Venue of the HIFOL Colloquia:
Königstuhl 17, Heidelberg: Auditorium of Haus der Astronomie
Upcoming Talks
Past Colloquia
Show more18.11.2020 (Wednesday at 4.15 pm)– Dr. Ko-Ju Chuang
(Laboratory Astrophysics and Cluster Physics Group Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg and Institute for Solid State Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena Germany)
Title: Formation of interstellar organic molecules in early star-forming regions
You can download video of the talk here
17.06.2020 – Sean N. Raymond
(Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux)
Title: Origin of water on earth and rocky exoplanets
31.07.2019 – Oliver Trapp
(Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich)
Title: Early Pathways to Life: Mechanisms to DNA, Molecular Evolution and Homochirality
12.06.2019 – Mario Trieloff
(Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Heidelberg)
Title: Origin of the Earth's Atmosphere
29.05.2019 – Thomas Carell
(Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich)
Title: Chemistry towards Origin of Life
27.05.2020 – Ben K. D. Pearce
(Physics & Astronomy – Astrobiology, McMaster University)
Title: Biogenic Worlds: How HCN is produced in Titan's atmosphere
10.04.2019 – Renyu Hu
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, Pasadena)
Title: Stability of Habitable Environments on Terrestrial Exoplanets
30.01.2019 – Robin Garrod
(University of Virginia)
Title: New Simulations and Observations of Highly-complex Molecules in Star-forming Regions
05.12.2018 – Sarah Rugheimer
(University of Oxford)
Title: Influence of Stellar UV Environment on Detecting Biosignatures and Pre-Biosignatures in the Atmospheres of Earth-like Planets Around Other Stars
07.11.2018 – Rene Heller
07.11.2018 – Rene Heller
(Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen)
Title: The Perils and Merits of Living Around a Red Dwarf Star
18.07.2018 – Christian Mayer
(University of Duisburg-Essen)
Title: Vesicle Evolution as a Starting Point for Life?
27.06.2018 – Stephen J. Mojzsis
(University of Colorado)
Title: After the Moon - The Onset of Giant Planet Migration at ca. 4.49 Gyr ago
13.06.2018 – Dimitry Semenov
(Department of Chemistry, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich)
Title: Organics in Space
02.05.2018 – David Deamer
(University of California)
Title: Hydrothermal Vents or Hydrothermal Fields: Where can Life begin?
28.02.2018 – Lena Noack
(FU, Berlin)
Title: Volcanic Activity on Rocky Planets – Implications for the Habitability of Exoplanets
07.02.2018 – Daniel Apai
(University of Arizona)
Title: Building Habitable Worlds: Exo-Earth Formation and the Delivery of Volatiles and Organics
29.11.2017 – Mark van Zuilen
(Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris)
Title: Tracing Life in the early Rock Record
08.11.2017 – Ralf Kaiser
(University of Hawaii)
Title: "Exploiting Tunable Vacuum Ultraviolet Light to Unravel the Synthesis of Biorelevant Molecules in Deep Space"
26.07.2017 - Sebastian Pallmann
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München)
Title: "Scouting Chemical Networks" Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München)
14.06.2017 – Mark Harrison
(University of California, Los Angeles)
Title: "A New View of Early Earth and its Habitability"
03.05.2017 – Frank Postberg
(Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Heidelberg)
Title: "The Search for Life on Icy Ocean Moons in the Solar System"
12.04.2017 – Bernard Marty
(Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France)
Title: "Origin of Water and other Volatile Elements in Inner Planets, in the Light of the Recent Results from the Rosetta Mission"
11.01.2017 – Edwin Bergin
(University of Michigan, Department of Astronomy)
Title: "Tracing the Ingredients of Habitable Worlds from the Interstellar Medium through Planet Formation"
21.12.2016 – Uwe J. Meierhenrich
(Université Nice Sophia Antipolis Institut de Chimie de Nice)
Title: "The Cometary Rosetta Mission: Analytical Chemistry on the Nucleus of Comet 67P"
30.11.2016 – Christian Hallmann
(Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, MARUM, University of Bremen)
Title: "Biomarker-hydrocarbon indicators for the early evolution of life on Earth"
16.11.2016 – Albrecht Ott
(Universität des Saarlandes)
Title: "Spontaneous Autocatalysis in a Prebiotic Broth"
05.10.2016 – Bruce Fegley
(Washington University St. Louis)
Title: "Chemical models of Earth's early atmosphere"
01.06.2016 – Peter Schuster
(University of Vienna)
Title: "From Darwin’s Natural Selection to Reproducing Molecular Networks"
18.05.2016 – Ximena C. Abrevaya
(CONICET, Buenos Aires)
Title: "Astrobiology: interdisciplinary approaches for a multidisciplinary science"
11.05.2016 – Paul Higgs
(Origins Institute, McMaster University, Ontario)
Title: "From Chemistry to Biology: How did the RNA World get started?" (Organized by Th. K. Henning)
06.04.2016 – Farid Salama
(NASA-Ames Research Center, CA, USA)
Title: "Organic Matter in Space" (Organized by Th. K. Henning)
09.03.2016 – Lisa Kaltenegger
(Associate Professor of Astronomy @ Cornell University and Director of the Carl Sagan Institute)
Title: "Rocky Exoplanets and the Scientific Concept of Habitable Worlds"
10.02.2016 – Ralph Pudritz
(McMaster University Hamilton, Canada)
Title: "Amino acid and Nucleobase Synthesis in Meteoritic Parent Bodies"
25.03.2015 – William F. Martin
24.03.2015 – Dirk Schulze-Makuch
22.04.2015 – Dieter Braun
06.05.2015 - John Sutherland
17.06.2015 –
Ulrich Schreiber
(University Duisburg-Essen):
Title: Origin of Life in Tectonic Fault Zones of the Earth's Crust
Christian Mayer
(University Duisburg-Essen)
Title: Periodic Vesicle Formation in Tectonic Fault Zones: An Ideal Scenario for Molecular Evolution
08.06.2015 – David Catling
Title: The Evolution of Atmospheres on Inhabited and Lifeless Planets