herbig Ae star HD 139614 (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, C2 (2019)
Maud, L. T., R. Cesaroni, M. S. N. Kumar, V. M. Rivilla, A. Ginsburg, P. D. Klaassen, D. Harsono, Å. S√°nchez-Monge, A. Ahmadi, V. Allen, M. T. Beltr√°n, H. Beuther, R. Galv√°n-Madrid, C. Goddi, M. G. Hoare, M. R. Hogerheijde, K. G. Johnston, R. Kuiper, L. Moscadelli, T. Peters, L. Testi, F. F. S. van der Tak and W. J. de Wit: Substructures in the Keplerian disc around the O-type (proto-)star G17.64+0.16 (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)
Maud, L. T., R. Cesaroni, M. S. N. Kumar, V. M. Rivilla, A. Ginsburg, P. D. Klaassen, D. Harsono, Å. S√°nchez-Monge, A. Ahmadi, V. Allen, M. T. Beltr√°n, H. Beuther, R. Galv√°n-Madrid, C. Goddi, M. G. Hoare, M. R. Hogerheijde, K. G. Johnston, R. Kuiper, L. Moscadelli, T. Peters, L. Testi, F. F. S. van der Tak and W. J. de Wit: Substructures in the Keplerian disc around the O-type (proto-)star G17.64+0.16. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Medina, S.-N. X., J. S. Urquhart, S. A. Dzib, A. Brunthaler, B. Cotton, K. M. Menten, F. Wyrowski, H. Beuther, S. J. Billington, C. Carrasco-Gonzalez, T. Csengeri, Y. Gong, P. Hofner, H. Nguyen, G. N. Ortiz-León, J. Ott, J. D. Pandian, N. Roy, E. Sarkar, Y. Wang and B. Winkel: GLOSTAR: Radio Source Catalog I. 28° < ℓ < 36° and |b| < 1°. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Mesa, D., M. Bonnefoy, R. Gratton, G. Van Der Plas, V. D'Orazi, E. Sissa, A. Zurlo, E. Rigliaco, T. Schmidt, M. Langlois, A. Vigan, M. G. Ubeira Gabellini, S. Desidera, S. Antoniucci, M. Barbieri, M. Benisty, A. Boccaletti, R. Claudi, D. Fedele, D. Gasparri, T. Henning, M. Kasper, A.-M. Lagrange, C. Lazzoni, G. Lodato, A.-L. Maire, C. F. Manara, M. Meyer, M. Reggiani, M. Samland, M. Van den Ancker, G. Chauvin, A. Cheetham, M. Feldt, E. Hugot, M. Janson, R. Ligi, O. Möller-Nilsson, C. Petit, E. L. Rickman, F. Rigal and F. Wildi: Exploring the R CrA environment with SPHERE. Discovery of a new stellar companion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Mesa, D., M. Keppler, F. Cantalloube, L. Rodet, B. Charnay, R. Gratton, M. Langlois, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, A. Vigan, O. Flasseur, J. Bae, M. Benisty, G. Chauvin, J. de Boer, S. Desidera, T. Henning, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Meyer, J. Milli, A. Müller, B. Pairet, A. Zurlo, S. Antoniucci, J.-L. Baudino, S. Brown Sevilla, E. Cascone, A. Cheetham, R. U. Claudi, P. Delorme, V. D'Orazi, M. Feldt, J. Hagelberg, M. Janson, Q. Kral, E. Lagadec, C. Lazzoni, R. Ligi, A.-L. Maire, P. Martinez, F. Menard, N. Meunier, C. Perrot, S. Petrus, C. Pinte, E. L. Rickman, S. Rochat, D. Rouan, M. Samland, J.-F. Sauvage, T. Schmidt, S. Udry, L. Weber and F. Wildi: VLT/SPHERE exploration of the young multiplanetary system PDS70. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A25 (2019)
Mesa, D., M. Langlois, A. Garufi, R. Gratton, S. Desidera, V. D'Orazi, O. Flasseur, M. Barbieri, M. Benisty, T. Henning, R. Ligi, E. Sissa, A. Vigan, A. Zurlo, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, F. Cantalloube, G. Chauvin, A. Cheetham, V. De Caprio, P. Delorme, M. Feldt, T. Fusco, L. Gluck, J. Hagelberg, A.-M. Lagrange, C. Lazzoni, F. Madec, A.-L. Maire, F. Menard, M. Meyer, J. Ramos, E. L. Rickman, D. Rouan, T. Schmidt and G. Van der Plas: Determining mass limits around HD 163296 through SPHERE direct imaging data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 37-46 (2019)
Meza, E., B. Sicardy, M. Assafin, J. L. Ortiz, T. Bertrand, E. Lellouch, J. Desmars, F. Forget, D. Bérard, A. Doressoundiram, J. Lecacheux, J. Marques Oliveira, F. Roques, T. Widemann, F. Colas, F. Vachier, S. Renner, R. Leiva, F. Braga-Ribas, G. Benedetti-Rossi, J. I. B. Camargo, A. Dias-Oliveira, B. Morgado, A. R. Gomes-Júnior, R. Vieira-Martins, R. Behrend, A. C. Tirado, R. Duffard, N. Morales, P. Santos-Sanz, M. Jelínek, R. Cunniffe, R. Querel, M. Harnisch, R. Jansen, A. Pennell, S. Todd, V. D. Ivanov, C. Opitom, M. Gillon, E. Jehin, J. Manfroid, J. Pollock, D. E. Reichart, J. B. Haislip, K. M. Ivarsen, A. P. LaCluyze, A. Maury, R. Gil-Hutton, V. Dhillon, S. Littlefair, T. Marsh, C. Veillet, K.-L. Bath, W. Beisker, H.-J. Bode, M. Kretlow, D. Herald, D. Gault, S. Kerr, H. Pavlov, O. Faragó, O. Klös, E. Frappa, M. Lavayssière, A. A. Cole, A. B. Giles, J. G. Greenhill, K. M. Hill, M. W. Buie, C. B. Olkin, E. F. Young, L. A. Young, L. H. Wasserman, M. Devogèle, R. G. French, F. B. Bianco, F. Marchis, N. Brosch, S. Kaspi, D. Polishook, I. Manulis, M. Ait Moulay Larbi, Z. Benkhaldoun, A. Daassou, Y. El Azhari, Y. Moulane, J. Broughton, J. Milner, T. Dobosz, G. Bolt, B. Lade, A. Gilmore, P. Kilmartin, W. H. Allen, P. B. Graham, B. Loader, G. McKay, J. Talbot, S. Parker, L. Abe, P. Bendjoya, J.-P. Rivet, D. Vernet, L. Di Fabrizio, V. Lorenzi, A. Magazzú, E. Molinari, K. Gazeas, L. Tzouganatos, A. Carbognani, G. Bonnoli, A. Marchini, G. Leto, R. Z. Sanchez, L. Mancini, B. Kattentidt, M. Dohrmann, K. Guhl, W. Rothe, K. Walzel, G. Wortmann, A. Eberle, D. Hampf, J. Ohlert, G. Krannich, G. Murawsky, B. Gährken, D. Gloistein, S. Alonso, A. Román, J.-E. Communal, F. Jabet, S. deVisscher, J. Sérot, T. Janik, Z. Moravec, P. Machado, A. Selva, C. Perelló, J. Rovira, M. Conti, R. Papini, F. Salvaggio, A. Noschese, V. Tsamis, K. Tigani, P. Barroy, M. Irzyk, D. Neel, J. P. Godard, D. Lanoiselée, P. Sogorb, D. Vérilhac, M. Bretton, F. Signoret, F. Ciabattari, R. Naves, M. Boutet, J. De Queiroz, P. Lindner, K. Lindner, P. Enskonatus, G. Dangl, T. Tordai, H. Eichler, J. Hattenbach, C. Peterson, L. A. Molnar and R. R. Howell: Lower atmosphere and pressure evolution on Pluto from ground-based stellar occultations, 1988-2016. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Mignone, A., M. Flock and B. Vaidya: A Particle Module for the PLUTO Code. III. Dust. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 244, 38 (2019)
Milli, J., N. Engler, H. M. Schmid, J. Olofsson, F. Ménard, Q. Kral, A. Boccaletti, P. Thébault, E. Choquet, D. Mouillet, A.-M. Lagrange, J.-C. Augereau, C. Pinte, G. Chauvin, C. Dominik, C. Perrot, A. Zurlo, T. Henning, J.-L. Beuzit, H. Avenhaus, A. Bazzon, T. Moulin, M. Llored, O. Moeller-Nilsson, R. Roelfsema and J. Pragt: Optical polarised phase function of the HR 4796A dust ring. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, (2019)
Molaverdikhani, K., T. Henning and P. Mollière: From Cold to Hot Irradiated Gaseous Exoplanets: Fingerprints of Chemical Disequilibrium in Atmospheric Spectra. The Astrophysical Journal 883, 194 (2019)
Molaverdikhani, K., T. Henning and P. Mollière: From Cold to Hot Irradiated Gaseous Exoplanets: Toward an Observation-based Classification Scheme. The Astrophysical Journal 873, (2019)
Molinari, S., A. Baldeschi, T. P. Robitaille, E. F. E. Morales, E. Schisano, A. Traficante, M. Merello, M. Molinaro, F. Vitello, E. Sciacca and S. J. Liu: Evolution of young protoclusters embedded in dense massive clumps. A new grid of population synthesis SED models and a new set of L/M evolutionary tracks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 4508-4525 (2019)
Mollière, P., J. P. Wardenier, R. van Boekel, T. Henning, K. Molaverdikhani and I. A. G. Snellen: petitRADTRANS. A Python radiative transfer package for exoplanet characterization and retrieval. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Montesinos, B., C. Eiroa, J. Lillo-Box, I. Rebollido, A. A. Djupvik, O. Absil, S. Ertel, L. Marion, J. J. E. Kajava, S. Redfield, H. Isaacson, H. Cánovas, G. Meeus, I. Mendigutía, A. Mora, P. Rivière-Marichalar, E. Villaver, J. Maldonado and T. Henning: HR 10: a main-sequence binary with circumstellar envelopes around both components. Discovery and analysis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Moór, A., Q. Kral, P. t. Ábrahám, Å. K√≥sp√°l, A. Dutrey, E. Di Folco, A. M. Hughes, A. Juh√°sz, I. Pascucci and N. Pawellek: New Millimeter CO Observations of the Gas-rich Debris Disks 49 Cet and HD 32297. The Astrophysical Journal 884, 108 (2019)
Morales, J. C., A. J. Mustill, I. Ribas, M. B. Davies, A. Reiners, F. F. Bauer, D. Kossakowski, E. Herrero, E. Rodríguez, M. J. López-González, C. Rodríguez-López, V. J. S. Béjar, L. González-Cuesta, R. Luque, E. Pallé, M. Perger, D. Baroch, A. Johansen, H. Klahr, C. Mordasini, G. Anglada-Escudé, J. A. Caballero, M. Cortés-Contreras, S. Dreizler, M. Lafarga, E. Nagel, V. M. Passegger, S. Reffert, A. Rosich, A. Schweitzer, L. Tal-Or, T. Trifonov, M. Zechmeister, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, E. W. Guenther, H.-J. Hagen, T. Henning, S. V. Jeffers, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, D. Montes, W. Seifert, F. J. Abellán, M. Abril, J. Aceituno, F. J. Aceituno, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, M. Ammler-von Eiff, R. Antona, B. Arroyo-Torres, M. Azzaro, D. Barrado, S. Becerril-Jarque, D. Benítez, Z. M. Berdiñas, G. Bergond, M. Brinkmöller, C. del Burgo, R. Burn, R. Calvo-Ortega, J. Cano, M. C. Cárdenas, C. Cardona Guillén, J. Carro, E. Casal, V. Casanova, N. Casasayas-Barris, P. Chaturvedi, C. Cifuentes, A. Claret, J. Colomé, S. Czesla, E. Díez-Alonso, R. Dorda, A. Emsenhuber, M. Fernández, A. Fernández-Martín, I. M. Ferro, B. Fuhrmeister, D. Galadí-Enríquez, I. Gallardo Cava, M. L. García Vargas, A. Garcia-Piquer, L. Gesa, E. González-Álvarez, J. I. González Hernández, R. González-Peinado, J. Guàrdia, A. Guijarro, E. de Guindos, A. P. Hatzes, P. H. Hauschildt, R. P. Hedrosa, I. Hermelo, R. Hernández Arabi, F. Hernández Otero, D. Hintz, G. Holgado, A. Huber, P. Huke, E. N. Johnson, E. de Juan, M. Kehr, J. Kemmer, M. Kim, J. Klüter, A. Klutsch, F. Labarga, N. Labiche, S. Lalitha, M. Lampón, L. M. Lara, R. Launhardt, F. J. Lázaro, J.-L. Lizon, M. Llamas, N. Lodieu, M. López del Fresno, J. F. López Salas, J. López-Santiago, H. Magán Madinabeitia, U. Mall, L. Mancini, H. Mandel, E. Marfil, J. A. Marín Molina, E. L. Martín, P. Martín-Fernández, S. Martín-Ruiz, H. Martínez-Rodríguez, C. J. Marvin, E. Mirabet, A. Moya, V. Naranjo, R. P. Nelson, L. Nortmann, G. Nowak, A. Ofir, J. Pascual, A. Pavlov, S. Pedraz, D. Pérez Medialdea, A. Pérez-Calpena, M. A. C. Perryman, O. Rabaza, A. Ramón Ballesta, R. Rebolo, P. Redondo, H.-W. Rix, F. Rodler, A. Rodríguez Trinidad, S. Sabotta, S. Sadegi, M. Salz, E. Sánchez-Blanco, M. A. Sánchez Carrasco, A. Sánchez-López, J. Sanz-Forcada, P. Sarkis, L. F. Sarmiento, S. Schäfer, M. Schlecker, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, P. Schöfer, E. Solano, A. Sota, O. Stahl, S. Stock, T. Stuber, J. Stürmer, J. C. Suárez, H. M. Tabernero, S. M. Tulloch, G. Veredas, J. I. Vico-Linares, F. Vilardell, K. Wagner, J. Winkler, V. Wolthoff, F. Yan and M. R. Zapatero Osorio: A giant exoplanet orbiting a very-low-mass star challenges planet formation models. Science 365, 1441 (2019)
Mróz, P., A. Udalski, D. P. Bennett, Y.-H. Ryu, T. Sumi, Y. Shvartzvald, J. Skowron, R. Poleski, P. Pietrukowicz, S. Kozłowski, M. K. Szymański, Ł. Wyrzykowski, I. Soszyński, K. Ulaczyk, K. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, C. Han, K.-H. Hwang, Y. K. Jung, I.-G. Shin, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, F. Abe, R. Barry, A. Bhattacharya, I. A. Bond, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, C. Ranc, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, D. Maoz, S. Kaspi and M. Friedmann: Two new free-floating or wide-orbit planets from microlensing. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, A201 (2019)
Musso Barcucci, A., R. Launhardt, G. M. Kennedy, H. Avenhaus, S. S. Brems, R. van Boekel, F. Cantalloube, A. Cheetham, G. Cugno, J. Girard, N. Godoy, T. K. Henning, S. Metchev, A. Müller, J. Olofsson, F. Pepe, S. P. Quanz, A. Quirrenbach, S. Reffert, E. L. Rickman, M. Samland and D. Segransan: ISPY - NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. Discovery of an M dwarf in the gap between HD 193571 and its debris ring. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Musso Barcucci, A., R. Launhardt, G. M. Kennedy, H. Avenhaus, S. S. Brems, R. van Boekel, F. Cantalloube, A. Cheetham, G. Cugno, J. Girard, N. s. Godoy, T. K. Henning, S. Metchev, A. Müller, J. Olofsson, F. Pepe, S. P. Quanz, A. Quirrenbach, S. Reffert, E. L. Rickman, M. Samland and D. Segransan: ISPY - NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. Discovery of an M dwarf in the gap between HD 193571 and its debris ring. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Nagel, E., S. Czesla, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, S. Dreizler, G. Anglada-Escudé, E. Rodríguez, I. Ribas, A. Reiners, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, J. Aceituno, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, L. González-Cuesta, E. W. Guenther, T. Henning, S. V. Jeffers, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, M. J. López-González, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, V. M. Passegger, C. Rodríguez-López, A. Schweitzer and M. Zechmeister: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. The enigmatic planetary system GJ 4276: one eccentric planet or two planets in a 2:1 resonance? Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Nelson, E. J., K.-i. Tadaki, L. J. Tacconi, D. Lutz, N. M. Förster Schreiber, A. Cibinel, S. Wuyts, P. Lang, J. Leja, M. Montes, P. A. Oesch, S. Belli, R. L. Davies, R. I. Davies, R. Genzel, M. Lippa, S. H. Price, H. Übler and E. Wisnioski: Millimeter Mapping at z ̃ 1: Dust-obscured Bulge Building and Disk Growth. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)
Nelson, E. J., K.-i. Tadaki, L. J. Tacconi, D. Lutz, N. M. Förster Schreiber, A. Cibinel, S. Wuyts, P. Lang, J. Leja, M. Montes, P. A. Oesch, S. Belli, R. L. Davies, R. I. Davies, R. Genzel, M. Lippa, S. H. Price, H. Übler and E. Wisnioski: Millimeter Mapping at z ̃ 1: Dust-obscured Bulge Building and Disk Growth. The Astrophysical Journal 870, (2019)
Nordlander, T., M. S. Bessell, G. S. Da Costa, A. D. Mackey, M. Asplund, A. R. Casey, A. Chiti, R. Ezzeddine, A. Frebel, K. Lind, A. F. Marino, S. J. Murphy, J. E. Norris, B. P. Schmidt and D. Yong: The lowest detected stellar Fe abundance: the halo star SMSS J160540.18-144323.1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, L109-L113 (2019)
Olofsson, J., J. Milli, P. Thébault, Q. Kral, F. Ménard, M. Janson, J.-C. Augereau, A. Bayo, J. C. Beamín, T. Henning, D. Iglesias, G. M. Kennedy, M. Montesinos, N. Pawellek, M. R. Schreiber, C. Zamora, M. Carbillet, P. Feautrier, T. Fusco, F. Madec, P. Rabou, A. Sevin, J. Szulágyi and A. Zurlo: Dust production in the debris disk around HR 4796 A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A142 (2019)
Osborn, H. P., M. Kenworthy, J. E. Rodriguez, E. J. W. de Mooij, G. M. Kennedy, H. Relles, E. Gomez, M. Hippke, M. Banfi, L. Barbieri, I. S. Becker, P. Benni, P. Berlind, A. Bieryla, G. Bonnoli, H. Boussier, S. M. Brincat, J. Briol, M. R. Burleigh, T. Butterley, M. L. Calkins, P. Chote, S. Ciceri, M. Deldem, V. S. Dhillon, E. Dose, F. Dubois, S. Dvorak, G. A. Esquerdo, D. F. Evans, S. Ferratfiat, S. J. Fossey, M. N. Günther, J. Hall, F.-J. Hambsch, E. Herrero, K. Hills, R. James, R. Jayawardhana, S. Kafka, T. L. Killestein, C. Kotnik, D. W. Latham, D. Lemay, P. Lewin, S. Littlefair, C. Lopresti, M. Mallonn, L. Mancini, A. Marchini, J. J. McCormac, G. Murawski, G. Myers, R. Papini, V. Popov, U. Quadri, S. N. Quinn, L. Raynard, L. Rizzuti, J. Robertson, F. Salvaggio, A. Scholz, R. Sfair, A. M. S. Smith, J. Southworth, T. G. Tan, S. Vanaverbeke, E. O. Waagen, C. A. Watson, R. G. West, O. C. Winter, P. J. Wheatley, R. W. Wilson and G. Zhou: The PDS 110 observing campaign - photometric and spectroscopic observations reveal eclipses are aperiodic. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 1614-1625 (2019)
Pairet, B. Æ., F. Cantalloube, C. A. Gomez Gonzalez, O. Absil and L. Jacques: STIM map: detection map for exoplanets imaging beyond asymptotic Gaussian residual speckle noise. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 2262-2277 (2019)
Palle, E., G. Nowak, R. Luque, D. Hidalgo, O. Barragán, J. Prieto-Arranz, T. Hirano, M. Fridlund, D. Gandolfi, J. Livingston, F. Dai, J. C. Morales, M. Lafarga, S. Albrecht, R. Alonso, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, J. Cabrera, W. D. Cochran, S. Csizmadia, H. Deeg, P. Eigmüller, M. Endl, A. Erikson, A. Fukui, E. W. Guenther, S. Grziwa, A. P. Hatzes, J. Korth, M. Kürster, M. Kuzuhara, P. Montañes Rodríguez, F. Murgas, N. Narita, D. Nespral, M. Pätzold, C. M. Persson, A. Quirrenbach, H. Rauer, S. Redfield, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, A. M. S. Smith, V. Van Eylen, J. N. Winn and M. Zechmeister: Detection and Doppler monitoring of K2-285 (EPIC 246471491), a system of four transiting planets smaller than Neptune. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Passegger, V. M., A. Schweitzer, D. Shulyak, E. Nagel, P. H. Hauschildt, A. Reiners, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, M. Cortés-Contreras, A. J. Domínguez-Fernández, A. Quirrenbach, I. Ribas, M. Azzaro, G. Anglada-Escudé, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, S. Dreizler, E. W. Guenther, T. Henning, S. V. Jeffers, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, E. L. Martín, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, J. H. M. M. Schmitt and M. Zechmeister: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Photospheric parameters of target stars from high-resolution spectroscopy. II. Simultaneous multiwavelength range modeling of activity insensitive lines. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Pawellek, N., A. Mo√≥r, J. Milli, Å. K√≥sp√°l, J. Olofsson, P. t. √Åbrah√°m, M. Keppler, Q. Kral, A. Pohl, J.-C. Augereau, A. Boccaletti, G. l. Chauvin, â. Choquet, N. Engler, T. Henning, M. Langlois, E. J. Lee, F. ß. M√©nard, P. Th√©bault and A. Zurlo: A multiwavelength study of the debris disc around 49 Cet. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 3507 (2019)
Pawellek, N., A. Moór, I. Pascucci and A. V. Krivov: Dust spreading in debris discs: do small grains cling on to their birth environment? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 5874 (2019)
Pawellek, N., A. Moór, J. Milli, Á. Kóspál, J. Olofsson, P. Ábrahám, M. Keppler, Q. Kral, A. Pohl, J.-C. Augereau, A. Boccaletti, G. Chauvin, É. Choquet, N. Engler, T. Henning, M. Langlois, E. J. Lee, F. Ménard, P. Thébault and A. Zurlo: A multiwavelength study of the debris disc around 49 Cet. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 3507-3525 (2019)
Pawellek, N., A. Moór, I. Pascucci and A. V. Krivov: Dust spreading in debris discs: do small grains cling on to their birth environment? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 5874-5888 (2019)
Peretti, S., D. Ségransan, B. Lavie, S. Desidera, A.-L. Maire, V. D'Orazi, A. Vigan, J.-L. Baudino, A. Cheetham, M. Janson, G. Chauvin, J. Hagelberg, F. Menard, K. Heng, S. Udry, A. Boccaletti, S. Daemgen, H. Le Coroller, D. Mesa, D. Rouan, M. Samland, T. Schmidt, A. Zurlo, M. Bonnefoy, M. Feldt, R. Gratton, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, M. Meyer, M. Carbillet, M. Carle, V. De Caprio, L. Gluck, E. Hugot, Y. Magnard, T. Moulin, A. Pavlov, J. Pragt, P. Rabou, J. Ramos, G. Rousset, A. Sevin, C. Soenke, E. Stadler, L. Weber and F. Wildi: Orbital and spectral analysis of the benchmark brown dwarf HD 4747B. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A107 (2019)
Pérez, S., S. n. Marino, S. Casassus, C. m. Baruteau, A. Zurlo, C. Flores and G. Chauvin: Upper limits on protolunar disc masses using ALMA observations of directly imaged exoplanets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 1005-1011 (2019)
Perger, M., G. Scandariato, I. Ribas, J. C. Morales, L. Affer, M. Azzaro, P. J. Amado, G. Anglada-Escudé, D. Baroch, D. Barrado, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, J. A. Caballero, M. Cortés-Contreras, M. Damasso, S. Dreizler, L. González-Cuesta, J. I. González Hernández, E. W. Guenther, T. Henning, E. Herrero, S. V. Jeffers, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, G. Leto, M. J. López-González, J. Maldonado, G. Micela, D. Montes, M. Pinamonti, A. Quirrenbach, R. Rebolo, A. Reiners, E. Rodríguez, C. Rodríguez-López, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, A. Sozzetti, A. Suárez Mascareño, B. Toledo-Padrón, R. Zanmar Sánchez, M. R. Zapatero Osorio and M. Zechmeister: Gliese 49: activity evolution and detection of a super-Earth. A HADES and CARMENES collaboration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Perrot, C. m., P. Thebault, A.-M. Lagrange, A. Boccaletti, A. Vigan, S. Desidera, J.-C. Augereau, M. Bonnefoy, â. Choquet, Q. Kral, A. Loh, A.-L. Maire, F. ß. M√©nard, S. Messina, J. Olofsson, R. Gratton, B. Biller, W. Brandner, E. Buenzli, G. l. Chauvin, A. Cheetham, S. Daemgen, P. Delorme, M. Feldt, E. Lagadec, M. Langlois, J. Lannier, D. Mesa, D. Mouillet, S. b. Peretti, P. Janin-Potiron, G. Salter, E. Sissa, A. Roux, M. Llored, J.-T. Buey, A. Pavlov, L. Weber and C. Petit: First resolved observations of a highly asymmetric debris disc around HD 160305 with VLT/SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, (2019)
Pfeil, T. and H. Klahr: Mapping the Conditions for Hydrodynamic Instability on Steady-State Accretion Models of Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)
Pirani, S., A. Johansen, B. Bitsch, A. J. Mustill and D. Turrini: Consequences of planetary migration on the minor bodies of the early solar system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Pössel, M.: Energy conservation in explicit solutions as a simple illustration of Noether's theorem. American Journal of Physics 87, 141 (2019)
Potapov, A., C. Jäger and T. Henning: Photodesorption of Water Ice from Dust Grains and Thermal Desorption of Cometary Ices Studied by the INSIDE Experiment. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)
Potapov, A., P. Theulé, C. Jäger and T. Henning: Evidence of Surface Catalytic Effect on Cosmic Dust Grain Analogs: The Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide Surface Reaction. The Astrophysical Journal 878, (2019)
Querejeta, M., E. Schinnerer, A. Schruba, E. Murphy, S. Meidt, A. Usero, A. K. Leroy, J. Pety, F. Bigiel, M. Chevance, C. M. Faesi, M. Gallagher, S. García-Burillo, S. C. O. Glover, A. P. S. Hygate, M. J. Jiménez-Donaire, J. M. D. Kruijssen, E. Momjian, E. Rosolowsky and D. Utomo: Dense gas is not enough: environmental variations in the star formation efficiency of dense molecular gas at 100 pc scales in M 51. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Quirrenbach, A., T. Trifonov, M. H. Lee and S. Reffert: Precise radial velocities of giant stars. XI. Two brown dwarfs in 6:1 mean motion resonance around the K giant star ν Ophiuchi. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Rabus, M., R. Lachaume, A. Jordán, R. Brahm, T. Boyajian, K. von Braun, N. Espinoza, J.-P. Berger, J.-B. Le Bouquin and O. Absil: A discontinuity in the Teff-radius relation of M-dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 2674-2683 (2019)
Rackham, B. V., D. n. Apai and M. S. Giampapa: The Transit Light Source Effect. II. The Impact of Stellar Heterogeneity on Transmission Spectra of Planets Orbiting Broadly Sun-like Stars. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Ranc, C., D. P. Bennett, Y. Hirao, A. Udalski, C. Han, I. A. Bond, J. C. Yee, and, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, K.-H. Hwang, Y.-K. Jung, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, W. Zang, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, F. Abe, R. K. Barry, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, S. Miyazaki, Y. Muraki, M. Nagakane, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, R. Ç. Poleski, P. Mr√≥z, J. Skowron, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, S. Koz≈Çowski, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz and K. Ulaczyk: OGLE-2015-BLG-1670Lb: A Cold Neptune beyond the Snow Line in the Provisional WFIRST¬†Microlensing Survey Field. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Ranc, C., D. P. Bennett, Y. Hirao, A. Udalski, C. Han, I. A. Bond, J. C. Yee, and, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, K.-H. Hwang, Y.-K. Jung, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, W. Zang, W. Zhu, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, B.-G. Park, R. W. Pogge, K. Collaboration, F. Abe, R. K. Barry, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, A. Fukui, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, I. Kondo, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, Y. Matsubara, S. Miyazaki, Y. Muraki, M. Nagakane, N. J. Rattenbury, H. Suematsu, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, M. Collaboration, R. Ç. Poleski, P. Mr√≥z, J. Skowron, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, I. Soszy≈Ñski, S. Koz≈Çowski, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, K. Ulaczyk and O. Collaboration: OGLE-2015-BLG-1670Lb: A Cold Neptune beyond the Snow Line in the Provisional WFIRST Microlensing Survey Field. The Astronomical Journal 157, 232 (2019)
Ratzloff, J. K., H. T. Corbett, N. M. Law, B. N. Barlow, A. Glazier, W. S. Howard, O. Fors, D. del Ser and T. Trifonov: Variables in the Southern Polar Region Evryscope 2016 Data Set. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131, 084201 (2019)
Rebollido, I., C. Eiroa, B. Montesinos, J. Maldonado, E. Villaver, O. Absil, A. Bayo, H. Canovas, A. Carmona, C. Chen, S. Ertel, A. Garufi, T. Henning, D. P. Iglesias, R. Launhardt, R. Liseau, G. Meeus, A. Moór, A. Mora, J. Olofsson, G. Rauw and P. Riviere-Marichalar: The co-existence of hot and cold gas in debris discs (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Rebollido, I., C. Eiroa, B. Montesinos, J. Maldonado, E. Villaver, O. Absil, A. Bayo, H. Canovas, A. Carmona, C. Chen, S. Ertel, A. Garufi, T. Henning, D. P. Iglesias, R. Launhardt, R. Liseau, G. Meeus, A. Moór, A. Mora, J. Olofsson, G. Rauw and P. Riviere-Marichalar: The co-existence of hot and cold gas in debris discs (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Redaelli, E., F. O. Alves, F. P. Santos and P. Caselli: Magnetic properties of the protostellar core IRAS 15398-3359. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A154 (2019)
Reggiani, H., A. M. Amarsi, K. Lind, P. S. Barklem, O. Zatsarinny, K. Bartschat, D. V. Fursa, I. Bray, L. Spina and J. Meléndez: Non-LTE analysis of K I in late-type stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Reichert, K., S. Reffert, S. Stock, T. Trifonov and A. Quirrenbach: Precise radial velocities of giant stars. XII. Evidence against the proposed planet Aldebaran b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Reiter, M., A. F. McLeod, P. D. Klaassen, A. s. E. Guzm√°n, J. E. Dale, J. C. Mottram and G. Garay: Illuminating the Tadpole's metamorphosis - I. MUSE observations of a small globule in a sea of ionizing photons. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 2056 (2019)
Rich, E. A., J. P. Wisniewski, T. Currie, M. Fukagawa, C. A. Grady, M. L. Sitko, M. Pikhartova, J. Hashimoto, L. Abe, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, J. C. Carson, J. Chilcote, R. Dong, M. Feldt, M. Goto, T. Groff, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. S. Hayashi, T. Henning, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, M. Janson, N. Jovanovic, R. Kandori, J. Kasdin, G. R. Knapp, T. Kudo, N. Kusakabe, M. Kuzuhara, J. Kwon, J. Lozi, F. Martinache, T. Matsuo, S. Mayama, M. W. McElwain, S. Miyama, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-Martin, T. Nakagawa, T. Nishimura, T.-S. Pyo, E. Serabyn, H. Suto, R. W. Russel, R. Suzuki, M. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, C. Thalmann, E. L. Turner, T. Uyama, K. R. Wagner, M. Watanabe, T. Yamada, H. Takami, T. Usuda and M. Tamura: Multi-epoch Direct Imaging and Time-variable Scattered Light Morphology of the HD 163296 Protoplanetary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 875, (2019)
Riener, M., J. Kainulainen, J. D. Henshaw, J. H. Orkisz, C. E. Murray and H. Beuther: GAUSSPY+: A fully automated Gaussian decomposition package for emission line spectra. Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, (2019)
Rigliaco, E., R. Gratton, D. Mesa, V. D'Orazi, M. Bonnefoy, J. M. Alcalà, S. Antoniucci, F. Bacciotti, M. Dima, B. Nisini, L. Podio, M. Barbieri, R. Claudi, S. Desidera, A. Garufi, E. Hugot, M. Janson, M. Langlois, E. L. Rickman, E. Sissa, M. Ubeira Gabellini, G. van der Plas, A. Zurlo, Y. Magnard, D. Perret, R. Roelfsema and L. Weber: Investigating the nature of the extended structure around the Herbig star RCrA using integral field and high-resolution spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A18 (2019)
Rodriguez, J. E., S. N. Quinn, C. X. Huang, A. Vanderburg, K. Penev, R. Brahm, A. Jordán, M. Ikwut-Ukwa, S. Tsirulik, D. W. Latham, K. G. Stassun, A. Shporer, C. Ziegler, E. Matthews, J. D. Eastman, B. S. Gaudi, K. A. Collins, N. Guerrero, H. M. Relles, T. Barclay, N. M. Batalha, P. Berlind, A. Bieryla, L. G. Bouma, P. T. Boyd, J. Burt, M. L. Calkins, J. Christiansen, D. R. Ciardi, K. D. Colón, D. M. Conti, I. J. M. Crossfield, T. Daylan, J. Dittmann, D. Dragomir, S. Dynes, N. Espinoza, G. A. Esquerdo, Z. Essack, A. Garcia Soto, A. Glidden, M. N. Günther, T. Henning, J. M. Jenkins, J. F. Kielkopf, A. Krishnamurthy, N. M. Law, A. M. Levine, P. Lewin, A. W. Mann, E. H. Morgan, R. L. Morris, R. J. Oelkers, M. Paegert, J. Pepper, E. V. Quintana, G. R. Ricker, P. Rowden, S. Seager, P. Sarkis, J. E. Schlieder, L. Sha, A. Tokovinin, G. Torres, R. K. Vanderspek, S. Villanueva, Jr., J. N. Villaseñor, J. N. Winn, B. Wohler, I. Wong, D. A. Yahalomi, L. Yu, Z. Zhan and G. Zhou: An Eccentric Massive Jupiter Orbiting a Subgiant on a 9.5-day Period Discovered in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Full Frame Images. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Röser, S., E. Schilbach and B. Goldman: Hyades tidal tails revealed by Gaia DR2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, (2019)
Rouillé, G., M. Steglich, P. Hemberger, C. J√§ger and T. Henning: Threshold Dissociation of the 1-ethynylpyrene Cation at Internal Energies Relevant to H I Regions. The Astrophysical Journal 885, 21 (2019)
Rousseau-Nepton, L., R. P. Martin, C. Robert, L. Drissen, P. Amram, S. Prunet, T. Martin, I. Moumen, A. Adamo, A. Alarie, P. Barmby, A. Boselli, F. Bresolin, M. Bureau, L. Chemin, R. C. Fernandes, F. Combes, C. Crowder, L. Della Bruna, S. Duarte Puertas, F. Egusa, B. Epinat, V. F. Ksoll, M. Girard, V. Gómez Llanos, D. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, C. Higgs, J. Hlavacek-Larrondo, I.-T. Ho, J. Iglesias-Páramo, G. Joncas, Z. S. Kam, P. Karera, R. C. Kennicutt, R. S. Klessen, S. Lianou, L. Liu, Q. Liu, A. L. de Amorim, J. D. Lyman, H. Martel, B. Mazzilli-Ciraulo, A. F. McLeod, A.-L. Melchior, I. Millan, M. Mollá, R. Momose, C. Morisset, H.-A. Pan, A. K. Pati, A. Pellerin, E. Pellegrini, I. Pérez, A. Petric, H. Plana, D. Rahner, T. Ruiz Lara, L. Sánchez-Menguiano, K. Spekkens, G. Stasińska, M. Takamiya, N. Vale Asari and J. M. Vílchez: SIGNALS: I. Survey description. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 5530-5546 (2019)
Rugel, M. R., D. Rahner, H. Beuther, E. W. Pellegrini, Y. Wang, J. D. Soler, J. Ott, A. Brunthaler, L. D. Anderson, J. C. Mottram, T. Henning, P. F. Goldsmith, M. Heyer, R. S. Klessen, S. Bihr, K. M. Menten, R. J. Smith, J. S. Urquhart, S. E. Ragan, S. C. O. Glover, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, F. Bigiel and N. Roy: Feedback in W49A diagnosed with radio recombination lines and models. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Ryu, Y.-H., K.-H. Hwang, A. Gould, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, C. Han, Y. K. Jung, I.-G. Shin, Y. Shvartzvald, J. C. Yee, W. Zang, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park and R. W. Pogge: KMT-2018-BLG-1990Lb: A Nearby Jovian Planet From A Low-cadence Microlensing Field. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)
Sadavoy, S. I., I. W. Stephens, P. C. Myers, L. Looney, J. Tobin, W. Kwon, B. Æ. Commer√ßon, D. Segura-Cox, T. Henning and P. Hennebelle: Dust Polarization toward Embedded Protostars in Ophiuchus with ALMA. III. Survey Overview. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 245, 2 (2019)
Sanchez-Bermudez, J., A. Alberdi, R. Schödel, W. Brandner, R. Galván-Madrid, J. C. Guirado, R. Herrero-Illana, C. A. Hummel, J. M. Marcaide and M. A. Pérez-Torres: A VLBI study of the wind-wind collision region in the massive multiple HD 167971. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Sánchez-López, A., F. J. Alonso-Floriano, M. López-Puertas, I. A. G. Snellen, B. Funke, E. Nagel, F. F. Bauer, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, S. Czesla, L. Nortmann, E. Pall√©, M. Salz, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, G. Anglada-Escud√©, V. J. S. B√©jar, N. Casasayas-Barris, D. Galad√≠-Enr√≠quez, E. W. Guenther, T. Henning, A. Kaminski, M. K√ºrster, M. Lamp√≥n, L. M. Lara, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, M. Stangret, L. Tal-Or, J. Sanz-Forcada, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, M. R. Zapatero Osorio and M. Zechmeister: Water vapor detection in the transmission spectra of HD 209458 b with the CARMENES NIR channel. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A53 (2019)
Sánchez-López, A., F. J. Alonso-Floriano, M. López-Puertas, I. A. G. Snellen, B. Funke, E. Nagel, F. F. Bauer, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, S. Czesla, L. Nortmann, E. Pallé, M. Salz, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, G. Anglada-Escudé, V. J. S. Béjar, N. Casasayas-Barris, D. Galadí-Enríquez, E. W. Guenther, T. Henning, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lampón, L. M. Lara, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, M. Stangret, L. Tal-Or, J. Sanz-Forcada, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, M. R. Zapatero Osorio and M. Zechmeister: Water vapor detection in the transmission spectra of HD 209458 b with the CARMENES NIR channel. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, (2019)
Sandford, E., N. Espinoza, R. Brahm and A. Jordán: Estimation of singly transiting K2 planet periods with Gaia parallaxes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 3149-3161 (2019)
Sanhueza, P., Y. Contreras, B. Wu, J. M. Jackson, A. s. E. Guzm√°n, Q. Zhang, S. Li, X. Lu, A. Silva, N. Izumi, T. Liu, R. E. Miura, K. i. Tatematsu, T. Sakai, H. Beuther, G. Garay, S. Ohashi, M. Saito, F. Nakamura, K. Saigo, V. S. Veena, Q. Nguyen-Luong and D. Tafoya: The ALMA Survey of 70 µm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). I. Pilot Survey: Clump Fragmentation. The Astrophysical Journal 886, 102 (2019)
Santhakumari, K. K. R., C. Arcidiacono, T. Bertram, F. Briegel, T. M. Herbst and R. Ragazzoni: Operation of a layer-oriented multiconjugate adaptive optics system in the partial illumination regime. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 5, 049002 (2019)
Santos, F. P., D. T. Chuss, C. D. Dowell, M. Houde, L. W. Looney, E. Lopez Rodriguez, G. Novak, D. Ward-Thompson, M. Berthoud, D. A. Dale, J. A. Guerra, R. T. Hamilton, S. Hanany, D. A. Harper, T. K. Henning, T. J. Jones, A. Lazarian, J. M. Michail, M. R. Morris, J. Staguhn, I. W. Stephens, K. Tassis, C. Q. Trinh, E. Van Camp, C. G. Volpert and E. J. Wollack: The Far-infrared Polarization Spectrum of ρ Ophiuchi A from HAWC+/SOFIA Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 882, (2019)
Schanche, N., A. Collier Cameron, G. Hébrard, L. Nielsen, A. H. M. J. Triaud, J. M. Almenara, K. A. Alsubai, D. R. Anderson, D. J. Armstrong, S. C. C. Barros, F. Bouchy, P. Boumis, D. J. A. Brown, F. Faedi, K. Hay, L. Hebb, F. Kiefer, L. Mancini, P. F. L. Maxted, E. Palle, D. L. Pollacco, D. Queloz, B. Smalley, S. Udry, R. West and P. J. Wheatley: Machine-learning approaches to exoplanet transit detection and candidate validation in wide-field ground-based surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 5534-5547 (2019)
Schneider, N., G. Wurm, J. Teiser, H. Klahr and V. Carpenter: Dense Particle Clouds in Laboratory Experiments in Context of Drafting and Streaming Instability. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)
Schöfer, P., S. V. Jeffers, A. Reiners, D. Shulyak, B. Fuhrmeister, E. N. Johnson, M. Zechmeister, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, G. Anglada-Escud√©, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. B√©jar, M. Cort√©s-Contreras, S. Dreizler, E. W. Guenther, A. Kaminski, M. K√ºrster, M. Lafarga, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, S. Pedraz and L. Tal-Or: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Activity indicators at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, A44 (2019)
Schöfer, P., S. V. Jeffers, A. Reiners, D. Shulyak, B. Fuhrmeister, E. N. Johnson, M. Zechmeister, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, G. Anglada-Escudé, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, S. Dreizler, E. W. Guenther, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, S. Pedraz and L. Tal-Or: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Activity indicators at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, (2019)
Schulik, M., A. Johansen, B. Bitsch and E. Lega: Global 3D radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of gas accretion: Opacity-dependent growth of Saturn-mass planets. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A118 (2019)
Schweitzer, A., V. M. Passegger, C. Cifuentes, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, J. A. Caballero, C. del Burgo, S. Czesla, M. Kürster, D. Montes, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, I. Ribas, A. Reiners, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, J. Aceituno, G. Anglada-Escudé, F. F. Bauer, S. Dreizler, S. V. Jeffers, E. W. Guenther, T. Henning, A. Kaminski, M. Lafarga, E. Marfil, J. C. Morales, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, W. Seifert, E. Solano, H. M. Tabernero and M. Zechmeister: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Different roads to radii and masses of the target stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Sepulveda, A. G., L. Matrà, G. M. Kennedy, C. del Burgo, K. I. Öberg, D. J. Wilner, S. n. Marino, M. Booth, J. M. Carpenter, C. L. Davies, W. R. F. Dent, S. Ertel, J.-F. Lestrade, J. P. Marshall, J. Milli, M. C. Wyatt, M. A. MacGregor and B. C. Matthews: The REASONS Survey: Resolved Millimeter Observations of a Large Debris Disk around the Nearby F Star HD 170773. The Astrophysical Journal 881, (2019)
Shanahan, R., S. J. Lemmer, J. M. Stil, H. Beuther, Y. Wang, J. Soler, L. D. Anderson, F. Bigiel, S. C. O. Glover, P. Goldsmith, R. S. Klessen, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, S. Reissl, M. Rugel and R. J. Smith: Strong Excess Faraday Rotation on the Inside of the Sagittarius Spiral Arm. The Astrophysical Journal 887, L7 (2019)
Shariff, J. A., P. A. R. Ade, F. E. Angilè, P. Ashton, S. J. Benton, M. J. Devlin, B. Dober, L. M. Fissel, Y. Fukui, N. Galitzki, N. N. Gandilo, J. Klein, A. L. Korotkov, Z.-Y. Li, P. G. Martin, T. G. Matthews, L. Moncelsi, F. Nakamura, C. B. Netterfield, G. Novak, E. Pascale, F. d. r. Poidevin, F. P. Santos, G. Savini, D. Scott, J. Diego Soler, N. E. Thomas, C. E. Tucker, G. S. Tucker and D. Ward-Thompson: Submillimeter Polarization Spectrum of the Carina Nebula. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)
Shin, I.-G., Y.-H. Ryu, J. C. Yee, A. Gould, M. D. Albrow, S.-J. Chung, C. Han, K.-H. Hwang, Y. K. Jung, Y. Shvartzvald, W. Zang, C.-U. Lee, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, Y. Lee, D.-J. Lee, B.-G. Park and R. W. Pogge: Two Jupiter-mass Planets Discovered by the KMTNet Survey in 2017. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Shulyak, D., A. Reiners, E. Nagel, L. Tal-Or, J. A. Caballero, M. Zechmeister, V. J. S. Béjar, M. Cortés-Contreras, E. L. Martin, A. Kaminski, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, G. Anglada-Escudé, F. F. Bauer, S. Dreizler, E. W. Guenther, T. Henning, S. V. Jeffers, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, D. Montes, J. C. Morales and S. Pedraz: Magnetic fields in M dwarfs from the CARMENES survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, (2019)
Shvartzvald, Y., J. C. Yee, J. Skowron, C.-U. Lee, A. Udalski, S. Calchi Novati, V. Bozza, C. A. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Carey, B. S. Gaudi, C. B. Henderson, W. Zhu, S. Team, E. Bachelet, G. Bolt, G. Christie, D. Maoz, T. Natusch, R. W. Pogge, R. A. Street, T.-G. Tan, Y. Tsapras, LCO, Œ. F. F.-u. Teams, P. Ç. Pietrukowicz, I. Soszy≈Ñski, M. Ç. K. Szyma≈Ñski, P. Mr√≥z, R. Poleski, S. Koz≈Çowski, K. Ulaczyk, M. Ç. Pawlak, K. A. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, O. Collaboration, M. D. Albrow, S.-M. Cha, S.-J. Chung, A. Gould, C. Han, K.-H. Hwang, Y. K. Jung, D.-J. Kim, H.-W. Kim, S.-L. Kim, D.-J. Lee, Y. Lee, B.-G. Park, Y.-H. Ryu, I.-G. Shin, W. Zang, K. Collaboration, M. Dominik, C. Helling, M. Hundertmark, U. G. J√∏rgensen, P. Longa-Pe√±a, S. Lowry, S. Sajadian, M. J. Burgdorf, J. Campbell-White, S. Ciceri, D. F. Evans, Y. I. Fujii, T. C. Hinse, S. Rahvar, M. Rabus, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth and M. Collaboration: Spitzer Microlensing Parallax for OGLE-2017-BLG-0896 Reveals a Counter-rotating Low-mass Brown Dwarf. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Sierra, A., S. Lizano, E. Macías, C. Carrasco-González, M. Osorio and M. Flock: An Analytical Model of Radial Dust Trapping in Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)
Sierra, A., S. Lizano, E. Macías, C. Carrasco-González, M. Osorio and M. Flock: An Analytical Model of Radial Dust Trapping in Protoplanetary Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 876, (2019)
Sokolov, V., K. Wang, J. E. Pineda, P. Caselli, J. D. Henshaw, A. T. Barnes, J. C. Tan, F. Fontani and I. Jiménez-Serra: Multicomponent Kinematics in a Massive Filamentary Infrared Dark Cloud. The Astrophysical Journal 872, (2019)
Soler, J. D.: Using Herschel and Planck observations to delineate the role of magnetic fields in molecular cloud structure. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Soler, J. D., H. Beuther, M. Rugel, Y. Wang, P. C. Clark, S. C. O. Glover, P. F. Goldsmith, M. Heyer, L. D. Anderson, A. Goodman, T. Henning, J. Kainulainen, R. S. Klessen, S. N. Longmore, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, K. M. Menten, J. C. Mottram, J. Ott, S. E. Ragan, R. J. Smith, J. S. Urquhart, F. Bigiel, P. Hennebelle, N. Roy and P. Schilke: Histogram of oriented gradients: a technique for the study of molecular cloud formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Southworth, J., M. Dominik, U. G. Jørgensen, M. I. Andersen, V. Bozza, M. J. Burgdorf, G. D'Ago, S. Dib, R. F. Jaimes, Y. I. Fujii, S. Gill, L. K. Haikala, T. C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, E. Khalouei, H. Korhonen, P. Longa-Peña, L. Mancini, N. Peixinho, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, S. Sajadian, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, P. Spyratos, J. Tregloan-Reed, E. Unda-Sanzana and C. von Essen: Transit timing variations in the WASP-4 planetary system*. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Spite, M., P. Bonifacio, F. Spite, E. Caffau, L. Sbordone and A. J. Gallagher: Be and O in the ultra metal-poor dwarf 2MASS J18082002-5104378: the Be-O correlation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
Stammler, S. M., J. Drążkowska, T. Birnstiel, H. Klahr, C. P. Dullemond and S. M. Andrews: The DSHARP Rings: Evidence of Ongoing Planetesimal Formation? The Astrophysical Journal 884, L5 (2019)
Street, R. A., E. Bachelet, Y. Tsapras, M. P. G. Hundertmark, V. Bozza, M. Dominik, ROME/REA, M. Teams, R. R. Team, D. M. Bramich, A. Cassan, K. Horne, S. Mao, A. Saha, J. Wambsganss, W. Zang, M. Team, U. G. Jørgensen, P. Longa-Peña, N. Peixinho, S. Sajadian, M. J. Burgdorf, J. Campbell-White, S. Dib, D. F. Evans, Y. I. Fujii, T. C. Hinse, E. Khalouei, S. Lowry, S. Rahvar, M. Rabus, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth and J. Tregloan-Reed: OGLE-2018-BLG-0022: A Nearby M-dwarf Binary. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Street, R. A., E. Bachelet, Y. Tsapras, M. P. G. Hundertmark, V. Bozza, M. Dominik, ROME/REA, M. Teams, R. R. Team, D. M. Bramich, A. Cassan, K. Horne, S. Mao, A. Saha, J. Wambsganss, W. Zang, M. Team, U. G. Jørgensen, P. Longa-Peña, N. Peixinho, S. Sajadian, M. J. Burgdorf, J. Campbell-White, S. Dib, D. F. Evans, Y. I. Fujii, T. C. Hinse, E. Khalouei, S. Lowry, S. Rahvar, M. Rabus, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth and J. Tregloan-Reed: OGLE-2018-BLG-0022: A Nearby M-dwarf Binary. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Sui, N., P. He and M. Li: On the Gravitational Instabilities of Protoplanetary Disks. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131, 034301 (2019)
Svoboda, B. E., Y. L. Shirley, A. Traficante, C. Battersby, G. A. Fuller, Q. Zhang, H. Beuther, N. Peretto, C. Brogan and T. Hunter: ALMA Observations of Fragmentation, Substructure, and Protostars in High-mass Starless Clump Candidates. The Astrophysical Journal 886, 36 (2019)
Szulágyi, J., C. P. Dullemond, A. Pohl and S. P. Quanz: Observability of forming planets and their circumplanetary discs II. - SEDs and near-infrared fluxes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 1248-1258 (2019)
Tahani, M., R. Plume, J. C. Brown, J. D. Soler and J. Kainulainen: Could bow-shaped magnetic morphologies surround filamentary molecular clouds?. The 3D magnetic field structure of Orion-A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A68 (2019)
Takami, M., T.-S. Chen, H. B. Liu, N. Hirano, Å. K√≥sp√°l, P. t. √Åbrah√°m, E. I. Vorobyov, F. Cruz-S√°enz de Miera, T. Csengeri, J. Green, M. Hogerheijde, T.-H. Hsieh, J. L. Karr, R. Dong, A. Trejo and L. Chen: An ALMA Study of the FU Ori-type Object V900 Mon: Implications for the Progenitor. The Astrophysical Journal 884, 146 (2019)
Tal-Or, L., T. Trifonov, S. Zucker, T. Mazeh and M. Zechmeister: Correcting HIRES/Keck radial velocities for small systematic errors. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, L8-L13 (2019)
Tobin, J. J., S. T. Megeath, M. van't Hoff, A. K. D√≠az-Rodr√≠guez, N. Reynolds, M. Osorio, G. Anglada, E. Furlan, N. Karnath, S. S. R. Offner, P. D. Sheehan, S. I. Sadavoy, A. M. Stutz, W. J. Fischer, M. Kama, M. Persson, J. Di Francesco, L. W. Looney, D. M. Watson, Z.-Y. Li, I. Stephens, C. J. Chandler, E. Cox, M. M. Dunham, K. Kratter, M. Kounkel, B. Mazur, N. M. Murillo, L. Patel, L. Perez, D. Segura-Cox, R. Sharma, Å. Tychoniec and F. Wyrowski: The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) Survey of Orion Protostars. I. Identifying and Characterizing the Protostellar Content of the OMC-2 FIR4 and OMC-2 FIR3 Regions. The Astrophysical Journal 886, 6 (2019)
Topchieva, A., V. Akimkin and G. Smirnov-Pinchukov: Infrared photometric properties of inner and outer parts of HII regions. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 19, 148 (2019)
Trevi√±o-Morales, S. P., A. Fuente, Å. S√°nchez-Monge, J. Kainulainen, P. Didelon, S. Suri, N. Schneider, J. Ballesteros-Paredes, Y.-N. Lee, P. Hennebelle, P. Pilleri, M. Gonz√°lez-Garc√≠a, C. Kramer, S. Garc√≠a-Burillo, A. Luna, J. R. Goicoechea, P. Tremblin and S. Geen: Dynamics of cluster-forming hub-filament systems. The case of the high-mass star-forming complex Monoceros R2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Trifonov, T., J. Rybizki and M. Kürster: TESS exoplanet candidates validated with HARPS archival data. A massive Neptune around GJ 143 and two Neptunes around HD 23472. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Trifonov, T., S. Stock, T. Henning, S. Reffert, M. Kürster, M. H. Lee, B. Bitsch, R. P. Butler and S. S. Vogt: Two Jovian Planets around the Giant Star HD 202696: A Growing Population of Packed Massive Planetary Pairs around Massive Stars? The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Tsapras, Y., A. Cassan, C. Ranc, E. Bachelet, R. Street, A. Udalski, M. Hundertmark, V. Bozza, J. P. Beaulieu, J. B. Marquette, E. Euteneuer, D. M. Bramich, M. Dominik, R. Figuera Jaimes, K. Horne, S. Mao, J. Menzies, R. Schmidt, C. Snodgrass, I. A. Steele, J. Wambsganss, P. Mróz, M. K. Szymański, I. Soszyński, J. Skowron, P. Pietrukowicz, S. Kozłowski, R. Poleski, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, U. G. Jørgensen, J. Skottfelt, A. Popovas, S. Ciceri, H. Korhonen, M. Kuffmeier, D. F. Evans, N. Peixinho, T. C. Hinse, M. J. Burgdorf, J. Southworth, R. Tronsgaard, E. Kerins, M. I. Andersen, S. Rahvar, Y. Wang, O. Wertz, M. Rabus, S. Calchi Novati, G. D'Ago, G. Scarpetta, L. Mancini, F. Abe, Y. Asakura, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, P. Evans, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, C. H. Ling, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, K. Ohnishi, N. Rattenbury, T. Saito, A. Sharan, H. Shibai, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, T. Yamada, A. Yonehara, R. Team, D. M. Bramich, M. Dominik, R. F. Jaimes, K. Horne, S. Mao, J. Menzies, R. Schmidt, C. Snodgrass, I. A. Steele, J. Wambsganss, O. Collaboration, P. Mróz, M. K. Szymański, I. Soszyński, J. Skowron, P. Pietrukowicz, S. Kozłowski, R. Poleski, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, M. Collaboration, U. G. Jørgensen, J. Skottfelt, A. Popovas, S. Ciceri, H. Korhonen, M. Kuffmeier, D. F. Evans, N. Peixinho, T. C. Hinse, M. J. Burgdorf, J. Southworth, R. Tronsgaard, E. Kerins, M. I. Andersen, S. Rahvar, Y. Wang, O. Wertz, M. Rabus, S. C. Novati, G. D'Ago, G. Scarpetta, L. Mancini, M. Collaboration, F. Abe, Y. Asakura, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, P. Evans, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, K. Kawasaki, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, C. H. Ling, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, S. Miyazaki, M. Nagakane, K. Ohnishi, N. Rattenbury, T. O. Saito, A. Sharan, H. Shibai, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, T. Yamada and A. Yonehara: An analysis of binary microlensing event OGLE-2015-BLG-0060. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 4603-4614 (2019)
Ubeira Gabellini, M. G., A. Miotello, S. Facchini, E. Ragusa, G. Lodato, L. Testi, M. Benisty, S. Bruderer, N. s. T. Kurtovic, S. Andrews, J. Carpenter, S. A. Corder, G. Dipierro, B. Ercolano, D. Fedele, G. Guidi, T. Henning, A. Isella, W. Kwon, H. Linz, M. McClure, L. Perez, L. Ricci, G. Rosotti, M. Tazzari and D. Wilner: A dust and gas cavity in the disc around CQ Tau revealed by ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 4638-4654 (2019)
Ueda, T., M. Flock and S. Okuzumi: Dust Pileup at the Dead-zone Inner Edge and Implications for the Disk Shadow. The Astrophysical Journal 871, (2019)
Varga, J., T. Gerj√°k, P. √Åbrah√°m, L. Chen, K. Gab√°nyi and Å. K√≥sp√°l: Dust evolution in the circumstellar disc of the unclassified B[e] star HD 50138. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 3112-3123 (2019)
Vigan, A., M. N'Diaye, K. Dohlen, J.-F. Sauvage, J. Milli, G. Zins, C. Petit, Z. Wahhaj, F. Cantalloube, A. Caillat, A. Costille, J. Le Merrer, A. Carlotti, J.-L. Beuzit and D. Mouillet: Calibration of quasi-static aberrations in exoplanet direct-imaging instruments with a Zernike phase-mask sensor. III. On-sky validation in VLT/SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, (2019)
Villenave, M., M. Benisty, W. R. F. Dent, F. Ménard, A. Garufi, C. Ginski, P. Pinilla, C. Pinte, J. P. Williams, J. de Boer, J.-I. Morino, M. Fukagawa, C. Dominik, M. Flock, T. Henning, A. Juhász, M. Keppler, G. Muro-Arena, J. Olofsson, L. M. Pérez, G. van der Plas, A. Zurlo, M. Carle, P. Feautrier, A. Pavlov, J. Pragt, J. Ramos, J.-F. Sauvage, E. Stadler and L. Weber: Spatial segregation of dust grains in transition disks. SPHERE observations of 2MASS J16083070-3828268 and RXJ1852.3-3700. Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, (2019)
von Boetticher, A., A. H. M. J. Triaud, D. Queloz, S. Gill, P. F. L. Maxted, Y. Almleaky, D. R. Anderson, F. ß. Bouchy, A. Burdanov, A. Collier Cameron, L. Delrez, E. Ducrot, F. Faedi, M. l. Gillon, Y. G√≥mez Maqueo Chew, L. Hebb, C. Hellier, E. l. Jehin, M. Lendl, M. Marmier, D. V. Martin, J. McCormac, F. Pepe, D. Pollacco, D. S√©gransan, B. Smalley, S. Thompson, O. Turner, S. p. Udry, V. r. Van Grootel and R. West: The EBLM Project. V. Physical properties of ten fully convective, very-low-mass stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, (2019)
Wang, S., M. Jones, A. Shporer, B. J. Fulton, L. A. Paredes, T. Trifonov, D. Kossakowski, J. Eastman, S. Redfield, M. N. Günther, L. Kreidberg, C. X. Huang, S. Millholland, D. Seligman, D. Fischer, R. Brahm, X.-Y. Wang, B. Cruz, T. Henry, H.-S. James, B. Addison, E.-S. Liang, A. B. Davis, R. Tronsgaard, K. Worku, J. M. Brewer, M. Kürster, H. Zhang, C. A. Beichman, A. Bieryla, T. M. Brown, J. L. Christiansen, D. R. Ciardi, K. A. Collins, G. A. Esquerdo, A. W. Howard, H. Isaacson, D. W. Latham, T. Mazeh, E. A. Petigura, S. N. Quinn, S. Shahaf, R. J. Siverd, F. Rodler, S. Reffert, O. Zakhozhay, G. R. Ricker, R. Vanderspek, S. Seager, J. N. Winn, J. M. Jenkins, P. T. Boyd, G. Fűrész, C. Henze, A. M. Levine, R. Morris, M. Paegert, K. G. Stassun, E. B. Ting, M. Vezie and G. Laughlin: HD 202772A b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter around a Bright, Mildly Evolved Star in a Visual Binary Discovered by TESS. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
White, J. A., Å. K√≥sp√°l, C. Rab, P. √Åbrah√°m, F. Cruz-S√°enz de Miera, T. Csengeri, O. Feh√©r, R. G√ºsten, T. Henning, E. Vorobyov, M. Audard and A. Postel: APEX Observations of the CO Envelope around the Young FUor-type Star V883 Ori. The Astrophysical Journal 877, (2019)
Wiebe, D. S., T. S. Molyarova, V. V. Akimkin, E. I. Vorobyov and D. A. Semenov: Luminosity outburst chemistry in protoplanetary discs: going beyond standard tracers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 1843-1863 (2019)
Wisniewski, J. P., A. F. Kowalski, J. R. A. Davenport, G. Schneider, C. A. Grady, L. Hebb, K. D. Lawson, J.-C. Augereau, A. Boccaletti, A. Brown, J. H. Debes, A. Gaspar, T. K. Henning, D. C. Hines, M. J. Kuchner, A.-M. Lagrange, J. Milli, E. Sezestre, C. C. Stark and C. Thalmann: High-fidelity Imaging of the Inner AU Mic Debris Disk: Evidence of Differential Wind Sculpting? The Astrophysical Journal 883, (2019)
Xiong, F., X. Chen, Q. Zhang, J. Yang, M. Fang, M. Zhang, W. Guo and L. Sun: CO (J = 1─0) Observations toward Filamentary Molecular Clouds in the Galactic Region with l = [169.°75, 174.°75], b = [−0.°75, 0.°5]. The Astrophysical Journal 880, (2019)
Yan, F., N. Casasayas-Barris, K. Molaverdikhani, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, A. Reiners, E. Pallé, T. Henning, P. Mollière, G. Chen, L. Nortmann, I. A. G. Snellen, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, J. A. Caballero, P. J. Amado, M. Azzaro, F. F. Bauer, M. Cortés Contreras, S. Czesla, S. Khalafinejad, L. M. Lara, M. López-Puertas, D. Montes, E. Nagel, M. Oshagh, A. Sánchez-López, M. Stangret and M. Zechmeister: Ionized calcium in the atmospheres of two ultra-hot exoplanets WASP-33b and KELT-9b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A69 (2019)
Yang, A. Y., M. A. Thompson, W. W. Tian, S. Bihr, H. Beuther and L. Hindson: A search for hypercompact H II regions in the Galactic Plane. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 2681-2696 (2019)
Zechmeister, M., S. Dreizler, I. Ribas, A. Reiners, J. A. Caballero, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, L. González-Cuesta, E. Herrero, S. Lalitha, M. J. López-González, R. Luque, J. C. Morales, E. Pallé, E. Rodríguez, C. Rodríguez López, L. Tal-Or, G. Anglada-Escudé, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, M. Abril, F. J. Aceituno, J. Aceituno, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, M. Ammler-von Eiff, R. Antona Jiménez, H. Anwand-Heerwart, B. Arroyo-Torres, M. Azzaro, D. Baroch, D. Barrado, S. Becerril, D. Benítez, Z. M. Berdiñas, G. Bergond, P. Bluhm, M. Brinkmöller, C. del Burgo, R. Calvo Ortega, J. Cano, C. Cardona Guillén, J. Carro, M. C. Cárdenas Vázquez, E. Casal, N. Casasayas-Barris, V. Casanova, P. Chaturvedi, C. Cifuentes, A. Claret, J. Colomé, M. Cortés-Contreras, S. Czesla, E. Díez-Alonso, R. Dorda, M. Fernández, A. Fernández-Martín, B. Fuhrmeister, A. Fukui, D. Galadí-Enríquez, I. Gallardo Cava, J. Garcia de la Fuente, A. Garcia-Piquer, M. L. García Vargas, L. Gesa, J. Góngora Rueda, E. González-Álvarez, J. I. González Hernández, R. González-Peinado, U. Grözinger, J. Guàrdia, A. Guijarro, E. de Guindos, A. P. Hatzes, P. H. Hauschildt, R. P. Hedrosa, J. Helmling, T. Henning, I. Hermelo, R. Hernández Arabi, L. Hernández Castaño, F. Hernández Otero, D. Hintz, P. Huke, A. Huber, S. V. Jeffers, E. N. Johnson, E. de Juan, A. Kaminski, J. Kemmer, M. Kim, H. Klahr, R. Klein, J. Klüter, A. Klutsch, D. Kossakowski, M. Kürster, F. Labarga, M. Lafarga, M. Llamas, M. Lampón, L. M. Lara, R. Launhardt, F. J. Lázaro, N. Lodieu, M. López del Fresno, M. López-Puertas, J. F. López Salas, J. López-Santiago, H. Magán Madinabeitia, U. Mall, L. Mancini, H. Mandel, E. Marfil, J. A. Marín Molina, D. Maroto Fernández, E. L. Martín, P. Martín-Fernández, S. Martín-Ruiz, C. J. Marvin, E. Mirabet, P. Montañés-Rodríguez, D. Montes, M. E. Moreno-Raya, E. Nagel, V. Naranjo, N. Narita, L. Nortmann, G. Nowak, A. Ofir, M. Oshagh, J. Panduro, H. Parviainen, J. Pascual, V. M. Passegger, A. Pavlov, S. Pedraz, A. Pérez-Calpena, D. Pérez Medialdea, M. Perger, M. A. C. Perryman, O. Rabaza, A. Ramón Ballesta, R. Rebolo, P. Redondo, S. Reffert, S. Reinhardt, P. Rhode, H.-W. Rix, F. Rodler, A. Rodríguez Trinidad, A. Rosich, S. Sadegi, E. Sánchez-Blanco, M. A. Sánchez Carrasco, A. Sánchez-López, J. Sanz-Forcada, P. Sarkis, L. F. Sarmiento, S. Schäfer, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, P. Schöfer, A. Schweitzer, W. Seifert, D. Shulyak, E. Solano, A. Sota, O. Stahl, S. Stock, J. B. P. Strachan, T. Stuber, J. Stürmer, J. C. Suárez, H. M. Tabernero, M. Tala Pinto, T. Trifonov, G. Veredas, J. I. Vico Linares, F. Vilardell, K. Wagner, V. Wolthoff, W. Xu, F. Yan and M. R. Zapatero Osorio: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Two temperate Earth-mass planet candidates around Teegarden's Star. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Žerjal, M., M. J. Ireland, T. Nordlander, J. Lin, S. Buder, L. Casagrande, K. Čotar, G. de Silva, J. Horner, S. Martell, G. Traven, T. Zwitter and G. Collaboration: The GALAH Survey: lithium-strong KM dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 4591-4600 (2019)
Zhang, C.-P., T. Csengeri, F. Wyrowski, G.-X. Li, T. Pillai, K. M. Menten, J. Hatchell, M. A. Thompson and M. R. Pestalozzi: Probing the initial conditions of high-mass star formation. III. Fragmentation and triggered star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, (2019)
Zhang, C.-P., G.-X. Li, C. Zhou, L. Yuan and M. Zhu: Using CO line ratios to trace compressed areas in bubble N131. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A110 (2019)
Zhang, M. and J. Kainulainen: Deep point spread function photometric catalog of the VVV survey data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A85 (2019)
Zhang, M., J. Kainulainen, M. Mattern, M. Fang and T. Henning: Star-forming content of the giant molecular filaments in the Milky Way. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, (2019)
Zhou, G., G. Á. Bakos, D. Bayliss, J. Bento, W. Bhatti, R. Brahm, Z. Csubry, N. Espinoza, J. D. Hartman, T. Henning, A. Jordán, L. Mancini, K. Penev, M. Rabus, P. Sarkis, V. Suc, M. de Val-Borro, J. E. Rodriguez, D. Osip, L. Kedziora-Chudczer, J. Bailey, C. G. Tinney, S. Durkan, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-70b: A 13 MJ Brown Dwarf Transiting an A Star. The Astronomical Journal 157, (2019)
Zhou, G., C. X. Huang, G. Á. Bakos, J. D. Hartman, D. W. Latham, S. N. Quinn, K. A. Collins, J. N. Winn, I. Wong, G. Kovács, Z. Csubry, W. Bhatti, K. Penev, A. Bieryla, G. A. Esquerdo, P. Berlind, M. L. Calkins, M. de Val-Borro, R. W. Noyes, J. Lázár, I. Papp, P. Sári, T. Kovács, L. A. Buchhave, T. Szklenar, B. Béky, M. C. Johnson, W. D. Cochran, A. Y. Kniazev, K. G. Stassun, B. J. Fulton, A. Shporer, N. Espinoza, D. Bayliss, M. Everett, S. B. Howell, C. Hellier, D. R. Anderson, A. Collier Cameron, R. G. West, D. J. A. Brown, N. Schanche, K. Barkaoui, F. Pozuelos, M. Gillon, E. Jehin, Z. Benkhaldoun, A. Daassou, G. Ricker, R. Vanderspek, S. Seager, J. M. Jenkins, J. J. Lissauer, J. D. Armstrong, K. I. Collins, T. Gan, R. Hart, K. Horne, J. F. Kielkopf, L. D. Nielsen, T. Nishiumi, N. Narita, E. Palle, H. M. Relles, R. Sefako, T. G. Tan, M. Davies, R. F. Goeke, N. Guerrero, K. Haworth and S. Villanueva: Two New HATNet Hot Jupiters around A Stars and the First Glimpse at the Occurrence Rate of Hot Jupiters from TESS. The Astronomical Journal 158, (2019)
Zsidi, G., P. Ábrahám, J. A. Acosta-Pulido, Å. K√≥sp√°l, M. Kun, Z. M. Szab√≥, A. B√≥di, B. Cseh, N. Castro Segura, O. Hanyecz, B. Ign√°cz, C. Kalup, L. Kriskovics, L. M√©sz√°ros, A. Ordasi, A. P√°l, K. S√°rneczky, B. Seli, Å. S√≥dor and R. Szak√°ts: The Weakening Outburst of the Young Eruptive Star V582 Aur. The Astrophysical Journal 873, (2019)
Brown Sevilla, S. B., F. Cantalloube, W. Brandner, M. Feldt, T. Henning, A.-L. Maire, J. Schlieder, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, G. Chauvin, S. Desidera, V. D’Orazi, R. Gratton, M. Keppler, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, D. Mesa, M. Meyer, M. Samland, T. Schmidt and A. Vigan: High-contrast Imaging Study on the Candidate Companions Around the Star AH Lep. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 3, (2019)
Domagal-Goldman, S., N. Y. Kiang, N. Parenteau, U. G. Kamakolanu, K. Finster, J. Martin-Torres, S. O. Danielache, P. DasSarma, M. Tamura, Y. Hori, S. Rugheimer, H. E. Hartnett, B. R. Stockwell, A. Vazan, R. Hu, L. Cronin, A. Méndez, H. B. Smith, C. Demergasso, V. S. Meadows, D. L. Blank, J. L. Grenfell, S. R. Kane, L. Gavilan, G. Tan, P. Plavchan, T. J. Fauchez, C. H. L. Patty, C. Telesco, E. Shkolnik, T. W. Lyons, J. D. Owens, M. López-Morales, J. Lustig-Yaeger, I. L. ten Kate, S. Banerjee, L. E. Sohl, P. Gao, E. D. Lopez, R. Corkrey, K. Molaverdikhani, D. Deming, C. Dong, J. M. O'Meara, E. S. Kite, L. Rogers, T. D. Robinson, A. Tanner, H. J. Cleaves, II, K. Cahoy, S. I. Walker, D. A. Caldwell, C. D. Dressing, H. Ngo, W. D. Cochran, H. Cadillo-Quiroz, J. Blecic, P. Laine, A. Solmaz, K. L. Ramirez, B. P. Theiling, S. Dodson-Robinson, N. Zimmerman, M. R. Line, F. Marchis, S. Redfield, K. Pahlevan, L. M. Walkowicz, B. S. Gaudi, S. M. Curry, D. Pidhorodetska, T.-S. Pyo, A. Chopra, N. Hinkel, P. A. Young, D. Angerhausen, D. Apai, G. Arney, V. S. Airapetian, N. M. Batalha, D. C. Catling, C. S. Cockell, R. Deitrick, A. Del Genio, T. Fisher, Y. Fujii, D. M. Gelino, C. E. Harman, S. Hegde, B. l. Kaçar, J. Krissansen-Totten, A. Lenardic, K. E. Mandt, W. B. Moore, N. Narita, S. L. Olson, E. Pallé, H. Rauer, C. T. Reinhard, A. Roberge, J. Schneider, N. Siegler and K. R. Stapelfeldt: Life Beyond the Solar System: Remotely Detectable Biosignatures. Astro2020: Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020, 528 (2019)
Espinoza, N.: On the Transit Probability of the Habitable-zone Exoplanet GJ 357d. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 3, (2019)
Liu, S.-Y., Y.-N. Su, I. Zinchenko, K.-S. Wang and Y. Wang: A Submillimeter Burst of S255IR SMA1: The Rise and Fall of its Luminosity. Submillimeter Array Newsletter 27, 11-14 (2019)
Spectral energy distributions and luminosities of M dwarfs in the CARMENES search for exoplanets. 507-507pp (2019)
Fendt, C.: Modeling Jet Launching from Accretion Disks. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings 55, 65 (2019)
Conformational landscape of the SF6 dimer as revealed by various free jet conditions, 2132. (2019)
Spectral synthesis of CARMENES M-type stars: stellar atmospheric parameters. 416-417pp (2019)
Stellar atmospheric parameters of FGK-type stars from high-resolution optical and near-infrared CARMENES spectra. 409-410pp (2019)
Hippler, S.: Auf dem Weg zum perfekten Bildsensor. Sterne und Weltraum 58, 20-21 (2019)
Hippler, S.: Ausgefunkelt! Sterne und Weltraum 58, 28-37 (2019)
Abbott, B. P., R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, C. Adams, T. Adams, P. Addesso, R. X. Adhikari, V. B. Adya, C. et al South Africa/MeerKAT: Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 848, id. L12 (59 pp.) (2017)
Abreu-Vicente, J., A. Stutz, T. Henning, E. Keto, J. Ballesteros-Paredes and T. Robitaille: Fourier-space combination of Planck and Herschel images. Astronomy and Astrophysics 604, id. A65 (13 pp) (2017)
Abuter, R., M. Accardo, A. Amorim, N. Anugu, G. Ávila, N. Azouaoui, M. Benisty, J. P. Berger, N. Blind, H. Bonnet, P. et al First light for GRAVITY: Phase referencing optical interferometry for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. A94 (23 pp) (2017)
Adamo, A., J. E. Ryon, M. Messa, H. Kim, K. Grasha, D. O. Cook, D. Calzetti, J. C. Lee, B. C. Whitmore, B. G. Elmegreen, L. Ubeda, L. J. et al Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey with The Hubble Space Telescope: Stellar cluster catalogs and first insights into cluster formation and evolution in NGC 628. The Astrophysical Journal 841, id. 131 (26 pp) (2017)
Alsubai, K., D. Mislis, Z. I. Tsvetanov, D. W. Latham, A. Bieryla, L. A. Buchhave, G. A. Esquerdo, D. M. Bramich, S. Pyrzas, N. P. E. Vilchez, L. Mancini, J. Southworth, D. F. Evans, T. Henning and S. Ciceri: Qatar Exoplanet Survey : Qatar-3b, Qatar-4b, and Qatar-5b. The Astronomical Journal 153, id. 200 (8 pp) (2017)
Andersen, M., P. J. Barnes, J. C. Tan, J. Kainulainen and G. de Marchi: The stellar content of the infalling molecular cump G286.21+0.17. The Astrophysical Journal 850, id.12 (8 pp) (2017)
Andersen, M., M. Gennaro, W. Brandner, A. Stolte, G. de Marchi, M. R. Meyer and H. Zinnecker: Very low-mass stellar content of the young supermassive Galactic star cluster Westerlund 1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. A22 (16 pp) (2017)
Anderson, L. D., Y. Wang, S. Bihr, M. Rugel, H. Beuther, F. Bigiel, E. Churchwell, S. C. O. Glover, A. A. Goodman, T. Henning, M. Heyer, R. S. Klessen, H. Linz, S. N. Longmore, K. M. Menten, J. Ott, N. Roy, J. D. Soler, J. M. Stil and J. S. Urquhart: Galactic supernova remnant candidates discovered by THOR. Astronomy and Astrophysics 605, id. A58 (21 pp) (2017)
Andreev, N., E. D. Araya, I. M. Hoffman, P. Hofner, S. Kurtz, H. Linz, L. Olmi and I. Lorran-Costa: Long-term variability of H2CO masers in star-forming regions. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 232, id. 29 (17 pp) (2017)
Ashworth, G., M. Fumagalli, M. R. Krumholz, A. Adamo, D. Calzetti, R. Chandar, M. Cignoni, D. Dale, B. G. Elmegreen, J. S. Gallagher, III, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, K. E. Johnson, J. Lee, M. Tosi and A. Wofford: Exploring the IMF of star clusters: a joint SLUG and LEGUS effort. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, 2464-2480 (2017)
Asselin, P., A. Potapov, A. C. Turner, V. Boudon, L. Bruel, M.-A. Gaveau and M. Mons: Conformational landscape of the SF6 dimer as revealed by high resolution infrared spectroscopy and complexation with rare gas atoms. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 17224-17232 (2017)
Avenhaus, H., S. P. Quanz, H. M. Schmid, C. Dominik, T. Stolker, C. Ginski, J. de Boer, J. Szulágyi, A. Garufi, A. Zurlo, J. Hagelberg, M. Benisty, T. Henning, F. Ménard, M. R. Meyer, A. Baruffolo, A. Bazzon, J. L. Beuzit, A. Costille, K. Dohlen, J. H. Girard, D. Gisler, M. Kasper, D. Mouillet, J. Pragt, R. Roelfsema, B. Salasnich and J.-F. Sauvage: Exploring dust around HD 142527 down to 0.025“ (4 au) using SPHERE/ZIMPOL. The Astronomical Journal 154, id. 33 (10 pp) (2017)
Baehr, H., H. Klahr and K. M. Kratter: The fragmentation criteria in local vertically stratified self-gravitating disk simulations. The Astrophysical Journal 848, id. 40 (10 pp) (2017)
Baudino, J.-L., P. Mollière, O. Venot, P. Tremblin, B. Bézard and P.-O. Lagage: Toward the analysis of JWST exoplanet Spectra: Identifying troublesome model parameters. The Astrophysical Journal 850, id. 150 ( 22 pp) (2017)
Bayo, A., D. Barrado, F. Allard, T. Henning, F. Comerón, M. Morales-Calderón, A. S. Rajpurohit, K. Peña Ramírez and J. C. Beamín: Physical parameters of late M-type members of Chamaeleon I and TW Hydrae Association: dust settling, age dispersion and activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 465, 760-783 (2017)
Bayo, A., V. Joergens, Y. Liu, R. Brauer, J. Olofsson, J. Arancibia, P. Pinilla, S. Wolf, J. P. Ruge, T. Henning, A. Natta, K. G. Johnston, M. Bonnefoy, H. Beuther and G. Chauvin: First millimeter detection of the disk around a young, isolated, planetary-mass object. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 841, id. L11 (4 pp) (2017)
Benisty, M., T. Stolker, A. Pohl, J. de Boer, G. Lesur, C. Dominik, C. P. Dullemond, M. Langlois, M. Min, K. Wagner, T. Henning, A. Juhasz, P. Pinilla, S. Facchini, D. Apai, R. van Boekel, A. Garufi, C. Ginski, F. Ménard, C. Pinte, S. P. Quanz, A. Zurlo, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, J. L. Beuzit, G. Chauvin, M. Cudel, S. Desidera, M. Feldt, C. Fontanive, R. Gratton, M. Kasper, A.-M. Lagrange, H. LeCoroller, D. Mouillet, D. Mesa, E. Sissa, A. Vigan, J. Antichi, T. Buey, T. Fusco, D. Gisler, M. Llored, Y. Magnard, O. Moeller-Nilsson, J. Pragt, R. Roelfsema, J.-F. Sauvage and F. Wildi: Shadows and spirals in the protoplanetary disk HD 100453. Astronomy and Astrophysics 597, id. A42 (11 pp) (2017)
Bento, J., B. Schmidt, J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, S. Ciceri, R. Brahm, D. Bayliss, N. Espinoza, G. Zhou, M. Rabus, W. Bhatti, K. Penev, Z. Csubry, A. Jordán, L. Mancini, T. Henning, M. d. Val-Borro, C. G. Tinney, D. J. Wright, S. Durkan, V. Suc, R. Noyes, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-22b, HATS-23b and HATS-24b: three new transiting super-Jupiters from the HATSouth project. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 835-848 (2017)
Beuther, H., H. Linz, T. Henning, S. Feng and R. Teague: Multiplicity and disks within the high-mass core NGC 7538IRS1. Resolving cm line and continuum emission at 0.06“ × 0.05“ resolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 605, id. A61 (11 pp) (2017)
Beuther, H., S. Meidt, E. Schinnerer, R. Paladino and A. Leroy: Interactions of the Galactic bar and spiral arm in NGC 3627. Astronomy and Astrophysics 597, id. A85 (14 pp) (2017)
Beuther, H., A. J. Walsh, K. G. Johnston, T. Henning, R. Kuiper, S. N. Longmore and C. M. Walmsley: Fragmentation and disk formation in high-mass star formation: The ALMA view of G351.77-0.54 at 0.06“ resolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A10 (13 pp) (2017)
Bialy, S., S. Bihr, H. Beuther, T. Henning and A. Sternberg: H I-to-H2 transition layers in the star-forming region W43. The Astrophysical Journal 835, id. 126 (5 pp) (2017)
Blecic, J., I. Dobbs-Dixon and T. Greene: The implications of 3D thermal structure on 1D atmospheric retrieval. The Astrophysical Journal 848, id. 127 (24 pp) (2017)
Boehm, M., J.-U. Pott, M. Kuerster, O. Sawodny, D. Defrere and P. Hinz: Delay compensation for real time disturbance estimation at extremely large telescopes. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25, 1384-1393 (2017)
Bonavita, M., V. D‘Orazi, D. Mesa, C. Fontanive, S. Desidera, S. Messina, S. Daemgen, R. Gratton, A. Vigan, M. Bonnefoy, A. Zurlo, J. Antichi, H. Avenhaus, A. Baruffolo, J. L. Baudino, J. L. Beuzit, A. Boccaletti, P. Bruno, T. Buey, M. Carbillet, E. Cascone, G. Chauvin, R. U. Claudi, V. De Caprio, D. Fantinel, G. Farisato, M. Feldt, R. Galicher, E. Giro, C. Gry, J. Hagelberg, S. Incorvaia, M. Janson, M. Jaquet, A. M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, J. Lannier, H. Le Coroller, L. Lessio, R. Ligi, A. L. Maire, M. Meyer, F. Menard, C. Perrot, S. Peretti, C. Petit, J. Ramos, A. Roux, B. Salasnich, G. Salter, M. Samland, S. Scuderi, J. Schlieder, M. Surez, M. Turatto and L. Weber: Orbiting a binary. SPHERE characterisation of the HD 284149 system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, id. A106 (15 pp) (2017)
Bonomo, A. S., S. Desidera, S. Benatti, F. Borsa, S. Crespi, M. Damasso, A. F. Lanza, A. Sozzetti, G. Lodato, F. Marzari, C. Boccato, R. U. Claudi, R. Cosentino, E. Covino, R. Gratton, A. Maggio, G. Micela, E. Molinari, I. Pagano, G. Piotto, E. Poretti, R. Smareglia, L. Affer, K. Biazzo, A. Bignamini, M. Esposito, P. Giacobbe, G. Hébrard, L. Malavolta, J. Maldonado, L. Mancini, A. Martinez Fiorenzano, S. Masiero, V. Nascimbeni, M. Pedani, M. Rainer and G. Scandariato: The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIV. Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. A107 (16 pp) (2017)
Butler, M. J., J. C. Tan, R. Teyssier, J. Rosdahl, S. Van Loo and S. Nickerson: Kiloparsec-scale Simulations of Star Formation in Disk Galaxies. IV. Regulation of Galactic Star Formation Rates by Stellar Feedback. The Astrophysical Journal 841, id. 82 (24 pp) (2017)
Calissendorff, P., M. Janson, R. Köhler, S. Durkan, S. Hippler, X. Dai, W. Brandner, J. Schlieder and T. Henning: The discrepancy between dynamical and theoretical mass in the triplet-system 2MASS J10364483+1521394. Astronomy and Astrophysics 604, id. A82 (9 pp) (2017)
Carmona, A., W. F. Thi, I. Kamp, C. Baruteau, A. Matter, M. van den Ancker, C. Pinte, A. Kóspál, M. Audard, A. Liebhart, A. Sicilia-Aguilar, P. Pinilla, Z. Regály, M. Güdel, T. Henning, L. A. Cieza, C. Baldovin-Saavedra, G. Meeus and C. Eiroa: A gas density drop in the inner 6 AU of the transition disk around the Herbig Ae star HD 139614 . Further evidence for a giant planet inside the disk? Astronomy and Astrophysics 598, id. A118 (29 pp) (2017)
Casasayas-Barris, N., E. Palle, G. Nowak, F. Yan, L. Nortmann and F. Murgas: Detection of sodium in the atmosphere of WASP-69b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, id. A135 (15 pp) (2017)
Cazzoletti, P., L. Ricci, T. Birnstiel and G. Lodato: Testing dust trapping in the circumbinary disk around GG Tauri A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 599, id. A102 (8 pp) (2017)
Cesaroni, R., Á. Sánchez-Monge, M. T. Beltrán, K. G. Johnston, L. T. Maud, L. Moscadelli, J. C. Mottram, A. Ahmadi, V. Allen, H. Beuther, T. Csengeri, S. Etoka, G. A. Fuller, D. Galli, R. Galván-Madrid, C. Goddi, T. Henning, M. G. Hoare, P. D. Klaassen, R. Kuiper, M. S. N. Kumar, S. Lumsden, T. Peters, V. M. Rivilla, P. Schilke, L. Testi, F. van der Tak, S. Vig, C. M. Walmsley and H. Zinnecker: Chasing discs around O-type (proto)stars: Evidence from ALMA observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. A59 (22 pp) (2017)
Chauvin, G., S. Desidera, A.-M. Lagrange, A. Vigan, R. Gratton, M. Langlois, M. Bonnefoy, J.-L. Beuzit, M. Feldt, D. Mouillet, M. Meyer, A. Cheetham, B. Biller, A. Boccaletti, V. D‘Orazi, R. Galicher, J. Hagelberg, A.-L. Maire, D. Mesa, J. Olofsson, M. Samland, T. O. B. Schmidt, E. Sissa, M. Bonavita, B. Charnay, M. Cudel, S. Daemgen, P. Delorme, P. Janin-Potiron, M. Janson, M. Keppler, H. Le Coroller, R. Ligi, G. D. Marleau, S. Messina, P. Mollière, C. Mordasini, A. Müller, S. Peretti, C. Perrot, L. Rodet, D. Rouan, A. Zurlo, C. Dominik, T. Henning, F. Menard, H.-M. Schmid, M. Turatto, S. Udry, F. Vakili, L. Abe, J. Antichi, A. Baruffolo, P. Baudoz, J. Baudrand, P. Blanchard, A. Bazzon, T. Buey, M. Carbillet, M. Carle, J. Charton, E. Cascone, R. Claudi, A. Costille, A. Deboulbe, V. De Caprio, K. Dohlen, D. Fantinel, P. Feautrier, T. Fusco, P. Gigan, E. Giro, D. Gisler, L. Gluck, N. Hubin, E. Hugot, M. Jaquet, M. Kasper, F. Madec, Y. Magnard, P. Martinez, D. Maurel, D. Le Mignant, O. Möller-Nilsson, M. Llored, T. Moulin, A. Origné, A. Pavlov, D. Perret, C. Petit, J. Pragt, P. Puget, P. Rabou, J. Ramos, R. Rigal, S. Rochat, R. Roelfsema, G. Rousset, A. Roux, B. Salasnich, J.-F. Sauvage, A. Sevin, C. Soenke, E. Stadler, M. Suarez, L. Weber, F. Wildi, S. Antoniucci, J.-C. Augereau, J.-L. Baudino, W. Brandner, N. Engler, J. Girard, C. Gry, Q. Kral, T. Kopytova, E. Lagadec, J. Milli, C. Moutou, J. Schlieder, J. Szulágyi, C. Thalmann and Z. Wahhaj:
Discovery of a warm, dusty giant planet around HIP 65426. Astronomy and Astrophysics
605, id. L9 ( 9 pp) (2017)
Christiansen, J. L., A. Vanderburg, J. Burt, B. J. Fulton, K. Batygin, B. Benneke, J. M. Brewer, D. Charbonneau, D. R. Ciardi, A. Collier Cameron, J. L. Coughlin, I. J. M. Crossfield, C. Dressing, T. P. Greene, A. W. Howard, D. W. Latham, E. Molinari, A. Mortier, F. Mullally, F. Pepe, K. Rice, E. Sinukoff, A. Sozzetti, S. E. Thompson, S. Udry, S. S. Vogt, T. S. Barman, N. E. Batalha, F. Bouchy, L. A. Buchhave, R. P. Butler, R. Cosentino, T. J. Dupuy, D. Ehrenreich, A. Fiorenzano, B. M. S. Hansen, T. Henning, L. Hirsch, B. P. Holden, H. T. Isaacson, J. A. Johnson, H. A. Knutson, M. Kosiarek, M. López-Morales, C. Lovis, L. Malavolta, M. Mayor, G. Micela, F. Motalebi, E. Petigura, D. F. Phillips, G. Piotto, L. A. Rogers, D. Sasselov, J. E. Schlieder, D. Ségransan, C. A. Watson and L. M. Weiss:
Three’s company: An additional non-transiting super-Earth in the bright HD 3167 system, and masses for all three Planets.
The Astronomical Journal
154, id. 122 (17 pp) (2017)
Contursi, A., A. J. Baker, S. Berta, B. Magnelli, D. Lutz, J. Fischer, A. Verma, M. Nielbock, J. Grácia Carpio, S. Veilleux, E. Sturm, R. Davies, R. Genzel, S. Hailey-Dunsheath, R. Herrera-Camus, A. Janssen, A. Poglitsch, A. Sternberg and L. J. Tacconi: Interstellar medium conditions in z 0.2 Lyman-break analogs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 606, id. A 86 (18 pp) (2017)
Cortés-Contreras, M., V. J. S. Béjar, J. A. Caballero, B. Gauza, D. Montes, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, S. V. Jeffers, J. C. Morales, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, P. Schöfer, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, R. Mundt and W. Seifert:
CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. II. High-resolution imaging with FastCam. Astronomy and Astrophysics
597, id. A47 (13 pp) (2017)
Cridland, A. J., R. E. Pudritz and T. Birnstiel:
Radial drift of dust in protoplanetary discs: the evolution of ice lines and dead zones. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
465, 3865-3878 (2017)
Cridland, A. J., R. E. Pudritz, T. Birnstiel, L. I. Cleeves and E. A. Bergin: Composition of early planetary atmospheres - II. Coupled Dust and chemical evolution in protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, 3910-3927 (2017)
Csengeri, T., S. Bontemps, F. Wyrowski, F. Motte, K. M. Menten, H. Beuther, L. Bronfman, B. Commerçon, E. Chapillon, A. Duarte-Cabral, G. A. Fuller, T. Henning, S. Leurini, S. Longmore, A. Palau, N. Peretto, F. Schuller, J. C. Tan, L. Testi, A. Traficante and J. S. Urquhart: ALMA survey of massive cluster progenitors from ATLASGAL. Limited fragmentation at the early evolutionary stage of massive clumps. Astronomy and Astrophysics 600, id. L10 (9 pp) (2017)
Csépány, G., M. van den Ancker, P. Ábrahám, R. Köhler, W. Brandner, F. Hormuth and H. Hiss: Multi-epoch observations with high spatial resolution of multiple T Tauri systems. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A74 (28 pp) (2017)
Cubillos, P., N. V. Erkaev, I. Juvan, L. Fossati, C. P. Johnstone, H. Lammer, M. Lendl, P. Odert and K. G. Kislyakova: An overabundance of low-density Neptune-like planets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466, 1868-1879 (2017)
Cubillos, P. E., L. Fossati, N. V. Erkaev, M. Malik, T. Tokano, M. Lendl, C. P. Johnstone, H. Lammer and A. Wyttenbach: Aerosol constraints on the atmosphere of the hot Saturn-mass planet WASP-49b. The Astrophysical Journal 849, id. 145 (9 pp) (2017)
Cuppen, H. M., C. Walsh, T. Lamberts, D. Semenov, R. T. Garrod, E. M. Penteado and S. Ioppolo: Grain surface models and data for sstrochemistry. Space Science Reviews 212, 1-58 (2017)
Dai, X., S. Hippler and E. Gendron: Experiments of two pupil lateral motion tracking algorithms using a Shack-Hartmann sensor. Journal of Modern Optics 64, 127-137 (2017)
Dall‘Olio, D., W. H. T. Vlemmings, G. Surcis, H. Beuther, B. Lankhaar, M. V. Persson, A. M. S. Richards and E. Varenius: Methanol masers reveal the magnetic field of the high-mass protostar IRAS 18089-1732. Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, id. A111 (11 pp) (2017)
Deacon, N. R., E. A. Magnier, W. M. J. Best, M. C. Liu, T. J. Dupuy, K. C. Chambers, P. W. Draper, H. Flewelling, N. Metcalfe, J. L. Tonry, R. J. Wainscoat and C. Waters: Identification of partially resolved binaries in Pan-STARRS 1 data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 3499-3515 (2017)
Deacon, N. R., E. A. Magnier, M. C. Liu, J. E. Schlieder, K. M. Aller, W. M. J. Best, B. P. Bowler, W. S. Burgett, K. C. Chambers, P. W. Draper, H. Flewelling, K. W. Hodapp, N. Kaiser, N. Metcalfe, W. E. Sweeney, R. J. Wainscoat and C. Waters: 2MASS 0213+3648 C: A wide T3 benchmark companion to an an active, old M dwarf binary. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 467, 1126-1139 (2017)
Deen, C. P., M. Gully-Santiago, W. Wang, J. Pozderac, D. J. Mar and D. T. Jaffe: A grism design review and the as-built performance of the silicon grisms for JWST-NIRCam. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 129, id. 065004 (13 pp) (2017)
Delorme, P., T. Schmidt, M. Bonnefoy, S. Desidera, C. Ginski, B. Charnay, C. Lazzoni, V. Christiaens, S. Messina, V. D‘Orazi, J. Milli, J. E. Schlieder, R. Gratton, L. Rodet, A.-M. Lagrange, O. Absil, A. Vigan, R. Galicher, J. Hagelberg, M. Bonavita, B. Lavie, A. Zurlo, J. Olofsson, A. Boccaletti, F. Cantalloube, D. Mouillet, G. Chauvin, F.-J. Hambsch, M. Langlois, S. Udry, T. Henning, J.-L. Beuzit, C. Mordasini, P. Lucas, F. Marocco, B. Biller, J. Carson, A. Cheetham, E. Covino, V. De Caprio, A. Delboulbe, M. Feldt, J. Girard, N. Hubin, A.-L. Maire, A. Pavlov, C. Petit, D. Rouan, R. Roelfsema and F. Wildi: In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD 206893B. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, id. A79 (25 pp) (2017)
Dobbs, C. L., A. Adamo, C. G. Few, D. Calzetti, D. A. Dale, B. G. Elmegreen, A. S. Evans, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, K. E. Johnson, H. Kim, J. C. Lee, M. Messa, J. E. Ryon, L. J. Smith, D. Thilker, L. Ubeda and B. Whitmore: The properties, origin and evolution of stellar clusters in galaxy simulations and observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464, 3580-3596 (2017)
Dutrey, A., S. Guilloteau, V. Piétu, E. Chapillon, V. Wakelam, E. Di Folco, T. Stoecklin, O. Denis-Alpizar, U. Gorti, R. Teague, T. Henning, D. Semenov and N. Grosso: The Flying Saucer: Tomography of the thermal and density gas structure of an edge-on protoplanetary disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, id. A130 (14 pp) (2017)
Dzyurkevich, N., B. Commerçon, P. Lesaffre and D. Semenov: Magnetic diffusivities in 3D radiative chemo-hydrodynamic simulations of protostellar collapse. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A105 (12 pp) (2017)
Eden, D. J., T. J. T. Moore, R. Plume, J. S. Urquhart, M. A. Thompson, H. Parsons, J. T. Dempsey, A. J. Rigby, L. K. Morgan, H. S. Thomas, D. Berry, J. Buckle, C. M. Brunt, H. M. Butner, D. Carretero, A. Chrysostomou, M. J. Currie, H. M. deVilliers, M. Fich, A. G. Gibb, M. G. Hoare, T. Jenness, G. Manser, J. C. Mottram, C. Natario, F. Olguin, N. Peretto, M. Pestalozzi, D. Polychroni, R. O. Redman, C. Salji, L. J. Summers, K. Tahani, A. Traficante, J. diFrancesco, A. Evans, G. A. Fuller, D. Johnstone, G. Joncas, S. N. Longmore, P. G. Martin, J. S. Richer, B. Weferling, G. J. White and M. Zhu: The JCMT Plane Survey: first complete data release – emission maps and compact source catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, 2163-2183 (2017)
Elia, D., S. Molinari, E. Schisano, M. Pestalozzi, S. Pezzuto, M. Merello, A. Noriega-Crespo, T. J. T. Moore, D. Russeil, J. C. Mottram, R. Paladini, F. Strafella, M. Benedettini, J. P. Bernard, A. Di Giorgio, D. J. Eden, Y. Fukui, R. Plume, J. Bally, P. G. Martin, S. E. Ragan, S. E. Jaffa, F. Motte, L. Olmi, N. Schneider, L. Testi, F. Wyrowski, A. Zavagno, L. Calzoletti, F. Faustini, P. Natoli, P. Palmeirim, F. Piacentini, L. Piazzo, G. L. Pilbratt, D. Polychroni, A. Baldeschi, M. T. Beltrán, N. Billot, L. Cambrésy, R. Cesaroni, P. García-Lario, M. G. Hoare, M. Huang, G. Joncas, S. J. Liu, B. M. T. Maiolo, K. A. Marsh, Y. Maruccia, P. Mège, N. Peretto, K. L. J. Rygl, P. Schilke, M. A. Thompson, A. Traficante, G. Umana, M. Veneziani, D. Ward-Thompson, A. P. Whitworth, H. Arab, M. Bandieramonte, U. Becciani, M. Brescia, C. Buemi, F. Bufano, R. Butora, S. Cavuoti, A. Costa, E. Fiorellino, A. Hajnal, T. Hayakawa, P. Kacsuk, P. Leto, G. Li Causi, N. Marchili, S. Martinavarro-Armengol, A. Mercurio, M. Molinaro, G. Riccio, H. Sano, E. Sciacca, K. Tachihara, K. Torii, C. Trigilio, F. Vitello and H. Yamamoto: The Hi-GAL compact source catalogue - I. The physical properties of the clumps in the inner Galaxy (-71.0° < ι < 67.0°). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471, 100-143 (2017)
Engler, N., H. M. Schmid, C. Thalmann, A. Boccaletti, A. Bazzon, A. Baruffolo, J. L. Beuzit, R. Claudi, A. Costille, S. Desidera, K. Dohlen, C. Dominik, M. Feldt, T. Fusco, C. Ginski, D. Gisler, J. H. Girard, R. Gratton, T. Henning, N. Hubin, M. Janson, M. Kasper, Q. Kral, M. Langlois, E. Lagadec, F. Ménard, M. R. Meyer, J. Milli, D. Mouillet, J. Olofsson, A. Pavlov, J. Pragt, P. Puget, S. P. Quanz, R. Roelfsema, B. Salasnich, R. Siebenmorgen, E. Sissa, M. Suarez, J. Szulagyi, M. Turatto, S. Udry and F. Wildi: The HIP 79977 debris disk in polarized light. Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, id. A90 (19 pp) (2017)
Espinoza, N., M. Rabus, R. Brahm, M. Jones, A. Jordán, F. Rojas, H. Drass, M. Vučković, J. D. Hartman, J. S. Jenkins and C. Cortés: K2-113: a dense hot-Jupiter transiting a solar analogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471, 4374-4380 (2017)
Esposito, M., E. Covino, S. Desidera, L. Mancini, V. Nascimbeni, R. Zanmar Sanchez, K. Biazzo, A. F. Lanza, G. Leto, J. Southworth, A. S. Bonomo, A. Suárez Mascareño, C. Boccato, R. Cosentino, R. U. Claudi, R. Gratton, A. Maggio, G. Micela, E. Molinari, I. Pagano, G. Piotto, E. Poretti, R. Smareglia, A. Sozzetti, L. Affer, D. R. Anderson, G. Andreuzzi, S. Benatti, A. Bignamini, F. Borsa, L. Borsato, S. Ciceri, M. Damasso, L. di Fabrizio, P. Giacobbe, V. Granata, A. Harutyunyan, T. Henning, L. Malavolta, J. Maldonado, A. Martinez Fiorenzano, S. Masiero, P. Molaro, M. Molinaro, M. Pedani, M. Rainer, G. Scandariato and O. D. Turner: The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIII. The orbital obliquity of three close-in massive planets hosted by dwarf K-type stars: WASP-43, HAT-P-20 and Qatar-2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, id. A53 (16 pp) (2017)
Facchini, S., T. Birnstiel, S. Bruderer and E. F. van Dishoeck: Different dust and gas radial extents in protoplanetary disks: consistent models of grain growth and CO emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 605, id. A16 (25 pp) (2017)
Fang, M., A. Sicilia-Aguilar, D. Wilner, Y. Wang, V. Roccatagliata, D. Fedele and J. Z. Wang: Millimeter observations of the disk around GW Orionis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A132 (10 pp) (2017)
Fedele, D., M. Carney, M. R. Hogerheijde, C. Walsh, A. Miotello, P. Klaassen, S. Bruderer, T. Henning and E. F. van Dishoeck: ALMA unveils rings and gaps in the protoplanetary system HD 169142: signatures of two giant protoplanets. Astronomy and Astrophysics 600, id. A72 (14 pp) (2017)
Fehér, O., Á. Kóspál, P. Ábrahám, M. R. Hogerheijde and C. Brinch: Interferometric view of the circumstellar envelopes of northern FU Orionis-type stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, id. A39 (30 pp) (2017)
Feldt, M., J. Olofsson, A. Boccaletti, A. L. Maire, J. Milli, A. Vigan, M. Langlois, T. Henning, A. Moor, M. Bonnefoy, Z. Wahhaj, S. Desidera, R. Gratton, Á. Kóspál, P. Abraham, F. Menard, G. Chauvin, A. M. Lagrange, D. Mesa, G. Salter, E. Buenzli, J. Lannier, C. Perrot, S. Peretti and E. Sissa: SPHERE/SHINE reveals concentric rings in the debris disk of HIP 73145. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, id. A7 (12 pp) (2017)
Fischer, W. J., S. T. Megeath, E. Furlan, B. Ali, A. M. Stutz, J. J. Tobin, M. Osorio, T. Stanke, P. Manoj, C. A. Poteet, J. J. Booker, L. Hartmann, T. L. Wilson, P. C. Myers and D. M. Watson: The Herschel Orion Protostar Survey: Luminosity and envelope evolution. The Astrophysical Journal 840, id. 69 (17 pp) (2017)
Flaherty, K. M., A. M. Hughes, S. C. Rose, J. B. Simon, C. Qi, S. M. Andrews, Á. Kóspál, D. J. Wilner, E. Chiang, P. J. Armitage and X.-n. Bai: A Three-dimensional View of Turbulence: Constraints on Turbulent Motions in the HD 163296 Protoplanetary Disk Using DCO+. The Astrophysical Journal 843, id. 150 (20 pp) (2017)
Flock, M., R. P. Nelson, N. J. Turner, G. H.-M. Bertrang, C. Carrasco-González, T. Henning, W. Lyra and R. Teague: Radiation hydrodynamical turbulence in protoplanetary disks: Numerical models and observational constraints. The Astrophysical Journal 850, id. 131 (13 pp) (2017)
Fossati, L., N. V. Erkaev, H. Lammer, P. E. Cubillos, P. Odert, I. Juvan, K. G. Kislyakova, M. Lendl, D. Kubyshkina and S. J. Bauer: Aeronomical constraints to the minimum mass and maximum radius of hot low-mass planets. Astronomy and Astrophysics 598, id. A90 (9 pp) (2017)
Fuhrmann, K., R. Chini, L. Kaderhandt, Z. Chen and R. Lachaume: The barium-to-iron enrichment versus age relation of ancient disc stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471, 3768-3774 (2017)
Fulvio, D., S. Góbi, C. Jäger, Á. Kereszturi and T. Henning: Laboratory experiments on the low-temperature formation of carbonaceous grains in the ISM. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 233, id. 14 (11 pp) (2017)
Garcia, E. V., T. Currie, O. Guyon, K. G. Stassun, N. Jovanovic, J. Lozi, T. Kudo, D. Doughty, J. Schlieder, J. Kwon, T. Uyama, M. Kuzuhara, J. C. Carson, T. Nakagawa, J. Hashimoto, N. Kusakabe, L. Abe, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, M. Feldt, M. Goto, C. A. Grady, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. S. Hayashi, T. Henning, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, M. Janson, R. Kandori, G. R. Knapp, T. Matsuo, M. W. McElwain, S. Miyama, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-Martin, T. Nishimura, T.-S. Pyo, E. Serabyn, T. Suenaga, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. H. Takahashi, H. Takami, M. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, C. Thalmann, E. L. Turner, M. Watanabe, J. Wisniewski, T. Yamada, T. Usuda and M. Tamura: SCExAO and GPI Y JHBand photometry and integral field spectroscopy of the young brown dwarf companion to HD 1160. The Astrophysical Journal 834, id. 162 (14 pp) (2017)
Garcia Lopez, R., K. Perraut, A. Caratti O Garatti, B. Lazareff, J. Sanchez-Bermudez, M. Benisty, C. Dougados, L. Labadie, W. Brandner, P. J. V. Garcia, T. Henning, T. P. Ray, R. Abuter, A. Amorim, N. Anugu, J. P. Berger, H. Bonnet, A. Buron, P. Caselli, Y. Clénet, V. Coudé Du Foresto, W. de Wit, C. Deen, F. Delplancke-Ströbele, J. Dexter, A. Eckart, F. Eisenhauer, C. E. Garcia Dabo, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, X. Haubois, M. Haug, F. Haussmann, S. Hippler, Z. Hubert, C. A. Hummel, M. Horrobin, L. Jocou, S. Kellner, P. Kervella, M. Kulas, J. Kolb, S. Lacour, J.-B. Le Bouquin, P. Léna, M. Lippa, A. Mérand, E. Müller, T. Ott, J. Panduro, T. Paumard, G. Perrin, O. Pfuhl, A. Ramirez, C. Rau, R.-R. Rohloff, G. Rousset, S. Scheithauer, M. Schöller, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, W. F. Thi, E. van Dishoeck, F. Vincent, I. Waisberg, I. Wank, E. Wieprecht, M. Wiest, E. Wiezorrek, J. Woillez, S. Yazici and G. Zins: The wind and the magnetospheric accretion onto the T Tauri star S Coronae Australis at sub-au resolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, id. A78 (12 pp) (2017)
Garufi, A., G. Meeus, M. Benisty, S. P. Quanz, A. Banzatti, M. Kama, H. Canovas, C. Eiroa, H. M. Schmid, T. Stolker, A. Pohl, E. Rigliaco, F. Ménard, M. R. Meyer, R. van Boekel and C. Dominik: Evolution of protoplanetary disks from their taxonomy in scattered light: Group I vs. Group II. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A21 (16 pp) (2017)
Gavilan, L., L. Remusat, M. Roskosz, H. Popescu, N. Jaouen, C. Sandt, C. Jäger, T. Henning, A. Simionovici, J. L. Lemaire, D. Mangin and N. Carrasco: X-Ray-induced deuterium enrichment of N-rich organics in protoplanetary disks: An experimental investigation using synchrotron light. The Astrophysical Journal 840, id. 35 (11 pp) (2017)
Geen, S., J. D. Soler and P. Hennebelle: Interpreting the star formation efficiency of nearby molecular clouds with ionizing radiation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471, 4844-4855 (2017)
Gennaro, M., S. P. Goodwin, R. J. Parker, R. J. Allison and W. Brandner: Hierarchical for--mation of Westerlund 1: a collapsing cluster with no primordial mass segregation? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472, 1760-1769 (2017)
Giannini, E., R. W. Schmidt, J. Wambsganss, K. Alsubai, J. M. Andersen, T. Anguita, V. Bozza, D. M. Bramich, P. Browne, S. Calchi Novati, Y. Damerdji, C. Diehl, P. Dodds, M. Dominik, A. Elyiv, X. Fang, R. Figuera Jaimes, F. Finet, T. Gerner, S. Gu, S. Hardis, K. Harpsøe, T. C. Hinse, A. Hornstrup, M. Hundertmark, J. Jessen-Hansen, U. G. Jørgensen, D. Juncher, N. Kains, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, C. Liebig, M. N. Lund, M. S. Lundkvist, G. Maier, L. Mancini, G. Masi, M. Mathiasen, M. Penny, S. Proft, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, D. Ricci, G. Scarpetta, K. Sahu, S. Schäfer, F. Schönebeck, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth, J. Surdej, J. Tregloan-Reed, C. Vilela, O. Wertz and F. Zimmer: MiNDSTEp differential photometry of the gravitationally lensed quasars WFI 2033-4723 and HE 0047-1756: microlensing and a new time delay. Astronomy and Astrophysics 597, id. A49 (16 pp) (2017)
Gordon, K. D., M. Baes, S. Bianchi, P. Camps, M. Juvela, R. Kuiper, T. Lunttila, K. A. Misselt, G. Natale, T. Robitaille and J. Steinacker: TRUST. I. A 3D externally illuminated slab benchmark for dust radiative transfer. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A114 (21 pp) (2017)
Gouliermis, D. A., B. G. Elmegreen, D. M. Elmegreen, D. Calzetti, M. Cignoni, J. S. Gallagher, III, R. C. Kennicutt, R. S. Klessen, E. Sabbi, D. Thilker, L. Ubeda, A. Aloisi, A. Adamo, D. O. Cook, D. Dale, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, K. E. Johnson, E. Sacchi, F. Shabani, L. J. Smith and A. Wofford: Hierarchical star formation across the grand-design spiral NGC 1566. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 509-530 (2017)
Grasha, K., D. Calzetti, A. Adamo, H. Kim, B. G. Elmegreen, D. A. Gouliermis, D. A. Dale, M. Fumagalli, E. K. Grebel, K. E. Johnson, L. Kahre, R. C. Kennicutt, M. Messa, A. Pellerin, J. E. Ryon, L. J. Smith, F. Shabani, D. Thilker and L. Ubeda: The hierarchical distribution of the young stellar clusters in six local star-forming galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 840, id. 113 (20 pp) (2017)
Grasha, K., B. G. Elmegreen, D. Calzetti, A. Adamo, A. Aloisi, S. N. Bright, D. O. Cook, D. A. Dale, M. Fumagalli, J. S. Gallagher, III, D. A. Gouliermis, E. K. Grebel, L. Kahre, H. Kim, M. R. Krumholz, J. C. Lee, M. Messa, J. E. Ryon and L. Ubeda: Hierarchical star formation in turbulent media: Evidence from young star clusters. The Astrophysical Journal 842, id. 25 (13 pp) (2017)
Gucsik, A., T. Nakamura, C. Jaeger, K. Ninagawa, H. Nishido, M. Kayama, A. Tsuchiyama, U. Ott and A. Kereszturi: Luminescence spectroscopical properties of plagioclase particles from the Hayabusa sample return mission: An implication for study of space weathering processes in the asteroid Itokawa Microscopy and Microanalysis 23, 179-186 (2017)
Hardy, R. A., J. Harrington, M. R. Hardin, N. Madhusudhan, T. J. Loredo, R. C. Challener, A. S. D. Foster, P. E. Cubillos and J. Blecic: Secondary eclipses of HAT-P-13b. The Astrophysical Journal 836, id. 143 (9 pp) (2017)
Hendler, N. P., G. D. Mulders, I. Pascucci, A. Greenwood, I. Kamp, T. Henning, F. Ménard, W. R. F. Dent and N. J. Evans, II: Hints for small disks around very low mass stars and brown dwarfs. The Astrophysical Journal 841, id. 116 (13 pp) (2017)
Howard, C., R. Pudritz and R. Klessen: Ultraviolet escape fractions from giant molecular clouds during early custer formation. The Astrophysical Journal 834, id. 40 (8 pp) (2017)
Janson, M., S. Durkan, S. Hippler, X. Dai, W. Brandner, J. Schlieder, M. Bonnefoy and T. Henning: Binaries among low-mass stars in nearby young moving groups. Astronomy and Astrophysics 599, id. A70 (7 pp) (2017)
Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., G. Meeus, A. Karska, B. Montesinos, J. Bouwman, C. Eiroa and T. Henning: Herschel observations of the circumstellar environments of the Herbig Be stars R Mon and PDS 27. Astronomy and Astrophysics 605, id. A62 (12 pp) (2017)
Jin, K., D. M. Salim, C. Federrath, E. J. Tasker, A. Habe and J. T. Kainulainen: On the effective turbulence driving mode of molecular clouds formed in disc galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, 383-393 (2017)
Johnstone, D., S. Ciccone, H. Kirk, S. Mairs, J. Buckle, D. S. Berry, H. Broekhoven-Fiene, M. J. Currie, J. Hatchell, T. Jenness, J. C. Mottram, K. Pattle, S. Tisi, J. Di Francesco, M. R. Hogerheijde, D. Ward-Thompson, P. Bastien, D. Bresnahan, H. Butner, M. Chen, A. Chrysostomou, S. Coudé, C. J. Davis, E. Drabek-Maunder, A. Duarte-Cabral, M. Fich, J. Fiege, P. Friberg, R. Friesen, G. A. Fuller, S. Graves, J. Greaves, J. Gregson, W. Holland, G. Joncas, J. M. Kirk, L. B. G. Knee, K. Marsh, B. C. Matthews, G. Moriarty-Schieven, C. Mowat, D. Nutter, J. E. Pineda, C. Salji, J. Rawlings, J. Richer, D. Robertson, E. Rosolowsky, D. Rumble, S. Sadavoy, H. Thomas, N. Tothill, S. Viti, G. J. White, J. Wouterloot, J. Yates and M. Zhu: The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: A first look at IC 5146. The Astrophysical Journal 836, id. 132 (21 pp) (2017)
Kainulainen, J. and C. Federrath: Relationship between turbulence energy and density variance in the solar neighbourhood molecular clouds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, id. L3 (6 pp) (2017)
Kainulainen, J., A. M. Stutz, T. Stanke, J. Abreu-Vicente, H. Beuther, T. Henning, K. G. Johnston and S. T. Megeath: Resolving the fragmentation of high line-mass filaments with ALMA: the integral shaped filament in Orion A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 600, id. A141 (15 pp) (2017)
Kang, M., M. Choi, A. M. Stutz and K. i. Tatematsu: Erratum: “Measurement of HDCO/H2CO Ratios in the Envelopes of Extremely Cold Protostars in Orion” (2015, ApJ, 814, 31). The Astrophysical Journal 836 , id. 146 (1 pp) (2017)
Kataoka, A., T. Tsukagoshi, A. Pohl, T. Muto, H. Nagai, I. W. Stephens, K. Tomisaka and M. Momose: The Evidence of Radio Polarization Induced by the Radiative Grain Alignment and Self-scattering of Dust Grains in a Protoplanetary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 844, id. L5 (5 pp) (2017)
Khorrami, Z., F. Vakili, T. Lanz, M. Langlois, E. Lagadec, M. R. Meyer, S. Robbe-Dubois, L. Abe, H. Avenhaus, J. L. Beuzit, R. Gratton, D. Mouillet, A. Origné, C. Petit and J. Ramos: Uncrowding R 136 from VLT/SPHERE extreme adaptive optics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. A56 (15 pp) (2017)
Kipping, D. M., C. Cameron, J. D. Hartman, J. R. A. Davenport, J. M. Matthews, D. Sasselov, J. Rowe, R. J. Siverd, J. Chen, E. Sandford, G. Á. Bakos, A. Jordán, D. Bayliss, T. Henning, L. Mancini, K. Penev, Z. Csubry, W. Bhatti, J. Da Silva Bento, D. B. Guenther, R. Kuschnig, A. F. J. Moffat, S. M. Rucinski and W. W. Weiss: No conclusive evidence for transits of Proxima b in MOST photometry. The Astronomical Journal 153, id. 93 (15 pp) (2017)
Kiss, C., G. Marton, A. Farkas-Takács, J. Stansberry, T. Müller, J. Vinkó, Z. Balog, J.-L. Ortiz and A. Pál: Discovery of a satellite of the large trans-Neptunian object (225088) 2007 OR10. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 838, id. L1 (5 pp) (2017)
Klassen, M., R. E. Pudritz and H. Kirk: Filamentary flow and magnetic geometry in evolving cluster-forming molecular cloud clumps. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 465, 2254-2276 (2017)
Koepferl, C. M. and T. P. Robitaille: The FluxCompensator: Making radiative transfer models of hydrodynamical simulations directly comparable to real observations. The Astrophysical Journal 849, id. 3 (12 pp) (2017)
Koepferl, C. M., T. P. Robitaille and J. E. Dale: Insights from synthetic star-forming regions. III. Calibration of measurement and techniques of star formation rates. The Astrophysical Journal 849, id. 2 (12 pp) (2017)
Koepferl, C. M., T. P. Robitaille and J. E. Dale: Insights from synthetic star-forming regions. II. Verifying dust surface density, dust temperature, and gas mass measurements with modified blackbody fitting. The Astrophysical Journal 849, id.1 (20 pp) (2017)
Koepferl, C. M., T. P. Robitaille, J. E. Dale and F. Biscani: Insights from synthetic star-forming regions. I. Reliable mock observations from SPH simulations. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 233, id. 1 (27 pp) (2017)
Kong, S., J. C. Tan, P. Caselli, F. Fontani, M. Liu and M. J. Butler: A hunt for massive starless cores. The Astrophysical Journal 834, id. 193 (27 pp) (2017)
Kooistra, R., I. Kamp, M. Fukagawa, F. Ménard, M. Momose, T. Tsukagoshi, T. Kudo, N. Kusakabe, J. Hashimoto, L. Abe, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, J. C. Carson, S. E. Egner, M. Feldt, M. Goto, C. A. Grady, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. S. Hayashi, T. Henning, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, M. Janson, R. Kandori, G. R. Knapp, M. Kuzuhara, J. Kwon, T. Matsuo, M. W. McElwain, S. Miyama, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-Martin, T. Nishimura, T.-S. Pyo, E. Serabyn, T. Suenaga, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. H. Takahashi, M. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, C. Thalmann, D. Tomono, E. L. Turner, M. Watanabe, J. Wisniewski, T. Yamada, H. Takami, T. Usuda, M. Tamura, T. Currie, E. Akiyama, S. Mayama, K. B. Follette and T. Nakagawa: Radial decoupling of small and large dust grains in the transitional disk RX J1615.3-3255. Astronomy and Astrophysics 597, id. A132 (8 pp) (2017)
Kóspál, Á., P. Ábrahám, T. Csengeri, O. Fehér, M. R. Hogerheijde, C. Brinch, M. M. Dunham, E. I. Vorobyov, D. M. Salter and T. Henning: Mass Transport from the Envelope to the Disk of V346 Nor: A Case Study for the Luminosity Problem in an FUor-type Young Eruptive Star. The Astrophysical Journal 843, id. 45 (12 pp) (2017)
Kóspál, Á., P. Ábrahám, T. Csengeri, T. Henning, A. Moór and R. Güsten: Cold CO gas in the envelopes of FU Orionis-type young eruptive stars. The Astrophysical Journal 836, id. 226 (5 pp) (2017)
Koumpia, E., D. A. Semenov, F. F. S. van der Tak, A. C. A. Boogert and E. Caux: The chemical structure of the Class 0 protostellar envelope NGC 1333 IRAS 4A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A88 (25 pp) (2017)
Krasnokutski, S. A., M. Goulart, E. B. Gordon, A. Ritsch, C. Jäger, M. Rastogi, W. Salvenmoser, T. Henning and P. Scheier: Low-temperature condensation of carbon. The Astrophysical Journal 847, id. 89 (7 pp) (2017)
Krasnokutski, S. A., F. Huisken, C. Jäger and T. Henning: Growth and destruction of PAH molecules in Reactions with carbon atoms. The Astrophysical Journal 836, id. 32 (7 pp) (2017)
Krieger, N., J. Ott, H. Beuther, F. Walter, J. M. D. Kruijssen, D. S. Meier, E. A. C. Mills, Y. Contreras, P. Edwards, A. Ginsburg, C. Henkel, J. Henshaw, J. Jackson, J. Kauffmann, S. Longmore, S. Martín, M. R. Morris, T. Pillai, M. Rickert, E. Rosolowsky, H. Shinnaga, A. Walsh, F. Yusef-Zadeh and Q. Zhang: The Survey of Water and Ammonia in the Galactic Center (SWAG): Molecular cloud evolution in the central molecular zone. The Astrophysical Journal 850, id. 77 (42 pp) (2017)
Kristensen, L. E., A. Gusdorf, J. C. Mottram, A. Karska, R. Visser, H. Wiesemeyer, R. Güsten and R. Simon: Oxygen budget in low-mass protostars: the NGC 1333-IRAS4A R1 shock observed in [O I] at 63 µm with SOFIA-GREAT. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, id. L4 (5 pp) (2017)
Kristensen, L. E., E. F. van Dishoeck, J. C. Mottram, A. Karska, U. A. Yıldız, E. A. Bergin, P. Bjerkeli, S. Cabrit, S. Doty, N. J. Evans, A. Gusdorf, D. Harsono, G. J. Herczeg, D. Johnstone, J. K. Jørgensen, T. A. van Kempen, J.-E. Lee, S. Maret, M. Tafalla, R. Visser and S. F. Wampfler: Origin of warm and hot gas emission from low-mass protostars: Herschel-HIFI observations of CO J = 16-15. I. Line profiles, physical conditions, and H2O abundance. Astronomy and Astrophysics 605, id. A93 (19 pp) (2017)
Lagrange, A.-M., M. Keppler, H. Beust, L. Rodet, N. Meunier, J. Lillo-Box, M. Bonnefoy and F. Galland: Discovery of a stellar companion to HD 131399A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, id. L9 (5 pp) (2017)
Lam, K. W. F., F. Faedi, D. J. A. Brown, D. R. Anderson, L. Delrez, M. Gillon, G. Hébrard, M. Lendl, L. Mancini, J. Southworth, B. Smalley, A. H. M. Triaud, O. D. Turner, K. L. Hay, D. J. Armstrong, S. C. C. Barros, A. S. Bonomo, F. Bouchy, P. Boumis, A. Collier Cameron, A. P. Doyle, C. Hellier, T. Henning, E. Jehin, G. King, J. Kirk, T. Louden, P. F. L. Maxted, J. J. McCormac, H. P. Osborn, E. Palle, F. Pepe, D. Pollacco, J. Prieto-Arranz, D. Queloz, J. Rey, D. Ségransan, S. Udry, S. Walker, R. G. West and P. J. Wheatley: From dense hot Jupiter to low-density Neptune: The discovery of WASP-127b, WASP-136b, and WASP-138b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 599, id. A3 (10 pp) (2017)
Lazareff, B., J.-P. Berger, J. Kluska, J.-B. Le Bouquin, M. Benisty, F. Malbet, C. Koen, C. Pinte, W.-F. Thi, O. Absil, F. Baron, A. Delboulbé, G. Duvert, A. Isella, L. Jocou, A. Juhasz, S. Kraus, R. Lachaume, F. Ménard, R. Millan-Gabet, J. D. Monnier, T. Moulin, K. Perraut, S. Rochat, F. Soulez, M. Tallon, E. Thiébaut, W. Traub and G. Zins: Structure of Herbig AeBe disks at the milliarcsecond scale . A statistical survey in the H band using PIONIER-VLTI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 599, id. A85 (41 pp) (2017)
Le Bouquin, J.-B., H. Sana, E. Gosset, M. De Becker, G. Duvert, O. Absil, F. Anthonioz, J.-P. Berger, S. Ertel, R. Grellmann, S. Guieu, P. Kervella, M. Rabus and M. Willson: Resolved astrometric orbits of ten O-type binaries. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, id. A34 (21 pp) (2017)
Lendl, M., P. E. Cubillos, J. Hagelberg, A. Müller, I. Juvan and L. Fossati: Signs of strong Na and K absorption in the transmission spectrum of WASP-103b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 606, id. A18 (12 pp) (2017)
Liu, H. B., E. I. Vorobyov, R. Dong, M. M. Dunham, M. Takami, R. Galván-Madrid, J. Hashimoto, Á. Kóspál, T. Henning, M. Tamura, L. F. Rodríguez, N. Hirano, Y. Hasegawa, M. Fukagawa, C. Carrasco-Gonzalez and M. Tazzari: A concordant scenario to explain FU Orionis from deep centimeter and millimeter interferometric observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. A19 (10 pp) (2017)
Liu, Y., T. Henning, C. Carrasco-González, C. J. Chandler, H. Linz, T. Birnstiel, R. van Boekel, L. M. Pérez, M. Flock, L. Testi, L. F. Rodríguez and R. Galván-Madrid: The properties of the inner disk around HL Tau: Multi-wavelength modeling of the dust emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, id. A74 (10 pp) (2017)
Liu, Y., H. Wang and T. Henning: A simple criterion for selecting disks with evidence for dust growth and settling. Astrophysics and Space Science 362, id. 208 (10 pp) (2017)
Long, F., G. J. Herczeg, I. Pascucci, E. Drabek-Maunder, S. Mohanty, L. Testi, D. Apai, N. Hendler, T. Henning, C. F. Manara and G. D. Mulders: An ALMA Survey of CO isotopologue emission from protoplanetary disks in Chamaeleon I. The Astrophysical Journal 844, id. 99 (24 pp) (2017)
Maire, A.-L., T. Stolker, S. Messina, A. Müller, B. A. Biller, T. Currie, C. Dominik, C. A. Grady, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, G. Chauvin, R. Galicher, M. Millward, A. Pohl, W. Brandner, T. Henning, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, M. R. Meyer, S. P. Quanz, A. Vigan, A. Zurlo, R. van Boekel, E. Buenzli, T. Buey, S. Desidera, M. Feldt, T. Fusco, C. Ginski, E. Giro, R. Gratton, N. Hubin, J. Lannier, D. Le Mignant, D. Mesa, S. Peretti, C. Perrot, J. R. Ramos, G. Salter, M. Samland, E. Sissa, E. Stadler, C. Thalmann, S. Udry and L. Weber: Testing giant planet formation in the transitional disk of SAO 206462 using deep VLT/SPHERE imaging. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, id. A134 (15 pp) (2017)
Malygin, M. G., H. Klahr, D. Semenov, T. Henning and C. P. Dullemond: Efficiency of thermal relaxation by radiative processes in protoplanetary discs: constraints on hydrodynamic turbulence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 605, id. A30 (14 pp) (2017)
Manara, C. F., L. Testi, G. J. Herczeg, I. Pascucci, J. M. Alcalá, A. Natta, S. Antoniucci, D. Fedele, G. D. Mulders, T. Henning, S. Mohanty, T. Prusti and E. Rigliaco: X-shooter study of accretion in Chamaeleon I. II. A steeper increase of accretion with stellar mass for very low-mass stars? Astronomy and Astrophysics 604, id. A127 (27 pp) (2017)
Mancini, L., J. Southworth, G. Raia, J. Tregloan-Reed, P. Mollière, V. Bozza, M. Bretton, I. Bruni, S. Ciceri, G. D‘Ago, M. Dominik, T. C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, U. G. Jørgensen, H. Korhonen, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, D. Starkey, S. Calchi Novati, R. Figuera Jaimes, T. Henning, D. Juncher, T. Haugbølle, N. Kains, A. Popovas, R. W. Schmidt, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Surdej and O. Wertz: Orbital alignment and star-spot properties in the WASP-52 planetary system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 465, 843-857 (2017)
Manjavacas, E., P. A. Miles-Páez, M. R. Zapatero-Osorio, B. Goldman, E. Buenzli, T. Henning, E. Pallé and M. Fang: Testing the existence of optical linear polarization in young brown dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 3024-3030 (2017)
Marleau, G.-D., H. Klahr, R. Kuiper and C. Mordasini: The planetary accretion shock. I. Framework for radiation-hydrodynamical simulations and first results. The Astrophysical Journal 836, id. 221 (13 pp) (2017)
Martinez, A. O., I. J. M. Crossfield, J. E. Schlieder, C. D. Dressing, C. Obermeier, J. Livingston, S. Ciceri, S. Peacock, C. A. Beichman, S. Lépine, K. M. Aller, Q. A. Chance, E. A. Petigura, A. W. Howard and M. W. Werner: Stellar and panetary parameters for K2’s late-type dwarf systems from C1 to C5. The Astrophysical Journal 837, id. 72 (11 pp) (2017)
Mas-Ribas, L., M. Dijkstra, J. F. Hennawi, M. Trenti, R. Momose and M. Ouchi: Small-scale intensity mapping: Extended Lyα, Hα, and continuum emission as a probe of halo star formation in high-redshift galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 841, id. 19 (13 pp) (2017)
Mattila, K., K. Lehtinen, P. Väisänen, G. von Appen-Schnur and C. Leinert: Extragalactic background light: a measurement at 400 nm using dark cloud shadow - I. Low surface brightness spectrophotometry in the area of Lynds 1642. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 470, 2133-2151 (2017)
Mattila, K., P. Väisänen, K. Lehtinen, G. von Appen-Schnur and C. Leinert: Extragalactic background light: a measurement at 400 nm using dark cloud shadow - II. Spectroscopic separation of the dark cloud‘s light, and results. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 470, 2152-2169 (2017)
Mesa, D., A. Zurlo, J. Milli, R. Gratton, S. Desidera, M. Langlois, A. Vigan, M. Bonavita, J. Antichi, H. Avenhaus, A. Baruffolo, B. Biller, A. Boccaletti, P. Bruno, E. Cascone, G. Chauvin, R. U. Claudi, V. De Caprio, D. Fantinel, G. Farisato, J. Girard, E. Giro, J. Hagelberg, S. Incorvaia, M. Janson, Q. Kral, E. Lagadec, A.-M. Lagrange, L. Lessio, M. Meyer, S. Peretti, C. Perrot, B. Salasnich, J. Schlieder, H.-M. Schmid, S. Scuderi, E. Sissa, C. Thalmann and M. Turatto: Upper limits for mass and radius of objects around Proxima Cen from SPHERE/VLT. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466, L118-L122 (2017)
Milli, J., A. Vigan, D. Mouillet, A.-M. Lagrange, J.-C. Augereau, C. Pinte, D. Mawet, H. M. Schmid, A. Boccaletti, L. Matrà, Q. Kral, S. Ertel, G. Chauvin, A. Bazzon, F. Ménard, J.-L. Beuzit, C. Thalmann, C. Dominik, M. Feldt, T. Henning, M. Min, J. H. Girard, R. Galicher, M. Bonnefoy, T. Fusco, J. de Boer, M. Janson, A.-L. Maire, D. Mesa and J. E. Schlieder: Near-infrared scattered light properties of the HR 4796 A dust ring. A measured scattering phase function from 13.6° to 166.6°. Astronomy and Astrophysics 599, id. A108 (24 pp) (2017)
Mollière, P., R. van Boekel, J. Bouwman, T. Henning, P.-O. Lagage and M. Min: Observing transiting planets with JWST. Prime targets and their synthetic spectral observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 600, id. A10 (23 pp) (2017)
Molyarova, T., V. Akimkin, D. Semenov, T. Henning, A. Vasyunin and D. Wiebe: Gas mass tracers in protoplanetary disks: CO is still the best. The Astrophysical Journal 849, id. 130 (13 pp) (2017)
Moór, A., M. Curé, Á. Kóspál, P. Ábrahám, T. Csengeri, C. Eiroa, D. Gunawan, T. Henning, A. M. Hughes, A. Juhász, N. Pawellek and M. Wyatt: Molecular gas in debris disks around young A-type stars. The Astrophysical Journal 849, id. 123 (9 pp) (2017)
Morales, E. F. E. and T. P. Robitaille: Do individual Spitzer young stellar object candidates enclose multiple UKIDSS sources? Astronomy and Astrophysics 598, id. A136 (20 pp) (2017)
Mordasini, C., G.-D. Marleau and P. Mollière: Characterization of exoplanets from their formation. III. The statistics of planetary luminosities. Astronomy and Astrophysics 608, id. A72 (46 pp) (2017)
Mottram, J. C., E. F. van Dishoeck, L. E. Kristensen, A. Karska, I. San José-García, S. Khanna, G. J. Herczeg, P. André, S. Bontemps, S. Cabrit, M. T. Carney, M. N. Drozdovskaya, M. M. Dunham, N. J. Evans, D. Fedele, J. D. Green, D. Harsono, D. Johnstone, J. K. Jørgensen, V. Könyves, B. Nisini, M. V. Persson, M. Tafalla, R. Visser and U. A. Yıldız: Outflows, infall and evolution of a sample of embedded low-mass protostars. The William Herschel Line Legacy (WILL) survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 600, id. A99 (48 pp) (2017)
Mowat, C., J. Hatchell, D. Rumble, H. Kirk, J. Buckle, D. S. Berry, H. Broekhoven-Fiene, M. J. Currie, T. Jenness, D. Johnstone, J. C. Mottram, K. Pattle, S. Tisi, J. Di Francesco, M. R. Hogerheijde, D. Ward-Thompson, P. Bastien, D. Bresnahan, H. Butner, M. Chen, A. Chrysostomou, S. Coudé, C. J. Davis, E. Drabek-Maunder, A. Duarte-Cabral, M. Fich, J. Fiege, P. Friberg, R. Friesen, G. A. Fuller, S. Graves, J. Greaves, W. Holland, G. Joncas, J. M. Kirk, L. B. G. Knee, S. Mairs, K. Marsh, B. C. Matthews, G. Moriarty-Schieven, J. Rawlings, B. Retter, J. Richer, D. Robertson, E. Rosolowsky, S. Sadavoy, H. Thomas, N. Tothill, S. Viti, G. J. White, J. Wouterloot, J. Yates and M. Zhu: The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: A first look at SCUBA-2 observations of the Lupus I molecular cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 467, 812-835 (2017)
Mulders, G. D., I. Pascucci, C. F. Manara, L. Testi, G. J. Herczeg, T. Henning, S. Mohanty and G. Lodato: Constraints from dust mass and mass accretion rate measurements on angular momentum transport in protoplanetary disks. The Astrophysical Journal 847, id. 31 (17 pp) (2017)
Nagy, J. M., P. A. R. Ade, M. Amiri, S. J. Benton, A. S. Bergman, R. Bihary, J. J. Bock, J. R. Bond, S. A. Bryan, H. C. Chiang, C. R. Contaldi, O. Doré, A. J. Duivenvoorden, H. K. Eriksen, M. Farhang, J. P. Filippini, L. M. Fissel, A. A. Fraisse, K. Freese, M. Galloway, A. E. Gambrel, N. N. Gandilo, K. Ganga, J. E. Gudmundsson, M. Halpern, J. Hartley, M. Hasselfield, G. Hilton, W. Holmes, V. V. Hristov, Z. Huang, K. D. Irwin, W. C. Jones, C. L. Kuo, Z. D. Kermish, S. Li, P. V. Mason, K. Megerian, L. Moncelsi, T. A. Morford, C. B. Netterfield, M. Nolta, I. L. Padilla, B. Racine, A. S. Rahlin, C. Reintsema, J. E. Ruhl, M. C. Runyan, T. M. Ruud, J. A. Shariff, J. D. Soler, X. Song, A. Trangsrud, C. Tucker, R. S. Tucker, A. D. Turner, J. F. Van Der List, A. C. Weber, I. K. Wehus, D. V. Wiebe and E. Y. Young: A new limit on CMB circular polarization from SPIDER. The Astrophysical Journal 844, id. 151 (7 pp) (2017)
Nguyen-Lu‘o‘ng, Q., L. D. Anderson, F. Motte, K.-T. Kim, P. Schilke, P. Carlhoff, H. Beuther, N. Schneider, P. Didelon, C. Kramer, F. Louvet, T. Nony, S. Bihr, M. Rugel, J. Soler, Y. Wang, L. Bronfman, R. Simon, K. M. Menten, F. Wyrowski and C. M. Walmsley: Large-scale map of millimeter-wavelength hydrogen radio recombination lines around a young massive star cluster. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 844, id. L25 (7 pp) (2017)
Parfenov, S. Y., D. A. Semenov, T. Henning, A. S. Shapovalova, A. M. Sobolev and R. Teague: On the methanol emission detection in the TW Hya disc: the role of grain surface chemistry and non-LTE excitation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 2024-2031 (2017)
Passig, J., J. Schade, M. Oster, M. Fuchs, S. Ehlert, C. Jaeger, M. Sklorz and R. Zimmermann: Aerosol mass spectrometer for simultaneous detection of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and inorganic components from individual particles. Analytical Chemistry 89, 6341-6345 (2017)
Pattle, K., D. Ward-Thompson, D. Berry, J. Hatchell, H.-R. Chen, A. Pon, P. M. Koch, W. Kwon, J. Kim, P. Bastien, J. Cho, S. Coudé, J. Di Francesco, G. Fuller, R. S. Furuya, S. F. Graves, D. Johnstone, J. Kirk, J. Kwon, C. W. Lee, B. C. Matthews, J. C. Mottram, H. Parsons, S. Sadavoy, H. Shinnaga, A. Soam, T. Hasegawa, S.-P. Lai, K. Qiu and P. Friberg: The JCMT BISTRO survey: The magnetic field strength in the Orion A filament. The Astrophysical Journal 846, id. 122 (21 pp) (2017)
Pattle, K., D. Ward-Thompson, J. M. Kirk, J. Di Francesco, H. Kirk, J. C. Mottram, J. Keown, J. Buckle, S. F. Beaulieu, D. S. Berry, H. Broekhoven-Fiene, M. J. Currie, M. Fich, J. Hatchell, T. Jenness, D. Johnstone, D. Nutter, J. E. Pineda, C. Quinn, C. Salji, S. Tisi, S. Walker-Smith, M. R. Hogerheijde, P. Bastien, D. Bresnahan, H. Butner, M. Chen, A. Chrysostomou, S. Coudé, C. J. Davis, E. Drabek-Maunder, A. Duarte-Cabral, J. Fiege, P. Friberg, R. Friesen, G. A. Fuller, S. Graves, J. Greaves, J. Gregson, W. Holland, G. Joncas, L. B. G. Knee, S. Mairs, K. Marsh, B. C. Matthews, G. Moriarty-Schieven, C. Mowat, J. Rawlings, J. Richer, D. Robertson, E. Rosolowsky, D. Rumble, S. Sadavoy, H. Thomas, N. Tothill, S. Viti, G. J. White, J. Wouterloot, J. Yates and M. Zhu: The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: first results from SCUBA-2 observations of the Cepheus Flare region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464, 4255-4281 (2017)
Pearce, B. K. D., R. E. Pudritz, D. A. Semenov and T. K. Henning: Origin of the RNA world: The fate of nucleobases in warm little ponds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 114, 11327-11332 (2017)
Petrucci, P.-O., I. Waisberg, J.-B. Le Bouquin, J. Dexter, G. Dubus, K. Perraut, P. Kervella, R. Abuter, A. Amorim, N. Anugu, J. P. Berger, N. Blind, H. Bonnet, W. Brandner, A. Buron, É. Choquet, Y. Clénet, W. de Wit, C. Deen, A. Eckart, F. Eisenhauer, G. Finger, P. Garcia, R. Garcia Lopez, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, F. Gonte, X. Haubois, M. Haug, F. Haussmann, T. Henning, S. Hippler, M. Horrobin, Z. Hubert, L. Jochum, L. Jocou, Y. Kok, J. Kolb, M. Kulas, S. Lacour, B. Lazareff, P. Lèna, M. Lippa, A. Mérand, E. Müller, T. Ott, J. Panduro, T. Paumard, G. Perrin, O. Pfuhl, J. Ramos, C. Rau, R.-R. Rohloff, G. Rousset, J. Sanchez-Bermudez, S. Scheithauer, M. Schöller, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, F. Vincent, I. Wank, E. Wieprecht, M. Wiest, E. Wiezorrek, M. Wittkowski, J. Woillez, S. Yazici and G. Zins: Accretion-ejection morphology of the microquasar SS 433 resolved at sub-au scale. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. L11 (6 pp) (2017)
Pinilla, P., A. Pohl, S. M. Stammler and T. Birnstiel: Dust density distribution and imaging analysis of different ice lines in protoplanetary disks. The Astrophysical Journal 845, id. 68 (15 pp) (2017)
Pinilla, P., L. H. Quiroga-Nuñez, M. Benisty, A. Natta, L. Ricci, T. Henning, G. van der Plas, T. Birnstiel, L. Testi and K. Ward-Duong: Millimeter spectral indices and dust trapping by planets in brown dwarf disks. The Astrophysical Journal 846, id. 70 (10 pp) (2017)
Pohl, A., M. Benisty, P. Pinilla, C. Ginski, J. de Boer, H. Avenhaus, T. Henning, A. Zurlo, A. Boccaletti, J.-C. Augereau, T. Birnstiel, C. Dominik, S. Facchini, D. Fedele, M. Janson, M. Keppler, Q. Kral, M. Langlois, R. Ligi, A.-L. Maire, F. Ménard, M. Meyer, C. Pinte, S. P. Quanz, J.-F. Sauvage, É. Sezestre, T. Stolker, J. Szulágyi, R. van Boekel, G. van der Plas, M. Villenave, A. Baruffolo, P. Baudoz, D. Le Mignant, D. Maurel, J. Ramos and L. Weber: The circumstellar disk HD 169142: gas, dust, and planets acting in concert? The Astrophysical Journal 850, id. 52 (15 pp) (2017)
Pohl, A., E. Sissa, M. Langlois, A. Müller, C. Ginski, R. G. van Holstein, A. Vigan, D. Mesa, A.-L. Maire, T. Henning, R. Gratton, J. Olofsson, R. van Boekel, M. Benisty, B. Biller, A. Boccaletti, G. Chauvin, S. Daemgen, J. de Boer, S. Desidera, C. Dominik, A. Garufi, M. Janson, Q. Kral, F. Ménard, C. Pinte, T. Stolker, J. Szulágyi, A. Zurlo, M. Bonnefoy, A. Cheetham, M. Cudel, M. Feldt, M. Kasper, A.-M. Lagrange, C. Perrot and F. Wildi: New constraints on the disk characteristics and companion candidates around T Chamaeleontis with VLT/SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 605, id. A34 (16 pp) (2017)
Potapov, A.: Weakly bound molecular complexes in the laboratory and in the interstellar medium: A lost interest? Molecular Astrophysics 6, 16-21 (2017)
Potapov, A., A. Canosa, E. Jiménez and B. Rowe: Uniform supersonic chemical reactors: 30 years of astrochemical history and future challenges. Angewandte Chemie 56, 2-25 (2017)
Potapov, A., C. Jäger, T. Henning, M. Jonusas and L. Krim: The formation of formaldehyde on interstellar carbonaceous grain analogs by O/H atom addition. The Astrophysical Journal 846, id. 131 (5 pp) (2017)
Rattenbury, N. J., D. P. Bennett, T. Sumi, N. Koshimoto, I. A. Bond, A. Udalski, Y. Shvartzvald, D. Maoz, U. G. Jørgensen, M. Dominik, R. A. Street, Y. Tsapras, F. Abe, Y. Asakura, R. Barry, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, P. Evans, M. Freeman, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, M. C. A. Li, C. H. Ling, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, M. Nagakane, K. Ohnishi, H. Oyokawa, T. Saito, A. Sharan, D. J. Sullivan, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, R. Poleski, J. Skowron, P. Mróz, M. K. Szymański, I. Soszyński, P. Pietrukowicz, S. Kozłowski, K. Ulaczyk, Ł. Wyrzykowski, M. Friedmann, S. Kaspi, K. Alsubai, P. Browne, J. M. Andersen, V. Bozza, S. Calchi Novati, Y. Damerdji, C. Diehl, S. Dreizler, A. Elyiv, E. Giannini, S. Hardis, K. Harpsøe, T. C. Hinse, C. Liebig, M. Hundertmark, D. Juncher, N. Kains, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, L. Mancini, R. Martin, M. Mathiasen, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, G. Scarpetta, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Surdej, J. Taylor, J. Tregloan-Reed, C. Vilela, J. Wambsganss, A. Williams, G. D‘Ago, E. Bachelet, D. M. Bramich, R. Figuera Jaimes, K. Horne, J. Menzies, R. Schmidt and I. A. Steele: Faint-source-star planetary microlensing: the discovery of the cold gas-giant planet OGLE-2014-BLG-0676Lb. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466, 2710-2717 (2017)
Rich, E. A., J. P. Wisniewski, M. W. McElwain, J. Hashimoto, T. Kudo, N. Kusakabe, Y. K. Okamoto, L. Abe, E. Akiyama, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, P. Cargile, J. C. Carson, T. M. Currie, S. Egner, M. Feldt, M. Fukagawa, M. Goto, C. A. Grady, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. S. Hayashi, L. Hebb, K. G. HeŁminiak, T. Henning, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, M. Janson, R. Kandori, G. R. Knapp, M. Kuzuhara, J. Kwon, T. Matsuo, S. Mayama, S. Miyama, M. Momose, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-Martin, T. Nakagawa, T. Nishimura, D. Oh, T.-S. Pyo, J. Schlieder, E. Serabyn, M. L. Sitko, T. Suenaga, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. H. Takahashi, M. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, C. Thalmann, D. Tomono, E. L. Turner, M. Watanabe, T. Yamada, H. Takami, T. Usuda and M. Tamura: The fundamental stellar parameters of FGK stars in the SEEDS survey Norman, OK 73071, USA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472, 1736-1752 (2017)
Robitaille, T. P.: A modular set of synthetic spectral energy distributions for young stellar objects. Astronomy and Astrophysics 600, id. A11 (16 pp) (2017)
Rouillé, G., C. Jäger, F. Huisken, T. Henning, R. Czerwonka, G. Theumer, C. Börger, I. Bauer and H.-J. Knölker: Quantitative Structure–Retention Relationships for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and their Oligoalkynyl-Substituted Derivatives. ChemistryOpen 6, 519–525 (2017)
Ryon, J. E., J. S. Gallagher, L. J. Smith, A. Adamo, D. Calzetti, S. N. Bright, M. Cignoni, D. O. Cook, D. A. Dale, B. E. Elmegreen, M. Fumagalli, D. A. Gouliermis, K. Grasha, E. K. Grebel, H. Kim, M. Messa, D. Thilker and L. Ubeda: Effective radii of young, massive star clusters in two LEGUS galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 841, id. 92 (16 pp) (2017)
Sadavoy, S. I. and S. W. Stahler: Embedded binaries and their dense cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, 3881-3900 (2017)
Samland, M., P. Mollière, M. Bonnefoy, A.-L. Maire, F. Cantalloube, A. C. Cheetham, D. Mesa, R. Gratton, B. A. Biller, Z. Wahhaj, J. Bouwman, W. Brandner, D. Melnick, J. Carson, M. Janson, T. Henning, D. Homeier, C. Mordasini, M. Langlois, S. P. Quanz, R. van Boekel, A. Zurlo, J. E. Schlieder, H. Avenhaus, J.-L. Beuzit, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonavita, G. Chauvin, R. Claudi, M. Cudel, S. Desidera, M. Feldt, T. Fusco, R. Galicher, T. G. Kopytova, A.-M. Lagrange, H. Le Coroller, P. Martinez, O. Moeller-Nilsson, D. Mouillet, L. M. Mugnier, C. Perrot, A. Sevin, E. Sissa, A. Vigan and L. Weber: Spectral and atmospheric characterization of 51 Eridani b using VLT/SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A57 (29 pp) (2017)
Sanchez-Bermudez, J., A. Alberdi, R. Barbá, J. M. Bestenlehner, F. Cantalloube, W. Brandner, T. Henning, C. A. Hummel, J. Maíz Apellániz, J.-U. Pott, R. Schödel and R. van Boekel: GRAVITY spectro-interferometric study of the massive multiple stellar system HD 93206 A. The Astrophysical Journal 845, id. 57 (13 pp) (2017)
Schmid, H. M., A. Bazzon, J. Milli, R. Roelfsema, N. Engler, D. Mouillet, E. Lagadec, E. Sissa, J.-F. Sauvage, C. Ginski, A. Baruffolo, J. L. Beuzit, A. Boccaletti, A. J. Bohn, R. Claudi, A. Costille, S. Desidera, K. Dohlen, C. Dominik, M. Feldt, T. Fusco, D. Gisler, J. H. Girard, R. Gratton, T. Henning, N. Hubin, F. Joos, M. Kasper, M. Langlois, A. Pavlov, J. Pragt, P. Puget, S. P. Quanz, B. Salasnich, R. Siebenmorgen, M. Stute, M. Suarez, J. Szulágyi, C. Thalmann, M. Turatto, S. Udry, A. Vigan and F. Wildi: SPHERE/ZIMPOL observations of the symbiotic system R Aquarii. I. Imaging of the stellar binary and the innermost jet clouds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. A53 (24 pp) (2017)
Schuller, F., T. Csengeri, J. S. Urquhart, A. Duarte-Cabral, P. J. Barnes, A. Giannetti, A. K. Hernandez, S. Leurini, M. Mattern, S.-N. X. Medina, C. Agurto, F. Azagra, L. D. Anderson, M. T. Beltrán, H. Beuther, S. Bontemps, L. Bronfman, C. L. Dobbs, M. Dumke, R. Finger, A. Ginsburg, E. Gonzalez, T. Henning, J. Kauffmann, F. Mac-Auliffe, K. M. Menten, F. M. Montenegro-Montes, T. J. T. Moore, E. Muller, R. Parra, J.-P. Perez-Beaupuits, A. Pettitt, D. Russeil, Á. Sánchez-Monge, P. Schilke, E. Schisano, S. Suri, L. Testi, K. Torstensson, P. Venegas, K. Wang, M. Wienen, F. Wyrowski and A. Zavagno: SEDIGISM: Structure, excitation, and dynamics of the inner Galactic interstellar medium. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, id. A124 (25 pp) (2017)
Sicilia-Aguilar, A., A. Oprandi, D. Froebrich, M. Fang, J. L. Prieto, K. Stanek, A. Scholz, C. S. Kochanek, T. Henning, R. Gredel, T. W.-S. Holoien, M. Rabus, B. J. Shappee, S. J. Billington, J. Campbell-White and T. J. Zegmott: The 2014-2017 outburst of the young star ASASSN-13db. A time-resolved picture of a very-low-mass star between EXors and FUors. Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, id. A127 (27 pp) (2017)
Silva, A., Q. Zhang, P. Sanhueza, X. Lu, M. T. Beltran, C. Fallscheer, H. Beuther, T. K. Sridharan and R. Cesaroni: SMA observations of the hot molecular core IRAS 18566+0408. The Astrophysical Journal 847, id. 87 (10 pp) (2017)
Smartt, S. J., T.-W. Chen, A. Jerkstrand, M. Coughlin, E. Kankare, S. A. Sim, M. Fraser, C. Inserra, K. Maguire, K. C. Chambers, M. E. Huber, T. Krühler, G. Leloudas, M. Magee, L. J. Shingles, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, J. Tonry, R. Kotak, A. Gal-Yam, J. D. Lyman, D. S. Homan, C. Agliozzo, J. P. Anderson, C. R. Angus, C. Ashall, C. Barbarino, F. E. Bauer, M. Berton, M. T. Botticella, M. Bulla, J. Bulger, G. Cannizzaro, Z. Cano, R. Cartier, A. Cikota, P. Clark, A. De Cia, M. Della Valle, L. Denneau, M. Dennefeld, L. Dessart, G. Dimitriadis, N. Elias-Rosa, R. E. Firth, H. Flewelling, A. Flörs, A. Franckowiak, C. Frohmaier, L. Galbany, S. González-Gaitán, J. Greiner, M. Gromadzki, A. N. Guelbenzu, C. P. Gutiérrez, A. Hamanowicz, L. Hanlon, J. Harmanen, K. E. Heintz, A. Heinze, M.-S. Hernandez, S. T. Hodgkin, I. M. Hook, L. Izzo, P. A. James, P. G. Jonker, W. E. Kerzendorf, S. Klose, Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, M. Kowalski, M. Kromer, H. Kuncarayakti, A. Lawrence, T. B. Lowe, E. A. Magnier, I. Manulis, A. Martin-Carrillo, S. Mattila, O. McBrien, A. Müller, J. Nordin, D. O’Neill, F. Onori, J. T. Palmerio, A. Pastorello, F. Patat, G. Pignata, P. Podsiadlowski, M. L. Pumo, S. J. Prentice, A. Rau, A. Razza, A. Rest, T. Reynolds, R. Roy, A. J. Ruiter, K. A. Rybicki, L. Salmon, P. Schady, A. S. B. Schultz, T. Schweyer, I. R. Seitenzahl, M. Smith, J. Sollerman, B. Stalder, C. W. Stubbs, M. Sullivan, H. Szegedi, F. Taddia, S. Taubenberger, G. Terreran, B. van Soelen, J. Vos, R. J. Wainscoat, N. A. Walton, C. Waters, H. Weiland, M. Willman, P. Wiseman, D. E. Wright, Ł. Wyrzykowski and O. Yaron: A kilonova as the electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational-wave source. Nature 551, 75-79 (2017)
Snellen, I. A. G., J.-M. Désert, L. B. F. M. Waters, T. Robinson, V. Meadows, E. F. van Dishoeck, B. R. Brandl, T. Henning, J. Bouwman, F. Lahuis, M. Min, C. Lovis, C. Dominik, V. Van Eylen, D. Sing, G. Anglada-Escudé, J. L. Birkby and M. Brogi: Detecting Proxima b’s Atmosphere with JWST Targeting CO2 at 15 µm Using a High-pass Spectral Filtering Technique. The Astronomical Journal 154, id. 77 (8 pp) (2017)
Sohn, S. T., E. Patel, G. Besla, R. P. van der Marel, J. S. Bullock, L. E. Strigari, G. van de Ven, M. G. Walker and A. Bellini: Space motions of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies Draco and Sculptor based on HST proper motions with a ~ 10 yr time baseline. The Astrophysical Journal 849, id. 93 (14 pp) (2017)
Soler, J. D., P. A. R. Ade, F. E. Angilè, P. Ashton, S. J. Benton, M. J. Devlin, B. Dober, L. M. Fissel, Y. Fukui, N. Galitzki, N. N. Gandilo, P. Hennebelle, J. Klein, Z.-Y. Li, A. L. Korotkov, P. G. Martin, T. G. Matthews, L. Moncelsi, C. B. Netterfield, G. Novak, E. Pascale, F. Poidevin, F. P. Santos, G. Savini, D. Scott, J. A. Shariff, N. E. Thomas, C. E. Tucker, G. S. Tucker and D. Ward-Thompson: The relation between the column density structures and the magnetic field orientation in the Vela C molecular complex. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A64 (17 pp) (2017)
Soler, J. D. and P. Hennebelle: What are we learning from the relative orientation between density structures and the magnetic field in molecular clouds? Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, id. A2 (10 pp) (2017)
Southworth, J., L. Mancini, N. Madhusudhan, P. Mollière, S. Ciceri and T. Henning: Detection of the atmosphere of the 1.6 MΘ exoplanet GJ 1132 b. The Astronomical Journal 153, id. 191 (14 pp) (2017)
Stammler, S. M., T. Birnstiel, O. Panić, C. P. Dullemond and C. Dominik: Redistribution of CO at the location of the CO ice line in evolving gas and dust disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 600, id. A140 (16 pp) (2017)
Stephens, I. W., D. Gouliermis, L. W. Looney, R. A. Gruendl, Y.-H. Chu, D. R. Weisz, J. P. Seale, C.-H. R. Chen, T. Wong, A. Hughes, J. L. Pineda, J. Ott and E. Muller: Stellar clusterings around „isolated“ massive YSOs in the LMC. The Astrophysical Journal 834, id. 94 (22 pp) (2017)
Stolker, T., M. Min, D. M. Stam, P. Mollière, C. Dominik and L. B. F. M. Waters: Polarized scattered light from self-luminous exoplanets. Three-dimensional scattering radiative transfer with ARTES. Astronomy and Astrophysics 607, id. A42 (18 pp) (2017)
Storch, G., M. Haas and O. Trapp: Attracting enantiomers: Chiral analytes that are simultaneously shift reagents allow rapid screening of enantiomeric ratios by NMR spectroscopy. Chemistry - A European Journal 23, 5414-5418 (2017)
Teague, R., D. Semenov, U. Gorti, S. Guilloteau, T. Henning, T. Birnstiel, A. Dutrey, R. van Boekel and E. Chapillon: A surface density perturbation in the TW Hydraedisk at 95 au traced by molecular emission. The Astrophysical Journal 835, id. 228 (12 pp) (2017)
Tian, H.-J., P. Gupta, B. Sesar, H.-W. Rix, N. F. Martin, C. Liu, B. Goldman, I. Platais, R.-P. Kudritzki and C. Z. Waters: A Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) proper motion catalog covering 3/4 of the sky. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 232, id. 4 (18 pp) (2017)
Tigé, J., F. Motte, D. Russeil, A. Zavagno, M. Hennemann, N. Schneider, T. Hill, Q. Nguyen Luong, J. Di Francesco, S. Bontemps, F. Louvet, P. Didelon, V. Könyves, P. André, G. Leuleu, J. Bardagi, L. D. Anderson, D. Arzoumanian, M. Benedettini, J.-P. Bernard, D. Elia, M. Figueira, J. Kirk, P. G. Martin, V. Minier, S. Molinari, T. Nony, P. Persi, S. Pezzuto, D. Polychroni, T. Rayner, A. Rivera-Ingraham, H. Roussel, K. Rygl, L. Spinoglio and G. J. White: The earliest phases of high-mass star formation, as seen in NGC 6334 by Herschel-HOBYS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. A77 (83 pp) (2017)
Trifonov, T., M. Kürster, M. Zechmeister, O. V. Zakhozhay, S. Reffert, M. H. Lee, F. Rodler, S. S. Vogt and S. S. Brems: Three planets around HD 27894. A close-in pair with a 2:1 period ratio and an eccentric Jovian planet at 5.4 AU. Astronomy and Astrophysics 602, id. L8 (5 pp) (2017)
Uyama, T., J. Hashimoto, M. Kuzuhara, S. Mayama, E. Akiyama, T. Currie, J. Livingston, T. Kudo, N. Kusakabe, L. Abe, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, J. C. Carson, S. Egner, M. Feldt, M. Goto, C. A. Grady, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. S. Hayashi, T. Henning, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, M. Janson, R. Kandori, G. R. Knapp, J. Kwon, T. Matsuo, M. W. Mcelwain, S. Miyama, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-Martin, T. Nishimura, T.-S. Pyo, E. Serabyn, T. Suenaga, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. H. Takahashi, M. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, C. Thalmann, E. L. Turner, M. Watanabe, J. Wisniewski, T. Yamada, H. Takami, T. Usuda and M. Tamura: The SEEDS high-contrast imaging survey of exoplanets around young stellar objects. The Astronomical Journal 153, id. 106 (27 pp) (2017)
van Boekel, R., T. Henning, J. Menu, J. de Boer, M. Langlois, A. Müller, H. Avenhaus, A. Boccaletti, H. M. Schmid, C. Thalmann, M. Benisty, C. Dominik, C. Ginski, J. H. Girard, D. Gisler, A. Lobo Gomes, F. Menard, M. Min, A. Pavlov, A. Pohl, S. P. Quanz, P. Rabou, R. Roelfsema, J.-F. Sauvage, R. Teague, F. Wildi and A. Zurlo: Three radial gaps in the disk of TW Hydrae imaged with SPHERE. The Astrophysical Journal 837, id. 132 (23 pp) (2017)
Varga, J., K. É. Gabányi, P. Ábrahám, L. Chen, Á. Kóspál, J. Menu, T. Ratzka, R. van Boekel, C. P. Dullemond, T. Henning, W. Jaffe, A. Juhász, A. Moór, L. Mosoni and N. Sipos: Mid-infrared interferometric variability of DG Tauri: Implications for the inner-disk structure. Astronomy and Astrophysics 604, id. A84 (16 pp) (2017)
Veneziani, M., E. Schisano, D. Elia, A. Noriega-Crespo, S. Carey, A. Di Giorgio, Y. Fukui, B. M. T. Maiolo, Y. Maruccia, A. Mizuno, N. Mizuno, S. Molinari, J. C. Mottram, T. J. T. Moore, T. Onishi, R. Paladini, D. Paradis, M. Pestalozzi, S. Pezzuto, F. Piacentini, R. Plume, D. Russeil and F. Strafella: An analysis of star formation with Herschel in the Hi-GAL Survey. II. The tips of the Galactic bar. Astronomy and Astrophysics 599, id. A7 (15 pp) (2017)
Vigan, A., M. Bonavita, B. Biller, D. Forgan, K. Rice, G. Chauvin, S. Desidera, J.-C. Meunier, P. Delorme, J. E. Schlieder, M. Bonnefoy, J. Carson, E. Covino, J. Hagelberg, T. Henning, M. Janson, A.-M. Lagrange, S. P. Quanz, A. Zurlo, J.-L. Beuzit, A. Boccaletti, E. Buenzli, M. Feldt, J. H. V. Girard, R. Gratton, M. Kasper, H. Le Coroller, D. Mesa, S. Messina, M. Meyer, G. Montagnier, C. Mordasini, D. Mouillet, C. Moutou, M. Reggiani, D. Segransan and C. Thalmann: The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits. IV. Gravitational instability rarely forms wide, giant planets. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A3 (19 pp) (2017)
von Boetticher, A., A. H. M. J. Triaud, D. Queloz, S. Gill, M. Lendl, L. Delrez, D. R. Anderson, A. Collier Cameron, F. Faedi, M. Gillon, Y. Gómez Maqueo Chew, L. Hebb, C. Hellier, E. Jehin, P. F. L. Maxted, D. V. Martin, F. Pepe, D. Pollacco, D. Ségransan, B. Smalley, S. Udry and R. West: The EBLM project. III. A Saturn-size low-mass star at the hydrogen-burning limit. Astronomy and Astrophysics 604, id. L6 (6 pp) (2017)
Voshchinnikov, N. V., T. Henning and V. B. Il’in: Mid-infrared extinction and fresh silicate dust towards the Galactic center. The Astrophysical Journal 837, id. 25 (6 pp) (2017)
Waisberg, I., J. Dexter, O. Pfuhl, R. Abuter, A. Amorim, N. Anugu, J. P. Berger, N. Blind, H. Bonnet, W. Brandner, A. Buron, Y. Clénet, W. de Wit, C. Deen, F. Delplancke-Ströbele, R. Dembet, G. Duvert, A. Eckart, F. Eisenhauer, P. Fédou, G. Finger, P. Garcia, R. Garcia Lopez, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, X. Haubois, M. Haug, F. Haussmann, T. Henning, S. Hippler, M. Horrobin, Z. Hubert, L. Jochum, L. Jocou, P. Kervella, Y. Kok, M. Kulas, S. Lacour, V. Lapeyrère, J.-B. Le Bouquin, P. Léna, M. Lippa, A. Mérand, E. Müller, T. Ott, L. Pallanca, J. Panduro, T. Paumard, K. Perraut, G. Perrin, S. Rabien, A. Ramírez, J. Ramos, C. Rau, R.-R. Rohloff, G. Rousset, J. Sanchez-Bermudez, S. Scheithauer, M. Schöller, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, F. Vincent, I. Wank, E. Wieprecht, M. Wiest, E. Wiezorrek, M. Wittkowski, J. Woillez, S. Yazici and G. collaboration: Submilliarcsecond optical interferometry of the high-mass X-ray binary BP Cru with VLTI/GRAVITY. The Astrophysical Journal 844, id. 72 (17 pp) (2017)
Ward-Thompson, D., K. Pattle, P. Bastien, R. S. Furuya, W. Kwon, S.-P. Lai, K. Qiu, D. Berry, M. Choi, S. Coudé, J. Di Francesco, T. Hoang, E. Franzmann, P. Friberg, S. F. Graves, J. S. Greaves, M. Houde, D. Johnstone, J. M. Kirk, P. M. Koch, J. Kwon, C. W. Lee, D. Li, B. C. Matthews, J. C. Mottram, H. Parsons, A. Pon, R. Rao, M. Rawlings, H. Shinnaga, S. Sadavoy, S. van Loo, Y. Aso, D.-Y. Byun, C. Eswaraiah, H.-R. Chen, M. C.-Y. Chen, W. P. Chen, T.-C. Ching, J. Cho, A. Chrysostomou, E. J. Chung, Y. Doi, E. Drabek-Maunder, S. P. S. Eyres, J. Fiege, R. K. Friesen, G. Fuller, T. Gledhill, M. J. Griffin, Q. Gu, T. Hasegawa, J. Hatchell, S. S. Hayashi, W. Holland, T. Inoue, S.-i. Inutsuka, K. Iwasaki, I.-G. Jeong, J.-h. Kang, M. Kang, S.-j. Kang, K. S. Kawabata, F. Kemper, G. Kim, J. Kim, K.-T. Kim, K. H. Kim, M.-R. Kim, S. Kim, K. M. Lacaille, J.-E. Lee, S.-S. Lee, D. Li, H.-b. Li, H.-L. Liu, J. Liu, S.-Y. Liu, T. Liu, A.-R. Lyo, S. Mairs, M. Matsumura, G. H. Moriarty-Schieven, F. Nakamura, H. Nakanishi, N. Ohashi, T. Onaka, N. Peretto, T.-S. Pyo, L. Qian, B. Retter, J. Richer, A. Rigby, J.-F. Robitaille, G. Savini, A. M. M. Scaife, A. Soam, M. Tamura, Y.-W. Tang, K. Tomisaka, H. Wang, J.-W. Wang, A. P. Whitworth, H.-W. Yen, H. Yoo, J. Yuan, C.-P. Zhang, G. Zhang, J. Zhou, L. Zhu, P. André, C. D. Dowell, S. Falle and Y. Tsukamoto: First results from BISTRO: a SCUBA-2 polarimeter survey of the Gould Belt. The Astrophysical Journal 842, id. 66 (10 pp) (2017)
Webb, K. A., J. Di Francesco, S. Sadavoy, K. Thanjavur, R. Launhardt, Y. Shirley, A. Stutz, J. Abreu Vicente and J. Kainulainen: Constraining the dust opacity law in three small and isolated molecular clouds. The Astrophysical Journal 849, id. 13 (12 pp) (2017)
Yan, F., E. Pallé, R. A. E. Fosbury, M. G. Petr-Gotzens and T. Henning: Effect of the stellar absorption line centre-to-limb variation on exoplanet transmission spectrum observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, id. A73 (10 pp) (2017)
Yang, Y., J. Hashimoto, S. S. Hayashi, M. Tamura, S. Mayama, R. Rafikov, E. Akiyama, J. C. Carson, M. Janson, J. Kwon, J. de Leon, D. Oh, M. Takami, Y.-w. Tang, T. Kudo, N. Kusakabe, L. Abe, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, S. Egner, M. Feldt, M. Goto, C. A. Grady, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, T. Henning, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, R. Kandori, G. R. Knapp, M. Kuzuhara, T. Matsuo, M. W. Mcelwain, S. Miyama, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-martin, T. Nishimura, T.-S. Pyo, E. Serabyn, T. Suenaga, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. H. Takahashi, N. Takato, H. Terada, C. Thalmann, E. L. Turner, M. Watanabe, J. Wisniewski, T. Yamada, H. Takami and T. Usuda: Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of inner region of GG Tau A disk. The Astronomical Journal 153, id. 7 (9 pp) (2017)
Zechmeister, M., A. Reiners, P. J. Amado, M. Azzaro, F. F. Bauer, V. J. S. Béjar, J. A. Caballero, E. W. Guenther, H.-J. Hagen, S. V. Jeffers, A. Kaminski, M. Kürster, R. Launhardt, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, A. Quirrenbach, S. Reffert, I. Ribas, W. Seifert, L. Tal-Or and V. Wolthoff: Spectrum radial velocity analyser (SERVAL). High-precision radial velocities and two alternative spectral indicators. Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, id. A12 (13 pp) (2017)
Zhou, Y., J. Shen, C. Liu, Z.-Y. Li, S. Mao, A. Kunder, R. M. Rich, G. Zasowski, J. G. Fernandez-Trincado, S. R. Majewski, C.-C. Lin, D. Geisler, B. Tang, S. Villanova, A. Roman-Lopes, M. Schultheis, D. L. Nidever, A. Meza, K. Pan and D. V. Bizyaev: Chemical abundances and ages of the bulge stars in APOGEE high-velocity peaks. The Astrophysical Journal 847, id. 74 (14 pp) (2017)
Ahmadi, A., H. Beuther, J. C. Mottram and F. Bosco: Disk properties in high-mass star formation. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 88, 763-764 (2017)
Alonso-Floriano, F. J., D. Montes, H. M. Tabernero, J. A. Caballero, R. González-Peinado, M. Cortés-Contreras, M. Llamas, J. I. González-Hernández, A. Klutsch, J. C. Morales, R. Mundt, S. V. Jeffers, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, I. Ribas, A. Reiners, W. Seifert, C. Consortium, A. Alonso-Herrero, F. Figueras, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, A. Sánchez-Lavega and S. Pérez-Hoyos: Characterizing the CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs with low-resolution spectroscopy: metallicity. In: Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics IX, (Eds.) Arribas, S., A. Alonso-Herrero, F. Figueras, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, A. Sánchez-Lavega, S. Pérez-Hoyos. Spanish Astronomical Society, 487-488 (2017)
Beuther, H., A. Ahmadi, J. Mottram, F. Bosco, H. Linz and P. Klaassen: CORE: fragmentation and disk formation in high-mass star formation . An IRAM NOEMA large program. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 88, 584-586 (2017)
Bihr, S., H. Beuther, H. Linz, S. E. Ragan, J. Tackenberg, R. J. Smith, T. Henning, O. Krause and A. Nota: Kinematic and thermal structure at the onset of high-mass star formation - ISOSS23053. In: Formation, Evolution, and Survival of Massive Star Clusters, (Eds.) Charbonnel, C., A. Nota. IAU Symp. 316, Cambridge Univ. Press 125-126 (2017)
Binkele, T., D. Hilbig, F. Fleischmann and T. Henning: Calibration of the incident beam in a reflective topography measurement from an unknown surface. In: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X (Eds.) Lehmann, P., W. Osten, A. A. Gonçalves. SPIE 10329, SPIE, id. 103291S (7 pp) (2017)
Binkele, T., D. Hilbig, T. Henning and F. Fleischmann: Determination of the paraxial focal length using Zernike polynomials over different apertures. In: Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IV (Eds.) Soskind, Y. G., C. Olson. SPIE 10110, SPIE, id. 1011008 (10 pp) (2017)
Cortés-Contreras, M., V. J. S. Béjar, J. A. Caballero, B. Gauza, D. Montes, F. J. Alonso-Floriano, S. V. Jeffers, J. C. Morales, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, P. Schofer, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, R. Mundt, W. Seifert, C. Consortium, A. Alonso-Herrero, F. Figueras, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, A. Sánchez-Lavega and S. Pérez-Hoyos: CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs: High-resolution imaging with FastCam. In: Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics IX, (Eds.) Arribas, S., A. Alonso-Herrero, F. Figueras, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, A. Sánchez-Lavega, S. Pérez-Hoyos. Spanish Astronomical Society, 497-498 (2017)
Deacon, N. R., K. L. Sobanja and L. C. Smith: Identification of SIPS J2045-6332 as a Partially Resolved Binary. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 1, (2017)
Díez Alonso, E., D. Montes, F. J. de Cos Juez, R. Naves, F. García de La Cuesta, E. Herrero, V. J. S. Béjar, J. A. Caballero, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, I. Ribas, A. Reiners, R. Mundt, W. Seifert, C. Consortium, A. Alonso-Herrero, F. Figueras, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, A. Sánchez-Lavega and S. Pérez-Hoyos: Determination of rotation periods of M stars with photometric techniques. In: Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics IX, (Eds.) Arribas, S., A. Alonso-Herrero, F. Figueras, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, A. Sánchez-Lavega, S. Pérez-Hoyos. Spanish Astronomical Society, 502-503 (2017)
Essameldin, M., F. Fleischmann, T. Henning and W. Lang: Design and evaluation of a freeform lens by using a method of luminous intensity mapping and a differential equation. In: Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IV (Eds.) Soskind, Y. G., C. Olson. SPIE 0110, SPIE, id. 1011006 (10 pp) (2017)
Gutierrez, G., D. Hilbig, F. Fleischmann and T. Henning: Component-level test of molded freeform optics for LED beam shaping using experimental ray tracing. In: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X (Eds.) Lehmann, P., W. Osten, A. A. Gonçalves. SPIE 10329, SPIE, id. 1032930 (8 pp) (2017)
Kimura, H., L. Kolokolova, A. Li, H. Kaneda, J.-C. Augereau and C. Jäger: Cosmic Dust IX. Planetary and Space Science 149, 1-4 (2017)
Klein, R., J. Cooper, L. Looney, T. Henning, S. Chakrabarti, S. Shenoy and A. Nota: The spectral energy distribution of the earliest phases of massive star formation. In: Formation, Evolution, and Survival of Massive Star Clusters, (Eds.) Charbonnel, C., A. Nota. IAU Symp. 316, Cambridge Univ. Press, 151-152 (2017)
Krieger, N., J. Ott, F. Walter, J. M. D. Kruijssen, H. Beuther, S. N. Longmore and G. V. Bicknell: Temperature Evolution of Molecular Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone. In: The Multi-Messenger Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre, (Eds.) Crocker, R. M., S. N. Longmore, G. V. Bicknell. IAU Symp. 322, Cambridge Univ. Press, 160-161 (2017)
Mottram, J. C., H. Beuther, A. Ahmadi and F. Bosco: CORE: linking sites of high-mass star formation with their surroundings. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 88, 799-800 (2017)
Stammler, S. M., T. Birnstiel and C. P. Dullemond: Can ice lines create rings? The influence of ice lines on dust growth in protoplanetary disks. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica. Conference Series 49, 78-78 (2017)
Wang, Y., H. Beuther, S. Bihr, M. Rugel and K. G. Johnston: The Galactic ionized gas seen with THOR. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 88, 757-758 (2017)
Zakhozhay, O. V., A. S. Miroshnichenko, K. S. Kuratov, V. A. Zakhozhay, S. A. Khokhlov, S. V. Zharikov, N. Manset, S. Zharikov, D. Korčáková and M. Wolf: The results of SED simulations for a young B-Type star IRAS 22150+6109. In: The B[e] Phenomenon: Forty Years of Studies, (Eds.) Miroshnichenko, A., S. Zharikov, D. Korcakova, M. Wolf. ASP Conf. Ser. 508, ASP, 191-195 (2017)
Quetz, A. M. and S. Völker: Zum Nachdenken: Unser Sonnensystem. 368 Seiten. Springer Spektrum, Berlin; Heidelberg 2017
Garufi, A., M. Benisty, T. Stolker, H. Avenhaus, J. de Boer, A. Pohl, S. P. Quanz, C. Dominik, C. Ginski, C. Thalmann, R. van Boekel, A. Boccaletti, T. Henning, M. Janson, G. Salter, H. M. Schmid, E. Sissa, M. Langlois, J.-L. Beuzit, G. Chauvin, D. Mouillet, J.-C. Augereau, A. Bazzon, B. Biller, M. Bonnefoy, E. Buenzli, A. Cheetham, S. Daemgen, S. Desidera, N. Engler, M. Feldt, J. Girard, R. Gratton, J. Hagelberg, C. Keller, M. Keppler, M. Kenworthy, Q. Kral, B. Lopez, A.-L. Maire, F. Menard, D. Mesa, S. Messina, M. R. Meyer, J. Milli, M. Min, A. Muller, J. Olofsson, N. Pawellek, C. Pinte, J. Szulagyi, A. Vigan, Z. Wahhaj, R. Waters and A. Zurlo: Three Years of SPHERE: The Latest View of the Morphology and Evolution of Protoplanetary Discs. The Messenger 169, 32-37 (2017)
Abreu-Vicente, J., S. Ragan, J. Kainulainen, T. Henning, H. Beuther and K. Johnston:
Giant molecular filaments in the Milky Way. II. The fourth Galactic quadrant. Astronomy and Astrophysics
590, id. A131 (20 pp) (2016)
Akiyama, E., J. Hashimoto, H. baobabu Liu, J. i-hsiu Li, M. Bonnefoy, R. Dong, Y. Hasegawa, T. Henning, M. L. Sitko, M. Janson, M. Feldt, J. Wisniewski, T. Kudo, N. Kusakabe, T. Tsukagoshi, M. Momose, T. Muto, T. Taki, M. Kuzuhara, M. Satoshi, M. Takami, N. Ohashi, C. A. Grady, J. Kwon, C. Thalmann, L. Abe, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, J. C. Carson, S. Egner, M. Goto, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. S. Hayashi, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, G. R. Knapp, R. Kandori, T. Matsuo, M. W. Mcelwain, S. Miyama, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-Martin, T. Nishimura, T.-S. Pyo, E. Serabyn, T. Suenaga, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. H. Takahashi, N. Takato, H. Terada, D. Tomono, E. L. Turner, M. Watanabe, T. Yamada, H. Takami, T. Usuda and M. Tamura:
Spiral structure and differential dust size distribution in the LKHα 330 disk. The Astronomical Journal
152, id. 222 (7 pp) (2016)
Andrews, S. M., D. J. Wilner, Z. Zhu, T. Birnstiel, J. M. Carpenter, L. M. Pérez, X.-N. Bai, K. I. Öberg, A. M. Hughes, A. Isella and L. Ricci:
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Anglada-Escudé, G., P. J. Amado, J. Barnes, Z. M. Berdiñas, R. P. Butler, G. A. L. Coleman, I. de La Cueva, S. Dreizler, M. Endl, B. Giesers, S. V. Jeffers, J. S. Jenkins, H. R. A. Jones, M. Kiraga, M. Kürster, M. J. López-González, C. J. Marvin, N. Morales, J. Morin, R. P. Nelson, J. L. Ortiz, A. Ofir, S.-J. Paardekooper, A. Reiners, E. Rodríguez, C. Rodríguez-López, L. F. Sarmiento, J. P. Strachan, Y. Tsapras, M. Tuomi and M. Zechmeister:
A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri. Nature
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Apai, D., M. Kasper, A. Skemer, J. R. Hanson, A.-M. Lagrange, B. A. Biller, M. Bonnefoy, E. Buenzli and A. Vigan:
High-cadence, high-contrast imaging for exoplanet mapping: Observations of the HR 8799 planets with VLT/SPHERE satellite-spot-correctedxrelative
photometry. The Astrophysical Journal
820, id. 40 (12 pp) (2016)
Arellano Ferro, A., D. M. Bramich, R. Figuera Jaimes, S. Giridhar, N. Kains, K. Kuppuswamy, U. G. Jørgensen, K. A. Alsubai, J. M. Andersen, V. Bozza, P. Browne, S. Calchi Novati, Y. Damerdji, C. Diehl, M. Dominik, S. Dreizler, A. Elyiv, E. Giannini, K. Harpsøe, F. V. Hessman, T. C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, D. Juncher, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, C. Liebig, L. Mancini, M. Mathiasen, M. T. Penny, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, D. Ricci, G. Scarpetta, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth, J. Surdej, J. Tregloan-Reed, C. Vilela, O. Wertz and M. Consortium:
Erratum: A detailed census of variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 6333 (M9) from CCD differential photometry. Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
458, 1188-1189 (2016)
Arulanantham, N. A., W. Herbst, A. M. Cody, J. R. Stauffer, L. M. Rebull, E. Agol, D. Windemuth, M. Marengo, J. N. Winn, C. M. Hamilton, R. Mundt, C. M. Johns-Krull and R. A. Gutermuth:
Seeing through the ring: Near-infrared photometry of V582 Mon (KH 15D). The Astronomical Journal
151, id. 90 (16 pp) (2016)
Asensio-Torres, R., M. Janson, J. Hashimoto, C. Thalmann, T. Currie, E. Buenzli, T. Kudo, M. Kuzuhara, N. Kusakabe, L. Abe, E. Akiyama, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, J. Carson, S. Egner, M. Feldt, M. Goto, C. Grady, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. Hayashi, T. Henning, K. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, R. Kandori, G. Knapp, J. Kwon, T. Matsuo, M. McElwain, S. Mayama, S. Miyama, J. Morino, A. Moro-Martin, T. Nishimura, T. Pyo, E. Serabyn, T. Suenaga, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. Takahashi, M. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, E. Turner, M. Watanabe, J. Wisniewski, T. Yamada, H. Takami, T. Usuda and M. Tamura:
Polarimetry and flux distribution in the debris disk around HD 32297. Astronomy and Astrophysics
593, id. A73 (10 pp) (2016)
Baines, E. K., M. P. Döllinger, E. W. Guenther, A. P. Hatzes, M. Hrudkovu and G. T. van Belle:
Spectroscopic and interferometric measurements of nine K giant stars. The Astronomical Journal
152, id. 66 (8 pp) (2016)
Balog, Z., N. Siegler, G. H. Rieke, L. L. Kiss, J. Muzerolle, R. A. Gutermuth, C. P. M. Bell, J. Vinkó, K. Y. L. Su, E. T. Young and A. Gáspár:
Protoplanetary and transitional disks in the open stellar cluster IC 2395. The Astrophysical Journal
832, id. 87 (17 pp) (2016)
Baruteau, C., X. Bai, C. Mordasini and P. Mollière:
Formation, orbital and internal evolutions of young planetary systems. Space Science Reviews
205, 77-124 (2016)
Benz, A. O., S. Bruderer, E. F. van Dishoeck, M. Melchior, S. F. Wampfler, F. van der Tak, J. R. Goicoechea, N. Indriolo, L. E. Kristensen, D. C. Lis, J. C. Mottram, E. A. Bergin, P. Caselli, F. Herpin, M. R. Hogerheijde, D. Johnstone, R. Liseau, B. Nisini, M. Tafalla, R. Visser and F. Wyrowski:
Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH). VI. Constraints on UV and X-ray irradiation from a survey of hydrides
in low- to high-mass young stellar objects. Astronomy and Astrophysics
590, id. A105 (38 pp) (2016)
Bergfors, C., W. Brandner, M. Bonnefoy, J. Schlieder, M. Janson, T. Henning and G. Chauvin:
Characterization of close visual binaries from the AstraLux Large M Dwarf Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
456, 2576-2585 (2016)
Bétrémieux, Y.:
Effects of refraction on transmission spectra of gas giants: decrease of the Rayleigh scattering slope and breaking of retrieval
degeneracies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
456, 4051-4060 (2016)
Beuther, H., S. Bihr, M. Rugel, K. Johnston, Y. Wang, F. Walter, A. Brunthaler, A. J. Walsh, J. Ott, J. Stil, T. Henning, T. Schierhuber, J. Kainulainen, M. Heyer, P. F. Goldsmith, L. D. Anderson, S. N. Longmore, R. S. Klessen, S. C. O. Glover, J. S. Urquhart, R. Plume, S. E. Ragan, N. Schneider, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, K. M. Menten, R. Smith, N. Roy, R. Shanahan, Q. Nguyen-Luong and F. Bigiel:
The HI/OH/Recombination line survey of the inner Milky Way (THOR). Survey overview and data release 1. Astronomy and Astrophysics
595, id. A32 (21 pp) (2016)
Bihr, S., K. G. Johnston, H. Beuther, L. D. Anderson, J. Ott, M. Rugel, F. Bigiel, A. Brunthaler, S. C. O. Glover, T. Henning, M. H. Heyer, R. S. Klessen, H. Linz, S. N. Longmore, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, K. M. Menten, R. Plume, T. Schierhuber, R. Shanahan, J. M. Stil, J. S. Urquhart and A. J. Walsh:
Continuum sources from the THOR survey between 1 and 2 GHz. Astronomy and Astrophysics
588, id. A97 (24 pp) (2016)
Birnstiel, T., M. Fang and A. Johansen:
Dust evolution and the formation of planetesimals. Space Science Reviews
205, 41-75 (2016)
Biscani, F. and D. Izzo:
A complete and explicit solution to the three-dimensional problem of two fixed centres. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
455, 3480-3493 (2016)
Boley, P. A., S. Kraus, W.-J. de Wit, H. Linz, R. van Boekel, T. Henning, S. Lacour, J. D. Monnier, B. Stecklum and P. G. Tuthill:
A multi-wavelength interferometric study of the massive young stellar object IRAS 13481-6124. Astronomy and Astrophysics
586, id. A78 (16 pp) (2016)
Bonnefoy, M., A. Zurlo, J. L. Baudino, P. Lucas, D. Mesa, A.-L. Maire, A. Vigan, R. Galicher, D. Homeier, F. Marocco, R. Gratton, G. Chauvin, F. Allard, S. Desidera, M. Kasper, C. Moutou, A.-M. Lagrange, J. Antichi, A. Baruffolo, J. Baudrand, J.-L. Beuzit, A. Boccaletti, F. Cantalloube, M. Carbillet, J. Charton, R. U. Claudi, A. Costille, K. Dohlen, C. Dominik, D. Fantinel, P. Feautrier, M. Feldt, T. Fusco, P. Gigan, J. H. Girard, L. Gluck, C. Gry, T. Henning, M. Janson, M. Langlois, F. Madec, Y. Magnard, D. Maurel, D. Mawet, M. R. Meyer, J. Milli, O. Moeller-Nilsson, D. Mouillet, A. Pavlov, D. Perret, P. Pujet, S. P. Quanz, S. Rochat, G. Rousset, A. Roux, B. Salasnich, G. Salter, J.-F. Sauvage, H. M. Schmid, A. Sevin, C. Soenke, E. Stadler, M. Turatto, S. Udry, F. Vakili, Z. Wahhaj and F. Wildi:
First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. IV. Physical and chemical properties of the planets around HR8799. Astronomy
and Astrophysics
587, id. A58 (15 pp) (2016)
Borissova, J., S. Ramírez Alegría, J. Alonso, P. W. Lucas, R. Kurtev, N. Medina, C. Navarro, M. Kuhn, M. Gromadzki, G. Retamales, M. A. Fernandez, C. Agurto-Gangas, A.-N. Chené, D. Minniti, C. Contreras Pena, M. Catelan, I. Decany, M. A. Thompson, E. F. E. Morales and P. Amigo:
Young stellar clusters containing massive young stellar objects in the VVV Survey. The Astronomical Journal
152, id. 74 (23 pp) (2016)
Bozza, V., Y. Shvartzvald, A. Udalski, S. Calchi Novati, I. A. Bond, C. Han, M. Hundertmark, R. Poleski, M. Pawlak, M. K. Szymański, J. Skowron, P. Mróz, S. Kozłowski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, P. Pietrukowicz, I. Soszyński, K. Ulaczyk, O. group, and, C. Beichman, G. Bryden, S. Carey, M. Fausnaugh, B. S. Gaudi, A. Gould, C. B. Henderson, R. W. Pogge, B. Wibking, J. C. Yee, W. Zhu, S. team, F. Abe, Y. Asakura, R. K. Barry, D. P. Bennett, A. Bhattacharya, M. Donachie, M. Freeman, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, K. Inayama, Y. Itow, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, C. H. Ling, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, M. Nagakane, T. Nishioka, K. Ohnishi, H. Oyokawa, N. Rattenbury, T. Saito, A. Sharan, D. J. Sullivan, T. Sumi, D. Suzuki, P. J. Tristram, Y. Wakiyama, A. Yonehara, M. group, J.-Y. Choi, H. Park, Y. K. Jung, I.-G. Shin, M. D. Albrow, B.-G. Park, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, S.-M. Cha, D.-J. Kim, Y. Lee, K. group, M. Dominik, U. G. Jørgensen, M. I. Andersen, D. M. Bramich, M. J. Burgdorf, S. Ciceri, G. D‘Ago, D. F. Evans, R. Figuera Jaimes, S.-H. Gu, T. C. Hinse, N. Kains, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, M. Kuffmeier, L. Mancini, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, R. T. Rasmussen, G. Scarpetta, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth, J. Surdej, E. Unda-Sanzana, C. von Essen, Y.-B. Wang, O. Wertz, MiNDSTEp, D. Maoz, M. Friedmann, S. Kaspi and W. group:
Spitzer observations of OGLE-2015-BLG-1212 reveal a new path toward breaking strong microlens degeneracies. The Astrophysical
820, id. 79 (10 pp) (2016)
Brahm, R., A. Jordán, G. Á. Bakos, K. Penev, N. Espinoza, M. Rabus, J. D. Hartman, D. Bayliss, S. Ciceri, G. Zhou, L. Mancini, T. G. Tan, M. de Val-Borro, W. Bhatti, Z. Csubry, J. Bento, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, F. Rojas, V. Suc, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári:
HATS-17b: A Transiting compact warm Jupiter in a 16.3 day circular orbit. The Astronomical Journal
151, id. 89 (11 pp) (2016)
Brieva, A. C., R. Gredel, C. Jäger, F. Huisken and T. Henning:
C60 as a probe for astrophysical environments. The Astrophysical Journal
826, id. 122 (11 pp) (2016)
Carrasco-González, C., T. Henning, C. J. Chandler, H. Linz, L. Pérez, L. F. Rodríguez, R. Galván-Madrid, G. Anglada, T. Birnstiel, R. van Boekel, M. Flock, H. Klahr, E. Macias, K. Menten, M. Osorio, L. Testi, J. M. Torrelles and Z. Zhu:
The VLA view of the HL Tau disk: Disk mass, grain evolution, and early planet formation. The Astrophysical Journal Letters
821, id. L16 (6 pp) (2016)
Chen, M. C.-Y., J. Di Francesco, D. Johnstone, S. Sadavoy, J. Hatchell, J. C. Mottram, H. Kirk, J. Buckle, D. S. Berry, H. Broekhoven-Fiene, M. J. Currie, M. Fich, T. Jenness, D. Nutter, K. Pattle, J. E. Pineda, C. Quinn, C. Salji, S. Tisi, M. R. Hogerheijde, D. Ward-Thompson, P. Bastien, D. Bresnahan, H. Butner, A. Chrysostomou, S. Coude, C. J. Davis, E. Drabek-Maunder, A. Duarte-Cabral, J. Fiege, P. Friberg, R. Friesen, G. A. Fuller, S. Graves, J. Greaves, J. Gregson, W. Holland, G. Joncas, J. M. Kirk, L. B. G. Knee, S. Mairs, K. Marsh, B. C. Matthews, G. Moriarty-Schieven, C. Mowat, S. Pezzuto, J. Rawlings, J. Richer, D. Robertson, E. Rosolowsky, D. Rumble, N. Schneider-Bontemps, H. Thomas, N. Tothill, S. Viti, G. J. White, J. Wouterloot, J. Yates and M. Zhu:
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: Evidence for dust grain evolution in Perseus star-forming clumps. The Astrophysical Journal
826, id. 95 (20 pp) (2016)
Chen, X., H. G. Arce, Q. Zhang, R. Launhardt and T. Henning:
Rotating bullets from a variable protostar. The Astrophysical Journal
824, id. 72 (14 pp) (2016)
Chira, R.-A., R. Siebenmorgen, T. Henning and J. Kainulainen:
Appearance of dusty filaments at different viewing angles. Astronomy and Astrophysics
592, id. A90 (19 pp) (2016)
Choudhary, A., B. Stecklum and H. Linz:
Hubble imaging of V1331 Cygni: proper motion study of its circumstellar structures. Astronomy and Astrophysics
590, id. A106 (13 pp) (2016)
Ciceri, S., L. Mancini, T. Henning, G. Bakos, K. Penev, R. Brahm, G. Zhou, J. D. Hartman, D. Bayliss, A. Jordán, Z. Csubry, M. de Val-Borro, W. Bhatti, M. Rabus, N. Espinoza, V. Suc, B. Schmidt, R. Noyes, A. W. Howard, B. J. Fulton, H. Isaacson, G. W. Marcy, R. P. Butler, P. Arriagada, J. D. Crane, S. Shectman, I. Thompson, T. G. Tan, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sari:
HATS-15b and HATS-16b: Two massive planets transiting Old G dwarf stars. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the
128, id. 074401 (16 pp) (2016)
Ciceri, S., L. Mancini, J. Southworth, M. Lendl, J. Tregloan-Reed, R. Brahm, G. Chen, G. D‘Ago, M. Dominik, R. Figuera Jaimes, P. Galianni, K. Harpsøe, T. C. Hinse, U. G. Jørgensen, D. Juncher, H. Korhonen, C. Liebig, M. Rabus, A. S. Bonomo, K. Bott, T. Henning, A. Jordán, A. Sozzetti, K. A. Alsubai, J. M. Andersen, D. Bajek, V. Bozza, D. M. Bramich, P. Browne, S. Calchi Novati, Y. Damerdji, C. Diehl, A. Elyiv, E. Giannini, S.-H. Gu, M. Hundertmark, N. Kains, M. Penny, A. Popovas, S. Rahvar, G. Scarpetta, R. W. Schmidt, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Surdej, C. Vilela, X.-B. Wang and O. Wertz:
Physical properties of the planetary systems WASP-45 and WASP-46 from simultaneous multiband photometry. Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society
456, 990-1002 (2016)
Cignoni, M., E. Sabbi, R. P. van der Marel, D. J. Lennon, M. Tosi, E. K. Grebel, J. S. Gallagher, III, A. Aloisi, G. de Marchi, D. A. Gouliermis, S. Larsen, N. Panagia and L. J. Smith:
Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project V. The star cluster Hodge 301: The old face of 30 Doradus. The Astrophysical Journal
833, id. 154 (11 pp) (2016)
Cridland, A. J., R. E. Pudritz and M. Alessi:
Composition of early planetary atmospheres - I. Connecting disc astrochemistry to the formation of planetary atmospheres.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
461, 3274-3295 (2016)
Crossfield, I. J. M., D. R. Ciardi, E. A. Petigura, E. Sinukoff, J. E. Schlieder, A. W. Howard, C. A. Beichman, H. Isaacson, C. D. Dressing, J. L. Christiansen, B. J. Fulton, S. Lépine, L. Weiss, L. Hirsch, J. Livingston, C. Baranec, N. M. Law, R. Riddle, C. Ziegler, S. B. Howell, E. Horch, M. Everett, J. Teske, A. O. Martinez, C. Obermeier, B. Benneke, N. Scott, N. Deacon, K. M. Aller, B. M. S. Hansen, L. Mancini, S. Ciceri, R. Brahm, A. Jordán, H. A. Knutson, T. Henning, M. Bonnefoy, M. C. Liu, J. R. Crepp, J. Lothringer, P. Hinz, V. Bailey, A. Skemer and D. Defrere:
197 candidates and 104 validated planets in K2‘s first five fields. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
226, id. 7 (20 pp) (2016)
Csengeri, T., S. Leurini, F. Wyrowski, J. S. Urquhart, K. M. Menten, M. Walmsley, S. Bontemps, M. Wienen, H. Beuther, F. Motte, Q. Nguyen-Luong, P. Schilke, F. Schuller, A. Zavagno and C. Sanna:
ATLASGAL-selected massive clumps in the inner Galaxy. II. Characterisation of different evolutionary stages and their SiO
emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics
586, id. A149 (50 pp) (2016)
Csengeri, T., A. Weiss, F. Wyrowski, K. M. Menten, J. S. Urquhart, S. Leurini, F. Schuller, H. Beuther, S. Bontemps, L. Bronfman, T. Henning and N. Schneider:
The ATLASGAL survey: distribution of cold dust in the Galactic plane. Combination with Planck data. Astronomy and Astrophysics
585, id. A104 (10 pp) (2016)
de Boer, J., G. Salter, M. Benisty, A. Vigan, A. Boccaletti, P. Pinilla, C. Ginski, A. Juhasz, A.-L. Maire, S. Messina, S. Desidera, A. Cheetham, J. H. Girard, Z. Wahhaj, M. Langlois, M. Bonnefoy, J.-L. Beuzit, E. Buenzli, G. Chauvin, C. Dominik, M. Feldt, R. Gratton, J. Hagelberg, A. Isella, M. Janson, C. U. Keller, A.-M. Lagrange, J. Lannier, F. Menard, D. Mesa, D. Mouillet, M. Mugrauer, S. Peretti, C. Perrot, E. Sissa, F. Snik, N. Vogt, A. Zurlo and S. Consortium:
Multiple rings in the transition disk and companion candidates around RX J1615.3-3255. High contrast imaging with VLT/SPHERE.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
595, id. A114 (16 pp) (2016)
de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., D. Barrado, H. Bouy, A. Bayo, A. Palau, M. Morales-Calderón, N. Huélamo, O. Morata, B. Merín and C. Eiroa:
A submillimetre search for pre- and proto-brown dwarfs in Chamaeleon II. Astronomy and Astrophysics
590, id. A79 (11 pp) (2016)
de Val-Borro, M., G. Á. Bakos, R. Brahm, J. D. Hartman, N. Espinoza, K. Penev, S. Ciceri, A. Jordán, W. Bhatti, Z. Csubry, D. Bayliss, J. Bento, G. Zhou, M. Rabus, L. Mancini, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, T. G. Tan, C. G. Tinney, D. J. Wright, L. Kedziora-Chudczer, J. Bailey, V. Suc, S. Durkan, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári:
HATS-31b through HATS-35b: Five transiting hot Jupiters discovered by the HATSouth survey. The Astronomical Journal
152, (2016)
Deacon, N. R., A. L. Kraus, A. W. Mann, E. A. Magnier, K. C. Chambers, R. J. Wainscoat, J. L. Tonry, N. Kaiser, C. Waters, H. Flewelling, K. W. Hodapp and W. S. Burgett:
A Pan-STARRS 1 study of the relationship between wide binarity and planet occurrence in the Kepler field. Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society
455, 4212-4230 (2016)
Deacon, N. R., J. E. Schlieder and S. J. Murphy:
A nearby young M dwarf with a wide, possibly planetary-mass companion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
457, 3191-3199 (2016)
Douglas, S. T., M. A. Agüeros, K. R. Covey, P. A. Cargile, T. Barclay, A. Cody, S. B. Howell and T. Kopytova:
K2 rotation periods for low-mass Hyads and the implications for gyrochronology. The Astrophysical Journal
822, id. 47 (18 pp) (2016)
Drass, H., M. Haas, R. Chini, A. Bayo, M. Hackstein, V. Hoffmeister, N. Godoy and N. Vogt:
The bimodal initial mass function in the Orion nebula cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
461, 1734-1744 (2016)
Dunham, M. M., S. S. R. Offner, J. E. Pineda, T. L. Bourke, J. J. Tobin, H. G. Arce, X. Chen, J. Di Francesco, D. Johnstone, K. I. Lee, P. C. Myers, D. Price, S. I. Sadavoy and S. Schnee:
An ALMA search for substructure, fragmentation, and hidden protostars in starless cores in Chamaeleon I. The Astrophysical
823, id. 160 (23 pp) (2016)
Eiroa, C., I. Rebollido, B. Montesinos, E. Villaver, O. Absil, T. Henning, A. Bayo, H. Canovas, A. Carmona, C. Chen, S. Ertel, D. P. Iglesias, R. Launhardt, J. Maldonado, G. Meeus, A. Moór, A. Mora, A. J. Mustill, J. Olofsson, P. Riviere-Marichalar and A. Roberge:
Exocomet signatures around the A-shell star phi Leonis? Astronomy and Astrophysics
594, id. L1 (5 pp) (2016)
Espinoza, N., D. Bayliss, J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, A. Jordán, G. Zhou, L. Mancini, R. Brahm, S. Ciceri, W. Bhatti, Z. Csubry, M. Rabus, K. Penev, J. Bento, M. de Val-Borro, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, V. Suc, D. J. Wright, C. G. Tinney, T. G. Tan and R. Noyes:
HATS-25b through HATS-30b: A Half–dozen new inflated transiting hot Jupiters from the HATSouth Survey. The Astronomical
152, id. 108 (18 pp) (2016)
Evans, D. F., J. Southworth, P. F. L. Maxted, J. Skottfelt, M. Hundertmark, U. G. Jørgensen, M. Dominik, K. A. Alsubai, M. I. Andersen, V. Bozza, D. M. Bramich, M. J. Burgdorf, S. Ciceri, G. D‘Ago, R. Figuera Jaimes, S.-H. Gu, T. Haugbølle, T. C. Hinse, D. Juncher, N. Kains, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, M. Kuffmeier, L. Mancini, N. Peixinho, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, R. W. Schmidt, C. Snodgrass, D. Starkey, J. Surdej, R. Tronsgaard, C. von Essen, Y.-B. Wang and O. Wertz:
High-resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems (HITEP). I. Lucky imaging observations of 101 systems
in the southern hemisphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics
589, id. A58 (20 pp) (2016)
Federrath, C., J. M. Rathborne, S. N. Longmore, J. M. D. Kruijssen, J. Bally, Y. Contreras, R. M. Crocker, G. Garay, J. M. Jackson, L. Testi and A. J. Walsh:
The link between turbulence, magnetic fields, filaments, and star formation in the central molecular zone cloud G0.253+0.016.
The Astrophysical Journal
832, id. 143 (18 pp) (2016)
Feng, S., H. Beuther, T. Henning, D. Semenov, A. Palau and E. A. C. Mills:
Resolving the chemical substructure of Orion-KL (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics
590, id. C1 (2 pp) (2016)
Feng, S., H. Beuther, D. Semenov, T. Henning, H. Linz, E. A. C. Mills and R. Teague:
Inferring the evolutionary stages of the internal structures of NGC 7538 S and IRS1 from chemistry. Astronomy and Astrophysics
593, id. A46 (32 pp) (2016)
Feng, S., H. Beuther, Q. Zhang, T. Henning, H. Linz, S. Ragan and R. Smith:
Are infrared dark clouds really quiescent? Astronomy and Astrophysics
592, id. A21 (29 pp) (2016)
Feng, S., H. Beuther, Q. Zhang, H. B. Liu, Z. Zhang, K. Wang and K. Qiu:
Outflow detection in a 70 μm dark high-mass core. The Astrophysical Journal
828, id. 100 (8 pp) (2016)
Figuera Jaimes, R., D. M. Bramich, N. Kains, J. Skottfelt, U. G. Jørgensen, K. Horne, M. Dominik, K. A. Alsubai, V. Bozza, M. J. Burgdorf, S. Calchi Novati, S. Ciceri, G. D‘Ago, D. F. Evans, P. Galianni, S.-H. Gu, K. B. W. Harpsøe, T. Haugbølle, T. C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, D. Juncher, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, M. Kuffmeier, L. Mancini, N. Peixinho, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, G. Scarpetta, R. W. Schmidt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth, D. Starkey, R. A. Street, J. Surdej, R. Tronsgaard, E. Unda-Sanzana, C. von Essen, X.-B. Wang, O. Wertz and M. Consortium:
Many new variable stars discovered in the core of the globular cluster NGC 6715 (M 54) with EMCCD observations. Astronomy
and Astrophysics
592, id. A120 (17 pp) (2016)
Figuera Jaimes, R., D. M. Bramich, J. Skottfelt, N. Kains, U. G. Jørgensen, K. Horne, M. Dominik, K. A. Alsubai, V. Bozza, S. Calchi Novati, S. Ciceri, G. D‘Ago, P. Galianni, S.-H. Gu, K. B. W. Harpsøe, T. Haugbølle, T. C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, D. Juncher, H. Korhonen, L. Mancini, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, G. Scarpetta, R. W. Schmidt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth, D. Starkey, R. A. Street, J. Surdej, X.-B. Wang and O. Wertz:
Exploring the crowded central region of ten Galactic globular clusters using EMCCDs. Variable star searches and new discoveries.
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Garufi, A., S. P. Quanz, H. M. Schmid, G. D. Mulders, H. Avenhaus, A. Boccaletti, C. Ginski, M. Langlois, T. Stolker, J.-C. Augereau, M. Benisty, B. Lopez, C. Dominik, R. Gratton, T. Henning, M. Janson, F. Ménard, M. R. Meyer, C. Pinte, E. Sissa, A. Vigan, A. Zurlo, A. Bazzon, E. Buenzli, M. Bonnefoy, W. Brandner, G. Chauvin, A. Cheetham, M. Cudel, S. Desidera, M. Feldt, R. Galicher, M. Kasper, A.-M. Lagrange, J. Lannier, A. L. Maire, D. Mesa, D. Mouillet, S. Peretti, C. Perrot, G. Salter and F. Wildi:
The SPHERE view of the planet-forming disk around HD 100546. Astronomy and Astrophysics
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Gavilan, L., C. Jäger, A. Simionovici, J. L. Lemaire, T. Sabri, E. Foy, S. Yagoubi, T. Henning, D. Salomon and G. Martinez-Criado:
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Ginski, C., M. Mugrauer, M. Seeliger, S. Buder, R. Errmann, H. Avenhaus, D. Mouillet, A.-L. Maire and S. Raetz:
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Ginski, C., T. Stolker, P. Pinilla, C. Dominik, A. Boccaletti, J. de Boer, M. Benisty, B. Biller, M. Feldt, A. Garufi, C. U. Keller, M. Kenworthy, A. L. Maire, F. Ménard, D. Mesa, J. Milli, M. Min, C. Pinte, S. P. Quanz, R. van Boekel, M. Bonnefoy, G. Chauvin, S. Desidera, R. Gratton, J. H. V. Girard, M. Keppler, T. Kopytova, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, D. Rouan and A. Vigan:
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González-García, B., P. Manoj, D. M. Watson, R. Vavrek, S. T. Megeath, A. M. Stutz, M. Osorio, F. Wyrowski, W. Fischer, J. J. Tobin, M. Sánchez-Portal, A. K. Diaz Rodriguez and T. L. Wilson:
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Gucsik, A., I. Gyollai, H. Nishido, K. Ninagawa, M. M. R. Izawa, C. Jager, U. Ott, I. Simonia, S. Berczi and A. Kayama:
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Guidi, G., M. Tazzari, L. Testi, I. de Gregorio-Monsalvo, C. J. Chandler, L. Pérez, A. Isella, A. Natta, S. Ortolani, T. Henning, S. Corder, H. Linz, S. Andrews, D. Wilner, L. Ricci, J. Carpenter, A. Sargent, L. Mundy, S. Storm, N. Calvet, C. Dullemond, J. Greaves, J. Lazio, A. Deller and W. Kwon:
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Guilloteau, S., V. Piétu, E. Chapillon, E. Di Folco, A. Dutrey, T. Henning, D. Semenov, T. Birnstiel and N. Grosso:
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Guilloteau, S., L. Reboussin, A. Dutrey, E. Chapillon, V. Wakelam, V. Piétu, E. Di Folco, D. Semenov and T. Henning:
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Hacar, A., J. Kainulainen, M. Tafalla, H. Beuther and J. Alves:
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Hełminiak, K. G., M. Kuzuhara, K. Mede, T. D. Brandt, R. Kandori, T. Suenaga, N. Kusakabe, N. Narita, J. C. Carson, T. Currie, T. Kudo, J. Hashimoto, L. Abe, E. Akiyama, W. Brandner, M. Feldt, M. Goto, C. A. Grady, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. S. Hayashi, T. Henning, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, M. Janson, G. R. Knapp, J. Kwon, T. Matsuo, M. W. McElwain, S. Miyama, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-Martin, T. Nishimura, T. Ryu, T.-S. Pyo, E. Serabyn, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. H. Takahashi, M. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, C. Thalmann, E. L. Turner, M. Watanabe, J. Wisniewski, T. Yamada, H. Takami, T. Usuda and M. Tamura:
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Henderson, C. B., R. Poleski, M. Penny, R. A. Street, D. P. Bennett, D. W. Hogg, B. S. Gaudi, K. C. M. S. Team, W. Zhu, T. Barclay, G. Barentsen, S. B. Howell, F. Mullally, A. Udalski, M. K. Szymański, J. Skowron, P. Mróz, S. Kozłowski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, P. Pietrukowicz, I. Soszyński, K. Ulaczyk, M. Pawlak, T. OGLE Project, T. Sumi, F. Abe, Y. Asakura, R. K. Barry, A. Bhattacharya, I. A. Bond, M. Donachie, M. Freeman, A. Fukui, Y. Hirao, Y. Itow, N. Koshimoto, M. C. A. Li, C. H. Ling, K. Masuda, Y. Matsubara, Y. Muraki, M. Nagakane, K. Ohnishi, H. Oyokawa, N. Rattenbury, T. Saito, A. Sharan, D. J. Sullivan, P. J. Tristram, A. Yonehara, M. Collaboration, E. Bachelet, D. M. Bramich, A. Cassan, M. Dominik, R. Figuera Jaimes, K. Horne, M. Hundertmark, S. Mao, C. Ranc, R. Schmidt, C. Snodgrass, I. A. Steele, Y. Tsapras, J. Wambsganss, T. RoboNet Project, V. Bozza, M. J. Burgdorf, U. G. Jørgensen, S. Calchi Novati, S. Ciceri, G. D‘Ago, D. F. Evans, F. V. Hessman, T. C. Hinse, T.-O. Husser, L. Mancini, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, G. Scarpetta, J. Skottfelt, J. Southworth, E. Unda-Sanzana, T. M. Team, S. T. Bryson, D. A. Caldwell, M. R. Haas, K. Larson, K. McCalmont, M. Packard, C. Peterson, D. Putnam, L. Reedy, S. Ross, J. E. Van Cleve, K. C. E. Team, R. Akeson, V. Batista, J.-P. Beaulieu, C. A. Beichman, G. Bryden, D. Ciardi, A. Cole, C. Coutures, D. Foreman-Mackey, P. Fouqué, M. Friedmann, C. Gelino, S. Kaspi, E. Kerins, H. Korhonen, D. Lang, C.-H. Lee, C. H. Lineweaver, D. Maoz, J.-B. Marquette, F. Mogavero, J. C. Morales, D. Nataf, R. W. Pogge, A. Santerne, Y. Shvartzvald, D. Suzuki, M. Tamura, P. Tisserand and D. Wang:
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Hornbeck, J. B., J. R. Swearingen, C. A. Grady, G. M. Williger, A. Brown, M. L. Sitko, J. P. Wisniewski, M. D. Perrin, J. T. Lauroesch, G. Schneider, D. Apai, S. Brittain, J. M. Brown, E. H. Champney, K. Hamaguchi, T. Henning, D. K. Lynch, R. Petre, R. W. Russell, F. M. Walter and B. Woodgate:
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Janson, M., C. Thalmann, A. Boccaletti, A.-L. Maire, A. Zurlo, F. Marzari, M. R. Meyer, J. C. Carson, J.-C. Augereau, A. Garufi, T. Henning, S. Desidera, R. Asensio-Torres and A. Pohl:
Detection of sharp symmetric features in the circumbinary disk around AK Sco. The Astrophysical Journal Letters
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Johnson, M. C., D. Gandolfi, M. Fridlund, S. Csizmadia, M. Endl, J. Cabrera, W. D. Cochran, H. J. Deeg, S. Grziwa, I. Ramírez, A. P. Hatzes, P. Eigmüller, O. Barragán, A. Erikson, E. W. Guenther, J. Korth, T. Kuutma, D. Nespral, M. Pätzold, E. Palle, J. Prieto-Arranz, H. Rauer and J. Saario:
Two hot Jupiters from K2 Campaign 4. The Astronomical Journal
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Kains, N., D. M. Bramich, A. Arellano Ferro, R. Figuera Jaimes, U. G. Jørgensen, S. Giridhar, M. T. Penny, K. A. Alsubai, J. M. Andersen, V. Bozza, P. Browne, M. Burgdorf, S. Calchi Novati, Y. Damerdji, C. Diehl, P. Dodds, M. Dominik, A. Elyiv, X.-S. Fang, E. Giannini, S.-H. Gu, S. Hardis, K. Harpsøe, T. C. Hinse, A. Hornstrup, M. Hundertmark, J. Jessen-Hansen, D. Juncher, E. Kerins, H. Kjeldsen, H. Korhonen, C. Liebig, M. N. Lund, M. Lundkvist, L. Mancini, R. Martin, M. Mathiasen, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, D. Ricci, K. Sahu, G. Scarpetta, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Southworth, J. Surdej, J. Tregloan-Reed, C. Vilela, O. Wertz, A. Williams and M. Consortium:
Estimating the parameters of globular cluster M 30 (NGC 7099) from time-series photometry (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics
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Kainulainen, J., A. Hacar, J. Alves, H. Beuther, H. Bouy and M. Tafalla:
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Kataoka, A., T. Tsukagoshi, M. Momose, H. Nagai, T. Muto, C. P. Dullemond, A. Pohl, M. Fukagawa, H. Shibai, T. Hanawa and K. Murakawa:
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Kendrew, S., H. Beuther, R. Simpson, T. Csengeri, M. Wienen, C. J. Lintott, M. S. Povich, C. Beaumont and F. Schuller:
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Khorrami, Z., T. Lanz, F. Vakili, E. Lagadec, M. Langlois, W. Brandner, O. Chesneau, M. R. Meyer, M. Carbillet, L. Abe, D. Mouillet, J. L. Beuzit, A. Boccaletti, C. Perrot, C. Thalmann, H.-M. Schmid, A. Pavlov, A. Costille, K. Dohlen, D. Le Mignant, C. Petit and J. F. Sauvage:
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Kim, J.-h., O. Agertz, R. Teyssier, M. J. Butler, D. Ceverino, J.-H. Choi, R. Feldmann, B. W. Keller, A. Lupi, T. Quinn, Y. Revaz, S. Wallace, N. Y. Gnedin, S. N. Leitner, S. Shen, B. D. Smith, R. Thompson, M. J. Turk, T. Abel, K. S. Arraki, S. M. Benincasa, S. Chakrabarti, C. DeGraf, A. Dekel, N. J. Goldbaum, P. F. Hopkins, C. B. Hummels, A. Klypin, H. Li, P. Madau, N. Mandelker, L. Mayer, K. Nagamine, S. Nickerson, B. W. O‘Shea, J. R. Primack, S. Roca-Fàbrega, V. Semenov, I. Shimizu, C. M. Simpson, K. Todoroki, J. W. Wadsley, J. H. Wise and A. Collaboration:
The AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. II. Isolated Disk Test. The Astrophysical Journal
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Kirchhuebel, T., M. Gruenewald, F. Sojka, S. Kera, F. Bussolotti, T. Ueba, N. Ueno, G. Rouille, R. Forker and T. Fritz:
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Kirk, H., J. Di Francesco, D. Johnstone, A. Duarte-Cabral, S. Sadavoy, J. Hatchell, J. C. Mottram, J. Buckle, D. S. Berry, H. Broekhoven-Fiene, M. J. Currie, M. Fich, T. Jenness, D. Nutter, K. Pattle, J. E. Pineda, C. Quinn, C. Salji, S. Tisi, M. R. Hogerheijde, D. Ward-Thompson, P. Bastien, D. Bresnahan, H. Butner, M. Chen, A. Chrysostomou, S. Coude, C. J. Davis, E. Drabek-Maunder, J. Fiege, P. Friberg, R. Friesen, G. A. Fuller, S. Graves, J. Greaves, J. Gregson, W. Holland, G. Joncas, J. M. Kirk, L. B. G. Knee, S. Mairs, K. Marsh, B. C. Matthews, G. Moriarty-Schieven, C. Mowat, J. Rawlings, J. Richer, D. Robertson, E. Rosolowsky, D. Rumble, H. Thomas, N. Tothill, S. Viti, G. J. White, J. Wouterloot, J. Yates and M. Zhu:
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: A first look at dense cores in Orion B. The Astrophysical Journal
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Kirk, H., D. Johnstone, J. Di Francesco, J. Lane, J. Buckle, D. S. Berry, H. Broekhoven-Fiene, M. J. Currie, M. Fich, J. Hatchell, T. Jenness, J. C. Mottram, D. Nutter, K. Pattle, J. E. Pineda, C. Quinn, C. Salji, S. Tisi, M. R. Hogerheijde, D. Ward-Thompson and T. J. G. B. S. team:
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: Dense Core Clusters in Orion B. The Astrophysical Journal
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Klassen, M., R. E. Pudritz, R. Kuiper, T. Peters and R. Banerjee:
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Kong, S., J. C. Tan, P. Caselli, F. Fontani, T. Pillai, M. J. Butler, Y. Shimajiri, F. Nakamura and T. Sakai:
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Konishi, M., C. A. Grady, G. Schneider, H. Shibai, M. W. McElwain, E. R. Nesvold, M. J. Kuchner, J. Carson, J. H. Debes, A. Gaspar, T. K. Henning, D. C. Hines, P. M. Hinz, H. Jang-Condell, A. Moro-Martín, M. Perrin, T. J. Rodigas, E. Serabyn, M. D. Silverstone, C. C. Stark, M. Tamura, A. J. Weinberger and J. P. Wisniewski:
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Konishi, M., T. Matsuo, K. Yamamoto, M. Samland, J. Sudo, H. Shibai, Y. Itoh, M. Fukagawa, T. Sumi, T. Kudo, J. Hashimoto, M. Kuzuhara, N. Kusakabe, L. Abe, E. Akiyama, W. Brandner, T. D. Brandt, J. C. Carson, M. Feldt, M. Goto, C. A. Grady, O. Guyon, Y. Hayano, M. Hayashi, S. S. Hayashi, T. Henning, K. W. Hodapp, M. Ishii, M. Iye, M. Janson, R. Kandori, G. R. Knapp, J. Kwon, M. W. McElwain, K. Mede, S. Miyama, J.-I. Morino, A. Moro-Martín, T. Nishimura, D. Oh, T.-S. Pyo, E. Serabyn, J. E. Schlieder, T. Suenaga, H. Suto, R. Suzuki, Y. H. Takahashi, M. Takami, N. Takato, H. Terada, C. Thalmann, E. L. Turner, M. Watanabe, J. P. Wisniewski, T. Yamada, H. Takami, T. Usuda and M. Tamura:
A substellar companion to Pleiades HII 3441. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
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Kopytova, T. G., W. Brandner, E. Tognelli, P. G. Prada Moroni, N. Da Rio, S. Röser and E. Schilbach:
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Kóspál, Á., P. Ábrahám, T. Csengeri, U. Gorti, T. Henning, A. Moór, D. A. Semenov, L. Szűcs and R. Güsten:
Cold CO gas in the disk of the young eruptive star EX Lup. The Astrophysical Journal Letters
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Krasnokutski, S. A., M. Kuhn, A. Kaiser, A. Mauracher, M. Renzler, D. K. Bohme and P. Scheier:
Building carbon bridges on and between fullerenes in helium nanodroplets. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
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Krasnokutski, S. A., M. Kuhn, M. Renzler, C. Jäger, T. Henning and P. Scheier:
Ultra-low-temperature reactions of carbon atoms with hydrogen molecules. The Astrophysical Journal L